
E.R: I get inspired by lots of things. For exam- Interview with ple by things I see on the news that are hap- pening around the world, and how that ef- fects the earth, us humans and the animals. I write when I think a lot about something Elize Ryd is the female vocalist in the modern and I need to get it out of my system. I always metal band , and has been tour- write a melody that express the feeling irst, ing with for ive years as the main then words. The whole phenomenon Ama- actress, guest vocalist and chorus girl. She ranthe inspires me a lot because of the three also took part in many albums from Swedish voices, and the possibility we get to express and international artists, such as Takida, Ren- our songs with diferent sounds. egade Five, or Houston. Elize re- ceives countless requests from well-known TAO:In just a few years you have done lots of artists to feature her great voice on their shows and got to meet many other artists. albums, and undoubtedly she is one of the Who were you impressed the most by? most promising female vocalists in the cur- E.R: I get very impressed every time I meet a rent rock/metal scene. female metal-artists, I most get impressed by their determination and straining. Every art- Teen Art Out: Hello! You are starting your ex- ist out there are hard workers, it’s not an easy tensive tour in the beginning of February. business we are in. What do you expect of it? Elize Ryd: I expect it to be fun, that is all I wish TAO: Do you think that being a still young and hope for. band helps you be closer and more involved with your fans? TAO: You have so many shows in such a short E.R: Yes, I absolutely believe so since we are time. How hard is it to go up on stage day used to the way to communicate as we do, after day? over internet. And that makes it easier to be E.R: I don’t ind it hard at all, I love it. I have a close to our fans. very long experience of performing live ev- ery day since I have been doing many tours, TAO: How has the international success af- and on top of that I used to work full time as a fected your relationships with your friends show-twist for two long years before I joined and family back home? Amaranthe. The circumstances are very tuf E.R: I don’t have much time to see them, but on tour and that of course makes it harder. my family and closest friends understand that and they really support me and all my TAO: How is the second album coming along? choices in life. I can sometimes ind it very Can we expect world domination this time? sad to never be able to participate on my E.R: Yes, you really can. I love the album, our family and friends birthdays, marriage and label loves the album, so now only the rest of other big happenings. the world needs to love it. ;) TAO: How often do people recognize you on TAO: As you are one of the composers of the the street at home? band, what inspires you to write? E.R: It happens every now and then, but usu- 26