Isle of \Vight. Ryde
DIRECTORY.] ISLE OF \VIGHT. RYDE. 711 Sharp Alexander & Co. Ltd. timber Wheeler John, builder, St. David's. Luard Lieut.-Col. Frank,East Tnriei m&rchants, St.. John's Hill Somerset road, High Park Luard Mrs. H. A. St. Leonard.s' Sheppard Charle~, shopkeeper, A.rgyle White Charles Ears, bakeT, High et Parkinson William Ernest, Olga~ villa, Somerset road, High Park Whittington George,jobbing gardener, Pazolt Alfred Joseph, Puckpoo1 11«' Sonthcott Newton, ~ycle repairer, Diamond cot. qrcular rd. Elmfield Salter Stephen., Pondwell Marlborough road, High Park Stegen Richard, Le Chalet Watson Corn. Philip Sherard R.N. Sntton Geotge Edward, High Park SPRING V ALE. tavern, Marlborough rd. High Park Uplands Taylor Edward, coal dealer, High st PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Woolrych Major Humphry Stephen. Troughton John, painter, I "Mount Calthorpe Lieut.-Gen. Lord K.C.B., Vallombrosa rottage~, Circular road, Elmfipld JP. Woodlands Vale; & Cavalry i Yeo Mrs. Vernon houss Tully Charles Henry, shopkeeper, club W & United S&rvice club SW, I Lorne house, Marlboro' rd.High Pk London COMMERCIAL. Tutt~ & Sons, bakers, Post office, Black Mi~s, Se!l shell .Buckley John N ott, fa.rm bailiff to St. John's Hill Bocquet Roland Roscoe Chas. O.I.E.. Lt.-Gan Lord Calthorpe K.O.B.,J.P Tutte Alfred A.dams, rt>gistrar or St. Leonards . Cook .A.lice & 'Margaret (Misses), marriages for Isle of Wight, St. Bran~om Miss, Oak Hill cottage apartments, 2 East View cottages John's Hill Carnell Mrs. Sealands house Cook F;edk. apartments, Beauxjour-l Valvona Dominic, marine store dlr. Cook George, Rock cottage Driver Matilda(Mrs.),aparts.Nevis vil High street Farrar Francis, The Red house Jordan John Leonard, Battery hotel Ve~tis Steam Laundry Co.
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