cmyk cmyk cmyk Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk, New , August 3: his bodyhome. are beingmadetosend formed andpreparations family havebeenin- Indian Embassyandhis lift visarestrictions.The to Beijing'sreluctance dia unabletoreturndue home werestuckinIn- students wholeftfor the 23,000Indianodd pandemic whilemostof break ofthecoronavirus in China students whoremained was oneofthefewIndian Studies University. He at theTianjinForeign Business Administration July 29.Hewaspursuing Bihar wasfounddeadon 20, hailedfromGayain Nagsen, deceased Aman way. As perreports,the investigation isunder- to beascertainedandan cause ofhisdeathisyet dead inhisroom.The sity inTianjinwasfound ing ataChineseuniver- An Indianstudentstudy- Government. initiated bythe Assam nomic blockadehasbeen stressed thatnoeco- Ashok Singhalhad velopment Minister tion theStateUrbanDe- called thatinthisconnec- Aizawl.It maybealsore- Lengpui airportin from Silcharairportto kilogrammes ofgoods SpiceJet carried3711 the commercialairlines reports, acargoflightof staging protests.Asper been blockedbypeople then thehighwayhas Mizoram border. Since along the Assam- jured atLailapurinCachar sonnel andleftseveralin- the livesofsixpoliceper- volving crossfireclaimed July 26aviolentclashin- airport onMonday.On into MizoramfromSilchar consignment wasflown Highway 306,acargo blockade onNational an indefiniteeconomic and Mizoramthatledto tension between Assam Amid theongoingborder cal singer. the 1970sasaclassi- her careerinsinging Kalyani Menonbegan Tuesday afternoon. city's BesantNagaron would takeplaceinthe rites andcremation sources added.Thelast breat pital herewhereshe ately rushedtothehos- stroke andwasi veloped symptomsof tute, RajivMenon,de- Mindscreen FilmInsti- director andfounderof mother ofnotedcinema 80.K family said.Shewas sources closetoher age-related illness, private hospitaldueto away onMondayata Kalyani Menonpassed Noted playbacksinger IN BRIEF Singer Kalyani Student found dead inChina Consignment N Menon died hed herlast,the alyani Menon, Cargo despite theout- EWS mmedi- Assam-Mizoram border The agreementonPP17A government sourcessaid. areas remainintheregion, even thoughotherfriction point ineasternLadakh disengage atakeypatrol have agreedinprincipleto six months,IndiaandChina der talksthatlastednearly Ending thestalemateinbor- Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk ily Welfareon Tuesday Ministry ofHealthandFam- tions, asperthedataby corded 30,549newinfec- COVID-19 casesandre- in thedailynumberof Indiasawadrasticdecline Monday.Informing about to his Assam counterparton dashed offtheWTmessage Mizoram.Vanlalngaihsaka stranded in Assam toenter ments forthevehicles request tomakearrange- partment of Assam witha secretary tothehomede- to thecommissionerand Vanlalngaihsaka haswritten Mizoram homesecretary Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk amicable resolution,Iam pute. "…inaidofanearly resolve theboundarydis- between thetwostatesto on August 5toinitiatetalks Singhal willarriveat Aizawl ters Atul Boraand Ashok on Monday. Assam minis- ister HimantaBiswaSarma formed by Assam chiefmin- big developmentwasin- the issueon August 5. This terial leveldiscussionon Mizoram willsitforaminis- state border, Assam and tensions alongtheinter- In abidtode-escalatethe New Delhi New Delhi Mizoram requests Assam tomake arrangements records 30,549newinfections seesadrasticdeclinein to disengagefroma standoff row: Ministeriallevel India, Chinaagree key patrolpoint daily COVID-19cases, talks on August 5 Shishov missinginKyiv... Belarus exilegroupleaderVitaly Border Tensionswith Defuse Assam , , August 3: August 3: Vol. No. VI for strandedvehiclestoenterstate IssueNo.170 Demands Inter-State BorderPolicy CONTINUED TO CONTINUED PAGE TO 6 has agreedtostepback border.Sources saidChina of theChushul-Moldo was heldontheIndianside month standoffinLadakh, sures toresolvethe15- was partofaseriesmea- day. The meeting, which mander-level talksSatur- 12th roundofCorpsCom- was reachedduringthe this regardduringtheon- Daimary totakeinitiativein quested SpeakerBiswajit der policyin Assam andre- manded aninter-statebor- Akhil GogoiMondayde- Assam IndependentMLA Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO for 21, 5 Aug, on to Aizawl and @TheAshokSinghal leagues, @ATULBORA2 sending mycabinetcol- CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO to benotedthatIndiahad 4,13,718 onMonday.This is 4,04,958, ascomparedto has nowdroppedto active coronaviruscount stands at4,25,195.India's whereas, thedeathtoll creased to3,17,26,507, number ofcaseshasin- hours. With this,thetotal recoveries inthelast24 related deathsand38,887 reported 422coronavirus- informed thatthecountry The HealthMinistryalso (August 3,2021)morning. and publicrelationsof partment ofinformation the WTmessage,de- Sivsagar MLA Akhil Gogoi RNI-ASSENG/2014/58385|GUWAHATI manage ourboundaries ter-state borderpolicyto is anurgentneedforin- state andMizoram."There between policeforcesofthe edented deadlygunfight were killedinanunprec- six Assam Policepersonnel, seven persons,including Cachar district,where visited troubledLailapurin led byDaimarythathad delegation party Assembly Gogoi waspartoftheall- going budgetsession. tion oftheprogramme. the auspiciousinaugura- Minister Dr. Sarmamarked Govinda Baruah,Chief the statueofRadha lighting acandleinfrontof Himanta BiswaSarma.By pated byChiefMinisterDr. candle whichwaspartici- in theNehruStadiumtolit programme wasorganised pray fortheboxer, a pic final.Inanattemptto berth forthehistoricOlym- final tomorrowtosecureher would boutintheseminal years ofOlympicGames, medal inthehistoryof125 first Assamese tosecurea boxer whohasbecomethe Lovlina Borgohaintheace Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk of drivers,passengersand giving assurancetosafety vehicles toenterMizoram, rangements forstranded terpart in Assam tomakear- Mizoram writestohiscoun- tweeted: "HomeSecretary, Mizoram onTuesday Covid-19: ThemysteryofrisinginfectionsinIndia's Kerala first Covid-19caseina Kerala reportedIndia's ond wave.InJanuary2020, waning ofthedeadlysec- the state,monthsafter cases continuetorisein Pandey reportonwhy Soutik Biswasand Vikas infections. TheBBC's country's newCovid-19 more thanhalfofthe of Keralaaccountsfor The southernIndianstate New Delhi Assam CMDr. Sarmaparticipatesinaprogramme , August 3: 02 organised toprayforLovlina Borgohain brought downitscase grassroots networks,Kerala isolate andinvolving playbook oftest,traceand to thecontagioncontrol ern state.Stickingfaithfully than thepicturesquesouth- were reportingmorecases ever, halfadozenstates a hotspot.ByMarch,how- rose steadilyanditbecame began.The numberofcases China, wherethepandemic turned from Wuhan, in medical studentwhore- CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO should becarriedoutac all developmentalwork should havearoadmapand the borderareas,policy day-to-day operationsof press conferencehere.For session," Gogoisaidata policy duringtheongoing tiative inpreparingthe bly Speakertotaketheini- states. Irequestthe Assem- with theneighbouring semi finaltobeplayedon Lovlina Borgohainforthe said thatforwishing Chief MinisterDr. Sarma Later talkingtothemedia, sage reads.Mizoramhealth Mizoram," theWTmes- their vehicleswithin drivers, passengersand safety andsecurityofall gives itsassuranceforthe Government ofMizoram problem in Assam.""The without anylawandorder their entryintoMizoram immediately forenabling necessary arrangements this regard,kindlymakeall Mizoram withoutdelay.""In 26.7.2021 wanttoenter on NH-306atLailapursince which havebeenstranded hicles boundforMizoram message said:"Theve- home secretaryintheWT Mizoram."The Mizoram vehicles within WDEDY WEDNESDAY resolved withMHAhelp:NagalandCM historic Olympicsweightlifting... Britain's EmilyCampbellwins Border disputewith Assam canbe AUGUST 04,2021|PAGES 8 and protectPatbaushiSatra:CM CONTINUED TO CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO country.With barely3%of in otherpartsofthe even asthepandemicwanes show nosignsofabating wave thissummer. And they during thedeadlysecond low.Infections rosefaster ficial deathcountremained spread ofinfection.Theof- managed tocontrolthe was protracted,butKerala the curve.Thefirstwave about thestateflattening were breathlessstories count drastically. There sions alongtheinter-state der tode-escalatetheten- in Assam.Meanwhile, inor- in theBarak Valley region imposition oftheblockade Mizoram stateduetothe are preventedfromentering including Covid19testkits, ments ofmedicalsupplies, letter allegedthatconsign- state.Lalthangliana inhis health crisisinthe and preventimminent leged blockadein Assam terventions tolifttheal- Mandavya seekingtheirin- health ministerMansuk Amit ShahandUnion to UnionHomeMinister on Mondaywrotealetter minister Dr. RLalthangliana state assembly, Riosaidhe the monsoonsessionof an MLAonthefirstdayof Responding toaqueryby there. After knowingthat committees anddevotees satradhikar, management teracted withthe Gurjona inthesatraandin- spected thememorabiliaof Srimanta Sankardev. Hein- workplace ofGurujona Barpeta, whichwasthe the PatbaushiSatrain Biswa Sarmatodayvisited Chief MinisterDr.Himanta Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk Guwahati, August 3: Assam RisingNewsDesk CM visitsPatbaushiSatrainBarpeta Steps willbetakentopreserve PRICERS.7.00 cases.The reproduction more thanhalfofIndia'snew has beenaccountingfor India's population,Kerala produced someofhisbest Patbaushi Satrawherehe months ofhislifeat spent 18yearsand6 birthplace wasBardowa, said thatGurujona,whose there, theChiefMinister talking tothenewsmen from CM’s relieffund.Later for hismedicaltreatment over achequeofRs1lakh the ChiefMinisterhanded fering fromcriticalillness, of thesatrahasbeensuf- ‘pathak’ KamalakantaDas said theborderissuebe- Neiphiu RioonTuesday areaNagaland chiefminister peace inthedisputed Sarma onhowtomaintain counterpart HimantaBiswa recently spoketohis Assam New Delhi boxer MCMaryKom, tive sessionwithiconic had heldavirtualinterac- the luckgoodluck,Modi action withthem.Wishing dence andhaveaninter- tingent overtohisresi- who arepartofthecon- also invitealltheathletes around thattime.Modiwill interact withallofthem meet withtheathletesand He willalsopersonally sources haveconfirmed. August 15thisyear, dependence Dayeventon special guestsfortheIn- gent totheRedFortas Indian Olympicscontin- Modi willinvitetheentire Prime MinisterNarendra special gueststoRedFort PM ModitoinviteIndian Olympics contingentas on IndependenceDay , August 3: CONTINUED TO CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO ability tospreadandesti- which explainsadisease's number ofthevirus- CONTINUED TO CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO of theGames.Healsosaid bold andconfidentahead new Indiasaidtheylook athletes areflectionof Tokyo.He hadcalledthe before theyleftfor Kamal player ASharath veteran tabletennis Elavenil Valarivanand Saurabh Chaudhary, Sindhu, talentedshooters badminton acePV NaruwaSatra Debananda Patowary, Satradhikarof Minister ChandraMohan Industry andCommerce cabinet meeting,hesaid. would beapprovedinthe Patbaushi Satrawhich to preserveandprotect steps wouldalsobetaken place BatadravaThanand ment ofGurujona’s birth- been startedfordevelop- mega projecthasalready and immortalcreations. A CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO People's FrontMLAonthe to aquerybyNaga home ministry.Responding supervision oftheUnion can beresolvedwithclose tween Nagalandand Assam CONTINUED PAGE 6 TO present ontheoccasion. sports enthusiastswere and Olympic Association eral office bearersof Assam ter JogenMohanandsev- saster ManagementMinis- Singhal, RevenueandDi- velopment Minister Ashok Pijush Hazarika,UrbanDe- lic RelationsMinister Bora, InformationandPub- Welfare MinisterBimal Lovlina. Sportsand Youth lit alampinthemorningfor body prayforLovlinaand He alsoappealedtoevery- programme wasorganised. praying forher, the Wednesday at11 amand 07

cmyk cmyk cmyk 2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 NATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL Belarus exile group leader Vitaly Shishov missing in Kyiv, police say while jogging recently, journalists.Her husband, human rights organisation Arseny Zdanevich, told Vyasna said on AFP he had fled from Telegram.Ukraine, Poland Belarus to Ukraine and was and Lithuania have become hoping to join his wife "in safe havens for Belarusians the near future". during a violent crackdown Lukashenko and his son by president Alexander Viktor have been banned Lukashenko since disputed from Olympic events over elections last year.BDU the targeting of athletes helps Belarusians find for their political accommodation, jobs and views.The president London, August 3 : The Ukrainian police force legal advice, according to sparked international activist failed to return from said.Vitaly Shishov, the its website. In a separate outrage in May by a run as authorities appear head of Belarusian House statement, the organisation dispatching a fighter jet to to further crack down on in Ukraine (BDU), was said it was not able to intercept a Ryanair plane dissent in the reported missing by his contact Shishov.Shishov's flying from Greece to Lithuania in order to arrest countryDemonstrators partner, police said on disappearance comes as People visit Davis Family Farm during the Sunflower Festival in Caledon, Ontario, Canada a dissident onboard. wave historical Belarus Monday."We will Belarusian athlete opposition flags, investigate, until there is Krystsina Tsimanouskaya demanding the European information about what said she was forced to Matt Damon denies using Union impose economic happened to him. The withdraw from the Tokyo sanctions against statement by his partner Olympics and threatened Belarusian president has been registered. The with forced repatriation for homophobic slur 'in personal life' Alexander Lukashenko, at partner said that he went for criticising her athletics protest on the Polish- a run and did not return, federation on social New York, August 3 : Matt Oscar-winning director, said 50, who won an Academy prompted concerns over his convicted of murdering her Belarusian border in June disappeared," the police media.The sprinter, who Damon has reportedly in a tweet: "So Matt Damon Award in 1998 for Good Will views on homosexuality. In a friend.The Guardian's film 2021 The head of a Kyiv- spokesperson said by was granted a humanitarian denied using a well-known just figured out 'months ago', Hunting, and his wife, 2015 interview in the critic Peter Bradshaw gave it based non-profit phone.Police and visa from Poland on homophobic slur "in his by way of a 'treatise' from a Luciana, have four daughters Guardian, he said he thought one star out of five, saying organisation that helps volunteers had mounted a Monday, said she feared personal life", after being child, that he's not supposed ranging in age from 10 to 23. gay actors were better that Damon was "woefully Belarusians fleeing search of the area where he being jailed if she returned widely criticized for revealing to say the word f*ggot. It is not clear from the Times performers if they kept quiet miscast" and that the movie persecution has been went running but had failed to her country, where the in a recent interview that he Months ago. Months interview which of them about their private lives, was "a muddled, tonally reported missing after not to locate him.Friends of authorities have targeted "retired" the term after his ago."The actor later gave a wrote him the letter.In comments he later claimed misjudged, badly acted, returning from his morning Shishov said he had been the president's opponents, daughter told him it was statement to Variety, claiming another tweet, Ben O'Keefe, were "misconstrued," during uncertainly directed and run, a spokesperson for the followed by "strangers" rights activists and unacceptable.The Oscar- he had never used the slur in head of diversity and impact an appearance on the US frankly dubious drama, winning actor had told the his "personal life" and development at the digital television show Ellen."I was something that falls into the Sunday Times that the word saying the the Sunday Times film studio CreatorPlus, called just trying to say actors are so-bad-it's-bad Turkey appeals for help "was commonly used when interview "led many to the Sunday Times article more effective when they're bracket."Amanda Knox, an I was a kid, with a different assume the worst"."I "such a weird a mystery. Right?" he told the American convicted and later application".He said his explained that that word was interview"."Matt Damon host, Ellen acquitted of murdering the to fight wildfires as daughter had taken him to used constantly and casually reveals he JUST recently DeGeneres."Somebody British student Meredith task after he used the word and was even a line of stopped using the word […] picked it up and said I said Kercher while both were in a joke "months ago". "She dialogue in a movie of mine as a slur after his daughter gay actors should get back studying in Italy in 2007, has heatwave continues went to her room and wrote a as recently as 2003," Damon forced his hand…like what?" in the closet. It's stupid, but claimed the movie's writer and Pescara , August 3 : Turkey much of southern Europe, have been wounded, 30 more very long, beautiful treatise told Variety. "[My daughter] O'Keefe wrote.The episode it is painful when things get director, Tom McCathy, had has launched an international including Greece, Spain and treated for light smoke on how that word is in turn expressed incredulity was trending on Twitter on said that you don't believe. "rip[ped] off my story appeal for help in taming fires Italy, with temperatures rising inhalation, and holidaymakers dangerous. I said, 'I retire the that there could ever have Monday morning, with And then it gets represented without my consent at the raging across the country that above 40C (104F), forcing evacuated after wildfires f-slur!' I understood," he said been a time where that word numerous other users that that's what you expense of my reputation". in the interview.Damon, who was used unthinkingly. To mocking or criticizing the believe."The actor is have killed eight people in hundreds to evacuate. devastated a pine wood near Spanish cave art recent days, as what has been Temperatures reached 45C a beach in Pescara, Italy. The in 2017 apologized for saying my admiration and pride, she actor for his currently promoting the described as one of the worst (113 F) in Greece, which is country has recorded more sexual assault was "a was extremely articulate comments.Stonewall, the movie Stillwater, released at was made by heatwaves in decades using old power stations to than 800 wildfires, according spectrum of behavior" after about the extent to which LGBTQ+ rights charity in the the weekend to mixed Neanderthals, intensifies in south-east cope with demand for air to authorities, the majority in a similar outcry, has faced that word would have been UK, describes the word as a reviews. Damon plays an study confirms Europe.Following criticism of conditioning. Workers with Sicily, with hundreds of criticism from LGBTQ+ painful to someone in the homophobic slur and among American father attempting activists over the Times LGBTQ+ community the many "terms of abuse" to secure his daughter's Madrid , August 3 : the Turkish president, Recep health conditions have also tourists and inhabitants Neanderthals, long Tayyip Erdo?an, after it been allowed to take time off evacuated from their homes interview.Travon Free, the regardless of how culturally still commonly used.It is not release from incarceration in bisexual comedian, actor and normalized it was."Damon, the first time that Damon has France, where she has been perceived to have emerged that Turkey has no work.A major blaze broke out after a series of wildfires been unsophisticated firefighting planes, authorities early on Saturday near Patras broke out in Palermo and and brutish, really did in Istanbul were promised in western Greece and five Catania."We have had Princess Latifa campaigner had 'phone paint stalagmites in a water-dropping planes from villages have been difficult years in our history Spanish cave more the European Union. The evacuated. Eight people in in the fight against than 60,000 years ago, country is battling deadly the region were hospitalised wildfires, but this year is compromised by Pegasus spyware' according to a study wildfires along its coastline with burns and respiratory likely to be the worst," said published on London , August 3 : A British were later released by the for a sixth day.Nearly 95,000 problems.Cyprus, Fabrizio Curcio, head of Monday.The issue had human rights campaigner Free Latifa campaign to hectares have been recovering from a major Italy's civil protection. roiled the world of and lawyer who was BBC Panorama in February, devastated by the flames so wildfire last month, has kept "About 33% of the distress paleoarchaeology ever fighting to free Dubai's including one in which the far this year, compared with water-dropping planes on calls were launched in the since the publication of Princess Latifa had his princess says: "The police an average of 13,516 at the patrol to respond to fires as last week alone."Dann a 2018 paper mobile phone compromised threatened me that I'll be in same point in the years from they break out. "If you don't Mitchell, a professor of attributing red ocher by Pegasus spyware on 3 prison my whole life and I'll 2008 to 2020. Turkey's react right away with a climate science at the pigment found on the and 4 August 2020, never see the sun defence ministry released massive response to any University of Bristol, told stalagmitic dome of according to a forensic again."Haigh said he satellite images showing the outbreak, things can turn AP that the heatwave in Cueva de Ardales to analysis carried out by believed the attack extent of the damage, with difficult quickly," forestry south-east Europe "is not at our extinct "cousin" Amnestyamounted to "state- forest areas turned black and service chief Charalambos all unexpected, and very likely species.The dating International.David Haigh sponsored harassment" smoke still visible.Wildfires Alexandrou told state-run enhanced due to human- suggested the art was is the first confirmed British and called on the UK have also broken out across media.At least five people induced climate change". at least 64,800 years victim of infiltration by government to investigate have access to the data of on an analysis of the data, old, made at a time Pegasus software, an attack "all use of Pegasus software its government customers. It but they cover the period when modern humans suspected to have been on British soil". The did not respond directly to 2017 to 2019. Haigh's phone did not inhabit the ordered by Dubai, because campaigner has also the alleged compromise of was targeted using Pegasus continent.But the of his connection with the reported the incident to Haigh's phone, but said in a a year after that.A number finding was 35-year-old princess, a Devon and Cornwall police, statement it would belonging to Princess Haya, contentious, and "a daughter of the emirate's where he lives, and the "thoroughly investigate and eight of her associates, scientific article said ruler, Sheikh Mohammed, force has begun any credible proof of misuse including a member of her that perhaps these and the Free Latifa investigating. Dubai did not of its technologies".A legal team, do appear on the pigments were a campaign of which he was respond to a request for leaked list of 50,000 phone leaked list. Sheikh natural thing", a result part.At the time his phone comment on the targeting of numbers that, since 2016, are Mohammed "emphatically of iron oxide flow, was compromised, Haigh Haigh's device. But last believed to have been denies" having selected for Francesco d'Errico, had been helping the legal week the United Arab selected as those of people potential surveillance the co-author of a new team of Princess Haya, a Emirates, the federation of of interest by government persons listed, or having paper in the journal wife of the sheikh, who is which Dubai is part, said clients of NSO contains instructed others to do PNAS, told .A new embroiled in a battle with claims that it had ordered numbers for journalists, so.Haigh became a human analysis revealed the the ruler of Dubai in the any hacking were human rights campaigners rights campaigner focused composition and English courts over the false."The allegations made and political on the Gulf, and particular placement of the custody of their young by recent press reports leaders.Forbidden Stories, a the UAE after becoming pigments were not children.Haya's own legal claiming that the UAE is Paris-based nonprofit embroiled in a bitter legal consistent with natural team were arguing, in part, amongst a number of journalism organisation, and battle. He was found guilty processes - rather, the that Sheikh Mohammed's countries accused of Amnesty International by a Dubai court in 2015 of pigments were applied treatment of Latifa meant alleged surveillance initially had access to the list embezzling nearly £4m from through splattering that he should not be targeting of journalists and and shared access with 16 GFH Capital, a Middle East and blowing.What's allowed to take control of individuals have no media organisations private equity firm that had more, their texture did the children. The case in the evidentiary basis and are including the Guardian. The owned Leeds United, a not match natural family courts is categorically false," a consortium believes the data charge he has always samples taken from continuing.Haigh, 43, said statement from the indicates the potential denied.The Briton spent the caves, suggesting he was "horrified" by the country's foreign ministry targets that NSO's nearly two years in jail in the pigments came idea his phone had been said.Pegasus, made by NSO government clients Dubai both before and after from an external targeted, which he said Group of Israel, is powerful identified in advance of the conviction, where he source.More detailed came a few days after a year surveillance spyware that possible surveillance. said he was raped and dating showed that the and a half of secret the company says is Following the leak, the repeatedly tortured and pigments were applied smartphone contact with licensed only to company has come under abused, claims accepted as at different points in Latifa, then held under governments, to fight investigation in its home truthful by a Scottish court time, separated by house arrest in Dubai, had terrorism and serious and country - although several in 2017. Last year, Haigh was more than 10,000 been suddenly lost.The organised crime. It can steal governments as well as the ordered to repay the money years.This "supports phone, Haigh said, and even delete the UAE have denied misuse of in an English court, but he the hypothesis that the contained dozens of contents from a mobile - or the technology.The number was declared bankrupt last Neanderthals came on messages and videos from turn on the microphone or used by Haigh last August August, although it is due several occasions, over Latifa, who had obtained a camera covertly to act as a does not appear on the list, to be discharged this several thousand years, phone and made recordings surveillance device.NSO although the time periods week.It has not yet been to mark the cave with from her bathroom, the only Group said it was "a appear different. More than possible to determine who pigments", said room where she could lock technology company" and 400 of the British numbers ordered the Pegasus d'Errico, of the A medical worker takes a swab sample from a child for nucleic acid test in the door.Some of the films, that it did not operate the listed have been linked to intrusion of Haigh's phone University of Bordeaux. Zhengzhou, central China's Henan Province which described her plight, Pegasus system or routinely Dubai and the UAE, based from the Amnesty analysis. STATE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 3 Chief Minister Dr. Sarma takes stock of the progress of Jal Jeevan Mission . Asks Mission Director to implement the mission in a time bound manner . Asks APDCL to connect un-electrified Anganwadi Centres and LP Schools to ensure functional tap connections

Guwahati, August 3: Chief implementation of the Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa mission to give pure Locals demands Service Sarma held a virtual meet- drinking water to all vil- ing to review implementa- lagers. Dr. Sarma also tion of functional house- asked the DCs to coordi- Road from Gurudwara to hold tap connections under nate with APDCL to con- Jal Jeevan Mission in pres- nect the un-electrified ence of PHE Minister Anganwadi Centres and Railway Station in Hojai Ranjeet Dass at his office Lower Primary Schools Hojai, August 3: Residents having tough time. Locals night the area remains in total in Janata Bhawan today. with electricity for func- of Ward no. 4 under Hojai said "In the year 2017 the darkness, the miscreants may During the meeting, Dr. tional tap connections to Municipal Board in Hojai work of the flyover bridge take the advantage of this Sarma reviewed the status give all the children pure the people with 1.25 tap wa- areas.Minister for Public bound manner. Additional are having a miserable time began, since then we are darkness during wee hours in of implementation of Jal and healthy drinking wa- ter connections as against Health Engineering Chief Secretary Syedain owing to the dilapidated suffering, there is even no order to commit illegal activi- Jeevan Mission in different ter. Moreover, for the fast 90 thousand fixed for the Ranjeet Dass also stated Abbasi, Principal Secretary to conditions of the station service road, during emer- ties. After our repeated com- districts and directed the and efficient implementa- month of July, Dr. Sarma that since there is no the Chief Minister Samir road.This bad condition of gency no ambulance or fire plaints to concerned authori- Mission Director Akash tion of the Mission, new said that such kind of ac- dearth of fund for the Kumar Sinha, Mission Direc- the station road is testing brigade can reach here." ties, no concrete steps have Deep to complete imple- PHE divisions to be cre- tivism is required to mission, the DCs should tor Jal Jeevan Mission Akash their patience along with They said along with this been taken. They have de- mentation of the Mission in ated in the districts, Dr. achieve the overall target give immense importance Deep other senior officers from ongoing commuters. Nota- there is no proper drainage manded the local MLA a time bound manner. He Sarma added. Hailing the of reaching out all house- for the implementation of APDCL and PHE were present bly, a stretch of two hun- system, which gives rise to Ramkrishna Ghosh and con- also asked him to accord top DCs for reaching out to holds in the rural the mission in a time at the meeting. dred meter from Gurudwara water logging problems in cerned authorities to provide priority for functional to railway Station (both the rainy season, also the them relief from this misery household tap connections One Act sides) where construction culvert slabs are almost and at least till the fly over in the tea garden areas by Locals demands Service of flyover bridge is going damaged which are com- bridge works get complete, a December. He also asked Play Com- on, at Newmarket in Hojai pletely unsafe. They further service road should be devel- the Deputy Commissioners is in woeful condition, due said this area has no oped along with street lights (DCs) to visit the tea gar- Road from Gurudwara to petition to which local people are streetlight too, the whole at the earliest. den areas for effective Railway Station in Hojai Among Go For Gold Lovlina: The Hojai, August 3: Resi- people are having tough ness, the miscreants may Teenagers dents of Ward no. 4 un- time. Locals said "In the take the advantage of Golaghat, Aug 3: To mark der Hojai Municipal year 2017 the work of the this darkness during wee the occasion of 75 th In- Byatikaram Group Wishes Luck To Board in Hojai are hav- flyover bridge began, since hours in order to commit dependence Day ing a miserable time ow- then we are suffering, there illegal activities. After Golaghat Amateur The- ing to the dilapidated is even no service road, our repeated complaints atre Society is going to Lovlina Borgohain With A Car Rally conditions of the station during emergency no am- to concerned authorities, organise a One Act Play Guwahati, August 3: The road.This bad condition bulance or fire brigade can no concrete steps have Competition among teen- Byatikarm Group on 3rd, of the station road is test- reach here." They said been taken. They have agers. This state level August Tuesday organized ing their patience along along with this there is no demanded the local play will be based on free- a car rally titled "Go For with ongoing commuters. proper drainage system, MLA Ramkrishna dom fighters who had Gold Lovlina Borgohain" to Notably, a stretch of two which gives rise to water Ghosh and concerned fought and sacrificed support and generate best hundred meter from logging problems in the authorities to provide their lives to make our wishes for Assam's Pugilist Gurudwara to railway rainy season, also the cul- them relief from this mis- country independent. Lovlina Borgohain started Station (both sides) vert slabs are almost dam- ery and at least till the The participants will from Hotel Landmark, B where construction of aged which are completely fly over bridge works have to perform a solo act Barooah Road, Guwahati flyover bridge is going unsafe. They further said get complete, a service where characters of dif- from 8 AM onwards cover- on, at Newmarket in this area has no streetlight road should be devel- ferent freedom fighters of ing the prime locations of Hojai is in woeful condi- too, the whole night the oped along with street our country will be Guwahati city ahead of her tion, due to which local area remains in total dark- lights at the earliest. played in their act. Each bouts in the ongoing Tokyo Act will have to be per- Olympics 2020. The cam- Independence Day formed within four min- paign was attended by the utes and later the videos eminent personalities such will have to be sent to as Regional Director of In- Golaghat Amateur The- dia tourism North East, Preparations Meeting Held atre Society authorities Sankha Subhra Devbarman, Golaghat, Aug 3: Today citizens of Golaghat were cultural events in the In- through What's App. MLA and Former President a meeting was held at the present. DC Mrigesh dependence Day pro- Students from sixth to of Asom Sahitya Sabha Dr. Conference Hall of the Narayan Baruah in the gram due to the ongoing eighth grade can take Paramananda Rajbongshi, Women Entrepreneur rector of India tourism North Tokyo Games. Lovlina will office of the Deputy meeting stated that the Covid pandemic situa- part in this competition. Former IAS Officer Darshana Sengupta, East, Sankha Subhra now face the top-seeded Commissioner of upcoming Independence tion. However, an online The videos should reach Swapnanil Barua, Former Prasenjit Ganguly and Devbarman shared " Lovlina, boxer from Turkey Busenaz Golaghat regarding Day program will be ob- essay competition will be by August 11 and the re- IAS Officer Rajiv Prakash many others took part in the not only made the state proud Surmeneli on August 4. A preparations for observa- served following all the organised. In the meet- sults will be declared on Baruah, Eminent singer Dr. car rally. The founder of but also the whole nation by win in the semi-final will tion of the upcoming In- Covid protocols. Senior ing DDC Orpah Baglary, August 14. Winners will Sangita Kakati, Assistant Byatikram Group, Dr. qualifying for the Olympic make her the most success- dependence Day program citizens who have already CEO of Golaghat Zila be awarded with cash High Commissioner of Saumen Bharatiya, said, medals and this itself is a mo- ful Indian boxer at the in Golaghat. The meeting jabbed with both doses of Parishad Dhiraj Das, Su- prizes and e certificates. Bangladesh in Guwahati Dr. "This is an attempt to sup- ment to cherish". Lovlina was Olympics. The goodwill was presided over by Covid vaccine can only at- perintendent of Police Dr Competitors should sent Shah Mohammad Tanvir port and cheer for our up against Nien-Chin Chen in campaign was an initiative Deputy Commissioner of tend the Independence Robin Kumar, Second in unedited videos of their Mansur, Chairman of MJI daughter. We hope that the her quarterfinal bout. She had of Byatikram Group, Pow- Golaghat Mrigesh Day program, Baruah Command of the 142 Bn performance to the num- Group Dr. Jehirul Islam, Di- prayers and support of the lost to the Chinese Taipei ered by Dalmia Bharat Ce- Narayan Baruah where added. Further he said of the CRPF Neeraj bers 9401116133, rector of MJI Group people of Assam will make boxer in her previous four ment & MJI Group, spon- officials from police that this time the adminis- Kumar Singh along with 9435615136 and Pakeezah Rahman, Senior her win medals. Our best meetings but the Indian pro- sored by India Tourism, force, para military force, tration will felicitate and heads of different depart- 9435150920. Golaghat Journalist Debajit Bhuyan, wishes for her upcoming duced a fine display and got Guwahati, supported by representatives of vari- honor four freedom fight- ments and officials from Amateur Theatre Society Secretary of Assam Sahitya bouts." Supporting the the win to assure herself at The Illumis Clinic & PHD ous non government or- ers from Golaghat in their district administration Administrative Secretary Sabha Chandan Sharma, campaign, the Regional Di- least a bronze medal at the Chamber of Commerce. ganizations and eminent homes. There will be no were present . Dipmoni Khatoniar and Cultural Secretary Nilofar Mahtabi have sought ac- Indian Railways registers highest Poets Muzammil Sikdar tive participation from the students and co-opera- ever Freight loading in July, 2021 tion from all . . 112.72 MT freight loading in July, 2021 achieved and Farida Yasmin's poetry . NFR register 16.44% increase in freight loading in July, 2021 compared to last year book released . IR continues to register highest freight loading for last 11 months since September, 2020 Barpeta Road, August 3: TThe Manaspariya (7.89%), * Container 1.33 mil- Press Guild of Barpeta lion tonnes (28.36%), * Bal- celebrated its founda- ance other goods 1.11 million tion day today. The tonnes (13.34%). With freight guild's new office are loading of 451.97 million open, the website was tonnes in current fiscal 2021- unveiled, the Poets' 22 as against 336.74 up to July Conference namely 2020, Indian Railways has also ‘Grshmot Kobitar Amez’ Guwahati, August 03 : and as against 95.18 million achieved highest ever cumu- and book released in line Continuing the momentum, tonnes in July, 2020. In N. F. lative incremental freight load- with the foundation day. Indian Railways has regis- Railway, freight loading dur- ing of 115.23 million tonnes i.e President Majharul Is- tered stupendous freight ing the month of July, 2021 34.22% over same period last lam hoisted the guild loading performance in July was 0.85 million tonnes as year 2020-21. NFR has flag followed by swach 2021 by achieving yet again against 0.73 million tonnes in achieved 3.23 million tonnes abhiyan. The forest of- highest ever freight loading July, 2020 (an increase of 16.44% cumulative freight loading dur- ficer of Bashbari Range in the month which has con- over July, 2020). IR registered ing 2021-22 up to July, 2021 as of Manas National Park namely Grishmot 'Chitar Jui' and Farida ture researcher, bud- tinued for last 11 months major incremental growth over against 2.25 million tonnes i.e. Babul Brahma planted Kobitar Amez' was Yasmin's second collec- ding poet Nuruzzaman since September 2020. Indian same month last year in- * Coal 43.69% over same period last saplings and opened the held and presided by tion of poems, 'Rang Bihin Haque, Bahadur Islam, Railways has achieved high- 9.31 million tonnes (23.47%), * year 2020-21. In cumulative per- door of the new office. the President Uthjuri' released by Dr Sabita Begum, Qazi est ever incremental freight Cement sector 2.31 million formance major growth has Opening the door, Mazharul Islam and Hafiz Ahmed, President, Neel, Minhaj Uddin loading of 17.54 million tonnes(26.71%), * Steel 0.45 mil- been registered over same pe- Brahma made important hosted by Hayat Ali, Char-Chapori Sahtya and many poets tonnes in July 2021 (an in- lion tonnes (8.72%), * Iron -ore riod last year in Coal 55.83 MT remarks on the respon- founder president and Parishad. Mohammad sttended and read self- crease of 18.43 % over July 1.81 million tonnes (14.05%), * (37.11%), Iron-ore 18.07 MT sibilities of the media, chief advisor of the Sikdar, Subhash written poems in dif- 2020), with total freight load- Raw material for steel other (43.88%), Cement 15.01 MT journalists and journal- guild. In the event the Sutradhar, Principal, ferent languages. The ing of 112.72 million tonnes than iron ore 0.88 million (52.91%) and Balance other ists of recent times. The third collection of po- Howly Normal School, function was hosted as against earlier best of 99.74 tonnes (48.62%), * Food goods 10.45 MT (38.42%) for poet's conference and ems by budding poet Korban Ali Choudhary, re- by Saiyad Bulbul million tonnes in July 2019 grains 0.43 million tonnes Indian Railways. book released ceremony Mozammil Sikdar, tired teacher and folk cul- Jamanur Hoque. 4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 EDITORIAL THE ASSAM RISING VOL. NO. VI, ISSUE NO. 170 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 Mehar Singh, the RIAF pilot with heart of a The Afghan crisis Bengal tiger, who flew like a Himalayan eagle The Afghan government in Kabul will be fight- Camp - dead tired, bruised and very of tea." Soon after he had two more ing for its life and could well fall to the Taliban hungry but alive.Awan had given his OR glasses of whiskey and a glass of after the United States completes its military with- friend the name Mehar Baba after a orange squash in one gulp. At bed- drawal from the country in August, according to a bearded Sindhi saint who enticed time, his orderly Dhanna Singh served young women out of their homes, but him a glass of hot cocoa.There were U.S. government watchdog charged with monitor- Mehar Singh was terrified of the fairer two enemies in Burma - the Japanese ing events on the ground.?Despite a series of cau- sex and avoided them like poison. In and malaria. Mehar Singh battled the tiously optimistic assessments by high-ranking U.S. 1946 when Mehar's squadron was Japanese in the air in his Hurricane and military officials and Afghan leaders, a new report based in Bhopal, an Indian pilot told on his charpai he battled the mosqui- from the?Special Inspector General for Afghani- his pretty English wife Evelyn to stand toes with whiskey. Awan was sharing stan Reconstruction (SIGAR)?describes the situa- next to the squadron commander at the the 'Bhasha' with Mehar Singh and tion as?"bleak"?and echoes?concerns?that Afghan bar. Eve wore a bedazzling evening was badly bitten by large mosquitoes security forces are not ready to mount any mean- gown with plenty of jewelry, powder, that had penetrated through his net. ingful resistance.? ?"The overall trend is clearly lipstick, rouge and mascara and a heavy On the other hand, in the morning his unfavorable to the Afghan government, which could dab of Parisian perfume. Wherever the host was sleeping peacefully; his bashful Sikh was talking to a group of 'charpai' surrounded by mosquitoes face an existential crisis if it isn't addressed and pilots on sports and flying, Eve would killed by what Mehar referred to as "a reversed,"?Special Inspector General John?Sopko? slide up holding a glass of sherry and lot of explosive material" in his wrote?in the report, released Wednesday.??"The listen respectfully. When her perfume body.Awan credits Mehar Singh with ANDSF? [Afghan National Defense and Security hit his nostrils, Mehar Singh would bolt the heart of a Bengal tiger, stamina and Forces]? has retaken some districts?and the Af- to another group. For 45 minutes, Eve guts of a Punjabi bull and flying abil- ghan government still controls all 34 provincial capi- pursued Baba Mehar from one group ity of a Himalayan eagle. On lone sor- tals, including Kabul,"?he added.?"But from public to another and he eventually left.He ties he would penetrate hundreds of reporting, the ANDSF appeared surprised and un- was a natural sportsman and played miles over Japanese territory photo- ready, and is now on its back foot."?Ever since U.S. " Major General Syed Ali Hamid hockey for the Punjab University and graphing troop movement and con- President Joe Biden announced in April that Ameri- later for the RIAF. Dara, the reputed centrations from 20,000 feet. His quali- Olympian said, "With Mehar playing ties were visibly demonstrated in an can combat troops would leave Afghanistan, U.S. fullback for the opposing team, no one incident when Shiv Dev Singh, one of officials have been careful not to minimize the chal- learned about 'Baba' Mehar Singh Mehar Singh all the officers missed a while researching an article about partridge that zigzagged across the line can score a goal." Mehar also took up his flight commanders was hit by lenge facing the Afghan government.?Just this past my uncle who flew Hurricanes in of beaters. He would always wait with golf at Drig Road and in 1939 won the ground fire but luckily landed his Hur- Sunday, the commander of U.S. Central Command, Burma. He was my uncle's squad- the clipped muzzle pointing down and Championship in against the ricane in a clear patch of elephant General Kenneth? "Frank"?McKenzie, told report- I best players in the city. He had never grass. His tail-Charlie landed back and ron commander and the only officer in drop the bird like a stone when it was ers in Kabul that the Afghan government?"faces a the Royal (RIAF) nearly out of reach.He had the appetite held a golf club and initially swung it showed Mehar exactly where Shiv had stern test."?But he added that despite?attempts?by awarded a Distinguished Service Or- of an ox. Back from his wedding in like a hockey with a flick of his wrist. force-landed. Mehar lost no time in the Taliban to create a sense of inevitability,?"there der. It is usually awarded to honour Lyallpur in 1938, every night after din- He then expanded his swing into a taking-off in a Harvard with a me- is no? preordained?conclusion to this leadership rather than individual brav- ner he would invite Awan to his tent beautiful stroke and while on standby chanic, spare parts and tools. Shiv fight."?Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has also ery. Air Marshal , who pitched near the mess at Drigh Road alert, would practice on the tried to stop him from landing by wav- aerodrome.After commanding a squad- ing his arms but Mehar Singh touched promised better results?as well, saying that the flew operational sorties in Burma in because all the rooms were taken. 1944, confirms that, "With the solitary "Zaidy, come and have a few luddoos." ron for six months in Peshawar in 1942, down and after a few bad bumps came Afghan military will be able to regain momentum exception of Squadron Leader Mehar They were made by a family of famous he was posted to No.6 Fighter Recon- to a stop.Shedding a tear of joy, Shiv by focusing?its efforts on defending?urban Singh, a pilot of outstanding ability, halwais in Lyallpur and of an enormous naissance Squadron flying Mk 2B and frantically warned his squadron com- areas.?Help has also come in the form of?U.S. no one was able to inspire confidence size. While his friends could only con- 2C Hurricanes equipped with cameras. mander that a whole Japanese brigade airstrikes in support of Afghan forces, despite?the among us." Field Marshal Slim con- sume one, Mehar Sing ate 2-3 dozen as He proved to be a capable but eccen- was only two miles away. Both were U.S.?no longer having aircraft based in Afghani- sidered Mehar Singh 'an old friend', an a tonic after a hearty meal that had al- tric squadron leader. While some flew aware or the horrendous beating that stan. Officials have?promised?the strikes?will con- association which probably developed ready been rounded off with half a in 1930 Pattern Flying Boots or in the the Japanese inflicted on Indian pilots tinue unless the Taliban?scale back their military during the Waziristan Campaign when dozen oranges and an equal number of 1943 Pattern 'Escape' Boots, or shoes to break their moral. However, Mehar offensive. ?"We do not face 'Existential crisis,'" Slim was commanding the 2/7th coffee refills. On a flight to Ambala, with with stockings, or ammunition boots Singh calmly inspected the Hurricane Waheed Omer, an Afghan presidential adviser, Gurkha Rifles in 1938. As Commander Awan piloting and Mehar sitting on the with anklets, 'Baba' Mehar Singh pre- and after confirming that the only ferred to fly barefoot! In his book, De- damage was to the propeller, he took wrote on Twitter Thursday. "We've existed for thou- Fourteenth Army in Burma, he was rear seat of a Hart biplane, they landed 'very impressed by the conduct of the at Jodhpur for refueling. Awan was feat into Victory, Field Marshal Slim off with a great deal of bumps and sands of years, and we'll exist for thousands squadron' led by Mehar Singh.I knew hungry after supervising the refueling, narrates that "I looked in at this squad- bounces. Shiv and the mechanic fol- more.""Taliban offer nothing but atrocity, misery little of him as an individual till I read but when he climbed into the rear cock- ron just at a time when news had come lowed in the Harvard. Though the and poverty," he added. "They've been driven out of the autobiography of his friend and pit for his lunch of omelets and four in that the last patrol had run into a Hurricane vibrated like crazy due to some districts already. They will be driven out of contemporary, Wing Commander parathas it had vanished and the tea bunch of Zeros and been shot down. the damaged propeller, it made it back the rest either by ANDSF, or by people who are not Aizad Baksh Awan, the brother of flask was empty. A guilty Mehar Singh The young squadron commander and the whole squadron lined the run- ready to go through another dark era of terrorist Ayub Baksh Awan, the Inspector Gen- who had forgot to bring his own lunch, [Mehar Singh was only 29 years old], way to receive them. For Shiv it was a rule in Afghanistan."During a call with the Defense eral of Police. Mehar was born in had withdrawn to a corner of the at once took out the next patrol himself new lease of life; for Mehar it was just Writers Group early Thursday, John Sopko, the U.S. Lyallpur and was in his final year of B. apron.He also drank like a fish. He be- and completed the mission. His meth- another day's work commanding a Special Inspector General, agreed there is still a Sc. at the Punjab University, Lahore lieved that plain water was unhealthy ods, rumour has it, were a little unor- fighter recce squadron.Mehar had the when he was selected for the three year for the stomach, but consumed copi- thodox. It is said that if any of his offic- best qualities for a combat leader and chance for the Afghan government to turn things ers made a bad landing, he would take continued to lead from the front in the around."Even though there are serious problems, course at the RAF College Cranwell in ous quantities of every other liquid - UK. He proved to be a first class pilot coffee, tea, coca, and orange squash, them behind a basha and beat them. First Kashmir War as AOC No.1 group and I have serious concerns, and I think our military and his instructor openly declared that all served in a big tumbler that as young Whatever he did, it was effective. They controlling operations in Kashmir. He does, and most observers have serious concerns, the Mehar would have easily won the officers we dubbed OR (other rank) were a happy, efficient and gallant was the first to pilot a Dakota into story isn't over," he said, adding "they can't continue Groves Memorial Trophy for flying glasses. Even Scotch and Soda were squadron." This was despite the fact and the first to establish an with the status quo.""it's important for them to change had the British Air Ministry not barred drunk from an OR glass, and he was that his squadron had the highest num- air bridge into Poonch. He was also their behavior, but they can do it," Sopko said. "We Colonials from competing for this prize able to top it off with beer, rum, and gin ber of casualties and was dubbed the the first to land on a dirt strip at . have given them the hardware We are funding after it was awarded to Aspy Engineer without any effect.The pilots of the Suicide Squadron. Some incorrectly His entire service had been spent in them."The SIGAR report warns, though, it will not in 1933. Aspy was a Parsee who had blossoming RIAF were weaned in the thought he was a heartless butcher but war zones and he probably could not be easy, and that the Taliban?have provided no rea- been educated at the DJ College in operations on the Northwest Frontier if one of his 'boys' was killed he shed adjust to the constraints of peacetime a tear or two but only in front of his operations and retired in 1948 over dif- son to believe they?will ease off on their Karachi and was a member of Awan's on the eve of the Second World War Flight. He earned a DFC during the Sec- and it was an escape during his tenure close friends like Zaydi. He was a dis- ferences with some senior attacks.??"Despite continued calls from U.S. offi- ond World War and was Chief of the with No. 2 Squadron in Waziristan, that ciplinarian and never smiled on parade officers.Mehar never thought that a he cials for the Taliban to reduce its levels of violence Indian Air Staff from 1960 to 1964. In Mehar Singh's legend was probably but enjoyed a joke in the officer's would die in an aircraft. He used to tell in line with their commitments in the U.S.-Taliban May 1936, Mehar Singh was also borne. It's a well document story in mess.The Battle of Arakan seems to Zaidy "Old pilots never die; they just agreement ?…? the Taliban have not done so,"?the posted to Awans flight in No 1 Squad- which he was shot down and crashed have magnified his appetite and thirst. fade away." Unfortunately, he was report said.?"Each three-month period since the ron at its Drigh Road Base, while bombing a village. He and his When Awan visited his friend for a few killed while piloting a 3-seater aircraft February 29, 2020, U.S.-Taliban agreement has had Karachi.Mehar Singh was regarded by gunner evaded capture by a horde of days, during one evening, Mehar through a thunderstorm between significantly more EIAs?(enemy-initiated Awan as a brave flier with supernatural tribesmen by hiding in a cave at night Singh " […] put away four glasses of Ambala and Delhi. He died at the age attacks)?than their corresponding quarters the pre- powers. His senses of touch, sound, and had to keep at bay a pack of wolves whiskey and soda before dinner. He of 36 but his legend lives vious year."?The report also suggests that the and smell were superior to others, and who returned to their den. Every sur- then ate four full plates of hot curry on.Acknowledgement: I am grateful to and rice and one whole chicken. This Jagan Pillarisetti for assisting me with Taliban, beyond having momentum, appear to have his eyesight and reflexes were excep- rounding post sent patrols to retrieve tional, making him an excellent shot. Out the aviators who were found the next was followed by a large serving of information and photographs and for a definitive psychological edge.?NATO military of- on the Malir River in early 1937, except morning were heading towards Razzani bread and egg pudding and a full glass vetting the draft. ficials told SIGAR that Afghan National Army units routinely refused to conduct operations without the presence of Afghan special operations forces.??Additionally, SIGAR said that when spe- What is essential defence services Bill and how cial forces have been brought in,?"they are misused to perform tasks intended for conventional forces?such as route clearance."?The United States it will impact ordnance factories and others and the United Kingdom have accused the Taliban he Narendra Modi govern the Essential Defence Services Ordi- ing dismissal) and imprisonment for up tions then declared an indefinite strike of "war crimes" in the southern town of Spin Boldak ment has introduced a new Bill nance, 2021. The Bill will replace the to one year or with fine which may ex- from 26 July despite the government's in Kandahar province, alleging that dozens of civil- that seeks to prevent the work ordinance, and will come into effect tend to Rs 10,000 or both.The penal- assurances to take care of the employ- ians were "massacred".Afghan President Ashraf Ters of establishments that are retrospectively from 30 June, if ties are higher for those instigating or ees' conditions of service.While bring- Ghani has presented a security plan to challenge the engaged in "essential defence ser- passed.At the heart of the ordinance giving financial aids to such strikes.In ing in the Bill, the government said it Taliban onslaught before the country's parliament, vices" from going on strikes, or the and the Bill likely lay a strike proposed its statement of objects and reasons, is essential that an uninterrupted sup- but its details have not been made public.The Af- lockouts of such units.Essential de- by the employees' federations of ord- the Bill specifically cites the Indian ply of ordnance items to the armed ghan army has said three provinces in southern and fence services refer to establishments nance factories from 26 July - against ordnance factories, the oldest and larg- forces be maintained for the defence western Afghanistan are facing "critical" security engaged in production of goods or the government's decision last month est industrial setup under the Minis- preparedness of the country and the equipment required for any purpose to corporatise them.The Essential De- try of Defence, whose employees' fed- ordnance factories continue to func- situations as fighting intensifies between the Taliban connected with defence.According to fence Services Bill, 2021 says it is erations had called for an indefinite tion without any disruptions, "espe- and Afghan forces.Fighting in the war-torn South the government, these services are meant to provide for the maintenance strike from 26 July against the cially in view of the prevailing situa- Asian country has escalated as US and NATO those the "cessation of work of which of essential government's tion on the northern front of the coun- troops plan to complete their withdrawal by August would prejudicially affect the produc- defence ser- " Amrita Nayak Dutta decision to try"."… it was felt necessary that the 31 after 20 years of war.The Taliban is trying to tion of defence equipment or goods; vices "so as to secure the security of corporatise them last month.This pro- Government should have power to seize provincial capitals after already taking smaller or the operation or maintenance of any the nation and the life and property of posed indefinite strike perhaps trig- meet the emergency created by such administrative districts in recent industrial establishment or unit en- public at large and for matters con- gered the ordinance and the Bill - on attempts and ensure the maintenance months.International aid organisation Doctors With- gaged in production of goods or nected therewith or incidental such a short notice - even as defence of essential defence services in all es- out Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) equipment required for any purpose thereto".It will empower the govern- sources insisted that the move had tablishments connected with defence, said fighting between Afghan government forces and connected with defence; or repair or ment to prohibit strikes, agitations of been on cards for a long time.The strike in public interest or interest of the sov- maintenance of products connected workers employed in establishments was proposed after the government ereignty and integrity of India or se- the Taliban has intensified in urban areas with the with defence".Introduced earlier this the government decides to mark as decided to corporatise the 41 ordnance curity of any State or decency or mo- situation now becoming "worse"."There has been week, the Bill will empower the gov- essential defence services, and pre- factories across India into seven 100 rality," it said.The Bill will affect the relentless gunfire, air strikes and mortars in densely ernment to prohibit agitation or strikes vent lockouts of such establishments. per cent government-owned corporate nearly 80,000 workers employed across populated areas. Houses are being bombed, and among such workers. It will also em- If a person employed in an establish- entities, registered under the Compa- Indian ordnance factories - considered many people are suffering severe injuries," Sarah power the government to ban lockouts ment engaged in such services starts nies Act 2013. The decision was taken among the critical organisations in Leahy, coordinator of the MSF Helmand project said in units engaged in these services.It or takes part in a strike considered il- to improve autonomy, accountability defence - and other establishments the in a statement by the group. comes in less than a month after the legal under the proposed law, they will and efficiency in ordnance supplies, government might tag as engaged in Ministry of Law and Justice brought be liable to disciplinary action (includ- and streamline functioning.The federa- essential defence services. BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 5 Buy these 2 stocks with support on charts; Nifty's consolidation may end soon Mumbai, August 3 : share market ing as a support. On the MACD scale, which indicates uptrend may 19th July.WTI CRUDE OIL after outlook how will stock market be- (12, 26,9) front, the indicator shows resume soon. MACD indicator is forming a hammer bullish candle- have know experts opinion about weakness, and the MACD line has reading above its centerline with stick pattern in the previous week sensex and niftyNifty placed at mid- surpassed 0 lines on the downside. positive crossover above its sig- prices have continued to trade point of current range; traders Daily ADX (14) which helps to nal line.During this recent throw- higher above the pattern and should stay light, focus on indi- know the strength of the trend was back, the stock took support near gained 2.50% and closed above vidual themesNifty futures, Bank showing a reading of 16.45 and 23.60 percent Fibonacci $73 on the weekly chart. After form- Nifty futuresNifty futures Open moving in an upward direction in- retracement which is placed near ing that massive hammer during Interest at ten series low; use any dicating that the index may see a 672 levels on the weekly time last week, it is obvious that the correction to accumulate long faster trend in the coming frame.On the weekly time frame, we buyers are stepping in to pick this positionsIndian bourses on the market up, and selling is all but monthly expiry started with a sell- impossible.The big drawdown in off and breached 15550 levels on crude came as refiners focused on 28th July in the intraday chart. Later pushing out as much gasoline as UltraTech Cement rating - Buy: Yet on, as the week progressed prices they could this summer to meet pro- witnessed a V reversal rally on 29 jected demand for the peak U.S. & 30 July and recovered almost 300 driving season. According to the another stellar performance by firm points, and closed above 15800 lev- EIA, refiners operated at 91.1 per- Mumbai, August 3 : Prospects for sector potential peaking of fuel cost as valuation re- els. On the daily chart, prices have cent of capacity for the week to July have improved; FY22/23e Ebitda up ~7%; rating arguments. Accordingly, we are revis- made hammer candlestick formation 23, not far from highs seen during upgraded to 'Buy' with TP rising to Rs ing up UTCL's EV/Ebitda to 17x (from 15x) on 28th July near the lower band of the pre-pandemic summer of 8,627Factoring in firm underlying cement and upgrading it to Buy (from 'HOLD') with a the channel pattern, which indi- 2019.On the weekly chart, WTI prices, we are raising FY22e and FY23e Ebitda revised TP of Rs 8,627 (Rs 6,736 earlier).The cates buyers were able to overcome CRUDE prices are trading above by ~7% each. Our revised Ebitda/t is Rs 1,417 Mumbai-based bank, a wholly-owned sub- the sellers.Prices have again their upward rising trend line and for FY22e and Rs 1,402 for FY23e vis-à-vis sidiary of Fino Paytech Limited (FPL), is aim- touched its lower band of the chan- continue to trade in a higher high Rs 1,338 in FY21.The Q1FY22 performance ing to raise around Rs 1,300 crore via IPO, nel pattern and witnessed a solid higher low formation, which is tech- of UltraTech Cement (UTCL) is picture-per- as per market sources.Fino Payments Bank recovery. On a previous couple of nically a bullish structure for the fect-akin to Q4FY21. Despite the odds, it ex- files documents with Sebi for IPOFino Pay- occasions, prices have shown the Oil prices. The momentum oscilla- ceeded expectations across volumes, ments Bank files Rs 1,300-cr IPO papers with same tendency of reversal from its days.Major support is placed near can see that the prices have moved tor RSI (14) is reading at 57 levels realisation and cost, driving Ebitda/t to an SebiThe second Covid wave dragged lower point of the pattern. The 33940, breaching which we can wit- out of a consolidation. On 28th and has witnessed a sharp reversal all-time high. Ebitda topped our estimate by UTCL's volumes by 22% q-o-q to 21.53mn lower band of the pattern is also ness further selling pressure till July, prices gained momentum and from 40 levels on the daily time 19%. Factoring in firm underlying cement tonnes (up 47% y-o-y on a low base), but it supported with 50- day 33270 levels. On the upside, Major broke out of a consolidation. This frame.The near-term support for the prices, we are raising FY22e and FY23e Ebitda still came in 2.6% above our estimate. exponentials moving average resistance is placed near 35700 to was backed by good volume WTI Crude Oil prices is placed near by ~7% each.UTCL's robust performance - Blended realisation rose 6% q-o-q (>7% for which is acting as a strong anchor 36000 levels. A meaningful upside buildup, indicating participation in $70 & $68.50 levels (MCX 5350 & and also peers' - reinforAAAces our faith in grey segment), beating our estimate by 1.3%. point for the index.In this kind of in bank nifty can be witnessed the up move.Prices have also wit- 5250 levels), where resistance is the sector's ability to protect earnings in While variable cost/t stood flat q-o-q (2.3% setup, we can expect the ongoing above 34800-35000 nessed a symmetrical triangle pat- capped near $76.50 & $78 levels tough times. Furthermore, we view improv- below expectation), overall cost/t was 3.5% consolidation to end soon. The zone.JSWSTEEL has witnessed a tern breakout on the weekly chart (MCX 5750 - 5825 levels). ing demand outlook, firm cement prices and below estimates (rising 2.6% q-o-q). choppiness is expected to be there falling wedge pattern breakout on and currently counter are sustained unless Nifty surpasses the levels the daily time frame and the prices above its trend line support. On the of 16000 levels. Support for the in- are trading above its trend line indicator front, the RSI plotted on Krsnaa Diagnostics IPO opens dex is placed near 15550 levels.Bank resistance.On the weekly chart the weekly time can be seen above nifty started off with a gap-down prices have formed a rounding bot- the 50- mark. It is moving higher opening and traded throughout the tom basing formation and prices towards the overbought levels, in- August 4; check price band, grey market day in a range between 34450 to have also witnessed a downward dicating the presence of bullish 34750. The afternoon session re- sloping trend line breakout, which momentum as the prices move mained volatile and witnessed sell- is bullish structure for the higher.The key levels to watch for premium, IPO size, listing date ing pressure near 34740 levels counter.When we observe volume on the downside are 538, the mul- PCR testing as a result of the COVID-19 which is an intermediate supply activity there has been above-av- tiple touch point level, followed by pandemic, which has had a positive im- zone.Momentum oscillator daily erage volume on the day of the 520, the recent swing low.WTI pact on its overall testing volume, the RSI (14) reading is at 44.39 whereas breakout which confirms price vol- CRUDE OIL has completed its one duration and level of the demand for, and weekly RSI (14) reading is well ume breakout on the daily time leg of lower low lower high pattern reimbursement for, COVID-19 molecular above 50. Normally in an uptrend, frame. Momentum oscillator RSI on the daily chart and has found testing was uncertain. The diagnostic RSI tends to remain between 40 to (14) is reading above 55 levels with support near the lower band of the firm operated over 1,800 diagnostic cen- 90 ranges with the 40-50 zone act- positive crossover on the daily rising channel pattern at $65.63 on tres across 13 states as of December 31, 2020. It also operates a teleradiology re- porting hub in Pune. Each of its diag- Asian shares weighed down by nostic centres and particularly the teleradiology reporting hub is critical to its operations. Krsnaa Diagnostics com- China worries as US earnings shine petitors include diagnostic healthcare bounced back 1.1%, but that was service providers in India, hospital- from its lowest since based diagnostic centres, independent January.Investors were anxiously Mumbai, August 3 : Krsnaa Diagnostics Tiles. Investors can bid for a minimum of clinical laboratories, other smaller-scale waiting to see how Chinese blue Rs 1,213-crore IPO will open for subscrip- 15 equity shares and in multiples thereaf- providers of diagnostic services (such chips fared after that index shed 5.5% tion on Wednesday, 4 August 2021, at a ter, implying a minimum investment of Rs as pathology, radiology laboratories and last week. Equity valuations else- price band of Rs 933-954 per share of face 14,310 per lot at the upper end of the price preventive care providers as well as in- where have been supported by a value of Rs 5 each. The public issue com- band. Up to 75 per cent of the net offer (or ternational service providers which may steady decline in bond yields, with prises a fresh issue of shares worth Rs Rs 881.57-895 crore) will be reserved for establish and expand their operations in yields on U.S. 10-year notes falling 400 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of up Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs), 15 future.Krsnaa Diagnostics listed indus- for five weeks in a row to reach to 85.25 lakh equity shares by existing per cent (or Rs 176.31-179 crore) for non- try peers are Metropolis Healthcare and 1.23%. That drop combined with selling shareholders. The offer for sale institutional investors and the remaining Dr. Lal PathLabs. The weighted average surprisingly strong EU economic consists of sale of 16 lakh equity shares 10 per cent (or Rs 117.54-119.33 crore) return on net worth for last three fiscals data out on Friday to lift the euro to by PHI Capital Trust-PHI Capital Growth for the retail investors. The offer also is 9.54 per cent. The expected date for $1.1866, away from its July low of Fund-I; 33,40,713 equity shares by Kitara includes a reservation of shares worth allotment of shares is 11th August 2021. Mumbai, August 3 :Asian shares structure plan that could pass this $1.1750.The dollar has also drifted off PIIN 1104; 35,63,427 equity shares by Rs 20 crore for employees, who will a And the tentative date for listing of face another tough week as Beijing's week.The optimism was apparent in to 109.67 yen, from its recent top of Somerset Indus Healthcare Fund I; and discount of Rs 93 per share to the final Krsnaa Diagnostics shares at NSE and regulatory crackdown fans fears early trading with S&P 500 futures 110.58, but has support around 21,380 equity shares by Lotus Manage- issue price. JM Financial, DAM Capital BSE is 17th August 2021. The registrar about China's economy, though up- rising 0.4% and Nasdaq futures 109.35. As a result, the dollar index ment Solutions (acting through Mayur Advisors, Equirus Capital, and IIFL Se- to the issue is KFin Technologies Pvt beat economic data in the United 0.3%.Asia has fared so well, with has eased to 92.110, from a July peak Sirdesai). The total offer size comes to Rs curities are the book running lead man- Ltd. The company has planned to utilise States and Europe and solid corpo- China's crackdown on the tech and of 93.194. The drop in bond yields 1,213.33 crore.In the grey market, Krsnaa agers to the issue.Glenmark Life Sciences the net proceeds towards funding the rate earnings put a floor under their education sectors hammering and the dollar gave gold a fillip last Diagnostics shares were seen trading at IPO, share allotment, glenmark finance the cost of establishing diagnos- markets.China's woes were under- stocks, while the spread of the Delta week but it again faltered at resistance Rs 1,364 apiece, Rs 410 or 43 per cent pre- pharmaGlenmark Life Sciences IPO: tics centres at Punjab, Karnataka, lined over the weekend by a survey variant of the coronavirus in the re- around $1,832 and was last trading mium over the IPO price, according to the Check share allotment, grey market pre- Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra showing factory activity grew at the gion hit growth. MSCI's broadest flat at $1,812 an ounce. Oil prices people who deal in the unlisted shares of mium; shares to list on August 6sensex, worth Rs 150.8 crore, repayment/pre-pay- slowest pace in 17 months amid ris- index of Asia-Pacific shares outside eased a little on Monday, but that companies. Krsnaa Diagnostics IPO will nifty, stock marketSGX Nifty surges 119 ment, in full or part, of borrowings from ing costs and extreme weather. In Japan was a just fraction firmer early comes after four straight months of be among four public issues to open on 4 pts, Sensex, Nifty may open strong; key banks and other lenders availed by the contrast, Europe's economic recov- Monday, having hit its low for the gains amid expectations demand will August 2021 along with Devyani Inter- things to know before market opensThe company worth Rs 146.08 crore, and for ery outpaced all expectations last year so far last week.Japan's Nikkei remain strong and supply constrained. national, Windlas Biotech, and Exxaro company experienced heavy demand for general corporate purposes. quarter, while U.S consumers spent with abandon in June as coronavirus restrictions eased, a trend likely to ensure a strong payrolls report at the Dalal Street investors richer by over Rs 31 lakh cr this fiscal so far end of this week.Petrol and Diesel Price in India, Petrol and Diesel Rate Mumbai, August 3 : Equity investors March 2020. "Once the rally began, investment strategist at Geojit Finan- edented retail investor participation. during April-July this fiscal.Reflecting Today in IndiaPetrol and diesel price have witnessed a wealth addition of volatility dropped, and the bull market cial Services said, "First, it is impor- Of this, the huge global liquidity factor an upbeat sentiment in the market, the today 2 August 2021: Rates sit at more than Rs 31 lakh crore (Rs climbed significantly," he said. In the tant to appreciate the fact that this is a is very important." Analysts also said benchmark had reached its all-time record highs; check price in Delhi, 31,18,934.36 crore) in the first four entire 2020-21 fiscal, the market global bull market. Except a few mar- that Covid-19 vaccination drive is also high of 53,290.81 on July 16, 2021. It Mumbai hereHDFC, PNB, Maruti months of the current fiscal, helped capitalisation of BSE-listed companies kets like Egypt and Iran, all other mar- adding to the bullish sentiment. When closed at its lifetime high of 53,158.85 Suzuki, Indian Oil, Tata Motors, Brit- by an overall bullish sentiment in the zoomed Rs 90,82,057.95 crore to Rs kets are experiencing a bull run. "The asked if this market rally would con- on July 15. Thanks to the optimistic annia, Tejas NetworksHDFC, PNB, market. The 30-share BSE Sensex has 2,04,30,814.54 crore. The 30-share BSE major factors powering this rally are: tinue, Vijayakumar said, "The biggest investor sentiment, the market Maruti Suzuki, Indian Oil, Tata Mo- jumped 3,077.69 points or 6.21 per cent benchmark had jumped 20,040.66 huge liquidity that has been created threat to the continuation of the rally capitalisation of BSE-listed companies tors, Britannia, Tejas Networks during April-July this fiscal. Reflect- points or 68 per cent last fiscal, brav- by the leading central banks of the is the excessive valuation in the mar- have zoomed Rs 31,18,934.36 crore to stocks in focus"Surging company ing an upbeat sentiment in the market, ing many uncertainties due to COVID- world, particularly the US Fed, the his- ket. At high valuations markets are vul- reach Rs 2,35,49,748.90 crore - its record profits in the U.S. and lower bond the benchmark had reached its all-time led disruptions. V K Vijayakumar, chief torically low interest rates and unprec- nerable to corrections. Some presently high level - on July 30.M-cap compa- yields are providing support, and in high of 53,290.81 on July 16, 2021. It unknown factor can trigger a correc- nies, Tata Consultancy Services, mar- any case the rising trend in shares is closed at its lifetime high of 53,158.85 tion, globally. If that does not happen, ket valuation of Reliance Industries, likely to remain in place into next year on July 15. Thanks to the optimistic the global liquidity will keep markets HDFC's market capitalisation, Bajaj fi- as rising vaccination rates allow eco- investor sentiment, the market resilient, or it may even take the mar- nance evaluationSix of top-10 firms nomic recovery to continue," said capitalisation of BSE-listed companies kets forward."Reflecting an upbeat lose Rs 96,642 cr in valuation last Shane Oliver, chief investment strat- have zoomed Rs 31,18,934.36 crore to sentiment in the market, the bench- weekThe Mumbai-based bank, a egist at AMP Capital. About 89% of reach Rs 2,35,49,748.90 crore -- its mark had reached its all-time high of wholly-owned subsidiary of Fino the nearly 300 recent U.S. earnings record high level -- on July 30. "Money 53,290.81 on July 16, 2021.Equity in- Paytech Limited (FPL), is aiming to reports have beaten analysts' profit flow and liquidity are the key factors vestors have witnessed a wealth ad- raise around Rs 1,300 crore via IPO, estimates. Earnings are now expected behind investors' bullish sentiments," dition of more than Rs 31 lakh crore as per market sources.Fino Payments to have climbed 89.8% in the second said Rahul Sharma, Co Founder, Eq- (Rs 31,18,934.36 crore) in the first four Bank files documents with Sebi for quarter, versus forecasts of 65.4% at uity99. Sharma added that markets months of the current fiscal, helped IPO"Money flow and liquidity are the the start of July.There was also the have performed extremely well post the by an overall bullish sentiment in the key factors behind investors' bullish prospect of more fiscal stimulus sell-off in 2020. The benchmarks have market. The 30-share BSE Sensex has sentiments," said Rahul Sharma, Co ahead as U.S. Senators worked to more than doubled from the lows of jumped 3,077.69 points or 6.21 per cent Founder, Equity99. finalise a sweeping $1 trillion infra- 6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 REGION Contd. From Page 1 Border Tensions with Assam Ladakh standoff Border dispute with Assam can border, Assam and Mizoram will sit for a ministerial level discussion on the from PP17A, also known as the Gogra Post, but is "not inclined" to move first day of the monsoon session of the state assembly, Rio said it was the border issue on August 5.This was informed by Assam chief minister Himanta back from PP15 or the Hot Springs area. "Modalities are being worked out. desire of the Union home minister Amit Shah that all inter-state border dis- Biswa Sarma on Monday.Seven people, including six Assam Police personnel, But on PP17A, there is an agreement to disengage. On PP15, China contin- putes in the northeast be resolved before the 100-daycelebration of the 75th were killed and scores injured in an armed clash along the Mizoram-Assam ues to insist that it is holding its own side of the Line of Actual Control Independence Day is over.Rio said he recently spoke to his Assam counter- border on July 26.Seven people, including six Assam Police personnel, were (LAC)," an official said.The proposals are with the government, and details part Himanta Biswa Sarma on how to maintain peace in the disputed area.On a killed and scores injured in an armed clash along the Mizoram-Assam border on of how the troops will move are being discussed, sources said. The move- query whether Assam plans to set up battalion camps at strategic locations July 26.The economic blockade by Assam has resulted in a complete halt of ment is expected to start within the next couple of days, they said.The issue along the border, the government replied no official communications have goods coming into the state, including live-saving drugs and Covid-19 medica- of Chinese ingression in the Depsang Plains and Charding-Ninglung Nallah been received on the same.Assam and Nagaland share a 547-kilometre stretch tion, Mizoram claimed."Great damage" has been caused to the people of Mizoram (CNN) in the Demchok area were not discussed, sources said. But the latest of inter-state border. Disputes along the border were stated to have been amid the economic blockage due to the July 26 border violence with Assam, breakthrough is significant, they said, considering the stalemate since going on since 1963 when Nagaland attained statehood.The Supreme Court state health minister Dr R Lalthangliana said, putting focus on Covid-19 patients February.A joint statement issued Monday said the two sides had a "candid attempted to resolve the dispute amicably through mediation in 2010 but both and those in critical conditions.The health minister had on Monday informed and in-depth exchange of views on resolution of remaining areas related to the state governments rejected the report by the mediators.Most recently, that Mizoram is currently reeling under its worst Covid-19 surge and the rate of disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in the Western Sector of following a fresh standoff between forces of the two states in the Dissoi infection is extremely alarming. According to him, most of the infections were India-China border areas".It said: "The two sides noted that this…meeting Valley reserved forest and Tsurangkong valley, a chief secretary-level reported from Aizawl district, especially within Aizawl Municipal Corporation was constructive, which further enhanced mutual understanding. They meeting was held on July 31 where an agreement was signed to de-esca- (AMC) limits.The state has so far reported 151 coronavirus fatalities, of which agreed to resolve these remaining issues in an expeditious manner in accor- late the situation. It was agreed that both states would withdraw their 118 were from Aizawl district, he said. The Mizoram government claims that dance with the existing agreements and protocols and maintain the momen- respective forces from the disputed area. The process of widrawal of following the border dispute, the Assam government on July 29 summoned all tum of dialogue and negotiations."The statement said the two also agreed forces was completed on August 1, Rio told the House.The July 31 agree- the transporters in Guwahati who have been operating in Mizoram to stop trans- that in the interim, "they will continue their effective efforts in ensuring ment was jointly signed by Nagaland chief secretary J Alam and his porting any goods into the neighbouring state due to 'security concerns'.This stability along the LAC in the Western Sector and jointly maintain peace and Assam counterpart Jishnu Barua, Nagaland's deputy chief minister Y resulted in a complete halt of goods coming into the state, including basic tranquility".According to sources, the disengagement at PP17A is likely to Patton and Assam minister Ranoj Pegu. medicines, live-saving drugs and Covid-19 medication as well. Even oxygen follow the process that was adopted for PP14 in the Galwan Valley and cylinders, oxygen plant materials, and coronavirus test kits have been blocked, Pangong Tso where a time-frame was set for withdrawal, temporary struc- India sees a decline the Mizoram government claimed.For people on both the sides, it is a matter of tures were removed and a physical verification was done.Platoon-sized units recorded more than 40,000 new cases for the past six consecutive days and on life and livelihood, even as the two governments have promised to withdraw FIR have been present on the Indian side of the LAC, at PP15 and PP17A, since Monday, the country had registered 40,134 fresh infections. India on July 27 filed against police officers and Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma.Mizoram CM the Galwan clashes of June last year, but the forces are no longer in an had witnessed less than 30,000 new COVID-19 cases, which was the lowest Zoramthanga on Monday tweeted, "In order to build a conducive atmosphere "eyeball to eyeball" confrontation."There is a distance of about 500m be- single-day rise after 132 days but registered 43,654 cases on July 28, the for amicable solution to the #MizoramAssamBorder dispute & to reduce the tween troops of both countries at these friction points. But disengagement highest in over three weeks. The country has so far conducted 47.12 crore plight of suffering citizens, I have directed @mizorampolice to withdraw FIR dt. is important because it is difficult to maintain these positions, and matters tests and the weekly positivity rate is currently at 2.39%, while the daily posi- 26.07.2021 filed at Vairengte, Kolasib District, Mizoram against all the accused can go out of hand any time," another official said.In February, the two sides tivity rate stands at 1.85%. Meanwhile, a total of 47.85 crores of COVID-19 persons."In order to build a conducive atmosphere for amicable solution to the had disengaged from the north and south banks of Pangong Tso, where vaccine doses have been administered across the country, of which, more #MizoramAssamBorder dispute & to reduce the plight of suffering citizens,I troops and tanks from both sides were barely a few hundred metres apart at than 61.09 lakh doses were given in the last 24 hours. have directed @mizorampolice to withdraw FIR dt. 26.07.2021 filed at some locations.Sources said Saturday's meeting, which began around 10.30 Vairengte,Kolasib District,Mizoram against all the accused persons am, continued till 7.30 pm - a relatively shorter period compared to previous Zoramthanga (@ZoramthangaCM) August 2, engagements that continued till 2-3 am. They said that before the meeting, India unleashes grain 2021The Mizoram government has also blamed the Centre for the crisis. "De- officials were hoping to achieve a breakthrough on PP15 and PP17A. "Both spite having endured this problem for almost a week, there has been no re- sides were prepared on what could be achieved. Most of this had been sponse from the central government on this front. As true citizens of the coun- agreed upon during diplomatic engagements," a senior Government official power as it takes over try, we are entitled to amicable and positive response and intervention from the said.Apart from PP15 and PP17A, PP14 in Galwan Valley, and Finger 4 on the Centre at this critical time. Along with other supplies, the concern for Mizoram is north bank of Pangong Tso and Rezang La and Rechin La on the south bank, the Covid situation," the Mizoram government said in a statement.Every citizen were identified as friction points. Forces from both sides have since disen- UNSC presidency of this country has the right to medical care and medicines and denial of this gaged from PP14 after the violent clashes of June 15 last year, which left 20 New Delhi, August right is contrary to the basic laws of this country. No citizen of Mizoram should Indian and at least four Chinese troops dead.In Depsang Plains, Chinese 03 : India has begun lose his or her life because of the non-availability of medicines which is man- troops are blocking Indian soldiers from accessing their traditional patrol- its presidency of the made as is being done by the Assam government today, the statement further ling limits - PP10, PP11, PP11A, PP12 and PP13. In Demchok, sources said, UN Security Council read.It stressed upon health minister's Facebook post that said: "I would re- "so-called civilians" have pitched tents on the Indian side of Charding with a generous quest the Hon'ble Prime Minister and Union Home Minister to intervene as Nallah, which marks the LAC.0"Parallel to the talks, China is also engaged dose of Indian grain earlier as possible to prevent any health crisis that may soon engulf our state in pin-prick tactics. They are building permanent structures very close to power.T S Tirumurti, and which we would be beyond the control of anybody.The matter of economic the border at many places and have quickened the pace of infrastructure the Indian perma- blockade, however, has not been accepted by Assam. "The Assam government development on their side. But we are hopeful of things improving at exist- nent representative has not blocked any roads. People are emotional and some of them might have ing friction points," a security officer said.The last Corps Commander- (PR) to the UN who done it. We will request them not to indulge in such activities. Both Assam and level talks were held on April 9, when the two sides could not even agree is known to his Mizoram are the states of India and we are brothers," Assam minister Pijush on a joint statement. On Saturday, the Indian delegation was led by Lt Gen counterparts as just Hazarika said.The FIRs have been withdrawn, but for normalcy, this economic P G K Menon, Commander of XIV Corps that is responsible for the LAC "Tiru", will hold on Monday morning Security Council later in the month on blockade problem needs to get resolved. with eastern Ladakh, while Maj Gen Liu Lin, Commander of South Xinjiang a traditional breakfast that PRs of in- dates to be announced later on Military district, led the Chinese side. coming presidencies host for coun- Monday.India plans to focus its presi- Covid-19: The mystery of rising terparts from the rest of the 15 mem- dency on maritime security, peacekeep- mates the number of people infected by one already infected person - has crossed Sivsagar MLA Akhil Gogoi ber nations - five permanent and 10 ing and counter-terrorism but it could one.This indicates a growing number of cases which, in turn, require lockdowns cording to it, said the chief of Raijor Dal. He also demanded that the Assam non-permanent.On the menu will be find itself overwhelmed by the most and other measures to stem a tide of infections.The percentage of people who government give land pattas to indigenous local people living along the the usual fare for such working break- concerning of international develop- test positive for the virus from the overall numbers being tested has hovered border areas."After giving land rights the Assam government should de- fasts: crepes, some breads, juices, ments "sooner than later", as a diplo- above 10% for a month. Kerala has recorded 3.4 million infections and 16,837 velop the area by building roads, providing water and electricity connec- coffee and fruits.But some of mat said: US pull-out from Afghanistan, deaths from Covid-19 so far.But these disturbing numbers don't tell you the tions and constructing schools and healthcare facilities."Unfortunately Tirumurti's guests would probably which will be completed this month, on whole story, say epidemiologists.Kerala, they say, is testing a lot more people Mizoram is giving land rights to their people after encroaching almost 7 km have had something already, some- India's watch at the UNSC, and Taliban's - more than double the people per million compared to the rest of the country. inside our (Assam) territory. But Assam government is evicting its own thing really Indian before heading out possible return to power.But on Mon- It has kept infection levels in control.The state is capturing one out of every people in the name of clearing encroachment. When there will be no people, - oat clusters with multi-grain flakes day, talk is likely to be focused on the two infections compared to other states which are catching one out of 30-odd other states will obviously capture our land," he added. Indigenous Dimasa- and Alphonso mango bits or crunchy breakfast hamper sent to all the perma- infections. "Kerala is testing more, and testing smarter. By tracing contacts to Burmans, Assamese Mizos, Bengali Hindus and ethnic Muslims inhabit the millet granola bar or buttermilk millet nent representatives of the Security find out real cases, testing is also better targeted," says Dr Gagandeep Kang, disputed border areas in Cachar district, Gogoi said. He also criticised the crackers with caramelised onions, or Council member nations and deputies. one of India's top virologists.The latest antibody tests survey reveals that Assam government for failing to get the sympathy of other northeastern just some Cajun trail mix.These may The Indian mission has already heard only 43% people above the age of six in Kerala have been exposed to the states and the rest of India even after losing seven persons during the clash. not sound like average aloo-paratha, back from some of them - the Ameri- infection, compared to 68% nationwide.This, many believe, proves that Kerala "We have seen that a sympathy wave was created in favour of Mizoram after idli-sambhar or eggs-and-toast break- cans, for instance, found the Cajun trail has done an admirable job in controlling the spread of coronavirus unlike the the clash. Assam could not capitalise on the development. It is a failure of fasts popular in most Indian homes mix "interesting".Every bag in the ham- rest of India.Also, despite the rising number of cases, hospitals have not been the Assam government despite BJP claiming that the state has the most but each of them is made of Indian per has a note describing its content, overwhelmed. Kerala's case fatality rate is a third of India's national estimate; powerful CM of all times in Himanta Biswa Sarma," Gogoi said. The opposi- grains, Indian nuts and fruits - authored by Monsoon Harvest, a half of the Covid-19 beds in hospitals are free; and under-reporting of Covid- tion legislator also slammed the state government for failing to ensure Centre"s Alfonso, the nest known Indian Coimbatore company that put it all to- 19 deaths is possibly the lowest in the state, according to a report.Also, Kerala timely intervention, which could have saved the lives of seven persons."Our mango around the world - and, as in- gether. Cajun Trail, it said, is "made with has fully vaccinated more than 20% of its people and 38% - including 70% of CM Himanta Biswa Sarma surrendered to the Centre. He even said that tended, ties in nicely with Indian for- Indian gown peanuts, spicy air fried people over 45 years - have received a single jab, much higher than the na- Assam would leave its land up to Nalbari in lower Assam, including Guwahati, eign policy.Florida is now leading the chickpeas, crispy Kerala banana chips tional average.So the state appears to be testing widely, reporting cases hon- to Mizoram if the Centre enacts a law. This is shocking!" he added. Gogoi nation in per capita hospitalizations and roasted almonds. It is a savoury estly, vaccinating quickly and ensuring that hospitals are not overwhelmed. also said that seven CRPF camps were set up on the Assam side and three in for Covid-19, as hospitals around the and healthy tail mix". And it's grain Future waves of infection will not be "as severe as the second wave, given the Mizoram area after the clash."This means more areas in Assam are disputed state report having to put emergency free.But not toasted millet muesli, which pace at which Kerala is vaccinating its population", reckons Dr Rijo M John, a land and we will lose more land," he said. At least six Assam Police personnel room visitors in beds in hallways and is called Dark Chocolate and Orange health economist.Yet, epidemiologists worry that Kerala's apparent success does and one civilian were killed while defending the "constitutional boundary" others document a noticeable drop in Peel. The write up described it as a "de- not tell us the whole story.For one, a large number of people remain susceptible of the state with Mizoram and more than 50 people were injured, including the age of patients."We did it to high- licious mix of whole gains such as pearl to the virus. "This is likely to be driving the pandemic in the state now," says Cachar SP, as the festering border dispute between the two northeastern light the initiative take by the Prime millet, finger millet (more popularly Prof Gautam Menon, a disease modelling expert.There is also risk in "letting states erupted into a bloody conflict on July 26. Minister to declare the year 2023 the known as ragi), and rolled oats, along people get infected, even while preventing deaths", says virologist Shaheed International Year of Millets, which we with roasted almonds, flax seeds, dark Jameel.And that risk is of long Covid - long-term problems after recovering from Assam-Mizoram border row had successfully spearheaded in the chocolate and orange peel. This muesli the original infection - which afflicts up to a third of those infected, including a meaningful dialogue," Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma tweeted. UN General Assembly a few months is handcrafted in small batches and is asymptomatic patients.Kerala is at an "early [stage] in runaway exponential He added: "Assam stands committed to ensuring peace on its borders, pav- ago," said Tirumurti, who spent baked to perfection. It is a sustainable growth" in infections, believes Dr Swapneil Parikh, a physician. The highly ing the way for a peaceful & developed North-East." Meanwhile, the Assam months on the breakfast hamper, with product that uses rain-fed millets which infectious Delta variant has a much higher viral load and spreads faster, mak- chief minister also informed that he has directed the state police to withdraw a lot of help from his wife Gowri is an indigenous crop to the Indian sub- ing it difficult to stamp out the infection, he says."The hospitalisations and the cases lodged against Kolasib deputy commissioner and Virengte SDPO. Tirumurti and mission continent."This is the Indian perma- deaths now represent infections from sometime before, so I would not neces- "I learn that Honble CM @ZoramthangaCM has asked @mizorampolice to colleagues.The top Indian diplomat nent mission's second recourse this sarily take solace in the fact that they are low right now," says Dr Parikh. The withdraw FIR dt 26.7.21 against our officers. I heartily reciprocate this posi- at the UN clearly enjoyed the effort year to the humble millet, a fast grow- consistently high test positive rate of infections is "still a cause for tive gesture and ask @assampolice to withdraw cases against DC Kolasib as he also dealt with other issues of ing cereal grain that belongs to the worry".Prof Menon says a prolonged pandemic could mean the possibility and SDPO Virengte," CM Sarma tweeted. Earlier in the day, Mizoram chief Afghanistan, peacekeeping, maritime grass family. After the UN passage of a of more mutations of the virus, leading to the emergence of new and danger- minister Zoramthanga directed the state police to withdraw the FIR against security, counter-terrorism, China, Pa- proposal spearheaded by India to de- ous variants which could spread the disease to the unvaccinated and Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma and six other Assam Government offi- kistan and all else. "Curating a break- clare 2023 as the Year of Millet, the mis- uninfected people. "This is a time for caution. Kerala's main focus should be cials. Zoramthanga said that the withdrawal of the FIR will create a condu- fast hamper of Indian cereals and sion had sent "millet murukus" to the to bring down case numbers."Many say Kerala needs to be wiser and more cive environment for reaching an 'amicable' solution to resolve the Assam- multigrain products for the UN Secu- UN offices of all 193 member forceful while enforcing rolling lockdowns - the state has allowed festivals Mizoram border issue. "In order to build a conducive atmosphere for rity Council members for the traditional nations.Two European diplomats had to go ahead, leading to mass gatherings and risks of increased infections. amicable solution to the #MizoramAssamBorder dispute & to reduce the breakfast hosted by the President of gotten back almost immediately. Their Virologists say Kerala also requires a more granular data on targeted testing plight of suffering citizens,I have directed @mizorampolice to withdraw the Council was one of the more memo- children loved the murukus and they and increased genome sequencing to find out where the infections are rising FIR dt. 26.07.2021 filed at Vairengte, Kolasib District, Mizoram against all rable moments in a diplomatic life," he wanted to know where to buy them, the most and to track new variants."If there is one thing which we should the accused persons," Zoramthanga tweeted. added.The incoming presidency's said an Indian diplomat who dealt with have learnt from India's pandemic by now, it is to treat narratives of breakfast is a Security Council tradi- that opening salvo of grain power. exceptionalism with caution," says Dr Murad Banaji, a mathematician at PM Modi to invite Indian Olympics tion. And Tirumurti will host it at the They couldn't buy it here in the US as London's Middlesex University, who has been tracking the pandemic closely. all possible help has been extended to them through the government's target Permanent Indian Mission, the Charles the murukus had been flown in spe- Clearly, Kerala might not turn out to be an exception. Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS)."Don't be bogged down by expectations, Correa-designed aesthetic wonder cially from India.Breakfast cereal of oat just give your best. I would have been happier to meet you in person, I amidst steel-and-glass Manhattan clusters and with multigrain flakes and CM visits Patbaushi Satra always look forward to that. But I promise to spend time with you after buildings. It will be followed by India mango is another grain-based part of Deba Goswami, Sundaridiya Satra Satradhikar Janardan Adhikari, Kumarkuchi you come back. I am happy that country is cheering for you. I wish all the holding the first formal business of the the breakfast hamper sent to the UNSC Satra Satradhikar Ratnakanta Adhikari were also present during the Chief luck to you. The whole country's emotions are attached to you," the PM day in the chair: a closed door SC con- members. "Indian Alphonso mangoes Minister’s visit. Later, the Chief Minister also visited Sri Sri Patbaushi Satra set up had said on that occasion.On his last 'Maan ki Baat' programme on July sultation, which be followed by a presi- are picked ripe and freeze-dried to en- by Sri Sri Damodar Dev and offered his prayers. He inspected the sasipat scrip- 25, PM Modi had urged the country to support the athletes at Tokyo dential statement that Tirumurti will sure maximum taste, flavour and nutri- tures and other valuable resources there. The Chief Minister was warmly felici- Olympics. Modi had said that every Indian felt proud seeing the contin- deliver on Darfur. Later in the day, he tion. These are combined with a tated at the satra by the satradhikar and other management committee members. gent at Tokyo Olympics and asked people to cheer and support Team will brief the rest of the general assem- granola like flax seed and oat clusters, Addressing the devotees, he said the present state government is committed to India. "To support our Olympics team on social media, the 'Victory Punch bly members.Prime Minister Narendra and multigrain flakes, making it a preserve and protect the satriya culture for the future generations of the state and Campaign' has already begun. You also share your victory punch along Modi and external affairs minister S much-loved breakfast," the accompa- the two satras at Patbaushi, blessed by the , would be preserved, he said. with your team and cheer for India," he added. Jaishankar will chair sessions of the nying note said. SPORTS PLUS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 04, 2021 7 Britain's Emily Campbell wins historic Rassie Erasmus faces Olympics weightlifting silver medal disciplinary hearing but Tokyo, August 03 : With hasn't been easy," she said. tears of disbelief and Olympic podium"Let's not weightlifting before but cleared for third Test one extraordinary act of "I've worked pretty much joy."Winning the first British beat around the bush," he when I started I essentially strength and defiance, my whole weightlifting female weightlifting medal is said. "The sport has been was right at the bottom Cape Town, August 03 : Rassie Emily Campbell ripped a career to fund it and to make something that will in a tough place for a with a 45kg snatch and 60kg Erasmus is poised to continue 161kg barbell off the floor, sure I'm in the best shape I obviously be with me number of years. It's great clean and clean and jerk and in his role as South Africa's rested it on her shoulders, can. But my community's forever and I'm just thankful to see that the International worked my way up - just director of rugby for the and began to squat. With spirit is just amazing. Every that I managed to put Weightlifting Federation is like everybody else," she decisive third Test of the British another she exploded time I go to the local market weightlifting on the map," making a difference and explained. "I was very & Irish Lions series despite upwards to thrust the they give me free fruit and said Campbell, who had today really showed the strong and powerful but my World Rugby finally weight - more than two beer veg. The cobblers sort out dyed her hair red and blue impact that's having. So technique was very announcing disciplinary kegs worth put together - minimal. And without proceedings against him for high above her head.There technique in this game you misconduct on Monday was a little wobble of the have nothing. So I started night.World Rugby has knees. A steadying smile. from the bottom and worked confirmed that Erasmus, and Then a beep. And, just like up. It wasn't easy and it the South Africa union, will that, Britain had its first ever didn't happen face a disciplinary hearing after an hour-long are the backbone of the sport, and without female Olympic overnight."Not that video emerged last week in which he picks them there is no game," the World Rugby weightlifting medallist - and Campbell is finished yet, of apart Nic Berry's refereeing performance in the statement read. "World Rugby condemns any surely its most powerful, course. She is also trying to first Test - won 22-17 by the Lions. It is public criticism of their selection, performance heartwarming and make an impact in women's understood, however, that the hearing is or integrity which undermines their role, the potentially life-changing fashion too by changing the highly likely to take place after the deciding well-established and trust-based coach- story of these Games.Team perception around clothing Test on Saturday, after the Springboks officials feedback process, and more GB will never say so. But sizes, and by urging brands levelled the series last weekend, leaving importantly the values that are at the heart of some medals are simply to do more for women with Erasmus free to continue his duties including the sport."Having conducted a full review of more inspirational than fuller figures.Meanwhile, acting as a water carrier.World Rugby also all the available information, World Rugby is others. And watching far in front of everyone was expressed its concern at comments made by concerned that individuals from both teams Campbell, a big, strong and a 21-year-old, Li Wenwen of the Lions, after Warren Gatland expressed have commented on the selection and/or proud black woman from a China, who took gold with his dismay that the South African Marius performance of match officials. However, the deprived community win an a combined overall lift of Jonker had been appointed as the TMO for extensive and direct nature of the comments over-87kg super- 320kg, an Olympic record. the series. Initially New Zealand's Brendon made by Rassie Erasmus within a video heavyweight silver medal When asked why the Pickerill was due to fulfil the role but withdrew address, in particular, meets the threshold to was a real This Girl Can my boots and raise money five hours before the hopefully the International Chinese were so good at because of travel complications. Gatland's be considered a breach of World Rugby moment.Five years ago for me. And, now this kid, competition."Because us Olympic Committee gives the sport, Li replied: "This frustration centred on World Rugby's lack of [regulations] and will now be considered by an Campbell was working full- who was raised in Bulwell, females have worked so so the sport that opportunity is the Chinese power, this contingency options beyond a home independent disciplinary panel."World Rugby time with children with Nottingham, is an Olympic hard in these past few years to go to Paris."When it was is the Chinese strength. We appointment.Erasmus faces the prospect of a has been criticised for how slow it has been to special educational needs medallist."A large media to prove that we are not here put to her that she had are strong."It was hard to fine or suspension - and sanctions even include act over Erasmus with Gatland urging the and had never snatched or contingent had arrived at to just participate, we're here become an overnight role argue. But being the the cancellation of a match result - according governing body to intervene last Saturday - clean and jerked a barbell in the Tokyo Forum to write to compete with the rest of model for This Girl Can, the second strongest woman to World Rugby regulations but given his following the Springboks' 27-9 triumph in the her life. She hoped the iron about Laurel Hubbard the world. And I hope that Sport England campaign to in the world is a pretty cool hearing is likely to take place after the series second Test - after Rugby Australia had issued game would turn her into a becoming the first openly you know that the country persuade women and girls accolade too. Just ask has been completed, any action will almost a strong condemnation of South Africa's 2019 stronger shot putter and transgender woman to gets behind us, and we have of all shapes and sizes, to Emily Campbell. certainly not affect the result."Match officials World Cup-winning coach. hammer thrower, having compete in an Olympic some more girls doing get more active, Campbell been a national U23 Games. But when the 43- weightlifting."That nodded: "I hope so," she champion. Instead it hurled year-old Hubbard failed in message was echoed by the replied.Tom McEwen of Team GB strike gold and silver in her life down a wondrous all three of her attempts at British weightlifting team Team GB riding Toledo de new path.And what made the snatch a half-shut door leader, Stuart Martin, who Kerser during the eventing the 27-year-old's journey suddenly swung wide said the astonishing high jumping team final."I really Olympic eventing competition even more remarkable is open.A snatch of 122kg put number of drug bans across do hope so because my sole Tokyo, August 03 : Great penalty. Townend finished that, unlike almost every Campbell in fourth place. the sport had given women aim in this life is to inspire Britain's eventing team won fifth, with Collett ninth. All Team GB medallist in Japan, Then two clean and jerks, of like Campbell a chance that somebody to follow their gold in a dominant three were making their she is not on lottery 156kg and 161kg was not there before.Emily dreams. And if I can help performance at Tokyo Olympic debuts.The gold funding. Instead a few odd respectively, pushed up into Campbell of Great Britain, those little girls find their Equestrian Park before Tom for Team GB comes after jobs, and the help of her bronze - and then silver - due gold medallist Li Wenwen dream, even if it's not McEwen added individual years of tantalising near local community helped her to her combined tally of of China and bronze weightlifting or a different silver on Monday. The misses. Although they did scrape and strive towards 283kg. Then came a scream, medallist Sarah Robles of sport, then I'm very victory marks Team GB's not win a medal in Rio, an impossible glory."It before she fell to the floor in the United States on the happy."I had done some 11th gold medal of the 2020 British riders had won Games, in an event they eventing team silver in Los had not won since Angeles, Seoul, Sydney, VAR set to end Premier League 1972.Andrew Hoy led the Athens and London, and Australian trio to team silver bronze in Beijing. The 1972 players 'buying a penalty' next season ahead of France, who won team whose achievement the competition in Rio in ago, which resulted in know how much he had in they have emulated the player used that contact a player is offside in the 2016. The 62-year-old, who multiple fractures, a hand in the day's first run. included Richard Meade, to actually try and win a foul buildup to a goal as part of first competed at the punctured lung, spinal "I put myself under a bit of Mary Gordon-Watson, penalty? So it's not its four key checks but has Olympics in Los Angeles in injuries, losing some of the pressure, but that's normal, Bridget Parker and Mark sufficient just to say: 'Yes, been criticised for ruling out 1984, then added an sight in one eye and being but these two guys have Phillips.Asked about his there's contact.'"I think that goals on the tiniest of individual bronze medal, left in a coma for six days. made it very easy for me, achievement in becoming the feedback we've had from margins. New rules will taking his all-time medal She said: "Just to be here jumping such amazing Australia's oldest medallist, players, both attackers and apply a different approach, tally to six,becoming was more than a dream rounds."McEwen said: Hoy said: "It is very, very defenders, [is that] you want with a final decision made Australia's oldest Olympic come true."I look back and "We've put in many, many special. We don't come to it to be a proper foul that has not using the one-pixel-wide medallist. Germany's Julia I think where I was eight hours,and it's all paying off, these championships, a consequence, not lines of the VAR, but the Krajewski became the first years ago. I knew I was all the work we've put in. It's especially Olympic Games, something that somebody fatter "broadcast lines" used woman to win the lucky to even just be alive, been a super special to finish in fourth, fifth or has used slight to contact by TV. If the line marking the individual Olympic gold let alone be able to come experience. To get the gold sixth. We only come to get London, August 03 : The teammates in front of the to go over, and we've given attacker's position blurs into medal.The British trio of and do the job that I love, with a record score has a medal and look, it's been a Premier League is to try to jubilant fans at Wembley the penalty to reward the line marking the Oliver Townend, Laura and be lucky enough to been phenomenal. I loved complete team effort."At end the art of "buying" a after the 2-1 victoryThe it."Riley said he hoped the defender's position, the Collett and McEwen had have a horse like London 52 the pressure this week, I've the 2016 Olympics, British penalty, as it announced Premier League's head of rules would help to attacker will be deemed gone into the final round in to bring me to a place like loved being in this team and riders took two golds in the tougher refereeing criteria refereeing, Mike Riley, said persuade players to stay on onside."We've now a commanding lead, with Tokyo."First to jump in the we've had to perform. To get equestrian sports thanks to for deciding spot- the decision to change the their feet in the box. Under reintroduced the benefit of Townend jumping last by team competition round was that team gold after 49 years Charlotte Dujardin on kicks.When the 2021-22 guidance on penalties the new guidance, the the doubt to the attacking dint of his lead in the McEwen on Toledo De is really special."The team Valegro winning the season begins, referees are followed conversations with penalty Raheem Sterling player," Riley said. individual standings. He Kerser, who went clear. run had tantalisingly set up individual dressage and to assess three criteria top flight clubs and players, won for England against "Effectively what we have missed out on an individual Collett took one fence down the possibility that all three Nick Skelton on Big Star in before deciding whether a all of whom wanted spot- Denmark in the Euro 2020 given back to the game is 20 medal after incurring on her run, picking up four Britons could secure an the individual show- penalty should be awarded kicks awarded only for semi-final would not have goals that were disallowed penalty points in his faults. Riding Ballaghmor individual medal, but Collett jumping. At these games for a foul challenge. Officials "proper fouls". It also comes been given and, if it had, the last season by using quite remaining two rounds. Class, Townend was the last put down two fences to they have doubled that must first consider the after a record 125 penalties decision would be expected forensic scrutiny. It's the Nevertheless, he had said of the riders to go with a pick up eight faults to put haul, with the eventing gold degree of contact were awarded in the top to be overturned by toenails, the noses of the he expected there to be a big four-fence cushion provided her out of contention. and silver adding to the experienced by the attacking flight last season."Referees VAR.Riley confirmed this players that last season were celebration after the team he incurred no time Townend incurred four bronzes for Dujardin and player, then the will look for contact and season there will be offside - this season they gold "and I don't think it'll penalties. He took down one faults and a time penalty and the team in the dressage consequence of that establish clear contact, then revisions for the video will be onside."Riley remains be with a cup of tea and a fence to secure Britain's missed out having started competition.Townend contact, before finally taking ask themselves the refereeing technology, with a staunch supporter of the biscuit".Speaking to the victory.Team GB ended up the final round in silver- showered the whole class into account the motivation question: does that contact changes to the way it much-criticised technology, BBC after winning gold, on 86.30 penalty points, well medal position. Instead, it of 2020 with praise. "They of the attacker in reacting to have a consequence?" Riley interprets offside decisions three years into what he sees Collett recalled the dramatic clear of Australia on 100.20 was McEwen who earned are such brilliant riders. I'm the challenge.Harry Kane said. "They will then ask set to benefit the attacking as a five-year process of accident she had in and France on 101.50, but his silver with a clear round, surrounded by class horses celebrates with his England themselves a question: has team.VAR assesses whether establishing it. competition eight years Townend said he did not picking up 0.4 of a time and very classy people." 'I just want my friend to be OK': Root tells Stokes to take all time he needs London, August 03 : Joe Root wants Ben Stokes to take had a conversation with Ben and that's when I found out. said: "There's no one that compares to Ben Stokes in as much time out from England duty as he needs after The call will stay between the two of us but it was hard to world cricket. For a long time now, he's been incredible, revealing how tough it was to see his friend struggling see a friend like that. It's important for people to respect his he's the heartbeat of this team. [But] it does present the last time they spoke.Stokes has taken an indefinite privacy to give him the best chance to deal with this in his opportunities for others to step up and put in big break from cricket "to prioritise his mental wellbeing" own way."Victory over India at Trent Bridge this week would performances."Quite when Stokes returns is hard to and continue his rehabilitation from a finger injury in a be Root's 27th as England's Test captain, surpassing the predict, not least given another relentless schedule setback to England's chances in the five-Test series national record shared with Michael Vaughan. Five have that features a T20 World Cup in the United Arab against India that starts on Wednesday. Those close to come without Stokes in the XI, underlining his importance Emirates in October and November and an Ashes series the situation are not currently expecting Stokes to return to Root as a genuine all-rounder and trusted vice- in Australia that starts on 8 December, with trips to this summer and it is clear Root, who has known the all- captain.The additional loss of Chris Woakes, on the and the Caribbean either side.Some respite rounder since their days playing under-13s cricket against comeback trail from a bruised heel, means Sam Curran may will probably be offered by the expected postponement each other for Yorkshire and Cumbria, will not force the have to bat as high as No 7, supported by Ollie Robinson of the white-ball tour of Bangladesh that was due to issue."From my point of view, I just want my friend to be at No 8, if the spin of Jack Leach is to be brought into the take place after the end of the India Test series, although OK," said Root. "Anyone who knows Ben, he always a long way down the line, and he should take as much time side while still retaining four seamers.This would also mean the players with Indian Premier League deals may puts other people first. Now is an opportunity for him to as he needs. He's got my full support on that and he's been Jos Buttler returning for his first red-ball cricket since instead travel out to the UAE for the second half of the put himself first, to take time to look after himself and get assured he's got the full support of the ECB. And certainly, February and batting at No 6; with concerns about the top rescheduled tournament.Little is guaranteed during the to a good place again. Hopefully, that can be sooner he's got the whole team's support. More than anything, we order after the 1-0 defeat to New Zealand in June, England pandemic era and planning for the Ashes tour remains rather than later."Cricket has to be a secondary thought, just want Ben to be OK. He's got everyone behind him."I may yet opt for caution and revert to four bowlers.Root fraught with uncertainties. k k y y m



8 c Masilingi and Mboma racing against Olympic elite and complex cruelty Tokyo, August 3 : "Idon't under- should be running at all, and indeed late entrants ("I used to run it at crash that stellar podium. But then, stand why people come up with (again, aged 18) whether they should school," Masilingi shrugged shortly win or lose, this is not the story that stuff like that. I just don't get it. It's be classing themselves as women at after making the Olympic will be told.Back to that cruelty. The very cruel." Beatrice Masilingi is all.This stems from something with final).Mboma is a slighter, more situation for athletes placed in this cat- 18, born and raised in Katima in the which both Masilingi and Mboma soft-spoken figure. Two years ago egory is both confusing and incendi- Zambezi region of Namibia. In were born. Naturally occurring she was a netball player, invited by ary. World Athletics, tooled up with Tokyo's Olympic Stadium she was raised testosterone levels mean both a school coach to give the track a scientists and lawyers, has wrestled as excited as you might expect of have been classified as DSD, or ath- whirl. On Monday she did some- with this issue in public since the any teenager who has barely raced letes with Differences of Sexual De- thing sensational, and then for good grim, horribly insensitive treatment outside her home country, who lists velopment, and placed - to their sur- measure did it again. To get the scale of Caster Semenya at the same age. "my grandmother" as her key influ- prise - in a strange, indeterminate of Mboma's performances in Tokyo It is an issue that refuses to present ence, and who had minutes earlier an easy answer. It is the job of sport come cantering in behind Shelly- to adapt, to scrutinise this, to find a From Rio to first week Ann Fraser-Pryce to make the way. Categories must be maintained women's 200m Olympic final.If in some sense: they exist for a rea- Masilingi was also a little wary, it is son, to create fair competition.But of Tokyo, it's only because she knows some part of the right now the power, the decision- future is likely to take a difficult turn making, the tide of regulation lies in if she performs with the same level a strange and indeed uncomfortable women on the podium of grace and fire in Tuesday's final. place. The issue here is the definition Masilingi is one of a pair of of womanhood, as decreed by a nar- New Delhi, August 3 : India now has ment. Children seldom look beyond the Namibian teenagers, schoolmates at row band of sporting administrators. seven women with eight medals from the family for validation, Sakshi adds.Indian Grootfontein Agricultural College, Mboma and Masilingi are women. last 25 years at the Olympic Games, com- sport has benefitted from the maturity lev- who have a serious chance of a The raised testosterone levels, often pared to the eight men and their nine med- els of female athletes who show higher medal in the blue-chip sprint event a result of internal sexual character- als. Seven of those women's medals have cognitive abilities, especially in tactical of these Olympic Games.At which istics, is simply a part of who they come from London, Rio and the first week sports. While outliers like Sindhu (tall, point, that cruelty. In June Masilingi are. This state is far from unheard of. of Tokyo. PV Sindhu has tied the double strong, worked hard on agility) can match and Christine Mboma were barred category of sporting on Monday it is necessary to con- It is not an attempt to cheat, or a can- Olympic medallist score with Sushil physical parameters of competition, India's by World Athletics from running in womanhood.The 200m, for reasons template first the hugely impressive cellation of biological sex, or any- Kumar already. Winning the bronze, after female medallists have shown remarkable the 400m, their chosen event at these of procedure, has yet to be closed figure of Gabby Thomas, the golden thing other than, in pure sporting her 2016 silver, the reigning World Cham- adaptability to stay bull-headed about their Games. In Tokyo they have already off, but it may well be soon. Both US 200m hope at these terms, a naturally occurring advan- pion would play no part in India's fourth- medal dreams."Women are driven so they faced questions about whether they are running that distance instead as Games.Thomas studied neurobiol- tage, albeit one that is deemed place moping.The women's hockey team train very hard. But when they get sup- ogy and global health at Harvard. unwomanly to an unacceptable de- kept the mighty Australians at bay and port of coaching, physios and nutrition, She set Ivy League records in the gree, unfairly undainty by Sebastian reached the semifinals. Mirabai Chanu that path to medal becomes very clear. Hinch's heroics deny Spain 100 and 200 metres. She had her first Coe, the head of World Athletics, and spent five years trying to keep her Then like me, you can go to the Olympics Reebok deal while she was still at his teams of experts.There are press- imbalanced feet steady when lifting 87kg feeling fearless and supported, and stay and put Britain into college. Now 24, she ran the third ing questions here about the way this in one snap motion. Lovlina Borgohain respectful towards competition but not get fastest time ever at the US Trials in kind of issue has played out in the walked the front row of the opening cer- overawed, put your head down and fight Olympic hockey semi-finals June. Her 21.61sec has been bet- past: the toxic spectacle of adminis- emony, and stood tall, rangy and athletic with zero pressure," Sakshi says.Former in the ring. Bhavani Devi made a fast foray Commonwealth Games medallist Aparna with glee at the prospect of Hinch tered only by Flo-Jo and gold here trators, unsympathetic media and - of would confirm Thomas as an out- course - men on the internet arguing into sabre fencing while Manika Batra at- Popat has now watched three Games bring deciding this quarter-final. And tempted to move Indian table tennis in badminton medals, and says the 2010 decide it she did.In a hockey and-out superstar of US athletics. so publicly and with such certainty Well, she's got to get past the teen- over the bodies of these young progress by a painstaking inch.India's story CWG was the turning point for Indian shootout players have eight seconds at Tokyo 2020 is about the charge of In- women - as they started raking in medals to beat the keeper from the 23m ager from Divundu first.First up, at women.The root of the issue is test- 10.54am Tokyo time, Mboma strode osterone, a key metric of both dop- dian women athletes, and them securing from 2012. "Support and planning really line. Hinch saved all five of Spain's five medals out of five in this last one- took off then. It's not about comparing to attempts, one a retake after the away from Thomas to clock the fast- ing control and biological masculin- est time of the round. Eight and a ity. The science is complex, and and-a-half Olympics.The first of those five men: women fight women from other video referee intervened when Brit- was won by wrestler Sakshi Malik at Rio countries. So just make sure you give them ain were already celebrating. She half hours later she beat her again, keenly fought, but some ideal state this time with that glare of public might lie in a way to distinguish be- 2016. It came about after 12 medal-less what their opponents are getting - we smothered, she stretched, she swept days. Then a debutant at the Games, India's matched China in badminton because we Tokyo, August 3 : Five years ago every shot aside. Nothing would scrutiny ramped up a little tween artificially raised levels and more.Thomas was in lane six for the those that are natural. The pragmatic first female wrestling medallist says it took gave our girls coach, physio, strategist, a forest fire in the hills above Rio pass beyond GB's extraordinary 5ft a handful of month-long training stints in cook. Maybe you'll fall short, but the de Janeiro spread ash across the 6in guardian and her heavy suit of semi-final, an imposing figure in situation, proposed by World Athlet- k pink, already with her own ics, is for women with those levels to Spain, sparring with reputed World and women knowing they got everything can k y pitch before Team GB and Spain armour.Martin and Sarah Jones Olympic medallists, to inject quiet confi- do wonders. Then they don't need extra y m met at the same stage of the 2016 scored for Britain and Hinch's feats champion's aura. Mboma looked ter- take testosterone-suppressing drugs m c ribly nervous, but perked up to smile if they want to race at distances from dence into her."Just being around that en- motivation," she explains.That all of this c Games. The only thing on fire at helped secure a last-four encoun- vironment of excellence in your sport can is new for Indian women is making the Oi Hockey Stadium on a sultry ter with the tournament favourites, at the camera. She was slow out of 400m to 1500m. There is something the blocks, and lagging into the bend. troubling about asking a woman ath- boost you and make you believe you be- numbers appear skewed compared to men. Tokyo evening was the goalkeeping a team eager for revenge for the long. Giving those chances of top-level But Popat reckons the relentless super- of Britain's Maddie Hinch, whose 2016 final they felt was stolen from At which point she just let it go ("I lete to take a drug that alters your don't give up, I keep pushing"), arms natural state, affects your mood, in- competition are most important for charging of female ambition targeted at extraordinary shutout in the them by Hinch's shootout heroics. women," Sakshi says. "Now imagine when medals has changed India for good. "I shootout propelled the reigning Seven of GB's Rio squad are in pumping a little wildly, but catching terrupts your talent, suppresses what Thomas, who grimaced, losing that your body does naturally. This solu- given these opportunities consistently. played in times when we were super- women's Olympic champions into Tokyo."I don't feel invincible, defi- You'll be surprised how far they can take apologetic about why we played sport: a semi-final against the nitely not. I just enjoy them," said wonderful stride as she was passed. tion feels like the wrong side of his- Ahead of them both Elaine Thomp- tory. Time will not judge it you."Typically, in contact sports, young because we liked it or some such thing. Netherlands.Twice in normal time Hinch. "As a keeper I think you girls came up against familiar rivals: "They But with even basic support, things that Britain went ahead, through shouldn't fear [shootouts], it's just son-Herah won the race in a hugely kindly.For now that 200m final impressive personal best, then took a promises a thrilling contest. The two said 'kaisi ladki hai jo ladkon ke saath made women hesitant - clothes, society, Hannah Martin and Grace Balsdon, a chance for you to do your part. I kushti karti hai (What kind of girl wrestles injury, just vanish," she says.A female and twice they allowed Spain back didn't fear it today, I felt moment to lie prone on the track. Jamaican women will be favourites Mboma barely looked out of to take silver and gold. Fraser-Pryce, with boys). No one will marry her, she'll sporting champion has normalised the into the match. But when the hooter ready."Hinch may be modest but have deformed ears, and ungirly physique. career path in a decade's time, she says. sounded on a 2-2 draw you could Hager is under no illusions about breath.No one really knows how fast such a serene, reassuring figure in the girls from Grootfontein might run the gloom of these peculiar Games, But my parents told me exactly the oppo- "With every medal, the challenges of per- almost hear Britain's head coach, the value of his goalkeeper to site. They said I was good at sport. That ception and acceptance are chipping Mark Hager, slapping his hands Britain's Olympic cause. on Tuesday night, although it will is almost twice the age of her have to be extremely fast indeed to Namibian rivals. was enough," she says of the reinforce- away," Popat adds. Britain battle past US to reach Olympic rugby sevens semi-finals

Tokyo, August 3 : Great their performance at the Rio as Britain built a 14-point in- Tapper.Fiji and New Zealand that defensive set at the end "It was backing each other up, China to secure a semi-final Britain's women will play Games five years ago.It was a terval lead.Joyce's second try will contest the other last-four was unreal. We showed heart trusting each other to make spot, but the odds favour a France on Saturday for a place dominant display that saw Jas- early in the second half, again encounter after the former like no other, and I am just so those one-on-one hits. We've Britain versus New Zealand in the Tokyo Olympics sevens mine Joyce score the opening converted by Aitchison, gave knocked out the defending proud of the team. We know got some of the smallest girls, final. If that happens, it would final. A 21-12 victory over the try after just 38 seconds. the United States a mountain champions, Australia, 14- what we've got to do - fuel up we are not a big team. De- be a repeat of their pool game United States put them into Holly Aitchison converted, to climb, and it proved too 12.Britain's Celia Quansah and come back firing fence wins you the game and earlier in the tournament that the semi-finals, which means and then added the extras to much despite late tries by said: "The grit and determina- tomorrow."Quansah's team- makes it easier once you have New Zealand won 26-21 af- they have at least matched an Abbie Brown touchdown Kristi Kirshe and Naya tion we showed, especially in mate Alex Matthews added: got the ball."France overcame ter trailing by 21 points.

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