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Heritage God Påske! The significance Happy Easter from of Norwegian Våren er vakker for den som lenge har hatt vinter. the Norwegian surnames American Weekly Read more on page 14 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 13 April 5, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com Easter holiday brings injury Business The Norwegian-owned company An early Easter Prospector Offshore Drilling may suffer major losses due to the brings with it bank crisis in Cyprus, according to Norwegian newspaper more skiers, and Dagbladet. The paper says the thus more snow- company has around USD 8.1 million (NOK 50 million) on related injuries account with the hard-hit Laiki Bank on Cyprus. The bank’s major customers have been told that 37.5 percent of deposits Staff Compilation above Euro 100,000 will be Norwegian American Weekly turned into near worthless shares in the bank, the paper writes. (Norway Post) An unlucky skier was on Eas- News ter Sunday picked up by a police helicopter after he fell and broke An oil company working on a his rib at Bjørnsjøen in Nordmar- pipeline off the coast of Norway recently made a discovery maybe ka. as valuable as the liquid gold: a The man was transported to sunken Nazi submarine. Agence the emergency room in , a France-Press reports that the trip he did not make alone over the wreckage of a U-486 was found holiday weekend. more than 800 feet below the sea Photo: Terje Nesthus / Flickr near the town of in western See > easter, page 6 A busy slope during Easter vacation 2013 at the ski resort in , on the west coast of Norway. Norway. According to AFP, the state-owned Statoil company uncovered the submarine while scouting a potential location for In search of new land a new underwater oil pipeline. Celebrating 100 In the tradition Arild Maroey Hansen of the Bergen Maritime Museum told Daughters of Norway Solheim Lodge #20 of Norwegian AFP that the U-486 met her celebrates 100th anniversary in Butte, Mont. exploration, a demise in April 1945, when she was torpedoed by a British journey across submarine and split in two. Ellesmere Island (Huffington Post) Special Release Royal Norwegian Embassy What’s inside? Only powered by wind, mus- News 2 – 3 cle and canine companions this Business 4 expedition seeks out to cross one Photo: Royal Norwegian Embassy Research & Education 5 See > land, page 13 Tobias (Toby) Thorleifsson. Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Photo: Marcia Jacobsen Comer Roots & Connections 10 Heidi Dragsten Barcia, Grand Lodge President (left), and Ellen Crain, Manager of The Obituaries & Religion 11 Archives, Butte-Silver Bow, Mont. Happy Easter Arts & Style 12 In Your Neighborhood 13 Heidi Dragsten Barcia Marcia Jacobsen Comer fromGod the Norwegian Påske! American Weekly Norwegian Heritage 14 Reno, Nev. Coupeville, Wash. Sports 15 Daughters of Norway Grand MT. One hundred years of pro- $1 = NOK 5.8274 Lodge officers recently traveled viding fellowship and Norwegian updated 4/1/2013 from around the country for the cultural celebration in and around rare privilege of honoring and of- Butte, is indeed an important mile- In comparison fering their congratulations to stone and one to be celebrated. The 3/1/2013 5.7552 members of Solheim Lodge #20 on rich history of Norwegian immi- 10/1/2012 5.7299 their 100th anniversary in Butte, 4/1/2012 5.6909 See > 100, page 13 2 • April 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Får hudkreft er årets «Snill gutt» Stortinget maktesløs Pressefotografenes Klubb har gitt advokat Hyppige sydenturer og Geir Lippestad prisen «Snill gutt» etter job- Nesten to år etter ben han gjorde som forsvarer for massemor- terrorangrepet er økt solariebruk presser deren . «Snill gutt» alderen for tilfeller av er en utmerkelse som gis til kjente og aktu- Stortinget maktesløs mot elle personer som viser evne til å samarbeide føflekkreft nedover med pressen. – Denne prisen er jeg veldig feilparkerte varebiler glad for, sier Lippestad på vei inn for å motta VG prisen – litt forsinket til arrangementet etter akkurat å ha landet fra en flyreise mellom VG Mange må nå betale prisen for uvettig Narvik og Oslo. – Hva tenker du om å bli fremhevet som snill etter å ha vært forsvarer soling på 70- og 80-tallet: De får hudkreft. for en som var så slem? – Jeg tror det er et Her står en hvit varebil feilparkert uten- Flere forskere mener også at vi i frem- uttrykk for at fotografer, journalister og an- for Stortinget. Sikkerhetssjefen innrømmer tiden vil finne hudkreft hos yngre personer dre mener at vi løste terrorsaken på en god at hun ikke kan gjøre noe med det. Foto: VG / Screenshot enn tidligere, fordi solvanene har endret seg. måte. Ikke bare jeg, men rettsapparatet og VG har fått tilgang til filmsnutter som Fritt frem for feilparkerte varebiler ved Stortinget. – Unge pasienter helt ned i 20-årsal- hele samfunnet. Vi sto opp for rettssikker- viser at en hvit varebil ved minst to anled- deren kommer for å utrede mulig føflekkreft, het. ninger har fått stå feilparkert i taxikøen uten- sier professor og overlege Aasmund Berner (NTB) for inngangen til Stortinget fra Akersgaten. Det eneste seksjonen kan gjøre, er å an- ved Oslo universitetssykehus. Varebilen er ikke ulik kassebilen som mode feilparkerte biler om å flytte seg. Han frykter pasientmassen blir stadig Breiviks mor døde Anders Behring Breivik parkerte tett inntil – Det har skjedd at vi har anmodet biler yngre som følge av økt soleksponering. Wenche Behring Breivik (66), mor til ter- Høyblokka i om ettermi- pent om å flytte seg. Men ut over det har vi Antallet nordmenn som diagnostiseres rordømte Anders Behring Breivik, sovnet ddagen den 22. juli 2011. ingen myndighet, sier hun. med føflekkreft, er mer enn åttedoblet siden inn i Oslo 22. mars etter lengre tids syk- Selv om Stortinget kan være et terror- I VG 5. mars sa Aps justispolitiske tals- Kreftregisteret startet sine registreringer i dom. Morens advokat Ragnhild Torgersen mål, er Stortingets sikkerhetsseksjon mak- mann, Jan Bøhler, at prosessen med å stenge 1953. bekrefter dødsfallet overfor VG. – Jeg kan tesløse dersom de mener at en parkert bil Akersgaten gikk for tregt. Norge ligger høyt på verdensstatistik- bekrefte at hun har gått bort, sier advokaten. utenfor nasjonalforsamlingen utgjør en sik- – Vi må for all del unngå at prosessen ken, og i Norden er det bare danske kvinner Etter det VG kjenner til døde Wenche Beh- kerhetsrisiko. med å stenge Akersgata blir et nytt Grub- som har høyere forekomst enn oss. Øknin- ring Breivik på en helseinstitusjon i Oslo- Sikkerhetssjef på Stortinget, Berit Mi- begata, sier Bøhler til VG. gen er størst for menn over 50 år, og kvin- området ved 20-tiden fredag kveld, og den chelet, har ikke villet se filmklippene, men Da Breivik gjennomførte terroraksjonen nene følger like bak. nærmeste familien er varslet om dødsfallet. sier at hun uansett ikke kan gjøre noe med for snart to år siden, hadde prosessen med å Og verre blir det, skal vi tro Trude Eid Advokaten snakket med Breiviks mor helt stenge gaten som gikk mellom høyblokka og Robsahm, forsker i Kreftregisteret. til det siste. – Hun hadde et sterkt ønske om feilparkeringen. – Det er et skille mellom offentlig eien- de andre departementsbyggene på den andre – Vi har utrolig mange dårlige vaner at media skulle la familien hennes være i siden av Grubbegata pågått i flere år – uten at fred da hun gikk bort. Det var det siste øn- dom og privat eiendom. I dette tilfellet er det i Norge, og det er sannsynligvis solingsat- gaten hadde blitt stengt. sket som hun kommuniserte til meg, sier politiet som har ansvaret for den feilparkerte ferden som forklarer vår høye forekomst av Torgersen. bilen. De kan delegere det til parkeringse- føflekkreft, sier Eid Robsahm til VG. (VG) taten. Verken jeg eller noen andre i sikker- English Synopsis: Two years after the July 22 car- hetsseksjonen har politimyndighet, sier Mi- bombing in Oslo’s government quarter, Parliament English Synopsis: More and younger Norwegians are can’t do anything about strange vehicles parking in chelet. coming down with skin cancer as a result of increased Færre cruiseskip-anløp enn planlagt front of its buildings, a huge safety hazard. sunbathing. Det blir likevel ikke 70 anløp av cruiseskip til Kristiansand denne sesongen. En av de største aktørene har kansellert flere anløp, og Kristiansand lufthavn Kjevik får sky- Jakter på Lotto lden. Lenge lå det an til en økning i år på 40 Reform i skolemat? prosent i cruisetrafikken til byen. Men en av millionærer de større aktørene har nå kansellert en rekke Flere sentrale anløp. Årsaken skal være at Kristiansand Senterparti-politikere lufthavn Kjevik ikke kan ta imot store nok 47 vinnere delte fly med nye passasjerer til cruiseskipene. krever at satsing på Kristiansand kan dermed ikke brukes som påskeaften en Super- “byttehavn” av passasjerer, og båtene vel- Lotto-pott på like mange skolemåltid må bli ger derfor andre havner i Norge med større den nye rødgrønne flyplasser. – Helt på tampen har vi fått millioner kroner. 12 kansellering på 15 anløp av skipet Grand personer er fortsatt helsereformen Mistral og det ble begrunnet i at de gikk til Bergen i stedet. Det sier Thomas Granfeldt i lykkelig uvitende om at de Kristiansand Havn. Og det er lengden på rul- er blitt millionærer VG lebanen på Kjevik som har skylden, ifølge Granfeldt. (Aftenposten) VG Første steg blir å utvide fruktordningen NAF: Én av tre vil legge om til kollektivt til alle skolebarn til og med videregående skole. Andre steg blir å innføre et offentlig Det viser en undersøkelse gjort for Norsk Super-Lotto er en ekstratrekning i Lotto finansiert skolemåltid i ungdomsskolen, Automobil-Forbund. NAF har ikke beg- fire ganger i året. skriver Nationen. Foto: SIV JOHANNE SEGLEM renset seg til folks forhold til bil når de har Lørdag var det 47 millioner kroner i – Det er i ungdomsskolen elevene beg- fått Norstat til å gjennomføre en større un- potten, og 47 vinnere får én million kroner dersøkelse. De har også sett på hvor mange ynner å droppe matpakkene. Måltidet trenger penger ved at livsstilssykdommer kan bli re- hver. De 47 er 33 menn, 13 kvinner og et an- som kunne tenke seg å la bilen stå. I til- ikke bety en milliardsatsing i ett budsjett. Vi dusert, mener de tre Sp-erne. delslag. legg til å være åpne for å gå over til buss begynner med tilskuddsordninger kommu- Helseminister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) og bane, er mange også positive til å bruke Den yngste millionæren er 27 år og den nene kan søke på vegne av sine skoler, sier oppfordret tidligere i år norske kommuner til innfartsparkeringer, opplyser forbundet. eldste 87 år. Sps stortingsrepresentant Anne Tingelstad å satse på skolemat. Han foreslo at foreldre – Dette viser at folk tar utfordringene om – Vi jobber fortsatt med å få tak i 12 av Wøien. kan betale en egenandel for ordningen. Sos- transport inn og ut av storbyene på alvor, dem, opplyser Norsk Tipping på sin nettside Hun har med seg kollegene Kjersti ialistisk Venstrepartis leder Audun Lysbak- sier kommunikasjonssjef Inger Elisabeth 1. påskedag. Toppe og Kathrine Kleveland bak forslaget. ken tror skolematreform er noe som kommer Sagedal. De som er mest villige til å la bilen Alle som har spilt Lotto fra jul og fram De tre vil gjøre skolemat til den neste store med tiden. stå, er sørlendinger og telemarkinger. Her til lørdag klokken 18 var med i Super- Lotto- helsereformen. Høyre, Kristelig Folkeparti og Venstre svarer hele 43 prosent at de vil endre reisev- trekningen. – Satsing på skolemat handler ikke om vil fjerne den statlige finansierte ordningen aner dersom kollektivtilbudet blir bedre. Og I tillegg til de 47 Super-Lotto-vinnerne, å prioritere mellom lærere og bananer. Det med frukt i skolen. Fremskrittspartiet skal selv i Oslo, som allerede har en kollektivan- vant fire personer over 3 millioner kroner handler om å drive forebyggende helsear- diskutere skolemat på landsmøtet senere i del på 69 prosent, er 15 prosent villige til å hver i lørdagens ordinære Lotto-trekning. beid i stedet for å reparere, sier Toppe. vår. bytte transportmiddel, men igjen med forbe- – Penger til skolemat må føres på helse- holdet om at tilbudet må bli bedre. English Synopsis: In an Easter lottery, 47 people budsjettet, som et tiltak for forebyggende (NTB) English Synopsis: The Center Party (Sp) wants to won 47 million kroner to be split between them. The helse, foreslår hun. Norwegian Lottery is still looking for 12 of these make school lunch reform part of their public health lucky winners. Sunnere mat for unge vil bety sparte platform in preperation for the upcoming election. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news April 5, 2013 • 3 News Safe return This week in brief A very close race Breivik’s mother dead; terrorist denied A Norwegian woman leave for funeral The mother of terrorist Anders Behring kidnapped on the Sinai While a large number Breivik died on March 22 at the age of 66 Peninsula released and of Norwegians want after years of severe illness. The request by her son to be allowed to participate in the returned home to Norway Erna Solberg as the next funeral was turned down by by the prison Prime Minister, Jens authorities. Behring Breivik is detained in Aftenposten the prison’s section of extra high security. Stoltenberg also has According to the director at Ila prison, popular support Knut Barkeid, those who are held here only have the possibility of being granted A Norwegian woman, Ingvild Selvik leave if there is a serious health condition Ask, and an Israeli citizen were kidnapped Staff Compilation that must be treated at facilities outside the by Bedouins shortly after they drove over Norwegian American Weekly prison. It has been determined that Breivik the border from Israel to Egypt on the Sinai will still be detained in high-security Peninsula on Mar. 21. While it seems that most Norwegians conditions until Sept. 26, 2013. The two were on the way south from trust Erna Solberg (Conservative Party) to (Norway Post) the resort of Taba on the border with Israel be the next Prime Minister, confidence in Photos: Wikimedia Commons Erna Solberg (left) and current Prime Minister to the seaside resort of Dahab, when six to Jens Stoltenberg (Labor Party) is also high, This week in nonsensical tweets eight masked and armed men stopped their Jens Stoltenberg are neck-and-neck in approval according to a new poll Ipsos MMI has pub- ratings for next Prime Minister of Norway. High-profile lawyer Geir Lippestad, vehicle. lished in ​​Dagbladet. Confidence in the other famous for defending terrorist Anders The two were then forced into the kid- party leaders are far lower, the poll results servative Party leader Erna Solberg. Mean- Behring Breivik in his trial last spring, nappers’ pickup and driven away from the show. while, 63 percent have great faith in the La- recently let his young daughter play with place. The poll shows that 73 percent of re- bor Party leader and current Prime Minister his phone. It wasn’t too long before the spondents have great confidence in the Con- child had managed to send the following See > return, page 7 See > race, page 7 tweet to the Crown Princess: “åuij@ hæiy.” “I let my one-year-old play with my phone, so we could eat Easter dinner Norwegian film at Tribeca New support in peace,” said an amused Lippestad. “It’s impressive that she has managed to send a Kurdish-Norwegian A resolution put forward message to the crown princess, but I hope she does not take offense,” said the lawyer director Hisham Zaman’s by Norway has been to VG. feature debut will adopted by the UN (Staff Compilation) compete at the 2013 Human Rights Council in Minister of Industry and Trade visits Asia Tribeca Film Festival Geneva Norwegian Minister of Industry and Trade, Trond Giske, has begun a week- long visit to Asia, starting in Myanmar. Press Release In Myanmar, the Norwegian Minister and Special Release Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives for Norwegian firms which Norwegian Film Insitute are interested in operating in Myanmar, will have talks with the country’s minister “The adoption of this resolution sends of Trade. Giske will also have political an important signal of support to all the talks. The Norwegian Minister will also courageous people who are fighting against Hisham Zaman’s “Before Snowfall” visit Vietnam, Laos, Bangladesh and human rights violations all over the world,” (Før snøen faller), which won the SEK 1 Thailand. said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth million Dragon Award Best Nordic Film at (Press Release) Sweden’s Göteborg International Film Festi- Eide. val, has been selected for competition at the Photo: Norwegian Film Institute The key message of the resolution is that 2013 Tribeca Film Festival, which runs in Director Hisham Zaman. national legislation must be consistent with New York between 17 – 28 April, 2013. international human rights law and cannot be “Before Snowfall” is the only Nordic eric Boyer, Artistic Director Tribeca Film misused to restrict the legitimate work and contender in the World Narrative Competi- Festival. Last year Norwegian director Mag- activities of human rights defenders. tion, which unspools 12 features “reflecting nus Martens’ “Jackpot” (Arme riddere) par- The resolution urges states to create a the quality and diversity of contemporary safe and enabling environment in which hu- cinema from across the globe,” said Fred- See > tribeca, page 12 See > support, page 15

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. 4 • April 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Photo: Wikimedia Commons Basilica of the Virgin of Candelaria (Patroness of the Canary Islands) in Candelaria, Tenerife.

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Spain is the most popular summer desti- panies established less than five years ago. nation for Norwegians. Over 1 million visit At the same time 181,000 jobs disappeared Spain every year. More than 100,000 own a in companies older than five years. Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK home there and 20,000 live permanently in In countries like the U.S. and to some phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 the country. Costa del Sol, Costa Blanca, extent Norway, the business angels are a fun- fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Canary Islands and Mallorca are the most damental pillar in the development of inno- popular areas. Jens Stoltenberg took part in vation. In Spain, however, they are few and the 17th of May celebration in Torrevieja in far between. There are not many of them, Southern-Spain with 2,000 attending some but they are becoming better organized. It [email protected] years ago. The Progress Party (FrP) was the is beginning to grow bigger. According to 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 first political party to establish their move- one business angel, you put money into a ment in Spain. Recently the vice chairman company when its own capital has run out. visited the members at the Costa del Sol. And you withdraw when the company has Many Norwegians in Spain have surely reached a size when it can attract conven- thought about starting their own business. To tional risk capital. Waiting too long for your issue? get started it might be useful to visit the busi- Many business angels bring more than ness and innovation center BIC Euronova in money to a project. This is intelligent capital, Try our digital edition – delivered to Malaga’s technology park. The center was because as well as the investment they bring your inbox every Friday morning! started back in 1992. Today the center has experience, contacts and know-how. There 150 members. 50 – 60 startup companies are are now plenty of places to find ideas for in- located in the incubator. The leader of the in- vestment. Make contact through the internet Email [email protected] to activate your novation center is also chairman of the Euro- and associations or the organized investment digital subscription today! pean Business Innovation Centres Network fora’s where the start-ups can present their (EBN). projects in the hope of finding somebody to Spain has one of the highest unemploy- invest in them. Fine print: All print subscribers have access to our digital edition until June 1, 2013. You can also ment rates in Europe. Naturally entrepre- Some people do not invest all their mon- change to digital-only if you prefer. neurship is in focus. ey in the stock market. They are also inter- According to a study by the Kauffman ested in innovation and not only the world of To set up your account, email kelsey@norway. com with your account information. Foundation it is new companies, those less finance. For them it is critical who is behind than five years old that create employment. the start-up. It may be the entrepreneurs who In Norway it is the same. Between 2002 and begin the start-ups, but it is the business an- 2007, 248,000 new jobs was created in com- gels who help them survive.

Subscribe to the Weekly! Business News & Notes

Norway Boosts Capital Requirements to Stem important banks, the target will rise to 11 per- U.S. • Canada • International Banking Risk cent in 2015 and 12 percent in 2016. A pro- Norway proposed raising capital requirements posed counter-cyclical buffer of as much as at its banks to protect the economy from finan- 2.5 percent could also be assessed, the minis- Digital • Print cial losses amid warnings Europe’s second- try said. “The international financial crisis has richest economy is in the grip of a housing shown how vulnerable banks are and how fast Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] bubble. The country will target core capital a loss of confidence can spread,” Finance Min- requirements of 10 percent by July next year, ister Sigbjoern Johnsen said in the statement. up from the current 9 percent, the Oslo-based (Bloomberg) Finance Ministry said today. For systemically norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research April 5, 2013 • 5 Research & Education New north research Cured, but still sick The large-scale project GeoPolitics in the High North, Many cancer survivors Norwegian Interests (GEOPOLITIKK-NORD) was recently subsequently experience concluded five years of research new health problems due to the cancer and/or the treatment. Norwegian researchers want to find out why

Elin Fugelsnes / Else Lie Research Council of Norway

The number of people diagnosed with cancer is rising – as is the number of survi- vors. In Norway today, over 120,000 of the total population of 5 million are long-term Photo: Elin Fugelsnes Dr. Jon H. Loge is heading a new research proj- cancer survivors. This means that they have ect on the late effects of cancer. Photo: Ole Magnus Rapp lived five years or longer after receiving a Master’s student Nora Holst Haaland and doctoral fellow Felix Breitschädel are contributing to cancer diagnosis. But tough chemotherapy, Norway’s Olympic success. surgery and radiotherapy can have a lasting unrelated to the original type of cancer. negative impact on their health. In another substudy, researchers will at- tempt to find out what long-term survivors Kristen Ulstein / Else Lie Serious late effects among 15 – 20 percent want to know about the risk of late effects Research Council of Norway of survivors and the need for follow-up on this and other “Some patients end up with life-threat- health issues related to cancer survivorship. ening late effects such as cardiovascular dis- This type of follow-up is not systematically Some 40 researchers from 10 Norwe- tries,” continues Dr. Hilde. orders or a second cancer. Others experience organised in health services in Norway to- gian and international institutions have been At the conference in Tromsø, Dr. Hilde ailments such as chronic fatigue, hormone day, according to Dr. Loge, and is heavily affiliated with the project, which has been asked the central question: How crucial are disturbances or infertility,” explains Jon H. debated internationally as well. headed by the Norwegian Institute for De- the resources in the Arctic to the world out- Loge, head of the National Resource Center “After surviving cancer it can be hard fence Studies. Rolf Tamnes has served as the side of Norway? His own answer was that for Late Effects after Cancer Treatment at for patients to hear that they run a greater project manager and Kristine Offerdal as the while the region is not currently a global hot Oslo University Hospital. risk of contracting other types of illness. research coordinator. spot, it undoubtedly carries a certain degree Dr. Loge estimates that approximately At the same time, patients have the right to The GEOPOLITIKK-NORD project has of significance. He believes that events may 15 – 20 percent of long-term survivors expe- know. We are going to find out what type of been funded by the Research Council of Nor- take place in the future that will change the rience serious late effects, whereas 70 – 80 information they have received, what they way with allocations from the Government’s region’s international status. percent experience minor late effects or none think they ought to have been told and at Barents 2020 initiative. The total budget has The situation regarding resources is at all. In a new project funded under the Re- what point in the course of their treatment,” been approximately NOK 25 million. complex: The Arctic contains about 13 per search Council of Norway’s Programme for explains Jon H. Loge. “Geopolitics in the Arctic is a little bit cent of the world’s undiscovered oil resourc- Publicly-initiated Clinical Cancer Studies like climate change. Changes es and 30 percent of its gas re- (KREFT) Dr. Loge and colleagues from all Exercise put to the test are taking place, it’s getting sources. By the same token, gas university hospitals in Norway will analyse The researchers are also going to test warmer, but it’s not happening from this region is more costly mechanisms underlying such late effects. whether patients with testicular cancer can quickly,” says Paal S. Hilde of to extract and more difficult to Which treatment-related or patient-related manage to exercise while undergoing che- the Norwegian Institute for De- access than, for example, shale factors cause some to be affected while oth- motherapy and, if so, whether the exercise fence Studies, who has played gas from the US. We also know ers are not? has any effect. a key role in the GEOPOLI- that a relatively small portion “The overall goal of the research project TIKK-NORD project. of rare minerals is found in the What do patients want to know? is to gain greater insight into the develop- Today the term “geopoli- Arctic,” says Dr. Hilde. The researchers will be following ap- ment of serious late effects and to understand tics” is used broadly to refer to With regard to shipping, he proximately 1,000 breast cancer and lym- which factors can be used to predict who will the influence of geography on explains that the Arctic route phoma patients over several years. Initially, become affected and how they can be pre- international power relations. has had very little prominence they will examine the development of car- vented. This could translate into treatment Photo: Research Council In recent years the question of so far, but it could become diovascular disorders and chronic fatigue but Paal S. Hilde of the Nor- and follow-up approaches better adapted to whether geography is still rel- more interesting in the future. over time will also study secondary cancers, the individual patient,” Dr. Loge concludes. evant in a globalised world has wegian Institute for De- Dr. Hilde believes that fence Studies has played a which are being defined here as new cancers been hotly debated. Dr. Hilde the geopolitical challenges are key role in the project. thinks it is important to discuss much greater in other parts of whether a geopolitics specific to the world compared with the the Arctic actually exists. Arctic, citing the region of the South China “During the Cold War the Arctic was Sea with its much more serious, unresolved strategically important because the area sep- border issues as one example. arated the two superpowers, the U.S. and the The overall objective of the GEOPOLI- God Påske! Soviet Union,” explains Dr. Hilde. “In the TIKK-NORD project has been to generate (prounounced good poe-ska!) 1990s there was a quiet interlude, which has new knowledge about foreign policy issues given way to renewed interest in the 2000s. of special significance for the High North Climate change is one reason for this, but and to strengthen the fragmented Norwegian the potential to utilise energy and other re- research community in this area. sources is even more crucial. The possibility The Norwegian authorities are the most Happy Easter from of new sea routes is important as well.” essential user of this knowledge. Insights Furthermore, the Arctic has taken on from the project will be used primarily as a the Norwegian new significance from a military strategic basis for formulating future Norwegian pol- perspective in recent years. “We see a cer- icy on the High North, but are at the same tain amount of military build-up in the Arc- time relevant for trade and industry and for American Weekly! tic, but for the most part this militarisation is various research communities involved in is- not linked to conditions in the region itself, sues related to the High North. which is comprised of strong, stable coun- 6 • April 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < easter From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway

On Twitter, several rescues were report- Join the conversation! ed on Easter Sunday, and both the Red Cross On the EDGE and emergency services in Oslo said that this ‘Nordic Cool Power in Washington’: What the Nordics Teach About Nation Branding year Easter has been very busy. The emergency ward in Oslo had a large By András Simonyi and Erik Brattberg influx of visitors over the holidays. On Good Friday and Saturday, the emergency room In February, the Kennedy Center in system, an innovation-driven, tech savvy imperative for the West. had 40 more consultations than the same Washington D.C. welcomed “Nordic Cool business climate, and environmentally It naturally comes to mind that others weekend last year. 2013,” a month-long festival showcasing conscious policies – is an envy to the rest in Europe, in particular Central Europe: “Compared to last year there has been the finest examples of music, dance, liter- of the world. the Poles, the Hungarians, Czechs, Slo- much to do,” said Martine Enger, a physi- ature, fashion, food, lifestyle and the arts, Using a smart mindset on power, vaks and Romanians should learn from cian at an Oslo emergency clinic. She spent all the product of creativity and a thou- the Nordics show that both soft and hard the Nordics. They should team up, not just the Easter weekend in the city, at work. sand years of tradition from the Nordic power capacities, part of one power tool- in words and forms of declarations but for Enger believes the influx may be due to the countries. The icing on the cake (literally) box, are the critical components that com- real. The menu for opening night at their fact that Easter came early this year. on opening night was a dinner created by prise a nation’s global brand. But success- joint event in Washington will be nothing “So far it looks like we will get more the talented Morten Sohlberg, the Norwe- ful nation branding is also inevitably a to worry about. cross-country and alpine skiing injuries than gian-born chef who runs, among others, ‘whole-of-society’ enterprise. As the Nor- last year. I think it might be explained by the Smorgas in New York. This was just a dics show, these assets must be deployed This article was originally posted on the better skiing around Oslo, and the great sampler, with more to come! strategically and in a comprehensive the Huffington Post blog at www.huffing- weather.” The Nordics are smart to team up to manner. Effective collaboration between tonpost.com. It is reprinted in the Norwe- Enger says that the closed operating make themselves visible in Washington government, civil society and the private gian American Weekly with permission rooms have no impact on patients in the and beyond, as an entity to be reckoned sector is key. from the authors. emergency room. with. This radiates self confidence in each The fact that they hold hands is a vic- The Red Cross, both in Oslo and Ak- of the [very diverse] participants: Den- tory of reason. None of them alone can ershus, has had an unusually hectic Easter. András Simonyi is the mark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, wield as much power and influence as in Managing Director of the The Rescue Corps in the Oslo Red Cross Greenland, the Færøer Islands and Åland. unity. Together they are a formidable little had emergency preparedness 24 hours a day, Center for Transatlantic The message they are delivering is very giant to be reckoned with both economi- Relations at the School of with snowmobiles if the Easter road condi- simple: creativity is the most precious re- cally, culturally and militarily.They have tions in the forest would be too challenging. Advanced International source of the 21st century, which thrives put aside historic grievances a long time Studies at Johns Hopkins “Just for Oslo’s part, it has been a more on tradition, innovation, respect, toler- ago, which today only exist in jokes. A hectic Easter than previous years. There has University in Washington. ance, openness and courage. This one-of- hundred years ago Norway was still a He has a long profession- been more snow and ice than before,” said a-kind event illustrates all that through a Danish colony and in Finland the Swedish operations manager in the Oslo Red Cross, al career in multilateral widespread cultural attraction the Nordic minority was discriminated against. To- and bilateral diplomacy, international non- Jon Halvor Knutsen, to NRK. countries increasingly enjoy these days. day they project power together, and the Knudsen says Oslo Red Cross this Eas- governmental and governmental organiza- But why is it that a small, inhospi- Finnish Secretary General of the Nordic tions, as well as in the private sector. His fo- ter has carried out four emergency pickups table geographically peripheral part of Council, Jan Erik Enestam, is from the in the forest surrounding Oslo, as well as a cus has been the transatlantic relationship. Northern Europe is currently among the Swedish minority. He has held some of the highest positions search operation. hottest places in the world in terms of The Nordics wield the tools in their in the Hungarian diplomatic service. He is In Akershus, the aid corps also had plen- global attractiveness? What have they got “spectral power toolbox” smartly. a proponent of soft-power in international ty to do. They’ve done six retrieval assign- right that others should learn from? The challenge posed by the authori- affairs. He advocates a strong transatlan- ments, and two search operations during the Clearly, what is unique about the tarian models to Western-style democracy tic relationship to which he does not see an holidays. “It has not been a peaceful Easter Nordics is not just their cultural appeal, is a real one. To offer a real viable re- alternative for the foreseeable future. He is as it tends to be,” said managing director of but also their successful ‘nation branding’ sponse, Western countries must undertake a proponent of innovation in diplomatic ac- Akershus Red Cross, Thomas Johannesen, efforts underpinned by strong attention to necessary and bold domestic reforms to tivities, combining tradition with new radi- to NRK. both soft and hard power. enhance governance efficiency and -eco cal ideas. But Easter holiday emergencies aren’t In today’s fluid globalized world, ‘na- nomic competitiveness, ensure transpar- quite over yet. According to the physician tion branding’ is already emerging as an ency, beat corruption and keep democratic Erik Brattberg is at the Emergency Clinic, Martine Enger, it important concept. As businesses seek to institutions strong. They must also seek to currently a Visiting Re- is when the vacationers come down from attract customers on an increasingly com- play a more responsible global role, step- search Associate at the the mountains that things start to get really petitive global market, positive precon- ping up to the plate when it comes to con- Center for Transatlantic crazy. ceptions of a country can help improve tributing to international peace, security Relations at the Paul H. “The really big, hectic day is the Tues- the competitiveness of a nation’s exports. and development efforts. Nitze School of Advanced day after Easter. Many will come down from Well-known Nordic brands such as Nokia, Nordic Cool is a display of the softer International Studies at the mountain and other resorts that day, and Volvo, H&M, Ikea, Lego or Novo Nord- tools in the power toolbox. But it is im- Johns Hopkins Univer- come to us if something happened on the isk and Angry Bird, have all benefited and portant, to recognize that their power is sity. Concurrently, he is a Research Associ- trip. The third day of Easter tends to be the profited from the strong attractiveness of ultimately based on their belief in univer- ate at the Swedish Institute of International busiest day for us,” said Enger. their home countries. sal values of human rights and freedoms. Affairs, Stockholm. His research interests Despite all the mishaps, people all over Make no mistake: the successful ex- It is this belief that allows to reconcile include European foreign and security pol- Norway have reported the most beautiful port of Nordic “cool” culture is not ac- their national interests with the needs and icy, global security governance and trans- Easter weather of all time. The sun was out cidental nor merely the result of savvy interests of the international community. atlantic relations. Mr. Brattberg’s previous in the mountains, creating lovely skiing con- marketing campaigns. On the contrary, In sum, “Cool Power” complements experience includes research positions with ditions. “It has been an incredible Easter. It’s these countries have all made a deliberate, and transcends both hard and soft power. the European Policy Centre, Brussels; Euro- been good to see all the people, blue skies concerted effort at promoting their global It is a display of the attractiveness of a pean Council on Foreign Relations, London; and just smiling faces,” said Roar Skaugen brands in a strategic way which includes group of countries, which in turn is based Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin; and to NRK. but also goes beyond cultural aspects. In on both their domestic and international Hudson Institute, Washington, DC. A Ful- Skaugen runs the Smuksjøseter lodge, the case of the Nordics, cultural appeal is qualities, ones that really matter in the bright and Marcus Wallenberg Scholar at located in Høvringen in Gudbrandsdalen at complemented by a strong and principled 21st century. Their strength lies in turn- Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh the entrance to Rondane National Park. He international stance and domestic well- ing their diversity into a joint message. School of Foreign Service, Erik Brattberg has had this job for 35 years. Skaugen says being. Moreover, their domestic affairs In return they each gain a lot of visibility. holds an M.A. and B.A. in Political Science this has probably been the nicest Easter he’s – characterized by effective governance, Tapping into this and communicating the < catholics strong liberal values and an egalitarian mindset effectively must become a new from Uppsala University. From page 1 seen in that time. “There is a stream of people heading

into the park. I’ve hardly seen anything like The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is it in all these years. People are enjoying not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. themselves, tanning and smiling broadly,” said Skaugen. The feedback he heard the most from people? Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! “They say three things: for et påskevær! For et påskevær! And for et påskevær!” Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. (Translated, this means, “what amazing Eas- ter weather!”) norwegian american weekly April 5, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Editor’s Note: way, briefed me as best she could on what age year after year for 400 hundred years, Kelsey Larson [email protected] to expect by way of crowds and parades that despite the strong, varied and independent Assistant Layout Editor Dear Readers, typify the Celebration of Syttende Mai by 5 opinions of its people Harry Svenkerud [email protected] While reading this issue you may be million Norwegians in every city and town My wife and I are now preparing to re- Advertising thinking to yourself, “An Easter issue? But in that small country. But what my wife said peat that indelible experience with a second Erik Krippaehne [email protected] Easter already came and went!” and what I experienced proved to be worlds transatlantic cruise on the Emerald Princess With Easter coming early this year, we apart. departing Ft. Lauderdale on April 26, 2013. Subscriptions had to schedule our Easter issue a few days What I witnessed in Oslo was ten times We expect to be in Norway on May 14 in Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] late. Despite this inconvenience, I sincerely more exhilarating and inspiring than any- plenty of time to once again help celebrate Contributing Editors hope you still enjoy reading a little bit about thing I ever experienced in America on July Norwegian Constitution Day – which for Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Easter in Norway. 4th – and that includes the hugely patriotic some deep but unexplainable reason has re- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. God påske! fervor that enveloped America during the newed my faith and pride in America, where Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Happy Easter! war years of the 1940s, when I was a kid I hope we can likewise put our differences Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. growing up in New York City. aside on the next July 4th and with one loud Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Sincerely, What we witnessed in Oslo on Syt- and resonant voice proudly sing “God Bless Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Editor tende Mai in 2009 was a veritable patriotic America” – and mean it. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. love fest, with hundreds of thousands of Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. men, women and children – many in native Sincerely, Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Norwegian costumes – all carrying color- William Moran Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Dear Editor, ful red, white and blue flags as they flooded Scottsdale, Ariz. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. On April 29, four years ago, my wife Oslo’s main boulevard, marching shoulder Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. and I sailed from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. across to shoulder all the way from Oslo’s harbor to Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. the Atlantic on the Emerald Princess. En- the palace grounds, where the royal family Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. route to Oslo, Norway, we stopped in the stood and waved for hours at the sea of flag- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Azores, at Lisbon, Vigo, Le Havre, Bruges, waving Norwegians passing below. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. and Rotterdam. What a way to get to Europe! My wife and I were positioned on the Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Our ultimate goal: To arrive in Oslo barricade less than 100 feet from the palace Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. in time to join in the May 17th (“Syttende and watched it all in cheering, respectful Do you have something to say? Write to us! Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Mai”) Celebration of Norway’s Constitution awe. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Day – the day in 1814 when Norway ended This unabashed and infectious display Letter to the Editor Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Norwegian American Weekly Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway 400 years of Danish rule. of patriotism caused me to wonder how Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. My wife, who was born in a small fish- it was possible for such a small country to 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 or send a note to [email protected] CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly ing village on the southern coast of Nor- demonstrate such unifying and loving hom- strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right < race < return not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor From page 3 for the position. From page 3 taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Red Party Leader Bjørnar Moxnes has • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg. great trust from just 5 percent of respondents. The kidnappers demanded the release American Weekly, and our publication of those Both politicians are pleased with the 15 percent have the most confidence in of a relative apparently imprisoned for drug views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, the Socialist Left Party leader Audun Lys- suggestions and complaints about the opinions numbers. possession. expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed “These were nice numbers. I hope I get bakken, while 16 percent report that they The case has made headlines and attract- to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is the opportunity to show that I am worthy of have great confidence in the Center Party ed political attention in Egypt as negotiations published weekly except the first week of the calendar leader Liv Signe. year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Be our friend this trust,” Solberg told Dagbladet. were taken care of by Egyptian authorities. of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • “Jens Stoltenberg enjoys high confi- Progress Party leader Siv Jensen en- Tor Wennesland, Norway’s ambassador Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. dence after nearly eight years as prime min- joys great respect among 24 percent of re- to Egypt, told fvn.no: “This release occurred NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription spondents. 33 percent show confidence in Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, ister. This is unique in Europe,” said Labor without incident and as a result of negotia- US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. on Facebook! the leader Trine Skei Grande, Party Secretary Raymond Johansen. tions, which were handled within the family and 35 percent have great confidence in the SINCE MAY 17, 1889: This week we reached The leaders of the country’s two major that was involved and with Egyptian security Formerly Norway Times parties will enter a close race to becoming Christian People’s Party leader Knut Arild authorities,” said Wennesland. Western Viking & Washington Posten 1300 likes! Wow! See the Prime Minister as the September 2013 Hareide. “It is fantastic to be home in Norway The 2013 parliamentary election is Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- what it’s all about: election approaches, and new research shows again,” Selvik Ask told Aftenposten. She Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, scheduled to be held in Norway on Septem- facebook.com/naweekly that Solberg and Stoltenberg are consistantly landed safely in Norway in the evening on Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven alternating in being Norwegians’ top choice ber 9. Mar. 26. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per

< camp From page 3 8 • April 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Orange for Easter! Use Norway’s favorite Easter fruit to put a new twist on a traditional dish

Sunny Gandara Arctic Grub

Since Easter is the time of year when This dish was also standard curriculum orange sales in Norway typically go through in our home making classes in elementary the roof (Norwegians love to eat oranges school (skolekjøkken) growing up, and for when skiing – go figure), I found it fitting many this was the first dessert they ever to write about a dish that includes this fruit. learned to make. I don’t even know if this While warm weather fruits like this certainly type of class exists anymore in schools to- don’t grow in the northern part of the world, day, but I definitely enjoyed it! My older sis- it’s nonetheless a very appreciated food and ter even went to a school called husmorskole is utilized in many creations. (literally “House wife school!”) after high One of my favorite desserts growing up school, to learn how to bake and do house- was appelsinris – “orange rice” in Norwe- hold chores. Can you believe there was such gian. A rice pudding served cold with bits a school? My dad used to say it was wasted of fresh orange in it, it is refreshing, not money to have sent her there, because after overly sweet but very satisfying. I have writ- six months she still didn’t know how to boil ten about the popularity of various porridge an egg. Luckily she has more than redeemed dishes in Norway, among others our classic herself, and today, thirty years later, she is rice porridge (risengrynsgrøt), topped with one of the best cooks I know. cinnamon, butter and sugar. The orange rice We have a similar dessert to appelsinris dessert was created to called riskrem, made in the same way with- use up any leftovers of out the orange slices in it, and it’s accom- the rice porridge from panied by a raspberry sauce. But for now, the day before, and fold- here’s a quick and easy recipe for appelsinris ing in some whipped – if you are not going to have risengrynsgrøt cream, vanilla sugar and for dinner (or breakfast!) the day before, not orange slices magically to worry – you can make it from scratch like turned it into a delicious this: dessert.

Photo & illustration: Tine.no Traditional rice pudding gets an Easter makeover with the added flavor of oranges! Orange rice pudding The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS Appelsinris a touch of Scandinavia in southern California We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] 2/3 cups (1 1/2 dl) long grain rice 2 tbsp vanilla sugar 1 1/4 cup (3 dl) water 3 – 4 oranges, peeled and diced into 1 inch 1 1/4 cup (3 dl) heavy cream chunks 3 tbsp sugar

Rinse the rice under cold water until it runs clear. Place the water and rice in a pot and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and place a lid on pot. Let simmer for about 20 minutes. Drain the leftover water and rinse the rice with cold water. Celebrating 50 years of business Whip the heavy cream along with the sugar and vanilla sugar. Fold the whipped cream into the rice along with the orange chunks gently. Garnish with additional orange bits. Al- Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! ternatively, you can also add some chopped dark chocolate in the dessert or shave some chocolate on top. Velbekomme! www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping!

God Påske! (Happy Easter) Sunny Gandara, a native Norwegian, is the voice of Arctic Grub, a blog dedicated to delicious Norwegian recipes. In 2008 she founded her own company, Fork and Glass, a food From the Norwegian American Weekly and wine event company, located in the Hudson Valley of New York. Visit arcticgrub.word- press.com, facebook.com/forkandglass or twitter.com/forkandglass for more information. norwegian american weekly April 5, 2013 • 9 Travel Norway’s national ski vacation Norwegians are more likely to hit the ski slopes than a church service on Easter Sunday

Photo: Fredrik Schenholm – Visitnorway.com Skiing in fjord Norway with the Geiranger Fjord in the background.

Staff Compilation Norwegian American Weekly

When the Easter holidays come, it signals a time of rest and relaxation in Norway. The Tryvann sun has returned from its winter hibernation, and spring is in the air. Norway observes Skjær- With 18 slopes and 7 lifts, Oslo Winter Park Tryvann is smaller than other Norwegian torsdag (Maundy Thursday), Langfredag (Good Friday) and 2. påskedag (Easter Monday) as ski resorts, but offers good skiing only 20 minutes from Oslo’s city center. The World Snow- public holidays, but many Norwegians take off for a 10-day holiday, lasting from the Friday boarding Championships (WSC) were held here in February. www.tryvann.no before Palm Sunday to the Tuesday after Easter. Increasingly, Norwegians have a “city” vacation, either staying home or traveling Hafjell abroad. Popular travel destinations include Paris, London and Amsterdam. Others head for Hafjell Alpine Center is located near Lillehammer. It includes the Olympic trail net- the beaches in Spain, Greece, Thailand and even South America. work from the Winter Olympics of 1994, which has been extended to a total of 30 runs with Many Norwegians hold true to tradition of heading to the mountains to enjoy the last ski- courses tailored to skiers of all levels. Hafjell Alpine Center is the third largest ski resort in ing days of the season. It’s a cozy time to spend with family and friends in Norwegian nature. Norway. For more information visit http://www.hafjell.no/en/ Here are some of favorite destinations for Norwegian ski enthusiasts. Hovden Trysil Hovden is located in Bykle municipality, upper Setesdal in Aust-Agder. Interesting fact: Located in Hedmark county in eastern Norway, Trysil is Norway’s largest ski resort. a prerequisite for the construction of the ski resorts in the 1980s was the mapping and exca- With 39 lifts and 71 kilometers of runs connecting three sides of the mountain into a varied vation of the remains of iron production from the Viking and Middle Ages. The searches took alpine facility, Trysil is popular with families and has a good ski school. www.skistar.com/ place over several years and resulted in the Hovden Museum of Iron, so visitors can check en/trysil out some interesting artifacts besides getting their skiing in!

Hemsedal Geilo One of Norway’s largest ski areas and considered by many the best, Hemsedal is nestled As one of Norway’s oldest ski resorts, Geilo has something for everyone, including in the the “Scandinavian Alps” of Hallingdal, Norway. Hemsedal skisenter is versatile with downhill, Telemark and cross-country skiing, plus three terrain parks for snowboarders. The 24 lifts, 51 slopes and activities for all ages. www.hemsedal.com area boasts 20 lifts and 220 kilometers of prepared cross-country trails. www.geilo.no/en/ winter Kvitfjell A relatively small ski resort just north of Lillehammer is located in Oppdal county, Kvit- Skaidi features the magnificent Olympic Downhill Run used for the 1994 Lillehammer Olym- Located in Kvalsund municipality in Finnmark in Northern Norway, Skaidi is a small pics. The last pitch of the run is much steeper than what appears on TV. www.kvitfjell.no but exciting alpine center with two lifts, four runs, and a ski resort. It has been called one of Finnmark’s “secret gems.” For more info, visit http://alpin.skaidi.no 10 • April 5, 2013 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Easter quiz Påskequiz A favorite Easter tradition in Norway is for friends and family to do a påskequiz (Easter quiz) together. Kos deg (get cozy) and test your Norwegian knowledge! Answers below.

1. How many municipalities are there in B. Kvikk lunsj Norway? C. Skittles A. 430 B. 180 7. What tasty treat do Easter and Pass- C. 44 over celebrations have in common? A. Hardboiled eggs 2. What dish do Christians frequently B. Peeps serve for dinner on Good Friday? C. Malted milk balls A. B. Fish 8. Easter always comes on a different Photo: Gregg Westigard C. Ham date each year. How is it decided which This photo was submitted with the note: “A photo from the Gravel Pit food stop, 33 date Easter falls on? km. into the American Brikebeiner Ski Marathon held Feb. 23, 2013. Shown with 3. Norwegian author Jo Nesbø has au- A. It depends on the calendar of the re-enactment characters Inga, Torsten, and Skervold (baby Haakon must have been thored many popular crime books. Nesbø Catholic Church sleeping), are Joan and Dick Prescott, Houlten, Wisc. Joan is the granddaughter of also authors books in a slightly different B. It depends on moon cycles Ole and Kristine Anderson, who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900’s and settled genre than we are used to; what genre is C. This is a joke question; Easter al- in Hudson, Wisc., and eventually St. Paul, Minn. Ole was blacksmith and farrier in this? ways falls on the same day! both locations. Joan and Dick volunteered to help at the food station and had just A. Romance under 6000 skiers go through during the 40th annual American Birkebeiner. B. Children’s 9. What government post does Norwegian Submitted by William Johnson, Frederic, Wisc. C. Science fiction politician Liv Signe Navarsete currently fill? 4. Oranges are a Norwegian’s favorite A. Prime Minister Easter fruit. Today oranges are found in B. Minister of Health Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? many places around the world, but where C. Minister of Local Government and do they come from originally? Regional Development Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. A. South Africa B. Yemen 10. Is there any connection between the C. China Easter holiday and the island in the Pa- cific called Easter Island? Lena: “Ole, why are you feeding cray- 5. What does Maundy Thursday honor? A. Yes, the island was discovered on ons to the chickens?!” A. The end of Holy Week Easter Sunday! Ole: “Easter is coming, don’t ya B. The end of Lent B. Yes, the many-colored birds’ eggs know! We need some colorful eggs!” C. The Last Supper discovered on the island inspired the name! Happy Easter from Ole and Lena! 6. What is the favorite Easter candy in C. No, it is just a coincidence. Norway? Ole and Lena A. Seigmann America’s favorite Norwegians! God Påske! Happy Easter! Elias Leversen Seattle WA Magnhild Thoresen Lynwood WA 9. april Olav K. Pettersen Mountain Home AR Alvin G. Olson Ashby MN Cecile Herheim Long Beach CA Egill Olsen Duluth MN Bølgene danser på sjøen, Roger Wangen Burnsville MN 5. april Mildred Wilder Sidney MT i parken har duene fest Helen Bjornson Plentywood MT Donald Winter Pt Orchard WA Elna Solberg Haynes Seattle WA Stanley Kjekstad Mt. Arlington NJ Hvem har sagt at snøen Solveig Tørring Haugesund Norway Erik Gusaas St. Louis Park, MN Solveig Tulling Norway og påske på fjellet er best 10. april 6. april Inga McCarthy Alhambra CA Oliver Peterson Iola WI Ole J. Hellie Pipestone MN Sophina Karland Hanford ND Ingvar Drage Tacoma WA Hjalmar Johansen Lacey WA Magnhild Olson Stangeland Larimore ND – Kjerstin Aune Henry Heistad Wetaskiwin AB Can Carla S. Buchanan Tacoma WA Gerd Andreassen Carlsbad CA Dave Braaten Cyrus MN Palma McGavin Portland OR 11. april 7. april Astrid Virding Thousand Oaks CA Sandy Johnson Seattle WA Eric Nelson Santa Monica CA Gerda E. Gordham Olympia WA Gretchen Lieving Minneapolis MN Hilda Kristiansen Trondheim Norway Howard Hansen Moraga CA Bertin Hansen Minneapolis MN Egil Forbregd Osakis MN

Ove Harstad Benson MN Want to see your birthday in the

10.) A 10.)

8. april Norwegian American Weekly? C 4.)

9.) C 9.)

Jeanette C. Braafladt Sacramento CA B 3.)

8.) B 8.)

Elias Nersund Seattle WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. B 2.)

7.) A 7.) Julius Fjeld Douglas ND com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one A 1.)

Esther Kildahl Seattle WA month in advance. B 6.)

Ragna Selle Seattle WA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed 5.) C 5.)

Gordon Winsor Jefferson NH away? Please notify us! Answers Quiz norwegian american weekly April 5, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Robert Campbell January 9, 1915 – March 31, 2013 The way of the cross

“With a song in my heart” Robert Camp- Lutheran Congregations. He sang in choirs bell left this earthly life on Sunday, March in Belvidere, Tigerton/Morris, Antigo and When Jorge Mario Bergoglio became low the way of Christ was to follow the 31, 2013 at Three Oaks Golden Living Cen- Marshfield. Most of Bob’s teaching was the new Bishop of Rome, it was a surprise way of the cross. Luther believed that the ter, Marshfield, Wisc. band music but he did teach some vocal to a lot of people. Gradually, as people Church of his day had become so interest- Funeral services were held on April 4, music. He taught music in Pickford, Michi- learned more about this man, they began ed in earthly glory, wealth, and power that 2013 at 11:00 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church gan, Blanchardville Tigerton Band and was to understand why his fellow Cardinals the way of the cross had become unknown with Rev. Bob Lesher officiating. Visitation a teacher at three elementary schools. He elected him as their new leader. Stories to both its leaders and its people. Luther was on Thursday at the church from 9 –11:00 was the music director one summer for Fam- of his humble manner and concern for the spent his lifetime trying to lead the church a.m. Burial will take place in the Hillside ily Bible Camp; he also filled in as Assistant poor and outcasts of society were numer- back to the cross from which he believed Cemetery, Marshfield, Wisc.. Military hon- Boy Scout Leader. ous and inspiring. People from the poorest all power came. ors will be provided by American Legion He was a member of Faith Lutheran slums in his home town of Buenos Aires, In every age, since the time of Lu- Post #54. Couples Club, a Charter member of Sons of Argentina told of his regularly coming to ther, Christians have had to be careful not Robert Campbell, sometimes called Norway, MAREA, Marshfield Civic Band celebrate Mass with them. Meanwhile, his to return to a theology of glory. Perhaps “Scotty,” but preferred to be called “Bob” from 1966 – 1992, the UW Marshfield Band actions and demeanor during his first days Pope Francis will be a Pope who keeps was born on January 9, 1915 in Glasgow, and the Palm Sunday Chorus. In 2011 he as Pope showed an uncommon humility the Roman Catholic Church on the track Scotland to Robert and Isabella (Barnes) was top winner in a weekly Quiz Contest at in both style and leadership. It seems like of true humility. The Apostle Paul offered Campbell. Bob and his parents immigrated the Aster where he lived. Besides non-tour Pope Francis has for many years taken the best guidance for Francis and for every to Belvidere, Ill. in 1922. After attending trips in the U.S. he made non-tour trips to seriously the call to follow the ways and when he said in his letter to the schools in Glasglow and Belvidere, he re- England, Scotland and Europe to visit his teachings of Christ. Galatians, “May I never boast of anything ceived a teaching certificate from Illinois son James, often staying in private homes Martin Luther drew an important except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, State Teachers College, Dekalb, Ill. a Bach- of friends. Bob was a dedicated Cubs fan all distinction between what he called the by which the world has been crucified to elor of Music Education from Vandercook of his life and had an extensive knowledge “Theology of Glory” and the “Theology me, and I to the world.” School of Music, Chicago and a Master of of baseball. Bob appreciated all those who of the Cross.” He said, that to truly fol- Music Education from U.W. Madison. helped him. These are the contributions he At Northwestern University, Evanston, made and the time he spent on his journey… Ill. he played in a mass band consisting of that little dash between birth and death. high school students which was conducted He is survived by his wife Janet of The Easter story in English and Norwegian by John Philip Sousa. He served in the Civil- Marshfield, Wisc. and a son David Campbell ian Conservation Corps and the U.S. Army of Marshfield. He is further survived by spe- 1 On the first day of the week, very ear- 1Meget tidlig søndag morgen tok kvin- where he served as a bugler and played in the cial friends John (Deb) Kolano and Family ly in the morning, the women took the spices nene de velluktende salvene med seg til 2 Army Dance Band. of Marshfield. they had prepared and went to the tomb. graven. Da så de at den veldige steinen som 2They found the stone rolled away from the dekket inngangen, var rullet til side. 3De gikk On December 28, 1953 Bob married Ja- He was preceded death by a sister, Fan- tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not inn men Jesu legeme var borte. 4Forundret net Onsrud whom he met on a Greyhound ny in infancy and a son James in 1995. find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4While they forsøkte de å tenke etter hva som kunne ha Bus which she had to hail from the highway Hansen-Schilling Funeral Home of were wondering about this, suddenly two skjedd. Plutselig kom to menn kledd i skin- because her father ran out of gas going to Marshfield is assisting the family with- ar men in clothes that gleamed like lightning nende drakter, til syne for dem. 5Kvinnene Madison. rangements. stood beside them. 5In their fright the women ble skrekkslagne og bøyde seg dypt. Så Bob was a member of both Baptist and bowed down with their faces to the ground, spurte mennene: Hvorfor ser dere i en grav but the men said to them, “Why do you look etter en som er i live? for the living among the dead? 6He is not 6Han er ikke her. Han lever! Husker dere here; he has risen! Remember how he told ikke hva han sa til dere der i Galilea 7at Mes- you, while he was still with you in Galilee: sias måtte overgis i onde menneskers makt Margaret E. (Crew) Fossum 7‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to og bli korsfestet, men at han skulle stå opp 1914 – Feb. 24, 2013 the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the igjen den tredje dagen. third day be raised again.’ ” Lukas 24:1 –7 Luke 24:1 – 7 Margaret E. (Crew) Fossum died peace- ous spirit. She loved being with family and fully Feb. 24, 2013, at the age of 98, in Min- friends, entertaining, and making others neapolis. Preceded in death by husband, happy. In the 1950s, Howard and Margaret Howard (2004); daughter, Gail (1985); and built a cabin on Lake Wabana in northern son-in-law, Jerry Stellner (2011). Survived Minnesota. They named the cabin “Valhalla” The Scandinavian Hour by granddaughter, Nicole Stellner (Peter Eb- where Margaret enjoyed walks in the woods, Celebrating over 50 years on the air! erhardy); grandson, Richard Stellner; numer- gardening, and birding, including singing ous nieces, nephews and wonderful friends. with the loons. KKNW – 1150 AM A lifelong Minnesotan, Margaret was In her final years, Margaret fondly re- born in 1914, to immigrant parents from called her days at South High and Lake Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Wales and Norway, and graduated from Wabana as if it were yesterday. Her family Streaming live on the internet at: South High in 1933. Those who knew and thanks the kind staff at the Augustana Care loved Margaret remember her sincere gen- Center for the special care and comfort they www.1150kknw.com erosity as well as her comical and gregari- provided.

2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 God Påske! Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] (prounounced good poe-ska!) 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 Featuring great Nordic products Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] Happy Easter from the Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Featuring great Nordic products Norwegian American and more! Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Weekly! Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com and more! Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com 12 • April 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events New craft classes Craft School features bunad blouses, rosemaling, What’s going on in your neighborhood? Nordic woodworking this spring in Seattle, Wash.

California Minnesota Scandinavian Festival 16th Annual Ibsen Festival April 20 – 21 April 12 – 14 Thousand Oaks, Calif. Lanesboro, Minn. The 39th annual Scandinavian Festival at The 16th Annual Ibsen Festival features the campus of California Lutheran Uni- a world premiere adaptation by Jef- versity in Thousand Oaks, Calif. April frey Hatcher of Ibsen’s groundbreak- 20 – 21. Saturday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. ing masterpiece A Doll’s House. A wife Sunday from 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Norse- must make a heart-breaking choice when man lodge 6-091 will host our annual the past threatens to destroy her perfect food booth and membership booths. Two household. Ibsen’s classic is presented Photos courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Norseman ladies will join the Abba Girlz as the latest in a series of adaptations by Left: Acanthus Baroque style ornament, a work in progress, by Conan Thornhill, who was a student in for two shows a day. For more informa- acclaimed playwright Jeffrey Hatcher Erik Holt’s class. Right: Chest with rosemaling by Marilyn Hansen. tion visit http://www.scandinaviancenter. and commissioned by the Commonweal org. Theatre. As always, the festival will in- clude lectures, fine art, music, post show Special Release Canada discussions and many other events to Nordic Heritage Museum Solglyt 4-143 Centennial Celebrations put this work into context for a twenty- April 20 – 21 first century audience. For more - infor Edmonton, Alberta mation call (800) 657-7025 or email: The Nordic Heritage Museum has an Solglyt Lodge 4-143 celebrates its cen- [email protected]. Visit the exciting line-up of Craft School classes Craft School: Rosemaling with Marilyn tennial on April 20 & 21. Explore 100 web site at http://www.ibsenfest.org. coming up this spring. Eric Holt continues Hansen years – timeline of Solglyt Lodge. Ban- his Nordic Woodcarving classes from April Fridays, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. quet tickets available; Scandinavian mu- Washington through June in which participants can May 3, 10, 31 sic on April 20th. April 21st – Nordic Bothell Sons of Norway classes choose to take just a couple classes or the en- Arts Fair with handicrafts, music and April 6 – 27 tire series. Then Marilyn Hansen will teach Learn this traditional Norwegian form Norwegian baking. We are happy to be Bothell, Wash. Rosemaling on three Fridays in May. Just in of decorative folk art, or simply brush up on 100 years old! For more information call Every Day Bunad Sewing Class: April 9, time for Syttende Mai, Jody Grage, know as your painting and design skills. Telemark, (780) 628-5005 or email: s o f n 2 0 1 3 @ 10 and 11 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Cost the “Bunad Lady,” will teach a one-day class Hallingdal and Gudbrandsdal are just some gmail.com. Visit our website: http:// $50 to Bothell Sons of Norway members on how to sew your own bunad blouse. of the regional styles that may be taught www.sofnedmonton.ca. and $60 for non-members. Registration Read about the classes below or find in this class. Students paint on a variety of and payment is required by March 30. more information online at www.nordicmu- decorative and useful objects. All levels of Colorado Woodcarving 101 Class: Saturday, April seum.org/education.aspx#craftschool. To painters welcome. Authentic Norwegian Frokost 6, April 20 and April 27 from 9:30 a.m. register or for additional questions, contact View work by Hansen and her past stu- April 14 – 3:00 p.m. Our instructor will be Jerry Jeremy Ehrlich, Adult Education Coordina- dents in the exhibition currently on view at Colorado Springs, Colo. Clapp, a well-known woodcarver in our tor, at 206-789-5707 ext. 21, or at jeremye@ the Museum, Continuing a Tradition: Rose- Mark your calendar for Sunday, April area. Supplies will be provided. Cost is nordicmuseum.org. maling at the Nordic Heritage Museum Craft 14, 2013, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We will $30 to Bothell Sons of Norway members School. be serving all of the Norwegian items and $35 to non-members. Registration Craft School: Nordic Woodcarving with Cost: $29 per day for Members; $31 per you have come to expect and even a few required. Please call Selma Snaring at Erik Holt day for Non-Members. more. Coist is $17 for members and $19 (425) 385-2144. Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. for non-members. Children 5-10 is $8. April 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4, 11, 18; June Craft School: Make a Traditional Bunad Karen Ravnaas, (719) 390-0621, will be Olympia Norway Day 8, 15, 22, 29 Shirt with Jody Grage taking reservations so make your Frokost April 20 Saturday, May 4, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Olympia, Wash. reservations early as space will be lim- Learn Baroque Acanthus, Rococo and There’s more to Norway than lutefisk ited. For more information, visit http:// Viking/Dragon styles in this class. Students Jody Grage, the “Bunad Lady,” will and lefse. Join us for our 7th annual Nor- www.sonsofnorwaycs.com. will concentrate on the fundamental leaf for- teach students how to make bunad shirts way Day. Music, Nordic Cafe serving mations of the Acanthus style (see below), for men, women, and children just in time “ekte Norsk” food, scrumptuous bake Illinois working up combinations of the Acanthus for Syttende Mai. Create a basic bunad shirt sale, demonstrations, vendors, genealo- Grøtfest with Guest Author curl, or explore the Viking/Dragon style. from start to finish using a simple formula gy, fjord horses, Norwegian Elk Hounds April 13 Woodcarvers at all levels, beginners to based on a person’s individual measure- and much more. For more information Chicago, Ill. experienced, are welcome in the class. Tool ments. This shirt will work for any of the call (360) 923-1242, email: presi- Beginning at 12 p.m., the luncheon will sharpening and basic carving techniques will Nordic heritage costumes, with traditional [email protected], feature Risengrøt, Rømmegrøt, knekke- be covered for beginners. Continuing stu- flat-felled seams and square shoulders. or visit http://www.OlympiaNorwayDay. brød with cheese & sausage, and fruit. dents will develop their own projects. Class Grage will provide white weaver’s cloth com. Our guest, author Eric Dregni will share options of two to five classes per month. fabric at cost or you may bring your own his new book: “Vikings in the Attic,” Cost: $162.50 for 5 classes; $130 for 4 fabric. Students will need to bring a sew- which explores Scandinavian culture in classes; $97.50 for 3 classes; $38 per day for ing machine and some basic sewing notions the Midwest. Copies will be available one or two classes. for purchase. Eric relates his experiences See > craft, page 13 in the Scandinavian world with humor, while sharing information. The planned menu and lively presentation should < tribeca prove to be an enjoyable afternoon at From page 3 up to Siyar to find her, bring her back and ‘Minnekirken’! The Norwegian Luther- restore family honour; in Istanbul, where he meets a young girl, and they travel together an Memorial Church is located at: 2614 ticipated in the festival’s Cinemania, and in through Greece, Germany and Norway. N. Kedzie Blvd. in Chicago. The cost 2011 Jannicke Systad Jacobsen’s Turn Me Scripted by Zaman and Kjell Ola Dahl, for the luncheon is $10. For reservations On, Goddammit (Få meg på, for faen) won starring Taher Abdullah Taher, Suzan Ilir, contact: Karena (224) 622-3606 or Bar- for Best Script in the World Narrative con- Bahar Özen and Birol Ünel, Before Snow- bra (847) 823-7596. test. fall was procduced by Finn Gjerdrum and “A film with an original and honest Stein B Kvae for Paradox Produksjoner in vision that goes beyond clichés,” said the co-production with Mitosfilm in Germany, Göteborg jury of Zaman’s feature debut, and released domestically by Scanbox. “an East-West road-movie,” about Siyar in Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 Founded by U.S. actor Robert de Niro, the search of his eldest sister, after she has fled festival will screen 250 films from more than to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! her wedding in the little village in Iraqui- 30 countries, including 53 world premieres. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. . Since their father is dead, it is norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us April 5, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood < 100 From page 1 grants in the Butte area has shown brightly over the years and continues to shine through the Daughters of Norway to this day. Solheim Lodge was founded in Butte, Mont., on February 28, 1913, and they elected their first President, Emilie Sontum. Four generations of that family subsequent- ly served as President. Member Marjorie Dunstan served 50 years as Treasurer. Her Photos: Royal Norwegian Embassy The U.S. and Canadian members of the team, Hugh Dale-Harris from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, age daughter Susan Stamp is now following in 41, and John Huston from Chicago, U.S., age 36. her footsteps. Members, and also sisters, Anne Marie Olsen Semsak and Sr. Elizabeth Olsen, are descendants of another charter < land member, Anna Olsen. From page 1 “In my opinion Otto Sverdrup was the Three of Solheim’s members have most competent and practical off all the Nor- served nationally as Grand Lodge President: of the last wildernesses on the planet. Dur- wegian explorers of that era. Being both shy Dorothy Anne Honeychurch 1960 – 1962; ing their 72-day planned trip the explorers and humble, he was satisfied with taking a Marjorie Dunstan 1978 – 1980; and Mar- seek to document their experience, the rap- back seat and was, of course, greatly over- jorie’s daughter Susan Stamp 1990 – 1992. idly changing climate in the Far North and shadowed by other Norwegians like Nan- tell the story of the exploration of Canada’s Others serving on the Grand Lodge Board Photo: Marcia Jacobsen Comer sen and Amundsen. However, from my own have been Ethel Thuney, Chaplain, Ellie Group photo of Solheim #20 members and Grand Ellesmere Island. personal experience in the Arctic I consider Reagan, Chaplain, Dorothy Killoy, Trustee, Lodge Board members at The Archives, Butte, In March 2013 American John Huston, that Sverdrup was the greatest of the three and Anne Marie Semsak, Trustee. The lodge Mont. Norwegian Tobias Thorleifsson, Canadian men.” – Henry Larsen, Canadian/Norwegian has been a constant example of what the Hugh Dale-Harris and South African Kyle Captain. O`Donoghue, an expedition videographer, Daughters of Norway is all about by show- they met in the 1950’s and still provides In telling the story of Ellesmere Island will traverse 630 miles on Ellesmere Island ing sisterly support, guidance, and preserva- sweet memories of the long flight of steps and Otto Sverdrup the expedition team hopes in the Canadian High Arctic. tion of their heritage throughout its 100-year up to the second floor above the Scandia Bar. to set focus on the challenges represented in The expedition also seeks to celebrate existence. As members entered into this room, babies the future of modern civilization. Through Otto Sverdrup, the uncelebrated captain of Scandia Lodge Hall in Butte is where were laid on a bench along the side of the their travelling blog and the film project the the boat “Fram.” Sverdrup was the captain room. After the meeting, the fresh egg cof- team will show the actual changing condi- on Fritjof Nansen`s well known “Fram” ex- fee, a must for the luncheon, was brewed tions in the Arctic and tell the story about pedition to the Arctic Ocean, and also led the with care. A traditional card game of Whist how Ellesmere Island is experiencing cli- second “Fram” expedition that resulted in was then played. mate change. mapping of 150 000 square kilometers (or 15 The Archives, Butte-Silver Bow, holder Learn more about the expedition at: 000 000 hectare). What makes out the north- of one of the most extensive collections of http://forwardendeavors.com ernmost parts of Canada. historical documents and materials in the State of Montana, was the location of the lodge’s display of artifacts and the open- ing anniversary festivities. The display will continue for the next month. Solheim Lodge < craft #20 will, on the 17th of May, continue its From page 12 long tradition of joining the City’s Chief Ex- (thread, scissors, pins, tape measure with ecutive in raising the Norwegian flag at the metric measurements, etc.) courthouse and will host a reception with Grage is an expert on Norwegian heri- Scandinavian cookies and coffee for the pub- tage clothing. She worked at the Norwegian lic in the Courthouse lobby. Folk Museum in Oslo, Norway, where she Daughters of Norway nationally is look- cataloged, repaired, and made traditional ing forward to their upcoming Convention, costumes. entitled, “Coming Full Circle, Back to Our Cost: $30 for Members; $35 for Non- Roots,” to be held in July, 2014, in Min- Members; additionally $5 for materials. neapolis, Minn. The Convention’s theme Photo courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Sewing machine required. A bunad shirt from the Museum collection. speaks to the historical connection between Photo: Marcia Jacobsen Comer Daughters of Norway and the city of Min- Susan Stamp, 4th Generation Solheim #20 mem- neapolis, the city where the first Daughters ber (left), and DorothyAnne Honeychurch, mem- of Norway lodge was established in 1897, ber since 1953. Both of these women are Past- with the Daughters of Norway of the Pacific Presidents of the Daughters of Norway Grand Coast founded in 1908. Lodge. God Påske! (prounounced good poe-ska!) Happy Easter from the Norwegian American Weekly! Advertise in the Weekly! Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color • Free ad design • Support the only Norwegian- American newspaper!

Photo: Marcia Jacobsen Comer For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Solheim #20 President, Carole Thoen, with photo of her grandfather. 14 • April 5, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner What’s in a name? NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Your Norwegian surname can reveal hundreds or even thousands of years of knowledge and history

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo: Lars Wanberg Arne with his bygdebøk collection in the background.

Rype Sal og den gjerrige Lagopus Sal and the farmer’s kona wife who was so stingy Larrie Wanberg Feature Editor Og Rype Sal både åt og drakk. And Lagopus Sal both ate and drank. Straks bordet var tomt, vart teneste- As soon as the table was empty, the ser- jentene sende ut i stabburet for å henta vant girls were sent out to the stabbur to Everyone has a name and every family with the added value of being accessible meir, og snart var det ikkje meir mat get more, and soon there was no food left has a heritage dating back generations upon from anyone, anywhere at any time. att der i garden. on the farm. generations. Bygdebøker are histories of Norwegian Ja, no får du ha takk, sa Rype Sal. “Well, now I must thank you,” said How many, though, know the true farms and families compiled by local com- — Og så vil eg ønskja at det fyrste ar- Lagopus Sal. “And so I will wish that the beidet du tek til med i morgon, skal meaning of their name, where it originated mittees or groups in designated parishes and first work you start with in the morning, vara heile dagen til sola går ned. and how the identity of their name may have municipalities. The books are detailed ac- you will do the whole day until the sun Om kvelden fann kona fram nokre been altered or misinterpreted over time – counts that generally describe the local his- dyre silketørkle ho ville telja. Det var goes down.” often time and time again in history. tory, the main farms in the area, and offer in- eit heilt knippe ho la til rette på bordet That evening, the housewife found Personal names, like DNA in the genes, formation about most Norwegians who have til dagen etter. Og så la ho seg for å some expensive silk scarfs she wanted to carry culturally-rich information about fam- lived there since the dawn of recorded his- sova. count. On the table she laid out a whole ily genealogy. The “place” where the name tory, those who have emigrated, and those Ho vakna av at ei fattig tiggar- bunch of them for the next day. And then first is recorded in history is important if one living there today. kone banka på døra. Då sprang ho ut, she went to bed. wants to trace a family tree to its deepest With 1,400 volumes that are listed in og tok til både å spytta og skjenna. Ho She was woken by a poor beggar- roots in heritage. The challenge for the fam- Special Collections, anyone can access the gløymde at ho enno gjekk i nattserken. woman knocking on the door. So she ran ily historian is to trace a family place name cataloged books to know what is available, Og skjenna og smella måtte ho out and began to splutter and yell. She back as far as possible. In some cases the and can request copies of a specific farm halda fram med heile dagen. Etter forgot that she was still in her nightdress. path can lead hundreds or thousands of years genealogy at minimum costs. The specific kvart strøymde det til folk frå alle kan- And so she kept spluttering and yell- if one can solve the obstacles of how names location of a particular farm is needed be- tar far å sjå på denne galne, sure kona. ing the entire day. After a while, people change and have mortality like the humans cause the same name often appears in sev- Rype Sal skapte seg om til ein fugl came from all directions to see this crazy, that carry a given name. For many, this eral places. som sat oppe i eit tre og song. Men angry housewife. knowledge of their family identity is val- The Arne G. Brekke Bygdebok Collec- ued for the meaning it has for current family tion is named after the lifework of Profes- ingen høyrde noko av den songen før Lagopus Sal turned himself into a members and future generations. sor Arne Brekke, now 85 and retired, who sola gjekk ned, og kona endeleg vart bird that sat up in a tree and sang. But For the average person with a Norwe- is still active as founder of Brekke Tours stille. nobody heard any of that song before the gian name, gaining new knowledge about Scandinavia, a well-known travel and tour sun went down, and the housewife was their “place name” with new tools to make agency in Grand Forks. Over 57 years of finally silent. the search easier is intriguing. With modern helping people connect to their roots, he search tools on the Web, the challenge can has promoted more than 200,000 travelers 4.NAW.Vangsgutane.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/7/13 12:20 AM Page 1 be like a treasure hunt with a “map and com- to visit and reconnect with their ancestry in Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng pass” to take you there. Scandinavia. Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com Although the process is not a simple While teaching languages at UND and journey as using GPS to get to a destination, organizing tours to Norway for over a half Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! new resources – both online and onsite in century, he has become literally a sole ex- The Boys From Vangen: a library with Internet access – can offer a pert in interpreting Norwegian Place Names learner of any age the beginning references in America. University staff recently asked and guides that serve as a “compass” to keep him what fields of knowledge are necessary • Bilingual English & Norwegian text one on track and get one to where they want to trace names accurately and how students • Book for all ages • Full colored & illustrated, Smyth sewn to go. Using library references as resources today can prepare for study of historical lin- • 6”x9”, hardcover, 176 pages is much like utilizing a “help” desk on one’s guistics to carry on this specialization. • = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA computer – some obstacles are common On Tuesday, March 8th, Dr. Brekke will Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway and easily overcome, but as issues become present an answer about interpreting Norwe- since 1941. Right after WWII, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, more complex, a higher level of expertise is gian place names to the Minnkota Geneal- as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. needed to “make things right.” For the most ogy Society in East Grand Forks, explain- Honest and quick-thinking, the boys become role complicated, a level of advanced knowledge ing how family names well-known in the models for Norwegian children through their nu- merous ventures and narrow escapes. Previously and scholarship is required. community have been changed over time, serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly. At the University of North Dakota sometimes to the point of cutting off Ameri- Call — send a check Made in America! or order from website (UND), the Special Collections division of can families from an understanding of their Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com the Chester Fritz Library is amassing the Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 largest collection of Bygdebøker anywhere, See > names, page 15 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly April 5, 2013 • 15 Sports

< names for integrating or navigating a journey into From page 14 genealogy that traces Norwegian Place Famed skater dies Norwegian heritage. Names. Each category in the illustration is Famous Norwegian speedskater and Olympic His digital presentation utilizes a Map defined and more fully described in a slide and Compass Guide to highlight the scope of that follows. For more in-depth information medalist Hjalmar “Hjallis” Andersen dies at age 90 the challenging question proposed to him by on place names, check out http://bygdebok. library staff at UND. His presentation uses library.und.edu. Or for a short video on Dr. a compass graphic as an organizing frame- Brekke by filmmaker Lars Wanberg, see work to illustrate the meaning of Norwe- www.wanbergmediaarts.com. gian Place Names, as categorized below: An additional feature in this presenta- tion at the Genealogy Society is an illustrated • The four cardinal points: 1. Habita- map that pinpoints with a map pin where the tion Names, 2. Altered Names, 3. Norwegian Place Name, which is used in an Relationship Names, and 4. Human illustration for name interpretation, derives Geography/Geology; from the landscape. When possible, a current • The eight subcategories; Farm and photo of the “place” is shown briefly before Community Names; Folk Etymol- the map transitions to another slide. ogy and Reconstructed Names; Ad- This Map and Compass Guide for trac- jacent Locations and Topography ing Norwegian Place Names is intended for Names; Geology and Physical Ge- future showing at meetings and progressive- ography Names, plus; ly as an online presentation, like a Webinar, • The four areas of historical linguis- that can be imbedded in a Web page and ac- tic scholarship (in the inner circle of cessed by anyone at anytime. compass for comparative language Grand Forks, with its density of families studies); Norwegian Fluency, His- carrying Norwegian genes as consumers of tory of Norwegian Language, Old learning and its concentrated resources for Norse, and Germanic Indo-Europe- new knowledge, is becoming the center for an Languages. studying Norwegian heritage, reconnect- ing with one’s Norwegian roots, and trac- Photo: Wikimedia Commons < weekend Hjalmar “Hjallis” Johan Andersen was a speed skater from The Compass graphic shows the rela- ing family histories back to where the name From page 1 Norway who won three gold medals at the 1952 Winter Olympic tionships of fields and how they fit together originated. Games of Oslo, Norway. He was the only triple gold medalist at the 1952 Winter Olympics, and as such, became the most success- ful athlete there. < support From page 3 the initiative of Norway, was adopted unani- mously. A total of 64 countries from all re- man rights defenders can operate free from Staff Compilation gions of the world co-sponsored the resolu- Norwegian American Weekly hindrance and insecurity. This contrasts with tion. the situation in many countries where human Human rights defenders are individuals rights activists are under increasing pressure. and organizations that are fighting against “We must now work to ensure that this One of Norway’s most famous sports serious fall in his home in Tønsberg, Nor- discrimination and for justice throughout resolution is translated into concrete results stars, speed skater Hjalmar “Hjallis” An- way, was rushed to the hospital and never the world. They include democracy activ- on the ground and leads to an improvement dersen has died, at the age of 90. He made regained consciousness. He died two days ists, journalists, writers, trade union leaders, in the situation of human rights defenders,” his international debut at the 1948 Winter later on March 27, two weeks after his 90th lawyers, and campaigners for gay and les- Mr. Eide said. Olympic Games at St. Moritz, Switzerland. birthday. His survivors include three chil- bian rights and for freedom of religion and The resolution on protecting human At the Winter Games in Oslo in 1952, dren and grandson Fredrik van der Horst, a religious minorities’ rights. rights defenders, which was put forward on “Hjallis” won three gold medals, in the 1500 speedskater who represented Norway at the meter race, as well as in the 5,000 meter and 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British the 10,000 meter. Columbia. Andersen was considered the world’s The Norwegian government decided best skater in the years 1950 to 1952, and that Hjalmar Andersen should be honored in these three years he became World Cham- with a funeral at the state’s expense. He is pion Allround, as well as European Allround the third athlete to be given this honor since Champion and Norwegian Allround Cham- 1998. pion, in addition to his Olympic medals. Prime minister Jens Stoltenberg stated He was also an accomplished cyclist at that “Hjalmar Andersen became a sport leg- national level, and in 1951 he was awarded end at a time when speed skating was part of the Honorary Egeberg Prize for his achiev- the Norwegian identity, and got involved in ments in skating and cycling. the work for sailors at time when ship trans- After he retired from the sport, he port was interwoven with the nation’s soul. worked for many years in the Welfare Ser- In this way, ‘Hjallis’ contributed to forming vice for the Norwegian Merchant Marine, post-war Norway in an important way and until he reached retirement age in 1990. won a huge place in the hearts of several Andersen early received the nickname generations of Norwegians.” “Kong Glad” (King Glad) for always being The Prime Minister has said he will at- in good spirits with a smile on his lips. tend the funeral. On March 25, Andersen suffered a Find the perfect gift from in our online store, or if Sports News & Notes you’re in the area, visit our shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! Curling: Norway – Switzerland 8-7 Cycling: Kristoff second in Belgium E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] Norway’s men defeated the Swiss team 8-7 Norwegian biker Alexander Kristoff captured in their second match in the Curling World second place in the Driesdaagse De Panne Championship in Victoria, Canada on Mar. race in Belgium on Mar. 28, behind Sylvain 31. This made up for their 5-8 loss against Chavanel of France. Chavanel’s team mate Czechia in their opening match on Saturday. Noki Terpstra placed third. (Norway Post) (NRK)

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