Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1994 Daily Egyptian 1994 11-4-1994 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 04, 1994 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 80, Issue 53 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1994 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1994 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Southern Illinois Uni\'crsity al Carbondale Local media subpoenaed By Bill Kugelberg \\'edne,Jay aflcmoon. Associate Student Editor ··we Ju not choo,e to comply "ith the ,uhpoena and ha,,: a,k.:J In a n10, c <.k·,i!.!ned lo ~ath~r e, i U11i1.:r,i1v Couns.:1 to move to den.:e in the imc,1i.!alio~1 of dam• qua,h thc ~uhpoena:· he ,aid. ··n1e a,!c cuu,ed in Carhonduk during rca,011 is hasi..:allv that thi, is a box tl;e llalhrn ecn wed,enLI. ..:ar ,uhpoc:na. The policc Jepart CarhonJalc pnlkc ha\'e ,uhpoc ment ha, a,keJ for everything naed all , ;deotap,· and pho1ogmph, we·,.: ,hot and nothing '-pe.:iti.:. cal.en h, Sm11hern lllinoi, media ,\nd I don·1 llc:lic,c it j._ the mle of Jurin,: tllL" evi:nt. the newspaper to Ile: providing pms S1a1c·, Aunrney Mike Wep,ie.: ccull ,rs with infonmuiun thev IIL"t!d ,aid SJ\ media ,mllcls in the arc;1 to mak,: their ..:a,cs and t" think hal(~ llc:cn issued subpoena,.