CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 559 of Tuskaloosa, Alabama., for the Erection of a Post-Office Building in by Mr
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1880. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 559 of Tuskaloosa, Alabama., for the erection of a post-office building in By Mr. WARNER: The petition of Dan. A. Grosvenor, of Athens, that city-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. Ohio, and 295 others, soldiers and sailors of the late war, for the By Mr. McCOID: The petition of Johnson Pierson, in rela.tion to equalization of bounties-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the increase of the salaries of route agents in railway mail service By Mr. WHITTHORNE: The petition of H. :M. Bugg, J. K. Trigg, to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. and others, citizens of Giles County, Tennessee, for a post-route from By Mr. McMAHON: The petition of J. U. Ridgeway, for a pension Pulaski to Brick Church, Tennessee-to the Committee on the Post to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Office and Post.Roads. By Mr. MILLER: The petition of citizens of Jefferson County, New By Mr. WISE: The petition of soldiers of Pennsylvania, against York, for a law to regulate railroad charg-es-to the Committee on the passage of Senate bill No. 496-to the Committee on Invalid Pen Commerce. sions. Also, the petition of citizens of Jefferson County, New York, for the By Mr. WRIGHT: The petitions of George A. Lord and 100 others, amendment of the patent laws-to the Committee on Pa.tents. of Cambridgeport, Massachusetts; of D. W.·Boutelle and 116 others, By Mr. MORTON: Memorial of the Chamber of Comrderce of the of Webb City, Missouri; of William G. and 18 others, of State of New York, urging the passage of the bill (S.No. 939)toamend Catlett, Virginia ; and of Bartholomew McSheedy and 214 others, of the law relative to the seizure and forfeiture of vessels for breach of Northbridge, Massachusetts, for the passage of the Wright amend the revenue laws-to the Committee on Commerce. ment to the homestead act-to the Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. NEAL: The petition of T. J. McCord and fi2 others, citi zens of Pike County, Ohio, forthe passage of the Weaver soldier bill to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. NEWBERRY: The petition of F. G. Terrill and 284 others, IN SENATE. for relief from the impositions of the patent laws-to the Committee WEDNESDAY, on Patents. January 28, 1880. Also, the petition of James McMillan and others, to relieve savings Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. banks from unjust discriminations under the internal-revenue laws The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and apptoved. to the Committee of Ways and Means. JAMES G. BLAINE, a Senator from the State of Maine, appeared in Also, memorial of the Wayne County (Michigan) Central Agricult his seat to-day. ural and Industrial Society, for a donation of certain lots in the Dear EULOGIES ON THE LATE SENATOR CHANDLER. born arsenal grounds, in the State of Michigan-to the Committee on The VICE-PRESIDENT. By the unanimous order of the Senate Milita.ry Affairs. this day has been set apart for the delivery of eulogies in commem By .Mr. POEHLER : Papers relating to the pension claim of Lizzie oration of the death of the late Senator from Michigan, ZACHARIAH Bailey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. CHANDLER. By Mr. POUND: The petition of J.C. Sergeant and 21 others,ex Mr. FERRY. l\fr. President, the time having arrived for the deliv soldiers, of Rice Lake, Wisconsin, against the passage of Senate bill ery of eulogies upon my late colleague, the annonncement in the No. 496-to the same committee. Senate of his death having already been made, I now offer the fol By Mr. RICHMOND: The petition of J. F. Fisher and 28 others, lowing resolutions and move their adoption: citizens of Wythe County, Virginia, for the passage of a law to pre Resolved, That the Senate receive with profound sorrow the announcement of vent fluctuations in freight and unjust discriminations in transporta the death of ZACHARIAH CHANDLim, late a Sena.tor of the United States from the tion charges-to the Committee on Commerce. State of Michigan, and for nearly nineteen years a member of this body. Also, the petition of W. G. Repass and 20 others, citizens of Wythe Resolved, That to express some estimate held of his eminent services in a long public career rendered conspicuous by fearless patriotic devotion, the business of County, Virginia, that the patent laws be so amended as to makethe the Senate be now suspended, that the associates of the departed Senator may pay manufacturer or vendor of patented articles alone responsible for any fitting tribute to his public and private virtues. infringement-to the Committee on Patents. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is, will the Senate agree By Mr. SAPP: Papers relating to the claim of C. T. Martin for to the resolutions f back pay as an officer of the United States Army-to the Committee The resolutions were agreed to unanimous_ly. of Claims. Mr. FERRY. I send other resolutions to the desk and ask that they Also, papers relating to the claim of Batelle & Evans for pay for be read. beef furnished the United States Army during the late war, under The resolutions were read, as follows: contract-to the Committee on War Claims. Resolved, That the loss the country sustained in the death of Mr. CHM>l>LER was Also, papers relating to the claim of John Jackson for pay for prop manifest by expressions of public sorrow throughout the land. erty taken by the United States Army during the late war-to the Resolved, That as a mark of respect for the memory of the dead Senator the same committee. members of the Senate will wear crap" upon the left arm for thirty days. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate communicate these resolutions to the _Also, papers relating to the claim of Alexander C. Crawford for House of Representatives. rent of stores by United States authorities during the late war-to &solved, That as an additional mark of respect for the memory of the deceased, the same committee. the Senate do now adjourn. Also, papers relating to the claim of Hall Colby for pay for exam The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is upon agreeing to the ining and correcting compasses of United States vessels during the resolutions just reported. late war and for compasses furnished and placed on board said ves Mr. FERRY. Mr. President, the observance of the Senate this day sels-to the same committee. is in memory of no common man. The sterling qualities of his man By Mr. SIMONTON: The petition of Mrs. J. B. Long, for pay for hood none ever dare assail. He wore his faults upon his sleeve. property taken by the United States Army during the late war-to Charges of his defamers were frivolous and discreditable to t-hem the same committee. selves; for of all the great men who have lived and died in this gen By Mr. SLEMONS: The petition of Mary T. Duncan, of similar eration, there was no keener seer, no shrewder organizer, no franker import-to the same committee. partisan, no truer patriot, than ZACHARIAH CHANDLER. By l\Ir. SPEER: The petition of H. T. Powell, D. R. Elder, and The Chandlers of Bedford, New Hampshire, were well-to-do farm others, for the establishment of a post-route from :Maxey's to Powell's ers of the Puritan Mayflower stock. There, in 1813, he was born, and Mills, Georgia-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. there he passed his childhood, receiving what was then thought a Also, the petition of James M. Smith, for a post-route from Win good primary education. As the boy grew up his father gave him· terville to Pleasant Halt, Georgia-to the same committee. his choice, a college training or a thousand dollars to stock a bus By Mr. TALBOTT: The petition of Ben F. Taylor and others, for iness life. He chose the latter, and, with the spirit of adventure which the amendment of the patent laws-to the Committee on Patents. has always marked the New England race, hemadefor western wilds. Also, the petition of }'rederick Richter and others, against the Michigan at that time was a trackless wilderness, whose solitude passage of Senate bill No. 496-to the Committee on Invalid Pen lay unbroken save by the roar of surrounding waters. Detroit sions. then was a town on the border, with a population of some :five thou Also, the petition of Ben F. Taylor and others, for the regulation sand souls. There he stuck bis stake and began his mercantile of transportation by railways-to the Committee on Railways and career. His main object in those days was to win commercial success. Canals. This he achieved by his self-denial, energy, fidelity, sagacity, and Also, the petition of 2,000 citizens of the District of Columbia, in integrity. No man worked harder, lived more frugally, or upheld a favor of the market enterprise known as Corcoran Market, on square higher standard of business morality. Many a night he slept on the 446, Washington, District of Columbia, and against the sale of said floor or counter of his store, and many other nights, through the forest square-to the Committee for the District of Columbia. roadway, under the light of thetStars, he traversed the peninsula from By Mr. WILLIAM G. THOMPSON: The petition of J. Wilkinson point to point, doing business by day and pOBhing his way by night.