Resolution 2017-63
MEMORANDUM TO COUNCIL TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: DAN WINTERS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES THRU: NANCY PETERSON, INTERIM CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2017 RE: RESOLUTION 2017-63 – A RESOLUTION OF THE UNALASKA CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH V3 ENERGY, LLC, TO PERFORM THE WIND POWER DEVELOPMENT & INTEGRATION ASSESSMENT PHASE II PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,481. SUMMARY: From 2003 to 2005, a Phase 1 analysis of the feasibility for wind energy in Unalaska was conducted by Northern Power Systems. Phase II of that project was never realized due to the inability of windmills of that era to withstand Unalaska’s wind speeds. Due to recent interest by the Unalaska City Council in renewable energy, coupled with the availability of new technology, the City of Unalaska Department of Public Utilities let a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Phase II of the Wind Power Development and Integration Assessment Project. Resolution No. 2017-63 will award the Phase II work to V3 Energy, LLC for $45,481 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION: In 2003, Unalaska City Council approved the Wind Integration Assessment Project through Ordinance 2003-11. In FY2018 Council funded the Wind Power Development and Integration Assessment Project through Capital Budget Ordinance 2017-07 by providing $200,000 from the General Fund. BACKGROUND: In 1999, a Wind Energy Feasibility Study of Unalaska was conducted for the State of Alaska’s Division of Energy. In 2000, the US Department of Energy conducted an Energy Assessment for Unalaska as potential sites for future wind turbine development, in which Unalaska was ruled out due to the potential of excessively high wind speeds.
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