
38838ournal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1995;59:388-394 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from - system in chronic subdural haematomas: its roles in vascular permeability and regulation of and

Hirosuke Fujisawa, Haruhide Ito, Shiro Kashiwagi, Sadahiro Nomura, Mikiko Toyosawa

Abstract Although chronic subdural haematomas com- The kallikrein-kinin system is closely prise a common disease in the field of neuro- related to both fibrinolysis and coagula- surgery, their aetiology is not yet fully tion, and -the end product of understood. The haematoma cavity is encap- this system-is a powerfil mediator sulated by the inner and outer membranes, which increases vascular permeability. In vessels being absent in the first but the present study, to test the hypothesis abundant in the second. I Thus it has been sug- that the kallikrein-kinin system plays a gested that repetitive haemorrhage from the part in the aetiology of chronic subdural outer membrane causes progressive enlarge- haematomas, components of this system ment of a haematoma.23 (, high molecular weight The haematoma fluid contains low fibrino- (HMW-kininogen), and brady- gen and high / degradation kinin), and those of the fibrinolytic and product concentrations,4 and a high amount of coagulation systems were measured at 134 tissue type has been haematoma sites in 119 patients. The found in both the haematoma fluid and the activities of prekallikrein and HMW- blood vessels in the outer membrane.i6 Thus kininogen in the haematomas were signif- increased fibrinolysis in the outer membrane icantly lower than those in the plasma of (local hyperfibrinolysis) has been suggested to the patients, and showed a parallel be a main aetiological factor of chronic sub- decrease. The bradykinin concentration dural haematomas.578 Indeed, repetitive in the haematomas was significantly haemorrhage from the outer membrane into higher than that in the plasma. These the haematoma cavity, as the cause of results indicate activation of the haematoma enlargement, can be well kallikrein-kinin system in chronic sub- explained by increased fibrinolysis. Some dural haematomas. The activation ofboth aspects which cannot be explained satisfacto- fibrinolysis and coagulation was also rily by increased fibrinolysis alone, however, shown, and there was a significant corre- remain unresolved-for example, (a) lation between HMW-kininogen and plas- increased fibrinolysis alone cannot explain http://jnnp.bmj.com/ minogen, fibrinlfibrinogen degradation how the subdural membrane is produced; (b) products, or in the haematomas. factors regulating the fibrinolytic activity dur- This suggests regulation of fibrinolysis ing the course of development of chronic and coagulation by the kallikrein-kinin subdural haematomas have not been fully system or mutual stimulation of these determined; (c) in the outer membrane, peri- systems. In the outer membrane, perivas- vascular haemorrhage, interstitial oedema, and

cular haemorrhage, interstitial oedema, leucocyte migration are seen microscopically.9 10 on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and leucocyte migration were evident In cases of subdural hygromas which develop microscopically, indicating an increase in into chronic subdural haematomas, the x ray vascular permeability. The con- absorption value of the subdural fluid on CT centration in the haematomas was signifi- gradually increases. 11-14 These findings seem to Department of cantly higher than that in the peripheral indicate an increase in vascular permeability of Neurosurgery, blood, indicating plasma exudation from the outer membrane, although the factors Yamaguchi University the in the outer membrane. responsible remain undetermined. School of Medicine, capillaries Ube, Japan The activation of the kallikrein-kinin sys- The kallikrein-kinin system consists basi- H Fujisawa tem, by increasing vascular permeability, cally of prekallikrein, kallikrein, high molecu- H Ito may cause blood extravasation and lar weight kininogen (HMW-kininogen), and S Kashiwagi S Nomura plasma exudation from the capillaries bradykinin (fig 1). Bradykinin-the end prod- M Toyosawa into both the outer membrane and the uct of this system-is known to be a powerful Correspondence to: haematoma cavity, resulting in enlarge- mediator which increases vascular permeabil- Dr Hirosuke Fujisawa, induces and Department of ment of the haematoma. ity and vasodilatation leucocyte Neurosurgery, Yamaguchi migration.'5-'7 Furthermore, through some University School of common the Medicine, 1144 Kogushi, (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;59:388-394) components, kallikrein-kinin sys- Ube, Yamaguchi 755, Japan. tem is closely related not only to fibrinolysis Received 22 August 1994 but also to coagulation, which has also been and in revised form 22 February 1995 Keywords: chronic subdural haematoma; kallikrein- suggested to play an important part in the ori- Accepted 9 June 1995 kinin system; bradykinin; aetiology gin and development of chronic subdural and coagulation 389 Kallikrein-kinin system in chronic subdural haematomas: its roles in vascular perneability and regulation offibrinolysis J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from Increase in vascular permeability

Antithrombin III Intrinsic coagulation system

with the and coagulation systems. Figure 1 Functional diagram of the kallikrein-kinin system and its relation fibrinolytic = FDP = fibrinlfibrinogen HMW-kininogen = high molecular weight kininogen; t-PA tissue-type plasminogen activator; = inhibition. degradation products. -+ = activation; ----o

haematomas. In the present study, we mea- MEASUREMENT OF THE KALLIKREIN-KINN sured the components of the kallikrein-kinin, SYSTEM fibrinolytic, and coagulation systems, and we The three major components of the kallikrein- discuss the possible contribution of the kinin system were measured-namely, prekallikrein, HMW-kininogen, and brady- kallikrein-kinin system to the aetiology of http://jnnp.bmj.com/ chronic subdural haematomas. kinin. For measurement of the prekallikrein and HMW-kininogen activities, haematoma samples were placed in siliconised vacuum Materials and methods tubes containing 3-8% sodium citrate. For SAMPLING OF measurement of bradykinin, samples were PATIENT POPULATION AND containing HAEMATOMAS AND MEMBRANES placed in siliconised vacuum tubes Ninety male and 29 female patients with , soybean inhibitor, prota- All tubes on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. chronic subdural haematomas were studied. mine sulphate, and disodium EDTA. ice until cen- They ranged in age from 12 to 87 (mean 64-8) were placed in a box filled with 10 minutes. Each years, and had not received previous treatment trifuged at 3000 rpm for for chronic subdural haematomas. One hun- supernatant was stored in a sealed polypropy- dred and four of the patients had unilateral lene tube at - 70°C until analysis. The haematomas and 15 had bilateral haema- prekallikrein and HMW-kininogen activities par- During surgery, the haematoma was were measured by the one stage activated tomas. with aspirated by puncture through the dura mater tial thromboplastin time method, the outer prekallikrein-deficient plasma and HMW- with a disposable plastic syringe and 19 membrane attached to the dura mater was kininogen-deficient plasma respectively.'8 excised for histological examination. These activities were expressed as percentages Peripheral blood samples were also taken from of those for normal plasma. Bradykinin was the patients. measured by radioimmunoassay.20 AND HISTOLOGICAL EXAMINATION MEASUREMENT OF THE FIBRINOLYTIC A small piece of the dura mater along with the COAGULATION SYSTEMS sys- outer membrane was fixed in 10% formalin, The major components of the fibrinolytic and then embedded in tem-that is, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation processed routinely, activator, paraffin. Thin sections (4 ,um) were cut, products, tissue-type plasminogen stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and plasminogen, and a2 inhibitor, were examined by light microscopy. measured. Plasminogen and a2 plasmin 390390~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fujisawa,Ito, Kashiwagi, Nomura, Toyosawa J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from inhibitor were measured by the synthetic chro- mogenic substrate method, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products by the latex agglutina- A',~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 A tion method, and tissue-type plasminogen

4.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 activator by linked immunosorbent assay. '11The coagulation system in chronic subdural haematomas was investigated by measurement of platelets, fibrinogen, 46-2.W~ ~ ~ ~ ~ III, prothrombin time, and acti- vated partial thromboplastin time, and by means of the thrombo test and hepaplastin 41~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ test. Fibrinogen was measured by the throm- bin test, and antithrombin III by the synthetic chromogenic substrate method. The relations between the kallikrein-kinin, fibrinolytic, and coagulation systems were investigated. ~ ~ C..,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEASUREMENT OF BLOOD CELLS AND THE PROTEIN CONCENTRATION White blood cells and erythrocytes, and the A protein concentration in both a haematoma and peripheral blood were measured.

STATISTICS Values are expressed as means (SEM). The statistical significance between two groups was *.., AVA assessed Student's t test. -a~~~~~~t- by unpaired 40~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bradykinin concentrations were analysed by the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Differences among three groups were tested by one way A analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Scheff&'s F test for multiple comparisons. ft49at- Correlations between different variables were S.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.A examined by Pearson's linear regression.

Results HISTOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN THE OUTER MEMBRANE Al$ 9W Morphologically, the outer membranes com- prised granulation tissue consisting of collagen fibrils, fibroblasts, and abundant capillaries (macrocapillaries or sinusoids). Perivascular http://jnnp.bmj.com/ haemorrhage, interstitial oedema, and leuco- cyte migration were often seen (fig 2). Some of the capillaries were in direct contact with the haematoma cavity, and some white blood cells and erythrocytes seemed to be passing through 4i~~~~-- the capillaries into the haematoma cavity (fig

2C). Although the migration of only eosino- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. phils is shown in fig 2, neutrophils, lympho- haemosiderin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~4 cytes, containing macrophages, and plasma cells were also present in some specimens. Among leucocytes, were present most often and were most easily identified on light microscopy. To compare the amounts of leucocytes in the outer mem- brane and a haematoma, eosinophils in the outer membrane were counted in 24 mem- brane specimens at a magnification of x 40, and then the outer membranes were divided into three groups according to the number of eosinophils present: no eosinophils (n = 8); a few eosinophils (cell count < 60; n = 5); many eosinophils (cell count >, 100; n = 11).

Figure 2 Histologicalfindings in the outer membrane. (A) Massive perivascular THE KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM haemorrhage (haematoxylin and eosin x 1 00). (B) Interstitial oedema (haematoxylin Prekallikrein activity in the haematomas was and eosin x 100). (C) Migration of eosinophils. Capillaries can be seen close to the 54-6 lower than that in haematoma cavity. An seems to be passing through the capillary into the (2-6)%, significantly haematoma cavity (arrow) (haematoxylin and eosin x 400). H = haematoma cavity. the plasma of the patients (79-4 (2-7)%; fig Kallikrein-kinin system in chronic subdural haematomas: its roles in vascular permeability and regulation offibrinolysis and coagulation 391 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from 100 1A 100 1 B 3A). HMW-kininogen activity in the haematomas was 42-4 (2A4)%, significantly n=48 lower than that in the patients' plasma (79.2 9 80- 80- (3 2)%; fig 3B). Prekallikrein and HMW- C.0) kininogen activities in the haematomas * 60 - 0 60 U Il:isSSihiui'i:iui showed a parallel decrease and a significant cCD o ...... correlation The bradykinin concen- (fig 3G). haematomas _ 40 - c 40- (63-9 (12-1 pg/ml)) ..b_ -S.was ,trtinsignificantly higher than that in the plasma l- 20 - ¢ 20- (36A nthepg/ml; fig 3D)). MiiiWiii.:.:i. (5-6 0- FIBRINOLYSIS AND COAGULATION 0'- 0 ~ii.Iii _ The plasminogen and a2 plasmin inhibitor Haematomas Plasma Haematomas Plasma concentrations in the haematomas were signif- icantly lower than those in the peripheral 100 1 D blood of the patients (table 1). The fibrin/ fibrinogen degradation products and tissue- 80- n=25 type plasminogen activator concentrations in 0 the haematomas were significantly higher than ol C) those in the peripheral blood. As to the rela- a)0) m 60- tion between the kallikrein-kinin and fibri- C c .- n=22 nolytic systems, there was a significant 40- correlation between HMW-kininogen and I- plasminogen or fibrin/fibrinogen degradation m 2- products (fig 4A, 4B). 20 - sThe haematomas contained an extremely 0 120 j:: H. low level of fibrinogen (table 1). count 40 80 were Prekallikrein (%) 0 - HH:. _and antithrombin III in the haematomas Haematomas Plasma significantly lower than those in the peripheral blood. Prothrombin time and activated partial Figure 3 (A) Prekallikrein activities in the haematomas and plasma (*** P << 0O001; thromboplastin time in the haematomas were Student's t test). (B) HMW-kininogen activities in the haematomas andplasm (***P < 0-001; Student's t test). (C) Correlation between prekallikrein and HIMW significantly prolonged, and results of the kininogen activities in the haematomas (62 paired observations. r = 0 72, P < Oo0O1; thrombo test and hepaplastin test for the Pearson's linear regression). (D) Bradykinin concentrations in the haematomas and haematomas gave lower values than for plasma (*P < 0 05; Wilcoxon signed rank test). peripheral blood. There was a significant cor- relation between HMW-kininogen and platelets (fig 4G). 100 4 B BLOOD CELLS AND PROTEIN CONCENTRATIONS The haematomas contained white blood cells ^ 80 _ I 3 0 E lXE - and erythrocytes (table 2). The number of CD eosinophils in the haematomas increased in

60 http://jnnp.bmj.com/ parallel with the number in the outer mem- CD 2 brane (table 3). E 40 x CO o0- m The protein concentration in the peripheral Co a- U 110- maimlE blood of the patients was 6-3 (0 1 g/dl), being 20 %mm~E within the normal range. By contrast, the pro- mmlI 3 tein concentration in the haematomas was 8-4 0 El 00 (04 g/dl), significantly higher than that in the 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 peripheral blood (table 2). on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. HMW-kininogen (%) HMW-kininogen (%)

30 - c Discussion ACTIVATION OF THE KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM 'o 20- IN CHRONIC SUBDURAL HAEMATOMAS x The kallikrein-kinin system consists of en prekallikrein, kallikrein, HMW-kininogen, and 0) 0 bradykinin (fig 1). Prekallikrein is present in 4- 10 - plasma as an inactive precursor and is trans- formed into kallikrein by activated coagulation d factor XII (Hageman factor). There are two types of kininogen in human plasma; HMW- 0 20 40 60 80 100 kininogen and low molecular weight kinino- HMW-kininogen (%) gen. Kallikrein prefers HMW-kininogen as a substrate, converting it to bradykinin.'5 Figure 4 (A) Correlation between HMW-kininogen and plasminogen in the Activation of the kallikrein-kinin system is an haematomas (46 paired observations. r = 0 45, P < 0 005; Pearson's linear regression). extremely rapid process,'5 and the half life of (B) Correlation between HMW-kininogen and FDP in the haematomas (54 paired bradykinin is very short (about 17 seconds) observations r = 0 50, P < 0 0001 by Pearson's linear regression). (C) Correlation between HMW-kininogen and platelets in the haematomas (43 paired observations. due to the action of kininases." If reduction of r = -0 56, P < 0.0001 by Pearson's linear regression). both prekallikrein and HMW-kininogen 392 Fujisawa, Ito, Kashiwagi, Nomura, Toyosawa

Table 1 Components of thefibrinolytic and J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from coagulation systems endothelial cells at the sites of leakage of ery- Haematomas Peripheral blood throcytes and plasma, which are observed as FDP (ug/ml) 1078 (72)*** (n = 114) 7 0 (0 8) (n = 48) microscopically perivascular haemorrhage Plasminogen (%) 50-1 (3 4)*** (n = 51) 84-7 (4-1) (n = 41) and interstitial oedema respectively.'°1 These t-PA (ng/ml) 10-1 (0 6)*** (n = 134) 3-7 (0-2) (n = 79) are c2 PI (%) 30-0 (2.5)*** (n = 50) 92-3 (3 0) (n = 41) endothelial gaps known to be anatomical Platelets ( x 104/ml) 9 9 (1-5)*** (n = 48) 25-0 (1-6) (n = 48) substrata for the increase in vascular perme- Fibrinogen (mg/dl) 10-4 (2.8)*** (n = 53) 278-7 (18-4) (n = 45) PT (s) 189-3 (1-5)*** (n = 53) 12-5 (0 2) (n = 45) ability.'5 APTT (s) 195-9 (2 9)*** (n = 54) 35-0 (1-0) (n = 45) The protein concentration in the Thrombo test (%) 25-1 (2-1)*** (n = 30) 66-1 (3-9) (n = 27) haematomas was Hepaplastin test (%) 24-9 (2 0)*** (n = 53) 110-1 (2 5) (n = 40) significantly higher than that AT III (%) 42-6 (1-9)*** (n = 49) 99-7 (2 4) (n = 41) in the peripheral blood, and similar to that in the fluid of FDP = fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products; t-PA = tissue-type plasminogen activator; a2 PI = inflamed tissue. It has a2 plasmin inhibitor; PT = prothrombin time; APIT = activated partial thromboplastin time; been reported that chronic subdural AT III = antithrombin III. ***P < 0-001 v peripheral blood (Student's t test). haematomas show changes in density on CT and in signal intensity on MRI, which has been attributed to into the Table 2 Blood cells rebleeding and protein concentrations haematoma cavity or a chemical change in Haematomas Peripheral blood haemoglobin.24 27 Although bleeding or White blood cells (/ml) 5781 (1068) (n = 52) 6994 (361) (n = 48) haemolysis may be partly responsible for the Erythrocytes ( x 104/ml) 303 (18)*** (n = 53) 383 (7) (n = 48) high protein concentration in the haematoma, Protein (g/dl) 8-4 (0 4)*** (n = 61) 6-3 (0-1) (n = 39) we speculate that plasma exudation from the ***P < 0-001 v peripheral blood (Student's t test). capillaries in the outer membrane due to an increase in vascular permeability may also play a part. For example, in cases of subdural Table 3 Eosinophils in the outer membrane and haematomas hygromas, the x ray absorption values on CT or signal intensity on Ti weighted MRI of the Outer membrane Haematomas (/ml) subdural fluid gradually increase. " Eosinophils: Subdural hygromas contain a high concentra- None 77 (29) (n = 8) tion of Few (cell count < 60) 502 (357) (n = 5) protein,'"3'4 and histological examina- Many (cell count ) 100) 5202 (1246) (n = 11) tions have shown that they have the same kind of *P < 0 05, ***P < 0-001 by ANOVA, followed by Scheffe's test for subdural membrane as that seen in chronic multiple comparisons. subdural haematomas.28 Fluid exudation due to increased vascular permeability of the membrane may therefore play an important part in creating the high protein concentration occurs this could be regarded as indirect proof and in increasing the volume of subdural of activation of this system. The prekallikrein hygromas, and the same may be the case in and HMW-kininogen activities in normal chronic subdural haematomas. The question plasma are 102 (23)%23 and 99 (25)%'8 arises, however, as to what causes the increase respectively. In the present study, plasma in vascular permeability. prekallikrein and HMW-kininogen activities in Many factors have been reported to the patients remained within the normal increase vascular permeability in reparative or range, whereas the corresponding activities in inflammatory tissue'-5for example, brady- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ the haematomas were significantly lower and kinin, , , and prosta- showed a parallel decrease. Furthermore, glandins. As the outer membrane of chronic despite its short half life, the concentration of subdural haematomas is a kind of reparative bradykinin in the haematomas was signifi- tissue, these factors could be activated. cantly higher than that in the plasma. These Among these factors, bradykinin is known to results indicate that local activation of the be the most powerful mediator for increasing kallikrein-kinin system occurs in chronic sub- vascular permeability. For example, its effect dural haematomas. on vascular permeability is at least 20 times as on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. strong as that of histamine or prosta- INCREASE OF VASCULAR PERMEABILITY IN glandins.29 Although serotonin induces effects CHRONIC SUBDURAL HAEMATOMAS similar to histamine in rodents, its role in The haematoma fluid contains white blood humans has not been established.30 Thus we cells and erythrocytes. Ito et a13 demonstrated speculate that bradykinin generated by activa- daily haemorrhage from the outer membrane tion of the kallikrein-kinin system is the main into the haematoma cavity by the chromium- factor responsible for increasing vascular per- 51 labelled erythrocyte infusion method. The meability in chronic subdural haematomas. present study disclosed a parallel increase of An important role of the kallikrein-kinin sys- eosinophils in both the outer membrane and tem in the pathogeneses ofvarious pathological the haematomas. Thus the blood cells in the conditions through increasing vascular perme- haematomas must extravasate from the capil- ability has also been reported.'5 3 33 laries in the outer membrane, and it may be due to an increase in vascular permeability. In RELATION OF THE KALLIKREIN-KININ SYSTEM the outer membrane, perivascular haemor- WITH FIBRINOLYSIS AND COAGULATION, AND rhage, interstitial oedema, and leucocyte PUTATIVE AETIOLOGY OF CHRONIC SUBDURAL migration, which also indicate an increase in HAEMATOMAS vascular permeability, are often evident micro- The present study demonstrated low plas- scopically. Ultrastructural studies of the outer minogen and a2 plasmin inhibitor, and high membrane have shown gaps between capillary fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products and 393 and of and coagulation Kallikrein-kinin system in chronic subdural haematomas: its roles in vascular permeability regulaion fibinolysis

R J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.59.4.388 on 1 October 1995. Downloaded from IAr-% I = Dura mater = = - Dura mater r%._ .- - I _ uura mater I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I - ;~~~ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Outer membrane Foreign substances Exudation Blood extravasation including blood or fluid Capillaries

C Dura mater

Interstitial oedema < Perivascular haemorrhage h

e441L -. Leucocyte migration

membrane. (B) Blood extravasation and plasma Figure 5 Putative aetiology ofchronic subdural haematomas. (A) Formation of the subdural exudation. (C) Haemostasis. (D) Rebleeding.

and kallikrein con- tissue-type plasminogen activator concentra- active Hageman factor;34 verts plasminogen into plasmin,'6 plasmin tions in the haematomas, providing evidence 35 36 fibrinolytic system in converts HMW-kininogen to bradykinin,'6 of activation of the products chronic subdural haematomas. As mentioned and fibrin/fibrinogen degradation accepted that enhance the action of bradykinin.28 In the earlier, it is now generally was increased fibrinolysis is the most important present study, a significant correlation in chronic subdural found between HMW-kininogen and plas- aetiological factor prod- haematomas. Ito et al5 suggested that regula- minogen, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation course of ucts, or platelets, suggesting possible determines the http://jnnp.bmj.com/ tion of fibrinolysis by chronic subdural haematomas; local hyperfib- regulation of fibrinolysis and coagulation haemostasis and causes the kallikrein-kinin system or mutual stimula- rinolysis prevents subdural rebleeding into the haematoma cavity. The tion of these systems in chronic showed activation of the haematomas. present study also aetiology of coagulation system in chronic subdural Figure 5 illustrates the putative in antithrombin III chronic subdural haematomas. Morpho- haematomas: a reduction of indicates increased activity, and pro- logically, the outer membrane is composed

reactive on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. longed prothrombin time and activated partial granulation tissue, and thus some thromboplastin time, and low thrombo test responses may occur in the subdural space to the produc- and hepaplastin test values indicate consump- during the early stage, leading outer mem- tive reduction of coagulation factors II, V, and tion of the highly vascularised view is supported by the X. Kawakami et a18 suggested that excessive brane (fig 5A). This haematomas occa- activation of coagulation as well as hyperfibri- fact that chronic subdural formation of the outer sionally develop from acute subdural nolysis caused the and membrane and the development of chronic haematomas.3940 In these cases, fibroblasts to form subdural haematomas. Factors that regulate capillaries proliferate in the fibrin clots during the subdural granulation tissue. Fibrin is fibrinolysis and coagulation, however, in of chronic subdural haematoma known to be produced not only the course fluid , development have not been fully determined. extravasated blood but also in is closely related to and forms a matrix for migrating fibroblasts. The kallikrein-kinin system subdural both the fibrinolytic and intrinsic coagulation Thus any foreign substance in the amounts of subdural systems through some common components space, as well as small prekallikrein to haemorrhage or fluid, may stimulate the for- (fig 1): Factor XII converts blood kallikrein, and is activated by plasmin and mation of the membrane. Then, is essential for extravasation, plasma exudation, and leuco- kallikrein;15 HMW-kininogen and the surface activation of factor XII;34 frag- cyte migration into both the membrane from HMW-kininogen prolong the haematoma cavity may occur due to an ments released 5B). 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