acta ethol (2001) 3:67Ð82 © Springer-Verlag and ISPA 2001


Patrizia D’Ettorre · Jürgen Heinze Sociobiology of slave-making

Received: 2 February 2000 / Received in revised form: 21 December 2000 / Accepted: 8 January 2001

Abstract Social is the coexistence in the Toft 1991; Schmid-Hempel 1998), it has widely been same of two of social , one of which used to describe relationships among quite different bio- is parasitically dependent on the other. Though parasit- logical entities. Traditionally, parasites are viruses, pro- ism in general is known to be of crucial importance in karyotes, or eukaryotes that exploit other such organisms the of host species, social parasites, though in- (Toft et al. 1991; Hamilton and Howard 1997; Schmid- triguing, are often considered as a phenomenon of mar- Hempel 1998; Poulin and Morand 2000). Recently, how- ginal interest and are typically not taken into account in ever, ultraselfish genetic elements (sex-ratio-distorting reviews on parasitism. Nevertheless, social parasites are cytoplasmatic genes, meiotic drivers, etc.; Majerus et al. rather common in social bees, wasps, and ants and there- 1996; Freeman and Herron 1998) have also been consid- fore may offer unique model systems to study a number ered to “parasitize” individual genes or complete geno- of fundamental problems in evolutionary biology. Here mes. At the other end of the range of biological entities, we review several aspects of the peculiar life history of “social parasites” parasitize complete societies. slave-making ants, which is characterized by socially “Social parasitism” has been defined as the coexis- parasitic founding of colonies and the pillage of broods tence in the same nest of two species of social insects, from neighboring host colonies during slave raids. In one of which is parasitically dependent on the other particular we focus on the evolution of slave-making (Hölldobler and Wilson 1990). As an society can habits (dulosis), communication mechanisms between be considered as a “superorganism” (Wheeler 1928; slave makers and their hosts, sex-allocation ratios and re- Wilson 1971; Jaisson 1985; Hölldobler and Wilson productive conflict, and the effect of slave makers on 1990), social parasitism fits the more general definitions host populations. of parasitism (Tinaut and Ruano 1999). Though social parasites are rather common in social Keywords Dulosis á Parasitism á Reproductive tactics á bees, wasps, and especially in ants, they are widely un- Chemical communication á known to non-specialists and are typically not taken into account in reviews on parasitism (e.g., Toft et al. 1991; Hamilton and Howard 1997; Schmid-Hempel 1998). We Introduction believe, however, that rather than being only a fascinat- ing detail in the large range of life histories of social in- Parasitism is currently considered to be one of the most sects, they offer a unique model system to study a num- powerful forces driving evolution. Though the term para- ber of fundamental problems in evolutionary biology. sitism is difficult to define unambiguously (Cheng 1991; This appears to be especially true for a particular catego- ry of social parasites, the slave-making ants: Communicated by T. Czeschlik 1. Slave-making ants are able to exploit the communica- P. D’Ettorre tion system of their hosts and thus provide a special IRBI, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, opportunity to explore social signals in general. Université François Rabelais, Parc de Grandmont, 2. Slave-making ants are suitable study objects to inves- 37200 Tours, France tigate the mechanisms involved in the formation of a J. Heinze (✉) distinct colony odor and the proximate processes of Lehrstuhl für Biologie I, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany nestmate discrimination and recognition. e-mail: [email protected] 3. The life history of slave-making ants leads to distinct, Tel.: +49-941-9432475, Fax: +49-941-9433304 testable predictions from kin-selection theory con- 68 cerning sex-allocation ratios and reproductive conflict and Tinaut 1999; Table 1). For example, species and ge- in societies. nus-specific recruitment (tandem running and carrying of 4. Slave-making ants and their host species are expected workers), fighting tactics (stinging, throttling, piercing to engage in a co-evolutionary arms race, which the head capsule), and chemical weapons (propaganda, might have an important impact on the structure of repelling and pacifying substances) have evolved. Some their populations. of these differences might be explained by phylogenetic constraints: colonies of formicoxenine slave makers, as Here we review several aspects of the peculiar life histo- well as those of their hosts, typically consist of only a ry of slave-making ants, focusing in particular on their few dozen individuals. Mass recruitment or large nuptial evolution, communication between slave makers and flights therefore are unlikely. their hosts, kin conflict, and the effect of slave-making It is difficult to describe slave making in ants using ants on host populations. the conventional terminology of parasitism and symbio- sis. Obviously, successful colony founding by a slave- Life history and evolution of slave-making ants maker queen, sooner or later, leads to the death or at least the “sterilization” of the host colony. Its impact on Slave making in ants (dulosis) is a life history combining the host therefore resembles more that of parasitoid flies socially parasitic colony founding by queens and slave or wasps (Godfray 1994) than that of macro- or micro- raiding by workers. For example, after mating, the queen parasites. Similarly, at least in formicoxenine ants, colo- of the palaearctic slave-maker sublae- nies of the host species are probably completely de- vis must find a colony of a suitable host ant species, for stroyed by slave raids (Foitzik and Herbers 2001a, b) and example, acervorum. Here, she attacks or slave raiding here is thus more similar to . In expels its adult residents with the help of her clipper-like contrast, in some formicines, host colonies may survive mandibles and presumably also chemicals that interfere an individual raid and may therefore by raided repeated- with the hosts’ nestmate recognition system (Buschinger ly during their biological cycle (e.g., in P. rufescens; 1968, 1974). After successfully taking over the nest, the Mori et al. 1991). Here, the effect of slave raids on a host Harpagoxenus queen starts to reproduce, and host work- colony more strongly resembles that of typical pathogens ers, which by then have eclosed from the conquered host or parasites. Brood parasitism in birds, to which social brood, take care of her and her offspring. Harpagoxenus parasitism has been compared (Davies et al. 1989), also workers are inefficient in the daily tasks of colony main- differs in certain respects. For example, brood parasitism tenance, brood care, foraging, and so forth, which are all typically affects an individual host nest only during a carried out by host workers. Instead, they search for single brood period. neighboring host colonies, which they attack in highly The question of how slave-making ants have evolved organized slave raids. The pillaged host pupae later comprises several aspects, which are more easily dis- eclose in the slave-maker colony and increase its worker cussed separately (e.g., Buschinger 1986): (1) which force (Buschinger 1966a, b, 1968, 1974). ecological conditions have favored the evolution of para- Of the approximately 10,000 species of ants, only sitic founding, (2) which ecological conditions have fa- a tiny minority of about 50 are active slave makers vored the evolution of slave raiding, and (3) from which (Table 1). However, slave making apparently has ancestors did slave makers evolve? evolved independently more than ten times, with pecu- liar hot spots in the myrmicine tribe Formicoxenini and the formicine tribe . Slave making normally is Evolution of parasitic founding obligatory, but it is facultative in (Raptiformi- ca), where the slave-maker workers are still able to ac- Parasitic founding is not restricted to slave-making ants complish daily tasks and where colonies without host but instead is rather widespread in social insects, so we ants are quite common (Wheeler 1910). Whereas most will not discuss it here in detail. Furthermore, models ex- slave makers raid only host broods, slave-making plaining the enormous intra- and interspecific variation Strongylognathus also enslave adult host workers of reproductive tactics of queens of social insects and (“eudulosis”; Kutter 1969). The occurrence of eudulosis particularly ants (Herbers 1993; Bourke and Heinze has also occasionally been observed in rufes- 1994; Bourke and Franks 1995; Heinze and Tsuji 1995) cens (Mori et al. 1991; Le Moli et al. 1993). might perhaps be extended to include parasitic founding. Similarities in life history have led to the evolution of In social parasites, queens avoid the unsafe phase of convergent morphology and behavior (e.g., sickle- solitary colony founding by exploiting the work force shaped mandibles in Polyergus and Strongylognathus; and the security provided by an already established colo- broad heads with strong mandibles in Harpagoxenus and ny of another species. Interspecific parasitic founding Protomognathus; scouting and well-organized raiding thus can be seen as an adaptation to conditions where in- behavior). Nevertheless, considerable variation exists in dependent founding is not very successful due to high colony size, reproductive strategies, and communication queen mortality and/or nest site limitation. It therefore (e.g., Buschinger et al. 1980; Buschinger 1986; Franks could be considered as analogous to the return of young and Bourke 1988; Hölldobler and Wilson 1990; Ruano queens to their native in polygynous social insects 69 Table 1 List of slave-making ant genera and some basic features of their life history, based on reviews by Buschinger (1986, 1997), Hölldobler and Wilson (1990), Wilson (1971), and others

Species Host Colony size Recruitment Mating Founding during slave Slave makers Host workers raids

Formicinae 23Ð200 65Ð650 carry workersb ?? R. minuchae R. proformicarum Polyergus Formica Several dozen Several hundred Group recruitmentb Mating flight, Usurpation, P. breviceps to thousand to thousand mating on the kill host queen P. lucidus ground, during but not the P. nigerrimus raids host workers, P. rufescens budding? P. Raptiformica Formica Several None to several Group recruitmentb Mating flight, Usurpation, R. sanguinea thousand thousand on the ground? especially of and 11 other species small host colonies, budding, adoption in queenless host colonies : Formicoxenini Chalepoxenus L. (Myrafant) Few dozen None to several Tandem running Mating flight Usurpation, C. muellerianus hundred kill or expel and 7 other speciesa host queen and host workers Epimyrma L. (Myrafant) Few dozen None to several Group recruitment Mating flight or Usurpation, E. algeriana hundred intranidal mating kill host queen E. bernardi but not host E. ravouxi workers E. stumperi and 8 other speciesa Harpagoxenus Leptothorax Few dozen Several dozen Tandem running Sexual calling, Usurpation, H. candensis (s.str.) female sex kill or expel H. sublaevis host queen and H. zaisanicus host workers Leptothorax L. (Myrafant) Few dozen Several dozen Group recruitment ? Usurpation, L. duloticus kill or expel host queen and host workers Protomognathus L. (Myrafant) Few dozen Several dozen Group recruitment Mating flight Usurpation, Pr. americanus kill or expel host queen and host workers Myrmicinae: Tetramoriini Strongylognathusa Tetramorium Several hundred Several thousand Group recruitment Mating flight 26 species a Not all species are active slave makers; b In formicines, slaves do not take part in slave raids or to intraspecific parasitism in ants and wasps. The fre- Evolution of slave making quent occurrence of parasitic ants in boreal or alpine en- vironments (Kutter 1969; Hölldobler and Wilson 1990) The evolutionary origins of slave making itself remain might reflect both the high costs of solitary founding obscure, though they have been extensively discussed (due to hibernation mortality, Heinze 1993) and perhaps for more than 150 years (e.g., Darwin 1859; Wasmann also the high density of host populations due to a gener- 1905; Wheeler 1910; Buschinger 1970; Wilson 1971; ally lowered diversity of ants in boreal habitats (e.g., Hölldobler and Wilson 1990). Three behavioral traits Kusnezov 1957). have been suggested, either alone or in various combina- tions, to have led to the evolution of slave raids: predato- 70 ry behavior, territoriality, and brood transport between sitic founding originated from the return of queens into separate nests of a multi-nest colony. their maternal colonies and slave raiding evolved from Darwin (1859) proposed that the ancestors of slave- brood transport between different nests of a polydomous raiding ants preyed on the broods of neighboring colo- colony. Polydomy and polygyny are indeed quite com- nies of other ant species. Some of the broods carried into mon both in Formicini and Formicoxenini. the predator’s nest might have survived by chance and Most Leptothorax hosts of Chalepoxenus and Epi- eclosed to workers. Accidental “slave making” may have myrma, however, are monodomous (colonies live in a evolved to regular because of the selective ad- single nest) and monogynous (colonies have a single vantage resulting from the work of this “forgotten” prey. queen), and though queen number appears to be a rather However, there is currently little evidence for this hy- flexible trait in social insects (Ross and Carpenter 1991) pothesis. It has been occasionally observed that pillaged it seems unlikely that these slave makers evolved from brood may be eaten (L. duloticus: Alloway 1979; but see polygynous ancestors. Furthermore, it is unclear how Buschinger and Pfeifer 1988; Polyergus breviceps: Top- peaceful brood transport could have evolved to bellicose off et al. 1984; F. sanguinea: Mori et al. 2000a) and that slave raiding. adult workers of the host and/or other ant species are Merging territoriality and polygynyÐpolydomy hy- preyed on (F. wheeleri: Topoff and Zimmerli 1991; potheses, Alloway (1980) and Stuart and Alloway (1983) F. sanguinea: Mori et al. 2000a). However, slave makers proposed that slavery arose from territorial battles and did not evolve in those ant taxa that are specialized ant brood robbing in polygynous, polydomous species in predators, whereas the Formicoxenini are rich in slave which new colonies were founded by re-adoption of makers but do not prey on ants (Hölldobler and Wilson young queens and budding rather than solitary founding. 1990). Explicitly for Polyergus, a similar hypothesis was pro- In territorial contests, large colonies may invade posed, which includes three behavioral processes: queen neighboring nests of their own species and pillage their take-over, territorial fighting, and olfactory imprinting broods, which eventually serve as “real slaves” (Topoff 1990). (Hölldobler 1976; Pollock and Rissing 1989). The spo- radic occurrence of colonies containing workers from different species suggests that interspecific raids may oc- Phylogeny of social parasites casionally occur (Kutter 1957; Alloway 1980). From this and from laboratory observations in which non-parasitic Slave makers and slaves are typically closely related Leptothorax raided neighboring colonies in a well-orga- species (Emery 1909). This might reflect a common spe- nized way it was concluded that intraspecific territorial ciation pattern: a “preparasite” specialized for exploiting encounters are the starting point in the evolution of slave conspecific colonies might become reproductively isolat- making (Wilson 1975; Alloway 1980; Stuart and Allo- ed from the rest of the population it parasitizes, leading way 1982, 1983; Pollock and Rissing 1989; but see to sympatric speciation of a pair of parasite and host spe- Buschinger and Pfeifer 1988). Theoretical considerations cies (Buschinger 1990). Subsequently, hosts and para- and additional field observations suggest, however, that sites might have each radiated into a cluster of separate ants with small colony size, such as Leptothorax, rarely species, resulting in a diverse group of parasites parasiti- defend absolute territories (Levings and Traniello 1981). zing a similarly diverse group of host species. Alterna- In the field, Leptothorax workers have been observed tively, the close phylogenetic relationship may be a con- only gently removing intruders from the immediate sur- sequence of behavioral and ecological constraints. Inter- roundings of their nests rather than engaging in fierce specific parasitism will only be successful if host and territorial battles (Dobrzan«ski 1966; Foitzik and Heinze parasite mutually understand their communication sig- 1998). Violent fights and raiding behavior in experimen- nals and have similar ecological requirements concern- tal arenas have therefore been considered to be laborato- ing, food, nest sites, and so forth. Consequently, social ry artifacts (Buschinger and Pfeifer 1988). The existence parasitism might evolve more easily between closely re- of inter- or intraspecific mixed colonies in Leptothorax lated species after allopatric speciation (e.g., Wilson may be better explained by colony fusion and intraspe- 1971). cific parasitism by founding queens when nest sites are Several authors have seen slave making as an inter- scarce (Foitzik and Heinze 1998). This presumably does mediate step in the evolution from free-living species or not involve brood raiding. Still, the occurrence of temporary parasites to , queen-tolerant social intraspecific brood raiding was observed in Polyergus parasites, which have lost their worker (e.g., (Topoff et al. 1984; Le Moli et al. 1993) and interpreted Wilson 1971). This hypothesis probably reflects the tra- as a consequence of territorial competition. ditional assumption that parasites and hosts co-evolve to- Neither the predation nor the territoriality hypothesis ward a more benign . Empirical and theoretical explains the simultaneous evolution of slave raiding and studies in epidemiology show, however, that this view parasitic founding. Buschinger (1970) therefore suggest- is often based on circular reasoning and shaky theoreti- ed that slave makers evolved from ancestors whose colo- cal arguments (May and Anderson 1983; Toft and nies contained several queens (polygyny) and at the Aeschlimann 1991). Besides, the occurrence of inqui- same time inhabited several nest sites (polydomy). Para- lines in social insect taxa without slave makers suggests 71 that workerless parasites can evolve directly from non- her host colony immediately into her own offspring and parasitic ancestors without the intermediate step of slave to kill the host queen. On the other hand, if horizontal making (e.g., Buschinger 1990; Bourke and Franks transmission is difficult, a parasite queen benefits from 1991). less strongly exploiting the host colony and allowing Obligate slave making might have evolved from fac- vertical transmission, for example, by budding of poly- ultative slave raiding and temporary parasitism in For- gynous host colonies. These two strategies appear to micinae. However, neither facultative slave makers nor have evolved independently in workerless parasites of temporary parasites exist in Myrmicinae. A shift from the ant L. acervorum (Buschinger 1990; Heinze 1995). slave making to queen-intolerant, workerless parasitism New ideas and more research are needed to deter- is well documented only in the genera Epimyrma and mine the evolutionary origin of slave-making in ants. As Chalepoxenus, where both active slave raiders and work- mentioned above, the origin of parasitic founding can erless species exist (Buschinger et al. 1988a, b; Buschin- probably be understood better by extending and refining ger 1989). That here workerless species evolved from models of dispersal tactics in ant queens. The recent slave makers is corroborated by the intermediate “degen- findings of intraspecific parasitism in ants (e.g., erate slave maker” E. kraussei, which produces too Tschinkel 1996; Foitzik and Heinze 1998, 2000; Heinze few workers for efficient slave raiding (Buschinger and and Keller 2000) and a closer examination of its ecolog- Winter 1983; Buschinger 1989). Interestingly, cross- ical causes might also shed light on the evolution of breeding experiments suggest a strong maternal influ- interspecific parasitism. ence on queen/worker ratio (Jessen and Klinkicht 1990). Slave making itself might have evolved from different The existence of both active slave makers and queen-tol- types of behavior in different groups of ants. There is erant parasites in the Strongylognathus suggests some evidence for the predation pathway in the Formic- that here similar evolutionary transitions occurred, ini. Future research in Formicoxenini should focus on though the worker caste has not been lost completely the presumed territoriality and intraspecific brood raid- (Sanetra et al. 1998; Sanetra and Buschinger 2000). ing of non-parasitic species under natural conditions and The loss of a worker caste is associated with dramatic the behavioral repertoire involved. Furthermore, as yet it changes in the longevity and the reproductive tactics of is not evident what distinguishes those taxa in which the parasitic queen, which more or less changes from it- slave making has evolved from those in which social eroparity to semelparity (Bourke and Franks 1995). parasitism is absent. Differences in the mechanisms of Worker loss might be an adaptive move of the parasite in brood recognition (see below) or average nest density the arms race with the host, for example, when the host might be important. has evolved better defense mechanisms against raiding. More information is also needed on the phylogeny of Alternatively, it might be an adaptation to environmental parasitic ants and their hosts. Detailed genetic studies on changes, such as a decreasing density of host colonies the relationship between social parasites and their hosts, (e.g., Buschinger 1989), or a lowered life expectancy of such as those in Tetramoriini (Sanetra and Buschinger established parasite colonies, for example, due to a high 2000), are still an exception. A careful analysis of For- risk of being parasitized itself. To abolish the production micoxenini with their large number of parasitic genera of workers while killing the host queen (as occurs in will be especially rewarding, both concerning the origin “degenerate slave makers”) might appear rather mal- of social parasites and the interrelations between slave adapted, as this dooms the parasite colony due to the rap- makers and inquilines. Breeding studies such as those id decline of the number of host workers. Queen killing done by Jessen and Klinkicht (1990) as well as more de- might be seen as an atavism from former slave-raiding tailed genetic and biochemical analyses might help us to times, when the fertile host queen was not needed to re- understand better how worker loss evolved in inquilines. plenish the stock of host workers. However, numerous They might also shed some light on the genetics of caste cases exist in which queen-intolerant workerless para- differentiation in general. sites apparently have evolved directly from non-parasitic ancestors, whereas other workerless species have man- aged to keep the host queen alive (Buschinger 1990; Host–parasite communication Heinze 1995). Wilson (1971) suggested that the parasite queen in any case maximizes her total reproductive out- One of the principal elements in the organization of in- put under particular ecological conditions (the “big sect societies is the ability to discriminate nestmates bang” strategy of reproduction). from non-nestmates. The current hypothesis is that mem- The differing tolerance toward the host queen in bers of the same colony share a common specific label workerless parasites might in fact be shaped by transmis- (“gestalt odor”; Crozier and Dix 1979), presumably a sion rates and virulence (May and Anderson 1983) or, specific blend of cuticular hydrocarbons and/or fatty ac- more generally, by the mortality rates of founding para- ids (Breed 1998; Singer 1998; Vander Meer and Morel site queens and mature parasite colonies (Heinze and 1998; Lahav et al. 1999; Lenoir et al. 1999). Presumably, Tsuji 1995). If horizontal transmission, that is, invasion each individual is able to read the label of other individ- of new host colonies by the parasite queen’s daughters, uals, to compare it with an internal template, and to re- is easy, the queen is selected to divert all the resources of ject individuals that bear a different label. Because the 72 characteristic label of each colony changes over time onstrated by the observation that newly mated queens (Vander Meer et al 1989; Dahbi and Lenoir 1998; of P. breviceps are more easily integrated into host col- Boulay et al. 2000), the template should require an actu- onies with a queen than into queenless colonies (Topoff alization. For a discussion of the origin of the template et al. 1988; but see Mori et al. 1995), and Polyergus see, for example, Lenoir et al. (1999). queens that have already killed a host queen or have Nevertheless, the queens of slave-making ants are capa- even only been in contact with a dead host queen are ble of breaking the colony recognition code and of manip- more easily accepted when transferred into queenless ulating the host workers to direct their altruistic behaviors host colonies (Topoff and Zimmerli 1993). Interesting- toward the parasites rather than their own relatives. Fur- ly, newly mated P. breviceps queens do not kill those thermore, slave makers are capable of integrating workers Formica queens that have not yet formed colonies. Pre- from different host species within a single nest. Exploring sumably, young host queens do not elicit the parasite’s how this is achieved might help us to understand better the aggressive behavior because they do not possess the mechanisms underlying nestmate recognition and the for- chemical stimuli typical of mature queens (Zimmerli mation of colony odor in social insects in general. and Topoff 1994). Moreover, if two P. rufescens queens In different phases of the life history of slave makers, are simultaneously introduced into a host colony, only various chemical uses, such as camouflage, appease- the one who first approaches and finally kills the host ment, propaganda, and repellent, and the capability of queen is adopted by host workers, whereas the other young workers to imprint on a certain odor appear to be is killed (D’Ettorre at al. 1997). Young P. rufescens critically important. Several recent studies have focused queens indeed do not possess detectable amounts of cu- on similarities in cuticular hydrocarbon signatures of ticular hydrocarbons, but 5 days after adoption by a parasite and host, and the usage of Dufour’s gland secre- host colony they show a chemical signature similar to tions (for reviews see, for example, Dettner and Liepert that of the respective host species (D’Ettorre and Errard 1994; Lenoir et al. 2001). 1998; Lenoir et al. 2001). During colony founding, queens of some slave-mak- In addition, Polyergus queens apply substances from ing ants sooner or later become accepted by the workers the Dufour’s gland onto the body of the resident host of an invaded host colony, presumably because they bear queen. These secretions, which in P. rufescens predomi- the appropriate recognition labels. In principle, the rec- nantly consist of decyl butanoate (D’Ettorre et al. 2000, ognition labels of a slave-maker queen can be similar to unpublished manuscript), have a repellent effect on For- those of the hosts due to either camouflage or mimicry mica workers and have been suggested to render the host (sensu Howard and Akre 1995; see also Dettner and queen unattractive to her own workers. They can also Liepert 1994). Camouflage implies the acquisition of elicit attacks (Topoff et al. 1988; Mori et al. 1995; chemicals through social interactions, both passive (acci- D’Ettorre et al. 1997). Mori et al. (2000b, c) found that dental contact with host ants and the nest material) and Dufour’s gland secretions drastically lowered the degree active (allogrooming, trophallaxis). Mimicry, in contrast, of overt attacks from host workers against the usurping is a de novo biosynthesis of host-specific chemicals by P. rufescens queen herself and suggested that they act as the parasite. Camouflage and mimicry can be combined an appeasement signal. Nevertheless, this appeasement when the parasite synthesizes a certain amount of com- phenomenon and the observed reduced aggression could pounds and at the same time acquires other compounds be due to the repellent effect of decyl butanoate on host from its hosts (Akino et al. 1999). It would obviously be workers (D’Ettorre et al. 2000). advantageous for a parasite queen already to have active- It therefore appears that P. rufescens queens use a du- ly mimicked the chemical label of its future hosts before al chemical strategy to usurp host nests successfully: invading their colony. However, because of environmen- (1) lack of a distinct chemical profile (chemical insignifi- tal influences, each host colony possesses its own dis- cance, cf. Lenoir et al. 1999) and acquisition of chemi- tinctive and flexible signature, which is a priori unknown cals from the host queen, and (2) employment of to the parasite queen. Mimicry therefore is less likely Dufour’s gland secretions to appease or deter potential than camouflage, and although it seems to occur in some host aggressors (Topoff et al. 1988; D’Ettorre et al. myrmecophile and termitophile insects (Howard et al. 2000; Mori et al. 2000b). 1980, 1990; Howard and Blomquist 1982), it has indeed The queens of other slave-making ants may employ never been reported in parasitic ants. similar strategies. For example, Epimyrma queens feign Slave-maker queens show behavior that might help death when approached by host workers and sit for days them actively acquire chemical substances from the in close contact with the Leptothorax host queen, slowly host queen and facilitates their adoption by the adult killing her by throttling (Buschinger 1989). In contrast, host workers. For example, after injuring or killing the queens of Harpagoxenus sublaevis attack and aggres- Formica host queen, the usurping queen of Polyergus sively expel adult workers and queens from the con- self-grooms in close contact to the body of the host quered host colony. During colony founding they use queen, rolls on the nest substrate while holding it, and “propaganda” pheromones from the Dufour’s gland to even covers herself with it for several minutes (Topoff confuse the host workers and induce fighting among et al. 1988; Mori et al. 1995; D’Ettorre et al. 1997). The them (Buschinger 1974; Allies et al. 1986; for other ants importance of close contact with the host queen is dem- see Franks et al. 1990; Heinze et al. 1998). 73 Fig. 1 Gas chromatograms of the cuticular hydrocarbons in slave- maker workers reared by two different host species (Formica gagates and Formica rufibar- bis) and of host workers

In established colonies of slave-making ants, such as In addition, Protomognathus americanus were be- H. sublaevis (Kaib et al. 1993), P. samurai (Yamaoka lieved to mark their slaves with chemical substances and 1990), and P. breviceps (Howard and Akre 1995), slave thus to prevent them from returning to host colonies makers and hosts share the same cuticular hydrocarbon (Alloway and Keough 1990; see below). Chemical ana- profile, without considerable quantities of substances spe- lyses have not yet been done, but this would mean that cific only to the slave maker. P. samurai parasitizes two host workers show substances on their cuticles that are different Japanese host species, F. japonica and F. hay- derived from the slave makers. ashi, and shows the same cuticular hydrocarbon pattern In conclusion, behavioral observations and chemical as the host present in the colony (Yamaoka 1990). Simi- analyses indicate that those slave-maker queens that are larly, H. sublaevis occurs in mixed colonies with L. acer- tolerated by adult host workers probably do not bear a vorum and L. muscorum and its cuticular hydrocarbon specific cuticular label but instead attempt to disguise profile closely matches that of the respective host species. themselves with substances from their hosts. The close In colonies in which H. sublaevis lives together with correspondence between the cuticular hydrocarbon pat- workers from two host species, a hydrocarbon pattern re- terns of several of the few investigated slave makers and sults combining substances from both host species their respective hosts similarly suggests that the slave (Heinze et al. 1994). These results strongly suggest chem- makers mask themselves with host substances probably ical camouflage. Similarly, aggression tests suggest that acquired by allogrooming and/or trophallaxis (for the F. sanguinea slave makers acquire species-specific sub- role of the postpharyngeal gland in colony odor see, for stances from enslaved F. polyctena (Czechowski 1993). example, Lahav et al. 1999; Lenoir et al. 1999), though In contrast, the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of P. an active synthesis of some compounds has not yet been rufescens workers and its Formica hosts do not closely completely ruled out. correspond. Instead, the slave makers apparently produce According to Jaisson (1985), “slave-making ants use some substances and simultaneously modify the relative a pre-existing ethogenetic phenomenon in a heterospecif- amounts of cuticular hydrocarbons to match the hosts’ ic direction,” that is, by “sensory exploitation” (Ryan profile better (Habersetzer and Bonavita-Cougourdan 1990) they make use of mechanisms of communication 1993; Bonavita-Cougourdan et al. 1996, 1997). These in their hosts that evolved for other purposes. In general, authors suggested that P. rufescens workers are able to ants develop species- and colony-specific cuticular sig- actively adjust their cuticular profile to the social envi- natures only after the first hours of their adult life (cutic- ronment. P. rufescens workers, coming from the same ular chemical insignificance of young ants; Lenoir et al. mother colony but adopted as cocoons by different For- 1999). Furthermore, young workers do not show aggres- mica species, show a cuticular pattern similar to that sive behavior, are comparatively immobile, and produce of the rearing species (D’Ettorre, unpublished results, highly conserved substances that induce grooming by Fig. 1). Further studies are needed to clarify the underly- older workers not only of the same, but also of other spe- ing mechanisms. cies. This all obviously facilitates the integration of 74 young ants into their colonies (Jaisson 1985). At the host workers to prevent them from absconding from the same time, specific chemical labels may be transferred slave-maker colony. Host workers from Pr. americanus from adult ants onto the blank cuticle of the callows by colonies were attacked by their former, unparasitized intensive grooming. During this period of early adult nestmates when re-introduced into their natal colonies life, it appears that individuals imprint to the odor of (Alloway and Keough 1990). both their adult nestmates and brood in any colony in Finally, Mori and co-workers (Zimmerli and Mori which they eclose (e.g., Stuart 1988; Jaisson 1991). In 1993; Mori et al. 1996) suggested the existence of inter- most cases, this will be the colony of their mother, and specifically attractive brood pheromones in Polyergus. all adult nestmates and brood will be more or less close- Similarly, callows of P. rufescens excrete droplets of a ly related. Hence, it normally is adaptive for a worker to clear fluid from the anus that appear to be highly attrac- take care of those individuals it encounters in the nest tive to the Formica hosts and might act as an appease- where it ecloses. Slave makers, however, benefit from ment signal (D’Ettorre and Errard 1999; see also Stuart this peculiarity: both slave-maker workers and host 1981 for Protomognathus americanus). workers eclosing from the raided brood imprint to the present social environment, obtain the colony label, and thus are easily integrated into the mixed colony, and the Sociogenetics of slave-making ants host workers are manipulated to work for individuals to which they are not related. The special life history of slave-making ants is thought Imprinting to the odor of the host species strongly in- to affect in a distinct way the outcome of conflict be- fluences the host choice of young queens during colony tween queens and workers concerning the allocation of foundation and also the orientation of raids by workers resources toward male and female sexuals and also con- of some slave-making ants. Young queens and raiding cerning the origin of males (Trivers and Hare 1976). parties of Chalepoxenus muellerianus, P. lucidus, and P. Slave-making ants therefore have been considered to rufescens almost exclusively usurp or raid nests of the provide a unique opportunity to test specific predictions host species already present in their maternal nest, even from inclusive fitness theory (Hamilton 1964). if other suitable host species are available (Goodloe and Due to haplodiploid sex determination in Hymenopte- Sanwald 1985; Goodloe et al. 1987; Buschinger et al. ra, workers in monogynous and monandrous (single mat- 1988a; Mori et al. 1994a; Schumann and Buschinger ing by the queen) societies with completely sterile work- 1995). This maternal “cultural transmission” of host ers obtain equal fitness payoff from both sexes only if specificity resembles the formation of gentes in cuckoos they invest 3 times more in female than in male sexuals. (e.g., Marchetti et al. 1998; Gibbs et al. 2000) and might The queen, in contrast, benefits most from a 1:1 alloca- eventually lead to the genetic separation of different tion ratio (Trivers and Hare 1976). Female-biased sex-in- strains, especially if the communication between sexuals vestment ratios in non-parasitic, monogynous species relies in part on cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. On the suggest worker control (reviewed by Bourke and Franks other hand, colonies of species such as E. ravouxi, H. 1995). In slave-making ants, the host workers complete- canadensis, and H. sublaevis may at the same time ly take over brood care, and so slave-maker workers can contain workers from two or more host species (e.g., less easily enforce their own interests by manipulating Buschinger and Winter 1983; Schumann and Buschinger resource allocation to male or female larvae. Hence, the 1991; Heinze et al. 1992, 1994). The fate of these mixed slave-maker queen rather than the slave-maker workers colonies depends on the compatibility of the different might be in control of sex ratios. To demonstrate queen host species. hosts were found control unambiguously, however, has been more compli- to accept L. acervorum pupae but not vice versa cated than originally thought. With sex-allocation theo- (Schumann and Buschinger 1991), leading to a decrease ries having become more and more refined over the past in the frequency of slave-maker colonies with only L. few years, slave-making ants have somewhat lost their muscorum hosts. Furthermore, aggressive interactions role as outstanding, simple model systems. were observed when the two host species occurred in un- As expected with queen control, sex-investment ratios equal numbers in the slave-maker colony: the majority were indeed found to be quite even in Epimyrma ravouxi, began to expel the minority. This was reflected also in Harpagoxenus sublaevis, Leptothorax duloticus, and For- cuticular hydrocarbon patterns, which in these cases dif- mica subnuda (Bourke 1989; Bourke and Franks 1995; fered considerably between nestmates belonging to dif- Savolainen and Deslippe 1996). In contrast, sex alloca- ferent host species (Heinze et al. 1994). tion was female biased in the facultative slave makers F. During slave-raids, workers of F. subintegra, F. per- sanguinea and exhibited strong, unexplained variation at gandei, H. sublaevis, and probably other slave-making the colony level (Pamilo and Seppä 1994). Similarly, sex species use “propaganda substances,” which disorientate ratios varied considerably between and within popula- the host workers (Regnier and Wilson 1971; Buschinger tions of H. canadensis, L. duloticus, and Protomognathus 1974; Franks and Partridge 1993). In addition, H. sub- americanus, with 6 of 11 data sets supporting neither laevis workers apply these substances to the host brood queen nor worker control (Herbers and Stuart 1998). to make them unattractive to their relatives. Slave-mak- Though it is not our aim to review in detail all factors er-specific substances might also be used to mark adult that potentially affect sex allocation in social insects, we 75 will examine at least those that appear to be important in they appear to be capable of cannibalizing brood, and the slave makers (for detailed reviews see Bourke and fundamental hypothesis of the incapability of slave mak- Franks 1995; Pamilo and Crozier 1996). These include ers to manipulate sex allocation is therefore not applica- polygyny, polyandry (multiple mating), worker repro- ble for all species. duction, local resource, and local mate competition. For Finally, the third party in the colonies of slave-mak- example, the sociogenetic structure of slave-maker colo- ing ants, the host workers that do most of the brood care, nies is still incompletely known, and probably not all of have been considered to be indifferent to the sex ratio of the assumptions made by original sex-allocation models the brood they rear, because they are equally unrelated to Ð monogyny, monandry, and worker sterility Ð are met. both sexes (Trivers and Hare 1976). Nevertheless, if they Monogyny appears to be the rule in slave-making ants, were selected to rear a particular, adaptive sex ratio in excepting E. algeriana, Polyergus breviceps, and facul- their native colonies, they might simply attempt to bias tative slave-making Formica (Buschinger et al. 1990; sex allocation in the same way when they are enslaved. Savolainen and Seppä 1996). However, the mating fre- Sex allocation in slave-maker colonies would then fol- quency of queens is currently known from genetic data low the pattern in non-parasitized colonies of the host only for H. sublaevis and Pr. americanus, which are both species. Population-level sex-investment ratios of Pr. monandrous (Bourke et al. 1988; Foitzik and Herbers americanus indeed reflect those of the host population 2001a), and for F. sanguinea, where queens may mate (Herbers and Stuart 1998). This might suggest that slave- multiply (Pamilo 1981; Pamilo and Seppä 1994). Behav- maker queens cannot easily override sex-ratio preferenc- ioral observations suggest single mating in P. breviceps es of their hosts. (Topoff and Greenberg 1988) and Rossomyrmex mi- Sex-ratio data in slave-making ants are much less un- nuchae (F. Ruano and A. Tinaut, personal communica- ambiguous evidence for queen control than initially tion), and occasional multiple mating in several Formica thought. Additional data, preferably on primary sex ratio (e.g., Kannowski 1963), P. rufescens (Mori et al. 1994b), of queen-laid eggs, secondary sex ratio, and the origin of and P. lucidus (Marlin 1971). Multiple mating by itself males, are needed to clarify who is in control of sex allo- might lead to a more balanced sex-allocation ratio under cation. Workers of Tetramorium and presumably also worker control. those of its slave maker Strongylognathus do not possess Male production by slave-maker workers might simi- ovaries and therefore are obligatorily sterile (Buschinger, larly increase investment in males. Workers of most cited in Nonacs and Tobin 1992). Hence, sex allocation slave-making ants are capable of producing their own in Strongylognathus might be of particular interest. male offspring in colonies without a queen. Correcting Assuming that slave-maker workers have indeed less for male production by workers in these queenless colo- power to skew sex allocation than workers in non-para- nies, Bourke (1989) still found support for queen control sitic ants, they might attempt to counterbalance this de- in E. ravouxi and H. sublaevis. However, at least in Pr. crease in inclusive fitness through an increase in their di- americanus, workers have been demonstrated to produce rect fitness by selfishly producing their own sons males both in colonies with and without a queen, which (Bourke 1988). Similarly, allospecific brood care by un- considerably affects their interests concerning sex alloca- related host workers might allow female larvae of social tion and weakens the case for queen control (Foitzik and parasites to control their own ontogeny to a greater ex- Herbers 2001a). tent than in non-parasitic species. Nonacs and Tobin Additional complications arise in those species where (1992) concluded that a worker caste will only be re- some queens are wingless, as in H. sublaevis (Buschin- tained in social parasites under conditions that increase ger and Winter 1975) and P. samurai (Terayama et al. the fitness of being a worker relative to becoming a sex- 1993), or where queens do not disperse on the wing, as ual, for example, with worker production of males. This in other species of Polyergus (Topoff and Greenberg assumes that becoming a worker is less rewarding in 1988; Mori et al. 1994a). Here, young queens search on terms of inclusive fitness in slave-making ants than in foot for suitable host colonies in the surroundings of non-parasitic relatives and that the inclusive fitness their maternal colony and thus compete with their sisters gained from slave raiding is lower than that gained from and their mothers for the same host nests. This local re- “normal work” in non-parasites. Whether this is true for source competition might again select for a male-biased slave makers is doubtful, though it certainly applies for sex-allocation ratio (Foitzik and Herbers 2001a , but see parasitic species where workers engage in neither Bourke et al. 1988). In contrast, in species where sib- brood care nor slave raids (e.g., degenerate slave makers, mating occurs in the nest, as in E. bernardi (Buschinger Buschinger and Winter 1983). 1989), local mate competition might increase female Several observations might suggest that slave-maker bias. workers are more “selfish” than workers of related non- Moreover, in contrast to previous assumptions, slave- parasitic species. First, slave-maker workers tend to have maker workers might have the power to manipulate sex more complex ovaries than workers of their hosts and re- allocation. L. duloticus workers were observed grooming lated species. This has been shown in Formicoxenini the brood and exchanging food with larvae (Wilson (Heinze 1996a; Fig. 2) and appears to be the case also in 1975), and Chalepoxenus muellerianus workers regular- Formicini. For example, workers of P. rufescens have ly begged food from larvae (Heinze 1996a, b). Thus, 6Ð12 ovarioles per ovary (Beck 1972) in contrast 76 Fig. 2 Number of ovarioles in workers of slave-making formi- coxenine ants and their Lepto- thorax hosts (based on Heinze 1996b)

to workers of F. rufibarbis, which typically have 1Ð4 Most of what we currently know about kin conflict in (Hohorst 1972). More complex ovarian anatomy is not a slave-making ants is from Formicoxenini (for an excep- mere epiphenomenon of larger worker size or a less-pro- tion see Hung 1973). Data from other taxa might help us nounced caste dimorphism in slave-making species, be- to understand better apparent worker selfishness in cause it occurs also in genera, such as Epimyrma, where slave-making ants. workers are much smaller than host workers and the two female differ greatly in external morphology. Sec- ond, whereas in most non-parasitic Leptothorax, work- Host response and coevolution erÐworker reproductive conflict becomes evident only after the queen is removed (Heinze et al. 1997; but see Typically, parasites have a shorter generation time and Cole 1981), slave makers interact aggressively and form higher effective population size than their hosts and dominance hierarchies in the presence of the queen therefore can quickly evolve countermeasures to the ac- (Wilson 1975; Franks and Scovell 1983; Bourke 1988; quisition of resistance by their hosts. Social parasites dif- Heinze 1996b). Finally, genetic data show that in Pr. fer from other types of parasites in a number of impor- americanus, workers produce most of the males in tant ways that might affect the pattern of coevolution. queenright colonies (Foitzik and Herbers 2000a). They are more closely related to their hosts than other An alternative explanation for increased selfishness is parasites and therefore might be better capable of “track- that slave-maker workers are selected to out-reproduce ing” the evolution of countermeasures by the host spe- their hosts. Host workers are often more numerous than cies (Davies et al. 1989). On the other hand, the genera- slave-maker workers in mixed colonies and might divert tion time of slave makers is similar to, or even longer a large part of the colony’s resources into the production than, that of their hosts, and their population size is typi- of their own males (Heinze 1996b). Aggression of slave- cally smaller. Slave makers might therefore react more maker workers toward their hosts has repeatedly been slowly to defensive changes in their hosts than other par- observed (e.g., Le Masne 1970), and in H. sublaevis at- asites. In addition, genetic drift might affect the slave tacks were predominantly directed against host workers makers more strongly than their hosts Ð indeed, whereas with well-developed ovaries (Heinze et al. 1994). Only FST values calculated from allozyme frequencies were Polyergus males were produced in queenless mixed close to zero for populations of colonies of Polyergus and Formica (Hung 1973; P. throughout Europe (Heinze et al. 1995), two German D’Ettorre, unpublished research), but host males occa- populations of its slave maker Harpagoxenus sublaevis sionally eclose in colonies of slave-making Formic- differed significantly in allele frequencies (Heinze, un- oxenini (Heinze 1996a, b). It is currently unknown published research). It might therefore be more difficult whether they were reared from raided brood or from for slave makers to optimize their life history and they eggs laid by enslaved workers, nor whether and how might suffer a higher risk of local extinction. host male production affects the total sexual output of It has been questioned whether slave makers are com- the slave-maker colony. In analogy to paying a staying mon enough to be a strong selective force for their hosts incentive (optimal skew theory, Reeve and Ratnieks (Dawkins 1982; Davies et al. 1989). However, in some 1993; Keller and Reeve 1994), slave makers might per- populations, more than 10% of all host colonies were suc- mit host workers to reproduce to keep them from ab- cessfully usurped by slave-maker queens, and in addition, sconding from the colony or to prevent host rebellions established slave-maker colonies affect numerous other [as hypothesized by Hölldobler (1976) in an intraspecif- host colonies by raiding their broods. Individual colonies ic case]. of Polyergus may conduct up to 50 raids in one summer 77 (Cool-Kwait and Topoff 1984; Mori et al. 1991; Hasegawa tively polygynous L. longispinosus, queen numbers were and Yamaguchi 1994), and 26 raids of not larger in populations with slave makers than without occurred during a period of 78 days of observation (Mori (Herbers 1986). Furthermore, most host species of Epi- et al. 2000a). Foitzik and Herbers (2001b) estimated that in myrma, Chalepoxenus, and Strongylognathus are obliga- some populations almost half of all colonies of L. longi- torily monogynous (see above). In a pioneering study on spinosus are raided by Protomognathus americanus per the impact of Pr. americanus on populations of its host year. Though most information on parasiteÐhost dynamics L. longispinosus, Foitzik and Herbers (2001b) found that is anecdotal, there is evidence that intensive parasitism host colonies in parasitized populations were less likely may eventually lead to local extinction of the host (Yasuno to be polygynous, had fewer workers, and had a higher 1964; Zamora et al., unpublished manuscript). Counter- relatedness among worker broods than in populations measures against usurpation, slave-raiding, and being en- without slave makers. These differences might result slaved should therefore be selected, even if resistance may from parasite pressure itself, that is, host colonies being be costly to the unparasitized host. Such countermeasures raided early in their development and therefore never might include sociometric changes, for example, higher reaching large size or being able to readopt daughter queen number or larger colony size, better defense mecha- queens. Alternatively, workers in monogynous host colo- nisms, such as more efficient recognition systems, fighting nies might have a more homogeneous colony odor than techniques and nest evacuation strategies, and others. workers from polygynous colonies and therefore might It is currently unclear, however, whether resistance react more strongly to ants, preventing an easy against social parasites has indeed evolved and if the usurpation. Slave makers might also benefit from already genotype of a host colony determines whether it is para- existing regional differences in host sociometry, that is, sitized or not. Colonies of formicoxenine hosts are prob- they may preferentially settle in areas with small, mono- ably destroyed by just a single slave raid (Foitzik and gynous host colonies (Foitzik and Herbers 2001b). Herbers 2001b), but colonies of some formicines may be Queens of several slave-maker species appear to pre- raided repeatedly. Here, however, nothing is known fer to invade small, incipient rather than large host colo- about how frequently a host colony is raided and wheth- nies (A. Buschinger, cited in Hölldobler and Wilson er the probability of being raided or usurped is affected 1990, p. 458; Ito and Higashi 1990). Parasitic founding Ð by the host’s genotype or other parameters, for example, and presumably also slave raiding Ð might therefore se- whether a slave-maker colony exists in the vicinity or lect for rapid colony growth in the host (Savolainen et al. how conspicuous or exposed the host nest is, compared 1996). Slave-maker queens, however, have found ways to other host colonies in the same population. to usurp even very large host colonies. Newly mated As shown above, slave makers use camouflage and Polyergus queens participate in the slave raids and take chemical weapons to break into host colonies. Still, by advantage of the confusion induced by the slave makers’ evolving a more efficient recognition system, insect soci- propaganda substances or alarm pheromones of the host eties might be better protected against being parasitized. workers to establish themselves in the leftovers of raided If the hosts were capable of recognizing slave makers as Formica colonies (Topoff et al. 1988; Mori et al. 1995). specific enemies, they might react in a more appropriate Furthermore, several related queens may simultaneously way to raiding parties and usurping queens, that is, by penetrate into the same host colony, thus dividing the de- immediate attack or escape from the raided nest with fensive actions of resident workers among themselves their brood (Marlin 1969; Le Moli et al. 1994). However, (D’Ettorre et al. 1997). they might also be more prone to making mistakes, such When a host colony cannot avoid being usurped or as preventing their own nestmates from entering the nest. raided during its lifetime, it might benefit from produc- The more aggressive reaction of workers of L. longi- ing sexuals early instead of investing in colony growth spinosus to workers of Pr. americanus than to workers of for a long time. Results from a study on colony size and the non-parasitic L. ambiguus has been seen as such a the reproductive strategy of the host ant F. podzolica did specific enemy recognition (Alloway 1990). However, not, however, unambiguously fit either hypothesis this observation might also be explained by ants reacting (Savolainen et al. 1996). Furthermore, it will be difficult more aggressively toward distantly rather than closely to determine whether differences in sociometric parame- related species (Errard 1987). Detailed experiments on ters between unparasitized and parasitized host popula- enemy recognition and especially on the behavior of tions have evolved as ways to resist parasitism or instead workers from different host populations (Zamora et al., are caused by environmental conditions that also favor unpublished manuscript) to slave makers might help to parasites. For example, increased investment in colony clarify whether coevolution occurs in this respect. growth might be a strategy against raiding or usurpation, Polygyny could potentially protect a host colony but on the other hand, slave makers might benefit from against being usurped by a slave-maker queen (Herbers especially raiding the large colonies. 1986): to eliminate several host queens obviously is The capacity of larvae to imprint on the odor of their more difficult than to kill only a single queen. However, natal nest might make an ant species unsuitable for slave queens of Epimyrma stumperi have been observed to makers (e.g., Davies et al. 1989). An ant worker pillaged throttle one host queen after the other in polygynous col- as after preimaginal imprinting might identify onies of L. tuberum (Kutter 1969), and at least in faculta- slaver-maker brood as alien and refuse to care for them. 78 This phenomenon, its role in the phylogenetic distribu- most prominent obviously being the evolution of slave tion of slave-making ants, and the interrelations between raiding itself. Recent investigations have given contradic- larval conditioning and learning during imaginal stages tory results concerning, for example, the mechanisms of require more investigation because as yet it has been chemical integration of slave makers and their hosts in a demonstrated only in two ant genera that do not serve as mixed society, the pattern of sex allocation in slave mak- hosts (Isingrini et al. 1985; Carlin and Schwartz 1989). ers, and coevolution between social parasite and host. Once host workers have been enslaved, the evolution Obviously, more data are needed on the ontogeny of colo- of resistance appears to be unlikely, because a new geno- ny odor, preimaginal imprinting, and the role of the post- type in the host workers, which leads to rebellion against pharyngeal gland in natural mixed colonies, and on the slave makers and/or emigration from the slave-maker chemical weapons used during colony foundation and colony, would have few options to be transmitted raiding. Strategies of chemical manipulation, similar to (Gladstone 1981). However, the potential of host work- those employed by parasitic ants, have recently been ers to produce their own males or to recruit related shown to occur also in non-parasitic species (Heinze et al. queens from neighboring colonies was not taken into ac- 1998) and it is likely that other phenomena as yet known count. Czechowski (1990, 1994) reported “slave emanci- only in parasitic ants are of more general importance. pation” in experimentally manipulated colonies of Combined chemical, genetic, and behavioral investi- F. sanguinea. One year after adding exceptionally large gations might clarify whether cultural transmission of numbers of host pupae (F. polyctena) to mixed colonies, host preference plays a role in the choice of mating part- the slave makers had disappeared and the former hosts ners and may eventually lead to sympatric specia- had adopted conspecific queens. However, F. polyctena tion.Clear theoretical predictions and empirical informa- is not a typical host of F. sanguinea and the outcome of tion on hostÐparasite dynamics, such as local extinction the experiment therefore could be due to the incompati- rates, and differences in sociometry and life history be- bility of chemical signals between the two species. Still, tween parasitized and unparasitized host populations in some species attacks of host workers against slave might help us understand whether hosts and parasites en- makers have repeatedly been observed (e.g., Wilson gage in a coevolutionary arms race. Detailed compari- 1975). sons of host populations parasitized by active slave mak- Numerous ways exist in which coevolution between ers, degenerate slave makers, and workerless parasites slave makers and their hosts might have occurred. Sever- may allow us to differentiate between the impact parasit- al lines of research might be especially rewarding in the ic founding and slave raiding have on host populations, future. First, a comparative analysis of colony structure and to determine the benefits from losing a worker caste. of hosts in parasitized and unparasitized populations Empirical studies on slave-making ants are challeng- might reveal consistent differences in growth rate and ing because of the lack of a theoretical basis, and they size at maturity. Second, a detailed investigation of the are difficult per se due to the rarity of slave makers and interactions between slave makers and hosts from para- their patchy distribution. Considering that almost all sitized and non-parasitized host populations in experi- slave-making ant species are listed as threatened by the mental encounters might help to determine whether be- World Conservation Union (IUCN), investigations on havioral adaptations, such as specific enemy recognition, their behavior, population structure, and genetic variabil- do exist. The pair H. sublaevisÐL. acervorum is an espe- ity may help us learn more about how endangered they cially appropriate system for such a study. Both species really are and if and how they can better be protected. inhabit large parts of boreal Eurasia (e.g., Buschinger Presumably, intensive field studies will also reveal the 1997; Radchenko et al. 1999), but some host populations existence of additional slave-making species and clarify appear not to have been parasitized for many genera- the life history of several species in which the possibility tions. For example, H. sublaevis is absent from the of slavery has been reported (e.g., Bernstein 1978). British Isles, despite the presence of dense host popula- tions. The British ant fauna is depauperate and lacks Acknowledgements Our work was supported by a Marie-Curie Fellowship (Proposal no. ERB4001GT975111) to P.D., by the common European species such as L. muscorum, F. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (He 1623/7-2) to J.H., and in polyctena, and Camponotus herculeanus (Collingwood part by program PROCOPE (Project no. 98033) to Jerome Casas. 1971). Perhaps the typically wingless queens of H. sub- We would like to thank Christine Errard and Alain Lenoir for their laevis could not manage to recolonize these islands after helpful comments on the manuscript. the last glaciation. L. acervorum in England might there- fore have been protected from the slave makers for sev- eral thousand years and might have lost special adapta- References tions against raiding or parasitic founding. 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