mmmmmm (r,

un-na. it IkBt tka yWi a* Laa Aacvka, J«l» U, UU. Friend Oaecvr:—Tkaaka for tba t tka put faw jam; twr arcordad Ikat rambima; produr- Onra is the only form of CAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE tioo aialM yw • f•» waaka ajro. and wmkli ktta botk parUcolarr/ ao hamna of tba laajt- t*Mi tnm baton Ika crop U ao- in the world that W yW^aajp-^aaaaaajaa^ . *r wa, H •» • • • •*• — •• . to atari apraytUr for tka lias- thai appaala to an old prtotar- •aaVs aanattlTinaiii 11 la-cVaan^proctf*. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 28. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. AUGUS 6. 1915. WHOLE NUMB1B, L848. . •"£•••<«*'. «f tkia bU**» toJ»» t aa aooo aod tn Chi* raspart tba CIAJTTT* astab- does not ask yoa to spend a t>U«t>tad lUaad a standard of axcallcnca mtith t baa atodknsly adBcrcd to from it* money. We ask yon to Tka wmXmiaX to m U m <6-S-Bfirst0 Issa*—a pariod that aboal oavsra 1*. -Zl^v* a*~r —J. "»1 ""'"£,? William H. Bright n aor>aintanot*Mp with lu first and LUTHEH T. G«fi£TSON mta) •# •ftrtam MUtor.;- oojjr pobUsbar. ki«4. tn H^M i4di* <«Jr wUJ tm rm-t* •a yea «•» Iba. of ceppar aatptnu history, rrprasvntcd tba real riuic C*J*E MAY Cocarr HOCIE, Real Estate. Conveyancing. Did It tier occur (o >&a Stock Ika ttata fa) a aipanu* bwttl work tn aD It* branches enhances of tbo Wading cities In (ba ***•- T. b~-.» -1 l-.lnl.jn, Ul.ll rornioc*1. »(rod.l> avavrd, roold br coo- Senator c c «nisx baibt cslkn Unltad fitatas- Tbcra wars arrcral aatetfaa for aadk poood of lima hundred of them. Inclodlns; tho »omm, Ajrent for Fir© Insmranoo tcrtrd fnlo a **l*rH*?nd In necdf* and for a whola mi tbsr wcra bora- IXOTDTJ PUiTE GLASS INS. CO. la As.y Part at Cape Uay Ccafltr. Ijr allowed timo to stop, timr in tb* U> pUdnc oJd dollflra In a Saving** CHS1TS LEGAL BLAKKS Whan gvttte* raady to spray, fill history of lbs oryanlisltori had it «n- Account hrrr, they will tlcirlop lalo ft NEW AVALOK CASINO! — JTJUT sprajr barrml abort two-tMnls coontared *uch grttfrou* hospitality picture' codpanie* vcro d.stnbuted Sagebrush CAPE MAY COUBT HouaK. N. J.riuhhtantial tuica tbtkt mill prove it* y fnD with water addlac yoor stock ao- and rnUrtainment- To UlasLraUi how ail over the country. With tb* cnor- OaVaaai SasLk Mala Street, la thi* town docs thine* aioof thU line dcmAnd that ha* grown for Yiy, - » _.**^* *J*TCT to Unlit cf worth In tmergtnej. 17th Street and Boardwalk. Avalon, N.J. ~* at wn*> rotptrata. then yoor Irt ma ota a sinjria instance. A Mr. lt» 1- filmc it bocajne an absolute THE GAZETTE BLOCK AbwiluU- aafcty U -vffordrd aad ; 1 gallon of aacti to aadi 10 a"*J- Dohcny, a prints citilm by tba way, >oce=uity to establish a centre of By at watar used. If this doss oot took it Into his bead lo lira the ris*- peration where open-air photography CASH MAY COOTTT Hotras. N. J. Sa.incH cam lnlcn-it at the rmt*p of and tba local real extat* frn- oulj! b* carried oo tb* year roand. G. HAND All IOBT asm? barrel, add mora watar. tarnlty a curpri*« or garden party In J'. compounded anna*ll/_. At_ tnjr FRANCIS LYNDE Saturday Nig^ht. Aug^. 7th, 8 o'clock _ a spray mata-rial wall beautiful nark at Cheiter Plara Thirty-Dve or more recognized motion DENTIST «vraini\ It wa» a msrvrlo*i* af- picture producing ctxnpanM* are now LUTrtBB T. GAftRfTSON time «.c v*lll cUdly dWtuui Lbc ad- baton ctajtls* and kaap U wall a*H- eatahlixbed in &e StaU. the more OFT!C*f B0tm. BIG FEATURE FILM—Franda Baahman In tho 4-Act Lore Drsma rair, which for maxciuida and bril- notabl* anv)ng them being operated ^i*valiilil> of opcnlnjj o Havlaffwi Ac- I910L B7 Street O SsxUh tatad wkOa sarajiasj. liaary of Mtunjr ritralied asrthWsT of 1 to lit. to. t to1 pra- the vicinity of this city. These nxmt in thin Ira&Ulutioo. To kaap tka bUcbl off w must Lrap kind tb> most Lrat-xlcd LourUt* In spanies control. spfiroximatarr. Practical Waicbinaker OOui al -nidto-ce on U**h+nte M. • eoBtlac of Bardaan kUxtora oo Lba ONE WONDERFUL NIGHT crosrd of guest* had nco wiLnr&»- about eighty brand* of film*, which ira*u rtaaa rijM Bp to pfckla*: UBM; thsrv- means th3t they coploy that njxsbsr Prompt and cara-ful attention EvncvHM cn»u«T i >r v. u nT~u or ken*, mTrO- Police Dog Na 1—Animated Bnvy Cartoon; alao ed cither at boma or abroad. The to the repair of fara wa mat spray as oftao as tba f k f L h pulUn* .mil k,i,:.,il [-olltJrLiaa, moat of grounds covar eeveral block* right in of cocspas n ata of pLaycrs, each com- 1 atatariaJ ta washed off from tba* tba centar of th* city, and ara ad-pany ofr w which h nt> out at least ooe rtMwt Otdo. Jmin. JONES a HAND tchoin uiTi nn\l<>u« to l>o crnpUiycd or mitted by traveler* Lo bo mora attrac- of film weekly. Some idea as to Tb* following U an abstract of rctnIn»Tl nw bntrluoon. Several at tba giuian of "Caative than tbo**> surrounding tb* Brm Profcuional Piano Tuner m magnitude of th* Inlereste in- coovayure* eetervJ for reran) In A fall Una et WaU&ea aad Clocks al F^in»> of th.'-u* "utrctchcr n»cn,"* fl" mJaaa% tasaatoas La tba coanty ara Palacs in Paru, tba Marlboroc/rn in volved may be gathered from a few in the 2-Act Comedy. "HIS NEW JOR" co-oparatiaf with tba writar and will Lockdoo. or tha T»exgartrn at BcriiA. County CWrk • oAr* b*f» for «ct\T* oo hand CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. First National Bank nioaiit contrni[.tuouHly cnllrd them, given me by the local repre- Threa orchestras furnished th« muic bad t«i'n **-*• Bafmt, refreshment* wcra nnxd from booth* LIPMANVS GARAGE BoalS Main Street ib* railroad, tmtdtnir parroll placet Introducing the "Kcno Dance," tbe Dance with & Chance fTwvlra Prizes to Daacara.) represent* an investment of S3XMXJ0; Wa toga tfca* any enranrra of Can speciaUr constructed to cater to thait lease* a territory of 1H.0OO Km. car* MAT oocnr •oca*, w. J. • (Cootiaofd) tthlch niount acutely BOBpcctcd -rcr«> ToBBatoaa iotarastad in tliis entertainment of some-thin*? hka fire t employ* about 600 player*, and ha* thousand delighted participanta. chiefly elnmirra will wiiU tba Farm weekly pay-roll of *om«thlag like HARRY S. DOUCLASS Latterly thU cxintln^cnt of striker* at ««*e» and he will far- 3pc«king of this rcml rstatv ex- S.000- Pouibly tbe mail elaborate Sunday, August 8th, 3 and 7P.M. chaA*?* coovestion aiTair nAturaily and costly mouon-picture production cii-vrrnn tx. «nj hcclrra been crcatlj oarnictit- ads* yea witk BBJ nacasaary inf orma- tsnesti tha tnfcrcnc*) that Lha pcopia staged in these port* was L&a "Clans- Counsellor al Law iir i!.\\K A?oo dol- day Blauot bad ttM warn believa that In casting their lars before it had earned them a cant- CAK: MAY Cotrax HOO&E. N. J. ll«- ii.-uly phr..*-o **notblajr for aothlafi^ dinned bread oo the waters they ara bound It had a run here of nine week* ln the Prudential means that bU tlflo rna, luto hU earn, and ho wan obrewdJj «ia- OEOKflE a THRASHES, to aecure returns «re many dava. The largest theatre, the admission acala no* rvijtllriAl to lal. uur tho old IKVtln^ hla olllco had boca caado THE LIFE OF OUR SAVIOUR Jr, U CocBty Farm Prmnmtrator fart of tho matter La the real estate being from 2l> ct*. to II-00. and full NEW NOVEL -* lu tUo a duiui'luj i*Tuuud for tbo otber d*> A Seven-Act Pathe Feature in colored pictures, reproduced In tho Hoty Land by an market ho* been overworked* and i houses twice a day. (latent heard of ttu> htutlon LiilUIa_T. all Ibo army of artista. ttopamfcalBfaaadata? it 1* making financially, but I STREET PARADE HORGAN HAND Prudential polioyholders have partnieiitR. experiencing the Kwinjring-back AT i a O'CLOCK, tlK* UlTO k>- **• Of CAPE MAY COUNTY. have my doubta- Ol^UT OlTiCtt. ^ E<-elii^ Cintry. Illount took •• c^iir Net procc-edu of Sunday performances to bo expended for improved life boats aad life movement of the pendulum. Real es- Attorney and Counieltor iU to Ct tate value* ore beginning to readjust cati^L IntU-ui lit- \ opi->rtunlty of kjylnc: saving equipment for AvaJon'n bathing bdebca. Otve of the many interesting near- al Law become participants in the dis- op a null «»f rodirf lu TfUij'lo court, Oo Monday avaaiac Aaxast 2nd. themachres on a better and surer basia by attract ton i. specially provided for ^PErlF0RMANCES2 -K*v berr, I»Uk; joa fclloom dowtv TTu«e t-ni'tyin^ HurvLiy aftcrrvom i-nU'rl*inmrnt tn*y lake Inin* ai 6:01t 0:00 CT 8:fil Cor PilUadslpi^aV aAd tLo c.i,iU-ir<« u ;,t .irvlculioui* •ptowa Wsa M. Anna Haoaar. Extension 8pa- than they have been for yvars. the deledaUoa of the touniU. I* the OAILV. to un nrv iiuiklu^ uiy uflko •.ill t,rhli,m. ll«r)-.r. tin- C.IMNO J1TNKV Hh:HVICL [uaiang tt passible ta remain In tbe Tbealra snlHa Back cast a real estate dealer is us- Mission Plsy. whkc to California U •inaa Caatrt Ctas • liartaa r» (twrv ua« irOmctMnji: 10 uiinuto* i>f train (iiiH-. _^__^___^^__^^_^___^^_^_ tUUA ta Bocaa Economic* aad Do- MOBS OPfM AT IftTPX tribution of Prudential divi- mon> tli-au a Llut (Uat tUu Kcui of Onit ntul I u«m't htuiid f«>r It. Bdtacm from tba Naw Jarasy ually regarded a prosaic individual a* the FVuion Play lo that"->n ke^iK.r In tbo Hccood ward. T. win with a lot of undesirable property to gun. in Europe- It la a TOEC OUTSIDE EXHIBITION CAPE MAY CODBT HOD&E. N. J ctwtt uti-J ijtil I»o too cloocly couattlcroU. Btsta e*tantxa«ut Button, will srtra a It uu* tUu »K« [tix-uUcnt Uma^Jf, CJUI • up t.taJ.iy to abk. fora frco ticket iUUiakmatbtatomMAbxtU, aclL Hare he la a pioneer, a promoter, ,nt-drama Ln three act* depicting BCFORf CACM FuLUe dends. MONDAY, AUGUST 9th— In «-ynnlfi-«; fruit* and baildcr and most indefatlga&l* col- the fascinating *U>ry of tho early wrKluiT froui riiUnfo, u lia aulL»orlxcJ to W'-rthhi^ti-n nud return, atxl when AFTERNOON—Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert. 3 to 6. • ajhl Jt i> hy Ba at tba rcjfalar mwrtlnx of onircr. Of course-he i* alao Mission day>: the baiMrnf of the Mis- tho new tit purtufv otul l I |)|IHU>I hltu ituuu bo admitted that I.OM; the ChrUtiar.iutun of tb* In- EVENING—Feature Films, "Judith of Bcthulia" in 4 Arto: also "Pete tfa« Pedal [ thaw wfll ha wflHaa; ta ntara to Cold Bering Grass*. Mrs. Minnia prophet, and under favorable (CHARLES A. BONNELL pur»o Biiiui;*. Uu urDlc: J*.Q iM-tiJ him to inc.** may indulge in predicting dians: the Mission* in their iraith; Poliahcr"—a Scenic. T.Bata. of Ftatdat; Crack, and otbers the Mi*sinn in ruin*; Indian and Span- ..WiU Exhibit at.. * rVxn't U nTrakl or spcr-llu*; a UltU "1 (It-l,** tuld C-Tntry. grlonln^. "V\'hy thing* with an epparcfit Utopian Counsellor al Law. moflf)-. 24JI**> >-'ur urU""" *»fTU:o O-s at- Gtrw-rul-^ h.ito u «• c^t n poetfiTndoatc. ara «arna*Uy at work to anraadina: t ,vcr. Often real estate men get tbe ish song* and dance*, iihowing more credit of being twin brother* of early history of Califarcis than oo* as*) Solicitor La CLuecr* tractive a« ni_iy bcj ftr.J nrfauto d<>ul'I<- * erilflratcd polltlraJ*nrcT, at Urta dcBsonstrattan. trylAf; to CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE n •>> |hat J^u »IU They do make mistakes oc- could see in a year cf travel. Tbe wtlh f k. rt.i bo I'd lll-.> to LnowV* TUESDAY, AUGUST lOth— aa* hoar assay srirU aad ladiasrwUl ao- casionally, and it was by reason of Play wa* written by Mr. J. S. Me ~I pu M «t> nmy ao well fj^tit this Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert, 3 to 6 P. M. unlucky instinct that a certain Coarry. the California poet and his- A t*nt rl^-li hero arul now, Dick." ^-K1 nilicr, u» I am Buro Dancing. 8 to 11 P. M. On Taaaday aftaraoon at 2-SOwould-be investor, who was pointed • 'Willy. **l*m not chief v&to oot to me tha other day. lost Son Gabriel, In it* own specially con- JOU TV, anJ falll cxUrul tl,o cUtlo ct his ftkek kQaa Baaarr wfll. wttb tba aid money. About a year ago oe wo. structed theatre, about eleven milea CAPI; MAY COOKT HOO&E. N. J (aXQu-ilrttJLrur't' ua TupUly arul an x-vl.Kty A-* f.[>jLninn nl v»ill L-u fully AUGUST 11th— Of Mrs. Eadieott and kUaa HIMrath. fcred a small ranch of several hun- Tuesday, Aug. 3d JLL»UC<.J Jt'-^n you BL-.II h.'ivo nvvlo jour ( a •**»"«T' ~•"•'•*«; dmonrtratl dred acres for. say (36 an acre, the the exception of brief pilgrimages to uptown oBUo a i-l.ico *tfai tl.o^--vi*l cl(- W «^^^ *^ | pj| *r"q iIJ tyoftj r^ reto*^is**^l % w-Q Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert, 3 to 6 P. M. ageot intimating that within twelve San Kraocisco and San D>cgo, the SHAIIPLESS A WAY U-L M of IU c ji-iuii af.J tt4i tfjiu fjn ir.nLc, la tka Bio Grand* Graura BalL T"""'*- it would be worth IM an acre.Play b?T been run almost unintcr- drop In f'»r a rorvll^l »OfJ **Ilri ll.u torn- "It »•.!} » ll alt! illaail lln iigil nil i f^- vanced to 830 an men. and now the 31xi 2SJ.15 29SH &^15 tuii uruUr»i.»iiJJiitf of tho forfb.. CHILDREN'S NIGHT man who did r*o£ buy 1* saying the I^JJW•rXa'^j XrSift Tk\ r^tc aift^rrvoon JO-T eny CAUDEN, N. J, £05 Marsxt 8t. It *osjU *tj,<- LU1» f.-o.rut* hJ.tkii" ill ii ><>u uiul Car&oa ami Brnt- Ardtv: ui-^n IbU ftoizcv-atloa. Hloant Icy aiitl Klur-xlm-1 uro tw.rid.njj u> oc.- With Special Juvenile Films, 8 o'clock : "C. O. D."—Comedy in Three A«t»; Hearst thiAga concerning the first visit Lo San Cabrul on which tb* Drclrlc EtsrUra for Ford Care W1LDW0OO, N. J. IlihlUt co LJO luixLTot Newu—Current Evente; Police Dog Na 2—Animated Bray Cartoon. agent, on the ground that his estimate author had a party of distiagntihnri ojx-ocO tbt- Tt-mpU> court IioaJqiuirtLTa TliIt time (iantry'it frla wua r»ilfly- eastern visitors a* his guest*, anvxig Our Specialty. &-7.13I Cape May Court House CAPE MAY a H, N. J. and tLxvw lilmifcolf cnercvtlcolly tato * Dg^ and more in keeping rul. t>ur u himl It tbcro was a «Uirc-w- ill I nine 3U —rm. JLi*l\ of tbo IrUh blao cyx^a ttaaC Blotmt with tbe backward methods of eastern Bepuhtican leader of tbe House of Camirn. UU. WOdsrood. S7A. nlcal expert wltb a occtlle-Uko mind TT>' Mutual ' ""-* aj» dlil n"( »MV. THUHSDAY, AUGUST 12th— far GJ, but arateal estate men- And there you are. Bcpreaentetive*. and hU wife. They SALE. Court HOOK, 23. » .J V. J, u. (Un I- DOLLAR EXCURSIONS and tto btnif codo at bU flujrcm* endd. **J iTu.i."* C.H' coaijanj wlJI tx> trilling Afternoon. 3 to 6. Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert. C wfcb tka fatrntlnn of rcacainx 8o many eastern people coene hers were on their return trip, by way of 1 tra» U ft lu ciunzo of tlw> voticlnff of- to furubJi n few omall pic* If yoa Evening, 8 to 11. Dancing. all Intlnilaii wumin. joooa; or oldimbue. d with the idea that then U San Francisco, from Honolul*. and ach more drinking, in proportion to while hero were chaperoned by the ||, NEWELX HEUUNGS fice* In tho railroad balMtnc with lo- think ><>a tu-otl ibem to GO aloof tsilh w population, in Caliiorale. than Ln theUnion League Clob. At the formal *^ U TO ATTIAWOTC crry^ etroctlont. lo opj>!/ to hLa cblff oaly y«iur Tcroi'lo ^~<>art offloo flttin£H. tio JTsat *aajka a UttW extra effort and verago eastern Stale. Very far from dinner given in hi* honor the ume Attorney at Law when ho n*?v*\cil epoclflc cdrlcc. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13th— oat in larg* number* to the** it. Los Angeles, according to the of-evening at the HoUl Alexandria, he '. ALClttT M. 1-11. -SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE- At tho uptown boadQu^rtcrs Dloant K-IM Itlount calmly.' plvlng tho ficial record. Is natlrflcd wtth ooe bar tvrlir tioj Q*r m- Harl->r 7..V> A. M. (tu|>e Slay O»urt llou!*- H.'iO A. SI. 1-1-1& OCEAN CITY. K. J The Millville EVERY DAY tnnV of tnaLluj; fHciuli*. With a EWK! York's pro rata> 1* about one to ISO, of tho splendid reception accorded •#•>: eloto of lulnwlucttoaa ujvon Trhlch to and f"*"r*'*»TT. in your State, manages him and hie wife while in Los lni»l> W "JL.i»Lo< «l»-»»*-Ti_ _ . _ _ daLo a txtlaiilng aud with tho open l«.r c^rltuxa: H ua n I. OCCURRENCES MARY PICKTORP in "Hearts Adrift," 5 Ads to get along oo a basis of one saloon Angeles. In fact he confidentially as- JOHN S. DOUGLASS, M. D. handed, nhoto iw>ulcd cacoaradcrto of Dont forj«t tbe day. tba boor or for every 6O0 of Ita population. Have sured hi* auditors that Lf it weren't i*0L tU4 W^. Uurfc til. THURSDAYS, AUG. 5th AND 19th r IrinU ttn* tho ttc»t to help alonff. tho lL*t of ac- tkapiaca. what the proportion is infor one thing he would like to proloojr Hufcrrt UrUil U. Untlui J. Cu V. J ; Rt turning Lruvo Atlantic <"ity Slali.m . ».:H> I'. M. hi* stay, axd that was becanw) of all CAPE MAY CODBT HODSE. N. J DdflK Kvcry lj.,1* UUJlr hliug ultove htations only. (lut uy. ing their extended trio. Los Angeles Se. Lu4 13. Uuck za Uttnu Ikm riu> \JL*1T% IlLaUaaT. f - '-f psjiul Iv 1'lei Qf lr«n tw-r OaVi. BMXIO U 1 PAYS INTEREST ON re[>ort a list of fires and For il*r ibn* or four tr*xU nfti-r neighbor. An excellent law in fi was the ooly *pot in which Mrs. Mann IT U » here is the segregation of all irslortnn Tnrt. rbuaTLbWAftUy, o>ruurri1 ft rltftil a ROUND TRIP TICKETS $I.OO Mra. mount Uarf uliNktxl tbo Auacru-si —Mr. E. DocaJd WUtc of Wayne, exprcueo a deaire to die. It t*t*U*ar Tilrpbooe within tbe limits of tbe btinlnena dis- • •un robberries. Keep your val- away to Wiirini'O Hull unj tho habitat —GRAND DEDICATION— to apandinjr tba weak end wltb Mr n~< :t to be wondered at. therefore, I uSt t**r i faarU-i, T, r-rralui*'*(i', rxixiuliu on Srwiinl TruiiiH. trict- They are alao nibiected to Details Later. G. W. Bmaci, of Ravcrford, that be should be in a hurry to get B. MlUtxU rt >lr ti (^ TlfflB 1 liable^ where they are safe of the tm-icaloHjurtdao, tho nowly op* strict rules in tbe matter of signs. home to lUinals. i/ U It, ROBERT S. pointt-d "*-**• Uil w-crvtary** 'or tho rail- aacottaca, Oacrieoo. U oca of tba None of tbe "glaring" kind are per- >i_ruf h ^Tt t ^ 4*T\iiy ff*Mii \X^ *Tv tile's* *JJ *WiL4 Ask Agents about Niagara Falls Tours J1TXKY SKKVICK to I mitted. A license is regarded as FUND ACCOUNTS, by plaoinK them in our Fire road, OH Hnnnrf.1 hod dublx-d him, tv i.r)' jurt <>( t'aj«- M*y Coanty directly ta tbe Cblnoi Paiklss spaco (or hnuata of tba beach froot here. g I want to say In closing that if any Funeral Director fuacd ti'> luvltuttooii. ocver lnqulriuii valuablvauabee M jrt b g d one of my readers happen to get theLot 17. tU> S4- lltar* •>/ Uul »t*ith xl rlfttil uualr> U> crnLr At'«.. U, 21, 2S; SKPT. 4, is. It eopa ^f*^ jAttTT prliea will to be guarded >4 a^U 1*1 sin I " n |*J | \ trf LJU-I rJJ llujt t*stTalLrXj M< bat rear cmo end boose a.qeat of M. S^aol llace&ana. operation to a single bloc! for each well as run-down professional men. or SALE. OCEAN CITY tor xvan at Wurtruco Hall, looking aft- properly signed remoastrai When for people who aim to embark in the C- Wm»r U Wo. K U. Table d'Hote and Chicken WaSa Dinners. Game In Seasoa- OCEAN CXTY. N. J. t Alberfa Consul-General to tbe store business in a email way. Tbe Lot 30. Haft li er hla bute tundt-d estate anfl bcJp- Cnttad Statea. Tbe BritUb Consol- the ordinary Los Angeles • business by'.Lrtt>r 0/ u w-r.l 0/ l-'i-e-fi Kai- Special Sunday Dinners from ooe to two. ing to <^.ti-rtaln thy vtulton* from Mas- man baa a /riend to entertain he doea reason Is obvious. Thousand* and Tbiirtvr rt us U* AX»1JT« Afklrr- W • M^aTtxaArO l*Two4i»**, lu iw O. Genera] to America, Mr. Alfred Fow not necessarily *r^"* him around to the thou&ands are here on uccount of the A0- Luk* 7 aad S. t>l(jr*. 'r^ out "Jit <.ourt o/ .:riiiiw«-ry, <•/ V*-*. AUTO PASTIES AND GUNNEBS CATERED TO G. O. LANGE a POWELL aacbu&citH. Hut now aad again the : TIIU our HXCK . climate and for health conuideration*. w «o tb*» 1Mb djy **f July, A. 1». ltfll tathcr cami' und uent, and occaivloo- tO. to alao a membrr of tbe cottage Y. M- C A. library for a game of Ua A- f "*— rt UK ta TIKISXBS to L l .__ bl _ivt * V Title and Trust Co. and a very targe proportion of them FLO/UST ally then.* tTD» a dinner for two In tbo *"Voo un* c-l[b.*r too nbrcwj or not checkers, or to a missionary meeting at 1*7. East Palm ttrrrt. lot 1*. blear* '*'.. «r«*Pijpl»lXL»ot. *S(MJ .VlUrar T. MutU>*-«* uO. Contracting Bricklayer iwiy here. for Lea. Neither does be load him up is content BO they make enough to pay WiU>uol Unl Co. lu Chariultr V. Brurr, OCEAN CtTV. N. J. hotel caff, with u lltllo Kood natured quite r^hrowil fnoui;t*v DIclc. Yoa cov- —Tbe Tennis Tournament opened their board and lodging. On the other Wm, H- Uanbr^a. arv d*-f«-mijnt*. I aiuai CAPE MAY COURT HOCSE, N. J, cixxi u}» ulth a laucU BO that 1 with foam, and take his watch and at 3. blur*. <- rirsuaf ti* kavLr atl pubik *rtvitAr. u ililn bklimej to lako It In section of coon try which will open his for men—and women—who are able tarlwrrn th*- tsocir» %rt twrKr un-1 U\f tt'*c^OaTa> Lu thoT ufl O««.a City CwiwuaJwu .f lively In the isoclal merry -go- round Oiurx^* *-:irm-»t. Let Ua xmdet- eyes with genuine" admiration and to do anything a little-better than the IJ*f B)^l<| *+>•*•«/ f^l U^C? ^-J^r^Ti rf*^*. f^QXCB*. I Hall aad Frederick a Keill, nil ofwonder. No city in tba United States F.DWABO B. SMITH & CO. CONCBETC FOUNDATIONS The Cumberland HotoiJ tbeat* day«t. hnrcn't they. Boat Like It Btntut cub othir. Wo aro flfihtJJiff ln :i! other fellow. W. W. BEYER an for UH VIHI'VC guooY* nuked tbo ei* tbe <>]M-fi tn tlil» iutuimlgti. I' n^^p».i., ^nj Walter H. Bew, of has sach on environment for the at- All Ih* roik»w*lojj trart or (arnl uf BAMtEEBMtE U CATS SUIT CO0BT BOCKS. N. J- traction and entertainment of the Sincerely yours. , S. H sidr J L tprrruuaitrr KMLrlirulAry cattle Liii^' *iTI*- i-rt-olnt- L* tbo x\or-l. I liavo Mr. McVlcluir for yaBteor* Ekm silver eopa will be C. S. M. 1 S. rL rOBMEB BJU1AD AND CBEDTNirr BIB. visitor, whether he be here for pleas- ColumhU »w.i. aituattr, lylotf kod brlnjf tn lix: Tit PHILJlDELPaiA •*It"M ell In llic duy'u work," laughed my uulltorliy. Aoybody who trantB to f-ntrf'—* tar tfels year In men's, worn- ure or on business. More than eleven A. «Wi-i d In tbe County of llufw U FaHj ajatpped for ssmjriax oa tuntv tiiiyilihi;; al>out tbo raliroad coro- hundred miles of subarhas railroad Jy Unb.n »/ Kn tuk aad PklUdrlpkU Uutk Eutu|«. tbe youn^" r in;iii. "I*H need all tho •n't,'toys' and giiV singles and ra>oo- Pen •I tbe ButalsBd or bcack. DR. S. K COEIJE "pall" I *"" y*' u llttlo Later on. Won't t>uu>"» I>ii»lii(.-Kd la this Btato can Icaro radiating from the very heart of tbe Sri An. mtsa Mtk 84- BB1DGETOV. N. J. It for f 1 ii- tiMkloff end at flrut b-aafi, JoabaM aad acalor aad Junior mixed city brings the fir covered hills, the man. • vrxuiw' oso« hujMJJyJ umi flft; HIGH CLASS INVESTMENT SECURITIES -ATLANTIC CITY- 3. uo S. E. tide uf QanD ibrrt. fort iMMiikaifataarfily fnXD ti**? Ml Ltu-ttkla- ir Ektivt-y iit.-l all tbo varioos brand*) of fragrant orange groves and tbe great WaJUr C Ibddm to I01fal>1b A. ClUm. \y lit** 0/ HuCiO*: Ktrour, ro«LilnJna Ii /rr,p.M»>iicr lii^llrxj rriiUtrxlltLal U»4» fjf w^ruritVs, p*rism and otbrr Info*— 8-1-14JT ST0NB HARBOR N. J. Dentist t Tbe asl*j of IIWJ property *c*Ti li Will now detote his prr&ooal nttcnlion I shouldn't wonder If yoa did. Am! at 17tk atraat and tba boardwalk sor- lesa than on hour's ride. In the city of Chanoery •>! Kew Jrraey, in a certain uf KNi.. MJBjnrr TO svu: AM) Auv.\\<:r: is losses promptly. rultultisxj lit itio [unit aro to bo utiown there are seven hundred milea nodrt b> &ch*llm$rT Oirxtua- < I revLon you'n- iltAng pretty cood tbo tloor. TtiU Li (ho lutlmaUoo that Thursdays, August 12 and 26 priaaa all ulalturs to this resort now nunas Inervin »irpen*linif wlwrrln John - 1* VCABll OP BATIBPACTOSTT BSXVtCS xeoric Wn»* It MeVlrknr'a Idea or your „ streets and In the coun- W. U. Brook* U f^jinplsiruU't urul Mary ••Hist a/ Casx atar _. . . ' 0/ l«j Ko- 1U, tllo. The Real Estate and ta Lhe Wildwood office etcry day. trn» »indt» lo mo. Wasn't It toado to tkat tka »&&c* approacbes completion. try four hundred miles of superb as- S.ti. 1SI ua U*« Dup oT Holly Hnurb Oly Atlantic City Electric Company own—thU >*UIM>*D Mi>la>>h Into the social H, Brooka, etal., are flrlnuhtiA; «lan<(* Ed>«rd W. Sprlotrr rt us lo A»a-i I roll yonjr" tba bnfldin* to to coat «3S/W0 and wfll phalt boulevards- More interm-ban daly xrater li John K. Carroll^_RMldifl1 Dinthr <.nmry *!id not reply directly to tb©THE WORLD'S PLAY GROUND electric trains are operated oot of Los . _ . i to Wiiitu "1 don't mliul tilllnc you that It U a coatala ooe cf the largest aoditorl Angeles daily than out of the cities of Thursday. August 26th. IBIS, A. Pint and BtfaixUjix Mortsaxe &•;; SiaUna; Food Search Company UNION BANK BUILDING dlrv< t (U'utnnd. Oa tbo other hand, bo ACENT8 I«trt of tb»* ticw l-olley,** returned the Beautiful Piers and Varied Scenes of Gayety and Pleasure. and daaca raoeu seen oo tha coast, Chicago, Cincinnati. Cleveland, Colam- ei tb« same hour ami plsn*. WItDWOOD. N. J. very c.irvfully rcfralnctl from ariBxrcr- Clrrt of C*pe W*y Ctninty. la I>r*-J Hoc Gold Bonds. Dae IMS Jobn K. (jxrrull. DeonlnUl* Boclnl M.ilabhi-r. »llll mulllnc. **\\'v nro . S. Ac. Ing It hi nuy decree whatsoever. 0R. F. G. STEINBACH J,a. II. WIU..O. Ca«a aUr Otj oot to make trlvtuU tills tlm.-, friend* Special Train Leaves Cape May Court House 8.O6 A. M. day, August 7. Thereafter there win Port Wayne eombu Bpecisl Master. TAX EXEMPT I>TNEW JEBSEV Fidelity Trust Co. Both Pfaooea. "You .i..%"e your job to bold dowrD V V Frami>ra. TOrt* hna •who will kitow JUHt tvhat wo nro tlo- . CuiSHLXU, Hollc-ilur. T^O.lttl 20 VETEsUNABY 8UECEON and I IciVt- mine/* bu returned. •"VChat Returning Leaves Atlantic CHy 0~3O P. M. ba daaew tatb a boU room ovary Tuea- Price 98 nnd Interest, to Yield About 5.15',^ of Newark Lr^cliyo Ulbmtfa. WU pab- Tickets Good Only on Special Train in Each Direction. I uhouMu't IK.* too bard oa tbo little nr faatmca win ba in-be •«"! the most noted ta the coun- WUJJWOOD. N. J. TBOST COMPANY POST OFFICE FIXTURES llclty'n the wortl, 1>* ItV* In tha crast rmk. whichtry- One or two facts by way of Illus- brother* If I »ver%j you." tration ara wuithy at mcnnnri Tbe STACY TOZEB Keystone 06-M ""Ven. pulJl*|ty U the tvortL Tho will hat* ootar dinxusioca at 60sl20 won SALE Gordon people Kjy they nru tolnjr to **If by I.:*- *litt!o brotbenf you mean clearings last year ran over twelve [nBartuioe BUICK CABS tbe plo uiicn* I'm uolnff to flro them PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD tet, toOtr akatins wfll be the feature hondrea millions cf dollars, the de- BOUTH 8EAVILLE. N. 1. I\»t ofilre case vitti nhotv us up- Thi-ru won't bo aoythine (407) 7-3CUt poaita anregating nearly two hun- ^ ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS Searches to show Up wheu tbo tlnio comen. Wo out ntvk mid crop. lilchard- of awry aftaiuuuit and oa alteroata OALL AND 1-OOtC BOXeO A«vnry for Cuj*- May Coanty. dred millions. One of these banks. Teiephone - - - - Sea tale Z3-12 iiro coin*; to bent them to the blll- dulfi.* iiii*. t*i t*t*»ij\| v'uly ^*7 c*a \*y* faatsn fltaaa wfll ba shown. By wirtiMM fof m writt of of cwcuo cwculioo o t.t law, Abstracts of Title and Money Order Window, for mile Oauiry'm pluyfu! mood fell owny Qoa n%ht awaa*-Jawing and moving ings, has upwards of to toe dlrcctrd,, ttwacdd oot off tbb« C*JC »M 100,000 depositors. Just think of It. Clrenit CoatCt , oo tt»tt Utb d«r of fai Conveyancing AT A BARGAIN ^oa can't do lb*> cfrcaa act—ride frooi liltu IILu a catftoff ^nncn A Bold gattuiaa will ba aojor«d at the same ILltUtU.. 1 «W1 r*oaato« to i j °&& W Tbe Pint National and the Merchants and Fire Insurance two borne* at onco and do tbo eame I dou't qulu- IK*Ik)TO I'd do that If "AD cnltxtt^l uuiu oiicv |>ui I lit* i»r\-nl the W* ball ro hare the two largest and finest equip- JACOB FKLDMAN', '•OMBAT. AOCCST >(. nil. Young's Garage trtnnt oa botb. BOO.** tbo senator re- I trcrc you. Evan. Tbero are plo cat* dent or ii «xKirt iminlul In » >tliUcutl W. SCOTT HAND to distinct from the akstma;ped banking-rooms on the American brtaora tb« boor* of tnh. and Bvr oVlock PrwaptSerrfce. AD work jnaranteed. marked unsvcly. "If 3roo*ro really co- en* oa b"tli t>!t)Vtt lu every poiltlculcoo- fmfH**m* 1knA according to tbe un- DriveWells 7.7p t| WooJbin<\ -V. J- poaltloo.*" .aii>H a urlii-r lu uu KIJCIIHII t p. to, to wit. at op* o'clock la tbe ajlemooo 819 Wokr Anont Ocoa CUj, N. J, tfak, thara is • canary aaatis* GOO qualified statement at a well-known PUMPS—tonm—PIFE of amid dar. at 3a SbrrUhi oOlc. (a Cap* Money to Loan an Good First tng to put tbo Baddlo and brldlo on tbo tcot. und. whllu tlu loo bard oa them lf I vcro h» aaM ta the bofldtosj and It U the All Work Guaranteed. Man* U nnt Kattsaal Bsak BallalsaT oo unuttuxillj loo^ lluM'—tiiiil bop U. E. COSOCMM MMOkD AMD CSBOTKUV «*, Berlin nr Vamna_i lint nearer* ap- U> Ua &et>aaf«atoTas eled, being the bonk of Bpaln ta Mad- HoUv Bc*cti Ory> oo an ROASO OF EDUCATION OF THE Thursdays, August 12 and 26 en tnoalfo.** what did you do veben yoo were Hmlxn a> Kn Tattt a»4 *W Mile tkwcti and rv t-uurt rpD bt'utt'utt; dtefaatofthaiMWDoild- OUI b* nalnd tar THE WORLD'S PLAY GROUND SHAVE CALVES w Imilnl IIQIIIIIH lists of aeatrttka, prlcca aaal « that about ninety per cent-of the "I cat tho i>U*, tuild tbo traffic man' papO* from Head of ' mado It and bcllwed It. Hat a little me, for Major Jtmen 'as bct*a ri-udlujj u matkn idatta* to tsrestaaaats. IvuCachaS; aad to T U£vr Blm{t)y. " tT ttie tublc the '«Jv bloout SUBJECT TO SALE AMD AXKVAMCK U Beautiful Piers and Varied Scenes of Gayety and Pleasure. later bo could not help tvoudertac If be U AND HOGS JD otlii-r uurda, yoa let this riff lion.", utid <*m>*uUi Huilih "m* IH.X*U in California, u ,—_ Uccbnaiitoara ta lUrsbalhrtUauid hq/t boca nltocvtber candid In hi:it- and from Bccmlrr* faint 1ZJ4JIL raff blackmail yoa and Incidentally uu* Info a avuii*.*ulllliul»u*lt)j| |i First aad BcfassUw MiUaJ* ** WiMssj Tl • drOT •>«*« Tka) raaaon to obvious, being Tickets Good Only on Special Train in Each Direction l Capo May Coart Haass Center tvberu tho dUlnt«-rv>«tiid \oier DO; 1 wouldn't pat It Quito that year aiul «lon"i ••i.uul unyu-M^i*!"** Tkaatkarawm baaad entirely on tka superior climatic unnnuT, JUT u. isu. Not Dutny of thfifA llftlo QaU ataasta. Das) UM aa wall as topographVal advantages BEST GBADE8 OF FEBTLUZEBS cooid como nnd hare tbo facts bidlod GOOJD CIGARS oat to him wit hot) t fear or favor oo lown null or expect mootgy. A frw> rMc TAX EXKXPT IN M*5W JB88XT to ba fi—Trf *"i"«'"»r fa this State) I By cedrr of Ih* BoanL eoastontly on haul Advertisimf to tfas Ournt) wifl WB |: : aad partfcnhrty. in tba tea Anrjtea w- JUiI?y PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD tbe part of tlio 1mller. They had come Price 86 and latarcfa; to TiaU Abo** US* *! v:. ; AtwTBarBaro tbemoUoo Dated July U.'«S? ° arVrop me a postal and I will call to bo Ditto a rnllylni; polut fur a bctcro- [Continncd oo 4th («o7) 7-30.U Indoeeyoa. lAtf WSCALZO. taNUWMf roas sm SOME OTHtO, HJUrS PABCO. IN RUSSIA Mrs. Oscar Wearer and soo. of COUBT HOUliE WINS AQAIM. .THOrrTTWO TEAB4 AGOl EDWAJUJ BICE IN ENGLAND. CASINO OaTSimO dCTTES •M EBBS* < «*•**. Cesavj) Taw**, STAGY TOZEB LJT8 AT BtOHM 13flM Boot. President of th* New PrsBtaals «J!•••»*. 9OVTB BMATOLMi H. X. tillsdnlntla. csjjio uVrwn last Odtur- AVALON. thw tatFetastts Aasmasaa** bttl York State CenstttotJooal CuuraaUon. y staa WTs» Pet <*e Tiliiiaii .... Sea lab »-u .ssugp ••(•? rsioat AT day for a week's stay at E. M. D- On Saturday lajl ths fans wltn««e- Uks UAlXTTi: U JuJr B. 1IXI. aoJ Edward Rice, Jr., sod of Barro£*U> —Mrs. lUrtaua has sold UM baa* to be paasad by tha hast i BBSKM fcia first pablic puiaonuta- Or iiUCM CMUVtOttV Cat Was Peeved. aoer'a, and on 0-onulay they mxxUircaJ evl co* of the best played gmoes of Aacasa s. tsu. • - Bice, ia in England as a member of — Dont forgvt County Fair, Jroarr lex.- to Mrs. Bcrmr*. •W "'sDswMT Xtoawt*1* wXtltOwN nt oo psbtk affairs in many rail CAPC HAY COURT HOUSE. i MI* son, but ths game was marred —Tbe tax oo cigars having been 0, 10 and U| a bio* rttboo ersBt^cVtUf —Dool forrrt Coanty Fair, Oaro is the only form of THE to Burlington. Ihe Havxtrford Collcgt. BsUef Corps, CTstfciswi It as • aneniie cal- to npodlat* the us» of hU nun* by A man once Ured ta Wont'lslr. H by iha continual wrs-ngUng and kick- rwoaced. Ur. Wheatoo now sails a sxjd tha following latter will doubtless —Th* Tuesday eraming rard parUss 9, 10 and 11; a bio* rU* WaUh Year Bsak Arceuat. Our st Hotel AraJoo are proving v*ry Csststad to drftw the already week V. ~JbB~ Noxcnt on July L2th. Nojwit J. «ho*e wife tad a pet cat- On a 'Pocket Check: Protector" «afceuards ing of th* vUltora. They »ix mini to good cigar for two cents. provo of u> his many friends —Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, of Wneoia. DriveWclls popular. u, ar* in a cottage hare for tike S. swarchaat raariaa frora tbe seas.tsssed a rebaxb of UM ipemb BJ»I busiiiees in the world that wintry day the eat died- Oo wintry be out for th* J-SJ3K-. the umpire, snd Ancles* Cawrsw* •tin Goes r» nil ta t. BampU, poctpald. 2Sct*. BilreT. —kCastsr Newt. Corson, grsodsoo hers. As th* letter ni a private one, —Miss L. E. Ilansort. of Ucrtoo third swat whoa the law does not take effect woman saffrsjre mad* by Boot at the wa* th« d*r thai tho cat coold DO4 be Barry as w«lL R^Mnson, tha first ts. Lanl *# tfte Cx*r—W«d grocmd wss troxes) \\ Brrrwr has .neswfej JUUUSWAYtM«f»w •Btn ITasisslsii first, ship owners are does not ask you to spend F«*w> Arswrye a Time af AOWerk 42, Camdrn, N. J. 7-18,«t« Untmaii, orcn started a row with the quit* an «xp*rt blcrclo rider. may not upprcxiaU) Its publicity aa Warwick Jams* Price. tha borcxtrh with lifo presarrars Cat atrassiy prorldiag for foreign registry, statins; that il ws* a UtUr recently hsrtt croKil, and almoet picked up * fight Oraat sflrt*. Yoor mooty grows when tn bank There am cow or>« hundred and h**\rlily aa many of our readorn: The Uluci Elliabeth and Kath- Lbo surf boat. of their raatls. To rat»l»ed from Mr. Root. Mr. Nurmt To grt rl4 of the body Ih* msn 6e- •rllh Barry can a close A«r I. t^r. »t first erino Tut tin. of UalUmors, hsvs beam Can MAT kj without effort froca yoa, even when twsnty.foor tatrphiomas in us* la Cam- Village of AbboUbury. Eng, 7-14 16. - M*i-1 Cortxtrn-a snast oa> them under tbe new Uw Lnvoocbed for the letter, whkh it is said. money. We ask you to trrmlood! to brtnx tt with him whea biaui. Then tcmo of th* visitor* tank- -I dldnt go to Yarmouth and theguest* of Ur. snd Mrs. O. W. Btrgacr, LhU wesk U Hiss Plorcaca Hocsttns, ta snetrnt ttmes a betrothed Rus- he w*nt lo New York to business. Bo you are asleep. Try IL Begin dsxt snd cceutant addition* being mod* t CsxrUon, oo th* beach front. asw.peUt.nn with foreign shipping, Mr. sian maiden always used to send her ed up before Leaving, and caught coaut oilei r «JI, bot cano down secretary had mcctrod ho wrapped tt up n«lly In brown pa- to th* numbsr. —Mr. and Urs, Jno. Whltmorr, of AT WILDWOOD wfll b» prartfcsjty t»poa*ihla. Abuia- future nnihsnii a whin, wrought by ». Gocurity Truxt Comp*ny win Barry at the train fast before It pull- rro In tho EocLh and walked the —Tba Firemen'• Frolic Mitad aboot from Mr. Boot. keep it at the per, snd. oo getting Into Ms train, pot hole Icnjlh of LKo Devon coajt and 210. Riverside Drive, Nsw York, are •tw UM ffrt"! disastrous condi- bcTset'. In lokrn of her submission to help yoa U> save. It tU out. Several mad* pstsvs st Mwi. —Th* post office department ha* do- O toward UM cart aad boas for tha Tbo "letter" consirtcd of quotations li cectly on the ha track, with Ihe Brm pcUic vrate. oo part wavy Kcro In I>or*ct*hLrc, I hara narw member* of tb* cottage colony. Uillaoc* Fire Qx blm and on ber wedding day be gavo Rsln, electricity, wlo«l ami humklity particularly Robinson, but no damage ekssd that all rostUr printed by ths r.Avmmr «, ms. from a twvary-oo* year old speech. Intention of forgrttln* *n about It. BMUCDAT. ICCCtT n. IIU, rolUn all I cam* for—orvd much more. They havo with them thtir daoghUra, her a gtnll* strok* upon the shoul- FRIDAY. AUGUBT a. 1*13. type wriUr, must pay fall letter post- the Uisses Uargmrct, Ellubetk and —Next Tttssdsy la taa card samld be erscouragsd. tbe U. 8. Cham- Mrs. Cstt «MnH»g u unlikely that YVhm b» re»cb<-d th« tertnloos he Ufwxo CSV Baam mdd ffwwvy* as»« t» u>L.a h»vo uio so miscO up *nj w fn- was done, Barry being ahl* to tsk* You know In London I waa ecUlnf and dancs at Bhsftar Him of < p. ss, to "it. si mm •'rSiTtrrN. sTbriuI sg-s through the malls. Tho type r>lful just bccau&e bummlnjj anxioa Barbara Whltoore, thalr son. Ur. r of *"^"""^ baa secured opinion* Senator Boot had stood pat for twen- der* to show that be was the matri- wslked rapidly oo« of lh« train, bat qatnt this w«k l>at ooo is almoa care of himself. They then further Guild for tha Ssctar* tod. FD8ST NATIONAL BANK monial master. Among the noble* .V aill oay al cs. sa-vV. aaa,7ST^ writsr bun the sam* relation to th*wtth no apedal work, (tho ~trninlntf" Robert U. Whltmors snd a rue it, i Ibe Uw from about seven hundred ty-one rear* wrots asking him if be ws* barely oa the platform sbra a May Lourt ltaasr. Cops Kay County. Hn psrsuaded to bellno Lbcrti Is tome used thcmiielvc* muckars by trying —Tb* boot* of Assessor McMartri* the weddlag is usually aa c-ienlag OAZZATCE8. printsr thitt tha rose-bog doe* to thaUtiraaUy a formal.tyi m^do mo feet Ulu U*rgar*t Call La. of BL Paul's had supplied Mr. Nugent with s state- kindly old »enllrmsn oi«rtook blm ground for the SL Hwlthcns" clay forr- to jump on John Hoy, th* paper boy, In rotten nhApc. Bo I haro cotno down Place, Brooklyn. wtro dosed oo Tuesday aad ara BOW Cut MAV COCBTT Hocac. N. J. function, the bridal pair Cut Ing dur- -Tour parcel. I think, sir." aald be> fnrf«t» SJkd rraj ncasa «w Cas said cast. but Influence on th* part of Ihniee grape crop. In th* hands of tbo Comity Board of Boants of Trade, aad all are united ment. Mr. Boot replied on July 2£nd. . ioratrd to tft. sown oS hero and JanL walked and walktxl every —The feature of tho- Yacht Club's ing the day which precedes tt- Tb«plejuantlf. and the man from stont Capt. Wm. D. Tomlln U at bojno far caber prnvcnud sny flthting. Ertn —Th* peopl* at Tuckahoe vrer* day, until dead UnrxL I havo rrtado weekly meet was a race- between four Taxation. that tbe Ul-eoocrrred. hasUly-consid- **I have Dot written sny tetter, or kraashisv Cap. stay cout,, Oiforjs. iwnp., ami nil u-ummcr rrremoalc* are numerous: many as- cljlr thanked blm most polltrlr- n frw dsys. about thlry mUco a day, two-thlnJi of power boat* which crossed tho stake —GucsU st tha Fleck roUsr* taU eo-called ^progressive'" legisla- sny address. ••p"H*inf ax. Lho iruarantcn wa* Cfuutlooed, they treated to s very unusual sight on • litinls and masters of ceremonies n* al a pcrfttl la ra. ermlrr tj tA. footwear rrdur-cd in price, bcfiinnlng It up and down the nteepc&t kind of t In the following order: Lucy Ik, »i ore Paul Fleck aad wi7* aad on the sohjnrt of woman suf- All day loog Ihe piittl containing Uua from Cap* May to lap, kt,, Rev. Uslk) L. lUnd visited his par- cULming J30 lutcsd af $18, which La Friday last. Fifteen porpoises came te) can have bot oo* effect. r«<« to be Invited—Udies of honor August. Some lines uro getting •llfTa and hilln. Not until to-day havo H. Baxter, Phils.; Uariam. li 8- Oerro WasMostoo Brown aad wtfa, during the present year, or so lh< dud cat lay ln his office, lo Ihe Uo-... asM pofa t-6- arKo T^J The provisions as to wages and the norOaarsnUy, sarasBTrd a I ris« soaies from ents hero on Monday. the maximum given by our ttsm Th* up the river as far as tba bridge, and I had four mllca of Urvel walkinjf and Palmcr, Lsnsdowne: Lydla H, Louis allofllaU, Pa. far a* I can recall, for many years snd bridesmen Tho party seeking nrnlnc bo took It boovr. placing tt aaortWrty Un» of " " I'rokxn In oirco, ami Ita to your nj- Millvillo battery must be gtven credit those of us who never get to tho sea- that la becauae tho rock* havo g-oao Armand, Phi la.; and Jennie B, J. U. Collection thereof, the specification* as pest- Th* recent publication in New 'be bride, among tba peasant*, usn stain In tb* hatrack and again care- • smut by t^artn H Dr. J. U. Dix nuuio a business trip -lUjro to call early. tO'.i nxluction nus McCrsth aad wtfa aad IDS' for llurirs T. shore mad* th* most of the sight. It and tho bl^ aandy hill* «iopo down to Bruner. Pblla. On Saturday, ths 7thUUs Usrg-srct sr* ratsta at Dr. jing rooms for crews and many Jersey reported to rume from me was -'ty cbooee* a byway so as not to fully forr»«lng It- Rut again s feltow to rtllada- on Thurrday. •< ! aoultt«e»r«aruly froco In many caves. E. I). FosUr, »-<3^t n that tncy showed thrmsetve* gentl*- the wra without any clUTa. leaving a Inst-, Lydla B-. Mr. Armand's bcist, * copy ox remark* made by me in the MAY MEAN END OF ALL WAR n»d no. tvoodrrd 1* very astdotn that those fish com* Francis McCratH. P. J. Dooshaa wss other things, tnsjt* it impossible to —«- Lev! Wcntull's Mary W. to cs, to course of a debate in the Constitution- H. C Rkhanioon went U> Pnlljuitl- 3un, both during and after the gam*. guest over laat Sunday. compete oo tbe Pacific with Japanese ho so evil omen. rss Finally ho reached borne In a up so far, snd no reason can be as-to walk on. You c*»n never w-alk far nettle a dlsputo which aro*o July 24, or etectasj la al Convention of New York, twenty of OsstrucOve AirsXIn to Atlantic Gty on Sunday. phia on Hslurdsy and acrompanu-U The fame it«lf ws* fast, inUrest- —Tba band of tha Volastacr Fir* *&&22%& skips, aa the difference in wagr* alone Hivlnr arrived at the bouse of tho not very (lessant fr*m#* of mlod *nd ^B sl| gj signed for their visit. on tho bcoxb here, becauao It U not Mcy B. will give Mary W. a handicap olts )tui ago. •ure to Ha«« Powsrfwl tUrsc* So t»* »Aid pnmitrt U Wm. Graham and family have Mrs. RlcKanlfton home from the hoa- nc onj snappy. Both pitcher* work- Co. helped max* tha aaocas* of taa bride's fsltur they knock si the wtn- flung the. Irksomo parcrl oo tbr kiuh- •trurtu/w, ]|lU sand but perfectly rourwted bouUltrn >f fivo minutes. would make an insunnountahla 06- On Saturday Mr. Nugent issued a HumsJUty. *^i OO Us* spwa^XMi —Mlu Hattis. youngest daughUr trctn tho nixsO of a hen'a «jT£ up, I Frolic In Boroo^h Hall Thorsday >*«-t*-» In . is CbTV* *Vr*4 rXsr- lo DridgcUtin for two week*. piLal. Shu is stcoJily rrcovcrinK Irura i-J excellently, while Barry had slighU —Tennis Tournament results during even In j; for the Esllaaca Co. stacss, while the exact minimum per- statement from Hmry L. Slimfcon. t d •.r-sl thxrvl of Jer. McCrmy. E*q, Capo May City, waiked two mile- on It ycilcrday to fuse to lit down, saytag. "We have Ijler on Ihe wife entered the) kitch- Ansoo Joa>c* and family havo her recent o-evcre hoipiLal cKp^-riin^c, ly the better of th* battle. Toomey tho week h*vo been: Man'* Single.*. centages of nativity and language of a former Secretary of War. Mr. Stim- Tha difficulty csT property arming met with a painful and aeriou* acci- Stit around a bl£-h cliff-—*uvd I almovt —Mrs. Martha E. Smith aad her rot com* to sit down nor to feast, but en. Tho parcrl aroused her curioelty. J fcal^s» «teck ponl. tn to DrUgclan far two week*. and her ultimata restoration lo health ~~* — area aad so br aoid by Jay nights at Spectrtorium. swimmer delighting In surf-bathing, water jujt this nidc of Portland and F. Landla beat Ceo. F. Barclay, 3-d, OsUUUAfUXsn tvo« the- two be brought together?" opened It. snd discovered three Iro HAX r. CG&MJS, iirrlff Thornton also nhoTred up well In left. , 6-t. Warwick J. Price defeated —Willlsxo Oeller. tha aUar. parted able to obtain the full percentage or ""I*. In the course of a taw rears, llaard Jtiry X7. Uli. tbo lightning Dtruck o boaac Lclonfiing and on th* day in question she stood ainco 1 couldn't gt> on tha beach I had The bride's parents, ihaaktag the visi- drrlolo steaks! ('.apt. Kr&nk Camp mnilo a flying covering- lots of ground. The lnlUld R. II. M»«rhinn«y, G-3, 0-1. Women's tho 6000 stricx at a WUdwoed csaaca InterScan*, ships loaded with perish- the "T'"~ haie lncreaaed to horse A Voorbrra. A(t>a. to I). Lasciilio anj cocupixml Ly BenJ. upon the clasped ^H' ct two gentle- to como Inland to g-et aroand it. It La shop, and 4"-|T^H to sail back for $10 —•Use Bab* BamseTvisltad POTATO SOBTFB. power from shoot fifty to two hun- ttrrs for th* compliment, tho latter vWlt to bis ham£ hero Last w-ock. worked con&ibUntly, cutting off run- Singles, Mra. F. r. Leopold won from able cargoes or carrying mails, might Hipper and wife, oa Paclflc avenue, n friends and Jlrcd into tho surf- raining now for tho first Umo binro I the On* set of dishes ba woo for a dred, say* CUode Grahams-While La now take off thetr caps snd eat. This Ltf* CUiarrJa. Oipt- C Nlckxrwwi and wife, of rvcrw on baaea and accepting difficult itarud U-t Friday—hence thU lctUr. Mrn. G. W. Bergner, 6-0. 1-6, 6-3- Brothers have & n*rv anj causing about $.100 worth of ibnuiirc. GlrU' Singles, Miss Betty Leopold nickle. kOsa Beiwi fsi • i>aiiilliii • be g"«M» to leave port for many days. ta« Youth's ConfnUm Bat whea droo the matchmakers ask for a final SALE. She had mistakes the depth of the"t aLartcd to rain to- ixxurt ot Okancvo rU V*-, binion held tho ball at Brut, during £Ot tired carrylnir around. Portland orio Uttlo and Mlu Hetty Leopold lc« by electric light off th* trtdx* with kla txmiiy. only havo all our Pariflr ocean trade, a potato i«rtei which will not of hundreds of horse poaer. but ter over, the parrots finally give (heir ill'n »bo foutht for Prlnco Charles Unwy. oa UW IMA d*» a* JuJ*. A. It !».:. U aL^cnt an a tvo weeks' vacation. All person* desiring ths best hand at that something ni the mat- >eat Miss Jean Bergner and MUan* d Lsnded 36 wtaVflih aad a butbsl »e*k ciidint: July 30, J91.V content, after which a candle 1* light Us a. rtfUla rsveus* vbrrrio Wfrr l_ \>r*A t» hi* argument with Barry. The score: a eight milcii away, and there la a -f«wlIOBTOO imdeaUalaesi trtj.' they srill "-*> the Panama ***m.i •tort 1000 barrrlA per day. cf thousands, then «* can Imagine* Siuart. and .n ICC I they were formed sUlXLsiat, avr*d AlUw T. IC-ttb--*. .ryi llowunl May left on Tuesday forLaundry work doo* can hare, use ter, tha young lady doubling up In a train tbero from here- So vouMario McCandlcss, 6-0, lm. 6-S. Men "a of crabs. ed and placed before the holr pic- Double a. Waller T. Bew and Joseph ta Cape May oo Ttvuiavtaj. and captor* the Atlantic trade to the This U the flnt one to be operated a perfected war msrhfnri. of tbe ro- into Ibrco troops. T. M.,ttWw..v. (^-^.nrtur ot Uw «-it-l# <-f Quccnature, Pa^ to vUit his fiance by leaving their package* st liarry CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. lifeless manner, fihe was carried up aeo tho combination: I v>'alk if It —CucsU of Mrs. E. A. T. M Lawton Bros^ tho g-a* men. drive to to th* bath bouse and a physician fttopa raining—or ride if It do<» not— atrna at Cape Maw last week. *is ,m M. rlrs a crew of hundreds of men. and thetBsetTe*. pray, strike hands on tbe Tyler's oo or bsfors Thursday noon R H A E xs-ter, C-3, C-l. Mrs. C W. Smajum. of BtorVton DOW bclnj; run by hand but Miiich MOMJAT. AVCVMT IH, Uli. lie.*. 3b...; I L o1 1 0 AM. The terrible shock had clay at .'ortuusd all night, and go up rA tawM* I* jost wfcat It* < lilian* It Is well known that the LeFoUett* r.,| v^u, .J thsi Is eoalpped »tlh formidable guns bargain and the matter Is settled- The Utululy (Unplc'ovl Mia. ra Lbr bourn U t«4w MM, ft.^ rVrt v* your tiocr with gna^ilin.^ nr«A <*^n»l oil_ltof s*c& •«**. aad it will ba rctarrx.^ to London to-morrow afternoon- I —Tbo sixe of the new Casino, at Hut ins. Me, and Mra. 8. L. A dims, of —Doot forget Ccszaty Fair, Sept. Brother* expect to h-uve it run by a Ko-tcr. lb 0 I 9 0 caused concussion of the brain, follow- • It. 1w» town say bar* an tha w was tdvocated by certain labor aad aerial torpedo and bomtxlruppLc, clothe* sre blessed by the Socc men. said fncle r^>e p. ta~. U* mit, «l oo* o'ciork La Itw n Prof. W. H. Shlpc wu* here on Moo- Saturday morning. Troy Laun- Krcirtimari, \Vb 0 0 4 0 wflot to spend to-morrow morning ex- 17th ntreet and Boardwalk, surprises 10 aad 11; abtosrthbSi erautiTg jr^Jsoiinc cn^finc—ihcuj?fe il run** ei^ily y think* jou has managed to hit J t IWl Thornton. If 0 iir inc a ttrw day* bero with his mother. Sprincu, near Pctcrstujix. N'. J. Will liuro.i cf 0 ^ 0 0 Intf whun I could w**lk and the other theatre, which with Its three over- eood tsste snd untiring effort of Mrs. —Oarlea CarroD. Miss Daretky intended to drive foreigner* from aixl third »ixc« and al*o ham on ar- th* air as s speed of several hundred *nd brlde«room before leasing their on some naw kind of a trick." it** uch to the gratification of heratopping at a pU-cc long-cr thun to eat k Uda natty affords nuay u# WlUltaood. ta (B. l^jaatj ot lapr Uj; deliver by auto trucks if deiiiml. Can FtuK.M:ll, tu: 1 3 1 0 hanging balconies, s«*t* 2X00 people. David Risky. HrmpMll and cacatn Mkad to Bswytae rwiL IIW mile* an hour. homes urrtx) clcrarr*. which pr»c*'. P 0 0 4 0 friends, of whom there are hoots. iter there will be a big dance tn tho —Bev. R. W. SuteU"* 1* actlox for then Into th* charch. »re VITM t&vr«t#*1y liar cA !i. 10 anj 11; a blue ribbon evcnt_H-T.,tf alw> furrilah trucko for haullnc gravel ai^ht and the ruin haa com**, t havo 11 room, which aril] be lighted by XtOo fa ho—tin, to drrrc American* from of dirt or oihe r forr i^n su b*tjuvcT- Bet even afattv^ such melal-balU bujvlrrd afvi filly Rev. Mr. Tyson durinjr hi* sbswnra ln —^alrs. miM*-* Cczisliaa **** r4rfL. ttsre* tin:** over their trail*, two w»x atany Juvtnll* M«*dcrs- fna railroad cwiiniTB to any point In •> been very, very luiky in having no hundred* of multicolored electric r of emit* because thsir tha and proride more berths for which may have cot in with the monsters of the sir. fljlng at th' It frct B R. S. Taylor, of KhinKlchoosc. Pa, ToLalu 3 7 27 10 RESULTS WITH PEST1L1ZEE. "slifortU*. Mrs. WUIlsm 8atelln *U dras. cf Bteea Batter, aaast part at t»p»rs *r» «i»eu to the r^alr sad the \fore tbin 14-ito and a half m *T ul L^wsciOe »ifoot-, <^*D Orii la Capo May county. Addrcta, V. W. rain and no not v. eathcr. 1 havo Urnpu. The dancing floor, of highly itcrtalniivff her daughter, Mrs. Ras- last wask bar* with Mr. CV» rslathM*. %e labor nptn^i* m>ftir tubers.— Bridjfctto Sewn, imiilm speed*, tasn will pit his In fruct or mkttb i»outlw«*l-«anll» Sctwl- vi»itcxl Court HMIW fricnd» an Sat- MILLVILLK IZAGLES. everywhere CKCept to ferry care a red cent beirer of the tap»r which r»es oot • LUra books arc Uot by London public iinui lixty (ret AAI O/ Young-, 21111 K. I£M SL, ThiU. 7-30.1f nniwved maple, presents 71^00 iwjuare 11 snd hi r child. Lsda aUdrTstton aad a frkod. mistake, as they have often dorve be- grculty. it 1* dear that he cannot 1 i h(tjy Ut R 11 O A Tho New Jersey Agricultural Ex- over the river*. K..»'h dayj Kavc had feet to tbe throngs who will trip th* ptaee Uwd or died. OB Crit win be th* first to die. libmrli-s ID a ytir. Hit Jjt.nllo rta/ - ro Lew, urtloy. F. —Mrs. Msry V. Sherrsrd and fam-of Frankf ord. apoat part of bat waak fora. in presiding boomerangs to not THE PENALTY OF HUH EH. fight them from tho earth: he most lUtig/r 4 Work Kau b«;n ftramcrxtj on tbcThompson, Jb 1 0 1 1 0 periment Station has been coodueting a glorioua nwira. TKo water Is very light fantastic toe. This great edifice law) ether hand. If a town 1* happily In the tr-srrlAro trnmoaj a ring of tslUn^ cixniMvrablT oicf a ml> John Lxaming arui ntecc, of Cam- iwJ ly are in Dr. Annlo Cormsr's cottar* brra with her sister, Mra. Jofeo Cotv fight them high tn their o«n clement 4 Va 3 fourulati&n for a Lirg-c t""J l'no tiu*k Suuct, If 0 0 0 0 0 experimentb in tho fertilisation of cold, \ery clear, and tho ualt docs not has not been built for profit but has M IT altrt and proaTwah* ramonly react on themxetves. but to ruin tro«d Is liven by th* man to tho VOID- lioo- »auLtsr«4r«lv oor^JJ f-f |HJ4 \n Jen, were Sunday visitors at Charles N. Koliinnon, ih 2 I hurt my cycu; tt la tin* beat i-w.mraing vn the beach front, with Mrs. C M. The Cape May County Bocru of So tn the future. If wars continue. Ho. 1^| «A UM- DUD o*f liotUj to Lw crccU-d by the (rxw L. LtvicL. 0 0 pcache* at Vlncland since 1907. Sev- n dedicated to Avttlonians, who will American imastiaent. ED snd br th* woman to the man am) daif Clril 0 I 0 I huvc ever i>*x-n. I feel full of frcaa enjoy ita manifold comfort* and pleas- liutchinson as g>i>eft. All sre from —Wnil* walking tn kit alawa at tb* i its prosperity. c*n hju nxid the I we may turo fearful struggle* of the 1 tl Lit— unvr Oil Co.. who will, it iu MU. cover the Young-, cf 0 0 0 0 0 eral plots in this orchard have re- ir und ctxxJ excrcinA und am in won- Wheelina-. W. Vs- a»s of his brother at DsmiWilD*, atan b bound to grow, even if it air—not small and Isolated combat*, afterward* exchanged by the b«st ures at lean than the co«t of malnten- value* on taxable property thi Uncl* Ctxn. Mr*. Wm. Lxuallcn and daujrhter, of county with trucks for. the dr.tribu- F. Robinson, lb o i a i o ceived only fertilisers supplying pot- derful hhapc; and Lvlic.c mo it taki u .nee. The bkating rink has a course WalUr Douftaxs and wtf*. of Wsdaasday Bsoratec. taeaxa Joosa. • iBwtfsvnatmaladTantsges. AD each a* this campaign ba* shows us. msn The bridal pair are crowned In the Ust four cr 6ve year*, this ccanty, a.n Increase of with fillxTve of silver or s^arland*. I>rr say dst •ipportunlty knocks ItJ in Uw O [ttilrvil i ore vibitin£ Mm. CKarlcfl tion of their pnxiucL It U tocatL-U on Woluin, rf 0 110 0 ash and phosphoric acid iilnce the "food iJuipc" to climb thi-i^o clilTt» ali Tt>0 milcii around. On tho upper floor Wynncfleld. Pa^ »re ln a pretty bon- wsll known Milrrtii* srUxrtrsraXr. na mm <-UT* usf Cap* si«* c thai lead towns haw sprrmg op aver last year: hot battles desperately waged. «!U> r la McKurlvn, c 110 0 0 day long. Some of them uu nimr BOO there in the. beautiful Manno Room fralow at Hansel Drive and 63rd Bt down a ftiffct of stairs aad wa* fatsfiy nancr ^* ^Kany ^|wt*• f^|l#«^ Bttmtion and the last act Is the dissolution ot oarp.' said I'nclt- Dun. "Do man dat Ho. 2CJ, psvsr. JiJ. Ac. Holmes. the Eaut tijc of the Kcu.linc R. R. op- trees wera planted tn 1007. The MI the craters of activity to tha da&fsroc* character of much of death and destruction raising from misses it i< lubir lo pat In de rest af Strutton, p 0 2 2 0 1 foet high, hut it i* dcriou* to look where religious tucrvicea will bo held "bo first Kuest wa* Miss FsnnU Cof- lniarwd. Waao taa ratmbtra of tas th» cro»-ns. which ln olden time* took * OU3-AS Hatching eega reduced to half price. poiito tho Electric Light plant. plots have always made a much poor- awuy over the &ca wbtn you reach tho for the staple reason the clouds. There ara those, boat his lifetime knockln'.- I-.UU JELIW SI. every Sunday and where lectures will fin, of PhUadelphia- ' " they fonad Jaaaa legislation demanded by labor plant upon the rlihth day. when thr er growth snd have given much nmall- ever, who argue that such a form 7-ZXUpin Caponiiing done. J. E- Gergta, Cape Mrs. Samh C. Wright, I'hilaJii- Touli 2 0 24 10 '4 top. I have alwuVH followed tho cliff bo held during tho week- Every Sun- —On Sunday Edwin Barroajrh. of . _ att tataa foot ooff taa people with good red unions, so-called progrotira. college bride wa* cocdoctnl to tho brlde- paths which only tho eheep, row», rub- IV^tl of war. wbea pushed to It* ruthless May C H. 6-ll^t Summary: Earned runs—C. H. 2;cr yield* than plots receiving nitro£-cn day ufternoon and evening there will -'ranlrford, rcjiresentin^ th* Krmnk- ctsps aad blood flowing from a deaa issssw DQSsaswtd iMfryaT gf^I rroem's hoase During this last eere- pbla, annouriccii the marriai.'v of her bitB, nmi coatit guard's ut>4.*. Half tho OMI: limit, wtu prove so ghastly that bu- Millville 1. Two bato hit*—Tocroey. In addition to *^** potash and phnt bo a uacrcd concert and exhibition of ford flthtrmtn. presented "Smithry" lacaratloo of hit scalp, aad died a few theories of motiy wine mtn^te-d with water Is Curlou* IWl True. Paniel Hand, of Newark, if van-dau(fhU-r, Ada Lindlu LoJ^, to Mr. tiae I have been railcu from any rood. rcligiouu filmu, the proceeds of which of tho bridge with * watch, 'JTnr^Tyl hoars later. Uoa based oo ftsrl nttnity will revolt, and that the. sci- Love I* * mmo In which we Th«c t^aio Lltu—Stratton. Paued phoric acid. The plot* which have not MlU. ftvrn In *ltatiact to the msrriac* st sta tiunln£ here this «t-c«V. IjoarUing at John Alexander Mogw, en Aui;unt or even houj'-c. \t tirnt tho cliff*. v.tro will be devoted to oome altruistic cuff buttons and collar fa*t*n*rs. —Aftar aa Ulaass of several sm»«ii welfare, withoot taking into ence that revolutlonUe* «ar win also ll.— McKnrkn 1. Bane on balls— received nltrogrn have made ncarcily blarL rock. " were the wildest , g «-ir... Cass. then hcldiLc th- «ra*ll>-st hsn.ds. Scott Villa. 4th, Inbtant. The bride ban Ixxn em- rry Z. Struck out—Barry &; Strat- HUM:. Adjoining tho Marine Room —Tbo little daughters of Mr. andmnnlhi. ~~fiiaH.| the care of a Mr. Bryan left UM Btata consideration UM fact t£st America end It- any growth tn the last two years, and and kept up for forty rnilxt* thU tudo ire two picturesque Boof Gardens, trsiaed nzrsa, Mrs. Gertrude Casster, ha took with Um the desk When the priest, folloeed bj thr rZdwarJ Chorlcirworth. of Millville, ployed In the 11:11 TcU.-pho.rvc oiTkrv ton h. Uft on bate—C H. 4; MU1- of Plymouth, where 1 bLurted. Ttvcn Mrs. Lode-c, of Logan. Pa-, coctaxsrs BHut eomprto with foreign in vilU- '». I)ouLle plsyo—Frekdman to appear very yellow and sickly. directly upon the OCAJUI front. Theae. bcrc Prof. Bourinot aars are unoof wife of Cap*. Boeaa Cbestar. jsuasd stsBs sscay or his ^mjdcu tsui s bridal pair, walk aroond the "maloT" \* hero for a week with his Bister. Mrs. here for tome ycjira. Mr. arvj Mm. cjunc red imnd atorvo: then black cLiy lighted by ropes of electric lamps, will away at her home bare oo Friday, many tine* of endearor, and we hav-e 'HAXCE FOB CAZETTE READEHS. MO.SDAT. ALCtTT w. Ili Ko^ttr. Stolen baLea—C H. Foster, Last spring It was decided to apply with u iKirt of gravel mined in. This bis brightest pupil*. Mary balng th* It wfll malca a valuable ed- 1'pp.r CHANGES WROUGHT BY WARopen which the cress and cospu» Elanor Sprinifcr, of PhUjula,, pounds per acre across one-half of all Iqstcad of nUtp cltffiu But I IIV«J tho cooici.t. Every afternoon during next —Tho Suffrage leafo* ha* rafuasTs- l took pbee on Moodar at the cilSu bc«t. aHomctin-Ci. I could follow Ucd Its fly swatters. A wocnan. listed sjnea lS96|pa&sc-breedias; proportiona. We are utt Oeia, Frews His Prototype of benedlctloc ts prccotrnded and the YYlUets Conoo's Store. i^ ..p*-rultn£r thU week with Mru- John D. 'enta- these plots. Tbo effect is moat strik- w-oek will occur an orchestra concert hoaaa. Bar. Stasis? Clark "-"-^.M^ T half wuy down the utruight while thoae who wish to may enioy ing tar one. was ""^r^ In torn which eaooaet his thoackta wbhlapactms; this c«mtry to a Few Years Ago. newly wedded r>alr U Bow led to the All Uut errtjda lo*. tra<< ^r parr.1 of T. Springer. tivo of tha reliable Hollywood Laun- TRANSPORTATION TO BE BY ing. The sectiocL* which have received tscstrattoo of his scalp, aad be died a In ordtr to u»l the GAXCTTC' eeat cliiTu with the KU utrulght below. tho rink. On Monday, Wednesday tt'CMiIxi •^•" uao It to swat ber ^"-<• ^*^"^ few boors later. pssstJcal ifrp?"trrs of Us^caraaT-lteass its ii^oxscation and cet down to bridegroom's hoe**. His parrots U» tnol Ward, erf tt>r Oly f dry, of WUdwood, doirea your trade. AUTOM0R1LE- Into remembronco of October 19, as irculation and ita supcrvor advertis- of Vtlljf Ui«s Helen Charlc»B.orth. of Mill- tbe nitrate of soda sre now dark The KarvUnLone cliffo are honey- and Friday there will Be bly feature Itw) desk becaoa* upon practical Icft-islstion. bat the farmers, Tho old pouter-plieoo type of Brit- mwt toe yoong eoaple at Ihe en- • Uty UV linen. Laundry Is ready for delivery the trees are well loaded with green U now a* obaoiet* a* his red «urlive* poor barley down over them. sellui£ medkeincs at half price U> any- ot loniaur -• l*A .Stusibrbrr I.I.J. ) High grado fertiliser constantly oo here on Tueinlay, in connectio*. with y for their liveii. Tb« latter can ing, with dedication bervicc* and Shelter Haven thi* Saturday after- —Dool forg«t Coanty Pair. Bot i will yet pay dearfy far their venture 123J611. Etorie Harbor hi. made the tha following- Saturday. The plant fruit of large aUe; while the other SMalfrt-*. Thls change la erldent. not only In »blch expresses the hope that har- one who will cut out the following il c< Hioca .SumbrSb r u» bualnd hand far eaile by J. Swing WUUs, run down a atraight cliiT about fifty special features. On Saturday, the noon, to include canoe tilting, skx* 9,10 aad II; a bio* ribbon ev*nL8-< iCarJMarertieast, wtte fairy land. «Jlr (1^S Ull j has th* lity*^ Improved rnifrti^r^*1 py Ihu unnual appropriation election, it milcB an bour—gruvity letji them en- s-reaXe*t mrreose at any mguklpalrty the tratatsg of the on army, bet ta eaeery sad atapxdnex* maj be thetr* coupon oral preterit il at his store. Court House. 3-2a.t£ section of tho plots which have re- 21st, there will bo a bam dance in ball, aquaplane atur.ta, fancy diving. —Mrs. Hinnsh O. CaasecU o& • • • u-ji oriUml that ttt nchoola openon Ucjly aloarvc. booor of Craiigsrs' D*v bt this re- boating and swimming. ha the desk ops. which he in this county for many yeans. th* rojsj cadet schools at Sandhurst a> a only, nnd doc* only good work- 7-2Oj iud only the potnnh and phos- OmlaUamiem They may now enter the boose and Chaa. W. Long lias iwUeid a cellar September 7th—Tuesday after Labor °I clxangtxl from tr.c Eaut coaot to sort und silver cups will be awarded the sfagle-term pUnk of the In our railroad reform* State nnd and Woolwich- Alertness and agllliy. ^ ielUns**- •"«» a phoric acid, as in the past, have made —Dancing- upon the beach ia thegoesta at her bome! Charles H. God- sit dosrn on a bench, while the bride COUPON o(,f t>o buodrrd and Iro frrt Wbllc riding a motor-oclc Joun Day. tho South b«ause there wu» lens for products of the farm. On Satur- 1 U nrtti^UTly a anj other utillticu to hin homo an At- latest, and tho cards for that of frey and wife, Uoasa M. Godfrey and. ptatforav— West Jcrsry 1Va9 C^^st V^s9 s^as^swassO S^O^DsO 17X1 a—s** ^™ mental and physical, ara BOW aimed only an Inch or two of growth at tbe NEW METHODS IN WHAUHQ hide* ber face with a handkerrhter. a ur1 . U>C««it«tntn ttUls la fraidr Mechanic utrvet on Monday nfu-moon, chance of being tent Lack. I ruive day, tho 'JHth. Avalon's sixth annual Thursday said "Full Dress." rw.r^nlwg wi/« U. F. atenig and wtf*. Miaae. tor Initrad of physical rigidity and oort^<»»*stwsrdly alccts Uruo» 4 lantic avenue. AUrv-d Peter&on was awarded the tip* of the twig*. The foliage is yel- been a topped half a doxtn timcn down rrs. Brandeis. the scieo- • bleb ts taken away by her mothe; ThU rvjupon raliU^» tbt a yo-unp man by the tumc of Cjrvdy Bui Masque will be held in tho build- with all onio's clothe* on. and not inCamllU and Gea* Oodfrry. all of At- mechanical precision as ta the old UJT. p»rfcA«x of I ir. •J »»iJ it u eaut Iron repu- tiflc railroad Inlsw or an aont. after which ate re- p« I r Hoar of UiaLt l alu, _ _ John [lufllclJ ami wife, of Bridg«- low and them U very little fruit upon ng. ThU i» always the great tbo Atlantic City stylo of bot little lantic City, arid Dr. James Service r OU-B's*Moae4 Karpooa Haa Beea Dts- U>^eiOiO c 1>trt~i-t, tation ono morning, uftcr I v-aa event of the year. assfarri&g to tho htaacey *•»«**_ the iMUUiif by showing various way* tlmcs. aoulii»»»t»Tlr oo. bmxtrel frrf. tan, aro sj^Milin(r thlu ucvk with Wm. hool-hoLLue, his bid being 9115. the treca, snd it Is much smaller in more than a coat of tan. xtaowles, ox Tockabos. card«d for ttv Meet atodcra of ceive* the married woman's h«*ad "J d)i|xpai« at fctal/ prUm Be . . -•^ •* «br prx«>rty at Jobo H. XllUr, utruck Ibe curb in front of Mrx..Kl- down in on automobile by a VIIMDe "E*pohbean" say»: BwedUh exercises ha»o taken the >tll rvfuod Uw cocoer ta anany Miller and'wlfe. TKu voUrru appropriated for repair*, —Rev. Mr. Gasjmcr, of tho Seaf&en's t supposedly practical managers of Disdly Wsapoo*. drrs*. Tbe wedding feast follow*. l£U - *«ant. taken In «-i*rottaaa si rbe suJI \J mcr'u re&ldeftcv und wuu throu-n vio- C- than that upon the ana receiving Naval Commander, or Army CcpLain, —Ellsworth Soroarr* has purchased _ _pw s* sswpptas oooaw of conventional '"•"rThrn'™ -MX\ r. aJTlr»o«i, pJ a I r 11 ff aod li>^»r i^ij L» furniture and e-quipment $£3&4H, and OCEAN VIEW TB1FLE3. Mi hfl i Ofi. p^ 11 • i^* T fA 1 • ^ ip^f^rw^f iwga lot of tbe Barclay estat* oo tae the roads could save mitoirt millions • hko. smosig th* Russian pesxanu. .. tlU_»3jA>« V. IWU(U. UmUI. * Mrs. Samuel Suleiman, of Tuckahoe, the nitrate of soda. und a Police Sargvant. thua gttttnjj in Ahoot the only piece of apparatus left coasos. lently to the ground. Ilia t-pt-i-U ut with all branchjcii of tho Government the services in the tfplftcopal chores North corner of Tenih street and As- >*tVti««»a-h-nL They are not by datas Tbe Inter- Ia early days lbs wooden l> an occasion ox great mirth. DaUx] Joly II, l»li_ for current expen«a »41S4J»; the Peach growers in the southern sec- bis way. In the Sandhurst gymnasium U the !ian been here vl-''ltirig her tbe time of the mi»hup uu<« buch that at onc«- I guenji my cai*t iron reputa- —MIILH CLura Dcvaul bptnt thlii month. Rev. J. TT. uUliaoo. cf bory arena* at Ocean City, and will ~ with the dedafaa of the 8a- t^ fell into ships CTjipd tn tbe whaltBs Indus- The marriage age filed by th Haod. Any. total l>elntr rnuch leas than was raised Comserca padded horse. Parallel bars, rings, Twrsn-nvi cons Mr*. E. L Rice. he could not make the turn i^fi-ly; tion of tho state would find it very in- "nut, but at leant they ut Sea U\e City. Lho Layman's Misiion League, h max* extensive tmprovemeata. Ha Is Oswrt that they are eondoeting tTTa* a>rw€ mjuiml the railroad* to try tn soothem Bros pursaed only church la eighteen for boy* and six »l jtar. hurgv of tho Lutheran congregate havtng pians drawn for a two-story rtcht whales and sperm mhale*. or heaiy dumb-bells sad pulley exercise* Mm. German Corson, of South Sea- hence the accident. teresting to visit this orchard and let me lu**p oa up the caaut_ Tlie Umt —Many from thU plac« urv attead- bat pim>ueu to ap- atop all free service in "sporting" tc«j for girl*. Men roast not marry cmwconr of nxw JZSSCT. Tuenty-threc bide were received for Auspect tiury haa run down hud bo*Mi —At tho Walton and Locko cottage KM In Ing. 80x60. It U his porpoae to rnitnfs The so<*Jl<-d "flnner*."" h*»e bees sent away. Now the cs If you cannot coll st hi* store cut vilie, apent part of tbe week with her not« these results. The orchard Is lo- g camp meeting. the case to the Cere* of Errors, nfter eighty or women after sixty Ta Ura^l B»s««' the transportation of pupils to the leaving notcti on a g^atc po^t for his Mr. and Mrs. Walton wire the boats have a farmers' prodace errtanga oo for shippers and receivers. Now dels ara taught what U known In — —u - t —th~ o*wpnn coupo* utwn . anI[1B1dI rwttb .)Ui i] t' 'wit» h 2S It ia ovident that Mjmt-body uill cated on the ground* of the New Jer- —Th« life guard a returned to duty soxh as the bias »b»l<-. the Ursxst Two years' penance—exclusion from M*n. Wllltts Cornan. lady love. of Sunday, among the guests being the first floor and three apartment* thai hi jut aa wcO. far th» that the ruling haa been proven to be their slang aa monkey tricks, such cenU. and a 60 cent bo* of the specific By »lrtv*r .^ u have to be made an mnmple of ((>oor high bchool, and except in the csaxi of STilmit tn the world: tb« Boner whsie; ibe holy communion—Is the penalty sey Training School, at Vlneland, New **1 figured 11 wan u cai»o of waiting; Ut midnight Saturday. Allen Locke, Robert Magulre. Edwmru on the nfTifMl floor. wfll ba DO loop-hole left i aa walking'on lop of high snd narrow will b« wnt you by mail, charges Lawton Brait^ if you drop them a . where no automobile bid* expeazjsw. almost disastrous ex the mill Qsb whal^: and tb« bumf for a second marriage. fl»e years w«tk at Ocean City. > to have received the $30,000,000 has now come, for tb«* cooct-rn wbalo readers to obtain a popular remedy at brl.^r lbr T»«uty-Or»O4 4 flal y uff bibrpircubrb r Wanted. — Ten carpenters, brine lion during- the coming year, tha* giv- —Mr. und Mm. William Bonders, of sort m a year, so we will save yoa tbe " l« arrayed the poUie—cot feet of btrv*t corncrn. And t!n« rv- chard already thin scaaon, a few crate* itartcd a healLhy woy of living, which trouble. Silk factory. Yep. Local I promised by theorist Brandeis in hisBus 1* a DnHy Caslilcned cannon. tb» One reason why the pouter chest a tmull price. There are sixty doses orit. or IA dWaull tbrf d dr tool a. Levi We.ntxe.ll. Avalon. N. J. ing- the btudcnUi a longer time at — Ikm't forjret County Fair. SepU Bridgeton, are at their channel froot haa gone out of style Is tu menace to in every pacltage. and unlike ordinary will br rAaelooed chest Is A lifeboat man perished at Worth conHiipation and dyspepsia remedies, Tbr a^M Uli U D.lrd fc> Muin htrv<;t side of the CAZTTTC Llock shipped to New York July 2. Early —Milfard Candy, of Millville U and Mrs. Benham: Mis*e* Olets snd very igihstsntlsl New York concern the life oot of it- I year, if Us science was applied. The the doae in decrcaW afur the first MX* sJ«ro by >»| lu tbr AtaJua i biuttr. Mix Cinna New- few days. name., printed in black faced type be~ comb. Bridg«ton. and Miss Melntyre.. of Business will begin August loth. Tba plan aa it worked oot. r/T«r**1 additsoo- engine room of the whaler. The ren' Pneumonia aad other troubles. Men tempt of the. crew of the lifeboat nicb- flrtl day uX Ortobrr. Kloctrro buzkdrrd BAJ Williarnbtown for n wock-'u viuit with tho law, and will l»o rvmovi\l in tb** after which there will be a continual food memorifsi- Tbe other thrco arc concern will employ aboot fifty people •w*There is good pimpeei that the al •••"•• on railroads and on ship- rourtrro. upon » lu< or picev of cround inu tho hucceaaful onea: succession of varieties ripening until ^John MoiuvOD, of Philadelphia, It. derlng I* now done In a factory on on the march ara allowed to unbutton ard Coleman to reach the schooner •JtuaU ui h-,,o UUr Ueaeb. Mmi* tu»u- Rera. Sisc nnd family. Intercut of hafety antl comfort of those just outride of London at East Firxh begin with aad a large and rapid —The fumily of E. Qinton betweeu this notion and abore. or tn a spc-cial largtf vt-*s4-l their coat* and make themselie* com- Klngxmlll In distress. The craft -aas or CBoarw wmzaioLDaa or i Capr U>r emit, New Jmrf, brln« who uw the road it. Swainton 8 pupils:—Z. T. Kates, the middle of October. ,ey end I thall go there when I pel itin(; kin niftier, Mnu resae in capacity Ts expected. Lot Siiuairr u« lo block Number »o, a> The Security Trust Company Downan. EMI., of Philadelphia, is Summering be settled some tone Tbe "tap" line rulings are also be- moored (n the harbor. Ikaldes its* fortable, but smoking at such times launched tn record time. Some sol- at»T COUKTT, KIW JaXaXT. oo plao -lk-0- o/ Moor lUrU». SI.SO per day and aame ratio for each bark. The only good thine about our Tuckahoe ia a railroad junction point, adheres strictly to the established A rare treat in in btorv for the p»-o- in the Lohengrin. Sunday's guests in- ha]*bone. which no longer par* well U discouraged by the medical au- dier* lent a hand, several going ualst- la tbr aJerkV otDrr uf <^pr xUy uJJitlonal btudents. Dix Auto Co^ $3 training: »K tho old boy who lectures. —Mrtu John.Horton und two chil- only an hour from Chestnut street •ext three yean. It woold ing roe-flrl^ by the rounly. Nr« Jrrary. by lb» Suutb W) rules of safe banking. It BEAT HIM TO IT. IIo la on old Scotchnxan: the best firtit- cludu the bon, Carroll, graduate of • at an. and tbe oil. which Is graded thorities. The. deportment of the sol- dcep Into the water to get the life- PUBUC NOTICE. Krjll. IU«upony. ple of this county, in the uildrv«* to be dren, of Northnctd, urv vibiting wharf P*»M.>^f]pMa Something HWr. toasike any other gnesa. the Baistakee of the theorists develop duy. akl tloctor in England, and r. good friendri htrc. Harvard ami recently admitted to the 80 train* a day pass throoghand moet Into qualities as II comes from the dier oa parade has also bees made boat clear of tbe beach Tremendous And >uo ur, madr u uXrodiuit bmuw Mm. Frank Honna, Sr, Frank tfivcn the night of Auirui.1 11 ut Wild- Prom tbe Hridtrloa EVTTLIAS Sf>i Ear. and Mr. Frederick Prilchsrd. C in actual practice. M omo uU Uuls. 12 pupils:—Harry High. teacher. HU name in Cantlio end ho —Hurry Shaw, of Woodbury. hpent of them stop. There Is a wide-awake blubber, the fat or tui- tongns and kid- normal and natural tea*, such as Coxswain Marshall said OKUII) ,J (liipr VJ>. \™" Hunna. Jr^ wife and daughter, an at wood, by Dr. Anna Howard Sh-iw, •1-, tiunce of Mis* Gertrude, the only •""The asa who complains the past The "Poll Crew" laws, and many Ualrd July Isvb. l»li. (1M und 2i rentn. Dix Auto Co^, At the Panama-Pacific Internation- has written iho wjvernl Britisih Kcd few diiyu this wevk here with hi group of men op there, too, ond we neys, the flesh and bones and tbe he had never experienced before, ., .u. i. 1^,1,-, u| tjfjf lr%* IKt .. p^j-. 1X1 It CroaH Text Booka- The&e laat three Public Utility Commission rulings. I- V. l>. JOUMi tho Bcllevue with frrandpa Thompjvon. Prenldent of tho National A»»ociution und rutio. al Exposition, at San Francisco, brother, Frank. took for acme more progressive i •aswsastsaas Barer did anything for refuse, there remain tbe dri«-d flesh ftanlty and Insanity. caused tbe lifeboat to eapalxe. but >* TtxiiwaJ world. No voter, who wihhen lo in- Life Saving Service, wherein one ofwe«k. We four have been noticed aii ut Seu Idle City. trv&s. 1 ut a salute to Captain Mc- SOUTH 8XAVHXE SPICK. catBpenaatory effects to the public. fleah I* used to make whale-mfat meal, U public-spirited physician* f A little later tho lifeboat capslied will UVTJ your plant*—especially to- and 25 centH. Dix Auto Co-, Pi and o CHAfvCEBf Of MEW JMSTT. form himself aa to tho lhsu»> to bt- put the guard* acts the part of a drowning makinc a eood stretcher wjuxid, and in —Mrn- Albert Way nnd daughUr. Cinl.-y und Captain Wood, and thi •My it {a to spwk of thaThe great railroad companies had a nutritions and whoWome foodstuff New York. He ha* a theory of Iho again and the drenched crew/ were matoes. « ratio. that U larreiy fed to cattle From occo more thrown Into the water. before the men of New Jtroey to vote man and 1* rescued by bis comrudeii a letter* to Rufun Jones yesterday I Almu. wrestled with tho brcaltcra at boya ot the Coast Guard, from an old —C W. Porch was at Court Boose of Gad whan, as we think, #wa|p| j tKar passenger fare* should be we. aet forth In an Interview tho T. BLu***«« H. I Mra. Clarence Kknoln, of Coatcs- Burlclch and Rio Crande, 28 pupils: told him ho ought to &cnd over a Ford Seo Iule City Friday. friend und comrade in a on Tuesday. the remaining flesh and about a third This time one of the men. Jack Hur- upon October 19, can afford to mia* to the great enjoyment of thouiuuids a low, even unprofitable oth. r day. which merit* atu-ctlon. By «lrlur of an order ul thr villc. PIL, in apendingr a month here —Law too Bros-, $5 per day. and 20 ambulance—that would givo us the —A Larjrc number from here attend- ocean tug. inflicted of tha bones whale guano la made, and E-esa. failed to get hack. His body rorl. ,.f U»ul. ur» In th, *&**€*ry ut Sr. irrary. eoauc on thr day of onlookers. The rescues have been —Edward McAllister spent Wed- rate, to encourage and make possible ornell, when governor of New York. 1 JJ ul the datr brrru/. U» a CMa* »brrrtu with her parenui. Cupt. PhlL Sblclda the opportunity of bearinc Dr Shaw. cents'. Dix Auto Co., %R and ratio. best bort of work." ed tho circuit ut Sea I&lo City Monday —Frank Bond, ticket and freight nesday at Sea Isle City. from tbe bones alone bone meal. Tbe lUny <1 Yitvl^r u. C i>lr klin wss recovered by men on the> *hor^, A«aloa r.lry ftjilMtn* uod Loan AuucUUun realistic and thrilling and include the night. It wan rather damp. the greatest amount of travel. The made Doctor Smith commissioner In Y " Is ei«nplalnaot. auj >uu arr drfrodanl. and wife. Tbe lecture will bo in the hippodrome, David Scull, $7.10 end 25 cents. jvnt of the Terminal Railroad sta- —Miss Ada Gof orth, of Taoga, spent largest whaling business In tbo world oi UA Ui. Uxk «J. plan V. laaocy, telling him that many people who practiced artificial respiration IQ >ou arr rruuirrd Ut upprar. plr»d. araa>rr performance of resuscitating the "vie For regular action of tho bowels: tion, in leaving tho freight platform issioo theorixed that freight which hon room for 3500 people. Whiuboro, (by wagon.) 8 pupils:— —Mra, Anna Bray, of Camden, the week-end at Hltner's. MAN to now conducted In the Falkland H- Ueved person* were kept In asy-vain. Before the lifeboat could reach r» rrooi thai J^l,. .oj .fll trar la- ur demur V* tbr eixoplaioanla bill oa or Mrs. William McCoombs, 70 yearn, tim" of the sea. To moke It even easy, natural movements, relief of pent hart of lout week with Mm, Monday night madr a false rrtep and rates should not be allowed to make lands and their dependencies- Tbo her the schooner had been driven ul Hi, rut* ut Q«e prr orotuTO. Drr before Uvr T»n>ly-elrM day of Srptrmbrr 51. D. Stanford. $L25 und 25 centa. constipation, try Doan'b Regulcts. broke a leg. Dr. Douglass i* bopeful —Mis* Sarab Dclp, of Brldgetoo. Wm. U. H. HliLr* in Wm. lum* by their enemies when they raii. l.).U, senil-aiiiiuilly.^^^ "^ »r»t. or la default thrTTOf, aueti drerrr died on Sunday ct Mayville, und wo* more real, one of the rescuers will Frank Shaw und Mra. Frank Gandy. U visiting Miss AJwilda Barley. : up passenger department deficiencies, season begins In NOT ember, and lasts ashore. d J F. L. Handerbon. S1.40 and 25 centa. that uli will go well, and Mr. Bond • ISO. Lu4 ui Luad. brmefa were not really Insane, and chargim; Tb, T»,,,r>-o>r Tlwtt.nJ. Vi,r HunJrrd *» li^!!.Pf ' *f* !?* »°^ " ™» «i>aoe»ilor l.uriej on Wednesday In the M. E. AX ABOMINABLE NUISANCE. turn to the crowd and ask if anyone 25c at all utorea. lm —Wtn. C. .Lucaa and family, who and freight rates were enforced to the ttnti] the end of April, aad tbe aver- k u *EO<«.> lkJL l I snail think rrrk aa Lkrlawarr bay Doctor Smith to find out what there Will br Oalr.1 Tbr aald bill Is ittrrm axkj 3 raxl*. «>1U br twjablr |n |bl. ts** SJ«™ by hkriaard O. Sebrrl. t'rucu the slUWille. Dolly DIAS CHEEK . DAETS. pujit week, will upend the balance of tf Bt fa tho foDowintr i to It. The palrr-*sk1ng physician atsals Bsrahanst Painting. FaiUr. hi. »lfr. lo tha. A«aloo rirySu_ ranged plan a man steps forward and —MUa Mabel Blithe ha* her now —Dont forget Coanty Fair. Sept. The railroads, confronted with finan- million barrels: of guano. 8.375 tons. rt ui. tu haxaurl li. Via- liilr. afk) ^111 brur till .»„ ... r Charleu Tronsuo will leave on 8at- Brid^eton complains of too many August ut ePocono mountalnn. accordingly talked privately with 15- °*r p*r rrntunt. J>rr aaauin, payable arcal- and Loan Aaaoeiatlun- dated the UsbvcUh offers a bottle of cold tea, which is row boat, "Allah il Allah," at her0,10 and 11; a blue ribbon eventA-oVtf Snita.lsa7(>ro(AnlaB,is cial rain, cttexnpted to raise freight The Industry gives • -nployment to Lo*. so. Bl aoj U. plu ul boal-tum An oil painting by Sarah Bemhardt. day of r'rbruary. Hlorireti hundred and urday to vUit his parents at Stroudu- dog-a- Clear them out. Millville ha» —Mr**. Wm. Woodlin entertained a —Floyd Smith and family left Sat- about 3JU0 men.—Tooth's Companion 000 lunatic*, coming to the conclu- reported to be valued at several thou- • ourtrro- Upon a lut ur pare.1 of land sll- SOME PEACH TREE. fixed up to resemble tho conventional landing. Her guest* for the week- —Miss Margret Pieraon, of Booth •waiiwrrt-fartbeBsVaUkan confronted on every elul* IUM] cuttMSM lot* IKl^uloin*' Analrara. uab al Ataluo. w tntg MUr Braeh. la lbr. Lurg:; rV, where hia wifo has been for gotten rid of a hoat of the worthleys number of frienda on Thursday. urday for their home in Schcnectady, end were her parents, her brother, rate* bat y sion then, and holding It ever since. eands of dollars, was stolen from tho whiskey, and this U forced through N. Y., after a two xreeka' Vucation. Dennis, has been vUiting E. A. Grace HraJly Ij*. la C3>afir> M. A JT«H J l«o prr'cral. »U| be r^counly of IUiap», UM,»uy and .^ o» N»w Ut- a week past. I'rimi lu« C'.ape- May blur UkJ Wave. -_.—Dont forpet County Fair, Sept- Howard, and bia son; Mr. and Mr*. at the FaU priaurlea for that 90 per cent of them might a* ' ' of canlnea within tho past year, and % and family. hand by the scientific reformers who '<- KM. LuO tO. tO. W. »S. lobby of the. Punch and Judy theater iilrnl t.1 thr pu/rtu^r ur nurhum ot •rr. marard aod deslanatnl on tho lips of the "half-drowned" man. J, 10 and II; a blue ribbon evenU4-6,tf with hlu parents, Alexander Smith and McGlaughlen and their two dsaghters. _ a, Mr. South hu Us hat well be oat of asytnm* and sanatort- at New York. i f woJ lbr, land u< lbr Atalon M~cb UnprJJe For Sale.—216 acres gravel. Umber there- are yet a few which can be dis- "What la, perhapa the largest peach wife. —Mrs. Geo- Cuine is entertain captured the public with their 00. »T. US. m and 10O. Uurk J. \VIUa>uul •Tu^taw si; r Tur rv«v • y^"f»ny u* lots Koa. 31^1 and fi. bertion —Capt, Allan Dougla&H Wa» carting Mru. Blithe, tho mother, come* Friday its** Co stay, be saytvaad will llrisfeU. • as In them, tt somebody would u nnd farm land, near Petersburg. Ad- pensed with. But wo would like to tree In South Jemey, if not in the Captain John S. Clark, of tho Fort — Frank Shaw, burfman at Corbon'tj ber sisters, the theories. The canvas by the Wench actress rj^ir«iul«l by Ib. mjulmj d>pui •uiih for E. P. Hand the first of the to remain for u fortnignt- from BrUtcJ, Pa. M wCtffw campaign. Be is one The rottds thiTTe bfgBTp to try to only take, suitable care or them. Ho And yuu arr mad* • drreodasl Lnxi" dress "Advertiser" care GAZTTTT, get rid of a lot of tho worui than use- atate, btandu In tho yard of H. Walker Point Life Saving Station, which in Inlet for twenty-five years, has been M • •liaia W Hani WU had been presented to Charles Hop- roTi ton bold a oumryanrr and drrd (or said week. —A "loving cup, taking the form —Mrs. Charles Abrems and daugh- yr hart ejtoena. haa haw Mayo. evade bankroptcy by raising pauv- Tbr Buruufla ut il. Wlld»oud to xUry eared many merely by Interesting Una, owner of the theater, when he by . JOUXE. Matthew Jeffersun U moving hi* vice Benj. flail, retired- spending some time here. srtl-»wrLwy. t)({t tbo W3. kool iirmir. ooj S. W. half of that of a dog viewing a city scene. The S.«lU-llur uf C felinefl aro an abominable- nuluancc. U remarkable, not only for It* sUe,about acting the part of the victim, [a tho c.rcuu. man. by Mayor Rialoy, acting for the VmWV IIWilJ.ifc?fa?ewssthdto p began to converse with people mt il. luii, household effects to Sea I*le City and —A large jitney ran Into u ditch on —F. M. Hitner and family are en- lots «l asad <*3 Kreu*J a.nuir. block U7. artist oddly carried the dog's tall from 1 They am the enerty of blrulifc ond but for iU symmetrical growth and and the cold tea "stimulent" wecmii to —Stanford Vanaman on Friday "Reliance Boys" und other friends, on l*stwt»aiVBntotltt.iksrtw. The belled *—** the i*T"«W *'>f iMfrptiffnif are oatslde they told him stories rery will for the present make his home at the t.Ido of the Sea Isle boulevard tertaining a nomhex of old friends Tbr K«*-tti WtkSvoud Land Co. tu BrnJ tbe canvas to the frame. IS2 moved the crab th runner of Joa. Camp Monday night upon the completion of ' ~ .-» tor ate first, but aadet£D being crashed between UM upper IMrt. nta. Lots T» auid 31. block BJ. much stta to those that he had just South DennU. no good whatever. A little chloroform healthy appearance. Peach trees, as have) been no small part of their ob- early Sunday morning. The uteering the first rod of tho "Seaman original from PhUs/taiphla and Cape Hay. Many of tbe Punch and Judy pa- Judiciously uaed on tho kittens would a rule, do not last many years, but from tho Hommocka to Norbury •' knuckle broke, and the chauffeur lout and the nether atones. The entire 66 map oT N. WUJ>iul Lara] Co. heard from the presumed jection. As none volunteered to actLanding. cement bulkhead along the —Miss Nina QoJgley. of New 1 Urttry II. Ottroa to Aodrrw trons recall the fluffy dog. looking Wm. Frince and wife and Joseph soon remedy conditions very ma- thU ono ia at least twenty year* old the part, the Captain was compelled control of the machine. The auto en- front. Brunswick, has been entertained the of the ""Osier Times * coold Boston Herald. •—^Mru, S. J. Swinff accompanied by UL Lot 30*. bloom 1*7. map of very much like a muff, which adorned gine Wan buried beneath the mod, hut past week by Miss Florence Corson. Snyder, wife and daughter, of Ham- terially. und from its clean and thrifty ap- to have the men draw .cut* and take her granddaughter, Mra I tarry Kr- nobody was Injured. —The Alpha Tsu Sorority of the be taken op with epedfle icsolta of ra- Colrman V. Cursoo. abrrlff. iproprrty ul the wall near tbe box offlc* Girls High School, Philsda- guests fom taglslatian which has proved Florence MlsMlnoaVe statue. monton, spent Sunday here with Geo. pearance. It bids fair to live another turns on playing tha? part of drowning rickuon, returntxl to Vine land on Mon- Sauourl tL pliinatntnri rt aL> to aUestsaJcs "The Lady "With tbe Lamp." statoe Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Co. r'rlnce and wife on Hand avenue. decade or two. The trunk at the day for a few day a. tniti week of a member. Mis* Soe EAST CBEEK AMD EHXB.A. bg of its extreme A Laborrrs B. A I_ Aaaii. (JO0*. l«b 17 DHOW NED AT AVALON. SOUTH DENNIS DOTS. Smith, are Irene Toperxer, Msry Vall- of Florence Nightingale, has been mv bo&o in about ono food in diameter, —Me linden £ IIofTman completed fwrotntsonary chankcter. and 1*. block XGO. pUa 2. Pancakes Coostituts a Meal The success of the Security Trust So realistic ban the work been that rter, Ar*no p^wHon^ Anna Taupert, —Edgar Creamer is home for a vefled without ceremonial. In Water- RX which iu large for this kind of tree. the road between here and Goahoi 1 Everybody who reads knows about Pancakes rontain all the Ingredients Company adds largely to the pros- George E. Headman, forty-nine onlookers havo offered to help, and —Robert. Beatty and brother, of Lydiii Thompson. Clara Starkey anc week, rmrstng boils. Starr Kllxatarus Joors to Braslo J. Aso>rr. loo place. London. The statue stands necessary for a complete meal, says Eatahli*)vr«4 1873 Tho spread of the limbs U, by actual on Tuei>day and on Wednesday sever- Phlladu., spenl Sunday berc. Charlotte Stewurt- All. Including the tssapncalata of WhfiK Ing the high cost SCO. V. E, cruaftrr oa* luta SOS BAd 4*3. perity of the people of Cape May yearn old. 6M6 Master St, Phlluda., one day the "victim" won disgusted al of the tcaiDH moved the cam and —Twenty-six of our villagers west high on a red a^nd gray granite pedes- a British authority. Aside from Its measurement, forty feet, BO that the —Don't forget Coanty Fair. 8ept hostess, are students of the Normal to Seaville camp on Scmday. at Irrtag by certain reform legiaUOoa block Ii7. Srcmd avcesar. tal, and make* a pots Me and. an ap- coanty. Yoa ehoald patronize was drowned while bathing at Avalon to have a woman produce a bottle of track to Wildwood. SchooL food vaioe. the r—•"•«»* also contain* overhanging branches cover an area 0; 10 and 11; a blue ribbon event_8-6,tf —Dont forget Cormty Fair.'Sept. We are getting minions upon millions Cltr aw WUiwMal propriate addition to Waterloo place. DepotiU :..... $7,500,00000 last Thursday, and Ellwood Moore. ftlKng salts which she insisted on —John Matthis. wblle life guard a certain medicinal value In Its pro- The ice cream and ether delicacies of over 1256 square) feet Tho tree COSHEN GLEANINGS. —Thomas Miller, Sr-, and wifi 0.10 and II; a bine ribbon eveatB-flSf few income tax. Inheritance tax, in- Tb*y tj#lk uboot « Beadi BraJty. Co. to CUbrrt IL Baarr. Jly lu side, folly hsrrnnutting with It 1227 Princeton avenue, Camden, and using to help bring- him to. Several on tho beach through June and July, portion or lecithin, which Is Important served at Oeorge Springer^. - in the ban not a sign of disease, and the bpvnt Saturday with friend* In Caxu —Miss iida Goff. of FUladsw to war laxas, and other As ituHisb II had a limit; Lot a« IntcTsccuorj al SdMUlnsrr I general omlme. ts that of Sidney In digestive processes. Frank Frambes, proprietor of Prince- days ago, however^ something differ- den. had only one coll for help. But al- Is IM I pot oo cartli or sboro. avraur, rstrodias' B. E. Invites your business—have your Cizrrrr block, are the finest ever sup- ton Inn, Avalon, almost lost their branches aro hanging full of green —Don't forget County Fair, SepL most at tho last Mr. Mstthls recover- spending some time her* with friend*. bot we have . iffln. sbop or stor*. Herbert. Tbe effective backgrocmd ent happened and now the men are0,10 and 11; a blue ribbon —Carl McCorrolck, of Philada. # l i p arrrmv l«s* fert. plied here. Dont mistake the place-It live* trying to envu Mm. Tho body fruit, well on tho vray to maturity." bpent Saturday and Sunday bero with ed tho diamond cngngenigmt and tbe —Mra. Samoel Bishop is spendtag ye* to "** ' " * one beneficiary froo IIMI« aln'l ro r^'Hrs* any uorv W. J. A B. B. R. R. Co. lo CUy of Va'lld- both is the Crimean memorial. Tbe idle ino7icy earn interest. Keep a more willing; to do the stunt. A man —There will bo preaching in the plain gold wedding ring of the wife af some time at Seaville aad Cap* May. Wltboat a *«nu la It. hi* snother. the change wMea had laid heavy bar- ood. A portion ot UoUy Bca affllpt or portrayed his subject tn a Secret ef True Industry. The Coomb* TjTn>K«.. Co. of Wild- was recovered- Headman wan an elcc- ln the crowd, when stimulant* were Baptist church next Sundav night, Rev. Basil Steeryuk. of tbe IJtr-q- —Geo. Homer aad wife, af Woed- sympaihette, pose, standing In tbe vo- How pronuble I* tt for merf one cf —Mrs. Wm. Trcadway U with her on thrift. TffhOe we have been nundinal reucn mlddV of Cms* at checking account and rent a box for wood, will deliver free with oar Lum-trlcian and hod been working on a POST OFFICE BOBBED- called for. beat the regular actor to itAugust 7th, by Rev. J. E. E. Foleom. anian church, Philadelphia, for taeoory. apent Sunday with. Blchard THE WAY OF THE WOULD. rammoos skirt of tbe early Victorian us to be remindful, as we are remind- Job at Avalon for two wock*. He father, Somera Hkkmnn. for en ex- oson In tho Hockey cnalei. Creamer. the capitalist*, we have tba dty Horn to Norlli side of Twmry-aUIb ber Track anything ln the building with a bottle of the real stuff, aad tended visit. period, with the lamp borne In tbeed wben we make ourselves aware of your valuable papers. leaves a widow and nlno children. —Guests of Charles E. Clark and —Mrs. Samuel Errickaoo, of Potts, the whole people. It U the Tho uiXu of Ocean View post office when the "rescued" man tasted that _ _ . _ . -.--• ^—•— ™w •—^^».a" . — Weep, and you're called a baby, WUUI-ood Laud Co. to Edaral right hsnd- This statoe of ~Tbe Lady (he derivation of diligence from "dllt- 'inc. to any part of Cape May coun- —Mrs. Larry Peterson und family Ui of v Mating natural "joy-JulceM he came) to in a hurry. rra&a J. 4*brn«j luuWr. f^ib lLal p. U acotor wife at Burr cottage, the last benaa Laog*. and you're called a tool. sue. Lots 3> Bad 40. block S>. Ottroa Har- With the Lamp" I* the first public BO." to love, that the only secret or ty. was blown open Saturday night and ot \U~ Bna »r V. J. CL««x *> <""-. 4»'uro upending this Week at Scavillo on tho beach are Mr. and Mrs. Fislsr. Joan aad. !!SwifeS^^. s t Yield, and yooVe called a coward. Now all of the men ore anxious to ll»- Cliy *-f Tul^ku. Cuontr and curop (rrouna. bor Tract. statue of a woman m i^-frr] other true Industry Is love of that work!— For 8ahv-lttacres, 6 u Lam pa to the value of $438 tukm. Mr. Mssson, Miss Florence aad M«***" Stand, and you're called a mole. Tnwt Funds - . . . $9,150,00000 -SOME FIGHTER." take the part, in hope that such luck —Tho remain* of tho lato WUllam Gordon Fisler, all of Gcrmantowa. Smile, aod they call you silly, Mrtmnicr U. Taylor to Vlaetapd Trust than those of royal ladles. B. aTrencb. bouse, bam. trait and berries. Hear Tbo office is in tho ettore of Post- Co. Lot 5. Uock 47. will be repeated. Sheldon, of South Seaville, wen Tho Wednesday afternoon of taa Frown, and they'll call you KnnT, P. B. H. station. Bio Grand*. Apply •Squire Jerome Rush, of Ocean City, master Way, and entrance to the 'a Cataotk Cuj«. brought here oa Wednesday and In- ladles of the South End had their bs- tfavfact that thw death nte from eon- jr. CUEXEV. CD. Put on • front like-a millionaire. Cstr «f C*. Hay Send for booklets "Relating to Wills and 110 W. htaple avsnae. WDdwood. on Sunday night indicated that he iabaildtnc wu* gained by forcinir o rear Captain Clark Is a brother-in-law of terred In Union cemetery. •rinnlng at Mrs. Clark's next at Mis. j. h> tlua eoBBtry U steadily Wanted a DUoram. Colrman V. Carson, sheriff, pmouli of The man who la "below live teet In Kindred Subjects" and "Banking by Mail." N. jr. still in good fighting trim, by punch- door. Mrs. Emily W. Butler, of Walnut aot*crll>ej la ta —Mrs. Harvey Nickejrson went to McGorUe's aod this week with Mra. the death rate ••mlclick W. WotlT. « al. to SjdarJ- D.' young wife waa evidently height" may well be reckoned as being ing and knocking down a local char- street, this city, having married her A. V. OLCXBOM. Wildwood on Wednesday to visit her Watson at the corner of 100th ttapsrooehsa- When baby suffers with CocmiL flMS. Lot —«f^-t-g laods of buying her first turkey.- "Hho waa." Boats for Sale, cheap, us I have no eon, Harry, who recently undcrwen, 1 mg the -dlmlnutlvea.- The average v r acter, on a Shore Fast lino car. ln Impure blood runs you sister, who was Miss Ida lindsey, —St- Mary * bungalow this IT and sire Dr. Tbosu Dr. Bscd oolt aide of Broad street. said tbe dealer, "and abe waa greatly xutt for tHcrn, Bf**'* ti i 22-foot> loxxgi an operation for appendicitis. '.'tswsswMat 'wt jopalatton. bet hi height to around Of e feet six Inches. A Atlantic City, after the latter bad r,lr»« yoa an easy victim for dis-formerly of Brldgeton. has a boose party of frienda aad at once, ftal*) tot chfldreii. Clarissa A. Uucy. rt aL fa John H. CBrtst. attrprlted •**•» no book of tnstractsotia and one 18-feet long, with a S h.p. neighbors, and for tha first tine ta a toliSper k littllocoee s a lon» way. 28e aad GOc i ts tall* when be Is atx feet or went wtth tt~—Ixsalsmie Courier ease. For pare blood and eoand di- Lots 1 sod X. sccUoa U also ail (bat tract «aake and break Palmer engine. Boats made, what tbe "Squire termed, waa a Itching, ^y. protrwlinsj or really and truly baby, thraa me At •Ddra* " lm of land known as TV Ocvlae Tract." over. Coder five feet five be Is "short." Journal. . . efestlon—Burdock Blood Bitters. At Ia your'prtnted stationery getting blind pUes hare yielded to Dean's and engine in best condition. Uamice reflection regarding bis wife's portll- old. with the rest. The hoata and ell drag 'stores. Price tlJDO. lm low? Ointment. BOc at all stores. Ira guests are. E. PiigrtaaisT mad two Gandy, Court House. S Point Becord. m _ HOW PAS IB WIST CAPB MAtt IW" opporfauXij to do cut MAT PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS WILL realty wortliy thlag. Hmt ft* Va* Taa4 taa ata*f*»aai af tt» NotwtlnsUndlng his Ideals were stOl r-rM—'- o»a«« as. «*•****- PCMJCHOTiat. Strfctly a CoDDty ttoahakni UP »tlll croag to the belief Rslhtr ao inUrexting cass' has ndl Co. CONTEST rOR PRIZES. The Honorable that lor corporartoc. mbich was creat doslopsd In Wsat Csps May. ed by the law and could exist only ao near by. It Is wuU worth — NEWSPAPER sadrr tbe pruterttoo of UM taw. most bcti. Th* •tatrmmt Is CAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE MJSLABANTVlIsLE, N. J. THE A0UICVX.TCUA1. CONTEST. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS. of necessity be a Uw abiding entity. proof convincing: Md MMhrf»ct«rcr» of Artistic Senator It waa unfair to bold U raapocsSiiefo r KJcbael U. . lloltandOoIlsAd. 1S13S3 lt>s saal&it of the proitacta and la* Tho Second Annas! Ccetast the dlarrputabfc) potltlcal methods of Are, W«t Caps May, N. J, sari: award of prixs* for ths sscood aa- Houschoid Arts UDdar ths ajupac** those wboea tt could oner cocopletsiy -For almost a year, I waa afflicted Doal Cap* Ma/ eoa&ty r-iMk* th* Caps Maj County CooncU for ths too trot. with kidney trouble, brought on by « VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 29. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. AUGUST 13. 1915. WHOLB contact In mgricatttm will otcor at th* It was oo tbe day of 00*00*8 visit. heavy cold. I had pains In the small MEMORIALS ProooUoo of Hnaasfiold Arts, will Sagebrush of my back and at times waa unable as tt raanrrd. tbat Wocmt was glveo court balldtef. Cape Hay Court occur In connection with tha Annas] to sleep well, getting up In the morn- Uoam. U. J, oo UM flrsi Friday and MMtinjt of the Cap* May County Ms Oral opportunity of catertng UM ing tired and unrefreahed. Whenever William H. Bright MABBLS—GBANTTE—BBONZE Satorday In NonoUr, 191&. Br FRANCIS LYHDE wider Odd. -V letter from one of theI stooped or brought any strain oo the Boanl of AxTicultxu-«. oo Friday party chairmen In a rtlitsnt m'ntng T. HOLLY EEACH. N. J. Th* ruls* tutelar which the £Utunlay. November t4h and Clh. muscles of my back, sharp pate; town brooatit an totttabon of tbe darted throughout my body aad I *nn PEACB A FRIEND IN tarsi oontrst haa bean orzaalxed. are alad bo had b*eo waiting tor. lie often felt miserable, I wu also sob- NOTABT rtJBUC Eileen IMUJtylttsiiraflte S9ICU1.1V aa follows: All irlrU resident In Capo I aaxed to participate In a >olnt dehato >ect to headaches and dixxy spalls, 1. Coatr** la open to popils of UM at tbe rampolfn orirolng ta Uw town daring which my sight blurred. Dean's COafadSSIOnES OF DKESS placed ta enj part of cotmty. The Honorable county uod poplls La th* pohlic public schools of Cap* Hay county schools. or members of Hoot Coltxtrs to question, and bo was mo glad of the Kidney Pills gave me prompt raliaf NEED chance that be Lastanlty wired his ac- and I continued taking them until com- Special aHtmttoc ctr«s to SPECIAL TRAM brtvscn ti>» Clubs, not exceeding 21 ysars of i LESLIE S. LUDLAM of Un aad twenty (CwatbuM** fro*. 1st p*«*l ceptance. pletely cured. I have had no trouble Ersctirtj yaara. aro tUgiblc to enter thsss contests. aincc. ootr sod tb'O oo Ibe railroad tt sboot That cvroing at tbe cafe dinner at Heal Ettale, Conveyancing. Did It ever occar to roa tkal saiptss AJI kiwi, of 2- Enrollment can be mad* at any The cooUatanU will be divided Into Price WeMe,, at ilalll dealersoeawrs. Doouooti work tn all Its branches Prom Ocean City, Stone Harbor all Ibej look for." the Utrr-Mountstn be fouod bis falhet raralaca. steadXljr saved, eeald be rest- Senator tim* by applying to any Uacbcr or to two classes as follows: waltlag tar him aad ta a burst < simply ask for a kidney remedy—««* the oAca of Ux County SapcrinUsd- "flut Too «-an i civc tb«m that co- Fir© Insnrtftnoe »fried Into a *frir«d la t*ec«I7>* Work Clou I, to consist of (iris 12 years 1 ronOdroce (old blta of tbe tartHtVm. Doan'i Kidney Pills—the same that Aftmt far cnt of Scboola, Cape Hay county. N. J. der ibo IntmMflt* commerce lav. " pro- Ur. Holland had. foster-Hilburn Co-, la Aay Part of Cape Mar Cesctv. and Intermediate Stations to of age, or leas. trttrO tbe purut. Thai's good." was tbe acnator's PLATE GLAB3 DT& CO. By {Oatlas odd daUara la a Batiajs 3. Each crop most be developed Propa . Buffalo, N. V. adv At OaV* *m kUJ. HUM Ott Claxa II, to cooaixt of (iris tmr 12 •XM outside of to* ststr. of coarse. e*eo tooed naoMst "Oivesyoos; lit- CHEWS fT" - BLANIfl Aecoaat berr. they will derclee) Islo a eirlnjlrtljr by each cooUxtant and toe 'ALALL and jre.irs of age. UoI Iniklc <>f Ibe slate booadaries It's tle cbaore to aolne tbe way yoo can ; Sagebrush CAPE BJAY COOBT Houac. N. J.sjritanllil son tKat win prove UM In.t exhibit miut bo a prodoct of hia or oar own t»axlacs*.~ aolo* beat, doesn't II f Then. Thai p«ct Oak* es> Sotrla Mats Strsst, ta ParUcolar stiraUco alren Is Briefs of C Uxx* b«r own labor. THE BAKING CONTESTS. ~Too Drio It wss oar o«rs basi. was ooe of tbe *M"r» McVkkar want- Tllle. branbea, tic n. y worth la emerrcocj. •toe* of fl-n- 4. Entry may be made for ooo of In each class, prixes will bo award' ts* previous to ibo passsx* ox tb* ed you for. wasn't tit*" THE GA2ETTC BLOCK AbaoJale tafcty ta afforded a By cd as follows: state rate lav tno Tears oxo,** cor* tabsd work tho following farm coctcxia: -Why. yea. tit Intimated thai then CAPE MAY COOBT Hocsa. N. J. Satlnfs earn lsUrret at the rate at A. Com Coctrtt J00 HUU. rortnl tlVuat. mlgbt bo ^>«^ public cpeakt&g,' ad- M- G- HAND BRAND DEDICATION I and oar fa Beat Loaf of Bread. J',. ceea[»xir>fted aaanaUjr. At say FRANCIS LYNDE eillUss for B. PoUto Cootcxt. .1 Pk. of Seed. 1st Prixe. »l 00 2d Prix*. 75 mil "11 U our otto business lo tuls cool tnttnO lbs youncvr man. DENTIST i}—la cGcct. Tost port of itw law -Weil, wbat all are voo gutag to txil time we -IU fladlv diacscss the ad- (,;•• mana/actar- C Sweet Potato CocUst UUTtfOI T. GAJ0tO50N 3d prixe. GO cents. these Opblr fellows wbrn you get over OWTICM •ocxai lac It: or If 100 Planta. ba* be*u a <-ompictp dead letter froca \UahlUl7 of OfieaiAC a Savlaja Ac- tsta b7 Sens* • Class L tbe uay (1M* futrfrooe alxTMts It- Whv. Ibrrr. moat" asaxd tbe. veteran quls- 1 b> U a. to. I lot •*.i- daslrsd oar D. Onion Coateat-... 1 ox.-of Seed. cocust In thia inxtiloUoo. y. Best half doxea biscuit. Urcs TOUT Innocent bean. Evaa. tb* slcallx. "Going to offer 'era all free Practical Watchmaker OOn al midenc* oa M«iuaiiic rsprsasnta- It. No roototant may cnUr more posers anywhere tbry want to go if G. Best Loaf Case. lery corn woo srewd lbs loodest six) tin will cmll than ooe cltu during the y«ar. toted in* most spitefully for tt cam* tbry'll promiso to vole for lbs railroad Promjst aad caxaftJ attmttan (lrea "It's a rrbali. ruto east and vest from NEW AVALON CASINO! oo yoo mad & BulUUru detailing racthoda of H. Beit half doxeo Hard Cakes. la me for ihelr rv4arn ttefceta bom* at cnndklale»!-- to the repair of sA of our (ui tv mill*, nod It was clicn •bow yoa t±» rultiratioo will be lupplted to all coo- tbo cod of tbe araxloo- - Of cours* w ~Xo4 tbta jcar," waa tbo laachtng JONES a HAND as two jcar.1 nco. a row days before Class IL f ittfta, OsCia, etntrj, Spccttdn alert loo.- Boardwalk and 17th Street, Avakm, N. J. Itlut ds- tcxtanU aa {MI aJ pn»«'Mt nn Ibe Mur of the law. It «aj* irpjy. "As I told jou a week or so ur nnn OKOT CKIT. F. Beat h«*f doxen M"ff A foil Uos cf Watches and Clocks si- 7. Cub conUatant U required to that no free |iasacs* shall b* given. oc» ne'io stopped all that." Profcttional Piano Tuner "Aod ItM) ciinsMcrjUoar* soo asked. G. IlcU Layer Cake. way oo hand keep a record of tie product grown, We didn't Iwit i»un We merely "UtrVlckar bos told jou It waa stop- CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. FirstNational Bank icxAlUi.- op ijukkly. Bmsrital art. H. But Jar of Fruit or Glass tbem tickets oot of tbe case and "Vou knoa Ibat. too, Mrs. HIOUOL SATURDAY, AUGUST 14th, 7.30 P. M, ahowing tto* of planting, fertiliser ped T I niaa* a KprciAltT ct d Jelly. ebarsvd tbeo up to "expense.*" GAZETTE BLOCK ldlaa It was Ibo uulu^luK of tho solid em- oaed. unoost of raltHratiao and UM Tbe newtj fiedfrd pollticsl raanagrr ra n .le of maturity. Thia report U to ac- Prixes for Each irird to be atrictly Irothfal- ttanulartl Biak* Ukry tn+y pnttr. me sVk- Goolrr. ti'a ihst same child- -I bate bad but ooe Interview wltb CAT* BUT C0TJXT B0CIS. K. X. tP»m rkaava IC Buielis. tCaatiiattJ] btr romp "iy occf ta tbft rmllroed company the exhibit and thoold be First. 75 cents; Second. 60 cents. , «1 OV win of *<*La V. • - - Etj, B. X txb walnptac uf tbe- devil aroood the Ur. XlcVkkar. but la tbat be gave tlcket- -EXHIBITION OF ~B1G~FEATURE FILMS— carefully coopoard and written. In both Clau I and Claas II I sfnmp by ibe- corevratioa. an upe- rtsfets aa4d t\£ LJ "And yoa wish 10 make tho umoir to uo tt _ Williama. Pathe Newo-Current Events in Motion Picturca. "Colonel HMS* Lfatx la ttM IW O» BUT Oamtr Counsellor ai Law -Exactly. Wo'vo get to bato that ProclacU will be Judged apon: 1. Most bo baked In slngto pans. tbat very tblng that baa stirred cmphdlk-allx." nta day at Kii, » r» TUS nHniicn prefi-Tvntlal roto or go oat of bosj. Wildcrneaa"—Animated Bray Cartoon. "Stranjro Anhn*la"—An Interesting Edocstiooa) . DIC NOT FEAR FOR KINNJURD turtiabi* aod rrbrmnl Lolo 1. Greateat Yield. 2. Cruxl muxt be shout V» ln> tbe wbole natloo cp to *^* onrrasoQ' Tbe scaator'a amlle was oot oertslva rcart. Oas*«ai* Cacrt Ceaiaitai^aatv UB Wmiturrfonls. mllllsaatn (nCoIoru. FOLLO\V1NG THE MOTION PICTURES able CUtit acainxt corporal* capital age bends your form, colo>c pec[de ami ao newly rich 2. Bert Showiag of Profit. thick. It nai a*Tvly lenlcaL I Ms Canva Hams With llroksa L*s jaiar. A- D. ttu. * u u "Wltli arrkjm did }t>o mako tho coo- l ir Doot joo see ltl~ K. C HUXiat-TlI CATE MAY CODBT HOOSE. N. J. ttuil Itio crisp bank oates fair- 3. Character of Prodact. 3. Bread mint have a natty flavor. '^at oa 'em c°od and bard, dlil your tt Would B* Oonwbody Etss's. when your hands tremble tract tuu }i-jn acuV^ H Has Been Proved G&Qtry ahrocETd bis sbooioVrs. T ly cnukkO mlit-a Urs. Weatb- THE DEDICATION BALL ^i5 V * •*. Eitty. treatiiig of 4- Bread must crumb easily. That's rtcht. soa. Neter bo afraid to Said Friend to His Wtfs. War r,o>cr« IVaaar. Si. J. 1 -With Sir. JJcVkkar. verbally. Of "I guru I take tbe liae of tbe least say wtui joo mean nod to say tt iatw xsu>. A. a. iru. ; iid aprst tbem. kept their lackered ccurw ILcrx> uua uotblu£ put tluwn la Initial Demonstration of the Wonderful Varicolored liffhtinir System—Haodreds of perfect eyeo will c&aar (a> Work done, 6. Bread must be mad* and baked and your eyesight is getting un- resl«aooe-^-Uxe tbe minority of tbem." atralctiL Dou'l furcrt tbat when •ad tlvertr**. atate In a eastle-tUo booao black or wlilu'. but Ibo railroad folks Electric Lamps will, by unc of Dimmora. be thrown upon tho Dancers In Siajrto Tints or to yoor eyoa. Are they perfect T by tho contestant without any Lord Ktnnaird. vbo ha* altcava bees iu>.rtc Now) Aboat (b) Plan opoo which the prod- tbo colorless reply. **Wbra tt yoo're maklaff jour ai^peol to tbe Jrf ORGAN HAND Ursa rtrcle. Ine mosl eipeaslce U cod tuelr |orT. aod wo did ours.- Combiaationa of Coloro, thua aimulating- Soft Moonlignt. tbo Buxtact Glow. Bngnt Banahtoe, Yoo dant know? We CM tell aimtancc- frocn any other source, and noted for hi* many charitable enter- certain, it's a great consolation to uct wa_n raiaed. coffirs to practical potUlrs**— bornj batkled ktiu of toll over at -A £L-otlcmvn'a acTcccuect.- who prUea. I* now octltclj Interesting hlcn- Attorney and Counsellor •ot tbo moat arUtocrailc oo the Rainbow and other Beautiful Color Combinationfl seen In Nature (c> Financial record of the «n- each loaf offered In the competition ~Ooo'l uj "practical politic** to me. Opblr. <]!<<• 'cm strnlsbt facta and taormuraL **Vou bavu tried iir. Uc- self In a fund to provide comforts ai Law go and draw oat a big stun of fare of tu» capital city. Dancing under direction of C. Ellwood Carpenter; J. Nolaoo FBTTCH. floor manager. terprlM. for prixes muxt be ccc-ompanied by a Dick." rupcu tbe reformer. -We've Lock np tbo facts wllh Qiurcs—If joo Vkkar oeatny M'WIAyL HATrill».VY KVKMSti TUAISK :—Lostir Ocean CUj B.iS, Conoo's Islet 7:08, fls* for members of the. Roral Naval Air 'oeil. Ibe fatber, eon) oo llsrbor ( One hundred poinU will be the statement ox nicely written and easa- goc tbe sjrooctmt argnme&t ta the bappco to bate Ibe- Qfurt^. Wben do . S d«T at July. •*fi*j>tu1. IJcCily 7;^O. ]>>rvit<> Aw. 7i:l, To>rt*«ad's Inl>-t 7:2)1, aad arrlvs AvaJoo 7:SD. LetTS Btpon 4 *IIT4kMt. service and the Boval Fljlng corps. crrteio nmtm «&mla thm money that you've been piling up by Un UXlUcrtord. bad [w"*Vii* os- "Yea. IIu rcfcm.oan£cr dajs Lord Klanaird tutary plratlocs polotinf toward a lion a> follows: aa unfair uof, needing mouiAcstloo . -Toolfibt at OJa I cant c»t tbero t M. J U crmrrJstmnI. * "I couldn't c*t blm to say anything inUruH.iiiU- puUiU unit Ikon City 11M> A. M Losrs Avxioo 11:00, arrtTsfltooo J jodrea. at ths exhibits, said points to vas an cntouBiastlc smateor football- UMOJ. rtuirt «!. an CAPE MAY COUBT HOU&E. N. J. a little at a time through life. Btales scnxtonhlp, ibo cioctkn to b* awarded as follows: — 1. Recipe for the bread. or repeat We mastnt anoU tbat srgu. In time If I "alt far tbo cnomlnf eipo»s lo sale a4 PB&UC «. whico uould fail wUMa tho daty ol with aay new la IL Tbo most I Ui ligk 81.. lillvilk V J. raect by beroming lawbreasers ocr- train." Tbeu. dtamUalog tbo political er. He had tbo rctrataiioo of being 1. Greatest yfald 30 Points 'i. Time left to riac MOXTXAT. AUGUST S. Itll. tbe next Irglslotano- COT 1.1 git oat of blai was that I would SUNDAY, AUGUST 15lh, 3 and 7.30 P.M. elves and deaceodlsg to tb* methods topic abraptlj. "Wbat do joo bear very spirited player, apropos of m to* boors at ?*•«!** sod Sir o' bate to BA-O tbo boes." 2. Brat Profit 20 Points 3. Time kneaded, either by hand which fact an amaalng •tory la told. to «lt. at atm e*ciocli l tl n Tb« mine owner himself wooid wlli- Sacred Concert and tho Magnificent • f tbe croftm and tbe mac bin© poli- from rrofeesor Annersr" d day. at ta» &krrura oa«. ta c -And Instead of doing that yoa we-3j or machine. CHARLES A. BONNELL igly b*<« dodsvd. bat tbo smtJtines 3. CharactiT of exhibit.35 Points tician* ibe country ovrr. If yoo bare "Ob. IM-'J bavlng tba time of bis life One fc> see tba snutorV* sbo asked. 4. Essay 15 Points 4. Time required to bake. beeo aeodlAE these pie eaters to me, Ing a friend that sho feared her hos- Counsellor at Law. wlfo ICJ lj^exoenbic Tbcro wero two BIBLICAL PEODUCTION "E8THEE" I got him a state permit and scrapped AU Oil rrrtaJa tr»rt or at UaJ grown «l*a£liiers and a growing soo. *\>"bo else voald Gantry mean by 5. Number, age and address of doo't dn It SAJ more. I have no us* mm op a Luncb oT pick aod above! bxnd «ou!d meet wltb an accident iv »Ujsa«#. tyia# ud bcio« ta A Great Feature Film Play adapted from tho Beautiful Old Testament Story. U U« ti aad ScOdlor la and tt au for tbnw that Mrs. Weatb- Ibo bouT"* demanded tha beCogssd 100 PoinU contestant. for I beta, and Ibey vcat have any whllo plating hi* favorite earns. of Ttacaabor. IA Qw cocmiy at C mro. and be Is dlfslng oat tbose foftsli my. boimdml tadd * tarn* tei fc>C M <}m tor's wtfo bad driven ber gocat thirty son." abo vcntuml, tnpnlng a very hroken let- d ia Quarried"—Another EducationaL Com rsianl la Potato*, ralanl the excellence of the statement. In aald Gantry. da's lover. en miles Ihrooab tbo dost of tbo sign- pretly cbock with tbe folded fan. XirTK— S'H j.r.«x.l»o(ih~L. cU>'» |«riuruiajuA» L> l» nr»tnleJ lor UnproTeJ Llie Boats aatl LUe-elsHns; 290 Rills I ram 1 pi. of Seed natlnc from ttds little heart lo brart That may be.~ ana« ered ber friend Uke Ufxl> at Arm» UUWU. u>d b CAPI; MAY COTJHT HOUSE. N. J. N^nttbttbit peTiman'Mp, spelling and com position; "X.abouldo'c woniier If sbo was bav- py tua troct bott drrvro do«u la CW brc*b btlLa. «o* oao of tho moves to "iiato you boca Lcavlag Hvan Dloant lJ|ui|^iH nt U>r A\SIIUI'M l«&Uiln^ l»-julu-r. talk wltb tbe tra&c managrr. Biooat lib a smile; * but jou may be certain tr Ua« of aaid rc*iiv«yi tbrtho lit F0U£ST F. D1TBJCH, F1r»l $10 Flrat (10 a total of 100 points. Log tbv tiine of ber Ufo too. I're giv- lira. WrottK-rtorUa prttato campsIgn oot Ui all of tblsr" Is Yiur Money Safe? t> to rarrr oot the new policy— that It will bo somebody else's Ugt' • ksv« t±xi erstrr tin at Q> t» *~l dlda't knotv wbero to pat him In. Third... Tbe contestant* In items F, O. and "tbe Marvittoa poUry,*" as tt soon cams SHARPLESS 4 WAY —MONDAY, AUGUST 16— Third.. 3 ber OBO wbllo abo la oat here, and abe of BUT. oljartors todnd »Jvl boci»o s rortoUAly ex&ortrd throng of Tbat'B tttiat brln^v mo bere toirUghL Security is what you wish for your Fourth. . Fourth. H- in both classes muxt accompany th ttiirteittit a cW«rr«W * « d rtt Xaval K. Way—*4m*r* a. B*aj»i—.) bo kOOTrn anvwij I^Q^ WOuld DO and UuoorlLi co careering around tba " Home Good Sport Spelled. Writ. oo« twmdral »d Om 7 tb* hidden oaa worxed Ua way ss ttw Tbo senator or Mr. ilcVlctor or both Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert. 2 to 4 P. M. Filth... Fifth... each exhibit with statement, written < to * beocamen- Tbe result was xkoc slto- country, brt-asiaf tbe speed limit ev- Aa Irlabmaa was oat gaaniaf for w at Cb* tuats of VWUiiun <•- LAW OFPIOKS ^sra and crusb permitted. cf ibem lo^cttur bato act tho whole FEATURE FILMS -1 and 8 P. M.—Maurice Costelk) in tho 6-Act Play savings. We offer it and invite your full- and composed aa nicely as ducks »UQ a frtcad. who noticed that U ouW ty ori runalaff aroand In circles with of ibe *^-*** grafters were oo although Mike aimed bis gun several M est investigation as to our reliability, bus- CLAHS C containing recipe, description of pro- Ten gUid jou ore gtrLag ber a good WILDW0OD. N. J. *a LJfe Ijmix Wclfarr. ruUrc &f Wealberfaril rlcbes that the glass and tola aptHjlntObcut of jotLBg lUnont CLASS D the pajroll* of tbe railroad cocopanj. limes be did Dot shoot It off. At last "MR. BABNES OP NEW YOBK cess and other Information, together time" said Evan, and be looked glad. CAPE MAY a H, N. J. tron grt>ctil>oa»e. boilt oot aa an cxtco- Bomo bjy It'o a deal between tho scna- Hatrrt Potato** Osiosts rsiard ho said: "Mike. «by dldnt jou-sooot iness methods and facilities. Ira 1*0 H1U. with number, age and address of the and IlUxjnt Ounieo. UH. Wtklwood. S7A. •ailed -Ibo berbariom.** It was a ro- llalf of tho prcfrxakwal spell Deposits by mail will be promptly —that ibejr «en merely rwwntn»| em- Eftio wltb ibem. I have seen nln-MKrt ta froat of you!" fc> ej>* tsods of s*Jkd Koaij n*r rn ore walking In their alccp over Herocd 5 Second 6 school to which she belongs. il «iaoa«« UM tlo* of uu» Uxxto prodacUca oa a generous seals cf civen a payroll stxodlas so T^^Mng of tbctn since they camo west. -Ol kiiow." said Ulkc. "but every Coart Hoase. £9. acknowledged. Third 3 Third 3 SO points will bo the . >IU<« b al«l o tthh* ttvlarl a B O tropical garden. It rt£nt tu>cr. I thought maybo yoo —TUESDAY, AUGUST 17— Fourth 2 Fourth 2 bat tnerv rnlgbt be an exrose for glv- I abouid tblnk Urs. Blooot rxj£bt bring lime Ol aimed mo gun at a dock an- Use. 2>oatfe tUrtnri dtfmt aad Coty- coakl Icll me. Mrs. Blount.- quality of exhibit, 10 points upoo the -Lsbt lt hX f ** *-*.—44 aaj Cuim The senator's party of three was Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert, 2 o'clock P. M. DANSANT 8 to 11, under the Write us about opening-an account. Fifth 1 Fifth 1 tbi'cn free tranxportatloo ar|3 a re- Patricia down to tbe city ooce la other >ia corns right between cx-~ i t J| NEWELL HEULINGS fashionably late at tbo function In -l cxin't Icll joa anything that woold excellence of bUUmcnl; o total of 100 ta < fo UM Uada of AxaJ» direction of C. Ellwood Carpenter. J. Nelson Farrell. Instructor. tainer la tbe form of wage*. If need- •wblle." taror* (<> •iooa aim easier lia* of Mesa circle, bot tn tbo crush filling help tbo pcofklo wbo oro walking In points. U« rear* »hkfa U Of iirUiaa Ua> of Oat Attorney at Law YOUR FINANCIAL fat "Ferhaps tbe young woman doetm't Prepared. Uada of Aj^a WUlrd Booth •rmb-ill .- sho returned, "bat I SPECIAL PHIZES. All cxhiblu are to be marked with wad to come," taoxbed the senator. d 0i» mtmztn Wot l»»btairf S09 Eighth Street might oaVr a nugci-stlon In yoar per- .,. In. many ctLses the rsmi&cstlo&s of rllc—It looks like love at first tdght d lOa fe»t la U>e be- PARTNK ess and ber long lino of receiving as- —WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18—Children's Day— Security Trust Company In luldition to the cosh prixe*, the numbers or other devices, which will tbe petty craft were exasperatlBgly "Too told coo joo hadn't got her tag. with him 1-1-15 OCEAN CITY. N. J. sistant* trero still oa daty. sonal affair. Mr. Ulount Is joar run." Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert 2 to 4 P. M.. and Special Juvenile Films 4aad8P. M. following special prixes will be award- be supplied by tl*e committee in tatrlcate. For example, ooe Tbosias Boa. aad I*m be£lnnla£ to believe If Beuluh—Oh, be loved her before ha The Millville Having eotccttsfuily paused tbo lino Ilatbaway punxxl bis thin lips and HANL0N BROTHERS in the Wonderful Extravaasnia ed: charge, before the day of the -~f.|'"g Qryson. wbo was oo tba payrolls as What bos abo goc -gVPTf you, any- saw her. or lew. aad wtth her boab&nd and Patricia, llttlo ottnr JOHN S. DOUGLASS, M. D. Mrs. EUount looked aboat ber. saw "NothlAC save that I don't fit Into Her lu[>£h waa a alltery peal of do- OCEAN CITV. appear. Tho purpose of this U to cmanrtid free tranaportotlaa across "No. It's not. lie had read about -trUtopbo- E. H^oJ as3 LJiUo U. Itud, Ocean City Title & Trus Mr. nicbarU Gantry. siEnaled to him FANTASMA tbe state for elfbt members of his ber scheme for ber lifo work. td» «Ur. tr V.'tlU»m toalgbr, son. Honorla pbo&ed xae "In Bradstrwt a." I*f« (a* a. m. pended upon O3 a financial a way tbrotiab tbo crowded rooms, was IlatbiiwayT* sho mockod. In tho f =wcst hill*. cutmtr at .•. PAYS INTISEST ON Comic Detective Play. 'The Intelligence of Apes" A Remarkable Educational. "How Hprcial Prixrs. Bgore of speech; that ths rela- • tittle spell aco that sbs aad Fatrida «u l^tr. r.7. *c IIt t. » a. aw presently l*«t to al£ht—at least from -1 Uutu nluays found It tho cheapest First prixe, $10-00 In gold.—For the would be driving down after covipiaiixttct. aal like eyes never lost sight of brr. ineloding embroidery, crocheting or lag agala."—Kansas City Journal. all klneLt of u crunk." • «f Uta rjrs treated, sad $3X0 to the second prixe In each C1B> -: crondT He Is going to make to both of Vmr" be. asked, wltb tba T. Vnttrman and taary VUslaU us. Wben hi* coarry stopped, as sho did FRIDAY, AUGUST 2O— *i00 to the third; and 11-00 to 0.- knitting. •*•« Ul man ar« dcfcxadaAla. I shall npuf to (>TIS M. TOWNSEND Bertifloatss of Depoait frequently, to chat wltb ono or nn- -r mind what you havo beard. trouble for as if yoo don't.** qntnVal mnlUi wblcts Evan was learn- ••W at riMhr • imini, oo Roller Skating and Orchestra Concert. 2 o'clock P. M. fourth prize In each class; to be gives A POOR 8PCCIMEH. Three Per Cent. Interest Paid otber of ibo erucau tho man with the Till blm all luc fuels and ask him to Kprrial Trochy. Bloont was lastly indignant. *^Gry- ing to expect. •aONTJAT. aJJCCBT S. Ull. Registered Architect FEATURE FILMS. 4 and 8 P. M.—Edwin Abelesin the famous • BE.\RJNO INTEWXT eager eyes circled ncrvocaly nnd ooeo help JWI. uml. for mercy's sake, don't in tho fora of a bank book resHstcring- soo U on yoar payroU." be retorted. "Xes. to both of them. If you like, bean at twxtr* and ft** on Time Deposits A special trophy will be awarded to P. m- lo wtt. at on oMocx k> Tv«3 X8S. THE HEWING CONTESTS. In Block Z. oo a plaa ol lot* of ti» Oc~ G. O. LANGE drifted, still with a hand on Gantry's ~ — SATURDAY, AUGUST 21— tng of passes to employees traveling Evan . Bluaat's train bad steamed B. POWELL CASE MAY COUBT HOUSE. N. J. (Jljr bardena Coomr. Enuka3 -fUo No. arm. In aruona tbo palm and bnrtnnn THE EXHIBITS. The first prixe in each item of sew- en company baslaess only. Wo can and eicrf ADSUSL ISSX, lo U» offit. at Lunl Boad. distant Krriutjr^oc Flowers, Bhreho and Trees. Cut Flow- Straw-ride Party and Best-decorated Straw-ride Wagon or Truck. #Bote sad Cttcfcto Waffle Dinners. Came in Seaaoa. All Work exhibited must be the ter-Mountain and tbetporter wbo bad koutbcastwiudlv rrom th« «a«trrtv cor- em (or all ocrsziarta, lie)l Phone 37—2. was dianiipearlnE lo tbo direction of a reputable neighbor that said « product of the work of the contestant put Bloom's hand bas'loto Ibe toxlcab at Wokr Bead and said Usnl Road. IM« CEMENT WALKS NOTE.— This will be the only moonlight Saturday night in August, and all of the "Xetther can V BJoont «Ucx5«l In Ua dHldio* the refmbrurnt tables, and tho llttlo Spadal Ssnday Dinners from ou to two. bibit has been produced exclusively by whom It b offered. *Xet U be ooderstood. ooce for an. Ur. opened ibe loancau door for two ladles CONCRHTTE FOUNDATIONS lady was noyluir. "Dear me. Mr. Ilatn- superb shore roads of South Jersey lead directly to the Casino. Enjoy the ORCHESTRA by his or her own labor and skiU. AUTO PASTIES AND CUNNEKS CATEBED TO Th«i quality of thi material will not Beotlry. tbat I am not the scapegoat la muffling dust coata«and heavy vella. Lmdtns l^kr^ttkefdatene* of on* bvavxred W. W. BEYER care tuT court nous*. N. i T.i Combixtui Mstu] awoy. you nltuost startled mer* CONCERT. ROLLER SKATING and ROOF GARDENS, in the afternoon, and stay for Sold basket must be marked with the affect the award. for all tbe otber department*. I Lars Tbe seuator met tae-two late travel. frt to a point tn tha mrlb of tot «4: "Did IT" uU tbo lumber king ralber uw Ci«U ui CttstrocHo number, letter or other symbol, which A statement, as nicely written and cut tt off abort. I am Dot ^ iFii'mrrvd- rrs la tbe vcstibaie. and while, the grimly, aa If hu mrant tbe qoery to bo THE PICTURESQUE BARN DANCE three werv waiting for aa elevator a will be assigned to him by the com-composed, a* poulble. describing tng posses for anybody.** « and xisTtbe dla£aeao7 thlrtT- npolo£ctu*. *'I nm sorry. » didn't tspid Ore of tow toorjd qoestloa and f««t and tao huiMilvd and Iwuri^w ~ in the Grand Ball Room. 8 to II. Full details later. Watch your local papers. mittee. work done, material uncd nnd contain- "Bat. suffering Scott, Mr. Flrnint. tnoosandtla ct a foot *o m Dalai In U» DR. S. K COBIiE mean lo. but Mrs. Gordon said I we've simply got to tsks care of Tom s&swer passed between basbanu and Jvldln* Una brim lots BTU3 ISO. In BHIDGETON. N. i. woald Dad J<>u bere, and so I took tno J1T.NKV KKKVK'K—T<> CiifliuiliuiMin); (mm any |*rt ol Avalon, 10c. Call John Kennedy. Bell Tbe exhibits must be removed at ing the number, nge and address of tne rear Una at lot ZX3| tbenea nDTQlns ^ Are. stesr Uth St. •f. •Sj. » Vlmn.- ''Avalon R-ltll." Crysoo! He's tb* boss of his word, wife. liberty of—cr—following yoo- I'm t the close of the srtititnni of the Board the contestant must be submitted by STONE HABBOS. N. J. DentlBt HIT J* TKA1NK— For I'ulr.uu.: UVk llivi—•:.'£) anil G:(>7 lor riiUadelphia; 6: M and 7:00 ana be has Influence ••r»«'fh to torn ~Yoo got Evan-out of tbe wayl" Insures at lowest cost aad pays UM needLng a llttlo Btrnlgnteclng oat. yoo of Agriculture oo Saturday afternoon. each contestant, together with the J f«rt toapotnt I r.irHioue llarl-.r. Sun.U>i.-f>:UI, 0:0.1 un-l H:6l l.>r ltibulclphla : 6:01 lor Btoao Harbor. even oar own employees acalBst car* Tbe hoaband Dodded. That was Uno of latml l I'ictnrw Bboar 10c ; Bo* Stats 2Sc shout his wife?" KVKN1S'<; I>AN<'tS—llalamy 10c ; Box Ht-aU 28c; a/lmhuUia to dance Acknowledgment of the contributors 90 points will be the maximum for bis Lnfiaencer It ts merely >imrt>^ n- vxtsd Cvao to come to Ophir to speak "Certainly not. If yoa coo talk PRICES: your own "What's he ssyiagf tliMir uitli iluncln^ j»riv iL-j{va ^-V. to the prixe funds and the amounts Join K. Cimli^tKnt Dlnctw la >ocb a [Uoco p» tils." she said, tbe quality of tho exhibit, and 10 htstratloo of tbe vicious circle- Too ta • Jotut debate. He left oa the Dlgbt TO» telling Marks that all he Is Search Company UNION BANK BUILDING desk, now!" contributed will be mnV* after tho pointa upon tho statement or exhibit pat Into his hands the pries of tbe dab room for blm on the res tie he owes toher. " AGENTS context aod In connection a total of 100 point*. with which be proceeds to knock you -And Bathtnray—wtU be be hereT" "Hnraph* Do yoo call "•"» braxv WILDWOOD. N. J. settee. COMING! COMING! COMING! "That Bell exten- with the % n^'Mi rv*™* n t of dawn. Let me tell yoo what I'm t*S- **He Is bere. Gantry baa turned him John K. Carroll. Deanisvtll* -Terhapa It Isn't business; perhaps rion telephone," said SEWING WOBK WHICH MAY BEtng everybody. If we wont a •qoar* Fidelity Trust Co. Both Pboaea. R- WUaoo. Capa aU* Ctty lfs only politics." ho returned. "Ftrst, THE MEANING OF THE down, according to lastractioos, and Bx vlrtoe at a wrU ol FWvi Facias, lo "» V. V- Prsmbca. Tacaaaos HundredGRANs of DDancer BALs MASQUE-Saturdain Costumes Picturesquy Nighte ,an Augusd Beautifult 28th.. A Dairting Spectacle- dsal we've got to set the example by J'vctvd. Usocd oaf of tb* CaD* MaV County I wish you'd tell mo what l'vo been Everyone Inv the Boar to tbe Office CONTESTS. OFFERED. be is clawing about la tbe air, trying A Fantaatlei FUoo, ClfndtCooTt. on UM> 3d darorloly. A. li oT Ncwmrk BlktrvS*. WUdwood being square." doing to cit myself Into yoar bad Your Costume Ready! Manager, "will atop Tbe contents are but m part of the Class L to get • fresh bold. I bluffed him— *T Dadentaad yoar >"^a ISU. I ahail npoas to ultU pablle •wradii'. AND WILDWOOD TITLE AND that *pardon-me-if-l-. 'i/'ii effort to stimulate interest in agricul- Tb* master mnrharric went away, si- told him be'd make his peace Ing todaace. " taoMDAT. Acctrrr a. un. THDST COMPANY POST OFFICE FIXTURES books.** ' -rcr >r ut THE ums or roorxusoa ra, E. Best plain apron made by wtth yoo for socaet&lag. I dldnt know Bbo laagbcd easily. -Who sold yoo * J n*' JW - jronr - telephone', lenced, bot Dot convlocea. A week "No," replied Mrs. Qlomsby. Thai throogb the rw*^fnw» w^|p of tbe F. Best patch In dress goods, not what, before I couloVtolk tohim. ' 8ALC fi.* been oolas any thins J" sbo asked. nme-wamtingn ulsoncc public schools and to make the voca- tatrr Grysoo, wbo In appearance was report was started by some w^fhK^. uii thv tons of tho preferential plaid. • typical toogh and tn reality was • alias Annera waa*watchlng the ele- who happened to be looking through Iiuiaranoe Post office case with BUICK CABS •Tbe senator." bu answered shortly. frelgbl rule would bo lo all tbo poor tion of agriculture attractive to our G. Beat darn, not less than postgrsdnate of tb* lawless T.•*»!*«• vator Ugbu clow «nd darken as the Coraty K«w Jersey. "He said I would bave to mako my people- In your IUI of stockholdcra. In- \ "ft costs but half a our basement window jast after bs TJ>« foliovtaat SjiribrJ lands, trorcarot*. Searches OALL AND LOOK BOKB6 Agency for Cape May Oocnty. ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS young people so that their ambition inch, in stocking or die** goods. cusp* of tba camadtne MTT. ssmv csr descended.' anrteitne wife's voice *ud dropped a hot cinder aa his foot.' «o tval nlab o/t&a Sbliob lawciat <~ peace with you. I want to be put next cluding l*roftT*i*or Annera.*" i l *£«• e tutil,.. too. T ?1 and Money Onler Window, for nsle mar be to develop and prosper In the •wprr. vi*. The Ml5v' ^ Abstracts of Title tn this pigs la clover railroad puxxlo. Ilatbawuy drcur down his cuff and (HHlntts we've been H. Best plain hand-hemmed toweL terad Into BJounf s otoo» wtth as Inso- auk to • whisper. >odya*-*^lt liuk .lory , Ddhlest of occupations, rather *I»«FI to I. Best Crocheted lace. lent taanf ta his mootn. "He WU1 be at tbeAWcatberforua'r Old Btyte. mad* of TOO* block* aod bavins a tator Conoeyancing AT A BARGAIN Oar contract with tba Transcontinen- made ti raphl |>cacl! memorandum of TO ;fpg*mng'. ten times seek the artificial life of the cities. abe Inaulrtd eagaty.J poaluon not and the tot ofTuDoTor ear- tal Is aboat to expire, and I'd Uko to the Dumu aud addn-ftjs of tbo n&tr J. The school or home-culture club "WeO. ponxner, w» cot them oVkxy Hamorous Artist—I've brought TOO UlfMx U xtartlnlarlir dnerlbed aa foUo-»: and Fire Insurance JACOB KKLDMAN. tfcat ignoupt a week in COUNTY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL lie is sure to be-»I told him you Lot Ko. 144, In Section B. mUatw "* Young's Garage get tt renewed oo tbe. same terms as bcneflflury. showing the beat made and furnished btrds over to Jonessoro attar so kmg an original fuaay Joke this time. A Prompt Service. AD work gTiaraoteei : .•'Waning .along wJth- • time, and oo thanks to yoa. neither. would be there- ' frlead of mlao thought of It. ttj Ocnn ClTjr Aaaarfaxian. begSlnTal » 7.7 if Woodbine, N. J. before.** -Vou will tnko notice that I'm not IN AGaUCULTUHE. doll bed with hand-made night dress Uaotrj to Loan on Good Ftrrtt Btoragc and aooeeBorlee. asking who tbU Professor Annerv Is Tbe Cape Hay Comity Vocational Host blew in to tell yoa Cat Its aotns; The small plotter etoddrd approval. Editor (after reading It)—Yes. It la "Well." sbo said lngennoaaly, "why mm will receive a trophy. **Olve Os half an ttoox to dress and or wby I nuould bo making blm a pres- School in agriculture will begin lu to hit yoo again about day otter to- foaay; but I prefer the drawtng that BWCEtt AND PACIFIC AVENUES don't yoa oo UT" Class IL morrow, and If yoo doot coma across have tbeicar ready."** abe directed, and was published with tt la the *TOaI •o vtuin* -I cant,- bo blastered. "Evrrybofly ent of u block or mock, but what you ••futons oo November 1st, and it* first say goo> a* ll lU-tf. Anything elser" -ATLANTIC CITY- then the/senator potstbe two Into tbe om*m U txras Wattoasl Baak TUras E. Best Fancy apron. there's going to bo Poach. VJUttanBMOS WILDWOOD. N. J. baa suddenly grown mysterloas. Klt- teacher will bo J. Archer Stackhooss. HevatoWaDd mroed away to flnlab his tredgo. tbo general superintendent. -Vwi- 1U) lk-/fc>ctly fraak with Ur. Y. Best patch set in plaid material. seer* CAPB MAY COOBT HOUSE. N. J. 6-XOJS man thoroughly equipped in both Of- . , • ooeint seem to remember that we ever Bloant and don't Ut him put yoa off. a. Best Fancy ToweL fMfttTrrt Tprsnn* rti^ji M^ Ruinous. Ho may prvieud to bo very angry at practical and theoretical knowledge of forgot to be pottrjc (To be enntinned) had any contract, and Gantry Is Jast THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 Crawford—Why do our officials win- tuxSeliu of KhlloB Baptot first, but you uun't mind that.*" agriculture and who comes highly H- Best Dam In table linen 'vil. taken tn «u Crabahaw—That gives them a J»,2J.S*?P«^ abap..«S Conrt Booss. day, comutonplaco earth once more. THE WORLD'S PLAY GROUND "S%&JSSSr^S&. In tbo Ko&af nn> DUO hit only p. COBSOM. Ebetia*. school win be open to boy s snd girls of made, with at least three button holes ToaxtrTba. Get ootr caaace In a few years to ask for jnfl. everybody U driving at. I've to* Yoa and Ibo ucaator and Gantry and they aim at TlwtiWore. AND HOGS n 14 years or over and to. men andmade by hand. OXTSOO bad^caos; »»"nT-Tiisr Uoas to make the city beaotlfnr- mmprtb* B to sell thai tbo rallruad UcVlckar urv playing some sort of Beautiful Piers and Varied Scenes of Gayety and Pleasure. .ihqqtd Cm ImmeiSlaUtlx, thvy wmueu of any ace. J. Best Crocheted lace, ttrsats and enrseoj ttsf yoons; UP-TO-DATE HAIR CVT company beoda. Wbcrv's tbe bltcbT game, and you haven't shown mo more Special Train Leaves Cape May Court House 8.06 A. If. Girl* most be at feast 17 to bethan two inches wide and twelve tSKV hMAImnaa attacaMa«.kky ^0of tuoraJ Toa can put Eue next. Wby cuu't I than tho back of tbu cards. That's all J. SWING WlL get my contract luwndr B«iurnlng Leaves Atlantic City O^M> P. N. 'Jt for evening school. Booklet long. It • hues waats) NOTICE or sr Capo Kay Court Boos* light. I'll play uiy band blindfolded. detailed information will to tzafflo and Subiect far Caagrstuiatlea. Tbe little lady wan opening aod shut tt that's wbat you woof, lost BO WO COMMITTEE. w timean d Usybe m, man Is lucky If his wits iin| ber fan alowly. "What was yuar Tickets Good Odly on Special Train in Each Directkxa. ta supplied opoo application to Aaron I y sujualnia. • Oe rlrj BEST fit»a.nnn OF VEKT win tSw odd trick. When and Where MBS. E. M. STAFFOED, with these p at* takes an Interest la r*"HHf^ h.«i^^ GOOD CIGARS contract*"* abe asked Innocently. r 1 W. Hand. Secretary. Cape May Court tar everr phase ox* tbe actoal pullticsJ thai 4n0n«c* waters do not taka anjr) ^rrii M - Kvif BloorrtT" MISS A- ETHEL NICKEH8ON. of readlag' beat ecHerB and feeHag "If 1 thought you dUlu't know 1 Botuev K. X. | plant food *w*y from ma a postal msd I win PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAi MBS. BOBERT& WTf.T.y*i> to be naaaty hurt because he caot act Uke on* of wonldnt IHI you." ho wild blanOy, tat, ttod b, was (RHo the beSbea. sad SM you. « tCarrUnord oa 4th pa«e] > e, WSCALZO ; '•••:-'SM CAT nOEE BUT mnr Ku*4h It coot* no mere to BAT» UM Se- MAM GOCS TO JAIL. AtiitT •haMnj ^t^^1f'at tb» ttttj Mr. Charles H. IL Head, of BUme CO8HSN RIO GRANDE GRIST. AVAVOH AT SEASONS OFIGHT. curity Trust CotBpaay met as roar lorbor, and Un. LoUU E. HOT**, of •toe*- the oih«r daj, oas colored caaa —Miss Mary Tomlin. of Dlan Creek. —Warren Ncal hod an Argo auto. •4 Htm Cmmtmrn that the AdassaJtv who kills a wiU bird tftouirsd of another: ~Dt£at TOO *o*r> tiiav raioAT AT •xocator ih&n for an indiritasX ding, I\i_, were craletly married at to begin • m chas- the federal taw for th* ry o> Widow Jones aboat d« fin* -• Think of the advunts^ui to your e»- tho M. E. parsonagt) here 00 Wednsuw waa ta town co Tuesday. —G. K. Thorrtox. hjui *oU hi* motor- aeUry. That being *o, protection of migratory birds, ta be JtaoaryT" -D*T« D*~I -U*l" w*» i CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. lt y night of but wwsk by Sev. John —Lewis Williams and Hark Hughes ia the tight tin*, for th*witmond to pay a one of $ 100 or to Oars is the only form of answer: **b»it Vn tfoa left NEW JINBKV. Vm fl*W— lHacrca, fl roata new W. Lynch. Hiss Jennie Wagner, of are carrying truck to Sea Isle City. Mrs, Jamc* Kane U vUitla* at C I raapecthtc th* •fend thro* months us Jail, or both, -Wt/. howm thMir -TV*Ut. la« at • potol to tltr mode tho First Incandescent Lamp —"Uncle. Billy" Armstrong bas hadUay visitor on Tuesday. ' L |ft kx J Knl »!•« si cU rll Richard TbomajL, of Willuunntown; and brought homo o aoarctiir of her '-&;: ef mponirmity. as between homerr»a cats. Leaders in Aobmtnn iho oofortunjUo with f ,m1 " tsXsr* stroke of paralTais and is in a very Bkt FsUDAY. AUGUST IS, B, Thomas, of S^uth VincLand, and vcr 35 yearn ago—these lamp* have — Mlu Lydia Beech has returned trip to tho printing office —Then la daily Mass ai. 7 a. ro., at•tar l*resid*ttt WQaon and hia former Sec- work who were coaragooas enough to cat, ~th*l tho attA-tkj of ftrrcr sod een improved by his study and ex-serious condition. [U Paul's R. a chorcb, and at 7 aad chllU sppc&r on sltcnuUA dsjs. Do Geo, McCollum arvd C I. Sunburn, of 'roxn a vLilt to Pfaliada. —Throughout tha rcmaindiur of tho 0o.rn.0Q Sundays. dark rotary of State, for th* miatrahS* coo- open the campaign for a cat~tax have u\ t> Anru M perience, until the name —Leonard Kirkbride, of West Ches- you think—U It jour colnion^—lh*t n«it»lnln< UOxtT ai«l kaf No. a* ._ 8L Louis, M(L, arc at the Jo -Mnu J. P. MocKisaic has returned isji-or. there will bo dances ot tho —Miss Anna Clark, of Kansina-ton. eeattea knows aa "watchful waiting." since woo the support of farming in- toe r uxTof O>al .ktU. ,,d, OAZZATCC8. r, is spending his vocation at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK they hire. »o to ipcax, .w tiw rauTjkuaw u/ rmta^ "Pocket Check Protector** tafes-uarda acquaintances Ln Camdcn. akaUng and orchostra concertc. every said he. "on fcrcr *nrr. vbr-Uter («*r It*,!!«Uu*U r< It, Sample, poitpAld. 2Sctn. Silver. afternoon and motion picture a every are In the St. Maiy's bcmjptiow IKU not I cant think, and oo SJJUO LiuluttVarU. (tturttwtv inrluilrO) will the HK.ST Edlaon Maxda lamp*. For n town during the week. —Stein Edwards has moved into , tha better for Wocdrow WUsoo structive enemy of birds and small to* \iy INr Mot !• rent* prr tlrw Liberal Urma to Agents, Smith, Box y at 4 and 8 p. m. CKCupting Tues- week, for a second vixlt- so I cant bold an opinion,' aalc by Vulcan Electric Light. Heat & tho canning hou&o bungalow. «iwl Us place in ta* T-*T of inUlU- Kkrlns tW usw prralarv 42, Conwkn, N. J. 7-lfl,,t# —The curbing In front of the. par- days and Thursdays. Every Wcdnes- —A large party will co from fltoos VtrvlfUAtt. Jr. 1>4 Ul. Wtti.4! V. fnnM and HJUII>W or\St> to ower Co. It V. S. Klmblo entertained y will bo Children's Day. special fe: -Watchful waiting" Willlao Homatrin and taaitd sonage and school-house presents a larbor to Wildwood Saturday tUf*»t On the basis of the high valuation Hon H. S. Dociclasit vialt«d Cam- Toe proper management of an Mm. Rodney Bailey recently. DotaalcaJ DiwUJofta, for. bj Arltuu- IL B.imv iuvcrtllo features being given. o bear Vr. Anna Khawj prociaHy•trf , than a fictitious placed upon Urd Lie by the United Um '• M.w«i»>.n. rt u«. I. llnu W ealaU Involve* great caro and rc- very attractlvo appearance. ejaeat acercaty A teacher In a Woodland dcn oa Tuesday. DARING ATTI31PT TO HW1NDLE — Muui Leah Harris Ln homo from o«t from tho Larscn wharf. •JOTS) activity that expended itself ln States Department of Agriculture, li>€ tn tut}-Q(\lk >tay of •pociilbility, which the Security —The village people made a grand —Over next Sunday Senator A. F. I r-it ttf-il I.Utr t .1. school asked tho other daj: llarry Toxer, of Pennacrove, ipent BANKS. ummcr school at Ocean City. — Mra. John Go*a. of 8L David** words of empty altruism, and a prsc which is responsible far tho enforce- TruBt Comp4iny It prepared to givo rush for Scavlile camp 00 Monday to >alx, Jr., will entertain a party of »_ waa of Uw debotants at last Moo- many kinds of flowers aro thsrat" Sunday ot MayvlLU, —Mru. Harry Smallwrood. of Cam- tical paaariity *^*»* fr.acos t nnmrm- ment of the federal protectory law, Make It yoar caccutor. It A mo.4 daring attempt to Dwindle witness the closing exercises. Philadelphia newspaper men, includ- iy*» ''aflernooii** at th* Yacht f^ah^ UaW. IA* IK, pl»n *>f IWUnrr) IWvtt> I ... Tnreo paplls held op their hinds Bh* F. COfliON. Wm. Flanajron ia th« father of a many a cat is wandering about the llatnl Atlfoal IS, IJli. ien, is hero viniting her parcnta. »d was a prixe winner at cards. S AaMricaa lives and uncounted OUR PUBLIC FORUM cho*« ono to rcplj. "W«ll. Isidore, H. E. Rtchardftcn nnd wiff, and tho Court Houiie NTtional Bank waa —Mrs. Rae Johnson, of MUlville. ing Jas. H. Lambert, Jr., and Joaeph country with a price of $5000 or more Ott»Un,!«fn. a-U.Up the "Tnrw, teacher." "Indeed? And »hsi vc a-ono lo Erma for the Summer, iciLancc of Cashier George Nichols the guest of Mrs. Frank; WaUon- S. Knight, of tho "Bulletin," Frank P. id Ho&c Of this. $35 was th* n«t season's dcpixdatiocis aa a bird slayer. terday; score, 6 to 0. and to say with some of the G. E. Cassel aro thi>r' "Wild, tamo an* colUa."— mhilo "Jack** haa i* po:iltlan on th the attempt failed. On the morning —Mrs. Rebecca Hewitt, of Dias J Hoffman La viuiting hU !c-alcy, of tbo **Evcnlog Lodger," and iroceods of the Camp Plra Girls* Tb* feline marauder stalk* song birds. dsTcisnd Plain Dealer. Doggy BoiL" critics of the Administration's On Rallrtvaxis Co-operating With tho Farmor t>4 111 IVi-fti*). tSMlll. br«.ltltltL4 ul A OaT Chaa, SpHnfvr and Minn Ada Hand trolley line at Wildwood. . t|ucation tho bank received from Creek, is with her daughter, Mro. Nel-grandmother, Mru. H. E. Brown. ohn Rcltinger, of tho Associated game birds, young rnbbits ar-d squir- i.r .-/ «tul i. kiH>«>) u*. tk^'l >••! •-.> <.r>-s. —Thomas J. A 3£alUn, oo* of ths HBte ingty tmfortonat* coarse with regard C"o-op»T»ilan la a thtmr thai tends Itself most readily itrwy, t*» ttar ccb «la\y uf AucuaJ i it aru on a week's vacation. hiLadelphla a letter ilgned Luther son Smith, and is quite tndlspo&cd. — A. F. Williamu ia cnUrUlnlng hta :u Mnu Maude- Itcadlcy, head of rels by day and by night. It not only l*jt IbrU-f lli.rr. It r.-la N. \V frtiii 4 Of Pr«hlrt;rlc Ag«, Several hundrvd poople utnt frtun oldest rvikUnts of Btooo Harbor. 5MS, ** ***** plmmlimw) yffal^. that it WsvS shaped u> Uwnn bat rtelas stnbbornlr to practlc*. It U ttMj to Itl^ io • orrULo »ittr w.hrt-ln* ±-rU EJffur MLnfi-cn nnd wife spent I. Swain asking it to forward at one*. mo brothers from Holmeaijurg, Po. mon*l department, Philadelphia •pas* by (h* costy takes the fledglings from a nest but it speak the word Dot difficult to oBderstand It and more f>Ji.l w,t*rrir rrtilfr lltM- \rxt±**.*r riu*l kllUr Two ix-tr.r.i-! »>V .'U ions—ono of a t-Urk U cocnpl«lnant. tod Oiiarr L HuA. hero to WildmooU ycHtvrxluy on the —Rev. Daniel Sheppard and wife, of went to Philadelphia oo Sunday oo hisdid i»r*aeap« t_ . w4it'>r-il t-i \\al- £*»* t> »«W tat I c Dalx cottage for tuoveraJ daya. iaao HITST*.. by an f>l»ftinat* dctcr- rUloo to be progresslre Tho orxanlxed taroer has been a nomiin, tnt;f*i trraUrr—frr* foend Movlnif pictures Tucodsy and Hatur- amount of $700. Tho letter stated tone aa electrician. •ad Mra. Lota. E. Herat wmn aC iMstt that tha fa* age for food among insects destructit Ur T. S>a^»- \lw UuJ n--»r.l 1,, IwU T. Ull. includcil many from Co.hen, the week at the homo of J. W. Coombs. I, 10 and 11; a bluo ribbon evcnt-H-G,tf oation not to rerognixa him in any prrarhlni cooperailon for lo: these many jears. bat no" that Mr. Swain had a carload of feed —Tha feature of last Saturday's —Mra. Eli Town&cod has had a visit " tn tfa* puaeoaca of UM M. B. to form crops. In a ra»«rn tt;>nlc<) rot of aolld bloa k f t«iv« «uk>) Q day nLfihts at Specie torium. tt-G,tf '>enniH whoola and Tuck-aho**. — Deacon Smith recently mode on Mm. Chao, Jones and children, of ta Fora. •vest, by a steady hopo of procuring come tha raHroails taiving oo-opermtioo tn the Isjigosge ll, at OKM oclock ta tt»# rogrnm mt tho Yacht and Motor Club from her sister, Mrs. Ida Uttia, of -^± In CoortBoS* br H«r.X W. or Lbs solt. r.vk tn n llulton (Pa I bllliido bj n the city, hut could not gvt po*MS- i yielded, and tfi t fa r J- At UM UwTitr. c^V* laulhun Hand arwl wife will spcrul Mr. Jcut. SIKO arvd wife, of Willuimti- .utomobllo trip to Philadelphia on arc vUitinf Mru, Jafu Lock. Chicago, whom aho had not seen In *ym h• la* waddiQsf psuty ntuswd hia downfall even at tbo risk of Amer- A cat-Laxing last that would give * t»«rr unu I* Iut'r~*^*rt<->1 1<> Ji* ial>>4i q'iarr\ r. n (.coloitislsv uhn haTo ex Court llooaW. (jp» Mir (x» ion of it without tho money—his a potter boat handicap raco thrco A recent paper read br O. C Cassei. pabtldlT sgent SumLay at North Wildwood. —Mm. Wm. Uneven, of MUlville, hao eight years. Mrs. Little was winner it one* to BtofM Haztor to IMIB Us* that this benefit ia ican rights and interests, and likewise Ul>rm UDOI A4 J.^n 11. / 1 ht-ck being rcfu&cd. The bank at 'tho blc doll at the "FTOUC" ptUsOltiM of Us calttUunnstaa fart- tho farmers shoold JL Wm. yLarLO£on arvd two children Hugo von dcr Tann anj wife, foreman and wife. been vUitlng at Mn, Uriah Cress's, -J— —«•_ tssrl !• , •.—_. ai^Basssk DssasuBssssklsBI of **"**-" welfare. Unsvowed mo- mg off homeless cats would afford tbat me reproduce tt la part and art' tbo farmers sJoos . t>/ ajkl II«-no « Li)- *J- n; to I •nJ p<»«al*ar. tWrrin*irUr pairUrutartv »1 >nrc communicated with Mr. Swain, Tho reaulta» In correct time, wcro: —Tbo card party at the Yacht Club aad sneak oat when they ILX) « 1J>. rl u«. !•• lr<.Ur>.k I. lUin- avT.brvl. aJruaU In tbr city uf W ikia... f Williamatown Glana Co., arc iipc —Thomau Moore, of Millvllle, la oe iMtum caaw mm K4WDBK tives or* not often susceptible of a remedy, advocates of the bill assert. that rosdBsjr to oostlnaed fooiennU Finher. tables occupied. Charles Miller, Sea-, for much of the weste of birds and "*• are now dcmllng with two of tb* mosx r r° " occupexloets of men— _ l#d un •* rJ. Ikw't lor^ct tho County Fair. Bept- i for eery, and at one© took th* matter ); ('J> Lucy B,. F. U. Eaxtcr, . IT* aco iS» ha* b**a In tlw r f PhiuuleTphis, aged 84 years, was a n Ihr DtMrirt Coort o/ (he t'aitrd ,j«f |K. - Joyed an automobile trip to each rmrprsHM* pettiness to any man wild game life which the state and na- farming and land trans(jortstk>o. Tbcj are the basis of ^rcuy oeaity aU i*. 1O. and 11; a blue flbUx> ev* e will \>e on entertainment, vrith ij) with tho pout otBce v-aU your door with guioHrwi and coal olLlt Mr. KcsvL UT. M*ad tafoca] Wfrsv Hem It a, huwisj. are avrtnnlrties.interests of public safety, now keeps In lt« i.ulUr ..I I it> Ulll aihl l^xuL •.th well know chariixU-rK. Iknciit City, and Dr. MohaiTcy and wife, of cnts and arc entertelninx Mr. and nsxlon. iAJnt U»tliiutiii^ iit ^ |-inl I l U di Jacob G»rrijwjn has been enjoying a t of the would-be swindler: —Mi»irt Edith Candy, of, Mary W^ Lcvl WenUell, Avoloo, **&i£tiv* of th* Goonba X^aasbaT OB... and they can be measured; and the re-down the surplus of dogs; yet the dog. Hs* t jtfy y to make up bane hall ».Kficitncy^-13^ Camdcn. were guests of Jos. Klrkbido Mm. Moore, Mr. and Mrs, H*nx* and snd althoash a roon* man ia "*»*•»*• "Tbo rsnsers and lb« rmJlasjs are natural allies In all their Interests ilbw.Ur lrr*f ,J \\ fci*.-rv- ,4 4,rv.. u Itw pui»4 «•/ Utlrr^rctiuO o/ Itw V..rt»- trip down Float with CapL Jo**- Roaa, 'I-ouh» Springer, 11th street, near pent Saturday with Mru. Smith Endl- 37:4,; (6) Scc-Kay-Jay, C K, John- Mm. Wright, all of Philadelphia. th* third attempt to hm a-hooa o? sults of these months of so-called according to the most competent It Is distrait to concelie of greater service to th» ccmmonweslth thsa thsl 4i IL.ft-* fcLi>. ->b- lt»r wn**- I*, iiitn rr U Lb* I ilk »• r%i*r I y witir u/ A ILa-n t Lr a * rruK «• I tb Us# Mr. and Mru. Jurocn Stilucll an- Race, waa held in SiriOO ball yesterday and wife on Tue&day. win. Aval&n, 43:40. —Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lodx* and tutta >>vJWtt)->*rs4#Tly tOOr %4 uU tluk Aitnor Mm. John O'lVonrvclI is Bpcruiinj* ott. hit own. *JK1 aU*Msi tothin k It win ftrattnfnl waiting" these years of health authorities, is a far less serioui :>r Onnly Biios" In the minds or berth tho rsil«a>s snd the tsrmers tbst they d i It b nourvee the marruiiru of their daugh- by United StaUu Commissioner Long —Winnera in the Tennis Touma- .clr pretty children will return to thopro** a bmppf oo*. -' ire mutually dependent snd that the prc«j*r1ly or one depmds on tbo pros- !•,.•, .^ f.-rn**-rl> ,4 two wecku with her friend a in Fair —JO.L. Ficchtncr, of Mantua, ia vlo- fsrumi. inconsistent, uncotutttutiocal, menace to public health than tha cut. THIRKOAV. HtPTCMBtB «. 111V y J fc*.U 4kHi ter. Hazel, to HuuurJ C May. atin the Federal Building, charged with cnt during the week have been: In homo in Logma thin week to give place —Thcr* mt simort a drownta* l>crity of iho other, bot thst snxpldon and misunderstanding destroy tbe> a lila-tavrsor- ul futrly frvi. arvj a| Collecting and carrying upon its fur I 2-W (> in.H | Itbr I'Uut .J ttw l4ter froa th*, I-*!-""-" with the neighbor republic to ways ha»o rally recomlied this relation and dependence. lave rx aided uirvcf leaving Court niz thu Postal Inspector Cortelyou, —Oscar Dclp, of Court Houue, visit- {avcrford; Mark Bui if on t, Camdcn; Paank»* in New Jcr&ey, re^ucatLng the party of friend**, motored to Atlantic rl E. Edingcr, Luthemburg, Pa. In la aftar. ciothta aad an, aad and infectious msXadiri In otherwise lsbrd at tho oner Isck or th» csxrpcrsllto principle—tho -work tocctber' #fi ty -es^1^ m tEt si^ • sj*T IBIA V. t^l tj Can you l>»rat it T Our oM friund — Mrs. Jennie Curry la visiting her enc« of Mr. llauber. On Tocaday th* dire conditions which mistaken tl> ..( (KT^,. 4 t|>.( .^j>il> >J I apr I*U* »>Z| Arulrra Maga»u and wife went to 'oruardint: of money ar.d forging tho City Saturday. bronrbt him oat Th* SOD of Wtms,, '^**—and not only that, btrt extreme selnshoess and parbllnd prejudice K«» Jmt MIH! nil***. Mcwi L«L-"uriu I). llcLiir, uhi'*« l*caminfr coun- aiater, Mrs. Ira Ale, at Frankford. Mcn'u Doubles, Ceo. A- Walker, White roop received the Axacrican and Jndgsent *—^ Jrrw) . iU-»rfTil^vl ui f iJUia *», In avn4 ILST t, niimt- of dcpoHitoru, —Arthur Glccum, of Camdcn, Bpent shoot * data r**n old. flshimr troaa n.ore spparently dominated In the different branches of trado and other a»o- H*». Ui tV> l*hilrntn. on ThuriMlijy lo attend a fun tenance vwc Kt-o ull tcro M.IJom. now-a- Ulna, N. Yv ond A- K. DaU, 3rd,"roop ftajni earned by wtirk for th* of th* puapcta of tha bridrt, •*. Washington have Inflicted upon a peo- aucs or enterprise. This was a condition that roxmment caold not remedj. Iw ul Him lit ul t» fmUnt f.Lf IIM-J Ly Itw tu-aisJ riMtt*-) Uut> ItM- *Al —Mro. Allison Ludlnm and ton, of tho we* k-c nd with h i« cm rvdrnothe r, Evening Lodger." A final appeal of the Aubudon so- tral. S^a'in occupii-t tho hi^h ] "Springer waa apprehended after PhlU. In Mixed Doubles. Mnu F. F. . B«tol ssiTia. droplMd tt» Uo». mt ska D—rajitmtir, Mr. ple which might' otherwise have been .Vo ststula- Uw. oi e»eo written constltstlon. can do more than ssiesuard •a rll s»l*J VAJLSUT \\ . Swainton. are visiting frienda herv- rtu Hannah Corn we It. —Our young poopls aro and Jnmp*d in aad rwazs aaoaa to tha . cieties for support of tho measure sets t 1^.. It. IL.II. *t U«. t.. Xjnu^-I «.. y tiw ralirvUr-a, in fr*. JoHn Thompson went U» New York i our luiLnrfription li»*t, l»oin£ paiil up he Bridge tun, N. J^ National Bank Leopold, Laniulowne, Pa_, and War* < attend the opening of •4 the aid that aa well off now as it was under Por- bo*«- Inallensble rights or th* Individual —Eugcno Wstsor. spent part of the PsrWon. nttiac thsr* la tia* to awt forth that the proponed extermination City on Wedrvcaday to attend a ho had complained of receiving a letter —Mr. und Mm. EarncBt Stycr, of ick J. Price, Phila. In Boys' Singlea, in Avalan on Saturday night,, going hy U Mm by theStata "The mutual ad»snts«t» or oo-on»r«lon and sympaihetle understanding rl(»-..~».Vr.>"".!.«•* .J V\VT| . AutuU if, |»1X l'J-JO. t with th* others. Bcrtol U a ntw- flrto Dtax-s rule. of thousands of uselefca and homeless irx> n-any snd vsrl^i for Lolh tho rsUlwsy snd th.- fsrmer. Tto fsrmer it btll SV purporting to como from M. Coh*n, a w*ek with hia brother at Wildvrood. Glen Riddle. Pa., arc visiting her Edw. Froncflctd. Wayne, Pa, and J.tho Lost train and bLkiag beck on tb* I W.Uitil W If you have beer, waiting: for the h. It is not one large party, bat a of th* Ut* Gsttn Nsflsoo. who cats which now suffer tho pangs of H<-ullsxlj dcp»nd»t.t upon rapid aa1 cheap trsniportstlon His products Ibrn |VI«rvwi,r| t.x I.. All-rl K Ln Jcp<> itor, aftking that $1200 be Dent —Mrs. Emma Rice in spending QOtiur, Mrs. Mary Joncu, Millard Brurver, Phlla. was clerk for nes_rty jt bait vutuit A fool will praii-o himself, but areally bi£ excurKton to po t<» Atluntir is mnHo up of several grocpe. hunger and disease and injuries, would irv slways compsrjllvrlj bulky sad frequently perishable. Tbo railways immediately to on addreiia in thin city. v weeks with her oon. G. S. Rice. of th* Common Council of FfcQ*da£ Tun oeer th* page and shut out xl\o fsnners a wo-i.i«ld» market for their products. An Intelligent under wttc ituin tumu the job over lo aCity, you want to ^-t bu-*y on plan —Mm, Clarcnctj Fiihcr and two —Tho Buccxjui of tho opening ot iho aad u nlatira of Mr. and Km AUJU2SD 8Q0A' be a laudable mmo if for not other AIL*ft *- iLr^x 1.. 4 ,<,|(J IVIrr Cohen, uho rx-t.idca in BriJgcton, de- -SU Paul's GulLJ beld its annual from further consideration the follies :tandlQg or lite randscieotal Improvement or railway tranipr-rtttlon Is esseo- Py irtliwT o# a wirit o*T Fieri r«Ui, tc* f ni' nd. for tho trip by Heading II. IE. m —Dont forget County Fair, Sept- hlldrcn, of Stone Harbor, have 1-ecn cw Cauino Saturday night exceeded ummer fcotival thia year In tb* wm* oftaa bara. B«rtolaad reason than that it would aid in the tlal to the pro»lM-rll> or sny azricultorsl cummunlly. '.Vorld»lds snd nstloo Hosrtxaxrd Prroiiara, %a m« dXrtxlJ • 1 having Kent tho letter. Mr. Cor- and —t»t»it»« snd tragic consequences (r._uis.l KIIU.II>-. l>tni utwi tsfiti* In lit*- city »y next. Aui"Ut*t Ii*. S*-v mlv 0, 10 and II; a blue ribbon 'iaitinc Qt () iA. I-. 4 Ijrj It. Vjfc.tji, • oo1 or UW Toctrt o»f C^actrr c/ Oirfar Weaver, of Philada-. »pcn telyou naid he then Lent a decoy letter added to tho rectory fund will not be *-3*aA*a cottaf*. - •***< th* policy of the past. No !>•! T^J. LO-s^k lot, pLsit l»-l. . .« ttw Mb day ^ L on *>oeoruj pa^fv. It -Sllu Rebecca Collins, of Ocean —John Bruce Ki.-by and wife, of and main floor -crt oil packed by a mnJtttan with respect sues as Is offered b> Tho railways. U* a <-»-Ttalri Sunday here with hi* family nt R. M the addrctiu on 11th street below known until tho Committee aeets. and* and nspfaew *r* thtir > f..llTw. *. l-> *. tl : capacity audience greater than tho to M**f ijfitM htdrjgati la Cap* plstlng with cmanci- "So Iho tanner m*> conclude tnat when be co~op#n.tes with iho railroads. N-SJIM- !•• AlUrrt I- lUnn. *-»**J. I..4t A. € -***••. I.*v^c\iti>i a. la Klroer'su City, is visiting Mini Alwilda Burlcy. OCCJ n City, ii pc n t Fun da y he re w i th Mr. Neiisoo's cold wotzb waa not th* HWAT THE BEDBUG. S^vJw A. lU>r«.M, U d^rrtk Boats for Hftir. cheap, aa I have no Walnut on Thursday afternoon and a . Father Sbcridan was present, better for th* bath. pated jorfgmmt the coodlliont to-day his rtosl potent allies, be U doing jnud for blmn-lf and much jood for Ms Lb^ tH \t*4%'ti j^f111|f* ^s*E^e*'Tw t^^^ amaj\T\ake^^t her aunt, Mru- iWnnif. Ftuher. total population of Aval&n and reprv M b wtthoot Paul Amaroao arvd wife, of Mill * for them. Bateau 22-fc*;t I&ng; few hour i» later arrested Springer. —The Misses Somtrfield returned nd was w-cll pleased. aooth of the Rio Grande will country. Njru# U. lk.t»J J. l\AUr. r±M. |>.u l> HIM- ••/ M«li> «,lrvw< 1 all of the neighboring resorts —Tho vaudeville and dance arranx- Pet Coal Oil osi Hiss. - "\Volle. there r© leaves ta tbe forest snd foam ou the n«cr.' u \illi*. uptnt Thunulay here with then anj one IP-feet lonff, with a 3 h. p. The in»pcctor then Learned that tho to their home at Bristol on Saturday. — Mm. Wm. Harrin, of Pennttgrove, d by MLM RichUr for the Yacht GBKEN GBZaCXXHOa. dosht that th* tbne has come for a tj llj.r.i JWI.U/, «- t*>o tuixv- riwirr-Q QM boon, of tvitlr* »fo4 fi*# and village*. The wheel was cpun for », was made pobQe The farmers and rmllw<^rs shall oocrlsa forevsr.' ^u~ U- MUinlr J. I..M^I... «.:". l 'Viocfc P- EEUU. . ttoo wll wll. «. U«U OC OCMM oo*viocJK ta UM parcntt. make- and break Palmer engine. Boats defendant had bent another letter to —A. B- CorftCun and wife are visit- pent u week with Mrn. A. E- Ed- b'u benefit lant Saturday pight wxs new policy as different from "watch- you a lit tit- bedbuj? in your V-.J U|hI U.I lilut frvt, urvi o* th*l .U tho "Kxno Dane*** and many coupleo »throagh (ha report of Edward A. TV aluj HI. U-fk V.. l4-.ll 1^2. Ui«lmi In Ui.^lh .4- lUpJh wsultM^t-U rt o/ ukkd aa*y . att UM ^li b^rrlirr« trf- and en^ino in beat epivdition. Maurice the Vineland. N. J_, National Bank, Ing friends at Leenburg for a few randu, and Mr. H. i*poT]t N. J-. i received prixes. Everyone here , JE, who has bat oa and ^^srrtf ^T^* exbor- home? W.t i. ln«^ t^r^ll.l .kith «r*J In • itrnnl M. L. Bayard, requesting that her. 'as wnny pennies as you are t her son. Prank's. K-ithr) •) K c **~% In. rt \%r. i., | tl l here with hii. family for a moTith'i andy. Court HOUM. 7-lG,tf days. -vow anticipating tho Dedication Ball nmf .| , A-ms-ass4*>.,»» *W tatian aa a policeman's club is from If you have, don't be ashamed to A PHCTTY LITTLE BiHl*. J All IKAI Cw~rtain trtwrt <>r pofr*. *^ Lii>4 yenra oM. or $1 or more If yoo. don't \,| I IT. M.ark ' *- w«-tt. Oxford**, piimp.. ur;J ull i.uramer i similac i^utn bo mailed to tho city. —Mlsa Jennie Dooling, of Mill- —Cuy ttcU.r, wife urul two children, —Jos. Camp and aos, Frank, spent «c IBP mnovj ts a dictionary, as COOAOO *»TJ» is from coafc*A It. Dr. S. Lewis 2urglcr di- pty vacation.. bo held in tho new building next *ant ta Uli, and netted a good Km. w 1 U-. I>UL« acad t*rio« In tlw rttj •^prinpvr admitted his guilt, acconling T Oillinc»wood, i-pent the week-end Oayly cHn^injc to a swaying uaa- i J hi a- k I L*—11' I ^ 4 I L^C .* T h* I L-aS* 11 IJl .11 t tbf C > 1 V l U / l Vi footwear reduced in prlc-e, bcf;innin£ vllle. Is visiting Wm. Champion and Saturday night, following a special Tbarsday ln Ftillsrfn and vldnlty. Mr. aastiascntal ciaptxvp. as Robert Lon- a K. L. R>rc ajul family will epend —There tros an aeroplane OY«r the rector of the department of health nnd Nt^rtk WiUwe o Sir. Cortelyou, who alao elated floucr nLflik, pklung the betxU froea i» Augui-t- Some line it urv i^vttini, wife. itb ifru. Rtbcr'i. mother, Mra. JOM>- liaplay of carefully t^Ucted fe-aturo town shortly after mldnlgfot oa Thars- —Dont farret Coonty Pair, Sept. ttng is from WUlLsra J. Bryan. The ciLavriticn, of PfeUodelphiA. aj»y» it'a no PERISCOPE ON UIND lUi.f) II- , of I>ougla ,1ms. The evening's entertainment will i, 10 and 11; a bio* rihboo crcnLB^tf lk> tlnut iii^ •'I J t-Jtil li> lltr lki.«"tbw.«-tlrr|> aJiuUiM( al ttw r Wildwood. *cvn rxleaw-d only Uwt week from tho showed u lsrg« boat to De off the || • an La (TO to call early. f*O'i rv^ioction American goldfirvch, la ooecf the mo*t i^ .^ UrU ^<.rttl^- ut Ihrf .l.tCji.^- ij w J—» KJ K.>»W«. t*l»(T ax-J bay vllle. Is visiting rclativeu here and at — Mm. S. J. Pumpman, of North bo preceded by brief dedication ccre- th* long deferred performance of this In the hcMt txS f»m rT* High erode fertiliser conatantly cm bc^rh andf Later, msklnf use of a —Prof. Quimfrjr spent last week Simple Arrarigexnent Found ol Ul**lf»-ij ulk>l lhlrt> I I it* ^ tr*% BcauLbvke-tklf-f 1* rxumU lh 1 t n muny ca<*», E. I>. Fo.ntcr, H Man.-heId, O, reformatory, after terv- GoeemmesfB purely selfish duty to bouac-wif« needn't be morti- picture*qoc of tho b mi Her blrda. ThA •*suU.» Ciermon^. Rio Grande, l» entertaining Mr- and nicu lasting for a quarter hour and tM^uxher. Altogether, a somewhat fox- mill*" .-f tiaioww hand for sale by J. &win* WUl • L*t) monthu for perjury." 1 with bis porasU in PbocnixviO*, Pa. ttaatf and to Its own dtixros; and malca are hlehJy colored, the yellow Advantage. w.,,lt>-fl,r ,)k I-. Uw I-a»I The County Board of Election* hat. Mni. It. C. Koble, Hi*a Sarah Noble, ncluding addreiuM:s by Senator A, F.eli^n tvsr ecar* feenn^ was fied," Director Zitrglcr Ej»y», "*f *ive b Court Hooac S-Z&^tf —Edward Barnes, wife and wm —Cpbrain Crcaa* and wife visttsd being a btrtking t-hr.t.i« f.«l ..f ...I 31. l^ Mr. and Mnu E. J. t'leary arul ha by, [>.ilx. Jr^ who will pretitle; Senator oo. Washington, all will obserre with pro- finds one of tbt^bc bufu in her home organised by el«tintr AlfrvJ Hand, Louis, of MUlville, are visiting II. A Court Uoose last Thursday afterDooo. enough black . on him to "BVI» him 111*, lit I'li^lt) t-f ili-jAlti I •• ^1h« rt> 1 , lri t a Pot lurk lunch in the I. O. M. Hall 1. C. Wheatou urul Charles R. Hall •—Borough 'ouncil hfld a brief found gratification, now clearly per- arc, tho Unt to bl wat nil. f«< -.Ui*- ttrrH: Itwocv Ol e-^lb- Democrat, chairman, und Henry S, MATTHEW JEFFEHSON HAS ml Mm. A. I>. Arulci>on and baby, of at Dion* Cretk. Frid-iy. Aujrunt ^0. fo Payne and family. ulo.n Monday LVCQUI&T. Two ordinances —Mrs. Jos. Camp Is now able to The bcdbcjf truvcli. frocn baus* to handAOCoc. Hi* mate ia of a duller Ol*0re/n dhows How System W&rks y auJ p-r»lUI w,llb KiyvLrw. lOarf*. Daugherty, Republican. ^vrvtary, RESIGNED. New York City. rhc ball room will present a gorgeous -fl»*- r**l V, Uw t«Wtbw.r%irTl* luw M. E. church fund. —The Mls&es Eva and Blanche ctir«rning buUtkcadisf and take daily drives and is gaining dolly. , and miy make its home one Out—Allow* Opeclal Parts of risid " Walter Butherford and <*urlton M .pectoclf, hundreds of electric lamps >cttic& pojLAcd first reading tod inn Waterways Is Cape May A poaUiia. drftnlte. vigorous course Vnttviiy J. Itnra, rt u« U. Wm. \. Ikjr- Delp, of BrtdgeUm, are vUltlng A AXMI take iLa rmral. in anolKcr." The goldfirvrh looks like a canary fe> Be ttrcvgM UmKr Lawton Broc-. If you drop them a We*cott are the other mimbx-r!.. A dittpatcb from Trenton, dated being Majihcd upon the danccm in rjered published preliminary \Q the —Mis* Ada Pfckner. of Ocean Gty. to tha rfcfcity of action with regard to Mexico, u#ll. I^J. II a.-l «. ll-4 ul is p>Ji.l »Urr N, \\. In*- ,4 r »»tlh Ihr- m.^titiwo l« laslnl AufUtl la, Territory- Salary or wcvkly t-xpi changc of nmm woo ordered coiroct- that than aro 4000 Hnaal feet While) the periscope of the subma- ilrffTj I. «.UI l>r tysUl I nd legally wrong, Matthew Jefferson ing a number of young ladies from light, hunt^et and mid-day, as well as laad-which wfll be taken Vestaln Hemisphere or pursued upon ra**>-carryinj; hjibltii that be ra-oVe-sI tbut it can't sing vorth a cent, and IJi*f«Jli ..^riii^- ir rtt'iwVx] %>.«it.l ,i,Ur- WsAtxd. — Ten carpenters, bring Good opportunity to connect with a ft IX. eJ. —Miss Liuio Hand, of Camden. Ls the topic of his trcerly health bulletin. after oil. it LU only an imitation of the rtne Is deteloping In the direction ot C»[>* V l_ litw .J IW^cb uvri.ur, rvlri^ln^ to-day rvhigncd as prosecutor ot Cape Millvllle, including her nelce. Mi the combined colon, of the rainbow. Aiklng her friend. Mr*. W. a D- if they aro tha aole responsibility of this nation. toola. Ldvl Wentxell, Avolon, N. J.high grade Company. Apply or writ —Thoman Foster i« employed at —**Tt l)i," the Leautiful Japanese real thing. ftt±u:r optical [N CBAWCIflf Of HEW JEfiSCT. May county, where he waa recently Jessie Dooling. tha nation most closely concerned, After explaining how tbeae perfection and tin**- ultU pUr ../ ulr. Bell phone. O— R— Z. 7-23,tf I. L. Walker, S. F. Bowwr II CO., Cape May. —Saturday, tho 21&t is to be Crang pjiniel, owntd by Mra. A. H. smith, tuotd to tm&r wttk tfc* law AOof carry typhoid, No pertton who in in the'cLasA of the MHltK W. POU convicted for occc{fting graft from —Edward McAUisUr spent a few of WilmlnaTtoQ, sister of Mrs. Jo*eph will (Beet with the universal approval fever, amallpox, elaboration, there I \r»,|| ll.ullnt^. Samuel RwJ^trway cut hU foot badly Broad &. Kacx' St^, Philadelphia. It —Bom, Aucu&t 'J, U> Mr. and»' Day beru- Silver cups ore to be —Miss Nellie Crow ley spent San- _ ant to babonkr plague, ocn men and gamblers. The resjg- days this week ta Phllada. and Mill M. Culey, coma in far bl^h honors In of rVnident Wilson's fellow citttrns common people calln the bird a gold- haa been a return Flrrt FoJdiBfl PtKkctt Knlvetu Uw an Wednesday, while cuttinfr ceda You bhould po to Wildwood on S^t Wultcr Trout, a ton. given for prize producta of South Jer the AtliinUc City Bench Show last ds y with hex mother, Mrs. Aiena » SWBQ*? frOBBd in tha Ststaj infantile para]y«.B> y 1»• ua t nalior. wan promptly accepted by Gov- and bring to his Administration their finch. To the RVOAH of humanity it to the almnlest Pocket knlTen \»ltb tLulf» |O fold ille. Mrs. UcAUisler was nt Sea I»lc Saturday, winning first, special and Crowley. hi Cm (a aveca a*fanxtes bom WOd- and leprosy, be te)U bow to gut rid of Ut u rauw »twrri Krukh for E- P. Hand. urday night arul hear Dr. Annu How —Chan. Bard mode a buainei>a trip bey fanna, al«> for tho U.rg«Bt straw loyal and united support. the ha I ad bird. Sometimes- it may ea! and earliest types Into ibe handle by a ntuinc were J b ernor Fielder. Jcffcn>on is under pris- a part of the wcek. inncni." rit>bons nnd tho Atlantic PUBUC NOTICE. Wm. B. Morria, of MonlRtimer) ard Shaw, cli^o you will mis*-^ an oppor^ to Phiunlii. on Friday. ride party nnd the bent decorated —Mrs. Isaac Par&ocxa nnd family aad ia upon th* Inland tvolad. but the rtrgul&r diet ronuiBtB ol of periscope tor first mAde In the middle cf iho >u j oUr on Mjntence. City K. C gold medal as best in her "Fimt, find their hiduijj place and tunity to hear an ablo prv«*.*ntation o ,truw-rido wagon or truck." A a the spent Tuesday with her father, Joe. 4 et«hte«Dlh century. mc-r t»* Uw ruoiplatrt*nt • Mil county. Pa., spent Sunday with —Miaa SUlLa Linderman 1H upend lann si*. It in par , icultir 1 y fond ose tn land war l*u!.llr l-.Iior U tbrfrliV sl*«-fl lh»it tt»*- "In hi& letter of reoignation JefTer- full Augu&t moon will be ut the heigh destroy it," he t-ay» "Loosened wall Uw 4U» day oS Ul^ l W. Wbeaton and wife. the uubject that U coming Uforv th< DIAS DABT8. —Mr. und Mrs. L. El. Brown and Robinson. THE GRANGE. thistle tkeedji and aur.flowcr beed^u fare, writes 8. D utr lu ivon said: ng toffle time in Wildwood. paper may have to Le taken from the voter» of Cape May county on the 10th if it* glory that night, farm folk their son, George, will spend the 8am- Chalmers In Na Wm. Archer and family, of Ptiilada , "While I am clccrly of iho opinion — l>«lmont defeated Eldora on S^it —Mm. Mary Ella Mlxner. of Oo~ —The nnrmil plmic of the Cape walls or paxted fast. Coal oil may be Haltui birds beldom are been as irv- tore. These an Only Wsy to Mske Character. of October. —Dont forget County Fair, Sept. from the entire country round are ex mcr in iheir lovely home ln Roxbor- g Tb*r tua-ia bill U OLrO U* fudrkaw Uu b»-«1' ucru entertained ot the Baptiut par- that my conviction Is morally and unlay ufterrioon; wore, 7 to C ou£h. Pa., coming to the shore In their shen. was railing ln our Tillage on injected by an atomtxer, bru&h or dividualiu They prefer the company little more «*•" You cannot dream jounulf into a MONDAY. ALCt'BT Urd. 1*11. •J-pV^-aj BTj**fi Liy Arua (lru^arc lo fix* A^*L- itiruatJgxtor aaya thai , YVfatilr UtbJ aLa*w^fcill j| Id f-mrTKll f %jf • r^ ^XJ*LLJLTP Osf thaTSa) OLBJ^ ( t %¥ IQ t*^**" «T\J^X^ll y by leaving their pacltaeea at Harry circumstance* would be mlsunder Gertrude Norbury visited Ocean City g e- It will destroy both the adult surfaces parallel ramo home Friday from Penn»ylvania, —Miati Cathiirint- Bennett bpen ufU;moon und evening for a carefully mun friend of GecrfcTO **** of the klf of eot- trains arrivr and depart at •jILtw^li. unJ tAtirT W.o*tL» aitta •*" c whr> come early will ruivc i —W. II. 1'ulmer und wife, of Wyn -—Augustus Key and family are day of It. ThU picnic differs from H are the be rubbing bruth, We cannot Improve the uorld failtr July OW k-VUniAry 4lb. Thieves broke into tho West Jen>e, —About thirty-five of our M kttr* aqoattod open The Governor of Onrgnn hays: " angle of 45 de on Saturday morn Inff. Troy Laun- n=* in Capo May county Interfere —Mrs. El La Norton h&« been quit. frolic upon the bathing beach adjnctn ott, I*u., urv in the Kennnrd Turnin fyInff their -H-TTSI visit to their the ordinary in being * real old-fash- and hot water, to which may be added than »e Improve ourukti—JJaailell uu»*r Hi liw «)r«- D/ Walkfr H*vmrr. mtw* I*. R. depot on Friday night and rifle< went to Seaville camp on Sunday. cottugv Until ufUr Labor Pjy. Mrs. ad do not *rm know to take pleasure in indorsing the work- greest to the dlrec u'ith the proper adminibtration of jua- 11 with acute indigestion. to the new building und ot night then f ftoda or lye- Inttect powdem Crtlghum. • ua «M»r »»/ lb*» lw-ir» of Ann IUw*«rr. .l*- "imo trunkj* in tho waiting room. dry Co^ Cape May City, N. J. 4-19 I'almer'u rirat guesla were Mirritt A. uncle Truman Hkkman's. C of thaaa ioned piffllr. and with the object of ing of equal fiuffrape in On-gon. The tlon of the lnci w) iir>ttj-alo at Ced. r bass tasr* for avv*s- 1 l wotk. u public injury*. vUiting at Mrs. Wm. Stewart'*. J, 10 ond 11; a blue ribbon evvntiM>.tf grand ball room, where thu trophic >n, Vt. The frienas coming this gether for a day's visiting. At 11.15 of turpentine or a solution of mirrors are moaat •» tLilr-; *_aia iTji.taiw^- pmtUln fur thr Ikatrxl AU*tU*l X Ittti, M:llor Palmer M. V/ay and wife mo Spring*, near PcU-n>bur{r N. J. Will Cordon, who are at Sea Crest Inn. WUBaa Boyds, poataaa- thembclvea of their priviUTTt.- with eo- Hspplncss wwer by You. v "For thi« reason, I am willing to ^CapL. Chun. Noon, of Ocean City, will LHJ uwartltxL In the afternoon th urv u bchool chum, Mrs. H. T. one ounce of corrosive fcubU ed In tabes or oo . JOIJNK. —Silos Robln&on, of Denniaville, Cape May. visited here on Monday. there win be a lecture by Prof. Alva thuniatim and wii^lom. und I am con5 Only learn to catcb bap^lnesa. ror t*>rvd to Spring Lake laht Sunday. deliver by auto trucks if dvuirtx!. Cunmake a further naerifice, Burrcnder bpent the week-end here with hU turn- Thomutt und her bonn, Ferdinand and ith* long rods. l't«~» I tut It »luil| Itr ij itw f.tjlu^klit^ rfiar- called on friends here on Monday. rink will be open to tho^u who te tikiscolony . B* Age* and at 3 p. m. J. Thompson (poiUon), to one pint of alcohol, al»o dent they am u Htrong factor for good happiness Is ever by you.—Goethe. IIO MarlLri \lxr*t. MiKa Mildred Allen, of MilUillc, an albo furnibh trucka for hauling crave lurry, of Baltimore, Md. —Stewart Lowe and wife and Fred. t* r: lujlll of cnurrrU-. t^rhr luctw* my VILWK of roy rightii to the office . Baker and the County Form Demon- may be u&ed in deotroyinf the -e peutH. government und r-rogrviittive princi- from railroad bldin^tt to uny point in —Mrs- John Bell, of Gre«n Cr**k, enjoy itu pleat, u re ti. AH ull South —SUino Hurbor it* "j^etting there." Beckley and wife, of Wilmington, ore ytar* ago and aaya The periscope* '•>r llw r*Ljl>liaii*J KTIMI** «»/ Itw LUMI, aa Wm. Rice, Jr., of Vineland, bpen und tender my resignation. You havo —Mru. Emma Brou{;hton and k m atMtw «f ceosad b* la trying strator win speak. The common cockroach and little red plt*H. Their example uhould encour- of sabmsrlaes are ui rail Lsr uxa>*l*r litr tt*r ""Ssramjin bulk- Cape May county. AddrchH, V. W. in visiting her daughter, Lola, for a roadb lead ucrou-H Avulon'a new^ thi.i. year lifth in it» net taxable spending a fortnight at Edward Hol- For Esrachc. 'futt.** ui .LTWTILM-IIJ lit ttktF drvrriplUjsti Sunday with Miaa Ethel P. Caulk my rehlgruition an prosecutor of the daughter took in the circua ut Dennis valuation in Cupc May county; with unt are the natural enemies of age the-voter* of the Eo*t to grant more elaborate 1^1 lii llw I iiitrU St>lr> fulrnt Offlrt, b»w NOT1CE OP SETTLEMEWT Young. 2121 N. 22d St., Phila. 7-30,4t few days. boulevard and directly to the N lingead's. H t tot of peaceful Miller and family, of Went picas of Capo May county to take ef- Nortli WiMwood fourth. Cape May —Mrs. B. P. Risley, chairman of the bedbug. When the houue la over- They «-""«'rt lr An onion poultice will often relieve la brrcby sdvrti UIAI tike a vllle on Friday. CuMno building, hundreds of country todaartittotothe their mother*, wives and daughters fvet ut your pleasure." —Mrs. Wm. Ayrca la entertaining City third, Wildwood fcecond and —Mra. John 8towe and daughter, Women's Work of the Stone Harbor prtnciple of twtthe worst earache. Il-l rmLrlwirU !>/ >rt<>*'U( k> an Ntfniir LJ , are spending a week at the Tho Equal Suffracv Leajrue rtrtjucat —Cupt. Chaw. Bartlebon came horn folk will find the new building und its run with bedbujrts, fumlfalion by KUI the full right to which they are en- ru fr*-| |uU> ttw IUILMJ nl UM- botUstli, w..Lh Wllrv. ilKauxL wUl l» -.^it~1 aiil aUlnl her aunt, Mrs, Strickland, and daugh- City fir»t. SIOJIU Harbor with Grange, has named as a committee far Iqr DM fkun«alr. *Ad rrportnl far •rtll*- home of Max Miller on Romney Place. u» to Btatc that id has not foncotU*r Ktimi Elsie, of Cninfl'^'i spent last phur titled a* working, tax.paying citizens or three Ulo V....I piir Lu<;k <•/ ttw hm wiatl ul 'ftbWtl ter, of Camden. on Saturday, being- done pound finning adjoining ttrip of perfect beach thcli tu incrvua*; of uiii- und ono-half mll- alao fotml at BoOy th* Bcasoo'* work: Mrs. 8. E. Her- scopes moontef For regular action of the bowels; » ir.l tfw w.ull. msi»' Court of Iba Cotmty Truman HLckman. of Green Creek, thoi>« who have not yet received thti OCEAN VIEW TH1FLES. ioiiH hod madu tho most gain of any Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Delia bearing the full burdens of tho Com- 0/ Lapo May oo Uw rtchtrcslli cUj cj at Sea Ible for the Summer. moat convenient playground. "Grung- *, and th* raport bert. Mrs. Mettle E. Lewis, Mrs. Lloyd end to end. Thai easy, natural movements, relief of has the agency forM Bo^ Death" which wHwatterB," but tho dUtrit»ution from —Mr. Falsora, of Atlantic City, will municipality. Capo May Dcing ncx Anderson. FABM DEMONSTRATOR THBASB- monwealth without all Ita privilcgxr*. —Why iu a Ford car culled a family cr»' Pay" will become an ©vent to be aarreenda th* ownr- Seaman. Mrs. E. 8- Starr. Mrs. Eli Illustrated here constipation, try Dean's Eeguleta. Uiui. Juiy \t house to bouse throughout the lown- —Albert Way ia on the sick-list. lecture at the Baptist church her* und Ocean City uiird. —Boy ScheUlnger and MUs Emily EB-8 DEPARTMENT. Tbe women of Oregon have done wetJ will save your plants—especially to- cur? A hood for mother, muffler fo nticipatcd each Augunl throughout Townaend, Mrs. W. L. Turpin and Miss with Is made (roa 2fic at all store*. . lm ia heces&arily blow, und has be* —Lucien Eddy Ia building u r± Sunday morning. •—**Tho Board of Governors of theMiller, of Philada-, ore upending a with their franchlb*." matoes. futher, and a lot of rattle for the kids. South Jerivcy jubt an "Surf Day" stone Harbor Yucht Club desires to • Una in M. L. VanTboyne. Lost Friday even made c«pecially bo by the many rainy week with his parent a, Jaa. Schellinger Canning DrakooJUxmtlocta • KUTCVAA. Mlanes Ella Hewitt, Anna Town- porch to hia houue. —Joel Fisher end wife and Alvin North Jurwjy. extend to the committee of the Ladle Tho ing Mrs. Risley and Mrs. Herbert re- 'M'MRI.Vi; and threatening; dayi*. —Ho.m'1. ChribtLan und wife, Misae; and wife. The Canning Demoiastrationit htld try Messrs KOOPIXfi u.nd, Ethel Elmer and Mnu Georgt — Mi»a Myru Way la vlaiting friends Fisher and wife were visiting at Cupe Auxiliary, consisting of Mrs. Henry af dlipilt* BUAJ yaaro. ported upon the Canning Demonstra- CORRECTION. Goers of Berlin. JKATIN*. May on Saturday. Minnie Pt-Unton and Sarah Cheute C. Kitcr, Jr., Mra. W. H. RkhUr, Mrs. ast week in tho central and Houthern STACY TOZER Nichols were Philada. visitor* on At the M- E. church on Sunday in Hummonton. DENNIBVILLE-S DOINGS —Mrs. Priscllla B rough ton and aro bat an tion by Miss Anna M. Hauser. of the An ooter tube hu motored to Seavllte camp Friday even W. J. McCaUk'han, J!n»- Wm. H. Mc-daughter, Dorothy, of PnllaHn , spent port of the county, were considering; Editor GAZETTE: In a recent issue Monday. August 15th, at 10:30, u. m., i-ermo —Samuel Johnaon tr»ent the week —Mrs. Howard Douglas*, who ha Cormick und Mm. S. W. Taylor, of S beOna exists In many State Experiment Station, the preth- e weather condition* very well at- SOUTH SEAVIUJE; N. J. Sunday with her parents. F. M. Hand of the GAZITTTE you announced my WHO'S Mluu Ada. Wubon U enjoying by the pastor, "Morul Strength Itihini: end ut Wildwood. been til for a few weeks, U improv —Mih:i Roiie Gundy vi»itcd Philada. Bordt-ntown, N. J., u vote of thpnki* ia one of the con- vious Tuesday, at Rio Grande. Spe-tended. Telephone .... 8ea Isle 2J-1I und thu dc«pct>t upprvciation for their and wife. marriage. The statement was abso- well earned vacation from the pout with ConBclous WcakncHM.*" 2:.10, p. —Auhlin Devaul upent Friday ing at this writing. SOUTH DENNIS DOTS. la»t Week. cial featu oted that a spoon- ML&a M- Anna Hau&er. Extenuion earnest efforts and co-operation In —Capt M. M. Norbury and wife, lutely ful&e and without foundntioa. YOUR PLUMBER? office, being at present at Delaware Sumlay-&chool; 6:30, Epwort Cupc May Court House. —Mrs. S. J. Swing, Mro. Harry W. —H. M. Carroll (» visiting friend cleaning ui.d improving the interior of ful of salt was pot in the mouthof Specuiiist In Home Exo.iomica and Do- K/ I ?^:rhlch « o. rl League; 7:30, bonj: bervicc and M.T Errkltson and Miss Elizabeth Reed re- —Mru- ChuH. Scull viaited Philado. thu club houtte/ accompanied by Mrs. Alwllda Foster, each jar before . 10 and 11; a blue ribbon eventB-6,tf —Murtin JameH, of Mvrchuntville, MHe U Btone blind in one eye! didn't mind it in the leant that ho was —Mrs. Julia Selover. of Yorbalinda, earn, boiling water was added to fill pleasant when these demonstrations (1) A reversed telescope, giving • wife at MayvUle. —Mart Chambers, of MillviUe, and —H. A. Thomau and wifo and A. M hpent WedncMlay here With hlu nibter encumbered with shoes and full dress. To Keep Butter. "Well/* ormwered the heller, calmly —Rev. E. vanDright. of Hunmon CaL. who Is visiting relative* In thia th* Jar. the aalt pot in and the cover w»ro bclnjf held, tut all attending redaction of ahoct one-quarter. DOLLAR EXCURSION The posts and rail have been re- Mrs. Smith Stiles, of Erma, were over* Brosluu bpent Tuesday In Phllada. The ruceu of Saturday frill have a tub When there Is no Ice In the boose. •that Un't tho poor bcaafu fault- II ton, la at hia villa here for a uhort —Hurry Chenter, wife and baby, oJ county, spent part of last week with pot on and tamed almost tight. In were ktpt deeply Interested in Mis* it) A telescope, giving a wg- moved from In front of the GAZETTE Sunday guests at Richard Lloyd'u. —Don't forget County Fair, Sept. for girls. If there Is as much fun and there Is batter to keep, sabmerg* cation of about two. Ls only hia misfortune.*" atay. Eddy&tone, upent Sunday with hit* par in the ruclng as ln the practicing for her sister-in-law. Mrs. a A, BchcU the cooking, the can is to be wholly Hanger's learning just why It In bran heavy enoogb to bold a po- Mock, and will be set Up in front of —Frank Powell, of Comdcn, spen 0, 10 und 11; u blue ribbon event£-C,tf It, it will bu worth aeelng. linger. immersed and the cover given the final they might havo been unsocceaaful in tato at the surface. (B) An erecting prism which can ba Wuller HurreU's harness shop- D. IjfnH-V1"*, the local representa- rotated ao that the Image given br Uw To Atlantic City a few daya lost Week with his sister, PALERMO PENCILING8. —Mrs. Wm. Bruroell, of Ocean —Miwi Hannah Kidler, of Cumden —The tallest, blrocst and brightest —Edgar ScheUlnger, of Trenton, •Hew whan removed from the water. canning vegetables. tive cf the reliable Hollywood Laun- aretem la correctly oriented. TuO lc^ CTTT*TT1 BTHJ Other Mm. Frank Candy. City, ii« visiting friends here thin week. Lb visiting rclativ«r hero for a fc bonfire on tho beacn this aesnon was Dont open the can. othcrwis* the ater- At the different place* Hiss Hauser f —Don't forget County Fair, Sept. Saturday night for tho marahmallow accompanied by his sister, Mrs. CaL («) A telescope giving a * »W»TICBV—All adraoa notices of aJTaJrs she had ever read—would like to Tho Boaa mfftwa beds* at tho Wi County Farm Demonstrator. ia te given or brld for thm UUIIMJ— oi* rais- want to "boas" the men. the citixen VThen baby suffcra with croup, ap- lica HilL —Mrs. Alonxo Broaius was calle Impure blood runs you down—aid* of K. PrBiawTuwn U Jnat a. WAT Miaa* it Eaant Cbasty. Ha I* a Ina coontr. wbellm- for badlvidaals or or- replied: "I do not want to boss my shake hands with the man who wrote ply and give Dr. Thomas' Eclectic sanlrsrlom. utuuthi* lCt~«-i» »i3 b« them*- Mra. Selovcr l» a daughter of —Tnomas Wick and wife, of At-to Clayton on Friday to attend the V Too on easy victim for dis-ln the height of the> r»»«"n aad la at- •VOOaf IBUfltJfc !Mfcaa*aratntgenaiidayomigman needed pet* ' r. t. cucaer a co. T»iifc. o. dkBrana l ffor by UM lint. K cars per Una, Niagara and Mauch Chunk bcairsions wife, and she does not want to boss OU at qnce. Safe for children. A For pnxo blood and sound di tracting great attention. Th* b*dM BoU br an DretSfcta. tk. ot aU worthwth, wltb f per cent. cHsmwrrt lo tho late •Squire SpaMLng. and Is In-little goes a long way. 28c and 60clantic City. Sondayed with their funeral of her aunt. Mrs. Mary Craw s—Burdock Blood Bitten. Al was first of tlw roaea in town to beta CA» M»V Com Hoon. N. J. wt|lua>*;fnwnlllj. tftfi. use 1 1UIIACS. me. There U DO boss at our house but Tsss> Bait s ssssUr rute fee the haby.~ terested In orange and lemon culture. At olfdrug stores- . lm daughter, Mrs. William Lowery. ford. all drug Btorca. Price $tJXX. lm bloom and ita Kraut whlta and pfatk OCEAN CITY N . J

IlalL ~i won't bate my todmnntotloM coot* Jucftfl Pott D taWtwrrd with,' h» rarnL -It yoa CAM HAT coanr.wiw Uoltaeulbrr _ . „ of tb* r WL "WMh wboca did yoa DATd c^ m an ortlcf* to batv Itxat trio- PtTB-UC HOTICK. t Hammdl Co, btfurr blm is* soppoawj tftsl or Hv Cram be Id out yon ran tlie D not brr to amuixuiM&t rvt> 7«n The Honorable forrutrj •rrTlca. bar* tt n-nt ImmodUKIy." -Writ. I'll bo hamrdr ba> Oacolai. Doea your back ache, f«a! weak aad Strictly a County -All rlitt." aald Oactry. "Jo»t aa 29TVXLLE, N. J. rdL droprUae In'o Uw oearcst cbatr. TVUb Mr. UcVtckar bln»«lf- pain/ulT "Aal TOO tbjok joo can do yoa *ay - And bo cmlo DO rffort to Do yoa Koffar bcidachea, lanjwir Senator "Too cxx-dni be." taoftknl Dioont detain tbo enracvd ooo wben lUoant and " ' " NEWSPAPER UMafactwcrs «f Artistic ra*£j. "I'll admit I tut tt waa parity my fault. Mr. llslhavrmj. ' fftit can ~t koow I caja. bot I doot want to ronacd bia back and Unxlo awsj. Dot after tho aelf diacharrcal political man- CAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE * * "or joo f» cu,Mja*urr- Ci aroend bantLaf a chant* to doim pape'' wblcb had been IjlOaT oo To curs kidnoy K-J-W«A» yoa matt bia drmk daring tbo abort aad bclliff- VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 30. rr* MABBLB—GRANITE—BRONZE - wltb %LT. VIC-typewritten Uor* orrr njaln. "Tbo Lk' Kidney PiUi ban trtood 0U» fcoow. and ouiv I am bandJcappcd £a*t lit lie Lady waa (oo fly for joa IbU William H. Bright • t tbo tlor vbra I oagbtat to be. 1 VVtir tf TOO wmat to. Wbco yoa en 'hT^j^ Oxed jroa can wtr* rooJa n ouo time. £ran. coy box* &ho waa Joit Convincing proof of merit In th* LUTHER T.GARRETSON HOLLY MUCH. N. J. SfECULlV bare (VUM> to talk boAlxMsa -with joo propbetroa rooofib to tuc«a wbrro aad following cadoracacat: today, lir lU*«int. mod yoa*r* ro* ID* wont to Antaa. JmU a*j *Ve»* aud Mr. Anna B. Craln. S15 D 8t, MUI- JITBT1CB OF THB PEACE ai*-Q yoor CAXD* Co tt, aAd tbat •LU bo bow yoa would -co off tbo haodla. A FRIEND IN rulnj^wb.o I oajtbt to b« ootntnc IV* vlllc. N. J, un: ~i hod wnai kid- NOTABT PUBLIC Employers UabUlly Iosiiraiice Grrat Uttlr womna Ibat. I bclkrro ncya and my back ached. At tiro** * tram 1st bcro ultra to aad4T«taod tbat yoa *i> abe flgnrra oat nxirt> Iban half of tbo pUced ta *nj part of c rxHirt. Ho U oot of tb* IlioaQt. U Ibdt rtcliiT" tbe door of tb* pftrat* ode* In LESLIE S. LUDLAM CcmaUry clly DMW. 1*11" — Tempi* covrt ba±kttnx bcnlod blm Evan Bkxint walked a balf cloaca of tho family who auiTcred from hack- THE PUBLIC INVITFD1 Work -It U nr>d tt UQX" «r«a tb* quick ache and InactUo kidneym. a*ed Doan'a llerv tlantry'm cumins pot an cod lUoGnt aat rocklaf gaiUj ta Li- i>lrut block* bejood Ibo Inlrx-Moanlato bo- Real Estate. Conocyandttg. Did It CTCT occur to yew that ajarptoa to tbe piiiaic t-uafercoor. ai>d tboprva- rrpljr. "Tlw mllroa>d cotDponj U DO< Kidney PilU with dually (ood ra- work In all lu brmndwa ta po.ltk-m to iLU c&mpaiCD—aa a po- chair. Hf*.tng ooc* morv with itx* trl befurv bo bad cooled down oafll- kkot uf itw Twto Ilott™ compao? aool QAoaea wtiici. was ttuxatrnlo* lo to dcti-rmlae wbat to do next. carelas*. aUadllj aatrd. coold tm eea Senator litical fartor. I mrnn, What «o arv Prior &0c. at all dcaitra. Doot Ai«nt tar ALL and vrut tita waj. ( trjti^i* o do—wbat UT mrao to do—ta orcrwbcJca him Am It chanced, tho coollof down oo- iiimply ask for a kidney remedy—c*t nsnrskiioe tU4 Into a -Yricttl la BCtdT Inapeet It waa no* until tbej bad svrrcO oat Pcnt found him at tbe entrance of tbo IXOVDT3 PLATE GLASS ViB. CO. to lay Ibc rtnlro matter plaint; aod Bo Vic* rrwld«ct McVkottar bad de- Doan a Kidney PilU—th* aajse that la Aaj Part ot Capo May Cocmty. By pUctnj odd dollar* la • CoarUrffs) ttxlr full K'uirw at Urm. UraItK-r celri.'d him after all, aod be waa rorrr- Mm. Craln had. Foatrr-Molhom Ox, CHEtrS LEGAL BLANKS fairly brforr (be pec pi o wttb a pica oav. •• >ui Kl.xm Account bcrr, thtj mill Atrt\ep lato stock at 6a- furil's cru»U ntnl wrro ba£k lo Ibc ivrl- tor a a«;uarx- droL"* If a fence .pet up to acrcro^bo cbk-on- Propo. Baffalo, N. V. ad» labad work rale Ulnlnj; r\*>ai aalt .at tbo lalcr- crj aad trtck*ry wbicb w S«eU Hala Btntt. U CAPC MAY COCBT HOUSE. N. J.aatcalantlal um that win prere 1 : Sagebrush GRANGER S * ""ITen. jru." «aid tb« (nut prraid«it UE. N. J. Uocint.ilD. ultli Uiia Aaocra aafely juat Lb* cam* aa before. Uorr. tbo *1U fe. PiarUoLU tftil aad oor fa who wna *rfidrt}tty aoffcrtnt f<*ocn • atop to Inquire what tbat oottro PiarUoLUr atftcniloo aircn to BrWrs of worth In caunrtacy. brblm) tbr i-k>*ct1 door of brr owo rirv prraid-tat bad Irt blm nullify A Mrri paAT bcoJ Mm/, dlllUs for 1 frr«h attack of cmbATTuamiartit. "Bet be." tbe Bcmrx THE 6AZETTE BLOCS afurtimiit. t*i-if itu am-all cooa|ilrator bimarif tn a tfrw\nfi waym. All bh» Abaulaic aa/ety la aJTordrd manafaclar- tberr *rr tvrtaLa lltti* baaloesa mal- "What nratf tbe aae of LQQairing7 oi Oku CAFE MAY COVBT HODSC. N. J. By [uajM-tl (b*« of cuoO botH* oo to brar* talk a boot opcootn aod fair 1G ef bt±*t M Havlnga earn Inttnat at the rate Ins It; or if brr buabaod. trrv wblrb ha«« to enter Into rrery <1 ruling woald be act down aa rrwre IK- U the IXJAM ot tbe macbiae. U> . HAND dsatrad oar carapolaxi. aoU roor companj-. !ik© my KuulJ \i.t\ i- u»4-d tbc macblne to poi 3'1- coapocuidcd animaDy. At aa. FRANCIS LYNDE doat tbromtog to cooc«al tbo w^rkinfa ***** tor«>rti r«praa«ota- o«o. U oMlfrO to tak« cocntxaocv of of a corrupt aad criminal macbin^. uu.* laio fttJt-t- u« nlt&rtuj pcacraL La LUTflW T. GAH8CTS0N time we "111 (ladly dlaesaa the aid aIU-0 "He will fro d tt adrUabl* aod profit And bia fatber—bow did be* Dxur* 11 a. a. 1 to ft pm tZxi* to—cr—n^nlr* o llttto armAfcsBaCot t>ot Itu- u111 of oao '^•SP, aad that Practical Walclimakfir coast In thU laatltaUocL tn tbla despicable bcslikrwat Had be oa l/«hpntf u. wttb tsa wtiicb waa to oar mnmil ad- man my».^»t klixaman. Uodcr arvb Proopi aad carnful attention gtna Itlol ds- CHAPTEa XI. plotted wltb WcVlckar to hrtns bia —L IUJ shall tuLu tin- ILi-M uu ttieoth^-r HIUV- aad ' '» aod t call4?d to aoo Lf U coold clrruDi*tJu-^-i« woald It bato been poav to ti» repair of •Ifiu lomoD- otrn ftoa to *hin>ff merrij becatiso I bat ait>le for me to administer tbo ccBoe t4.ll wUat I know. TTIC OAML b* »viQ had rcfaaod to be a tool tn tbe cmultl art- 1 1 wltbout /mr or farorT" JONES B. HAND I Uat o tx'cu tell EWD [Uooct had been antldpat- EUoniit aat back In bia cbaJr, aad tbo Honda of Ibe crrat macbio*! It waa fftttan, DKIV Jtrtiy, iptcttttEt 1 n c crv*rybody Ini; on uufrtctxllj rvcrptioo at th* coodiiaiorjr uullo diaappearrd. "Statf cruealy tncrpdibLe, and yet— -1 di»n*f LDOIT why oot." abo rrtttro- PUBUC NOTICE. A fall lias of Watcba ksd Ootka al- Profeuional Piano Tuner (Lat tLU U to be crvat mining enmp ta tb« Curoa- tbe farta. Lf joa plea**. Mr. HaLba ed. "Yi>ur "nt-arcat fcinfnr-*"/ aa yoo rcxarmbervd tbat tboa Car bU Tbr BoarJ of waym on hand o campaign of MW AVALON CASH! tf fcr fat Ulnr bUU bo vai a^rccabtj dl»- WAJ." be «Aid ctirtly. call him. uuuU. bare beta tbo Last rm c* QM CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. First National Bank fatber bjul oaid Do word oppo-Uni: tb» wnti « t*vp» -m-j. r+rm publicity. I shJ J. A ccmmJtte* of promlncpt *^V«il. tt waa Uk» tbla. As yoo ksow. coorae be had taken. Cocid tt be po*- man to Interfere- Wasn't tbat tbo I l owt-hou• I puLUew uW *><. C«vp at no« uZr* b, <, «JTcb— SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 st dispute Uiat a pair vt tbe camp. arttr* Interest La atate poiUirm. Ttkey adrUor. Tbcro waa oo ooe to wbom rocnt. b*- w« ot ln and a«ktnowboaocttT nai In. aod Illoant'a 4*>- p4^ccLb#b T itO. Itli ackbd mill be- pu**tU 1» cuoruUi£ lu tbe L pecked with BO fotbotiaitkr aodltoc*, Tbat bcinx tbe caae. vbra tbey rxxo did be aayT Tea; tbcre X.'UM oar. I*a'cUlon wai tabva u>-on ttw i.iar of tbo -It U my poor opinion, Evoa, that yoa n JT*TV from tlhat ct»l#, ajad will L>r«/ |». B arxl ilxro was no opportanlty 13.000 iMjaarx' feet of clean sand shaded by the Casino Building. mral at tbr ratr o/ O»* prr rBtand. doa't half appreciate yoor fatber." ab* for further ct>uGilcQUal epeeeb wllb uia.cb taken tvaid. -\Vor»o than that, yoa doat Enter your Team. Car or Auto-truck in tho JT* vtcQ tb« niiroa.i rrp- wooid llko lo bare tbetn rota.*" Ho man Ond her and tell brr. Hot In A few miouii-s Latrr ho was behind insurance insures PatrUU Ufort) bv Uft. But wltb tb© fnjnj ttw trutll^" maonpr'n Jmk bot. -Oo on." uid Blocnt. tbe lotcrcal— rli^ ulut-t of tbo fast macMoc, Looa- him Hut that Is beside the prr*- new day had coa>o a now dctcrmlaa- "It* up tu joo." Lv Build, with bbi cooV* bis teat an tb* lav cot marl, at all events. What aro yoa M SrpiraitMT 1.4. i 1 WBIT4KKB i a* ti "Well, aa I aay. ouca bclnf tbe eaae, He cot op and ahat bia deaX wltb a hU way mit of totm. la thirty r**r» fr«o Attorney and Counsellor Uoo. Ta tlu> U-tt of Ms nbUUjr b* baod oa tht* donrkoob, **o wajj s<> fur n.'dttori'd from the at- oaf t»t> prr cvnt will L« pel of [xolltkol rlfitjU^HiitiifaA, bat do- crden* ono clvca nuJ tbat tbry aro pat bail op«ocO tbe Joint drb*t* with a aud Ut- will doubtless accept It." rulrvxi die and insures you aimtrument f ttwi rsilro&d^a In tbo In ml clrrikx) tbat fact waa roc-Ur. Blooatr" be aaked. tack of li^bu-ouji ludLcuntloa that bo Hhv XVUM hujkicB^blm fairly tn tb* bis uuuodt to try to taalto It tS- In tlto uay of bttui; carrtod out. DU"k. o waa able ti> nwH-t bin fatbir and tho CAPE MAY COUBT HOUSE, N. J. I tiuna ubat I c^iy. It'a a cLcan DUT«-{ tartbod-i, &ot CKii/ La Its dc&llac» with ognixctl. 8!rx-« Ibo Twin Batlea Lum- "*\or* said Bioont almost aarafo- ejt-a. "Tbat U the second onarlao tcctixe. STRAW-BIDE CONTEST ber company la practically tb* ooJy ly. Tbrn no rrcotuidcrcd. "*Yra. tbrr* otbem wltb a fair d«vrw* of c^uanlm- thing joo have doae. E^vaa. joa ar* PuUle With thU Ubjb i-nrpoao In vlow ho —or OD ixputturu tbat will mako a lot and compete for one of the PRIZES which will be awarded to tho Granger bringis? tbaj Its pjtron* aj a comrr»oQ carrlxT, bat if you live. of jaa «WJ tUat JCKJ Uad EUJVCT L»t«o ai*o In th-o [wnlnacltj with which It bravy lombtT ablppcr lo tbla rcs%otx. It t*- Yoa may take a istiuct to Sir. sadly lo tv>-n» about tbat telegram?** fT5, r^an." pleaded Gantry, "and dTO Itun that which crc«* Laat Tvfwllnx tVDOlhrr tnttr\'U w wlih jcro. I At tbe dinner tab to ttw? profr«*or ftUc UUNIMHS **-ry prettily. "I can WTIJI bis £r\-«.->rth illt-tMortally u.Kin matters belp you Don." she aaid. half besi DkniQt ubook bia b«id. "So. If railroad** aide of tho aryn pcrtalolu^ •M'!.-I> to-tbe iilliKX-no op Intln^ly. "If «»oly you woo"t try to d^M hT •Ht-aUj-. tt waa EM* aocb a great oT th« cocDpAAjr. In tha rr*c-an- in arm atanT CQCIT. xU U. yoo Ua.o tent tt, well and cood; If the >oarr>e/ frtwa tbo capital, Uma» tnjr rr*Jxri*4iOQ U La your r^rvts Lf and iifvt-r IM»V kukTt-rt-d tbe table con me orrf Into the tuld of »enan>ait. It a^4 »J<*a. C^rta. Oraaiaa •< Uxmi a— yoa bavro'r, jou may pitch It Into tbo o ''Hilio was a« fiTlna OA any Is Your Ii-d th*- U Ttwn you most do tbe next best 4 WAY ho took out bia pockctbex^k. azul »jy. Ni», !»lrk; juu*ro cot only ono the Grantre presenting the beat exhibit of Vegetables. (3) to tho GraAg-e preaentlnjr the out It we Moakl go Lato baokraptry between now and cloeloff tltne." > i.» ibo aruwlDj; rvxica w ihlnc-t.-ll Ultu yoa txave rrronsideTccL" i or tuiit osf umn to debt, but jtwj luuata't farcrt beat exhloit of Dairy Producta. <4> to the Gnuifre presenting the beat exhibit of Cookery, est investigation as to our reliability, bus- ot a Law wDlcb prvaumed to limit the tfixUe of a j«ir. and iK(»uaJ*-d I'utrU-l.-i to t° to tbo tho avoppn.-**o«l t«.lc£rotij fixro&s to ramln£» uf a prtrate or at moat « "Itut I ran'f strtko baada wltb tbo -- »/ Hotorrt J. LAW OFFIOCS Bioaat. -Ili-ru It U. You can do tbo Itiat liU tuiTif nlto t» Ulfiant- Go to (5) to the Grange presenting the bent exhibit of Needlework, and (6) to tho Grange present- iness methods and facilities. Kkuaorn tv. rnr«pn£ullaf regaintioo llmft- WZXUFaUSO tS TUX ilaailuo lu tlu* Uirli i-art of bia me." b*.- WILDWOOD. N. J. 00 LJO Iwinflat ami fuIJLc WcUarr, I\ let yoa cotuaitt haraklrl wltboat ot uord 1-t- iluit J^>u Lnvo ocotcUcd ttio awarded. Deposits by mail will be promptly rate yoa «pcttic of. Or. T. Pnnim.'.-PrH'tfVf OpcmitUwi, San l'ron^itr>»- Lead of iLU lumber company enakc. Inj: tho f»«i of rach a corporatl«a*a» If the telrphooo station at tbe ho- P.aa» MllllOff ffttOQcb tO lUtCU tO -Of c«urn' you can't, and yoo CAPE MAY a H, N. J. Icazt tryloc to cct tbo cutting tool oat All articlea entered in the Contests will be exhibited In the MARINE BALL BOOM. acknowledged. •rrrtrr. I'p^o tbla foendatloo he «u tus Mid. • peaking aiowly— moatn't- Dot ibc truo rvformer ta oot IK of y oar ha mis, \Vha t b ibo T all for today. Goodtry.™ *1 lmjciae it La no< cocflncd lo this tel Bloant tried oct era 1 rimes, aud HruLuia urn iati-fimrtrd b> • rart«reB*ulul a rrrjr fair mtroctmv of aod oJway* Ine-ffectnally, to get a. l>at tlw crx'jtt-r matter nai made tHJt of tho man wbo drop* things " oo Ik 4"uY yoa'vo got oa yc*ar tain this | cratory. atau*-** Jaar. A- tX. ttll- 1666. Wlilwood. 67A. court. Illouat fouod that tho morn- phone "Avalon 35." Write us about opening an account. I sllll out u flirtilDC ttw.- l»-»uK-r. Later, cod runs QBUJ. Voa must stay La aad A. C U1LOHI.T1I. < U«»_ In ifyff moxnin£T" 1 loog distance cooaection wltb Court Hcaae. 29. woatf* ^ nxnll hail It+en bqay vdtb him a>so. Tbo JodpE*. his oppooroc w&a » rath- "WcU—«.-d L*nfcolf fliztjf: — fl£bt bartU-r than yoa ercr ban Ifo tbltt. .Dick. Yoa know reply. "To m**t cod petition iK-f.itr. Ktau. tf uot for the &&£-* of 0 been doinc—what I - - ThcrtJ wen.- tbrx-o Invllatlona from er tuivltl mao, vbo»e spc«eh It hxs called up Gantry to ask Lf tb* traffic oat. iLv uff.t Lui n> (lu- dlno- widely iwi^roiod cittt-a In tho state, all For the entertainment of Gran^eni and their frienda there haa been arranged a In lights of aprcftd ct^filo b*ro made to apply also oo manager kac-w anything aboat tbe paf- p-aun» ttuj lit*' |>t«r<*«Lt<'i>It, UDJ tb*- latvvr rtEht. then for yoar Jj^ NEWEU. HEULINGS waa hlrvd to do—aaaartng ercry body, Hpecial program of amusementa, including J •uike. Cao't yoa M-O tbo wide door rtgbt aad left, that wo wcro UaiMtl ujx>n tLo notvepapcr rrports of Security Trust Company aikl wlww*' appeal «u to tbe s pottc* and moTeniccLa of bis fatber. C\an 111...nil tiunlly u*iit bl» Ojiblr HiH-cch, and tho aflcmooo an4 thu lui[vuUc» of hla aadleocc And it Is corerM by rebate*. uway that La OIKTO SALT. Attorney at Law YOUR FINANCIAL Into thla campaign with clean bandsT* Gantry did noc know, ixit be kiwrw auK Lt- Old It aloiu.-- By \Lrtjjr caall l^iucht thr«-o more. tUooat. on tho other hand, made a "I CUD fct-c aod bear aad fecJ wben S09 Eighth Street "I know." admitted tbo trnfBc An Exhibition Drill by the Avalon Coast Guard Crew aomethlng cUe—a thlog wbicb pro Ted TLK- U'urtmiv lit-n UJU OD OUIICX to K' L , t DM n., nnd tbruuiib tho door U Blammcd Lo my face." be 1-1-15 OCEAN CITY, N. J. tbo dgurv** of tho rug ot bis fexrt. eduratlo.. luJ oiruck a i»O(wjlar chord. ^'1, toctcal La Trunacoctln* nlal '" " "How can I go on prcacb- vf Juor. JC tXtX. itlXitlX, 11 iK.ll raf The Millville ! L ORCHESTRA CONCERT 3 P. M.. and a carefully selected program repreaentins looped La.k |*->rtItT.T» be ct>uld bi-ar dta* oo aud the >i»unf; i-ollitral managvr saw •M Striae* Bt9*iiH. oi,-online frankly to tb* the # 1 hare been doln£ tbla La a cxjmpaoy U a heavy purchaser of lam- -Come down bero and tell me what tbe aulmj(»-(J bum .if ibo pr» bUtoric of clcttnnaess and fair MONDAY, XCCCrr tX. Iflli. nhat a tulrtuu]au» opportunity waa the very highest perfection in of bl» bearvrs. ID erery p*7ttod of tt tK-r, QIMI lb*? crvater part of tbo differ- ubfQ I know tbat oil this cor* An account with the way at my office uptown ln ivcanon and yoa m«sa by seadlng Laccadlary tcle- cuii\«rr>uill>iji. In vbkti Putii* Li had JOHN S. DOUGLASS, M. D. oat of Beaaoa. on(J nlgbt before last ot ojwnine for tho railroad If only tho bo vu crcetfd wttb cvnerooa ap- ence bctwt-*:u ttw? pnrferestlal aad tbo grsma- to the vice president.*" bo coro- HOST Jujtu-ii, UN a luyul tiau^blcr Bbould- mjitloa atul trickery aro going oa be- K«>»1| Blnat ! Ocean City Title & Trust **!»«>««.T»**" itiat 4.tinlry had rcfui»cd ti> platuw. ood at tbe cioao or tbe meet- rcsniar tarilT rate is takxo op la oor 1 Ophlr I did tt ivublicly. Aa tbo cam maodexl, with Resting aevcrlty, orrr Iloplo.; a^nlnivt bojK- that tbo pro- hind my LackT What will too people CAPE MAV COUHT HOUSE. N. J. Compan3'Jcan always be de- X shall doubUe&a put ruinip (until l>o 11rand enough oad bUh tn£ be hod vthat thtr editor of tbe local tills for ntocU sold to too railroad." the pbooe. fessor ttouM i-»tu*- lime c° to bfd and of thl» »tu(u bay to pio and aboat cae National Bank mlndt-d i-nuucb to sclxo It. my»ulf ou rv-eord txmuy tlu±e* to paper calltM La bia tsxoe of tbo foJloa- "Lei cue l>v QOite clear opoo tbat • Gantry was Uiay wltb tbe ateoofira- that bi» futLu-r uuuM ooaie fo tho d«.a uLt-u tlw corrupt too Is eipoaedr"* PAVS iNTEBEiT ON' pended upon as a financial aamo effect" Aflrr ilmt for lhrv« xsevk-a Blouat Uc day "ao ovation.- point. Mr. Ilulhawoy. You mrnp tHat a> * r. m. SA-Qr*tly K.IW' 1»L* ofllre lo tho caplla!- PICTURES 4 and 7 J P. H. pber wben ETrao eotered. bot tb* traf tor his t-fdrtaM' uLlff at tho long "Ab." BIK' sjt.t -That U Just wber» ' partner. **Good manr opplauded Gantry. I aad bia feltotr commit- yoa arv ollowcxi to charge tbe railroad stemmed I'll"*, lltouut baioked and you LMVIU to crow oao aided. Yoa Onr n|>[wilnitu(-nt fullou't-d nnotUCT la including "WHEN LOVE AND HONOR CALL." a wild western drama In three acte Company more than tbe market price 0c mano£«r lmmediateiy poatpooed at • pUnl La t±-c crtaUr U tU Ttvlnc lo drns the talk down to EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, rtcd blm to tbe midnight tbe buslneiu of tbe moment and dls- Waited. \Vin-u bia patk-ocu was Unallj rnuut «,-u on i»rvacblu£ the (rtwpel. bot ' '- C*ae MJV to «^pc >Uy I At any time, especially rapUl »uortcatuuu altitude. "I'm baro wo Wa* ii ri>(K*tItlon of tbo wolcoaio ci- -' " Ibe clerk. rexraru>d 1( uUB not ibv honorable tLat l* y tbo O.'hlr tulucn*—a con.tal ~» vnt enor« entbaal&atlc tbao The prvaUU-or uf tbo 1 amber trust senator *tt>o ot!n-r half U to trj' to uiake the Caf afjTTTwJ , »t^n o/ tM-aj), "SEVILLE. CAPITAL OF ANDALUSIA/'a beautiful travel film. 8782 CHiard Ave^ Philadelphia, Pa. tbo 11 too cbnLrtnoJi. "Vw: that* practically tho U Dothing to ttU—morft t^ir* i> UUil by in give ua." wtlcomo, uroi-roaa appluuno nnd klntl- aad t-nten-d IIH- ca^' smoking room- lbu-lf niTTw with tb*» c^»l*l. I fully Cuff fcr T. aVersoKW.. Funeral Director FUND ACCOUNTS a very satisfactory partner 4> 0mmm* «aT tike rrra.tmted. u>d iliwn ittad. UQI a treat vpeeeb, Mr uf It." be admitted. Tbea bo yoo ***»ro) already to Itnow." Mid and Umjly tx-tu-v** tUac you lost yoar trata G*t> ttnbr "TThat Is Just tbo point." Bloant went ly hospitality Qt every turn. w d the time worn ar- Bloant OioroiM-ly in answer to O an try's It waa I'atrlcla, unJ t>bo was olone- Bloant. tt** tvald at panlnjc. **If you once im>rv W betil bi-lper uluu you refuited to Join CAPE MAY COUBT HOUSE. N. J. AND ISSUES to have. on gravely. *"It mautn't bo mcrvly a It wa» not UDtll ho tvaa dvcp Into tbo Especially in honor of the occasion the Grand Ball Room will be decorated for funwot: ~It'a tbe only way We can ur father. Hut that la it Hank your money with coat of vhltewojih. Dick. It bn» foarth trts k of too burrylncs to and pood IAILB am y<>a bavo mail ftbef v to live ond d<» boaiocas aowadaya, ktr. tbat U all.** berv," kin* fe-ik tutuily. taklnf tho easy cit-r aunf. utul tw>w yixi mast o bo the real thing tbU lime. I bo- fro that he tn-cun to admit a bunplclon rjLiibt juu'll tit; ua all op tn a Y. rdIMoant- LJi-u evt-ry otber Large oor- chair ut iIn* « rrune wbicb ICTV.W llko a juci;ler*n rtwvo xvhen HOTEL BKLIJEVUE "Bat wbyr* prrdstecl Gantry. hearth- **IK*I »j>i»o«Utf corner of tho make tlu* l*~*t of Ibv i'pportUDllle* yoa tkocr. U 4 us. gan by 0iia£ the 'llttto brotbcni,* as knot. Hut McVlcktar won't let yoa do porntton. nv have a email army of w*.* bore yoa to extinc- U>lnJ OTIS M. TOWNSEND Mfioates of Deposit; be had orw-c plvru It jilaco. TUct*o In- **B*cau*e I an) oot going to be an tion r- lutvc CUOBWO-" you called them, but I mean to co JOHN B. THOMPSON It. not by n loac ebot," Uttle b ha rvtio liters—widows, orphans, accessory either beforo or after tbo * a..J Three Per Cent. Interest Paid vltattonn. whirl, wi-re now comlnc charitable tnitltotioa» and tmetoe*' Registered Architect r up If I am compelled to. I DO lUouat taufibod. "There ero DO Cact-not If I koow It/* was tb* *"Xot Quite." be laucbod- ""But tine© **I*atrtcLi. you arv an Inspiration. If BEARING INTEREST on Time Deposits hero this tuorulDc to oak yoa •« 7i~o from all jiariH »»f the Htatv—could It bo accooDia, 1 bare brooght a list ot I hadhd'n ut njyiMrlf bom OCEAN CITY that will make toe otaad forth to tho cri'-at (T-iftlc he could SCO BOpob- aod (jultv u& aua'if aako I do try to- know m>> aena and pftad (i. O. LANGE one—tb<-y xv **rv *'lT».-ctual.y kcci»lnK aquarv deal for every man. Inclodiixflr tom of It. urtttto in wtta a pen. was your Just detMMt* you wooid be break- and pftadon to ple of tbla Btnte. I wont yoa to prom- A One-Step Contest Special EUmdjqr Dinnera Cram aoe to two. tbe mllroaJ ing stono Ln ibo penitectlsxy this bless- Uut tor tut wuu niv Ltvlnc: today there help. You Enusto't tempt me, Ev a POWELL ise mo that you will cut oat all tbo him nuny front the cupltnl. which waa tbo numo uf Patricia's father, wltb his FLORIST the nucU-UH nud center of tbo cam- ed minute'** are so tnauy prublcma of really vital What btf uould bavv itald. wltb what deals, all tho biiberlcfl. oil tbo bargain' AUTO PASTIES AND CUIWEHS CATERED TO .as tbe cordial reply. raldeacv uad occupation tilled oct In Contracting Bricklayer Title and Trust Co. CAPE MAY COOBT HOUSE. N. J. "Ill be dowu along eomo of tbc»e foiL tLmportan<"v, probleau Ibat tbo ptero- aaalonutu p]eadln£v be would have all tbe~— PRIZES TO THE WINNING COUPLE "Buffering Jehu." laogned tbe traf- dactyls Dcvi-r koew anything aboat/* pressed tb« ndvuniofB gained by bla Floaers. Bhrabs ami Trees. Cat Flow- Won tberu tuimetblug eulag oa nt day a. nnd If you can ft how me that fic manager, "somebody mast Plasterer and Cement Finisher OCEAN CITY. N. J. **Oh, nay, **ee here," protested the The Barn Dance will offer aa great delight to those who dp not dance as to those who WhlK- Kran was staring at the pea have •"I know." Bald tbo youog man, balf appeal for tbv larv*-*r belp, abe was aot era tor all occadaca. Be) I Phone 37—£ bead.iuurten* that *~tbo powera** did Me Vic lair Ua't going Lato politics any bero hitting yoa pretty hard! W do. From the balconies the dancera will present a beautiful spectacle, lighted by 660 writ tea tume Hathaway went oa clo- abscnti.v. I am op against one of to know, for at ihnt moment tbe por- under tiro; **you*r© got tbo wrong liot wij*li lilm to flod out? Of one farther tUao yoo have goao bere to- (jacuUy hii was It. ETODT" Wbo '». H. Ma(tt<-.a CEMENT WALKS by tbe car. Evan- I'm not tho colored electric lamps flashed by an ingenious mechanism which reproduces the beautiful night I'll i^omUo you to como back _ lha dlsaatroas rty them rl^bt note, aod I doa'c kxiocr bow tiere were drawp aside, and the email pohilc nadat, oo thluc b** WUH fulrly well assured— VS/. SCOTT HAND b«.-rv and tell thv boys that toe Jig la vails that would fa)] apon tbe people At another time Bloant tnignt bar* bouae tuUtuUtr\t * W. W. BEYER CONCBETE FOUNDATIONS Trnnitcontlncnta. Railway company.*" Gontn wu» d*xJi;lng him. was op- effects of Moonlight, the Sunset Glow, Twilight, and the Glories of the Rainbow. U» Wcairy A to meet IX." pparfrfd la tnt> door- •""our. AUCDBT it. MIS. Till etmltitiiJ Ocraa City. N. J. op.- for tvbom ha uu» la tbo largest *en*tf bees less angry and more diacrect- "I know you aro not. Bat to npaltxntly Lt^plui: an accurate record tho truatt-f, the dJjwiBtt-r hanging upon -WUI It bear telling?" she asked. Way of tiiu amoklac dca. f> U»«- boon ot twrlm ajxl B«r o'cUl Care BUT cocar BOCSZ. N. J. greater degree than any other oCBcLaJ Fir*' minutes later the broach train -Jt was Ifr- Himoo T. Hathaway. Jo »«. at oa o'clock to Uxi albmui of bid more meats, for wheacrcr tho tbo tt libdrawul of tbo presidVnt of tbe Twin Battc* Timber AAd be boped itiat Ibe sympathy In Toa twor* she BcoWed. with light ;r. •• tb. 6i«iff-. oOoc. U> Cap. FsHy cajsi^ncd (or asrreyiBX oa in tbo caanngement yoa havo Mr. Mo hurrying to and fro permitted a fly- During Skating and Orchestra Concert, admission 10c; use of EDWABD a SMITH A CO. out, and tho chairman and bin H rate. compajiy, bo said. tbar toce was persona! rntber ttasx £earteU oDHtt-rity. aod tben to 1'TOD: 1 Mocic, Cap. «tar County. Kc. the -.1.1.-^ or beach. Vlcknr'o coondeoce. If yoo don't feel Ing rUlt to tbo capital Gantry waa al- Skates 10c extra. BAJHXXX8 com out tee me a gave too deport' DR S. K CORLE Blount broke Llm In tbo tuldnt ot Gantry drew a long breath, which cworentlonsL "Don't you Liu>w tbiit tse keep coun- Irt Arc Bear. Mtb St. coenpetenf to bundlo this thlatf on your wayu out of tow a. Motion Pictures, admission 10c : Box Seats 26c N. K. eOMSEB tMOAD AND CHESTNUT BTH. lutut dt-bater three cheers BDd an- try boors here ut Wartracol TBo pro- BHIDGETON. N. J. PRICES: other. Wbvo tho red tail lights of the tbe BiH-clal a'l*-adlugs. "I sev you coded lu a loir whistle. "It wtll no* xtnij btar UUlng: it Oe- B-1-14J STONE HAHBOH. N. J. own rcapooMiblllty paas It up to tho&a Wltb i ho awakening couple Ion camo Bam Dance. Balcony 10c; Box Seats 25c; Dance Floor 25c remitly uddtxl one new oamo to this fessor will bv up und calling for the Dentist who can and havo tt understood that Skee Ball. 9 balls for 5c ikaaWtm mi tUw T««k mm* trala hud dlnappearud aroand tho find *"&> that's what yoa were let to for. aoaeds to be told to aome one whoso Insures at lowest coat aad pay* Its a ntpU I'Uttiug together of two ouJ Blot tutm>. list, ihut of I'rxjfttwer Anneniv** was txr" hv exclaimed. And tben bo acnae of rtebt and wroc^r has ootbeeo car at O o'clock, nod It'a i>aat mid- tberu txstiAt bo no compromli*c.** IO'J. Wbcrvrer bo weat tbcro was ul- carve Bteurbueld tamed to bia fellow pijtit. Bbaou.* on you! IIDD au-ayaod Will BOW deTOle bis pernonal atteotion BaHW CUISS INVCSTMEWT SCCURfTlCS coriBf) Ira torn. Interrupted too Twin Bottes chaPCatcsd hima»e.f nbruptly and went drawu aud Qaart£rvd and flojed allro losses promptly. "*Oreat BcottP murmured Gantry. Wuyu tbv luicue urctmlng boapltnllty. C ""oud be Is a good example gat yoor U-auly ali-«p. botb of yoof* To Casino from any part of Avalon, 10c Call Ken- -Well, boya." ho aald. wttb a grio back to toe prlacLpaJ conteoUon: "Bat until U baa no longer Ufo or brratb The Real Estate and ' ta the Wildwood office cTcry &*y 1* VEJUJJ or BATTBTACTOBT BaOXTICX 'And you're on tbo pay sheets tbo wltb many urulagu to delay his of our -»• ^" " Tboso llko AD- yoa'rv not coins to qalt, ETO-O. left wttb wbJcb to proUst-" xamc as the rest of us! But candidly, At tbe HUtut* tlmo It became evident la nedy. Bell Phone "Avalon 5-R 11." that went from var to car, "I pneaa 1 YOO (To be oontlDued.) ORD AMD KffiimnD. SUBJECT TO SALK AND ADVASli: I-. ner»— do that. " Tbemipuo be told ber all tbat bad man to man. Evan, tbo thins can't [unuy little Warn that bo Was ln reali- we did It up ull ii£bt and according to tho Ilk- -\Vhf can't IV- Search Company Jobn I. Carroll - RttMul Dlrtctef or&en* I don't know what sort of buy >> tocka u bea they bay happened to blm alnco tbe erenln^ be UNION BANK BUILDING done. We've got lo play tbe game. ty tuervly skimming over tho surface Ipime I ha Hon. l>ovo Bagt-bruab L» "ecu ut ull for un lux vat tn*. at aad pay "Becaone yoo hare committed bad lelt tbe sU>epln&r cor at Arctas. CHANCE FOE GAZETTE HEADEEH. . AGENTS They'll eat ua alive lf Wo doo't. Youla bU (-utupalcn work. Atlantic City Bcctric Company for Vrti out uf their hard earned aav- WILDWOOD. N. J. Tbat a bot l*u)ltlcal flght was colnc COMING! COMING! COMING! (ATf-AKTIX CUTU. . NN. J-) pbtyl x this time, bat whatever be aetf right aod left- No man can walk conclodUiif alaioait sliamefacedly tvltb John k*. CunO, DcnabrvtUai needn't nftiru In It- It was a miatako oat of tbe runks oa tbe eve of m b*t> tbe story of tbe lumber magnate's at- foupoo Worth 2Se If Prearated at Fidelity Trust Co. letting Him Uuthaway go to you, and oa all uround blm bo could not doubt. GRAND BAL MASQUE Saturday Night. August 28th. A Dazzling Spectacle- fflnt uat JKcfUsfia* Mort. and I reckon we gnTo tbu Both Phones. Joa. B. WUaoo. Case Kay Car "I know.** >uild Hlount. froa-Dtujr tie. Yoa doo't stop to con&Uer tb* tempt ot eorraptloo. of wbicb be eop- WUleta Coraon'a Store. of Newark: V. V. aald ao at tbe time. But your—*r— Thjif lif wu[uii»ertt were full of It. aiui In Hundreds of Dancers in Costumes Picturesque and Beautiful Everyone Invited. Get Gld 1938 joans man. a right pleaa&nt time, Anyway, ho eeerood to think BO." Tbu fart that I'atrlclu'u father wan la coastroctloa that will bo pat opoo prrsMd nolhlng bat tbe fact tbat tbo AND WILDWOOD TITIJE AND tne powirro ibat bo said tt had to be tnauy sections of the btute tbe tighl TAX EXEMPT IN NEW JERSEY volrt-d lidJi-d a fn-nb aad vxaa[>eniti^ profesaor/a name app«or«d la Mr. had become acrimonious and bltlt-r. Your Costume Ready! Bioont did Dot reacb bia office Ln tbo action on yoar part." In order to test the GiZtTTT'o great THD8T COMPANY that wuy, and I bud to let him go end Prace 08 and Interest, ta Yield About 6,15^ capital ontlJ tbe afiemooa of tbo BOO cviuplloatlou. Uoi be taunt come to 1 doa't stop to consider anything, Qstbaway's llat of shareholders. circulatiouation and itii uuperior advertis' POST OFFICE FIXTUBES boll yoa all Up- It shan't happen But. ulthouch he wus supposed to bo ond day. flu first enro was to call Bom« d*-» Ulou- "Let u» c**( dutro to Dfeik, except tbo fact that I was erS- Wbea be made an cod bcr eyes wcro ing valuel , we hhav e r^^MM * arrange^ FOR again. 1 CUD promloe you that much. lu tbo Hunt. It been a to bo apparvnt ahlnlaf. ellber wub quickened sympa' up tbo iDjer-MoQDtnin. and when tbo thv |)rvt«*Dt fnct," bo went oo bmwjue- exparted to connive at a crim- menu with WUleta Coraon. tbe popo- anyway." tbat he nun Uttle tuore thna aa on- tby or Indignation— bo could Dot iim by telling blm ]y. "What U It tbat >ou want mo to inal coxxlvtnpt for too Law of tbe land, lar druggiat, to offer one of hia best IW office case with HICK CABS Blount caagbt quickly at tho heal- do. Mr Huthauayr" tettnbie wbicb. selling medicines at half price to any' Searches Btragc^ of tbu moujeoc that bio father, Mrs- Bioaat aad their tbe law whichh,, aas o Qembcmemberf ooff ffr«» -Wbat did yoo dor* abe oaked. ro- CALL AND LOOK BOXES Agency (or Cape. May Coonty. tant pa aae. caucnv or NEW JOESCY "1 want >t>u to U4.1 the machinery tn bar, I havo aaws to opttoid. one who will cot oat toe following Abstracts of Title It Wus UB If everything bad been $1 ^ ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS guest had goae oot to Wartraco I La II Tnat axxl Money Onler Wliulow, tor eale "Who wen* tho Jx>wera that be* In motluu MO tlmi wt- coo have oar rat*? tmlag to tbo Incident of tbo aftcr- coupon and present it at his store. carefully |>rearratig.xl. like a sort of be coauted lc aa oae moro opportanlty ta enough for toe." Dooa. Conveyancing Elathaway'B caw. l>ickT" bo demand- missel and nettled down to baalaesa, roii.luu> roapfyya«Tiruin oo hif d 1*11 If Vkkjr," Oaotry Interpoaed. "If yoa ~l am afraid I let Hathaway get away JACOB FELDMAN, "I can'f tell yoa thai; hooA-utly I wus a uteuogmpher'a noto asking him tt* \-\\iy vote you can gvt enn afford to drop oot he cant afford Prompt Service. AD work jruarantoed. Young's Garage wus shutting blm oat from tbo inner wttboat my ttlllAfeT blm plainly enocgb 7-7. ti Woodbine. N. J. int. truo." waa the ouxloua reftiaaX Work lags of lluj campaign. Vw K&cr**, to make aa appointment wltb oae 8. Ihltf $\iir. Mr itlouuL uud yoa can't to let joe" Then, wttb mnAAmn grav-wbat a bopcleasly Irreclaimable scoan- toe bolder nfford to luru u*> IIUWD-" rjr M^ Money to Loan oa Good First Btorage anon't oak me." and tie could ueltUer Bormoanc lc iu>< P. Hathaway, whose address was toe ity. -Hadn't yoa better let roebol d dp dreJ be la. 1 mode a ^ntttnVit In not **All right; tbea I sftrmH pwwqrrMr that Inter-Moan tain hotel. Biace tbe note Blouut rvlurut-J tin- [.rioted list of that telegram of yoora for a tewtnrowloaT blm oat bodily." HPICEK AND PACIFfO AVKNUEB posh It ouldtf. .*n niuni tb« p •O TtUaKtr Mr. McVtckar was responsible/' said Kotwlthjitandlmj tbe bard work aud woa ausrked *~lmpa*nmt*" be told tbo stock bold t-rw uud ffll l*aetiln«r. "id It |>oaaiblo thai boora. Eraa. unlU yoo'To bad time ta "Voa aiade yoar greatest mlfifnkw ta OaVna U aTlis* lUUaauI Marnk atatlaUaa) Bloant calmly, thus proving that bo tbe burd trutellug be wus doing be -ATLANTIC CITY- clerk to call up tbo Hotel at once, aad you 'duu'l n.-« ot:ulr*- IIM> twld crtmiaaJ' think It overt* tbe very bcglaulns. Eran." sbe aald "WILLKTS COHSON. WILDWOOD. N. j. had not taken bis degreo In the law did not let tbe rauulouary effort out- ln doe tiro* tbe geotieman. wbo. tbo decislrcly. ~Yoa sboald hare made r CAPE HAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. rbool for bothtng. liy of kiurb a iruuxuxiloa. Ur. Hatb' Bloont sprang from bis chair ta a weigh the sturdier purpoAo, which ttu« -* " said, had called sereraJ conOdant of yoar father." nomr-irvaT CBXTS "Oh, bold ou; you mustn't do that, daring tbo day, rnuT** fats sp-otroyT" lit* uxkixl guWcly. white heat. to bold bis prtacliuila ngtuJy up to tbo **Of courw I don't.*" was tbo ... "Do yoa mean to Ull me that 70a -I did try to at Ont." bo protested. TRY AN EASY Itber/* proleijted tbo unwilling occu- mirror of a Vlglluut w-atcbfulness. THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 pcarnoco at tbe door of too private of- "Bat tbe same ta eterjthlog. If you pant of tbe witness utand. tV«. reply- "It U ibe uoJrental rale of tbe are already holding It npT" ba> eything; and cannot call at Ma atore^ cot SHAVE Arguing tbat tbe opponltloa newspa- everybody play* It—my father, hla oat tho coupon and mail it with 26 CALVES "Thank you.** suld tho postgraduate, pers would be uulck to t*elxo upon ooy It was a mutnal shock. Bloant rec- txuiae** trortd vrvrywhere. Yoa do abas of "I took tbe liberty temporarily." aald wife, the railroad "f --f.'f and the pol- cents, and a 60 cent box of the specific wttb tho true Blount smile. "Now I cbargv of corruiKloo luvulvlog tbo rail- THE WORLD'S PLAY GROUND Z lnstantty bia coxziDodoo of tbe TH^irvf^Mnjf t%>r '•H* aad I do somctblng will be sent you by mall, charms p^lltl tfyf you. Voa tnnkff It [MWmlMft for the traffic man coolly. "There la DO itician*. Barely yoa woaldnt aay that know that It was my father. No; doa't road company, he rend tbeoi faithful- Beautiful Piers and Varied Scenes of Gayety and Pleasure. i tt [M>inilMff for os paid. Oo not put it off. "One to-day AND HOGS deny It. But vvv arv wuuderiug fruu a snitJnrf com to lire aod do bosloens to lam her, and barm done. Ur. UcVlckar U 00 bU I aboold have let my father pot mo oa U worth two to-morrow." ly. AH yet there bud tx-va aotblng psirtoexit and tbe DUO wbo bad doobt- way weat now. and be will be bere ID the state ticket aa a Candida to J- UP-TO-DATE HAIR CUT tho real issue, l'w awked >ou fur u moro than spiteful luuucudoet* and a Special Train Leaves Cape May Court House 8.OQ A. M. wv will do what we can to maX) it This is a Kreat opportunity tor oor [tromisc. Dick. WUI >ou give UT : Icaw emt tbe three b*jt)N"d^f» after posslnto for yoa to gvt yoar •anare a day or two. Why not kill tbe mea- -Certalnly Dot." waa the quick reply, AyW« •" obtain a popolar remedy at raking over of past misdeeds, tbough •toot nolcsa yoa were convinced of tho small price. Mlhta yoa oanai to Court Hoasaa can J. SWING WILLIS, "*I—I can't give tt. EVBQ. uod tbafa Returning Leaves Atlantic CUy Q.3O F* Ma .; - • • ''' him oo tbe nlsbt of mysteries and -who deal from the pcopl« of this stale. •ac9 and have tt oot with him la pcr- mail price. TheTherme are sixty doacdoses Cap* Hay Court Hooaaj many of tbe editors were chanting u bs)d hapff> the prtzxw moves' 1A Utss 9&- Tbat'w tbe whole thing tn a ootaneQ. aon wben bo corneaT~ parity of hla motive. Bat tf you bare in every package, aad tml&e ordinary Stlsap la* ttasttemad of tho tru(.h.~ secret alllancti between bis fatber nnd Tickets Good Only on Special Train in Each Direction. - "No; a isn't. But ihul wus abo it Mr. Btoojat." - - - Bot Bluqpt waa not to be appealed. been tcUlnf me the truth and all tho constipatioeonstipat.on and ddyapepaia raaadiea, BEST nmniBi OP UcVtckar and wurning tbelr renders troth It would jrtm that TOP dWt the dose U GOOD CIGARS What I expected you to way. Now few days. [ocreaa«d after the first ( to look oat for startling developments >.• iny aide uf It. If you dou't clean later on. fe^ T^£5Ja5=tt«lS& BM a postal aad I win call hoaso— you uud the oilnr ndlcluls of I-PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD aad at* you. l-9Jtt Not cent eat wttb mere wa trh fnlrtrro, MmtMirttiKgilsn. , —1 ahull nut outy rvtUgn; 1 [Coatinofd on 4th pa&*«1 ^ ft LOSCALZO. NOW TOD. atOSE COUNTY MOADft. *»" Decayed appsea tn a cellar and c How UgsUy the caraa of other ssr This Is DO time for Printed lctUr are a flllojr aurroondiag* cauae untold deaths people rest oo our shoulder*. When a or facUoo feeling when it cocoes to In / la thcto tUjm, a tha Far BtW-lttta-ta. « room nrw By loata* Uw Ant two rua-es but It will no doubt be a surprise to the TKBSE TUCKAH0E TOPICS. OCHAN vnnr LIFE AX OTONS HAUML At tha merthtg of the Boerd at and akknema, and are retpenslbU for large aarUoo of the country la dev -natl^wffl nlsUoos. It is tho du" a.unrTTE print ntop will bourn, barn, fruit and bcrriaa. HMT GOSHKN auumnaa. vtsjusjf wa(uwlajp*a many friends of ktlss USJMI Kay PnmboUm oo Tuesday the following any number of reaotutioca that begin, aatated by Hood we send off a few at every Amerlrsn to itsod by tl P. R. B. aUltoo, Rio QnnU. —Hiss Blanche Baker la »lilting In —MUs atsme Birch was a Bca Isle —Doot forjxt Coonty Fair,- Sept. —Dont far-gat Cottnty Fair, with WUdwood U yorv. IIIIHD mUTT IB1DAT AT Hand 'and NathankI R. Johnson to bid* were rtcsliol. and contracts "Whercaa a mysterious and all wise ban-tls of worn-oot clothing to the odmlnUirstloei in the pr-eacnt crijls 118 W. Hap)* annaa, WOdvood. know that they were married July 8 ridge-ton.' visitor Saturday. V 10 aad II; a bluo ribbon raaUMUf 10 and 111 a Mae ribbed wtsalaff two rases. The awarded, for the cooitructioo of o«w Prcnklaace. «tc." Provldeocv has —Dr. Bitch and hl» tat, KmfcaO, uforan and straightway forget all & all alUtnpl* to si CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. lMS,tf at tho paraaaage of the M. £. church, —dunning Prkhett end wife are —B«lford Candy spent the week- —Nelson Smith date *°d (torrd a wan pteyed et WUdwood. the county roads: nothing to do with it, neither U there ive been oo the Pacific Coast part of about their troubUa. but if it rains or r-hcisl anlsg-o-olftm should be Tuesday 'nlghU during Augunl at y Dr. Edwards. Mrm. Johnaoa Is the tntertalning hia mother thia week- end at Wildwood. larre crop of early potatoes on Toes- tnt bate* the Urge picnic crowd oo Bayihore road, from 4th ercnua, anything mysterious about It. It Is NKW JIRSKT. » Bommar. far fortjr-cight hours in succession i *rlt , , Spectatorium Mary Pkkford and UuHllUr of Mr. and Mre. Garner T. day. —Sea. 1st* CUM for a gSJne with Thsr-edfty, tha Istter oo Saturday. W**t Cape May to UlnchcUffs's cor- ta nt dlrrctod, U«orhow. Admlukn. 1& and 10 nal. woo In a score 0 to 7. JUUUSWAY.^A. aad, although Court House WAS shot IDDLE T0WAHB1P HALE O —It Is eipecUd that the silk factory —Frank Bhaw and wife- spent racatlon and occupied his pulpit on B. L. Smith ££U£100 M LAND FOR TAX EH. MONDAY. AVCVST IX 1>H ceata. —Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Yctk oat. protej to be a good came. Berry Joan Newrotnb 29.1HA.I0 It U doubtful If there ever was awill opea eboat tho first of September, Thursday at Ocean City. lundsy. Wth aro Mra- Frank Zellcr aad ana, ,-au kits, bat la oaa Inning three of Charts* W. Keeker.... ur osf l£kr Tu* 10:30, a. m, "Sun of tho Soul;" 2:30, which representod more of "this —The Millar ea-Uaga, between the <-LSLU3tr, S. >. 10 and 11. a tJuo ribbon pent Saturday at Sea Islo City. ieaville, wero In town calling on tbta* were benched with a walk, re- A MlxMr.... avirtr W U p. EL, Bunday-«chool. (1:30. Epworth world's goods"—the lucre which we 'riends on Mooday. CaBad auus ai %i rm Fishing." of ua succeed In capturing^—than did Henry Y. Clouting tl9.730.H0 laro, (.arl if. •U« 0/ Mel* Tuesday. —Dont forget County Fair. 8«pt. phia, is enjoying a wMk with her wo prUes for the baby show at tha nuD*r. AOOTBT an tm. ta-rincihU. allowing bat three la frw «a The Security Trust Company that which attended the sale of the facht Club on Founders' Day. Jeea Ntecaab 17.M7.fiO brm t » friend. Mrs. L. R. HUlwxll. •tatXaml hits. th» Coort Hoaso In- Ours is the only form of t » p> FB1OAY. AUGUST M, ltll. Craves property last Saturday mom- —Casper Hagelgans is building a 1,10 and II; a blue ribbon eventB-0,tf —Father Hterldan hal DAT AT DcnninrlUe-Woodblnii ratd. ttw rarwitxtiOit ««* kJ posfot U steadily adding to Its lUt of pa- —Edgar H. Young and family, of ttald played cxcellentty. but ooe error l ! trons ttho strongest men of tho Ing. As clearing up a badly moddjed beautiful bungalow in tho aoathern —Rujnor says there will be n wod- way this week. St. Pasl'a B Neils Carlson Ill^taaCH TV ulr ri y 11 n* o/ fouaOAUon f o riog-a, Pa^ aro happily located with —Doot tmft h*|n^ charged against ^fr business in the world that • I . financial fiasco, the affair was prob- pert of our town. ling In this community in tho near ot open for tha daily aervkea. Charles W. KecUr 10.7U) buiil by iJiai-ir* M community. Yoo should havo an ieo. Richardson and wlfo for a f«w Join Nrwcomb 8.679.00 -. *** Lsr «4u.rir* T. f#r«u*ao; na.-n.ntn, OAZZATCCS. ably a success, but as a SALE it par- ^Capt- Belford Smith Is enjoying "uture. —Tho newcomers in the Allea bOD- t» «ad Ui» MM tfliti— wnJHiMI The nc-oad g*ma wu a little closer, KONOAT. TUT UaaevrOly rr\jsra l£»f aalir uaf uk account. it recks. iralow are Mrs. and Miss Rajreoar aad IC Y. OouUnjt BA19.7O d l h took of comedy. The catalog-no cov- aa Court House was able to hit In does not ask yon to spend Mm. II. H. Bonn atid ion visited her life at Ocean City—having rented a —Augustus Shutc.wlfo and daugh- "•trick Coortenay and family, all —Oa Batantoy. A*«tMt SM, tM« Joe. A. McCra: a br •-•M. m*-| • MM p*»nilM» U m rnurM •tractxa* >1 l ttt r U and was accompanied homo by her nlrv- —MUa Virginia Dare, of Swarth- ohni^on. -ary work, prior to tho regular work »—Georeo Bunuael's dweHlng lniur- for both defeats. Gouid money. We ask you to « «auInaI » t Ifw A un Uw sruurxl fktr*, la ULTT* «JW a . . ( cUkWtil jravc-i dairy and poultry farm and I by fire early In tba »xifxi is fast Badnc Awodt-Hci* win aecar •* tM Homsn A MUntr st t22.9C9.Sti: the LaUl i»n o-ro*Jul t>/ If »t<•*UB 1 n Iw[4%Lb, ftrouoj «rMl thin. fur ty ItM llnr-le rtof* ter, Mliui Olive, who will ntay hero a morc, is visiting her grandparents, —Solomon Warner, a whilom reoi- f canning. ma. U> will l wllb ^4 prr rrnt. «.. ither property, and was put up In 42 getting into thspc, the ins~aj~aac~a coev- Tadtt and Hctot dob at B&W la *4 started this game, bat toon dmlopcd second contract to John Newromb ni Tow daya. Wm. Churchill sod wife. cnt of this place, called on friends panics making good tho Iocs. eore arm. after which WUdwood keep it at the TAXCB OF Illi- lots or parcels, and the bids footed up —John Davis, of Delaware, who ts manias •»> *t «%kt faitk* < and tho A cm «t arvl ikAit^ a*<* p-o*Yt» In rr*-f- LcsUr Dlx U homo for t vo weeks. R- M. Elmer, wifo and daughter, $<">G.0i0. nfter which tho property was —The official, of Tuckahoe Nation- ere Monday. in tho shore planting oysters, makes —At Council meeting Mooday nMtt foend Mm for 2 tii^ks, a triple and bine contract to Crccnstcin & tho vote to burn over tha vacant Ma «, lle-«U r ' atut r«cu^.xi, LuiUUr *oj o«TMr, ciffcntlAn S-unorl Swain lu on a week'a vaca- re thU woek cnUrtainlne Capt- ocTcrcd in a lump and was bid ocT byal Bank enjoyed on elaborate luncheon —Mr. and Mrs. Allen were- tho requiint trips to the home of his fath- • hone ran. This vu cnoagfa to win. I .-t «l ( i a relief from mosquitoes wms snani- UM goad ballreoi at at tftl IM 11 f**f\i t ^rtl At l^tf fr4|J| f^ Cj^AXlcS tl «wio Wenlcott. of Trenton, and a representative of tho creditors t Hotel Tockahoe OA Toeaday. eueata of Mr. Hnun and wlfo at Sea Bury went In and'pitched shut-out IT, L4*ilritifT, »r>ij k> br ft-rUdb y tion. r, John Davis. ous. The beginning wss on Wedna*- <.()U MAS F. iOHMJN. Sb-rrtff. rank Miller and Miaa Anna Robert- (uhow claima ere said to foot up —M. H. Ivins has had an old fash- Ialc, a day thia week. ball, but tha damage hsd already been haUJ July 37. 1I1X Mead Torolin Is on a w>» -"" vaca- —Mrs. John Champion, of Wood- It 24 son, of Phllada. .7M.00O> for *76.000. ioned fire place constrocUd In tho liv- —Mlaa Claire Coroon. of. Atlantic —MUs Edith Mann, who U with bar Only once wss he In FIEST NATIONAIi BANK rL*» If \W*X*m Uo«v. 3ury, is having these August days ng room of his Summer homo here. mother In tho Rust ApartmrDta, U oaa • ?w4 tkn< Bosses sxado a 11 [1E NN13 TOWNSHIP BALE OF Kabo corocla for sale by Hannah Foreman J. C. Fooler, of the CAZETTI: ity, spent a few dsya this week with very happily spent as the guest of of Philadelphia's best artists in still office, han been conilned lo hia bed this' —Prof. John BurUy and his two life, and Is making ikirtrhei that may •nt • n»t>li M««r b*fort w—n in «ad ether CMttsrw et the final catch which prevested scorlnir. Tooca CAW: MAY COURT HOUST, N. J. .rr-rn t rrtk . . . . FOB TAXE& Hand. 7-30.4 l«« " " FrtMa«fflb*sh«Mfa<> ay abowad WUdwood that it *u Lm- i^Jwn A. R- Springer vUltrJ Tuckshoo on —M!u Esther MoaJiop, of Philadel- —Miss Car-rio Powell, who has been tho cjitrt^no heat, awelterinff humidity lslting his siiter. Mrs. **mm. Shaw. —Dr. Arthur T. Hsnniogtcm has not poaaihte tot to B£&&1 when The UHual onslaught of heat and phia, Bpcnt a few days of this week spending tho Summer In Worcester, Tuesday. and hard work. ~»ecn tn his usual health t£ls SUZOSMT, «- Way (.* 4llj, S. J.. th-t o,uiultoea did not fail the M. T. H. —Mrs. Jennie- Bushflcld and MUswith her slater, Mra. Eamcat Downam. Mniiii, camo home on Monday, and (Brew out a man at secood with u- MUs Etta }{uckncy U cn^oyln^ a not having fully louwaied froca a ull tt>r U'HJK U« #T»*y, ] ltiui Watch Yo-or Bank Acroont. Our S. Alumni Association on Friday Naomi Bushfltld, of GUn Cove, were —Ste-vcn Parsona Is hocne after a will teach our primary school next nevcro Illness of last Winter, but ha Mhcr on third. The fleldicx of both rral f-aLat tli La m nrt»La ouor «tWtVin weck'n vacation. FKtee-iBalt-tefB-iitwtk-k.-gQoe- in this game vu exreUcnt. and Urk I. cumpUlniijl, «j»d Uliwr | 'Pocket Check Protector" nafeg-uar-do night. Aup«t 13, when it held Its guests of Mrs. Jennie Madden Last week's visit in Philadelphia, and on gained since coming to his cot- lba colend «Ic tife Bgkta > i irlt. .1 Ul, H tli */w *U1*T*1±XI1. Mm. John W. Lonjt vliiucj AUanllc tage, "Maplo Leaf." •pander ts •>» -frttrf H Aa tkv *m. tb* M( daBfM fadaig* ta for , IUr>.I. 12 nw >uj p«| UM Ut li* It. Sample, pootpaUl, ZScU. Silver. annual reception In tho Spectatorium. a tittle more hitting would hare won ^I (1M- M xpum* %a »«Ur at piiWlc td Z^ Sunday had as gucat Mr. Skinner, of •Joa. Wells snd wife, and Richard « lilt* rr^i «4wJ -rxwtA u/ -aal City on Thuraday. —Arthur Cllmore and WalUr will bold all datm t illitUlliin cf thetr both gsmes. Liberal let ma to Ag-cnt-t. Smith, Box Thei-c Invaders failed, however, to —George Dukes and wife and Frank tho Quaker City. f^rt»U, Jr_ 1 r .!».. ,MM- Mill UiJ f»T >oughcrty and family, of Brooklyn, rouso brought boc^s a fine cap froca Moving pkturca Tuesday and Satur- ; Camdtn. N. J. 7-10.41* triumph over tho electric fans and the . there waa a The third gase played this week Gandy and wife Joined some friendo — Frank Powell, of Csmden. spent irrived In town on Saturday, and arethe Corinthian Club Mset at Cape Ka-ft- ** •»«. •! 00. o-ciociciociii U IN* « copper netting; the attendance was boring rwortj, the mot will b« ' tttty ta ercaed op tha series. Manafer Shields lt>Ma U-II, I «# MUU dad y .11 tl !J day nls+U at Spcctrtorium. Repairing of all klnd-i of fire arms, at the Park in Millvlllo for an outing the week-end with hU sinter, Mra. -topping at the homo of J. Wesley May on Saturday, getting sm mil W l-ourt U larger than last year's and the affair honors. Tho new eaxlxks put into To add cakty to «Ua i aad the Chkago aad other lure date-raised to pat one over oa WUd- TStR&XlAY. atJ^TEMftUI 1W. till. MrA. E- I). Fcutcr and con, Doracy, electrictl dovicea. locks, etc. Pin > Tuesday. rank Candy. Mra. Anna Bray, of ughes. The following la on abstract of proved a real nucceos In spite of them. "Silverhcela 2d" for tha rat* Mnt herfestive day, tha Dmtiugh wtn pnaptt cJtjr Vapera fsfl over each other in wood and he did it without much • I lWa» < rrvk . . . 19 t&al otrUtn trart cr vUiUxJ PtiiLoda. on Monday. tumbleror Yalo keyn—ull makcu. C-in- —Mm Whllldln S. Shaw chaperon- cooTajancea entered for record In -,^^J- ViUtwIt. I V k. |riM"CLWUt» JI»J rr-ttl f^4-« rcale*. brrrinafW Tho membern and guests were re- Carodcn, was also a week-end visitor —Mrs. Mettle Baymore and daugh- flying. Avaloo pensnts to aS iiiti-ninUiM af *e wrwtt. In fact for a trouble. Teal, a side arm srtUt lalc- J 3 . UtuaU In II*- ci eral repairing. Wra. Flanacan. S. J. ed a party of girls, who went from the Cotmty dark's office here fo. _*•.[ h **i*c4 ulL**4ftb. iy U*w«I. o# U Rev. Walter BonneU, of TrenUin, U of Mrs- Gandy. ter, Mrs. Alllo AmbUr, of Camden, —Tho Mlnctrcl Show at ths Yacht k btxocv it Bappcnail cf the Tti-Siate Lcsg-oc, wss Realty Furrn, Court Houtw>. ceived by the officers of the Associa- boaU that szrtre ban far tka *>HJ |j-t al Hi.* i. 0/ «.a hrie with hl» brothtr. Charlc*. e oo Monday for a dip in the isurf rrived In town on Saturday and will Ctub la«t Saturday nlgfat was arTaax- CSU OtRMpOBqttts 9U6 OQ tha ^ot week ending Aagu*t 13. 191C: tion and representatives of the sev- •—Mr. Nuakey, wifo and daughter, ed by Dr. Knorr ana wife, aad was —Next flata-day. tha Mst bwt, tU« oarer in daager, and the last two runs There will bo an entertainment, with t Ocean City. ccupy their Summer home until cold •cored off him were obtained afUr be antV, Harold R. Joacph mada a ral cla-a^n. The rLass of 1916. In Ctmce, of Frankford. Pa-, and Mra. cry good indeed. Tho resort will taangurate Onactn* Day I* ncavd tha ayi—'•'"• aad data** ar»l home talent, in tho Spectatorium, — Mrs. Fr-cd. Grant, of Glenn Cove. c-athcr. had eased op. The whole Usm dugrrxl trip to Pfallado. on Wcdncaday. whoso honor the reception was held, Emma Coruon, daughter and fn~and- "arry Townsend, Mr. Llnon, Howard aa asosal faatHal to to held ft** aCtkaMdatoba. HerfaaflyUs-Uwy r.Jloma.: Thumday, Aug. 2C. Firut claim play who has been visiting Mrs. Jennie leman and Will Geller. Eric Biddl* Wftate dateO. aa also was that ball hard end fi*lded In great MUa Sarah Hcndcraon, of Dclmont, t*cre welcomed to membership in tho daughtcr, of Atlantic City, called on —Clint. Silvers and family, of the B*tarfsy nigkt la Aomt t%a» V L4 Um\ kvmur at with well know characterii. Ucnifit lu Madden for a month, returned to herMr*. Wm. Dovaul Friday. as interlocutor. "Brick" Melnnli, brother of H...J T. U viAJUnf MIAH Lucy El. Cornon. Aujtoclatlon by Its prcskUnt. Ralph lorida, aro spending the Summer neareat to fall UiA^\ Ito al^a-*~*Fw Utoty f*< tx*t*>m to mako up haw tall dcficlcncyjf-13^t* —S. E. Herbert and wifo went to i Ilk* t.ruiui Kayre, 10. After the response by home last week. —Lightning utruck the houuea of aonths in tho North, and at present * contact, a ooveUy la tba «ntar- «M too grtvata for the tha Athletic Mrtnnlt. plsytd flnt base W.K*dUi.<- Tr It**- pajnt .7^Uitrr*rrtk« U I)on\ forg«t the County Fair, Sept. tlantlc City for the week-end, re- ~\«ll, rly tUr U AlUutlt a^T^w**- Re-iidcnti. of Ronincy Place liavc fifte*-n'n pr«(udent, the evening was —Mrs. Addlo Camp, of Philadelphia, aro being entertained by Frank Miller to daatitta. ana as g aad did good work. Pnnk Poth ost i-rM la 2 in 0. 10 and 11; a blue, ribbon evcnt£-0,tf CoL Chnrt. M. Candy and Joseph turning Monday afternoon, and lui on the bench sad helped with his «n dining on the lira's harvc.t thiu given over to Mlas Emily Schmolie, who la Summering at Ocean City, Downam on Sunday afternoon. Tho and wife- lad. they said, to get back. . Mr. hum the grooa sad tba 3 &*; Lawton Bros-, tho gas men. drive to erbcrt brought gack a lot of tacUe raottsg. WUdwood lost their bigx-ut wc*;k, Gcorcxj Nichola and yc editor f Philadelphia, whoue pleasing per- to hero on Tucaday to viait tho rat was but slightly damaged, but Kwnln BrtrwUm and wife, of Phil- folk. One priaa ia to to«tr« > to'tkt lair «*» waa «• act as fatidaa- your door with g-ooollno and roal each having rvecived a 7G pound drum sonality and well-delivered recitations ir drum fishing, and expects to rival oppattunity to ecore In the fourth in- I JIJI riends of her school days. the latter vrar> khatlercd badly. .delphla; Mrs. Albert Church. Mrs. Grangex who brings with Uatbt U». tfvtlt oyoa with Mm. Choa. W. I.

  • Ufv VillU- DIAS CREEK DARTS. — Ralph Hand spent Friday evening ng will begin at 11 a. m. **It* coit? Wouldn't yoi* nprnd K q;a«vrUr or a Prof. I). Lowrj u> 11 >tcnc furnUh tnxeks for hauling Kravt-1 n, of Clm dm. who ore spending the ils week are. Mm. Clinton ttrnm ttmrtif u Woodbine clunt. —Tho county freeholders have plac> Roland, and Peter Hoff came from »en named Albert. tajoy the rollsr-skattag rink, tho sl»^ TotaU 3 2i 13 Li . W. \j B IS Uvo of the reliahlo Hollywood Laun- -Jllm'1 Marion and Katie Halg thryn and ElUabeth CraUy, of Mr II \1 III Hill UT VI. lAUIltUX, Mr*. Frank Nichala, of Avalon ed a warning sign to "Keep to the PennKg-pove to i>pend Sunday ut their —Capt- Chas. Toier took a party to Camden. b*n dw^s Ki • r W1LDWOOD. dry, of WUdwood. desires your trade, urv viniling friends In Philada. 0oe nsnttahia' fsatar-e aioot B .ik*i)tr. Au*u»l 17. IOIJ. BVJ bptcot Tuesday htrrti with her uinter. Right" at tho Junction of Railroad ir. of Millville. —Edgar Creamer mado a business 3&3 Burhouso and wife; Mrs- Serple, Wednesday morning to collect your ng MUH Cora Hand, of Burlelgh. ft ri q;u*lity will be circa mxA ttlj will bo )•>(• Mm «C BMMT Udda 4f*7-nvs H. Miller, lb. 10 John Coutande, asjiatant to foreman ery ^ **' ff** *'THT cd££7. • • lied on Mrs. R. E_ VunClldcr Sotu trip to Sea Islo Saturday. Mlldrvd and Bernard Serple: Mrs. Brown, ef.... 1 STACY TOZER linen. Laundry is ready for delivery and bon. MUs Rose Bedink. repeated Immadi-ately after Eapper. •CO teOomhe a Border fai,tha t U will ltwrtl Coleman StiUMt. lu tho father of a boy — Rev. W. Fulsom will again preach —Mra. Minnie Sandman, of Camden, day. Mru. VunGilder had au -f-ueu —Capt. Chas. Bartle&on is working VaO, rf. o rv U |i. X«>1. the following Saturday. The plant Mrs. Kift, Miss JUxel Kift; Mrs. H.Tbtro will fn *i>^ tbo bix fffMtnr^ of IS© Msara seekers aU over the ScbeOenbcrger. Si-. o Camden Safe Deposit &. Trust Co. h-**.. II. h^n^i TH SEAV1U.E. S. J. born on Sunday. ut the Uaptibt church oo Sunday. s spending tho Summer with her oA Sunday Harry Ewlng and ML on the new bridge at S«a Isle. has the latest improved machinery H. WiUon. MUs Marion Wilson; C 'R-1TT1 D^&Cft** in t^# KTWOd ta Ante* balaa ia plans whtre 1 —bont forget County Fair, Sept. nephew, Harry Sandman and wife. JOOUJ Brodet, of Atlantic City. 22A-22S FederaJ Stroet. Caunckn. N. X tar - - - - 8*« UU rj-11 Cheater Dthurt und wife, of Wil- only, nnd does only good work- 7-20jr —Rev. Howard N. Amir preached and wife; Misses Helens " is ntV<«<) to haw beea hld- 1 0. 10 and II; a blue ribbon They were all at Town&cnd'u Inlet osephlno Bltr.tx. al) of Philadelphia, ball room of the New Casino which . U MiUer, c.. 13 liomAtown, aro hpvndin£ a fe-w daya An anli-&uiTra£-o meeting is an- at Malaga camp meeting on Friday. i-vd Miss Mae Wooden "" "" t space wiU bo Ufhtad by 700 fraabootan and pixatn. Jsst Fcrtubirnhcd 1873 for a part of last week. SOUTH DENNIS U*OT8- 0 i, li with Cbi. Wolf. nounced to bo held in tho court-houiM —Mrs. Lola Fisher spent Wednes- —Dont forget County Fair, Sept. electric lamps of different colofa. > aa tb* paihuihal cr**o over \V»Ur». day with Mm. Eva Rider at Mayville. —Dr. Vlnton, of MUford. DeL, con- KUfkfthled Udden wealth K1 l Raymond Hood, of Phllada-. upent hero this Friday evening, to be ad '. 10 and 11; a blue ribbon event-S-Ctf —Events ut the Yacht Club under PI srh>^^TTT will fiasb Totals 6 7 27 12 2 DepoalU $7,500,000.00 A. DriveWells —Charles Bennett and wife, of Mill- ucted tho Communion wrvlces in the —Don't forg-trt County Fair, Sept- tho uusplces of tho Eentertainme-nt I sad bids fair to b* siren up X Hunday here with Capt- Thorn tin dressed by Miss Minnie Branson, boc in single *1nt*. ox tn ^ • *n— C it C Hi... 00000000 0—0 Willu Presbyterian church last Sunday, 3. 10 and II; a blue ribbon — I— D. Compton, of South Dennis, Committee of the Ladies' Auxilisry Hod. than oocaea a story about PUMPS—POINTft—PIPE CHAWCtar OF HEW JUSCT. Wright and wife. retary of the National Anti-Suffrage ville, were visiting at Alvin Fisher's made a business trip here on Monday Tho regular Monday afternoon Mnitkini ao as to reproduce the giow Wildwood 00040100 x—S preaching a most eloquent Rermon. —Mltui Sophia Ludlara is with Sea tftmHaaflet-ycr of a pot of Invites your business—have your p. llau Cr-eek, Fridjy, Auguat 20. for of Hannah Curli*vs on Saturday even- nd their friends, on Thursday even- uih' 7/ioncy earn interest. Keep a int-nt that has alwuyu bevn bhown held its annual plrnlc nt Pierre* Beach :hurch. —Harry Nlckemon, of Wtldwood lslly decorated for the eveat aad •r af-valaasla jtmtia ft-endi n the eel- H H O A E > J 1 1-' UM- La a r -w-b-rrrlii A*»i M. C church fund. ing. nr; n "Cabaret dance" on Friday Foster. Sb 0 0 „. hl..u Suffrage upeaken* hero; bho could not on Wednesday. spent bevcral days this week here with evening; luncheon for the visitors in Grangers who do not dsace will, from far «f aa abaadoned boeaa-aad then I IUBUC NOTICE. »a^ LAMA A»**j«k^tu*> I Rev. F. C Uhl. wifo and daughter, GREEN CHEEK GREETINGS. Berry. IK, p 0 0 checking account and rent a box for 2 2* >w oitkrr* r nwk for more, and to grant her his mother. —Miss Catherine Powell has return tho Meet of the S. J. Y. R. A- on thethe private boxes and balconHm. erjojr 0»«Ma bobbies op (Kiln. Rnidets, £b » apOrar. birw of Trenton, vuitetl friends here from — Mrs. Jennie Lynch, who has been ed home, after spending a week in Pit Stone Harbor Course Saturday after- UrrLv »r^ to like- rc_XipIaUOao . _ l » t would bo a leflection upon the com- — Dr. Lewis C. Learning and fam- the ^•»*^ing spectacle as the yooth Holmes, rf your valuable papers. <•* Uforv U» 4th cUy o4f* OctuferOtbrr aor«l Monday to Thursday. visiting her mother, Mrs. Geo- Haig, —Miss Agnes Centner went to oon, und Bui Maj>que in the evening. Toomey. c WILDWOOD eXTCNtUON'. J |l^ l munity in which we live. ily, of Philada.. are with his parents man. and beasty of Cape Hay coanty trip rl UK to W«lUT W. ur lu cj«T*uJt t&rtvo/. aucb <1T««T« »U1 b* Sr., returned to Philada. last week. Philada. on Saturday for a visit. —Our Camp Firo cirUhavo adopted «*"tt is oot to bear the 1 u l KlK w- k ul Itw ( 4b<^^ jay >f-f| I %**JU &A f fVf L»wton Bros-, If you drop them a S. 11 l^lf o/ m, 344 ^^j •ri^Ja'a. a?! . ,'* !'. . ; . !' for an August visit. —Mra. Anna Bolster, of Millville. Is he name. "Ta Ponck Heckle," this be- the light fentatttc toe beaoalh them. ' taxation without unuaiiilation- Barns, cf postal at Rio Grande, will deliver you —Mrs. Frank Douglass, Mrs. Gus- —Dont forget County Fair, Sept. 2L3; lot* l»i. 107. 20J 2»*. 2DC. 2sa unj J10. bJU U QUO to fur ua- in, W*»n 2 UU JaUiAry 12th, IV the women of every town for help. lass were ut Rio Grpnde on Saturday. the girl* having decided to Bpend the w Wanted. — Ten carpenter-*, bring —Mrs. Herbert Hcbenthal. of Capo D. J. Robinson ut Court House. —John Pettit and family, of Belle rniny straw-ride parties are expected little each property Total' 2 7 24 W! h4.lf Ubnl lu lot 116. Uock III Send for lx>oklets "Relating lo Wills and WILDWOOD TCHKAI tl ''•I Al» (trdliuivor for UU May J7th, 181t n WinU-r making- eei-eroonLal robes and 8 1 lUlinjL, rrp^lr Qi^l av-rv-j lu rvculr 0/ • DL*\xixb u/ rW» 1«1< C'-itlr, U> thr « tools. Levi Wentxell, Avalon. N. J The object of this A*sociution —Frvd. Keim nnd wife) after May. spent Monday with her father, plain, bpent the week-end with r«la headbundti, und perfecting In tho to arrive and depart aloc£ tha etrmnd- of itJa ref mud j by WILDWOOD. ln^t L-ulktwuJk Ultaj (1 *lj*P** UaV oxhd kiAlr erf Kr« J«-rw>. Lr- primarily, to relievo the prvbtnt con- spending Keveral weeks hero with —Seventy pcmonH, large arul small Kindred Subjects" aud '-Hanking by Mail." [ U4 "• 1 mltf II lo Uock 4, CMI the CkUn !l«]l phone, C— E—2. 7-23,tf Jos. E. Brown. tives here. bongs. bt«ps and Mgns before holding nmtiraa of the women who own H O A E lt«-*f CiO^ull^* SiMitb I^t-Jnl Uivlaioo 0/ N*» Iiir • Jty. dition of women and girl victims in friends, returned to their home in attended the annual straw-ride picnic a Council Fire. Tho present business MeGowan. If 0 1 3 WEJ)T ANCLE8CA. >la Uw bur. M. Miller und MUs Etta —Miss Cornelia Matthews, of —Mrs. Samuel ErricbOn returned WILLET8 COKSON-a UNU8UAJL IathJa connection eome figure, re- V.uT.un,. 1 U^ T.u trbruary 4th. isai. *ua )-*i. the European war tone who urv to be Phlluilelphia on Monday. of tho II. E. Sunday-school to Sea Isle in hand is to ussibt Prof. Bourinot in H. Miller, lb. 0 12 AIXXAJCDCTCWOOO. r< .11 n —"•"• "-"• •" - -| il l\l UIMI «buut Bfr f-iH" *-^rosted in heverul places before ef t?.?O0JJOO ia that bcr- Tl. Ottra IUr KM 111*.. in^: hi-r vacation In Philada^ with her 24, at 7:30, ut the home of Mr*. Alfred —IC. A. Puyne upent Sunday at been visiting* friends here, returned of Harrisonville, Hjxrnt the first of the It Unt often thst I have fslfh White. 2b 1 .U II. !_• 1911- Sutuniay. auni. Mm. Lewis Mfinning. Cooper, Romney PL-.ce, to which ull MillvilU-. Erekiel Eldrcdgc. home with him. week with Mra. Anna Powell. —The frvo swimming school is oneenough in the mtcHrlr>e put op by ao lass than fSTZjMO. or very I. Miller, e ll V. l>- JOUNK. other people to be willing to offer to VJtcituC Oi C^atupluttu Miasis Katio and Ada Silvers, of of tho town's greatest attractions, and > owned by Abrams. p ui. rl iii lu A*ur» l l Avr. The Security Trust Company U women interested-are invited. It will —Mr. and Mra. Knell are visiting nt —Mra- Frank Barnes and daughter, —Misa Pearl Greenley nnd Roberi refund the mooey If it does not ran." WlllUu KulUr. I ixJU. H lio V*rkr< sUwt. Bridgeton, are visiting their aunt, nothing i-xciu-s more wonder than the I BO Bale Mbthm of voting h4 m S. 11 Itiw prepared to render efficient service r a little thing for us to do, and uill C. M. Preston's. Mrs. C. F. Learning, Misses Mary Hess, of Belleplain, were quietly mar ods of Prof. Uourinot and his said WiUeU Coraon to a Girrrrr re- Totals. 4 0 27 10 2 .V. H Ir»«u InUnntio be of great help to those in r.eed. Mrs. M. M. Norbury. porter who dropped Into his store, ttaidkd with than. . <:tMrry urwj l^.U l th Wi in tha gettingent of estates. It —Mi*m Ada Goforth. of Tiogn, is and Marg-cret Ludlam weie among the ried here ut thu parsonage on Satur nt, Oscar Horton. With pupils CM.CH....00000010 1—2 I mk L NOTICE OF SCTeXEMENT —Raymond Hogue, of Wilmington, crowding there id no time to waste ''but I em gisd to cell Dr. Howard's Kdwin Ogbam and wife, of Camden County Chairman. visiting at F. M. Hitner's. excursionist* to Atlantic City lab day evening. specific for the cure of constip-atioa WUdwood 03010000 x t ice l» » hereby miwrmiwraa thai i U»*> unjui.lunju t und the tteginner of yesterday is go- r III., Wh orvl loth A»r»_: I, | are visiting Mr. Ogbum'u Biotcr and MRS. R- S. MILLER. DeL. w~as an over-Sunday visitor with week- —Learning Tyler died on Saturday and d*** spepsis on thst t**tfri" THIRD CAME. (^buxlolU II Kbrmum, r| vlr trt i^iurlrv. tha Mitaerlin: •• Euatto of LidU r. —Mm. Harry Rilcy mado a business ing it alone to-morrow. Rev. Mr. <•. U S. H, T. H. Btb. luth Ur/. tecutd. «U1 b. aadltnJ «iJ lUlnl bis uncle. Isaac TUndennan. "The Dr. Howard Compeny. In order K. Taylor. «0u0. l^>t» u UAU m, Uock M. family at the Methodist par&anag-e. —Misses Ellen Boyle and Mary Last at the age of 71 years. Rev. ^oodfellow und wife, of Kensington, CAPE MAY COUET HOUSE. \«. \'>~ kwJtfa (rrkk:: 11 r the 5IU>. lith. Ofalo ^rot to U» (Ecciua' Court o* tho CouaW —Mrs. Jennie Erricson and Mr.Meerwald, of Pitt&burg, who are ut Howard Atner conducted the funcra in their lust utay with Us. spent much B H O A lJ A ( Capo kUjr u the •ifhtrcotthb o dCoua WJ Ralph Mingen end wife, of Spring Wuy were hastily summoned to Ocean —Mian Edna Barnes, of Mlllvillo. is time ut tho bchool during noors watch thorixes roe to sell their reg*oler fifty Kelly, ef 2 2 0 Tu>lor. flooo. l>je> II uuj li. Uork IK. WE MUST LOSE tirrttu* H«t-r. 4 l»ia. U O'I S. J.. jwia Boss, of Court Houiie, spent Sea Isle for the Summer, are spend on Monday afternoon. ft* abb to IMP awaka, aad the I nfalcnt City, came down Saturday for a- brief View on Tuesday afternoon to uttend cent bottles at half price, 24 cents. 1 2 111.. t» i bert, wife, bon and daughter-in-law —The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. DENNIBVILLE3 DOINGS. menUd Prof. Bounnot upon his meth- Brown, Sb 2 ). iUrtb uuad uvJ y^rfal Jock txrciUn Joseph Sheeti*. wife and little dtster at Sea Islo on Sunday. ods und his untiring patience and not ooe has been brought back as ua- tft* bain at bis dectinstloD. 2 2 5 3 WlltUm Ku&Lunt. HUUM- and iZl ul -granddaughter, Mary, returned on of Easton, Pa. They had been htop- E. church held its regular meeting at —William Byer, 81 yearn, died i>ud tt-Ufactory. Pfcpp. 2b S'. II ftitlr u/ Vurbt uf.our, S'. vl fruoi that have real merit, for if we had I.I'MIIINi: —Mhuu-s Mabel and Helen Way en- —Dont forget County Fair, SepL le wuy. Last Saturday nfter- «oold be nached in th« nlgkt. 2 4 0 0 ^uJlna 00 S. II »l*i* of IJi{v ping at Wildwood und were out for a Mrs. Hickman'n on Wednesday after- denly of qpoplexy early Saturday "I am still selling the apedfic at Carroll. If KATIS(i KOOFINii Sunday from a visit to Quinton and noon'ti races hud the largest attend' if lull Court of South Carollns Pi-ekhnan. rf o 1 0 0 k. »J>ilulua Utui iw« l^tr ul 1G 21 run in their Buick car, when one oftertained company this week. noon. morning- The funeral took place on 9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon uncc us Vet. half price, although I csnnot tell bojr 1 2 9 3 Salem. l£ I •^•II be able to do BO, and aAj- W4. la Oa CMS tt Cflkeraoo va. At-Tooo-ey. e J. llrarrtl, runtjtlnlu^ IU£ kuturv IC 21 the rear tir«a blew out, causing the —Mm. Emma Rice returned to her Tuesday at tho house. Rev. Stanley •—Mra. Lewis Douglass, of Cour •—On Monday night Sheriff Corson I 1 1 3 'rrt o<* Uod and »»trr. Truman Hickman, of Green Creek. —If the mosquito """I"!"" want one who is subject to constipatioa* kBtfc Oaaat liaa Baiboad Coaposy, isler'u at Merchantville on Monday. Clark officiating. Interment Was madi House, bpent Monday here with rcla und Albert Foster, of Court House, I I 0 0 i7 ia. iteli has tlte agency for "Bug Death" which chine to "skid and turn turtle, pin- Bomething to work on they need look with Jo.-j.p mU WHO'S ning tho four beneath tho wreck. —Leon Champion and wife, of Mill- no farther than Green Creek or Court in Union cemetery. He leaves a widov tives. ndigestion or a (Cneral plsyed-o«t Totalraf 13 17 27 15 2 by lud.. 111. 2nd nod 4th A-rm.; will nave your plant*—espedaUy to- came by automobile to fish from tho far tk* MatetotV^iOq-f* to kaap his DUTVU, IT. • • . . . 1» LU I Mr. Lambert, it is uaid, claims that vine, are visiting at Wm. Champion's. House. and two daughters, Mrs. Lillio Smith, —Henry Daugherty, wife nnd sonpier of the bridgv from 10 p. m. to tioo, ought to take advantage of WILDWOOD. matoes. «-16,tf this rtunre. Voo can tell your readers t ta tha pMMW rljan. YOUR PLUMBER? he was running lean than 20 miles per of Ocean City, and Mrs. Lewis Ed- of Court House, Bpent Sunday here ubout 3 u. m.. with an hour or so —Elmer Smith, of Boston, has been —Miss Marvie Boise left oa Wed- thst if they are not eatidled with the "ff**^^^^^""™""'''''T B H O A E Mr»- UU l_ Jo l For Sale. -2*6 acres gravel, timber wards, of this place, and one bon. with their grandparents. bout midnight at Troxel'a while MeOowan, If U>uud*-tJ by ». Mb hour when the accident happened, but visiting liU mother, Mrs. Chas. Terry. nesday for an extended visit with 1 specific they can eocaa right back to 0 2 Al Ub A*r» and farm land, near Pete-rabur-g. Ad- some of the catch were being cooked those who haw the condition of the —Brooks Blizzard. Jr., bpent Tucs my store and I will cheerfully refund . .' . . to beH. Miller, lb 1 11 H. 8ILCOCK, of course. dress "Advertiser** core GAZJ.HL, —Dont forget County Fair, Sept. riends and relatives in Ocean City. und eaten. The total taken in ttbaka-ftfaaaiiBcaahe BvowBv cf. .•••...... 1 0 we would have to make room for stock purchased to roadway after the smash think ho in BIO GRANDE GRIST. day at Cape May. 147, und with bometimes two ansh*(o dia-l 1 6 UGHTING AMD COOKING GAS schools here Sunday afternoon. •—Mra. William Taylor Is spending tartan* fallen, aootb-| P-- 0 0 Trust Casipa*ay. It Fifteen automobiles conveyed Court —Mrs. E. A. Grace and daughter, abeth. N. J., for a few ilays. t. said he had never seen such sport. SoU by tba pool House people to Wildwood on Satur- a few days at Atlantic City. that infest 0 1 James T. Brown, of Sheffield, Pa-, Enid, motored to Sea Isle with Miss —Misses Gertrude- Norbury, Agnes —Miss Katherino MacKissic Is Georgu Pearson, of Camden, stayed day night to hear the suflrag-o address Centner. Helen, Ethel and Mary Scbel —Z. Tuylor and wifo are enjoying down Sunday night and had a catch PRIVILEGES to Totals 4 6 27 17 3 and Wm. Judd and wife, of West Florence- Coruon Saturday afternoon. Glen More, Pa-, for n visit. Ui. DOLLAR EXCURSION of Dr. Anna Shaw, nnd it goes without inger attended the alumni receptlor a few weeks in Atlantic City. pnobata, fa apita CK.CH... 01011001 0—13 aafe. eooootnlcal end YOU "PfciLadx, arc hero for a two weeks" —Several relatives and friends —Mrs. JT. B. Klrfey. of Ocean City —Hotel guests arc E. Miller a eatislactojy ligbtinf and cooking gu saying that thoiie who heard this dis at Court House on Friday evening. —Miss Gertrude Westcott visited wife. Miss F. Rich and Mrs. L. Flor- FOB THE ; WDdwood 2000001 1 0— 4 visit with A. L_ Brown and wife. tingulshcd woman were amply r-opuid visited C. E. Ellenberger while en has been spending a few days here. for farmhousea. email-town resi- —Homer Ellison, of Capo May, and friends at Court House lost week. ence Edgvwood and chauffeur. Chest- any dencea. cuuntry emba, atorea. hotels, The be txtam and other delicacies for tho trip- Her audience numbered route by uutomobile from Moryzvllle, '—Olive McDonel has been visiting nut Hill: M. M. Roche. John E. J. ONB FARMEB SPEAKS. To Atlantic City Miss Mabel Conover, of this village, —Mrs. Harry Vanderford. of Frank if it ramna, eetct , where dty-C** la Dot served at George Springer's, in theprobably a thouiiand persons, and Pa-, to Atlantic City. relatives in Philada. and wife- and R. G. Penstertnaeber, COUNTY FAIR were married • at the Presbyterian availablel . TT Cttrns block, are UM finest ever •ap- while of course many of them were —Walter Everingham and wife, of Turn Hoist Is visiting at C. ford, visited relatives bcrri this week. all or Philadelphia: C H. Barrett. Ia rafonaca the rumor at dispens- parsonage at Holly Beach on August Wayne, Pa.; A. E. LaTcmr and wife, WILL BE HELD-AW'J ing with UM acrrices of our County plied here. Dont mistake tha place.1 not of her faith, nil gave her most re- Capo May, are spending a fow days Lehmann's. —Mlas Fannie James, of Cape May We will consider applications THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 7th. . ' V Edith Nichols, *STHTI« Bosch and T. FAIR GROUNDS ON -"' Fana Dataoutrator, I wiih to say from any enterprising man or The Coomhs Lumber Co, of Wild- cpoctful ntlention and came away with friends here, while- he Is helping —E. H. McCarty. wife and daugh- ipent Wednesday here with her par- Eugeno Teske, New York City; Bertha that I hop* the Freeholders will not firm, of established «*»«,»..(»• wood. WO] deliver free with oar Lum-with a full appreciation of tho emyto build tho hA(v parsonage. —8. M- Cickse nnd - family came ter, of Malaga, spent Sunday with his ents. EL Becherer, Brooklyn; A. M. Btokesv •waridar aacfc a propoaHloo. to aet aa oar agent in thia Save Fifty Per Cent ber Track anything b> ***" ballding matter tucked away In that uwcet, —Frank Sheppard and family. down from PhilsJn on Thursday to mother, Mrs. E- A. McCartj. —Mrs. Harry Chester is visiting Capo May, and C K_ Abbott and Wife, SPECIAL spend the remainder of the Vacation Atlantic City; Mrs. F. M. SUuffer, WEDNESDAY, If oar biwn win take the trouble district. TRAIN LEAVES line, to any part of Cape May coun- venerahle lady's cranium, and doubt- Wildwood, visited relatives here on —Misa Nellie P. Brown recently Philada. friends. B l>y picking yours while the picking is good. Youre with her parents. 8. C. Norbury and Mrs. B. Hood, P. E. Focht, Mrs. P. M. with Mr. ty. 7-16,tf less most af those who ut tended the Thursday and were accompanied spent two days at Dorothy. Chisholm, H. H. Fleming, A. E. Sob- may be gone before you think, so come early and help CAPE MAY 8.05 A. M. WILDWOOD 8 05AM wife —Born, to O. M. Geary and wife, ia • timlnaaa way, aad use Boats for Sale, cheap, as I have DO m~-Hf*g would be glad of another op- homo by bis sister, Mrv. y>wmik Rice. —Misa Leah Harris la spending this on Monday, August 16lh, n daughter. ers, T. Robinson, Saml J7 Morton, Geo. AUGUST 25 portunity to hear Dr. Shaw speak. —Mrs. Monroe Brown, of Mayville Hurley, G. Lex and wife, Peter Boyle, Ua aoCTt-rtiwii. they cannot fail to us "clean house" in a jiffy. STONE HARBOR 7.55 A. M. use -for them. Bateau 2Z-fe*t long; —Tho Calvary Baptist Mite Society week at Cape May. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSOUS E 8.20 A. M. Much of her address was a reply to a accompanied by Mrs. Richard Thomp- —David .Christian sod Misa Hattie J. S. Hare and wife, and A. ir-nlf»»- nalia* his valoa. THE rUITSCH COMPRESSOtC CO. A special lot of hfisses* Hose to go for 10c per pair- and one IP-feet long, with a S h-p. will hold a bnrnnr In A. Way's Hall —Mrs. J. Nelson Dole is in Camden Dollon visited relatives at Stone. Har sky, all of Phllada.: Mrs. Paul Zierald AT TWO O'CI/DCIf P. tt. I. pmtonl\y, l^ara honaflttad larg^ • BSXTOfl ST.. NEW VOOC. H. Y Returning Leave Atlantic City Station 5.30 P. M, pamphlet recently sent out by V. 8. son, of Mt. Airy. Philada-. was calling and Mrs. Joseph Flynn. ef Atlantic make and break Palmer engine- Boats at Ocean View on the afternoon and oa her brothers and other friends on for a few days. bor on Sunday. Ur b» takfaw Us adriea la many fa. sizes 5 to 10. Some big val ues in all kinds of men's wear. end engino in best condition. Maurice Senator Martin*, of New Jersey, and City; M. L. fianrtall and HB, o while she never forgot' that she was a evening of August twenty-seventh. Tuesday. '—Coleman R. Fisher spent Sunda —MUBCJ) Roxanna Q. Candy end Lonsdowne; G- James and wife, of able to uaa 7-18,tf Candy, Court House. lady, the speaker**-*! denunciation of the Fancy articles, cuke and Ice cream hero with his family. Helen Corll are at Sea Islo for a vaca Clayton. DcL- J. A- 8cherrsn. wife fa ttta pantuae and ROUND TRIP TICKETS $I.OO —Fred. JUUe, one. of a party from and grandchild, B£rs. B- M. RolMr vid DR. F. G. STEINBACH The Board of Freeholders has of (whose name she did not men for sale. . It .'_—A- E- Ed-waitls entertained com- tion. v WUmin-rt«i who haVe been pany from ttiilada. recently. Miss Ellen Shaw, of Orwigsbor«| O. VBTKHINABT SDBOEON E. D. FOSTER Good day of nalo on 8jx cial Train. fered a reward of |£0 for the appre- tlon) was most mf "•'"g d effective. W. Eckxrt, D«n»t»; JT. M. H*«r) ftMck btbtoM ia ao aborts Impure blood runs you -down— fortnight at Harr£ Conaver's. died Rev. Stanley Clark Joined the l>*w«^*n of the man who is destroying Her closing was a most beautiful while iilUl"g at the breakfast table- ,n^^J and Jolm rr, i-fffti*^ Hi WfM It «o» to wte toNfal a Ms 1X8 E. Haple Anmoe makes you an easy victim for dis- When baby suffers with crout~y ap- the "Keep to tho Bight" tigna which word -picture of the woman's part ' on Wednesday, morning.. His body ply and give Dr. Thomas' Eclectic and spent the day at Sea Isle City. don. Pa. " rvkM to tfco coaaty? WtLDWOOD. N. J. Cape May Court House, N. J. ease. Var Jpure blood aad aoand di- hare been located at the. Janet Inn of the suffering incident to tho war in wu taken to his borne in Wilmington Oil at fitvr-fl Safe for childTV-n. JL CUHT0M8. Keystoee 00-M 4-2JtLt* Niagara and Mailcfi Chunk Excursions gestion—Burdock Blood Bikers. At little roes a long way. 28c aad 60c Is your printed1 "slaUonery gettiss Xt neat prlotisc CAW MAT Conar tkmm. QIVINQ FOIX INFORMATION intaraectias roads throughout the Wednesday afternoon. 1 counly. Corope. all drag stores. Price f U80. lo At alld-rag stotcs. lm lowT tools* the Otzxrtw OCEAN CITY N . J

    us most of ihVr mediae* batl to be la boor latit*. t-bra bs ^ '•%T** bis aaai GBiaiCTB. n PASTE Strfctly a CwDty at tb* dIDurr uUt. UM saptmml alt- TV1LLB, N. J. acsUv tuil «sl»cd la (o ta*s Ua> op- ft • '•" -' • • • •r HARMO4CV NEWSPAPER -- fWtf Maawfactawcftv •! Artistic For a time Ibctr talk was of tb» _>. GAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE .-)»#- * \, taxs st Wartrarv IUI1. of tn* profas- t MIIIIIIHMII . /.s] sor's rulhoslasttr dLalua for fossils, of (OoprrUfct. TO*, by o>» "" MEMORIALS Patricia's Inn rnjojmcal of tb* life (a tbe open ax>J-iMs i-ur trtiti cintls PrUclH* Walkar was Dot VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 31. bcoitatkx) uo Ib* jiart of 1b* n«ws _jn. bat she OS-VST (paJttod. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. AUGUST 27. 1915 JUTaVBHTilB—QBANITE—BB brtaxn—of Mrs- lloooria's trowinc* was not exactty bom*ty. bet sfts WHOLE NUHBKB;l«W. By FRANCIS LYNDE k>«* fur tbc JOQDS SOCIID wbuaa an> not pretty. MrKmt rvacboil oat (owrmrd a Tf I ibaaU try to d*acrtta bar." William H. Bright a tie ir y« P** daja, jo mm tn her aet waa beard to aay LDIHERIGAHIEISON HOLLY BJUCH. N. J. o ttu-y. •oaV wu ib« fricodly re- tn •pesiing at PrlscUla. "sfcs, has a SftCUllV mark tUnt OI^T>CO it** «raj fur man pexsonalUy that U ot psJti JUBTTCB OF TUB PEACE A FRIEND IN to follow. "If joa beiooxrO to my "Hire a haD and malts NOTABT PTJBUC QWX CorO Instead of yocr OWT» JXJO about bcr. why doat yo-- - OF DSEDS placed La any part of oocnty. at b* cold anoaideftna; that Tosn Rordcn; for It waa to bhB The Honorable THE NEW Ersetloj; fmff vuaua oot at Wartncv tb# way NEED the remark waa mada. "Or wrtla BpacUl atlrotfcp ctrca to S. LUDLAM All kind* of you do—oot for all tb* politic* Uut her about It X oarer bean] ao many vu ctcr batcb»xL~ CssMtary lo complUoenU aboat any ooa Real Estate, Conveyancing. Work "I tuf my work to do," aairS tt»* work to aD 1U branch** Did It errr occur ta yoa tbat amrpisa „ - _ arwl rar» i r . •00 cra*c.y. ~uiul Patrlda 1 n rx 1 • Uttlo drslxolored «Ut" ba said, wtts) fur thr *-arlu-»i Llot of aay ciurcv o, some hcat esmisxs, sUadily saved, cesld be cea Senator woatd bo 1 be Io*t pcrvoo In tb* world Ax*nt for < L*. ont-ry. acj, tboa£b b*» WQJ UO •Never drab-coktred. To«a- Aay- vcrtrd lato a -fritad la sMwdT" to pat obstacles tn in* way of tt. I IXOTDTB PLATE GLASS Dm. CO. U Aay Part U Cape May Cosmtr. AVALON CASINO ALL and ahU> to r»-t b.»U of Gantry thlng bot that." vt&a I cook! amr a« caocb for oCbcr Osb* •• BU By pUHng odd dollars la a Saviar* ."/*'•' loapact t*c k*-|>r up a xN-udy flrr of Itttcr* and That's so. mn; old maids ara drab. CHE1T8 LEOAL BLANKS Coarlarx* •**ra7T"j "u«. ..ll |«>lutlujt lo I be aren't IboyT" -oa want to be Accooat htn. they mill dev late a Boardwalk and 17th Street, Avalon. IM* J. Tbo boa tooateiS Dp , »- stock of fin- Cl.d ^1>«.>IQ(O uuO Utt»r JTLMAI filti And. thereafter, to apU» of ntmaalT. _ oat all OaVaaa Seala Mata Straai. ta CAPS MAY COOBT HOUSE. N. J.sans*>: Jli;.; of hU hand* la tb others. Usually PuttcaUr ittntkc «trt=» to Uaad work Vxma Bioant met to* c*xm ot tte Tom was drawn toward PrlacOla. Taa worth la caMrx«acy. and Mirror-re fleeting Screen procurable It la tbo uuno aa used is the Ufgwt thmtrm uUI-- pl«-a f.>r u «.jiLaiv 1lw-st> tb«* iralU'- outu^f rvplu^ more ho danced with bcr. diaed with Absolute saltty U aforarsl • dllUas for "I daat know of axiy good rcaaoo a racitaJ of woes sustained by CAPE MAY COCHT HooaE. N. J. By its own Electric Power Plant and thua ina urea patrons against Intcrroptloa of exhlbitiotB*, • lpij l»y lli»* n** "Her pcrscnairry—aeems—to bs al- DENTIST dasirsd oar tlivUJwt IVUQM'I. |.oblk o.JaUta nu first time slocc til* rrtoro tb* oid boy LUTKLR T. GARRTTSON time we will gladly rfjacsss tbe 1 bood fttLb*r men*. "Toa know better ways tust what I ased. Ka» tovari- SHEBffT*S SALT. cnici BCU.-S». SATURDAY, AUGUST 28th. rsprSMnts- »loarljr bur nuxvlj ctuufilnfi; ll w«u!o ahty fits Into my nvxht Now, wbat -sUlily of optiing a Saviag-s Ac- **nn may ooe cUc, I thinfcrJ wttaU ttw WOMEN LEFT OUT I bU t. D. I b} ft p^ra. In the Grand BaJl Room. 8:30 P. IL Avalon'n Sixth Annual Uvs will call te a LAo ->cn 1 bothers os Is this: does sfrs tt ta couAt In tola fwrtllolfcoei. tou^d rake rrrdJt for MB dor. UocLa a no aoO who ts pet- BOTH BAR AND LOCK Practical Watcbmaker Offiox si taJAtM 00 oo yoo aad tif\j Lbem In my way," this way to every fslkrwa notionT aboar yoo tbs la all thl* [Uocnt did oot faU ta re Does every one think aho'B fast tba Prompt tad cartful MASQUERADE BALL latasl d»- mark that then* «u D*TCT InnantJy tbe farawaj look cans* IN SUFFRAGE TEST to the repair of "You Lave A sorne o ( WOJVI n Invention Designed to Foil Bur- right girlT- r«p«xially fiwrhinoc-J bir tho New UoIU-ooioroJ I^fMity OiaUui. W aTfwfssissraa l MUl nt*>ul (b*- "atiiaWaTj Into tbe cray ej«*s. —• 1— AJMW.atij)tj.aa i* 4 i refmrsrtitlrv ] siftta to moo- Torn poodered these oml»^. *o Laud* tilm **1 koov a b»*ap of Ac tivi tie*. more thaa cos nlgtt At * I tiksvll rxg*mr iu a*!* at "IX*?ll»wiuAhly *O LO tbO r«lUn^«(a.Uew| wlLli TUO i'n.l cloctrir Umpo, liivuhxO In alr^gV© (lots or comhtatttioo* oi eaiett^ T% (•"otcbful A UttU- totivUpt^a aa tn't VfU— n»>t Ju-u yrt. aon. A fall Uo* of Watches and dock* ai- inviU^l IJ> tntrr the lias he became a freartent ruttt tn ita*DAT. uncan n. mi. Pro/cuional Piano Tuner •laco llut d<-j»cu.JiU avo-Lcly upon txw_ A* tints or comblostlocs of casoc l%a IWiUo al •arttw-O othrr and almllar "bargain* Irkar bewn calllajf joa to tbo other. I don't know. Bometimca Issoa Will 69 DfllsraJoad b; the home of PrlKillas parents ta l«*m Ot* bOsOfaV Oaf (Vfltl SIXBJ fiu bViastk aray* oa hand md..* la tb** past. •"No one b-3*- cnJlcd me down, bot 1 Osacrlptien II Would Q rru*t, an Ccsxrt )lm<. Cap* *i*jr Couxitj. *rm oot of tbe rr-al nfbt. Tbcrv latat sjiy Purpoas—Optratsa From that he began to gather, throngs dose •y 1 Booth stain 8 treat tbey ore [Hitfln£ up a fnoot ouly to PRIZES:—For the Moat Beautiful Moat Original and Moat Comic Coatnmea. aod J*fvii»iT«. of Bub tb«7 OF OCEAN CITT. N. J. r. upt in. n x flgbt rbat 1 can crt lota Ercx*jvba« Introspection, the reasons for b«r per- F* IC. dacci.o mt. BOIIW) tlnto pcrt-ap* I %ii; Irrigation rccaiiaiii*-*. C*>'*^rvl- Ux CATS BUT COOT BOCUL K. J. PRICES:—Admlaaion to Dane* Floor and Box Scats, 50c. Balconies 26c CO t!>-rv Is tb* urn* cat and dried sonality. tajy Tclt )oy bow far I tmvo tud to < TL* w jtcr oiisitT itroprUcary (CeaUaaol) NOTIl K NOCDO «ill !«• s.loililol |.> tlwi dsom floor mbas In Coattna* aod '"-ft~ AD Iromc, tbe umc pr«»tuiii<> f ailll njBitDl4e In (l.o ilarioe Koocn ai SJOaharp aad tbert be lotiaad lor tfa* O*«t of IbrtD did. DtM WiRM REPLY TO THE AiTIS A lock thxt Is vlrtosXIr ODplctabl* Her father, an onamiTTy cocccsa- to £xi coy wcaiXMUL.*" flu'Ti Humt-tlcDc. It seems as If and^ ^roof sxsixut bortLsr'B ilmmy. fol bosiorss man. was bloS and noisy. s. DOUGLASS Mirth ir.m the lull l^. ClilUlrvn will rvol , l»oo ^rmlul open Uujlaoca floor afiar U>« roold tnfloeoc* truaoj votn* oil tbe ptf-t-ple r iscrt bad bcrn to "And your fa tber, E v *vo InIt^m^sli>04i SA a(.fJv to KUFteTH WATK1HB. Ws»ter of aU&oii£ tbe tMiu-a*rLary farcer* LacJ CM'SUCS bvlox simplo LA construr coc* pslcnl«d by Julius Orrtfmann of Now lier mother was the antithesis of tniln Isartsu C*«*« Oil tail— aj Till. DIIAMtTU. urr Tbe wtutoft rbocfci* was t»aj«ty Yors. the father: aho waa dUBdeat. aolet. aU*at tb-o tlnto t±Ltt Cfavn rcpUDa b*tr. and. -vtih tho ci^ctxlc CAre MAY COOBT HooaE. N. J. T wo Uo avbook him bend drapoadcnUy. 1??;, dighutMaaa—htmdsxh^eic. Now' Aboat aodll>> Tbs lOTcot^r cot bis Ldca vben dro>> retiring—bat awect. rMacina. bom tlul it wan flxiUiiUiff biM fourth **i\'o, or. ratber. yt-i- t am afraid I SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th, 3 and8 P. 1ML Tpax «J«a. Are they perfoct? rates bad b«-*n inJ.-J "I woaiJnt find macb fiaJt wltb plox a bsx over a storo door on clos> tmselSsh. had tried all her life to WHAT is going of itw- (aajpalfQ af rJ am comJoc to uodcmtflJid Mm or bL» A of J I tut If I were joa. wo." be tcald. please both parents. Bio bad llrtraod I Ittal tUc fccaitcuf » *rlio be- Ciclbodji only too well. Tl>o only way A Great Historical Film Feature Yoadant know? We cu tell cjn.>kjjc*-«. a* vltb Ua ins oos "iffr* It occorrvd to blm that ^.Muara -mat*** A»a>UaQ Qa- -To3 ll «-f «raooiii of tb* r«oJ Itlnc to and admired her father on an oc- lt* diHt-vt aii^iui of cewmtry w« ve can Lcvp frvm o,ajrrvUn^ DO or U Boc>« of tb*-sc »i*-^ were c If such a bar cooM bo dropped Imlde • •iuBpensrot Ixasapas-n*. ti» latji-otu^r t^*^-sa>a-| __ HAND Ctlli LQ forrc. £U ttic qu by and by " lbs door by tbs cicro taming or * key casion*, drawn hlin oot OQ bia fa-tUlx I.W fJXbtfi day U MMJ, A. D ml, la tt«r «-}<.-« u-f Ulu I'auirU Aa- to tanUb polltk-s «.b«.a wo fi-T» to- HMJ i^HiAtf tO LkrwXi tksuail V>^ JLt, pa^ I>ur1u2 t^o UM «c» abo aald, acid tbo sor~ Showing- the Discovery. Settlement, Pioneer Life, Growth, Destruction mud RgeueUrocHOP 1 HUB 4 WirTAk£R Bloom's commoUraUuU' to Gantry tnu la (-r»-» l»*Jy tb* rtfLt moocS to br- curlty ttuui SET other mtthod of lock> at Law •OCOO tU3fKjUc «tllch aVbO dkl DOt taViui **! am Interfiling as pcssfbJe; she attempt- ruclJt* to ooaljxo »cccDod to b*row waa cuij^iatlc La bcr too*, "As I of tho City of the Golden Gate. Other carefully selected fllmfl. Indodinjr tbe very tstact a- .-'-- took oo a c*>re emj^utic loac. Ttc Uere tbat Ll4 fjtbrr. tilling to make' LL» This Is Jut what bis lock docs. ha TO ajUl hctotv, joa tLoo't uadcratand f ed to make the little woman fee] «*«» V, -- as itw? ctrt io*»n3 th* city. Tho tariff* ma»t IJ«- nr«t*4-d and oi« cf t«« Lira a ••-_- tii uac of tbe wbrcU In tb* Tbs diagram that accompanies this him. \'ou aro JuJ^lng Llm by aland- relcaaea on Travel. Education, etc. uuitable for tho Sabbath. sho waa a part and parcel of tba \LHx, lfU. IWur when age and OIXKJCK! W'«rtnvco wcro \uMt aj tna»t I** d'>o*—cltn*r tb* prvfa-r- ' Of ligfc 8C lillfillf. Y J CMrtLln«*. had coo* ab»at ta KOM tay»- •r^.™^,] 1.1 il«- lo[.- ,,f j iulu../Hi •.< Is of tbo lock as teen from tbo loildo <- V. U. anlrf «Ukb. fwRt-MT Jujit oaJ truo tbey world Instead of a retiring. •frTK**t u ctcr, aoJ ttw> fnoo of tb* fat..ff-"ultariy 5-^ur utto atanwl- subdard. crrature. And Priacilia coo- of tnotutiim in a country wtcro b« •witbdrawii or tbe paUir rau-» mo*t ordinary Tale lock. In this 1 U tbaeecded tn trtngtng mars color tnto onla. . I know juu can bo Lxoad for MONDAY, AUGUST 3Oth. b« VarrrW^l down to m*-** ib« ir-«-ialA. real dd« of ofTAlrs. bolt that drops Into tbo slots 6 and 7. 8ALC L-TV coajpicToou* ty olbcra wUu joo try. Can't b* k«pc his hrr mother's personality thaa any- weakness come? Jojt EL* keen. Bal joa bo ROLLER SKATING. Morning and Afternoon. DANCING and Orchcatm CoaMtt 2 P. M. It V3i oa n »-cvxiad •p^-sBbn^atlDj It Is pivoted at 2 and raised or lowered oae else bad arer beca able to do. o/ • of Utri (JHARLES A. BONNELL Lroad for UUaV" TUlt to f>i'hir lUot Bloant txd Lls Cr»t l « Patricia ctxa4n*cil trvcly to ~Ii*s •!-> aa^.** be ••'M. with a taaf by tbo tumblers 4 and S. which re-Mrs. Walker was atmoai at case when Oaf th« C. It wai ETJCKJ to besr her defcad bi» MOTION PICTURES 4 and 8 P. M. A Three-Act Drama alivo with human I _ fan> to far* etiinr*? at XL** tnCr mi:;- MKLTt tcr the aUght of city atroct*- of »trcr'tc«-»» la his toae. TTi ar» •-J> jt«JIJr it I. t'T iu\ [urt. J«> w lotvo oo'lhe bolt 3. This bolt Is tbs Prlscllla was a boot 4Lh <1_ Counsellor at Law, fatber. It ucui *tLat bo wcwiid taa TO afT4-r tbr orBrninj; of xh» juu cuuo*Xu"t conxUlrr a* or W rtrU-3lly o£>po*«J to rarfl otixr— aad Ballrltor In Caaaerry K> much an jou da, Mrs. Oiottot," hla wlfo to do- BudJ*-aJy tbeno "PriscllLa." Tom asked oae nlgst as are oro»o within blm a Uu£t> rxlacUJico to "THE BAREFOOT BOT A Oertlnc of tb«? V Tea 30J I. <3ail I stsod for <3cAOC- ; u Jxt t> they aat at coSee before the tog Ore •Lh* pJTXt-oU-X "1 bato a dresulfu) ma*- IITUUM) XL*y alii Ld«e Du uikr uLul 1 or to wc-aLco In any way bcr HEARST-SELIG NEWS - Stirring World News in Motion Pictures. Alao aome r^rlnx f^r a rvadJojTi^>-r:: n-7. ti- wi:: of tt>« t««lJ« and tt» In tho dimly lighted living room, ta ic ins. • Hiif^M is sn^tlr* ta V. a. plciaa tdat no bdvo aJrc^Jy Intcrfcrx-d of t exx^wslon. Too %-v*-r u t>«-a tb«- t4ur«ll>Aj •' *u>r-» I«J !«• C«a*t». Dwwtaa •! Iwgll »*- 1 n lo Do. Id BIOUQL Educational3 and Traveloguca. ilflco"iJ«»a on cof-iaf-r noi^tr tbr-re anything yoa cant do—any- ea tb* huuis of twv^v* S£»d Die u'ebaca. bcfully u lih your &aiximn r- * * "L-tt u» aay that tbo fault la mInf." Is Your Money Safe? aad at a tlmg stxn \h* nl'.- • I" ..I.-l. If uc OK-fi tbiuL II v*:-«- t< thing yoa art- not Interested InT" ^. to wit, *J OCM o^ci^cai Ln tt* tftrr- •vrv mtrtly too kind 4tD>J_ ho«*piXai- e::. fc,c. wt k1ir tL^ luU>X to KUOWI Ur Will i.'.\« MAY COOKT Hooac, N. J. o oaid baatUy. "Cod forbid that I \y m!,ct)t bo »ai>po*«- fort" Pi-1»fllla laughed softly and studied Umj Court Hoax. Oj» kUy «•l«n«y. on the cl^Uij: tLand. t(x>k Gantry f> It t- tt^-m: If w«- think, brim; '-»it,v ln»v>) xKild be tbo "E&caa» of m^ikinj; joa Security is what you wish for your l.\ |U- tlUiuracvn. o/ ll*«- ••iL-f IM-1 the black coffee la the tfny cop ahe "Toe tua»o Trucrftrvu witu i*u%—*_.^ 1 - • "f^Llfn la any rxaituxtF TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st. tbe CTvat ramp In ibo Ca.fO.aJllot? LlIU. hild "T^liy—yes. I suppose there SHAIIPLESS A WAY wa* tbo rvjjiy aauiuraiicc. **No liwlacc^- lU-it lti«- «uU>rQ OJV Dot tit to LjVf 1U "IJo U avlmpJy u fc. " * o4d man—ibo ROLLER SKATING. Morning and Afternoon. DANCING and Orchesirm Coocert 2 P. M. savings. We offer it and invite your full- and tbe ftr*t cuan t>« cart at tbo Lot*-! boylshiy to Uili>>c «e «111 L*«tk K frutu ti>*ui IV*. arc tnanr things I cant do^ For to- m«fflt that waa ever do-rl*«3 would Crut I hato CWT known fmr «-T" ""fti tho vii tbo D«>«- dV~Lslor of policU-s f<>r sranci-. I can't vote." MOTION PICTURES -X and 8 P. M. A film adaptation of tho celebrated est investigation as to oar reliability, bus- tbe Traa-wxwitlDtiitflJ rompajiy. I %z*,r..i uij mrt I.T*-U jrv ir-lwr t" »ic*"Ulw thU —LAW ornocs— tAko tbo fctixntor oway from bis own Lackcw>txl I'Lruw tM^cmtxl to hato b»x- "And don't want to. 1 hope." said »vt»to darliic a political c&mp+lga, *"-"^ "Mndo a ffiUtikc. didn't yoo, Dick, **^ .are ftin)r coa^i -r*-rb_ij»» it wlU U* KIU th-it lU*- «u CAiaDEN, N. J, 205 Uarkxt £L live Ih-U Cocnpauay nutdc." *hv a*MTioil warmly. ""If ho Heartrlntercat Drama iness T"ftTin«j» and facilities. r Tom tretlly. ytxir comlai: baa boea a Ulcsatn^. Bot Uas faulia I am buro tlwy tro nottdag wbll« I xr*La tM-re"-" a '••* •*••* to may e'«Tj t. ^r~— Urn stopped slwrt tU WILDWOOD. N. J. LiMt.Jt co UU lnunv« «^ t*ul4i£ ; "Ohh! but I do! Td like very _—. UirxS MMT 71^, Itrtt^ »t 1*J» foe tbo E%XMI *.XCU*O to being jocr tftv- rno«ro tUaa cignDflc vlrtxur*. tbo faal— In Three prfofn>«*T. wiLb a very 1U«:I1V« and thru we on cg^in with better oti Ibi* and t>* .«-r m Uut (U> CAPE MAY a H, N. 1. ^. Via Deposits by mail will be promptly of tits fa! her"• cTtm ««iL! iuauI/*-i»l)y bv much to hare the privilege 0/ thetf, avod baxtUO »VEKS txauCailrai m* fvJL^a, t^ ther oat hcrv to tbo fu-ndJ bed* vo of a DUQ abaU too avtrong to ho littio THE CHARITY BALL" Acta. •elf coatrvJ: billot, bat It U hardly my way to—•all • h&w Ijixra tucwod C£> la tbo Lt>- In any ivny." •acknowledged. yoo'Te c»t an ^ —-«- IUA^^LU •"Let'* Le-rp *be peace If w* <-»p »en. lo tee* oot and light for tt" aho ll CarrxUn. 1UA. WQdwood, 87A. And an intert-stir.~ prngrajn of Sccnlca, Edacationala. etc to co'avooxt-aberr or MM? DomeU4y." boui fraa Lbo firingo f With ratricla tn town, tbo "ilite Vm sorry that yoa arw ftr^Ung tt «*».- Court Boo**, 29. sun to tbo day after cloc- Write us aboat opening an account. "No; I nUtil had.™ *ro» tn« b-rtirty essary to CfftiC me and a tbotxaaLul ' 1 t-ja uutUr-tJt*d tl*«- J*-OUM1 O/ |L. • pel 1 hinder of ._ J n<'QN-ii - «jf »->iu** *• i*u>*ii—tluT U «lut> "NVxt?" persisted Tom. - bcxhr tlcnx not tbat Is nxJtbrr brro us tbo I>ally Capital called tbo ""Hay, Kran, yoo arc c*t- tloa^a scrrU*r that I*re got to fight yoa. of tbe r»»i* odt of tbo lock and WEDNESDAY, SEPTFrMTfffR tst t-L-ill ti'j( l*v tbnist u(>ua tlx-uj uiiLou' U turned from tbe MUldo by tho key; "Oh. cool force me to talk of my- llov of H. NEWELI. HEULJNGS tbrrc. You are tired of tbo coontry. Do«r dlvUion coutiAtl. would been _ t» l*» a prrfwrt nlibtmarw wltb Bot 111 til! yoa here in,* now that ROLLER SKATING. Morning and Afternoon. DANCING and Orchestra Concert. 2 P. M. tLi-ir t-ua-^ni. Hut ulul ; Lhrarr EMvtlrw me »o I'm afraid to op*m my d***k. at->ut It w b*-u iU**> jrv fXiluJrO frvui tbe smill handle opon IL At 8 l» "N'ot to you. perhaps. But. Ptis- Attorney at Lau> axo coixii la ttiU aftcrDooa to atay polnttDcota. hat aa tiij engagenitn Security Trust Company state of mint-— outll It has had at least 1 U tb DANCING CLASS at 7.30. under the direction of C Ellwood Carpenter 8tudJo of VTby can't joa let w«U cuougti alooe? ull ».iKv lu affjJr»J .!• «t.l..c» urx- it •bows a knob by wblcb tbe mecbaiv cllla." Tom leaned towsrd b?r. **U bad Uva cnado for twxno day«t la a- one d*>'*-nily clean *U-«^tion_ I have o«T tot tuasutvr Bf £09 Eifhlh. Street Dancing, New York and Philadelphia. J. Nelson Farrell, Instructor. Too tia¥*n't b«rd of any aknldoddery ts »* boUjT »tllilo lluj l«J«(-f u/ n mli.."' lim may be dUcoonected from tbe h.TB become the most absorbing topic iv bl r>M) m Ly M PROBLEMS Taacv hv WHS otjiliTi'd lo co. *7 afcall bo - MmyOy.tCL Itltly, hare yoor* toid Gantry to pa as the word that I dln*ry Utcb If dealred. for thought, conversation and consid- ttT (Li*, Inl IJ 1-1-15 OCEAN QTY. N. J. Oo hU return lo tbo capital fc* -jr^ -"--" »bou ib« raUroaUl op tf tl n.^ tbo cyea which wcrtt ao apt •"Notbinfi- Df», tvx Bat a __ .. play fair. .' tb<* Wltb tnl* lock on a door one coca tell taie« coc-flrmt-d IL Tbca abo ni. delightc«J to Cod tbo party of thro© -Mil; IDJ I've got to band tb* -u. It occupy I G«; tbo i>rlcato dining room aal: DANSANT AT 8.30 P. M. tog la aappo»cd to tAlte tlown all mu ucue ttlui; oot. doses tbe door and tarns tbe key. Priaclila only smiled a sweet, ooo- aitm o*T S3V7. *it±» latrmt from management of an estate ed, "Now ttut fatber tua LU box out to yoa, dad- I deal 1»1C tux! «l*o a^ohirrl to UM JOHN & DOUGLASS, M. D. ta tbo Iot*,*r-Mountain. Axrivlng old cobweia, Ttx*k»o prefereotlals for This not only lock* tbe lalch as uiaal, ccmmlttiil sort of smile. from, tbo cnlrervity library woDt tu ttr r-jtt-o. bot It Is only fair to which the individual Exec- tbo uiorulae train, bo was permitted -. CoJU-4 Electric PM UMJ Hiwnjvo Laxtd bat dross tbo bolt over tbe hasps oo "Girl, don't yoo know moat (iris tar 1*09 mnjsjsuxiU&jrto w.«siiu eu«M wUl easier mlirit tta-** aay that I Lau-n't been going aboot frnca Ihrcsrmbrr- Tt. IMS, make ttw? party of tnrvo a party of foai and ItaproT«t»«*nt"— SvWrS door and Jamb. This cannot be lifted uould have blushed—If they weren't t-nr likr utor is unable to solve. The On th*U Onl day la tbo capital THUBSDAY, 2nd. with my «-y*-» *bat. Whetberycu bav* CAPE MAY COOBT HOUSE. N. J.National Bank aj tbu brvakfast table. "U*-a»en» and eartbl Toa mli yoor- LUii; iv-«-tutly at tb«- Auti-Kjl.>.>n wltb a llmnf. DOT can It bo raised by past bluahlnx—or simpered or looked aDlhurlx«-d It or not, tbo«evtr. WU-Q bo went to bis crooktj uorfc going oa. and If I «r *»T ,il. 1.11. t— and Mm. Bioon •>ct a»ld tbo rvul remark—»b!rb yoa know very well Is crttarr wt IUI ofilc*a* lo I be Tt-mplo cocrrt MOTION PICTURES 4 and 8 P. M. drlTfo i" U I can print some , gal experience and facilities for a theater box ptuty. to be aa binding aa ao coony wrlttro only the forerunner of more and se-L> (UO. tbo BtrcocuwUtUti tuuK-rttJ tt of tb* >affnt£«- *-aifl'cJt^u: It proved io> b« a ratber snoro for that u-.uU . tangv tbo polltlcsJ map of 1 tuteuHM Cables. F. COflVW. of the Ocean City Title & cootntcta. vriib i>cnal attachnwroi*: It ruui tb* |H>llti>->i of <»ur "i-Tt«- riouf on**—as If I had said It was a >&, 1 •gain ulib toukiulut utartllog empha this BILI«* »»> It uon't bo narocolxablc."** _ _ makes most of the tv TIMB SAVINGS mldablo nffnJr tturn "Evan ^f «' llrfW daw after ^<> noa rtoe telefranh cables Dowsoays. but Trust Company all work in pAt«d. Tbore wna a .uUBctmt nam in the Mirth-making 5-Act Comedy tali; It ran'c be dDa*.** tbe Ur 'lx>twv.ttt*i nod intloa wldr PrltcUla turned her soft blue eyes and V>aa n.-ai>ouab)y oarv tbat ho hid Wfi the cafe tbe lion. Senator tome are manufactured In Germany. Funeral Director brr of exienln to CJi two of tbo 9788 CHzard Ave^ Philadelphia, Fa. "* "Can'j* craea oat ot tt>e window ) uald prerali wiihln a full upon blm. 81owly a smile dawned J» the District Ceext af uV -„- FUND ACCOUNTS harmony to the advantage la hiu OU'D pAMuxtuilon tho only SagfLrQ»b t^n obtwmly toying with Us Cables are made In two-mile leoxtha, In them even as she looked at him. dress circle bores. Gantry waa of tbi ' — wb*o *tnu«i(' comes In at tbe door. Dick. and as each such section Is completed. 8**tea for the District at New CAPE MAY COOBT HOUSE. N. J. of the estate in which this tbat Would unlock It. ho found his pa< I'te bwn dJccing Into tbe records. anJ d£s**-rifl{>ooa. W'bra ho roAO to go oat "Well?" she diked- "What tbenf Jersey AND ISSUES nomb tae Company acts as Executor roll top aud tUe letters and PATHE NEWS—A Glimpse of the World's Moat Interesting Happenings of Recent Date. poojde of tbU ttato Into a mob that was th<* kl£X~iul vrblcb not «vcnhls mott F Bloont ^ad betro coanting upoa which had como during his abaeno faithful ht-iichtDrta coold always tntet~ boUiitxtl up by iiii-ii vpfVa>voiatiuii. ly- When a cable Is mode It Is put oa•.land It to be away from yoo for a or Trustee. Call or write us will t.-ar op your tmckJi If I aboold lug and trickery. Tbe 4Uiti-f.[in*nu?t»LM board the cable ship which Is 10 sub- day. And yet I ha»e that awful feel- OTIS M. TOWNSEND Of iTrrtrmrnb-V andlatufbcd rrefilnx with opexuxX A touch of tbo cloctrtc bat to. prtt. bat which most men feared. re<-«ntly »T»Uj*ed to bo published tu a merge tt. There are now over forty Ing that you are all things to all men for particulars. FatrldA, bot fa to or a Aalgning bat& brooght tho Btcoo^^rapher from tbo liai I tell 70a we cun'c (To b« oocUnaed.) Registered Architect anteroom. iOHN B. THOMPSON Netrark paper tbe vutenuut that Hel- I such steamers employed, not wholly —to all people In the world. AM I BEARING INTEREST tarn inlcrvcoeO* aod bo foood FRIDAY, 3rd. »j>e<-laU. yoa wild ejcmcr«d between fctra. Weathcrtor. en Ulng Itublnjton, a woman tvctuilur never could stand that. dear. Fn> 1 **Who*** b©*o In niy de»k. Collies'^" All il I for Ujlng cables, of course, but for re> sr- —- • ^* s • —p sj ISJ ri t Af f^* ^TP Psl '*y ROLLER SKATING. Morning and Afternoon. DANCING and Orchestra Concert 2 P. M. ln Colorado, intztKltferc-i a bill W%;al palrtns them when Injury occurs. By Jealous: I want yoa to be Dine ~ •« Sllli M. aad Wnt A»«_ Sna OTTOSXTM POST OTFtCX aod ber younger daughter, with tlio bo dt-marult-d. |«olullntf to tho confuaio; HAY COUBT HOUSE; N. J.Uc*» miv to at tb^nx Aod do it quick- alone."* •QOare aboa Idured reform Candida to MOTION PICTURES 4 and 8 P. M. DANIEL FR0HMAN presente the eminent txlns ruce tra* k ifsmbUng la that ifair: determining the resistance of tbe ef- .--.• J»- J^ t±m tUUywiaM dtveribed trifcrt* jrrtitluiriui; ibu fact) of tho Romantic Actor ly. I»lf k. Tbe- tJm* U cTowlnff fcar- HOME ENGINEERING that It bt*-aJXM* a law and tbe »tote fective portion of a damaged cable. II °UJ*U^V4?fU**r *"*•">• bull- OCEAN crrv, N. J. for governor otruagtbenlna tbo bar for »l£iu> of guilt. fuUy »l*.jrt. nnd my patience Un't what •Tint—Tom." ahe said, calling blm OCEAN CITY wlJl ctrt $IUUAXJ Income thU jemr frocu Is possible to put a repairing eteamci O.t AU Usal nrtala trxt or pi»t» U rUr whlcb Beparated him from Pa- JI Eracloea! I don*t P-TO-PATB KPFIdENT HKHVI It tuw-d lo be.** by tho familiar title for the Orst time, JAMES O'NEILL within a mile or so of where tb* though be had long discarded formal- "" 0^^ •»•"•• »oJ btins to IW G. O. LANGE trirfn tbu loHtant rt-ply, and Bloant con- "Anyb^^Iy woald think yoa owned tt POWELL in hia Famous Version of Dumas' Masterpiece IKnscnL f n AND SUFFRAGE. The fact U that Benator break occurs, and repairs are somo- ity »ltb her- "What makes yoa think Bioost had met Gordon eodaJly cluded that tbe fcccrvtary was cllberlaV m tbe Tranarf-ontlneatiiJ. lock, stack aod voted acalnjit lhe race track i—•••••••• >n times very speedily made, though oa I—I am BO much to every oaeT* ,l . polo, tattnti ty «b» lo- liocent vr nn astonlahlngly good actor Contracting Bricklayer n am bcr of times, aod In tbo Interval* SfKW Sunday Dfamoa from cu to t»a. \Vb*rr*» undrr heaven did joa bill aud luu) Instrocted coansel to l«- other occasions, because of bad weath- CAPE MAY COOBT HOOSE, N. J. Title and Trust Co. baro beep putting tbo mail and t«le- oar nvrrv, Ecan? Blest If I d^n't "Ob, lhe fellows ore always making the »oum.«»l»jly Uae of !J«U> allowed blm by Mn. Weatberford bo Tbo ftu>]>' or lUe twine an-1 lt>« y-r V- Kln i*rt« t««llag -i against the author of er or other causes, weeks are often 00 mot.lnlns »oXirly of lt*l Flowera, Bhraba sxul TW«B. Cot Klow- ili>»u£b the lv-tUr alit. as yoa AOIO EABHES AKD GDNKBB8 CATEBED TO re yoa <-ould oatblolT tbo old—*-r— potfon to a ststement made In tne bla Is usually Uld tn little over a week. '»t5 >» f W S CEMENT WALKS in Five Acts. A dramatic Triumph of three Kenerations which illustrates with sweeping to do something for you. And the direct, dl^ht b* Ibo leader and chic the fool O'>tloo Into yoar bead that It H|-riL_- I.ake Colette that certain III- The last Atlantic cable was laid from force the eternal victory of right Aa Edmond Dantes, Mr. O'Neill has starred In this Ktatv KeI U'OIL- •'" • '•- T Rlrls adore you! So where do I como ild Bi< CONCBETE FOUNDATIONS ttolltlcal Ofuro In tbo alato for tbo BOC- fa* your tloty to try."" tni'urv betnj; drcolated by the sof- P«rirnnce. Cornwall. England, to Bay W. W. BEVER great play more than 6,000 times. Thl* tlnic* Illoont'tf amlle waa rather In? Can you tell cnoT Or Is It against Ita. U Tli Cutoitu. Main] ccedlng two ycarm. f. SCOTT HAND LD a rtHVu -IxUi bsji been excloded from tbe Roberts. Newfoundland, tn 13 days, by that tantallilnit policy of yours to tell CAPE BTAT COCBT BOCJSB. N. J. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS ONE PRODUCTION:—Main Floor and Balcony 26c liV,--.. . ftorrowful. and ba shook hb* bead, the Colonls. the biggest cable-laying Enfllnctrino It «u a cood faco and, tn Bloont' **I «'Uij't • ••: Htates malls. me. PrlscUla?" «»-> All th»l rrrUlo tr»rt or pU<* ' ry • a» eirlu-d cotulderable Tom Jumped u> her side. -Prla- >* sa 8-1-ltj STONE HARBOB. N. J. Dentist cosdidato for whom tbo corporatloa SATURDAY, K. <'m»l» atn«r> Airp caxarypT STB. Oontry. Yoa spoke of my father Jost tiu* botxiM jtrobteoi frum crltlcljan * IT and anfalmese* will H«w Chimplon aUan Thlsf. tb. lnteresla wero working. 4th. now. I bear tbe mn>, too. Dick. Doa't cliur Bay It again! Too lave me? • Inias- tooruwr ta (hoTf Insorrs at lowest cost and pays ita On the Beach Front adjacent to the New Casino Building, at 10.80 A. M. FaULaiBsXraxa •Id«-« It tx>m*-M tt» ktvoi MO DiUL-b a j>art pat decVL Kuffrase Isxoe la Srvr Babies In tho vicinity of the Violet M«»»D atrao*. aoatlswcstoiy two L_ Tbooca Bloant himself waa oa tbo joa nee that I've got to make soodT* You really care for me?" he atked. 1 WUl DOW devoU Ms personal attention m af ilssr Tar|t aasi r»il» Utt> of stearin, prim and orr lufor- CTrt, tbe credaal widening of the theb* owu-~Trenton Evcmlnf TimeM. crept lflto tbe welfare station conduct1 . . . BSSSSB svJattas *> Inotnoti. breach btrttreen him and his father. "AH a Uouijin Biert-ly, I um not aax- Aug. O. PrlscUla leaned op against him as Search Company John K. Carroll - RuJiiii Director hlmaclf that neyaolda' faco -was tbo ed by the dty health department at he sat on tbe big leather arm of ber —— U»l nrtala lot or pina> of UNION BANK BUILDING fan* of a tin AJtO —nwnii ttJBXECT TO KALE A-NO ADVANCE LM PIU Tbat the long arm of th* tnn^h^ of UKIM lt> \titf. Ij^-aum; It Involve** re- the plsygroands and stole tbe scalea. sl&utr. Mas' aad brias la tbe dlr The "Mosquitoes" va the "Greenheads* wtneb LU father was tb* acknowl- MIM>ii*ll>llliy. l>ut aj> a (j«nocuil |art _ chair. "And I've vondered for a long eouaty of CMBC UMJ SOJ WIXDWOOD. N. J. AGENTS Welching tbe two men one against A Time-honored Annual Feature of Avalon's Round of Gaiety. To the welfare station came 20lime when yoo were going to tell me Carroll. Dcmtlsvllto edged bead voB reaching" oat Into aU LUC ixxuiuuulty. a eitizro und a txKttbcr, Tbe N'ewark Evralns Kews remarks: Fidelity Trust Co. iotia K. tbo other— Reynold* was Bitting tn an The linit-)uLim-ff lnl r anJ Money Onler Wtntloir, tor aale ft catMziTor NCV JOSCV knocked down by tbo bemnt voter at tty of r w ? * "a the title of tb* Dcra, wbom Goo try was abamclesaJy HUIT AUX Joo DoaaT vm tbe polls on election day. raiue she believed tbe hotne. "the end to cod they would reach fronr tn the Interest of underfed and scan- Conveyancing too U4UIIU tr TO Ms f During Skating. Afternoon Dancing and OrcheBtra Concert, T M i Washington to Ban FiatsUatu aad thex "London of Scandinavia." It **^* tKa AT A BARGAIN mo&opoilxlxig. Dot 00 tbo abort to- T«H Bloant knew that It was DOlarcvst of all Industrial nebls.** n« lf tily Doortshed frahTni —Los Angclaa and Fire Insurance PRICES: aamission 10c; Dancing aod use of Skates, 10c extra. 9r Tf>tam> ec -m_ onJrr erf dw COQH O/ back -f * only tree harbor la tbe north of Eo- turn w^lk to tbe hotel attet tbo play myth. Sometimes he fancied tbat It i-d scientlnc *^>"f>mf***n^«it Jim. I*a..^- If alTtha men who have lost tacts Prompt Service. AH work •roarantcad. JACOB KELDSIAN, directed, and I*ro kept tbo private cf- Motion Pictures, admission 10c ; Box Seats 25c MJU ubra president of the federation rope- The dty has a sufficiency al Young's Garage Bloont rveolutely pasbed bla friend Oce locked.** ticepl Ana- 281b and was tbe machine which waa lnterpos- —a tn tboso T*IT* ttw&caca dsjtnji 7-7. U Woodbine, N. J. Evening Dansants, Balcony 10c; Box Seats 25c; Dance Floor; ipive over her own home In Colonlav Knn\m add aw^«»rTno apace of fitaa waia tsa um Fathsr of Thlrty-ona. w> Storage ant] accessories. "NoTertbelcas.*" eobl Bioant, "tt U 25c. Skee Ball 9 balls for 5c N'. J^ iu a "domestic eaglneerlnir Quite recently Ansstinln CUcu formei^y had agents * ^ bra&cb oA* **I think you owe Oo a Very abject very evldeot that somebody bos been be waa oot permitted to pass. WUb w aad navy and tna nsttrmsl gsard oJ l«rlmeot. The expertxaeat elmcwl at uewavender of Bavona, tn Italy, cele- cea la, other tarso porta* on *>**> conti- apology.** tru tbe way aho begnn oa here** Tben bo had a eoddea sbock. tsbaiftt LbOQgbt CUnVft ^^^* old ilfMltl^T WT>^f II^^ entlrv fJoitad Rtatt^. AJBertca nent are beginning to move there. Hl'ICEE AND PACIFIC AVKNUKH SKEE-BAlX—Morningr. Afternoon and Evening—9 Balls 6c fears that his father aod McVlcknr UudUu; Home solution for the dirt and woold be wtlhoct an of these men brated the birth of bis thirty nntt ta fins KsMsasI Mask BsOataaj him when tbey hod each privacy as* "What did you do with that packet of bad consulted tocetbes* to mako k^m drodcjTT [irublems. f^rt^ 0Q waoxa be bestowed the ifnt WILDWOOD. N. j. tbe crowded aldewallts conferred. papers I gave yoa tost Monday and b CAPE MAT COOBT HOOSE. N. J. To Casino from any part of Avalon, 10c Call Ken- tn* fence behind whlcb all tbe trickery Wo found tbo aervont problem real- of CsnftHo CaelottL who Is iost A Journalistic Color Ortienia. UT cuan maaT mnr 6-304/ **Coaslder lt>«MTT Tip^** and tlvco tell told you to put lo tho aafoT" And Dot half tba man who have giv The •rest editor aat la a brows nedy, Bell Phono "Avalon6-RU." of a veual f""i"'p coold be safely ly Ike workuij; basis," stated Mrs. I' as op tbabr Him tar VaUUrlaad. atotb tamed alxty. remarked at the christen* me what for,*" ho countered, 1 did JUJU whut you told me to—put JITNEY SERVICE tUua. "TbU Involved a stndy of so- Ins. "At twenty-one years of age I study, betas a bit r?*!!* It la tbo caah bos and pat tbo key of screened. Bat while this thought vis- ax eosatrr, tba little Father. La Bo) 1 TRY AN EASY **Oonalder a momcoL Toa corns to ibly widca«-l tbe Browing- breach tt ciety. nlnce Kodcty U lancely rvjioniii- 1 married a glri of r '"*!*^". who mada "Way U It that some panera an the cash box oa yoar desk. Didn't ATbart or tba menxay of ""fir *— SHAVE mo with a really harrowing; etory of inado hltt ooiy Doro determined to bl«*. uu«l Ibis, of course, led right Into Bio an "wwittt parent of a male child read." be mnsfd. "while otheas at* yoor new dperienccs. aad Jast aa I 700 Bvt HI" LABOR DAY! . LABOR DAY I w died ta tba trenchaa. CALVES |M>litk-ii and the need of saffrafe.*" for nineteen yeara roanlng*. Tben aba »«llow T~ fnUadelnbla. f T-1rar fla*Jkt *Q tbe hittf^ end. Woat ooa >"* jrVom SwtttarUad to tba North sea am beslnnlna to set Int created (hero Blount felt In bis pockets and found coold do to herald the dawn of a new A book has beea tbe result of tbs> died. Before I was oat of my fortieth fa. an lntcrrcptlco. and la the morningtb, e key. si* bsndreda of mflsa of treschea. fo> year I married again, aad my second SURF-FISHING CONTEST political epoch for bla native stale c*i«rUnent. a book whVcfa salTraftisdi aacb «f the opposta. totem bant tbab Federated Malay atataa. AND HOGS at Bomo perfectly lmpoaalhl« hour, off -Get tbo packet and bring U to me," ^ooid faa 4\f*ivF would like to ett Into tbe hands of wife added another dozen lo the fam- UP-TO-DATE HAIR COT bought tor cash by yoa so, aod wo bear bo tnoro of yoa h& directed, dvlng tbo Btcaagrspber Cups given for (1) First Fish Caught, (2) Largest Fish Caught, and (8) Largest Singi* - traocbea oepoaita aacb other tn Unas ily. I nave nineteen sons living-, all sV recent estimate shows that tba It was on ooe at bis abort atopovera nuttx. of from tbraa to fifteen, accordta* U Vederaied Malay Btalee bavaTpoii tor week* aad weeks. What have yoa tbe key to tbo Inner compartment of Catch, from Beach or Boardwalk, between 10th aid 21st Straeta. . . In too capital tttr tnat Bloont found lisiaitfiT and ttntia* Tbe tweatiatb lattoa of 1O17.Q0C. The chief lodaT bocn dotagr* tbe •if*** tbe way ona or tba oUkar torcad taeb /an fis>H«a; tn tbe Ubyan desert witb J. SWINCj» G WILLIS, btmaclf atstad oppoaUs bis taiber at • , "P»lntBd ta«s an batter than odd wayforvBrd darta* tba beta faJL b» trUl enterprises are the caltlwtionrt Coait Boom **I have been doiofl predsely what It Was not moro than a mlnnfo later. FEATURE FUN DRAMAS. 11:00 A. IL, 400 P. N. tails* tor two In tbe Inter-lfoontajn tba wordai *Vtra Bavolat' on bla Una.rubber and tbe mining of UnTvaat BEST while bo waa attempting; to bring or- aerapa of old pasteboard. Wa print fora) winter aat la and rasi Clgnt of my boys are married and GOOD CIGARS OF yoo told me to do—preachloir tbe fitktv EVENING AT 8:30 Uscm cheajdj. 1 tarrltortea are atiU wild and opaa " ffflf|atiy*|4jy tan btirf p«.l of booealj and fnlr •<>*«• Hnj -and oat of tbo confusion an Mi* GTt*. bare married children of their own." somlaltaiic- "- »»•• s*Drop me a postal and I vfll ckll trying my level best to make other that a aodiirn prompting led blm to poorUo practice Ic." ..__ I tCootinard aa 4th PHANTOM BALL All Dancers garbed in Sheets and- Pillow; Cms. ' V,'!>,V ••>•'-.

    QsTstKN t BUB H ISSUE TOWNIOD* tAUl 'CLATATOUMWltsI PMWWltsUTOst TItsUflg. William ArsutroQg. 64 r*ar«, dUd the average suburban gardener in the"• LA*O rt» TAftBl John n. Boss sad family kar* OOBHEt TZSSE TOPICS. MAAQLTE AKD DEO ATT A UtH AT fTdtri MAMM9U at his BOSS* betvraen Coart Haass and —Mrs. U P. Bate, of FlaUag Creek. ly springtime has wilted under the moved bar* from ColUntTVOod, an4 AT AVALON. Ooehea oa Beodsy. and was buried oa •—Too many potatoes tiJs yvar. Eyes CWa Bels 8wes« Fw was In oor village oo Toeaday. summer sun, hut not so the cntha- HUU IIIIT VSlOaT *T ha will b* asaoctstad with his faUktr — Usury Young, of Ls >Uit- forrH Gxnrt* Pair, B00L Wednesday afUroooo. S. 10 aad*lifa*bte11 a blMe r ribboi o |i»it#g. lOazkd lit a -N. . D. T SUotfSU a*** UrnDf UrnDf mn ta lax with tb* two dlamaes known as OUI-B is the only form of ollowrd, and «hkl> Is followed by a Nl« JINItT. Court HOGS* to Ocean City on Uutvisy were reduced In price arms] —Frank H!gt( was a visitor Ln Hasthe season oo Wedooaday. —ILoi«l guesta this week are btxDfalaaw si U 104h -Stem Rot" and "Btock Dot" which —Doot forget County Fair, Sept. to sttaad a Masonic mcetlog. They following Ptaiad«lpcJans: Mr. and Feint 9. 10 and II; a bloe ribbon orenLaAtf 'althful few who reap the good results ago—30 cts. fa*"^ up to and Ip-^f^M- Ula City ob Maoctsy. — Mrs. El4vmrth Bociurs l> ' —Father Hbcrtdan had the ctesss- to aora* years materially reduces the UJ1ZB rajNWt good singing and •peakjng. 40 Watt aim*. Thomas Edison Mrs. Augustus P. Lakty, Mr. and Mrs. —A few-of our people attended the business in tht? world that oi their induatry and faithfulness. —Reynold* Massey Is spending the her mother In Maya Lajjduig• Lng of tha t*pers of the clay's yield. The -access of the Security Tro*t the First Incandascect Leap Philip Cass. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Ed as the subject of his homliy at Grange picnic at Sea-ilia oo Wednes- flasimrr La Asterr Ps-ik. — Mrs. Edsrard <{t«-srart Is inUr- JUUUSWAY.NfllV According- to Mr. L. L. liartar. Spe- Company adds largely to ths paos- •5 years ago—th wards. S. L WLngaU. ktiss IIaim Win- Mass on Monday. day. WILUETH CORHON-8 UNUSUAL —R4TV. H. Bugg was rm * y^" g calls tain Ing ralaUres from MilLllU cialist In. BweeC Potato Crowing from does not ask yon to spend . Or-KEB. Perlry of the people of Cape May been Improved by hia stody and Mr, and Mrs. Milton B. skdary of MUs Oladya and Mrs. Lo Dlas Creek on Thursday. On MAT K.J. th* U. 8. Department of Agriculture, —Misses Mary and Elisabeth Bchel- coanty. Yoo should petxanixe — Mrs. E. J. Sto«lman has retumed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. D.fkhultr this wtxk are WUUsa P. Al- HeO DT. OswaitTa 8pedl* at Half i, until the H^"**-* Cdl T only read frasa that town to the Bayboth rtleaanii can bo controlled >f llncr visited friend* at Dennisrille —Frank ^H'*rt la annoying fnv frotn h«r *Ujt to Court House. UalL. Mrs. F. F. Btockwsll, Miss Edith and wLfs. of rauraont aad stlssee Price, ssd GaaraaU* a Care. The Ice cream sod other dsUcscles mcono a Lamp of Quality. These are War Wb«Uai>d and Amy UavtsT. of over Sunday. money. We ask yon to tjuest rid«s In his new aatosBooii wall. Miu Amy Gtockwxll. Wm. AT WILDWOOD siuemja will only exercise a littlo served at George Sprlngst**, in thetho Lamps wo sell and use. NO ONE 11. BlUiard ipent Eunday with PMUdelpMa. FlWtoaisra hsws bta petitioned —Mrs. George UaU. of Uolmeaborg, It Unt ofun that I hare faith Nug<-nl, Normsn a. HsrringUiJi. Ch more care ln seed selection and in OAU.HL block, are the Oaast «-r*r «ap- ELSE sells thxm In our territory, —Doot forget Coanty Fair, bis son, Herbert, In Atlantic City. -duiiti of Mrs. WLLUatn OaOsr Uka • hand in tho matter. Dr. Steel, Pn_ is visiting her parents, Edward keep it at the jnougb In the medicine pot op by D. GUI. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Rlttcr. m ' ' ' handling Hot Beds. other people to be willinx to offer to pUed bare. Dona mirtsXo tho bo misled by other brands, get 0,10 and 11; a btoe rihix)O4rrcnt-S-e,tf —Tho*. D. PorUr and family are were Mrs. Ircos Moore aad eon, Arthar Bumn end Henry Clouting KUher and wife. Roy Hamllloo. Mr. and Mrs. H. CUrs. William Caalia and chiktrsn, of Mr. USTUT and Mr. Boscoe De refund the money if it does not car*," F1UDAY. AUGUST IT. ttli BEST Edison Msxda lamps- For —FsmMrs are beginning the haul- enjoying a vacation in Atlantic City. la a petition filed with U» Freeholders —William EL Powell and Edwin Z. said Wlllets Corson to a GAJXTTC re- The Coooilx Lumber Co, of Wild My«rs; also Wm. tl- Turnbcl). Col Wot Philadelphia; for the Bamtaer Uaun, r»«««taLwi Specialist in Vege- solo by Vulcan Electric Llight, Heat A ing of tomatoes to tbo factory this that Clay haa usurped a county Mills, of Court ilnuse, were here after port! r who dropped Into bis •tore, wood, will dtlirer free with our Lum- —Dont fcrrgtt Oounty Fair, 8*p*. ILngs-srood; Miss Nancy Cahill, Pitts- Ln Uea Ilia. table Growing from the New Jersey Power Co. It week. —Mr. Km to road] claiming U to be his own and peaches oa Wednesday. but I am filsd to ull Dr. Howard's ber Track anything In the building 9. 10 and 11, a bliM ribbon «vtnt-»-«.tf burgh; Ormcod Ford BulUs and Mrs. Additkkoal prix«s for the events Btato Experiment EUtton, visited sev- peclAc for the cure of constipation OAZZATCC8. on Eaturdsvs for tho free Swimming to allow Bcanlny Point —Jos. Voge) and a few friends from FIRST NATIONAL BANK Una, to any p«rt of Cape May coun- —Jesse Springer Is this vrcek —Mrs. Charles ErricksoA La itnprov Wm. H. BulUs. RoctuesUr, and Mrs. pot ea tds esabsOdtacm. eral sweet potato flcldi with the and dyspepsia on that basis. HPCKK AGAINST 8UFFRA0FL are Qva allrcr drinking cope La to trSTsl OV*T It. renting Wilmington. Del, are visiting this ty. ^ Ing the sights with relatives in Phila- lAg from a scTcre attack of acute Rooory. wfcrtnrr for to-llrkfoala r«- c«-- —WalUr of —Saturday, it U said. Is to be tho baytront, Th«y ask the Freeholders to With all infocUxi plants the stem is —Mrs. Long, of Little Elver. Is Al.Cn UcaMUr, Hooa* sad Lo* at s>ol*atkai*, (fbimbn tactadWdl «UI be house, bam. fruit and berries. Near which mado Ufa mUersblo for both — Rev. Wm. Tucker was tho guest —CmiU of Sunday for the weak at —Tfce Oeeta View gnmwr tdkMl cent bottles at half price, 2S cents, ra l>««* . ... , 4 P. E. a station. Rio Grande. Apply was aUsadlng to business Ln town of E. L. Rkc*. Court House. Lbo first wta begin Ci|s-ei»if 1st. extending to the very heart and. although I have sold a lot of It. k C^Uae&rr. b*< attendantco at tbo court-houso oo feitival tho Borough Council has voted and Elixabcth CroUy, of ff^rnr aad —Mrs, JtBMDm«t«WMaes> |jealims about Becsley Pointer* lulng —J. Appleton Stevens and wife, of riot one has been brought back as un- —Mr. Boltoo and wife, of BrkLso- Such potatoes will produce) young Komnry. a Lota o R Mrs. ShsJrkk Tour visited UlllvUU N. J. 10-£34f ,- evening last when Miss Mlnnlo — Miis Phocbo WeitcoU rtturoed to pre-Miit Avalan pcnanLa to ail aulo- Miss CelU Cslsnd, of Utt Koadsy u Otesa Ctoy. UM mad and haa erected a feace in the Crcscentville, Pa_ are visiting their satisfactory- H4am •! foul ll^au, ;« sa on Tuesday. ton. wwro calling oa friends Ln town —Tho gold watch lost by Charles plants with the same disease. M Hurta. Land al A tpeclsl Epworth service will be , ivccrctary of the National from a trip to Philada. on Thursday rn obi Le-s crossing tho drmw-bridfe. and —Mist MaHsa B«wttt ssaat • ekr [caster of It to prevent them usinjc it. uncle and aunt, M. M. Norbury and "I am still ulllng the specific at »«p, s Arrra oo BCooday. txady, of Reading, caff the dock of **i-* Our seed selection should begin in ulf DiiM, although I cannot Ull how Hoo. H. S- Docslass was in Philada. held Sunday evening In tho M. E- Opposed to Woman of laat week. to all water craft tying up at our of this wmk et Ossnt T wife. Waxr,Q li- tiarrta, liooa* aad Lo4 —EL(tltecn ounces each Is the SLLS swimming school oo Saturday^ the field by splitting down the atxro ong I shall bo sble to do so, and any. RJr, UukV on Saturday. church. cocnmenclng nt 0:30, the topic opoko for an hour against — Mr*. Maurice Candy, Sr., is docks after suari»e. The rcfatta of found by SIM) and Anna RmPh and — Raymond Usgur, of Wilmington, ono who ia aubject to constipation, Uriamlo IU»f. U Ion, Hoa, and uoracn tho ballot. of potatoes this w«ek btlng dlcxed by hkh if perfectly healthy, is right to IAAJ al Hfco <>«jV 12 X3 Morg-an Hand, Jr., visited Court being "An Evening with Favorite spending tho week with her siutcr Ln tho RafLng Association of South Jer- Dorothy Irwln in Lbalr ssrluails*f oo TIM feUowin* history of tho Cape sick bcadacHc, dirzlness, lirer troubla, l^vratj. Jr^ ISO I't Nelaoo Smllh. save seed from, and all the potatoea who has spent the past week with his Hymns." In tho audience were many sey Yacht Clubs will bo open at 10 a. Manday. general played-out I House oa Monday. n Port Norria. Corjnty flhoro Road was furnlsh- uncle Isaac Linderman, returned home Jjr g py —Laora Hsn . of Avsloo, im with —John B. Davis, D. D. 8_ of —.4MB H* from the hill ah.-uld bo used. If the ondition, oucht to ttakk e advsn'agd' e of kt ! R>u Irruauk S3 tl Ur. V. Webster Byrod, of thewho belong to the Suffrage PrUes will b« awarded to winnlxig •dfeVl**. ad tbe Ocean City "Leds-er" by Wn. on Monday. . Aa xi L4 Chas. Transue snd wifo have rctum- her sraodsiothsr, Urs. II. Hcsron. for — Mm. E. P. Hand, of Ocean City, iwne haa hla family (Mrs. Davis aad ids FHd«7e to «»«od t%m Wtatm. interior of the stem is dla^-oUtrcd or this chantx. You can tell vour readers •i 7 »4 Medico-Chlrurgksl Hospital, Philada, und whllo they duTcr very widsly from Lsvcr-ft, cxprcos cruisers, open bent*, — Rev. W. A. Moore and wife, of M»r»ii»» cJ homo this week. a Summer visit. waa a r«tnt visitor ut Mrs. Pearls tho H'-Mf** Ruth, Peggy, sn|i%na- aad —Norton HowU mM black do oot save any potatoes from that if they ore not satisfied with the spent the wotk-end with hiu Ounce. the vic-oo bald by Miu BroAsoa, they displacement racers and hydroplsnca. Jack) tn Mlas Wain's :__ In 1706 Saamger Hand and Wo.such hills for seed. Centarton, were calling on friends WE MUST LOSE pociflc they c*n come right back to m 1» M Bank cashier Ceo. Nichols Is enjoy- lAnxxnbakcr'a. WII^MJIJ •nints^ ai Oomm Ctty. MlactvU. 4 Arm LsaJ a4 Miss Anns E. Robeniton, i| R. J| ui attention to all sho said, —Raymond Buikc. of Wildwood, Luncheon for vUitinjf yachtsmen will until aitrr Labor Day, aad possibly Ootden ware appointed by the Court ay store and I will cheerfully refund Ti*»o«*» ing s week's vacation. per All seed Lhoold be kept apart from bare laat week. He was at one time when broken lota accumulate, and are perfectly will- a 24 Elmer's. and participated In lbs hearty ap- has beca csIIUisj P. liaTkiaalr. IM ACT. K*m al Dr. Wm. C. Hand. CLarcnco NicboU with MO spected for "Black Rot" before put- — -< harlea Leper, wife and son, and BOBOUCH OK STONE BARBOB a week In Atlantic City. i—a tribute not to her opinions Harm ajul wife. race a and swimmiAg race* for both —The winnars in tae contacts et that have real merit, for if we had snd Goo. Nichols Bpcnt Saturday and —Rusllne St«tman. of PhlL&del- :ho froo swimming school last Satur- Oca4r *• par acre, wiU probahry Bank. Their report U as follows ting them ln the Uot Bed. Miaa Lillian Conover. all of Baltimore, NI1W J) ud MoodiaAd TVS tmt to tho ability, rcAivcmtmt and skill — Mm- Roland Clark arid daughter boys and girls. >•*.» ., Albert Freldmsn. of Mayville, was Sunday with their friend, Alvin Pof- phla, has beca Ln to'wn a few days, the day were Paulina Killer aad Alice party of ftfa&wdft from at a buih Dear the n- are visiting their brother, Lewis, and Arm with which sho presented thc&o opin- aro vUillng her parents, Elaworth Tikis •Vrnrr fa This "Block Hot" con bo tkUclstl an AII» hlcs^vaa. in New York on 8-stardsy. fcnberg»r, at tho HoUl Iknniu, At- guest of L. H. PxnrcLL ~ralg; Wllllim I«rnT«n The foa st —Hs%. Ftatafc tar's edge on Great Eg* Harbor Rimer, si Clinton f-'onover'a WctfdUJkd al (*rr*», John Lcsmlng and wife. Mind Ircrvc urday afternoon. Greatest interest —Ftui Qmadj «ad wtt* «p«t • ao*- doatty wo are an points and gradually eitend In ull wajno in wonwn and children welfare Burms duriag the wt*k_ moving to Magnolia, N. J-, thio week. —Guests of Mrs. Clarence Kroose along the fence to the comer •itwr ltu.ii tttr WU K mln* Uad tU <-r t-raX-„ Harry Fort and family returnedWare and Georg-c LcaminkT, uU of will center in tho contest for tho chal- Uw &xj* of tMa wa«k st Osert BoflHb togajthes* in <*n.tn4al sffsirs. directions. few days at Cape May, la now visiting H*U«car* l^*tisrr Cxy. 73 AAfTtii LLaUfcd work in Washington, and intereated where ho ia r»ow employed. and family for race day were Joenh thereof; thence by a line of marked SX^or tUrUaj. liw on Monday from Ocean City. —A number of our vilts^trs attend- lenge cup offered to the thrc*~4lmo Ull was a banner year Mra. Ralph Scbellinger. Itv UUIIL.1 lu antl frtxto-rv at C^-orl rbxx-**> 33 ti Camdin, arc this week vlnlting C. W. Walirorth and wife and Miss J This rilwsse also shows liaalf un Z lcgiilatloo in behalf of ths ^-—N'e-w ihchool-housca arc bring 1 —Doci focfwt Coonty rttr, BspC first run; *Sf p**** to the t.rx-jn-1 «i-i a>>-ull l&<- a«tLM- « Moving pictures Tueidsy and Satur- Long and wifo nnd Provi.lcnc? S. Lud- ed th« Granstn' pknk at th£ StavUlc winner of men * #injW*. Last year pht-nr, of Oreaa Cirv; Hurt. Ctttual _. One bank had the young sprouts and leaves as dark — Kent Keda*rav*s, accompanied by n i-U working cla-EScn ar^J cLitnia thst wom- 10 atad U| ft Uom ribbon mnUMUf head of John Coraon's branch; thence A BARREL OF MONEY camp ground oo Wednesday. crrUr 121 .-/ tiw L*»* •pcndlnff their vscstlon at Wlldvrood- having oao's valuables beyond tho would have If uho sho could voto aad of Philadelphia. list I li I ar,,M |- JeuEk*"* Uill, Hotur mad .U-t KI "Valley Forge,** plying between PhlT- as both mcctiooed diseases am car- applies mostly to Oxfords and Pumps, but in the bargain > e n. r curity Trust Company will rent you trength now lieu In the ivan-nartias-n- — Mrs. Frank Cough, of Brooklyn, •WsWaWt^ saWQCV ^StmymwuHOKm Urns' "III** IO betanmu Afc~>ia«» Hand's and eitended visit with her grandparents. |U 9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon men's doubles, mixed doubles, women's adelpilLa aj^u Portland, fcfff fc • • ar* at tasir boos* fern* for aa liiisfl tun Ukr ALUulw CKvsik, wlUlIa svakJ busr- a sofo depojilt box. It «hip of their efforts. is being entertained this week by hrr —A party of twenty of our Ladwa Leonards; *Krtfd« to theried over in the soil. tUekicl Eltlredge and wife, returned Lawton Bros-, tho ens men, drivo to doubles, girls' doubles, arvd girU', family locstw* oa tae Carnival Bay nit* ctssvy^ mi. Wb* prices as big* as they lot will be found Shoes for al Seasons. U l at *«* Mm- J. K. P. In£*ruo]l, Octan City. —Bordstta Tcsaitn sad wtfa, of WO- to the bridge ovar the branch towardscautions we should positively practice this woek- 12 22 Sunday: SaLbath-whool 10 a. m. NAMED FOR PROSECUTOR. —Wm. Stevens snd wife, who aro last named event, Mra. F. F- Leopold, ocean both coming aad gotAg aornvit sMtfa-a fcaiw had ITSjOOO taon on r Harbor TmailoaJ (A ZX2 the siren calling wife and children to callad oo Mrs, Wsa. Dms) Ann Uoor ticrbur TrrmLnal.. 1^1 4^ Mm. William Hartmsn. of Mer- — Mra- Wlllard Young and daugh- esTBfss^tlBtaforthesamadstetaUU, th* head of Wm. Johnson's land, so crop rotation. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. A. An- summ«riAg in to-sm. went to Philadel- of Lansdowrnc, will battle with her op- w YOU Ua/k W. t».,.T. Woodlaod at tkir- chantville, la viaitinf Mrs- E. D. Koa- ter and Miaa Minnie Young, of Bc 1 12 derno-n, of Collingintood. Thtre will phia on Moodsy for a short trip. ponent of many &«as#- Itw txs no evening tervice. I). Hall, of Narberth. ImxnedUUly — Mr. A. C. Crawford, of Philada, In tta ffaf-tbar of patrons voold prob- constipation, try Doan's Reguleta. f4, l rfxA WILDWOOD suzca-rs. vllle, wau appointed Prooecutor of —Miss Sarah Corson, of PcLcrn-- vistUs« Jofco Botea sad fsmflj. «t Crane's creek; thence to the bridge lines with some of tho growers. ££c at all stores. la Ul«o.J (Ualrr f^. Its Aim Miiui Ev-elyn Mlncrn is under Dr. J. The nlrippinc of a lot of tombitonca burg, iM cnioying the- August days — Mm. Comvillo Stillo U entertain- after tho cloae of play tho cupa will convert of tbo BUly Buaday csj-a- aasaeeieBT BBBfaV*BffaBa ehfaaaaJ^Sa #ftbeafa fato**aa"*aW a*M4Va**asB*a-as>Be> UI*1 al VkiUwouJ JunrUra I* 1- Capo May county by Governor FULJer, paJgn. was apcakir in Sunday -school Norttaald. ovar Crooked Creek, so by a line of Poultry H- D-ouglaAA* care this week, with p&eu- with ber siiter, Mrs. Wm. Ms^oey. ing her brother, Harry Morrison, and presented. 1 en Ualtrr <*-. aud Miu brvaU. of their bnLau platen In a Philadelphia turday, Mr. Carrow nuree«cla Mat- the Lutheran services in tae HwaWsl ^P*s^ss3saW*flV> efeas* asB*sHsfeaV flat 10*) tOesaUJI msjtsJ trees to the bridge over At this timo of year all sitting TTT FOB TAT. B. It O»staJ-*v»*a1 Ly lUork IS. Lnta ««, U I 11 cnanla. his daughter, Helen, from IVvcvora. —Mrs. kUtiUa DrraaJ sad seo. At Juuo l^dAj. lUws 17, l^ta H, S. II] cemetery lsjit week, la about tho mtan- thew Jefferson, who w^as convicted of —Ethel Grscc, of Angle«», is Mr. GillLaoo. cf tas Ley- esT a osaka. la faost strikmgly fait by CraveQy Ban; thence to tho bridge coops and brood coops should be Pa. —Saturday evening, at the New rps|*t*ai Mlc*[Qn, Pfo 11mAfiir^ 1 a* WiSo ^IT a. spsat Wadnasdaj mmta^ $& Paul Uuibb. likxk U. Lcjj I, 1. 3, Clarcnco B. MrGraw and wifo arc est act of thkvcry reported U> thumulfeaaanro in offlco and resjgned- •pending a week in town, tho guest I who own the deposits, end ovar Crease's Creek; thence to the old Cape May Aotocaobile Hiu MUlilile • ^1 I l4.,lIM(. 4. 1. «, 1, • 4 IS taino at 17th otrcct and Boardwalk, Ooaan Ctty. cleaned and stored sway until next • ard V UiS^iJi. BJocfc C, Uo and wluuHit support, mad wm* George Crawford's and the hollow." and then give a good coat 'of whitc- Alice Corfton. will b* obicrvcxl Tnurud-iy, SepUmber, with hm father. Judge Howard Car- homr on Fridsy, sxd will mn* * a visit tho great structure. Here, at 8:30, —Th* cajpastsrs tram tas Ocass. rnrnU roaparad ' with 1911—Cmer sun who n> walking stepped bhn Tr»rt inking when Mcnttt RtkKart mc+ing The Judge of the Coart and the two sizes 5 to 10. Some big values in all kinds of men's wear. K. Huoor. U«a 17. Lot l»... row, und I'ronocutor William J. Kraft, here. Martha Smith ia improving the hundreds of masked dancers will Vlsw acaool aia boOdtsc tas dsnsMBt from behind a wifon uhkh obstructed Uigh grade fertillxer constantly on 16th. Atlantic City Forvat No. 11. haa tKo darker jump-od from the whirl; tK«» y^^t^fi the road t.,1.,1.1 A. kklo.Sl . tLl-«k 16 Lo* 11 .. nd ul*-.o at the University of Pennsyl- —Mrs. Edsrsrd Bice and Mrs. RabL In health, duo very largely to the be formed in lino for the grand march school tMa «wk. If the yards ore baro and crusted the vitrw directly in froat of a :. W. . *osuldlos*osul . Bkxk II, Lot 33 hand for sole by J. Swing Willis, .nvited all other Foncatu with their loLhca and all, 4uvd not mn lnxUnt l H VlVlikk. Houara. S Lota aod ** ^andft and rangvr* to participate. ania- He wan admitted to ths berMiller, with a party of euJTrafxtUo, cheerful preuenc« of her aUtcr, Mra. to the big Rail Room, upon tho main t Loon, *uxl it wu eKura* piLngtett btv- —Carl aad Bsjaaood Skaip ha»» aVSofaa at tho Miiihin ftr*W» the filth should bo removed, the yards driven by Richard Cr-~ A I.*nd, vwc*l\e J. W. Court House. 3-26>tf 7 above) described, and all of tho land uu an uttomey in November, 1911, and re In town oo Monday looking af te-r CLarci Ogdcn, of Ttogs- floor. Meanwhile make-up artists and oro tho waa fully roco*rer«d. X s trait sad vs<«tah)s staad ia leaden eseta to be eecta* the light as plowed and some rapidly growing May City N ' ...-«. of Cape H. MlilUboo U. 4* Gva. P. Konter. of Philsda-, l» here Repairing of all kindi of flic urmii, • OaTER Ira- l>r4U VI 1-^rrrtl. Uurk li. Lot a counu:lor-al-law in February, can t urac m aro bus y tranaf ormlng —KU Mury'o bun^mlow for tMa vsak holders, have all been gathered to their "votes for woimeti.'" froct cf thair I tfta result of president Wilson's sin- crop, noch aj> oats, started- After the 311. for u WIYI'H vacation with hU troth- electrical devtc\-i>. locku, etc. Pin — llm, Wm. Hca-a hod a very iwrvcrc tmtrt •••<|pa> p'-M*** Imperfect as their I''. He wau elected to the Assembly sc-onca of belles and beaux into pltrtur- IAS tbo bauao pi&rty of friends mod tag to Mexico to set its boose ia order. crop is well along the birds II. cru ami slater. tumbler or Yale keys—all maken. dn- —Wilbur Springer and wife and fall one day LO-HL week, cauur-d by bLep- ncifitboru of Iiryn Mi«r mnd Bo«eV —Mrs. Krtrtoa BawaD ctrora the lotuiila appear to be. grring at DO ^3^c wau knocked down and the Ly 1'Jl:.', und was tho first Democrat coau.i>o he roc a and heroines of all ages UB# OB*) (laisstf Bs*B(stiarjr is tot *H thm allowed to eat the Cape May Court House, N. J. J.J U 7 S4 Harry Gilbert and wifo sutocd frocn on on apple. She is bo Ladly mant that bavo como for m week of bouher ws«so Baterday, «feOe Mr. rbocla p&&jkcd over ber. Juat whst the pi^y *.ffr«r Mm, Clam O^tien and daughter, ral repairing. Wm. Flanagun, S. J.choi-cn in Camden county for member- H Tses or distances, ar width, froca n. V. II Ha and all lands. Beneath tho 700 electric n ivfifrori BUJSCO XKP txjIM\pw wu ^K4ja*sa ***a ffVjPJHH^T^pt ^Essr eakas^FBa% tO -esV eVeS*^D*a)elej(ste^ It**- ajCLtr «ILtl 4-O« Really Farm, Court Hou«. 8-L"0.4m Philadelphia *nd spent the wreck-end bruiuxi that bho la hclple^o. Howsll was oot of town. Great Egg Harbor Hirer, to the BsvWhere the covVttaB be met *• shoots. result of her injurie-a ore us yet could Both Phon y ufv^ul t*rr> kev If b^. It K Miaji June, of Tio^a, Pa-, arc vialtin^ hip in the lower bou&e in IB years, pji of many colors, tho hundreds c-otnplctcd, a half doxen ye*jr» mgo. J wastbo rtcg^tyi^.n ,103, not rnl within uU U>c- with Mrs. Jes&e Springer. af warfare sad tosol d a arenot be a^eertAined An X-Ray exami- Surro^ato Rico'u. lie 1^,-rvexi ono t rm an a legt&lstor. — Mm- Alkcc Taylor enUrtalned of daivera will present a magnificent The "family" thU jrc*x UJ. C C&avy —Griffith Oaady sad wtts heexd •ids; 1- \1LU1, 1^< k^slluo CU>- Robert S. Miller offero for rent hli* to*plant o crop at this time ho should nation wss in progress thin afternoon lit-~>i uUl u<4lrr, Lt-r 1 —Mrs. Nelson Smith and from, umc friends at dinner on Tucaday mnd wife, chapenma' itcnrT HcGar- Bishop W^UIMK ai the Ocean Qty a.«i t* Rkhanl Tbomas ar.J uife, of Mill- rgv Knrnnr building (30x70) on Hand Mr. Carrow haa had couniderable ex spectacle u« the dimmers uacd in this y Lll tuiir »i t> La ". I. lullr. 1WJ. lluua* and Lot.. leaicg, in honor of ber nUUr, Un. \ry. Mary Singer, Iubcl McDaTltt, *4 keep the soil well ctirred until about under the- dirtctioo of Dr. Pronk R. k ij U>*"r«-- 4 aa Hvnce in tho conduct of cases and Everett, and Chas. MottU and mother ighting byutem Lathe them with tho 1 opoo the groond for our HF_\TIN<) MOI'TINi. h IVIUK. Hauw aod I.ot 3 C3 ville, arc upending thla week with Joa. uvenue. Suitable for fara^v, rv-pair Ar.nU and Julio CAIIUUX^ Mary CoX- the mml« of September and then sow Sheppsrd at the Millville Hospital. Walm. Hwue ax>d Lot U in crvcry way qnnliflcd for the post motored to Atlantic City on Monday Efhel Wynn. of Bridgeton. t lM suit-t. UiikbrwiJ <*r <*&ri SaJ. licsur and Lu4_ ,..- Tbomsa UJUJ foraUy. or point ahop, vie; uttcU with r_luvuU>r tint• of moonlight, dawn pp-A TIVInM*t'~~ ncy. JoAcpMne. Annie and Helen Mc- Mrs. aa winter crop, such as rye orwhere she wss mnmtd folIowiAg the »-Lr\x1urr ul.4i^ uiaj In frveut o/ blst (^ 1*. JF sad atten&xTthe Wild Went show. Garwcy. WLUiara C. Bow*. P-rrm-frrt X 10 tl-k if. IS, l^ta capable of taking vchicleu to M.xoml for which ho haa been selected. H« lorenco Yerger, a busy at- with all of the colors of the rainbow mishap. Mrii. I>orcas Holmes WllliamH, of 1 r Rountxrc. trunk Qulmm a,nd wif^, mnd wheat. This will give green food for WHO'S 1 «wV-r>«Uojf .'Ulu- May HanO, 30. floor. m officer nt No. 205 Market street. —Mrs. Warren VonGilder hiu hod a torney from Phil ad a., la enjoying a thrown upon them singly or in h i - ttsat ahaD bsra ban acaap MAS CBEEK DABTB. 31, 33 I II Wildwood, Bpent Monday with Mm, Frank CUricey oJid wife. tho fowla in the spring. Eyc-witncsAes of the accident exon- -at as U**4 mUd Tt~np><]. iUock ii. IxX a.. The rvauon tho appointment was happy visit the past week wiLh frijnda oi vacation with her ai»- *al sfexko assy nst ascorsd of tbb* ae- • I U C»-orE« W. Whtaton. Ludlam Hand and wife have had ut> JiLcwjJi coabinatu&ns. This beautiful All of tho these things are import- erate the autoUt, clsimLAg that he wa* ••<•», aii oJU A. --»U»»r. lUack 3. Lot IS. not made from the Cape May County ler. Mm. Pfendcr, ut Hotel Tuckahoe. —The •H-rnl-nP" "w. m*etinx *ad p ppott tf tax* —Mrs. Robert w.»i» « u ill with TOUR PLUMBER? »lrv>rtu-rr. S 3 1 tl in Baltimore, returning home on Mon- election of the Lavdie-i' AojeiUory of Esther VaaOfldsT. Mrs. n tcata this Wetrk their dau^hterri, Mrii. picture of color running riot with ant and can be done at this Lesson of not running faJit and could not avoid AiU» J. bull Mm» May FicU McKean. of Phila- Bur wan that Governor Fielder could day, accompanied by Dr. Cnnn CarU nerrralgts Iu«d I II John Berk, of Fruckville, Pa., und —Mm. Mary L- Cordon, of Ocean color, frud the costumta upon the tKo Ytuht Uub will L« next UotvUy BoUa Hewitt and Mrs. Etbaasta Ood- the year without disturbing tho birds bitting the woman. delphia, wail a cucat laj>t week at the not M.~cure a coun&elor-at-Law of the ufurrvoon ln the Ladies* Roo-m Tbe 11 f_vil 1U tu k and mother. Mrs. Mary Carll, and City, visited Ml«J. Irene Bailey u part frey spent Wednesday et the hone of —Mrs. Balpb Norton U on the sick- H. STLCOCK, of course. Ui (uw avoy I 31 Mm. Leon Darruh, of Reading, I*u_, ied rloor to the lamps in the arched very much. Any changes necessary kr«*x» La rr- «. 1 home of J. C. Fof.Ur. Democratic faith in that county. Mlu Ula Ludism, of that city.' hallota bent out ha\e thei>e UsttidswMk. CAPE MAY COURT HOL&K, N. J. 4. Lot 3. with the former'ii hunband and two of Lost week; Mias Bailey returning ceiling, will be witnessed from the bal- « Misses tadlaa at DssnlsTiDe. and all sanitary measaren should be MlIMlle ABtcAobile HlLa Cspe May LlihJ tuitu S- UrVaw, bijtk t tl ' liawtcn Bran., Lf you drop them a Preuiaxnt. Mr*. Howard Earl* Oapitt, ZsfedOek fi^aaXD hlT Cl QCW BU-- Boj. children. with her to Ocean City for a thort conies and privuto boxes. A com-MrH. A. J. EonVerd: vito preaidtnta, —B*T. Winiara A. Oobb. of Booth adopted at this *t«^** Ukiav WILD WOOD EXTUOIOM. postal at Bio Grande, will deliver you Mr. Carrow en me here on Tuesday. DENNLBVUXT8 DOLNGB- mod m» THATCHKB WATKK h LoaTlM-LXh 4Tvi*J^*:ll ft-dUJ Cvsufl-rtl, rhf'I At. petent board of judge* will award sil- "Jra-. Frx-d. Taylor, Mr*. J, P. Nieu- Hir«r, spent a few days of this week tomobO* this week. Assemblyman Raymond Sheppard. 1 U*lUi«>«jJ H^i ajvl C*ia Oub. lUo^a. Rf>st» for Sslr, cheap, o^i 1 hava no GEORGE B. THRASHER. HH1VK WKI.I.s u»a- work U> t-r tWw, ' gaifcoline and coal oil. It wai» hworn In by County Clerk Hll- .Uk. Mnu U. C. Biter. Mrs. Pr*d. —sGXtard Howell captured a fine of Millville. collided with a youth on a BAN<,LH AND iUULKliB a l a k tt. L"t» ZX II II 33 —The Presbyterian Mito Society ver cups for the most beautiful, mast with his parents. Oliver Cobb aad Coanty Farm Demonstrator. U+rcm li->*r uj Anna b. biock use for them. Bateau 22-fect long; dteth. und immediately went to Wlld- —Mrs. Herbert Carroll ia viaitinc Flock; secretary. Urm. W. H. Mc€or- rwarm of bees on stonday. bicycle at Cspe May City while auto- r r I, I>j4ft 7i, £t 1 II Muus Mary Jackson, of Goahen, met at th*) home of C. H. BlUrard on original and mabt comic awtume. mtck, Mrx Henry Cerhart: trcasarer, wife. Us occupied the M. E. church J-T CXJMJ of Uk s^Ul o«xk«-r. La and one lR-feet long, with a 3 h- p. i*i to looL tho murder ensc. her sister at Dorchester. la tact, tt i> broacOy nmted that tb* —184 aotoDkohfles pamed over the Ing. The boy WBI badly hurt and the lLU tW Unu.••-• tb-r ukl Art < '.jtiM X- "-.Tl^a. LUo(k J. U-U T.. hp«nt Wednesday evening herv with evening. Thu ulLendai^e Mn>. J. P. Collij-u- tmd Mra. Alfred polpit Scmday crenla*; and cars an SOUTH DENNIS DOTS. ~ ^t«o I 1 II make and break Palmer engine. Boats —Harry Fidler Ls treating the poat -—Grangers* Day proved a great tevejaniBOOD wiU-anl in a fizsJe. lun-, (,IMJ L4 Mm, H. K. Daugherty. was not Largv, but they had a most HenkKard. The Yacht Club has its new road to Goahen on Sunday. As&emblymnn'u cir was considerably man umrt un !,. flul i^w LUb uU U4 WILDWOOD TtMMJLCX. and engino in best condition. Maurico ofBce to a fresh coat of paint. Interesting aecoctnt of • (rest rarrisj D> wtrtutf Ckf • *Til c/ fUi-i favciax. far to bulLJ ur Cuu.Lrurl cctwi, and next year efforts will bo annual election SepLetn.ber -i. —Jes&e Crandoll has a new auto. Tbe .alt) of tl»e property ftdvrrtlj-nl t** »*vU of UortD>xrjd Prcmi***, to ioe UlrarUi IU-.H. bixk 4. Lota 1,1... I tl Mr. and Mm, Peterson, of Clayton, GRANGE PICNIC. llghtful lime. -mpalfn (hat be took part In. —Hiss Mary Tomlin U uprrviln^ a MA» Uw fulluf <^ ttk oiwr U> . Candy, Court HCUMJ. 7-lC,tf —Dont foreet County Fulr, Sept. made to bring all of the Granges of —Mr und Mrs. E. C Locke and bv suld by vtrtoe <•/ Ul-U «-—-»< I •••f'T-fW. WEST IWilPIl There will be un entertainment, with The annual picnic of the County New Jer&ey to Av&lon for the Satur- i great eatas- handj off tbe harulle bars, and ex i»4 I" tttr- k^titJtixtuan uf Ukc- svfiid buarou«t. rrvun on Romney Place. Robert Walton and Mtu Berenice wili —Dont forest Coanty Fair. Sept. father from Philado- tae liMrrein depCodioff wherein John uhn V. V^ITUMV, I Lo4 TrrL, La.. home talent, in tho Kpt*ctal"rium, ran^ held on the camp meeting —Miu Beule Some™ is this w«li e^reat pleasure in their new motor day night of the August full moon. Bella Hewitt for the purpose of ar- TJse many delays in the pres- X. i'-tJ&r, lii^cutrii. It, *rc. KUM-il. siuill L-- LsUhJ. •>• r •» Um ai^J VKH>LMr A«r 4 4S day, and blowing will bepln on WeU- nesday had every uLbordinate grange cester mulu quartctto and bocae other Thorn, of Calrary church. Is ««-^^a •ad Omt la Jost wbat tba gutty —The Royal Workers cleared SKL&O TUE&DAY. azrmiTirw r. itit, nuulc llXr LM- **lw»U3u»u HLJkt-r»J." play with well known character*. —Mrs. James Stiles spent port of program wau moat nuctttuful. Frank KentiiaJl and wife and Mi&a Vlr-rlnia; —Bramell Lloyd Is spending thin catapult fahh.on and utruck the gla.u ji-ankd tor (oor wt-*rkiL unlll lit ttw- ti4-»«-Ti«?*J«J*» Dl*-d la U> Mary tl Mci>ua*lr. Lota A. b. <", U. ru.-«lay, September 1st. friends for a trip down the river. to get the young people tiitsmted ia from their pot rack sapper on Friday li. V. H. K 3 51 Vaudeville between tho acU. B«-netit in the county represented, and dele- this week with hrr brother ln Atlantic Swain, of Swain ton. captured nix McKay and Willard mnd wind sOxield hejul foremast breaking Thxir«lay. Septeathcr ZM, 191S. p. ca-, to «IC *U OM o'clock In I u I Uxi KUtrs, VtaUdt Odkcr, t-r tax tu-yni b Horace CranltBhaw. Last we-ck'o week with relatives in Bridgeton. rjo cJ uU d*T. •! UM Li**TtfT» Uaxic LrUof. X2 U4»* S *6 Charles Calvin and Jo&epb Danieln. n to mako up batu:l»all defictt-ricy. It* lvh from the Gloucester Pomona. City. . D. Bond, the new principal of ver cups for his South Seavillo Grange the church. Tbe boose wss weO fill- a* the BUM boor and pljic-r. 0/ tiw pit*-, >u Kacxurr. 1 Lu4a 41. 41. ktaJQ ,1U included John Wai too and wife, —Thomas Miller, Jr., and wife spent it into a thousand piece*. licr. ia <«pc H*j *Ux±rt |iuu»r. Cape U full and William If. Powell, of Swain ton. ed, and an enjoyable evening spent sW-Os. of th* many .peculiar things —Wnim»« Douglass foond a land tur- DattM TbomUjr, An*-, ^li, 191-V County. Kcw Smcyi i L krt f U. V. IWUr» Uita 1 tl of Philada-, are B.tending a week with unJ SuiTrairo vLaitorti. The exhibit was —Capt. Harry Cheater is upending the High School, is hero gettin, from Uti-ch Haven; Mra. Alexander lo trying the avoid the boy Mr *.itb a «.CKH1 '~**vr** IruuU JLa^ubrTi. 1 Lu4 M. All persona tle»irinjr the Ix-nl hutul by sll. *h-» cosapeny t^twj- exttcrtsiaed two daya last week in Atlantic City. All trial crrt*Us trsw-t uc prl / L l th-r t»4tin. •* Ocrou IlllV, In U>« rutaoty «X i-»t* Muy L. T>ut ttw ^UalntsUorx) Bx'V. Henry Lawrence and wife, of leaving their packugta at Hurry thij Method im church, Frankfard. 9, 10 and 11; n blue ribbon eventiM*.tf Ku II. Cmswu, Holk-itor. K.-T. 1 1. U C™. VU. / \f» J*f1<-yt D(kJ aViX>*^U Ok lul New BrunBwick, are visiting hU coUii- —Mrs. Paul Carroll in entertaining Both lights were torn off, mud guards A«ra.: IS Lob. 1 block baoi>lM Tyler'a on or beforu TTiurjvday noon of Allen Locke has token to the atju*- miniUr vl ex* plan rmrriWr * of Hoy k-r by Lcjcust a^Mi Aah A«*s-i IB the State Experiment Station; Form F. P. Collinn, of Seavlllc. F.n>t nlffrr} cr^tyrt^ffyf^j t^* f istrip*ny wtt2i oo* Beach on Saturday from —Mrs. Harry Fields, of Estellville, Lt bil J lill rJ' in, Miau Lucy E. Corson. each week, und it will bo returned on her brother, Lecn Stratton and wife, —For home timo Mrs- Philip Shaw plune. und the only UB-O he has for 1 were twisted and other damage was il l.»ta. 1 bloc* bounded bt Ir»d . Demonstrator Thraaher, Mina Dill of tvgr fHoinr to^fM Hk* f*^* nWa^** DennunriHe. spent Wednesday here with her moth cusrrwT o/ UM- lnlrr- Ill, Mti -r>d l«t> A»a-I S Lota, of Phllsda. has bc«n fulling in health, und xeu were won by J. H. Powell, of the family motor boat la to furniah done. satnf rs SALE. Howard Springvr, wife and ton, ofSaturday morning. Troy Laundry er. by atnti claiy Va. A It**- *>ouU>»(~»lfTty uUXc us? Hayvloa. Pit, the Mis&es Schellenger, of Green Woodbury and took her home with roU; by Wm. H. Powell, for white po- HI-I M. WUicr. Cncn |«-or)-Ow*' frert (C IXV U* tttr l>*>t cunur luj. A»r» 14 U, parents for three weeks. ment uua muuic by Miaaea Helen and Duy ut the Yacht Club «u the pres- his parents. week visited his brother, H. A_ U4 miiubrr VO ua oboir til L It**- rfrttUai. CUjlt Another one of C. S. Mucrulh'» de- them, hoping tho change might be tatoeti, sweet potntoeu, toruatoee, egg Hbly, or «lse aoldten /Vor-rxkar. rrpair i>/ Ma buim- tba Fl«-b»r. 4 Luta. M. <>. (J--V Creek, part of lost WKL of a te~am from the Philadelphia h 111^ t:tvr»L and IM A«v*-.. . I II The Security Trust Company lightful California will appear Gerty Kihhi-r. Herdchell Berry. Harold EAST CBEEK AND had a donatd Ufa when ', buatb % block by Morton and Mr^." McPhenicn, with —Mrs. LUile Blake, of Petersburg, —Mr. L. D. Compton. of Rio Grande, aiusll iM-fxl*~ct tu rr- 3 24 adheres strictly to the established in tbii* paper next week. With thi Frank Swain, for nun flowers and of bwimmintf und diving under the of MUMIlc, were Sunday guests at —Mm, Stanley Brower, of bc sbov« s to uo4 ptnUlr tlb EkyU Vta. :>ultil«I»VIH. rrisalT •'r f (-*ttu*r kr«-f> tt"tt " »'•""- In rrf»lrl . . UeJo, 4tb ai»d MK A««a —Dr. Tbeoph. Madden und wife, of U.rU Lrlw t. Lota oo deacrtpUua !> 6* rules of safe banking. It perception of a truincd newspaper recitationu by Miiu* Rowi and Edith spent Fridsy and Saturday here with dirvction of Hig. Mark;, the instractor —School will open September 7th. Ahria Fisher's. is Encoding a "week with her mother. has a watermelon, of his own ralid MONDAY. J*. 191a, lr *c (r*l b> tbr DOarUtwe-atrrly liiw .1* ii(«ifujiK< w i(ii u*** Irnit* of Lbls, (j*rill~ beets; to ChaM. D. Gill, for dahlias; to of U o«mur; Itwat-*' Ht rvortb«-utl#-rly J 1 tl Ufi ^ th b William HuslMirg. liuuM- DEtd Lu< N. her brother. David Christian. Coltlngttwood, spent the Week-end with of the ntuiocLutton, and Ml&s Mina whurh m&OKurefl 2tf Inches in length, slay Co H aide rtaaiU>rl * '-J Norman Roy, of Pittaburg. Pa., wanman whai>e eyeu urv wide open, Mr. he.linj^vr. E. S. S- WilUurn Small, for cabbaged; to Lee ~— Mis* Alffia F^sr^i I* —Mrs. Charles SpeeeUy and family, Mrs. Goo. ConrvelL ml h iM>rtt)»a-»Urly ti 4 lU M-il. liw-lmJliLrf th* ru-vt c-f brother, 'Hosea, und wife. They Li nek, the roach. The bUmta were llautr. Cspe War CaostrTKC r Imrf. »l li f l U wl i*r.suj*J uxi«i ttLsuul U>r William aa»n. lluu»c and Lot N. Magruth in tilling ua jubt the thinga —MUses Msmle Hughes, Luella Broomneld, for bread and jelly; to M. week in Philada. r or politician of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Wm. —Mrs. H. A. Tbomaa and BOO and16 incheti in rlrcumfercnct; and one o'cloc'lkk I nt thhe •Jtrroooo, of ssid day. y *Hh tbr prwlr r*Ubl!i>d by I! illc chui»l 1S1I :> icueist of P. M. Way and wife nt all took an auto ride to Ocean City 100 and 200 yardo, fancy COLEMAN V COaSON. VtmrtU. l>. Mxarbrr. HOOK *nd Lo4 N. I- we all want to know about Culifomia. SLamlx and Spencer Vanartudalen Alonro BrtMtias and wife spent Sun- weighs fifty-tu pounds. O F. CORSON. OAiIM-ll, «klLb IllUmI ailAll L*- »»- llennys Landing on Monday. A MENACE TO AUTOISTS. for a bath In the ocean, und had din-L. VunThuyne, for a general exhibit; tlivlnp, |Jfe Kavinp and nhowin^ the —Qiss. Bartleaon end family spent it**lthtocnntnrlissssB£rct Woodlin this week. IuUJ \ufu»x Z3. IBU- AUJCU>4 10. 1-IJ. ini UM- Lot t>T LJ4» of Ut*i la lixaul aldc cfcaanrl IS II WUUI A rirr. Attfa. S-T7.1tp/»l 06 . In S. Malrr. Houu: mal Luta upent Monday st Sea Isle City. to Elizabeth Strawbridgv, for plums; differtrnt hwimming utroltea, the twoSondsy In Delmont. with Great Britain displays day at Ocean City. —In Trenton prison at the pre&ent A Wnnrrt MJJ »blrl. Mifb Uilkb«-*J ur Mian Mary Bethel, of the Naval D. Loi>culro, the local rrprctcnta ner ut thu liellevue. —Mrs. Jennie Scull anil mother, ac- I ll h U I.T, U. ballry yUa M. lo Since the fud of night finning from Mrs. Frank Swain, for canned luut 1^.-1 ni: \>v Dorothy Klump ignorance or aa —Joseph yFv/4 John Silc*srvald and time ore John Halliard, former presi- ructni; uny mxiutUat* fur tbf »uu^ Mra. Mary I. <^ull. 441 Lota t»»lrv»r.l Hospital in New York, spent 48 hours tive of the reliable Hollywood Laun- —Edward Wells and wife, of Phila —Mrs. Chas. Bnrttoiwn spent Fri- companied by Mrs. Ella Norton, were b> IIKL. UU Hid aad 4th A«ra.i the briJgea which upon tho thorough- —On Saturday night and at all the und her mother, both reaidenta of ulsters. Marguerite and Elizabeth, 1 a^Mrb Cm I aiutll »rt f.srtb thar &*!»-? osf Ibi> dry, of Wildwood, deniixs your trndc, delphia, spent part of Last week here peaches; Mrs. Wm. II. Powell, for a stWDdwoodon Sunday. dent of the Mechanics' and Laborers CLEAN. INTELLIGENT, FAIR. A NOTABLE LIST. » LuU boundxi by lod.. Obki. here with her parents lost week. v» ulong tho line of the raada lead- services on Sunday in {he M. E. Stono Harbor. Othera makin-j Up theday with Mrs. Chas. Noon. spent Wednesday at Wild wood. htiM-r. u tirxrlt/tUia u/ Uw lot uwivtl, tub and 7U» A«va-l & Lota ItMtw and will call nt your houn*.' every Wcd- with her parents. Dr. Eugene Way and luncheon cloth and crocheted Jacket; exhibition were Olga Dorfner, V^na • with Gnat Britain or Savings Bank of Jersey City; O. L. HONORABLE. w uofsunl o»vw-»-**^J UMTrun, and be Vtmn..... 14 50 Mrs. Charles ICIrkland and children, ing to the bhoru resorts has become BO church, the Gloucester male quartette —Wm. Cherry, of Garment, spent —About 80 p*^«^"» were at the M. t-rxl ul Uuatb In th*- ailuuLr* u/ UM- newlay morning to collect Jour linen. wife. to Miaa Wilhelmlna Powell, for art Dorfner, Ang-cu Hue ber, Louloe De- Wsth any other power has this nation —Jameu Dougnerty, wife and niece, Baldwin, ex-cashier of the Mechanku' Suffrsffists clAtm that there ^tlitv** uf ruunfll. nod u copy Ufcr Mra. 131a I- Wutm. X Lota E. church Bonday-school picnic at buui>d«J by lad-. UMo. Mil BU of Philadelphia, epent part of luut popular, u new tnenace to life und gave bomo beautiful selections. It Baa-a, Ernmu Paeaoler and M*na Thursday with Balph Hand. In both spirit and Mi&s Mary Stratton* of Camden, visit- National Bonk of Newark; Garret S. crtiflcrj by UK- UinHiiLh cU-rfc, aJb^U. *ttHla Laundry in ready for delivery tho fol needlework; to Mm. A. L. Brower, for more men speaking for equal -o a, Uvrrmfrr, L-* (J*-liT»TrrJ to Uw> Cth A«ra .-t 443 week with E. C. Hewitt and family. limb haa been created; tho "parking*" unfortunate that the mosquitoes were IU-Icholt- Kuch, while gocd in all, v _ —Sarah Chester —a»^ si bosiness Pierces last Wednesday. The "State fiepublkan Kewn" of CUM IMIIwinMI. lowing Suturday. Tho pliint has tho SOME POTATOES. embroidery; and to Mrs. William S. ed Mm Alonco Broaitu this Boyee, ex-auihlcr State Bank. Jersey New Jersey than In any of the '4Lrcti>T of kutUi borixixb. *bo svhail rotrr of liUU)mobiles and Wagons on tbe bo numerous ut that time. on expert in bome one line, making it —Mrs. Lewis Cathdral is in Phils. Trenton, prints the following HV^-T^* U-r WJHW In M bouk pr^vkSctl ft* Uut Conut... Ilia Mrs. Ralph Mlngen, of Spring City, latest improved machinery only, and Small, for deviled crabs. The Jury an exhibit of Unu&ual character. On trip to East Creek oa Friday. —Rayioood Carman, wife and little City; Elijah ShuW, ex-cashier and other campaign States, und five out ; TasAavo BtattS' ...... U 77 of one of the mnHtdnffw for the Re- n Pu.. has closed a fortnight's visit hero idge a for hours at a time. The Elmer "Times'" of Friday, Aug. —Several auto-bus loads of enthu- of Awards Wau Under the competent Sunday a bcoru more of members of —Eev. Howard Amer spent *"~I«T with one of ber daughters, who has lAwrence Reach, bookkeeper, city w the following Ust of i^omlnent men il ausl bCra uXasJ | rm**ll> H psXaV does only good work. 7-20.y daughter, of Bridic*ton, speot part of publican Senatorial •^••»y button" l llru u«i suiid Ipfnlij uiad aiiavJl be nv WILLETS COBSON. CoQectar. On Monday night nearly ono nun-20, said: Potatoes have gone forward tho Turngvmeindv came from Phila- been under an operation for appendi- Bank, Jersey City; Robert Book, ex with her ulnter. Mm. John Douglass. EL&tic base ball fans came up from management of Chan. D. GUI, of Avu- at the State farm in LeexUug. last week here with her parents, who are making t-peeches: forcrj In Uw nuiuacr *-» pexrwldrd In U D.UJ Au«ua! Ittb. 1»L5- Eleven Romney Pluce neighbors on with a rush > this week and all over delphia for the tiny, all belnjr jrocfftB citis. r Ltrtlkrr C Ogin Art of It**" l>r ajiaijt I LLTonu Were In tho fluhlng Angle&e-a on Tuesday, to witness the lon, a member of South Seaviiie Samuel Lloyd and wife. ••—lF*r" becrelary Fifth Ward Sav- Col. George Harvey, editor of the j l iy, by r<-*o*utkieJ. ii Allen Sheppard, wife nnd son, of at tho St, G«orse of Mn*- C D. Klump —Dont forget Coanty Fair, Sept. It Is a pleasure to present to our Wednesday evening motored to Bi'ea crowd, on tho Avalon bridges mfl- South Jersey the stations have been gome between the Anglesea and Grange. Previous to the opening of —Capt Aaron Rmlth, wife and son ings Bank, Jersey City; Henry March North American Review; Oeo. Hard tlul 0/ ttoy L»ojds, upo Snrarthmore, Pa-, spent the week-end und her mother. In the afternoon ail 9,10 sad 11; • bloe ribbon erentB-64f readers this week, Lotber a OgAcn, l fur Uvf Ri*lntrO*Ukcr. re- SALT. leys Point (which by the way U onoof whom were Ladies, and for abusy loading the trc^aendous crop on Tuckahoe Baptlat Sunday-schools. The the agricultural exhibit* Capt- Frank Went by motor boat to Angleaea, end Mrs. Anns Smith and Miss Rita CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS bank, cx-clcrk Mechanics' National editor of Every body's; Harold J- How' uild Uitf. mrpwlrlojl i>r 4k*rpin in iN-padr ol hero with Surrogate Bice nnd family. —Tho beach party that west ta who Is a native of Cape May coanty, ay b«jikb«-a>(i or u(W »ock j tt By vlrtiM of • «rtl of WUxi r of the prettiest p!acea in New Jemt-y) long di bta nee uutomobllea Were lined tJhe cars. The price paid at the differ- score was 13 to 12 in favor of Tucka- Nirholn und Ma Avalon Coast Guard beven of the number having volunteer- Beheffinger spent Monday at Wild- ATTENTION! Bank. Newark, and Frederick A. Pal- land, of the Independent; Judges ssla oi Uortzasid pRmlacs, to n ed to try ufjuinet the ffwimmlng rec- having been born at Cape Hay Coart ho* b*-«T, tUauW. Duty pB»y IVL |at» ld t f b C f Mrs. R. S. Miller. Mrs. J. M. Dix,und partook of A chlcl.un and Wulno up on either Hido of the road, well out ent stations has been about the some hoe. crew conducted an exciting bout-cap- Pierces on Thursday r*n ******** of mer, cx-city Auditor of Newark. Frederick Adams. ThomaB C. Haight, I liutitllnM-nU. u» pruvkUtl by tfee ord of 111 minutea from An^leaea to Jm*Tfr CMS tbe tVcb da> of AaSBat, _A~ 4*). and others attended the grange picnic supper prepared on their order by theof the Wuy of pawning vehicles, as the figure* given for Elmer, rung ulie drill in the uurf in front of the' thirty-five people. These men have various terms yet toHouse. He is a man whose whole life oT tbr Art «f U-r L^ttUUturt- f 191^, in • cx-ftalxs cs4jse ^bmlo Stonu Harbor, made In Au^uut, 1913. family, Thomas Attorney-General John W. Wencott. K Tlu»t fur Itkr t»ufrpus>r Clark la -"fir^r'-art and Otiwr L . , at Seaviiie camp ground on Wednes- chef nt the Inn there. Under the und being.entirely within their rights. ing from 90c to $1.11 per barrel with New Casino. During the early after- little n»mtM»i TinfK** of Cape Two Booth' Jersey coontlefi. Cape berve, ranging froea eighteen months has been one of strict probity and co»t ••/ Biu.uliilultiet. rlc rvpttl SOUTH 8EAVILLE SPICE. At 2:30 p, m. u«vcn of the girls dove and Prank Brr"b. of Vine- earnest purpose. His «j"™'ri*"» aim Sheriff Eugene F. Kinksad, John Cot- ur aw-rpin* lu rrpailr uuy bulkbctvd »«U. rt lu. rt aia an ^-r-~«.~». I aball day. management of Mian Clay, daughter But some there were who wore (not the overage price right around one noon the bleating rink and bkee-ba) from Muc-e'ii dock; a few minutes May, Is spending • short time with May and Cumberland, have followed to nineteen years. ton Donna, ei-Gov. John Franklin oUfc**r %kock uixl alructur*1. o» cool rapoac to a*le Bt pubtlc vendor, ou bud, were visiting at Ceo. J. Beed's t has been to be of service to the com- by UM- ti-rnu hrrrwf. or avny p«H T. 1US. of tho owner, tbo Beesleyu Point Inn t>o considerate of tho rights of others) dollar. This Friday morning the u)U>yn were filled and ttt 4 there WUBlater ono dropped out. but the aix the * nnppl'r* of Atlantic coonty p"*i e&- Truman Hkkman. of Green Creek, —MituJ Alwildu Burley lu vial ting his grandparents. munity in which he has lived and inFort. Han. William C Gebhardt, clerk li buruUetl' alu*ll tXa*« Domcr to *Q m UM hoars of twelve sad Vf*e has become ono of tho most popular who parked their machines right oa market Ls a little stronger and buyers a special exhibition of feature films tn continued on without a bait to tbe -end. s^K|ifi}y*ej *Af PUTtumi'tff ot ygrm demon~ e-tae-nt ot-Ttiftoutrai DIM rra*rm«I» UkCTTO**. p. ia. to wtf, at 000 o*ciodK Iaa t>tba sftrail r hss the agency for "Bog Death" which relatives at Merchantvllle. The rcturnH uu timed were, Louisa -Wm. Woodlin sad son, of Dies to the Supreme Coart; ex-Gov. Frank hoetelriea in the county; the cuisine are bidding as high as $1.15 for the —Mrs. sTwiaal snd Mrs. Jennie Co- •tratioc They nhoold not look tor recognition of this trait of character psTTj*inliiti.ln>nliiti.ln. rrblrrbalUU . r^paiiir All tost certain timrt or parcel of land vice all that could bo desired. moving machines. Complaint wan back by the heavy ijrowth of grass in the grand ball room Was thrown open 5 hixonda lutttr, and the other three departxaent DOB been establlahed dent of the Institute of Mining En ur kr«-p lu rv-pott r rilatinjlti l buikbrauls ur aod pnmlKs bfrclnaftrr' pttrtlciilaruf «>bicb UM/ CAIDC DUV •*»- nt/ U Cape Hay and stats of &*w Jcr- borne, after a pleasant visit with rel- tive names to farms ia making licad- tho landing place, within the minate. week with relatives here. - ,• Trade, and has by election and later Ul. to do the «<4k b iM^oribxx>M *ith the anr, known and aealcnsied on •> plan of given him any orders regarding the rapidly as they would like. It appears —Mrs. F. M. Hitner and Mre. Paul After intermission the floor was all thu a breaking: the previous record. Soroo ot *****«*« most the Osbome MiirtTifnrtiiHny Co. t*-rnta. t»f Us!* onliAavorr. mid to Ux* "H^SA. Lota of Ibe UUd-^odnScShTinproJ^Olt atives here. way in every' direction, und it la u paaied by Mrs. dare Errieson and Ai- ita by appointment under two different tioa <>f tbe buroufb (rjuocil kAid b(gw|]i Company u Lot Number Dmii of Block matter; which Is probably true. as if digging would go well Into Sep- spent Thursday at WUdwood. cleared for on exciting one-step con- Mrs. Klump nays tKo water waa —IVevi Hand sad wife and 8csJa*tm" an. T*flmlais\. amttrtwl to opposed to It at first, who eves treated Prank H. Sommer, of Newark; ex- y. «kliivsut furtivr ortlliuuit^r. NumLer &«« and l» t^-ifyW^ • jLf 1£•• TTtW 1 good thing. Some state agricultural " dif- Mayors, served eight years as. a mem- Mrs. Carrie V. Scrivonl. Mrs. Moliie tember this year, as many fields are —Several from Here attended test, silver cups being won by Mr. Wil choppy over the whole coarse, the Hsnd, wife sad son, psutoracl te ((not 8aasias> resorta on Sunday. It with ridicule, or* now amoef its Mayor Moy, of PlsinflekJ; Mr. Edgar o-J«Trtia-r fur bid* for tb* txuslntmsui«rtxuslnt , r«- rli ^^ bodies are now giving lists of namea Bwimmen noznetimca bclnjr • Impart ber of the Cape Hay Board of Educa- biiiUUnjbiU c rrpa.LrLn«| or llu*-plul « lla i f Jones and daughter, of Wildwood, only a Uttle more than half dug. Grange Day at Avalon Saturday,, 11am In graham M c Candle aa, of Wynno- alaym CAmp OQ *fa**^fyi < *. * * i Doagjaas and wife, Percy warmest advocates. He department UGBTHG AID COOKING CAS A. Knapp, of Elizabeth; Mr. Ceorgv tb*- kunutr, DA pn>«U«xl by Uw bmru "of Oak Ba a*l tha'^uicaat <» suitable for farms, and while there BOLTO.M ELD HEDGE DROWNED. erect. Thla condition also increaaed tion. nd UM Imui of UM> \H of Uw L-rs spent Tuesday with Mrs. Walter Elmer Is leading all the shipping —Don't forget County Fair, Sept. wood, and Miss Christine Dallett, of tho diotancc- In course of the Jour- —Mrs. Anna Stowman aad children. ftnmtsa* and wife, Ctisrios HoweU In this coanty baa already paid for Sell ay It* poastl L. Becord, Congressman E. W. Town bsxvr n*4rtitit»j>rd. MIUI nuaLe •.ay au from'tbe p5Lt'oilnl» of tb."Nort*^ .JUJJ to bo u sameness • In tho listB w 8palding. points so far this season being one Wayne, who had the most applause. ney many boats paniwrf goinf and of Dorchester, spent tbe uses- Will sadwifa and Mia. Aaron Smith and Steels' many *^ *^« ova. In* Mr. Ogden has for the Ust 21send, J. Thompson Baker, Arthur B. cuatrart* fur Uw p**»*4r tba printed, yet the action Is wise. There- J. Bolton Eldredge, the young Cape 9, 10 .and 11; a blue ribbon cven aamsJs aaaeaU* rascal jar | l> n it aald soutbwraterly aid. of said Oak smw t coxnlnir, und wbJlu all gavo encoua, with Walton Grace and wife, ' ' IO. TW Ihla Mrs. Martha Gilbert and her grand- Muy City lawyer known in tho lower car i»^*»H of Woodstown, with Saletn at Aralon Saturday the strawberry weevil alone and open- years roixroctod a successful business Jones, manager general Cbcmica' • cfti aod ruonlos tbrao, oartbweatwirdla' sioos U, perhaps, not tt form but haa uomo fT1 —Mrs- Jo. PUUIIH, of Kew Bruns- ment in the hearty jrreeUnjrs. tl ing the way to *"Wl"t the county's The dean, safe, economical and st Cspe May, and believes that the ui mcdiisir I y. Ibe aald •o-thw.aUTly »ld. ftimU Osk daughter, Fannie McMulIen, of Cam-distinguishing features about it that part of the county as a man of splen- coming Ln third- Fl f r and Dare- wick, U visiting Mi&s Florence Cor- also Increaaed tho -difflctilUes in the —Miss Anna Hampton, of EUara, Works of Bayonoej Alexandttr Millar, day of* la the « dCbuo oT fcetcety Jr«tl and at gut. «f OfcLv cttr of ToUOo. Lac** Caam satisfactory lighting and cooking gsa den, are spending two weeks with Mrs. did parts, was drowned while fishing town divide honors for the heaviest uwells In their wake. The itiiftanrtr ia and Atta i «t to. »» .aUU < may easily suggest nn appropriate son. r«ufc J. CbsAarr BMIM o*U> UMI hm U Msh» —if t*w tbjaves who state peaches for farmhouiws, atnall-town resi- Una (with D. Loscalzo. froca a pier ut Cape May Point at 4shipping for the past six days, each BcrtikarT ot thm Dna »r V. jr. Cltmrj * Co., do-about six miles Ln favorable weather, were married on wannafjday ^ Its great ^fsaet^iT-se-iaism %o the fuToer. dences, country dabs, stores, hotels. -*tfwiM be applied to the affairs of the tor Murslsg, of Elizabeth; Bichard K. r- name by which the form may be —Miss Gertrude Fisher has return- Hm basin*** la U*« <*ttr *>t TU*«4J. Coanir ma4 sad f JJoell o'clock on Tuesday morning, Tne being credited with 164 cars- BUI* mtwmmld. «UMS 1U>« Mid ttrai will pmj but considerably more in contrary A pei^fp-it *rhanjM tn any walk of life 8tate that are necessary to make Stevens, Hoboken; Chas. A. Selden. Appcorr-J Uxi* X3i*-i A»jt of Awiui, In •ap- Mrs. Murray, of Philada, and Mrs.known. Certainly. If for sentimental, M±m nun of ONU lll'NORKl* fwtr y tHK frmwaters. —John Boss and wtf» asm rHinns* **"»p^ etc, wbere dty-gas is not Betas Ibe sust u ed home from an extended visit to ( CO M"^ T aight. will return IET *?TltT ^ffcisii^Jfrf^ i^lrYf I'Hirsitf^d *|f>*| ^ ** body was .recovered. Estimates as to the probable output Mrf> sad v<*rr ru* ot < «Un« t&*t ruaot bo niTTTt piy|fir*y*t> pfrriodB of oppositioo available. n success of sxiy private t^qajp^aa. Plalnfleld; Oberlin C Smith, of Bobert /TlUy, by Johnson, of Stono Harbor, were Friday reasons only. It ls good to have o farm Wildwood and Cupa May. cu«4 tr UM> OMof UAlTa CaUntt Cwt. to their home in MOMQe, aftat *V«M'. Us* basksts bastfas; Fisher's nam* b* XL a. t»cnb-*rrrot£ dalay of May, ninrtrm r— It In uald that whilu In college young of South Jersey this year aro going This Is the caae with Savins; grown op tn Cape Hay coun- Bridgeton; Hon. Percy H. Stewart. •lred and nine, an visitors ut Mrs. John Long's on At-name. Between Court House and Rio WBXttK X CUO'E Ing a weak with i^-astha* bam ': : We will coaxider KppUetHoDS : la- V. lUJumi. Bod reeordrd ta ta* < the rounds and some put it as high as —E. A. Grace and wife, with Misa CABO OF THANKS. s-arxprn>JM ' Tortb. coontx a* I lantic avenue, Grande many of the 'famm uro nowEldredgo was hazed In BO violent a to #fars» BM *ad »ot»niH>iJ ta tar the approval and ty he Is perfectly at home among its FlamfleM; Ber. Edgar 8. Weirs, Mont Florence Coruon and Elmer Smith, CSoart m p from any enterpriaino; man or w marked by eJgn*-, tho latest to bomanner as to CHUM? Injuries which 5000 cars. Last year the season's cm d*j of DTrmhrr. a. D., i&ad tlon of farmers with the Farm Demon- pwpl—^ a f"* Tiyr^t AfrrvH^iftlft in hiclsirs ; Jesse Lynch Will In mn. Mayor Mliisea Ella and Laura Hewitt mo- Bpcnt Thursday in Atlantic City. I hereby desire to express my a firm, of established •fiiHiwer given o title being that of Clinton have since occasioned frequent at- total was 4100 cars and notwithstand- preciation to the friends and nelso •- --v:-* strator. To pat It briefly, a great tastes, affable and approachable by Thomas L- Baymond, Newark; Hon. NOTICE Or SCTTtJMgNT tored to Cheney, Pju, on Saturday to to act as oor agent in this [everybody, always ready to discuss George T^sT^ntT. *^"MiiP^lll>^rf>"i>r of Crease, "Crcsstone," n combination of tacks of vertigo, and it is probable the decreased acreage tho heavy —Miss Mildred Moore entertained a bors who BO kindly rendered their as- U>. JL LOBTLB! many farmers are "from Missouri and district spend a week with their sister. Mrs. yield will undoubtedly bring this sea- sistance and sympathy In my recent o <_•* \bt subarrtbrra. aa - OT at Psnlti Cresae'and Stone, the Utter being the that it was one of these attacks which number of young people In honor of to be ahown." Once freely any "*«tt*y of prjiMlr Interest^ Ptnktngj Coogressznsn James Hap^ti Chester Ambler. L bereavement. ibcntnt «ui t* audited ani. fun MM* • *'*n to fall from thf pier. son's figures to at least 4500 cars. ber fifteenth birthday Friday evening. >-. J. CUEHET 4> CO., Toledo. O. ICBCstBAsf doubts are dispersed by the control [wining ta listen to all arguments and William Hughes, U. B. Senator and atatnt by ththae KurroaaU. aij trrarUd tar maiden namo of Mr.^rcWs deceased 11 KtUsral ( Tuesday nights, during August at More potatoes are being stored this all Orntyt»f. TOe. MBS. ELIZABETH BYER. thoroughly ^aj»- in **F» jodgmestaj pre- ifrti% Ernest A^Vf^**** . of Piainfield. *. tb. . Coartof tb. ff fl^B*^eaa* —--* * I aMeNrAQsO' ayfa^4rfN*^ ^sf Bright-minded, clean-lived and al- —Mrs. John fiocap ciiicrtalaet) her of an insect enemy, or the raising of l Ca|«a sU)r «o |bs< twrotr-ototli Spectatorimn Mary Pkkford and wife.' Above Court House tho "Three DffMn (ban formerly OA account of UaU-B rasllj ruia tar u—ltnatt-t Sootb DennlsTN. J. hh parad to act on what ha considers Jo tw ctven <*h*\&iam tbmytnv m* Keys Farm" gets its name from a well ways nffanln and genial, Mr. Eldredfo mother, .Mrs. Levi Grace; Walter BB^slS^rfa^syf-^BTSfceL. B*#^BkVVelv4k^ka. sfs^af*lv^BtfkBfea4 k ^Bv4sia BBBff Charlie Chaplin, in addition to oar low prices ojod this *«*»^a to lower th* ^py .g TOEPOniCHCOsVRESSOiGCO. right whether to his pfr*^i*^ odVazi- had a host of friends who resect hla ftringtumi and wifo und M.fpg Itching, bleedibleedingn , prot .v> .,'l- ,A tJary am voy such la earnest to their a sUCCTOK ST.. MEW VOBK. M. X. Btatlooery Ztiussd for by tba tin. tV«5ts psv !<>>•, regular show. Admission, 15 and 10known detective ctory published uomo shipping records. A return caid oa yoor blind pilepiles turn jrieldsd CAIBMMT Coowr Hooo.R X '-;M m 0/ al\ wonts, wttk M per omL ^*-^~—» •> Grace on Friday. dsd toOW l l d ftsgeor otherwise. i£t' EucntHto. cents. . ISOfit years ago. may save yoo many dolUra. CHtCHatmestt , 60cc a att «I1 storeasto , Im V,'!>,V ••>•'-.

    QsTstKN t BUB H ISSUE TOWNIOD* tAUl 'CLATATOUMWltsI PMWWltsUTOst TItsUflg. William ArsutroQg. 64 r*ar«, dUd the average suburban gardener in the"• LA*O rt» TAftBl John n. Boss sad family kar* OOBHEt TZSSE TOPICS. MAAQLTE AKD DEO ATT A UtH AT fTdtri MAMM9U at his BOSS* betvraen Coart Haass and —Mrs. U P. Bate, of FlaUag Creek. ly springtime has wilted under the moved bar* from ColUntTVOod, an4 AT AVALON. Ooehea oa Beodsy. and was buried oa •—Too many potatoes tiJs yvar. Eyes CWa Bels 8wes« Fw was In oor village oo Toeaday. summer sun, hut not so the cntha- HUU IIIIT VSlOaT *T ha will b* asaoctstad with his faUktr — Usury Young, of Ls >Uit- forrH Gxnrt* Pair, B00L Wednesday afUroooo. S. 10 aad*lifa*bte11 a blMe r ribboi o |i»it#g. lOazkd lit a -N. . D. T SUotfSU a*** UrnDf UrnDf mn ta lax with tb* two dlamaes known as OUI-B is the only form of ollowrd, and «hkl> Is followed by a Nl« JINItT. Court HOGS* to Ocean City on Uutvisy were reduced In price arms] —Frank H!gt( was a visitor Ln Hasthe season oo Wedooaday. —ILoi«l guesta this week are btxDfalaaw si U 104h -Stem Rot" and "Btock Dot" which —Doot forget County Fair, Sept. to sttaad a Masonic mcetlog. They following Ptaiad«lpcJans: Mr. and Feint 9. 10 and II; a bloe ribbon orenLaAtf 'althful few who reap the good results ago—30 cts. fa*"^ up to and Ip-^f^M- Ula City ob Maoctsy. — Mrs. El4vmrth Bociurs l> ' —Father Hbcrtdan had the ctesss- to aora* years materially reduces the UJ1ZB rajNWt good singing and •peakjng. 40 Watt aim*. Thomas Edison Mrs. Augustus P. Lakty, Mr. and Mrs. —A few-of our people attended the business in tht? world that oi their induatry and faithfulness. —Reynold* Massey Is spending the her mother In Maya Lajjduig• Lng of tha t*pers of the clay's yield. The -access of the Security Tro*t the First Incandascect Leap Philip Cass. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Ed as the subject of his homliy at Grange picnic at Sea-ilia oo Wednes- flasimrr La Asterr Ps-ik. — Mrs. Edsrard <{t«-srart Is inUr- JUUUSWAY.NfllV According- to Mr. L. L. liartar. Spe- Company adds largely to ths paos- •5 years ago—th wards. S. L WLngaU. ktiss IIaim Win- Mass on Monday. day. WILUETH CORHON-8 UNUSUAL —R4TV. H. Bugg was rm * y^" g calls tain Ing ralaUres from MilLllU cialist In. BweeC Potato Crowing from does not ask yon to spend . Or-KEB. Perlry of the people of Cape May been Improved by hia stody and Mr, and Mrs. Milton B. skdary of MUs Oladya and Mrs. Lo Dlas Creek on Thursday. On MAT K.J. th* U. 8. Department of Agriculture, —Misses Mary and Elisabeth Bchel- coanty. Yoo should petxanixe — Mrs. E. J. Sto«lman has retumed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. D.fkhultr this wtxk are WUUsa P. Al- HeO DT. OswaitTa 8pedl* at Half i, until the H^"**-* Cdl T only read frasa that town to the Bayboth rtleaanii can bo controlled >f llncr visited friend* at Dennisrille —Frank ^H'*rt la annoying fnv frotn h«r *Ujt to Court House. UalL. Mrs. F. F. Btockwsll, Miss Edith and wLfs. of rauraont aad stlssee Price, ssd GaaraaU* a Care. The Ice cream sod other dsUcscles mcono a Lamp of Quality. These are War Wb«Uai>d and Amy UavtsT. of over Sunday. money. We ask yon to tjuest rid«s In his new aatosBooii wall. Miu Amy Gtockwxll. Wm. AT WILDWOOD siuemja will only exercise a littlo served at George Sprlngst**, in thetho Lamps wo sell and use. NO ONE 11. BlUiard ipent Eunday with PMUdelpMa. FlWtoaisra hsws bta petitioned —Mrs. George UaU. of Uolmeaborg, It Unt ofun that I hare faith Nug<-nl, Normsn a. HsrringUiJi. Ch more care ln seed selection and in OAU.HL block, are the Oaast «-r*r «ap- ELSE sells thxm In our territory, —Doot forget Coanty Fair, bis son, Herbert, In Atlantic City. -duiiti of Mrs. WLLUatn OaOsr Uka • hand in tho matter. Dr. Steel, Pn_ is visiting her parents, Edward keep it at the jnougb In the medicine pot op by D. GUI. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Rlttcr. m ' ' ' handling Hot Beds. other people to be willinx to offer to pUed bare. Dona mirtsXo tho bo misled by other brands, get 0,10 and 11; a btoe rihix)O4rrcnt-S-e,tf —Tho*. D. PorUr and family are were Mrs. Ircos Moore aad eon, Arthar Bumn end Henry Clouting KUher and wife. Roy Hamllloo. Mr. and Mrs. H. CUrs. William Caalia and chiktrsn, of Mr. USTUT and Mr. Boscoe De refund the money if it does not car*," F1UDAY. AUGUST IT. ttli BEST Edison Msxda lamps- For —FsmMrs are beginning the haul- enjoying a vacation in Atlantic City. la a petition filed with U» Freeholders —William EL Powell and Edwin Z. said Wlllets Corson to a GAJXTTC re- The Coooilx Lumber Co, of Wild My«rs; also Wm. tl- Turnbcl). Col Wot Philadelphia; for the Bamtaer Uaun, r»«««taLwi Specialist in Vege- solo by Vulcan Electric Llight, Heat A ing of tomatoes to tbo factory this that Clay haa usurped a county Mills, of Court ilnuse, were here after port! r who dropped Into bis •tore, wood, will dtlirer free with our Lum- —Dont fcrrgtt Oounty Fair, 8*p*. ILngs-srood; Miss Nancy Cahill, Pitts- Ln Uea Ilia. table Growing from the New Jersey Power Co. It week. —Mr. Km to road] claiming U to be his own and peaches oa Wednesday. but I am filsd to ull Dr. Howard's ber Track anything In the building 9. 10 and 11, a bliM ribbon «vtnt-»-«.tf burgh; Ormcod Ford BulUs and Mrs. Additkkoal prix«s for the events Btato Experiment EUtton, visited sev- peclAc for the cure of constipation OAZZATCC8. on Eaturdsvs for tho free Swimming to allow Bcanlny Point —Jos. Voge) and a few friends from FIRST NATIONAL BANK Una, to any p«rt of Cape May coun- —Jesse Springer Is this vrcek —Mrs. Charles ErricksoA La itnprov Wm. H. BulUs. RoctuesUr, and Mrs. pot ea tds esabsOdtacm. eral sweet potato flcldi with the and dyspepsia on that basis. HPCKK AGAINST 8UFFRA0FL are Qva allrcr drinking cope La to trSTsl OV*T It. renting Wilmington. Del, are visiting this ty. ^ Ing the sights with relatives in Phila- lAg from a scTcre attack of acute Rooory. wfcrtnrr for to-llrkfoala r«- c«-- —WalUr of —Saturday, it U said. Is to be tho baytront, Th«y ask the Freeholders to With all infocUxi plants the stem is —Mrs. Long, of Little Elver. Is Al.Cn UcaMUr, Hooa* sad Lo* at s>ol*atkai*, (fbimbn tactadWdl «UI be house, bam. fruit and berries. Near which mado Ufa mUersblo for both — Rev. Wm. Tucker was tho guest —CmiU of Sunday for the weak at —Tfce Oeeta View gnmwr tdkMl cent bottles at half price, 2S cents, ra l>««* . ... , 4 P. E. a station. Rio Grande. Apply was aUsadlng to business Ln town of E. L. Rkc*. Court House. Lbo first wta begin Ci|s-ei»if 1st. extending to the very heart and. although I have sold a lot of It. k C^Uae&rr. b*< attendantco at tbo court-houso oo feitival tho Borough Council has voted and Elixabcth CroUy, of ff^rnr aad —Mrs, JtBMDm«t«WMaes> |jealims about Becsley Pointer* lulng —J. Appleton Stevens and wife, of riot one has been brought back as un- —Mr. Boltoo and wife, of BrkLso- Such potatoes will produce) young Komnry. a Lota o R Mrs. ShsJrkk Tour visited UlllvUU N. J. 10-£34f ,- evening last when Miss Mlnnlo — Miis Phocbo WeitcoU rtturoed to pre-Miit Avalan pcnanLa to ail aulo- Miss CelU Cslsnd, of Utt Koadsy u Otesa Ctoy. UM mad and haa erected a feace in the Crcscentville, Pa_ are visiting their satisfactory- H4am •! foul ll^au, ;« sa on Tuesday. ton. wwro calling oa friends Ln town —Tho gold watch lost by Charles plants with the same disease. M Hurta. Land al A tpeclsl Epworth service will be , ivccrctary of the National from a trip to Philada. on Thursday rn obi Le-s crossing tho drmw-bridfe. and —Mist MaHsa B«wttt ssaat • ekr [caster of It to prevent them usinjc it. uncle and aunt, M. M. Norbury and "I am still ulllng the specific at »«p, s Arrra oo BCooday. txady, of Reading, caff the dock of **i-* Our seed selection should begin in ulf DiiM, although I cannot Ull how Hoo. H. S- Docslass was in Philada. held Sunday evening In tho M. E- Opposed to Woman of laat week. to all water craft tying up at our of this wmk et Ossnt T wife. Waxr,Q li- tiarrta, liooa* aad Lo4 —EL(tltecn ounces each Is the SLLS swimming school oo Saturday^ the field by splitting down the atxro ong I shall bo sble to do so, and any. RJr, UukV on Saturday. church. cocnmenclng nt 0:30, the topic opoko for an hour against — Mr*. Maurice Candy, Sr., is docks after suari»e. The rcfatta of found by SIM) and Anna RmPh and — Raymond Usgur, of Wilmington, ono who ia aubject to constipation, Uriamlo IU»f. U Ion, Hoa, and uoracn tho ballot. of potatoes this w«ek btlng dlcxed by hkh if perfectly healthy, is right to IAAJ al Hfco <>«jV 12 X3 Morg-an Hand, Jr., visited Court being "An Evening with Favorite spending tho week with her siutcr Ln tho RafLng Association of South Jer- Dorothy Irwln in Lbalr ssrluails*f oo TIM feUowin* history of tho Cape sick bcadacHc, dirzlness, lirer troubla, l^vratj. Jr^ ISO I't Nelaoo Smllh. save seed from, and all the potatoea who has spent the past week with his Hymns." In tho audience were many sey Yacht Clubs will bo open at 10 a. Manday. general played-out I House oa Monday. n Port Norria. Corjnty flhoro Road was furnlsh- uncle Isaac Linderman, returned home Jjr g py —Laora Hsn . of Avsloo, im with —John B. Davis, D. D. 8_ of —.4MB H* from the hill ah.-uld bo used. If the ondition, oucht to ttakk e advsn'agd' e of kt ! R>u Irruauk S3 tl Ur. V. Webster Byrod, of thewho belong to the Suffrage PrUes will b« awarded to winnlxig •dfeVl**. ad tbe Ocean City "Leds-er" by Wn. on Monday. . Aa xi L4 Chas. Transue snd wifo have rctum- her sraodsiothsr, Urs. II. Hcsron. for — Mm. E. P. Hand, of Ocean City, iwne haa hla family (Mrs. Davis aad ids FHd«7e to «»«od t%m Wtatm. interior of the stem is dla^-oUtrcd or this chantx. You can tell vour readers •i 7 »4 Medico-Chlrurgksl Hospital, Philada, und whllo they duTcr very widsly from Lsvcr-ft, cxprcos cruisers, open bent*, — Rev. W. A. Moore and wife, of M»r»ii»» cJ homo this week. a Summer visit. waa a r«tnt visitor ut Mrs. Pearls tho H'-Mf** Ruth, Peggy, sn|i%na- aad —Norton HowU mM black do oot save any potatoes from that if they ore not satisfied with the spent the wotk-end with hiu Ounce. the vic-oo bald by Miu BroAsoa, they displacement racers and hydroplsnca. Jack) tn Mlas Wain's :__ In 1706 Saamger Hand and Wo.such hills for seed. Centarton, were calling on friends WE MUST LOSE pociflc they c*n come right back to m 1» M Bank cashier Ceo. Nichols Is enjoy- lAnxxnbakcr'a. WII^MJIJ •nints^ ai Oomm Ctty. MlactvU. 4 Arm LsaJ a4 Miss Anns E. Robeniton, i| R. J| ui attention to all sho said, —Raymond Buikc. of Wildwood, Luncheon for vUitinjf yachtsmen will until aitrr Labor Day, aad possibly Ootden ware appointed by the Court ay store and I will cheerfully refund Ti*»o«*» ing s week's vacation. per All seed Lhoold be kept apart from bare laat week. He was at one time when broken lota accumulate, and are perfectly will- a 24 Elmer's. and participated In lbs hearty ap- has beca csIIUisj P. liaTkiaalr. IM ACT. K*m al Dr. Wm. C. Hand. CLarcnco NicboU with MO spected for "Black Rot" before put- — -< harlea Leper, wife and son, and BOBOUCH OK STONE BARBOB a week In Atlantic City. i—a tribute not to her opinions Harm ajul wife. race a and swimmiAg race* for both —The winnars in tae contacts et that have real merit, for if we had snd Goo. Nichols Bpcnt Saturday and —Rusllne St«tman. of PhlL&del- :ho froo swimming school last Satur- Oca4r *• par acre, wiU probahry Bank. Their report U as follows ting them ln the Uot Bed. Miaa Lillian Conover. all of Baltimore, NI1W J) ud MoodiaAd TVS tmt to tho ability, rcAivcmtmt and skill — Mm- Roland Clark arid daughter boys and girls. >•*.» ., Albert Freldmsn. of Mayville, was Sunday with their friend, Alvin Pof- phla, has beca Ln to'wn a few days, the day were Paulina Killer aad Alice party of ftfa&wdft from at a buih Dear the n- are visiting their brother, Lewis, and Arm with which sho presented thc&o opin- aro vUillng her parents, Elaworth Tikis •Vrnrr fa This "Block Hot" con bo tkUclstl an AII» hlcs^vaa. in New York on 8-stardsy. fcnberg»r, at tho HoUl Iknniu, At- guest of L. H. PxnrcLL ~ralg; Wllllim I«rnT«n The foa st —Hs%. Ftatafc tar's edge on Great Eg* Harbor Rimer, si Clinton f-'onover'a WctfdUJkd al (*rr*», John Lcsmlng and wife. Mind Ircrvc urday afternoon. Greatest interest —Ftui Qmadj «ad wtt* «p«t • ao*- doatty wo are an points and gradually eitend In ull wajno in wonwn and children welfare Burms duriag the wt*k_ moving to Magnolia, N. J-, thio week. —Guests of Mrs. Clarence Kroose along the fence to the comer •itwr ltu.ii tttr WU K mln* Uad tU <-r t-raX-„ Harry Fort and family returnedWare and Georg-c LcaminkT, uU of will center in tho contest for tho chal- Uw &xj* of tMa wa«k st Osert BoflHb togajthes* in <*n.tn4al sffsirs. directions. few days at Cape May, la now visiting H*U«car* l^*tisrr Cxy. 73 AAfTtii LLaUfcd work in Washington, and intereated where ho ia r»ow employed. and family for race day were Joenh thereof; thence by a line of marked SX^or tUrUaj. liw on Monday from Ocean City. —A number of our vilts^trs attend- lenge cup offered to the thrc*~4lmo Ull was a banner year Mra. Ralph Scbellinger. Itv UUIIL.1 lu antl frtxto-rv at C^-orl rbxx-**> 33 ti Camdin, arc this week vlnlting C. W. Walirorth and wife and Miss J This rilwsse also shows liaalf un Z lcgiilatloo in behalf of ths ^-—N'e-w ihchool-housca arc bring 1 —Doci focfwt Coonty rttr, BspC first run; *Sf p**** to the t.rx-jn-1 «i-i a>>-ull l&<- a«tLM- « Moving pictures Tueidsy and Satur- Long and wifo nnd Provi.lcnc? S. Lud- ed th« Granstn' pknk at th£ StavUlc winner of men * #injW*. Last year pht-nr, of Oreaa Cirv; Hurt. Ctttual _. One bank had the young sprouts and leaves as dark — Kent Keda*rav*s, accompanied by n i-U working cla-EScn ar^J cLitnia thst wom- 10 atad U| ft Uom ribbon mnUMUf head of John Coraon's branch; thence A BARREL OF MONEY camp ground oo Wednesday. crrUr 121 .-/ tiw L*»* •pcndlnff their vscstlon at Wlldvrood- having oao's valuables beyond tho would have If uho sho could voto aad of Philadelphia. list I li I ar,,M |- JeuEk*"* Uill, Hotur mad .U-t KI "Valley Forge,** plying between PhlT- as both mcctiooed diseases am car- applies mostly to Oxfords and Pumps, but in the bargain > e n. r curity Trust Company will rent you trength now lieu In the ivan-nartias-n- — Mrs. Frank Cough, of Brooklyn, •WsWaWt^ saWQCV ^StmymwuHOKm Urns' "III** IO betanmu Afc~>ia«» Hand's and eitended visit with her grandparents. |U 9, 10 and 11; a blue ribbon men's doubles, mixed doubles, women's adelpilLa aj^u Portland, fcfff fc • • ar* at tasir boos* fern* for aa liiisfl tun Ukr ALUulw CKvsik, wlUlIa svakJ busr- a sofo depojilt box. It «hip of their efforts. is being entertained this week by hrr —A party of twenty of our Ladwa Leonards; *Krtfd« to theried over in the soil. tUekicl Eltlredge and wife, returned Lawton Bros-, tho ens men, drivo to doubles, girls' doubles, arvd girU', family locstw* oa tae Carnival Bay nit* ctssvy^ mi. Wb* prices as big* as they lot will be found Shoes for al Seasons. U l at *«* Mm- J. K. P. In£*ruo]l, Octan City. —Bordstta Tcsaitn sad wtfa, of WO- to the bridge ovar the branch towardscautions we should positively practice this woek- 12 22 Sunday: SaLbath-whool 10 a. m. NAMED FOR PROSECUTOR. —Wm. Stevens snd wife, who aro last named event, Mra. F. F- Leopold, ocean both coming aad gotAg aornvit sMtfa-a fcaiw had ITSjOOO taon on r Harbor TmailoaJ (A ZX2 the siren calling wife and children to callad oo Mrs, Wsa. Dms) Ann Uoor ticrbur TrrmLnal.. 1^1 4^ Mm. William Hartmsn. of Mer- — Mra- Wlllard Young and daugh- esTBfss^tlBtaforthesamadstetaUU, th* head of Wm. Johnson's land, so crop rotation. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. A. An- summ«riAg in to-sm. went to Philadel- of Lansdowrnc, will battle with her op- w YOU Ua/k W. t».,.T. Woodlaod at tkir- chantville, la viaitinf Mrs- E. D. Koa- ter and Miaa Minnie Young, of Bc 1 12 derno-n, of Collingintood. Thtre will phia on Moodsy for a short trip. ponent of many &«as#- Itw txs no evening tervice. I). Hall, of Narberth. ImxnedUUly — Mr. A. C. Crawford, of Philada, In tta ffaf-tbar of patrons voold prob- constipation, try Doan's Reguleta. f4, l rfxA WILDWOOD suzca-rs. vllle, wau appointed Prooecutor of —Miss Sarah Corson, of PcLcrn-- vistUs« Jofco Botea sad fsmflj. «t Crane's creek; thence to the bridge lines with some of tho growers. ££c at all stores. la Ul«o.J (Ualrr f^. Its Aim Miiui Ev-elyn Mlncrn is under Dr. J. The nlrippinc of a lot of tombitonca burg, iM cnioying the- August days — Mm. Comvillo Stillo U entertain- after tho cloae of play tho cupa will convert of tbo BUly Buaday csj-a- aasaeeieBT BBBfaV*BffaBa ehfaaaaJ^Sa #ftbeafa fato**aa"*aW a*M4Va**asB*a-as>Be> UI*1 al VkiUwouJ JunrUra I* 1- Capo May county by Governor FULJer, paJgn. was apcakir in Sunday -school Norttaald. ovar Crooked Creek, so by a line of Poultry H- D-ouglaAA* care this week, with p&eu- with ber siiter, Mrs. Wm. Ms^oey. ing her brother, Harry Morrison, and presented. 1 en Ualtrr <*-. aud Miu brvaU. of their bnLau platen In a Philadelphia turday, Mr. Carrow nuree«cla Mat- the Lutheran services in tae HwaWsl ^P*s^ss3saW*flV> efeas* asB*sHsfeaV flat 10*) tOesaUJI msjtsJ trees to the bridge over At this timo of year all sitting TTT FOB TAT. B. It O»staJ-*v»*a1 Ly lUork IS. Lnta ««, U I 11 cnanla. his daughter, Helen, from IVvcvora. —Mrs. kUtiUa DrraaJ sad seo. At Juuo l^dAj. lUws 17, l^ta H, S. II] cemetery lsjit week, la about tho mtan- thew Jefferson, who w^as convicted of —Ethel Grscc, of Angle«», is Mr. GillLaoo. cf tas Ley- esT a osaka. la faost strikmgly fait by CraveQy Ban; thence to tho bridge coops and brood coops should be Pa. —Saturday evening, at the New rps|*t*ai Mlc*[Qn, Pfo 11mAfiir^ 1 a* WiSo ^IT a. spsat Wadnasdaj mmta^ $& Paul Uuibb. likxk U. Lcjj I, 1. 3, Clarcnco B. MrGraw and wifo arc est act of thkvcry reported U> thumulfeaaanro in offlco and resjgned- •pending a week in town, tho guest I who own the deposits, end ovar Crease's Creek; thence to the old Cape May Aotocaobile Hiu MUlilile • ^1 I l4.,lIM(. 4. 1. «, 1, • 4 IS taino at 17th otrcct and Boardwalk, Ooaan Ctty. cleaned and stored sway until next • ard V UiS^iJi. BJocfc C, Uo and wluuHit support, mad wm* George Crawford's and the hollow." and then give a good coat 'of whitc- Alice Corfton. will b* obicrvcxl Tnurud-iy, SepUmber, with hm father. Judge Howard Car- homr on Fridsy, sxd will mn* * a visit tho great structure. Here, at 8:30, —Th* cajpastsrs tram tas Ocass. rnrnU roaparad ' with 1911—Cmer sun who n> walking stepped bhn Tr»rt inking when Mcnttt RtkKart mc+ing The Judge of the Coart and the two sizes 5 to 10. Some big values in all kinds of men's wear. K. Huoor. U«a 17. Lot l»... row, und I'ronocutor William J. Kraft, here. Martha Smith ia improving the hundreds of masked dancers will Vlsw acaool aia boOdtsc tas dsnsMBt from behind a wifon uhkh obstructed Uigh grade fertillxer constantly on 16th. Atlantic City Forvat No. 11. haa tKo darker jump-od from the whirl; tK«» y^^t^fi the road t.,1.,1.1 A. kklo.Sl . tLl-«k 16 Lo* 11 .. nd ul*-.o at the University of Pennsyl- —Mrs. Edsrsrd Bice and Mrs. RabL In health, duo very largely to the be formed in lino for the grand march school tMa «wk. If the yards ore baro and crusted the vitrw directly in froat of a :. W. . *osuldlos*osul . Bkxk II, Lot 33 hand for sole by J. Swing Willis, .nvited all other Foncatu with their loLhca and all, 4uvd not mn lnxUnt l H VlVlikk. Houara. S Lota aod ** ^andft and rangvr* to participate. ania- He wan admitted to ths berMiller, with a party of euJTrafxtUo, cheerful preuenc« of her aUtcr, Mra. to the big Rail Room, upon tho main t Loon, *uxl it wu eKura* piLngtett btv- —Carl aad Bsjaaood Skaip ha»» aVSofaa at tho Miiihin ftr*W» the filth should bo removed, the yards driven by Richard Cr-~ A I.*nd, vwc*l\e J. W. Court House. 3-26>tf 7 above) described, and all of tho land uu an uttomey in November, 1911, and re In town oo Monday looking af te-r CLarci Ogdcn, of Ttogs- floor. Meanwhile make-up artists and oro tho waa fully roco*rer«d. X s trait sad vs<«tah)s staad ia leaden eseta to be eecta* the light as plowed and some rapidly growing May City N ' ...-«. of Cape H. MlilUboo U. 4* Gva. P. Konter. of Philsda-, l» here Repairing of all kindi of flic urmii, • OaTER Ira- l>r4U VI 1-^rrrtl. Uurk li. Lot a counu:lor-al-law in February, can t urac m aro bus y tranaf ormlng —KU Mury'o bun^mlow for tMa vsak holders, have all been gathered to their "votes for woimeti.'" froct cf thair I tfta result of president Wilson's sin- crop, noch aj> oats, started- After the 311. for u WIYI'H vacation with hU troth- electrical devtc\-i>. locku, etc. Pin — llm, Wm. Hca-a hod a very iwrvcrc tmtrt •••<|pa> p'-M*** Imperfect as their I''. He wau elected to the Assembly sc-onca of belles and beaux into pltrtur- IAS tbo bauao pi&rty of friends mod tag to Mexico to set its boose ia order. crop is well along the birds II. cru ami slater. tumbler or Yale keys—all maken. dn- —Wilbur Springer and wife and fall one day LO-HL week, cauur-d by bLep- ncifitboru of Iiryn Mi«r mnd Bo«eV —Mrs. Krtrtoa BawaD ctrora the lotuiila appear to be. grring at DO ^3^c wau knocked down and the Ly 1'Jl:.', und was tho first Democrat coau.i>o he roc a and heroines of all ages UB# OB*) (laisstf Bs*B(stiarjr is tot *H thm allowed to eat the Cape May Court House, N. J. J.J U 7 S4 Harry Gilbert and wifo sutocd frocn on on apple. She is bo Ladly mant that bavo como for m week of bouher ws«so Baterday, «feOe Mr. rbocla p&&jkcd over ber. Juat whst the pi^y *.ffr«r Mm, Clam O^tien and daughter, ral repairing. Wm. Flanagun, S. J.choi-cn in Camden county for member- H Tses or distances, ar width, froca n. V. II Ha and all lands. Beneath tho 700 electric n ivfifrori BUJSCO XKP txjIM\pw wu ^K4ja*sa ***a ffVjPJHH^T^pt ^Essr eakas^FBa% tO -esV eVeS*^D*a)elej(ste^ It**- ajCLtr «ILtl 4-O« Really Farm, Court Hou«. 8-L"0.4m Philadelphia *nd spent the wreck-end bruiuxi that bho la hclple^o. Howsll was oot of town. Great Egg Harbor Hirer, to the BsvWhere the covVttaB be met *• shoots. result of her injurie-a ore us yet could Both Phon y ufv^ul t*rr> kev If b^. It K Miaji June, of Tio^a, Pa-, arc vialtin^ hip in the lower bou&e in IB years, pji of many colors, tho hundreds c-otnplctcd, a half doxen ye*jr» mgo. J wastbo rtcg^tyi^.n ,103, not rnl within uU U>c- with Mrs. Jes&e Springer. af warfare sad tosol d a arenot be a^eertAined An X-Ray exami- Surro^ato Rico'u. lie 1^,-rvexi ono t rm an a legt&lstor. — Mm- Alkcc Taylor enUrtalned of daivera will present a magnificent The "family" thU jrc*x UJ. C C&avy —Griffith Oaady sad wtts heexd •ids; 1- \1LU1, 1^< k^slluo CU>- Robert S. Miller offero for rent hli* to*plant o crop at this time ho should nation wss in progress thin afternoon lit-~>i uUl u<4lrr, Lt-r 1 —Mrs. Nelson Smith and from, umc friends at dinner on Tucaday mnd wife, chapenma' itcnrT HcGar- Bishop W^UIMK ai the Ocean Qty a.«i t* Rkhanl Tbomas ar.J uife, of Mill- rgv Knrnnr building (30x70) on Hand Mr. Carrow haa had couniderable ex spectacle u« the dimmers uacd in this y Lll tuiir »i t> La ". I. lullr. 1WJ. lluua* and Lot.. leaicg, in honor of ber nUUr, Un. \ry. Mary Singer, Iubcl McDaTltt, *4 keep the soil well ctirred until about under the- dirtctioo of Dr. Pronk R. k ij U>*"r«-- 4 aa Hvnce in tho conduct of cases and Everett, and Chas. MottU and mother ighting byutem Lathe them with tho 1 opoo the groond for our HF_\TIN<) MOI'TINi. h IVIUK. Hauw aod I.ot 3 C3 ville, arc upending thla week with Joa. uvenue. Suitable for fara^v, rv-pair Ar.nU and Julio CAIIUUX^ Mary CoX- the mml« of September and then sow Sheppsrd at the Millville Hospital. Walm. Hwue ax>d Lot U in crvcry way qnnliflcd for the post motored to Atlantic City on Monday Efhel Wynn. of Bridgeton. t lM suit-t. UiikbrwiJ <*r <*&ri SaJ. licsur and Lu4_ ,..- Tbomsa UJUJ foraUy. or point ahop, vie; uttcU with r_luvuU>r tint• of moonlight, dawn pp-A TIVInM*t'~~ ncy. JoAcpMne. Annie and Helen Mc- Mrs. aa winter crop, such as rye orwhere she wss mnmtd folIowiAg the »-Lr\x1urr ul.4i^ uiaj In frveut o/ blst (^ 1*. JF sad atten&xTthe Wild Went show. Garwcy. WLUiara C. Bow*. P-rrm-frrt X 10 tl-k if. IS, l^ta capable of taking vchicleu to M.xoml for which ho haa been selected. H« lorenco Yerger, a busy at- with all of the colors of the rainbow mishap. Mrii. I>orcas Holmes WllliamH, of 1 r Rountxrc. trunk Qulmm a,nd wif^, mnd wheat. This will give green food for WHO'S 1 «wV-r>«Uojf .'Ulu- May HanO, 30. floor. m officer nt No. 205 Market street. —Mrs. Warren VonGilder hiu hod a torney from Phil ad a., la enjoying a thrown upon them singly or in h i - ttsat ahaD bsra ban acaap MAS CBEEK DABTB. 31, 33 I II Wildwood, Bpent Monday with Mm, Frank CUricey oJid wife. tho fowla in the spring. Eyc-witncsAes of the accident exon- -at as U**4 mUd Tt~np><]. iUock ii. IxX a.. The rvauon tho appointment was happy visit the past week wiLh frijnda oi vacation with her ai»- *al sfexko assy nst ascorsd of tbb* ae- • I U C»-orE« W. Whtaton. Ludlam Hand and wife have had ut> JiLcwjJi coabinatu&ns. This beautiful All of tho these things are import- erate the autoUt, clsimLAg that he wa* ••<•», aii oJU A. --»U»»r. lUack 3. Lot IS. not made from the Cape May County ler. Mm. Pfendcr, ut Hotel Tuckahoe. —The •H-rnl-nP" "w. m*etinx *ad p ppott tf tax* —Mrs. Robert w.»i» « u ill with TOUR PLUMBER? »lrv>rtu-rr. S 3 1 tl in Baltimore, returning home on Mon- election of the Lavdie-i' AojeiUory of Esther VaaOfldsT. Mrs. n tcata this Wetrk their dau^hterri, Mrii. picture of color running riot with ant and can be done at this Lesson of not running faJit and could not avoid AiU» J. bull Mm» May FicU McKean. of Phila- Bur wan that Governor Fielder could day, accompanied by Dr. Cnnn CarU nerrralgts Iu«d I II John Berk, of Fruckville, Pa., und —Mm. Mary L- Cordon, of Ocean color, frud the costumta upon the tKo Ytuht Uub will L« next UotvUy BoUa Hewitt and Mrs. Etbaasta Ood- the year without disturbing tho birds bitting the woman. delphia, wail a cucat laj>t week at the not M.~cure a coun&elor-at-Law of the ufurrvoon ln the Ladies* Roo-m Tbe 11 f_vil 1U tu k and mother. Mrs. Mary Carll, and City, visited Ml«J. Irene Bailey u part frey spent Wednesday et the hone of —Mrs. Balpb Norton U on the sick- H. STLCOCK, of course. Ui (uw avoy I 31 Mm. Leon Darruh, of Reading, I*u_, ied rloor to the lamps in the arched very much. Any changes necessary kr«*x» La rr- «. 1 home of J. C. Fof.Ur. Democratic faith in that county. Mlu Ula Ludism, of that city.' hallota bent out ha\e thei>e UsttidswMk. CAPE MAY COURT HOL&K, N. J. 4. Lot 3. with the former'ii hunband and two of Lost week; Mias Bailey returning ceiling, will be witnessed from the bal- « Misses tadlaa at DssnlsTiDe. and all sanitary measaren should be MlIMlle ABtcAobile HlLa Cspe May LlihJ tuitu S- UrVaw, bijtk t tl ' liawtcn Bran., Lf you drop them a Preuiaxnt. Mr*. Howard Earl* Oapitt, ZsfedOek fi^aaXD hlT Cl QCW BU-- Boj. children. with her to Ocean City for a thort conies and privuto boxes. A com-MrH. A. J. EonVerd: vito preaidtnta, —B*T. Winiara A. Oobb. of Booth adopted at this *t«^** Ukiav WILD WOOD EXTUOIOM. postal at Bio Grande, will deliver you Mr. Carrow en me here on Tuesday. DENNLBVUXT8 DOLNGB- mod m» THATCHKB WATKK h LoaTlM-LXh 4Tvi*J^*:ll ft-dUJ Cvsufl-rtl, rhf'I At. petent board of judge* will award sil- "Jra-. Frx-d. Taylor, Mr*. J, P. Nieu- Hir«r, spent a few days of this week tomobO* this week. Assemblyman Raymond Sheppard. 1 U*lUi«>«jJ H^i ajvl C*ia Oub. lUo^a. Rf>st» for Sslr, cheap, o^i 1 hava no GEORGE B. THRASHER. HH1VK WKI.I.s u»a- work U> t-r tWw, ' gaifcoline and coal oil. It wai» hworn In by County Clerk Hll- .Uk. Mnu U. C. Biter. Mrs. Pr*d. —sGXtard Howell captured a fine of Millville. collided with a youth on a BAN<,LH AND iUULKliB a l a k tt. L"t» ZX II II 33 —The Presbyterian Mito Society ver cups for the most beautiful, mast with his parents. Oliver Cobb aad Coanty Farm Demonstrator. U+rcm li->*r uj Anna b. biock use for them. Bateau 22-fect long; dteth. und immediately went to Wlld- —Mrs. Herbert Carroll ia viaitinc Flock; secretary. Urm. W. H. Mc€or- rwarm of bees on stonday. bicycle at Cspe May City while auto- r r I, I>j4ft 7i, £t 1 II Muus Mary Jackson, of Goahen, met at th*) home of C. H. BlUrard on original and mabt comic awtume. mtck, Mrx Henry Cerhart: trcasarer, wife. Us occupied the M. E. church J-T CXJMJ of Uk s^Ul o«xk«-r. La and one lR-feet long, with a 3 h- p. i*i to looL tho murder ensc. her sister at Dorchester. la tact, tt i> broacOy nmted that tb* —184 aotoDkohfles pamed over the Ing. The boy WBI badly hurt and the lLU tW Unu.••-• tb-r ukl Art < '.jtiM X- "-.Tl^a. LUo(k J. U-U T.. hp«nt Wednesday evening herv with evening. Thu ulLendai^e Mn>. J. P. Collij-u- tmd Mra. Alfred polpit Scmday crenla*; and cars an SOUTH DENNIS DOTS. ~ ^t«o I 1 II make and break Palmer engine. Boats —Harry Fidler Ls treating the poat -—Grangers* Day proved a great tevejaniBOOD wiU-anl in a fizsJe. lun-, (,IMJ L4 Mm, H. K. Daugherty. was not Largv, but they had a most HenkKard. The Yacht Club has its new road to Goahen on Sunday. As&emblymnn'u cir was considerably man umrt un !,. flul i^w LUb uU U4 WILDWOOD TtMMJLCX. and engino in best condition. Maurico ofBce to a fresh coat of paint. Interesting aecoctnt of • (rest rarrisj D> wtrtutf Ckf • *Til c/ fUi-i favciax. far to bulLJ ur Cuu.Lrurl cctwi, and next year efforts will bo annual election SepLetn.ber -i. —Jes&e Crandoll has a new auto. Tbe .alt) of tl»e property ftdvrrtlj-nl t** »*vU of UortD>xrjd Prcmi***, to ioe UlrarUi IU-.H. bixk 4. Lota 1,1... I tl Mr. and Mm, Peterson, of Clayton, GRANGE PICNIC. llghtful lime. -mpalfn (hat be took part In. —Hiss Mary Tomlin U uprrviln^ a MA» Uw fulluf <^ ttk oiwr U> . Candy, Court HCUMJ. 7-lC,tf —Dont foreet County Fulr, Sept. made to bring all of the Granges of —Mr und Mrs. E. C Locke and bv suld by vtrtoe <•/ Ul-U «-—-»< I •••f'T-fW. WEST IWilPIl There will be un entertainment, with The annual picnic of the County New Jer&ey to Av&lon for the Satur- i great eatas- handj off tbe harulle bars, and ex i»4 I" tttr- k^titJtixtuan uf Ukc- svfiid buarou«t. rrvun on Romney Place. Robert Walton and Mtu Berenice wili —Dont forest Coanty Fair. Sept. father from Philado- tae liMrrein depCodioff wherein John uhn V. V^ITUMV, I Lo4 TrrL, La.. home talent, in tho Kpt*ctal"rium, ran^ held on the camp meeting —Miu Beule Some™ is this w«li e^reat pleasure in their new motor day night of the August full moon. Bella Hewitt for the purpose of ar- TJse many delays in the pres- X. i'-tJ&r, lii^cutrii. It, *rc. KUM-il. siuill L-- LsUhJ. •>• r •» Um ai^J VKH>LMr A«r 4 4S day, and blowing will bepln on WeU- nesday had every uLbordinate grange cester mulu quartctto and bocae other Thorn, of Calrary church. Is ««-^^a •ad Omt la Jost wbat tba gutty —The Royal Workers cleared SKL&O TUE&DAY. azrmiTirw r. itit, nuulc llXr LM- **lw»U3u»u HLJkt-r»J." play with well known character*. —Mrs. James Stiles spent port of program wau moat nuctttuful. Frank KentiiaJl and wife and Mi&a Vlr-rlnia; —Bramell Lloyd Is spending thin catapult fahh.on and utruck the gla.u ji-ankd tor (oor wt-*rkiL unlll lit ttw- ti4-»«-Ti«?*J«J*» Dl*-d la U> Mary tl Mci>ua*lr. Lota A. b. <", U. ru.-«lay, September 1st. friends for a trip down the river. to get the young people tiitsmted ia from their pot rack sapper on Friday li. V. H. K 3 51 Vaudeville between tho acU. B«-netit in the county represented, and dele- this week with hrr brother ln Atlantic Swain, of Swain ton. captured nix McKay and Willard mnd wind sOxield hejul foremast breaking Thxir«lay. Septeathcr ZM, 191S. p. ca-, to «IC *U OM o'clock In I u I Uxi KUtrs, VtaUdt Odkcr, t-r tax tu-yni b Horace CranltBhaw. Last we-ck'o week with relatives in Bridgeton. rjo cJ uU d*T. •! UM Li**TtfT» Uaxic LrUof. X2 U4»* S *6 Charles Calvin and Jo&epb Danieln. n to mako up batu:l»all defictt-ricy. It* lvh from the Gloucester Pomona. City. . D. Bond, the new principal of ver cups for his South Seavillo Grange the church. Tbe boose wss weO fill- a* the BUM boor and pljic-r. 0/ tiw pit*-, >u Kacxurr. 1 Lu4a 41. 41. ktaJQ ,1U included John Wai too and wife, —Thomas Miller, Jr., and wife spent it into a thousand piece*. licr. ia <«pc H*j *Ux±rt |iuu»r. Cape U full and William If. Powell, of Swain ton. ed, and an enjoyable evening spent sW-Os. of th* many .peculiar things —Wnim»« Douglass foond a land tur- DattM TbomUjr, An*-, ^li, 191-V County. Kcw Smcyi i L krt f U. V. IWUr» Uita 1 tl of Philada-, are B.tending a week with unJ SuiTrairo vLaitorti. The exhibit was —Capt. Harry Cheater is upending the High School, is hero gettin, from Uti-ch Haven; Mra. Alexander lo trying the avoid the boy Mr *.itb a «.CKH1 '~**vr** IruuU JLa^ubrTi. 1 Lu4 M. All persona tle»irinjr the Ix-nl hutul by sll. *h-» cosapeny t^twj- exttcrtsiaed two daya last week in Atlantic City. All trial crrt*Us trsw-t uc prl / L l th-r t»4tin. •* Ocrou IlllV, In U>« rutaoty «X i-»t* Muy L. T>ut ttw ^UalntsUorx) Bx'V. Henry Lawrence and wife, of leaving their packugta at Hurry thij Method im church, Frankfard. 9, 10 and 11; n blue ribbon eventiM*.tf Ku II. Cmswu, Holk-itor. K.-T. 1 1. U C™. VU. / \f» J*f1<-yt D(kJ aViX>*^U Ok lul New BrunBwick, are visiting hU coUii- —Mrs. Paul Carroll in entertaining Both lights were torn off, mud guards A«ra.: IS Lob. 1 block baoi>lM Tyler'a on or beforu TTiurjvday noon of Allen Locke has token to the atju*- miniUr vl ex* plan rmrriWr * of Hoy k-r by Lcjcust a^Mi Aah A«*s-i IB the State Experiment Station; Form F. P. Collinn, of Seavlllc. F.n>t nlffrr} cr^tyrt^ffyf^j t^* f istrip*ny wtt2i oo* Beach on Saturday from —Mrs. Harry Fields, of Estellville, Lt bil J lill rJ' in, Miau Lucy E. Corson. each week, und it will bo returned on her brother, Lecn Stratton and wife, —For home timo Mrs- Philip Shaw plune. und the only UB-O he has for 1 were twisted and other damage was il l.»ta. 1 bloc* bounded bt Ir»d . Demonstrator Thraaher, Mina Dill of tvgr fHoinr to^fM Hk* f*^* nWa^** DennunriHe. spent Wednesday here with her moth cusrrwT o/ UM- lnlrr- Ill, Mti -r>d l«t> A»a-I S Lota, of Phllsda. has bc«n fulling in health, und xeu were won by J. H. Powell, of the family motor boat la to furniah done. satnf rs SALE. Howard Springvr, wife and ton, ofSaturday morning. Troy Laundry er. by atnti claiy Va. A It**- *>ouU>»(~»lfTty uUXc us? Hayvloa. Pit, the Mis&es Schellenger, of Green Woodbury and took her home with roU; by Wm. H. Powell, for white po- HI-I M. WUicr. Cncn |«-or)-Ow*' frert (C IXV U* tttr l>*>t cunur luj. A»r» 14 U, parents for three weeks. ment uua muuic by Miaaea Helen and Duy ut the Yacht Club «u the pres- his parents. week visited his brother, H. A_ U4 miiubrr VO ua oboir til L It**- rfrttUai. CUjlt Another one of C. S. Mucrulh'» de- them, hoping tho change might be tatoeti, sweet potntoeu, toruatoee, egg Hbly, or «lse aoldten /Vor-rxkar. rrpair i>/ Ma buim- tba Fl«-b»r. 4 Luta. M. <>. (J--V Creek, part of lost WKL of a te~am from the Philadelphia h 111^ t:tvr»L and IM A«v*-.. . I II The Security Trust Company lightful California will appear Gerty Kihhi-r. Herdchell Berry. Harold EAST CBEEK AND had a donatd Ufa when ', buatb % block by Morton and Mr^." McPhenicn, with —Mrs. LUile Blake, of Petersburg, —Mr. L. D. Compton. of Rio Grande, aiusll iM-fxl*~ct tu rr- 3 24 adheres strictly to the established in tbii* paper next week. With thi Frank Swain, for nun flowers and of bwimmintf und diving under the of MUMIlc, were Sunday guests at —Mm, Stanley Brower, of bc sbov« s to uo4 ptnUlr tlb EkyU Vta. :>ultil«I»VIH. rrisalT •'r f (-*ttu*r kr«-f> tt"tt " »'•""- In rrf»lrl . . UeJo, 4tb ai»d MK A««a —Dr. Tbeoph. Madden und wife, of U.rU Lrlw t. Lota oo deacrtpUua !> 6* rules of safe banking. It perception of a truincd newspaper recitationu by Miiu* Rowi and Edith spent Fridsy and Saturday here with dirvction of Hig. Mark;, the instractor —School will open September 7th. Ahria Fisher's. is Encoding a "week with her mother. has a watermelon, of his own ralid MONDAY. J*. 191a, lr *c (r*l b> tbr DOarUtwe-atrrly liiw .1* ii(«ifujiK< w i(ii u*** Irnit* of Lbls, (j*rill~ beets; to ChaM. D. Gill, for dahlias; to of U o«mur; Itwat-*' Ht rvortb«-utl#-rly J 1 tl Ufi ^ th b William HuslMirg. liuuM- DEtd Lu< N. her brother. David Christian. Coltlngttwood, spent the Week-end with of the ntuiocLutton, and Ml&s Mina whurh m&OKurefl 2tf Inches in length, slay Co H aide rtaaiU>rl * '-J Norman Roy, of Pittaburg. Pa., wanman whai>e eyeu urv wide open, Mr. he.linj^vr. E. S. S- WilUurn Small, for cabbaged; to Lee ~— Mis* Alffia F^sr^i I* —Mrs. Charles SpeeeUy and family, Mrs. Goo. ConrvelL ml h iM>rtt)»a-»Urly ti 4 lU M-il. liw-lmJliLrf th* ru-vt c-f brother, 'Hosea, und wife. They Li nek, the roach. The bUmta were llautr. Cspe War CaostrTKC r Imrf. »l li f l U wl i*r.suj*J uxi«i ttLsuul U>r William aa»n. lluu»c and Lot N. Magruth in tilling ua jubt the thinga —MUses Msmle Hughes, Luella Broomneld, for bread and jelly; to M. week in Philada. r or politician of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Wm. —Mrs. H. A. Tbomaa and BOO and16 incheti in rlrcumfercnct; and one o'cloc'lkk I nt thhe •Jtrroooo, of ssid day. y *Hh tbr prwlr r*Ubl!i>d by I! illc chui»l 1S1I :> icueist of P. M. Way and wife nt all took an auto ride to Ocean City 100 and 200 yardo, fancy COLEMAN V COaSON. VtmrtU. l>. Mxarbrr. HOOK *nd Lo4 N. I- we all want to know about Culifomia. SLamlx and Spencer Vanartudalen Alonro BrtMtias and wife spent Sun- weighs fifty-tu pounds. O F. CORSON. OAiIM-ll, «klLb IllUmI ailAll L*- »»- llennys Landing on Monday. A MENACE TO AUTOISTS. for a bath In the ocean, und had din-L. VunThuyne, for a general exhibit; tlivlnp, |Jfe Kavinp and nhowin^ the —Qiss. Bartleaon end family spent it**lthtocnntnrlissssB£rct Woodlin this week. IuUJ \ufu»x Z3. IBU- AUJCU>4 10. 1-IJ. ini UM- Lot t>T LJ4» of Ut*i la lixaul aldc cfcaanrl IS II WUUI A rirr. Attfa. S-T7.1tp/»l 06 . In S. Malrr. Houu: mal Luta upent Monday st Sea Isle City. to Elizabeth Strawbridgv, for plums; differtrnt hwimming utroltea, the twoSondsy In Delmont. with Great Britain displays day at Ocean City. —In Trenton prison at the pre&ent A Wnnrrt MJJ »blrl. Mifb Uilkb«-*J ur Mian Mary Bethel, of the Naval D. Loi>culro, the local rrprctcnta ner ut thu liellevue. —Mrs. Jennie Scull anil mother, ac- I ll h U I.T, U. ballry yUa M. lo Since the fud of night finning from Mrs. Frank Swain, for canned luut 1^.-1 ni: \>v Dorothy Klump ignorance or aa —Joseph yFv/4 John Silc*srvald and time ore John Halliard, former presi- ructni; uny mxiutUat* fur tbf »uu^ Mra. Mary I. <^ull. 441 Lota t»»lrv»r.l Hospital in New York, spent 48 hours tive of the reliable Hollywood Laun- —Edward Wells and wife, of Phila —Mrs. Chas. Bnrttoiwn spent Fri- companied by Mrs. Ella Norton, were b> IIKL. UU Hid aad 4th A«ra.i the briJgea which upon tho thorough- —On Saturday night and at all the und her mother, both reaidenta of ulsters. Marguerite and Elizabeth, 1 a^Mrb Cm I aiutll »rt f.srtb thar &*!»-? osf Ibi> dry, of Wildwood, deniixs your trndc, delphia, spent part of Last week here peaches; Mrs. Wm. II. Powell, for a stWDdwoodon Sunday. dent of the Mechanics' and Laborers CLEAN. INTELLIGENT, FAIR. A NOTABLE LIST. » LuU boundxi by lod.. Obki. here with her parents lost week. v» ulong tho line of the raada lead- services on Sunday in {he M. E. Stono Harbor. Othera makin-j Up theday with Mrs. Chas. Noon. spent Wednesday at Wild wood. htiM-r. u tirxrlt/tUia u/ Uw lot uwivtl, tub and 7U» A«va-l & Lota ItMtw and will call nt your houn*.' every Wcd- with her parents. Dr. Eugene Way and luncheon cloth and crocheted Jacket; exhibition were Olga Dorfner, V^na • with Gnat Britain or Savings Bank of Jersey City; O. L. HONORABLE. w uofsunl o»vw-»-**^J UMTrun, and be Vtmn..... 14 50 Mrs. Charles ICIrkland and children, ing to the bhoru resorts has become BO church, the Gloucester male quartette —Wm. Cherry, of Garment, spent —About 80 p*^«^"» were at the M. t-rxl ul Uuatb In th*- ailuuLr* u/ UM- newlay morning to collect Jour linen. wife. to Miaa Wilhelmlna Powell, for art Dorfner, Ang-cu Hue ber, Louloe De- Wsth any other power has this nation —Jameu Dougnerty, wife and niece, Baldwin, ex-cashier of the Mechanku' Suffrsffists clAtm that there ^tlitv** uf ruunfll. nod u copy Ufcr Mra. 131a I- Wutm. X Lota E. church Bonday-school picnic at buui>d«J by lad-. UMo. Mil BU of Philadelphia, epent part of luut popular, u new tnenace to life und gave bomo beautiful selections. It Baa-a, Ernmu Paeaoler and M*na Thursday with Balph Hand. In both spirit and Mi&s Mary Stratton* of Camden, visit- National Bonk of Newark; Garret S. crtiflcrj by UK- UinHiiLh cU-rfc, aJb^U. *ttHla Laundry in ready for delivery tho fol needlework; to Mm. A. L. Brower, for more men speaking for equal -o a, Uvrrmfrr, L-* (J*-liT»TrrJ to Uw> Cth A«ra .-t 443 week with E. C. Hewitt and family. limb haa been created; tho "parking*" unfortunate that the mosquitoes were IU-Icholt- Kuch, while gocd in all, v _ —Sarah Chester —a»^ si bosiness Pierces last Wednesday. The "State fiepublkan Kewn" of CUM IMIIwinMI. lowing Suturday. Tho pliint has tho SOME POTATOES. embroidery; and to Mrs. William S. ed Mm Alonco Broaitu this Boyee, ex-auihlcr State Bank. Jersey New Jersey than In any of the '4Lrcti>T of kutUi borixixb. *bo svhail rotrr of liUU)mobiles and Wagons on tbe bo numerous ut that time. on expert in bome one line, making it —Mrs. Lewis Cathdral is in Phils. Trenton, prints the following HV^-T^* U-r WJHW In M bouk pr^vkSctl ft* Uut Conut... Ilia Mrs. Ralph Mlngen, of Spring City, latest improved machinery only, and Small, for deviled crabs. The Jury an exhibit of Unu&ual character. On trip to East Creek oa Friday. —Rayioood Carman, wife and little City; Elijah ShuW, ex-cashier and other campaign States, und five out ; TasAavo BtattS' ...... U 77 of one of the mnHtdnffw for the Re- n Pu.. has closed a fortnight's visit hero idge a for hours at a time. The Elmer "Times'" of Friday, Aug. —Several auto-bus loads of enthu- of Awards Wau Under the competent Sunday a bcoru more of members of —Eev. Howard Amer spent *"~I«T with one of ber daughters, who has lAwrence Reach, bookkeeper, city w the following Ust of i^omlnent men il ausl bCra uXasJ | rm**ll> H psXaV does only good work. 7-20.y daughter, of Bridic*ton, speot part of publican Senatorial •^••»y button" l llru u«i suiid Ipfnlij uiad aiiavJl be nv WILLETS COBSON. CoQectar. On Monday night nearly ono nun-20, said: Potatoes have gone forward tho Turngvmeindv came from Phila- been under an operation for appendi- Bank, Jersey City; Robert Book, ex with her ulnter. Mm. John Douglass. EL&tic base ball fans came up from management of Chan. D. GUI, of Avu- at the State farm in LeexUug. last week here with her parents, who are making t-peeches: forcrj In Uw nuiuacr *-» pexrwldrd In U D.UJ Au«ua! Ittb. 1»L5- Eleven Romney Pluce neighbors on with a rush > this week and all over delphia for the tiny, all belnjr jrocfftB citis. r Ltrtlkrr C Ogin Art of It**" l>r ajiaijt I LLTonu Were In tho fluhlng Angle&e-a on Tuesday, to witness the lon, a member of South Seaviiie Samuel Lloyd and wife. ••—lF*r" becrelary Fifth Ward Sav- Col. George Harvey, editor of the j l iy, by r<-*o*utkieJ. ii Allen Sheppard, wife nnd son, of at tho St, G«orse of Mn*- C D. Klump —Dont forget Coanty Fair, Sept. It Is a pleasure to present to our Wednesday evening motored to Bi'ea crowd, on tho Avalon bridges mfl- South Jersey the stations have been gome between the Anglesea and Grange. Previous to the opening of —Capt Aaron Rmlth, wife and son ings Bank, Jersey City; Henry March North American Review; Oeo. Hard tlul 0/ ttoy L»ojds, upo Snrarthmore, Pa-, spent the week-end und her mother. In the afternoon ail 9,10 sad 11; • bloe ribbon erentB-64f readers this week, Lotber a OgAcn, l fur Uvf Ri*lntrO*Ukcr. re- SALT. leys Point (which by the way U onoof whom were Ladies, and for abusy loading the trc^aendous crop on Tuckahoe Baptlat Sunday-schools. The the agricultural exhibit* Capt- Frank Went by motor boat to Angleaea, end Mrs. Anns Smith and Miss Rita CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS bank, cx-clcrk Mechanics' National editor of Every body's; Harold J- How' uild Uitf. mrpwlrlojl i>r 4k*rpin in iN-padr ol hero with Surrogate Bice nnd family. —Tho beach party that west ta who Is a native of Cape May coanty, ay b«jikb«-a>(i or u(W »ock j tt By vlrtiM of • «rtl of WUxi r of the prettiest p!acea in New Jemt-y) long di bta nee uutomobllea Were lined tJhe cars. The price paid at the differ- score was 13 to 12 in favor of Tucka- Nirholn und Ma Avalon Coast Guard beven of the number having volunteer- Beheffinger spent Monday at Wild- ATTENTION! Bank. Newark, and Frederick A. Pal- land, of the Independent; Judges ssla oi Uortzasid pRmlacs, to n ed to try ufjuinet the ffwimmlng rec- having been born at Cape Hay Coart ho* b*-«T, tUauW. Duty pB»y IVL |at» ld t f b C f Mrs. R. S. Miller. Mrs. J. M. Dix,und partook of A chlcl.un and Wulno up on either Hido of the road, well out ent stations has been about the some hoe. crew conducted an exciting bout-cap- Pierces on Thursday r*n ******** of mer, cx-city Auditor of Newark. Frederick Adams. ThomaB C. Haight, I liutitllnM-nU. u» pruvkUtl by tfee ord of 111 minutea from An^leaea to Jm*Tfr CMS tbe tVcb da> of AaSBat, _A~ 4*). and others attended the grange picnic supper prepared on their order by theof the Wuy of pawning vehicles, as the figure* given for Elmer, rung ulie drill in the uurf in front of the' thirty-five people. These men have various terms yet toHouse. He is a man whose whole life oT tbr Art «f U-r L^ttUUturt- f 191^, in • cx-ftalxs cs4jse ^bmlo Stonu Harbor, made In Au^uut, 1913. family, Thomas Attorney-General John W. Wencott. K Tlu»t fur Itkr t»ufrpus>r Clark la -"fir^r'-art and Otiwr L . , at Seaviiie camp ground on Wednes- chef nt the Inn there. Under the und being.entirely within their rights. ing from 90c to $1.11 per barrel with New Casino. During the early after- little n»mtM»i TinfK** of Cape Two Booth' Jersey coontlefi. Cape berve, ranging froea eighteen months has been one of strict probity and co»t ••/ Biu.uliilultiet. rlc rvpttl SOUTH 8EAVILLE SPICE. At 2:30 p, m. u«vcn of the girls dove and Prank Brr"b. of Vine- earnest purpose. His «j"™'ri*"» aim Sheriff Eugene F. Kinksad, John Cot- ur aw-rpin* lu rrpailr uuy bulkbctvd »«U. rt lu. rt aia an ^-r-~«.~». I aball day. management of Mian Clay, daughter But some there were who wore (not the overage price right around one noon the bleating rink and bkee-ba) from Muc-e'ii dock; a few minutes May, Is spending • short time with May and Cumberland, have followed to nineteen years. ton Donna, ei-Gov. John Franklin oUfc**r %kock uixl alructur*1. o» cool rapoac to a*le Bt pubtlc vendor, ou bud, were visiting at Ceo. J. Beed's t has been to be of service to the com- by UM- ti-rnu hrrrwf. or avny p«H T. 1US. of tho owner, tbo Beesleyu Point Inn t>o considerate of tho rights of others) dollar. This Friday morning the u)U>yn were filled and ttt 4 there WUBlater ono dropped out. but the aix the * nnppl'r* of Atlantic coonty p"*i e&- Truman Hkkman. of Green Creek, —MituJ Alwildu Burley lu vial ting his grandparents. munity in which he has lived and inFort. Han. William C Gebhardt, clerk li buruUetl' alu*ll tXa*« Domcr to *Q m UM hoars of twelve sad Vf*e has become ono of tho most popular who parked their machines right oa market Ls a little stronger and buyers a special exhibition of feature films tn continued on without a bait to tbe -end. s^K|ifi}y*ej *Af PUTtumi'tff ot ygrm demon~ e-tae-nt ot-Ttiftoutrai DIM rra*rm«I» UkCTTO**. p. ia. to wtf, at 000 o*ciodK Iaa t>tba sftrail r hss the agency for "Bog Death" which relatives at Merchantvllle. The rcturnH uu timed were, Louisa -Wm. Woodlin sad son, of Dies to the Supreme Coart; ex-Gov. Frank hoetelriea in the county; the cuisine are bidding as high as $1.15 for the —Mrs. sTwiaal snd Mrs. Jennie Co- •tratioc They nhoold not look tor recognition of this trait of character psTTj*inliiti.ln>nliiti.ln. rrblrrbalUU . r^paiiir All tost certain timrt or parcel of land vice all that could bo desired. moving machines. Complaint wan back by the heavy ijrowth of grass in the grand ball room Was thrown open 5 hixonda lutttr, and the other three departxaent DOB been establlahed dent of the Institute of Mining En ur kr«-p lu rv-pott r rilatinjlti l buikbrauls ur aod pnmlKs bfrclnaftrr' pttrtlciilaruf «>bicb UM/ CAIDC DUV •*»- nt/ U Cape Hay and stats of &*w Jcr- borne, after a pleasant visit with rel- tive names to farms ia making licad- tho landing place, within the minate. week with relatives here. - ,• Trade, and has by election and later Ul. to do the «<4k b iM^oribxx>M *ith the anr, known and aealcnsied on •> plan of given him any orders regarding the rapidly as they would like. It appears —Mrs. F. M. Hitner and Mre. Paul After intermission the floor was all thu a breaking: the previous record. Soroo ot *****«*« most the Osbome MiirtTifnrtiiHny Co. t*-rnta. t»f Us!* onliAavorr. mid to Ux* "H^SA. Lota of Ibe UUd-^odnScShTinproJ^Olt atives here. way in every' direction, und it la u paaied by Mrs. dare Errieson and Ai- ita by appointment under two different tioa <>f tbe buroufb (rjuocil kAid b(gw|]i Company u Lot Number Dmii of Block matter; which Is probably true. as if digging would go well Into Sep- spent Thursday at WUdwood. cleared for on exciting one-step con- Mrs. Klump nays tKo water waa —IVevi Hand sad wife and 8csJa*tm" an. T*flmlais\. amttrtwl to opposed to It at first, who eves treated Prank H. Sommer, of Newark; ex- y. «kliivsut furtivr ortlliuuit^r. NumLer &«« and l» t^-ifyW^ • jLf 1£•• TTtW 1 good thing. Some state agricultural " dif- Mayors, served eight years as. a mem- Mrs. Carrie V. Scrivonl. Mrs. Moliie tember this year, as many fields are —Several from Here attended test, silver cups being won by Mr. Wil choppy over the whole coarse, the Hsnd, wife sad son, psutoracl te ((not 8aasias> resorta on Sunday. It with ridicule, or* now amoef its Mayor Moy, of PlsinflekJ; Mr. Edgar o-J«Trtia-r fur bid* for tb* txuslntmsui«rtxuslnt , r«- rli ^^ bodies are now giving lists of namea Bwimmen noznetimca bclnjr • Impart ber of the Cape Hay Board of Educa- biiiUUnjbiU c rrpa.LrLn«| or llu*-plul « lla i f Jones and daughter, of Wildwood, only a Uttle more than half dug. Grange Day at Avalon Saturday,, 11am In graham M c Candle aa, of Wynno- alaym CAmp OQ *fa**^fyi < *. * * i Doagjaas and wife, Percy warmest advocates. He department UGBTHG AID COOKING CAS A. Knapp, of Elizabeth; Mr. Ceorgv tb*- kunutr, DA pn>«U«xl by Uw bmru "of Oak Ba a*l tha'^uicaat <» suitable for farms, and while there BOLTO.M ELD HEDGE DROWNED. erect. Thla condition also increaaed tion. nd UM Imui of UM> \H of Uw L-rs spent Tuesday with Mrs. Walter Elmer Is leading all the shipping —Don't forget County Fair, Sept. wood, and Miss Christine Dallett, of tho diotancc- In course of the Jour- —Mrs. Anna Stowman aad children. ftnmtsa* and wife, Ctisrios HoweU In this coanty baa already paid for Sell ay It* poastl L. Becord, Congressman E. W. Town bsxvr n*4rtitit»j>rd. MIUI nuaLe •.ay au from'tbe p5Lt'oilnl» of tb."Nort*^ .JUJJ to bo u sameness • In tho listB w 8palding. points so far this season being one Wayne, who had the most applause. ney many boats paniwrf goinf and of Dorchester, spent tbe uses- Will sadwifa and Mia. Aaron Smith and Steels' many *^ *^« ova. In* Mr. Ogden has for the Ust 21send, J. Thompson Baker, Arthur B. cuatrart* fur Uw p**»*4r tba printed, yet the action Is wise. There- J. Bolton Eldredge, the young Cape 9, 10 .and 11; a blue ribbon cven aamsJs aaaeaU* rascal jar | l> n it aald soutbwraterly aid. of said Oak smw t coxnlnir, und wbJlu all gavo encoua, with Walton Grace and wife, ' ' IO. TW Ihla Mrs. Martha Gilbert and her grand- Muy City lawyer known in tho lower car i»^*»H of Woodstown, with Saletn at Aralon Saturday the strawberry weevil alone and open- years roixroctod a successful business Jones, manager general Cbcmica' • cfti aod ruonlos tbrao, oartbweatwirdla' sioos U, perhaps, not tt form but haa uomo fT1 —Mrs- Jo. PUUIIH, of Kew Bruns- ment in the hearty jrreeUnjrs. tl ing the way to *"Wl"t the county's The dean, safe, economical and st Cspe May, and believes that the ui mcdiisir I y. Ibe aald •o-thw.aUTly »ld. ftimU Osk daughter, Fannie McMulIen, of Cam-distinguishing features about it that part of the county as a man of splen- coming Ln third- Fl f r and Dare- wick, U visiting Mi&s Florence Cor- also Increaaed tho -difflctilUes in the —Miss Anna Hampton, of EUara, Works of Bayonoej Alexandttr Millar, day of* la the « dCbuo oT fcetcety Jr«tl and at gut. «f OfcLv cttr of ToUOo. Lac** Caam satisfactory lighting and cooking gsa den, are spending two weeks with Mrs. did parts, was drowned while fishing town divide honors for the heaviest uwells In their wake. The itiiftanrtr ia and Atta i «t to. »» .aUU < may easily suggest nn appropriate son. r«ufc J. CbsAarr BMIM o*U> UMI hm U Msh» —if t*w tbjaves who state peaches for farmhouiws, atnall-town resi- Una (with D. Loscalzo. froca a pier ut Cape May Point at 4shipping for the past six days, each BcrtikarT ot thm Dna »r V. jr. Cltmrj * Co., do-about six miles Ln favorable weather, were married on wannafjday ^ Its great ^fsaet^iT-se-iaism %o the fuToer. dences, country dabs, stores, hotels. -*tfwiM be applied to the affairs of the tor Murslsg, of Elizabeth; Bichard K. r- name by which the form may be —Miss Gertrude Fisher has return- Hm basin*** la U*« <*ttr *>t TU*«4J. Coanir ma4 sad f JJoell o'clock on Tuesday morning, Tne being credited with 164 cars- BUI* mtwmmld. «UMS 1U>« Mid ttrai will pmj but considerably more in contrary A pei^fp-it *rhanjM tn any walk of life 8tate that are necessary to make Stevens, Hoboken; Chas. A. Selden. Appcorr-J Uxi* X3i*-i A»jt of Awiui, In •ap- Mrs. Murray, of Philada, and Mrs.known. Certainly. If for sentimental, M±m nun of ONU lll'NORKl* fwtr y tHK frmwaters. —John Boss and wtf» asm rHinns* **"»p^ etc, wbere dty-gas is not Betas Ibe sust u ed home from an extended visit to ( CO M"^ T aight. will return IET *?TltT ^ffcisii^Jfrf^ i^lrYf I'Hirsitf^d *|f>*| ^ ** body was .recovered. Estimates as to the probable output Mrf> sad v<*rr ru* ot < «Un« t&*t ruaot bo niTTTt piy|fir*y*t> pfrriodB of oppositioo available. n success of sxiy private t^qajp^aa. Plalnfleld; Oberlin C Smith, of Bobert /TlUy, by Johnson, of Stono Harbor, were Friday reasons only. It ls good to have o farm Wildwood and Cupa May. cu«4 tr UM> OMof UAlTa CaUntt Cwt. to their home in MOMQe, aftat *V«M'. Us* basksts bastfas; Fisher's nam* b* XL a. t»cnb-*rrrot£ dalay of May, ninrtrm r— It In uald that whilu In college young of South Jersey this year aro going This Is the caae with Savins; grown op tn Cape Hay coun- Bridgeton; Hon. Percy H. Stewart. •lred and nine, an visitors ut Mrs. John Long's on At-name. Between Court House and Rio WBXttK X CUO'E Ing a weak with i^-astha* bam ': : We will coaxider KppUetHoDS : la- V. lUJumi. Bod reeordrd ta ta* < the rounds and some put it as high as —E. A. Grace and wife, with Misa CABO OF THANKS. s-arxprn>JM ' Tortb. coontx a* I lantic avenue, Grande many of the 'famm uro nowEldredgo was hazed In BO violent a to #fars» BM *ad »ot»niH>iJ ta tar the approval and ty he Is perfectly at home among its FlamfleM; Ber. Edgar 8. Weirs, Mont Florence Coruon and Elmer Smith, CSoart m p from any enterpriaino; man or w marked by eJgn*-, tho latest to bomanner as to CHUM? Injuries which 5000 cars. Last year the season's cm d*j of DTrmhrr. a. D., i&ad tlon of farmers with the Farm Demon- pwpl—^ a f"* Tiyr^t AfrrvH^iftlft in hiclsirs ; Jesse Lynch Will In mn. Mayor Mliisea Ella and Laura Hewitt mo- Bpcnt Thursday in Atlantic City. I hereby desire to express my a firm, of established •fiiHiwer given o title being that of Clinton have since occasioned frequent at- total was 4100 cars and notwithstand- preciation to the friends and nelso •- --v:-* strator. To pat It briefly, a great tastes, affable and approachable by Thomas L- Baymond, Newark; Hon. NOTICE Or SCTTtJMgNT tored to Cheney, Pju, on Saturday to to act as oor agent in this [everybody, always ready to discuss George T^sT^ntT. *^"MiiP^lll>^rf>"i>r of Crease, "Crcsstone," n combination of tacks of vertigo, and it is probable the decreased acreage tho heavy —Miss Mildred Moore entertained a bors who BO kindly rendered their as- U>. JL LOBTLB! many farmers are "from Missouri and district spend a week with their sister. Mrs. yield will undoubtedly bring this sea- sistance and sympathy In my recent o <_•* \bt subarrtbrra. aa - OT at Psnlti Cresae'and Stone, the Utter being the that it was one of these attacks which number of young people In honor of to be ahown." Once freely any "*«tt*y of prjiMlr Interest^ Ptnktngj Coogressznsn James Hap^ti Chester Ambler. L bereavement. ibcntnt «ui t* audited ani. fun MM* • *'*n to fall from thf pier. son's figures to at least 4500 cars. ber fifteenth birthday Friday evening. >-. J. CUEHET 4> CO., Toledo. O. ICBCstBAsf doubts are dispersed by the control [wining ta listen to all arguments and William Hughes, U. B. Senator and atatnt by ththae KurroaaU. aij trrarUd tar maiden namo of Mr.^rcWs deceased 11 KtUsral ( Tuesday nights, during August at More potatoes are being stored this all Orntyt»f. TOe. MBS. ELIZABETH BYER. thoroughly ^aj»- in **F» jodgmestaj pre- ifrti% Ernest A^Vf^**** . of Piainfield. *. tb. . Coartof tb. ff fl^B*^eaa* —--* * I aMeNrAQsO' ayfa^4rfN*^ ^sf Bright-minded, clean-lived and al- —Mrs. John fiocap ciiicrtalaet) her of an insect enemy, or the raising of l Ca|«a sU)r «o |bs< twrotr-ototli Spectatorimn Mary Pkkford and wife.' Above Court House tho "Three DffMn (ban formerly OA account of UaU-B rasllj ruia tar u—ltnatt-t Sootb DennlsTN. J. hh parad to act on what ha considers Jo tw ctven <*h*\&iam tbmytnv m* Keys Farm" gets its name from a well ways nffanln and genial, Mr. Eldredfo mother, .Mrs. Levi Grace; Walter BB^slS^rfa^syf-^BTSfceL. B*#^BkVVelv4k^ka. sfs^af*lv^BtfkBfea4 k ^Bv4sia BBBff Charlie Chaplin, in addition to oar low prices ojod this *«*»^a to lower th* ^py .g TOEPOniCHCOsVRESSOiGCO. right whether to his pfr*^i*^ odVazi- had a host of friends who resect hla ftringtumi and wifo und M.fpg Itching, bleedibleedingn , prot .v> .,'l- ,A tJary am voy such la earnest to their a sUCCTOK ST.. MEW VOBK. M. X. Btatlooery Ztiussd for by tba tin. tV«5ts psv !<>>•, regular show. Admission, 15 and 10known detective ctory published uomo shipping records. A return caid oa yoor blind pilepiles turn jrieldsd CAIBMMT Coowr Hooo.R X '-;M m 0/ al\ wonts, wttk M per omL ^*-^~—» •> Grace on Friday. dsd toOW l l d ftsgeor otherwise. i£t' EucntHto. cents. . ISOfit years ago. may save yoo many dolUra. CHtCHatmestt , 60cc a att «I1 storeasto , Im I:ITY N.J

    tiCW wMcti «M mbrr r*r out to ft* «WtlV Iooovsbla Dif» from ttstflg fctm.*O b* ftrw to in* rfferi Ltil k rvrfanon of In* frcrgbt rate* I* ta ptrxxm and TasflaTMONY* tauicrn laborD. b* BMMBI fo co OSr*ct •tant to." that siJpprfs bstlag grfaivsncc* anoold stsar C*. law* £ IL CMMaas o lh» Ixxtl «od to t*d II• tuid b*r« "I doot koow aboat Iho aoraapttab- prearsl ibem*« to lb» •UTOOOM »o caeni.- pat la Osntry. Tbara Is a nSlffllUIBDSt fiaiail mr H. al least start Ib* tall lo rolling to to* ItrtUoa of lb* cawpalfn ••>! II W foor vtj mjstrry ttolsd cm u Lois If yoa kavw hataefca, Hammdl Co. The Honorable rtittil dlre-clioo." aVwsssaan fkassBsal **SaBBBBBB lnatsaT la ull apoo him A» U—sxieechmsking tmtawsi At Srst I CAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE "I ahoald think It woaJd." acoffrd tn* troitaj oar «rsa pawing IIM Tssapt* tboQght Uvao Olooata aoddaa popo- CLARA IMQ TAVU)«. and inniiiiinaaa. atitsT at U» ataU of iraftV asAaagtr. "What yoa doat N. J. coort balkUoc ta* *aw • itm lltl lanty dsted back to aooa erard ami bfct. TWIN oftaa ta. know about Ibe making of freight lar- trnptotms of «wk kkhwyn aad tSer» Senator ltamtaaliJK bit upper Soar oOc* oat troen yoeir Chicago oScs, bol whan *tm'i".'.?r€ LSs aroold sink a ahlx>. E'«o Tbcse to crara daatar la daUy. Doaa*• Kid. Mi MwMfectarc-rs of Artistic > teld m* U dJdnt I b*can to do a Dry fttto M»i»yrtott.r pnptnd for •-;*.Sfl Utl* woodcrtag 00 cay own accoont Iblngs cant b* doo* whit* joo wslt." Wllb all bU «atp*rtoc» raauoaanL ba "Bol lh*y-v* got to be tn thl* t»- "'•-• "SMtaara aSd by VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1915 WHOLE NU can'l mala op my caiod J«t wbrtbtr now rtnmt waa tarokaa ta Yw a*n>CD tbo car sod took itM all alancv." lUoont Loslateil -If yoo dont ad pockclhook. As iha Mid to b«r- ** . ? «*»l«nhoT« It I* pore popoiartty crowing oat of rceM reBDarfy—.bav« prond MEMORIALS Sagebrush «kr>ator to bta oOco floor. withdraw In* prcftnntlala gtvm to «lf. "I'm baullj twsl ta B«ns» •»« hla speeches or wbeta*r tfs tb* as- IU martt ta manny taalatala. Caps blav Tb* alorpy clnmLor maa Wt him oat tn* corporailoca joa matt do tbo other tssrgxam beartng Hr. UcV*lrjDU*a Gantry draw op a chair aad err* • sisted kind." broken tn aplrtL Th« pn»i too Cast CU. nadan afcoald taka i i La tb* optw corriilor. aad attDoat bt> William H. Bright nam* was a bold totstrj. Bet I am fcftaS^T ITI'PtTr'w' Ot \tH fK)^ltav r HT SattHEtSfla^ "AaaUtrOr" aald the vie* president, Tost jour legal notice of a ro- or ms bsre~™ in La the atrmifktforward LUTHER T.GMFFSON bringing them to time,"* be went on. ^BANITE—BBONZE By FRANCIS LYNDE tocdislcly tb* car sank a»ray oal o* docltoo of Ibe ratrs oo lbo commodities H0LLT BEACH. N. J. errrrihlng bsd been desj* that owld with a uniAO of tb* heavy peolbottse \Voca Roae Er«»t WPswIwJ ta aV0 o? • Cap* KayC. U. dU exulting oicr hi* oo* cxaall Tlctory. apoo which joo ar* txow allowing ro- llirai . JobJbs TaykrrTl , Macfcanlc SOUND badooe. and ao tar aa th* traSe Bts* •Hi* vlUac* she srrtvsd on foot jtrames OF TUB TRACK -Tbero ts lo b* aa arraxUac BO of Deforo. Btoanl bad taktto two et*p* batxa, and III fight straight throogb oo Cana May C R, aaya: "I aa pi>, agn know the raUroad fofcaa w»r» out -Ve»."" Uantry wvot 00- "11 has from U« nal*nbortag town aod •*• HOTAMrrcjuic bright rslrs, and ooo mor* room of ready to mrrt the taaroa at Ik* POdaV •ward his oaVw door I bar* cam* lbs [t Ib* tin* 1«» been taking.*' to cooflna tb* psbUe «t«t«m*pt I gav* ;NTa too oaaalaKxia. AM m ba* kept u dressed to to* cats* of an aatt- a (aw T*ara axo, racoouBendlax pUced ta any part of coonty. BANKING *&• railroad boos* will ba claan. I At ooe point, aad only ooa, Itsi *a>- Soil crash of a maffled eoplosioo. and J ~Ax«J If w» doo'ir* Qocrted Oantry. The Honorable m? 1 ioAf LXJ. n IMI bf ftAT** tb* LQT 1 f flt h )fk* o*ird (Uhsrman. Alwsj» d«v«r al - Doaa'a iGctnsry FUta. 1 used this COifMljUiUki»si» OF DEEDS hetWve Ur. licWckar has meant to be troaca wer* weak. "Irs Uatt m'- two or Ihrre- of Ib* gtasa doors to th* utf duiu-rvO Ut ttiiclur tbmia tb« aa- -If joo doo t do on* or tbo oiber int sort of taala-on. Boa* bad a»-to»dk1r>* whwn ncffcrta*; from b*ck- fair all along, bat tb* OTrrxraioas tSeal.- b* ciptsinatd. "It ha* baaa all wer* anallrtrd. UUJD k-*f c« La VcUoGLbroMm. .tod Ibcr* will bo an aiploaloo, Jast a* In ared ptaaU I —amtltrn tboo* ach* aad waavk kidnsrys and In i ta. LUDLAM PRINCIPLES Snaclal tttrrrttm circa to sobordlnato Is alsraya tba hardest man awkwardly **«~*"»^. aad tt wasssBBW>Bsk aassasssssssssrstraste slats " ssaasasa froaa 1st told yoo. Of coarse joa know that maratahly ahort Ua>* ti mad* m* wiiL* tUscoUAa" A Illoont quickened his pars lo a ran. vliirvOiTi-"" txw**o tell a* tbAt tb* joanx bi SAT oJd cailvs Caasnaaa lo handle.** Blount should happen tx> attoabi* let himself slleally with his Latchkey >ra I if Li-u» LM^CU ma k ing v» tm t fljrurtxl Of sai* araa brokro open last night— tho ahor*. fina bad ataecsa«atfa> Prka BOe. mt aU daalara. Dont Estate, Conveyancing, to tT»* tfuor Zf ths> cater na tho ao CiQKlM^GvniiKltfl ai f I am glad.** abe said. And ta tb*tt any timo dortng th* day I through Ib* door of Ul* private room, m a tiiarapiLal pi-jcrcaa ali (botrrackn) with dynamitsr* b bk dl simply aak for a kidney ratmody—r*± Senator All kind* of It open with s Jerk, maJo a baxap In bar back, dls- work In aU 1U brands** aronintrxt of ber approval tba yocmg like to answer for tha cocMqataeM.-* done urico hi* desk and groped tn as irdtt^-tMiud*. r«x-#i»on. "Too ought to hare mad* «sr* by Ijiu,: Ibe atrium which boaaj Ibo thick ner drawer for Ib* revolver which U-iu.imtUitf aod oil tbat «Tk, Buffalo, N. Y. adv PLATE GUL83 INS. CO. Aay Part of Cap* Hay Coaaiy. At breakfast llooJay morning Itvan crttlng htm safety oat of tb* war," • :c it Lri of I".!!*'*"- lugirtncr- was pan of Its fttmlahlng*. tu> ba* t(*Oa«,"" of papers which might otherwise hsv* -&;•:.••• ; iart a drooptag fUncnnaa'a h*t- the priadple that to piroa^m eoraclvsa. Bioont again mads tb* aenator* party was tbo reaping coenment of tta **r*a4 With Ibo wrspoo In bis hand, be "Uui LU -ptwcbrs bav* been fttxuLstit been taken or Oeatroyed didn't happen CHOTT8 LEGAL BLAKIfl or.' >..u doing? Why doat Bho p* possession of an old 0*n- w» raoat help ocr paUnau to tkrir* of threo a party of fear and at tahlo man. **Vott are }umt ccammon •u Lwlu;.' It !•• infr hocalkO used oo ihroogb tho swinging door .o ibr i-- t U~c |«rtmklcuL "I've btftQ rrtvllac still wbero 1 bey can bo used at a mo- SALC a* Bcvtk Mala tUrcai. ta and etnand. Tb*-n- »en* Mill Do algus of hlag noccaaary. One tad bean brotttbt JV sUmOon Hm b Brt«fa of f Mm «o—lb«T b*d 9, «trta«trta« uf a »•!!! ot Klrrt rvlu. r^r I'ut Into practice ttd* priadnk e*T The critical day cf days tn tD*.nro- despeir. soil wbeo b* harried through to Kliirx-Ocv abooL bU brad- amtnufllikm tf joo dont play fair.™ ua ott sts»tts»dd aVmisnaVmi , to tat tUrr^KvU l THE GAZETTE BLOCK Ju>4 fT"lnc td tnako «urr thai loen ber plarm*'«* as a child. Tbars- tuofd oat o/ Uh* ('.aur— f at (Monrnrtrjjr ottM 'Krm By psign had arrtrtd. and ti wv cctp. -Tbcro-a a limit. Mr. •IcVtctXr. W» slock of An- tbc rum bejood Ib* fume* w*r* "T.Huiry wv 'Vr^,* tot I aaj ".W Gantry, long suffering and patient to prorrrssi»e baaLUjT baa malted la 1 was Itu* UQW pacLjicr." tko SAUI la- 'ore. flshlo* and Bxhcrfolk wars wsra t&* UXh day csf Asarnsl, A. u. CAPE HAT COCKT HODSE. N. J. poaable oo every hypothesis that tb* couldn't very srtli gsrrote hla atad Ub*d work stlfllnc- b«r ••*>uu*aJ«tJ ~*Tlkc-ro la cocb a thins a fault In a business affair, was not si- 1*11. L« m orrtsia r»nm «WrriA Av 1. HAND rasny nsiroau e*Jat»l*M»x rvlatioaui oucrollj. Laadliis It utcr at ooco. «-cond natnro to hher . B2LB Ok*w tJr* *"'^'"w snd Ltmn Assnrisltow u t FRANCIS LVNOE commander of an army would ehooa* carry Ulm off lo a ^'fT W* bar* •ad oox fa a« (-uiilua ti-o uiu. b aac^r ta tbe cof- locrlber superooman. Wliti ilu' iorkc< la an la*Ut> pockci Hl. Drmt act was to press tb* electric bo apoU whero to market ber good*. pUlaA^i. mad WUUSJB K. Krttkrtp»a rel uti •» DENTIST that bate ne»rr beta brolra. any erfber day rather than thl* to bo trud every way we could to mrrrrtt cllltl** for 'i-r- Illouufn I*-(H-o oT«T\loinjr (L lie'* "Ktan. yoo ar* a frost—a black frost- dftj I hlj ' ossw lla uk a4 of hU ixxiL [Uouot pat on hit tut. h-ij 3M.>n whlrb turned oo tbe lights. ahc. »os poaieased of lh« apMt LliTHn T. GAJWfTSON We txUeve list year eip*i-U»er absent from bia post- Bot at tbohim. Bo far as I know, b* hssat b*aa M-VU jiuttlnc lit*- «bU««xuh oo to Too .land op ao st.-algbt lhat yoo Iran omcM novtt, > T w manufactur- hJmsctf K£MJ< duvQ tbo ciorauir sad a Tho workroom of tho adfentnra. Tno bif Wn*> troo- atOKDAT. I 1 IX 1I1L, M«X bravkfasi tablo be beard his t*»th^> an- doing enjIbLuaT * ^*^ ^***y Ttf *f JOB tiUk. tti-ll QDJ Ulllr tuadfot Of mod over backward Dont yoo know lhat I b 11 I. BL ltO& p m • Ith oar Bervlce would also be oot ot ing it: or 1/ «r oiiautr* oftcrwanl «u rrotlixff a Utann tbs boors ot I J tar} ft** O (lot* noonce calmly lhat be wu going to wrro hero Lost week, but I had to pat* bevood Collins" Trsnsouotincntsi Ia big enosgh and sers and tbo enveloping yellow ofl- dealrvd oar in It- box la Ihc lirfxMlt xiallm of a luil Ij.ii'i-ro* (o l«c IbrowTi wUI vtlck I te CtM atrtiTTKm Practical Watcbtnaker B al rraJd/nc? oa Utxli+nlc SI. ishnara nlatsee*. drive oct to Wartrace, for no better ono omw on him aboei tho arxaathitaaT ococe was a skin cost she worn wars old bot thay of »*Id d»y, «t late %b*TUT+ CatBo*. ta C*pm ak lo Uu> avit atrccC Wbeo bo ro- atroju eoucgb to cblrvy yoo from on* Srasld' ItpttMDU- wreck- D e • k a Ittcd Into her make-up wonderfully. *Uy Coort Houw. Cap* MA/ Ctmoty. Fw« Promni and careful attmtioo civen statnd reosoo than a portdy roottn* of tbo frclsht rate*.* lo tUs oOc« aootber toocb of "\\> iuu>t Ink© rtaocc* oa ibat.** bcut mo to It." said ntooat. were b ro k ea «sd of thl* coontry to ib* (tbtr If yoa AU thai crrtain tract or parr*I of Uad ot Tdrvlna- a talk wltb -U-baiclMroo»iB, »«.••• Ur* will call tbo cUvtrW Ixitloo nj- SJr \1. Vbkart d«cUkt-a. "Tounji Day after day »i» cam* from tb* to th* rvpair of ~Tbat was rcrectscly what I opeo. the oaf* torn traitor? I tov« a lighting mas. *od ptTv-ealskra, Bi-haal*- ta tarn DnaTx>*nJ» t4 ranch man&orr about tt» aMpmcnt of pmident. "- . ' . en 70a and c • li A'-zlt baa aoloaLtixlljr tttlo room ah» had rented from an A'-a^ioix C^oaaUQty Krt C^ax^ ••s^T >rti• t^i**!*• Q£ JONES a HAND io bec for—tna toon of joxar door had been hot 1 havent any oa* tor a fooL"_ f <_x. t belUrve voa told roa tnat yoa a tratnlond of beef cattla "I mailed him what purport*! to b* T*lt «n_~ sold Blount. Jd woman whom aha had know ta blown from Us DiXLDt langbed. fata, v y. p bad drUru It from bcro lo tbe cnpltsL WMJo mount sat tn open eyed as- a carbon co]ij- of the legal node* ot a [ d*- a rhalr. -I hato been reasonably kind Tl «Tf ti a dl-rtnt-tly L»\*oty-/o*-irth *Xr**% and Hili tmuif, *jaj Professional Piano Tuner hlogcs. and a -If I hav* soccevded tn making TOO A foil Una of Watcnes and Clocks al ~0U. yis. ao«c-ral tlnoca. You oognt toaishcoent Lbo day was plsnaed for rtxluctlaa. Ho doesnt know y*t tbtt in CMO- nd UK ao«J II I* faLHj state *lde wa. partly deaf, partiy blind, partly * \ l^odinc tbrmr moKCt&tmMX, alochti tnr tkuartlk- to yoo. tkaletTt I. r'rtxlr** ugry perhaps Iher* la a chance that r*±i IUM oaf T*«ya tw-tourth atrrrL B-fly f nju»t t*** *-n-**-Jlaii1j cartful no* lo nllo. so no** felt soearo In board- tu uuko U In sii boors.and a naif or art. "Yem. sir: tery kind Indeed." was 1 will do something. Voa may cars* la trunt or bsrrmdlM^ CWnc* fx-*ru>r-*-j. fc^- a** a sc«ialty ot aj.uiai wttb mad* was one that left Patricia freo hasxi*i been posted tn our electric pocket kt ib«j u.ip-o-Uir****, D*.--i>ipapcrB crt bold ing »lth her. t»««o par»U«4 UDT* of f-nat •tdlh c-r frc-n^ (Un DorebsatTs of fa f^ra a til I ns* soveu at Uu moat. Drlvw too down ta JM,' CU rk's admission. oat all yoa want to, bot tbo fact re- «4* •! ri*i>4 angVs tu T»mty-/'o«irth avtrrw-t. GAZETTE BLOCK -_ tn aclartJn* tn*truii«nts c/ inv to keep an t-ngagemtmt at ttd Weatn- th<> U«- dlrtx-i*. rm boding that h* r w OF OCEAN GIH. N. j. tna bars; aad 111 psi TOO ta "Vet )ua havo let Ktoa ooe bribe | J fT*lf\ | f*| fi\ ^ ^] a^ l^iji uf aajrttiiD)^ tbal # tiLitrni ** " 11*\ ff-i. (J*sj> H*n I k aaaf-swTi 11 rfc*» ^sf standard eub tiiy u; prefer. main*. I'm going to eiplod* lbo bomb, Sooth Mala Btrtsrt sloe' t while tne aenator drove to want Ond U out until aftaf aa. croocMixff IA imo to tho beaca whera ta» flahjvr- Hartnr. aad tUU estrodiA« t*f jrua lo tw ulslojal to me,** ni Ibe di- and It will bo touched off tar enoogh MAT cocarr idcn, K. X. tn tbo roadster. Tbo lit tlo wbca It won't cuake any are COOTIO^ tu-jreo and earth olk held *way. and Ro»* »Jway» ,\ HUle later Dfcxmt found Uatsatt rect chars**. "Wbo waa It. Coilln»T"* front of UM before election to da tio wortf If joo \y^m d-t*vt»a«t* Oaf Uxtrfy f*«< ta 1*^r ear. which Patricia hod beco told to terrace." It." said t£u> superlntendcat. heard hrrseif apoken of aa Tt* anli pltT Xism ot ftaid t'|tu<<*^i tU/b-r. tne Icrrers of a itty tltf • "I don't Lao a- anything about IC Ur. WTC-CLC-J c * • b ksrp 00 refusing lo mak« my word to Iteiaa tae sajoe pevmiara tafeicas) Auk^i Ur- call h*r own. m» to bo left at tbo sir. XicVlctor frowned acain. 1 ated flchcrman." Bbo protended to fjARRY S. DOUGLASS ablo sjiockaboct car erjuJprsja for bard turn Dlocnt. If t wo* goLng to die the cu-it ).A> Uii CftOLCU- l***- ~Aod I U-ll.-ie thai old Pavld U bclp- pcor^* good. Tbat la all—ail the *nfour cipedlents bar* all dlt* U*m (JibLbd^y of May. A. 1> Hn! OIAITEn XVL w«k oa coontry roads. Whca bowu garage, and abe was to drive ant tn mlnot* 1 c-otjldn't say anything differ* nu ix rm-ojT ojr Oa tb* bcm. That U Ibe explanation of an Now. will joo go op to tbo Capital i deaf and led an absolutely Qolst Counsellor at Lato • ckd rmfikd ta UM Orf* OCX* cj e safe LUowiag Lacidcot, am I pat It life Tnt en oruntr Tilt CHECKED cp QX ti» ofllc* with me. and dictate lhat bit of MMayy CouxOxyy la l>r«O Booatt Ha UU, Hillrtr—. **•-*— a** Jraaar*a» ts Ounn roa J » onl sod tmntwl op his coodoctor. tf bo cared to conut. abUeotly forcct that voa ar* fawltB*" "Yco'vc- got to aay *ometblng differ- CJUU DCX. ttn, map '!>•" mformatloo that I oeotloncdr* Ono d«y a* ato s*t ta h*r old boat. 1C2. At-, s*>sata •unaa Caart Csi»la»taa,ar N' tbo following morning; Dlocxnt uu Kiiiiun >L THE GRAND PRIZE AGAIN "After yoa bars had yoor vaxa_B It waa sirs. Oooorla wbo made lal* wltb o mighty attarp, ahrawd 1 1 fouoj a tcIesTsm aa tU dear. ent If yoo want to stay with roe." aald . bl« f«-.< n&J -liAbixIcKit post IUOOXU. ibe vU-* president refused to -Not In a thousand year**** raged which tho b*d drawn op on Uu> sand ^ arrangement, and tn Ibe "i*^*t cf *»f* *jcr: tbal the chancea ar* tea ts CAPE MAY CODBT HOUSE. N. J II buro tbo vlct> pmUlcnta yoa may tot onlcr* from UT. Ktt- the mailer declalrelj. "Did yoo know i-appliii. tt>o ILcbt •witrh. to Uat* tb* coaiaM-nt on tb** ufllc-.* t>rrakLa£. Oantry. "No* In a ihooaand ycarsr while aho prepared n*T tackio for a Bioont acknowledxtid a ono that young mount distuf and EUIQC, aad tno tlato Hoc* was Imlfo and lako hla car bock to tn* what wo* In that package yoa pot lu room, lo toiAl djrtvoc«j, tu be pAcseil "What I am ii»»( afraid c* oow ta tcnbc-ics* ho roue. clo**d hi* desk day'a flshtng. ao« ohsarred a moving Uatrd Aujtual Ittt. ItU. HK highest possible award has been con- O pious fraod al oace. Oo back to taw warm tripling of gntUxule. If Ibe Twin Canyon City. It directed blD" to'capiLal.** h«> told the man. ""Vf/Dcn yoo It Has Been Piwed SEJ tbo aaf cV" Witb a tjiafv «iclamatioo tlirf-ried that uor J0U114; man will be orerxral- and pretnarc-d to accompany tbe Inv Ictore. —*" •— T""I his aya aboat tar C~ V. O J^loe. So4*r. S- city and think up aoco* ar harts* tfcat ferred upon The Prudential for its won- CO to a reir>olo portion of ItM utAlo bo- tlo yoo mAy slvo f*ijrT^ oxy compU- Bale I&4y wbom ba was trying aoccav , «tc. Now I A boat -No." at tit OKD lack of ptrv-»*nco of ml ad. ous." be said mail&gij. "II* ta some- ixurtnastc political manager. Half icw £nxland scene* of flahcrfolk. At «U1 keep blm bucy today, too boar to •O ftfe-h of s aktmh gd ORGAN HAND T tho Lost Itlvcr rooaotoLos to ex- DUOIK nnd tcil him that I preferred to Itatrntly to ^1'aTiv^. had eeemed to do Mng of faaallc. OJ joa bar* LQti- derful exhibit on Life Insurance and TOO* eym. Arc Uw>y perfect? Te« vca aald yoo wrro untying It DUxioi lurtwO li> tiAlom, fell over • o way along tbe first block he said: cast, ao aho gaihtred frota th* way SALC run ray own apodal train." bar beat to keep htm and Patricia ye» OOt Ibo facts tn th* to *eo tf It were tho same package I mated, flaoirj.- Yoa don't know T W« cu tell ctulr, plcLvO bluiActf up arx2. crojjiiu Tbero Is BO aso In oor going to the.In which to awemed to bo obwsrvtnc Attorney and Counsellor Public Welfare. This time the award is from Tho conductor grinned and mad* DO apart during tne early part of tbe matter." vo yoa Last ilooday. Yoa are lying "Ile'i morv ihaii lhat.- GlttredkT* pot tho types. ' virtu* of m writ of VUri Fsrflss. tern fur Ibe Uic£i oo C-ollln.' door, let him Capital office at thl* tide of night. 1AM ot kortoixl ttrnlaa. aa ma dxrntnl, at Law tcHy. and ho was still (rtnnlAaT wbes glrr* visit she now appeared to be <;nDtry c°t op and stood wtih kit to me. Collins. Yoo opened my desk 1 qalrkty. "I've had on* man keep- the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, •i-lf oot Lato il>o cocridur. nUnkln»of> doesn't c« aroond to hi* Tho camera man placed his camera, -j out or u>* r^an o/ riunn 00 bln>—Karuaworth—wbo ts « Jrr»«r. know Iked flr-saj* UUxiut tont balf aa ia- otber Idea left In me," b* cocftaWKl d OotieUjta, p Al lbs raliiay club tbe traffic man- :lv* iho action Koa* deilbcratsly J* al r"l*-jL-- \n*djjr, * results. The Prudential has. received awards wtutcver It was, tho siring"* Toroka. *t» yoti happen to remember that Ut-d joo tu do this." tlxc* •.••*•* L.ti^** aiixl ruOsj tlx? LA'IJ n til as h-r lo<>ks ULs f CAPE MAY CODBT HOUSE. N. J apaUlufty. "Csot TOO help o* oat • acrr dnclope«i n keen dcalro to kill shotcd off her boat betor* It was TLODAr. BMTTWMMX* IA, Ull. Old Dave B6£ttiru*v* moo has bor-thi* ts Ibo final day before electionr** • 1 "If I did tt I mast have done It tn tbo *l*.*vji> up*,*ratuT aM--t IIM- (urn bloco ct*<«xi tb* boar. o>f t**fl** aad fl*« o'ektrti Ibo Int.-r\«-nlng time Ln a gamo of Ui- ready and equipped. Her Utlio hump- be asked. Utlie. jjr. M«. Vltt^arT* lit •.•*&.. liH-rillr. \. J. my al.-cp.** was all Ibo reply tbe yoong LD LLMXJOU aiwj llfl'O lilm«-.lf (o tbohas Ukta bim iatoenrj comer of tb* . O-L, io «1t. a4 ooe o^ciocM tn tntr aXtrr- ruKcd him an automobccl end c^oo Uanis. liJo^uit Indulged him. beat hacked Cguro sat tladf to tn» seat and ooo ot ftaki day« al tbe Efea-flfTa oAVv. la at all the great national and international expo- **So U ts; so It IA, OOO." was tbo errn Bcloc thus pot face to fac* wtta tt* man wooiU make, and after trying a j.»Ct"i-alut»L. II< rv iLwj lo^ldcui •talc. noO KanuKortb **T* tk* tMM buck to town oa his own book. Gacss him Ihnx* trames In mccesaioa nod os4> beean to row oat steadily, real- ape Uay Court Uooa*. Cap* MAJF Coaaty. CJHARLES A. BONNELL tenod rcpljr. tnvcntlte lest. Ibe vie* president threat ur two tUoont dismissed him. QO altm,*! ri-wJ. Tbe tlt?Toto4' bora -looil^f Cp All Utat tr»rt or punt c*f Uod and | patcher and tell him lbo broken wire **I tbooght maybe yoa bad forsutlcn Im. At IBO cnJ of tbe Ihlrd gat >aa focuaod oo her. Counsellor at Law. -Of course.*" bo grated, tf I hav* ts eots all pointing toward tbo same Halr» Kblcb «. IfxU-U iXuwu tbo ele-att-r rrldciic*!, wu wbat taj man tbotLfitit." ** (Ulual**. IjlOS aiad t-«ta« In tl»» f a-*** didn't work. Get a CDOTO on. Wo U.- said Evan quietly. aa caaay neaBj att yow on t» •Gantry becno lo look ancr>iiifortftbi«. Inntry gave a terso definition of a -To make It good I shoold capali*. In t^# cocLoiy oaf ana BoQdior Ut Chamerry Lain*! cot oothiAff to aioy bcr» for "I haro In n men rare.** smlLcd tbo do your thluklog for you. Go back bat tutoe ooe waa evident- trxitu Qut^r t u C-uor i u t be »Uvx-t op. arbvr ts- tatpstB tar* •»•• lOTfl. "IVrtupa I o-ocbt to bar* nMnitloonl Lin who wooU forco hU frleod to go ut 1 cant on a sea like this asd In now.** bos*, -ocki If yoa'U uko my advice and get Into communication, with GiT- el lo 1.1 him bare DO pri- ooc-tbaU uf I^Jrtrra In Hlock -xxn. Teil him Ibe tlm* has ecum* ts atat $ •"dot* lit. I itixjt neat lu bts uAcc, mrr>- t t-cfor*.*.*' bo trtald. ""Bio-ant baa been nr*t drink alorko and went lo Ibo bar. M, tob." sho laaghed to herself since raxOralsr svaswrtaa t TUo tmiBc manocrr had left his offlce jooil forget It too. Ttto political apeil- vacy Lo his corTTvpuDileace. TCol*-s* be r «Jiir«T( La Jvctioa A~. u Lski aVr*a m*d tti-iar Caarts. Drawtaai a4 Uap>> »• k myn aUl Htm «o tataa I Ira mLuute* Later when Dloaut went no coo as* closa enoogs to bear tho CtfTtsla Mar of Town lots at Wuul- blnder wbo baaa t said hla Bay andplay tike same came oo 3* t TTVfi 1 tit nj la a police aUrcn oinl «tali«-*J uaiLI boldUs^ me op lo tbc rmck all aloof, >« aaa akscrarts a apsriawr. for tiu> day. bat llloant foand him at taxaptad to tkraw yow LKJ pevm-nt wben tbe (^pr Mar rouELtyf K^w l*n*y, rv- that bo r4-'jcxl four years aso an ofll*vr emu*- fnmi Lw-j-iitjuartrraV. ujf If be prrarbea Urulftt wtTvc cot after him ho *>•* aiftappcarrd. QDJ lbt> buckio from tinder her crluled rnako- ti*o nllwojr club. dono hla do before sanrtso tbu raoro- brx>u;zht In U wa* prvtry rare to visit to tbo newspaper offioo was TWSJ rarv) 0l»J Mar -tb. UtX al I* J» CAPK MAY COOBT HOO&E. N. J Uxtbcrv^cr. tbe speaker of th* "l f T 1 1 Jill Lu.: tbt- iiiJD lu cbarce of tb*to walk urnlitiL V10 arsocd wltb up. A. M. In tb« Utffc'i odW of i\mffm Mar CU rutbttital -Ja«t a TkO»xL Ulci," Do besan wbm tng ntxxla't expect that bo's going to for thi* piaoa «t wtD ' »lcn» i4al£i)y Indicating that It blm, bat tt -ao-esat do'a 07 fitxwL" poood pe-rfarc-e. And—I Uko tbo look of thai taovto ly, %aa buttftl aj>d bcRjrwVd fUi be able to dig tbo tree up by Its roots liv'll uadcrulaad." LoJ no/Lr-oui. b** ueot U> report It i — FOU£ST P. D«YD£fl. b<- Lujd oicrtakcn Klttrvdfoa accom- b* ptaytag ta bts tack.* had hec-o laoipertxl with. bctwrcn uoar aad tomorrow rooming' lULt DOUr <>aOtry VBJ ahafc-fpaf fill Is Your Money Safe? Ibr av^ift- LU.ulu^ la (>cr»M>D to (be cap- Ooce oo«v Ib* .ico p-rr*r4f-nVm bcary man—Tom Martin. I think his name poiot La SHA11PLESS A WAY plk-« la th« crli! room corridor. ~Klt When GrysBe. was g lUoont cuou thin* of oaiy on* hcud dubiouMiy. -m do what yoa Lttla on dui> ut [N-IIU-V tR'aJfjuartcnt. ejebrowa ro*e- >u—now thai I *«• him hero In n*- liar «>f Wa IM r trcilce pot op a Job oo Dc, and X **>*"» It was t>ot until tbo younger man .anatloo. aud be accepted it wltboot (To be continued ) i f IhlsatLWu-Unrfl-Duilai may aud di> it quickly. But . his bat cad wax* aKtaltfct to ts» CT «.bi«.b bo carrU-O out Ui* ortflaat -y«j tDfao tbAt b* mLjttt bo tempted uro* o»n coonlry." Rose, could aeo you hclr>ed him. I had to borrow en wo* leaving tho table, excusing hlm- aoitortal rood* ot tta* Daily OUataX Security ia what yoa wish for your ac-stloo. Tbo machine of which hi* •*3utb >ji-r«l« axdJ y —I_AW orriocs— Ur. McVkkor. I'm afraid of a •ull-uu of hfuUxi to tt>*.> bwtcl and lo lo try com pal aloof bo w^XtA. that iho Ctrl in her was waking on. automobile lo como bock In from •cif oa Ibo pica of business, that Ibe Ltbcr was Ib*.- dictator had no cxray- lf likHiat £boald happen to go at ktnt tta tab. fhead, bed JENNIS TOWNaHIP SALE OF For seeks aha had co Tnllmrnl* ex- f.-r< lu» tike omii-r of a Io4 CAMDEN. N. J, 205 Market St- Coaxp+ny to b-a«c )ou *Ult C-e TLeaTLstoo-*" acaator'tt wlfo clinched tbe savings. We offer it and invite your full- *cli-oce. -yc»- afternoon. Joat rl^bt tbero migut be i mi i —qi ail I • aa Bat fur a 1>JD£ tluw? afitrr Lbo pu*4 to do joxt tbal.** ilama>mTl tbo trade LAND FOR TAXES. kit oo* httwlml aad CTly **Confoond joor said Gantry beartl- est investigation as to oar reliability, bus- of tt* spk-s. duabties* or on old fjahcrmin . ( by i:*po*JLLoan, SAO Yooll come out with Patricia, of nmaurr aort. Crysoo Is pratty aot* LklnJ^til tjuU-t LiiJ »** *- Ue avroke. wn* At Ibal tbo mb^aj ejetrow bent Or gki«tt Ly \Utl*rt Tbat night, for the first Urn* alnr* rtxamoa* ov THE BTATS. UDt thai wo* ali that bo had a -la tost a iness methods and facilities. wjil&g lab on him, and tbo pur- • J lir T... - ttodJA« by »*xid •op to tilm la >>ooscat or svf *"Nc-« t-r f^tp^ about th* ccBSCCXTMsKaa*'. timc «itb tbU u^MtrM (irvb-Wm w tbctujwiirs Lato « frown her arrival tn th* image. sn» tetciied ntrvI ad t ' (Lie, .crt to IBM. WIMwood, • "'"• Ib* (isDcrs tn a rtgot of nj cbaoro to s^y. enact* Blount had torn- wwr»+ f»—flT** taMk pose of tbo espial waa easily of bcstnnlnil- -Of course1" ho stammered. "I snail Go aod do a* I tell yoo to. Then, tp haj rt*ro ap to c-anfruot bltn. for oow rcflrctloa. • all UM- L11 Uu-r- t ber little bondls of Bo** Brent's r .told tu&i-r-rt C Coart BOOM, 23- caso wnJcb was comlnff DP toy moil will be promptly His stattroKtit made lo hi* father Lr, brnrUi^r will around U> tbo lilepbono richinx* aad "Kow tbcrv van oo loacvr aay doubt Lo bl* clothing- and donned tn» sarmMits- tlr-»4 trkortxaus-r OQ whlctt tZkcrv tt. due tbo club to co on lo tha hotel. be delighted." rm wtta yoa." acroaa tbc dinner table In the later- "Wo man Uko nir© DO< to give Mm at tba next term of coart- tell tUo nunatw lhat I want a arpacial tbc l-onc arm uf tbc Thi n. the old laoy below being either >,aTf. o/ C97. wtd) Io*rrr»4 trom Klocc tb>.- election waa now DO moro -You dou't say It quite as If yoa acknowledged. cafe hod not been an empty a cbftQrc*."* l>© nnDotL&ced flnftllj. "Dar- Iftlw, aoU ai*t» uiii>«t ta tne Tnls was la KUlrtxlgtr'* drfMUtmcat, ofHrrnlor—a man If he's got Blount bad ozrkad th* cbino was rva< blim 7ll UIU. ber way oot to ULO moonlit beacb and froc t«s» *aMjapUnj| to tll-OG «i ^uniiila lubty was QlleU with groups to drive blm out lo Wartmcv. "bat 111 office and tatd tnstsjatty pot two Bad tbe bank** tU-puaUt vaoit contained twt-r-a DOW nod tbe eicrtloo bo mail Attorney at Law trodest oa ltu> pbaaa. Kttfml»-» was waut tbo ccncu.-t.tlua broken kt> to a llf«- aad d.^lh cmpple along to Iho hotel, nearly a mile dis- of cuucoalAS politlcLana. Notwtth- bo chjril.iLlu and giro yoo Ibo benefit two tcarrtbtr. darlts. awor-D statement*, evidences of tw kc%x nafely la hwrw3. It won't do foe t±»* )«mr ikil airxmoiing •*> »lJ-3^ tn bis omce. sod bs ovtdcsUr kne-w ttuj capiul aad Oavkl Dlounra coun- N J tant. She walked erect and stood JLn iol-rnr»4 Iruu Oroi-niker II. l*tl 809 Eighth Street PROBLEMS • lulln r? Ibe IMmltlon ho b&d fwlr rr\ of tbo ii.wU. Wbero con I iiick yoa aboat tbo vlcx) prcaidenra telegram; -Too*ro at work pntty «mzt* tor • fraud, and Itx-ru were tnoagb of them for bliu to bo aroaod bad In tbo waj UM >*.r 1114 Tryrnltna io fllfr- try buuso and that my wire Is to b* 1U. Ull. n-ct and enlojed In* springing gal' end lUo OI^Q ejcal feariesancss with op. say. between I and 2 o'clock? lln. fairy to satystantiato everything till* }ou t«o ore tryiajf to do bo*i- «ila LO1*-TT«4 ffoca Uvormbrr jl. l.IC »— I-I-15 OCEAN CITY. N. J up in thealso no socouxl very anxlocs to cavo kvpt O{K.-O to you and to Iilttrada** aU CQAlTtlB XV. CPUJ» altb Hatbawaj aad tbe otberv. IL< lafUfOuKI. ehe had been enable to use for so •ills c-oaU oo t±Mt»e ta*u*a . The Millville sometimes come Uu; dlvuiou counsel go to LewUtooat whVb be hud •iiacossed tbo political Wcalberfonlii luncheon U Io bo really Blcnktnsopr beaaksd. Security Trust Company day. lias Klttredge got bts M'ui* ta-CtsJ rrml «rU-itr ong. a r"rec».h dijcancr. and I unnli bo ca Tire MJIKXM or TIIC warn ocoa. Kcv-p blm cat or Ibo caplLaL And Lf uuu* <4 Ltir urnxn CCLLEMAM F. COaSON. EbrrtiT. management of an estate ooc«. so anxious that bo o-ffcred bl* aUUi3lUm publicly ln every con*ldera out guarding the telegraph wtrea op -You bet w» ar*r was th* rjakk tw- That eTenlaff lb*ro v&a a joa iblnk b* baa been catbrrLoa etV n, *Lslntlntt w. IXtrd Aanu la. ltti. own servk-u car to be rua a* a sjxjcl*! ? lown lu tbo state, Evan EUoont ablo to £vt away early." * fin T wu» oa lU' trieaLn^, of tbe daj Ehe know tnat a*3* was going tn WUliin N. Cooprv. Sofr. JOHN & DOUGLASS. VL D. beroV" Btrcn by Mrs. Irvtas Oonloo, trLfo o which the individual Exec- train. was still a I'uxrio to tboso whose ways "If It wouldn't tie too much trouble fulLotrluc tbo ejxto blowing La detire uv 10 It ULAI be docan't gtt m deliberate search of Tom Martin. • ««»asl« BCrass -Vt-a; all tbo way oot from tbe col tn -Whai I* the raatta-rl** a^asitd Ibe rxform caudldato for coreroor. and were, by nc«l and tbe force of clr-Cor yoo lo stop by for mo at tbe Tem- Illuiiut'* otlk^o lo tb* Tccipi* cbanco to u-M-* IL How &bo>at tnat mat TAXES !••« the camera man. And she wondered La tbe District Court of Is* Ualud utor is unable to solve. The mount saw oo way to evsdo a posV at GmDd cauvoa." BJount- ««ii. boplae that ratrWrU CAPE MAY COOBT HooaE. N. J. coni3toucv. ibo revcrso cf strai£bifor- ple court," Iiiocnt began, and when Cfurt bulUUng tbat a ooe tn- ln ibo Klftb ward? WO'TO co< -^ why not. It was perfectly natural National Bank ttvo order from bts chief, bat be was "All rtftr. Thar* aTX Now rnaks -Uaveot rm hatrdr- said 0b* *xV bo Ibcrc Hho wu there, and I Stales for the District of New permanency, resources, le- conko sure of Grjvua tnl* tltD-Q." mere tbaa suaiilclaos tbat Ooxitry or tfiHl her acquiescence bo went tprcLU truLu tall(>|*«-J uooaLcatatlc MOll LAJ. IUUT for ber to want to sec acmeoc* froa OaV* Baani-ll ul>.a. PAYS INTIXC&T ON that boy of jours bom the road get ttor. -aocaeri^ly f no ootj knows tbo joooc mtn in Demi of a coondant, Jrraary. Biount wa* halted half a away, still woadrrlng at hla father's Ll>t«H* tbi'' CfclT'lCiil tr% *{\» (bi7 *_*•! &X, T* * TIP \^ W Klitn-dce bctd up a taamb and foro- ber former Ufe- t» t» » r- aa. gal experience and facilities iwulbly both of tbcm tint back.** who—has b**n ajaihertng os-a lot caf nilnl iv o sood noun trying- to T. buurtli. llwuw Ukl 1^4. l«o uc to c^t nlca awaytroQ meit l**furv ho couid make hi* way calm tmllfiVrcnca) on tbe very hoar as M«u of ibo overland. flnjvr tlctiU/ prtwd toedber. 8ho almost stumbled on him a* the tn tbe- mattarr ot Mill sod Tclrooco* rrrmrrrlrvi It sun only a little after 0 o'clock faise rrctstraOoa *»Uauc* tSTotvtn*T prtrats si»^cb wltb ber. Wbeo him II. VJnlkVuJ.! 'wUmiu^ T.r- Q~ (» corpcraLksi baalnrpt. of the Ocean City Title & tb* capital at tno critical moment. to itu> elevator, and tbo pumping sulking tir of tbe great battle. Mt-til Kirh lu> aitletl -V-***»c cu< tt>e dtj warda rlgfrt approached blm. Uo waa atarting (a Itanaraptry. when ihi* conference was bcld tn the half a doun of tn* principal town* ta cbance catau It wu only a baif chance. Dccui to u'blcb ho wa* subjected at i. tn«- vlie t>n.-iildent'» secretarr. tbrrc," be »aUL "wltb tbo Qonorabio l*xij-y M. unj AuiiU- Vuitlk^iLd. out for a stroll on tha beach. *tne« •na»* undcftlcsKl• • . mm Trail** off Uv < lljjr TIMB S1VIN6S Trust Company all work in What UU nut occur to blm nt tbotlm* tbe state. Tb* staff cam* to na by a tincv Ibrtv sai Uttle pricocr to b* bod * Umbrr Caonuinui. of OcrmJ*OrmJ* OlOlrr . >>••• ROBERT S. MTLT.FR gut-wt dt-*erii-d mountain resort David [>rv.ty aafely eucbred. He ts V\mKli>lli^ T iev*alets ettatWmni ta thtt EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST, janl lo IIM- nttm-Mt railroad telepbone, M MLt* nrent. U It poaa!ble.T~ he at 1-3* p. tn-. st rbe Ptast of toe COCDDSUJT. of the estate in which this T waa on this same lo thrix- atruogrupbera In soccessloo time.- be 10VI ber when one bad agreed oat of MLCLII. Bat wo Lave bim down A^m located al U»12> M. and West Avc^ Occso s-vin,- ttu) But>ertntcadent to have able maturity of lbo politicians w •tat* at tb* polls lumumiw. aad. as whV-b cluitx-xil i.. lr» la tbu ynrdmaa- stammered, when Rose deliberately CAPE MAY CODBT HOUSE, N. J AND ISSUI-S Ing, day of preparation* for polit- In hi" uffl. >TI In ibe Temple court, had to *U oat 0 dance wltb him Ln one cor- Jt7"f tbtf nJioe." Cltj, N, J, Uu> foUowtnS dracrUxJ Imli Company acts as Executor tbe service enr mado ready Immedi- Still rt-cunllnc him a* In somo fry T^ living can tail what ta* ""ffi'fiH** ter*« omev. let ibo moon shin* ln her face- as sheof Uod. tocrllXT wtOiUM balkllnt sltu- ical battles, that Mr. RLchard a culler. 8782 Girard Ava, Philadelphia, Pa. ner of tne cranvaa 1 .irpeted aasembLj Tb* rice fire-adcat re&cbed over aod trd t^ ately, no rucked his band bac UTt a bis father"* llcotcnanl. Somewhat to wUI be." FifleeQ minute* later tbe resolt of 3 n passed him or Trustee. Call or write us Canto, anawrrlng a telephone "li'ii ibat fiilow Gryson."' Bald Oot- room. "1 have dl>o >crvd poalOTo erl- pn-xMi] itu* l« 1! |Hi&b wLJcb alcnaled to II.I All tnat rvrtaia tract or pl*er cote for PstrU la nodi bee^n tbe ptelnts bis dlui'ixilntmccit bo found that Pa- I >«7*» treat**]. 1 . les ACTT*.. .. "a Bloont saw a great Bgnt. which sod- O"BHou's ti-Ui>lKiolng bocanje evident. r -Aod yoa. Mr. Martin. How odd!" • rr, aitaafa-aj 11 l^aiir , lylnta^a^af^ aanrrd " m **•* •" call on tbe long diatance Une. hastily llnn. who hod cooo lo answer tha ants- denco of fraud* to bo perpetrated In bL> irjla txioductor. lawiJIia" TT. I t>11 ^ at I*T | . \\*isi ^*j| ^f ^i| flTJ Clry of Ocvmn City, county ot Csp« Way a^a' OTIS M. TOWNSEND 0 for particulars. Jooroey. tricia bad c"no out with hLs father denly grew to ctartfytn*" nrl*yti til— Cantr>' aiul Klttrvilfc. thu tllvlalan AOTs ', 11 Hoso EalJ. hypocritically. closed hla di-ak and left hi* office to roouj Ull. -Ilo uayu be** got to we the eloctloo next Tueaday. How for " I* all I Uare to Bay," bo coa- Larrty I W'trlu^saxrtit 4" . \Vuuilai*tJ. itsia al New Itntj. ecl a* folio* •- In all bis> aod down tn* and hi* rnlliii"» wife to dinner; benc« "Whom doe* th* ara ratal tavorre. 1,-flDi. U-ft liulr respective ot- "Odd. bat delightful. Are yoa going lu will Registered Architect make hi* way by quiet side atrects to you whether you want lo see ntm or am I JimtlC' INTEBTST etato bo >""< oever found anytclns C* waa funx-d to alt ut a Lablo ln tbo BlenkinsopTr he asked rjaKtr. In the r.illruad bulUlnf. met la . Ul A. Hd^mJl. W'LKMIUSMI. 112 somewhere, or do yoa want to walk ntctloi c^ U>e oowftimnlexir Uat ot Ur>l tho Uallway club garage. • Klttredgo's not" Bioaai oDd gvt rid of blm for *. few .Vt-Tw-t> 10 9O to equal tbc Hlovoess of tbe special cafe wltb threv of tho caucusing pol- Ibe echoing iralu sb*-d and walked to- uith me?" ho asked. • roue altb Uta socrUlwntcrt/ Itat of &J>U> car was In tUi placo over one of Ibe At this th* too*" haired *urtor nay HOTEL BKTiTii«iVU.i!i -Mercy!"" ehe exclaimed. "Dow yoo days. I'U lea TO tbe details to yoa. >fDu» J. ksLatrlia, l-'arD), ii . rt^U ennfstnlns sodljan all lit ot t&*t train- Four mortal boars were lost ttscUD* *Dd wa* obliged to Qnd hi* -fiend blm In." aald Blount briefly. gether tloTTD Ibo yards. M- J. MfkltlJp. WuoilUiiJ. lwO Am*-. 10 tM Rote walked with him for three roar orrtcm pits, and ibe chauffeur was polishing durtoosly etnbartwsaed. "Tfotrt* wtta JOHN B. THOMPSON can bring a thunderbolt down opoo Get oraWrv for me tun yoa £t> op. Klt- Botat Lo rroot or tM^swttb oo l±k« laL* oa tbe lonely tfl^'^c There was noisoderaUr pleasure- la trying to And u moment later Ibo ei bad man Tbe fi.-e |.n-«ldent. silting ot tb* " ' a W. NU^Ji. Ju« Mill iwJ VVood- hours, and In the end she told him oort^«f%inrtv liar a/ West awrsaa aa« tuu>- tbe bnuui. o*. Blount. that I know. Bot yoo ar* one oot of a perfectly clear sky! Is It tredfv. nod I**! * iv oot aa aoon as poa- latUti. Ui Atrrm |H dr«> t±Orrj (130) 'erf. SJxl ot tbat WUU> n- OCEAN CTTY. N. J OCEAN CITY station, aod Bloant coold not tele- their very evident p»rple«ity loseDotn- of tbi- njluliii; i-ami^* entered and care- crval lat>l** In tbv oi*eo compartment HaMtrkrr, Wuodiuosi, ii Aon,., i ttm whole story, even to tho episode also your fsiber* aon. Tber*ai*oaly alble- 1 oufibf to be halfway to Alkali trodina la leneth ar cSrptfe uuf Ui westerly graph. Bo far as be know, tbo •*«- l of it* bcutcoeiui during: the tnhl* "Get ber ln commission In aboat rally nblcb M-rvrt! him as a dnV ln wort- L- i\um*-cLiActi*-r, Fiixm, uo of the day uhllo he was turning his ' - era liars [KraUt widb aald Uslb slml one machine and on* bos* tn th* BaC» OAFS MAY OOUBT HOUSE, N. J. by tnU time." • i«tg Ibe »«"**»»^,t, ,*JI lio« ti^nof G. O. LANGE ice car tnlgbt htoy ttiere for a day or hoor. thno shakes of a dead lamb's' tall -Will, nbm U Ur** queried Bloont brush 8UI*.- lug hour*. l<*kki-d up ami nodded whea ^a*S rf #H|^^A*" J aV *.A^^t I** W • ai ^^ \ |> r^«^ l^a\ camera on her. - buodrnl (100) (nt lo a tUlera (crl B. POWELL HD.IPI'I^^IX uiu-o Grjsan drew op a Il waa joa off RanLett, a reporter tor ACTTw .' 10 l*> a week. It wan all to DO purpose that 'Wbcu he n-acbt.-d bis office on Sat-Uabcrstro." aald tbo traffic manager Bloont fywt^^* dumhfx. lil* two fcubcrtllnalesentered . "You—you're a trump, Mia* Brent. t. Tbat Is Jast what I aboold like to (be I hilly Capital, wUo told Evan " wrtru»t. Fuxk " FLORIST co quarreled ntlb hU conductor. Tbe urday monitor, aficr an enrty and briefly. "I'vo got to ga somowberu ln cLuilr uu.l aat doarn. -Wbetj will yoa go to pres MO41ATK EFFICIENT SERVICE ~Vou j^it my m(-*£acer*" be Qocrted. Uu*U And aholl yoo continue long ln this All Utst erttsia trmct or pleco of Contracting Bricklayer Title and Trust Co. know." be pendjted- "At the present Dloual of 1 be arrival of tbe preal* ad Sltostr. Ijrtaa mod hrtot La O" <"/ train crvw bad orders to wait forsolitary Imukfaut at ibo bolci. tbo a hurry. Ik> you want an order from -Ill it'll you flrst what It Bint," aald Guiiiry nn»u.Tvd for both. "Tf , Schifl. _ _ CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J first editlun of tbe paptrT* moment I am shielding not one crim- deal'* cor. ruanlajj aa B&cood aectlon Ulliiui I- Klmkin*kin*. Vtnn. _. ,. li_ d Artr*._ -ti pluy?" he asked. uf Oo«n Cltv. emery of Cape Msur mod OCEAN CITY. PL J. wextbouod 17. and Ibcru was nothing yoonjr refurtoer Mcorcd. or thoaght bo your bossTT lbo u'uril IKJ*S Bulleuly. "I aint here iad f*>*>••• Wafls Dim-stra. Gam* In Seaaon. nc«l we w»-rt* aalting. Yoor orders ilil> of Kew Jrrs*T. botnxlcxl aad dnrrlbrd Flowers, Bhroio asd Trees. Cot Flow- Plasterer and Cement Finisher "At 8 a. m. sharp." was th* npty. inal, bat a good many. >wir«vb H. Todd- Y*rm. X7 Ann 17 4 -Oh. yt-». for a whllo. for I'm Rain- as follows, to wit I lo LxV Cor U" ruLeuff. I've been gtrta of Ibe -orerLaod. J«-try Truut, liou*op^ tli(* eutclojM.*s on bis desk was I cocas It's all right, lf you say so. Mr. tbo ul>W vriuwc. aud I'm sore. another half column or ao for yoa b*- side of Ibe tlhrutcber's office and tb* n WrtxtoL Huutw aod Co*. G Ktm* 3 77 Tom Martin looked at her. "Andlla. e of Hai«ro arrroas >bm raa aoutbwrsl- she asked after a moment's cociViera- to tbe [krlrate car, bavloff toe bis ob- lUua Wlir., W'oodUod, ulr Une of EJ«tn atrxt tntsnect* sss>*. tamo other train came alone and theone Ix-urta? tbc imprint of the trade Gantry." bo replied. And a little later lllounio »uillo was coDter-ptuoas- (or» that Ban" b* arnst *tet fOw ADTD PASXIES AMD QDNNEBS CATKKEQ TO few m.-n lu the yard crew know* tha oootslninc mcrtbrr La front or breadtn oa tlon. ject tbe tateolewtas of tbe vice pre&J- *nd KAW WUJ lf I may add It. yoar beauty."* CONCHETE FOUNDATIONS Thi ComkriuJ Mitul office. It Inclosed a carbon copy o. bo had taken oa his supply of gaso- *"Vuu floubiU-Hii i&t what was comiax yoa an- here.** asld Ulna in». suiaiiwcstertr two buv- W. W. BEYER •peclal wajj tiuco moro set tn motion neednt hold th* barms op*a (Or Dk*, deuL W, After that the moving plcturo man drrd sod Ira (tl(| feet. mjaA of thai widla the notice required by law of a pro- line and tho motor was whirring mer- to you.*' ho unld coolly. "But fo Tes. There has been frnodolent Mr McVlckar sat back In his chair, IO I-i>U. - - CATS MAT COOATT BOCKS. N. J. eastward, but at dinner time It was 111 caU yoa ever UM phoos tf I turn rnaaaged to epend more than one tlUndlna la Wnstn or anjtt»*ltrrlr ChrU ut C—sbmt&m Ca«I>werisf posed chju£u lo frvlsht rates. lHy under Iho hood. and nil tl out nnd dont waste doe. registration in a Dumber of tne stale took one of ibe large black clgnrs EUoaat iboacbt It m Uttle Blaffnlar .f-tu-fc. L-ucutioo, II brr««m Uors paxalkl vAlb and la lar again sidetracked, eighty odd miles afiytblaa* b> sax-"" legislative districts, and I have tbar tbo vict; prvaident anoold como to ct-ek-end at .tho old fisher village, aoottawrstrrlr Uoe of bisth afreet ooe buiv Fully ctrulppal tor aa»i«jta** on from Its destination, and once mote Hastily comparing tho figures with "Where tor" be naked when Gantry Tbu u nnoilur uf my boxy days.' from the opeo box oo the table and and whenever ho did be and the Uttle drd aaa tUbm (1L5) fert to a BMlera '"• Once- to to* street. Blotmt west. W. SCOTT HAND eared positive evidence of If-** tbw c-apltal socn- Xculf. llotw nnd Lot. 1 ACT* eld fisherman were s«cn In sign con- DR. S. K COBIiE BHIDGETON. N. 1. -On which sldeT" she asked polnt- otop to Hfkectiiate apon this. 11. Wmlkrr, Paxti location. 37 (1) All that rxrtsla lot or pUt* ot telesrspb office Tbe cor was still Bloont felt tbu Icn&loo nlaxlng for •Ido HrTV man."" sold Grysou: "that's what 1 rested th* aatoty- box. Ftv* mlngf ttt WM>J iMM Ocm CUy. N. J. versation on the beach. Bat at night •Tooad sit&ttt*. Irlaa sad brtaa* lo tae **** trw Are. war Mtfc St. - y ^ aij *c^ fy cj" H^*HTOetajL*-3XfC ^^^aOTv) tb0J3 ^L a*^stsfr™ Lw standing on the aiding wben Blount U>* flrst llmo In Week*. At the lon£ "Out of lown to tho north by tbotraoi. If tbey'rv cuing to throw m* - ' Oasaa, qty Ciaetaaalaat at -I.lcbi op." be said tersely. 1 am uf Ocraa City, county of Caps- May saj 8-1-ltr 8TONB HABBOR. N. J. Dentist tn the privacy uf tho -raslt atnhmvun. plclon that Gantry was not pamitng their words were Dot ln sign lan- •tat. of New Xrrxr.«V«l aad docrlbrd last Gantry or hlu superiors had KOT- Sowa III acjueal. It ain't too lat* "On both aides. I am sorry to say, dne lo Twin Canyon City tomorrow B3 Insures at lowest cost and pays Us went to bed. Bat ln tbo morning It Quietest atrevlif yoa can find- Then with tb* unlocked bos Jbefot* ttsa. EDWABD a SMRH * CO. his threat of expoaare op to UcVlcksr, unleas Copld's langoago If as follows, to Witt was In motion again, Jocslag now oa rendered. The- rate* on lumber, elec- take the Quarctaro coanty road. Wo yet Money talk.» altb me every time. be returned Bravery. moraine nnd we've got to throan this ttEHBEHT M. C.MUIOIX, BrSlEzolaa al a polol La toe Dortbwrslrrly Will now devote bis personal attention lours promptly. cooflrmod bis susptcVxn. Th* packst , . •iffTBnw be determined ot onct> lo seek an In- vrlttcn that way. trical BupplLes aud other commodltic* Your beam. McVlckiir. thought be bad -Whom does It impUcateTT thing oot lu n bnrry. Any change 19 LUUx off Waii arenarena** al tba dtstsarsi of oooo* Its leUurvly way up tbo branch line. are duo nt Cllffcrest Inn Just aboat which he bad ao carcfutlj sscurisl in ; '. KB. '»•*••»• wuo jun> cam MPT ora. terview with the vice president. huodml *ai UUrtr (US) rect auulli*3«sterW to Use WUdwood offlce every day. It VES.KS OF SATtSrACTOjIY BUVlLjl which had been elvca Ilicsnl i>rcfervn- afloea mlnutea sooner than we can me coo(M-rvd up lu a barrel, bat th* •Tbat ts farther than my Informa- tho situation «lnco yoor last rvportr"* Irom tas aootlrwcsterlr Uo* of oisth strat. Tbe Real Estate and At LewUtuo. the town ot tbo end of made up of blank paprrs folded to ap- Music WrtKout Charm. mnlalntnallt ) aootawotrrittri y off Ibba I poinit t lla tlsis Were to bu rv-ducud lo tbo figure* get tbcre." other xlilc xaxv til* bid aud raised If tion goes.** be admitted. "I know onl Onnlry shook his bead. ""Nothlna* Walking rapidly down to tbe Blerra y of Iba I po tbe branch where ibe right of way pear like th* originals, and tt batan* SALE. At tne charity ball Monday evening 'root or owxtlb aa tbaa aiamid Wafammr srivca to the favorvd corporulions. "U'fcat ottirr sldor* querlvd Bloant. tbe fact of the false registration* Bat very importnol. Bloont'B uptown of- avenue station, be saw a light In Qan- Itlrtr (J0> fret, asd ofrjast wGtF rstend- John K. Carroll - Btttturt Dlftcttf trouble had originated. Blount found Ko moro than a quarter of an boar convinctsgiy evkJent tsat bj> otfkt) tfT*« office, aod. meaning to be fair first By virtue of • writ of FKT. ttdu. ono ot oar most popular society belles lotlo« Tlo lloacttd > or fcctrpth uualllsnstorttril y b Search Company UNION BANK BUILDING more delay, carefully [iL.ancd for. as Bloont paused a bony BatunLajr. put- was consumed before tbo car had-Ttii-ri- ulu'i but ouo other side In this aaf e bod not been djuamUnd far DOta- wlib a folly equipped political ma- fices were broken Into last Dlght, and CUSS INVESTMENT SECURITIES vml* of MoaTtxuttS Prrailivs, to to*rdli-ertcal dl . sang In tho chorus. She has been ham- t»c*n llines paralUI »1QI amvd BlxtB • AGENTS chine on tbe ground tbe Inference Is and severe ofterward. If oeedfol, be US out of tb* Coort of Ch*nctrt be had now coroo firmly lo believe. ttttaT In must of ni* time at bis desk. wound Ittf way to Ibe summit of tho state when your daddy gets tnto th* rtthst ltef» of asxsrittrs. pH/xs wad otter lofor- bts safe was lipped open with dyns. me buactnxl (lw» feet to a aUtom (art wfclr WILDWOOD. N. J. 1 pretty plain. Isn't UT" ran op lbo stair nnd tried tho door of _ , uo Uli M 7H7t . dad y off JvnrJ , AA- li. l>t ming and singing une of tbe songs to frtrrvi. Jotua IL CaxvoU. The plaintiffs In the tight of vaj case tuning up the hotel tn tbe afternoon, -£ieaa and was wheeling to a halt be- Hag and poii* off hi* coat. * saH th* mite. Thaf* nil.™ to a orrljiin mutw? ><«bcrrl£i Th«j Cooorr Bali*! Tba alon ckslsnslnl EmapertJe* wUJ be Tbe matter which woUtf aiVMT tm- 1 the truffle Em*nagvT*s office. 1c opened berseif ever slnco. J.«. B. WUsoo. Cap* Max were out of loam, and their lawyers he foand lhat hi* father had token tribe Lakvr. with an evil leer. "Too m^- SCBIECT TO BALE AMD ASVAMCE IN PtUOL **I suppose so," she admitted. "Yet "-Well. " said tbe big man at tbe ta- to* and Laui AModaUoo of r*xnnVti» N- 4. aold »n> asd cicax of all msmbruco. or Fidelity Trust Co. BothPbotMS. fore tho entrance of a small summer der caring scar* min U>* next Bsara- p. V. I under his hand. Gantry was at hisU cucnDUiomxit. oixl Uurria U'Uliam 1 "It seems to haunt me." abe aald to liVct to ti« existing cacnmbraoors tbal bad gone to tbo capital. Blount saw Patricia and Honorta for a drive la resort hotel perched among tho pines ain't been fighting round ber* a coupl* joa say the fraads are on both Bides."* ble, "what came of ItT" tUla. iWvki Horamtria •nd Exckicl V. of Ntnrark Hfi^—i'* WUdwood tng would be th* arrldenc* wtkb It* desk. r j a friend yesterday wbo bad been at •ay eai»t. as may apcxax cxpavttent. th* ros.deb?r. and at dinner time tho of months without *nT^^ ^ n *» £ ir**ff M w M rit aw*r to tnat be might trait a WKI without ac- at Iho edge of the canyoa cliff. There himself had coaaerttd, Caffolly sdtt- Atlantic Gty ffectric Company at pulillc iftsdur, ua tbe ball Tba abo«« rValmsircl vnsjerties. taaftb* AND WILDWOOD TITLE AND automobile forty nad not yet reraro- ~ oa plot romptisbiag unytblng; hence be Imrru* were DO gnests on tbe hotel verandas. ed no doubt, so that tt wocJd Itaro TUEaOAT. aZTTHMBEB T, Ull, "No wonder.™ aald tbe friend- "Look ntusatved I. wUI b* acMMoUy or arpsralr- . TBD8T COMPANY POST OFFICE FIXTURES wiataly Instructed hi* conductor to get •J. Dloont went back to hi* offlcv and Gantry knew that tbe Inn's "As I was B-ttayLug, money ^^^s**^ and > and not for parries. Bo tar as I can To o disinterested observer It might tn town.** be begun abroptly. "Where oot all that »»* fl*'» liat'ffMtDatft $WCf* SlnUas Fond between the Iwur. ot twclw uxl fl«* at the way yoa murdered It the ota*r < orders for Ibo return. after a haaty dinner nod worked lat son bad closed two weeks earlier. right now, when everything I* ready to aee, the »mn-hitw» picks Its men quite nave seemed n little corloos that tbe l» beTT p. m_. to w*t. at 000 o'clock In tha . Trr»rLi l?£m. tosgthCT- wltb • BALE body but tb* aMchta* aad UM BBV "Banlett ts mistaken—aboat twenty Doao of aafct d«r. >t th* t^ctitTm ofikc Is Uight.- tlalrmrat ot coenmhrsnrcs. wUI to stslnl into Ibo Dlgbt- Tho eve of battle had x*et bo sprang from tbe cox and went poll off, HN^rff" turns up and aavs) th* Irrespective of party. There Ia al-vice prvaldeat mado no further lnqolry si llm. sod piacs- al sale Title Inaupaiioe BUICK CABS After having been gone a leisnrely chine, boas Ms father. af^f"***/ *^C*aV OOaT^XX a^fKi*aVf f ^r*sy s*(alV CoUJQt^r Poet office case with arrived, and bo was striving to clinch fa as If bo expected to find tbe place barrel'* ran dry. There aint Hotting I^&L, ' '" TAX EXEMPT OT WKW JERSEY ready reason to believe that some of Into tiit* safe blowing. AJB a matter of mlnntes mistaken."" wo* Gantry's re- AJJTRKD W. fOWEIX. TRotx- half boor Ibo conductor came back With a omMitwl threat at "rwglisafa. Searcht* tbo nail of argument as well as hoopen and occupied. Left la It for me. Dy crlpea. 111 show fMca SB and Interest, to •STsId About the candidates who have the most to fact, hi* next question completely ig- ply, "air. klcVlckar passed tbroagb thtma Uo <-eirtaIa lot* <*r _ __ -Batjwn- In Military S«vlc«u IL Kewvli Uralixia-s. OALL «NO LOOK BOJtKO Agency lar Cape May Coonty. to tho Bervlce car lo soy Ibat tho alngl* dlrectrd at hl» traitorous otsos tattm. hero a fsw mlnotes ago on bis way t 1 tltuAtr. lylok and bcina In tbe cl Attcarory (or Trustee. «-U.«tjJTl»-» Could by writing many letters to the It was open. Dad tn the coxy araesrnf hlmr aay now about tbe free ballot and nored It. 0/ Ocamn Cltv. lu tbe taaxxtj 0/ <••*£» MM Tbo Coonty Palatine en*daaen aak; Abstracts of Title nJ Money Onkr WlnJosr. torBale . tetoaTrapb wlru connecting Lowtatoo Bloont went slowly back to tta» ! Twin Canyon City. Ill* special tuu •ad kvtjfttv 0/ Ke*wr icrmry. tuimbcrvd 379 «r political Mends be had made In frolng writing room at ono of tbe table* Blount cent Into a reflective trsne* win of the people' are themselves tbo "What has Bloant been doing thu among other thlncs, tor Ul driven wltb the outer world wo* down and pie corn* and ftat dowa to wait tat been gone ton>r little time.** 3M. lo Ikvtloa "C" oa tee pUa 0/ UM lo Conveyancing AT A BARGAIN op and down Iho state. drawn up before a cheerful wood filw with bolt closed eyes. Bratnibnn was •worn henchmen of the marhtnc*.. •wir be asked. Oaf UeTaUl (llty * ff*f l^'lr^f-i. » and halmrn. What Is a batmaat Thi HEW JOSCT. that tbe orders for Ibe return Joor- aryaon-a ntara, gtrtajT Oadta sari f^pl |^ mf ^f BJI bOijTlt \n UaVf laQflh *Ja C^aVtaTa*^ |w auHctat or Tbe Sunday proved to be a very tbo machine orguulxcr for th* cnplf X— ready wben tbe time shall come to -Wben Is b« coming backr** term seems to be only a mllltauy ***** and Fire Insurance JACOB KrXDMAN, tscy could oot be obtained until tbe •at tho vice president of tbe Trans cumconrof MEW JPKCT. "Da has spoken twice, once at Ari- aide 0/ \V«-*t Mwrtuitf, •! line distance ot (e«lxrlyy linUne e of TnLri— -y - By vUtaa at aa ardrr of U» Codrt ot 7 7i Storage and accrasortem. that point Bloont look matters told teT-Mcumtata was still tbo assembling Bat bs tbe room beyond a battasx of vid mount's sou saw tbe door to rect.' lins says bo has engagements' enoogb "Did yoa aee buni" manager of packhorses. A bat hon* of N«rw Jmry. ma cm th* <•»! tt bad become tba daty of a MB to ka> "i dfcL- •trtt; caatalnintf tottrtncT- a>outh»e Money to Lota aa Good First his own bflncis. plAce for tbo Catherine clan* of poll- telegraph Instruments clicked basfiy chamber of biddea facts) slowly open- "I cant believe U." abe protested, to keep blai oat of town right up to of tSkakat point In front or brcmdtn o00 UM Is • packhorso which carries offlens - ?? 0# to wh J AT BPICEB AND PACIFIC AVENUES tiay a tathar. Bfattat Ml Wat id WWest •vrnue. ktrrrftt/ r««t Hot K iio"ciiv iusJ * •" **"** ^ ° ^" There was a mining company having tlctans. Dloant went lo cbarcb tn tbe and a close observer would nave re- Ing before him. For scxae rcaaoo Gry- wltb generous warmth—"of yoar fa- eleetloa day.** ~Dtd yoa take op wltb blm Ibe mat' 11 lossasre. "Bat" ts a pack -aflftTw. and. cnmnj.fnant „ lfortsaca. DO VCAJW Ijtnm dcarty d*tm«d twfar* fclav ._ titblsty'mj*it d lutl KK. XS SSao morning because Patricia rniiiirtwi marked that tbe small table before soo. the twice bought, aod aold. had ther, I mean. I am sare be has nerar That's good.*" was tbo nodded ap- tes" of tssoing Dvw tartflia-«-lo do away [ forty r««4> an4 «-* UaM wbitn c like ao many military words, it U feodsnts, yeo ara racmlrcd to appear. tM*&i tta headquarters to tbe Isolated town. must take tkw tgdmrla.jMc*' _ ___ »ow an> defendant. i*-ng*i* cr «larp41. DorHw-rste-rty. required to "fgSiliiFi^rjb' llnsTv Ka*sX*sllafft wa-l^tfc aa^aj|^| ytilg*JI^|^ffv| oo or brforcr ta. «tb day oTOeicbrr nrxl fl-DJ/ aa a member of Iho Honorable David* tric call buttons. now was plain revenge. Bloant suragged. "Shall I pahlisb at tbe capl(a).** poblic rates down to tberar*" ml hmadnal fvet to a Ulm M . proverb. "Cest la Quo Ia bat le bleaae* or lo dc/aull tbmoa*. madx d*ma> wlU b» CAPE MAY COOBT House; N. J ta tbe capital—mat him tn a Bods! way Jodg. BMrttaaway. Ow«m 1 family would have caused fresh com- Cllffcrest Inn. deserted of lacata, "TTcil It oat and UU tt -•r.if+.t, Gtf- this evidence that has come Into toy That yoaog man has been pretty Gantry shiftod uneasily In bis chair ftrecC ITba sauUiwml Una ot UA Ko. S —or "That is where tbo saddle harts.' . auir ay%«* had been ablo to abow h*™ f«* eapttal. tf aot toOaMttlw wtlfb. mSs aasiaal l«a a* Ih. Chuolior brio* In UM nortbcwsl lin« ot 341a slrrci). ment If there bad been any church- had beco transformed Into tbe hMfirn son/" be resumed at th* end of hands, or shall I continue to sopprees nearly o frost.'' remarkod Klttredge asd tried lo evade "Tbero was very UctfSef ^f>r^ alllf* Irf^ *^Jf |t^spi ^jisyaY|aj fltg ^f or. as we say. -where tba Tna said bill a* aloVto fard little attention. Ulrlng u bocWJoard at would facro tbft ttMHK0B -9v Ml •an c by Ana Blower to goers among the visiting politicians, headquarters In tbe Odd of tbc com- casually. "If be Isn't a wild eyed little- time,"* bo said. ""Mr. aicVWckar stam-h^tCT flnar^lan TRY AN EASY tbe ooe livery stable ln tbo place, b* Uoaa aad the fetj* MM «f aoJ arslrlcUacu of tbe Octau O ~ny %^ ndd \ \jm il i After luncheon be borrowed the mander Ui chief. -It's In tbe registration lists tn foar ur fanatic, a* Gantry hero Insists be Is,was la a creot harry, and his special daid Jliaa^ Utnfl SHAVE CALVES drov* oat to tbe Little Mary mine waa beld only a few mlnotes." aad coaVTycJr tmio sajdn stasriw. j dated May JJlbJltlV. a pon lands and luckily fooad Blatchford. tbo Moadater and look rntricLn for a drtv •TVilir anld tbe great man. looking wards of this town. Tbey^ve been It was rbe Brat time she had ever be Is deeper than the deep brae tba Hnmnartl ofkca tsls Cttr, In thai easnty t*Om Ptopeg ttfyj* Qppt BfSjaa. Bloont Sa)W tk* dnatdfts) WiUlial m rlaraslrin and Uavld tioamsUlu. Il friendly manager. It did not take- over *5n»o day was perfect, and the roads op quickly n bta Gantry entered. "Too cooked up two to ooe. I've got tba foiled him. "Give me a Uttle time.** ITe been keeping tab on Mm. aa 700 Bloont rroHsed tbt> room and aatrev. by Arthur IX borrows. Guardian ot Had Hla Uaaa, of Cap* slar aad tt of K*w J f» I aw** atl^ra* farilrria* far ajtvtsw qocace* naia. " ' " AND HOGS were In mod condition. When he took your time about getting bere. list* of the crooked names tight bere to she pleaded. "Tomorrow—come to directed, aud be has worn oot three down. K "That man doesnt aoem to do mncb a Inmate to renew tho pleasant ac- tbe l»c»tj-aru» day of arpcrmbrr, 1*11, bought f or cash by kad pot distance between them and my pocket. Bbeehan knows. 1ft* n«niiaw .Bkt me tomorrow. Ifs a dreadful thins "Dick, wo'vo come to tbo last roond- QttalntADcu and to state bis dilemma. Wboeo car U ihatr** of my best offlce men trying to keep and oT noxl In Ux «<&c<' OT «w= rirri ckaat. rCuofdpw«T faa rkTtnarrrst of aald than tbat by Braba. I'm tte only do It qnlckly. Let'* go op and a**> tb* Waliare Browwrla *sM r - asKs FEST11IZEH8 crude fact. -Didn't you tell me tnat "Do Joo think It wu latendooT* ah* make time." waa tba Impatient com Maw -* Bst bere yoonaj Gordon, to whom tbe waa tbe best move tn U)e entire eam- hustlin* ta snch a harty-borly tkiUoa JU P*ifi pottlog bim to tbo acid, f^yjfrty of tbo OapUaX** 533 Aotpast Cut*. conatanttr on land foa owned a motorcari" a)g^^ when ha> ^*ai* flniahad **** rtm j ment. Then: "flit down and brtna- tbo next dance had been promised, came Printed tmsm *ra better than odd that I think It wctTi to keep Urn aroam4 GOOD CIQARS ago be tnvtied ma to «». to I "What forr* clrmnnded Gantry. C V. D. JOLTllR. "I did," wus th# proniiil reply. **Wanl °*I harcn*t the alicstcat AwiM off It •ttoatloa up to date, and talk fast. Ct> clllm ber. and Btoonf • bard won •oppose be bos accompUsbed macb In acrapa of old pasteboard. We print to arjv« a toncb of ease and dignity to portsJ «** I wtn e*U q pracijral wf r. hut are haye kryic tbi "1 want FQO to artvo Plm am tutnv to borrow UT* now. More than that, irthln* tb* iBttTTlew was at an cod. tha iceae."—Washington Star, Jcrsry- « feft jh m'