
360 Review

Pigment Evolution in the : a Systematic Overview*

J. S. Clement and T. J. Mabry Department of Botany, University of at Austin

Received: October 23, 1995;Accepted: February 5, 1996

Abstract: While the apparent mutual exclusiveness of antho­ revealed a diversity of flavonoids in -producing cyanins and in the Caryophyllales has given rise to , suggesting they lack one critical step of considerable taxonomic debate, historical factors affecting the biosynthesis, the ability to convert leucoanthocyanidin to present distribution of these compounds have rarely been dis­ anthocyanidin. cussed. An understanding of pigment evolution in the is hindered by a number of unresolved systematic issues and a The argument among taxonomists and chemists centered on lack of knowledge of the importance of and ­ whether or not the presence of betalains delimited a natural lains beyond their roles in pollination and dispersal. The (to the exclusion of the anthocyanin families) and at hypothesis that betalains arose in an unpigmented ancestor of what heirarchical rank this group should be recognized (see the Chenopodiinae in response to selection from pollinators Cronquist and Thorne, 1994, for a recent review). In spite of cannot be rejected, but scant evidence exists in favor of it. the interest the issue has generated, only rarely have com­ Questions persist regarding whether the most recent ancestor ments appeared in the literature that provide a framework for to the Chenopodiinae presented a pigmented floral display and understanding the evolution of the compounds themselves. whether the appropriate pollinators were present at this time Given the rigor introduced by the development of the to select for floral pigmentation. In view of these ambiguities Hennigian approach to systematics and the advent of me­ and the possible non-monophyly of the Chenopodiinae we con­ thods which have allowed explicit statements about the sider some alternative scenarios and suggest potentially re­ relationships of anthocyanin and betalain plants (Rodman et warding avenues for future research. We discuss roles for an­ aI.,1984; Rettig et aI.,1992; Manhart and Rettig, 1994; Downie thocyanins and betalains beyond their use as optical attrac­ and Palmer, 1994; Rodman, 1994), it is remarkable that no tants, possible costs and benefits associated with producing recent attempt has been made to develop or evaluate hypo­ each pigment type, and the possibility that they may have co­ theses of pigment evolution in the order within a phylogene­ occurred in an ancestor for some period of time. tic context. We provide here some preliminary statements toward such an evaluation, in the form of a brief review of the Keywords: Caryophyllales, anthocyanins, betalains, pollination relevant biochemical, systematic, and evolutionary issues. biology, color. A truly evolutionary approach to the problem should include not only a phylogenetic perspective but also a consideration of the fitness effects of the presence/absence of the different One of the best known controversies in angiosperm systema­ pigment types in past environments. For this reason, we tics in the 1960 sand 1970 s regarded the taxonomic signifi­ discuss factors (such as floral morphology, presence of cance of the betalains, a unique class of vacuolar pigments pollinators) that may indicate ancestral pollination systems in restricted in the angiosperms to 13 families in the order the order, other possible roles for the compounds beyond Caryophyllales, and the apparent mutual exclusiveness of pollinator attraction, and the benefits and costs associated these compounds and the anthocyanins (Clement et al., 1994). with producing each type of compound. An assessment of the Anthocyanins are found in two families in the order, the importance of alternative functions is hindered not only by and , as well as throughout the difficulty in reconstructing past ecological interactions the rest of the angiosperms. Anthocyanins seem to be absent and their evolutionary consequences (Frumhoff and Reeve, from the rest of the Caryophyllales and have been replaced in 1994), but also by the poor state of knowledge of what these almost every aspect of metabolism by betalains. They are functions may be, as well as the gulf between our understand- produced not only in flower and fruit displays, but often also upon wounding, pathogenic infection and senescence, and in •Thesecond author of this review is especially pleased to honor Prof. seedlings and young shoots (Piatteli, 1981; Clement et aI., Schnepf on his birthday. Forover 20 years Mabry has had a joint 1994; Stafford, 1994). Phytochemical surveys of the Caryo­ project with Prof. Behnke on the Caryophyllales. Every summer phyllales (Bate-Smith, 1962; Bittrich and Amaral, 1991) have Mabry has lecturedon chemistryin the Zellenlehre. Universi­ tat Heidelberg, and Prof. Schnepf regularly attended these lectures. Bot. Acta 109(1996) 360- 367 Although natural productchemistryis not his field, he always posed © Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart New York challenging questions and madestimulatingcomments. PigmentEvolution inthe Caryophyllales Bot. Acta109(1996) 361 ing of plant secondary metabolism in general and its fitness to mean that an ancestor to the order was "essentially effects (Berenbaum, 1995). Nevertheless, the present state of without pigments" (Harborne and Turner, 1984, p. 306), the knowledge is sufficient to make a partial critique of past well-established homology of anthocyanin structural and proposals and to map future avenues of research. regulatory genes among monocots and dicots (Koes et al., 1994; Forkmann, 1994) contradicts this. A more reasonable Table 1 presents the known distribution of betalains and view is that the split of anthocyanin and betalain groups in anthocyanins in the Caryophyllales. These groups will be the Caryophyllales predates not the anthocyanin pathway referred to throughout this paper as the Chenopodiinae itself but the use of these pigments in floral displays. In other (betalain-producing plants) and Caryophyllinae (anthocya­ words, the Caryophyllales must be descended from a line of nin-producing plants) sensu Mabry (1977). A listing of plants that at one time possessed the genetic framework for individual genera is provided in Clement et al. (1994). It anthocyanin production. In the betalain lineages, then, this should be noted that monophyly is not at all certain for many ability was subsequently lost. of the taxa listed in Table 1, including the two sub-orders themselves. Ehrendorfer (1976) elaborated just such a scenario, with the loss of anthocyanin production in an ancestor to the betalain group as the plants evolved in pollinator-poor, arid to semi­ Table 1 The distribution of betalains and anthocyanins in the arid Cretaceous habitats. Betalains appeared later as a Caryophyllales, showing the proportionof the number of genera in response to the movement of discriminating pollinators into which pigments have been detected to the total number of genera in each group. follows Kubitzki et al. (1993) except for more arid environments and/or the adaptation of Caryophyl­ Molluginaceae, which follows Hofmann (1973) excl. Gisekieae, lalean lineages to more mesic, pollinator-rich environments. Sesuvieae. Mabry (1977) accepted this interpretation.

Chenopodiinae (betalain-producing taxa) These views rely heavily on the monophyly of the Chenopo­ diinae and on the importance of pollinators in leading to the (0/2) Halophytaceae (1/1) present-day mutual exclusiveness of these compounds. The first assumption has been called into question in a number of (46/127) Hectorellaceae (1/2) recent phylogenetic studies (Rettig et al., 1992; Downie and Aizooideae (0/6) Palmer, 1994; Manhart and Rettig, 1994; Rodman, 1994). Mesembryanthemoideae (2/9) (11/31) Cronquist (1977) intimated that the second assumption may Ruschioideae (41/106) Abronieae (1/1) be unfounded by stating that "a search for the biological Boldoeae (1/3) Sesuvioideae (2/4) significance of the betalains should concentrate on their Tetragonioideae (1/2) Bougainvilleeae (1/2) Leucastereae (0/4) repellent (and fungicidal) properties, rather than on their function as flower pigments (p. 187)." Taken together, these (14/69) Nyctagineae (7/15) (9/55) Pisonieae (1/3) issues suggest a number of questions: 1) What evidence is Gomphrenoideae (5/14) there for or against an ancestor of the Chenopodiinae which (7/18) did not utilize red-violet pigments in floral display evolving (2/4) Agdestioideae (1/1) into one which did, prior to the radiation of the group? 2) Barbeuioideae (0/1) Were appropriate pollinators indeed absent at a critical point Cactaceae (27/98) Microteoideae (0/2) in the evolution of the Caryophyllales, and when did their (25/91) Phytolaccoideae (2/4) presence begin to influence the evolution of floral pigments? (1/5) Rivinoideae (3/9) 3) What other roles could anthocyanins and betalains have Pereskioideae (1/2) incertae sedis - played in the early evolution of the order beyond pollinator attraction? 4) Perhaps most importantly, is the Chenopodii­ Chenopodiaceae (15/98) (12/30) nae monophyletic, as has often been assumed? (12/44) Calyptrotheceae (0/1) Polycnemoideae (0/3) Portulacarieae (2/2) Salicornioideae (1/14) Portulaceae(4/5) Ancestral Useof Pigments- Floral Display (2/38) Talineae (5/21) incertae sedis - Talinella Ehrendorfer (1976) held that pollinators were "at least (4/4) partially" responsible for the origin of betalains. In the Stegnospermaceae (1/1) strictest sense, this view implies that the most recent common ancestor to the Chenopodiinae presented a pigment­ Caryophyllinae (anthocyanin-producing taxa) ed floral display. It is not possible to determine, though, if this is his interpretation or if he means that beta lain synthesis Caryophyllaceae (15/86) Molluginaceae (3/11) originated in an ancestor with little or no floral display and Aisinoideae (4/28) Corbichonieae (0/1) the compounds were then siezed upon as pollinator attrac­ Caryophylloideae (7/24) Limeae (1/2) tants early in the evolution of a number of different lineages. Paronychioideae (4/34) Mollugineae (2/8) Betalain-pigmented floral parts appear in the sub-order variously as staminodes, , or bracts (Table 2, Kubitzki et al., 1993), suggesting that the problem of pollinator attraction Surprisingly little attention has been paid to the evolution of has been posed in many different lineages and solved in anthocyanins and betalains in the Caryophyllales. Mabry different ways. Additionally, the most dramatic uses of pig­ (1973,1976) held the view that the Chenopodiinae and ments in floral displays are often in rather derived groups ­ Caryophyllinae diverged prior to the origin of red-violet floral Nyctaginaceae, Cactaceae, Mesembryanthemoideae/Ruschioi­ pigmentation in angiosperms. While this could be interpreted deae (Aizoaceae). This is true also in the anthocyanin- 362 Bot. Acta109(1996) J. S.Clementand T. J. Mabry

Table 2 Floral organs used as optical attractants in the Caryophyl­ pigment data. However, the Phytolaccoideae is now widely lales. These organs are pigmented to some degree unlessotherwise rejected as the archetype of the order (Rohweder, 1965; noted. The homology of "tepaIs" among Caryophyllales is still in Hofmann, 1994), the pseudoapocarpous ovaries being regard­ dispute, especially those of the Portulacaceae and allied families. ed as derived from the more common syncarpous type.

Bracts Similarly, the classical view that the general trend in Caryo­ Amaranthaceae - Gomphrenoideae phyllalean flower morphology has been one of reduction has Nyctaginaceae - Bougainvilleeae led Leins and Erbar (1994) to conclude that of the Tepals (free) Cactaceae and Ruschioideae (Aizoaceae), which are often Aizoaceae - Aizooideae, Sesuvioideae, Tetragonioideae vividly pigmented, represent the archetype for the order. This Amaranthaceae - Amaranthoideae; Townsend (1993)describes is in spite of mounting evidence that these groups are unlikely onlyPtilotusand Volkensinia as pigmented to be closely related (Gibson and Nobel, 1986; Bittrich and Basellaceae Hartmann, 1988) and seem to actually possess a number of Cactaceae derived characters with respect to the bulk of the Caryophyl­ Caryophyllaceae - Paronychioideae (not knownto be pigmented) lales (e.g., one can compare Ruschioideae to the rest of Chenopodiaceae - KOhn (1993) mentionsthat some Aizoaceae, Bittrich and Struck, 1989; Cactaceae to the rest of Anthochlamys and Betaare pigmented the portulacaceous alliance, Hershkovitz, 1993). The fact that Didiereaceae these two groups have diversified in the relatively young Molluginaceae American and southern African arid zones (Axelrod and Phytolaccaceae - Agdestioideae (not knownto be pigmented), Raven, 1978; Goldblatt, 1978; Mauseth, 1990) also contradicts Phytolaccoideae, Rivinoideae Leins and Erbar's (1994) view. Portulacaceae

Tepals (fused) The strongest candidate for archetypal floral form in the Nyctaginaceae - all tribes except Bougainvilleeae; Boldoeae and Chenopodiinae and, indeed, the Caryophyllales as a whole is Leucastereae not pigmented that of uniseriate pentamery, as found in the Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Achatocarpaceae, Phytolac­ Staminodia caceae, Nyctaginaceae, Basellaceae, much of the Aizoaceae, Aizoaceae - Mesembryanthemoideae, Ruschioideae and the Portulacaceae (Hofmann, 1994). It remains to be Caryophyllaceae - Paronychioideae (inpart), Alsinoideae resolved then whether in the Chenopodiinae the ancestral (pigments rare),Caryophylloideae flower was of the inconspicuous, herbaceous type (Amaran­ Molluginaceae - occasional inCorbichonia, , Limeumbut only thaceae, Chenopodiaceae) or was at least somewhat showy, rarely known to be pigmented with petaloid white to pink/purple tepals (Phytolaccoideae, Stegnospermaceae Portulacaceae, Aizoaceae). If the ancestral floral form of the Chenopodiinae turns out to have been pigmented, then floral {anthers{appendages pigmentation may have been lost and regained in several Chenopodiaceae - occasional in , , (see Blackwell and Powell, 1981; KOhn, 1993) independent lineages.

Nectaries Ehrendorfer (1976) based much of his argument for the loss of Caryophyllaceae - restrictedto Aisinodendron (Alsinoideae) anthocyanin biosynthesis on a shift to anemophily in a "proto-Centrospermous" plant. Even if we accept the incon­ spicuous flowers of the Chenopodiaceae{Amaranthaceae as an archetype, though, it is hardly necessary to invoke wind producing Caryophyllinae, with showy, pigmented flowers pollination. Over a century ago it was noted that the tiny, being largely restricted to the Caryophylloideae. The bulk of unpigmented flowers of many chenopodiaceous genera were the Achatocarpaceae, Amaranthaceae, and Chenopodiaceae, probably entomogamous (Volkens, 1893). This position has as well as some members of all other major lineages, are not been supported by more recent authors (Blackwell and at all showy. However, there are a great many plants exhibit­ Powell, 1981; Kuhn, 1993). More intensive systematic investi­ ing at least a faint pink flush in their flowers. Included among gation of the Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae should these are much of the Portulacaceae (many of which are quite resolve whether or not anemophily is ancestral in this group. showy) and Phytolaccaceae, Stegnospenna, the anthocyanic (Molluginaceae) and (Paronychioideae, The Presence of Appropriate Pollinators Caryophyllaceae), and others. Two distinctive pigmented floral displays appear in the Aizoaceae, petaloid staminodes If betalains arose only once, then betalain production may in the Mesembryanthemoideae{Ruschioideae and adaxially date to the mid-Cretaceous, as pantoporate pollen pigmented sepals in the other subfamilies (Bittrich and Hart­ ascribed to the Chenopodiaceae{Amaranthaceae (Muller, mann, 1988). The primitive form in this family cannot yet be 1981) has been placed as far back as the Maestrichtian, 70 determined. If the two forms delimit sister groups, they may million years ago (mya). On the basis of biogeography, much both have evolved from a non-showy ancestor. of the diversification of the order may have occurred prior to, or coincident with, the breakup of Gondwanaland (i.e., as Traditionally, the Caryophyllales was thought to have evolved much as 100 mya; Carolin, 1982; Gibson and Nobel, 1986; from Ranalean ancestors into something resembling the Bittrich, 1993b; Hershkovitz, 1993). We must then ask whe­ modern-day Phytolaccoideae (Friedrich, 1956; Buxbaum, ther or not the age of the order is compatible with the age of 1961) prior to the radiation of the order. Ehrendorfer (1976) appropriate pollinators (i.e., those capable of discriminating noted that this view was difficult to reconcile with the red-violet or yellow colors). There is evidence for a significant Pigment Evolution in the Caryophyllales Bot. Acta 109 363 presence of aculeate hymenopteran and lepidopteran pollina­ maintenance of anthocyanin production, followed by renewed tors in the Cretaceous (Crepet et al.,1991).Additionally, many selection once the ability to make anthocyanins had been lost. modern members of both groups respond to red-violet pigmented flowers (Willemstein, 1987) and are important Monophylyof the Betalain Group pollinators in modern arid environments (Moldenke, 1976; Simpson and Neff, 1987; Struck,1994). Nevertheless, since the The Chenopodiinae (Table 1) has little to commend it as a visual and behavioral faculties of their ancestors are un­ natural group beyond the presence of this unique class of known, and given the difficulty in associating the appearance compounds and the apparent lack of anthocyanins. These of the potential pollinators in time and space with Caryophyl­ families were not placed together, to the exclusion of the lalean ancestors, the influence of insects on the early evolu­ anthocyanin families, in any system of classification prior to tion of the order remains an open issue. Mabry et al. (1963). And while Cronquist and Thorne (1994) state that Mabry's "position with regard to the taxonomic and Since members of the Chenopodiinae produce both red-violet evolutionary significance of betalains now appears to be betacyanins and yellow betaxanthins, there is also the mainstream (p. 11)", the impact of Mabry's interpretation of question of which set of pigments would have been selected the chemical data on the modern conception of the Caryo­ for in an ancestor. Betaxanthins are biosynthetically simpler phyllales is clear in Cronquist's (1981, 1988) and Bittrich's than betacyanins, and when betacyanins have been detected (1993a) phylogenies for the order which place the anthocya­ by HPLC in plant tissues they are almost invariably accompa­ nin families basal to a monophyletic Chenopodiinae. nied by betaxanthins (Steglich and Strack,1990). Additionally, betalamic acid (a precursor to all betalains) is itself an Morphological, chemical and ultrastructural work (reviewed important yellow pigment in some (Reznik, 1978). in Hershkovitz, 1991a, b, c and Bittrich, 1993a) have identified However, while betaxanthins often appear as the sole floral a number of distinctive, well-supported lineages within the pigments (in, for example, members of the Cactaceae, Ru­ order - Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Phytolaccaceae/ schioideae/Mesembryanthemoideae, Nyctaginaceae), the Nyctaginaceae, the "portulacaceous alliance" (Portulacaceae/ plants in question are clearly derived from plants that Basellaceae/Cactaceae/Didiereaceae), derived Caryophylla­ produce both betaxanthins and betacyanins. Again, though, ceae - but neither these approaches nor recent molecular the Portulacaceae may be an exception. The plesiomorphic studies have resolved relationships among the major groups. distribution of betacyanins in floral displays in many groups They have also failed to confidently place a number of smaller suggests that they played an important role in the early taxa - Achatocarpaceae, Halophytaceae, Stegnospermaceae, evolution of the sub-order. Ofcourse, if selection for betalains , Lophiocarpus, and the possibly unnatural Mollugi­ was originally through a physiological function, and they naceae. were only later utilized as visual cues, we have no means of determining the early significance of betacyanins vs. beta­ Molecular studies in the Caryophyllales have identified a new xanthins. synapomorphy for the order (loss of the chloroplast rp/2 intron, Downie et al., 1991; Downie and Palmer, 1994) and Ancestral Useof Pigments- Alternative Roles suggested new outgroups (the Nepenthaceae and ­ ceae, Chase et aI., 1993; Williams et al., 1994), but due to We should consider the possible adaptive value of the pig­ small sample sizes these studies have had only a limited ments beyond their use in floral display, as it may be that impact on infra-ordinal systematics. Downie and Palmer betalains had their origin prior to the diversification of the (1994) identified a number of potentially informative structu­ Chenopodiinae, but were only later exploited in pollinator ral rearrangements in the chloroplast genome and the rbcL attraction. One potential source of selection for pigmentation evidence (Rettig et al., 1992; Manhart and Rettig, 1994) is fruit color for dispersal via endoornithochory (Willson and strongly supports the non-monophyly of the Chenopodiinae Whelan, 1990). However, the distribution of pigmented fruit and Caryophyllinae (Fig. 1). While many nodes of the most­ displays in the order is taxonomically sporadic, in many cases parsimonious rbcL have low bootstrap and decay values the taxa are clearly derived with reference to some broader (Manhart and Rettig, 1994), a reanalysis of this dataset group of dry-seeded plants, and, as with floral displays, a (Clement and Mabry, unpublished) shows that the shortest diversity of parts are utilized, suggesting multiple indepen­ tree allowing a monophyletic Chenopodiinae is 14 steps dent adaptations. longer than the most-parsimonious tree.

Functions for betalains which do not require the accumula­ Much of the lack of resolution in the rbcL tree seems to be due tion of visible amounts of pigmentation, such as indoleacetic to the extremely long branch separating the order from the acid oxidase inhibitors, green light receptors, and pathogen/ rest of the angiosperms. This is, in fact, the longest internal herbivore defenses (Cronquist, 1977, 1981; Piatelli, 1980; branch found among dicots in the rbcL analyses which have Stafford, 1994), deserve further attention. Similar roles have sampled a significant number of Caryophyllalean taxa (Albert been suggested for anthocyanins (McClure, 1975). Unfortuna­ et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1994; each study including 100 tely, empirical evidence is lacking for both betalain- and species of dicots). It is surpassed only by three monocot anthocyanin-containing plants. An argument for alternative branches and the branch leading to the angiosperms in the roles for betalains comes from their presence in fungi (Steg­ Chase et al. (1993; 475 species) seed plant survey. Eliminating lich and Strack,1990), where the compounds do not appear to the outgroups used by Rettig et al. (1992) and Manhart and have any adaptive value as pigments perse. Again, though, if Rettig (1994) from the analysis leads to a dramatic increase in the betalains are presumed to have functionally replaced the bootstrap and decay index values within the order (Clement anthocyanins and if the two types of compounds have never and Mabry, unpublished). In some cases, it may be best for co-occurred, we must invoke a relaxation of the selective workers pursuing higher level molecular systematics in the 364 Bot. Acta 109 J. S.Clementand T. J. Mabry

Rheum (POLY) A X Mutual Exclusiveness of the Anthocyanins and Betalains (PLUM) A X The possible paraphyly of the Chenopodiinae and the vagaries Stegnospenna (STEG) B involved in constructing a scheme for the evolution of (BASE) B • anthocyanins and betalains in the Caryophyllales lead us to (DIDE) B • look for alternatives regarding the mutual exclusiveness/ functional equivalence of the two pigment types. It is possible (CACT) B • that the two classes of compounds co-occurred for some time (CACT) B • in an ancestor of the order, or a portion of the order, each (PORT) B • perhaps maintained under moderate or weak selection, with (AllO) B • stochastic losses of one pigment type or the other in various (PHYT) B • lineages. Such a view is consonant with, but does not restrict us to. the possibility of adaptive functions for the compounds (NYCT) B • beyond their use as optical attractants. It may be that certain (NYCT) B • lineages within the ancestral group (producing both pigment Gisekia (PHYT) B • types) more readily made the genetic, developmental, and (PHYT) B • physiological adjustments necessary to capitalize on the new (AllO) B • class of compounds, while some others did not cross this threshold. In each case, then, the ability to synthesize the less (MOLL) A? • adaptive (and presumably physiologically costly) pigment (CARY) A • type was eventually lost. In this light, it is intriguing that a (CARY) A • carbon-based ring structure, such as found in anthocyanins, (CARY) A • would be replaced by a nitrogen-containing compound, and (CARY) A • that these pathways would be expressed under analogous conditions. The production of a single betacyanin molecule (ACHA) ? • results in the metabolic loss of two reduced nitrogens that Amaranthus (AMAR) B •0 would have been freed by converting the tyrosine molecules, (CHEN) B 0 on which betacyanins are based, into the C9 moieties of two (CHEN) B 0 anthocyanin molecules via phenylalanine. On the other hand, four malonyl CoA molecules are saved by not producing the Fig.1 The most parsimonious rbcL tree (Manhart and Rettig. two molecules of anthocyanin. As previously stated, though, 1994). The symbols represent the presence of anthocyanins (A) or the physiological roles of the two compound classes have not betalains (B). pigments unknown (7). pigments reported without been thoroughly investigated and, in general, true metabolic experimental data (A7), absence of the uniquesieve-element costs are not easily assessed. type (X). presence of the uniqueplastid type with polygonal protein inclusion (solid square).globular protein inclusion (solid circle) or no Interestingly, betalains may be more effective than anthocya­ protein inclusion (empty circle). Pigmentand plastid type distribu­ nins as pigments on a per molecule basis, since they have (1994) (1994). tion taken from Clementet al. and Behnke considerably higher molar absorptivities (e) in the visible light range. For example, the molar absorptivity for betanidin (logeMeoH-Hcl = 4.63, H. Wyler and A. Dreiding, unpublished order to forego outgroups and concentrate on nearest-neigh­ data) vs. that of delphinidin (logeEtOH-HCI = 4.49, Harborne, bor instead of sister-group relationships. For example. a 1967) indicates that the same degree of absorbance can be rooted phylogeny is not necessary to establish non-rnonophy­ obtained from betanidin at only three-fourths the concentra­ ly of the Chenopodiinae and Caryophyllinae. There is no place tion of delphinidin. This is only a rough comparison. due to to "re-attach" the Plumbago/ branch in Fig.1 that the different solvents used. but it suggests that much smaller allows monophyly of either sub-order. amounts of betacyanin are needed to be equally effective as pigments. It is intriguing that Mollugo comes out in the rbcL analysis near the Aizoaceae, where it formerly was placed (Pax and Stafford (1994) raises some questions concerning the evolu­ Hoffmann, 1934; Hofmann, 1973; Bittrich and Hartmann, tion of the apparently analogous expression of anthocyanins 1988). This arrangement allows a parsimonious explanation and betalains. One possibility is that this pattern is due to of sieve element plastid evolution, since Mollugo is embedded conservation of the regulatory pathway as a group of plants in a group of taxa also containing globular sieve element made the shift from one set of pigments to the other. It is plastid inclusions (Fig.1; Behnke, 1994). It will be interesting possible that once plants began to experience selection for to see whether rbcL sequences for the other tribes of the betalain pigmentation in flowers or fruits the most efficient family (Limeeae, with angular protein inclusions and antho­ way of incorporating the requisite structural genes into the cyanins, Behnke et al., 1983, and Corbichonieae) come out in course of development was to exploit the regulatory signal­ this group or with the angular inclusion-containing Caryo­ ling mechanisms formerly associated with anthocyanin ex­ phyllaceae, since the monophyly of the Molluginaceae is not pression. This then would have led to beta lain biosynthesis at all certain (Endress and Bittrich, 1993). being turned on under circumstances in which anthocyanin pathway had once been turned on, regardless of whether the betalains were always performing an analogous function. Pigment Evolution inthe Caryophyllales Bot.Acta 109 (1996) 365

In summary, the possible paraphyly of the Chenopodiinae and Acknowledgements the difficulty in determining the role of floral pigmentation in the history of the Caryophyllales do not necessarily compli­ The authors thank K. Kubitzki, J. R. Manhart, L.A. Prather, B.B. cate our view of the evolution of anthocyanins and betalains Simpson, and an anonymous reviewer for their comments on if we allow that these pigments may have co-occurred in an the manuscript. The first author thanks especially M. Hersh­ ancestor for some time and that these compounds may kovitz and V. Bittrich for many helpful discussions. Some of perform other significant functions beyond that of optical the research reviewed here was supported by National attraction. There is much room for work on these issues. Institutes of Health grant GM-35710. Higher level Caryophyllalean systematics remains in an unsatisfactory state despite the considerable interest this References group has generated over the years. Immediate pay-offs will likely come from gene sequencing studies in the form of well­ Albert,VA, Williams, S. E., and Chase,M.W. - Carnivorous plants: supported molecular phylogenies and placement of the phylogeny and structural evolution. Science 257 (1992), 1491­ remaining tribes of the Molluginaceae and several anomalous 1495. genera (Barbeuia, Lophiocarpus, Halophytum). For example, Axelrod, D. I. and Raven, P. H. - and Tertiary data from the chloroplast orf2280 gene places vegetation history of . In: Werger, M.1. A.,ed., Biogeography and of southern Africa. pp. 77- 130.Dr. W. Junk, The (allied with the Chenopodiaceae, but possessing globular Hague.1978. sieve element plastid inclusions, Behnke, 1994) near the Bate-Smith, E. C. - The phenolic constituents of plants and their Phytolaccaceae (Downie et al., 1995). A phylogeny from a taxonomic significance. 1.Linn. Soc.Bot. 58 (1962),95- 173. nuclear-encoded gene would be valuable since the relation­ Behnke, H.-D. - Sieve-element : their significance for the ship of the Caryophyllaceae with the Chenopodiaceae and evolution and systematics of the order. In: H.-D. Behnkeand T. 1. Amaranthaceae suggested by chloroplast DNA data is hard to Mabry, eds., Caryophyllales: evolution and systematics, pp. 87­ reconcile with Chang and Mabry's (1974) RNA-DNA hybridiza­ 121. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1994. tion data, which shows Caryophyllaceae 16 S ribosomal RNA Behnke, H.-D., Mabry, T. J., Neumann, P., and Barthlott, W. ­ as highly divergent from that of . The accumulation of Ultrastructural, micromorphologicaland phytochemicalevidence gene sequence data may also lead to a confident placing of for a central position of (Molluginaceae) within the the "root" for the order. Caryophyllales. Plant Syst.Evo!. 143(1983),151-161. Berenbaum, M. R. - The chemistry of defense: theory and practice. 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