Fifty Years Ago in Canada and Giengarry
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THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1933. VOL. XLI—No- 4. $2.00 A YEAR Mrs. Roderick MocDougald Glengarry's First Seed Many Pay last Respecis the Early Days of loehiel Junior Farmers fifty Years Ago in Passes At Timmins, Ont. Fair At Alexandria To Late John MacLeoii Donnie Scotlenil ^Afllicipato Goccessful Tear On the 24th December, 1932, follow- Some time ago in giving an ac- At Transcona, Man., during the past By J. E. McIntosh The Loehiel Junior Farmers held Giengarry ing an attacvk of influenza, Mrs. count of the year’s work of the Glen- three weeks, death came suddenly to One thing that cannot be overlook- Canada and their annual meeting in the new Town- Roderick Macdougald of Dalkeith, garry Plowmen’s Association, we stat- a highly esteemed resident of Sioux ed, even in a short history of this ship Hall, Loehiel, on) Wednesday passed peacefully away, fortified by Lookout, Ont.^ for nearly a quarter of kind, is that, for hundreds of years, evening, 11th inst., with J. W. Mac- the rites of the Catholic Church and ed that this organization planned put- a century and a native of the Town- Scotland’s able-bodied men wetre .al- Rae presiding. The following officers consoled to the last moment by the ting on a Seed Fair. Quite a few en- Personages and Events of That Period Recaiied ship of Lancaster, in the person of Mr. most continually at war. Either their for the ensuing year were elected. Pre- beautiful pra-yers recited by the at- quiries have been reeeivej as to the John MacLeod. forces were combined against some sident—^John Victor McDonald; Vice tendant members and her daughter. purpose of this new enterprise. It is Deceased, who T<ras in hig 54th year, foreign invader or the different clans Pres., Dan McMillan; Sec.-T^eas.- Mrs. D. D. Chisholm with whom she By A. W. McDougald. conservatively estimated that we im- wag the oldest son of the late Mr. and vrere fighting among themselves. John A. Macdonell; Auditors, Edwin from the domination and strict p^rty had spent several months. port each year into our county around Mrs. Norman MacLeod of Glen Nor- Such a training was likely to de- McDonald, Keith McMillan; Directors, Section 4. Mrs. Macdougald whoso maiden discipline of the Family Compact. This thirty-»five thousand dollars in seed man, a nephew of Mr. R. D. Mac- velop the character and physical Rod McRae, Leonard Cuthbert, John The decade of the Eighties was name was Florence (Flora‘ Cameron hierarchy brooked no o|>;position. Its grains and small seeds, «lovers and Leod of Laggan and was born on the strength of the nation as a whole, and McLeod, Miss M. M. McDonell, Miss • crowded with a succession, of happen- was born on lot 22, concession 6, Ken- primary coniceru) was the procurin; £5th December^ 1879. He left Glen- we have some right to believe that Mary Lillian McDonell, Miss Stefia ings of transcendent interest in Cana- yon township, in 1841 and was at her grass seeds. At least 70% of these pur- for its members, high and low, places chases could be and in fact are grown garry, while yet in his teens to fol- the hardy, courageous and persevering McDonald, Thos. Hay, H. J, Kennedy, dian affairs besides those already death 91 years of age. She was tho of pteferment and profit and advan- at home and if properly cleaned and low railroading entering the employ spirit of the Scottish race, during the Clarence McMillan, John Chisholm. dealt with. There was the momentous sole surviving member of twelve tage of every sort in the administra- marketed would annually save to the of the New York Central Railway at succeeding years, was in a consider- A large number of members were ■conflict which proceeded throughout daughters of the late Duncan Cameron tion of public affairs./ ~The Familj Watertown, New York. Subsequently able measure due to its inheritance present and entertained to Moving this entire period between the Federal and his wife Margaret Macdougald. farmers of our county up to twenty- Compact had fixed its’ principal out five thousand dollars^ with extra yields he went west settling at Sioux Look- from the battle-fields of Bannock- Pictures through the courtesy of Mr. and Provincial authorities^ under tho She married Roderick’Macdougald of -direction on the one hand of Sir John post in the two Easternmost Counties from home grown Seeds of known out when he was employed by the burn, Harlaw, Inverness, Inverlocliy, P. C. McRae, Agricultural Representa- Dalkeith’, who predeceased her eight Canadian. National Railway as an en A. Macdonald and on the other of of Upper Canada, Glengarry and Stor- quality. The aim of the new organiza- Flodden and a hundred others. tive. years ago as also did six of a family gineer, which position he had since Hon. Oliver Mowat, copieerning the mont, when the province was organiz- tion is to place before the farmers of In most of these tattles the native With already one hundred and twen- of eleven born of the union. Surviving held. He was an outstanding citizen autonomy of the provinces. yThis in- ed in 1792. Indeed the first Speaker of our cou'nty concrete proof that we Highlanders had to meet armies that ty-five members, the Loehiel Junior are Mrs. F. Harmon, Reno^ Col., Mrs. of the town of his adoption, was lilt- volved determining in the Canadian the first Legislative Assembly was produce choice seed grain at home, by were mounted on horse-back, and in Farmers are looking forward to a suc- Charles Laverty, Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. ed by all who had the privilege of his •Courts and in the Privy Council sucb that Col. John McDonell, the repre- inducing farmers with surplus seed for which the horses as well as the men cessful year 1933, financially and so- D.D. Chisholm^ Timmins, Ont., Alex- acquaintance and took a nactive part fundamental questions as the right sentative from Glengarry, who had es- sale to exhibit and compete for prizes were protected by steel armour. This cially. ^ ander of Dalkeith, Dan and Angus, on in all civic and social movements. He and jurisdiction to control and admin- tablished his household gods at Stone in the different classes, the actual gave tho enemy an advantage, of the homestead, lot 1, concession 8 served as a councillor on the Sioux ister the liquor laws and the machin- House Point, Charlottenburgh, where saving in money from buying at home course, but it didn’t always decide Loehiel, also several grand childreif Lookout T<jwn Council in 1921 anj the ery of elections including the franch- he had built the first great mansion and the money remaining in our coun- the result of the fight. At Harlaw, and three, great grandchildren. following year very acceptably filled ise of electors, the control of rivers in Upper Canada. ty would surely be useful and accept- for instance, we are told that the Drabam GreamerY At Timmins tho funeral was held the Mayor’s chair. He was a member and streams, the fixing of certain^pro- In the front concessions of these Coun able to su;pplement our decreasing re- Highlanders charged a “wall of steel” On Monday morning, 26th Dec., from of the local Orange lodge, and held vin'cial boundaries, and the disallow- ties, along the St. Lawrenc-e river, venue. with great courage, and many of the residence of her gou-in-law and the Master’s chair of that lodge for Appoints Directors ance by tbe Federal Government of there had settled the first contingents them were cut down. But the others daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Chish- The organization in charge shbuld The shareholders of the Graham. provincial legislation./ There were too, of the U.E. Loyalists, refugees from one term and was an Oddfellow of pressed on into the very centre of the olm, to Holy Trinity Church. Follow- receive wholehearted Apport ahd u long standing. Creamery held their annual meeting in the problems which arose in the ad- the Mohawk Valley. They carried with cavalry, ham-strmging the horses' and ing the chanting of Requiem Mass by ready response from our farmers in the Company’s office here on Tuesday ministration of the new western ter them from the new republic the party He was a man of pleasing person- throwing their riders to the ground. Rev. Father O’Gorman, the cortege making* a success of Glengarry’s first ality and conversation and his passing afternoon 10th inst., with a good at* ritories, their colonization and the designation 'of “Tory” /which they Then, before they could rise, the ac- proceeded to tho depot 'and the remains Seed Fair^ which, in passing we may tendance. The auditors’ report showed machinery set up for these purposes— bore in the Revolution.' This contin- will be keenly felt, not only by his tive highlanders had found the joints placed on board the train arriving at state, is the first county of our pro- sorrowing relatives but by a host of that after setting aside substantial There were further the agitations and ued as a party name and title in Cana- in their steel armour—and driven Dalkeith at 11 a.m., Tuesday, 27th vince to hold sueh an exhibition. Fin- sums for dtepreciation, reserve and intermittently the ^ tentative negotia dian polities until Sir John A. Mac- friends both on and off the railroad. home their swords. When darkness ulto.^ aecompahiied by her daughter. ancing a prize list is a a matter of To mourn his loss he leaves two doubtful debts the company showed tions in connection with the trade poli- donald .