mmmmmm (r, un-na. it IkBt tka yWi a* Laa Aacvka, J«l» U, UU. Friend Oaecvr:—Tkaaka for tba t tka put faw jam; twr arcordad Ikat rambima; produr- Onra is the only form of CAPE MAY COUNTY GAZETTE tioo aialM yw • f•» waaka ajro. and wmkli ktta botk parUcolarr/ ao hamna of tba laajt- t*Mi tnm baton Ika crop U ao- in the world that W yW^aajp-^aaaaaajaa^ . *r wa, H •» • • • •*• — •• . to atari apraytUr for tka lias- thai appaala to an old prtotar- •aaVs aanattlTinaiii 11 la-cVaan^proctf*. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 28. CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. AUGUS 6. 1915. WHOLE NUMB1B, L848. •"£•••<«*'. «f tkia bU**» to J»»t aa aooo aod tn Chi* raspart tba CIAJTTT* astab- does not ask yoa to spend a t>U«t>tad lUaad a standard of axcallcnca mtith t baa atodknsly adBcrcd to from it* money. We ask yon to Tka wmXmiaX to m U m <6-S-Bfirst0 Issa*—a pariod that aboal oavsra 1*. -Zl^v* a*~r —J. "»1 ""'"£,? William H. Bright n aor>aintanot*Mp with lu first and LUTHEH T. G«fi£TSON mta) •# •ftrtam MUtor.;- oojjr pobUsbar. ki«4. tn H^M i4di* <«Jr wUJ tm rm-t*<w H0IXT BEACH, N. J. ttartta IT ||imti of Moo* tba* and & Los An fair* Is now In tb* mldit of keep it at the JUBTICB OF THB PaU.CE A FRIEND IN ata of coasscr aolphat* to 60 oJ-wtut mar ba tanned tba coarcnUooal wbm badfaa ara tba prwraUln*; NOTAST rVBUC tlMlUfylffiHirance ;•.*•} tV.idt.TMWn. of tlataj'. i, and when a man that U with- C0MXXB8XQXZM OF DEEDS placed la any part of cocnty. The Honorable aatahati on ba pot In aout ooa or mon of them on each coat NEED aad ausptreWt in a bexraJ tapal la hardly worth looking at- On* PTKST NATIONAL s OPSJVIJVG s attenltoo to S. LUDLAM . aa Btaaj t»lloeu of walar of tba most Dotabla of tbaaa cathsr- ig*. which ha* rcrasUy paianri inU> •a yea «•» Iba. of ceppar aatptnu history, rrprasvntcd tba real riuic C*J*E MAY Cocarr HOCIE, Real Estate. Conveyancing. Did It tier occur (o >&a Stock Ika ttata fa) a aipanu* bwttl work tn aD It* branches enhances of tbo Wading cities In (ba ***•- T. b~-.» -1 l-.lnl.jn, Ul.ll rornioc*1. »(rod.l> avavrd, roold br coo- Senator c c «nisx baibt cslkn Unltad fitatas- Tbcra wars arrcral aatetfaa for aadk poood of lima hundred of them. Inclodlns; tho »omm, Ajrent for Fir© Insmranoo tcrtrd fnlo a **l*rH*?nd In necdf* and for a whola mi tbsr wcra bora- IXOTDTJ PUiTE GLASS INS. CO. la As.y Part at Cape Uay Ccafltr. Ijr allowed timo to stop, timr in tb* U> pUdnc oJd dollflra In a Saving** CHS1TS LEGAL BLAKKS Whan gvttte* raady to spray, fill history of lbs oryanlisltori had it «n- Account hrrr, they will tlcirlop lalo ft NEW AVALOK CASINO! — JTJUT sprajr barrml abort two-tMnls coontared *uch grttfrou* hospitality picture' codpanie* vcro d.stnbuted Sagebrush CAPE MAY COUBT HouaK. N. J.riuhhtantial tuica tbtkt mill prove it* y fnD with water addlac yoor stock ao- and rnUrtainment- To UlasLraUi how ail over the country. With tb* cnor- OaVaaai SasLk Mala Street, la thi* town docs thine* aioof thU line dcmAnd that ha* grown for Yiy, - » _.**^* *J*TCT to Unlit cf worth In tmergtnej. 17th Street and Boardwalk. Avalon, N.J. ~* at wn*> rotptrata. then yoor Irt ma ota a sinjria instance. A Mr. lt» 1- filmc it bocajne an absolute THE GAZETTE BLOCK AbwiluU- aafcty U -vffordrd aad ; 1 gallon of aacti to aadi 10 a"*J- Dohcny, a prints citilm by tba way, >oce=uity to establish a centre of By at watar used. If this doss oot took it Into his bead lo lira the ris*- peration where open-air photography CASH MAY COOTTT Hotras. N. J. Sa.incH cam lnlcn-it at the rmt*p of and tba local real extat* frn- oulj! b* carried oo tb* year roand. G. HAND All IOBT asm? barrel, add mora watar. tarnlty a curpri*« or garden party In J'. compounded anna*ll/_. At_ tnjr FRANCIS LYNDE Saturday Nig^ht. Aug^. 7th, 8 o'clock _ a spray mata-rial wall beautiful nark at Cheiter Plara Thirty-Dve or more recognized motion DENTIST «vraini\ It wa» a msrvrlo*i* af- picture producing ctxnpanM* are now LUTrtBB T. GAftRfTSON time «.c v*lll cUdly dWtuui Lbc ad- baton ctajtls* and kaap U wall a*H- eatahlixbed in &e StaU. the more OFT!C*f B0tm. BIG FEATURE FILM—Franda Baahman In tho 4-Act Lore Drsma rair, which for maxciuida and bril- notabl* anv)ng them being operated ^i*valiilil> of opcnlnjj o Havlaffwi Ac- I910L B7 Street O SsxUh tatad wkOa sarajiasj. liaary of Mtunjr ritralied asrthWsT of 1 to lit. to. t to1 pra- the vicinity of this city. These nxmt in thin Ira&Ulutioo. To kaap tka bUcbl off w must Lrap kind tb> most Lrat-xlcd LourUt* In spanies control. spfiroximatarr. Practical Waicbinaker OOui al -nidto-ce on U**h+nte M. • eoBtlac of Bardaan kUxtora oo Lba ONE WONDERFUL NIGHT crosrd of guest* had nco wiLnr&»- about eighty brand* of film*, which ira*u rtaaa rijM Bp to pfckla*: UBM; thsrv- means th3t they coploy that njxsbsr Prompt and cara-ful attention EvncvHM cn»u«T i >r v. u nT~u or ken*, mTrO- Police Dog Na 1—Animated Bnvy Cartoon; alao ed cither at boma or abroad. The to the repair of fara wa mat spray as oftao as tba f k f L h pulUn* .mil k,i,:.,il [-olltJrLiaa, moat of grounds covar eeveral block* right in of cocspas n ata of pLaycrs, each com- 1 atatariaJ ta washed off from tba pJ.nl* tba centar of th* city, and ara ad-pany ofr w which h nt> out at least ooe rtMwt Otdo. Jmin. JONES a HAND tchoin uiTi nn\l<>u« to l>o crnpUiycd or mitted by traveler* Lo bo mora attrac- of film weekly. Some idea as to Tb* following U an abstract of rctnIn»Tl nw bntrluoon. CHARLIE CHAPLIN Several at tba giuian of "Caative than tbo**> surrounding tb* Brm Profcuional Piano Tuner m magnitude of th* Inlereste in- coovayure* eetervJ for reran) In A fall Una et WaU&ea aad Clocks al F^in»> of th.'-u* "utrctchcr n»cn,"* fl" mJaaa% tasaatoas La tba coanty ara Palacs in Paru, tba Marlboroc/rn in volved may be gathered from a few in the 2-Act Comedy. "HIS NEW JOR" co-oparatiaf with tba writar and will Lockdoo. or tha T»exgartrn at BcriiA. County CWrk • oAr* b*f» for «ct\T* oo hand CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J. First National Bank nioaiit contrni[.tuouHly cnllrd them, given me by the local repre- Threa orchestras furnished th« muic bad t«i'n <ni|il.n i-<I In past ctunpalfru: aprajr a portion of tbair ana for Live sentative of ooe of the Companies^— week ending July ''3. WKiutti cf poi DANCING FROM 9 TO II O'CLOCK laaiautiuu of "Tomato BUght.- profru*? filpg. whila New York coocern- ThUpiAnt GAZETTE BLOCK a«liectlas loitroawn OF OCEAN CITY. H. J. otlirn* ncro nrl.'l tho bcDCftclarlc- of trUte *• ••!> **-*• Bafmt, refreshment* wcra nnxd from booth* LIPMANVS GARAGE BoalS Main Street ib* railroad, tmtdtnir parroll placet Introducing the "Kcno Dance," tbe Dance with & Chance fTwvlra Prizes to Daacara.) represent* an investment of S3XMXJ0; Wa toga tfca* any enranrra of Can speciaUr constructed to cater to thait lease* a territory of 1H.0OO Km. car* MAT oocnr •oca*, w. J. • (Cootiaofd) tthlch niount acutely BOBpcctcd -rcr«> ToBBatoaa iotarastad in tliis entertainment of some-thin*? hka fire t employ* about 600 player*, and ha* thousand delighted participanta. chiefly elnmirra will wiiU tba Farm weekly pay-roll of *om«thlag like HARRY S. DOUCLASS Latterly thU cxintln^cnt of striker* at ««*e» and he will far- 3pc«king of this rcml rstatv ex- S.000- Pouibly tbe mail elaborate Sunday, August 8th, 3 and 7P.M. chaA*?* coovestion aiTair nAturaily and costly mouon-picture production cii-vrrnn tx. «nj hcclrra b.nl been crcatlj oarnictit- ads* yea witk BBJ nacasaary inf orma- tsnesti tha tnfcrcnc*) that Lha pcopia staged in these port* was L&a "Clans- Counsellor al Law iir i!.\\K A?<n »ti.c cd, and It UJS br^tnnlaff to malto its iao let you know wbtra tba USM of Loa Angalsa Dot only rcslix* the man." which some of the CAZXTTC —SACRED CONCERT— Capitol Tires tnoro cmpbattc ' A n|Hiii aaiphata can ba cot atmerit* of advertising, but ara willing readers may have sern. That cost it* THE mutualization of The and the Wonderful Religious Film Drama Botka. la aaaaU Iota at a ratol- to avidtnrc their faith by their works. management onr a half mill>oo dol- day Blauot bad ttM warn believa that In casting their lars before it had earned them a cant- CAK: MAY Cotrax HOO&E. N. J. ll«- ii.-uly phr..*-o **notblajr for aothlafi^ dinned bread oo the waters they ara bound It had a run here of nine week* ln the Prudential means that bU tlflo rna, luto hU earn, and ho wan obrewdJj «ia- OEOKflE a THRASHES, to aecure returns «re many dava. The largest theatre, the admission acala no* rvijtllriAl to lal. uur tho old IKVtln^ ih.il hla olllco had boca caado THE LIFE OF OUR SAVIOUR Jr, U CocBty Farm Prmnmtrator fart of tho matter La the real estate being from 2l> ct*.
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