The Or. Taylorco
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THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1907. 3 the election last June The Oregonlan very energetically condemned franchise-grabber- s REBEL EDITOR ESCAPES HOUSE VOTE and the iniquitous gas company and pro- posed radical measures, well fitting a great MONOPOLY! FOR COMPETITION! ill independent newspaper. I remember, too, DISEASE! FOR HEALTHY MEATS! the efforts made by your paper to enforce Fit any (tee or style head. BATTLING FIGHTING upon candidates such pledges as would bind VILLAItEAL GIVES IMMIGRATION FOR GOVERNMENT INSPECTION! ON SHIP SUBSIDY our office-seekin- g friends and would Insure FILTH! their voting (if elected) for popular meas- OFFICERS SLIP. ures. I remember, too, that these efforts of The Oregonlan were more or less suc- Competition is the life-bloo- d of trade the red corpuscles that surge thru the veins of Business and keep cessful and many Republican candidates Imposes on Confidence of Guard and (it strong and healthy. Competition protects the wage-earn- er from high prices. Competition provides the pledged themselves to vote and work for table of the laborer with the viands of the banker. Encourage competition. Stand with the Harry Wood such measured as would give our people Suddenly Disappears While on Adopts Special Rule Fixing some relief from the Portland, Gas Com- Store in its fight against Monopoly and high prices. , . pany and curb, to some extent, the other Way to Mexico. Time for Final Aption perpetual franchises of our city. - Then, too, I am reminded that practi- DAY cally every Democratic candidate for the EL PASO Tex., Feb. 25. Somewhere in THE OTHER DAY THE SAME on the Bill. pledged him- Legislature myself included El Paso or in the mountains around, se- fresh, self to practically every measure advocated curely hidden from a large force of A wagonload of meat came dragging into town A clean and sanitary refrigerator car of juicy, by The Oregonlan. To the ordinary voter Is from a trip several miles over dusty roads;' the tender, GOVERNMENT-INSPECTE- D MEATS ar- puzzling United States officers that diligently of it might have become extremely searching for him, is Antonio L. Villa-rea- l, 14 away. to distinguished these oppos- meats were covered with a dirty burlap that had rived here from a point miles Freshly have between editor of the revolutionary organ, filthy, OREGON. The was ing candidates or discover some worthy "Regeneration." and head of the St.i served on similar trips many times; killed and dressed in car MIDDLE STATES OPPOSED difference. Louis of Mexican revolutionists, ' and reeking with germs gathered along the way scrubbed clean and shining, sweet as the housewife's however, might noticed Junta This, have been who has been in prison here under J since time immemorial. No to say load private refrigerator, nicely iced and tempting as a every candidate pro- need that nearly Democratic charges pending Deiore ootn tne uniteo. was uninspected by any health officer. dish of strawberries and cream. Those meats came to claimed himself, at every opportunity af- States Department of Justice and the Look as gtxxl behind as in front. forded him, to be the firm exponent of the Department of Labor and Commerce, and As excellent quality inside as out, WHO GOT THOSE MEATS? THE HARRY WOOD MARKET .Democrats Are Joined by 24 Repub- reforms he advocated, whereas the Repub- whose fight against extradition and Standard ox bat ysUuo that's licans, once winning the nominations, were death in Mexico has attracted widespread licans Against Rule Grosvenor satisfied to let the immense Republican ma- attention. WHICH MEATS DID. YOU GET ON YOUR TABLE? jority win them their election, and said Villareal been before United States Makes Closing Speech in. little or nothing further. has McKibbin many Commissioner Howe today for a hearing ANT GOOD DEALER prices, you too Harry prices. piece I remember having spent evenings on the two charges of being in the United $3 If you paid more than these paid much. These are Wood's Not a of Defense of Graft. in halls and on street corners proclaiming Look out of Beef." pledging, States in violation of laws of neutrality 'Bull Beef" in this market. for that carload "Bull jny stand on public questions and and of being here in violation of Im- every means in my power the if elected, to use migration The case was dis- Loin Veal Cutlets proper legislation. laws. first Prime Rib Roast Beef..l0 Corned Beef 6 15 for missed he was remanded to jail U I was chairman of the committee of leg- and Sirloin Steak. Oxtails, per pound. 5 Rib Veal Cutlets 12' , under the second charge, now on appeal 12J2 of - WASHINGTON-- Feb. 25. Ship subsidy islative candidates to draft a platform, and before Department at Washington. Choice Brisket Beef... 4 Lers Pork 12- ERRATA . through of the Small Porterhouse 6pcured a marked Impetus today In the In presenting, it the columns On the way to he permission Beef Necks to Boil Pork Chops The Oregonlan I distinguished between our Jail asked 4 12' Thru an error House, which. Just before adjournment, fo send a telegram, and was allowed to part of lota 1 and 2, block 2, Far-- 'Fancy Porterhouse Beef to Stew Pork Loin Roast in promises and the somewhat similar prom- '. 4 15c vostcrday's adopted a rule that will probably Insure enter the telegraph office, wJile Inter- rell's Add. to Woodlawn 1 Steak Beef Shoul-ri- r the passage of for ises of the Republican candidates by stat- Geo. G. and Leona Root to Mathea Beef Tripe 8 Pork Steak 15 al. the Uttauer substitute would preter Antonio Sierra, who had him in Backle. west y, of lot 1 west V, - "T"-Bon- Steak and ing "the Democrats, if elected, Schu-mack- and e Side the Senate bill and before that charge, Inspector er of 10 Fancy Sf.l2V Beef Kidneys 5 Pork 12V result the deliver the goods." What the Democrats and Immigrant north feet of lot 2. block 12, Href Shoulder final adjournment in positive legislation. Villa-re- al Dolan's Add. .. Shoulder Roast was quot- Is of stood in front of the door. J Rolled Rib Roast: 10 Beef Brains. 10 Pork Roast.121 The rule was reported by Dalzell in the would have done if elected a matter telegram, walked out Augusta H. Gove to Anna Heward and ed at 12M.C, Republican Legisla- sent the the Samuel F. Heward, 2, 97, Beef Rib Steak Veal Shanks for Broth. Pork Mixed Sausage.. 10 shape of a resolution providing conjecture; what the dodged alley dis- lot block 12 6 should have that the tors of Multnomah County did is public his- front door, into an and Stephens' Add 2,500 Veal Stewing; . Pork Hocks S horn Rolled compromise bill shall be considered, with appeared. Ethel TJhl and T. Hartt Gardner to Loin Steak 10 for 8 T; tory. ' It 4s extremely doubtful whether the Nellie Pigs' Rib Roast IOC. debate limited to five hours, and that worse. Might Every immigration officer and others Gulsnesa et al., west 60 feet of Best Round Steak..... 8 Breast of Veal... 10 Feet 5 of the final vote shall be taken not later Democrats could have done city lot , block 279, Aiken's Add .... 1,800 insteadc; they. not have dene better? in the have searched unceasingly Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to F. Beef Shoulder Steak... 7 Veal Rump Roast. ...12V2 Leaf Lard 12V. 12 than next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. for him since, without discovering the Tompkins, L RViun ilBestSteak In taking a prospective view of the mat- lot 2, block 133, Wood- Beef Shoulder Roast... 7& Leg Roast of Veal. V Pickle Pork 12' 2 The rule was adopted by a vote of 158 slightest trace of him. is believed stock . 300 ..12 Instead of ter, I am wondering If it Is not possible It that 8S1 2 to 122, 24 Republicans voting with the he is being concealed by local revolution- Nancy A. Taylor to L. F. Tompkins Pot Roast Beef Shoulder Roast Veal...lO Delicious Breakfast i c; that partisan politics be enough eliminated and wife, south y, of lot 1, block .Roast BeefPotis Democrats in opposition to the rule. bearing ists, and that they will aid him to make 124, Rump Roast Beef Loin Roast Veal 15 Bacon 17' Sc. The was agreed upon unexpect- to allow the election of some men Woodstock 150 7C not rule names of a minority party, but honest good his escape. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to Lewell Hamburger Steak Rib Roast Veal 12V2 Hams ...17 edly by the rules committee at a meet- Smith, lot 10. block 20, S. St. Johns 250 8J enough to do what they are elected to do. Catharine ing held after the visit of Secretary Root party names do separate, and with Gardner to Edmond B Capitol, gener- Though Securing Jury in Murder Case. Gardner, undivided 3 of N. B. of SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS to the and it was very Senatorship of Sec. 9, ally the United States out the also E. y, of S. B. M. and S. understood that the Administration way, why, not elect men striving with all CULPEPPER, Va., Feb. 25. Efforts are W. 14 of S. E. and lot 6. of Sec. was responsible for the committee's ac- - being secure to try 4. T. 2 N., R. 1 w ' soul and might for principles recog- made today to a jury .J tlon. their the Strothers brothers, charged with the The Hawthorne Estate to Elizabeth nized by all parties as Ju?t and needful? Parclius.