Autumn .. _... ..==- leaves boho bare All the essentials from London Fashion week and how to apply it to the streets of Leeds ...____~~....z:....i..._ Pages 12 and 13 ~oo®ms D moo~ rn[ill~~ WHEN WILL THEY LEARN? ONE IN FOUR BARS IRRESPONSIBLY SERVE ~~~ PUNTERS LETHAL PORTIONS Pl.US: IAST WARNING- RNAl DEMAND I.EfflRS PIAGUE 1ENAN1S 2 oon wa., In g_ro<A. It" ,l3 about ge11111g had,, l'"C'opotL...c tor~ kmd uf lhiogs. Tih: ''dcmucrau~· procc~,· na.'CIOO 10 .m<l opponunU) :-,cl agmn.,1 u charming S<1mc had liked the 'Gi,c tt A Go' be made more appealing Tea and i.'Ollcr purple Jnu white back~md, "h1ch fil ll1 ba,,1cs. app.u~ml}'. DcsJ.. ~ nn<l hdore mc..'<!ling:-. \H~ld hdp lh.11.. ,me L'C l1fll.'J a smile ortv.11 fn,m Ltn,,,..,y rklll-\:.lf 11)1.:U ... group..; had hccn p;in ol the rt"\ ICW campai~ because 1l didn'1 tmolve anv 1.:omm1tment. Mcmtin_cs qf my dad lllc!ffiher ,.,id. an<l ii certilmh "'L'nt down lcmc dnukcr.- I wondcreJ wli.11 fohn M;LJOI would :i floodmg \\Ctl • Hune~t) wa.'> wnuen Ill big L"ap1ta.l, h.1,c m:Kk <ll II ull. "Nu\\ lhen bdwuu.. cnc:numgin~ mc ..... child came back. "Go on. Kev. g.1\1: u a go son. You There ''"~ •• di~1N,iun of I .UU i:xcc SdJ-mJulgcncc Y..;Lc;n't tlx!n- malt f h;ill­ b.-.:k 111 mine tor wmc- ck..~k research. ru ,aluc..., mtl!lkh:tl 1ohc deliv1.-rcJ h\ w;1y nf c1tt"-!..:h."1.I DJ,..ld Bn:n\ tn pop m with ht" c,..c.o thTO\\, in a focu~ gmup'· wink v. mk. ::~~~ .'.lCC<I an) corrumtmcnt, J>,1.',.')kxt or a ~le,, ,Lide~hu\\. But -.c~ufl!,; 1hcre ,gu11.1r ;utd bell out Kumb.1)i:1. l.iUI he J1d·;c nudge ,,ere. Wun) crunc tl:unugh nn the I~\ thilf n'I Mui cvcrvnm! W'"J..'- the Sllf\-Cy:-. A new UC rep for .lhc finance commil­ lCc not there wa, B toctuu)logical !!htch. A foml,l!.O Still on pnJc. one. mc.mhcr \aid· ·'We rc,caleJ the llnion is t-1'0.1 h.11 can nccJc-c.J to he appomtcJ. .. h\ foing ltl a m,1:is1ve t'OmnuLmcnL" u was nl ftdgctmi hcad~si.:n1ti.:hcr.. uni\led on ~'Cd to lcl people know. 'Look hnw grc;.1l makc. nnpruvemenL.,,. '"Wc',·c really got 10 be nn1ed. lmcrnJUon:11 Assembly cut:. ;\n,1J.,L lOC t.lin. nne resoncd tn h11hni; we an:··· An<l ho\\-, ·'\Vh\< not hnvc U il pu"h Uwt wugon.'' u ,;light!) excited hon­ ~compuler JUT11flcr.· 1•· another :mggc~i,1ed ·we c.x1uld d10 pmclaimcd Michael Madum was one of those who OpponunL'il\ ;unnng U'- :.eilcd the hmc llO"-t!"' and dai~ and tnlk i.llx)U I PooJ)le s.1id the:y ditln '1 like the price!'\ bra.,,i:ly :.tcpp<."Cl up for the job. Out of the Sketch mtem:gnum m head Im the c-4JC:inc 11 rue. me, me.· anothcr alrrlO'->t ~Lid, but in !hi! Union; 1hc Umon wus poor at com ;> or so UC mcmben. only 6 were up for wu.s like u mu.:1 and gn-ct for the uruic· rc.,tr.unccl hcr..clf mumcating wu.b member.; · btl hrush I Kevin Widdop quamlt:d. I wJ., imroliul,.,J tu the kmdly Abn di~--u~,J wa., the Union RL'\ 1c\\ lhuughL g.i"'en 6,{XX) 4ue-JJonnam:-... had Had they smd ii inv<>lvcd no cummit­ Gencrnf Manager who w,1,c, ail smilt!'> anJ A (.:OUplc of year.;; at,rn \ll1~1nc i,aitl there bt..'Cn ~nl llUI 11.wJ .m)'lxxly in the room mcnt lhc.n we might hnvc hnd n gOCf from thcnfT 1 wa., tJ1I! lir,.I l lnilln Counnl mee1mg compliment" wpuld be o. ·iinaocw.J 1cchurg'' in the ~,,·cd onc·l Silence. One person r.useJ their 11m1 not qunc dcfiantl). Bui still. lJ\C) of the, year lh1., wed, And nu Utt: ugc.11 The hull) anth,.::ir,.1100 ')!11.ii.~hO\\- CUil future 1f nothing W:b done Some lhmg ... Y.cre pleased w,lh Ull:. he.Der than 1da wa., ... the l 'mou ,·1.-nc.-d TI1crc "'Cl't" Niu wonlc. 11"-c.• pnJc \H"Kild han.' IO he dmppcd if the Ofg'\.i..l• AXED By Siobhan Groves PLANS lo build a EUHJ million stu­ dent village ha,·e bei,n scrapped. Proposals to house us many as 3000 undcrgrJduatc student,, in Holbeck DO\\ look \Cr) douhtful AreprL"Sentati\e from Leeds Coivcmt} say .... the ":heme will no longer go ahead. I le .. \Vhdc I lolhccJ.. rt'maJll'­ mg. lhl.-rc ure nu munoJ.1illJ! plam lu dcvel­ ~lp aa."Ommodatmn m ~ Jl\!a, •• Till! <kct"on ha:. been met with a m,x... 'll reacliun rmm local l'C.'ttdenb. Somc h.ld c:oi;prc .....\(:d cn\hU'tl&Ol ;.ll tJ~ f11PportU­ n1I) to h:gl!nl!mtc a run do"' n part of the Cl!)'. h IUtl lx.-cn re1x>rted 11ml L?()m wus 10 l'X! lQvc.,ted tn 1mpnl\ mg shops. lci.:;un:: l:u:i\it1t· ... 1u1d public transport. Some, un lhc utJic, hand. wen: pleasaf a1 t1ns week'~ annoum.. ~mcnl. Hol~"tl·~ Cros, lngnum, Are.i R~idc-.nts' Ass<-.:u1t1on sp:,J..c,man. Su:pbcn Pc;.J,CQd. \\H.\ plca-.cJ lit· su11.I ··we d1dn·1 ~anl ~.IIKl ,1udl!nt.., on ourdoor.Lc:p." AtLun Ogih re. Labour Councillor fCI' O.."\•.,lnn i.lnd Hnlhcx J.. , ~liev~ lh:u the un1vl"ri;il)' is oo lt>ngcr tnlcn!\IL'li in de,el­ opmg tJic Jn:a. I It ..aid "I think Ull!\ over- c:..sunutcd \\.kll tlv:) nee<kd." · The uni,cP.-11ty"s houMng slralcg)' to 13l Ide n mg student numbcI\ ong.maily fc,11ured I fol bed, w. a crucial area.. The fir~I 01 the Jevelt,p!T'klnt wa.., due tO ~ 1..·nmr,lctt!d during thc :!()()Mf200CJ ,11:a­ dcnm. year. LcClh Uni h,1,.e nov. ck.~iclt.>d on an By AMY LEA AND CLAIRE ROGESON hccau'ic: wt.> had ,1tn:mJy ..,ct up ... cpanilc ;.1ccmmti, MOVfNt; into a house \\a"I more slrc~sful ul1crn111tvc to illXorrunodutc the mcrcasini Our \,tndlady d1~tn'1 sc ...·m fo!<ls..:d nncl ir w11. ... leh 10 u,; than u,uu1 for ~nmc ~ctond )'ears when U1l!) number of sludenb. Use of pO\'alc 'il..'cior In ... m1 11 out" Leed ... l 1m'._ hnu~mg 'ieJVice Un ipol were grecll'd with ' lion.I notice' hills for the ... ucs ,tmund L:cd.s 1!o. being considered.. following tht· heguming nf !-tudent:.' tenancy agrec­ gu\"c the folluwtng ndvicc· "M.tkc sure that c,·cl)'· previous ~eaN"· tennnt~. Counc11lur Ogilne said. " I think r'ncnts. h:avmg the nc\\ 1x:cupants concerned llJ\J hudy k1mw!- whu\C n:..,~m..,ibtlll) 1l ~ IO 1w,y the hmncr 'itudcm.,' failure 10 k,:cp up w1tb ~a~ they"ve foun<l tru.!y have enough gomg up con1uscd hills, anJ ensure thnt the lnntllord is aware ot itn} water und clc.:tm:11y pil)mc-nt!'I h;.i, 11.'il the new m other area,.., of lhe l'II)'... He hopes lhal Jay Oa, ,c,. i.l ..,ccond year Hro;1dr.as1 Jnumtthi.l. nC\\ aL·i:oums set up. ShoutU the problem C'OO IU1UL' oecupaJlh w11h ,1 h,1dJng of unpaid J~ht. w1dl!r rcg\!nCmllon of I lolheck wall soil ,md: "W~ had a kw ll.tu1llm£ letters addressed to ,cc.k )JlCClalist h:gal .uhicc." Cumparue, ,uch a, Brit1"h Ga., o.nd nPnwer trieJ 10 tnJ..e plu~e. pre\ 1ou!. t.lCcup;tnb. nnc lll whi.:h w,1!> ~..:n1 by deht­ Bnttsh Ga.~ would not disi:us,, ca...cs. the mc)rlt.:)" O\\ed to tht.:m and a, .i final Fellow Holbeck councillor Angel.a cnllt=c.:h1r. Our l.~ndlord Ill ...,1pf".N!d 10 he ~urting Jt. hut ,uh 11-c nuulrn~ a c,1py of the hnu ... m2 contract 10 rewn hundcJ '><'''Cntl rnd1v1dual ca,c1,, to deh1 mun Gatiriol ,aid. "While the "h~n): could but he I" ,;.o poor ut ,urting Thing ... dcb1 collei:lors Stephen Chav. kc. pres~ otncc:r fnr .agl!mcnt 1.:1,mpamc, l'h1, ha_, c\-cn happc11cd 1n have hrouglu dJ,•CN.Jl)' 10 Holbeck. !bf Mis, R.unc,. u Bu,.tnt.:"'- School ,rudcn1. 8nt1sh G,1.., ... mt.I: "The v.or,t 1hmg you can du is clo ht1u...ellolcJ-. where nc\\ 11L"i:Hunb h11,I!' l>l.•cn ,ct up 1mctll.k..'d i<X)O ,1u<lents hrn1g tht:re mighl c:oi;platncd ·\\le wi:rc wrpn,ctl and ,!ighily sh,x;l,.d nolhmi .\c11vl'I) ling lht compunies 1molvcd" have hi!cn too much 01 a pressure." • DISC-over the hght 4 • Asian Speed Dating 4 • Drink of death: 5 ARTY LEEDS FREE &page TV guide SEE LS2 • S1ra1egrc Review 5 • S1Udeots volunteenng 6& 7 • 300 seconds: Telford SEE LS2 12·13 5 · 22. CINEMAS JUICE 23 • Comment· Fresher week/Drugs.
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