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Archive of SID Port & Sea Magazine No. 235 | Oct2016

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12th ICOPMAS; An event to take advantage of the latest developments Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Ports & Maritime Academy

شــرکت دانــش پــژوه بنــادر ایرانیــان یکــی از شــرکتهای زیــر مجموعــه صنــدوق پسانــداز کارکنــان ســازمان بنــادر و دریانــوردی ایــران میباشــد کــه بــه عنــوان بازویــی قدرتمنــد در جهــت فراهمســازی خدمــات آموزشــی و پژوهشــی و همچنیــن طراحــی، اســتقرار و ارزیابــی سیســتمهای مدیریتــی مــورد کاربــرد در ســازمان و شــرکتهای تابعــه و وابســته پــا بــه عرصــه رقابــت نهــاد و هماکنــون خدمــات قابــل ارایــه خــود را بــه کلیــه بازیگــران صنعــت لجســتیک کشــور ارایــه می نمایــد.

دانش پژوه بنادر ایرانیان ایــن شــرکت بــه پشــتوانه ســالها تجربــه مدیــران ارشــد خــود و همــکاری بــا مراکــز آموزشــی و پژوهشــی معتبــر داخلــی و خارجــی هماکنــون بــه عنــوان مرجعــی قابــل اعتمــاد و حرفــه ای در ایــن صنعــت مبــدل شــده اســت. Ports & Maritime Academy برخــورداری از فضاهــای اســتاندارد آموزشــی، تیــم هــای چنــد تخصصــی، اســاتید دانشــگاهی و مدرســان بینالمللــی در کنــار تجــارب مشــاوره سیســتمهای مدیریتــی از جملــه مزایــای ایــن شــرکت میباشــد. اســتفاده از فن آوریهــای جدیــد و بــه روز در ارایــه خدمــات آموزشــی و پژوهشــی باعــث شــده اســت کــه بخــش عظیمــی از مخاطبیــن و دانــش پژوهــان بتواننــد از خدمــات ایــن شــرکت بهرهمنــد گردنــد. همــکاری نزدیــک بــا مراکــز دانشــگاهی و آموزشــی معتبــر داخلــی و خارجــی تــوان پاســخگویی و رفــع نیــاز همــه جانبــه دانــش پژوهــان را بــه دنبــال داشــته باشــد.

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Mobil Delivery مدیری

امکان ارائه e ت اسناد ش، در د Document موز ستر nagem ر آ س، Ma ent د ه ت ر ز & اوPorts ما تف م ن، ی Maritime Course player ه ک ر بAcademy م ه آنالینای Office س ک ا

امکان دوره ن مدیریت


محتوا محتوا طراحی و برگزاری آموزشهای تخصصی و فوق تخصصی Management

شــرکت دانــش پــژوه بنــادر ایرانیــان یکــی از شــرکتهای زیــر مجموعــه صنــدوق پسانــداز کارکنــان ســازمان بنــادر طراحی و ارتقا سیستمها واستانداردهای مدیریتی و دریانــوردی ایــران میباشــد کــه بــه عنــوان بازویــی قدرتمنــد در جهــت فراهمســازی خدمــات آموزشــی و پژوهشــی و همچنیــن طراحــی، اســتقرار و ارزیابــی سیســتمهای مدیریتــی مــورد کاربــرد PMAدر ســازمان و شــرکتهای تابعــه و وابســته پــا بــه عرصــه رقابــت نهــاد و هماکنــون خدمــات قابــل ارایــه خــود را بــه کلیــه بازیگــران صنعــت لجســتیک کشــور ارایــه می نمایــد. انجام ممیزی، ارزیابی عملکرد و رتبهبندی یادگیری دانش پژوه بنادر ایرانیان ایــن شــرکت بــه پشــتوانه ســالها تجربــه مدیــران ارشــد اﯾﺠﺎد خــود و ﯾﺎدﮔﯿﺮى همــکاری بــا ﺳﺎزﻣﺎﻧﻰ مراکــز ﺑﺮ ﭘﺎﯾﻪآموزشــی و پژوهشــی معتبــر داخلــی Managemnt Learning Ports & Maritime Academy و خارجــی هماکنــون بــه عنــوان مرجعــی قابــل اعتمــاد و حرفــه ای در ایــن صنعــت مبــدل شــده اســت. برخــورداری از کالسفضاهــای اســتاندارد آموزشــی، تیــم هــای چنــد تخصصــی، اســاتید دانشــگاهی و مدرســان بینالمللــی پژوهش و توسعه فن آوریهای دانش بنیان در کنــار تجــارب مشــاوره سیســتمهای مدیریتــی از جملــه مزایــای ایــن شــرکت میباشــد. اﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﯿﮑﻰ ﺗﺨﺼﺺ ﻣﺎﺳﺖ مدیریت اســتفاده از فن آوریualهــای جدیــد و بــه روز در ارایــه خدمــات آموزشــی و پژوهشــی باعــث شــده اســت کــه بخــش عظیمــی oom از مخاطبیــن و دانــش پژوهــان بتواننــد از خدمــات ایــن شــرکت بهرهمنــد گردنــد. همــکاری نزدیــک بــا مراکــز دانشــگاهی و آموزشــی معتبــر داخلــی و خارجــی تــوان پاســخگویی و رفــع نیــاز همــه جانبــه Virt های مج دانــش پژوهــان را بــه دنبــال داشــته باشــد. lassr ازی C و بازخورد سیستم ارزیابی Survey & سبکی متفاوت در آموزش Feedback آزمون های Onlineآنالین Testing در بسته تلفن همراه

Mobil Delivery ل به مدیری در دسترس امکان ارائه e ت اسناد ش، در د تصا خلی Document موز ستر nagemInt ر آ س، Ma ent د ه ت ر ز wi ا ی داegratioan of SID اوArchive مبلیت ف ا ت ن م ، هاinternal system n ی Course player ه ک قا سیستمر ب م ه آنالینای هـر مکـان Office س ک ا

امکان دوره همکاری ن مدیریت

Content محتوا محتوا تیمی Management th طراحی و هـر برگزاری زمـان آموزشهای تخصصی و فوق تخصصی طراحی و ارتقا سیستمها واستانداردهای مدیریتی PMA Collaboratio

انجام ممیزی، ارزیابی عملکرد و رتبهبندی گزارشات شریپ فت و عملکرد یادگیری اﯾﺠﺎد ﯾﺎدﮔﯿﺮى ﺳﺎزﻣﺎﻧﻰ ﺑﺮ ﭘﺎﯾﻪ Managemnt Learning پژوهش و توسعه فن آوریهای دانش بنیان کالس e ortspR اﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﯿﮑﻰ ﺗﺨﺼﺺ ﻣﺎﺳﺖ مدیریت ual oom

Virt های مج lassr ازی سبکی متفاوت در آموزش C در دسترس ل به تصا خلی Int wi بلیتا ی داegratioan هاinternal system هـر مکـان n قا سیستم همکاری

تیمی th هـر زمـان Collaboratio ﺗﻬﺮان: ﺧﯿﺎﺑﺎن ﺣﺎﻓﻆ، ﮐﻮﭼﻪ آرژاﻧﺘﯿﻦ، ﭘﻼك 10 گزارشات شریپ فت و عملکرد e ortspR

ﺗﻬﺮان: ﺧﯿﺎﺑﺎن ﺣﺎﻓﻆ، ﮐﻮﭼﻪ آرژاﻧﺘﯿﻦ، ﭘﻼك 10 Email: [email protected] ﺗﻠﻔﻦ: -8 ﻓﺎﮐﺲ: 88809289 Content

ماهنامه علمی،تحقیقاتی

Port & Sea Magazine No. 235 | Oct2016 ICOPMAS; An event to take 6 advantage of the latest developments

12th ICOPMAS; An event to take advantage of the latest developments

Port & Sea Magazine No. 235 | Oct2016 12th ICOPMAS; Owned by: 9 New era, Port & Maritime Organization (PMO) New approaches Legal Representative: Dr .Hadi Haghshenas Editor –In-Chief: Younes Gharbali Moghadam Internal Manager: Dr. Abdolrahim Rahimi Editorial Secretary: Farid Ghaderi Administrative Manager: Technical Javad Jahandar Achivments of Public Relations Manager: 10-20 Iranian Ports and Mojtaba Bahiraie Companies Editorial: Hasan souri, Farima Saleh, Mehdi Dehdar Editor: Ramin Jahanpour Designer: Pouya Malek Siar Photographer: Yaser Alibakhshi Commercial Manager: Nasrin Gholami Need to find your

21 own niche CommercialArchive Affairs: of SID Melika Ghafourian

Printed and published by: HSS Print

:Magazine Address سال 1st Floor, Number 40, kish Ave-nue, After Jahan Koodak Intersec-tion, Afrigha street, سیویکم

Tehran,Iran. Telefax: +98-21-88190630-2 & +98-21-88190639-40 شامره

Website: Maersk Shipping 235 Line Eyeing Return 47 to Iran Email: مهر [email protected]

1395 SMS Panel: +98-100088190630 6 Supported by PIANC Editorial

An opportunity to introduce the Capabilities

The international conferences take place with looking at As the security as highest great need for trade. We have to two main points: believe that Iran can provide these needs for them. 1)The scientific and technical capacities of the county to In the develop countres such a policy has been served be explain to the specialist and industries owners to improved economical activities, the expenditures for 2) The country’s strategy for the international guests and security also has been paid by them. others who are active in that field These expenditures been paid by Iran by the security, These conferences give a chance to owners of industries which stable situation in the area is a result of that. involve to get to know the abilities of each others which Therefore the gathering of international guest in this ends up with trade contract between them. conferences (12th ICOPMAS) Is a great opportunity to While conferences is going on,it gives them a chance for introduce technical and capacity of the country. longtime contracts, which could be one of main goal in The action which was taken against Iran in the last decade every conferences. was only a political iranophobia but was a barrier to Nowadays, after a sanction lifted up marine director and capacities of the country to be known by others. managers got a chance to introduce the importance of Using in the costal areas Caspian seas, and geographical situation of theArchive country to convince them Oman sea of is not profitable SID for Iran, as it is the same for the relationship with Iran can provide new chances for whole the countries. world trade. As an example, developing Mokran coast could be used

As an example the Iran sky is the safest airway for the world as a transfer hub from Persian gulf area to oman coasts. air traffic which could be used by international airline. This stops the need for hormaz strait for ocean going سال To reach such a goal, first of all technical and economical vessels and causes to improve marine transportation packages which ends up to improve trade and transit opportunities of the country. سیویکم

using passages from Iranian land this is a need for todays Such an action, could remember the flourishing Iranian international trade. old days. Difinetly the mokran coast got the ability of The lack of knowledge and laws about this abilities in transshipping of more than 30 million TEU of goods by شامره the past caused that the country misses that golden incoming liners to non-regional contries via the Persian 235

opportunities. gulf.

Now the 12th ICOPMAS conferences is on the way to I trust 12th ICOPMAS will introduce the real capacities مهر look at the point which ends up improving trade and can of Iran better than the past. To our welcomed guest provide better opportunities. particularly international professionals.

The elementary negotiations with international 1395 companies to start their activities in safest country of the Hadi Haghshenas 7 Middle East. Legal Representative Massage

ICOPMAS; An event to take advantage of the latest developments

Holding successful and continuous conferences on International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures in Islamic republic of Iran connects domestic port and coastal engineering knowledge to the global frontiers. This fact reflects the firm and clear decision of Port and Maritime Organization (PMO) for promoting ports and constructions engineering science and techniques as well as playing its national and professional role for developing ports and coastal areas. ICOPMAS; a channel to present latest scientific, experimental and technical findings and achievements of international maritime engineering society; mirrors the vigorous efforts of PMO to play its sovereign role amongst other related organizations to find solutions and answers for maritime development’s problems, requirements and necessities as well as its social responsibility for all citizens including residents of coastal areas. Fortunately, after more than two decades, the conference has been able to prove itself as a sustainable and undeniable event for establishing strong international connections and exchanging knowledge and experience among scientists and researchers from different nations in the field of ports, coastal and maritime constructions. The conference kept playing its role even during the difficult time of unfair sanctions against our country. Undoubtedly, the development oriented approach of ICOPMAS during the past 24 years has provided a valuable opportunity for the Iranian maritime society. Today, all Iranian specialists and researchers from different organizations are able to discuss and communicate professional subjects with their international counterparts during the conference and chart useful and effective solutions for promoting the findings of scientific Archiveefforts to answer current and future requirementsof asSID well sustainable national and regional development. The last but not the least, it is expected that the 12th conference channels

the knowledge, implicitly or explicitly, to port and maritime value- creating businesses; and turn the existing science and experience to a سال center for technical and engineering innovation and creativity which contrives ways to establish national and international knowledge-based سیویکم

maritime corporations. Pertaining to these subjects, there has been proper legal capacities. In addition, there are significant supports provided by governmental شامره institutions and organizations to make sure that innovations and 235

scientific findings transfer to production and executive units swiftly which

streamlines competitiveness a durability of the industry. مهر

Whishing all everyday success. Mohammad Saeid Nejad

1395 Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development 8 and Managing Director of Ports and Maritime Organization ICOPMAS; ICOPMAS, A center A Connection for exchanging between maritime university and knowledge and industry experience

Presently we are in a situation that need to connect Transferring and localizing technology is a complicated issue university industry and 12th ICOPMAS. Could be used as that developed and developing nations have been dealing a position to improve scientific level of marine subjects. with from different point of views, including scientific, And could connect the industry with advanced of Iran to cultural, political and economic aspects. There is a clear level of advanced countries. technological gap between developed and developing ICOPMAS is the most important marine scientific countries. Transferring technology is a key to fill this gap. symposium in the area. Those who take part in the Transferring and localizing technology is possible through gathering could reach the latest data about ports several means. constructions as jetty, breakwater, and also the plans for Looking at the development background of developing improving marine and logistics transportations. And also countries, especially the East Asian countries, shows to get familiar with universal data of this field. that these countries strengthened their technological Students also can show their abilities in the symposium base via transferring from developed countries to solve and also the advantage of modern data which are the their industrial problems more rapidly. While enhancing main aim of the gathering. their economic foundations, established and promoted The 12th conference of ports, coasts and marine academic and research centers. constructions could be useful to improve scientific level One of the most effective methods for transferring of knowledge of the port organizations employee. executive and scientific experience is holding international Because the sea is a source of power, economy, science conferences. Port and Maritime Organization, the maritime and industry is so important in this field. It is necessary for scientific focal point in the country, has held eleven all students and scholars to take a deep look at the field. conferences on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures. The The presence and interaction of world maritime impact of holding such conferences is clearly obvious when powers is one of the privileges of the International we look at the enhanced scientific knowledge of PMO staff Conference on Coasts, Ports, and Marine Structures. reflected in the submitted articles. Furthermore, we can Well-known representatives from some key marine observe the outcomes of attendance of PMO’s specialists countries, including the United States of America, and managers at the international events in the existing England and the Netherlands have attended the projects. conference which means we are facing a great Considering the past eleven biannual conferences on scientific and economic opportunity in the country. Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, the 12th conference is I think If we can establish a venue for Iranian attendees important from two aspects, nationally and internationally. to take advantage of the latest global scientific First, it is essential that Iranian scholars and researchers developments; for example in the field of port to exchange their findings with their international construction and subsidence; that would be one of the counterparts. achievements of the conference.ArchiveOn the other of hand, the internationalSID level of this conference Port and Maritime Organization acts as a hub to connect provides an opportunity to discuss the main issues of

Iranian transportation sector to the global network. coastal, ports and engineering management, offshore Road and rail transportation, mostly cover domestic and pipeline engineering, maritime safety and security,

سال needs, are just forming a small part of the international coastal and marine residential areas and land-population transportation. That is why the Port and Maritime preparation. Organization acts as the “golden gate” for International As a final point, in order to pave the way for transferring سیویکم transportation to Islamic Republic of Iran. knowledge and experience and enhance the scientific The unfair sanctions against Iran provided a golden understanding of managers and staff, it is expected time for our regional competitors in the Persian Gulf to that Iranian maritime experts and engineering society شامره invest a huge amount of money in their billion dollars participate effectively in the conference. It is obvious that 235 port projects. Such conferences open up the access presence of international scholars and corporations plays to the global resources and markets and help to keep a key role in transferring knowledge and technology and مهر competing. ICOPMAS is a bridge to exchange knowledge increasing international co-operations with the Islamic and enter the global economy. Republic of Iran. Noureddin Aliabadi Mansour Arami 1395 Deputy Managing Director for Ports Equipment and Development Deputy directorate for planning and resources development 9 Port and Maritime Organization Achivments

ICOPMAS, ICOPMAS, Helping to a venue to promote port realize management creative ideas systems

Exchanging experience and updating knowledge Islamic republic of Iran benefits from extended coastal has significantly developed during the past 24 areas, more than 5 thousands and 700 kilometers, with years of holding ICOPMAS. Different investment different and diverse usages. According to coastal usage, methods, in view of their advantages and marine constructions are or will be built based on varied disadvantages, in the special port zones has specifications. Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), affected the system of calculating tariffs in as a comprehensive coastal plan in the country focusing on an optimum way according to the needs of the coastal usage has been approved and ratified by the high applicants. In addition, the conference has council of architecture and urban development of I.R. of Iran. increased the attractiveness of Iranian ports. Port and Maritime Organization as the leading organizations Furthermore, it has considerably promoted port amongst other related organizations and research institutions management systems by applying news solutions provided all necessary information and documents. and approaches. This plan reflects the significance of coastal constructions The conference has motivated fundamental management and focusing on different approaches on main actions in the field of port operations and has issues such as subsidence and environmental situations. played an undeniable role for creating a dynamic Thus, scientific consideration toward coastal constructions commercial current. The conference has also and promoting and exchanging international knowledge is been successful in the field of port related so important in this field. technological developments point of view that To aim these goals, International Conference on Coasts, focuses on promotion of scientific and research Ports and Marine Structures has been able to achieve great standards. In addition, the conference has played successes during the past eleven conferences. The conference and effective position for stimulating investment has presented the scientific capabilities of Iranian experts in in the ports during the past decades. the field of coastal engineering to the international society. The conference is able to act clearly for At the same time, the conference has greeted international highlighting ports in the new are after lifting scholars to present the findings and results of their researches. unfair sanctions. Among all those innovative and creative ideas, the proposal It also helps to identify new port indexes, updating for enhancing subsidence management and supplying and presenting them in the international events. proper and safe ports depth was significant. These methods It is expected that the secretariat of the have been introduced in the past conferences and there are conference, engineering society and other some grounds to implement those ideas in the Iranian ports. specialists introduce and promote models and By following these methods, it is possible to decrease the processes for enhancing international port costs of waterways and ducks subsidence and maintenance

indexes. And in order to increase the advantages in the Iranian ports. of ports takes considerableArchive steps for applying To conclude,of the InternationalSID Conference on Coasts, Ports modern technological in the ports such as E-ports and Marine Structures has perfectly been able to fulfill

as well as proposing clustering map of port its mission in the professional field of ports and coastal activities. engineering which has stabilized countries position in the

international level. The conference can be a good model سال Jalil Eslami for promoting domestic professional port and maritime Deputy directorate for port and economic affairs activities in the world. I seize the opportunity to appreciate سیویکم all distinguished colleagues and staff who were involved in holding the conference during the past years as well as the شامره

current one 235 Mohammad Rastad

Deputy Managing Director for Maritime Affairs مهر


10 12th ICOPMAS; New era, New approaches

Benefiting from oceans and seas is one of the endowments Developing a math based Iranian simulator software for that has granted to humankind. As the Holly Quran says marine parameters and presenting it to the international mankind can use the sources of waters (alive or mineral), market, travel to farthest places on the globe and trade goods. Establishing a scientific NGO on coastal and marine Islamic republic of Iran is connected to international waters constructions, from Northern and Southern areas, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf Being Supported by all related internal and international and sea of Oman. Furthermore, benefiting from 5800 coastal coastal and marine constructions organizations, unions and lines and several islands has established a perfect situation associations, for the country in the region and the world. Unfortunately, Getting membership of I.R. of Iran, the only member from during the past centuries, the country has been deprived of the Middle East region, in the oldest and most effective this gigantic God-given endowment and mostly has turned international association in the field, the World Association to a land-locked territory. for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (PIANC).

Port and Maritime Organization as the focal point in this The most important programs for this conference are as field in the country figured out that paving the way for follows: specialists and researchers and persuading them to work on Updating Conference website by increasing the number this subject is one of the solutions to fill the gap. In addition, of languages to four, the organization convinced executive agencies to have a Holding Board of Directors and Scientific Committee more focused attention to the development of the coastal Meetings, areas. As a result, we created a base for exchanging ideas Scheduling a plan to receive articles, evaluating them by among Iranian and foreigners. As the “Construction era” Iranian and International scholars via the conference started, after the imposed war in 1990, the pace for utilizing website, coastal, ports and marine structure’s knowledge was set. Coordinating with international lecturers to present their findings as key speakers, There have been valuable achievements, internally Choosing an appropriate place to hold the conference and and internationally. In addition to having a base for equipping the sideline exhibition, exchanging experience and successes among attendees online and simultaneous broadcasting of all lectures and presenting domestic technical capabilities which are through the conference website, the most obvious results of such conferences, one of the Planning to invite civilian and military officials in the most important achievements is enhancing technical and opening and closing ceremonies of the conference. professional knowledge of Iranian specialists, researchers, consultants and contractors. Consequently, I.R. of Iran is in Having a different international environment after the a noteworthy situation in theArchive field of coastal management Joint Comprehensive of Plan SID of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and engineering in the region and is capable to present and 5+1 countries is the most clearly distinguishable fact its technical and engineering knowledge in international from previous conferences that has gathered more than levels. Some of these achievements are as follows: 30 countries in this event. Furthermore, the number of

سال Displaying several national project, articles we have received from researchers has significantly Supporting academic agencies through industry sector to increased. advance country aims, سیویکم Preparing coastal constructions guideline as the first Mohammadreza Allahyar obligatory comprehensive guideline for domestic designers Director General of Coasts and Ports Engineering شامره

and consultants, and Secretary of the Conference 235



11 Achivments

Name and Position: Ports and Maritime Sadollah Abdollahi, General Director

Contact point: Directorate General Phone: +98 615228 4000-3 Fax: +98 615228 2151 & +98 615222 6900 of Khuzestan Website: Province Email: [email protected]

Background of Port: Technical and engineering achievements in last two years Special economic zone of Imam Khomeini port with 1) construction of oil wharf 11044 Hectares in extent is placed in North-west of By the construction of two oil Dolphin wharfs with Persian gulf and at the end of khoor Mousa waterway. the capacity of 42 million tons and implementation of This waterway has provided, with depth of 20 m, width transporting pipelines toward supporting lands have of 250m and 42nautical miles, a peaceful and safe way provided the possibility of 3 million m2 oil derivation in for the traffic of different types of trade ocean going Imam Khomeini port vessels and tankers through Persian gulf, Hormuz 2) Construction of warehouse of dangerous goods and strait, Oman sea, Indian ocean all over the word. flammable material Unique benefits of this port like proximity to 70 percent Loading and unloading, transportation and inventory of main industrial and population centers of the country of dangerous goods including flammable, chemical and and free trade zone of Arvand, neighborhood with toxic materials need special safety arrangements and economical zone of Imam Khomeini petrochemical, equipment. Accordingly, warehouses of dangerous goods locating in International North-South Transportation and related materials have been constructed in the port Corridor (INSTC) and shortest and safest overland with a foundation of 6000 square meters and outdoor area path for carrying goods from Iraq, Turkey, Caucasus, of 13000 square meter, compliance with recently available and middle Asia to the south-east of Asia have made standards and utilizing necessary facilities this port as one of the main trade centers of Iran and 3) Starting of advanced telecommunication system of ICS region. ICS or Integrated communication system is a new telecommunication technology with change in structure Main Services: and communication platform of equipments and 1) Maritime services telecommunication systems(marine and land) from Pilotage of vessels analog to IP will present a collection of integrated Berthing and unberthing of vessels telecommunication services in different using conditions Water supply and bunkering to vessels like managing, leading and critical. With this new method Maritime radio and navigation aid services all of marine telecommunication systems, mobile and Maritime search and rescue immobile telecommunication system of the city, maritime Emergency (medical services) warning system can be used in a network format. 2) Port services loading and discharge of cargoes Technical requirements to port and maritime activities cargo handling and storage and promoting

confirmation of seafarers’ competency (training, multidimensional transportation engineering testing, and certificationArchive for seafarers) designingof ports andSID marine structures issuing license services of marine and port extraction and stabilization of tidal lands

transportation (licenses for loading and discharge of truck digital technology cargoes, cargo counting, diving, shipping) FTTX technology in telecommunication, electronically, registrating services of vessels and IT platforms سال سیویکم





12 Name & Position: Hossein Cheraghi Ports and Maritime General Director Contact Point: Directorate General Kambiz Jahanbani, Coordination Manager Phone: +981344424701 Fax: +981344423902, +981344427988 of Guilan Province Email: [email protected] Website:

Background of Port: overhauled, and since accessibility to main spare parts at Anzali Port is one of the busiest ports among the market is time consuming and costly, thus Engineering southern Caspian Sea littoral states, and its importance is Department designed and manufactured necessary further highlighted due to its location in the International parts by close partnership of private sector. Example: North-South Transit Corridor (INSTC). Cooling Box of Dredger Engines And Cutter Head of This port provides various services to customers, taking Cutter Suction Dredger advantage of suitable infrastructures, multi-purpose warehouses and terminals, and applying modern cargo Innovation of “Composite Sorbent to Remove Oil Spill handling equipment. Moreover, the Vessel Traffic System in Caspian Sea: Prepared from different Regions of Guilan (VTS) is an advantage for guaranteeing safety, which Province”: To prevent marine pollution, It is necessary to distinguishes Anzali Port from other ports in the Caspian use materials which are environment friendly and are Sea. After being linked to the national railway and accessible and inexpensive. Using materials extracted highway network, which extend inside the port area as from natural resources and agricultural sources will well, this port will perform a key role in national maritime facilitate making such a composition. transport industry

Main Services: Technical requirements to port and maritime activities Efficient Cargo handling Services to different type of and promoting (Max 5 items): Cargoes Ship yard facilities to repair ships incompatible to Warehousing and Storing services maritime safety. Transit New generation of ship to shore cranes and yard Reception facilities equipment to enhance move per hour and productivity Shore Based Maintenance and Life Saving Appliances of cargo handling services Search and Rescue Helicopters to cover more nautical areas and monitoring coastal areas against oil pollution Main technical and engineering achievements in 2 last under any meteorological condition years: Accessibility to last nautical charts Designing and manufacturing main spare parts of New technological softwares and hardwares for strategic Service Boats such as dredgers: Due to frequent establishing port community system and linking all units operational utilization of dredgers, they need to be of port and maritime industry

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13 Achivments

Name and Position: Mohammad Mehdi Benchari,General Ports and Maritime director Contact point: Directorate General Website: Phone: (+9877) 33322051-7 Fax: (+9877) 33330072 of Bushehr Province Email: [email protected]

Background of port: Maritime crisis management includes assessment of The Port of Bushehr, with a radiant history of around five risk, determination of the way to achieve the lowest thousand years, is considered to be one of the ancient possible (or acceptable) level of risk, the establishment ports of Iran. The commercial fame and glory of this port of systems and procedures to maintain the system at reached its peak as the only reliable port of the country an acceptable level, the preparation (contingency during the Qajar Dynasty, leading to a vast immigration of planning) required to deal with events which could take people from nearby locations thereto and the growth of place, and the management of response organizations its population. During this area, Bushehr Port was chosen and actions resulting from this preparation when an as the center for customs activities in the south of the incident occurs. Each of these elements has an economic country, and an office called Southern Customs Branch cost and a key element in maritime crisis management was established therein, which further confirmed the port is the rational allocation of these costs. The objective as a major focus of trade in the Persian Gulf. Today, of this project is to present a method for Forecasting enforcing the sovereignty of the government in the coasts and warning marine hazards and helping the response and ports, with the aim of providing necessary facilities for organizations for best Crisis Management of Marine expansion of maritime trade and coastal relations, as well Hazards. Hence, Automatic Identification System (AIS) as reception of the applicable dues and charges, which which is an autonomous monitoring system, operating had been in place since November 1814, form one of the in the VHF maritime mobile band has been done for the duties of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO). first time in Iran, Bushehr Port Maritime Organization. The potentials and capacities of the country in all Use of Self-Compacting- Concrete for The Repair of transport sectors encourage multimodal transport as a Quays No. 4 & 5 & 6 at Bushehr Port vital tool for increasing the participation of Iran in regional A project is done to provide basic repairs for quays No. and international transport markets, and thus realizing the 4, 5 & 6 in Bushehr Port. The damaged sections of the mass objectives of economic development of the country, quays (about 500 meter long) were in need of repair including those stipulated in the 2020 Perspective to boost their service quality, the worst parts of which Document. Adopting long-term strategies in line with the mentioned objectives, therefore, the Iranian Maritime Administration would be able to channel its capabilities and innovations towards promoting transit of cargos through Iran.

Main services: The main ports andArchive maritime services of Bushehr Port of SID Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Legal facilities and advantages of ports Special

Economic Zone 20 percent discount in the commercial profit سال 50 percent discount in handling charges of imported commodities and containers transited directly into the

Special Economic Zone number 2 of Bushehr Port سیویکم

Existence of regular shipping line in the area for transfer of cargos, passengers and containers شامره Licensing stevedoring companies, shipping agent 235

and other port and maritime transport services in

shortest time possible مهر

Main technical and engineering achievements in 2

1395 last years The Design and Implementation Of Buoy Monitoring 14 System could be found in quays No. 4 & 5 with a total length investment prospects for interested parties in the of 350 meters (concrete piles and concrete decks). The following respects: project scope consisted of the followings: Terminal for liquid bulk materials including oil Repairing the concrete piles with self-compacting products and chemicals; concrete Terminal for refrigerated cargos; and Repairing the slabs below the decks with self- Terminal for semi-bilk and general cargos compacting concrete Then, Investments’ opportunities are described as Repairing the deck forehead and surface with below map. Now, some agreements on fields of conventional concrete investment in construction of container terminal, Repairing and fixing the fender system (including the multipurpose terminal and green exports between the support fenders, frontal fenders, frame and chains) Ports and Maritime Organization and investors were Construction and installation of pre-cast car-stoppers signed which worth were about 150 million dollars. with conventional concrete It should be noted that the construction of container Development Plan for Bushehr Port-Negin Port Complex terminal and green export terminal has been started. Negin Island has a surface area of around 70 hectares, which could be expanded to around 400 hectares in Technical requirements to port and maritime the future. The plans for expanding and improving activities and promoting the infrastructures of this island port have aimed at Dredging (Maintenance Capital) creation of investment opportunities for interested Quay Crane & Yard Crane (Gantry Crane – RTG – RMG, …) Private Sector entities and promotion of the port’s Container Terminal handling & operating capacity, and were realized through establishing the Study of access channel Sediment control required facilities, such as maritime access to the Vacuum – based automated mooring system island, which was achieved by means of dredging the Safety Features for Cargo / Container handling access channel to Bushehr Port. Moreover, land access equipment to Negin Island has been concentrated upon by the VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) construction of roads to this port from Almoharragh Marine Firefighting Island and its connection to the Bushehr-Borazjan Setting up MRSC in the Aamari port Highway. Purchase and addition a vessel of search and rescue The uniquely attractive features of lands on Negin (NAJI 18) to SAR fleet Island for port activities are: Towage Proximity to the main land and low depth of water in Pilotage areas intended for establishing connection to the land; Search and Rescue (SAR) Adjacency to the access channel between the port Container handling and the sea; Refrigerated cargo handling Seperatability from urban areas by land and sea; and General cargo handling Relatively vast areas and possibility for expansion. Liquid bulk cargo handling The Port of Negin Island has also provided attractive Reception facility (Anex 1, 5)

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15 Achivments

Name & position: Ali Khedmatgozar Ports and Maritime General Director Contact point: Directorate General Phone: +98 1134623017 Fax: + 98 1134623016 Website: of Amirabad Port Email: akhedmatgozar@pmo. ir

Background of port : Main Services ( max 5 items) Amirabad Port S.E.Z is the largest port in Caspian 1.Grain unloading & storage. sea and located 51 km East of Mazandaran province 2.Veg. oil discharging & Warehousing center. 3.Container operation Amirabad port is one of the most successful to attract 4.Oil Product operation private sector investment. 5.Lease logistic Lands for investment. Vast logistic land (1060 Hectares) , infrastructure facilities, added value tax exemption and economical Main technical and engineering achievements in 2 advantages of special economic zone resulted to last Years items: One paragraph and one image for safe and sufficient port to invest by internal and FDI each item investments. Construction & operation of 6 multi – Purpose jetties Construction of rail RO- RO jetty . Advantages of Amirabad Port S.E.Z : Construction of 1260 m East Coastal Protection stone Third generation Port wall. Only northern port of Iran connected to rail network Building & operation of M.R.C.C . Rail RO – RO jetty 15 Jetties with 7.5 million ton capacity Technical requirements to port and maritime 1060 Hectares of logistic lands activities and promoting Infrastructure & Modern port & marine equipment Landscaping of East Land Zone . Grain pilot port in north of country 1.Providing of Strategic Port equipment Strategic position in international North – South 2.Development of break water and enlargen of Port transport corridor entrance. 3.Preparation of Port hinterland in Special Economic Zone area.

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16 Name & Position: Ports and Maritime Behroz Aghaei,General Director

Directorate General Contact Point: Phone:9854-35320045 of Sistan and Fax:9854-35321411 Website: Baloochestan Province Email:[email protected]

Background of Port: container terminal in an area of 4 hectares with the The port of Chabahar is located in southeastern Iran, capacity of 150,000 TEUs. This container port was built north of Oman Sea. One of the features that distinguishes within 8 month period with the budget of 7 billion Rials. it from other Iranian ports and ports in southern coast Shahid kalantari Terminal will be utilized for the purpose of Persian Gulf is its access to international open seas. of transferring regular import and export containers as The port benefits from geopolitical, geoeconomic and well as refrigerated containers. geostrategic potentials. It is located in both South-North 3.Completion of First Phase of Shahid Beheshti port and East- West transit corridors and can play as a transport Development: gateway, as well as a central commercial node between Phase 1 of Shahid Beheshti port has been completed in CIS countries, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the current year which increases port loading/ unloading Europe. capacity from 2 to 8.6 million tons. The objective of this Currently, Chabahar port consists of two port complexes, project is Construction of port facilities for import-export of named shahid kalantari port and shahid beheshti port. goods through Oman Sea with the purpose of creating a Shahid kalantari port is a traffic port and the division of shorter import/export route and encouragement of CIS shahid beheshti port development is to transform it into countries to access the open sea. a multimodal and forth generation port, hence it can play 4.Concession of Desalination plant to the private sector: as the regional Hub port. The private sector invested 50 Billion Rials on the project. Port freshwater in previous years produced by MSF Main Services: method (desalination of fresh water by evaporation Providing service for Bulk Carriers/ Break-bulk method and using gas and oil as fuel) has changed to RO Providing service for Container Vessels which complies with environmental requirements and Providing service for Oil/Chemical Tankers leads to cost savings regarding electricity and fossil fuel Providing service for General Cargo use. In the new plant, desalination capacity is 2 thousand Providing Reception Facility/ Water/Catering cubic meters per day.

Main technical and engineering achievements in last 2 Technical requirements for promoting port and years: maritime affairs: 1.Sea wall for Shahid Beheshti Port: advanced and powerful Service Vessels such as Tugboat, The Protective Sea wall has constructed on the southern SAR Vessel, SAR Helicopter, OPRC-OPRC/HNS vessels and side coastline of the Shahid Beheshti port with a length of equipments, Bunker and Water supplying Barge 2 kilometers and a cost of 240 billion rials for the purpose Light Houses of passive defense, prevention of erosion of coastline IT Infrastructures and protection of the infrastructureArchive construction in the Gantry Cranesof SID coastal strip adjacent to the Oman Sea. Mechanized and Automated Container Tracking System

2.Shahid Kalantari Container Terminal: at container yards Shahid Kalantari Container Terminal has been constructed Repair Facilities and hinterland

سال in 2015. This project includes Shahid Kalantari Port’s Port Control Tower and Coastal VTS سیویکم





17 Achivments

Name & Position: Ports and Maritime Siavash Rezvani, General Director Directorate General Contact point: Phone: +981152350914 Fax: +981152350915 of Mazandaran Email: [email protected] Province Website:

Background of Port: Compliance and enforcement of international Nowshahr port was established during the years conventions on the management of coastal and marine 1930-1939 by the Netherland and Belgium companies provide marine and shore services. and started with the arrival of the first commercial ship inspect all vessels including safety and technical and carrying parts and machinery of Karaj Steel plant in also issue relevant certificate. 1940. This port currently has a good condition Main technical and engineering achievements: among the northern port because it has an 1-Construction of office buildings and control tower area of 40 hectares , 11 commercial jetties and Constructed Office building with an area about 7400 services with proper equipment and 5 meter draught square meters and control tower that height about 40 that allow the commercial ships enter and mooring meters . with a capacity of 6 thousand tons . 2-constructed warehouse by investors By the approval of the Islamic Consultative Assembly An area about 42,000 square meters of general cargo (May 2011), the Nowshahr port became a Special warehouses was built by private sector investors. Economic Zone that provide the legislation for special 3. The construction of grain silos by investors economic zones for traders and private investors. Grain silos was constructed with a capacity of 15,000 tons by the private investor; Zarmakaron Company. Main Services: Storage and movement of commercial goods, oil and Technical requirements to port and maritime dry bulk and dedicated facilities to export and transit activities and promoting (Max 5 items): of goods 1. DREDGER Representative of Ports and Maritime Organization in 2.TUG BOAT charge of protection of maritime safety, search and 3.PILOT BOAT rescue, marine communications, marine 4.Offshore and yard cranes environmental protection and Pollution at Sea. 5.Forklifts

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18 Name & Position: Port and Maritime Adel Deris, General Director Contact point: Phone: 009861535307022 Directorate General Fax: 009861535307020 Email: [email protected] of Khoramshahr Website: WWW. Khorramshahrport. Province

Background of Port: Construction of Quay Wall with 20,000 Ton capacity. The port has a long history in seaborne trade and the Construction of two Skid Way with 5m width & 5000 Ton construction as well as operation of special quays for capacity. ocean-going vessels launched in the early of 1300(1922) Construction of two Skid Way with 9m width & 9000 Ton and during the outbreak of the second world war became capacity. more and more so that the years before the Islamic Construction of mechanized Dry duck with 11*40*150 m & Revolution, Khorramshahr port had 20 quays and was one 13000 Ton capacity. of the largest port of the country with 4 million tons general Construction of Quay with 620 m length & equipped with cargo importation in 1356(1978). Now, the whole pre-war power stations, fire-fighting, fresh water, compressed air, infrastructures of the port including: Quays, Warehouses, drain the bilge, the ability to deploy heavy cranes. and yards are reconstructed.The Trans-Iranian railway is Construction and repairs of Quays: connected to khorramshahr port via Ahvaz .The railway Construction of MSQ (Marine Services Quay): The area of connection is as a cheap way of transporting goods to exploitable 1632 m2, & pre-built stanchion with 30m length. the whole domestic destinations as well as neighboring Repairs of Quays to increase the capacity of Loading & countries like :Iraq ,Turkey ,and Georgia . Benefits & Unloading: characteristics of khorramshahr port: A) Repairs of 2-3-4-5-6-7 quays: Retrofitting deck, 1-Enjoying % 25 discount on commercial profit. Construction & Installation Pre-built forehead, Strengthening 2-Enjoying benefits & facilities of Arvand free trade-industrial using FRP, The area of exploitable 14968 m2. zone. B) Repairs of 8 and 9 quays: The area of exploitable 60400 3-Regular feeder lines between (UAE) and Iran (Khorramshahr m2. Yearly capacity 100,000 TEU/year, the thickness and port) have provided the possibility of forwarding cargoes volume of CBM4, 30 cm, 21200m3. Concrete blocks with from all over the world to Khorramshahr port. high compressive strength. 4-The closest free trade-industrial zone to Iraq. Supply of channel safety : 5-Enjoying modern stevedoring equipment of container Total Remove 160 wrecks since 24 years ago (1993- 2016) in the Arvand & Karoon Rivers. Main services: Total Flouting, removal and bring out of 44 wreck of 1-The most economical transit route to: Iraq, Kuwait and Arvand River. (Water under the supervision and operation), Georgia countries and Current projects are 36 wrecks in Arvand River. , right 2- Container terminal with 100000 TEU/Year capacity. channel (Iran Coast). 3- Special quay for berthing Ro-Ro ships with more than Maritime Buoyage System: Launching of 21 buoys with 15,000 vehicles/year. solar system in 62 miles of Arvand River (Right channel and

4- Oil terminal in the Risk Limited Areas). Continuously Repair and 5- General Cargo (more than Archive1,500,000 Ton /year capacity). maintenance: of washing, coloring,SID scrubbing, and changing 6- Marine Passenger terminal with more than 70,000 ind/ of solar batteries and lights. year capacity. Dredging over than 1000,000 m`3 in port quays.

سال Available Port Facilities: Technical requirements to port and maritime activates Covered Storage 137600 m2 , Open Storage 341827 m2, and promoting: Area of available lands for investment 400000 m2 and Necessity of Flouting and Removal 3 Grand wreck in the سیویکم 2700000 m2 (New Container Terminal) , Port areas 2,300,000 Risk Limited Areas of Arvand River. m2 . Necessity of Flouting and Removal 15 wreck in the Left شامره

Channel of Arvand River. (Iraq beach) Number of Quays: Necessity of Dredging of Arvand River: (Estimating to 235 Container 6Ps. General Cargo 8Ps. Passenger 2Ps, Ro - Ro dredge over than 56,000,000 m3 to reach to safe navigational 2Ps, Oil 1Ps, Oil Platform 1Ps, and Marine Services 1Ps. depth of 9 m, Talweg Line). مهر TOTAL: 21 Ps. Necessity of conducting hydrographic operations before and after each dredging. 1395 Main Technical and Engineering Achievements in 2 last Necessity of equip the advanced Marine Services Vessels years: such as Tug, pilot vessel, marine pollution vessel, search and 19 AMC Project (Arvand Maritime City): rescue vessel. Achivments

Sazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Engineers Company (SPI Co.)

Name& Position: Masoud Zarringhalam Managing Director

Contact point: Phone: +98 21 82473000, 88635850-5 Fax: +98 21 88632190 Website: Email: [email protected]

Background of Company: Main Services: Valuable experiences of long-run undertakings in Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures Jihad Agriculture, reliance on our beliefs, as well as Structure and Architecture proficiency and expertise have led us to establishment Energy and Industrial Utilities of Sazeh Pardazi Iran Consulting Engineers Co. getting Environmental and Water Engineering benefit from the latest scientific and engineering Geotechnic and Geophysics findings, the company offers services in line with Surveying, Photogrammetry and Hydrography improvement and prosperity of Iran, while taking into consideration independence, self-reliance and Main Technical and Engineering achievements in recent superior services. years: SPI Co. spares no effort in planning its development Anzali Port Development (Studies, Design and Supervision) strategies and taking further steps to expand Shahid Beheshti (Chabahar) Port Development (Studies, its engineering activities by means of modern Basic Design and Supervision) management system. Supreme Supervision and Design Control The company offers services such as conducting of Investing Projects in Negin Island (Bushehr Port feasibility studies, preliminary studies and detailed Development) designs, consultation and supervision of the projects, Supervision on Repair and Maintenance of buildings and project management, and implementation of EPC utilities of Bushehr port projects in the engineering fields. Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Hormozgan Province Iranian Concrete Armour Development (DEZHPOD)

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20 Pars Geometry Consultants

Name and Position: Dr. Mehrdad Shokouh Abdi Competitive advantages: Managing Director Design of Seawater Intakes and Wastewater Discharge Contact point: Systems Phone: +98 21 88337455 Design, Procurement and Site Supervision of Oil Fax: +98 21 88337456 Terminals in Ports Website: Strategic planning and Preparation of Master Plan for Email: [email protected] Ports Developments Design and Site Supervision of Deep and Undersea Excavations Background of Company: Pars Geometry Consultants (PGC) specializes in diverse areas Main technical and engineering experiences: of civil engineering and provides full range of services based Detail design and Site and Overall Supervision for Bandar upon expertise and lifelong experience of its founders as Abbas Desalination Project (SAGHI KOWSAR Project) well as professional and broad abilities of its management Basic and Detailed Engineering of MAHSHAR Oil and expert team and is able to deliver study and integrated Terminal- Onshore Section engineering services for projects demanding multi- Basic and Detailed Engineering Services for TOMBAK discipline specialties. Our areas of expertise encompass the Service Port following: Monitoring and Modelling Studies of MAKRAN Coasts Ports and Marine Engineering Studies and Review of Master Plan and Detailed Design of Oil and Gas Refineries as well as Petrochemical Plants Kish Commercial Port Infrastructure Engineering Second Phase Design and Supervision for Construction of Persian Gulf Infrastructural Facilities Main Services: Basic and Detail design of SHAYA Desalination Project Conceptual Design, Feasibility Studies, Basic and Detailed Providing Consultancy Services for Investment Projects of Design SHAHID RAJAEE Port Complex Site and Overall Supervision Detail Design of Marine Pipelines for Water Intake and Purchase and Procurement Engineering Wastewater Disposal - Phases 12 and 19 of South PARS Gas Value Engineering and Assessment of Plans Field Development Project

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21 Achivments

breakwaters, groins, and shore protections and in the field Name and position: of buildings and plants is mainly taking action in steel and Allaeddin Sadat Barikani concrete structures (pre-cast and in-situ), air terminals. Managing Director & Chairman About the road field, it is expert in executing any types of road and its related facilities also airstrips and finally about Contact point: utilities, Pars techno is active in construction sewage Website : treatment facilities and high voltage posts. Email : [email protected] Phone: +982122646414 Fax: +98212222636944 Main services: Design and construction of coastal marine structures Construction of ports, breakwaters, and onshore facilities Execution of roads, power plants, heavy structures, and Pars Techno coastal utilities. Main projects within last 2 years Company Zarabad Port Client: Iran Fisheries Org. Background of Company Location: Sistan and Baluchestan Province-Konarak County Pars Techno is a well-known name in the construction -Zarabad business in Iran. The company has a more than 30 years’ history. Established in 1982, the company has been engaged Main parts in many successful projects, actually more than 30, in a wide Construction of main and lee breakwaters to the type of variety, including coastal structures, large building projects, rubble mound breakwater utilities, roads and Airport. High client satisfaction in these Construction of dhow quay and boat quay projects contributed to the fact that Pars Techno stands as Construction of groin a big player in high-value projects. Enterprises in the private Construction of dhow basin and boats basin sector, and large organizations in the public sector find Pars Dredging of main basin and approach channel Techno a reliable partner. Site development and landscaping and construction of Pars Techno by employing the latest technology and buildings advanced methodology provides high-quality results. A Construction of access road mixture of Resource and Cost Management, QC, QA, when performed by our professional experts in the field makes Sourgalm Port raises us above our competitors. Client: Rahsazi & Omran Iran Construction company Pars Techno`s operations in coastal structures include quays, Location: Sourgalm, Jask, Hormozgan Province

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22 Oppinion

ICOPMAS & raise the international profile of the country in a scientific sense. They could possibly be run concurrently. Similarly such specialist meetings would be a great way to Need to find bring these specializations right to the doorstep of well- educated & enthusiastic young people, who are the future your own of the country. ICOPMAS organizers need to appreciate that they will need to maintain a high level of organization niche and that good quality research presentations are essential. For example, not all INTERCOH meetings have been equally Rob Kirby successful & for more than one reason. One needs to learn 12th ICOPMAS key Speaker from both the highs & the lows. It is pointed out that ICOPMAS & Iran enjoys a high level This is a difficult situation for Iran arising from its prolonged of support from PIANC & that via ICOPMAS picking up the isolation. Many coastal states hold national or international themes of certain PIANC initiatives such as Smart Rivers & conferences which are well established over a prolonged "Working with Nature" might assist in raising the profile of period of time & the participants even keep contact ICOPMAS in future. between meetings, exchanging research findings as well Being "off the radar" of international science implies as meeting face to face at such seminars & conferences. difficulties once a country tries to re-enter. However, I note It would be difficult to shift their behavior to new venues. the rise in the number of countries in the Persian Gulf & Similarly, money is tight in the academic world & a scientist beyond (Mediterranean, Black Sea etc) joining ICOPMAS needs to be selective in what he/she attends. Furthermore, but would encourage development of links to say India these days academics are flooded with a veritable avalanche which is beginning to emerge as a trading partner for Iran. of invitations to meetings, especially from countries such as The two countries have comparable port problems China, Malaysia & India. Most days I get anywhere between This link could be forged in a tighter way by having sessions one & four such invitations. It is often said that one could at the conference dedicated to specific challenges facing become a “professional conference attendee” these days, the Iranian coast, by linking ICOPMAS to Port visits, etc. never going to work but just moving around the world To raise the profile of the Iranian port industry, special from conference to conference. ICOPMAS needs to identify sessions on items such as developing trends in ship design & fill its own “niche”, perhaps one closely associated with its or in container terminal design & handling, for ore & for local area (Persian Gulf). oil terminals. Many ports have difficulty matching rate of Therefore it is good to see a rising level of interest in cargo discharge with its dispersal into the hinterland of a ICOPMAS with academics from more countries involved country. This might be a focus. Ditto modern generations of & a rising standard of presentations. Unfortunately, but ships are emerging with tiny holes along the lower hull to realistically, something like 85% of all science & engineering discharge air & thus reduce skin friction & fuel costs whilst is published in the English language resulting in proficiency steaming. Is this a trend expected to continue? What other in this language being imperative for any academic. consequences might it have? There may be many more issues. Could be a "brain storming session" to home in on Iran might raise the profile of ICOPMAS if in the future it were optimal solutions & could involve a committee appointed to attract other specialist "touring" types of conferences to carry forward a problem & report back on progress at the such as INTERCOH Which would cross fertilize with next ICOPMAS.

Need to useArchive more of SID media coverage I am happy to respond, as I have now been coming to سال ICOPMAS for many years. The quality of the presentations has improved greatly, Micheal Risk سیویکم

and now is at an appropriate international level. Not the 12th ICOPMAS key Speaker very top level, such as AGU or AAAS, but pretty good. Now that sanctions have been lifted, I can predict شامره good news and bad news. The good news is, there Communicating the results of meetings to the general 235

will be more exchange/intercourse with scientists and populace has always been a problem. The usual engineers of other countries, which can only help. suggestion is to produce a series of short TV spots, مهر

Iran has serious issues with water and food, and long covering important or interesting papers. Another coastlines…The bad news is, I expect to see a flood of idea is, get some school kids in, have them write for vultures, selling all sorts of keen new technology. May the papers. 1395 I suggest you heed the advice I saw on the wall of a I am always ready to provide advice. I find that Iran 23 temple in Thailand, which I attach below. listens to me more than my own country does! News

ICTSI Opens First Phase of Basra Gateway Terminal Expansion Manila-based container terminal owner and operator BHIC, Sealink International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has formally opened the first phase of the new greenfield terminal development at its Basra Gateway Settle Shipbuilding Terminal in the North Port, Umm Qasr, Iraq. According to ICTSI, total investment for the first phase Dispute development, the first foreign financed development of new port infrastructure in Iraq, was USD 130 million. Malaysian Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation “Today represents a milestone in the development of Berhad’s (BHIC) subsidiary Boustead Penang Iraq’s shipping infrastructure. ICTSI’s commitment to Shipyard (BPS) and its compatriot shipowner Sealink Iraq is evidenced in major investments in the upgrade International Berhad have settled a four-year dispute of existing berths 19, 20 and the construction of the over a shipbuilding contract, with Sealink accepting a new terminal incorporating Berth 27,” Enrique K. sum of USD 1.5 million. Razon Jr, ICTSI Chairman and President, said. The arbitration, which started in December 2012, was He added that the new infrastructure, “equipped related to the violation of the shipbuilding contract with state-of-the-art quayside and landside handling signed between BPS and Sealink International systems is critical for sustainable economic growth.” Berhad’s subsidiary Sealink Sdn Bhd on April 3, 2008, “We are confident the new terminal area will boost for the construction and sale of two 7,000 dwt oil efficiency and speed the movement of import and carriers/chemical carriers.

export cargo supporting the rapid growth in Iraq’s In accordance to theArchive settlement, BPS said it proposed economy,”of Razon SID said. and Sealink accepted a settlement sum of USD 1.5 When fully developed, the new terminal area will million as full and final settlement of all claims and comprise 600 meters of quay and 50 hectares of yard counterclaims in this reference. area. BPS and Sealink have also agreed that the property In April 2014, Basra Gateway Terminal (BGT) was سال in and ownership of all and any goods and materials awarded the concession to take over the Government bought or supplied by either party for the construction of Iraq’s container terminal in Umm Qasr as well as سیویکم of the vessels, presently located at BPS’ premises, shall construct the new berth if not already so vested, vest in BPS. According to BHIC, the settlement is not expected شامره to have any material impact on the earnings of BHIC 235

Group for the financial year ending December 31,

2016. مهر

In addition, Sealink said that the settlement will be positive to the earnings and net assets of Sealink

1395 International Berhad for the financial year ending December 31, 2016, also improving the cash flow 24 position of Sealink Sdn Bhd. Maersk Shipping Line Eyeing Return to Iran

Danish Maersk The company said it offers nine mainline services with International Maritime weekly departures on all major trade lanes to/from Jebel Transportation Ali, with a direct feeder to Bandar Abbas. Company voiced According to worldmaritimenews, For imports from Iran, readiness to resume there are three weekly services connecting the Middle transportation of goods to Iran. East and Europe which include ME1, ME2 and ME3, the Maersk that had cut its trade relations with Iran five years Horn of Africa service linking the Middle East and the ago due to the sanctions imposed by the West on Iran Horn of Africa and the Masika Express service between announced that it will resume its activities in Iran soon. the Middle East and East Africa. In addition, the company Maersk announced that its customers can send their offers the Mesawa service connecting the Middle East cargo to Iran via sea by Maersk cargo ships. and West Africa/South Africa as well as the Horn of Africa A major portion of imports, including foodstuff and service that links the Middle East and the Far East. consumer goods such as cars, to Iran takes place via sea. For exports to Iran, Maersk Line offers three additional In early January, the world’s second biggest container services, AE1, AE11 and AE15, that link the Middle East shipping line, MSC, had become the latest firm to resume and the Far East. direct services to Iran. The latest country included in the Maersk Line The deal reached over Tehran’s nuclear program in organization is part of the UAE cluster comprising of UAE, exchange for sanctions annulment came into effect in Oman, Qatar and Iran. January. Archive“After a periodof of relative SID isolation, access to this new Iran had depended on foreign ships for much of its market will present significant growth opportunities imports, but has relied more on land routes and its own for Maersk Line in a market that today represents commercial fleet, particularly since 2012, as layers of approximately 700,000 FFE but is expected to grow sanctions led to an exodus of Western shipping firms. significantly in the coming years.” Marcus Connolly, Head سال Following the nuclear agreement last year between of Sales, UAE Cluster, Maersk Line, said. Tehran and the world powers, foreign container lines On September 27,2016 “Port affairs and special zones” سیویکم

restarted to trade with Iran, although companies fear they deputy of PMO announced that fourteen international may still fall foul of sanctions, which include restrictions shipping lines have returned to Iranian ports following on banking, Hellenic shipping news reported. the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of شامره Privately owned Swiss-based MSC said its first ship Action (the formal name of the nuclear deal signed by 235

arrived at Iran’s major container port Bandar Abbas Iran with the West). on Dec. 31 as part of weekly calls, “paving the way” for Jalil Eslami declared that eight more shipping lines have مهر deeper business ties. signaled their readiness to resume their activities here. MSC had suspended services between 2012 to April 2014 “Mediterranean Shipping Company, the world’s second- and after that only provided shipments using smaller largest shipping line in terms of container vessel capacity, 1395 feeder ships via third parties that shipped containers to and Evergreen Line are among the top shipping lines 25 Iran from Jebel Ali in the engaged in economic interactions with Iranian ports. News

New Cruise Ships on order There’s nothing we love more than snagging a peek at those first facts and figures about cruise ships that are on order. We just love learning about new cruise ships. The process, from design to keel laying to launch, generally takes two to three years. We keep track of the cruise ships under construction -- large, small and offbeat -- in our chart below. Want to learn more about what it takes to make an older ship feel like new? Peruse our comprehensive list of cruise ship refurbishments for information about upcoming overhauls

Tonnage/ New Ship Launch Date New Ship Details Berths

Seabourn will build two ships new all-suite ships that will be the largest in the fleet. All 302 suites 40,350/ will include private balconies. Both ships will be constructed at the Fincantieri shipyard in Italy. Seabourn Encore December 2016 604 Seabourn has partnered with chef Thomas Keller, and the ship will feature a new chophouse Archiverestaurant, called The Gril of SID Viking Sky will be the third of six ships in the Viking Ocean Cruises fleet. The ship will include several of the company’s popular riverboat features such as the Aquavit Terrace, an alfresco

48,000/ dining venue, and plenty of outdoor space on the sundeck and beyond. The vessel also will Viking Sky February 2017 930 feature a promenade that fully encircles the ship. Cruises on Viking’s ocean ships are inclusive of

wine, beer and soft drinks at lunch and dinner, shore excursions and unlimited use of the thermal سال suite.

,The second ship in NCL’s Breakaway-Plus Class will be the same size as the first-in-class Escape سیویکم 163,000/ Norwegian Joy Spring 2017 coming in at 163,000 tons and carrying 4,200 passengers. Norwegian Joy will be custom-built for 4,200 the Chinese market, and it will be deployed full time to Asia, catering to Chinese passengers شامره The 40,000-ton Silver Muse will be the largest ship in the Silversea fleet and the first vessel in a

235 40,000/ new three-ship class. Silversea describes the intimate 596-passenger ship as a step toward “ultra- Silver Muse Spring 2017 596 luxury ocean cruising.” It will feature all-suite accommodations and a supper club-style specialty

restaurant. مهر

Along with a yet-unnamed fleetmate that will launch in 2019, MSC Meraviglia will by passenger

1395 167,600/ capacity become the largest ship in the world (beating Oasis, Allure and Harmony of the Seas), MSC Meraviglia May 2017 4,500 holding 4,500 passengers at double occupancy, and a maximum capacity of 5,700 passengers 26 and 1,536 crew members Tonnage/ New Ship Launch Date New Ship Details Berths

Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic will welcome Quest in late June 2017, the first of two new builds for the company. About a third larger than existing Lindblad ships, with an additional National NA/ fourth deck, these 100-passenger coastal vessels will have 50 cabins; 22 will have balconies. June 2017 Geographic Quest 100 Families will be accommodated with eight rooms that can be configured into four adjoining cabins. Quest will sail in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest before relocating to Costa Rica and Panama, then Belize and Guatemala in early 2018.

MSC Seaside will launch in November 2017 and will herald a new class of MSC ship -- Seaside Class. The ship will homeport in Miami year-round, and, according to MSC, it will be a game changer, along with MSC Seaside that will launch in June 2018. The company also has an option 154,000/ on a third ship. Each of the ships will have a promenade with shops, restaurants and bars. The November 2017 MSC Seaside 4,140 154,400 gross ton ships will have 2,070 cabins holding 4,140 passengers in double occupancy and 1,413 crewmembers. The ships will be 1,060 feet long and 135 feet wide, and have more than 468,000 square feet of public areas, including a theater, a terraced balcony and panoramic lifts with sea views. MSC Seaside will sail year-round from Miami

The new-build from Star Clippers will be the largest of its kind afloat. The five-masted, square- rigged vessel will feature three pools, including one that funnels sunlight through the ship’s Star Clippers 8,770/ Late 2017 atrium into the dining room below and a glass-sided dive-training pool, a watersports platform, (Unnamed) 300 an atrium restaurant with open-seating dining and a variety of cabin upgrades, including 34 suites with balconies and four Owner’s Suites

With the success of fleetmates Royal Princess and Regal Princess, Princess Cruises is building a third ship in its Royal Class. After its summer 2017 debut, Majestic Princess will be based in China year-round. Little has been announced about the new ship, except that it will be built by 143,000/ Majestic Princess 2017 Fincantieri shipyard in Italy and will cost about 600 million euros. It will include features catered 3,560 to the Chinese market as well as those on other ships, such as a central atrium, adults-only Sanctuary, SeaWalk, Princess Live! studio and Movies Under the Stars. The ship will include balconies on all outside cabins.

A sister ship to Quest will launch in spring 2018 with 50 cabins. The ships will be built by U.S.- National based company Nichols Brothers Boat Builders shipyard in Washington and are expected to ply NA/ Geographic Spring 2018 itineraries in the Americas. Unique technology outfitted onboard will include remotely operated 100 (Unnamed) vehicles, a video microscope, and a hydrophone and bow-cam designed to hear and film humpback whale vocalizations and see bow-riding dolphins.

MSC Seaview will launch in June 2018, and, according to MSC, will be a game changer, along with MSC Seaside, which launches in November 2017. Each of the two ships will have a promenade with shops, restaurants and bars. The 154,400 gross ton ships will have 2,070 cabins holding 4,140 MSC Cruises MSC 154,000/ June 2018 passengers in double occupancy and 1,413 crewmembers. The ships will be 1,060 feet long and Seaview 4,140 135 feet wide, and have over 468,000 square feet of public areas, including a theater, a terraced balcony and panoramic elevators with sea views. MSC Seaview will homeport in Genoa, Marseille and Barcelona, offering Western Mediterranean cruises.

163,000/ The third ship in NCL’s Breakaway-Plus Class will be the same size as fleetmate Escape, coming in Norwegian Bliss Spring 2018 4,200 at 167,800 tons and carrying 4,000 passengers.

40,350/ Seabourn will build two ships new all-suite ships that will be the largest in the fleet. All 302 suites Seabourn Ovation Spring 2018 604 will include private balconies. Both ships will be constructed at the Fincantieri shipyard in Italy.

Viking Spirit will be the fifth of six ships in the Viking Ocean Cruises fleet. The ship will include Archiveseveral of the company’s popular riverboatof features, suchSID as the Aquavit Terrace, an alfresco Viking Ocean 48,000/ dining venue, and plenty of outdoor space on the sundeck and beyond. The vessel also will June 2018 Cruises’Viking Spirit 930 feature a promenade that fully encircles the ship. Cruises on Viking’s ocean ships are inclusive of wine, beer and soft drinks at lunch and dinner, shore excursions and unlimited use of the thermal suite سال

Royal Royal Caribbean’s fourth Oasis-class vessel will be built and ready to sail by 2018. Along with 225,282/ Caribbean’s Oasis Mid-2018 third-in-class ship, Harmony of the Seas, which launched in April 2016, these ships are the largest سیویکم 5,400 IV passenger vessels afloat. شامره

Long-time river veteran Scenic is making the leap to the luxury ocean market in a big way. The 235 company will launch its all-suite super yacht with some seriously impressive features, including a fleet of zodiacs, two helicopters and a seven-person submarine. The ship will also boast a 1:1 مهر

Scenic Eclipse 16,500/228 August 2018 passenger-to-staff ratio as well as cabins that start at an impressive 344 square feet. But the most exciting feature might actually be the ship’s itineraries, which include the deep Arctic and

Antarctica, thanks to the vessel’s ice-class rating and stabilizer. During polar expeditions, Scenic 1395 Eclipse will make several landings a day. 27 News

Tonnage/ New Ship Launch Date New Ship Details Berths

Celebrity Cruises, a line that touts “modern luxury,” will build two ships under the name “Project Celebrity Cruises 117,000/ Fall 2018 Edge.” This yet-unnamed vessel, as well as an identical fleetmate that will debut in 2020, will be (Unnamed) 2,900 built at STX France.

Holland America 100,000+/ The Holland America cruise ship will mark the second in the Pinnacle Class, which also includes November 2018 Line (Unnamed) 2,660 Koningsdam. It will be built at Italy’s Fincantieri shipyard.

The first of Crystal Cruises’ “Crystal Executive Class” ships will debut in late 2018 -- the line’s first Crystal 99,000/ Late 2018 new builds for 12 years. The all-suite, all-balcony vessel will have the highest passenger to space Cruises (Unnamed) 1,000 ratio of any ship afloat. It will be built at Lloyd Werft in Germany and will be a polar ice class vessel.

The first of four 429-foot-long ships will have 92 cabins, an ethnic chic look utilizing earthy NA/ materials and be Ice Class rated for polar expeditions. Onboard naturalists will introduce Ponant (Unnamed) 2018 184 passengers to the cultures and native species of destinations such as Oceania, South America, the Amazon’s Orinoco River, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea and the Indian Ocean.

Royal Caribbean’s fourth Quantum Class vessel will debut in 2019. Like its sister ships -- Quantum of the Seas, Anthem of the Seas and Ovation of the Seas -- this third ship will feature activities such as onboard bumper cars and a skydiving simulator. It also will feature the North Star, a Royal Caribbean 167,800/ April 2019 pod that extends up and over the ship for 360-degree views. Inside cabins will feature “virtual (Unnamed) 4,180 balconies” -- essentially floor-to-ceiling LCD TV screens linked to a camera mounted on the outside of the ship. It also will feature the innovative entertainment space, Two70, which integrates HD-digital technology with singing, dancing and acrobatics.

The first of two 5,200-passenger vessels to be built for Costa Cruises, which will be able to accommodate 6,600 passengers at maximum capacity. The ships will be largest in the world Costa 180,000/ Spring 2019 by passenger capacity and will feature the brand’s “Italy’s finest” experience, an overarching Cruises (Unnamed) 5,200 design geared toward celebrating the line’s Italian heritage through style, hospitality, dining and entertainment. The vessels will also employ engines that run on liquefied natural gas.

The first cruise ship ever to be newly built specifically for the Australian market will also be the P&O Cruises 133,500/ biggest ever based in Australia. At 323 meters in length and with 2,100 cabins, it will have double Australia 2019 4,200 the capacity of the largest ship currently homeporting year-round in Sydney. The P&O Cruises (Unnamed) ship will be built by Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri.

The long-awaited new-build from Saga Cruises will retain the small ship cruise experience the line is known for, with just 540 cabins and capacity for less than 1,000 passengers. There will be single Saga 55,900/ Summer 2019 sitting dining throughout a range of restaurants as well as a variety of bars, specialty restaurants Cruises (Unnamed) 1,000 and al fresco dining options. There will also be outdoor and indoor swimming pools, a spa, saunas, treatment rooms and beauty salon.

At 331 meters long with 2,444 cabins, MSC Cruises’ Meraviglia Plus carries nearly 6,300 passengers and combines unique facilities and onboard entertainment. Facilities include a fine art museum and onboard Cirque du Soleil show. Meraviglia Plus also features a 111-meter-long indoor MSC Cruises MSC 177,100 October 2019 promenade with a range of restaurants, bars and shops. The promenade is covered by a “digital Meraviglia Plus 1 6,300 sky” LED screen showing events and vistas around-the-clock. Additional facilities include family group “cluster cabins,” a double-deck indoor amusement park, double-deck entertainment space and aft lounge, and an outdoor water park.

ArchiveAlong with fleetmate MSC Meraviglia,of which willSID launch in 2018, this yet-unnamed ship will by MSC 167,600/ passenger capacity become the second-largest ship in the world (after Oasis and Allure of the 2019 Cruises (Unnamed) 4,500 Seas). The 167,600 gross ton ships will have 2,250 cabins holding 4,500 passengers in double

occupancy, and a maximum capacity of 5,700 passengers and 1,536 crew members.

Norwegian Cruise 163,000/ The fourth ship in NCL’s Breakaway-Plus Class will be the same size as fleetmates Escape, Joy and Winter 2019 سال Line (Unnamed) 4,200 Bliss, coming in at 163,000 tons and carrying 4,200 passengers.

Crystal 99,000/ The second of Crystal Cruises’ “Crystal Executive Class” ships will debut in 2019. The all-suite, all-

2019 سیویکم Cruises (Unnamed) 1,000 balcony vessel will have the highest passenger to space ratio of any ship afloat

Princess’ fourth Royal-class ship will debut in 2019. It will include staples like the three-deck-high Princess Cruises 143,700-ton/ شامره

2019 Piazza atrium, Movies Under the Stars and balconies in 80 percent of the cabins, as well as a (Unnamed) 3,560 number of “new to the line” features. 235

At 331 meters long with 2,444 cabins, MSC Cruises’ second Meraviglia Plus ship will carry nearly 6,300 passengers and combine\ unique facilities and onboard entertainment including a fine مهر art museum and onboard Cirque du Soleil show. Meraviglia Plus will also have a 111-meter-long MSC Cruises MSC 177,100 October 2019 indoor promenade with numerous restaurants, bars and shops. The promenade is covered by a 1395 Meraviglia Plus 2 6,300 “digital sky” LED screen showing events and vistas around-the-clock. Additional facilities include family group “cluster cabins,” a double-deck indoor amusement park, double-deck entertainment 28 space and aft lounge, and an outdoor water park. Tonnage/ New Ship Launch Date New Ship Details Berths

Celebrity Cruises, a line that touts “modern luxury,” will build two ships under the name “Project Celebrity Cruises 117,000/ Early 2020 Edge.” This yet-unnamed vessel, as well as an identical fleetmate that will debut in 2018, will be (Unnamed) 2,900 built at STX France

The first of three identical ships to debut for the Virgin Cruises brand. Using public input, the yet- Virgin 110,000/ unnamed mid-size ship will be built “around the needs and desires of the customer,” with a heavy Early 2020 Cruises (Unnamed) 2,860 focus on millennial interests and activities. The first ship will offer seven-day Caribbean itineraries out of Miami, with a Sunday sail date

The biggest-ever ship built specifically for the U.K. market will also be the first powered entirely by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), making it the greenest ship in P&O Cruises’ history. Scant details P&O 180,000/ 2020 have been released in terms of features, but don’t expect bumper cars and roller discos -- this is Cruises (Unnamed) 5,200 P&O Cruises, after all -- the ship will be “evolution, not revolution” and will likely build on the most popular aspects of the brand, i.e. food, dance, bars and decor.

The second of two 5,200-passenger vessels to be built for Costa Cruises, which will be able to accommodate 6,600 passengers at maximum capacity. The ships will be largest in the world Costa 180,000/ Spring 2020 by passenger capacity and will feature the brand’s “Italy’s finest” experience, an overarching Cruises (Unnamed) 5,200 design geared toward celebrating the line’s Italian heritage through style, hospitality, dining and entertainment. The vessels will also employ engines that run on liquefied natural gas

Crystal 99,000/ The third of Crystal Cruises’ “Crystal Executive Class” ships will debut in 2020. The all-suite, all- 2020 Cruises (Unnamed) 1,000 balcony vessel will have the highest passenger to space ratio of any ship afloat.

Princess’ fifth Royal-class ship will debut in 2020. It will include staples like the three-deck-high Princess Cruises 143,700-ton/ 2020 Piazza atrium, Movies Under the Stars and balconies in 80 percent of the cabins, as well as a (Unnamed) 3,560 number of “new to the line” features

Regent Seven Seas Regent has announced a sister ship to Seven Seas Explorer, with many of the same upscale 54,000/ Cruises 2020 amenities, such as spacious accommodations (including the ultra-luxurious Regent Suite) and 738 (Unnamed) gourmet restaurants.

Viking Song will be the final of six ships in the Viking Ocean Cruises brand. The ship will include several of the company’s popular riverboat features, such as the Aquavit Terrace, an alfresco Viking Ocean 48,000/ dining venue, and plenty of outdoor space on the sundeck and beyond. The vessel also will Cruises’Viking September 2020 930 feature a promenade that fully encircles the ship. Cruises on Viking’s ocean ships are inclusive of Song wine, beer and soft drinks at lunch and dinner, shore excursions and unlimited use of the thermal suite.

The yet-unnamed ship will be the first newbuild from Disney since 2012. Details are still scant, but Disney Cruises 135,000/ 2021 expect family friendly features such as waterslides, cabins with dual bathrooms and expansive (Unnamed) 2,500 kids clubs

The second of three identical ships to debut for the Virgin Cruises brand. Using public input, the Virgin Cruises 110,000/ 2021 yet-unnamed mid-size ship will be built “around the needs and desires of the customer,” with a (Unnamed) 2,860 heavy focus on millennial interests and activities.

Royal Caribbean NA/ Royal Caribbean’s fifth Oasis-class ship is scheduled for delivery in 2021. It will be built at Saint 2021 Oasis V NA Nazaire’s STX shipyard, shortly after the delivery of the line’s fourth Oasis-class ship.

Celebrity Cruises NA/ Celebrity Cruises’ third Edge-class ship is anticipated for 2021. It will be based on the line’s new 2021 Unnamed NA “Project Edge” initiative, which offers “small-ship itineraries with large-ship amenities.”

The last of three identical ships to debut for the Virgin Cruises brand. Using public input, the yet- Virgin Cruises 110,000/ Early 2022 unnamed mid-size ship will be built “around the needs and desires of the customer,” with a heavy (Unnamed) 2,860 Archivefocus on millennial interests and activities of SID The first of up to four LNG-powered ships to launch for MSC Cruises. The ships will have a cutting-

MSC Cruises 200,000+/ 2022 edge design that will maximize the space for passengers, a host of features for families and the World Class 5,400 latest smart technology and advanced environmentally friendly technology available

سال Celebrity NA/ Celebrity Cruises’ fourth Edge-class ship is expected to debut 2022. As part of the line’s new 2022 Cruises Unnamed NA “Project Edge” initiative, the ship will offer “small-ship itineraries with large-ship amenities.

سیویکم The first ship in Royal Caribbean’s next class of cruise ship, the so-called “Icon” class. It will be Royal Caribbean NA/ 2022 powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and use fuel cell technology to reduce greenhouse gas (Unnamed) 5,000 emissions. شامره Disney 135,000/ The yet-unnamed ship will be the sister ship to the 2021 vessel. Details are still scant, but expect 2023 Cruises (Unnamed) 2,500 family-friendly features such as waterslides, cabins with dual bathrooms and expansive kids clubs 235

The second of up to four LNG-powered ships to launch for MSC Cruises. The ships will have a MSC Cruises World 200,000+/

مهر cutting-edge design that will maximize the space for passengers, a host of features for families 2024 Class 5,400 and the latest smart technology and advanced environmentally friendly technology available

The second ship in Royal Caribbean’s next class of cruise ship, the so-called “Icon” class. It will be 1395 Royal Caribbean NA/ 2024 powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and use fuel cell technology to reduce greenhouse gas (Unnamed) 5,000 emissions. 29 Article

Maqta Gateway launches digital vessel operations in the ports of IN LINE WITH THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MANDATE OF ABU DHABI’S GOVERNMENT SERVICES

Abu Dhabi Ports announced today the launch of support of the digital transformation mandate of Abu its digital Vessel Management System which offers Dhabi’s government services as we constantly strive customers and stakeholders complete automation of to introduce new ways that ease the process of doing all vessel management processes and services through business in the Emirate,” added Al Shamisi. its Port Community System, Maqta Gateway. Dr. Noura Al Dhaheri, General Manager of Maqta Through the new, demand-driven Vessel Management Gateway, added: “Maqta Gateway’s Port Community System, all vessels arriving at any of Abu Dhabi’s System is transforming the logistics supply chain and commercial ports will be able to process the needed is enhancing the competitiveness of Abu Dhabi’s formalities and exchange unified digital information maritime and trade industry. The Vessel Management with the Port Community. Services covered by the System provides community stakeholders with an system include vessel registration, voyage declaration, efficient tool that will improve and facilitate the way vessel call requests,Archive as well as requesting port theyof conduct theirSID business by integrating all vessel clearance, marine services, berth shifting and more. management operations and services through the Port Community System.”

Captain Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi commented: “ has reached yet another milestone “Our team has conducted extensive research and سال in its continuous commitment to offering innovative studies to improve the traditional vessel management and competitive solutions to its customers and operations through utilising best-in-class practices سیویکم

stakeholders. We are delighted to share the news of which were then adjusted to the local industry needs launching the Vessel Management System with our before being implemented to all of our commercial partners today which was made possible through our ports. We look forward to celebrating more milestones شامره Port Community System, Maqta Gateway.” in the future.” 235

“The Vessel Management System was built around the Shipping agents representing vessels operating مهر

needs of local industries and will play an integral role in , Musaffah Port, and the in streamlining and facilitating the import and export Free Ports have concluded the vessel management

1395 activities at our commercial ports, further boosting training module conducted by the Maqta Gateway Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading maritime trade team in September ahead of its full implementation 30 hub in the region. This is closely connected to our this month. Air pollution at our nation’s ports can be reduced now

Ports are the main gateway for global trade and are ever to make sure that port planning includes projects to critical to the U.S. economy. Thousands of diesel- reduce emissions and protect the environment. powered vessels, trucks, cranes, and other equipment Every type and size of port, whether they are seaports help transport goods to market. But as they do, they or Great Lakes and river ports, can use the information also emit greenhouse gases, smog- and soot-causing in the assessment to better understand how to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and other emissions now and into the future. The assessment found harmful pollutants. These emissions contribute to climate that replacing and repowering older, dirtier vehicles and change and can cause asthma attacks, emergency room engines with ones that meet our cleaner diesel standards visits, heart attacks, and premature death. People living achieves large emission reductions in NOx, particulate near ports bear the brunt of this pollution, and they often matter, and other pollutants that affect air quality. For live in minority or low income communities. example, replacing older drayage trucks could reduce In 2014, I was privileged to stand beside Bob Perciasepe, NOx emissions by almost half, and particulate matter then Deputy Administrator of EPA and other key port emissions by up to 62 percent in 2020 as compared to stakeholders to launch our Ports Initiative, which aims to continuing with no changes. With regard to greenhouse reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases from ports to gases, the report highlights that electrification of port improve the quality of life for all Americans working in vehicles and equipment can effectively reduce the and living near them. magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions growth below Yesterday, in support of the Ports Initiative, we released what would happen in the absence of this replacement. a report titled the National Port Strategy Assessment: Certainly, there are things that are already having a Reducing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases at U.S. positive impact on pollution from ports. For one, our Ports. This report assessed a wide variety of strategies emissions standards for new trucks, locomotives, cargo and technologies available toArchive ports and port operators to handling equipment,of andSID ships are reducing diesel reduce emissions. The assessment shows that there are emissions from the vehicles and engines that are so many effective, proven opportunities available right now critical to many port operations. In addition, our Diesel to reduce harmful pollution at ports. This is great news for Emissions Reduction Act grant program has accelerated the roughly 39 million Americans who live and breathe turnover of older diesel equipment at ports and goods سال near these centers of commerce. Port stakeholders movement hubs resulting in additional reductions. And including state and local governments, ports and port finally, some port areas are taking proactive steps to

سیویکم .operators, tribes, and neighboring communities can use reduce emissions this information to help inform priorities and decisions Despite these gains, more work is needed to fully about investments being planned now for their port address the ongoing public health and climate impacts شامره area. of the projected growth at U.S. ports. I look forward to

This information comes at a critical time. With the continuing our efforts to provide data and information 235

Panama Canal expansion, U.S. seaports, private-sector to inform decisions that effectively reduce pollution and

مهر partners, and the federal government are primed to result in more sustainable ports for the 21st century. This spend billions of dollars on port freight and passenger report is another important step in that direction. infrastructure over the next five years. Decisions about Written by Chris Grundler, Director of the Office of 1395 port investments will have a lasting impact on the health Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ), U.S. Environmental of our citizens and our planet. It is more important than Protection Agency (EPA). 31 Article

Robotics (Photo: Ashtead Technology) Archive of SID

utonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and buoyancy-driven gliders have revolutionized

-What Lies Beneath? the way the subsea industry gathers oceano سال graphic data and despite the volatility of oil prices, it is predicted that the demand for this technology

A سیویکم Subsea Industry to Delve Deeper will continue to grow over the next fi ve years and beyond. Although the sustained low oil prices have reduced bud- شامره with Underwater Robotics gets and put a cap on the development of new technology, operators are quickly beginning to realize the cost saving 235 benefi ts of underwater gliders forcing them to rethink their

By Ross MacLeod approach to subsea exploration. مهر

Saving Time is Saving Money 1395 Gliders are the latest step in the development of autono- 32 18 MTR October 2016

MTR #8 (18-33).indd 18 9/27/2016 1:35:52 PM MTR #8 (18-33).indd 19 9/27/2016 1:39:54 PM Archive of SID

utonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and buoyancy-driven gliders have revolutionized

سال -the way the subsea industry gathers oceano graphic data and despite the volatility of oil prices, it is predicted that the demand for this technology

سیویکم A will continue to grow over the next fi ve years and beyond. Although the sustained low oil prices have reduced bud- شامره

gets and put a cap on the development of new technology, operators are quickly beginning to realize the cost saving 235 benefi ts of underwater gliders forcing them to rethink their approach to subsea exploration. مهر

Saving Time is Saving Money 1395 Gliders are the latest step in the development of autono- 33

MTR #8 (18-33).indd 19 9/27/2016 1:39:54 PM Article


Case Study Blue Ocean Monitoring recently completed a contract in Indonesia working for PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT), which is a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Cor- poration, one of the world’s largest gold producers with assets and operations across  ve continents. The task was to utilize the Slocum glider for monitoring in support of PTNNT’s Tailings Placement Program at its Batu Hijau copper-gold mine in Sumbawa, Indonesia. The program involved tailings from the mine being piped (3.2 km) off- shore and deposited off the continental shelf, where the depth reaches in excess of 4,000m. The glider equipped with a suite of water quality sensors was deployed to monitor the tailings which were not being disbursed into the coastal environment of Sumbawa. The monitoring program took just three weeks to complete and satis ed the full objectives of the survey scope. (Photo: Ashtead Technology)

mous fl oat technology. Unlike conventional propeller driven tle or no need for powered systems and are typically used off- mechanism, which allows for longer deployment periods and out as cost-effectively and safely as possible, either replacing AUVs, they don’t require a vessel on-site and can be deployed shore to investigate environmental, metocean or water-mass the collection of large datasets continuously over these ex- or supporting ROVs and diving operations in monitoring and for up to six months without having to resurface. They are also structures. tended time scales. mapping the environmental impact. much smaller and lighter, making them easier and quicker to Ashtead Technology, a leader in marine technology and sub- They are capable of transmitting data in real-time and can It’s believed that gliders will develop faster than the 30 years transport and mobilize for international operations. sea services, has been an exclusive distributor of Blue Ocean’s be deployed and recovered easily, at a fraction of the cost it took ROVs to become everyday tools, and with software and Historically, remote operated vehicles (ROVs) or divers have fl eet of Teledyne Webb Research Slocum gliders since strik- of traditional vessel-based or fi xed-mooring monitoring ap- sensor improvements, they could truly transform the way the been used for underwater research activities, however these ing a global asset management agreement last year with the proaches, lowering both project costs as well as health, safety industry conducts underwater installation, inspection, repair methods are far more complex and can take many weeks to provider of ocean data solutions. and environmental risks. and maintenance work. plan and deploy, often requiring large numbers of personnel Blue Ocean’s Slocum gliders can be equipped with a diverse Initially gliders were used extensively for academic and mili- The current generation of gliders are capable of exploring and big budgets. range of different sensors and can be deployed in the water tary applications but over the past few years, they have been water depths of 1,000m, travelling at approximately 1-2 nauti- In the current marketArchive where this is no longer a viable option for ofup to a six monthsSID at a time. With two-way satellite com- increasingly adopted for a wide variety of oil and gas applica- cal miles per hour. for many companies, gliders ability to operate without human munications the gliders can be deployed and controlled any- tions including pipeline leak detection, oil spill response, de- Future developments in glider technology could see them intervention, eliminating the safety risks attached to operating where in the world, are highly weather resilient and have no commissioning studies, dredge/construction plume monitor- operate with long endurance, extreme depth, or rapid response

ROV vessels, makes them an increasingly attractive alterna- environmental impact. ing, environmental monitoring and metocean studies. capabilities, while development of new sensors will further tive to the subsea industry. Conceived by Douglas C. Webb and supported by Henry Over time gliders have become more and more autonomous expand the parameters that can be measured. سال The fi rst subsea gliders were highly specialized and were Stommel, Slocum gliders were named after Joshua Slocum, with less human interaction required as artifi cial intelligence It is clear that gliders will continue to play an increasing- limited in scope to the specifi c task that they were designed the fi rst man to single-handedly sail around the world. has advanced. ly important role in the exploration and monitoring of the

.To meet the long-term needs of the subsea industry, current world’s oceans سیویکم to complete. Since then, technology has progressed allowing The long-range and duration capabilities of Slocum gliders them to become dynamic platforms for a variety of imaging, make them ideally suited for subsurface sampling, they can be developments are focused on increasing battery life, improv- Their capabilities have already surpassed what was once be- chemical, biological, acoustic and oceanic sensors that can be programmed to transmit their data to shore while download- ing autonomous functions and enhancing sensor capabilities lieved as possible, travelling across complex terrain to collect شامره adapted to meet the needs of a specifi c project. ing new instructions at regular intervals. so they can perform increasingly challenging intervention high resolution metocean data to satisfy monitoring require-

235 tasks. ments for a number of industries including subsea, offshore During the 1990s, AUV technology entered an intense re- The small relative cost and the ability to operate multiple

search and development phase which was largely funded vehicles with minimal personnel and infrastructure enables This will see gliders play an important part in the dismantling renewables, mining, engineering and environmental. مهر by national defense agencies, with commercial vehicles not small fl eets of gliders to study and map the world’s most dy- of offshore structures as decommissioning activity steadily in- The continued development of gliders and sensors will in- widely available until around 2000. namic seas. creases over the next decade. crease the range of marine applications, while advances in 1395 Today, with advances in technology, gliders operate with lit- Slocum gliders operate using buoyancy as a propulsion They will also allow decommissioning work to be carried artifi cial intelligence will increase reliability and fl exibility. 34 20 MTR October 2016 Marine Technology Reporter 21

MTR #8 (18-33).indd 20 9/27/2016 1:47:22 PM MTR #8 (18-33).indd 21 9/27/2016 1:47:39 PM Robotics

Case Study Blue Ocean Monitoring recently completed a contract in Indonesia working for PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT), which is a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Cor- poration, one of the world’s largest gold producers with assets and operations across  ve continents. The task was to utilize the Slocum glider for monitoring in support of PTNNT’s Tailings Placement Program at its Batu Hijau copper-gold mine in Sumbawa, Indonesia. The program involved tailings from the mine being piped (3.2 km) off- shore and deposited off the continental shelf, where the depth reaches in excess of 4,000m. The glider equipped with a suite of water quality sensors was deployed to monitor the tailings which were not being disbursed into the coastal environment of Sumbawa. The monitoring program took just three weeks to complete and satis ed the full objectives of the survey scope. (Photo: Ashtead Technology) mous fl oat technology. Unlike conventional propeller driven tle or no need for powered systems and are typically used off- mechanism, which allows for longer deployment periods and out as cost-effectively and safely as possible, either replacing AUVs, they don’t require a vessel on-site and can be deployed shore to investigate environmental, metocean or water-mass the collection of large datasets continuously over these ex- or supporting ROVs and diving operations in monitoring and for up to six months without having to resurface. They are also structures. tended time scales. mapping the environmental impact. much smaller and lighter, making them easier and quicker to Ashtead Technology, a leader in marine technology and sub- They are capable of transmitting data in real-time and can It’s believed that gliders will develop faster than the 30 years transport and mobilize for international operations. sea services, has been an exclusive distributor of Blue Ocean’s be deployed and recovered easily, at a fraction of the cost it took ROVs to become everyday tools, and with software and Historically, remote operated vehicles (ROVs) or divers have fl eet of Teledyne Webb Research Slocum gliders since strik- of traditional vessel-based or fi xed-mooring monitoring ap- sensor improvements, they could truly transform the way the been used for underwater research activities, however these ing a global asset management agreement last year with the proaches, lowering both project costs as well as health, safety industry conducts underwater installation, inspection, repair methods are far more complex and can take many weeks to provider of ocean data solutions. and environmental risks. and maintenance work. plan and deploy, often requiring large numbers of personnel Blue Ocean’s Slocum gliders can be equipped with a diverse Initially gliders were used extensively for academic and mili- The current generation of gliders are capable of exploring and big budgets. range of different sensors and can be deployed in the water tary applications but over the past few years, they have been water depths of 1,000m, travelling at approximately 1-2 nauti- In the current market where this is no longer a viable option for up to a six months at a time. With two-way satellite com- increasingly adopted for a wide Archivevariety of oil and gas applica- cal miles per hour.of SID for many companies, gliders ability to operate without human munications the gliders can be deployed and controlled any- tions including pipeline leak detection, oil spill response, de- Future developments in glider technology could see them intervention, eliminating the safety risks attached to operating where in the world, are highly weather resilient and have no commissioning studies, dredge/construction plume monitor- operate with long endurance, extreme depth, or rapid response

ROV vessels, makes them an increasingly attractive alterna- environmental impact. ing, environmental monitoring and metocean studies. capabilities, while development of new sensors will further tive to the subsea industry. Conceived by Douglas C. Webb and supported by Henry Over time gliders have become more and more autonomous expand the parameters that can be measured. سال The fi rst subsea gliders were highly specialized and were Stommel, Slocum gliders were named after Joshua Slocum, with less human interaction required as artifi cial intelligence It is clear that gliders will continue to play an increasing- limited in scope to the specifi c task that they were designed the fi rst man to single-handedly sail around the world. has advanced. ly important role in the exploration and monitoring of the

سیویکم .To meet the long-term needs of the subsea industry, current world’s oceans to complete. Since then, technology has progressed allowing The long-range and duration capabilities of Slocum gliders them to become dynamic platforms for a variety of imaging, make them ideally suited for subsurface sampling, they can be developments are focused on increasing battery life, improv- Their capabilities have already surpassed what was once be- chemical, biological, acoustic and oceanic sensors that can be programmed to transmit their data to shore while download- ing autonomous functions and enhancing sensor capabilities lieved as possible, travelling across complex terrain to collect شامره adapted to meet the needs of a specifi c project. ing new instructions at regular intervals. so they can perform increasingly challenging intervention high resolution metocean data to satisfy monitoring require-

tasks. ments for a number of industries including subsea, offshore 235 During the 1990s, AUV technology entered an intense re- The small relative cost and the ability to operate multiple search and development phase which was largely funded vehicles with minimal personnel and infrastructure enables This will see gliders play an important part in the dismantling renewables, mining, engineering and environmental. مهر by national defense agencies, with commercial vehicles not small fl eets of gliders to study and map the world’s most dy- of offshore structures as decommissioning activity steadily in- The continued development of gliders and sensors will in- widely available until around 2000. namic seas. creases over the next decade. crease the range of marine applications, while advances in Today, with advances in technology, gliders operate with lit- Slocum gliders operate using buoyancy as a propulsion They will also allow decommissioning work to be carried artifi cial intelligence will increase reliability and fl exibility. 1395 35 Marine Technology Reporter 20 MTR October 2016 source: MTR magazine oct201621

MTR #8 (18-33).indd 20 9/27/2016 1:47:22 PM MTR #8 (18-33).indd 21 9/27/2016 1:47:39 PM Article


tions show sea level rise is still quite tions by the National Oceanic and Atmo- for both tide gauge data and satellite al- projections have been diverging from linear and at rise rates less than forecast. spheric Administration (NOAA) and the timetry data. The early observation data the observations. Since the projections There are two types of ocean obser- US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). did somewhat match the initially fl at ac- of sea level rise acceleration are expo- vation data available to help track sea A key point of this chart is the linear celeration projection curves; however, nential, these divergences will increase levels. The traditional data is tide gauge rise trend in sea level rise observations after about 2006 the higher acceleration over time as long as the observed sea An Update & Analysis of observations from ports around the world, with records going back hundreds of years. These long duration data sets provide accurate long-term trends. How- Climate Change & Rising Seas ever, this data includes changes in land elevation, so it is really measuring sea levels relative to the local land. Some DUNCAN MELLOR land, such as in Canada and Alaska, is rising due to crustal rebound (where the weight of ice sheets during the last ice age previously depressed the land and he maritime Industry offers by charged topic of climate change, to take havior when transformed into real world degrees of uncertainty, especially when now the ice sheet weight is gone). The far the most effi cient means of a closer look at observed sea level rise structures. dealing with the deep oceans and polar crustal rebound areas are actually seeing Ttransport, yet does get more than relative to the projections, or forecasts, In contrast, man-made climate change regions. relative sea level drop. Other areas have its share of attention for contributing to that have been made by climate change science is a new fi eld, academic in na- land elevations subsiding due to crustal “climate change.” The reality is that scientists. ture, most closely linked to the Inter- So where do we stand on sea level rise, movement, oil or water extraction or soil the Maritime Industry faces a dispro- As an engineer, I work with materials governmental Panel on Climate Change and its projected acceleration? consolidation effects that are combining portionally high risk of damages if the and design concepts that have evolved (IPCC) formed in 1988. At the center The trends in observations of global with global sea level rise to show higher projections for accelerating sea level rise over hundreds or thousands of years. of this study of global climate is an ex- sea level vary, but in comparing the ob- local relative sea level rise. associated with climate change are real. These engineering concepts are well tremely complex system, not well un- servations to the forecast sea level rise The tide gauge data does have some Here, we are bypassing the politically understood and provide predictable be- derstood, with many data gaps and large acceleration projections, the observa- disadvantages including uneven distribu- tion around the globe and they are only located along coastlines. Tide gauges re- Figure 1 cord the tide rising and falling every day. This includes storm surges, effects of atmospheric pressure changes and wind direction. The moon strongly infl uences the tides, with orbital effects that take 18.6 years to repeat a cycle. This leads to the establishment of a “tidal epoch” de- fi ned as 19 years, and it is the minimum length of time needed to record the tides and average out the variations due to the moon’s orbit cycle. Therefore, any tide gauge data needs to be averaged over at least 19 years, with two or more tidal ep- ochs preferred. It is not accurate to look at shorter ranges of tidal data to establish rates of sea level change1.

The other type of ocean elevation data Archive of SID more recently available to examine sea level trends is sea height measured by satellite altimetry. These measurements began in 1992 and several satellites have recorded global sea levels using altim- etry. The satellite data has the advantage سال of crossing most of the ocean areas with- in days (typically to 66 deg N & S), thus offering a global perspective apart from سیویکم

the Arctic Ocean. However, altimetry has signifi cant amounts of error and un- certainty with many corrections applied شامره

to the data and the data record length is still quite short. 235

Figure 1 presents a summary chart

showing the corrected satellite global sea height observations, the long-term tide مهر gauge observation trend, and a number of the sea level rise acceleration projec- 1395

36 16 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • OCTOBER 2016 17

MR #10 (10-17).indd 16 10/5/2016 9:20:04 AM MR #10 (10-17).indd 17 10/4/2016 9:15:33 AM tions show sea level rise is still quite tions by the National Oceanic and Atmo- for both tide gauge data and satellite al- projections have been diverging from linear and at rise rates less than forecast. spheric Administration (NOAA) and the timetry data. The early observation data the observations. Since the projections There are two types of ocean obser- US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). did somewhat match the initially fl at ac- of sea level rise acceleration are expo- vation data available to help track sea A key point of this chart is the linear celeration projection curves; however, nential, these divergences will increase levels. The traditional data is tide gauge rise trend in sea level rise observations after about 2006 the higher acceleration over time as long as the observed sea observations from ports around the world, with records going back hundreds of years. These long duration data sets provide accurate long-term trends. How- ever, this data includes changes in land elevation, so it is really measuring sea levels relative to the local land. Some land, such as in Canada and Alaska, is rising due to crustal rebound (where the weight of ice sheets during the last ice age previously depressed the land and now the ice sheet weight is gone). The crustal rebound areas are actually seeing relative sea level drop. Other areas have land elevations subsiding due to crustal movement, oil or water extraction or soil consolidation effects that are combining with global sea level rise to show higher local relative sea level rise. The tide gauge data does have some disadvantages including uneven distribu- tion around the globe and they are only located along coastlines. Tide gauges re- cord the tide rising and falling every day. This includes storm surges, effects of atmospheric pressure changes and wind direction. The moon strongly infl uences the tides, with orbital effects that take 18.6 years to repeat a cycle. This leads to the establishment of a “tidal epoch” de- fi ned as 19 years, and it is the minimum length of time needed to record the tides and average out the variations due to the moon’s orbit cycle. Therefore, any tide gauge data needs to be averaged over at least 19 years, with two or more tidal ep- ochs preferred. It is not accurate to look at shorter ranges of tidal data to establish rates of sea level change1.

The other type of ocean elevation data more recently available to examine sea Archive of SID level trends is sea height measured by satellite altimetry. These measurements began in 1992 and several satellites have recorded global sea levels using altim- etry. The satellite data has the advantage سال of crossing most of the ocean areas with- in days (typically to 66 deg N & S), thus offering a global perspective apart from سیویکم

the Arctic Ocean. However, altimetry has signifi cant amounts of error and un- certainty with many corrections applied شامره

to the data and the data record length is still quite short. 235

Figure 1 presents a summary chart

showing the corrected satellite global sea height observations, the long-term tide مهر gauge observation trend, and a number of the sea level rise acceleration projec- 1395

37 17

MR #10 (10-17).indd 17 10/4/ 9:15:33 AM Article


level rise trends remain linear. fects and mid term variation. In contrast, other satellite altimetry data suggests a rently tracking below the higher carbon land, causing a temporary drop in global ment funded channel dredging. Actual A key point in reviewing the Figure 1 the satellite altimetry is recorded every higher linear rate of sea level rise with emission sea level rise acceleration pro- sea level. Until the climate and sea level sea level rise will be refl ected in a rise of data is noting the satellite observations 10 days to get global coverage, and the combined data indicating a linear sea jections. The projections for sea level rise models are refi ned and start match- Mean Lower Low Water datum with each of sea level rise typically don’t match then has corrections applied. In look- level rise trend of about 2.88 mm/yr (1.1 rise acceleration, which climate scien- ing the observations, we will need to con- new tidal epoch based on tide gauge data the tide gauge data. How can they be ing at the European satellite ENVISAT, inches per decade). tists made 24 years ago, need revising. tinue to update the sea level rise projec- and non-shoaling areas will gradually get different? The two types of observations which was collecting observations from Global climate - including deep ocean tions on an empirical basis. Long-range deeper. There is a risk that sea level rise use differing measurement methods and 2002 to 2011, its observations showed So, what is really happening, and how temperatures, precipitation and snowfall extrapolation of accelerating sea level projections will be used by dredging op- cover somewhat different areas of the a lower rate linear sea level rise trend much sea level rise will we be seeing? are complex and not well modeled. An rise is inaccurate when not supported by ponents to argue that channel dredging is oceans. The tide gauge data often has of about 2.1 mm/yr (0.8 inches per de- As shown in Figure 1, the globally av- example is the sea level drop that oc- observations. not needed because sea levels are rapidly been collected over a long time and is cade), which agrees well with global tide eraged tide gauge observations and the curred in 2011. One theory is the 2011 In a recent journal paper2 we are now rising. averaged over at least a 19 year tidal gauge sea level rise trends (about 1.7 to global satellite corrected observations La Nina event in the Pacifi c Ocean re- seeing the climate change scientists ac- These examples do help illustrate the epoch to remove much of the Moon ef- 1.8 mm/yr (0.7 inches per decade)). The are indicating a linear rising trend, cur- sulted in increased precipitation onto knowledge the lack of sea level rise ac- potential adverse impacts that can be celeration. caused by inaccurate sea level rise pro- The paper suggests the anticipated jections. Over estimating sea level rise Another potential risk for the Maritime community from inaccurate sea level rise forecasts may be loss of acceleration in sea level rise is being might be considered a conservative plan- government funded channel dredging. Actual sea level rise will be refl ected in a rise of Mean Lower Low Water datum masked in satellite altimetry data due to ning approach, but it will have adverse ocean cooling and contraction caused fi nancial impacts for those living and with each new tidal epoch based on tide gauge data and non-shoaling areas will gradually get deeper. There is a risk that by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo working on the waterfront. As illustrated which occurred at the start of the satellite in Figure 1, the higher carbon emission Maritime Innovations sea level rise projections will be used by dredging opponents to argue that channel dredging is not needed altimetry observations. sea level rise acceleration projection curves are not supported by ocean obser- for the 21st Century™ because sea levels are rapidly rising. What does climate change and sea rise vations to date and it is time reevaluate mean for the Maritime community? the outdated forecasts. Gibbs & Cox’s nearly nine-decade legacy is built on Since sea level is rising, though not at our dedication to ship safety, quality, performance, and such a rapid rate as forecast, pre-planning now for coastal resiliency should be con- customized, balanced solutions to meet our clients’ sidered and that planning may need to be needs. revisited periodically to see if sea level rise observations are matching the rise projections. Currently many local, state • We invest in people, technology, training and tools. and federal government agencies are • We employ the latest Computer Aided Design moving forward with policies and codes (CAD) and engineering analysis tools to restrict and discourage waterfront de- velopment due to anticipated sea level • We are the industry leader for design, engineering, rise. This will put an especially heavy and life cycle support. burden on water dependent property owners who do not have the option to Our leading edge technology, and proven, cost-eff ective relocate inland and due to the high cost The Author and value of maritime facilities. There engineering practices, result in fully integrated design is an additional burden being applied by Duncan Mellor, PE Bio is a coastal and solutions, effi cient life cycle support enhancements, local and state agencies as they start post- waterfront engineer with a background and engineering program management that exceeds ing detailed mapping showing properties in civil and ocean engineering, including

they expect to be fl ooded as sea levels wave mechanics, corrosion and marine expectations. Archive of SID rise. Many of these inundation maps are structure deterioration, design, permit- illustrating conditions in the future, but ting for shorelines, waterways, ports and To learn more about how you can build a future with us these agencies have not yet recognized harbors. the nearer term potential adverse impacts as a Naval Architect or Marine Engineer, scan our QR of their mapping, such as when banks code or visit refuse mortgages on inundation mapped References سال properties. One city on Boston Harbor in Massachusetts has published inunda- 1 BAART, F.; VAN GELDER, P.H.A.J.M.; Gibbs & Cox is an equal opportunity employer. M/F/

.tion maps as early as year 2030 showing DE RONDE, J.; VAN KONINGSVELD, M., D/V. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn سیویکم

many maritime facilities being fl ooded and WOUTERS, B., 2012. The effect of by sea level rise. Any bank doing their the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle on re- due diligence on a 30-year mortgage re- gional sea-level rise estimates. Journal شامره quest for those inundation mapped prop- of Coastal Research, 28(2), 511–516. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749- 235 erties might well question the potential risk and refuse the mortgage, which can 0208. make it more diffi cult to invest in or sell

-FASULLO,J.T., NEREM, R.S., HAMLING 2 مهر those properties, leading to reduced prop- erty values. TON, B., 2016. Is the detection of accel- erated sea

1395 Another potential risk for the Maritime community from inaccurate sea level level rise imminent?. Scienti c Reports 6, 31245; doi: 10.1038/srep31245. 38 rise forecasts may be loss of govern- Email: [email protected]; Phone: (703) 416-3600 Fax: (703) 416-3679 (Photo: Public Service of NH)

18 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • OCTOBER 2016 19

MR #10 (18-25).indd 18 10/5/2016 9:21:05 AM MR #10 (18-25).indd 19 10/3/2016 3:24:20 PM land, causing a temporary drop in global ment funded channel dredging. Actual sea level. Until the climate and sea level sea level rise will be refl ected in a rise of rise models are refi ned and start match- Mean Lower Low Water datum with each ing the observations, we will need to con- new tidal epoch based on tide gauge data tinue to update the sea level rise projec- and non-shoaling areas will gradually get tions on an empirical basis. Long-range deeper. There is a risk that sea level rise extrapolation of accelerating sea level projections will be used by dredging op- rise is inaccurate when not supported by ponents to argue that channel dredging is observations. not needed because sea levels are rapidly In a recent journal paper2 we are now rising. seeing the climate change scientists ac- These examples do help illustrate the knowledge the lack of sea level rise ac- potential adverse impacts that can be celeration. caused by inaccurate sea level rise pro- The paper suggests the anticipated jections. Over estimating sea level rise acceleration in sea level rise is being might be considered a conservative plan- masked in satellite altimetry data due to ning approach, but it will have adverse ocean cooling and contraction caused fi nancial impacts for those living and by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo working on the waterfront. As illustrated which occurred at the start of the satellite in Figure 1, the higher carbon emission Maritime Innovations altimetry observations. sea level rise acceleration projection curves are not supported by ocean obser- for the 21st Century™ What does climate change and sea rise vations to date and it is time reevaluate mean for the Maritime community? the outdated forecasts. Gibbs & Cox’s nearly nine-decade legacy is built on Since sea level is rising, though not at our dedication to ship safety, quality, performance, and such a rapid rate as forecast, pre-planning now for coastal resiliency should be con- customized, balanced solutions to meet our clients’ sidered and that planning may need to be needs. revisited periodically to see if sea level rise observations are matching the rise projections. Currently many local, state • We invest in people, technology, training and tools. and federal government agencies are • We employ the latest Computer Aided Design moving forward with policies and codes (CAD) and engineering analysis tools to restrict and discourage waterfront de- velopment due to anticipated sea level • We are the industry leader for design, engineering, rise. This will put an especially heavy and life cycle support. burden on water dependent property owners who do not have the option to Our leading edge technology, and proven, cost-eff ective relocate inland and due to the high cost The Author and value of maritime facilities. There engineering practices, result in fully integrated design is an additional burden being applied by Duncan Mellor, PE Bio is a coastal and solutions, effi cient life cycle support enhancements, local and state agencies as they start post- waterfront engineer with a background and engineering program management that exceeds ing detailed mapping showing properties in civil and ocean engineering, including

they expect to be fl ooded as sea levels wave mechanics, corrosion and marine expectations. rise. Many of these inundation maps are Archivestructure deterioration, design, permit- of SID illustrating conditions in the future, but ting for shorelines, waterways, ports and To learn more about how you can build a future with us these agencies have not yet recognized harbors. the nearer term potential adverse impacts as a Naval Architect or Marine Engineer, scan our QR of their mapping, such as when banks code or visit سال refuse mortgages on inundation mapped References properties. One city on Boston Harbor in Massachusetts has published inunda- 1 BAART, F.; VAN GELDER, P.H.A.J.M.; Gibbs & Cox is an equal opportunity employer. M/F/

سیویکم .tion maps as early as year 2030 showing DE RONDE, J.; VAN KONINGSVELD, M., D/V. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

many maritime facilities being fl ooded and WOUTERS, B., 2012. The effect of by sea level rise. Any bank doing their the 18.6-year lunar nodal cycle on re- due diligence on a 30-year mortgage re- gional sea-level rise estimates. Journal شامره quest for those inundation mapped prop- of Coastal Research, 28(2), 511–516. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749- erties might well question the potential 235 risk and refuse the mortgage, which can 0208. make it more diffi cult to invest in or sell

مهر -FASULLO,J.T., NEREM, R.S., HAMLING 2 those properties, leading to reduced prop- erty values. TON, B., 2016. Is the detection of accel- erated sea

Another potential risk for the Maritime 1395 community from inaccurate sea level level rise imminent?. Scienti c Reports 6, 31245; doi: 10.1038/srep31245. rise forecasts may be loss of govern- Email: [email protected]; Phone: (703) 416-3600 Fax: (703) 416-3679 39

Source: Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Oct 2016 19 MR #10 (18-25).indd 19 10/3/2016 3:24:20 PM Article


Advancing Spill Response The National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility has been an integral part of the spill response communityArchive for more than of three SID and a half decades.

By Jane-Ellen Delgado

-ucked away on the shores of the Sandy Hook Bay in sett has assisted researchers and manufacturers in evalu سال central New Jersey resides Ohmsett – The National ating cutting edge technologies that are helping remove سیویکم TOil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy spilled oil from the worlds’ oceans. Test Facility. It has been an integral part of the spill re- Managed by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of

-sponse community for more than three and a half decades. Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and oper شامره

Government agencies, private industry, and oil spill re- ated through a contract with MAR (MD) LLC, Ohmsett 235 sponse organizations from around the world have visited is part of the Bureau’s oil spill research program. Ohmsett the facility for testing, research and training. directly supports BSEE’s mission to ensure the best and safest مهر From booms, skimmers and dispersants, to cold water oil spill detection, containment and removal technologies are

1395 testing and Remotely Operated Vehicle evaluations, Ohm- available to protect the U.S. coastal and ocean environments. 40 *All images courtesy of OHMSETT

20 MN October 2016

MN Oct16 Layout 18-31.indd 20 9/21/2016 3:13:57 PM SPILL RESPONSE SPILL RESPONSE

A skimmer is tested in oil slick thicknesses ranging from 2-inches to 1/8-inch

ations of equipment and remediation techniques that en- able rapid and effi cient response to an actual spill. “We are the intermediate step between small-scale bench testing and open water testing,” says Paul Meyer, BSEE’s Ohmsett Manager. “With the ability to control the testing environ- ment, we are able to provide repeatable test conditions. This way, any equipment modifi cations can be measured and compared with each test performed, giving our customers the opportunity to optimize equipment performance.” With a wide range of testing and research capabilities, the oil spill response community relies on Ohmsett for in- dependent and objective testing. “Our staff of engineers and technicians assists customers with test protocol devel- opment, product evaluations, and provides improvement recommendations,” says John Delia, MAR program man- ager for Ohmsett.

The Nuts & Bolts of Research & Testing Over the years BSEE has funded multiple research projects at Ohmsett. Most recently, two highly successful projects conducted by BSEE were the Diminishing Slick Thickness test and the ICEHORSE Submersible Skim- mer. Earlier this year, Ohmsett personnel conducted per- Advancing Spill Response Every Day formance testing of two oleophilic skimming systems to better understand the relationship between Oil Recovery The National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Realistic Testing in World Class Facilities Rates and Recovery Effi ciencies in varying oil slick thick- At the heart of the facility is one of the largest outdoor nesses or diminishing slick thicknesses. Energy Test Facility has been an integral part of the spill saltwater wave/tow tank facilities in North America. It is At Ohmsett, skimming systems are tested to the ASTM

the only facility where full-scale oil spill response equip- F2709, the standard for testing the performance of sta- response community for more than three and a half decades. ment testing, research, and trainingArchive can be conducted in tionary skimmers of in calm waterSID conditions. However, the a marine environment with oil under controlled environ- ASTM F2709 standard calls for testing in 3-2 inches of oil By Jane-Ellen Delgado mental conditions. in order to create the ideal conditions necessary to measure The tank measures 203 meters long by 20 meters wide a skimming system’s maximum performance. But, in an سال ucked away on the shores of the Sandy Hook Bay in sett has assisted researchers and manufacturers in evalu- by 2.4 meters deep and is fi lled with 10 million liters of actual oil spill it is likely that a skimmer will operate in a central New Jersey resides Ohmsett – The National ating cutting edge technologies that are helping remove crystal clear saltwater. The three movable bridges are capa- thinner range of oil thicknesses. In this test series, a drum

سیویکم and disc skimmer were tested to ASTM F2709, as well as TOil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy spilled oil from the worlds’ oceans. ble of towing equipment up to six knots to simulate towing Test Facility. It has been an integral part of the spill re- Managed by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of at sea. A crow’s nest mounted on the movable main bridge in various other oil slick thicknesses ranging from 2-inches above the water provides a vantage point for mounting test to 1/8-inch using standard refi ned test oil.

شامره -sponse community for more than three and a half decades. Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and oper

Government agencies, private industry, and oil spill re- ated through a contract with MAR (MD) LLC, Ohmsett equipment, such as sensors to remotely detect oil spills, as “This series of experiments was the fi rst of its kind and 235 sponse organizations from around the world have visited is part of the Bureau’s oil spill research program. Ohmsett well as for video documentation of a test. represents a continuation of basic research data associated the facility for testing, research and training. directly supports BSEE’s mission to ensure the best and safest The facility is also equipped with a computerized wave with quantifying skimmer performance with varying test pa- مهر From booms, skimmers and dispersants, to cold water oil spill detection, containment and removal technologies are generator capable of producing wave characteristics of 59 rameters,” stated Kristi McKinney, a BSEE project manager. testing and Remotely Operated Vehicle evaluations, Ohm- available to protect the U.S. coastal and ocean environments. cm height (H1/3 at 7 meter wavelengths), 83 cm height A signifi cant oil spill response challenge is recovering 1395 (H1/3 irregular waves), and wavelengths up to 30 meters. oil in ice. While response equipment and techniques to 41 *All images courtesy of OHMSETT Ohmsett plays a critical role in providing full-scale evalu- contain and recover oil spills in the offshore Arctic re-

20 MN October 2016 MN 21

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Ohmsett Facility

The ICEHORSE surfaced among the oil and ice to recover the oil

gions already exist, there remains a testing and evaluation anticipated that the technology could potentially improve McKinney. “Next steps will be to review test results with requirement to determine how well they perform, and to the response industry’s ability to remove oil from otherwise an eye towards future development of this concept.” help improve them for use in cold water and ice environ- inaccessible locations. ments. As such, BSEE has dedicated resources to advance In 2014, Alion Science and Technologies of New Lon- BSEE Invests so that Industry can Succeed the knowledge of oil spill response capabilities in cold wa- don, Connecticut was tasked with developing a submersible For 35 years, Ohmsett has moved the ball forward in all ter and ice-infested environments. skimming system that can be deployed from a vessel and aspects of spill response testing and research “During the winter months, we can replicate cold cli- maneuvered underwater to the location of the oil. In Febru- With the new advances in technology for responding mate conditions at Ohmsett by using a chilling system to ary 2016, the prototype system was tested in an oil and ice in ice conditions, BSEE has invested in the facility with regulate the water temperature in the test basin,” stated fi eld at Ohmsett. The prototype, called the ICEHORSE, newly developed equipment to measure oil slick thickness Mr. Delia. “In addition, we place manufactured sea ice consists of a small smoothed drum skimmer and three and ice coverage during testing. An acoustic tool adapted in the test tank to simulate an ice fi eld in which response ROVs mounted to an aluminum frame, with an ice cage to to operate from a ROV, detects oil in and under ice, tracks equipment will be operating.” prevent ice from interfering with the oil recovery process. location, and measures thickness. The sensors provide real- The sea ice is sourced from the U.S. Army’s Corps of The ICEHORSE was assessed on its ability to maneu- time measurements of the slick thickness and include cam- Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labo- ver, travel speed, thrust, turning radius, and submerging eras for real-time viewing and recording. ratory (CRREL) where it is manufactured or “grown” to and surfacing characteristics. After those initial tests, ice To accurately and rapidly assess cold water and ice test- support multiple Army research programs for extreme cli- and diesel fuel oil (dyed red for visibility) were placed in ing parameters such as total surface oil versus ice area cov- mates. Recently, however, Ohmsett staff engineers designed a boomed test area to create a spill within broken ice. The erage and oil layer thickness, a thermal imaging camera and developed a systemArchive for producing the ice blocks on- skimmerof system, SIDinitially located outside the test area, sub- with processing software was developed specifi cally for use site. Frames were constructed at the facility, and chiller box- merged, traveled underwater, and surfaced among the oil at Ohmsett. The Tactical Rapid Airborne Classifi cation es maintained at 0o F were used for freezing and storage. and ice to recover the oil. System (TRACS) creates images that separate ice, water Using this new on-site capability for testing in a simu- “The submersible skimmer test successfully demon- and oil of several thicknesses based on differences in the lated Arctic environment, the staff created ice for a BSEE strated the concept of operation. The prototype was able thermal emittance. سال funded project to develop a new approach to how oil skim- to successfully submerge, maneuver under the ice, surface mer technologies are deployed in ice-infested waters. It is within the fi eld and recover diesel oil,” commented Ms.

-Jane-Ellen Delgado is the Senior Marketing Commu سیویکم nications Specialist of the Ohmsett Facility. She has been Ohmsett Testing Capabilities: at a glance … with Ohmsett since 2004 managing the branding of the شامره Oil spill skimmer systems Dispersed, weathered & emulsifi ed oil behavior Containment booms facility. Ms. Delgado holds an MBA in Marketing from 235

Remote sensing equipment Cold weather & broken ice conditions Dispersant testing the City University of Seattle, WA and a B.S. in Journal-

Test protocol development Sorbents Viscous oil pumping ism from the State University of New York at Brockport. مهر Temporary storage devices Surface & sunken oil, & neutrally buoyant plumes Oil/water separators On the WEB: 1395

42 22 MN October 2016 MN Oct16 Layout 18-31.indd 22 9/22/2016 10:06:34 AM MN Oct16 Layout 18-31.indd 23 9/21/2016 3:17:15 PM The ICEHORSE surfaced among the oil and ice to recover the oil

McKinney. “Next steps will be to review test results with an eye towards future development of this concept.”

BSEE Invests so that Industry can Succeed For 35 years, Ohmsett has moved the ball forward in all aspects of spill response testing and research With the new advances in technology for responding in ice conditions, BSEE has invested in the facility with newly developed equipment to measure oil slick thickness and ice coverage during testing. An acoustic tool adapted to operate from a ROV, detects oil in and under ice, tracks location, and measures thickness. The sensors provide real- time measurements of the slick thickness and include cam- eras for real-time viewing and recording. To accurately and rapidly assess cold water and ice test- ing parameters such as total surface oil versus ice area cov- erage and oil layer thickness, a thermal imaging camera with processing software was Archivedeveloped specifi cally for use of SID at Ohmsett. The Tactical Rapid Airborne Classifi cation System (TRACS) creates images that separate ice, water and oil of several thicknesses based on differences in the thermal emittance. سال

سیویکم -Jane-Ellen Delgado is the Senior Marketing Commu nications Specialist of the Ohmsett Facility. She has been with Ohmsett since 2004 managing the branding of the شامره facility. Ms. Delgado holds an MBA in Marketing from 235

the City University of Seattle, WA and a B.S. in Journal-

ism from the State University of New York at Brockport. مهر On the WEB: 1395 source MN magazine oct 2016 43 MN Oct16 Layout 18-31.indd 23 9/21/2016 3:17:15 PM Article


Incentivizing Spill Response Innovation: Researchers tackle the tough problems despite a lack of funding and offi cial incentives to move forward. Progress, in particular for Arctic spill response equipment and techniques, is being made. By Joseph Keefe

Credit: MPC

Archive of SID

سال سیویکم





44 38 MN October 2016

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ven in the messy but now seemingly distant wake of responsible for evaluating the feasibility and affordability such environmental disasters such as the Exxon Val- of mission execution solutions and providing operational Edez grounding and the Deepwater Horizon accident, and risk-management analysis at all stages of the acqui- domestic oil spill response requirements still provide little sition process. Those evaluations sometimes involve spill or no incentive for responders in the U.S. to develop and response equipment. deploy new equipment. Elsewhere, other countries (espe- One particular issue that troubles spill responders is that cially Norway) have better options for testing and approv- in 30% concentration, ice is not a signifi cant impediment ing systems using an intentional spill. Here at home, this for most skimmers. Conversely, however, in 70% concen- approach has been recommended especially for the Arctic tration, ice is a signifi cant impediment, with most skim- by many stakeholders, to no apparent avail. mers experiencing dramatically poorer effi ciencies in the Similarly, the BSEE issued a Request For Proposal (RFP) a dense ice. In real practice, recovery rates for 70% ice con- few years ago but received none to investigate a ‘research spill’ ditions were found to be about half of the 30% runs and and then perform one. That possibility, according to Kurt in some cases, that recovery rate dipped to less than 10 A. Hansen, a professional engineer at the U.S. Coast Guard percent of 70% ice condition runs. Accordingly, RDC and Acquisition Directorate Research & Development Center in its partners recently looked into the matter. New London, CT, has nevertheless been a frequent topic of discussion for several years at the Interagency Coordinating RDC & Partners in Action Committee for Oil Pollution Research (ICCOPR). Proving that there are people actively at work to improve That’s not to say that industry stakeholders haven’t tried domestic spill response capabilities and technology, the to pitch in. They have. A very large project also directly Coast Guard recently demonstrated some advances in cold addressing the Arctic response issue, funded to the tune of weather oil response technology. Specifi cally, the RDC $25 million – money that Hansen says the federal govern- demonstrated conceptual systems that could improve re- ment simply doesn’t have) – has been launched by the Arc- covery of oil in cold climates including New England, the tic Oil Spill Response Technology Joint Industry Program Great Lakes and Alaska. (JIP). In a nutshell, the project hopes to further build on RDC, in cooperation with the Bureau of Safety and En- existing research and improve the technologies and meth- vironmental Enforcement (BSEE), evaluated an ice cage odologies for Arctic oil spill response. With nine oil and designed to keep ice pieces from impacting skimmer perfor- gas companies participating, the stated goal of the JIP is to mance. The design was based on the results of BSEE’s “Ice advance Arctic oil spill response strategies and equipment Month” testing at the National Oil Spill Response Research as well as to increase understanding of potential impacts of & Renewable Energy Test Facility (Ohmsett) in 2013. Ac- oil on the Arctic marine environment. cording to a report on the matter, “The results showed that Last but certainly not least, Hansen says that the Re- most skimmers could not pick up oil in pack ice of over

search and Development Center (RDC), located in New 70 percent coverage because pieces of ice interfered at the London, CT, is the U.S. CoastArchive Guard’s sole facility per- weir, brush orof belt interface SID with the water that kept the oil forming research, development, and test and evaluation from reaching the collection point. A system was tested at in support of the service’s Ohmsett in March 2014 major missions. It has “Ice Management System designed by MPC and for the Coast Guard’s سال been in existence since is in patent pending status. The company is Helix skimmer it appears 1972 having moved into to improve the collection considering the potential to offer a version سیویکم

its current home in New capability.” London in 2009. There for commercial users based on its evalua- In this case, RDC col- are 18 military and 76 tion of market opportunities.” laborated with Marine شامره civilians at this loca- Pollution Control (MPC) 235 tion plus a staff of 7 (2 – William E. (Bill) Hazel III, of Detroit to develop an military) at Coast Guard ice cage system which مهر

Director of Marine Services at Michigan-based Headquarters in Wash- permits oil to fl ow into Marine Pollution Control (MPC)

ington, DC. The RDC is the skimmer and keeps 1395

45 MN 39

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“Contracts were awarded to Marine Pollution Control Control Pollution Marine to awarded were “Contracts “Contracts were awarded to Marine Pollution Control (MPC) for the ice cage and Elastec American Marine Marine American Elastec and cage ice the for (MPC) (MPC) for the ice cage and Elastec American Marine (Winner of the Wendy Schmidt Oil Spill X-Prize) for the the for X-Prize) Spill Oil Schmidt Wendy the of (Winner (Winner of the Wendy Schmidt Oil Spill X-Prize) for the temporary storage device. Both of these contractors contractors these of Both device. storage temporary temporary storage device. Both of these contractors set up and operated the equipment during the evalua- the during equipment the operated and up set set up and operated the equipment during the evalua- tion. The Coast Guard provided the ship, CGC JUNIPER, JUNIPER, CGC ship, the provided Guard Coast The tion. tion. The Coast Guard provided the ship, CGC JUNIPER, crane.” JUNIPER’s CGC the using capability lifting and and lifting capability using the CGC JUNIPER’s crane.”

– Kurt A. Hansen, U.S. Coast Guard Acquisition Director- Acquisition Guard Coast U.S. Hansen, A. Kurt – – Kurt A. Hansen, U.S. Coast Guard Acquisition Director- ate Research & Development Center in New London, CT London, New in Center Development & Research ate ate Research & Development Center in New London, CT

The Coast Guard owns the equipment; which will be be will which equipment; the owns Guard Coast The open- skimmer the near area critical that from away ice ice away from that critical area near the skimmer open- The Coast Guard owns the equipment; which will be temporarily stored in a warehouse in Newport News, VA VA News, Newport in warehouse a in stored temporarily data the and 2015 in ice in tested was system The ing. ing. The system was tested in ice in 2015 and the data temporarily stored in a warehouse in Newport News, VA where Coast Guard personnel are available to handle stor- handle to available are personnel Guard Coast where gallons 4 about (from rates recovery in increase an showed showed an increase in recovery rates (from about 4 gallons where Coast Guard personnel are available to handle stor- age and maintenance issues. Policy and decision makers at at makers decision and Policy issues. maintenance and age of coverages ice at pgm 18 about to (GPM) minute per per minute (GPM) to about 18 pgm at ice coverages of age and maintenance issues. Policy and decision makers at the CG Headquarters level will be provided the report and and report the provided be will level Headquarters CG the skimmer. Helix existing Guard’s Coast the for %) 50-63 50-63 %) for the Coast Guard’s existing Helix skimmer. the CG Headquarters level will be provided the report and make decisions about future use. Separately, William E. E. William Separately, use. future about decisions make contract a had “RDC further, explains Hansen Kurt Kurt Hansen explains further, “RDC had a contract make decisions about future use. Separately, William E. with Science Applications International Corporation Corporation International Applications Science with with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), one of our delivery order contractors, to assess the the assess to contractors, order delivery our of one (SAIC), (SAIC), one of our delivery order contractors, to assess the current decontamination procedures and provide recom- provide and procedures decontamination current current decontamination procedures and provide recom- mendations that RDC could evaluate during the Newport Newport the during evaluate could RDC that mendations mendations that RDC could evaluate during the Newport test. Contracts were awarded to Marine Pollution Con- Pollution Marine to awarded were Contracts test. test. Contracts were awarded to Marine Pollution Con- trol (MPC) for the ice cage and Elastec American Marine Marine American Elastec and cage ice the for (MPC) trol trol (MPC) for the ice cage and Elastec American Marine (Winner of the Wendy Schmidt Oil Spill X-Prize) for the the for X-Prize) Spill Oil Schmidt Wendy the of (Winner (Winner of the Wendy Schmidt Oil Spill X-Prize) for the temporary storage device. Both of these contractors set up up set contractors these of Both device. storage temporary temporary storage device. Both of these contractors set up and operated the equipment during the evaluation. The The evaluation. the during equipment the operated and and operated the equipment during the evaluation. The Coast Guard provided the ship, CGC JUNIPER, and lift- and JUNIPER, CGC ship, the provided Guard Coast Coast Guard provided the ship, CGC JUNIPER, and lift- ing capability using the CGC JUNIPER’s crane.” JUNIPER’s CGC the using capability ing ing capability using the CGC JUNIPER’s crane.” Crewmembers from Coast Guard Cutter Juniper con- Juniper Cutter Guard Coast from Crewmembers Crewmembers from Coast Guard Cutter Juniper con- ducted a test of a prototype ice cage, which is designed designed is which cage, ice prototype a of test a ducted ducted a test of a prototype ice cage, which is designed to keep ice away from the skimmer but permit oil to still still to oil permit but skimmer the from away ice keep to to keep ice away fromArchive the skimmer but permit oil to still of SID be recovered. The system is designed for use in broken broken in use for designed is system The recovered. be be recovered. The system is designed for use in broken

ice when oil pools between pieces of ice. The ship would would ship The ice. of pieces between pools oil when ice ice when oil pools between pieces of ice. The ship would maneuver and dip the ice cage/skimmer into each pool pool each into cage/skimmer ice the dip and maneuver maneuver and dip the ice cage/skimmer into each pool

successively, picking up and moving carefully, trying not سال ,successively, picking up and moving carefully, trying not not trying carefully, moving and up picking successively to push the ice so that the oil does not go over or under it. under or over go not does oil the that so ice the push to to push the ice so that the oil does not go over or under it. Tested with two existing devices – a brush skimmer and and skimmer brush a – devices existing two with Tested Tested with two existing devices – a brush skimmer and سیویکم a drum skimmer – the device could possibly be made avail- made be possibly could device the – skimmer drum a a drum skimmer – the device could possibly be made avail- able for commercial response cooperatives to purchase, but, but, purchase, to cooperatives response commercial for able able for commercial response cooperatives to purchase, but, شامره says Hansen, “This is still being determined.” Indeed, the the Indeed, determined.” being still is “This Hansen, says says Hansen, “This is still being determined.” Indeed, the

nement. Also according according Also nement. refi needs still that system prototype 235 prototype system that still needs refi nement. Also according

to Hansen, RDC is gathering recommendations from the the from recommendations gathering is RDC Hansen, to to Hansen, RDC is gathering recommendations from the مهر evaluation to make setup and use easier and better; which which better; and easier use and setup make to evaluation evaluation to make setup and use easier and better; which will be written into a report available later this year. this later available report a into written be will will be written into a report available later this year. 1395 October 2016 October Guard Coast U.S. Credit: MN 40 40 MN Credit: U.S. Coast Guard October 2016 46 9/21/2016 3:26:09 PM 3:26:09 9/21/2016 40 32-49.indd Layout Oct16 MN MN Oct16 Layout 32-49.indd 40 9/21/2016 3:26:09 PM ARCTIC RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY

(Bill) Hazel III, Director of Marine Services at Michigan- Encouraging Innovation based Marine Pollution Control (MPC), told MarineNews Fueled by the kind of success achieved at RDC, both last month that “Ice Management System designed by industry and the federal government continue to promote MPC is in patent pending status. The company is consid- avenues for innovation. BSEE, for example, has also devel- ering the potential to offer a version for commercial users oped software that could possibly be used to foster a more based on its evaluation of market opportunities.” MPC, systems-based approach, which would in theory result in a according to Hazel, is a spill response provider, but also has better selection of equipment and encourage innovation. At robust manufacturing capabilities. the same time, BSEE has also sponsored multiple projects to Attention was given to determining how and what address simulants and how to get innovation into the fi eld. the minimum size of workboat or ‘vessel of opportunity’ And, not to be left out of the process, the Oil Spill Re- could handle the equipment, if deployed. Together, the ice covery Institute (OSRI) of Alaska, funded by the Oil Spill cage, skimmer, and hoses weigh about 2,000 pounds, so Liability Trust fund (OSLTF) set up after the Exxon Valdez a crane would be needed with a reasonable lift distance spill, recently sponsored a workshop about how to intro- of 30-40 feet at that weight. The amount of deck space duce innovation. Issues range from funding to the lack of needed would depend upon what is being used for tem- incentives for commercial stakeholders to move forward. porary storage. The largest temporary storage tank for this As the Arctic becomes more and more accessible to com- demonstration was 6 feet wide by 30 feet long with straps mercial traffi c – in more places and in volumes that grow reaching 3-5 feet out for supports. – the need for viable spill response capabilities, equipment As a general statement, the ice cage has been found to and techniques is only going to become more critical. De- improve recovery effi ciency for skimmers as long as the op- spite impediments to that effort, both government and erator has the time, patience and the skill to both move the commercial stakeholders are making progress. Clearly, we cage around and effectively manage the ice. need more.

source MN magazine oct 2016

Archive of SID

سال سیویکم




1395 MN 41 47 MN Oct16 Layout 32-49.indd 41 9/21/2016 3:26:22 PM News

Five Technologies That Are Helping Save the Oceans

A Vacuum Oceangoing Safety Nets for Deep Ocean Tuna Tagging Cleaner for Robots Sea Life Explorers Sushi lovers have Ocean Plastic Every year, billions We’ve moved made bluefin tuna Dispatching ships of pounds of on from the so valuable that it When 17-year- to remote seas to marine animals are days of manned isn’t just overfished; old Boyan Slat investigate climate inadvertently caught submersibles it has experienced went diving in change and conduct in fishing nets to explore the a 95 percent drop Greece in 2011, other scientific pulled by trawlers. mysteries of the in population in the he was frustrated research can cost Commercial fishing ocean to remotely last few decades. to come across tens of thousands of operators also throw operated vehicles In an effort to more plastic than dollars a day and put out tons of good that are highly track bluefin tuna fish. Last year, he crew members’ lives fish when their haul maneuverable and movements and founded The Ocean at risk. Better to send exceeds quotas. To can be controlled understand their Cleanup, which in the robots. Silicon help reduce all that by crews on behavior to better has developed Valley start-up Liquid loss of marine life, board a vessel. guide conservation a technology to Robotics makes a British designer Equipped with efforts, scientists extract plastic the Wave Glider, an has invented the robotic arms, lights, have developed pollution from autonomous wave- SafetyNet. The cameras, sensors, tagging technology the oceans. Here’s and solar-powered net is studded and sampling that the Monterey how it works: robot that can with blinking LED devices, ROVs can Bay Aquarium Ocean currents traverse the world’s rings that guide go where it’s too humorously calls force plastics to oceans, collecting juvenile fish to the remote, expensive, “fish and chips.” accumulate in front and transmitting openings so they or dangerous for Biologists implant of an array of solid gigabytes of can escape when scientists to venture electronic tags floating barriers and data on weather they accidentally to discover new into the bellies platforms anchored conditions and get caught. A larger marine life and of the tuna that to the seabed. That water temperature, mesh panel allows investigate the collect data on the

allows the trash Archivechemistry, and unwanted bottom- ofimpact SID of humans. fishes’ movements, to be retrieved for quality. A fleet of dwelling species (Photo: NOAA) body temperature,

recycling while fish the 250-pound, to escape through and other details. and other marine surfboard-size ’bots bigger holes. Anglers who catch animals swim is roaming the seven Existing fishing the fish can return سال unimpeded under seas, going where nets can also be the tag for a $1,000 the barriers. Small- no robot has gone retrofitted with the reward. Satellite tags سیویکم

scale testing has before. LED rings. are attached to tuna been completed and (Photo: Liquid (Photo: SafetyNet with dart guns and the array is being Robotics Technologies) are programmed شامره ramped up for pilot to detach from the 235

testing, with full- fish. Beachgoers and

scale deployment fishers who find and مهر

planned for 2019. return the tag are given a $500 reward. 1395 (Photo: Tag-a-Giant) 48 Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID ICOPMAS دوازدهم؛ دوران جدید، رویکردهای جدید

یکی از نعمتهایی که خداوند تبارک و تعالی در اختیار برش قرارداده است دریا است همچنانکه در آیه رشیفه قرآن نیز ذکر شده برش توسط دریا میتواند عالوه بر بهرهربداری از منابع زنده و غیر زنده نهفته در این مخزن عظیم، از طریق حملونقل دریایی به تجارت پرداخته و به دورترین جهای دنیا سفر کند. جمهوری اسالمی ایران با ارتباط با سه پهنه آبی در شامل و جنوب کشور شامل دریای خزر، خلیج همیشه فارس و دریای عامن که متصل به اقیانوس است و با داشنت حدود 5800 کیلومرت خط ساحلی و جزایر متعدد از موقعیت ممتازی در منطقه و جهان برخوردار است. متاسفانه در طول سده های گذشته به مرور از این نعمت عظیم خدادادی دور نگه داشته شده و بیشرت به رسزمین محصور خشکی تبدیل شده است. سازمان بنادرو دریانوردی به عنوان مرجع دریایی کشور دریافت که یکی از راههای جربان این عقبافتادگی ایجاد زمینه و شور و همچنین ترغیب متخصصین و دانشپژوهان و همچنین دستگاههای اجرایی کشور در توجه به مناطق ساحلی و توسعه و رشد و تعالی این مناطق ایجاد زمینه تبادل تجارب و دستاوردها و آرا و اندیشهها در بین متخصصین این حوزه در داخل و خارج کشور گردد. بنابراین از سال 1369 و با رشوع دوران سازندگی در کشور آهنگ توسعه و توجه ویژه به دانش سواحل، بنادر و سازههای دریایی نیز به صدا درآمد. با یاری خدا، در طول برگزاری این هامیش دستاوردهای ارزشمندی در عرصههای ملی و بیناملللی حاصلشده اســت. عالوه بر امکان تبادل تجربیات و دســتاوردهای بین متخصصین رشکتکننده در هامیش و همچنین عرضه توان داخلی در عرصه بینامللل در این زمینه که از نتایج ذاتی هر هامیش بیناملللی محسوب میشود از مهمترین دستاوردهای حاصله در این زمینه میتوان به ارتقاء دانش فنی و تخصصی متخصصین و دانشپژوهان و مهندسین مشاور و پیامنکار اشاره منود به کهطوری با یاری خدا در حال حارض جمهوری اسالمی ایران از موقعیت بسیار ممتازی در زمینه مهندسی و مدیریت سواحل در منطقه برخوردار بوده و دانش فنی و مهندسی قابلیت عرضه در فضای بینامللل را با افتخار دارد. رومنایی از چندین طرح ملی، حامیت از مراجع دانشگاهی توسط بخش صنعت در پیشربد اهداف کشور،تهیه دستورالعمل طراحی سازههای ساحلی به عنوان اولین دستورالعمل جامع الزم اجرا برای مهندسین مشاور طراح در کشور، تهیه نرم افزار ایرانی شبیه ساز ریاضی پارامرتهای دریایی و عرضه به بینامللل، تاسیس انجمن مردمنهاد علمی سواحل و هایسازه دریایی در کشور، حامیت متام و کامل سازمانها، اتحادیه و انجمنهای بیناملللی مطرح در دنیا از این هامیش، عضویت جمهوری اسالمی ایران در قدیمیترین انجمن بیناملللی و تاثیر گذار دنیا یعنی انجمن جهانی زیرساختهای حملونقل آبی ) پیانک( به عنوان تنها کشور خاورمیانه تنها بخشی از دستاوردهایی است که میتوان از آن نام برد. مهمترین برنامه ریزیهای انجامشده در این دوره شامل : بهروزرسانی پایگاه اینرتنتی هامیش به چهار زبان

تشکیل هیات رئیسه و کمیته علمی هامیش برنامهریزی دریافت SIDمقاالت، ارزیابی آنها توسطof اساتید داخلی و خارجی از طریق پایگاه اینرتنتی هامیشArchive هامهنگی با اساتید بنام بیناملللی جهت ارائه سخرنانی کلیدی

انتخاب محل مناسب برگزاری و همچنین تجهیز منایشگاه جانبی هامیش برنامهریزی پخش همزمان متامی هاسخرنانی از طریق پایگاه اینرتنتی هامیش برنامهریزی حضور شخصیتهای لشکری و کشور در مراسم افتتاحیه و اختتامیه هامیش سال وجه متایز این هامیش با دورههای اخیر برگزاری آن در فضای پسا برجام بوده که از بیش از 30 کشور اعالم آمادگی

حضور در هامیش صورت پذیرفته و استقبال ارائه مقاالت توسط دانشپژوهان خارجی و ایرانیان مقیم خارج از سیویکم

کشور نیز رشد قابلتوجهی داشته است. محمدرضا اللهیار شامره مدیرکل سواحل و بنادر و دبیر هامیش 235



17 ICOPMAS ،Icopmas، عامل ارتقای سیستمهای محل تبلور مدیریت بنادر ایدههای خالقانه

در طــول 24 ســالی کــه از اجرای ایــن هامیش میگــذرد تبــادل تجربیات و جمهوری اســالمی ایران دارای سواحلی گســرتده با طول بیش از پنج هزار و 700 دانش به روز در حوزه فعالیتهای بندری، توســعه و رشــد یافته و انواع مدلهای کیلومرت و کاربریهای متنوع و متفاوتی است. متناسب با کاربری سواحل، سازههای رسمایهگذاری بــا مزایا و معایب در مناطق ویژه بنــدری، باعث تاثیر گذاری در دریایی با مشخصات و مختصات متنوعی احداثشده یا در آینده احداث خواهد شد. محاسبه تعرفهها به شکل بهینهتر و متناسب با نیازهای مشرتیان بنادر و همچنین طرح مدیریت یکپارچه سواحل کشور موسوم به ICZM، بهعنوان طرح جامع سواحل افزایش جذابیت در بنادر ایران شــده اســت. همچنین با بهکارگیری راهکارها کشــور با تاکید بر کاربریهای سواحل طی سالهای اخیر با تولیت سازمان بنادر و و رویکردهای جدیــد نقش قابلتوجهی در ارتقای سیســتمهای مدیریت بنادر دریانوردی و همکاری برخی از ارگانهای دولتی و مراکز علمی و دانشگاهی تکمیل، داشته است. تصویب و توسط شورای عالی معامری و شهرسازی کشور ابالغ شد. این طرح نیز ناظر این هامیــش، حرکتهای بنیادینــی را در عملیات بندری ایجــاد کرده و نقش بر اهمیت بسیار باالی مدیریت ساختوسازهای ساحلی با رویکردهای متفاوت ازجمله غیرقابلانکاری در پویایی جریان تجاری داشته است. از دید توسعه فناوریهای وضعیت رسوبگذاری و زیستمحیطی است. بنابراین توجه علمی به ساختوسازهای بندری و با هدف ارتقای سطح علمی و پژوهشی کشور در حوزه دریا موفق عمل ساحلی و ارتقاء دانش در این حوزه، بسیار با اهمیت بوده و تبادل دانش و تجربیات کرده اســت. و نقش موثری برای تقویــت انگیزه در توســعه رسمایهگذاری طی بیناملللی مرتبط، ازجمله راهکاری دستیابی به رشایط ایده آل خواهد بود. دهههای اخیر در بنادر ایفا کرده است. در این راستا، خوشبختانه هامیش بیناملللی ســواحل، بنادر و سازههای دریایی این هامیش میتواند نقشآفرینی بنادر را در دوره پســابرجام بر جامعه جهانی توانسته است طی یازده مرحله از برگزاری خود، دستآوردهای بسیار خوب و بزرگی را بیشرت و شفافتر مناید. همچنین در جهت شناخت شاخصهای بندری دارای برای کشور به ارمغان آورد. در مرحله نخست، توان علمی متخصصان ایرانی در حوزه اهمیت و جدید و به روز و معرفی آنها در دنیا موثر باشد. مهندسی سواحل به جامعه بیناملللی معرفیشده و در کنار آن بسرت مناسبی برای انتظار از دبیرخانه و جامعه مهندســین و متخصصین در زمینه بندری آن اســت حضور پررنگ و باکیفیت اساتید بیناملللی و استفاده از تجربیات و نتایج پژوهشهای که نســبت به ارایه مدلها و فرآیندهایی که شــاخصهای بنــدری بیناملللی آنها را تامین مناید. ازجمله این موارد میتوان به ایدههای بسیار بدیع و خالقانه در را میتواند ارتقاء دهد کوشــا و موثر عمل مناینــد. همچنین در جهت پیرشفت حوزه مدیریت الیروبی و تامین عمق مناسب و ایمن بنادر اشاره کرد. روشهایی در تکنولوژیهای بــه روز مانند E-port و توســعه فعالیتها در بنادر و پیشــنهاد هامیشهای قبلی مطرح و معرفیشده و زمینههایی برای پیادهسازی آنها در بنادر نقشههای خوشــهبندی فعالیتهای بنادر در راســتای افزایش جذابیت بنادر کشور فراهمشده است. در قالب این روشها امکان تعدیل قابلتوجه هزینه الیروبی اقدام قابل توجهای صورت دهد. نگهداری کانالهای دسرتسی دریایی و حوضچههای بنادر فراهم خواهد شد. جلیل اسالمی درمجموع میتوان گفت که هامیش سواحل ، بنادر و سازههای دریایی توانسته است معاون بندری و امور اقتصادی سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی به خوبی و در حد بسیار باالیی رسالت خود را در حوزه تخصصی مهندسی سواحل و بنادر به نتیجه مطلوب رسانده و جایگاه کشور را در عرصه بیناملللی تثبیت کند. این هامیش میتواند الگوی مناسبی برای توسعه حضور و فعالیت کشور در مباحث تخصصی دریایی و بندری در عرصه جهانی باشــد.بنابراین به سهم خود از متامی عزیزانی که طی سالهای اخیر و سال جاری این هامیش را به بهرتین شکل ممکن برگزار کرده و خواهند کرد، تشکر و تقدیر میمنایم.

محمد راستاد Archive of SIDمعاون امور دریایی سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی

سال سیویکم





16 اتصال دانشگاه و ICOPMAS کانونی برای تبادل صنعت؛ هدف اصلی دانش و تجربیات هامیش ICOPMAS دریایی

اکنــون درفضایی قرارداریم کــه بیش از گذشــته نیازمند پیوند میان دانشــگاه و انتقال و جذب تکنولوژی در کشــورهای در حال توسعه، مقوله پیچیدهای است که صنعت هستیم و برگزاری دوازدهمین هامیش سواحل، بنادر و سازههای دریایی هم از نظر علمی و هم از جنبه ابعاد فرهنگی، سیاســی و اقتصادی سالهاســت نه ICOPMAS ، با هدف ارتقای ســطح علمی حوزههای دریایی میتواند به عنوان فقط کشورهای درحالتوسعه، بلکه بسیاری از مجامع پژوهشی غرب و سازمانهای جایگاهی برای تجلی اتصال دانشگاه و صنعت باشد که علم و صنعت ایران را نیز بیناملللی را به خود مشغول داشته است. سطح تکنولوژیهای کشورهای پیرشفته و به سطح علم دنیا بهویژه کشورهای دست اول پیوند دهد. این نکته از آن نظر، حایز جهان سوم فاصله محسوسی دارد. برای کاسنت فاصله تکنولوژی کشورهای پیرشفته اهمیت است که این هامیش بزرگترین هامیش علمی-دریایی در منطقه به شامر و کمرت توسعهیافته، انتقال تکنولوژی یک الزمه انکارناپذیر است. انتقال تکنولوژی و میرود و رشکتکنندگان در این هامیش میتوانند به آخرین دستاوردهای علمی بومیسازی با روشهای مختلف وسایل مختلف امکانپذیر است. در بندرسازی، اسکلهسازی و ایجاد موجشکن و همینطور برنامههای حمل و نقلی با مطالعه سابقه توسعه کشورهای درحالتوسعه ، خصوصا کشورهای رشق آسیا مالحظه و لجستیکی دست پیدا کنند و با اطالعات جهانی این حوزه آشنا شوند. دانشجویان میشود که هاآن در مسیر توسعه خود برای ترسیع در حل مشکالت بخش صنعت، نیز میتوانند بخشی از توان خودشان را در این هامیش مهم ارایه کنند، از اطالعات بنیان تکنولوژی کشور خود را از طریق انتقال آن از سایر کشورهای توسعهیافته تقویت روز دنیا هم استفاده کنند که این یکی از اهداف کالن این هامیش دورهای است. کردند و سپس با ایجاد زیربنای اقتصادی مناسب درصدد تقویت مراکز دانشگاهی و هامیش سواحل، بنادر و سازههای دریایی هر دوره میتواند در غنای علمی، فکری پژوهش خود برآمدهاند. و ِسازمانی سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی موثر باشد. چرا که دریا منبع زیادی از قدرت و یکی از روشهــای مهم انتقال تجربیــات اجرایی و علمی، برگــزاری هامیشهای اقتصاد است و بحث علم و صنعت در این حوزه بسیار خطیر است. متامی دانشجویان بیناملللی است که سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی با توجه به مرجعیت علمی دریایی کشور و استادان باید به این حوزه دقت داشته باشند و در آن وارد شوند. اقدام کرده اســت که تأثیر یازده دوره برگزاری هامیش در ارتقا سطح علمی کارکنان حضور و تعامل قدرتهای دریانوردی جهان از نکات برجسته هامیش سواحل، بنادر سازمانهای مرتبط دریایی با توجه به مقاالت ارایه شده توسط مدیران و کارشناسان، و دریانوردی است. استادان برجسته چند کشور مطرح دریایی دنیا ازجمله آمریکا حضور در عرصههای بیناملللی و استفاده از نتایج هامیشها در پروژههای سازمان انگلیس و هلند در این هامیش حضور دارند؛ بنابراین یکی از مهمرتین فرصتهای مشهود است. علمی- اقتصادی کشور به شامر میرود. با توجه به برگزاری 11 دوره هامیش بیناملللی دوساالنه سواحل، بنادر و سازههای اگر فضایی ایجاد کنیم که رشکتکنندگان ایرانی بتوانند از آخرین تحوالت علمی دریایی، سطح این هامیش به لحاظ رسزمینی، در دو بعد ملی و بیناملللی مطرح است جهان، برای مثال در بخش بندرسازی و رسوب و رسوبگذاری آگاه شوند، دستآورد و ازاینروی، مباحث تبیین شده در این هامیش که از سوی چهرههای علمی ـ پژوهشی، مهمی است. اساتید دانشگاهی، دانشپژوهان و متخصصان کشور جمهوری اسالمی ایران و سایر سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی نقطه اتصال ایران به حمل و نقل جهانی است. حمل و نقل کشورهای عضو هماندیش ارایه میشود، از یک برد فراگیر جهانی برخوردار است. جادهای و ریلی بخش کوچکی از حمل و نقل بیناملللی را تحت شعاع قرار میدهد از سوی دیگر جایگاه فراملی این هامیش است که به دلیل توجه به بنیادیترین مسایل و بیشرت داخل کشور را پوشش میدهد؛ اما سازمان بنادر تقریبا دروازه طالیی حمل جوامع برشی که به مواردی مانند مدیریت سواحل و بنادر و مهندسی دریا، سواحل و نقل بیناملللی در کشور است. و بنادر، مهندسی فراســاحل و خطوط لوله، محیطزیست، ایمنی و امنیت دریایی، حجم رسمایهگذاری در کشورهای حاشــیه خلیج فارس به عنوان رقیب ما، حجم زیستگاههای ساحلی و دریایی و آمایش جمعیتی ـ رسزمینی میپردازد و مشخصهی عظیمی است بهخصوص این ایام چندساله تحریم زمان طالیی برای آنها بوده که از بیناملللی و تعامالت پایدار فراملی آن برای هر رسزمینی با قابلیتهای دریایی قابل

غفلت ما استفاده کنند و رسمایه گذاریهای بزرگی انجام دهند و اکنون در آن بنادر استفاده است. رسمایه گذاریهای چند میلیارد دالری در حال اجراست.SID هامیش های ofاینچنینی بنابراین از جامعه مهندسان و متخصصان دریایی کشور Archiveانتظار میرود در راستای انتقال راهی است برای دستیابی به منابع و بازارهای جهانی و باقی ماندن در فضای رقابت تجارب و تکنولوژی و ارتقا سطح علمی مدیران و کارشناسان خود حضوری گسرتده در و Icopmas پلی است برای تبادل علم و راهیابی به اقتصاد جهانی. هامیش داشته باشند و همکاری الزم را جهت برگزاری هر چه بهرت هامیش در سالهای آتی انجام دهند. ضمن اینکه حضور اســاتید و رشکتهای خارجی میتواند نقش نورالدین علیآبادی به سزایی در انتقال دانش و تکنولوژی و افزایش همکاریهای بیناملللی کشور در سال معاون مهندسی و توسعه امور زیربنایی سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی رشایط پسابرجام ایفا مناید. سیویکم

منصور آرامی معاون برنامه ریزی و توسعه منابع شامره




15 ICOPMAS رخدادی برای بهرهمندی از آخرین تحوالت مهندسی بنادر، سواحل و سازه های دریایی

برگـــزاری دورههـــای موفـــق و مســـتمر هامیـــش بیناملللـــی ســـواحل، بنـــادر و ســـازههایی دریایـــی ))ICOPMAS در کشـــور مـــا کـــه در واقـــع پیونـــد دانـــش مهندســـی بنـــادر و ســـواحل ایـــران بـــا پیشـــگامان علمـــی جهـــان در ایـــن زمینـــه بـــه شـــامر مـــیآورد، گویـــای عـــزم و تحـــول جـــدی ســـازمان بنـــادر و دریانـــوردی در ارتقـــاء علـــوم و فنـــون مهندســـی بنـــدری و ســـازههای دریایـــی کشـــور از یکســـو و ایفـــای نقـــش حرفهـــای و ملـــی ایـــن ســـازمان در توســـعه ســـواحل و بنـــادر کشـــور از ســـوی دیگـــر اســـت. هامیـــشICOPMAS کـــه بســـرتی بـــرای ارایـــه آخریـــن یافتههـــا و دســـتآوردهای علمـــی، تجربـــی و فنـــی جامعـــه مهندســـان دریایـــی در زمینـــه ســـواحل و بنـــادر و ســـازههای دریایـــی در ســـطح بیناملللـــی اســـت، تـــالش مجدانـــه ســـازمان بنـــادر و دریانـــوردی در ارایـــه نقـــش حاکمیتـــی ایـــن ســـازمان در میـــان متامـــی ارگانهـــای دریایـــی کشـــور و مســـئولیت اجتامعـــی آن در برابـــر کلیـــه شـــهروندان از جملـــه ساحلنشـــینان بـــه شـــامر مـــیرود، تـــا پاســـخی بـــرای پرســـشها، نیازهـــا و رضورتهـــای توســـعه دریایـــی فراهـــم ســـازد. خوشـــبختانه ایـــن هامیـــش باگذشـــت بیـــش از دو دهـــه از عمـــر خـــود توانســـته اســـت بهعنـــوان یـــک رخـــداد پایـــدار و انکارناپذیـــر در ایجـــاد ارتبـــاط مســـتحکم بیناملللـــی و تبـــادل علـــم و دانـــش و تجربـــه میـــان دانشـــمندان، اندیشـــمندان، صاحبنظـــران و پژوهشـــگران کشـــورهای مختلـــف، در موضوعـــات مرتبـــط بـــا ســـواحل بنـــادر و ســـازههای دریایـــی باشـــد و حتـــی در دوران ســـخت تحریمهـــای ناعادالنـــه بیناملللـــی علیـــه کشـــورمان نقشآفرینـــی منایـــد. بیرتدیـــد بـــه دلیـــل رویکـــرد توســـعهگرایانه هامیـــشICOPMAS در 24 ســـال گذشـــته، امـــروزه ایـــن فرصـــت گرانبهایـــی را پیـــش روی جامعـــه دریایـــی کشـــور نهـــاده اســـت. ایـــن امـــکان فراهـــم آمـــده تـــا کلیـــه متخصصـــان، اندیشـــمندان و ارگانهـــای مختلـــف دریایـــی بتواننـــد همپـــای اســـاتید برجســـته ایـــن رشـــته و نهادهـــای بیناملللـــی ذیربـــط مباحـــث و موضوعـــات مختلـــف تخصصـــی را در ایـــن کانـــون مهـــم علـــم و تجربـــه از دانـــش فنـــی و تخصصـــی دریایـــی مطـــرح و رهیافتهـــای موثـــر و مفیـــدی را در جهـــت توســـعه و بســـط یافتههـــای ایـــن علـــوم در پاســـخ بـــه نیازهـــای کنونـــی و آتـــی جوامـــع بـــرشی و توســـعه پایـــدار ملـــی و منطقـــهای ترســـیم مناینـــد. در خامتـــه آنچـــه کـــه بیـــش از هـــر دورهای دیگـــر از ایـــن هامیـــش انتظـــار مـــیرود، انتقـــال ایـــن دانـــش رصیـــح و ضمنـــی بـــه کســـبوکارهای ارزشـــآفرین بنـــدری و دریایـــی

و تبدیـــل علـــم و تجربـــه موجـــود بـــه مرکـــزی بـــرای نـــوآوری هـــا و خالقیتهـــای فنـــی و SIDمهندســـی به منظـــور ایجـــادof و توســـعه رشکتهـــای دانشبنیـــان دریایـــی در ســـطح Archiveملـــی و بیناملللـــی اســـت. در ایـــن ارتبـــاط ظرفیتهـــای قانونـــی مناســـبی در ایـــران فراهـــم بـــوده و حامیتهـــای قابلتوجهـــی توســـط ســـازمانها و نهادهـــای دولتـــی مربوطـــه صـــورت میپذیـــرد تـــا انتقـــال سال رسیـــع یافتههـــای علمـــی و نـــوآوری هـــا بـــه مرحلـــه تولیـــد و عملیـــات صـــورت پذیرفتـــه و رقابتپذیـــری و پایـــداری ایـــن صنعـــت تســـهیل شـــود. سیویکم

توفیق روزافزون همگان را از درگاه خداوند متعال آرزومندم. محمدسعیدنژاد معاون وزیر راه و شهرسازی شامره

و مدیرعامل سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی 235



14 رسمقاله

فرصتی بینظیر برای معرفی تواناییها

هامیشهای بیناملللی عمدتاً با دو نگاه عمده برگزار میشوند؛ نخست ظرفیتهای علمی و فنی کشور برای متخصصان و صاحبان کسب و کارها ترشیح میشوند، سپس اسرتاتژیهای کشور برای مخاطبان و مدعوین خارجی در حوزههای مورد نظر تبیین میشوند و اما در یحاشیه چنین هامیشهایی است که صاحبان کسب و کارها با توامنندیها و نیازهای یکدیگر آشنا شده و موجبات عقد قراردادهای تجاری فراهم میشــود. در فرایند هامیش مذاکرات مدعوین بسرتساز توافقات همکاریهای مشرتک در بلندمدت خواهد بود که این میتواند یکی از اهداف مهم هر هامیشی با چنین ابعادی باشد. با توجه به رشایط پسابرجام، مدیران باید با معرفی موقعیت جغرافیایی بینظیر و تبیین ظرفیتهای عملیاتی و مدیریتی در بخش دریایی فرصتهای جدیدی را که کشــور در اختیار جهان قرار میدهد، به مدعوین بیناملللی خود معرفی کنند. به عنوان مثال، هماکنون آسامن ایران امنترین مسیرهای تردد هوایی را در اختیار خطوط هوایی بیناملللی قرار داده است. برای حصول به چنین نتیجهای، نخست تدوین و طراحی بستههای فنی، حقوقی و ِ اقتصادیالزم به گونهای که منافع طرفین را لحاظ کرده و موجبات رونق ترانزیت و تجارت از مســیرهای ایران ـ گذر را فراهم آورد، یک الزام است. در گذشته عدم شناخت کافی از این مقوله و ضعف قوانین برای حضور کریرها و فورواردرهای خارجی در کشور باعث شده که چنین فرصتهای طالیی یکی یکی از دست برود. اکنون که دوازدهمین هامیش ICOPMAS در راه است، توجه به مقوالت مربوط به توسعه تجارت میتواند فرصتهای کشور را بالفعل منوده و مذاکرات اولیه درخصوص SIDحضور رشکتهای حمل ofو نقل بیناملللی در امنترین کشور خاورمیانه را شکل دهد. باید Archiveتوجه داشت که امنیت عالیترین ظرفیتی است که تجارت بدان نیاز دارد و ایران کشوری است که میتواند در درازمدت این محصول را ارایه کند. در کشورهای توسعهیافته همواره این سیاست و الزامات مربوط به آن بوده است که در خدمت رشد و فعالیتهای اقتصادی قرار گرفته است

و همچنین هزینههای پرداختی برای ایجاد امنیت نیز در نهایت برای جلوگیری از منافع اقتصادی بهره برده است. اینها هزینههایی است که ایران ًقبال آنها را پرداخته و اکنون ثبات ایران در منطقه بیانگر اثبات ادعای مذکور است. در این رشایط حضور میهامنان خارجی سال در هامیش دوازدهم آیکوپمس )ICOPMAS( فرصت بینظیری برای معرفی و بهکارگیری ظرفیتهای فنی، علمی و اقتصادی است. آنچه در یک دهه گذشته علیه ایران انجام شده رصفاً ایرانهراسی سیاسی نبوده است، بلکه باعث شده که ظرفیتهای بینظیر ایران سیویکم نیز بدون استفاده مباند. استفاده از سواحل خزر در شامل کشور و سواحل خلیج فارس و دریای عامن در جنوب کشور رصفاً نفع ایران را به دنبال ندارد، بلکه منافع کشورهای پیرامونی و رشکتهای بیناملللی را نیز تضمین میکند. به عنوان مثال توسعه سواحل مکران شامره

میتواند هاب ایمنطقه را از درون خلیج فارس به سواحل دریای عامن منتقل کرده و رضورت تردد کشتیهای اقیانوسپیام را به داخل تنگه هرمز برطرف مناید و مزیتهای کشور در زمینه حمل و نقل دریایی را شکوفا کند. این اقدام میتواند خاطرهی خوش دوران پررونق 235 دریایی مکران در ایران باستان و دوران اسالمی را بار دیگر در اذهان مردم منطقه و جهانیان زنده مناید. قطعا امروزه سواحل مکران توانایی

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ترانشیب بیش از 30 میلیون کانتیرن)TEU( ورودی فعلی توسط الیرنهای ورودی به خلیج فارس به مقصدی غیر از کشورهای حاشیه خلیج مهر

فارس را داراست. امید است دوازدهمین هامیش ICOPMAS بتواند ظرفیتهای واقعی ایران را بهرت از گذشته به میهامنان بهخصوص

صاحبنظران خارجی معرفی مناید. 1395 13 دکرت هادی حقشناس فهرست

ماهنامه علمی،تحقیقاتی

سال سی و یکم شماره 235 مهر 1395 68 صفحه قیمت 60000 ریـال ICOPMAS رخدادی برای بهرهمندی از آخرین تحوالت مهندسی 14 بنادر، سواحل و سازه های دریایی

فرصت بینظیر معرفی تواناییها

سال سیویکم شماره 235 مهر 1395 اتصال دانشگاه و صنعت؛ هدف 15 صاحب امتیاز سازمان بنادر و دریانوردی اصلی هامیش ICOPMAS مدیر مسئول دکرت هادی حق شناس رسدبیر یونس غربالی مقدم مطالب این شامره زیر نظر شورای رسدبیری تهیه و تنظیم شده است. مدیر داخلی دکرت عبدالرحیم رحیمی مدیر اداری جواد جهاندار دبیر تحریریه و امور بینامللل فرید قادری تحریریه حسن سوری | مهدی دهدار | فریام صالح مدیر روابط عمومی مجتبی بحیرایی نظارت فنی چاپ خشایار جعفری ICOPMAS مدیر هرنی و صفحهآرایی پویا ملکسیر کانونی برای تبادل دانش و 15 عکس یارس علیبخشی تجربیات دریایی ویراستار رامین جهانپور مدیر بازرگانی نرسین غالمی امور بازرگانی ملیکا غفوریان مجری طرح شبکه خربی ـ تحلیلی صنعت حملونقل )تیننیوز( چاپ هرن رسزمین سبز نشانی دفرت ماهنامه تهران |خیابان آفریقا | بعد از چهارراه جهانکودک |خیابان کیش |پالک 40 |طبقه اول رشقی کد پستی 15188-14111 تلفکس 2-88190630 و 88190639-40 شامره پیامک ICOPMAS 100088190630 16 صندوق پستی ایران- تهران 3713-15875 محل تبلور ایدههای خالقانه Archive of bandarvadarya.pmo.irSID ‌ وبسایت [email protected]

پست الکرتونیک قابل توجه خوانندگان محرتم:

سال ماهنامه در ویرایش، تلخیص، درج یا رد مطالب آزاد است. دیـدگاه نویسـندگان لزومـا نظـر ماهنامـه نبـوده و مسـئولیت حفظ حقـوق مالکیـت فکـری و معنـوی بـه عهـده مولفـان میباشـد. سیویکم

عالقهمنـدان جهـت آگاهـی از نحـوه پذیـرش و چارچوب مقـاالت مورد پذیـرش ماهنامـه بـه نشـانی سـایت اینرتنتـی .bandarvadarya شامره مراجعـه مناینـد.

235 دوران جدید، ماهنامـه بنـدر و دریا مورد تایید و حامیت انجمن جهانی 16 زیرساختهای حمل و نقل آبی )PIANC( است. رویکردهای جدید مهر

1395 شام میتوانید دیدگاه و نظرات خود را از طریق پیامک یا پست الکرتونیکی جهت انعکاس در شامره بعدی به دفرت 12 ماهنامه ارسال فرمایید. Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID Archive of SID سال سی و یکم شماره 235 مهر 1395 68 صفحه قیمت 60000 ریـال

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فرصت بینظیر معرفی تواناییها