THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST MATTHEW 27:57-28:15,MARK 15:42-16:8, LUKE 24:1-49; JOHN 19:38-20:39

GOAL w To teach children to understand the resurrection and believe in it.

CHARACTERS w : After three days in the grave, He rose from the dead!

Mary Magdalene and Mary: Went to anoint Jesus’s body, but were surprised to find that the grave was empty.

Thomas: Unless he could actually see and touch Jesus, he refused to believe that Jesus had come risen from the dead.

MEMORY w 1 Corinthians 15:4:“[Christ] was buried, that he was raised on the third in accordance VERSE with the Scriptures.”

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 1 OVERVIEW w Read over Matthew 27:57–28:15: After Jesus was crucified and died, Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple, wrapped Jesus’ body in a shroud and placed Him in a cave-like tomb, which was sealed by a large stone. Roman guards were placed at the of the tomb to ensure that none of Jesus’ disciples removed His body. The morning of the third day after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene and Mary were walking to Jesus’ tomb, when a great earthquake shook the ground beneath them. This earthquake was an angel who had descended from heaven and rolled the stone away from the entrance of Jesus’ tomb. The angel’s appearance was so amazing and fearsome that the guards “became like dead men.” The angel told the women that Jesus was not in the tomb, but that He had risen. He told them to go tell the disciples what they had seen and heard and that Jesus would meet them all in Galilee. As they rushed back to tell the disciples the news, Jesus appeared, and the two women fell to His feet and worshiped Him. He asked them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee.

As this was happening, some of the guards went back to report what had happened. The chief priests and elders collected a large sum of money and paid the soldiers to tell the people that some of Jesus’ disciples came during the night and took Jesus’ body while the guards were sleeping. The soldiers took the money and did as they were told.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 2 SUGGESTIONS w When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, it brought sin into the world. Because God is good, He cannot tolerate sin. Sin meant that humanity was cursed to live a life separated from God. Because of sin, eternal life in heaven was not an option for us. Sin also distracts us from the purpose for which God created us. Jesus’ death and resurrection changed all of that. It removed the curse of death, making it possible for those who believe in Jesus to have eternal life with Him in heaven. Jesus’ death and resurrection is the key to our salvation.

1. Jesus redeemed us: Jesus was the ultimate, perfect, sinless sacrifice that paid the price for all sins—present, past, and future. His death gave us a clean slate and washed us clean.

2. Jesus reconciled us to God: With our sins forgiven, we are able to enter into a right relationship as sons and daughters of our Father in heaven.

3. Jesus restored us: Without sin hanging over us, Jesus healed us from the brokenness of sin. As we get closer to God, we are restored to wholeness, and our lives are marked by grace and love. This process makes able to see and work toward the purpose for which we were created.

PRE-LESSON w Egg Relay | Supplies: Large spoons and plastic eggs, four baskets or containers. ACTIVITY Divide the class into two teams and arrange each team into a line. For each line of students, place a spoon and basket full of plastic eggs on one end and an empty basket at the other. Have the first child in line pick up an egg from the basket with the spoon, and hand the spoon to the next child in line. Each child must pass the spoon and egg until it reaches the end. The last child in line should place the egg into another basket. Play continues until all the eggs are deposited in the final basket. If the egg is dropped. The child must hold the spoon in the air and count to 10; once they reach 10, the student can pick up the egg and continue passing it to the end of the line. The team to finish first wins.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 3 MEMORY w 1 Corinthians 15:4:“This verse shows how Christ’s death wasn’t an accident; it was planned and VERSE prophesied long ago. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfilled more than 300 prophecies MEANING recorded in the . Read Isaiah 53 as it may help students understand how this was always part of God’s plan.

POST-LESSON w Easter mix-up ACTIVITY Arrange the chairs into a circle, with each chair facing inward. Provide one less chair than there are children. One child begins by saying, "On Easter, I am thankful for ____." Children can express thanks for anything — Easter eggs, Jesus's resurrection, etc. When the child finishes saying what he or she is thankful for, all the children jump up and find a different chair. They cannot select the chair right next to their own. The child who is left standing gets to express thankfulness for something, and play continues.

TAKE w How does Jesus’s resurrection change things? Give children an assignment to describe what HOME the world would be like if Jesus had never raised from the dead. They can share this work with their parents.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 4 QUESTION & ANSWER

SLIDE 1 Q1a: Who stood outside the tomb?

A1: Angels

Q1b: What would you do if you saw an angel?

TN: In the Bible, every recorded instance of a human seeing an angel is followed by the angel telling the person not to be afraid. Things from heaven are obviously out of place here on Earth, and seeing things we don't understand can be terrifying.

SLIDE 2 Q2a: Who asked Mary why she was weeping?

A2: Jesus

Q2b: Have you ever lost something that was really important to you?

TN: Losing something like this can instill a sense of desperation and sadness in us. The angels told the women that Jesus was not in the tomb, they didn't understand that they meant Jesus was alive. They thought that someone had taken Jesus' body, and it made them very sad.

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SLIDE 3 Q3a: What did Jesus tell the women to do?

A3: To go tell the other disciples what they had seen at the tomb

Q3b: What's the best news you've ever heard?

TN: Imagine you were one of the disciples, sitting back at the house where they were staying, feeling sad that Jesus, the hope for the world, had been killed. Then someone comes in the room and tells you that He has risen and that they have seen Him. That news was the best news ever given; it was a message that changed the world!

SLIDE 4 Q4a: Who said he would not believe that Jesus had risen unless he could touch Him?

A4: Thomas

Q4b: Have you ever not asked for something because you didn't think you would get it?

TN: Thomas loved Jesus, and just like the other disciples, he was heartbroken over Jesus' death. When the women came back telling stories of seeing Jesus risen from the dead, he probably wanted to believe it more than anything. Sometimes hoping for something can be scary because, if it doesn't happen, it feels like we set ourselves up for disappointment. God never disappoints. The trick to having hope is to know that even if we don't get what we want, God has something better—something we didn't think of or imagine. Thomas was afraid to hope that he would have a chance to spend more with Jesus, but here's the amazing thing: Even if Jesus hadn't reappeared to the disciples, Thomas would get to spend more time with Jesus than he could have ever imagined through the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life in heaven. Jesus sent us His Holy Spirit to live inside of us, meaning Jesus is with us every second of every day. And because He died for our sins, Thomas would get to live with Jesus for all eternity in heaven. That's a way better deal than anything Thomas could have hoped for!

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 6 QUESTION & ANSWER

SLIDE 5 Q5a: How did Jesus enter the room?

A5: He walked through the wall.

Q5b: Was Jesus showing off when He walked through the wall?

TN: He could have just knocked on the door, right? Well, the disciples had locked the door because they were afraid that the people who had Jesus crucified would be looking for Jesus' followers. They were sitting in this room together sad and afraid. Jesus walked through the wall to show them that He is always with us, and He can encourage us in any situation.

SLIDE 6 Q6a: What did Jesus do to prove that He was a real person?

A6: He ate with the disciples.

Q6b: Have you ever heard the phrase "too good to be true"?

TN: The saying goes "If it sounds too good to be true, then it is." Good news often comes with conditions, or a catch. As strange as it may sound, people are sometimes wary of good things. After rising from the dead and walking through walls, the disciples still could not believe what they were seeing. Jesus being alive when they knew that to be impossible seemed too good to be true; there had to be a catch. Maybe this was a ghost, or maybe they were all hallucinating. They just couldn't believe that Jesus had risen from the dead and was now standing in the same room with them. God is good all the time; there is no catch.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 7 QUESTION & ANSWER

SLIDE 7 Q7a: Which disciple did Jesus allow to touch the wounds on his hands and side?

A7: Thomas

Q7b: Do you believe that air is real?

TN: Are you sure? Even though you can't see it or touch it? Thomas was more privileged than he knew. He had face-to-face conversations with Jesus, he learned from Him, and was able to physically touch Jesus. Then after something completely unheard of occurred, Jesus' resurrection, Thomas was able to verify it actually happened with his own senses: He saw Jesus, He heard Jesus, and he touched Jesus. We don't have that luxury. We have to know in our hearts and minds that Jesus is real and that He did the things that the Bible says. After Thomas touched the wounds on Jesus' hands and side, He said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29).

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 8 MEMORY w 1 Corinthians 15:4: [Christ] was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance VERSE with the Scriptures.

BIG IDEA w Even though we can't see Him, Jesus is real, and He is the Lord.

CLOSING w Dear God, you didn't only die for us; you rose for us! You came back to life! Hallelujah! We PRAYER praise you. We can have life in you. Thank you for living, and loving today! Thank you for listening as we praise you.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 9 LESSON TRANSCRIPT

SLIDE 1 Early morning, on the third day after Jesus’s death and burial, a Mary Magdalene and Mary decided to go visit the tomb. They planned to take care of the body, but when they arrived at the tomb, they were shocked to find that the stone was already removed from the door. Angels stood outside the tomb and told the women, "Jesus isn't here anymore. He has risen!" Mary was standing there outside the tomb wondering what had happened. She was confused and thought that somebody had taken Jesus’ body. She did not understand what the angel was saying.

SLIDE 2 Then, she heard a voice behind her say, "Woman, why are you weeping?" Mary didn't recognize the voice through her sobbing, but thought it must be the gardener who worked near the tomb. "Please, sir, if you’ve taken his body please tell me where you put it!" "Mary," the voice came again. Now, Mary recognized the voice! "Teacher!" she said as her heart flared up with gladness. It was Jesus! He was really alive!

SLIDE 3 "Go and tell my brothers." Jesus said. Mary turned and ran as fast as she could. It was true! Jesus was alive! She had just seen Him with her own eyes. She was so excited and could not wait to tell the disciples and all the people that Jesus was truly risen!

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 10 LESSON TRANSCRIPT

SLIDE 4 Back at the home where the disciples were gathered, Mary rushed into the room. "I've seen Him! He is alive! Jesus is alive!" The disciples were so surprised they could hardly speak; but they, too, ran to see the risen Lord. One disciple wasn't so sure. Thomas couldn't believe that such a thing could actually happen. He loved the Lord so much, but did He really rise from the dead? Surely, it couldn't be. "Unless I see His hands, place my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand on His side, I will never believe,” Thomas said.

SLIDE 5 One day, Jesus appeared to His disciples as they were sitting in their upper room. He didn't use the door. He simply walked through the wall.

© 2016 Sharefaith Inc. All Rights Reserved. Duplications and Distribution of this resources without prior permission from Sharefaith Inc, is strictly prohibited. 11 LESSON TRANSCRIPT

SLIDE 6 The disciples could not believe their eyes. It was really Jesus. He was alive! He was standing there in person, in their midst. Jesus even ate with them so they could truly see that He was a real person and not a ghost.

SLIDE 7 Then, holding out His hand, Jesus spoke. “Thomas, put your finger here, see my hands. Take your hand and place it in my side. Do not doubt. It is me. Believe!” He turned to Jesus, embracing Him with great love and affection. Jesus was truly alive. Jesus appeared to many other people, and soon word spread of His resurrection. As people retold the account, many more became believers. Everyone marveled at the fact that Jesus, the son of God, came in human form to bring redemption and salvation to anyone who would believe. It was that easy. Jesus was the only sacrifice that could appease God’s anger towards sin. He was the only way to enter eternity with God in Heaven. To this day, we proclaim this wonderful message to all who are willing to hear.

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