Autumn .. _... ..==- leaves boho bare All the essentials from London Fashion week and how to apply it to the streets of Leeds

...____~~....z:....i..._ Pages 12 and 13


oon wa., In g_ro wnuen Ill big L"ap1ta.l, h.1,c m:Kk ,1.',.')kxt or a ~le,, ,Lide~hu\\. But -.c~ufl!,; 1hcre ,gu11.1r ;utd bell out Kumb.1)i:1. l.iUI he J1d·;c nudge ,,ere. Wun) crunc tl:unugh nn the I~\ thilf n'I Mui cvcrvnm! W'"J..'- the Sllf\-Cy:-. A new UC rep for .lhc finance commil­ lCc not there wa, B toctuu)logical !!htch. A foml,l!.O Still on pnJc. one. mc.mhcr \aid· ·'We rc,caleJ the llnion is t-1'0.1 h.11 can nccJc-c.J to he appomtcJ. .. h\ foing ltl a m,1:is1ve t'OmnuLmcnL" u was nl ftdgctmi hcad~si.:n1ti.:hcr.. uni\led on ~'Cd to lcl people know. 'Look hnw grc;.1l makc. nnpruvemenL.,,. '"Wc',·c really got 10 be nn1ed. lmcrnJUon:11 Assembly cut:. ;\n,1J.,L lOC t.lin. nne resoncd tn h11hni; we an:··· Ant ~Lid, but in !hi! Union; 1hc Umon wus poor at com ;> or so UC mcmben. only 6 were up for wu.s like u mu.:1 and gn-ct for the uruic· rc.,tr.unccl hcr..clf mumcating wu.b member.; · btl hrush I Kevin Widdop quamlt:d. I wJ., imroliul,.,J tu the kmdly Abn di~--u~,J wa., the Union RL'\ 1c\\ lhuughL g.i"'en 6,{XX) 4ue-JJonnam:-... had Had they smd ii inv<>lvcd no cummit­ Gencrnf Manager who w,1,c, ail smilt!'> anJ A (.:OUplc of year.;; at,rn \ll1~1nc i,aitl there bt..'Cn ~nl llUI 11.wJ .m)'lxxly in the room mcnt lhc.n we might hnvc hnd n gOCf from thcnfT 1 wa., tJ1I! lir,.I l lnilln Counnl mee1mg compliment" wpuld be o. ·iinaocw.J 1cchurg'' in the ~,,·cd onc·l Silence. One person r.useJ their 11m1 not qunc dcfiantl). Bui still. lJ\C) of the, year lh1., wed, And nu Utt: ugc.11 The hull) anth,.::ir,.1100 ')!11.ii.~hO\\- CUil future 1f nothing W:b done Some lhmg ... Y.cre pleased w,lh Ull:. he.Der than 1da wa., ... the l 'mou ,·1.-nc.-d TI1crc "'Cl't" Niu wonlc. 11"-c.• pnJc \H"Kild han.' IO he dmppcd if the Ofg'\.i..l• AXED By Siobhan Groves

PLANS lo build a EUHJ million stu­ dent village ha,·e bei,n scrapped. Proposals to house us many as 3000 undcrgrJduatc student,, in Holbeck DO\\ look \Cr) douhtful AreprL"Sentati\e from Leeds Coivcmt} say .... the ":heme will no longer go ahead. I le .. \Vhdc I lolhccJ.. rt'maJll'­ mg. lhl.-rc ure nu munoJ.1illJ! plam lu dcvel­ ~lp aa."Ommodatmn m ~ Jl\!a, •• Till! rted 11ml L?()m wus 10 l'X! lQvc.,ted tn 1mpnl\ mg shops. lci.:;un:: l:u:i\it1t· ... 1u1d public transport. Some, un lhc utJic, hand. wen: pleasaf a1 t1ns week'~ annoum.. ~mcnl. Hol~"tl·~ Cros, lngnum, Are.i R~idc-.nts' Ass<-.:u1t1on sp:,J..c,man. Su:pbcn Pc;.J,CQd. \\H.\ plca-.cJ lit· su11.I ··we d1dn·1 ~anl ~.IIKl ,1udl!nt.., on ourdoor.Lc:p." AtLun Ogih re. Labour Councillor fCI' O.."\•.,lnn i.lnd Hnlhcx J.. , ~liev~ lh:u the un1vl"ri;il)' is oo lt>ngcr tnlcn!\IL'li in de,el­ opmg tJic Jn:a. I It ..aid "I think Ull!\ over- c:..sunutcd \\.kll tlv:) need on an By AMY LEA AND CLAIRE ROGESON hccau'ic: wt.> had ,1tn:mJy ..,ct up ... cpanilc ;.1ccmmti, MOVfNt; into a house \\a"I more slrc~sful ul1crn111tvc to illXorrunodutc the mcrcasini Our \,tndlady d1~tn'1 sc ...·m fo! ~..:n1 by deht­ Bnttsh Ga.~ would not disi:us,, ca...cs. the mc)rlt.:)" O\\ed to tht.:m and a, .i final Fellow Holbeck councillor Angel.a cnllt=c.:h1r. Our l.~ndlord Ill ...,1pf".N!d 10 he ~urting Jt. hut ,uh 11-c nuulrn~ a c,1py of the hnu ... m2 contract 10 rewn hundcJ '><'''Cntl rnd1v1dual ca,c1,, to deh1 mun Gatiriol ,aid. "While the "h~n): could but he I" ,;.o poor ut ,urting Thing ... dcb1 collei:lors Stephen Chav. kc. pres~ otncc:r fnr .agl!mcnt 1.:1,mpamc, l'h1, ha_, c\-cn happc11cd 1n have hrouglu dJ,•CN.Jl)' 10 Holbeck. !bf Mis, R.unc,. u Bu,.tnt.:"'- School ,rudcn1. 8nt1sh G,1.., ... mt.I: "The v.or,t 1hmg you can du is clo ht1u...ellolcJ-. where nc\\ 11L"i:Hunb h11,I!' l>l.•cn ,ct up 1mctll.k..'d i

• DISC-over the hght 4 • Asian Speed Dating 4 • Drink of death: 5 ARTY LEEDS FREE &page TV guide SEE LS2 • S1ra1egrc Review 5 • S1Udeots volunteenng 6& 7 • 300 seconds: Telford SEE LS2 12·13 5 · 22. CINEMAS JUICE 23 • Comment· Fresher week/Drugs. 9 • Letters: 1O • Opinion/ Mltdlell· 11 • Fashion. 12&13 • Recycling: 14 • Labour Conference: 15 • Travel · Vietnam: 17& 18 • Herbs and Spices: 18 • Coun-sell the community 1 BATI\E OF THE ewes CALL 0113 3801450 or email • Capoeira: 21 • Cooper vs. Rhino. 22&23 • Varsity excitement 24 LS28&9 [email protected] Uk ftilall. September 30, 2005 3

Totting up the changes

A SIU.KE up ma)' he on the t.-ard.s lication sy-.tem, which n: and !.ludcnl he.kl\ in an dfa.:tJvc: mant'1"r. t.lwiru!lility." gr.ids uren"I gcltmgcnuugh infomut1on "locren~;ng.l} ,1udcnl.'1. und cmplo) Chnir nf the Bu~~..... Gruu11. abtiu1dcg.recma.rk.s o~ aet!d am.I \\.ant - 1o kno" mnre Prnfc,.,or Rohen Burpc"'"· Vite 111ey·re "ill&gC'.. tmg O\.Crhauhng the ab.1ut \\hal unJcrlit:, thi..' ••wmnalive Chww.--c!lt"lt of L.dce,,;.ter Uni\CfSil), ~d W~t~ da: ,ificaurn1 °')"1Cm. tinngmg Judgement," tt cnntmuc., It Y.a.,111-1! h1, group\ lllk"nlN1!1 lUcllxk m tn1n.~pts. and mmxlucm~ a uru\i..-r­ A.'> wdl ,L', v.hat .I lrJ.n-.t:npt \\OUlcJ the 1ntcm.1unn,d rep11wuon ol En~.h..,h '1.l crtdu ,~m. mdude .trKJ ho\, 11 woul l-•mpluycr,,. <;tu­ po,.,1hly mduding mdiYu.Juo.l moduJl' They mngc fm~ a ~lght fnr clcnts .ind ln,1in111om, them~lvi=!<>. We ~ would provulc g.rcutcr u-un.,­ ward .;;y,tcm ,unil,i.r to th:it in uhn net:d h) cnmadcr way. m wh11:h p.m:11<). llpt...'Tfillon at Leed:,. l!ru. to ones which there cau be a more co~nl appn:kll.:.h The repon, publishci.J b) lhc­ rcflt"t.1 a ,mJe111 \ pcrtOrmaJll'e to credit m EnJ,!lunJ. Mt"a!'IUTlng. and Rec~mhng: Stude.m Ru4.t)Yah Colk.-ctor. l..ccd~ But mcmhct"i of the Gt1vcnmK·nl A1.:h1c,emcnt St.ccnng Group. the <;0- t;m\er,,ity Umun\ b.Jucarton Ofna:r. ha,·e relca\CJ moohx1 v.anung.., aloni callcd Burg1:.,, Group, \.aV!i:. "It i\ supported tho pmpo,;als She said: "The the lint':\ lha1 lf the i,y~,em i,11 ·1 n·.illy aryuuble tba1 !he hnnour!) dcE:rcc c.:l.bM~ L"t)nsultaJion L\ un c"tcclk.--nt opporwruty broken. ,1 dc.~11 ·1 DCaJ fixmg. 4

===--=====-=E='=to-'-'°lrs CD players put car Editor Jessica Salter theives in a spin eputy Ed1to1 Ben Schof,eld L52 Editor Zofia N1emtus ,\ projl'cf ha, bct•n laum:hcd lo cumbal cnr theft. We l \'rul,.sh11e Pohl"r- .ire ollcring -.tudc111, the chan,~ ASIAN f~ews S.ari.l Jone!>, Peter Newlands to prolL' ·1 the it \,.ar CD pl.,ycr-, w11h C>aw. Tui:; chipping The pec1al Correspoodant Kevin Widdop C-0 pl.i,cr .iri: llllcJ ,, uh om clcdwrm: l.1g, lh.Jt 1,; m Jlcrt i-atures. Chm Gourlay, Dan Johnson the p1,hlC' 111 II!> l111;;t111m ravel. K1My Bennett Tlw~ w,,uh.l mul,,;e lhi:' "aluabh.: l'q111p1m:11t 1t,, Jc,irnbk Fashion: Hermione Pakenham, Lauren Wallis 10 potcnuul tlut'I!-.. a:-. \here ,,nulli he more chunL·c of the port Michelle Cooksley, Ky Capel Guy Fowles llCfJk.'lrator bcmtt c.1u~h1 and pn.N:cutc

NEW EVENT: Love pouJbllltlu? PHOTO: ANNA Rossm:A

By MAYA PARMAR Plenn or 1ce-h~ak111g. r.ame, ha\t: been aITangcd ,o eve.rynnl.' feel'\ i.:om­ fortah le, SPEED doling "ilh a difrcrence One gamc- 111volvc, celebrity cou. is ahoul to hit Lee d_o, , ph.:,, each pcr,..un ,,. allurntcd a Young looking for,, mudcm cckhnt" name 11nd have tn lmd their Jnd i.:nnvenicnt way of mcc1rng thal partn~r;, for t."

CU at the debate A drnp-m l;Cn\TI! 1, uvailabh:. l'ur .. 111dcnh who l:Onfu,cd, .ed. Animal ,\tJ. h3\"e launched the The bur -.tun orfcrcd the advice: "ll"!-. not n m1ti.iUvc 10 ... how ~iudenh ll ,.., gum.I idc,1. you·JJ gel "J,;tcd. po\stbl~ to 1."nl , dnnk. l'llmp and Al "The Packhor.e' puh the manng~ment ,tutl)' ,n ,1n un1n1J.l-fr1emlly \\"a) told the hananH not 1(1 sc,,e the drink. th,11 is ~ull rnendly nn 1hc ,,..11.I · Shockingly, one in four pub~ did nircc to h.·1 the ntul,mdh,h demnnd.., ,md pnwidc:d a.II the Th..: wcbi.ite b p1.1r11cuhulv shttt!t (lnh:red nn -ho\\.c,·er own fnu~I. dothc~ ,mt! dcanmi.: mam ,ou llke." p10Ju1..b • ,.\. '.'.jmkcspcr'>l.m f11r JD Wc1berspunus srud; ,\l:.o 1ndull..:J 0111hc webstu• ··we have tu1d a responsihlt llrink.utg dw.rtcr h advice (10 frc.: tratic and rc,:c, m plal'C ,ince April 2004 Our bar ,tafI mn, dinr. • muke m,,wkc.., tiut uur J>ohc, i"' to ,;;ay no · ihc ,1Jl-in1purt.tt1t uJdn:s~ 1~ ww\\.cth1 c: al,turJi:ntcnm. Reporting by Uzzle Sim.nor, Rachel Chri~ Anderson i ll ,1 ('.1n1p:.dg11 Oflicer for 1hc Hunter1 Zara Christle and Rowena English Arumul Aid gri,up Hi: ,aiJ."' \Vith ,u main pn1Uu~ts on urlcr ln>m t:omp;. n1t•, lh..11 boaM ,upptN·Jly c.1h1 cal 1mli~1c ::i-, 1111:, w~b unnn­ St)D!> wh,· Wl! !>hou ld be IIVOliJ· 01>en.1tion between Unh:ersil)' 1op dogs with ,1udcn1.-. llL"t..--d:-.. He ..aid: ·"Thi" rdut~ 1u 1J1e map'.-. swcred. ing. hur!ll! rnce:--, the L(u1. and the and students. Me ...Ud: "I tlunk 1t showed a cenain objectives lo provide ., .. stinw1utmg envim­ A..lcu.ndrn Scahmok ,111dying lir..1 year ,:,rcus 1111! project. cnll t!d Strategy. originally 1mhffcre11ce on bchalr uf I.he Un1ven.1cy ment thnt suppon.,; personaJ development"' lntcmo.tionnl R:elo.t1orl!> ~d: '1be on.hoe Thom YMkc from t~~d ~-M•:.> ___.. chief~ towanb the Umun ., am.t weU us contributing lo lhc "exceptional 1\':gi,trut.J When w1 1l lI11.:.y !>tart, and whl!O! will lh;m,;el,.,e:.. He ..... ud: ··Tht line w1lh LUU feedback and t:o-opcrnnon fnim make a m:ljor tlTl(XlCl upon global '«:)C)Ct) •• lhe funding l'On~ fmrn? And why i:,; tht:re !ht· L'ni,..ersny. Strategy ha!> been improved. ··we ra-ogni:,e th.ll sm:h imp:u.1 may noL n()th111g ahou1 .1L-comod.1tion unprnvanen1 cool~,, tlung )OU can po:..,ihly lmpfomc:ntation of Stra1egy '-<, far <.'W1 aJwayi. be directly re.hued to the ,ubjcct.s then:') A swipe canJ sy!i.lem wc,uld be do tllrnugh1Jl1I yuur hk i, IO b(< "CCll duoughout 1..ced, Um now. for (,tudc:m!'I ,iudy here. hul are al'-0 ,1bout go(ld.'' mak.: \'flUT 0\\ 11 tlec1-.;mn~. • cx:unpk:. !he lccds team. whf' were equipping i;tudt:lllh fur lifo h) t:.1kc un l~..u.1- Scutt poin~ out tJt::11 allov. froin ··cu.~romer· tn "panner" with c;1u. UnM,n un 12 ().;11)bcr 1n1m ~JO-~pm tlJ email the news ,tudcnts lo find every1hmg from one web dcn1~ ·· an,,wcr any du-cct qucst:mn.l from <.CUtlenL"' desk on portill. Soc.:1clic:. \\ ill al~> be allowOO lU "°11rk and u hv.; mtcrvlC\\ will he wchc.a.'-1 Erm Mcf-'ccly from lhe L«.d!I mnre dosc:I~ wi1h LcttJ.., lJ1U'\cr;11y lo hook 3.30pm on NO\'t.:mhcr 2 ;1hout lM \ news@leedsstu­ Umvt!J"S1ty Union Mys: ·· ft's a \'l.'t)' posinve rooms for society mct'.t.Jng.~ and ,1c1i,·11ie, ul S1ra1egy. ,ru • M,ion Leed~ LJniwr,.itv take on I.Ji addition 10 further !>tud~nt welfare. a email lhc VC on .,rro1ern@lt·.:,l,\.11C~11J. 6 leedS Stlldeltt l'lilaV. SePtember 30. 20055

PEACE PARTY POWER OUT \ CERl•.\10'\ \ honourinJ! arc cncuura~ctl 10 nnmmah.· di\} \ poYtn cul nn Sunda) ni11h1 meunt thosr ,, ho fif.!ht for ()CHl'l' cine iwhu 1h~~ thml In lhc tnl('· 1ha1 Ml!,llllint- "IL\ ltft "ith11u1 a plmnt hu, bt:cn c,lllhll1ihcd in n,t 1511 "urJ, ah.out "h) ihC' line. Leed~. cnnd1d.11l· hn 1li!»pl,1)-cJ o1n aJHI Kerr) liclh1"', M~hlline 1udc- to1 pen~t." Or!!an1 ... un1ns in1.: ludmg t'oordin111or, ~a.,, up\t:1 lh:il ii hap· Togc-1hcr ll'1r Jlc.11.:c. L('1.•1J, l n~ Tht'rc ;.m: 1hn:c cuwgnrtt.''­ pened la Lhe 11pcolng llletk, Cuunc,1 Lc:ccl<. Co-op anJ thl· md1v1duul Ji.lull, md1v1J.uul child Sht \aid: "II\ real!) di~up1111l111ing ,,rncl 11n mgani~;lli{in or group. YMk hm: 1., ... n1ng Jlc1s1 h.tH' that thl~ happened ns thls iit a rtOU) TURN£ G ~tudcnt1;, into ai.:;tion hr.:n~l,. ii, The normnution, .. hould be ,c:nt ~t"t'll v.orling tngethl'r lO ~dl' hus, time £or o.~ I\IIJ1 all or the oe~ the M1s!-,ion:Jmpos\iblc for voluntecnng to · Lcl!d.. Pcac~ A\\ .mh'. c o hrall' 1ho\t ,,ho prnm,,1c pcoh.:i: \tudtnb ahoul lo slart l~turtc.. \\e did group AcLJon. . "'il·Ol.i Mcg .. on lK:"1a.l t\.ent:,, '"1U1 older pe11plc 1md pc11plc w11h Jl!'l11b1ht1c~. Action rum evct)'d.a)', ha." mer ,.,.,ent) Im.: p1n1c...t .. lor tht" ln(:ul commurury and u, tn.-c for an, lccd ,1u. hut 11°<. gr~1t Jun ;ind a fontast11.: ,1ppurtunny \\.Inch even look.-. gor'LI on vnur C\' Fiftc~n nf ACnO\'\ mc.m her, have· ;tlrt:'... lti) been ,I"' arJe

L Jt'h ,car about IOO srndcnh voluntc~r w11h ~1ghtlinc Jnd hy llomg so help countlc,, ~tutll!n1~ and i::mn \',tluahle tram,f~rable sh.1lls. 'hhich 1bc~ can use 111 cvcrv a~pcl:.I l1l lhci1 Iii"~. \ ·1mJ )'car Pnllt1L·<. .,,ulknt -..ud ' I dccid· c.-d 10 volun1cc1· m m) ,cL'ond }C":1r ht.·rnu .. t• I thought I -.hould gel "umcllung more thdn JU I .1 degree nul ul un1vc:r,1I} \;1gh1lmc ,cemed pcrlcc.:1 tor mt· tlc~ausc II ~n\C' me ,omc1hmg pwdu,·11,c 10 do Y..hl!II I ,t,1~cd up ,111 mghl "Ncm I'm m\.ohctl m !he runmni: ol Nifhtlin~ ancl I'm ,1huu1 to .. 1:ir1 lnltmn(?. ncv. Vl1luntcer-. N1ih1hnc g:1vc me 1hc nppur1u111- I\ to de,cfop ,JUI!, and introduced me to 1;,ad~ o( nc"' pcoph.- We h,nc lot-. l,f cool c,eni,.. liLc Otley run.\" leedS Studem fmril. S8Pl8mber 30. 2005 1

No entry for To Let ~gns in Headinglgy

L\ST mnnth Leed-. Cit} Council \\ a, granted new po\\cr-. to cut hal'k lh~ nurn­ tlcr of To Let -.,gw, 111 Hcat..lm~ley. 1·h. keen tn rccnm mon: "IIUJcms m i1I1 anempl rrum:ifl Davit:~. u 1hml \.Car 1u n.-pla,.. -c voluntt;er.- who gn\(.)uu1ed or l.1mgu.1gc, S!utlent ,lf l.;cd, 11'\\I\ ed flll 1wcr 1hc summer ;tnd ~l.:h out 10 Unl\·\ ,ajd "The tnuocd mon:chiltfrcn wuuldn'l ·do unythmi ubuut the She ~ti: panu.:ularly nO!d more ··w..: ,1,gns !iiO me nntl Ill) friend, volunlt:cr. 111 the area~ nt c('lun..clling. fundr.tiJ,,tng.. admm. swatchl' .md r,uL~ Jc,1dcd ro utke them down •· Olhcr, wen: .ag:un,t the pow, rem:h "Anyone v.ho is tnthu,iustic,'-'.hild«n· crs. One student whu !iii.IHI he tred and hw. a l"C!)j)CCI fnr young pt..'tlplc in would dnuned to have a <.·ollcc· general would be m;idc Vct) wclc(1me "'lb.t, mcludcs anyone without qunJjfi. tuln nl h signs 1n h1, front room. s,1id he w11uld hdp the <:ouncil CafiOIL'- UI previuu, CXpcficncc as tram rull t,y e~panding hi-. collt:ctinn. mg 1, g1\'CII" ~'h'eunl,.~ were held for p01cn1111I rt:(.1l11h tin Scptcinhcr 29 m 1pm m U:ed, lJnivmny Union and al 5pm in Leed.\ Mel Students face jail StucJc.11L-. • Union. The~ "-en: mmOO at gi, '"!! '>lUdl.!nl:, .1 for protest action llav<.1ur 11f whul being a C'hlh..lLme volmt· la.'T i, :.ill uhoul 1.mcJ iii!,, 1..:1m,pu!M1r)' fnr vul• SLX student" from the untecn. to ~tti!nd ... uch a rDl.'c!ting. of" Lanca,ter arc Ch1ldLn.c would like uny mit:~tcd <.tU­ facing Jatl for protesting. dcnb. \\ hu mN•;cd tl}C',,C mcct1n!.!'- to conllll"t againsl the rnnu~m·e nf their U"Cd., b:L'-1! for runhcr m!01mumm research on univcr\1lies · The 1..1un:ni \uluntc'--rs "Puke oi Lhc1r tcathing methods. pos-1t.1\•c c.,r,ern:ncec. and were l!llger m 'rhe 'George f·o:\. · :.n ,ta,gi;.d ,1 ,~ 1k hcni.:11h of volunteer work. protc-.t ltt..,l )'\!M ul I.Ill cvcnl .!nd )Car Gc<1,graph~ student ;U1cJ \ olu11- nn their campm, and were arn:,t· 1ecr t:nunsellor Oare Ne,·1lk belle~ th:it ed C:htk.lLioo ii. helping. ~r ,guin valulibl!! The decision by the u111,crM­ c,pericnce for her future t.ireer. ty 10 pre~s crim1m1l ch;1rgc., ha-. She said "I'm hop mp. to bi: u teochl!r m come undl'r worldwide i:rh1c1~m the lu1un: Working lorC'.luldl1n~ he.Ip, me <1nd n\lcr 600 atad\!m1~·1,. ,md stu­ w1Jcr.umd chilLlrcn :t lot bcucr and ha., dcnh ha, e called for 1he vice· maJe 111t: more sympmhetic and r,.111cnt'" chancellor tu llrop 1he proceed­ English and l11eatre Studies finuJht and mg:-.. fellow c'1unsellor Jeanne M1lstc111 :il!.O tceJ,;; Ult· bcnefiLs. Sht: <;.;.lit.I: " II can .icltmlh ~ a Im ol fun Choral Exam for and you 1111..-ei lo~ of new People Uiat you wou ldn't met:I nom1allv. Met students •·1r L'- hard >wOd, . .nln tor nll lhc energy yuu pot into 11., you gtil len tune" nmrc. out•· L~EDS Metropolitan For more mfommtmn contm.1 Ch1lr.ll.111e Univcrfiity h, offering. ih students. ~rnff and fricm.l.~ a i.;b(1ral wori...~hop dfl)' ru. part renewed cmphihi, on s1u­ tlent paruc,p~lmn in cullur­ al and ~oc1al aCLJ\ ities. ThL' day ,.., tll take place al thc Hl!adinglc:y campus on Oct(lber 2 from I Lim until --'pm. •\JI .i.rc wclcoil\e to join. Lh1.· event i, free untl lunch ,.., p1u \ idetl by the organiser!. l'ht event. enlllleti Lu•J\ 1-lrt mg.,, tollow<; lhc -.ucec!., .. nl the sin!-!mg ,.;,~S!

FIVE-MINUTE INTERVIEW RusseU raises row I\N ACC'US,\1101' 111 chll:.m was labelled u1 t.hc Ru~~II group. nf which the Univcr-1ty or Leed ... L., ri ml!.mber. m 1.1. mv. over expand111g \tudcnt number!,, The Uoive.f"!1t)' fundiog council for B11glund 1'- pruviding more money for univer .-.,ucs whu:h arc ','lrugglmg to recru11 . ..-pec1fl­ caUy m 1hc: form of fundmg for foundatiun ,1b~)UI 500 member~ and .m.: uuc LS. Come dl"grt:cs By JAHOU NYAN of the biggest branches in the­ The tl1rec:1or or the, London School llf UK Mo~t c:>f the older uuh .:.rsll) Econotnk~. Sir l h,v. ,1rd Davie.-., dajmcd thar ha,c an action brnm:h antl our~ "les"i popular" tnMitul1ons \\ere _being Five m111u1c uucrv1cw wah f,nourcd o,cr the coumry·" tup univer:,,111e:, Chl0c: lelfnrd - Co11rdmn1or oi i-. ,,ni: of the larici.t. and Action He ..rud ...The system i1a lt}lll!_:. to h1::,_~ the AtLHlll, Lcclfs llnivcn,U) i, all :thou\ 1,tudent, gelling nicr, invoh ed with th~ communll) itH~)? full funding alJoi.:.u1on!oo inwards found1tt11.,n dcgcc:", in prcn!icl) the univen,-itic" thul don·t /~eds Student: Hello. Thi.\ b LS: And, tbtnll~ randumly. CT Umm okay gl\'C value ror mom:y·· ,·our five minute lnten ie\\. \\hat U. ynur f:.nourile movie? (Thinb ror tt The chnmnnn or ibe Russell grnup added Chloe Telford Oh hi. Chlo4!' CT At Lbe momenl 11 1.. Lo .. 1 1t1 couple 1h,11 rhc go\.'emmcnt. by 001 allowing the Telford. ha\l" a sCal... Tr:tn~Jntion mmulc!o!J .. umm LS~ Thonk~. ltl 's- J!Cl shirted LS: Ok and ~vhern. wolJ!d vou do you cJII ,rn rcs~arch-led 111st1tuLJon to e:itpand. \\a~ forcing. s1uJen1~ "down 1he pecking order tu junivcn-i­ tbcn. Who fouodt!.d Aclinn und have a g,rcul lll!l!hl nu! in Letds'l IA ith u ,ore toe'l tic~J the} do no1 wnnt to ,mend." when'! CT Well currcnllv J rc11lh hkc L~: I hu,•c n't a due CT Wdl. Lhcn; L" no concre1e;: the Wardrobe am.I ·hHi. • CT· Roherlo. The had..l:v,h of cri LJ c1!>m wns immedrn1e, tl(,, the chief c::.tid: ··Thur any par- el.I o.cuon. It 1, 11bou1 fort)" year., CT Actually the: bc!!-C nigln om 1 CT: rub- your- lOt'? Rohcrto? old, a group of i,.tudent.Jo dcc1d,:d huve had recently was the frc~h· get it.' I told you I wu!> rub­ 11cul11r tm,li1U11ons :, hnuld have !ipecial ltCill· menl ~eem~ bizarre and promotes the iJen o[ hJ gel logcthcr wi1h the kiJ:. 111 cr'· aU ba~i­ ltkc gn11) LI wa ... greal, we I..S: \\ell I did not see it com­ hierarchy m u11i vcr!-11ies. It'\ this clius1 nouon which 1s one of 1hc real problem;;: in the way call} went 0111 for the day and 1.J.mcctl and danced One of our ing, Roberto, rub-your 1hingi. .. or1 nt ire" rrom there. reps. Jesi. wenr Js 11 pupcr drc~ ... -loe... lh:Jt makts sens~, lugher educa11on is run ."' LS: \\'hen did you ~et She\\ rapped hcr ... elf io ncwspu· full murk.s for effort! Well The head of funding fo r Higher Education invo lved, a t uni'! per. 1t wa~ hilurious. hut we hw.l lhank JOU for being Funding council for En!land. Mario Ferelll. said that he cotildn·t comment on individual Cl': Well. yeuh .. when I w::i~ .i a grea1 urne. nccomrnudalin_g fresber LS: I wish I could have seen CT Thank you 100. easC!-i buL confim1ed tho! of the 30,000 new LS: And du ) ou generate much thut! Bul anyways. to the last university pince,., beUlg hid fur by univcri.11ic!I "ilh our ~ludcnl pop, und most important r

Keep your eye on next weeks Leeds Student for more information. Mla!I. September 30. 2005 9 Why don't more people care? Ross Mitchell MENTfONlNG ,tudent pulilic5 I~ :t ,;urc C( 01 the Exec. would run the pa:-~ed. 1umnut. to lht: \·oter numbers ill ,tudt:nl fire way to bring a convcrsauon in the muon. Under the. oc,, )ystcm the d.1~ to Jonny Steen. Union Events A:c.~mbly i:lei.:11ons. lhc numbers i.ugge.-.t thn1 jk'U· pub to a clm,e. It's not that peopk are no, d3y nmnmi Is being given bnc~ to you. Chatr aJ LUU. was ~nthusinstic obout the pit! 1us1 m't11·1 interested in the running intcra,teJ 111 pultlici. per say. ir's Jllsl thal the studenl1' nc"' :-iyt-h:m. ··With the .i~semblie.!., par of lht!ir union the :,tudcnl wing of II sccm.1, h1 be large, The ,y:-.tem wnrh by have 16 tidp11tinn will mcrcm,c ten-fold. And When a.,kt:d .1b11u1 thi:t., Jonny put 1l I) pomtles.s. From decjdin~ the be~I A.:;semblic~. which will meet euch fnrt- tben the peQple th.1.1 come along will :,ee down to m1sunde.n.ta.ndin!! ab\.1u1 whnt politically correcL name: for a commiuec.. that they can make a. difference 10 the the uOil)TI nctuaJly doc,. ''P(!oplc. dnu'1 to arguments over Che rumilicatmu'i: of way that the union h run. und will tell think a.bout what we aclually do. Take bye-law 2.13.8. ~tudcnt poliuci. sei:m:; The problem is their mates abuut 11, and 11 will mcrcu~c table for example, where d1dJt come far removed from the real world I.hat we that student tcn-folu agam." from J omcune had to Ml Jo.,., n :md live m. A1 LMUSU the council is made up of decide 10 gel tins tublc. and no1 a differ­ However tht.s 1s an image that both politics seems I:! people who work alongside the exec­ cn1 one Snmeune hud 10 si\ down and unions m Leeds are lJ)·mg l(l t.:hnngc. far removed utive. meeting every 1wo weeks They decide what gig~ 10 get in thi.s year ac1 as a :.afcty ne1 in thc union. who a~ Somenne hw:I to ,it down .ind decide 10 The nomination• for the Leed!> University Union reviewed all from the real ai.pects of lts running last year. with we.II ll!, reprcstntmg their area. muKc build II new Jn11 bar m the union. Met open on October 5, Union Council being comple1e ly world .. ure that the decisions made by the extc­ Everyone here 1, ~nJoying themselve ... and on October 10 at revamped. Locd1o Me1ropolltnn utive arc m the bc.~t interests of all the having a luug.h und u. drink with each LUU. Full details WIii Uoiversll) ore pc:rfonnmg the JT own s1ut.lcnts. other und lt\, dll bccuu~c of Umon appear on the web and review thi1o yeo.r. with council ttgam night 1·hc,e u,:-.embhcs arc each frx:m,l!d Tiu!". year 1hey arc runnmg .. e,cr:tJ We pru\.i it." these changes get more p~ople involved discuss wha1 can be done Lo 1mpro\'e this unsigned ba.nds 10 trying Lo change the Bolh unton~ \\ ill be hnldmg clcclmn~ in the umon'l area. For eJtarnplc the Socictic~ Bloud Sorvil'C~ pohc)' 011 g::iy amt bise,;­ to tJ1e nexl few week~. Wilh n new mtakc The LUU Auembllea start Al LUU lhc changes are have seem As°'embl) could look al tf there urc ual men bcmg unable tn gi\"C' bloo

paign\ uc1ually c-osl. even 111 our own un1~1n. But wh~n I 1hnogl11 about 11. three !Zr.ind i"ln't n.:.1lly th.::il mu1,;h over lhrce year ~ ..,..., 1·,e ,w1ed looking for Lhr. lllgu. l'\e ,ecn 11' nut JU:o,,t c,n the po,tcr: but on th\:' p;n:kagmg on the .1,Jindwich More than just It just doesn't buxe~ a.lo well h\ important "'e knuw hm, much monc)' i, \pcn1 bu1 uho where ii a campaign add up goe,

rhe BNP reall) is v.ast1ng 1i.. lime ll')'tn_g 1t·1111y Pnrka, 3rtl) <'tlr, I.A"rd., Urii rullowing ,umc of th~ cummcnh made ln tu r~c-rui1 in prclcrs IO employ J ai;:n.•e that thC' managerial salaries of ,h,,ps. ba~ ant.I C'l"Cnt:,; went cheap labour 1h :u t·amc in on the la.,1 lorr~ LUV t-eem cx1rcmcl)' high 10 someone noi Shame-fool We explaim:J to groU('l'i of ,;tudcni... 1hal from Dover. thcrclnrc m:iking them ab~\UI cumm1 ly m lhe emph,yment \CCtor how­ 1hc mum.:.y they ,;pent on a fllnl In the the lenM lil,t.>ly pl:t-\p/c to suppon the BNP. ever. I believe th;.11 11 Mr Widdop h~d cor­ They ,a) 1hcv hU\C •,. rc!tpon,;1t'lk Jnnkmg ~·hurler· But the rerrucc wa., hdpmg to fwu.l a ,~in, \..11. nr ;\ho. Kevin Widdop in bis Sl.ctch rectly done hi, resc-nrch. he would rcali,c frrd.t Studt m m, c\ttt:ullnn 1hu1 c:tpo,cd the 1rrc-.puns1ble the loaf ol bre.1J thlllll atl· tnkcn otl at hur~ t"agcr 10 lnke ., .. rnuny htUJ t111, mc,sag1: llOII I fhc mrnimum houri:, wuge !or mnnugcrial Sta.ff ,Ire at ,l premium. Plcru;e pound, po,"iblc in hu .. ) pcrii,tf.4 ?i.fon: mu'.'>t he done to \.el "Not Im prof11, JU'l for ,1ut..lc11t!> .. 11; workers aged 18·21 will rise to 1:..i ~5th, .. du mu be n,uve m the pnva1c \ec1or man ­ thmc wor~rng 1n bu.r,. murc than n cam~,;ugn. 11 ,., a .,h111 in cul Ouohcr. ,11 her da1l) ..... agi.'" would be (.l4. agers of tlus orgam<,at,on would be Bul Lhc hlame '.'i-houhl ult1ma1cl)" hi: wilh the m:inagc.­ turc \1 LUU 'I' c dun't :tl:cep1 that or· her \\eek.I; w.ige \\ould be .l2V4. and earning far more. mcnt, nnl the swff have tn t:ndurt" the demand~ ol ~tut.Jent parur1pal1on 1~ because \)f ap,t1hy. (a.,suming i.he t\ granted the pnv1legc ol drunken and abu,ivc cu-.1omcr,. c.;ccrn to go hand-in· \H" "-111 ~nc f'.lur mc.mhcr... the mtormauon lwo "eeks' holiday every ye,u I her annual f'nfrer.,;r\' of U'l'd.\ Bum,~.H Sclu,ol Stal.I h11nd and opportunity they need to {!Cl lll\Ohed Y.aie would he £10.200 - ,....ithout Hu. thut Membe, :!5'i$' nr t,;11, pc1Jlcd h) our in\:c:,U}!utiun~ tca.m ,tncd lhc Our 11111ova1iun h11s 1?.iincd .in cnthtNa ... 111.: Jt'ndl) drinl,. Alcohnl-1d.11ed Jt;tths :' on 1hr: up Ju,1 rc:,,pnn,c I mm \ludcflt, 1111d other ,tudenL, I might b,l\e 1.J.k:eu Kenn Wit..ldop more The lntroducers rc:ccn1ly. u contnhuted lt> thl" hnnilyin~ Jcuth ol I K-)'t">lr·nld UDJOO'.'I em,usl) had he noi shown J11m<.elf to l"ic LUll 1i-. hL·.~· ln ,upport tor yuu ullcrl) care le s nr uucrly mnumcrntc. M,tr~ Sh1l"ld, l ltivcd Intro Weck. h wns grem' Ahnli,hing th!! fo.:klc:~, und rc,, .. dnnking ,,rfcr, und )'UUr ... tudcnt i:,pcnem:c, frum ~peal '\~ J tin.I year whn hu ... never e,peri­ ,hnuh.l he- ,1 ,1,m Th~~ drink,,1ry mU',I du mun: 1f in{! on your behalf h> provtdmg -.iudcnl Ytm: 1,1in·rJiT\' cnl-cd ltfc away from home. I \\;111 a little 8nt1sb ,m:n:l\ , .. 1n ;-1d 1hdf t•f ,w unallractin: mu111kt to "ult your iotcres1~. We wunt Sum WrH1dman. 1ml Lud!, l tht..• h1ng1· du~) 111 F.uwpc yuu 10 know 1hat all lht!i. e:\iSb he JU\4.' ol t1miJ at the prospect af fac1n(!: \lh;h a big you .md your ,uppnn How much and where UOl\"Crill). Intro Offo.:dn. were ttall)' hclpfol J.nd l:.nn ttrl-relv Cnmnumin11ion., t111d I thL' Sketch h> Ke\lin Widdop e\·eryonc hn:; been ,n nice. /)~mflr'fcJ( \" oiflcl'r; u·u w:J, "ery thou!!,hl pro,okin£ ad\'cn.i,rng 1, .,u,h a huge m

Student \ olur1tccr mg 1, ,,11 the n"c Circat new, lnr 1ht..1sc umn111: u "'1lh ,1 chantat,li: hcan TeXblal harassmenL 01969 549125 ·,extontv \olumi;c~ tor .-\,:uun, : '1gh1l1nc and Chtldlmt.· do an m,,,iJuubk 10b. Th.u IOU i;rndcnt \'Oluntccr em.;.h vear for 'tghthnL' al1,nc work111g alt hour; underlies !he· s1inifi L·an1 rule we play But we L'lm ,lo more rhc dry lc:!!' gumct.l 1.S6jl.- Sueh .1cti, itic, arc lhcu: for ,1uc..h:111, prov1dcl! h) ,tu mlrO y,eek the~ hdp.:J lt,adsot fl'!'lplc ...... dcnL, The> c111 be!- rc\\1lramnj? co., 1 amt paymg2reaJ pre1entiou.~ ID;!J., ,, .una11ng' well Jone In John ,cWL'"' for an ; th\! auJ\uic . ,. ~.n.1~~i~::~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,., Bui lhr mnre pen111cn1 p,.11nt I lh,u Lhcse urgun1 .it1011 ...... ,,icLCtic--. fair• and lru,t me, lum bemg ga} 1 .,hould tic lhcrc .t, an enc.l-1n-thcn1.e-1'e~ t11e, cmbnc.l, lhi: when will rr~,h,:r gtrl!-. actuu.ll) be up tor i, dcfinutly nol a "-a.\lL' he- he!. Ion: msh' ,·alucs or all 1~ gn:-,H abnul lcL'Js Vni • · 1f)II ...... ,...... IU\mg Iced.. C\Jlel:ia.lly no\4 lhcre .ire new .1d.1111 i \\alll m)' \ihnuorb.ickl prcfcn:1bly I n'ff!> Stud(·nt ht.'.rcb)' h,,u a r.11lymg cry: gel f.tud In J..c\ -gn:al h:1,,mc:111 b!UCll b111 ow1·1 hdp· h<•)')lh:,h ror the rnd;rn~~nc\\ h•m"C not cnvcn:d ia reef! uollctng dmt the cm arc- acumlly r,,.,t1:r, mtan~ nc\\ neighbours ..result' k1111c anti ...... •. .. unJ nnl <.tdla Plea,;e, did we te:ith )'OU r;am11la x funnt\!'st lhmg about f~ihcr, week \\US m) nuthin~ a1 the dock '!saruh \ m;u; :.idam ie1ung a bottle ,rnck up hts Bloomin' Boffinic ...... ,ho\, me thi.:: 'l'a\ to JJllallllo 1.(.10\" '-Ufa•'\:~ =' OMG. O\ r Y.orkeJ. u11Jcr pa,d, uint V.C'h ...... •...... ; ...... dc.'V funlLung h\•e LSR.1.nm. b:1n:1! 1( v. h) ill ,ketch ,o prrtc-ntinus lrcshel'\ \lo-~}. has bt!en J~t"!bcsl bit the 1 he t'lrlghl "p,1rks ,at l.! gmng to so ken' h.hLls) ncraliL' fli!!hl"' nl f.tnL:~ ,u, 1 IO\oc u. not h.ind~ufh m the ~irk itnJ \\jtl.'.h !hem \\al~ h\. Is lh;U ...... •...... The q11.1nc1 01oc1c:unc n:~ional hurdle, to murL·h tm,ards ,1range'' VilUI • do yuu ho.\·c m)· phone number" thi.: nauonol bu.JI in Lnndun, to lie 'hdd 111 Occcmh~1 •••···················•······•··· ...... J'hcu i:11m.:cpt l'I a 11c\\ clc:minc ag~m t<1 ,.:11uiucrac1 the Cloriduun t..lalft(ilc lm..:lcn,1 .,a,d \O bi.• the new supcn.Jrug ··························•··•···· pus111vcl~ brim \1. 11h brand ,p.:rnLing t,rio 'Ac applaud )OU Improve WUl'teXI lie Is she the most beautiful woman you've aver seen In tweed? DoeS We've had our say, tot u• know what you think: amaJI he crack you up over Shakospeara do [email protected] or text In your commants you fancy your lecturer? Let u kn °· 11 7hrs puhlulwJ ,~o nut nea·· 5 OW 11 r,:flt'CI lht• r/t"'lU Oj (/t1.· 1/L°l\'Sptlflt( Mlav. 5ell1ember 30. 2005 Up the tabloid nose

l ·s nuL every wed you get 10 the) d l\ccn taking tlrugs, in I act Jl!c1 sorrv for ,1 11ulhona1rc My pc.uni 1s. I don't remember I !1.Upcnnodcl. bu! ,,..c arc ;tny advert, that :-houted "Chnnc.l Poor! Mo,, ha .. JU"1 w.11chcd number 51 Ideal for people who ht.1r reputation amt career unr.tvcl drmk Yakulf nnd i:t:1 plenty ol O\ l'r jU!'>I a le\,. h11.1rrc day:. ot sll'c:p' .. hcing lit.1~ged over thl" lnhlmd Thl·re w.i"' "omc 111u11ermg coub. .•mil I i.:an't help bur led from poliu: cnmm1ssil1ncr Sir 1ha1 "be dido·, de~erv~ 1\ Rhur ,1bout a cnmin;.11 inqtli.ry She wok coca,nc. llonL"\lly. und. c\icn more Judtcrou,J), whv care,·• Wh(1 ""'"" C\ll"II .,ur ubout the b~ cllcc1 on ··m1pr~ pm,etJ 1 Why \\as thut gmunJi;. •mmablc young people" Do y,m for the IJ),.ei. nf Chanel nnd H&M remember thl· lune before 1hc Patrick Cragg to 1mmcJi:ucl)' Jrop 1hc1r con• naltnn wa,. chromcally obese anJ trach w11h hcr'1 ow, .. av Thu~rn i,-. h:11 we worried abou1 im,tead I km)· wa... caught 1i..1kmii drug .. to were :anorc~il: 1ccnage girl">? And enhance b1., performance:. Im" lhe f:c.h1on tndus-tr)· and Ob, iousl) Nike und their ,port supermodel~ gt11 the blame? mg pat" w11uld run u mile. 1\nd Wa~n ·1 any ncgntive- effect that righll} ,o. ChL"ullng c;por1smcn Knie Mm,s going to hove on the Jean: cuunllcss fans feeling nnlion'!i )oung:'iten, had bad bctrll)·c Did she ~teal Lo Ideal for peo­ ts 10 look good in your IJhcl's lund her drui; huhit':' App:ncntl) 5! clo1hcs. whu:h she docs. Of to nnt Much ha, ~en made nl hc.:r ple who drink :idd Jn ,ur ol sc, and ilumour to yean ot m1t giving jn1ervicws. of your perfume hnind. whu:h prc­ f;IJ:,rn~ out the p11pcrs. She Yakult and get sumubl) shi: aho d~\ ur ,he rcaliseJ. aprarcntJy. 1hat if you plenty of sleep! wouldn't l...ccp getting paid tn do pive the 1..1hlt11d~ an mch. the)' 'II II 1ukc a )'ard. And then she \l.enl I've ,een pcrfonu: ad,,erh ,u1d handed them lhc full yard ~fore, the kind in magu11ncl-. und lnuk wh,11 h.ippcncd Lc1", \1, uh the hll you peel off and JU'il hope ,;he doe~n·1 sell her ,mcll, lhJI -.huwed nulh,ng apart ,olll for thi: nauon\ forgivenc">\ from Kale Mm,, with no top on. nn R1oh:ud and Judy. And if it wasn't her. JI w.1, one 111 That re,111)' would bt the 1h1lu~anJ anrinymou, 1h10 and appall In}!. bi:.iutiful mudch 1h111 Jou!,. Ill,.«: her. Ple111y ur olhcr, fciJt11rc more ~11gnp1 (a lud.,·.ar.uA. 1hio .ind beJUlifuJ models mudc up \pc:cif1call~ to lo\1k u bil .. Fashion centre on pa«u 12!hy iu1d Misted. A hit like & 13 Fading fresher sparkle

As much lun u, frcsheri,;· i,-.eek ha.-. will .,peal,. 10 11 va-.1 anJ Jl\•cr...e rnngL· points. Dancmg hl..c an c1~hue~ rejcl'I vilJ.I .:i:-.pcct In lhc i.:conomy. offcrini: a pro\-cd tu h~, "uh un-m11;sahle nig.h1, ol people thut normally you wouldn'1 10 Joe rrom S-Club 7 whiJ.,l cursing. huge hoost to lhc communn.). albeit or dodg,) petrol-1as1ing hev~rages. b,we the oppurtuni,y (or poss1bl)' your "ioUI inWo\rdly. for cxample. llon·1 thniugh booze. ful!llmg Jbsolutc: c,1m11ge. not tu men- dc"'1rc) 10 c\,nver:-c "ith. Then again. I runk ,er)" high!~. h rn1her 1hnn Huwc::v«:r nncc you can ge1 pa~! !he 11011 .-i "'~<:tm:ul,11· :U"ray ol di,.1<;trnu~ly have- a ~.troni; imprcs"'mn 1ha1 the aiming to honcl ~1udc 111 ,. he,hcr, nycr, .md fal,c. huhbll! of hype 1h01 hilar1011, t11Hl11,. i" ii ju\l ml! or hos majur11y !'>Cetn In find th1:- in ,omc­ v.cck ha, hccn turned mtn u h iphly i,.cem, to engulf 1hc cumpu, fo1 thc Lhc tiu gone from lhe pop·~ \l.1Jy, a very 1cd1ou, proce,:,,,, of tor~eL lucn1t1n: money making hus111r,, rif'>I few day~ then lhc: real. mm,t D\1n't £Cl mt: wrong here. I hal't• ting a lot or names. 1clcarn111g a hund Re!ooulling in ,tudcnts bctng mobbed m1pnr1u111 busme,~ ol huvmp: a decc.01. loved ever. rnnnlcnt of the ful. then fvrgclltng lhl·m ugam, by pushy night ·club h,mJing pm,..,1bl) akohol 1nr.. rl1tht the ~eel.. I have to .;a} J~ muth a, I know the t1nc the) u,u.111.) \lUtl with public in general 1ha1 \hould you uot uuhide the campu~ The price ol ,omc WC'IUIJ like to kid the O)er d1::.tnbU · }nUr name:-. ,1mJ cnJ. pu1lully. in a sad have an cmouonully sc.,rrmg nigh1 of the 11ckl•ts for suppn,;l·dl) ·nnt for h•r, in the 'ihm~ for tb1.:wht:reJ. the inuncr ol )OUr h,111, of rc-.idcncc 11·, with a ringing hango, er and road prnfil events. SlrJ.RJ;d) ,ecm lO he L1llcr of ii llrinb ,eenh tou ,trnng a Charlotte Fereday hccn ire,ll fun 10 walL'h the,e- pamlul ,1gns next to your ~J the morning mai,.rns 11 101 of money out ul the thou lure to rt:\1,1. In l.11;t wnh hcrr·g11g.glc, ,lo\\. I) hu1 ,urel;- hale 11fter-. you led ahno,1 .1 rn1lurc. Thi, "and11 of cager h1 ,o~i.d1"c s111Jcn1:>r, on. the ,;.irb dre...,ed a, 1.:nn,tru 1.. tmn uul. and rc,ull m ncithl!r p..irt)' hcing fon.:ed pre~1-ure ,,f fcelint like you Indeed i1 ,cem!,. unfo1r that tre,h· \\11r\.t:1s , 111 earl) lcarnmg pta,tic ht- I· heller 11(J the ncx1 Ja\-. hu1 r,1thi!r ho1h nec:d Ill alwn)':>r. he 11uper mce, nverl) er, ' '11Uden1, an:. uln ay, lam:d ,and mc1, and Jluores..:cnl 1udch. JU.-.\ feeling. a vague m,t1fl~ thur tbC) ,houlJ pm-deli\e, and highl:,,, talkali\lC i~ "ll highhghtcJ by ,oc1ety for poor hchu" ,c..:m even tunm~r. Su maybe u·s Ju,1 knuv. c.:ach lllhcr, n11mc, • .lnd cmb.:ir uuerly tour, \\hen 1hc)' arc ,o encourugell t"l the flOP ha, gol a liule Oa1 and nt:ed, a ni,singly dun ·1. -.o resume lhe hnrmr The truth 1(, thnu~h frc11hcri,,', acl tu be Lh.n \ICfCtUypc. h ,cc111, lh;1l bll o( ,h.1k1n~ up. again. 1.s ccrtarnly a umque and nccc,),ilf)' lhc huge inllux or ,tudcnl!:i 1n c111c-.. ll 1!! true. lhat 1hc 11\'cragc frc.,htr 1ime. Lhetr are some \/Ct). very lo"' :mch u, Lce'-h, arc an imporu1111 ,1 nut du,1:a.,·~ lwtmu,l.c:om 12 leedS Slodent Mla!I. Semelllber 30. 2005

<'ndon Fa'ihion \\ v. Lablaz:c 1 a!Jc:~Jli(.11)o; , urruundmg Kate" \ fo,.,, nK( 1 \ltith lhl!' ah~ ncc ('I I th,: supcnnc.>del DI 1q h1 ggesl C\'C"nt !Jr tJ1t~ year. Kme . .~ t. ha~ unde , m~ a tnhlrnd nc~,;papc:r·~ publicmmn of phu1 ,.~ u 0 Model Behavi1

Jliom, nn J1 -.: plu) C Katf\ :ibilil) to lie low hu., been her font:: for 1nan) year!) nov. Jh~.i)', U.\)rlc:J 111 her (Jtrnur. g 1\ mg her an air of my,,ti:I') lha ,he ha" for'.alcn F,i,.hmn \\.eek for ~me pn,•acy ~,th p I- papuru1.1i. \ he is sure ltJ C" \ -.>~e even more interest. Mo~)'. a~ ~ ~ the dehnclc of the annum. and for wh:11 ·1 A iew Imes ol lhe \\htl in the p:1pers ,me.I mai:t1111c: , all wi1h a definite -.enS(: nf ~Ji u,er. tngethcr. and ,u ll cumpl(I on the lhl. a.i, Kah.: decide?. 10 Jodge ano1hc.r Fu..~hion Let\ h1,pi: lhat th1 !'. 1ime 1he JuJicnce doesn'1 get to and ume-. of MoS'I)', Jnd msteJd conc~ntr'.tle on E he there lor • the f a.,luon. ------i\Ying h.tte,Jn HFre,t~ fo'l_:ellmg about ml ~'Ond. 1hen: w1L, no .... Wld la..,t C\1...,1-.c In , imu lll1k..'l'M.l\ l)" drinl.. and quc ,trnif:ht N,l1 e,cn lor London Fa...Juon \\-"eel ~Ill rmnc, c.~-1 <.'L'U" f.uh1<111 ..1uJc 11 1 K3I) Nab:irn lo till Kcw.. 111gtl111 \ N111um l Hi!i lOI) J\1u <;(.1 um. Workmg it, a,,,;i,1 '-t.'emg .._.,ery ,t,o,.., li\.e lrom 1he may!~ or the pit Kai) ~'l Backstage Pass Hermione Pakenham

· Lct..'\.l, ... Kat\ firml) ,1.1.11c., Apparent!), the UC\\, corrung h.1ek fmrn our L"4( anyone ,;(JI( \\eann~ .i g)'P') ,L.1rt 111" Sicntw-811ho lo,,L. h.i.., been ..wm~ anothcrM'.'a.'"'" thu,'-U£,gt.."lini; UMI \\l' ha\'c fi nall) «t.'n the ];bl lll 1h h1ghl) u ing.h.u:h1dc.. Spong 'Oh 1, W:,mlcd 1~1 he :m unui.u.111) muted ;1ll1ur ,, 1lh di.ill.'. tels am.I .:i ,urpn,mgl) high pcn.'\!m.agc of hlad.. ,ull fn«::tng the t:ar\l,uJk l\.'I ,, l.K) hlou"t.',. ballocm ,Ja.·,e,, ,hnml..t."n J<1Ckc1, anJ h1g belt, with mulupl wae to he.· ~·co m ,diundtncc. It -it.'Cm.., tk."'11?1~. in the nwm. are ,11r;L.- 111~ w11h \ utumn·, ,1n,t lJ.Ulonng \\Hh ,t fucu~ on the ~w .. , m1cnck'tl to ucc..-entu· ,lie thi:= fommmc cur.i:, 1)f even U1'.· thinncs1 model!-.. ·11,e ht.~, ..,ho\\·1 Dcfini1d}' \ l.111i,h \mr.1" ..\mm 1:lrough1 1101 nnl~ a l:lla,c ol colour tn ., , lll Ju,t) pull._, Wld hei!!e .. hut .tL'-"l1nJmg In I~ n'IO:-.t c,1J.!nl tk:hu1 utl~t tif the \\1..'Ch. \lre.:iJ, Ol."Clehril\ m ht., homelunJ India h1, ,hnw \\.1c,· and de,1gner Julie Wilk in\ are tl1e one, for l..t'ttb ,rudenl\ 1n \\atch \\llkim,· ,h<-'"· cnutled Al,urua, c, h1t,.. itnd a yre). cm,hmere JC"""-'}--dre.". "' Inch '1rud, "'-'th lllC' and Kai) .1, Ml increchht) '\\t!Jruhlc 1fl!m for th(1-,< c.:uld day~ ol C\Cl) Leeds :.ummcr Whibt her ,1gn.iture o.k.:ld )"ello"" hlnu~.:-,kin t..r.i.lied Imm n French ;,.e;.un lilou~ 1s hound to capture the imagirui.tion :mhll'· Ha, 1ng lmnucal.l) ~an:ht..'CI thl\mgh m)· ·pulo.u pad' r C\.'l..'ntUully remember hem rww" .ill too ..oon tuffil'tl to gn'"'P· OI t.~ I would l,,,.c io da1m thal I \\a..., no! m the slii!.lnc:-.t htt mlri)tuctl h) thl-- m.,1dc rumour-. ur Julk'n Ma..:0..lnaJd hlagmf .i fur prott:-.l anJ h1ri11~ ti~ fan,U.k:-. ht nun Ju .. l)\\n ,;ho\\ 1upparenll) 11 \\-ll\ a Jc'ifl'!ntlc bid to m,U..c heaJ. li nc.., after 11 \cry .t\'cr.ige collecunn kt down the h1!!h ~pt"tlittion., 'tel h) his .\umnm runWa}); t,r at ,tll mtere-. 1..."ll m "h) J..!.,ii,,'Tk:rGilc, "'•h .111m... oo to u."-• thc- hif!hl) c, tra\Jganl of1hc £·rt:cm..t..'()tb 1n ,li..,pla) hi.. i.:otk·i.:11011. Bui or 1.:our.e I \\ a, ..._... l..u.!n tu kno\\ a.., k..nty \\'lli. tu 1.e:U and 11 ..,uddt-nly <,true ~ me 'c,,·1tcmcn1 .in

isti gs *Low wn

with POPPV I Olivia Tunnel Vision

WHAT:The Tunnel Club launch party WHEN:TUESDAY 4th Yo, So i1·s been a WE!ek and you're back for more Like WHO: LSRFM, Black Wire, Kill The Young What you saw lasl week did you7 Well nobody turned up to WHERE: At Mine, Leeds Student Union Poppy~ Neighbourhood Watch meetmg, which wa!. quire embar· rassmg,e ,he had bough, A LOT of Dorilos Olivia has The people al LSRFM cind London md10 stallon XFM spent most of her tlme/money on dp1uitifs, sw1ggmg out of a brn1g you another excuse 10 embrace the 1nd1e disco bottle dr~sed rn a snow leopard towelling gown. Everythmg's as Thal is, ,f you wan1 to K1ck,ng-otf 1n Leeds Urnon·s ,t should be So what's in store for us all this week? Mostly lee• new bar·cafe·club. Mme l.eeds band Btack Wire (whom Iha NME dcscnbed as ·emacialed catwalk tures. sern,nars. meetings and checking on Liz Dawn's progress wails') and Manchester's Kill Ttie Young headltne a (see below). Oh. and looking for thongs that w•ve lost. Mainly n1gh1 of skinny Jeans narrow 11os at'ld arty hair Oh dignity and ,espect. Check you later. yoah. and lhen !here's the music of course. Gel down there to no1 only sample 1he del.ghls o! 1n1s new venuo and the llve performances bul also fo have a boogie as the DJs spin the classics Go on Give 1t a try

Agony Email us al [email protected]

. .Like salt in an open wound

Dear Agony, I am a 37 year old man and snll live at home. 1 want to move out but am finding it hard to break the news to my mother as I know how much it will upset her However, if I stay here much longer I'll go crazy. I don't have any privacy and it is very hard entertmning the ladies. What should Idol Stuck m a Rut. Woodhouse ·········· Dear Stuck, OK, well I've got a few ruddy good sugges· Headline ··•·······.•. lions Firstly, why say anything at alll Just leave. Pack of the Week your things and walk out without saying a word. Yes, this may cause permanent distress to your ole ma but let's face it; you're never going to see her again "Stalked t>y a fake leg finer­ Secondly, everyone knows that actions speak louder but what did he want from than words so why not drop a few little pills into her me?" cup a soup. You know the ones I'm talking about. Be careful where you put the body though-they don't half stink. Finally, grow up you sad loser-37 years old and still can't stand up to your own mother? Pathetic. Good Luck! Agony xxx

Top 5 Potato-based Dishes 1 1 ~~~.~~::u~:1~ ~~"u~~e~i=~u~~~:s~al~hfuJ!~~:~eey~!eu~ ~~~~~}te nary suggestions ... dnd do uy them out Belly's gonna get you

WHAT: Belly Dancing WHEN: 6th October WHO. Bellys WHERE: Stylus HOW MUCH: £2 Pait of ill" GivP It a Go Northern Star programme belly ,jandng Elizabeth Dawn. be.i will ivc you a reason to known .JS Ver-a Ouckwor1h vis,t LIJcky's more md bul also a:. !i-lar of S1Taight also perhaps check .lUt to video success • Uz Flames c~eesy chips Dawn·,; House Party~, has which I was pleasantly chronic emphyst:!ma it wa~ surp11sed by 'he other announce-cl recently day. Liz is a talented act,e~s as If you ven't rior ,1 sexy well ~ hostess ex1road1 outfit l1k" the .,;ir,p to th naire, as was proved m the left then wear a she aforementioned film In I once ate a hash brown Wlrh the dlamernr of a human head But th~ was 11 w1;~ glitt t gluC" smeared wtuch she kindly wekomed merica where they seem to fO!ln some weird main feature of the fiy-up all over t Annoy houso- Les Oenms and Paul O' Nol so ,,;uch 1n England, but they sull fiounsh 1n Sa1nsb\l,y's c.afe COJnchy ye Grady into her home- Liz. good wrth be.11~ and bacon. stick with Birdseye'~ Rt. ::te~:Y :a,~~~~~:=~ please gel bloody belier Books on Film Literary_gems which have made it to the silver screen

•de and : Marnage here wears many faces and is driven • is a popular artist for everyman. No art crll· think that we're ~eally independent and no : by necessity, force. convemence and resfgna- : 1c.. I found this book pitched at the perfect longer need then help. We want to stick Prl • • • uon, by money and connections as well as : level for someone with a simple and two fingers up at all those ·1 told you love Scandal secrets, seduction. confronta· • untrained interest in his paintings so's~ and ~while you're under my roof" 's : 1 : tion and rejection all have_ 1he1r place too ! Vettriano himself is quoted inside as say· that we had to put up with in our child· PreJ U di Ce • Austen's true strength ,sin the close • mg ·my pai~tings are about things I h;;,ve hood. Often lhe shame of having lo go Jane Austen: observation which tnforms her characterisa- : done and things I wish I could do. They are crawling back to your parents after smug­ • tion From the ridiculous Mrs Bennef to the : <1bout a bunch of sad, unhappy people who ly claiming that you would be absolutely wilful Elizabeth, from the deceptiVely charm • are driven by lust" He thinks that sex is frne on your own ,s too much for some to £5 99 mg Wickham to the apparently ptoud Darcy. : • pretty fundamental, everybody everywhere take. So for the proud amongst you this Penguin from the unct\JOUS Mr Collins to the 1mposmg : 1s driven by the urge to do ,t It 1s a power book 1s a must·have. Classics Lady Catherine. all cire convincing and the • ful force and only the mong and happy are Take heed, however; it would be easy to variety 1s a JOY : able to resist it". He unveils the darker, swa n off mto the sunset with this book ast w.eek If you have not yet seen the film, 1 beg you • baser side of human nature In a way that and enjoy your newfound liberty but don'1 saw the to read the novel first. If you have seen the : fascinates rather than repu lses. Sex is not neglect you r poor parenlS !hey do worry L na t I on­ film, read It anyway. If you've read it before, • exactly celebrated, but nor Is lt condemned. about you bless 'em (8) wide releas.e of read n again. And agam and again and : Jack Vettriano is_ a work to return t_o a new, big­ again. (1 O) : again and again. Simultaneously inspmng Rachel Dampare screen, A-list • and disturbing, Vettnano's paintings therein ver5ion oi Pride 1,aJ;..-;.~.&,.:A~ Freddie Huncley : consistently intrigue the reader and new and Prejudice • details.. possibilities and avenues of meaning In 1he wake of : emerge wuh each revisit. The hidden narra· ' ~ this, and con· ..,._,,_,_.. : rives and faded glamo~r of this book are f Ottakar's · s1dering the • compulsive and absorbing and Jack I 1mm1nent : Vett~iano is definitely something worth pos· arrival of • : se:ssmg.(8} t Bestsellers screen adaptations of both Oliver Twist and : Jack The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, I am • embarking on a personal crusade to per· : suade people to read books before they see • Vettriano 1. The Da Vinci Code their screen adaptations. Had you watched : Bare The Lord of the Rings trilogy prior to reading : Anthony Dan Brown it, not much harm would have been done, • but for any poor soul who watched the : Quinn 2. Spirit Walker abysmal Captain Correl/is Mandolin before • Necessities reading i~ there was no going back and the : Michelle Paver experience of a • £25 Jemma Wayne wonderful novel could never be theirs. : Pavilion Books 3. 44 Scotland Street The words classic and masterpiece are : overused when applled to books, but neither • n 2004 Alexander McCall is an exaggeration when applied to Jane Smith ! Pavilion (7 99 Au~ten's most popular novel. It js interest· • IBooks pub· Piatkus ing to note, in light of my crusade. that many : lished ill thord 4. Angels and Demons people do not even reahse they have not • collecuon of Jack read 1t because they have seen the BBC's ! Vennano's paint· Dan Brown celebrated 1995 adaptation. I did not : ings following ~:~}n"J'\e;,: NECESSITIES realise my own guilt of !his trrme unt,1. aged • Ts1udents Fallen Angels Joined the Leeds SIU· S. The World According 13. I actually did read ,1 for the first ume. : and Lovers and h •••• 1 The reahsatton was accompanied, however • den! body and of to Clarkson Other SCtangers. lc:-J~'>--!!!a.!!.....J.» those the vast I wuh a strong conv1cuon that no maner ho~ : Jeremy Clarkson I faithful the BBC ad~ptation, it could be no : 11 I j~~f'iee;i!~:. ::~~[ ~avt:b~~~~ wbst1tute for the ougina1 • Commonly labelled as The People's Painler, I It is a truth universally acknowledged : how to cook for I Jack Vettnano 1s self taught and learnt the themselves, pay bills I that a single man in possessio~ of a good • 1ud1ments of painting from library books. I fortune must bP in want of a wife~ If you : or even how to keep Demand for his WOik has eSp1cs rangrng from healrt, all the way to • simple v,sual collection of his work over the finding a property. you're pretty certain of find- : : If you love a good read and ~nt to mus~ allow me to tell you how ardently I : last 20 years. Neither speaahst nor exdu· admire aod love you·. A novel 1n which • ing help in this guide for 1hose big kids mas- : , join the Leeds Student reviewing s1ve, II presents Veunano's art in a way st1m queradmg as grown ups. • I team _why not tome al~ng to a • sudl a proposal can be refused and later : ulallng and appreciable to any audtence bettered 1s surely worth readmg. : Don't be fooled mto thinking that this guide : J meeting at the lounge Jus1 oepos1te It 1s no doubt an an pubheauon aimed at 1s only. for the first years since even the most • J the Union every Friday at It 15 In no way sentimental though. It • the popular marke1 rather than those with a may be centrally concerned with love and : cultivated knowledge of art. but in his fr_ee-spmted, seJ!·suffiaent so_uls out there will : : 4, we'd lov~ to have ~ou. discover somethmg In this guide that they did • Also, we ve got quite a few mamage. but they are not always one and • accompanying text Qumn never shuns from n't know before. : 1 books stacked up to give away so the same. : the problem inherent m Vennanois work of 1 If we're honest we'd all like our parents to : 1 come down t~ the office and see ff its splhtmg cntical and popular opinion. He • 1 there's anything you fancy! I •~------A30Jl9Jl5 with Hayley Broad ; w ho do you pretend to be' Maybe ; you think. I'm a llttlt' loopy lor ask· • ing lhe question, but th111k twice : about it. Who do you imagine you are when • vou are in the mode commonly known of as : dayifream1 eon! Perhap~ on holiday ! you beccm Robtqson Crusoe, or on a (rather • mor\1 d1sturbm? th n the. norm) night out : you transfocm into Tra,nsponing character. • Most pO\~ibly, yau\, nt ~ome pomt noted xford Un1vers1ly Press badd(es outnumber expressions f~, t~ere are only about twenty ways us : some kind of simiht ly between yourself and recently publtShed the goodies by four to one, which ts girls can say a guy looh cut~ • some kind of htetary incarnation of a charac· 0 rPvised second edition or the probably down to the creation of While boogying on down cit a : 1er from John Donne's ·The Sun Rising'' Oxford Dictionary of English which coun11ess Bond villains and super dub a/retty girl can expecl to be : (poelit sedurnon on a stick} during a loved-­ will set you back [35.00 if you g•t It hero archenemies; Spiderman might referre to, amongst other thmgs, as • mom1n m. We've all {at least the ht· in hardback But along with this new have 901 sick: of calling the King Pin a babe, peach, enchantress or my ! erary-mmded of us) been there e1Jeryone edibon, OUP have included the • a naughcy- boy" all the time... personal favourite· pdtootte.So what • loves to imagine thetr life as somf'how artjS· booklet of CUJ1ous Words and Qutrky Spending hours cooped up with doe~ all this mean? Smee the Oxford : ucally framed. For the mass~ film and soap Expressioos. your fellow housemates mighl leave Dkt1omny reflects the language of • may pro\11de 1he stimulus, but there's more In this booklet 1hey picked up on you searching for ways you can society, the de\ldtsh nature of our : freedom In books to use ypur own imagina· the interesting idea that the devil in.suit them and tht- new Oxford language m19h1 be down to us I pot : t1on. A-s chlldren. we wallow 1n the pos-sibili· has alt 1he interesting wordt For Dittionary does not disappoint. It Jt to you then, stUdents of Leeds to .. ttes of escapism, often through wands, ex:ample there are supposedly over provides more than 350 insults but change the way in wtuc.h we ,;peak. : witchcraft or wardrobes We know rt's not thtrry ways in which you can tell only gives us 40 expressions. to com~ let us stop tailing each other mup­ • true (how many kids have been admitted to someone tha1 lhey are crazy bul only pliment someone wnh. Guys. you pers. chuckl~hearl~. nmg-nongs and : A&E with head in1uries from attempts to about she. ways you can assure a per· might be interested to know that frlbhles and turn instead to tach : pass through their watdrobtS to Narnia. I son of their sanity. Expressions for while there are fifty words 1n the other In love. • ask'?), but it just makes lifo more interesting dictionary for an attractive woman : It also with your head if you get - - - - ______:• toownh into a few 1t Trymgdaffodils to floatm1d·wmter around is .1r1is1ically one very : biume lhing but atte1np1mg to emulate mllch what we read is not only mflu. • Keats by composing an "Ode to a Cracked n last Friday's The Week. an ankle enced, but prescribed by 1ndNiduals ; Mug· 1n deepest. darkest Lupton Oars sur- from Tlre Obsen,ets Tim Adams such as Scon Pack the head buyer of • rounded by Bettabuy lager cans, and actually Iraised a thought provoking ISSUE­ Watcrstones. It as astonlshrng how ! taking yours.elf senously. is a small step on for anyone whose Interest in books mu(h what we can buy and read i,; ; the pat!\ to the asylum. And what If you're extends beyond the books d1emselves subject t0 the opinions of such buyers. • Into rnme novels? I wouldn't know, but does to their surrounding world of publ/sh­ of these powertul few. : life suddenly become one large .Psychopathic •rs. author.;, bookshops and literary It was unsettling ti) d~cover the • puzzle - c.ould it lead to paranoia (well, could aWiJrds and events. figures publishers are fora!d to pay largest litarature retaneis. who insist on a measure of autonumy : it1)? Maybe things like this actually alter tl\e Adams drew artention to just how the;e reatllers for tl\e promotion of In light of thi~ it~ surely worthwhile in ei'ICh individual store and aim to • way we e)lperience reality. Over summer. m a their book~ Adams observed that for S1udents concerned by the restrlc- provide "a colleclion of intensely indi­ : geeky moment lD b• proud of (bear in mind '"Not one pobHSher or author would 1ive powers of !i-UCh individuals , to vidual bookshops" with "a cornmrt· • I've had lO study Blake several times and I'll speak to me about Pack on the record, make more of an effort lD pay atter,­ meot to provide a bookselling service : swear I've ~ brainwashed), I hit upon the since it would be, one suggested .. t1on 10 promotions from mmor publish­ tailor-made to, their communities". In : tdea lhal Hyde Park could be compared 10 • "like a suicide not" for his list of ers who cannot afford exhorbitant pro­ this way the consumer can e);ert some • nay, I say 1t IS · a modem day embodiment authors• This man weilds extJaonli· motion fees, not to boycott measure of Influence over the vanety : of Blake's "Echoing Green• but with Stu· nary power over our freedom of liter· Waterstones. but endeavour to browse of lherature available in bookshops • dents instead of children. All that simplicity ary choice because he alone controls : and those 'innocent' summer frolics of the WATERSTO.w E'S 1n and buy from smaller bookstores as too. the distribution of one of Brittan's well, or at least franchises like Ottakers Think of ii as a sort of literaiy fairtrade. : first few years of your degree, slnfsterly ______... :• :~~~~J;:e;;t~~:~:~!~~~t~:S:!~~;coun1er-balanced by the dark nature of lhe

: the 'real' world. Methinks I've 4>pent too Last week we gave you the Man Booker Prize shortlist but this week we thought : much time wn~ my nose in a book. • More worryingly, how can we fmd the we'd let you in on some of the big names from the longlist that narrowly missed : ext~aordinary In the mundane if we're com· • panng it m romance or fantasy? Does a man out on a stake in the £50,000 prize : have 10 rescue a lady on horseback a la • Willoughby m Sense dnd Sens1b1/iry in order : to be gallant? Wouldn't hot toast and a cup : of tea in bed be an equally gallant way of • demonstrating initiative? Willoughby was a : heartless cad anyway. And why can·t a • woman be the egg-timmg wooer? : lfl the end, how can we be in a literary an Mcfw.;,n was one of th~ • situation when we can't control what othe1s unfortunace ones who m,55ed ! say and do to 'fit the plot'? No good pre· Iout. His aitirally acclaimer/ ! tending you're one of Carol Ann Duffy's novel Saturday didn't quite light • lovers 1f the response our rQII)antic lyri- the fudge,' Im,. : c1sm were to be .. ltllfted. kidd : ~~~:~d!e~er t a:CS:e aq,,ic like : pnse ourselve - JOB OPPURTUNITY. : happiness.

YOUTH WORKER nothr brg name auhor.Salman Rushdie, /ailed to make that all 9 hours per week. £8.50 per hour Aimportune shortlist w,th his novel Shal1ma, the Clown. For Bramhope Churches, Leeds. Must be a committed Christian with experience of youlh work

Closing date; 1st November Application fonn and further details from; Stephen Weatherley, 31 Breary Lane, Bramhope, Leeds LS16 9AD Other authors that missed out on the shortlist include: Hilary Mantel, Email: [email protected] Harry rhompson, James Meek, rash Aw, J. M. Coetzee, Rachel Cus. Will/am Wall, Oan Jacobson 30.119Jl5 Twelfth Night

r------DIIE:CTBIBY: Ian Brown manr,) ate largely achieved- by --the drunken-• I I Ill: The West Yorksh,re Playhouse until 22nd reve ry of Sir Toby Belch (Colin Mace) and Str I October. Andrew Aguecheek (John Lightbody). They I (pictured /eh) and their fellow troublemakers 11 t's easy to see why Twelfth Night Is one really brought down the house. I I of Shakespeare's most popular comedies The humour, which 1s clarified by crude I wuh modern audiences. gesticulation and e>epress1ve oration, is coun- 1 Ian Brown (WYP's artistic director) maK· terpo1sed with moments of sadism, intense I im1ses the smpt's potential to speak across melancholy and a final shocking threat of I the c_enturies through expert stage direct,on retribution by lhe victtm1sed Malvoho. I I In this outsta~dlng production The company do 1usnce to an complex I An ex.cepttonal quality of entertainment and luxuriously theatrical play about confu- I is sustain~d th_roughout the three hours, wi1.h slons of identity. whixh result m unwimng I I an ~clect1c mix ~f bawdy word play, erotic {and not so unw,ttmg) homosexual desire. I tension and poignant tragedy being ren Thfs is accompanied by an unremitting dis- I dered 10 their full dramatic potential on the course on the folly and cruelty of human I stage. nature. ~------I The com,c highlights (of which there are (9) Rachael Wake ---~I The 1'!1portance :·Doi'i~~~iiurs;a-nk~ of Being Earnest • Exh1bmon : I Elght local arnm have created work spheres dangle on thm w,re. some bounang I especially for the Leeds City Art Gallery from the ventilator draft and one In partKular HANDBAG I 1111 The immortal words play. The two guys themselves are extreme- I eKh1b1uon 'Blank' Devised and curated 1s ht up by a spotlight They sweetly invade I from Oscar Wllde·s most memorable ly funny, excellent at timing and will stop at Cheryll Huntbach. the artists only medium Is the space Also rnteresting is Kelly A. comedy have come to the playhouse nolh1ng for a gag! One such momen1 is the I A_4 plain paper. The exhibition space is a white ~umberland'_s piece of viral. tangled, paper I w11h c1 new twist. . har~h Lady Bracknell being played in pants! pit m the middle of the cafe area. and is circu- v111es. The thm threads gradually_grow from Actors Jon Haynes and David Woods, the Wtth a. set stuck between 1900. and mod I lar so you can see and compare each arttsts the wall oeating a sort of organic maze. I two only members of the Ridiculusmus ~he em day _It's a visually humurous piece which ~ark a!most ins~ntly. As ~au would expec1 Others such as M~lvm Walter's narrative atre company, are bener known for devised ~mrhas1ses everything that makes the orig- I eight different m1~ds and 1magmauons have work. I round bonng ~d unapp~oach~b_l~ I comedy. However 1he1r latest endeavor sees ma play so great. Hilariously good but pos- produced a very diverse collection. For exam- However. because the idea of this exh1brt1on IS them taking on a comedy classic - and all sibly a bit confusing to 'Earnest' newcom.- I ple Katy Devrne's supe, accurate architectural so simple and some of the results interesting the parts! 11 ers. The shaw runs at the playhouse unnl layouts are m complete contrast to Daren dnd beauuful, anyone can go and experience I L ~ This slapstick cross-dressing show is fun· the 5th of October I Higham's floating ongam1 balls H1gham's Is this ex~~mental group of works. But hurry as mer then ever before with period costumes (9) Steven Smith one of my favountes: tens of these soft the exh1b1tjon ends this weekend! H,yley I being flung around as quickly as witty word Powell ~- ~------·30.09,05 r------Cinderella Man S : Russell Crowe, Renee Zellweger, Paul Giamattl, Paddy Considine. I mn12A al:laRon Howard I ing-Oing.1 This traditional some fantastJc supporting turns, Director Ron "Richie Cunningham· du~ to punters reflf'jJOg to don the 1..-nltCliff Hollingsworth I b1oprc t,cks all the nght Renee Zellweger excels in th~ role Howard agam collaborates with gioves and head to the multiplex D boxes. as Russell Crowe par· of Braddock's long·suffenng wife, Crowe. in a bid to match the success Hopefully. though, th,s old·school I 1111: A modern day fairytale , which I trays James J. Braddock, a boxer where she. is finalfy forced to act, of 2001 's "A Beautiful Mind" And in

Wolf Creek Lords------of the passion and energy for ------· r------skateboardmg which made begin with. the cast do portray ... Cast: John Jarrat. Cassandra their character's fear and panic Dogtown the Zephers superstars. Magrath, Sandy McPhee fjf::f convincingly later on in the However. the film ,s let down by Its repetitiveness. ased upon the notorious Wolf Creek anempts to resist Cast: Em~e Hirsch, Victor The plot meandeis from 'Backpacker Murders' of the temptation of followmg 1he Rasuk. John Robinson skater competmons back to B the early nmeties, Greg standard Hollywood slasher rou· ev..-yday hfe and It gets tinng Mclean's chiller follows a group tme. Mclean largely achieves this. n 2001 the documentary afte! a while. parocularly as of ~ree young backpackers on although there are some 'Dogtown and z.eoys· was the characters are not really their journey through the rnoments when it is questionable Ireleased, a film about the that compelling (except lo, Australian outback All goes well whether the characters have big· development of the skate· Heath ledgefi who 1s hilarious until their car brakes down ge, breasts than brains boarding culture m the Venice as the constantiy stoned surf (where's Steph Scully when you Greg Mclean\ film is hideous· and Santa Monica areas of shop owner who fonTied the need her?!), and soon they find ly shocking. and echoes to acer· Califom1a In the 1970's by the Zephers). The problem~ the themselves stranded in the unfor· tain extent John Boorman's Zepher Team. n,ey perloimed film 1ust doesn't have lhe ,ea! 91v1ng wilderness. Their only sav· Deliverance The vlolence 1s death defying acrobatics. ,sm of the original documen· ing gr-ace comes in the form of a extreme and leaves little to the turning skat£1hoarding mto a tarles The real events are local redneck who offers to take ,maginatlon popular phenomenon romanticised and the whole the young travellers lo the nea1· Overall Wolf Creek ,s a Mm Now comes 'lords ol thing has a Hollywood glossy est town However, this man Is no which leaves a bitter laste within Dogtown', a fictional account finish Many •~sue,; were Karl Kennedy, but more of a one's mouth Gratuitous' of the Zepher Team and their ignored. such as why did no c,ocodile Dundee with psycho- Pe.rhaps Effective7.Yes Watching rise to fame, directed by one die performing these pathic tendencies. this Mm feels as 1f Mclean ha!i Cathcnne Hardw1cke (of frankly suicidal slunt!.? firSlly II musl be said that the pushed you m10 a house or hor· excellent teen drama ThtrtPen) The film does have som,, film is well directed Praise rors and locked the door. While 1t and wnnen by Stacy Peualta good moments, it's 1u!.t a should be given 10 the 1op-no1ch is a much more efficient shocker (wri!er of the documentary shame they all come at the cinematography, which helps to than recen1 horror films dished and a former Zepher). 1he start. If you love slcateboard· crea1e an unsettling atmosphere. out by Hollywood. i1s excesss1ve film works well 1n many 1ng go see It If you don't it's and although 1he acting may violence will perhaps deter re5peru____ 1he acting is good_ ____not 1e,Jly worth the effort._ _ seem a bit cardboard-like to many.(8) lex Rickard ... end the film really portrays /5/ Kare Parry 30.09.05·------·

+ Unless yo u were watching 'Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla' on Sunday, Technique vs Asylum at th e Faversham was the biggest clash in town Christina Morris and Patrick Mdintock went down to check out the car­ nage Photos: Patrick Nixon ASYLUM TECHNIQUE lllldilllt200I resilflls:llillBMdli. ... llll.llll:IPllll-ll:lal.lnm

trawberne5 & Cream. Cricket aking over from Jay Kilka, and Pimms: some of the quln­ fellow resident Kid Blue1s set S tessent1al Ingredients of a Tcontinued the theme of good old British summer. Mint Club dubby min imal house music, but afftciandos Technique and Asylum mixed things up With some breaks decided to mark Lhe end of the sea· tracks . However, the 'mmimal son with another classic tradJtion explosion ' of late seemed to per· Lhe garden party. Last Sunday the vade all of the DJs sets to va,ying grounds of Lhe Faversham played degrees. Technique's mimmal cre­ host to the final showdown between den tials are evident through Berlin the techno titans in the indoor arena scenester Magda's residency at the and their house counterparts out· night. In spite of media hype and doors. With the promise of a hog the resulting backlash, minimal roast BBQ and 'knobbly knees· con­ dance music seems to have found test. the stage wa.c, set for a day (and a genuine populanty with djs and night) of quahry English fun crowds alike. The gardens of the FaverSham As darkness ro lled on the patio were transformed from the usual car area was heating up, lhe Asylum park setting to a raised patio com­ residents played a triumphant tag ple1e with sound system, eso. mar• team set. The outdoor heating and quee and lrttle twinkly lights. Kicking pogo- ing of a few exited punters off a1 3pm. for many the event was a ensured that the cold wasn't a conunuauon of Asylum's 2nd problem, By 8 o'clock the patio B1rthday celebration the previous was full and ravi ng under the stars evening. Many revellers sported sun­ gave the party a festiva l fee l. glasse!) hiding and ~h1eldrng bleary Booka Shade's 'Ma ndarine GITI' 1:wes 1n equal measure HoW(lver. any went down well but pe rhaps rave-weariness was unapparent as Asylum's mosi crowd-pleasing 1he numbers grew into the n1gh1. moment came with a bootleg of Guided by the smell of bu1gei and Gorrilaz' recent hit 'Dare' the sound of rave, Leed~ S1udent Back inside Jay Krlka regained arnved m hnd 1echn1que resident conuol of the decks with a bass McQueep droppmg some d,rty heavy set with the Faversham's breaks In the !:>unlit ou1doo1 area. The main room filling further a,; oLJt· camo,.covered patio rig featured door proceedings drew to a close. ~ome ht>avy speaker stacks shaking Technique's Dave- Marun played the new FaversMm decking lm,ide. • M A N D Y VS Roof.a ~haclo 'Bod; the hnal se, of the night accompa· the lechmque dominance c.011tinued med by a succession of random with minimal t~hno and house cour Lang ,age· (Technique\ stage-dancers. each with their own te\y of Tribe Record~ lay 1<1lka L1fol1lte & Kits Me11aCP • 'Discopoll/ uniquely unsettling moves. The Gen~rous dnnk.s deills ensured pier, (Asylum! lights went up to the sound of ty of afternoon drunkenness, wnn Josh Wink 'Oaklsh' (Technique) An11podean rock-lords INXS, con· many pa,rygoers taking it easy in the M1 0110 'flat Beat' (Technique) eluding a summer of quality raving. al 1re5c.o seating area early on.

Friday 30)9 -Ashley Beedle (X-Press2)@Mad Hatters, The Peephouse, Brick Lane. 10pm-- 4am, £8/fl Underground house

Saturday 1/10 - Evil 9 & Nathan Fake@Technique, The Mint Club, Hamson Street. 10pm· 6am, £10/fB members Brea/rs and te

Sunday 2/10 -lain Taylor (Tribal Sessions)@Sunday Roast, Doctor Wu\ Cilll l.ane. 6pm· 12.lOam,ffee House

.---~--:=:::a.----i Tuesday 4/10 - Kenny Dope (Masters al Work)@On The Wheels of Steel, D~cotheque, New Briggate,fS/6, topm-2am House!Ecleaic Wednesday 5/10-Licked, BouJbon, 43-51 Cookridge Street 10pm· 2am, free Old skool hip-hop Thursday 6110 • London Elektricity Live@u,gends of the Darlc Black. Srylu~ Leeds University Union, 10pm-3am, fl. SO LJve drum & bass

Friday 7-8110 • Lockdown@The Northern Light, £16, 12am-12am Pm Party @ Stinky, Peep House. free AfteJl)arty at undisclosed venue 30.ll9Jl5 It's called 'The Tuesday Club' ... It's on a DJ Blakey's Money Making Saturday ... Clara Spencer-Phillips and Toots Projected onto the Lionel Miller went along to find out if wall and the man himself these people were confused or simply stu­ dent orientated, thus clueless as to which day it was.

It was a massive success last time it came to Leeds and lh•s time n brought this drum&bass. hip hop fusion with just as much conviction. The undeniable heavy-we,ght UK H,p Hop Jine up, included Blak Twang, Jehst and Blakey as well as drum&bass legend Fabio and Radio One's Bobby & Nlhal. (hmm7) Andy H k1eked off the night wllh some heavy beats before Blak Twang hit the stage. Mr Rotton, seemingly on fine form, had his entire crew on stage, some of which werP mic-less others. simply CD distributors! This brought out irrepressable greed 1n the crowd but managed to persuade the heads to get down with their pints, Blak Twang who dropped the desired tunes - 'Klk OH' and of cowse the UK classic, 'So Rotten' as well as some of his newer tracks. which went down a treat. He also busted out a couple of freesryles, one amusingly based on various rappers whose names begin with the letter 8 (Biggie, Big L, 819 Daddy Kane etc) over Damien Marley's incredible 'Welcome To Jamrock 'beat. (If you have not heard this little piece of beauty then go out and find It. Now.) Jehst was up next with his usual team: Asav,our on vocals and DJ IQ, the extremely talented little whipper snapper(last time I saw him he was ripping up the Hill Club but unable lo even order a dnnk al !he bar Ahh How he must hate that very sound. The UK Hip-Hop underground loves Jehst and there were plenty of them in the crowd, generously handing out the free props He also brought some new material and unfortunately with his bulky back catalo~ue, didn't play as many as expecred .•• Obviously, 'High Plains Dnfter , which went down a storm, as did the clas­ sic 'People Under rhe Weather' He clearly had a lot of fans and !he ener· gy was first-rate. Blakey was up next initially spi.nning hip hop classics such as Pharaoh Monch 'Simon Says', Dead Prez 'H,p Hop' and MOP •Ante Up' before dou bling the lempo and bringing the drum & bass. Blakey, hke mosr, ,s obvi­ ously feeling all of Pendulum's lates1 efforts, playing their Prodigy remix of 'Voodoo People' as well as 'Slam', both of which went down eKcep~ lionally well w11h !he gamely crowd. Stylus is a clinical venue at best but a plethora of congrats from us to the organisers for their transformation. The three projectors showed a variety of camera angles of the DJs at work and alternatively some s1tk an,ma11ons and visuals, which added to the show masking Stylus's breezeblock stage wall. n,e night rerurns on 26th November wirh DJ CashMoney. alongs,de the Superstar Plump DJs. Not lo be missed SWEET BEAR Farq chlclrlllf *..,, IOP-draw ...... _ Sugall,ear dub ,..... denu and ~ilrlnl

The Skulls he Skulls claim to be of a classic o begin w,tti there wfll be. Irish pop authentic 1977 vintage, "one of LA's chance15s The Chalets promoting the Ttrue origlnafs·. This 1s all well and Tnew album (IIMlW coming soon), support· good until singer Kevin Preston's (not the ed by the qu,te good. The Research at The most rock and roll moniker) voice shatters Fi!Vffiham (1st~- following tlraL on the the illusions of a Buuocks-on-speed guitar Sunday, The Rogen Sisters grace the thrash of opener 'Aye Aye Aye·. Codqlt but get them Mrly rather than shake up and w.,lth the sli)h1Jy Wunder W.AS the system. Couple Eveiy first and lhinl Tuesday of the month this with the fact sees the launch of a new mgl• at the Bassment that singer Kevin Preston has the club. Th~ w, k HeU on High Heels, Yellow voice of a 100 a day Stripe Nine and Jade Affro will be pem,,m. smoker who has Just support tt,e op and gargled barbed wire, ;~~~:rand the clattering drums Speak,ng of club nights. Clim NME IS on at and formulaic guitars The Warehouse on Wednesdays and on Oct ·1th do not make for the eas· The frt'sher's Tou, brings Louis XIV and The est of ltStenng. Rakes to leeds. Even dyou can·t associate with They ask ·can Punk Rock the latter's ,hits such as Worlc, wo,k, wori( (pub, PayTI1e Bills?' Not 11 ,tis being dub, sleep) because you',e an arts student and you don't do any work. go along 'cause botti f

Everyone Into Submission

Five·p1ece Manchester spate rock outfit Oceansize dMcended under the arches on Friday evening_ to brmg us an ang~t fuelled inferno of noise 10 pro· tnote their second album 'Everyone Into Position' from the moment the band took to the stage you 1mmed1ately became awa'ih with a sense of fo,eboding due to front man Mike Vernnart, whose onstage persona was one of a aoss breed. Half of him you would expect to find on the last Tuesday of the month at the HI F1 club and the other half council estate scallywag exemplified by h,m throwmg daggers into the eyes of anyone in the first few rows who was wilhng to except the gauntlet His mfec.tious androgyny was encapsulating through the art of intimidation and the main driving force behind dense moody soundscapes and Vernnart's pas- know Kate Moss does charhe and the live show t1che of Brandon Boyd's mid range and inces- sa:unded like a truck gomg through a plate glass Oceanslze's music sounds like a chemically sant warlfng is an eKciting prospecL Yet the window something that Dance to the Radio's induced reaction to such post-modern problems danger Oceansize tip toe around is that of pre- new boys 1LIKfTRAINS aspire too. as Franz Ferdinand. You will definitely not be dictability as well as monotony, the fonnula The evening undoub edly belonged to seeing them at the matinee and that's for sure. from song to song did not seem to fluctuate Vemnart though whose possessed feroaous There were elements of Mogwai-esque eerie and as the gig wore on the crowd seemed to stage presence left you looking over your shoul- bewitchery on new single 'Heaven Alive' and a become restless due to a sense of pre--consump- der before you headed out into the night. You tinge of The Cooper Temple Clause on t1on. could of just seen Ian Curtis, well then again 'Meredith' The formula of frenetic guitars, Early single 'Catalyst' taken from first LP maybe not. 6/10 'Effloresce· was dedicated to anyone who didn't Sam Kershaw ------~1 The Sunshine the pressure is on. They launch rather apprehen­ Why? Underground sively at first Into their funky brand of rode/pop and there is not a drop of pretense in the au, Just good clean fun, oh and sweat Joseph's Well, The Cockpit, They are a blaze of Rapture styl1e cow bells 25th Oct ober 21at September and strong deep rhythms set by a powerful bass drum and a funk-esque bass guitar. Refreshingly Why? Aye Pet effective because you just don'! hear enough Light up the depths of the funk these days do you? Through the bustli"g crowd and Cockpit Psycheadelic guitar and soundscapes are heavy smoke of the Joseph's Well immediately remlnicent of successful fellow appear four young men looking This is the Leeds boys fi15t 'prop­ Leeds band The Music, although a little bit more suspiciously like the Kings of Leon er' gig a"d they have got off to a bloody good of a command of the room and even some Rob (pre-razors), they are Why? The moustache of the start by successfully ramming the ·middle room' Harvey style moves would not go a miss. lead guilarist was quite spectacular and would full with friends, supponers and curious types. The last two tracks are by far the juiciest, the have done facial hair enthusiasts and fans of The air conditioning has also lovingly broken penultimate being the single 'Commercial Magnum PI extremely proud. When down so an intense and disgustingly warm expe­ Breakdown' recently released on local label approached for a sel hsl the lead singer rephed rience is pre-empted If nothing else. 'Dance to the Radio' alongside the likes of ilike· with "yeah sure, I'll just go get my brother to The Sunshine underground are rresh from an trains and Forward Russia. write you one out .. appearance al this summers Leeds Carling By the time the set comes to a dose they have Indeed, they looked like four strapping young Weekend frstival alter w1nmng an unsigned around 24l people head bobbi"g and foot Cowboy brothers malght out of the Midwest and band, compellt1on hurll"g them proudly into the stomping along, this 1s not an achievement ro be 1t wouldn't have been surprising if their mom was 'cream of Lel?ds' category. taken lightly, with a start like this things can only their 1our manager, or something like that Looking e


Achieving more together ® (ljOllSillel"~l\'j u,ey are \he '"'''" al """ °' ..,.,n all ,11xleoll> .,, odJ,cted P\ease e-rna1\ u!t at \1 N.,;g\lboUI>"• wo

tending 10 be C Flick Scully: ~;~ on the QC Holly Valan~e w rlg favourite boost_ the ratul ou definuely occup,ed w,th t and she's hardly at the moment ~recording career E·R·S·f ads . ose OSOO·R+V· demands on her ~~set thpurough. some - A reason at last m stay In on a Friday n,moored 10 be the "intellect's LJttle wardness of The Office In skelch show nightl Or a blessing to all tl1ose that gel Bnta,n. • Spoons. described by ,ts produc- form. Spoons arrives on our screens "' too pissed on a Thursday night and are ers as • a sH com w,th out the boring from a wnting 1eam that are the produc· flilaY still too hungover m go oul on Friday! plot• follows the fives of yoong urban· ers of the cull comedy website I ChaMel 4 have finally killed off the ites whil51 :l; deal with ,nsecunues and and the Big Spoons ·2 crmgingly p1edictable ·Meet the relationships eld 1ogether by not v.p BIii And Hunt, 1.00 BBC News: Weatfier; Muffin The Mule; 9.1 S Boo I; 9.25 Trading Treasures; 3.29 Local Water Stones; 9.30 Live Now, Pay HIS Best friend Corky; 7 .45 Make 1.30 Re91onal News: Weather. Weather. 3.30 Meg And Mog: Lale,; 9.SS Trouble Online; 10.20 Way For Noddy; 8.00 Fifi And The 1.40 Neighbours: 2.05 Doctors. ~ra~e J;tt:r:::~~~,::aro~~ 3.35 Pirate,, 3.45 Planet Sketch; Tate Modem: 10.25 from The Top, 2.35 D1agno"s Murder; 3.20 BBC Trade Secrets, 10.30 Sthools: Ffowertots: 8.1 S Peppa Pig; 8.25 4.00 Disney's The Legend Of 10.SO National Gallery; 10.55 Teens Bear In The B,g Blue House; 8.55 News· Regional News; Wea~her; Pnmary Geotphy; 10.50 Primary Tarzan; 4.30 The Worsl Witch; On Tnal; 11.2S Tate Modem; 11 .30 3.25 ChutkleVlsion; 3.40 Pitt And 5.00 The Paul O'Grady Show. 6.00 Deadsvllle; 11 .55 Tale Modem; Barney; 9.15 The Clangers: 9.25 Kantrop; 4.05 ~:~g~p~~: 1ug ~~·au~ Calendar: Weather 12.00 News At Noon: 12.30 Bad< In Trisha Goddard; 10.30 The Wright 5 12.~o 'R:e Daily Pollttcs: 12.30 6.30 ITV Evening News: The Day, 1. 00 Racing Stuff; 11 .30 Five News; 12.00 ii'o'o si~!r·i1~P{i i~~iTi~~ Working lunch; 1.30 Meet The Weather From Newmarket lntlud,ng the 2.55 Family Affairs: 12.30 Home And Show; 5.00 Blue Peter, S.25 Anceslors; 2.00 FllM James Dean Emmerdale. Max grows Away; 1.00 Brainleaser; 2.00 Newsround; 5.3S Neighbou" 7.00 Shadwell Stud Middle Park Stake, (60, 3.00 A Place By The Sea, 4.00 House Doctor, 2.30 Law & Order; Dari blackmalls lny into g~! rr~:~~!.:J

(il:I' J\ :iHIJ 1=111:I:! *

* Cheapest bottle free 30Jl9.ll5 --- Donal MacIntyre ts best known for his iv, .. ~tv,p aoam delive~ some truly crmgingly entitled 'brtemares' section. mJJDr BBC ·MacIntyre Undercover famnatmg Uli-, -.•elliaent commen· and a live 'n gory shark autopsy. senes screened 1n 1999 where he deft­ tary without over-indu191r~ - llvhat However mostly this 1s the -s1uff of nat­ ly e,plored 1he gntty ,ub1eru ol organ­ no doubl Channel 5 execs thoughl _,, his

__l ~'_Tw_l'!lo ~I .__I_V_II '----- _____,,,4~· _I I five J 6.00 Breakfast; 7.45 Maich Of The 6.00 The Story Maker>; 6.20 The 6.00 GMl\l; 9.25 The 6.10 The Hoobs; 635 The Hoobs; 16.00 M1lkshakel: A House That's Champ,onsh,p· 10 25 SklllZ 7.00 Trans World Sport; 7.55 Juit like Your>; 6.25 Rohe Poire 0 0 0 1 ~:~~!;, f n~ue1~ ~~~~: i~ o~e rii rB-:t1!i;y ~~~:"~. ~ I. 10.55 The X facu,',; 11.55 The X Bntish GT Championship; 8.25 Ohe; 6.50 The Save-Ums • 7.05 Counlryflle; 12.00 The Politics Factor, 12.55 Jona!han D,mbleby Freespons On 4. 8.55 H1t40uk; n,e Save-Urns!; 7.20 The . Show; 1.05 Keeping Up ~~ibi;.e~~ f~.iic;re:i:;,y. Including ITV News And W•a disappearance. EV1dence 8.30 Mechannibals. Families shocking mronnauon abou1 ,s ore to go un ercover Donal Mc ntyre and Nick ,uggests he was Imprisoned from Buicton, De,byshire. II , bel f P at a beauty conte_st to Baker invesugate the world 1n a cellar immediately before M' er s ie s ~gy pre_vent a se. rial killer. from of the great white shark h,s death. and ifs no! long ~~fn~t~~J~~ rice; their ~~\~dl;}~0L~;:keeper."' cla1m1ng another v1ct11n 9.oo FILM: Bad Boys (1995). before another body IS found own household good~ David eyes up her room Undemandm comedy. Two fast-talking detect!ves Concludes tomo,row. 9.00 Europe: A Natural 9.00 Midsomer Murders. A ock have to trade places with 10.00 BBC News: Weather History. The future or the music manuscnpt holds the 11.o5 J each other to kee~ a flighty 10.15 P~norama. Examrnmg the continent last in series. 1 drff1cul11es leading up 10 1he 11 .00 ~i ;:e1:~~r.News; agent Sandra Bullock IS h~~:~ ;:e:'sz::illion marriage of the Prmce of 9.50 :~:~~~_!1[/~"e~:sits. The Weather forced to go undercover at heroin_ consignment Wales and Camilla Parker 10.00 Dead Ringers. Satmcal 11.09 Local Weather a beauty pageant to audaciously stolen from the Bowles The reporter I 1mpress10ns and sketches. 11.1 OThe South Bank Show. pr~enl a sen al kill et from police evidence room. conside,s the chaos of the Last m series. A report on 1he hectic claiming one of the Michael B~y's action-pac.ked wedding plans and the 10.30 Match OIThe Oay 2. schedule of Russian g!amorou~ contestants as thriller, which stars Will doubis over 1he legality of a Adrian Chiles and guests v1olm1st Maxim Vengerov. flls next v1ct1m - leading to Smith, Marlin Lawrence Tea c1v1I ceremony. review the day's five The programme follows the all manner of catwalk Leoni, Tcheky Karyo and 10.SS One Foot In The Grave. Prem,ershtp matches. 31 yea, old musician as he chao, Lrghtwe1gh~ . Theresa Ranale. A belated Victor and Margaret invite including Liverpool's dash e~bark~ on an emotional undemanding comedv, wnh .sequel followed in 2003. w11h Chelsea at Anf1eld. year of mnovauve. Beo1am1n Bratt, Candlce 11.15 World's Wildest Police ~d~s~~ritr~~~ fl~~~:~ Waer 11.30 Arrested Development collaboration and Bergen, WIiiiam Shamer Videos. Former US sheriff dnes out - but soon come 11 .50 to a dub perfo1manrn. and Mich~el Came. A . John Bunnell presents 0 0 ~::rs tries buy ~tt~~~r~ht~~\~ff~:~ ~!rs. The Dunhill links ~~~OF~th2~d· ~iii~m1~J~am; ~~:J· ~rF;gi~~:ahty 2 ~':,°~~g~n~e~c~:,embarking 11.25Rosh Hashanah 2005 Championship Motorspon UK; 2.20 World Sport; followed. mission in drag Chief Rabb, Jona1han Sacks' 12.50 FILM: The Curse Of The 2.45 The Island European 12.45 FILM: Bread And Roses 12.10 Red Bull Air Race; 12.35 Cat People (1944). PThreemS•pe,•en;gle.r1SOhLowv,.e 2.401Sho ,p: 3.40 (2000) Premiere. Dra_ma, stamng Asian X-Games; 1.00 live Major 11.SO;!s;i~At Night: Fantasy sequel, starring 1 0 4 1TV Pilar Padilla and Ad_nen Brody; League Bas~ball. A $ame from Weatherview Simone Simon 12.25 BBC News 24 BBC Learning Zone rw~:~ ~~°!Jobfinder, 5.30 -t-~-c.c.:..::.=..;,,:,,:,,:::.:.;;,,,_-r==-==:..=..::=.==---~tt:~~;1~ i:i,~hbF~~i?~ff5 ~~:i:n:i~~ch ro~i~flon B•ck ,n the old day,. Eastenders was fun Into the ""'Id of adulthood, •!way,, wads of ilkjom,n gaLn> Subs,qu.ntly, It r- ~ .. The nation WOCJld chucile m unison at l.am1ng valuable lessons aklog rhe way became slightly less fun thao eaung a C the madcap antics of Frank Butcher and HCJWeYet a few years ago, in respo~ to I 0 lepe<'s Jockstrap and never recovered In 0 hJS hllanously inept oll,p,1ng Ricky We the revMJI of the BntJSh gangster =~ a desperalP b,me! ·scraping move the '_L CL would g.isp incredulously at Jim and an Kiiot decided to tum the, shcm into d Mitchell fom,!y are dpparenll~be1l Eastenders "' Patndt's latest harebrained schemes and Guy R1tch1~ wet dream. complete wnh n,ntroduced Can Peggy get pu :c watch with baited brea1h as the kKfs of p

liJliJl!I 01i11!1 ONE TWO I I V I I 4 6.00 Breakfast; 9.15 Britain's 7. oo CBK Anhur, 7. 25 Senou; 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 The Jerem K~I• 6. .05 Making h; 6.10 Th.• Hoobs: 16.0. o MIikshake! A Hous•That's 1 1 1 8.00 Best 1 0 6.35 The Hoobs; 7.00 84: 7.30 Jusi Like Yours; 6.25 Rohe Polle ~~;;~.?W8~eto g~%;~ot To ~r"~:;,t~t~g"c5e:;~ f~r~:J~~.11/J~~r.~8'Lo~se Friends: Ju>t Shoot Me; 8.25 Ohe; 6.50 Hi·S; 7.25 The 1 B.OO 0 1 9 Women: 2.1S Dial A Mum; 3.00 WIii & Grace; 8.55 Frasier, 9.25 J Adventures Of Bottle To.p Bill And :~r~;l~.~~nia;~o"o lsit!~ ~~h~tr., ~ti':1; 9~5 ~uffl~e Trading Treasures, 3.29 Local Minute Wonder. Storybook Dads; His Best Friend Corky· 7. 45 Make Weather, 1.30 R"IJ1onal News. Beebies. 9.40 Balamo,y: 10.o'8t:y 9.30 How Sport Shook Up The Way For Noddy, 8.00 f1fi And The Weather. 1.40 Ne1ghbou!S, 2.05 Wife And Kids. 10.20 Trade f;i"E~; 1!·:~n~~~~ ~dA~°R~ack World; 9.55 Re Wu lrng H,sto,y; I Flowertots; 8.15 Peppa Pig; 8.25 0 Secrets; 10.30 Schools: Look And Mini M.,~es: 4.~o Tricky TV; 4.30 10.00 Howard GoodaR's 20th Sear tn The Big Blue House: 8.55 r2i rJlJ:!'.a~n~~~rN~~: Read. 10.50 look And Read; My Parents Are Aliens; S.00 The Centu,y Greats; 10.50 Tate Barney. 9.15 Funky Valley; 9.25 Weather. 3.25 Chu"Jl:leVision; 3.40 11 .10 Prima,y GeograpJ• 11 .20 Paul O'Grady Show Singer· Modern; 10.55 Engineering At The Tn

Do Something. L,Resource Don't just sit there watching the tefly. Get out, do something and meet some new people. Afl week LUU has activities, sports and societies that you can get Involved withl rtlondot.t: Learn Stree1 Dancing with Modt,m Danco Soe1dty, Brtng an tns1rument and Jani w1m Band Soc. JuggUng and Circus Sk1Hs Pracuce ure Drawing wilh Art Society. Have a lumble with Cheerleadmg Tu esdot.t: Do a wnung workshop with Blwpnnl Leam Indian Head Massage wilh Give 11 a Go. Go Swing Dancing Learn a new language wilh Sn Lankan Society Wednesdo4: Have an Aromatherapy Massage with Give 11 a Go. Pracl1ce lnsh Dancmg. l eam First A,d with SI John's Links. Make a movie with Film Making Soc1e1y ThursdmJ: Learn Capoe1ra. Go Belly Oancmg. loam Ponuguese with Luso-Brazillan Soc,oty, Have a strongly worded discussion w11n Deba11ng Society. Watch some Manga with Amme Society. ( rido t.J: Bust some moves w,th Breakdancmg Su ndOt.J; Go Pa1ntt>all1ng with Give II A Go Play Poker Be someone else with Ltve Actton Roteplr1)'

notforprc/1t For more Information about any of these activities, and all the other things you can do with LUU, come up to the ARC, top floor of the Union Building. 30.09.05 I always wond~red 1t it was possible rilatform for Bntdm·s most desp1eablP. undeniably entertaining to watch ~ to make ITV's Trisha any more olk to quarrel martrculately over men and women clad in the latest C sportswear bellow at each other in C depressinr an.d miserable. After who stuck ll in who. In 1he same way C months o racking my brc;1,1ns I gave that an ugly day can be cu1ed by an an anempt to rebuild their crumbling Trisha a. up. surely 1t was the ultimate 1n ca, impromptu Lnp to Asda 1n 8e6ton, a hves, but 11 shouldn't be. Trisha "' crash televls,on7 lt turns out I was depressed day will be transformed by Goddard 1s ,1 guilty pleasure, and Goddard :.c wrong. In an inspired move. five Trisha and her hapless guests. Youi should be enjoyed In the comp,my of ... stepped up to offer an even shoddier life w,11 5uddenly feel idylhc. It is friends during impulsive days off.

[][][!! [][]l!I ONE I I TWO I I V I I 4 five 6.00 Breakfast; 9.15 Bntain's I 7.00 Trollz; 7.25 Se1ious Jungie, 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 The Jeremf ~le 6.00 Cubeez; 6.10 The Hoobs; 6.00 Milkshake!: A House That's 1 7.55 Newsround; 8.00 Best f Show, 10.~0 This Mornma; 2. 0 6.35 The Hoobs; 7.00 B4; 7.30 Just Like Yours; 6.25 Rolie Polle ~~:~.W,~~~e+~i~%~ ~01 To F11ends; 8.30 CBeeb,e.s Birthdays. ITV Lunchtime News; 1.3 Loose Friends; 8.00 Just Shoot Me; 8.25 Olie; 6.50 Hi-5: 7.25 The Women; 2.15 Dial A Mum; 3.00 Will & Grace, 8.55 Frasier. 9.25 3 Adventu,es or Bottle Top BIii And :~r~ii~ -~~n~\~o~~ii~ t!!. i~~.~~no~1~t~sM~~1:e Trading Treasures; 3.29 Local Minute Wonder: Storybook Dads; 0 Weather. 1.30 Re~1onal News: Weather. 3.30 CITV" PocoJ°; 3.35 9.30 How Spon Shook '(K The W!y roi ~~~1;ct~i: Ml.~~: Weather; 1.40 Neighbours: 2.05 i~~~~ :~~\~.ii~r~.10 \~~~ World; 9.55 Re-Wntmff 1srory, Flowenots; 8. S Pep~a Pig; 8.25 Doctors; 2.35 Diagnosis Murder; Seciets; 1030 Schools: Around ~o~:t:.:eq¥;~~~~~, 10.00 Howard Gooda ·s 20th Bear In The Bi~ Blue ouse; 8.55 Scotland: 10.SO P11mary Century Greats; 1O.SO Tate Bamey; 9.15 unkd.Valley; 9.25 Jungle Run. 4.30 My Parents Are Trisha Goddard; 1 30 Tlie W11ght i!~,::r.c 3~isw~}u"J'~~!, Allens; 5.00 The Paul O'Grady 3.40 Trollz, 4.05 Mona The ~~;~~~Yj ~ .\·J~1!'~!~;~auve Show. Singing sensation Rachel ~og,~·,,~~-~~ r1~·~:t~ :.~~e Rude intannia; 11 .55 Re-Writing i~!J/1Wa~rs~;\~~b~~~~d Vampire; 4.30 The Crust. 5.00 Par1y Conference 2005: A Daily Stevens drops 111 to the studio for Away: 1.00 Brain Teaser. 2.QO Giove; 5.25 Newsround; Polilla Special: 1.00 Schools· perfonnance and a chat History; 12.00 News At Noon, I 12.30 Back In The Day. 1.00 3 House Doctor. 2.30 & 01der, S.35 Neighbou,s Boyd tells Max Pod .s M15-s1on; 1.15 Pod's Miss.ion. 6.00 Calendar: Weather 3.30 FILM ChaS1ng Secrets (1999) he wants to raise Kayla's baby 1.30 Wo1kin3 Lunch; 2.00 WIidiife 6.30 ITV Evening News: Mmute Wonder: Misunderstood. 1.05 FILM The Thoma< Crown Emotional drama, starring Della 6.00 BBC News On Two. 2.3 The Conservative Weather Reese; 5.30 Five News 6.30 look North: Weather Par1y Conference 2005: A Daily 7.00 Emmerdale. Atfai, (1968) Glossy c11me drama, starriniSteve McQuee11; 3.00 A 6.00 Home And Away. Hayley 7,00 Watchdog. Poh11c; Spec,al; 4.30 Ready, 7.30 reveals the truth. 730 EastEnders. Jake does h,s Steady, Cook: 5.15 Weakest Link ~~s:.idrs~~~i~'rw~~part Place The Sea; 4.00 Come Dine With Me; 4.30 A Place In 6.30 best to avoid Chri'i5ie aher 6.00 Flog It! docu~entary followlng one r~:::~~ef!~~i;,~:~.?y~ut her confes1i1on while Dawn 7 .00 People's War. of Britain's youngest Slovakia: S.00 Richard & 6 Came makes n clear 5ami play!, down lhe seriousness 7.30 Bill Oddie's How To sufferers of motor neurone ~~~ J:,r::atm81~v'::~iruggle.s isn't welcome of her operation to Rm1e. Watch Wildlife. Sill Odd1e disease as he undergoes a to settle in at the college. 7.00 Five News: Weather 8.00 Holby City. The hospital is conuoversial new 7.15 Rehearsals. Film ~rtra1t of ~:re,rrr~:et~g~~:~r 7.00 Channel 4 News hit by a VRSA mlect1on, and treatment m China 7.55 3 Minute Wonder: 5 Micha{>! tnes to make weather on a v1s11 to the 8.00 Real Families: My Skin Mesh. Shon animation :::~~ n\f~~~~n~~~ :~:1dents, Chns.sie the scapegoat Jess Rrver Severn. Could Kill Me. Two pairs many of whom have been 8.00 about an isolated doubts whether stie has a Mastermind. John of sio;ters with an incurable hock tabloid revelaoon that God's eanh allowed them,,•'- ID be g ~:~u!~~~~-:r.: 60 year old grandddd Barry ~ (allegedly) seduudde In 1oclay', ~ parUOJlar brand of tomfoolery for .somewhal of a sex ~t breathed new ep<>Ode the boys botch iet anothet 1ob. Chucklevision decades without the" populanfy waning. life Into t11e dying act lh" stanhng new, Paul inaclvenently hi!S Barry on th• head :C but tt soon became obviou!io thal even was compounded by intentm rumour; Wilh a ladder ;ind wt>'re treated to all o.. Paul and the maeaong~ wa1nu1 laced that the brothm wear spray-on h 1r. It's sons of notous rtmc-ups. Probably 11Jllll.!I lllllll.!I ONE TWO I I V I I 4 five 1 6.00 Break fast.; 9.15 Bntam s 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 The Jeremy Kt• 6.00 Cubeez; 6.10 The Hoobs; 6.00 Mtll 10.30 Regional News: ~~:11!~~ :sf !~e dubious exper1ments to i~ii;t~ ~: ~~rly as ~;f.,f~: ;~~r;~hu~~ develop a super·lntelhgent Weather 'the frumpy one' who 1s tearmg his owners - breed of shark - but her 10.35 The National lottery: 8.30 Rick Stem's French :~f!1~ !~:~ly, and a Jane and theu relationship Midweek Draws. odr,ssey. Thochef sorves apart last in series. ~:a:~:;a;.a~.;;!r: on 10.40 Crimewatch UK W'I ed sardines In 10.30 r 9.00 Supernanny. An update underwater thni/er, stamng Update. Responses lo the arbonne. on three·year-old Charlie Samuel LJacl

the Dance E,po,I, soaety's perlonn· ~offl """"'led by ~ ~eLS:e~i.7! the 'Real ~:t.t~1 ance from JanUd!}' 2005. cu Altemauve· ballie ous pulled mto That's Entertainment goes to the Henry VIII does Pop Idol the 'king' E lleadingley >1•churn, .,,. found out Gay Bar IO meet Md greet Electnc 6 battles h~ WdY to the top of the Pop O what the Liberal Oemocra1 leader had while Trader Trash previews the DVD Idol ladder. through a series of hllanous ,., IO say IO swd,,o15. Plus a feature lengih release of Toe H1tch·h1kels Guide to the auditions. ~ docurnentdry on one swdent gambling Gala,y' Presenled by Torn and Claire. Hidden Treasures takes a look at _. h• lost (500 on launch,ng a new dub Aurora Bon,alis Ill LS:lV p,""'111 easy·t~miss. gems around Leeds. E

.______Tw_~o__,I ~I _V~I <---I---=4~1 I five I 6.00 Breakfast; 9.15 Bnt.iln's 7.00 T1ollz; 7.25 Serious Jungle; 6.00 GMlV, 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle 16.00 lnuk: 6.10 The Hoobs; 635 I 6.00 Milkshake!: A House That's 7.5S Newsround; 8.00 Bell Of Show: 1030 This Morning. 12.30 The Hoobs; 7.00 84, 7.30 Friends. Just like Yours; 6.25 Rolle Polle ~~:;~lW'8~et;g:oo~i~o1 To friends, 8.30 CBeeb1es Binhdays, ITV Lurn:h11rne News; 1.30 Loose 8.00 JuSI Shoo, Me; 8.25 Will & DIie; 6.50 Hi·S; 7. ZS The 8.35 LazyTown; 9.00 Muffin The I Women; 2.15 Dial A Mum; 3.00 Grace; 855 Frasier. 9.25 3 Minute Adventures Of Boule Top Bill And :~rg:i~ient\~"o"~~t!!. Mule; 9.15 Boo!, 9.25 Boogie Trading Treasures; 3.29 Local Wonder: Sto,ybook Dads; 9.30 In 4 Weather. 1.30 R09,onal News. Becb1es; 9.40 Balarno,y; 10.00 My WeathN; 3.30 CITY. Pocoyo; 3.35 Search Of The Tartan Turban; 9.55 ::~: ~~:;ca.i6' 1,i; ln~~ Weather, 1.40 Neighbours. 2.05 Wife And Kids. The Witness; 1030 Feodor, 3.45 Blips, 4.00 All I Re·W11ung Hisio,y; 10.00 Howard 15 Schools. Wa1ch. 10.45 Something Grown Up!. 4.30 The Giblet Boys. Goodall', 20th Ccnru,y Grea11; ~'~;r.;'n,~ t Bfu°f~~~: t~~ rm~tJ~ia~;'l:ar~~: Speoal, 11.00 The Conservauve S.00 The Paul O'Grady Show. 10.50 Tate Modem; 10.55 Barney; 9.15 ~unky Valley; 9.Z5 Weather; 3.25 Chuc?leVis1on; Conference: The Leade(s Speech; 6.00 Calendar.: Weather Engineering Al The Cunmg Edge, Tnsha Goddard. 10.30 The Wright 3.40 Trollz; 4.05 Mona The 1.00 The Chromdes Of Narnia. The 6.30 ITV Evening News: 11.20 Quit; 11 .25 Rude Britannia; Stuff, 11.30 Five News; 12.00 Vampire; 430 The C,ust; 5.00 Mag,c1an's Nephew; 1.15 Weather . 11.55 ReWri11ng H1S1o,y; 12.00 Family Affairs; 1.2.30 Horne And Blue Pele< Special: Nobonal Poetry Numbertime; 130 Working lunch. 7.00 Emmerdale. Si'!'on goes News At Noon; 12.30 Back In The Away; 1.00 BramTeaser, 2.00 Day: 5.25 New,round: .5.35 2.00 FILM: EsdY on her relauonsh1p with the revamp their failing hotel shady past. Douglas Hodge condi11ons. the star's waga Ricky arrogant young_Earl of and conference centre 1 9.50 Underground Britain. Tomllnson stars. Ess~ Helen M1rren lakes 10.00 the Hanmer Arm~ i~~ N~a;s Michelle, a 25·year·old who 10•30 ITV News: Weather the Utle role. with Hugh 10.30 Regional News: has used slOlen 11.00The Frank Skinner Dancy. • 10.00 rs~d~~tt'U~«:ra:i:roman Weather credit cards to fund her Show. The laddish comic 11.05 Sexology: Dirty Fan 1035 Question Time accident. but the team fofii~!1~e~l~~:meras chats to more celebrities Male. A man who runs his 11.35This Week 1 ~~~~~~~dh: b~~~~i:: 12.20 FILM: Double Jeo~ardy attempb 10 12.00 ~1 (1996). Fact-based ilrarna. go straight. ~h:1~/~~~~~! A search i;~~f':~~!~i:_rer's fan kidney difficulties. Slarring Joe Penny- Holiday 10.30 Newsnight for comedy scripbng talenL 1230 12.10 4Music Presents: Franz 11.00 Hidden Lives. A condition Weather K1rstyWark pcesenlS a Ce!ebnty Realrty Bites. 12.55 KT Ferdinand. Edith Bowman that causes extreme 1.55 Sign Zone: Panorama ~uendc-u"ptoufreevSenhol5.w I Tunstall: In Profile; 1.20 inuoduces an e. xdusive body hair growth. 2.35 Sign Zone: Holidays At 11 .2o , n f1 Providence. 2.00 Too Many performance by the Scottish band: 12.00 John Barnes' Football Home 12.20 FILM: Boys On The Cooks, 2.50 Cybernet; 3.15 12.45 FILM· P1njar f2003) N19ht 12.40 Dutch Football; 2.10 Sign Zone: Property Beach (1999). French Motorspon UK; 3.55 ITV Premiere. Orama. starring Urrnila Portuguese Football; 3.40 People drama· Preludes Nlghtscreen: 5 ..oo Jobfinder. Matondkar; 4.20 Do Over. 4.40 Argentinian Football; 5.10 BBC News 24 2.00 BBC learning Zone 5.30 11V Morning News Do Over. 5.05 Trans World Span Argentinian Football H19hligh1S


.+ VUE CINEMAS ! Sm) (Nm Dally: (10.50 SaUSun Fou r Brothers (RT 2hrs) (15) erences) Dally. 3.00, S.40, 8.20 Klrkstall Road . Only); 3.30; (6.00 Not Weds): 8.30: Oallr (10 30 Sat only): 1.00, 3 40, Adults= £5.50 (after 5) / £4.70 6.20; 8 so Green Street (RT 2hrs 1 Om) (18) (before 5), Students = f4.10 The longest Yard (12A) (RT 2h rs Audio de.scnpuon available on the Daily 9 OS (with a valid NUS card) 15m) (Nm Daily: (10.10 Sat/Sun fa/lowing perfOfmances (ask at the Only); 12.40; 310; 5.40; 8 20, Box Of!Jce for details) Th e 40 Year Old Virgin (RT 2hr, Serenity (15) (RT 2hrs) (NFT) Wed 1 00; 3.40; 6.20; 8.50 15m) (15) Dally; 11 40; 3.20; (6 00 Thursday On ly: 1.30; 4.50; 71 O; 9.30 Red Eye (12A) (RT 1 hr 45m) not Mon/Wed). 8.40 (NFT) Oatly. 1.20, Frt/Sat lates: A History Of Violence (RT 1hr Audio drscripuon available on the Goal! Th e Movie (12A) (RT 2hrs ,, 10 45m) (18) Daily l12.1S Sat/Sun following pr.riormance!> (ask at the 20m) (NFT) Dally (12.10 Sat/Sun only): 1.30, 5.00: 7 1S; 9.30 80, Off,ce lot details) Only); 3 00; 5.50· 8 40; Fri/Sat Lates· The Business (18) (RT 1hr 55m) frt & Sat 12.40; 3.10: 6.00; 840 11.30 (NFT) frt/Sat lates: 11.00 Deuce Bigalow: Euror,ean Gigalo (RT 1hr 45m) 15) Dally: Red Eye (RT 1hr 45m) (12A) - A History Of Violence (1 B) (RT Charlie & Th e Chocol ate (10.45 Sat on ly); 11.45; 2.55; 5.05: (contains moderate threat and one 1hr SSm) (NFT) Daily: 2.10; 4.40; Factory (PG) (RT 2hrs 20m) 7 10; 9 15 use of strong language) Dally. (1 t 10 7.00: 9.10: Fri/Sat Lates: 11.50 SaUSun Only: 1 I 30 Sat only); (I 40; 4 OOnot Thurs); (6 10 Kings Game (RT 2hrs 10m) (12A) not Tues/Thurs): (B. 15 not Wed/Thurs) Four Brothers (15) (RT 2hr 10m) Crash (15) (RT 2hrs 10ml Fri/Sat {contain!i Infrequent strong Ian· Audio description available on the (NFn Daily: (10.30 Sat/Sun On ly); lates: I 0.50 guage) Daily· (11.15; 5.30 not Thurs) following performances. (ask at the 1.00; 3.40; 6.20; 8.50; Fri/Sa t lates Bo, Office for details) 11.2 5 Herbie: Fully loaded (U) (RT Revolver (RT 2hrs 15m) (15) Sun Tues: t 40; 4.00; 6. 10, 8. 15 2hrs) Sat/S un Only 9 55; 12 .OS Daily: (10.40 Sat only); I 10; 3.SO: Subtitled Sun 1.40 & Tues B 15 Revolver (15) (RT 2hr 15m) (6.30 not Mon): 9.10 (NFT) Daily· (10.10 Sat/Sun Only); Book online: or call Bewitched (RT 2hrs Sm) (PG) Sat I 10; 3.50; 6.30; 9. 10; Fri/Sat lates 08712 240 140 Land OIThe Dead (RT 1 hr SSm) & Sun only. 11.10 11.45 Box Office Opening Times: Sat/Sun· (15) Daily: (11 .40 Sat & Sun only); - 9.40am, Mon·Thurs: 12.40pm 2.00; 4.10; 6 40; 9.00 Crash (RT , nrs 15m) (15) Dally: land Of The Dead (15) (RT 1hr (2 50; 8. 1O not Thurs) SSm) (NFT) Daily: (11.00 Sat/Sun Howl's Moving Castle (RT 2h rs Only); 2.10', 4.30; 6.50', 9.00; VUE CINEMAS (previously STER 20m) (U) Oatly: 12.50; 3.30, 6. 15 Charlie & The Chocolate - fro/Sat Lates: 11.10 CENTURY) Factory (RT 2hrs 20m) (PG) Daolr The light. £4.20 (with a valid Pride & Prejudice (RT 2hrs 20m) (11 1O Sat only); 1.50 Pride & Prejudice (U) (RT 2hr NUS card). All day Tuesday = (U ) Daily: (1 t .45 Sat & Sun only); 30m) (NFT) Daily· {11.00 Sat/Sun £3 .80 for students 2.45; 5.4S; 8.45 LEEDS FILM QUARTER : Only); 2.00; 5.00; 8. 00 Japon (RT 2hrs 1 Sm) Mon only· - Serenity (RT 2h rs 10m) (15) Thurs Woll Creek (RT 2hrs) (18) Dailr 6.15 Wolf Creek (18) (RT 2hrs) (NFT) only· t 15; 3.45; 6.15; 8.45 4.40: 7.00; 9.10 The Colour Of Pomegranates Dally· (230; 440; 7 t 0; 9 JO Not (RT 1 hr 30ml Wed only: 8. 15 Thursday); Fri/Sat lates· 11.55 Goal! (RT 2hrs 10ml (12A) (con· The longest Yard (RT 2hrs 1 Sm) - tams moderate language) Daily: (12A) (contains strong language, 40 Year Old Virgin (15) (RT 2hrs 12.30; 3. 10; 5.50, 8.30 moderate violence. drug and sex ref ...- Bien Sur! To fird oot more drop into the RAG office 111 ttie union or come to the JNFQmeetrg on Tue 4th 0d in the Riey Smth Hallat1pm

__J , •

Uk Mlav, Seutelllber 30, 2005 13

~. ,o I Lnn" 11 •... .i hllh.! la1e 0 hu1 ,H· feel It ,., v11al hi dis..:u .. ,; 1he procc:-cdmi;, of Hrililin·, 111u,t prc:,ugiou, l;l',h1on e,..:nt. Lonllun T·:hhion Wc~k h'lr 1hr: lir,1 . llnll' c,cr .i high ,1rc..:1 h:toulcr h,h man11ii:d !ti haller t!h: llrccim.:h ol c:u:lU.)I\C Hnutc C1lllttm: h~ ere ,umg 1hc1r \CT) ov. n in-huu,c 1.:nnl·ep1u;.il de,agn. fnp,hnp', ncv. label t:n1quc- ,, ,.;rcatt:J h) ,t team nl 12 dc,1_t!ncr's v.ho .il'.'>U equip the ,tore \I.Ith tht: m1-no1bl!n'ie ,e.,.I. Amlmg:-.1 th1 ... cn::,t11vc h~.,m a1c h:liul} 8ro1A11 ,,nd J,1l4t1dinc Ednie Who are pruud _hi 11 ... 1 fop..,hop on their re\umc along:s1Jc accl,11mec.J 11;1mi:, ,u(:h ;h I .tn, 111 , 1\lhcrt.1 hmmi and C:l1,1nel '"l Thr Tl1p,hor rnnttl ,cemeJ in b1. 1hc: quintt•,,cn1111l pro, 1dcr tor lhc crnnom1~al ... tudcnt, ,, hc1 und~Nood the) tl1dn ·1 C' ol LF\\ premiere". m lmnt ol Jn 1nrc:rna1ion.1l ,iud1cn~c ol medw :.mJ ,1orc hu)cr- "i.L" no 111ntKl'lll cumrn.Jcm;c. IL,,"' ,umed at c-.tahln,lung rop,hup a, an lntl'm..auonal brand To1i..l1t1p 1.. 111 \;c,, Yori.. 110\1. p1cpuring it,;,df lor _!!lnbali ....uiou . I hC"rc I!'> ,1 111d1e lhcr(' anJ Brit1,;,h h11.?h ­ ,trce1 lu'ih1on ha, 111pp~d mu1 ll. hu1 lhl" 1e.1r lie.., lrt II hcmJ ,v.n1low1:d up by lht> \\al-\1u!t. moi.::hinc. Or even. Tup,hor bt.:cumtn!! ol , grandeur. It h,1~ \.'Crttunl}' ,enllcd an) qu1hhh.~, ,1bnut ,t.., capah1ltt) ;1, a brand, pro\ 1ughty fashion mg 1hu1 11 1.. nti lunger JU,t ;1 cop1..:r hul a 1u,hinn p1orwcr LonJun f ,1,hion \\eel.. 1111, l",p,i..eJ Tnp .. lmp n, .1,·at,1- l)"I 01 J fa,t11u11 rcH1lu11nn Somelhmg thu.1 \1.11\ con,1t.tcrcd :t!'I an 11mt,11nr no,, reprc,cnt, thl' J\JOl-!;?11rdC'. ma)bc Anna Reid nut in 1hc ,unl(;l,I ,cn.,c hut 111 thal h,1utc.- couture la.,hmn i no,, ur,:Ce'i'.',ihll.' 10 u, mere rnur1uh .\n cx,.:i1ing pm,pet:1, • and Yolanda Neri howe,cr. I\ .u1~one d,c wincing.•• lmle .11 1hc 1houih1 of !ht! my,ltT) and mui11,; of inuc1:(','.'ilhh: t.ury-talc design fading J Sn "'hu1 docs 1h1, menn Tn the land,1.:11pc 111 Lcc:d, h1gh- .. 1rcc:1' London 11- to Bl'it1\h fa..,hmn whut Leed, 1 to cal~' ,1udcn1 There arc appro).11nutd) 70.000 ,tude111 ... lm:ale(1"''1cs,;1on Ulc I~ 'l:urthern Hnn-·eJ Ni~\. targeting ,t rnng1.• ol Y..<:al thy northt:mcr, from Chc,hlrc 10 Suuthplirt, c.:1,n1 ras1ing those \lthl.l rummage mounJ T"'1po;ho1) ilncl PnmarJ... Allhough 1t o;ccm,., that mnrc ,-off Jc-.ign b bcmg off(.'f'Cd. ;.., thi ,., really lht: ca!-.e? What reall) i!'I 1::,ptrndmg il!C huge retutl group, \U(,,'h a.. A.,.,oc1;.11cd Brui,h f-ood, (P111n.1rJ..J ;,ind The Arcad1,1 Ciroup. An.:udJa Qwn 7 Pl II~ mo~, v.ell·known brnnd ..... ,mmnp,1 tht"m hcint Tup,ht>p und Ml!'!" Selfridge. PJulllp <.irccn. Uu: ~iret.:lor nf ..\n.:ad1a Gruup J..tJ. I!'! rc:.,pnn,11,k• for g1vmp !he hil!h \lfl'cl_ ,nme1hm!! f11re\el')bod). Along v.ilh lhe creall\l." team ..ii Top .. hop. he hu, de,crl~ d1'.',11ngul\hcd ;1 nt"' md1c torm~d b) pellple ur.ed of looi tn~ !he .,,11ne.111i..1~ l:niqut: Ycl. h,,..,. l ' llli.fUC: i ... ii'? I c..n not fault the innuvatn·c \l)lc hut It\) 1.1uc,t1ui1, he in .... 1m 1he) 11re L.1rget111g. The e,,encc ut Top;hop ,., no\\ no hmg..:r th1• s1uJen1 on .i bud~el. 1l i... ,oml."thmg cl .... e that 1-.. C\Ohtng Wi1h c"o\uuon come, na111r•al sclec1iun. \Umc1111c mu~ get lc11 hchmd Bui, who is the bigger bunny hcic"! flnmark ha.. JU',I o\lrCcl ,tore,. ,;,ud ., .. PrrnmrJ... r,111) 111g lur tltt.: .. 1udenb rnu .. c, PrunJrJ... ha, the nppnrlunU) no\\ 1,, fall thl' \\llJ th:n fop,hop mny huvc Jel'l m pursu11 ol lugh~cml ra,h1on Onl' ttllccmml!; 1t::a1urc t .. Tnp,h11p·, Bnuuquc/TS Dc .... 1~n r,mic S11d1 ~r.1Jua~c llc~1~,n , ... heme... l)p- ically rely on tJic ,rc.ilP,c. llhcrutcd mmd .. \\ h11 Ion~ 10 h11 a,h_1gh.:r d;"'i·lnJr~m \\ uh tht:ir quirky ~1r1g111ul!ty. anti \\h) ,hnuhJn l 1he)' 1 01\en .,uch ;111 opportunity 1hc)' ,hnuld nnl) ,1ri\'e tu 1'ull1.l 1hc1r ,1mh1uon ... 111 a comp;.u1;,- whu cp1111mi..t1, fnr\\;1rd-1u .. h1un 1h111~1nf;_. Lr\.\ ha., ,h(rnn u, u bUl!l' ,l11f1 111 l,1,t11un h1erarch). a._, the d,b, boum.lune, l1{!hlt'n, the uppor1un111c, c,pand, hu1 hit,m., At [Q5 for :t \."Olmn dre .. ,. 1J1i, 1._,0·1 all th,11 nl:ce~3j\,lc u, ,tui.Jc,nt,. 're ... ii is atfordnbk anJ merel) podtl chanJ:!c 11, tho,.,e Y+hl.l v.,,uld u,u.111} ,pcnll l1CKl, hut "bat h.,p~nt.'tl 11, !he .LJ~ per,~~al llmu' h ct,uld he ,,uJ th,ll th~ .. tullcnb rdn1111n ,hip \\llh Top.. hup h .....1111ng , .. umc.\\hcrc ;1li.111g lhc line lop,hltp 11.1.., 10,1 .1 ,m1di:en nl lt1)alt) lo lhu,c Cflnsumer\ who l1t1'\e prngrc"cd them In "here they ,ire !\<. hul "'C'_OIJ.) ahn he tn hlamc for 1unung our bm.:l:-. and heat.Im~ !l, their ~•lmpe111mn lllf n,)t!ung mc1rc 1hun .i harg;iin.

+- 14 leeds Student Enlli'IIIIIBI Wastin away

In ;1Jl!i11nn to 1hesc b11L.., lhcre :ire O\IL'1' on..: else. You neH:r know. when yuu go lo wa,,Lc tl~11 WiL\ tbLincd fur lnndfill has Recylcing isn't always at the top of our 3-10 boulc and pi1pcr hank\ and 11 W't1p off an un\l,:mtctl uem you m1gh1 lind hl'\.•n recycled in :.omc Leed.-, Unhcr..1ty minds but as l-luu"-'hOld Wa.,lc Sonuu? Sue, around that (1'.'fkct hnu~wanrung prcwm llcpaJtrncnL" Thi, 1:-. yu1tc ,m achic-vcmcnt Lt:ed,;,. Thl. such .l.!o a,c )OU tVL'r \I.Ondt"n:d what h.1p-­ ancOOe our reliance pcm:1vcd aJtluence in the dcvcJopc the 434 mil­ tJe.., bad. 111 the ,hop forre·tL\C.. sornctlung rehancc llll no1Henewublc rc~oun.. -c!:I ol v. ,t\lc L'Ol1.,um,:,; enerxy ut C\leT)' stage lion tnrmc., ol nibhish Ihm we produce that'i;. reserved for milk munlb now. renewable we'd reduce the rroblems lh,ll wc·u htec­ ol the rmcc..,.,, ro.:yc:lmg. ~rn, an mfi­ here in the UK each ye.,r? 11 WllUld ht• mhlc;1dmg lhllUp:h. lo in 1hc fulure. mtdy man! :,...."f1s1b lc op1ion. Not onl) C1c,1rly w,1,tc L, nn issue tJ1a1 wc tend p::nnl u picture ('If an c11tirc society that 1, resources we A:. part of the Council's drive fl) !X)ID· dne,., It suve cnerg) hut ii al"° !-i.'l.VC!. 10 l.tJ..c IOr ~ 111 L-L--Op le \\'ill goo ~p fur­ munil) organool.Jon.:. thlll an: leading h) .. ult.ilion that'!-. Utkmg placcm Leed~ Th1\ greener lcgiu.:y for them • ther and try to reC),dc M>mc uf their n1h­ e.xrunplc. future i!> open 10 everyone and the Councd ,., G1\lcn U1J1 th!: Earth's re..'iOUfl'C' :are h1-;h; gla.,:-. and paper chc ohv10t.L~ Council" ucms., Lhc t:11umry arc keen for .. 1udents to get involved. lssu~ fimll..· - it\ e.,urnated that we·d need ,·1ght c-" :ire b!ing. Jisc.'lliiscd. ...11rnpt1on we ncet! u, he ~nou., .1hout AuthonUc\, 11npo,;,1blc 10 ignore the const."Ull wam J.11 LA.ll.:al mmmu..,utg 1hc So Lhc:rc·, no ext.-uS<.· that l!ittra Tht.-re Jre also other proJCL~ th.11 an: changing our pmcti(:I.!'- :md tHe,tyh.•s, J1 's lllg\ being issu1.."ludcnL\ ,in· notoriou,I) Your Street· proJCci i.'. a dynamic \..-Otnmu­ lem~ '° there 1' d cnn, incing arrumcol to C\.1d ...·nu: 11' env1mnmcntal pmhlcnt" 11\..-..!dcd lu mccl gU\ 1.-mnwnt 1argct-. t,;td: "rth thousaild" and lhou'>ancb of nil} inttmU\.C lhuJ .u.rm, hl promote urban ,uggc:-.t tJwi 1t'<. t)Uf n·,;iihly In ti) lhc mcl1111g of the penn.1tm... 1, ~ m raiuires a ma..._,iv..: chunic 1n pt.·oplc'" t1nn1c ... and cuns h>.!mg. thni.,., n .ma) art er r?:gi::n~ru1wn aoJ ~u,tamobtliLy. Fur .uid"°lwthcm hamilul CO2 c.,m ... ,1un$.• and Lhe lo~ of a!Utudcs. bcha, 11,w and cun.o;.urna hab1b mgh1long dnnk hmk'C:o. e~amplc. m on.kt to get more rec:)cLng Pcrh.1Jl'.', once )t.Xi°\IC lum,he:J reaJin~ t\round thr.: "{,rid pt.•oplc arl" dc\·clop­ Othc:r optio~ !or ra.-ychng and reu.~ tlmlt.' ,oluntccr.- wtll be going round l\) this l- boulc, 10 cover you·u rcmcmbc.:r to rC(.:yde 11., c-.;ample m Zimhab,\e, u t.·ountry u-.ually hand .Jml"· Somcooc ·,., 1,ld hike. book\ or I.\> tr)· ,ind '- l'CM>lll'Ct!\ thJI oct:UT"i C:\'C:T)' lime a prod· uf a Wa.,tc Munagemcnl Centre of uc:t or 1h 1:-. thro"n ll\\ ay. we l!:u·cflc1k.'C ul 1b r.:un: lacic the huge tru.k ofha\'mg lO du \01nc· So, whm c.m we do hl're m\b thing w1Lb ut,, wa.,ll·. And gn,..:n thu1 v. l' that'll help to con1t\111hc waML' p,ot,lcm" gc1M.."t11tc Jl,ot.11 cimugh wa~te w fill lhe Wei~ a.., Leed.,,.,, a large 11\Cutipnluim city Com f~t:hang.e ubllut C\lcl)' twlr-lmur. we With IIH,'f 7(KJ,()IJ0 f'C'i1lll'nL,, the qUl!.'»tihn do h:l\le to tukc 11 i,r -what we tlo v.ith 1hc 330.l.OJ tonne., ol ln the pa... t. many govcmmt:nL4- huvc Wa!>!c 1h01 are collcctcl.l cm.:h year i" high ...ecn lhc ..,uluuun 1,, lltis pmblcm ib land- on t.hc C'ounc1l np:tndn. e.,;.p,.>cinll~ •~ i1 1111 ~Ill!'.>. rJ,g,ging ,l hole in 1hc:- ground and <.'u:o.b U1enl JU!>I met L'W) per hou...chokl lo t,uryin~ lhi.: rubbb,h. I lnwc\lcr, thh coo C1lll0\.l und t3J Jl('f h)OOC lo ili,pc:1-.c nf leaJ Ill pmhlcm, nf wuter und \Oil coma­ Currently aoo,, (...t:\_'Aarmm~ CO2 ttcms ;liL.'Cl*ptabk mdudc:: llnnk:.., lund M.m) ~,wcmmcnb ool) JU"l seem lo anJ pct cans. p.ip..·r und c.mlroard a., wdl 11;,.,.c c011..,,Jerc:J the f'Ct{uc,1:-. 01 cnv1mn­ a., many l)'p;.-. uf pl.L\lic: bt\ttlc, c, 1.,1L mmt.l11,1 group:. 111 up t->ducati,mal wwv..!t.'CU,.l!n\ foe 1non: inlt1l. II \.uu progr.tmntc\ 1hal cncoonigc tx-YJPlc to lh·c- in Mall; tht ~hJ?k:e"i a~ th:11 ...cITT1t: WW\\ ruc\.\.· thmk

bl.I~)' the I\JSl<.lflC Utud lo be nhlnicled ltl removr: their high Eddie Izzard, Grant from Eastenders ••• no one would ever sus­ term in 11fllcc scCut'td bi 'inny BJ:iir VIS jm.!kCI.) llfld flll the gnp!t In lhL! pect that Dan Johnson was in Brighton at t he Labour Party earlier lhi" ) c,tr. He can n.imcmber audience- One junior minh,11;:'r lold L.tbaur n111j,irith:s or jui..t four. ':;tl mi: hl!' wu:- dl:!.uppc>inted by the Conference lt'f':- g~t reul ,1bout our \·icl(lryl' appurcnt lo\\o nttmbl!r (lf MP, tba1 Ceh:hralion h.:1s been 11 h:1d uth.Htllcd cunfonmcc LhJ5 ) m,iJM theme nf thl!' c(lnh;-rl.':ncc and N.1111rnll)', Alair~ bnc.kdrop tCiltured he L;llmur ,:onfc:re nce in Pr~scou spcnl Sum.hi)· night danc­ most of the dclegute.s .and MP-. ,eem J can.~full) ,cJcc.1~d coll.tge of fa.c:e" Brighton Lhu; 1.1.·eck bas thrown .iDg tv ''We Are J=amily" and telling The Deputy Prime to ltuvc llUIJUlg.t:d tQ CDJI.•) their '>UC­ n.:Oectrng the diH:rltit} of Briti~h up a ft:.w 111tcrc~ting, if prc­ 10 Q[ T the sume jokc1> a number diITer· Minis1er leaves it cc~!-. On MnnJ11) it wq<.. the Olympic ~OCU!'l)'. d..ictablc.. results and l dt1n '1 jus1 c.nt uudicnccs. • A mun told me in succes., which the confcrt'uce rd1, - The Ptmlc M1m,;1cr tl!tln 't tl!~ap­ Neil Krnnock. gc11111g 'p issed .u. a 1997 tha1 hc"d never had .sc, under a up to the audl· Cll Some delegate~ mu:.l huvc been point thl.! '-lunding ov~t1on went on newt' and calling ' Romeo, Romeo. s ~,c.ialist Government. I s,t\l. him ence to decide confm;cd \\ hen they wal~cd ,nto the (or ,1lmos1 five n11n 111 c.s :111d he. had where for art thou Romeo' trom Lile :1guU1 earLler tlu:. year ,ind hi.' toll.I me auditorium tv fmd Scb Coe. a Tury t·vc:-n dmcd 10 aJllr\!it'- 1bc b~ue of 1 whether the man Meuopole hotel ~t..aircru.e. The he i;1nJ hadn 1 had ".\C:( undc-r n membc.r of 1he HQusc. of Ltml" Iraq nfle:r 11 had been , n!, ival of Ne," Labour ho, b~g.uu m • ocfoHst GO\lcl'nmc:111! ' Tht: Depul)' has a poor sex addn:'ising the: halJ. OthC"r ulU. nvaJ. 1hc t.:lmkrcncc agenda enurrly. Jie earnest in puro;;u11 of a fourlh tem1 of Prune Mrniqc.r leave:- it up tn rht! life or the country rie:-. were pu1 ~1o.-dc \\ htn TOIi)' BIJ.Jr tal.ketl ol Ume~ cb:mgmg bul ·i. (joveromt.1-nt. Gordun Bm\l. 11 Cnllt.:d it audlencc ln dcc-iclc wlw1hcr the mun has a less•than• rc!lerrcc.l to Keo LiVmg:none. a!. wa ~t;1ying: the '.'ia1tte. The ~hnl)eoge. he ·New Lubour renewed ' going up h.:i.\ .i pnoni.::\: life or the country ha, London Mayor' WhQ had snid. WllS lhUl 'dUlll!l,I! I.S m~hing llll agamsl the- Tory party of old AlhmU n le:-~-thnn-socinli~I Go"ernmcut socialist hdpl!d the Olymp1c bid ugn{n Thi! puct' of ch1mgc can \!llhcr Campbell lurking rn thi.: hotel 1cibby Some of the worr.Js aru garhlcd as Government Ddega1~ ril~d into the. hall for overwhelm Ullo, ur make ourl1v~ h~t­ and Pe1ur Mundclson back rrom tl1c.y ebb and !low fmm htR mouth Tony Bl!nr'~ k~y ~pt!-CL'h nn T ub~d:ty h:r 11m.l 1rnr country ,:0.1:runger·, Milary European cardig11n nmuntain to like ~he 11de b ppmi ;igatnsl the lo /'.>OUOds of Thc, Killc.m, ,mu 11 Benn, lhl! lntCl uut wb)' we replaced by wine and cimap~ rccep­ -.creen or hi:-. hnulchu .. 1,ne day l!ar11- Cnlcr lht.! hail With cggw'!h.aped Slrcs,;, uch,cvcd ~o much but 111~0 how we tioru,: au endcd tn lhe like!<. of Eddie er thh summer. M r Prc:.colt w.1!'. tht ball:. tivcn om b) 1he RSPCA. II Rave 10 rec.ogmse !.he cbnnge:ot thal lzwrd and Gro.n·1 off of fau,tenders turg~t of one of the: largl!Sl prntests woultJ real!,· been u ..:(lup ror the are wking place m 1he WQrld and how Top of the tree hb to be John h('re this week whco thonsnni.b. r:,f aoimu.t riglit\ prole.'ite~ h.1 }lave h11 \\e apply lhe valuc,r. 1hu1 run through Prescott and Jack Straw helng -.hepw Brighton fans descended on 1be Tony Blair with an RSPC, rubhc:r lhc hi!ilOr) of our purty· Re ;.1t.lded;. herded very uncom(on ably 11110 lhc promcnudc: oubtdr.: the cunfort'ncc. C£-g. 'h wa~ J \'C:f)' re:ilecnve spcci:h. thi!>. t..abuur studeoi"s nightclub lo mec1 centre demanding 1h11t he ullo\1. pcr­ Om: MP th:!:.1:n'bl!d :.hi!' mood we have 10 r~o;pc,m.! tn: bo\\ do Labour tratlitioll i\ testricted to a few the cuy. As they w~r1; mu on 1he 'iea not toU nnd it raise:,, ',fJtllJ:" qul!~tinns we do that') We h11ve to keep going ~orridor nc.gouatrng 51!S.Slons fron1 Mkmg the brunt of the '"ind orr about 1hc relevance of conI~rence forward jl. ,1 pnrty and 11 m(l\'i:!ment" hclwecn Trude Union lc-aders. the Engbl-h channel, ·Two Ja1:!s' IA a~ polili,.:~ when u ti:um of 'il.l!WUJ'ds had Mr Beno believes the unnforence \Hi$ !ilill .i u!,dut c.:mning togelher tor dis­ cui.sion 1111d debate. ' I ulwuy.:,, go away en1hu~cd and encouraged und dcttrnunctl m dv bc.uer·. Oh 111~1::.1 ~clcg11t1:i. Ur s a.-. tht:)' left lht: conforence aent?c wa, the; c1ues­ uo11 of cxao1ly whu wou.l~I k;Hl U,a part.)' 1hro1tgh thu;. pcnoJ. of renewal, Only :1 duy before. GC'nlon Brov.n bod M:.l t11Jt hi-. , i!;\un of bl!Coming the nc:tt Lllbour Prime Mm1:-.rtir bul Tuuy n\u)· well hose -.tolen buck. the l1mcli.gh1. ~h1>wing tha.t he U. going oowhcrc .inst yet- ·1 will ncvc.r rem.rn us Lo sclccuon 111 schools, 1 will never alto\\- 1hc. NIIS to ,h.trgc for uea1mcn1: lie mad1.: 11 cleat hL!' 11,1d .1 \'~ry ~U't>ng view of bow 1hi:. parly ,h,,ulJ progr~s~ in thL" comin_g yeu~ 11ml ht: w,t!,. glHnJ;! to :-ce it thmug.h Al'.> wj1h evel') n1hi:r !ipcc:d\ fmm thi: pudwm thil'I week there wn.., pl~n- 1y of k.1dmg of the Torie-.. and LibOl!.OlS Blair 101d tl1c uouforcncc. hulJ 1h:1l Ille Conlicrvml,·es re.muined ·tost ln ll1i.: 1<1t vf nnc1en1 mQmorics.' l1J1tl 1ha1 llli!V w~rc \\JI.bout a h.:adcr... JU!i'l like thl! ·Libernl~. f\JP, unJ dclegurt'.s go bn1:J;. tu th~ir Ctm,utucncic:~ wlth n ~tiod nf further 1.:httngC' und reform of lhl! purty to cn~ug.c m. lt un~ uf lhl!m believed 1ha1 •• Brown lcadcrshrp would rclum Lht." party 10 Old Lahour ways. Lhey hnvc 1:c.rtainl~ been set riglu. Neither w1ll 1hel' be t."-'"Cting T--1r Aro\\·n IO make. 1hc miwc up to Oc1w11rng ~lfect any tnnc liQ41n. Tiin~ BIJir i~ pr.;1ud nf what he ho.., dcl.i.v­ c;red in ~ight year) as Prime Mioisrer u.nd 1L 11, he ''-'anb 10 ,on1m11.:­ for snmc lime:- vet. Who !,~~. he mu) L" Vl'TI ,1tist bt'at Marpuret Thalcht1r'~ ri:i.::orJ nf 11 yrnr& in ol't'itl}. ...

11 Spice up your life

15 to partially dry out the lomatoes. With just a few changes to your cupboard, noi mast them. Be. wnrnc.d though lhc ...c ;1J'C truly 1rre,1,t1ble, und can show you how it makes have a t~ndency 10 di'i.ippear very <1u1ckly in ,1 ,hareJ huu)CI a huge difference to your dinner Sour cream and chivt dip/gar-­ Smoky Chicken with ni!',h A.,k an) chef wonh hj'i ur her ~alt. pared cooking sauces. Try aurcrearu. U:.-c" rre~h chives lfyou Thi!-. tfoh ii. on~ of m~ l,t\'(lurite\ lO cook. and :1lway, ~ 111.'3- m a well-s1ocked herb and t'umm. cnriaodtr or garrun ma:;ala shopping budget gel, a bit ughL cun get hol unusuJI combmatlon of : knowledge or what combmatioru, Alway~ he sparmg though. as n 111~ resource\ at lc;ist a lmle more ,ar. fine. 1lus 1s dehc1ou!"t usu dip with logredJcnu and mtcn!-.c na\'our. ; of hcrbs work well. a whole world tie often goes a long way with h!d (I, for one, spenl several week"> cru.l)S. ur a~ a garnish dn1 Lied over A.;. olwu.}s, Lhu,- reCJpc is wnttcn for one J)CThon''- por- : of cmsines is withm your reach herbs and spict:~. Don't be afrrud 1t1ward.., tbe end of m)' lre:r.her·c; cb1U1. nachos, or spicy ca~roles. tion. and omoun~ ilfld cooking 11mc-. ure a guideline : We all know that there urc disunc- of utsllng lhe sauct during cooking )'~ar eaung linle more than potato· und makes a really auracuvc gar­ only. I nm a firm believer thut the 1e..-1 uf any food h in : 11ve tasn:s a.~ocinted wah different anti making udju<;lments - all good and·vcgctnble mash n,ivourcd with nish dotted on top of soups. the wsung · so don I be afrrud lo taste your meal dur- : cuisines.. and these unique navourx c-hi,fs dn this. it's the only way ti) different comb1mnmns of spices mg and ndd cxlr'.i 1ngred1en1N lo su1L your ; come from part.Jcular comhinationS, make ~urc the nm oup.; are well not panicularly cxeilmg ur nour- lndoncsfan Chicken with Green own palate U you 1hink if" ncccs~ary. I often find this : of herb~ and ~p1ce!- St.arung cook­ balanced. 1sh1og, but a1 lea$t it tasted differ· Beans parucular rcC'1pe need!> qm1c a 1<>1 of adjlbtmal\ at lhe : ing with spices from ~rntch can be Knowing how lo c()Ok w11b ent each day!). When you become Heat some oil (sesame oil .is very end of cooking. when preparmg the ~,:iuce • a.'> a gen• : a duunlmg manc.r though, with uo herbs and w-roasted cherry tomatoes Combine finely chopped spnng ,maked !itrcaky bac()n, but ar1) type will do) Abu Bakar's nex-1 to :is \lii lh 1hc Royal chtlh and nee. cnn be trans~ oregano and garli<" onions. tomalQeS and peppers in 11 +' omon. i:hoppcd finely Park Pub or !he Chine~c upermar­ fanned w1lh a fe\, simple touche~ Th~se taste just like the !.Un bowl. Add a gcnerou.!) nmount of C _ applt!. diced imo 2cm cubes (you can use kets m town ne,tt to Tempi~ Stn:ct mto 1mprC!'.>!iiVC mi:ttl, .. chilh With hlu.\hcd 1omntc>c~ ~nld a1 e,-1ortion­ mughly tom fre.\h coriander leav~ cooking or e::1ting apple~ for llus. peeled or carp,1r~. 'n1C\c fritndl). loc·ally run LOriander and hm!! rice and a ~uur ute pri~ in 'iUpennnrkeb Tht:y"rc .! frc~b ..:oriandcr ts \\idel) il\-ail· unpeeled. ns. up tn you') btL~ines!'.e, .111 bo,l!it impn:~,ivel) neam and chive gum1!;h. anyone? dd1clnus in ,11tnd,, sundwichc'.'!.. ~ abk in ,upennurketb ond local _ te.u~poon lurr.'.4!on ,tocked herb and ~p1ce ab.le!-, J.Dd Cooking from scratch l!- more eco­ plblJ sauce~. or just nn their own \t()rcs. Prepare the dres:..1ng 1,cpa­ mt'lml f.ibnul I cup\) v.·tine ,,inc ure jU):t ll~ 1mprC!-'IVCly cheap oorn1c:al thnn u~ing pre·prtparcd Slice 200g of cherry wmatuc.!: in ra1el) comhme aboUL 3 part., f! 300ml apple juice (prcft!ruhly a cloudy v.ari­ \Vith these rc,ourc:es ul your ,auces, ndJcd lo which ynu have half a.nll combine ma ll{l\\ I wnh u olive 011 tn one pan eac:h of bal~ O'l '-'I), not from conccntnue) Joof\tcp, yc1u Jnd ~our hrm\t' complc1~ creative cnnirul. and llnulc Qf oli-.:e oil. a fine!} 2 tb:sp barhec11e ,aucc samu; nnegnr and freshly C mate\ i:un bctwec:n you build up a knc.iw exn tl) \\ hat )OU are eating clmpped or crushed clo\/e ol garlic !\quce.1.etl lime II you like. I 1b,p c1t!mc frnll.'hc ;u1ce. f!,ood callect1on tll" herb and ~rices - cheaper vnrieUC', Qf rcudymade Jnd ,1 teaspoon of dried ,,regano. add some dm!d in ne\t to no lune s~e the ho,. ,uucc~ and mcmb often conmin Plucc the tom!ll\~:;. \km ,1dc - chilli nuke!\ 10 l li:;il a Mnall .,mount uf bullet or oil m n hc::IV\ · be.lo,\ for ~omc Up:. nn tl Jc,\ 'iUfpnMnCI} high lt:\ch, OJ fal. ,aJL duwn.111 an O\te:n di!Jl. t.lriule over the drc:,,ing, or ~omc chopped pan to and !o.ugttl'\ well lt.'­ a linlc lnllrt nlivti otl ct)Uil. b.t:i.<:d frying on a htgh heat (prt-forahly n~ es<;.cntiah, be~in your coll~c1ion 'h1dJcn· a., ,\nll in a lre!:h chill1e, to the ~a1:.n mi~. nnn-~1ic:kt tUld add the b.icon. Fry for u 1.::ouple of Y.ith. ch!!mic:il prc,crvuri\'e,. Cnoking \"CT) low oven 150-70' C) for 2-l Comhme the dressing mmutt"•,, until ,t.ltting cn.sp. 3Dd 1.Mn .idd the \1111~ 1,, When you're ,.boppmg. for in thJ!. abo make, ,hoppUlg u hour.- Jr you huve a fan 11.,,.,,,ted ..,, llh thl! sah:1. and serve wuh nmo~. clucken and tnnngolL When the ch1ch:11 -.plt.:l:'i. y11u will mcviLBhly i.:oml! lot ca,1er. ruthl!'t than buyiug rw:111:-. U\'Cll. lca\lC the t.ltxir WI} ,bghll) gnllctl meat or fish. Thai ,,r ,~ 1.·t,,~e,l trul1ugh, aJd one t.1ble~poun of thl!' har· J c1111 JU'i ~t acw," lot of unfamiliw mgrcJi­ for c.u:h day, ynu hu) npcn t.lunng 1hc L"OOLmi procc ...... Mi:,1can di~hc'.'!.. If c_.crvlng with bocue \.tucc and ..;ur m l:Am't Won) 1f any1hmg l." etm one of the l~ t w,t\·, m he1 ,dt.~11011 ba,1c mgrediem.s likl' .mt.I tlon'I be 1tmp1cd 10 tum lht or fi;h. try adding capers to bummg n tmJc or 1-ticlting to the p.111 al th1~ singe. te, your cooling ..,kiUi. is to hu) n1ca1 an if II ll'>oks like 1hc snls.1 mi:uure. ~c.\l aJd abtmt 75mJ c~IICh of !he \.\h!IC wine Jnd -.c.1mi.: (1f the .. c. takL" tl1cm ht'mc and wh1u you Y..ant 10 make them mto nothing h h.ippcnini the idea :1ppl1? Juice. 1ummg 1.he heat dt)\\11 to mcdiwn i::xperimt!l\l. With hcrhs and ,pu.:t.~. Simmcrgc.ully unul I.he liqu1t.l luLr; red~cJ 1tln~l ifycJu're UMng ,·t1methtnt 11t.,\. IOI­ oomplttdy. then aJd ltk! chopp..-'tl apple and low )'Our nost:. Our "'°'"'I!~ uf 1a.t;:ti.! anulhcr 75ml c;ICh of while wine mli.l .1pplc juice. and ,mcll ure do,dy hnkctl, ai1d it I .c;l\"c lhi!- rrux1un: over J Inv. hi.-:.U. ,1imng OCC.l- u, often pos\1hlc to 1dl v. ho1 ~vn.oll) unul the fa1wd ru:b ~t ,(lmpleiel) n.o,cmr (lf ~omcthmc "ill be. like 1 l:dLM.:r:J ~aul. w,J the applL·, h.J\>l: ,oft.cncll I rum 11.~ ,mcll tr }nu·re ruall)­ hghtly. l;,l'rH: 1h1, mixture. lct.1\lflg any c:\ci..-..'- uru urc ul' how to use somellun~ JUKC' 1111h.e pan Rc1um th~ pan LO a mcJ1um-h1gh U') I\ m J ~nnple. blunJ J1!>h like 0011. ,J..hng the n!ntuning l50ml!. eat.:h nf Jpple i.;au11.·01;11nc, fiNI In JIIICc nnJ "tutc wme. \Jlu" tl11 tu rc th.:u1 .mJ allo"' }"OU ht c~pc-rimt•ni \\lib d.n-.:c-anJ-pu1e.1ppk·~m--~ucll ! Stn:m!!h flavoured or llt"W OJ\Our; "11hout too nnu:h ,pK, fooJ tifh.m ,.-omhmc.,'\ ,urJ1n.,mgl) well with rruu fcur ol d1~a.<.tcr~ 0111:e yuu·vc: try k1w1 frn11 tn a Th.:u green Cun), apple lo an decided whJI 5(1~ of food }our Jitdwn maJrn..,. or mi~t.."t'.I dried fru111,, it spit.; hcef stcw. herh nr 'ipice Y.OUld gu bc~t ,•.ilh. you can expcnm n1 turlhC'r b) ·...... • uddm$ small anmunL'i lo pn:-prc- in.. September 30. 2005 11 New Kid in Town Freshman councillor James Monaghan got in on a winning ticket after Greg Mulholland's election victory in May. He's ambitious, dynamic and outgoing. But he still hasn't done the Otley Run. Kevin Widdop spoke to him.

TI1c new couocilh,'lr for Hc::td.ulglc; socak., 10 Leed.<. to be with Im, family five ~1" unother one thm goes .._...,en further ou,.­ oil Mulhollnnd'" ,-ucce" Whm doc:. he ,lmonni and I uho have to dunk ol up OOhind me. Quiel .md uru.,,:summg. ago. }"\.'.l ,ttkb: "I w~ u httle bu~ nf 1hc \CraJJPlllt! for bonus pornL,;; tblnk:'1 "J don·1 t1unk !hat'!. paruculnrl) Il)\1-,c!\I'' ;oulh(ul Uber.ti Democrat Jame, \.'.lty." Bchiru..l 1h1, putrnu ol knm!Jlcdge fair" He says that Hc.admglcy\ ~U.'- ~ u • t:oloorful Lib Dem. he ''' he gllC'­ Monaghan bnrns with nc.rvotL1li1luy nnt everyone I\ ,1 ,up-­ n 't quite know the price of ~ pint m tl"IC. He s:t)'s tk! ha.'- had lutll' m1.'di:1 ~'(peri· hct."OW,c II·, one ul the h1ggl'"M i..:1uc" m lhc get a dingy flat In porter. ~yrack. c11ec. h ~ow, :1.!re CJI n Uh fie al~o h\"cS m lhc clly t;tnlre 111 .1 But he h:t<;n·t yet done the. 0111!)· Run maJOf ii-<,ues f-aG" Hcadmg.lcy, all nervC'l Dem city.' Headingley for plu~h apartment thai !.IL'i- ,1toi> a qlL'\$1· Hl· 1..-oold do ii with Greg. I sugge\t. who JOO ':itutum;. "Lantllonl.ism li mmpam and Bu, he cleverly . There\ le.\.., small vi®ry. On lhc Lib Dem welnue, It wa, aJJescd Fair? He laugh(; the market." I ,;;uggt:.'it llml hi, up:1runcn1 l.lJl' utbour c,r the Tc,ry cnnd1date, convemern..-e ~ops. there's more bar cul• dubb..'tl "n.--wonding" bcmmg Labourcnn· "Enn, m a way yes of course." he :.ays would fe1d1 11 flll't: sum? ··t have a very actually from! wurd." he ...ayr;. firing 11 wre . lhal is nol ,unable far the nutJurit) didatc Kmhcrinc Mitchell by ·l?O Yc.l dcfens1vlcy. ''It wouW he stupid or me nm nice fla1 .'' he admu1> rclucmntJv. "It's an blow at his erstwhile opponcnl..;i Qutlc: the of res1denL"i who urc older people and only 9 per cent of eligible vNer. turned to swill up 011 I lcudmglc) and I lycl.: Park. old Vk1nrian warchoui..c. I coul~ only get m,puing polillt.:1:.111 fanuhes." lie l."111:c; lhc clo'-ure of out - less than l in 10. ··1t sound!. bad". Prell} mu..:h all this year I r;.pe:nt every u dingy two-bedroom 1erracc ror the pnce Headingle)' Primary School u..~ tc.!itamcnt says Monaghan. Lndeed. "BuL hi.s1orien.l­ other dn) m He.·ulingky during the eloc­ of my nru. m the . .I have a nice 1wo--bcd· to the dwindling youlh population. ly. the highest turnout m Headmgley was tio11 camp:tign:· room flat al the moment." he tell."i me An: ,tudents C\rcr c.xploued by these only 22 per (..'"Cnl. And l.111.· v.c:ad1cr wa.., They u.lso ::te\!used Monaghan of li,ing. again • I do lhh, full tune on quite a lo" Jn:ndlonb: he claims !\re so knawing .a\\ ii) awful. It from them the mominl.!. ut Headingley·s personality~ "I thmk there 10 nine at rught. A lot or the elderly res;: arc some good lrmdlortls. but there are dcnb couldn't gel oul lo vole m those a.m­ diuoru;. '" ElectorJI law \!ates that a hy..elcc11on The election mu~\ 1uke plac.c within 3S days u( ;1 pc,s1- tion ~-coming vacant. Mulholland was no resigned after h~ ~lecucm viclOI)' back 111 endorsement May ofme Could Mulholland not huvc hung around until !.tudcn1... returned') He JUmp.<. 10 the MP\ defence '1llere w~ no way he could balance his life as bemg. a futhcr and an MP and ali;o a councillor," al'° s<>me bad hmdlords, Unipol do an he :,:iy~ sympa1hct1i.;a!Jy. ··1t wouldn"1 have ~,-cllcnt job. bur lhere are al~ the odd been fair to Ule res1c.lcnL'i or1 leadingley, oo rogue- lnndlords who mke advantage of the he wanted 1C1 hold the by-elect.ion as 'ie'lOn fr11.. '1 thot students nre sometimes naive as possible:· But it ,ncvcrthek!'.S remain.r;. when u·~ thc:l! fir;1 house I know, for cunous why Mulholland stood down ~.u11111,lc, w~n I wa.1:; ut um,1en;1~ 1 hved when he did. knowing lh;1t 60 per t.X:nt or m an absolute hellhole." he says giggling. thl' population • ,;tudanb - wouldn't he "You jWit expect tha1 Bui. re.illy. you then:: to vote • should be able to live in :1 good. clean The Ctmm11i;..'i1on dc.-.c:nbc..~ hou~ thal you have no pmblL:nts in... the 1um1..1u1 as "cti~ppomung~ Lesley Bcfo~ he became a L-ounciITur. he Jclfn~. who s1ood for the HcaJinglty used to run an online M>ftwnre company Green Puny again.,;;r Monaghan, called 1hc for public !:.Cetor boche:,. ·'(t wem very. tumou1 ..a great sb::mlC'." very well to start with." he: rcrruru.scc., What doe.!. he !>ay? "Alihough it·~ low. '"Inen: was "°me rc..,;;tructunng. We had to I don·1 think it'.!> any endor.cmenl ol make a few st.a.ff redundant. I got m there myself or local poliuc~. but Hcadinglcy i!~ for the idea of inakmg money to llo good a bit of a umquc p]ace:· Ile .;.ay, of the seal llungs noi for makmg money. And thal's that the safe Lih Dem :,eat. ino.fs quite a what it became." ,ia1ement. I suggest u councillor Afler Headingley councillor Greg ocknowlcdging th,11 people didn ·t rcall) Mulholland's tnumph at 1he clec· care who was ,;;1nntlmg. lion. Liking Leed,; North West with a 10 So how much does Monaghnn know per cenL swing from Labour. some hnve :1bout the ba.,;ic.<- of Headmglt!y? Time for touted him as u furure MP hunself. What a quick fire round. What''- the supermar· are his "l'd love lO bean MP ket in L-cntml Headmgle.y called? or be involved in the European ..Somorficld." he ,naps back. And the Parliament 1nerc are so many prublc1m church next to the Skyrnck? He hesitates.. 1 around the world and it would be great to "St.. St Michael',;; church.· Nttire two stu­ spe.uhead solving some of th

VietnamSWt()n. ;L impc, .... iblc th,gu1-.e Ut(' of war thal :_.till v1...a oflkc 111c '>C.1111,,~·c 'W1.• amvcd m Saigon· "w.t'\ ma"llcr did ltt\1l.. a little Jcmon1c m h1, Ugh! ..:hcnlC"le TilC competmg d1,·e compann:.,, ol "'h1ch ecb~, U\ Vietnam. It rouJJ he urgucJ 1h..11 they h:l\ c \hurpl) comxlCJ b} J g~,vemmcnt oflkial - ·ThL\ Ho Mad \/5B uniform. Hell \\.,t'- a httlc disap­ then: :lrC mam. ,lf't ,1;11100 by any numbi.-r \11 "'e"1cm 1,, iolt'n:,11n doin!! -.o - man} ot thclf h1ggeM 'utunA:­ Ou Minh Coy,· II -..t..oemt.-d be--1 not 10 L'tmlrnchcL pointing. I 1hough1 Jkrh.ips tht nurnc vi thi-. na11t.malUt('1,;, •any cmplo)'1."C., of ~uth-caM .-\,.ian tmns · hark h.:1d. tu u mon: d1ffli;ult tune- the uifamou, 1bc j!tl\cmmc:nl\ c.le:,u-e Id C(mlo()hdate a unllcd < ,mulJ .in:tic IOY. n v. ;1, IC!.t.ament tu 1.:hcery lic.'11..'t:ltl hand out Otcf" on lhc "ln'cl .i.nJ .,m1lc .i.rruabl) Cu Clu lw111cb, -\K-47 lmng rungc\. umJ \Var Vieumm •~ '.',hown m a number ol key Jec1,;ion,.. 1lte °'JC11"\\-cpiun ,wki,m, hut It tum" nut th;.11 hc:11 a, the, dm:d vou In" arJ\ l.udm 11; from Rt-umanL,; mu...cmn 1mmon,1hse confi11.1 - and gener­ railway lmktn~ North and Snuth I!- potntt:dl} named 1.ll'tUi1lh mt:an, ·g.ood lnrtuuc' Clearly I'IIC J ,U'.\t.."f11hc,UTI? \ll\;1 Trang could t,e transplanted tn lhc ate a ,a.c;t allh-,unt ot 1oun..,tJoll;1r,. All O\.l!f the v.orlJ Lhc R1w1ificmitm F...-rrm u Hn Chi ~lmh'i,. bod) ,_na)­ \'et to lulh undcrsuuu..l 1hc '.'\11rwcg1an nund,ct c:.t,l l-'1.\il..,t ol Au,tralu1 m lhc l!Ulf t'lt 'lllatlnnd. and a~ ~ountn'-'!> rui .. c tnuml'Uons 01 their tmg1c he m nnlmnal c.ip11ul I l.an1l1, hm the counb) \ m.11Jnn­ · When i woke up II W:t!- fhc o'clm:11. und lhc J trmm.1 v1111 would need h~u;o1hen1py tu tell th~ dif· P,l'II Tlm 1', 1101 n.l war mu...:um. 'lbe War Rcmnanl!i Mu-.cum. is in ,un w;1, .1lrca1.h o;irem111mi m 1hrough th\! wm forutK.-e. The Pmntprc! C(JnJ.c1.1I hul I" the on!} IOlh· HOv1C'. Al~11 unc-,idcd. lhc: War Remnant., ~lu-.cum tl11w, Both m): le!!" bud~ gcmc: ta skep. anJ that we milix·d. in Vti=l.n.lm \\lL, a IC1T1urou:. cye-npener, co111a1111ng. images that ,umt·onc che', Jnhblc \\U, 1,,1u,tmg un n1y u1tur an:. . \: \\. 11.h mnn) 1.:ounuit!'i, tn find n tn1.: e:\pem:.nrc To find a true v.·111 ... 111~ 'wldl )OU for life But thl!n: are le,"'-ln.'- to "h11t.1ldt·r h wu, ,rn.111 pncc tu pa) fur .J. ... arc, 1hat W:nn1c.., your 11,,)('Jlion Vi.lU ha\c U.ldig a lmlc deep· 1c~1m abuu1 1hc remn,tnt\ ol \\ :tr in V1emam than c-.ur pa~!>agc- through I kll I 1001,.. ,\ ,ufkt. _,•,ilh experience that m: er, learn a lnik langu.1J;1;., thro" the b''\Udcbuo._ ou1 not be wraycd behind gl;l,, ca.~ h,11i11n ncil,!h~rnr. m~ ncr ol the . atorcmen ~ denotes your the.· windm" \ 1cln..1m ha., h«l.1bl1,hcd 'rnu1c· nm.-. trnm Ho Ctn ~tmh Cit} m lh!! nJmc und umrmplmn are thcnt~lvc.., h.111gO'llt.'n. from Th..- trangi:,l tJung about the an:l1t· ,._ the to dig a little •,,outh alun1,: the LAl:L,t up 1c1wanh c;tp1L1I H,tnoi and i--:rench cok,nin.1. rule. bu1 tht~n men "hodn\(! thl!m ure !-tmnc,s. There wu ... nm ,m umm,11. pen,ou or deeper had. .J!?ilin .inc­ pon nel\\-O~ ~ou linJ m Eumpc. 1t c.:an be a d.iuntm~ v. ar wil, L0mbarr.1.,,mgly ,mall. c.,l)C'.·1ally w~n con­ fight alonf!:.!oide the Amcncan-' m the war • ..ifter the hd., ~el J)l.'Ckd b,1d.:. hy 1h..- cold Jlr. "1thout 1a.,k I() ,1t""p off lhat beaten Lrack ,1dcnng ho\\ nx:cntl~ II occurreJ. A~ a gcnenwon \h' eH~ntual detl!ilt und "1thdmw,1l nnd reumficauon. ~n~ danger 11f gi::111ng dc\'.;tp1t:1trd by .in)' t)\'tr­ All the ~htl 1n the harhourtl'\llll beachdut,.. ofNha are tv.ovoun~ to hll11e any fin.1 hand kno\o.lct' ·tr.11101'' Wct\" lcti tnlhl: mtl'C) of1he ,ictonous hnng1ng br,l[]c-he!<. 11r C:irlsllc.rg Btllhoard'- Truni ;1nd tht- quu.11 of Mui Ne are ;1 pert"1..'CI hol­ warumc. ,md ,1,., I took m) hi,tflr}' A-le\.d back in wm). 1l'IC> \\Crt' unublc tu find employment. rcn1 Whtht "n11ing: for the Hurugrutc, tbc ::,hip ida, dc.-.;1111.111on. ,md once lhc mdu.,U) 1, c,1xmcicd. II :!(KJI. \'1e1nam no1 ~cl pc.nctr,ncd thc. .!>)'llabus that hop, up lht: t.:OTl"lllutcd of Norway. oc1..'flm111odat1un or l\..'t'Cl\'e bcnefib. Nn,, old men. worl·tJU',I be; 1ht1--c of m, willm~ 10 lake 21 hourt.'00...:h Th,,., wa., the nn.1 ume I v..a.'I r\'

~------~ Clockwise from left: Fiahlng beach at Mui Ne; puppies for sale on the street of Hoi An; Incense drying In Chau Doc; the street& of Ho Chi Minh City; the omnipresent hammer and aickJe alongalde the Vietnamese star; fisherman on the Mekolng Delta; the entrance to the Cu Chi tunnels.

Thank you to all you lovely LS volunteers

Ok, thanks for keeping me sane guys after the hectlC"fleSS of last week. It was so good to see aJt those people queuing up to write for u• on Friday, really made my day. thanks especially to Zofia for pull1ng out an LS2 centre out of her hat, and also Lauren and Hermione for savlnC me on wfth the main centreH ft will get more organlsedl Stuart, lovtng the Erins.bourough news· you've really made page your ownt Ben, great Idea for next week, thank• for organising everything. Pete, get better soon • and thanks to you and Sara •• ever for &ta~­ ln,t Wednesday night.a. .. I know Its a lot of committment, and it•• been• hettlsh wNk. but It I& worth ft.. hone.stlyll Thanks again to everyone and aee you Monday for the meeting ••• xx.xx

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layout tom more eye c aic~~~ie~n1~;~~~~~~e a and we 11 sections. Vacancy number 102 to.' designers ~~u!nt opportunity This is an e~k ,n print a~d I N~ E et you r wo d at nat1ona 'l io ~ially get notice run annually Marketit1g teatM po e ds schemes d EMAP rrheedG:a~1~n . Mirt;hea~est de~1gners a~Jng others ~ea~nmake the UKs to try out their ide!r even better. • Creative • Et1thusiastic S' biggest student pap I Apply now. email editor@ee • Cot11t11itted

Leeds student 1s an award-winning paper that is the biggest p y ~ow! student paper 1n the country, but We need your skills to pub. lic1se It to our students We're looking for an innovative pub­ andlicity help team With who recruitment. can market our paper, 'sell' 1t to the students editor@leed You'// need to have creative ideas and commit to a proJect for at least a term. but you'll get an amazing experience of being part of our team and an excellent boost to your CV tu e k

Apply now: email editor@leedsstudent. ...... k Mlall. SePtBmber 30. 2005 21 Student Sport hot step down to ... s; .:t ;) u A OFlHIS ,Intl By LIZ HEATON mt.:nl n.. c:orJine, tu the amb.1 \lrL"n~lh ,mJ d~llil) H,md\lWld and \ltcr the fir I free ,c .. 11111 1t I r I a 1rihitl tone~ of 1110,11..: nu: musu: I!! cart\\· hc~b arc U:,cd und pr1.:1.:1,c lick\ ,c.. ..;1nn ,, 1th f"i to JUIR. Dct:uh IU'C 1 hod no Idea \I hat I ""' leltin~ un c!'.,cot1a.l ingn:d1cm 111 Capoetru ,h mt1Jui.k.~.1rce-..1."nlutl Whcn\\alch ..&\.adahle 11n the boarJ .u 1he ARC" m,self in for \then 1 \Olun. the rh) thm 1 e, 1dc:n1 .11 lhc thl! rc.idmg- uf the oppom:nl s nund 1\ l..apncna·, Soc1CI) mi:etinp "hcrc J ccnlrul 10 -plannmt! ~he: nc),I move Wh1n 1, Capoctrn Thi, '-\,le u lat'!,:~ m1,ture nf pc11plc .1.rrncd tu ... pon 111 whu.:h I hiJd nu cnncepl ycl The graceful mo\lcm~n1, ol th-, hi;.ht lrnd thcm,clvc.. lhru,1 111tu lh.: \\hen l nrnvcd .u 1)w (ihl ffil'cUng I C't\ rc,emMe a 1lcnl C.1puc1rJ "'oilJ (ire tcd d1st:o\'emJ I.hat Capocir.i I u h1gh1) him hdng uct~d out by lhc Cuptum. Martl!Jil, anc.J th~ di..c1phned port lhut cni:t,mpa,\C\ It you·rc loukin}! lr,1inc:r, Wtllrnm S,,u,11. lhc c:laslii antJ in1c~rn1c .. man) mo,~n11:n1 .ind for ,omethmg J1fkr· began by ,;wa) mg tll.: bod) m .an cnt, rnten:i.1m~. ,1n::n1:nhi; cif ,anou~ olher uintcmpo· urtempl tn rel:n, dS ,iccorJmg hi the ran mnrtrn l nn .... Jlo>wC'hcr Thi!\ h.1,r: hc,dthy anrl d)'n11m1c l 1rw111 ret.1,a111,n or th1.: muhl ,, nu lhrn C'.tpc1cir,1 I deh· b(i:n dl."\dopNt m lhc 11niq111. lOd cutl 10 Capucnu h !!Ii rc111m1,.:cnl ol nilcly the ,pori for }011 d n11 11 m C.1poe1rJ "')le 11 you ha\C' an ·\fncan ritual , el \:nnt,un .. m,un \\11h the incenti C" ul ne\CJ wen Caprn:1ra JUN~ thml.. 1.11 the;uc-. of cl marttul .Jrl ,pnrt. )11ur lttsl w,,1un lier !WO p~·rlctrnlCl" Oil lh\• Jt){lj hf lhC' L.Jkc all murt1al ar1 Capucrtn HBC ,hon "efon: Nc1~hh11ur, come, tl1ere l" no rc.lst1n 11111 require_.. ,..,rcnglh J.JHJ pn:pur:1 to flU Jo\\ n 10 lhc on' llnn. hut tmlil1.· the 1c-,1. the ,J.m,._1:: <·i1poc1ra 1, an ulflHn._p,rcd d.ani.c 1-tclenof) 11n a rnme, menu llu:1c 1:. 11•1 ph) 11.:al TU\.' ... 1,1, night UI R.- nr1g111ating frnm Bra,il . contdi.:l. Pcrfi:L·t for the p.1,.111 t' 1llpm ,,r a Thur<.J;t) .. 1.1,t"-. inv(nteJ ,11.hmi.:c \\111\.h mcnr· W1th10 the llgh1 set1u1.·11cc, lhcm.' arc JI 7pm 10 ex1wr1co c pora1ed ,omb.i1 ;;,i.nd Jani:e mllve ... numernu~ rn iM anJ turns "h1..:h the Capoc,ru Lhf(IU£h min a i:unver-ation mo\ e- fncu, on 1mprovrnp. upper h!JLI) c,plo,ioo

Assemblies rtleetinps

Assemblies are the perfect way For you to have your voice heard, Inform on how LUU Is run or get involved In running a campaign For your favounte cause Assemblies are in­ formal meellngs of like-minded individuals coming together to ra,se awareness, change how things are done in LUU, maybe even change the world'

All students are welcome to come along to the monthly meetings, what­ ever you're passionate about. this ,s the perfect place to get heard and you don·t need to be elected or worry about agendas or minules. The Chair of each Assembly Is also a member of Union Council, this means you have the chance to speak face lo Face to your elected representatives about the things which you care about.

If you have any further questions contact Enn Mc Feely, Democracy and Commun,ca­ hons Officer on [email protected]

Next weeks assembly meetings are

Monday 3 October 5pm Societies Assembly, Postgraduate lounge 5pm Sports Assembly, Meeting room 6 Tuesday 4 October 5pm Comms & Democracy Assembly, Meeting room 6 5pm Education Assembly, Meeting room 7 Wednesday 5 October 5pm Events Assembly, Meeting room 3 5pm Women's Assembly, Meeflng room 5 Thursday 6 October 5pm Disabled Students Assembly, ARC Conference Hall Friday 7 October 5pm LGBT Assembly, Meeting room 2 5pm International Students Assembly, Meeing room 3 + 2'l leedS Student ftila!L Selltember 30. 20005

11THERE will b<' hH, quality sides up against othe.r ar kick off. and il'II he the best prepared leam that comes out on top us lh!:) usually do." Tht,sc ari: 1hc "'t1nb nt Leed, Rhum" couch Tt,n\ Smith uhc;1J ol th1~ e,c:mng\ Sup~, lx.iguc t1u,1hfv111g. ,C"mdmul al St Htkn!.. The Rhin!Js trnishcU scr.ond u1 !he regul:1r \cason of 1hc c:ngag1: Super League, and arc JU.,l 80 minute-. awa)· from a second com,i:cu11,·c .1ppearuncc 111 1hc Grant.I Lt!L"tbi hcJd inio lht: came vn the h,h: k. ul ,1 y, m h\lC'f W:1kclu:ld. but 1hu1 fol/t,;H:d a run nf lour ,U1J1gbt dcfo;1t-. induc..linit the recent Ch;lllen!!C Cup f-inal ,1gam,t Hull FC ll,,wr\Cr. ftm"Chmg .. cLllllcl in lhc:- tahk h,1, mcanl 111111 th1: player"- b.i,c hud a \1,l·ck w·ilhaul .i n,.1,uc-. which ha~ a!Jov. cd them lime to rucharl!c their huttcri~, ''h':-. t,e:cn tv.11 tough ,1,:a~Ctn:-. 111lcth1t) '\l"C rcnll~· and th1:,. \Cason ~rnnc-J early \.\1lh ihc World Uub Challenge. "It'll be the best ~·;_:~ ";'\;..~:~,::; prepared team that th" week. Smnh COmes OUt On top" say,. "I tlunl th< fllaycr!) nccdcl.l ,1 week on b111 they 'r~ in inud ... pirits. they If) their hnrde:,,I and they ,lick together reoll) well " Star ,;cum-half Rob Bumm hn~ bad u phenomenal ... ea ')On for the HcaJmglc:,, outli1, and 1\ upped t,~ mail) tn be handed !hi! number 1 i.hirt b, Rntam com:h Brian Noble m Lhc rnnhcuming Tri."~a1iun-. -.cr1c ... He', gr.udul lor th lllnc: ll1c:' player~ have had to r~cuper:llc ··1r~ been great We've had plenty of rec,net) 11n1c and l.ll'>o ample. time tn prtparc. tor playm~ Snmb. , he n:vcnh It\ hc<:11 .1 lung ... e:uson lor U!i. ,o the \\c;ck till h11:-. helped u, tn retr~·~h nnd ,h,1ke off any bump, itllll bruise\ we hall at the cJld 11! the ,c;),oa ··wc·,e focu<.i:ll on them a.nd looL:t:d at ho,\\\,: cun he;;it !hem and v,;hat 1hc1r wcaknc~~c, arc, am.J no lloubt thl!> 'II ha,e done th,· ,Jim· lor u~ Wc'rl' f1,;Ull) luo~mg forward lO play,n[? lhc gami: nuv. ·· Qf Lecll". rcc.:enl pUlll run DI 1",,rm. B1JrrO\\' !oiil)'\: "1 fell thut it w:1" \'Cf) rmpurtant 10 heal WnkcfidJ .md p:u mto phty-ull un tht! ba1.:k ol n wan a.ltcr lour defc1,:1.ts We llC:l'd. clayrng pos11i\·c ,as a u:um. Snilus have been 111 good lornt all ycur. bul then: llit\ c- been pu\1u,·c!> m ~use gaml!s lhal we lu!>t. nr1d we cun l..ike thO!>c m1,1 1h1, mutch The mom thing. i~ 1hut we're all rc:ill)' loulm,!? forward to the gnme" ... lcy Roud hu-.0'1 hccn thc h11ppic~1 hun11ng iround fur Leed, in lhc lruit coupJc 1,r .. ca~on!'. ,ind 1hcy were heat• en there J~.2,4 back. m May in c:uac.h Daniel Andcn-on' .. riN1 game in 1,;harg.e of Sumi'.\. Hoy,cn:r. the Leed\ camp .ire pulling that finnly 10 the buck ol th1:1r nund'> ah1:ull of lOntgbt't; fixture. 1njun "'ft'\ a tnug,h place to go, bu1 there·., alway, a grcal I 3tmu~phcrc there. and you JUSI hope 1hc- player!- tum up 1n Lhc fr.ame uf n11n

+ - flillll. SePl8mller 30. 2005 23

Bore-c lays romgh1',; cl.L.,h. nu: Rrtw,h 111111 haol,, pmring nf Sean Lnng ,tml Paul Scul1horp1! i\rc both long~ tem1 casu;1J L1 e.,. alont; wi1h :-.peed) Au,LrOlino Student Sport Lowdown - winger l)atr~n Albert However. lhc l.cc1.h ,qund arc nu1 tukmg Premiership anything for grun1ed in terms of the ,1rength of Key players: 1he SainL, ,quad L n11ti'it1 rcvcahr ··we JUhl Jamie Lyon (St Helens) ha'\'c 10 ~tad to our game phtn. do lhc Mtwl1 a.\ England\ d11.c l'notha.11 ll'.ague ho.:nmc thl"' mo,.1 pre~ 1hmgs nght ;md work hurd a., a unit and nol Rob Burrow (Leeds) dtcmtiil!. ,wcrpnt-ed und dull ""J)C\.1UClc :iruund'J UN look ,, ho\ playing for lhcm Sam!\ h.i,·e a Hwccli.end\ action wouM "uggt.-....,1 !hat the ,ms" er ,_.. no. go,)d ,quad. a nd whuc\lcr·-. in their 17 mun TV: 1-i('l\1,e,.·cr. 1h1, i!c1m:-r M.irk lilt.") c.,er ha"c to i:nu!:,!h up i!. £:!5 C.1ldcrwoud ,~ Rich.mi 5'..iltlitn!Ore, C"hid hl.~lllive nf the I;.\. tu., n:jl.'\."ti:J j{Hlltnf?, Wigan, d,lim~ ot falling: Jttcndincc... Fnr 'lin.te tc-ain,. ullcnd.aru:c k\lcl and Chri, are up un lili>I ~a'fm, hut for man\' otb:f'> I.tu~ u. not the ,:u.-.c McKcnm1 and A,tr,n Villa. Bbc.lJium and \.ht.Jdbbruugh ha,c ~11 o:,~t.alnr Man:m, But Football ls number. drop h)'. un m·cragi.:.uvt·r '.\,(lfl') fn,m lhl\ lilll( List >C,lf. very over­ &:ud;unnn: ha., \WJ ho"c,cr. th..11! numherof h,c 1n.1tch­ c, ,Jt<,"n cJunng the 'iCa.'-4..,n ..,houW not go any h1~r than the priced to com• cu~t amount. which '" 138, uthc"' L'iC ,l!tc:nJ.mcc., "di ,inn to pensate for c.k.."Clinc. Ii the ridiculous !\.1Jn} chum llw! tlll.:: Pt"t.'m1i:1,lup hi~ lx"t'i,nle dull. w11l .tlw.r}s (lU) ta 'iCC their lc'.1m,cn:n 1l !cam pl:l), 1111 the dckn,,,.c, hcc.1u-;e the auno.. phcre. tcn-;1tT11 .and ,trtAtt:l) will ,Llw.i)'~ ~· p1t·~nl al a h>ol~ ball match Ar.enc Wc:n!--oe1 ha!> re(.-Clll]) c;1lk-d tor J honu., p.,1111 to be gl\lcn tu learns v. ho wm by three m nmre ~oal!-. Srnncthm~ lttal i, 1Ure.uly prc<,ent in rut;b> umun. v. 1'11:rt: h~allh whu ..ctn~ fr,e lll 1nnn- lne\ Mt' aw,tr"lk:d 11 honm, prnnl I lkin"t u11

1~1.1 whic.h will he ht:ld nt B~kt:m·, Purl,.. u:-cds Me,· pu:s an H.eudin~IL')'. ,_u111ing ;11 1pm . The Vi!J

Rampant Rhinos By CHRIS PEAK th~ d}mt ,tcontls Thi" li1tes1 suca,~, b 0111\ ~i:I 10 TIIE fulure of Leed, Rhino$ h1-,(l'1',t th~ rd:111011~hip b~twi;:c:n lo1>kcd in good hunds al the 'Cngland', top Rugby Lcugot! \.1t1b and ~\'cekund a~ the S JUor Acn.dcm} 1hc Met follt-1\\ rng lust wel'!.. '),,. nc\H nf 2 l Lcum were t rowncd First Uw new Cumcg11: ,;umtl 111 1-h:mfiui;h:) Oh ision cl1.ir111•inn.; n, -.ruLllum th11 1 I" 10 he bu.ill 10 pu11ncrsl11p hc1ween 1hi: t\\O. Hc;.1dingluy Sladiuni \i•ith n Tht.: Mc!. " 1110 ttrt: 111u, lhetr third r(lsoundini:,: 42-12 victor_\' over } l~llr mi l-tp\lllM1r-- of lhl: ~tl~ Rughy 1 \\ hJm:s. C:lrm..:gii.: Ac, v.: iH be tlcligh1eU :.u The Rhrno,, ,pun,mcd b) Luedi,. lhe \\ n)' ll\l' Jlnrlt\Cr~h1r I.., l,Jn~\Vlllill~. Mc-l. 11,l!ngtd 1hc1r ~l'IH Ph1y -()ff lo""l J'h~)' htlW ht.'lpet.1 lht plU)Ur\ 11, Whine~ wHh trie!-ir Imm DM1ny nch1L"VC" ,uccer... li<11h on ,11,d ofl the W11B.111111,. Ju,1M (ji,ltl~n ,r.1J1tl Jain pi1ch hy prm iding. 1h~1n wilh dl!\·cl11p (j(lrJrm uml 1w,, ,t pie..:~· IL1r At.hi!!} mcot protromme~ u.oJ .1 wid\• mn£tl nf G,h,un. Lt.'.!! 5m1tl1 and Jl\nhul T;UJ!>C) . IL·-.1ro111g oppt1ftun11te, \\ 1th the \i1,._c., oi \ klnr) m.'V('r 111111,.cU In illl) r~::t! llouhl Ke,rn Siufidd, Jaiui1: June, Aud1amm uller Ci1h,nn h.1d gone n\rer to ~con: anJ Muu Ot"il-.:111 alrcudv dnw tl1 com~ "ith hurclv t i\'c min1llL'" 1111 Th!! cloci.... plt11ng U~grcit!, m Spnri ~i:1en I.'. Widrn:~· uni~ re.,pc1n.,e wu~ r1 nc try LL·etl~ Mel ,1bn hop~" lhai the 1n c;1d1 hull. 10111 Or.1pcr ,run/lg ufte.r clf\.'~ls ol !heir -.pcm!\nrslup hw, innrc IV.i.:nl} c1g.!11 mmu1c-. t\J make" it I ~-6. far n:uchin~ cllc~h ,md that no, unly Tlw• howc\'cr, \\U'S 1u. dose U\ \\'JI.Ines otlltr plu}c:P. hu1 al~11 )OIH1!l r,t"Oph.• got. S('nsmi .i cumehnLt..!tt:-. ran in from a \nrlct~ nf b,tckernumh withnl fourntpn.l trit'\ wHhmH r,,;plv. Thi.: tJ2l lh~ t"!TllllllUUi} Will 1,; m,1ti\1Ucd I.('! Rhmi" c:appt.•tl off un l!!\.1":db1t \li'lp lay fUlll)\\ tlit:',C Jll,l.)C!f\ C':\,ITnr\c'< 111fll 1.\hL!11 Otum)' Willf:n11:-.1vl11.:hed down tn h1ghc"r l.'duculiun