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HIGH-TECH Site BRÜHL ZOFINGEN – ROOM for Development 1 HIGH-TECH SITE BRÜHL ZOFINGEN – ROOM FOR DEVELOPMENT Welcome to Zofingen – welcome to the high-tech site Brühl. Numerous companies from the pharmaceutical, chemical, mechanical engineering and information and communication technology industries have discovered Zofingen as the ideal location for their businesses. The central transport location means short travel times to all Swiss centers of commerce and allows access to a large pool of trained specialists. On the almost 50,000 m2 high-tech site Brühl your company will benefit from the widespread «Good Manufacturing Practice»(GMP) environment due to its direct proximity with Siegfried AG. 2 The high-tech site Brühl is situated in the Swiss can- ton of Aargau, which has repeatedly been awarded an AAA rating by Standard & Poor's – precisely because companies find ideal conditions in excellent locations here. ENTER- PRISE-FRIENDLY Basel Airport CONDITIONS – Zurich Basel international Airport ceNTrAl high-tech site Zurich Brühl lOcatiON Berne Geneva The high-tech site Brühl in the heart of Switzerland ideAl cONdiTiONS – firST-clASS lOcatiON Switzerland is one of the best and most attractive business locations in the world. The quality of the universities, the col- laboration between the private and public sectors, the infra- structure, the moderate labor costs, and the political and eco- nomic stability together constitute ideal framework conditions. Switzerland also scores highly in terms of quality of living, and this applies to the Canton of Aargau in particular. First-class research establishments such as the Paul Scher- rer Institute (PSI) and major universities in the vicinity give businesses access to a large pool of highly qualified profes- sionals with a wide range of expertise. The Canton of Aargau and the high-tech site Brühl also benefit from excellent trans- port links. from Zofingen train station Meadow landscape in the Zofingen region destinations distance by car by train Basel 55 km 40 min. 40 min. Basel Airport 60 km 45 min. 1 hr 05 min. Zurich 60 km 30 min. 45 min. Zurich international Airport 65 km 35 min. 1 hr Berne 70 km 45 min. 30 min. Geneva 225 km 2 hrs 30 min. 2 hrs 30 min. Milan 300 km 3 hrs 15 min. 4 hrs Munich 370 km 3 hrs 30 min. 4 hrs 45 min. frankfurt 380 km 3 hrs 30 min. 3 hrs 40 min. Paris 580 km 5 hrs 30 min. 4 hrs 3 The vibrant old town of Zofingen with its weekly markets, diverse cultural program and extensive range of restaurants will fuel your employees' enthusiasm. located between Zurich, Basel, Berne and lucerne, the region offers a high quality of life with plenty of scope for shaping your future. ATTrAcTive ENVIRONMENT FOR EMPLOYEES The charm of Zofingen's old town culture and summer events HiGH quAliTy Of liviNG Café, culture or golf course? The Zofingen residential area is diverse, and a wide variety of recreational activities contribute to the high quality of life. Culture lovers will enjoy the theaters, recreation on Zofingen’s local mountain concerts and tours of the picturesque old town. In summer the open-air festival «Heitere» attracts music lovers from all exTeNSive educatiONAl PrOGrAM over the world to Zofingen. The nearby Wiggertal golf course The Zofingen region offers a wide range of educational es- and the extensive forests and fields around Zofingen provide tablishments. Primary and secondary education is locally opportunities for active recreation for sports and nature available up to the level of the Swiss high-school diploma, the enthusiasts. «Matura». With four universities and the University of Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland in Olten and Brugg, the region provides high-quality educational and training opportu- nities – all within commuting distance. And the dual education system, which combines practical and classroom training, of- fers an excellent alternative to academic education. You will find suitable daycare for your (small) children on either an hourly or daily basis. 4 The high-tech site Brühl is located adjacent to the Pharmapark Siegfried and forms part of a cluster of companies from the mechanical engineering and information and communication technology sectors. HIGH-TECH SITE BRÜHL Zofingen enjoys an ideal location Siegfried AG vials OPTiMAl NeTWOrkiNG OPPOrTuNiTieS Companies at the high-tech site Brühl benefit from the GMP environment of Siegfried AG. OMYA, Celgene and Arena Pharmaceuticals have settled in the immediate neighborhood. The companies Müller Martini, Swissprinters and Ringier can also be found in the immediate vicinity. Technical specialist in the GMP environment 5 The approximately 50,000 m2 high-tech site Brühl offers numerous development opportunities for innovative companies. ONe lOcatiON – MANy OPPortUNITIES Technical specialist taking a measurement Precision mechanical engineering 50,000 M2 to SHAPe yOur fuTure The high-tech site Brühl offers unique advantages in terms of location for your company and almost infinite opportunities for development. The site welcomes both small and large high- tech companies which are looking for the GMP environment and the proximity to the Pharmapark Siegfried or the compa- nies from the mechanical engineering and information and communication technology sectors in the immediate vicinity. Overhead transportation system Thanks to the Hightech Zentrum Aargau, companies can take advantage of innovation funding, support, and consultancy. Along with these top-class framework conditions and the attractive neighborhood, service-oriented public authorities ensure quick decision-making. 6 50,000 M² fOr YOUR NeW STrateGy usable area of the high-tech site Brühl Stage-By-stage develOPMeNT uSAGe PlAN ANd PlANNiNG PerMiSSiON The high-tech site Brühl is owned by the city of Zofingen and The available parcels are subject to the construction and comprises several parcels of land. Around 35,000 m2 surface usage ordinance (BNO) of the city of Zofingen. This allows area are immediately available in the first stage. An additional a maximum construction height of 20 m and requires a mini- 12,250 m2 can be used by agreement. An additional 5,000 m2 mum distance of 4 m from the boundary. Planning permission will become available in the second stage, starting in 2022. processes including public disclosure require two months, Moreover, the city of Zofingen as proprietor owns expansion provided that the documents submitted are complete and the reserves of 9,000 m2. The areas can be purchased as a whole plans meet the zoning requirements. or in part. Sub-parcels are available starting at 8,000 m2. PRICE MAiN TrANSPOrT iNfrASTrucTure Sale prices are subject to negotiation. The main traffic access point is the Untere Brühlstrasse. The A1 Oftringen freeway connection is located just 3 km away. The site can be accessed by public transport. 7 SITE Possible uses of the infrastructure SUBSOIL exiSTiNG iNfrASTrucTure AvAilABle fOr uSe The site is located on level terrain, with the subsoil compris- In addition to the site's own infrastructure, there is opportunity ing sediment of normally consolidated and uncemented gravel to use the existing infrastructure and services of the surround- and sand and/or morainal material that is over 30 meters thick. ing companies. There is no contamination on the site and the flooding and earthquake risk is minimal. These include: Energy (electricity, steam, water, compressed air) MediA iNfrASTucTure Of THe SiTe Operating resources (cooling water, nitrogen, oxygen, acet- Water supply (drinking water) with Ø 200 mm ylene) Sewage with Ø 400 –1000 mm Disposal (wastewater, exhaust air and hazardous chemical Electricity 16 kV and pharmaceutical waste products) Natural gas 5 bar Safety (company fire brigade, medical care, property pro- Telecommunications tection service, access control, alarm center) Maintenance (buildings, machines and systems) Services (compliance services, inspections, audits, etc.) Administration (finance, HR, general administration, meet- ing rooms, buildings, personnel restaurant) Additional services (laboratory service, logistic services, technical services, access to external companies) The neighboring companies are prepared if necessary to establish jointly usable infrastructures and services. 8 KontakT Aargau Services legal notice Economic Promotion Published by: Department of Economic and Interior Affairs Sabina erny Aargau Services Economic Promotion Project Manager Rain 53, 5001 Aarau, Switzerland www.aargauservices.ch Site development www.wf-oftringen-zofingen.ch Rain 53 5001 Aarau Tel.: +41 62 835 19 66 Layout and design: E-Mail: [email protected] www.reimanndesign.ch Photo credits: The photos used in this document were pro- vided by Aargau Tourismus, Canton Aargau, kasto / fotolia, Müller Martini, Siegfried AG, City of Zofingen and Economic Promotion Oftringen Zofingen. © 2016, Kanton Aargau.
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