Statement on the modernisation of the Energy Charter

The EU aims to become the indisputable climate leader and the world’s first climate-neutral region. The and the proposed EU Climate Law are some of the most ambitious known policy instruments to combat climate change.

However, the little-known Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is threatening the climate ambition of the EU domestically and internationally. The EU and its Member States ratified the Treaty with the aim to strengthen the EU's by ensuring a continuous supply of fossil fuels from the East to the West.

Not only did the “raison d’être” of the ECT became obsolete since 's withdrawal from the Treaty in 2009.Today, the ECT is a serious threat to Europe’s climate neutrality target and more broadly to the implementation of the . By protecting foreign investments in fossil fuels by means of the highly controversial Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement (ISDS) mechanism, the ECT protects foreign investments in greenhouse gas emissions and multiplies the cost of the ecological transition. EU citizens are democratically calling for ambitious climate action, but are unknowingly funding the life insurance that the ECT provides to fossil fuels investors.

By 2050, cumulative greenhouse gas emissions protected by the ECT, if fossil fuels are not phased-out, would be equivalent to one-third of the remaining global Carbon budget for the period 2018-2050.

Furthermore, the cost of the continuation of the ECT is higher than the historic EU recovery fund agreed in July. On one hand, stranded fossil fuels assets protected by the ECT would potentially reach at least €2.15 trillion by 2050 if fossil fuels are not phased-out from the ECT binding investment protection. On the other hand, the potential cost of ISDS claims could reach at least €1.3 trillion by 2050 out of which 42% will be paid by EU taxpayers.

The Energy Charter Treaty is neither consistent with the European Green Deal, nor with the proposed EU climate law and national carbon neutrality targets, nor with the EIB energy lending policy and the EU taxonomy for sustainable investment. Phasing-out fossil fuels from the ECT investment protection mechanism is for us a prerequisite for the negotiations on the modernisation of the ECT.

We, Members of the European and National Parliaments, require EU negotiators to ensure that the provisions in the ECT that protect foreign investment in fossil fuels are deleted and thus removed from the ECT. Similarly, ISDS provisions need to be scrapped or fundamentally reformed and limited. If this is not achieved at the end of the 3rd negotiation round planned for the autumn, we ask EU Member States to explore pathways to jointly withdraw from the ECT by the end of 2020.

Our priority is to ensure the EU and its Member States are fully aligned with the Paris Agreement and EU priorities. The ECT risks our climate future and every step must be taken to ensure the EU strengthens its climate action, not undermines it.


European Parliament

1. Maria ARENA, S&D, 2. , GUE/NGL,

3. , Greens/EFA, Belgium

4. , Greens/EFA,

5. , , France

6. , S&D, France

7. Helmut SCHOLZ, GUE/NGL, Germany

8. Alviina ALAMETSÄ, Greens/EFA, 9. François ALFONSI Greens/EFA France 10. Eric ANDRIEU, S&D, France 11. , S&D, 12. Margrete AUKEN, Greens/EFA, 13. , GUE/NGL, 14. Benoît BITEAU, Greens/EFA, France 15. Malin BJÖRK, GUE/NGL, 16. Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ, S&D, 17. , Greens/EFA, Germany 18. , GUE/NGL,France 19. Marc BOTENGA, GUE/NGL, Belgium 20. Sylvie BRUNET, Renew Europe, France 21. , S&D, Germany 22. Reinhard BÜTIKOFER, Greens/EFA, Germany 23. , Renew Europe, France 24. Damien CAREME, Greens/EFA, France 25. , NI 26. , Renew Europe, France 27. , S&D, 28. Leila CHAIBI, GUE/NGL, France 29. , S&D, 30. Antoni COMÍN, NI, Spain 31. , Greens/EFA, France 32. , NI, Italy 33. , Renew Europe, 34. Ciarán CUFFE, Greens/EFA, Ireland 35. Jakop G. DALUNDE, Greens/EFA, Sweden 36. Gwendoline DELBOS-CORFIELD, Greens/EFA, France 37. , Greens/EFA, France 38. , Greens/EFA, Netherlands 39. , GUE/NGL, Germany 40. , NI, Italy 41. Giuseppe FERRANDINO, S&D, Italy 42. Raphaël GLUCKSMANN, S&D, France 43. , Renew Europe, France 44. , Greens/EFA, France 45. Francisco GUERREIRO, Greens/EFA, 46. José GUSMÃO, GUE/NGL, Portugal 47. , Greens/EFA, Germany 48. , S&D, 49. Martin HOJSÍK, Renew Europe, 50. Pär HOLMGREN, Greens/EFA, Sweden 51. , Renew Europe, 52. , Greens/EFA, France 53. , S&D, Netherlands 54. , Renew Europe, France 55. Petros KOKKALIS GUE/NGL, 56. Dietmar KÖSTER S&D, Germany 57. , Greens/EFA, Belgium 58. , S&D, France 59. Javi LOPEZ, S&D, Spain 60. , Greens/EFA Germany 61. , GUE/NGL, Portugal 62. , GUE/NGL, France 63. Nora MEBAREK, S&D, France 64. , Greens/EFA, Luxembourg 65. , S&D, Italy 66. , Greens/EFA, Germany 67. Niklas NIENAß, Greens/EFA, Germany 68. Ville NIINISTÖ, Greens/EFA, Finland 69. , GUE/NGL, France 70. Grace O'SULLIVAN, Greens/EFA, Ireland 71. , Greens/EFA, Germany 72. , NI, Italy 73. Anne-Sophie PELLETIER, GUE/NGL, France 74. Kira Marie PETER-HANSEN, Greens/EFA, Denmark 75. , GUE/NGL, Spain 76. Clara PONSATÍ, NI, Spain 77. Carles PUIGDEMONT, NI, Spain 78. , S&D, Austria 79. , GUE/NGL, Spain 80. Diana RIBA I GINER, Greens/EFA, Spain 81. Michèle RIVASI, Greens/EFA, France 82. María Eugenia RODRÍGUEZ PALOP, GUE/NGL, Spain 83. , Greens/EFA, France 84. , Greens/EFA, France 85. , S&D, Austria 86. , S&D, Germany 87. Günther SIDL, S&D, Austria 88. Ivan Vilibor SINČIĆ, NI, 89. Jordi SOLÉ, Greens/EFA, Spain 90. , S&D, Netherlands 91. , Greens/EFA, France 92. Miguel URBAN CRESPO, GUE/NGL, Spain 93. Ernest URTASUN, Greens/EFA, Spain 94. , S&D, Belgium 95. Kim VAN SPARRENTAK, Greens/EFA, Netherlands 96. , Greens/EFA, Austria 97. RUIZ, GUE/NGL, Spain 98. , GUE/NGL, Ireland 99. Maria WALSH, EPP, Ireland 100. Tiemo WÖLKEN, S&D, Germany 101. , Greens/EFA, France 102. Chrysoula ZACHAROPOULOS, Renew Europe, France

National Parliaments

1. Miquel José AUBA FLEIX, ERC, Spain 2. Clémentine AUTAIN, LFI, France 3. Delphine BAGARRY, EDS, France 4. Erwan BALANANT, Modem, France 5. Hugues BAYET, Parti socialiste, Belgium 6. Marie NOËLLE BATTISTEL, SOC, France 7. Sandra BECKERMAN, Socialistische Partij, Netherlands 8. Joan CAPDEVILA I ESTEVE, ERC, Spain 9. Maria CARVALHO DANTAS, ERC, Spain 10. Laura CASTEL FORT, ERC, Spain 11. Xavier CASTELLANA GAMISANS, ERC, Spain 12. Annie CHAPELIER, EDS, France 13. Jean CHARLES COLAS-ROY, LREM, France 14. Samuel COGOLATI, Ecolo, Belgium 15. Éric COQUEREL, LFI, France 16. Yolaine DE COURSON, EDS, France 17. Jennifer DE TEMMERMAN, EDS, France 18. Frédérique DUMAS, L&T, France 19. Olivier FAURE, SOC, France 20. Jean LUC FUGIT, LREM, France 21. Guillaume GAROT, SOC, France 22. Yannick HAURY, LREM, France 23. Chantal JOURDAN, SOC, France 24. Anissa KHEDHER, LREM, France 25. François MICHEL LAMBERT, L&T, France 26. Célia DE LAVERGNE, LREM, France 27. Sandrine LE FEUR, LREM, France 28. Laurence MAILLART-MEHAIGNERIE, LREM, France 29. Robert MASIH NAHAR, ERC, Spain 30. Marjolaine MEYNIER-MILLEFERT, LREM, France 31. Joan Josep NUET PUJALS, EUiA, Spain 32. Matthieu ORPHELIN EDS, France 33. Mathilde PANOT, LFI, France 34. Benedicte PETELLE,LREM, France 35. Valérie PETIT, Ensemble, France 36. Damien PICHEREAU, LREM, France 37. Gerardo PISARELLO PRADOS, En Comù Podem, Spain 38. Dominique POTIER, SOC, France 39. Pierre ALAIN RAPHAN, LREM, France 40. Michel REIMON, Greens, Austria 41. Cécile RILHAC, LREM, France 42. Véronique RIOTTON, LREM, France 43. Marta ROCIQUE, ERC, Spain 44. Enrique Fernando SANTIAGO ROMERO, Unidas Podemos, Spain 45. Huguette TIEGNA, LREM, France 46. Elisabeth TOUTUT-PICARD, LREM, France 47. Frédérique TUFFNELL, EDS, France 48. Laurence VANCEUNEBROCK, LREM, France 49. Michèle DE VAUCOULEURS, Modem, France 50. Cédric VILLANI, EDS, France 51. Martine WONNER, EDS, France 52. Jean MARC ZULESI, LREM, France 53. Montserrat BASSA COLL, ERC, Spain 54. Xavier Francesc ERITJIA CURIO, ERC, Spain 55. Inés GRANOLLERS CUNILLERA, ERC, Spain 56. Joan MARGALL SASTRE, ERC, Spain 57. Norma PUJOL I FARRE, ERC, Spain 58. Marta ROSIQUE I SALTOR, ERC, Spain 59. Gabriel RUFIAN ROMERO, ERC, Spain 60. Carolina TELECHEA I LOZANO, ERC, Spain 61. Pilar VALLUGERA BALANA, ERC, Spain 62. Mirella CORTES DES, ERC, Spain 63. Bernat PICORNELL GRENZNER, ERC, Spain 64. Sara BAILAC ARDANUY, ERC, Spain 65. Miquel CAMINAL CERDA, ERC, Spain 66. Adelina ESCANDELL GRASES, ERC, Spain 67. Jordi MARTI DEULOFEU, ERC, Spain 68. Elisenda PERES ESTEVE, ERC, Spain 69. Josep RUFO GRACIA, ERC, Spain 70. Ana Maria SURRA SPADEA, ERC, Spain 71. Olivier BIERIN, Ecolo, Belgium 72. Sylvia KOTTING-UHL Bündnis, 90/Die Grünen, Germany 73. Lukas HAMMER, Die Grünen, Austria 74. Erkki TUOMIOJA, SDP, Finland 75. Satu HASSI, Greens, Finland 76. Outi ALANKO-KAHILUOTO, Greens,Finland 77. Merja KYLLÖNEN, Left Alliance, Finland 78. Atte HARJANNE, Greens, Finland 79. Pia LOHIKOSKI, Left Alliance, Finland 80. Jussi SARAMO, Left Alliance, Finland 81. Julia HERR, SPÖ, Austria 82. , Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany 83. , Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany 84. , SPD, Germany 85. , Bündnis 90/Die Grünen,Germany 86. Matej TASNER VATOVEC, Party, Slovenia 87. Miha KORDIS, The Left Party, Slovenia 88. Željko CIGLER, The Left Party, Slovenia 89. Boštjan KORAZIJA, The Left Party, Slovenia 90. Luka MESEC, The Left Party Slovenia 91. Primož SITER, The Left Party, Slovenia 92. Nataša SUKIC, The Left Party, Slovenia 93. Violeta TOMIC, The Left Party, Slovenia 94. Juan Antonio LOPEZ DE URALDE, Unidas Podemos, Spain 95. Pablo ECHENIQUE ROBBA, Unidas Podemos, Spain 96. Isabel FRANCO CARMONA, Unidas Podemos, Spain 97. Aina VIDAL SAEZ, Unidas Podemos, Spain 98. Txema GUIJARRO GARCIA, Unidas Podemos, Spain 99. Alberto RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Unidas Podemos, Spain 100. Antonio GOMEZ-REINO VARELA, Unidas Podemos, Spain 101. Rosa María MEDEL PEREZ, Unidas Podemos, Spain 102. Bernart TRESERRES, ERC, Spain 103. Nelson SILVA, PAN, Portugal 104. Cristina RODRIGUES, Não Inscrito, Portugal 105. Maria Manuel ROLA, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal 106. , Die Linke, Germany 107. , Die Linke, Germany 108. , Die Linke, Germany 109. Jörg CEZANNE, Die Linke, Germany 110. , Die Linke, Germany 111. , Die Linke, Germany 112. , Die Linke, Germany 113. , Die Linke, Germany 114. , Die Linke, Germany 115. , Die Linke, Germany 116. Lorenz GÖSTA BEUTIN, Die Linke, Germany 117. , Die Linke, Germany 118. André HAHN, Die Linke, Germany 119. Heike HÄNSEL, Die Linke, Germany 120. Matthias HÖHN, Die Linke, Germany 121. , Die Linke, Germany 122. , Die Linke, Germany 123. , Die Linke, Germany 124. , Die Linke, Germany 125. , Die Linke, Germany 126. , Die Linke, Germany 127. , Die Linke, Germany 128. , Die Linke, Germany 129. , Die Linke, Germany 130. Cornelia MÖHRING, Die Linke, Germany 131. , Die Linke, Germany 132. , Die Linke, Germany 133. , Die Linke, Germany 134. , Die Linke, Germany 135. Eva-Maria SCHREIBER, Die Linke, Germany 136. , Die Linke, Germany 137. , Die Linke, Germany 138. , Die Linke, Germany 139. , Die Linke, Germany 140. , Die Linke, Germany 141. Andreas WAGNER, Die Linke, Germany 142. , Die Linke, Germany