The Frisco Employes' Magazine, October 1930

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The Frisco Employes' Magazine, October 1930 Modem vv Smvw'R Jewelry Bunn Special GENUINE DIAMONDS :I Brought i Within ! Your Easy 1 FAG9 Reach '55 Latest ,I I. - modernistic - GUARANTEED CIRCLE d~ LOVE" mounting d did I8 kt. white gold-set with large SAVINGS rize flashing lenuinr blue white Dimmond. $4.53. month. Our large volume buying power, bulk both for our National Mail Order Bur ness and our Tulsa Storc, enahla us I ofler you superior quality genuit Diamonds. fine standard witches ar exquisite Jewelry at saving prices whic are heyond~om~arison.All ofthis wit no extra charge for the added conver ience and advantage of dignified lihcr credit. CIRCLE'O' LOVE--Modern- istic channel Diamond wedd- ins band of 18kt. solid Whits HOW TO ORDEI Gold; expna:tely proportioned. caning of Oranse Bloslom Just send $1 with your order and yo1 design. Ten Diamonds per- selection comes to you on 10 days fr, FA 601 $73.00 fectly matched and snaran- tr.mL No C. 0 D. to pay on arrir~ teed blue white and perfect. Afterfull examination and frrc trial, pa 23 Jewel Illinois 61) Hour "Bunn Specinl" ,adjusted ba!ame in twelve equal monthly pa $4.50 a month. PA79 Gems of Enchantment to sir positions-heat-cold-and ~sochron~srn:runs - ments. thoroughly moderni~tic~iehl~hand engraved on one winding sixty hours-passes inspection on any Rail Rod-cases guaranteed 25 years-your mountinn of 18kt.aolid white .old-set with choice of green or whlte gold filled-state color case desired. 16.16 a month. GUARANTEED 10 Days Free Tria You have the privilege of 10 days frr trial, if not completely satisfied, retu~ the shipment at our expense and 11 entire deposit will he refunded. ! I/ no risk-satisfaction absolutely guara tced or money back. New Catalogue "GEMS OF ENCHANTMENT-NI CATALOG FREE -completely illustra now catdoq of genuine Diamonds. B rua,Elgin, Ilamiltonand Ulinois Watch I fine Jewelry and Silverware at ape White gold filled case, "Dust Proof" protector: radium dia Iand hands,latest style woven Wrist Band to match. $2.49 m month. 306 S. MAIN ST. TULSA- C>AKLAHC>MA Original;xee Idea ROBERT ARMSTRONG AND LOUIS WOLHEIM IN RADIO PICTURES ALLaTALKING DRAMA "DANGER LIGHTS" Rmdio's (RKO) new picture, "Danger Lights" featuresRoben Arm- strong and Louir Wolheim in a great all-talking drama of railrcnd life. As typical of the genuine up-to-date railroad man, the producer features the cast _thro_oghout.rhea picture in genu~ne 66You9reOn.. 7 0 99 ae. Bag Boy. That may or may not be what Bob tells Louie in this scene from "Danger Lights", but the fact remains that so typical of the genuine railroad man today is the Lee Overall and the Lee Railroad Emblem plan . so distinctive is the pemanent style and fit of these great garments and so wide their popularity among railroad men that the movies now use Lee Railroad Emblem Overalls in their great rail- road pictures. Wear thegreat new Lee and your "JUST LIKE DAD'S" railroad's emldem. See yow Lee dealer today. THE H. D. LEE MERCANTILE COMPANY Kansas City Solina Minneapolis Trenton South Bend 1 THISGUARANTEE Wrm EVERYGAR MEN^ I' . OVERALLS ICvou do no^ find thir to be #hemat cntb I UNION-ALLS JACKETSwt wi'th UNION-MADE YOUR RAILROADS EMBLEM ON BIB OR SLEEVE.. A GOOD WATCH -. deserves a good k i ki < p2 . chain WORKINGas you do all hours of the day, taking out your watch countleeis times, you've got to have a chain that can stand up without whimpering. Dependable as the watch you carry, Simmons Chains are famous all along the line -with everybody from engineer to second trick opera- tor and back again. And if you're proud of your watch -what rail- road man ien't? -the chain ought to say 80. A Simmons Chain does. Built for railroad service In spite of the long and capable ee- vice you get from them, Simmons Chains still cost very little. The prices of the chains illustrated, for example, are: 12978, $9.75; 3371, $5.25; 261921/i, $10.25. Go to your watch inspector's while you are thinking about ii. Tell him you want to see a Simmons Chain. Swing one across your vest -one that you like especially well. You may be sure it will give you faithful service. R. F. Simmone Company, Attleboro, Massachusetts. SIMMONS CHAINS October. 1930 Page 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Edflor MARTHA C. MOORE. Aa.ocfota Edf101 C. El. STAPLES. Sprcfal Reprusntdfw WM. McMILLAN. Adoutfdn# Maww Vol. Vlll OCTOBER. 1930 No. I Permiasion is given to reprint with or without credit, in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Monrtt, Mo., Wins 1930 Garden Prize.................................................................................................. 4-5 Engine 4213 Beats Endurance Record ................................................................................................... 6-7 Seventh Annual Oil Show, October 4-11 ............................................................................................ 8-9 A Night on the Endurance Engine--& Martha C. Moore ....................................................... 10-11 Lipton Cup Races at Pensacola ................................................................................................................12 W. H. Mullens Completes 51 Years' Service .......................................................................................... 13 Boy Scouts Visit President Hoover ...................................................................................................... 14 Trains 97.8 Per Cent On Time.................................................................................................................. 15 News of the Frisco Clubs ......................................................................................................................16-17 Car Damage Decreases 34.7 Per Cent........................... .... .................................................................. 18 W. S. Merchant Becomes Passenger Traffic Manager ........................................................................ 19 Locomotive Fuel Performance Records ..............................................................................................22-23 The Twilight Hour ................................................................................................................................. 24-25 Homemakers' Page ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Flashes of Merriment ............ .................................................................................................................... 27 Frisco Mechanic ......................................................................................................................................34 'Frisco Family News .............................................................................................................................. 35-72 (A double-page spread of pictures of Flower Gardens on Frisco Lines, and their Attendants will be found on $ages 36-37) - THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE MEMBER The Frlsco Employes' Magazlne Is a monthly publication devoted primarily to the Intereats nf the more than 25.000 actlve and retired employes of the Frlsco Llnes. It contalna stories, Items af current news, personal notes about employes and thelr famllles, artlclea daallng - wlth iarlous phases of rallroad work, poem cartoons and notlces regarding the servlce. Good clear photographs sultsble for renroductlon arc espedally derlred. &nd will be returnsd only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngs must be In black Indlm &awing lnk. Employes are lnvlted to wrlle artlcln tor the magazine. Contrlbutlon8 should be type- nrltten, on one slde of the sheet only. and shduld be addressed to the Edltor. Frlsca Bulldlng. St. Louls, 510. Dlstrlbuted free among Msfo Employes. TI others. prlce 15 centa a copy; subscrlptlon rate $1.50 a year. Adrertlslng rate will be mads known upon application. MONETT, MO., WINS 1930 GARDEN PRIZE T HAS been a task this past Flower by foreman; Texas Lines, Bluffdale, 1 summer to kee~a flower bed Pork Tended Geom Tex., maintained by M. A. ~uf- A watered, due io the severe Morris Chosen as Best stedler, section foreman; South- drouth, but drouth or no drouth, western division. Sapulpa. Okla., Frisco employes at 1,000 stations Among 1,000 on maintained by Wm. Patterson, on Frisco Lines have zealously Frisco Lines colored laborer; Northern divi- guarded their flowers so they (Additional pictirrrs on Pagrs 36 and 37) sion, Mulberry, Ka*., maintained might compete for the best by El. E. Tatum, agent. flower bed on winner being picked from this group. winners of flrst prizes for best Frisco Lines and Resclts of the contest are as follows: flower gardens at the terminals in- possibly win the Garden at St. Mary's, Mo., first prize clude: Eastern, St. hula Terminsla, $25 prize and the winner on River division, maintained garden at Tower Grove, Mo., rnaln- silver loving cup by Harry Schroeder, agent; Western tained by Henry Schaffer, station which was to be cleaner ; Springfield Terminal, garden the award. at Mill and Sherman Streets, main- The decision has tained by George Russell, crossing just been awarded flagman; Birmingham Terminals, gar- by the judges, who den at Block No. 1, maintained by have made a com- C. M. Chance; Memphis Terminals. plete trip over the garden at east end Mississippi River entire Frisco sys- bridge, maintained by Charley Mar- tem, and Monett, tin, colored employe; West Tulsa GEO. MORRIS Mo., has been sig- Terminal,
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