
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Vo!' 56, No.4, April 1956 Research Paper 2665

Electrical Resistivity of Vitreous Ternary -

Simon W. Strauss 1

Resistivities of vitreous lithium disilicate, sodium disilicate, and selected ternary lithium-sodium silicates " 'ere measured in t he range 150 0 to 2300 C. The res ulting data are given as log resistivity-composition isotherms. ~. correlatioxide and showed a m ~x lmum value on the r es ~stl vlty­ composition isotherms as well as Oil the heat of activatIOn-compositIOn curve. fhe re­ sistivities of t he ,yere interpreted in terms of the structure of .

1. Introduction system xLi20: (l - x)N a20: 2Si02 whose resistivities were measured in the range 150 0 to 230 0 C. D evelopments in electronic and related fields have emphasized the need for electrical insulating ma­ 2. Experimental terials that can be used at elevated temperatures. The materials used were reagent grade lithium Results of an investigation conducted in tlus labora­ carbonate and , and quartz crystals tory showed that coatings merit serious c.on ­ [6] pulverized to pass a U. S. Standard No. 40 sieve. sideration in the field of high-temperature electncal The batch compositions of the glasses are given insulation [1].2 From the standpoint of high elec­ in table l. The method cf preparing the _ex peri- trical resistivity, alkali-free ceramic coatings are preferable to those containing. alkali. . In .s~m~ e TABLE 1. Batch compositions oj glasses in the system xLi20: (1- x)Na,O :2Si0 cases however, where the fuslOn pomt of the fnt IS 2 high,' some alkali ions are added in order to obtain workable coatings. In these instances it would be Oxido C.moo I desirable to add alkali ions in such proportions as to sition No. L i,O NazO SiO, minimize their eff ect upon resistivity and still yield ------a workable coating. Alole ,\fole j" [ole Some investigators have conducted studies on the 1 1. 00 0.00 2.00 2 . 90 . 10 2.00 electrical properties of glasses containing two species 3 .85 . 15 2.00 4 .80 . 20 2. 00 of alkali ions [2 ,3,4,5]. Their data indicated that 5 .75 . 25 2.00 when a mixture of two alkali ions was substituted for 6 . 70 .30 2.00 the arne mole percent of either one, values for 7 .65 .35 2.00 8 . 60 .40 2. 00 dielectric constant or loss when plotted against 9 .55 . 45 2.00 composition showed a minimum on the curve. 10 .50 . 50 2.00 E lectrode potential and resistivity showed a maxi­ 1J . 45 .55 2. 00 12 . 40 . 60 2. 00 mum value on a property-composition curve. Dale, 13 .35 .65 2.00 P egg, and Stanworth [2] studied the electrical proper­ 14 .30 . 70 2. 00 15 . 25 .75 2.00 ties of five compositions in the system 50Si02 :- 16 . 20 .80 2.00 18B20 3 : 5A120 3 : (27 -x)Li20 :xNazO. Their data on 17 .10 . 90 2. 00 the room7temperature resistivities indicated that the 18 .00 J.OO 2. 00 glass that contained equimolar quantities of sodium oxide and showed a maximum value on mental batches, the test equipment used to measure the resi.stivity-composi tion curve. It was con­ the resistivities of the glass specimens, and the sidered desi.rable to study a three-component, method of teEt have been described in detail else­ lithium-sodium system instead of a five­ where [6]. 11easurements were made at 10 deg component system such as the one cited! ~ecause ~ny C intervals in the range 150 0 to 230 0 C. A 200-v effects produced by the presence of addltlOnal battery line was used as the emf source. The would be eliminated. The data obtained on a resistivity values were calculated from the current, three-component system should therefore lend them­ voltage, and dimensions of the specimens. Values selves more readily to interpretation. The present for heats of activation, I1H*, were calculated from paper describes results obtained on glasses in the the slopes of curves obtained by plotting log resis­ tivity against the reciprocal of the absolute tempera­ I Present address Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C. , Figures in brackets indicate the literature references at the end of this paper . ture. '183 3. Results and Discussion either one, the smaller quantities of each separate can find interstices which come close to fi tting Figure 1 gives resistivity-composition isotherms them and the number left in interstices too large for a t 150, 200, and 230 0 C for vitreous litbium disilicate, them is much smaller than when either single ion is sodium disilicate, and selected lithium-sodium sili­ used." In this connection Stevels [5], in discussing cates. A heat-of-activation- composition curve for dielectric losses in glasses, stated: "If in a glass con­ these glasses is given in fi gure 2. These curves show taining only one kind of network modifier, some of that resistivities and heats of activation of the these ions are replaced by other network modifiers ternary compositions are higher than those of the having a different radius, then a more compact net­ binary glasses, the values, in each case, reaching a work can be obtained." H ence, both Smyth and maximum for a glass containing approximately Stevels suggested that a more compact structure equimolar quantities of lithium oxide and sodium results when a mixture of two alkali ions is substi­ oxide. The position of the resistivity maximum is tuted for the same mole percent of either one. The close to that reported for the fi ve-component more compact packing in a lithium- lithium-sodium-aluminum borosilicate [2]. The data over that in a binary silicate may be expected to show that two compositions, one on each side of the increase the activation energy and make it more maximum on the curve, can yield glasses having a difficult for the ions t o migrate through the structure. given resistivity. This observation holds true for This assumption is consistent with the data pre­ compositions whose resistivity values are equal to sented in figures 1 and 2. Following the reasoning or greater than that of lithium disilicate. presented by Smyth and by Stevels, the maxima on The fact that the resistivities of the ternary com­ both t,he resistivity-composition and heat-of-activa­ positions were higher than those of the binary glasses, tion-composition curves suggest that a lithium­ even though the total number of ions was kept con­ sodium silicate containing approximately equimolar stant for all glasses, suggests that a tightening of quantities of lithium oxide and sodium oxide has \), the structure probably occurred in tbe ternary more compact structure than that of any other glasses. Smyth [3], in discussing the distribution of composition in the system xLi20 :(1-x)Na20:2Si02' size of interstices in glass, states: "Because of the Because ternary lithium-sodium silicates had irregularity of the vitreous structure there should be higher resistivities than the binary compositions, the quite a wide spread in size of the interstices." As a question arises whether quaternary alkali silicates first approximation, Smyth assumes a Gaussian dis­ would have still higher resistivities. By analogy tribution. Applying such reasoning to explain why with Smyth's reasoning, it might, be expected that a mixture of two alkali ions in a glass gives much when a mixture of three alkali ions is substituted for lower dielectric losses than the sam e concentration any of the three, the smaller quantities of each of one alkali, he stated: "When a mixture of two separate ion should find interstices that come close ions is substituted for the same mole percent of to fitting them, and the number left in interstices too large fo r them should be smaller than when

9 . 60

25 • • 24 -

w 23 • .J 0 :t; • '- 0 22 • ~

*1: 21 • S • z 0 20 :;>= >= u 19

230 0 G 16

4.00 I--....L._L-....L._L-....L._L--'-_.L...--'-_t-~_.l..---' 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 .6 0.7 0 .8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.1 0.2 0 . 3 0.4 0 .5 0 .6 0.7 0.8 L;z O,2S;Oz N0 20 , MOLES N0 20:2S;02

FIGURE 1. Resistivity-composition isotherms at 150°, 200°, FIGURE 2. Heat of activation-composition curve for glasses in and 230° C for glasses in the system xLizO: (l- x) NazO:2SiOz the system xLizO:(l - x) Na20 :2Si02 where x ranges from 0 to 1. where x ranges from 0 to 1. 184 either single ion is u ed or when t wo alkali ions are Dale, Pegg, and Stanworlh [2] in their stud y of five used. Resul ts obtained on glasses in a system such compositions in the five-component lilhium-sodium­ as xLi20 :yNu20 :(1-x-y)K20:2Si0 2 should clarify aluminum borosilicate sy tern. In addition, it was this point. Such a study should yield information found in the present investigation that the heats of t hat wOLlld be useful not only in the elucidation of activation varied with change in composition in th e the structure of glass but also in the design of glasses same manner as did the resistivity. and ceramic coatings of specified resistivities. In this connection it would also be desirable to study 5 . References ystematically the resistivities of alkali-free glasses in which a non alkali ion is replaced by the same mole [1] S. W. Strauss, L. E . Richards, a nd D . G. Moore, Effect of temperature on the electrical resistivity of several percent of two or more isovalent ions. ceramic and silicone-type coatings, ASTM Sp. T ech . Publ. No. 153, 101- 8 (1953). 4 . Summary [2] A. E . Dale, E . F. Pegg, a nd J. E. Stanworth, The electri cal properties of some lithia containing glasses, J . Soc. Glass Technol. 35, 136 (1951) .. R esistivity data were presented for sodium disili­ [3] H . T . Smyth, Dielectric losses in glass, T ech. R ept. No. 9 cate, lithium disilicate, and a series of 16 ternary (Rutgers University, 1955). [4] M. Tashiro, Measurement and evaluat ion of electrical lithium-sodium silicates prepared by the substitution potential between glasses, ONR Tech. R ept. No. 60 of sodium oxide for lithium oxide in a base com­ (1954) . position Li20 : 2Si02. [5] J. M . Stevels, Dielectric losses in glasses, Philips T ech. The results were interpreted on the basis that the R ev. 13 [2], 365 (1952). [6] S. W. Stra uss, D. G. Moore, W. N . Harrison, and L. E. substitution of two alkali ions for the same mole Richards, Fundamental factors controlling electrical percent of eith er one to a more compact struc­ rcsisti vity in vitreous ternary Icad silicates, J . R esearch ture which decreases ionic migration. NBS 56, 135 (1956) RP2658. The variation in resistivity with change in com­ position was found to be similar to that reported by WASHING'rON, D ecember 23 , 1955.