Pumi, Northernnorthern
Pumi,Pumi, NorthernNorthern A widespread, isolated section of south- per cent lexical similarity with Southern west Sichuan Province in China is home Pumi, which is spoken in Yunnan Province. to approximately 40,000 Northern Pumi The Southern Pumi have not been included people. Most are located in and around in this book because they are primarily Sichuan Muli County, described as ‘a rich posses- animists and polytheists. Few are adherents sion. The rivers, especially the Litang, of Buddhism. carry gold and produce a considerable Yunnan A Northern Pumi king presided over the Pumi Northern 1 revenue.’ Northern Pumi is also spoken former Buddhist monastery town of Muli Population: in Zuosuo and Yousuo districts of Yanyuan until the 1950s. The king once ‘held sway 39,000 (2000) County and in the Sanyanlong and Dabao over a territory of 9,000 square miles—an 48,100 (2010) 2 59,200 (2020) districts of Jiulong County. Seven thousand area slightly larger than Massachusetts’.5 Northern Pumi live in the Yongning District Countries: China The rulers of Muli ‘are said to be of Buddhism: Tibetan of Ninglang County in northern Yunnan Manchu origin. Christians: none known Province. They were given In the past, the the sovereignty Northern Pumi of the kingdom were com- in perpetuity in monly known recognition of as Xifan, a valorous services Overview of the derogatory rendered to Northern Pumi Chinese name Yungcheng, the Other Names: Xifan, Hsifan, meaning famous Manchu Northern Pumi, Chrame, ‘barbarians of emperor, who Ch’rame, Tshomi, Sichuan Pumi the west’—a ascended the Population Sources: name applied throne in 1723.’6 30,000 in China (1987, not only to The king ruled Language Atlas of China) this group but with ‘absolute Language: Sino-Tibetan, Tibeto-Burman, Tangut-Qiang, sometimes spiritual and Qiangic also used for temporal sway’7 Dialects: 4 (Tuoqi, Sanyanlong, all Tibetans.
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