Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. ISSN 0077-8923


Clinical and economic outcomes of nutrition interventions across the continuum of care Marian de van der Schueren,1 Marinos Elia,2 Leah Gramlich,3 Michael P. Johnson,4 Su Lin Lim,5 Tomas Philipson,6 Azra Jaferi,7 and Carla M. Prado8 1Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group and VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre (Nutrition), and University Hospital Southampton NHS, University of Southampton, Southampton, England, United Kingdom. 3Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 4BAYADA Home Health Care, Moorestown, New Jersey. 5Dietetics Department, National University Hospital, Singapore. 6Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 7The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, New York. 8Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Address for correspondence: [email protected]

Optimal nutrition across the continuum of care plays a key role in the short- and long-term clinical and economic outcomes of patients. Worldwide, an estimated one-quarter to one-half of patients admitted to hospitals each year are malnourished. Malnutrition can increase healthcare costs by delaying patient recovery and rehabilitation and increasing the risk of medical complications. Nutrition interventions have the potential to provide cost-effective preventive care and treatment measures. However, limited data exist on the economics and impact evaluations of these interventions. In this report, nutrition and health system researchers, clinicians, economists, and policymakers discuss emerging global research on nutrition health economics, the role of nutrition interventions across the continuum of care, and how nutrition can affect healthcare costs in the context of hospital malnutrition.

Keywords: malnutrition; hospitalization; health economics; health care; patient outcomes

Introduction malnutrition continues to remain unrecognized and untreated in many hospitalized patients.5 Malnutrition has traditionally been associated with To address the global problem of malnutri- overt famine and starvation, evident in conditions tion, leading international researchers, clinicians, such as kwashiorkor and marasmus. However, these economists, and policymakers convened at the con- conditions are not nearly as common as the mal- ference “Clinical and economic outcomes of nutri- nutrition that is seen in many hospitalized patients tion interventions across the continuum of care,” and that may not be detected by simple visual obser- held March 13, 2014, presented jointly by the Ab- vation. This recognition led to recent efforts to re- bott Nutrition Health Institute and the Sackler Insti- think malnutrition as it relates to what is being seen tute for Nutrition Science at the New York Academy in hospitals in the 21st century, prompting a shift of Sciences. This report provides an overview of from the traditional starvation-related definition of 1 the topics presented at the conference, including re- malnutrition to disease-related malnutrition. The search on nutrition health economics, the role of nu- occurrence of malnutrition in hospitals worldwide trition interventions across the continuum of care, ranges from 20% to 50% and is associated with 2,3 and how nutrition can affect healthcare costs in the adverse clinical outcomes. Furthermore, poor nu- context of hospital malnutrition. tritional status is known to worsen during hospi- tal stay.4 The prevention and treatment of hospi- The new malnutrition: challenges of changing tal malnutrition offers an opportunity to optimize the paradigm globally the overall quality of patient care, improve clinical Kelly Tappenden (University of Illinois) set the stage outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. However, for the conference with a keynote address on the

doi: 10.1111/nyas.12498

20 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions current context of healthcare reform, the burden a consensus statement by the American Society for of malnutrition, the benefits of nutrition inter- Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and the vention, and initiatives to enhance nutrition care. AcademyofNutritionandDieteticsonthecharac- She emphasized three straightforward take-home teristics for the identification and documentation messages from her presentation: (1) malnutrition of adult malnutrition,9 primarily undernutrition. is common worldwide; (2) malnourished patients The group developed six criteria, of which two or have poorer health-related outcomes than their more were needed to diagnose malnutrition, includ- non-malnourished counterparts; and (3) nutrition ing insufficient energy intake, weight loss, decreased intervention can make a difference. functional status, fluid accumulation, decreased Among the factors that are driving current health- subcutaneous fat, and decreased muscle mass. care reform in the United States are the aging Tappenden explained that, although sick or in- population and healthcare costs. The number of jured individuals, especially the elderly, are at risk individuals older than 55 years of age is steadily for malnutrition,10 hospitalization itself often wors- increasing, and the older the patient, the higher the ens nutritional status.11 According to studies using costs of health care. For patients over 75 years of age, various nutrition assessment methods to diagnose healthcare costs are three times more than for the malnutrition in a broad U.S. population from 1976 average aged adult.6 In 2010, $2.6 trillion—nearly to 2013, one-third to one-half of patients entering 18% of U.S. GDP—was spent on health care and the hospital are malnourished;2 of those that were the largest portion of these healthcare expenditures well-nourished upon hospital admission, 38% be- (34%) went toward hospital care. Part of health- came malnourished over the course of their stay.4 care reform involves increasing the quality of care Malnutrition is common not only in U.S. hospitals and avoiding preventable and costly occurrences but also in hospitals worldwide. For example, 50% in the hospital, including surgical site infections of European nursing home and hospital patients ($39 million/year), falls ($6.6 billion/year), pres- over 80 years of age were at risk for malnutrition;12 sure ulcers ($11.1 billion/year), and readmissions 43% in Cuban hospitals were moderately malnour- ($12 billion/year).7,8 When these hospital events oc- ished and 11% were severely malnourished;13 51% cur, the length of stay can increase, readmissions are of older Australians in rehabilitation hospitals were more likely, and patient satisfaction can decrease. at risk for malnutrition;14 and 42.5% in a Chinese All of these issues—an aging population, more con- hospital were found to be malnourished.15 sumption of health care, and evolving healthcare The high prevalence of malnutrition in hospitals policies where pressures exist to increase quality and in the United States and worldwide is particularly decrease costs—offer a timely opportunity to elevate problematic given that malnourished patients have the role of nutrition in improving patient outcomes poorer health-related outcomes than their well- and decreasing the cost of care. nourished counterparts. Tappenden presented a Tappenden discussed the recent shift from the study by Fry et al. examining over 880,000 surgi- traditional starvation-related definition of malnu- cal patient cases from 1368 hospitals in an effort trition to disease-related malnutrition,1 including to describe the risks of severe events and hospital- two new categories of malnutrition most relevant to acquired infections in those with preexisting mal- the topics discussed at the conference and that dif- nutrition/weight loss.16 It was found that the risk fer from the traditional definition in that inflamma- for developing a surgical site infection among these tion is a central component of the condition. First, patients was 2.5 times greater compared to patients in chronic disease-related malnutrition, inflamma- without preexisting malnutrition. Furthermore, the tion is chronic and mild to moderate, such as that risk was 5.3 times greater for mediastinitis, 5.1 times seen in patients with organ failure, pancreatic can- greater for urinary tract infections, and 3.8 times cer, rheumatoid arthritis, or sarcopenic obesity. Sec- greater for pressure ulcers, suggesting that malnu- ond, acute disease– or injury-related malnutrition trition can dramatically increase the risk of severe involves acute severe inflammation seen, for exam- events. ple, with major infections, burns, trauma, or closed- Nutritional status also influences a range of other head injury. The new disease-related definitions of health-related outcomes in hospitalized patients re- malnutrition set the stage for the development of gardless of disease severity. For example, a study that

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 21 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al. controlled for disease severity as well as other non- one-third of patients admitted to hospitals are mal- nutritional factors (age, gender, disease type, and nourished; (2) the problem of malnutrition is often quality-of-life indicators) found that, among 3122 considered to be the responsibility of dieticians, but participants from 56 hospitals, malnourished pa- dietetics departments are often inadequately staffed; tients had a significantly increased length of hospi- (3) nutrition care is often delayed due to the pa- tal stay (15 days versus 10 days), increased readmis- tient’s medical status, lack of diet order, or the time sion rates (36% versus 30%), and a twofold greater it takes to receive a nutrition consult; (4) nurses are risk of 90-day in-hospital mortality compared to present 24 h/day, observe intake and tolerance, and controls.17 Therefore, despite having the same sever- interact with patients and their families, yet are not ity of disease as their non-malnourished counter- consistently included in nutrition care; (5) a physi- parts, malnourished patients had poorer outcomes. cian sign-off is required to implement a nutrition Nutrition interventions in malnourished patients care plan; and (6) many patients experience dif- can improve patient care quality and reduce over- ficulty consuming meals without assistance. With all healthcare costs. These interventions have been these barriers in mind, the Alliance published a shown to result in a 28% reduction in avoidable consensus paper that urged an interdisciplinary ap- readmissions,18 a 2-day reduction in average length proach to address adult hospital malnutrition24 and of hospital stay,19 a25%reductioninpressureulcer described the Alliances Nutrition Care Model that incidence,20 and a 14% reduction in overall compli- identified the need for principles to transform the cations (e.g., infections, anemia).21 In an example hospital environment and to guide clinical action. of the effects of a nutrition intervention on falls The paper argues that, to transform the hospital en- in malnourished older adults newly admitted to vironment, hospitals need to create an institutional an acute care hospital, those given an energy- and culture where nutrition is viewed as a priority for protein-enriched diet, oral nutrition supplementa- improving care quality and cost; redefine clinicians’ tion (ONS), calcium/vitamin D supplements, and roles to include nutrition; and communicate nutri- telephone counseling for 3 months after hospital tion care plans and leverage electronic health records discharge were found by a randomized controlled to standardize nutrition documentation. The con- trial (RCT) to suffer fewer falls compared with con- sensus paper also outlined three principles to guide trols receiving the usual care.22 Nutrition interven- clinician action, including recognizing and diagnos- tion also results in clinical, nutritional, and func- ing all patients at risk of malnutrition; implement- tional benefits in a broader elderly population with a ing interventions within 24 h of at-risk screening; range of diseases, including gastrointestinal disease, and finally, incorporating nutrition care and educa- cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and tion in the hospital discharge plan. pressure ulcers. Specifically, a systematic review of Tappenden concluded the keynote address by sug- 36 RCTs among elderly subjects reported that high- gesting that one way to attract the attention of col- protein ONS significantly reduced complications by leagues that are not nutrition advocates, particularly 19%, length of hospital stay by 10%, hospital read- policy makers and hospital administrators, and to missions by 30%, and increased handgrip strength, encourage them to prioritize nutrition is to empha- body weight, muscle mass, and protein and energy size not just the quality-of-care issues, but also the intake with little reduction in normal food intake.23 financial impact, stressing that nutrition can im- Various education and awareness initiatives have prove both patient outcomes and financial costs. responded to the evidence on the value of nutrition Malnutrition data and insights from around interventions. Tappenden discussed, for example, the world the Alliance to Advance Patient Nutrition, which represents over 100,000 dieticians, nurses, physi- Prevalence and impact of malnutrition in cians, and other clinicians, and aims to provide Canadian hospitals hospitals with resources to advocate for effective Leah Gramlich (University of Alberta) opened the nutrition practices, ultimately transforming patient first session with a presentation on recent research outcomes through nutrition. The Alliance identi- on malnutrition in Canadian hospitals, conducted fied a number of barriers that exist within hospi- by the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF). tals to enhance patient nutrition. For example, (1) The CMTF was formed under the Canadian

22 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Nutrition Society in 2010 by a group of Canadian re- The CMTF also aimed to identify and under- searchers and practitioners, with the goal of creating stand the perspectives of patients, nutrition care per- knowledge and closing the gaps between research sonnel, physicians, and nurses in order to support and practice in the prevention, detection, and treat- an ongoing national strategy related to knowledge ment of malnutrition among Canadians through the translation. Preliminary data on patient surveys continuum of care. In order to facilitate this vision, (n = 240; 94% response rate) showed that patient CMTF developed and implemented a prospective perception of food quality was high, but many rea- cohort study in adult patients admitted to Canadian sons were given for not eating food. The study hospitals (including academic, community, small, identified meal disturbances and help with meals and large centers) in eight provinces, which in- as issues that need to be addressed to improve nu- cluded over 1000 patients in 18 hospitals. This work trition care.27 A qualitative study with 91 partic- was done in collaboration with CMTF members Jo- ipants (dietitians, dietetic interns, diet technicians, hane Allard, Paule Bernier, Donald Duerksen, Khur- and menu clerks) in eight focus groups at participat- sheed Jeejeebhoy, Manon Laporte, Hel´ ene` Payette, ing study hospitals provided evidence and guidance and Heather Keller. The purpose of the study was towards improving nutrition culture in Canadian to address the pan-Canadian prevalence of malnu- hospitals;28 this evidence has been woven into the trition, to assess nutrition care in Canadian hospi- CMTF knowledge translation priorities. Physician tals, and to evaluate how malnutrition and nutrition surveys were also undertaken at the study hospitals care affected patient outcomes, such as the length of to determine physician attitudes and perceptions hospital stay, readmission, mortality, and changes regarding the detection and management of mal- in nutritional status. nutrition in Canadian hospitals.29 While physicians Gramlich presented preliminary results on the believe that a nutrition assessment should be per- first 160 patients from this study, which has been formed at admission, during hospitalization, and published in abstract form.25 Patient participants at discharge, the majority felt that this was not be- were on average 63.2 ± 15.8 years of age, and 56% ing done on a regular basis.29 Similarly, there was were female. Their most frequent diagnosis was re- a gap between what was perceived to be the ideal lated to a gastrointestinal disorder (34%) and cancer management of hospital-related malnutrition and (8.1%), with a Charlson comorbidity index score of current practices.29 According to the study’s con- 2 (0–14). Fifty-five percent, 35.6%, and 9.4% of pa- clusions, what is needed is a multidisciplinary team tients had a Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) to address hospital malnutrition and educational score of A, B, or C, respectively, indicating an over- strategies that target members of the team to pro- all presence of malnutrition in almost one-half of mote better detection and management throughout the patients. Further analysis identified 53% of the the hospital stay. sample as elderly and more likely to be malnour- Through the work of the CMTF, national-level ished than patients younger than 65 years of age.26 data on malnutrition prevalence and predictors Accessing food while admitted to the hospital was of in-hospital malnutrition have been identified— a common issue for patients, with 20% unable to specifically, how to more readily respond to and access meals, 16% needing help to their food, improve malnutrition. The CMTF now has an in- 30% having difficulty opening packages, 9% ex- creased understanding of how to achieve nutrition periencing difficulty feeding themselves, and 15% care goals that integrate patient needs and of over- having chewing or swallowing difficulties.26 One coming barriers to food and nutrition intake. This month after hospital discharge, 30% and 26% of has resulted in the identification of the following elderly patients reported poor appetite and signifi- knowledge translation priorities in order to achieve cant weight loss, respectively.26 Furthermore, read- the goals of the CMTF: mission rates and mortality were higher in patients r with malnutrition (SGA B and C) compared to well- standardized screening is mandatory in acute nourished patients (SGA A), and hospital stay was r care hospitals; associated with deterioration in nutritional status, administrators and healthcare teams are edu- indicated by reductions in weight and mid-arm and cated on the need to integrate nutrition care calf circumference.25 into medical practice;

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 23 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al. r mealtimes are patient focused; protected care In order to determine the prevalence and out- r is consistent with the nutrition care plan; comes of hospital malnutrition, Lim and her col- food and nutrition services are optimized to leagues conducted a 3-year prospective study on provide high-quality appropriate (e.g., cultur- 818 newly admitted patients in a Singapore tertiary ally, texturally appealing) food with adequate hospital.31 The results were adjusted for gender, age, r nutrients for recovery; and ethnicity, and matched for DRG. They found multidisciplinary teams are involved in nutri- that the prevalence of malnutrition was 29%. Fur- tion care, and roles are delineated; registered thermore, malnourished patients stayed in the hos- dieticians determine nutrition care plan, in- pital one and a half times longer than well-nourished ± ± < r cluding route; and patients (6.9 7.3 days versus 4.6 5.6 days, P nutrition therapies, including ONS and enteral 0.001) and were twice as likely to be readmitted and parenteral nutrition, are used effectively.30 within 15 days of being discharged (adjusted rela- tive risk = 1.9, 95% CI 1.1–3.2, P = 0.025). Within a DRG, the mean difference between the actual cost Gramlich concluded that the work of the CMTF of hospitalization and the average cost for malnour- ished patients was three times higher than that for may facilitate the mobilization of provincial mal- = nutrition strategies by building on CMTF data and well-nourished patients (P 0.014). Malnourished processes. Ultimately, the goal is to influence health patients had a four times and three times higher risk of death at 1 year and 3 years post-discharge, respec- policy such that malnutrition screening and care = becomes mandatory across the continuum of care. tively (adjusted hazard ratio 4.4, 95% CI 3.3–6.0, < 31 For example, CMTF malnutrition strategies align P 0.001). with evolving initiatives at a provincial level in Al- In order for hospital malnutrition to be properly berta Health Services (AHS). The AHS approach is addressed, Lim stated that there must be a compre- characterized by the assertion that “nutrition care is hensive start-to-end system that provides continuity everyone’s responsibility.” In order to achieve these of care from hospital admission to post-discharge provincial goals, nationally developed nutrition care (Fig. 1). She recommended that this include screen- processes supported by the CMTF can create an ing hospitalized patients to identify those who are appetite for policy and practice change that may malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, referral of support more widespread implementation across appropriate patients for nutrition assessment, in- Canada. patient nutrition intervention, and post-discharge follow-up and monitoring. The first critical step in Hospital malnutrition: practical steps to managing malnutrition is the systematic screening improve clinical outcomes—the Singapore and identification of malnourished patients, using experience a screening tool that is simple, quick, reliable, valid, In her presentation, Su Lin Lim (National Uni- and cost-effective. Lim discussed the development versity Hospital) used the malnutrition experi- and validation of such a screening tool, referred to ence of hospitals in Singapore to illustrate practi- as the 3-Minute Nutrition Screening (3-MinNS), cal steps to improve clinical outcomes. Although specific for the Singapore population with its mul- previous studies have shown a prospective associ- tiethnic population. The 3-MinNS was found to be ation between malnutrition and clinical outcomes, both sensitive (86–89%) and specific (83–88%) in the confounding effect of disease and its complex- identifying patients at risk of malnutrition32,33 and ity has seldom been taken into consideration us- showed good inter-rater reliability among nurses ing diagnosis-related groups (DRGs). It is widely (agreement = 78.3%, k = 0.58, P < 0.001).33 agreed that disease and malnutrition are closely Even with the use of a valid and reliable nutrition linked and that disease may cause secondary mal- screening tool, inaccurate screening results may be nutrition, and vice versa. However, it is often ar- obtained if the tool has missing data or the screen- gued that the length of hospital stay, mortality, ing is completed erroneously. In fact, studies have and hospitalization costs are primarily determined reported screening incompletion and error rates by the patient’s medical condition rather than of 28–97% in commonly used nutrition screening malnutrition. tools.34,35 This may result in the under-recognition

24 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Figure 1. A start-to-end system providing continuity of care from hospital admission to post-discharge in order to address hospital malnutrition. and subsequent under-treatment of malnourished comprehensive management, including monitoring or at-risk patients, especially when patients are not and/or intervention. However, these patients often referred to a nutrition-trained professional. In or- become lost to follow-up after hospital discharge, der to determine nurses’ compliance to nutrition and there is limited evidence on effective methods screening, Lim and her colleagues carried out a 6- of post-discharge follow-up to treat malnutrition. year audit and quality-improvement study on 4467 An audit on dietetic follow-up of 261 malnourished patients36 and found that the error rates were 33% patients discharged from the hospital in 2008 found and 31% in 2008 and 2009, respectively, with 5% that only 15% of patients returned for follow-up and 8% of the forms being blank or missing. Of with a dietitian within 4 months post-discharge. all patients scored to be at risk of malnutrition, After implementation in 2010 of a novel model of 10% were not referred to a dietitian. A series of care, referred to as Ambulatory Nutrition Support quality-improvement activities were subsequently (ANS), a 100% follow-up rate was achieved.37 ANS implemented, which included (1) establishing a nu- provides 4 months of post-discharge care consisting trition screening protocol in the hospital system, of telephone calls, outpatient appointments, and (2) incorporating nutrition screening training as home visits for patients who failed to attend the part of the compulsory nurses’ orientation pro- scheduled outpatient appointments. Seventy-four gram, (3) empowering nurses to participate in the percent of malnourished patients enrolled under the online dietetics referral of at-risk cases, (4) estab- ANS program showed improved nutrition status, as lishing a closed-loop feedback system, and (5) re- determinedbyanSGA.Meanbodyweightimproved moving a component of the nutrition screening that from 44.0 ± 8.5 kg to 46.3 ± 9.6 kg (P < 0.001). caused the most error, without compromising sensi- In addition, the European Quality of Life Five Do- tivity and specificity. After implementation of these mains Visual Analogue Scale improved from 61.2 ± quality-improvement activities, error rates were re- 19.8 to 71.6 ± 17.4 and handgrip strength improved duced to 25% (2010), 15% (2011), 7% (2012), and from 15.1 ± 7.1 kg force to 17.5 ± 8.5 kg force (P < 5% (2013), and the percentage of blank or missing 0.001). forms was reduced to and sustained at 1% over the Lim concluded that, on the basis of evidence from past 3 years. Non-referrals decreased to 7% (2010), studies on hospital malnutrition in Singapore, it 4% (2011), and 3% (2012 and 2013), and the mean is possible to successfully deliver a comprehensive turnaround time from screening to referral was re- model for managing hospital malnutrition, from duced significantly from 4.3 ± 1.8 days to 0.3 ± screening on admission and referral for assessment, 0.4 days (P < 0.001).36 This study showed the ex- to intervention and post-discharge follow-up. tent that a nutrition screening tool can be completed accurately by nurses so that newly admitted patients Malnutrition screening and strategies in the at nutritional risk can be provided with the appro- Netherlands priate intervention as soon as possible. Marian de van der Schueren (Dutch Malnutrition Lim recommended that any patient identified at Steering Group and VU University Medical Center) the time of screening to be malnourished or at risk of continued the global theme from the previous pre- malnutrition should be referred to receive a full nu- sentations and showed work from the Dutch Mal- tritional assessment and intervention, followed by nutrition Steering Group on strategies and keys to

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 25 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al.

Figure 2. Percentage of patients screened for malnutrition at hospital admission in the Netherlands (2007–2012),43 following implementation of a large national project by the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group. success in fighting malnutrition in the Netherlands. De van der Schueren stressed that, with regard The Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group was estab- to malnutrition programs, implementation is a pre- lished in 2005 with the goal of facilitating preven- requisite for success. A large national implemen- tion, recognition, and optimal treatment of malnu- tation project entitled “Early recognition and op- trition in the Netherlands, as well as encouraging timal treatment of malnutrition in hospitals” was scientific research on the problem of malnutrition. carried out between 2006 and 2009 and involved In order to reach these goals, the Dutch Malnutri- almost all hospitals in the Netherlands. Hospitals tion Steering Group adhered to a stepwise approach could participate either actively by attending meet- involving the following 10 steps: (1) raise a mul- ings that guided them through the first year(s) of tidisciplinary steering group with authority, repre- implementation or passively by following and in- senting all disciplines involved in the screening and dependently implementing the strategies developed treatment of malnutrition; (2) create awareness of and published by the Dutch Malnutrition Steering the problem of malnutrition by collecting preva- Group. Following the implementation project in lence data (the Dutch Annual Measurement of Care hospitals, similar projects were carried out in the Problems); (3) develop quick and easy malnutrition nursing home setting and in primary care. screening tools, connected to a treatment plan; (4) De van der Schueren discussed four main achieve- screen and treat malnutrition as mandatory qual- ments of the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group ity indicators; (5) develop validated evidence-based since 2005, of which the first were quality indica- tools and conduct cost-effectiveness research; (6) tors. Malnutrition is now included in the main list involve the Ministry of Health as a key stakeholder of quality indicators in Dutch health care. All hos- in order to strengthen the message; (7) carry out pitals have to report their performance on 17 prede- implementation projects in all healthcare settings, fined quality indicators, such as the number of blood including hospitals (with children and outpatients), transfusions and perioperative infections. Screen- residential care homes, primary care, and home care; ing for malnutrition became a quality indicator in (8) make toolkits, ready-to-use presentations, and 2007, meaning that screening became mandatory best practices freely accessible to everyone; (9) en- for all patients admitted to hospitals. Out of more courage multidisciplinary project teams at all in- than 1 million hospital admissions per year, 80% stitutions; and (10) develop training programs and of patients were screened for malnutrition in 2012 workshops. This stepwise approach was first imple- (Fig. 2).38 mented in hospitals, then in residential care and the As of 2013, screening for malnutrition has be- community. come mandatory for children (with a screening tool

26 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Figure 3. Steady decrease in malnutrition prevalence rates in all healthcare settings in the Netherlands,39 following screening and treatment strategies implemented by the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group. specific for children) and for outpatients in high- egy of the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group risk departments (e.g., perioperative, geriatrics). and providing free tools for download in different Even more important than screening is monitoring languages.41 the treatment of malnourished patients, and since The third achievement discussed by de van der 2008, treatment of malnutrition has also become a Schueren relates to the reimbursement of supple- quality indicator. Optimal treatment is measured by ments. If a validated screening tool has been used the percentage of patients with an adequate protein and a patient has been identified as at risk of mal- intake (at least 1.2 g/kg body weight) on the fourth nutrition, ONS or tube feeding will be reimbursed day of hospital admission. Although the goal is to by insurance companies. have 60% of malnourished patients reach this lower Lastly, the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group limit of 1.2 g protein/kg/day, this goal has not yet conducted validation studies of the screening tools, been met in the majority of Dutch hospitals. Fol- cost-effectiveness studies on the effects of nutri- lowing the screening and treatment strategy, mal- tional interventions, collected prevalence data, and nutrition prevalence rates have decreased steadily studied enablers and barriers to screening.38,40,42,43 over time in all healthcare settings (Fig. 3).39 All data collected were published, either in Dutch The second acheivment of the Dutch Malnu- or English, to guarantee continued awareness of the trition Steering Group was the development of a problem of malnutrition. website and a multitude of tools (Short Nutri- Although the Dutch have a unique position tional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ) screen- worldwide with national mandatory screening and ing tools for different healthcare settings,40 pocket treatment of malnutrition, the work is not yet done. booklets, methods for the easy recording of in- De van der Schueren described several new goals for take, information leaflets for hospitals and patients, the future: (1) For inpatients, treatment of malnutri- and PowerPoint presentations) to facilitate imple- tion needs to be improved with a multidisciplinary mentation of malnutrition screening and treat- approach and strict treatment plans. (2) In addi- ment in different healthcare settings. In 2010 the tion to inpatient malnutrition, the focus is shifting Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group was awarded to outpatients; the chain could be better strength- the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and ened, thus providing continuity of nutritional care Metabolism (ESPEN) Medical Nutrition Interna- across healthcare settings. (3) Community-dwelling tional (MNI) grant for their efforts to fight mal- older adults have an increased risk of malnutri- nutrition in the Netherlands. This award was used tion, especially those receiving home care. Although to translate and develop an international website for community dwelling patients that receive home (, describing the strat- care the reported prevalence rates of malnutrition

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 27 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al. are high (approximately 30%), the recognition of minate in an imbalance between anabolism and malnutrition in this group is low.12 In addition to catabolism,44 favoring the latter. Malnutrition dur- creating more awareness among healthcare profes- ing the cancer disease trajectory has traditionally sionals, informing and involving the patients them- been identified as abnormally low body weight, selves as well as their caregivers might provide a commonly defined as a body mass index (BMI) strategy to successfully fight malnutrition among lower than 18.5 kg/m2, and often studied as part of frail home-living older adults. (4) Basic education the cancer-associated cachexia syndrome. Cancer- in clinical nutrition for physicians and nurses needs associated cachexia was originally described as a to be improved. (5) Funding of the Dutch Malnu- dynamic process of involuntary weight loss and as trition Steering Group comes from grants; the work a syndrome associated with anorexia, chemosen- is highly appreciated by all parties involved, includ- sory distortion, early satiety, and hypermetabolism. ing the Ministry of Health. Being able to establish However, recent evidence suggests that the majority a malnutrition knowledge center, with the certainty of patients with cancer, especially those diagnosed of at least some amount of stable and basic fund- with advanced disease, have, in fact, normal or even ing, would allow the Dutch Malnutrition Steering high body weights.44–49 As extensively highlighted in Grouptocontinueitsworkandbeabletocreatea previous publications, body weight and its deriva- long-term strategy. (6) Finally, after almost 10 years tive BMI do not depict the different proportions of of addressing the problem of malnutrition and with lean versus adipose tissue, which may have different the aim of becoming an established knowledge cen- prognostic relevance.50,51 ter, the Dutch Malnutrition Steering Group is evalu- Lean tissue depletion, particularly skeletal mus- ating and restructuring itself, attracting people with cle depletion, has been the hallmark of cancer- more influence in the political arena, and appointing associated cachexia.44,52 The prevalence and signif- key researchers for subsections concerning children, icance of skeletal muscle depletion as a marker of chronically ill patients, and the elderly. malnutrition has been more recently highlighted In summary, the Dutch Malnutrition Steering due to the development of new technology to assess Group has now been actively involved in fighting human body composition.51 Among the available malnutrition in the Netherlands for 9 years. Mal- techniques, Prado highlighted the use of comput- nutrition prevalence rates are steadily decreasing erized tomography (CT) scans, whose images can across healthcare settings. De van der Schueren be retrieved from patients’ medical records for the concluded that future goals will, among others, additional purpose of body composition research, aim to improve preadmission and post-discharge providing accurate and reliable information on the recognition and treatment of malnutrition, treat- quantity and quality of skeletal muscle (Fig. 4).50,53 ment of all patients identified as malnourished, The use of CT images for the study of body compo- and education. The recognition of malnutrition sition in cancer has provided a different perspective as an important healthcare problem needs to be on the identification of skeletal muscle depletion. stressed continuously and an established knowl- Although muscle loss would be expected to occur edge center may help attract ongoing attention from alongside changes in body weight, severe muscle healthcare professionals, governments, and patients depletion (termed sarcopenia)hasbeenfoundto themselves. be prevalent regardless of body weight.49,54 In other words, muscle depletion can occur at any given BMI Consequences of malnutrition on oncology (low, normal, or high). treatment The understanding of the variability in body com- Carla Prado (University of Alberta) closed the first position of contemporary cancer patients has been session with a presentation on malnutrition in leading to a change in paradigms in cancer cachexia cancer, the influence of malnutrition on cancer research. Cancer cachexia has recently been rec- prognosis, and reversing malnutrition in cancer, ognized by an international consensus group as a potentially with anabolic therapy. Cancer is asso- syndrome characterized by muscle depletion that ciated with severe malnutrition caused by a vari- can occur regardless of body weight (i.e., with or ety of neural, nutritional, pro-inflammatory, and without loss of fat mass).52 This new face of mal- autocrine/endocrine factors that ultimately cul- nutrition (particularly manifested by muscle loss)

28 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Figure 4. Computerized tomography image analyzed for body composition.50 The third lumbar vertebrae were analyzed using SliceOmatic software (Tomovision, Montreal, Quebec, Canada). The colors represent skeletal muscle (red), intramuscular adipose tissue (green), visceral adipose tissue (yellow), and subcutaneous adipose tissue (blue). has emerged as an important and independent pre- or obese BMI category, highlighting the fact that dictor of poorer outcomes for patients undergoing muscle depletion, and hence malnutrition, may be oncology treatment, affecting chemotherapy toxici- a hidden condition, requiring more sophisticated ty,50,55 outcomes of surgery,48,56 tumor progression, nutritional assessment tools for its diagnosis and as well as survival.45,49,54 accurate prognosis.57 Prado presented data showing, in patients with Last, Prado discussed how the substantial influ- severe muscle depletion, a higher incidence of dose- ence of malnutrition on oncology treatment sug- limiting toxicity, which is an unfavorable response gests the value of nutritional assessment, as well as to cytotoxic agents, leading to treatment termina- the need to develop appropriate interventions to tion, discontinuation, hospitalization, and death.50 countermeasure losses of muscle mass. Recent ev- Recent data have also highlighted the association idence suggests a window of opportunity for an- of muscle depletion with the outcomes of major abolism earlier within the disease trajectory and surgery; these patients present with higher rates of may be an opportune time for conducting RCTs postsurgical complications and have a consequently of emerging new interventions that stop or reverse prolongedlengthofhospitalstay.48,56 muscle loss.58 In Prado et al., cancer patients within The independent association between muscle de- 3 months of death were characterized by intense pletion and shorter time to tumor progression or muscle loss and low likelihood of muscle gain.58 shorter survival has also recently been shown and Therefore, contrary to the common inclusion crite- may be indicative of a potential relationship be- ria of RCTs, the study highlighted that the patients tween muscle catabolism promoting tumor progres- most likely to respond to an anabolic therapy are sion or impaired immunologic responses.45,49,54 Of those with stable disease with greater than 3 months note, the majority of patients in the abovementioned of life expectancy, who may not necessarily be losing studies were classified as being in the overweight weight at that time.58

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 29 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al.

Nutrition interventions, costs, and they measured a hospital’s propensity to prescribe economic benefits ONS rather than the patient characteristics that may have prompted its use. In this way, they created a Impact of oral nutritional supplementation on “natural experiment” from retrospective data. For hospital outcomes comparative purposes, they also used ordinary least Opening the session on costs and economic ben- squares (OLS) analysis, an approach that retains efits of nutrition interventions, Tomas Philipson certain selection biases. (University of Chicago) discussed the effect of ONS The focus of Philipson’s study was the effect of use on hospital outcomes. Malnutrition in hospital- ONS use on 30-day readmission rates, length of hos- ized patients is common and hazardous, affecting as pital stay, and episode costs for hospitalized adult many as 62% of acute care patients59 and being es- patients, using the Premier Research database (Pre- pecially prevalent in oncology and gastroenterology mier, Inc., Charlotte, North Carolina), a database patients,60 and in the elderly.22 Previous work sug- that contains diagnostic and billing information on gests that malnourished patients have longer hos- 44 million adult inpatient episodes at 460 sites dur- pital stays, higher complication and readmission ing the years 2000 to 2010.65 Length of stay was rates, greater and more severe morbidities, and an defined as the number of days of direct patient care increased mortality risk.61 The use of ONS on the from hospital admission to discharge. Episode cost other hand, may reduce the likelihood of these ad- was defined as actual inpatient costs reported in verse outcomes.62 Despite the risks to health and 2010 inflation-adjusted dollars. Admission to any the existence of a potential solution, malnutrition Premier hospital within the same month or month in hospitalized patients is underappreciated and following discharge for any diagnosis was classi- under-treated. fied as a 30-day readmission. ONS use was de- While studies on malnutrition and ONS use are fined as a Premier database entry of “complete nu- informative and suggestive, several issues, such as tritional supplement, oral,” and episodes involving narrowly selected patient populations and mod- tube feeding were excluded. The return on invest- est cohort sizes, limit their interpretation. An ob- ment equaled: (savings generated through ONS use servational study design confers several advantages – amount spent on ONS)/amount spent on ONS, over randomized controlled trials in this context. where the amount spent on ONS was the average It considers real-world prescription rates, adher- cost of ONS use per episode, and the savings gen- ence, and pricing; large sets of actual patient data; erated through ONS use were the average reduc- and outcomes spanning long periods. The no- tion of actual cost in the episode that ONS was table limitation is that observational design lacks used. randomization—treated patients can be systemati- Within the 11-year database, ONS was used cally different from untreated patients. Fortunately, in 724,027 of 43,968,567 adult inpatient episodes these biases can be minimized using techniques (1.6%); Philipson considered 1,160,088 observa- from the field of health economics and outcomes tions for length of stay and episode cost (Table 1).65 research. Using IV analysis, the predicted length of stay with- To reduce potential confounds arising from dif- out ONS was 10.88 days versus 8.59 days with ONS, ferences in observed patient characteristics, Philip- a reduction of 2.29 days (21%). The use of ONS son and his colleagues used propensity-score match- reduced the average episode cost from $21,950 to ing to pair ONS episodes to similar non-ONS $17,216, a reduction of $4,734 or 21.6%. Of 862,960 episodes. Specifically, they used logistic regression relevant episodes, the probability of readmission of ONS use on the basis of demographic and health was 0.320 in the ONS-treated group versus 0.343 in covariates (e.g., age, ethnicity, admission history, matched patients not receiving ONS, a reduction of comorbidities), pairing each ONS-episode patient 6.7% or 1.7 readmissions per 100 admissions. At an with her/his nearest non-ONS-episode neighbor. average readmission cost of $18,418, this amounts They also used instrumental variables (IV) analy- to a savings of $314.13 per episode. Since the average sis to reduce the effect of selection bias and identify per-episode ONS cost was $88.26 (fully burdened, the causal effect of ONS on outcomes that may result including all relevant capital and labor expenses), from nonrandom case selection.63,64 In other words, this yields an expected net savings of $225.87. In

30 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Table 1. Effect of ONS use on LOS, cost, and 30-day readmission using instrumental variables analysis Without ONS With ONS Difference (percentage)

Length of stay 10.88 days 8.59 days −2.29 days (−21.0%)a Episode cost $21,950 $17,216 −$4,734 (−21.6%)a Probability of readmission 0.343 0.320 −0.023 (−6.7%)a aSignificantat1%level. Note: LOS and episode cost based on 1,160,088 observations; 30-day probability of readmission based on 862,960 observations. Abbreviations: ONS, oral nutritional supplement; LOS, length of stay. other words, for every dollar spent on ONS, the net In 2012 and 2013, the National Institute for savings was at least $2.56. Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England up- In summary, Philipson illustrated how health dated the evidence base, underpinning its guidelines economics and outcomes research techniques af- on nutritional support in adults and drafted a qual- forded rigorous study of a large, real-world patient ity standard to indicate aspirational but achievable data set. IV analysis minimized randomization bias standards of nutritional care in hospital, commu- and created a natural experiment from retrospec- nity, and care home settings involving ONS, ETF, tive data. It was concluded that ONS use reduces and parenteral nutrition (PN).67 Accompanying the length of stay, total cost, and 30-day readmission, quality standard was a costing document,68 which and provides an over 2.5:1 return on investment.65 examined the budget impact of changing the current pathway of nutritional care to one incorporating the NICE clinical guidelines/quality standard. Although The new interventions protocol in England implementation of the proposed pathway required from a systems approach substantial additional investment to enable addi- Marinos Elia continued the discussion on the eco- tional screening, assessment, and treatment (with nomic outcomes of nutrition interventions in his ONS, ETF, and PN) to be carried out in hospital, presentation on a new nutrition intervention proto- community, and care home settings, it produced col developed in England from a systems approach. an overall net cost savings (budget impact) of £UK Since the treatment of malnutrition over the course 71,800 ($US 113,800; 2012 prices) per 100,000 of of a patient’s journey often spans more than one the general population.68 With this net cost sav- care setting, the costs and cost savings in a single ings, nutritional support in adults was ranked third setting provide an incomplete picture of the overall among all calculated net cost savings resulting from economic consequences of the treatment. This issue implementation of NICE clinical guidelines for a is confounded further when there are separate fund- wide range of treatments for different conditions. ing streams for different care settings, especially if A summary of the main components of the cost one of the streams absorbs the costs and another impact analysis for nutritional support in adults is reaps the benefits (cost savings). For example, the shown in Figure 5. use of ONS can incur a substantial cost in the com- Having observed some potential limitations and munity setting, especially if they are prescribed for inconsistencies in the above economic model, Elia several months, but randomized controlled trials and his colleagues conducted an independent review suggest that they can produce cost savings in the of the budget impact analysis of nutrition support hospital setting by reducing admissions.66 Another interventions. The preliminary results from this re- complexity is that subjects may receive more than view indicate that the overall net cost savings are one type of treatment simultaneously (e.g., ONS, greater than that reported by NICE, with the hospi- dietary counseling, and enteral tube feeding (ETF)) tal dominating both the cost savings and the over- or sequentially. A budget impact analysis can help all budget impact, predominantly due to ONS use provide insights into some of these complexities, if (work in progress). The model suggested that even it is made on the basis of a costing model involving more favorable results can be achieved by reduc- several types of nutritional support in numerous ing the time required for nutritional screening, the care settings.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 31 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al.

and become widely available for multidisciplinary implementation.72 They have emphasized the need to link the results of screening to a care plan ac- cording to local resources and policies, and they have helped increase awareness about the detrimen- tal effects of malnutrition. Education and training, as well as inspection and regulation, have also con- tributed to the changes in nutritional care over time. In the last 8 years, the estimated screening rate for malnutrition in patients admitted to hospitals in England has improved from approximately 30% to 65%,73 but there is still room for considerable fur- ther improvement. Elia stated that, in order to continue to make progress, it is necessary to take into account pa- Figure 5. Cost impact analysis associated with changing the current pathway of nutritional care to one incorporating the tient and caregiver perspectives on nutritional care, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) nu- especially those that differ from healthcare profes- tritional support guidelines/quality standard.68 The results are sional perspectives.74 It is also necessary to appreci- expressed per 100,000 of the general population of England. ate that malnutrition, with its various clinical and social care dimensions, cannot be effectively tackled by the Department of Health or government alone. plausibility of which has been suggested by recent Elia concluded his presentation by emphasizing the studies of hospital outpatients.69 It also indicated need for an integrated system of care, involving both thatamorefavorablebudgetimpactislikelytobe governmental and nongovernmental organizations, achieved in hospitals with high admission rates and including professional and patient organizations, as a high admission prevalence of malnutrition, espe- well as voluntary social care organizations and in- cially if there are policies to close large gaps that dustry. Such an integrated system of care is more may exist between current and desired standards of likely to be implemented and embedded in routine care. Through a series of sensitivity analyses, the care if it is consistent, coordinated, and strategic. economic model was found to be largely robust. However, these analyses drew attention to the need to generally increase the evidence base on the effects Nutrition prevention interventions to address of nutritional support on resource use in all care set- malnutrition in community-living elderly tings, especially in the hospital setting, which dom- populations inated the cost impact analysis, and to specifically In her presentation, Hel´ ene` Payette (University of increase the evidence base on the effects of dietary Sherbrooke) provided an overview of research on therapy without ONS. interventions aimed at addressing malnutrition and Important changes in nutritional care have taken preventing deterioration of nutritional status in place in England over the last 5–10 years. For ex- older community-living adults. She began by de- ample, the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool scribing the prevalence of malnutrition in diverse (MUST), which uses the same criteria to identify community-living elderly populations from Japan, malnutrition in different care settings, is now used South Africa, Canada, and various European coun- in more than 80% of hospital and care homes in tries. Regardless of the country or screening tool the United Kingdom.70 The increasing use of this used, the prevalence of community-living elderly tool, which links identification of malnutrition with people at risk for malnutrition is similar, ranging management plans, has helped facilitate continuity from approximately 32–34%.12,75,76 A higher risk of of care between care settings, as well as meaningful malnutrition has been linked to older age, disability, surveys, audits,70,71 and health plans. Furthermore, medical illnesses, previous admission to a hospital, the NICE clinical guidelines and quality standard on low education level, cognitive impairment, smok- nutritional support in adults have been promoted ing, loss of a spouse, and low baseline body weight.77

32 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions

Insufficient dietary intake in community-living the use of multinutrient supplements by healthy elderly individuals has deleterious consequences older adults were found to improve cognition and on physical and cognitive functioning and clinical serum folate, while the use of liquid supplements outcomes. Conversely, a number of factors asso- by frail older adults at nutritional risk did not re- ciated with the aging process influence dietary sult in any significant improvements in functional needs and prevent consumption of a nutritious outcomes.80 The authors of this review concluded diet.78 For example, an individual’s health status, that the best results on nutrition-related outcomes consisting of chronic/acute illnesses, medication, are derived from comprehensive nutrition counsel- aging-associated sensory changes, and oral health, ing that is personalized and involves goal setting. interacts with nutritional status, and vice versa. The best results on specific outcomes, such as cogni- Other factors that bidrectionally interact with nutri- tion and serum nutrients, were thought to be found tion include physical/functional status (e.g., physical with the use of micronutrient supplements, specifi- limitations, balance/mobility, strength/endurance, cally in healthy older adults. and physical activity); environmental factors (e.g., Payette next presented data from two RCTs exam- economics, access to food, cultural traditions, ining malnutrition among frail community-living lifestyle); and cognitive factors (e.g., depression, elderly subjects.81 In the first study, elderly sub- food habits, changes in mental status). Payette jects (aged 80 ± 7years)athighriskforunder- presents malnutrition in aging as a spiral, where nutrition (weight loss/low body weight) were pro- reduced food intake will rapidly result in, for vided 16 weeks of nutrient-dense protein liquid example, fatigue, decreased resistance to infections, supplements (EnsureR , Ross Laboratories) along depression, and loss of muscle strength, ultimately with counseling to increase food intake. Total en- leading to a loss of autonomy and morbidity. She ergy intake, protein intake, and body weight were suggested that community-based interventions significantly increased in subjects that received the should use a multifaceted approach focusing on supplement but no effects were found on nutrient prevention of malnutrition and maintenance of intake, muscle strength, or performance tests. Ac- nutritional well-being that targets both the causes cording to Payette, this nutrition intervention may and effects of malnutrition. have been insufficient and delivered too late. She Some existing nutrition intervention programs therefore conducted an RCT using the same nutri- established for older adults in the community are tion intervention but this time over a longer dura- often very effective in improving energy and nutri- tion of time (24 weeks) and in elderly subjects (aged ent intake, as shown by data on the Meals on Wheels 79 ± 6 years) that were only at a moderate risk of (MOW) program.79 Programs that simply provide malnutrition. Again, the intervention succeeded in nutrition education to community-dwelling older improving total energy intake, protein intake, and adults have also been shown to be effective. For ex- weight gain, but had no effect on muscle strength ample, a systematic review of experimental studies or performance tests. She concluded that, in order that provided nutrition education in the form of to improve functional status, it may be best to in- mailed pamphlets and regular phone calls found tervene simultaneously not only with nutrition but significant improvements in dietary intake, behav- also with physical activity. ior, and knowledge among participants recruited Such a multifactorial intervention was examined from the Older American Act Nutrition Program, in a community-based RCT that combined a nu- Congregate Meals, or community centers, as com- trition intervention with physical training in frail pared to controls that received the usual care, peer free-living elderly subjects aged 82.4 ± 4years.82 support, or participated in an exercise program.80 Specifically, these subjects underwent five nutri- In addition, studies that offered a more personal- tion group sessions and individual counseling, plus ized intervention in the form of individualized di- group physical training twice a week for 3 months. etary counseling/advice reported increased healthy No significant differences were found in energy food intake, health-related habits, physical and psy- intake, resting metabolic rate, or body composi- chological functioning, and reduced depression.80 tion. According to the authors of this study, one The same systematic review also assessed interven- reason for the lack of significant effects may have tions using nutrition supplements and found that been due to the heterogeneity of community-living

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 33 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al. subjects. Future studies need to (1) develop methods quent fruit intake, fat avoidance, and fat intake; and for nutritional interventions targeting this particu- also increased physical activity, including walking, lar population and those individuals that are more strength exercise, vigorous activity, and reduced sit- likely to respond to the intervention; (2) choose out- ting time.85 Therefore, with more intensive, longer- come measures that will be significant but not too duration interventions, significant improvements in far from the intervention; (3) consider ethical is- nutrition and physical activity in community-living sues (e.g., placing frail elderly subjects at nutritional elderly individuals were observed. risk into a group receiving physical training alone Payette concluded her presentation by suggest- without nutritional intervention); and (4) use in- ing that future research in community-living older terventions that are more personalized. In addition adults should focus on (1) prevention/promotion to the heterogeneity of subjects and the selection of and intervention before subjects are at high risk for outcomes, Payette also pointed out other method- malnutrition; (2) well-designed behavioral lifestyle ological issues, including those related to the selec- interventions; and (3) large trials with sufficient in- tion of study subjects, compliance, and the duration tensity and duration to test the effectiveness of nu- and intensity of the intervention. As an example of trition interventions in improving nutritional status the importance of the intensity of the intervention, and reducing loss of muscle and function. Payette presented data showing that when 50 kcal/kg of weight per day is provided to 20-year-old subjects, Nutrition in post–acute care settings: they are able to accrue 160 g of new cellular mass, screening and intervention to reduce while 70- to 80-year-old subjects undergoing the unnecessary hospital admissions same intervention only accrue approximately 20 g In the final presentation, Michael P. Johnson of cellular mass,83 suggesting that the intervention (Bayada Home Health Care) discussed the outcome for elderly subjects was not sufficiently intensive and of nutrition and screening intervention for home- too short in duration. bound patients at risk for malnutrition. The grow- Payette also discussed self-management educa- ing aging population, both locally and globally, will tion approaches aimed at increasing caloric intake significantly affect health care in the near future; in community-living elderly subjects. The Behav- with advanced age, acute and chronic health con- ioral Nutrition Intervention for Community Elders ditions are common. As a result, older Americans (B-NICE) study,84 a 3-month home-based RCT, will experience more and longer hospital stays, and evaluated the effectiveness of such an intervention will require additional healthcare services, such as in elderly subjects (aged 81.4 ± 8.2 years) that were home health care, to support independence. A pri- homebound, had insufficient energy intake, and ex- mary focus in the United States is to reduce hos- hibited weight loss of ࣙ 2.5%. To increase caloric pital readmissions, which can negatively affect pa- intake, participants chose three of the following spe- tient outcomes and healthcare costs. For healthcare cific measurable short-term goals: add one snack per providers, this means improving the quality of care day; drink one glass of fruit juice daily; add one egg and seeking new and better ways to help keep people white to scrambled eggs at breakfast; make soup safe at home in order to reduce the financial burden with milk; replace evening glass of water with milk; on patients, families, and the healthcare system as a participate in an MOW program. Neither caloric whole. intake nor body weight was significantly increased As discussed by the previous speakers, one com- in the intervention group compared to the controls. ponent of quality health care, often overlooked, Of note is the number of subjects that dropped out is comprehensive nutrition screening, assessment, over the course of the study—200 eligible partici- and intervention. It is clear that malnutrition sig- pants began in the study, but only 34 remained by nificantly contributes to adverse outcomes, such the end. When a similar type of lifestyle intervention as slower wound healing and increased incidence in the community was carried out with a larger sam- of falls, which, in turn, can lead to longer hos- ple size (n = 176 in intervention group and n = 199 pital stays (more days) and a greater frequency in control group) and a longer duration (6 months) of re-admissions to the hospital.86 Many patients, in elderly subjects, significant improvements were upon admission to the hospital, are malnourished found in nutrition-related behaviors, including fre- and find that the resulting hospitalization only

34 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions contributes to further nutritional deterioration dur- ing their stay;4 these patients must be identified and classified as being at high nutritional risk during the hospital stay and, just as importantly, upon release from the hospital when being discharged to their home with home health services. Malnutrition and age-related muscle loss, or sarcopenia, have serious health and economic Figure 6. All-cause hospitalization rate. Implementing a 87 consequences. Muscle loss is highly prevalent in clinician-directedearlynutritionscreen-and-interveneprogram individuals older than 65 years of age and leads to resulted in a trend towards a lower all-cause hospitalization negative outcomes, such as functional decline, hos- rate in patients at risk for malnutrition. Data shown are from a pitalizations, and poor quality of life. Furthermore, 6-month pilot study. aFrom illness often exacerbates muscle loss, leaving many (data as of 10/2011). patients unable to consume sufficient calories and bFor seven participating locations (in Arizona, Massachusetts, protein needed for recovery. ONS, as part of overall and New Jersey). medical care, can help improve quality patient care by helping to lower the incidence of hospitalizations, wounds/infections, and falls. them evaluate their diet and nutritional needs; and The prevalence of malnutrition, and consequent to eliminate common barriers to the use of ONS, sarcopenia, presents a unique and challenging sit- such as cost, taste, and patients’ perceived need. uation for home health clinicians when caring for Of 1,259 total new patients that were classified ac- homebound patients.88 It highlights the need for cording to the OASIS, the program identified 26.4% a clear focus on a process for nutritional screen- (n = 332) as being at a moderate-to-high risk of ing and intervention planning, as part of the start malnutrition (at risk). Among the at-risk patients, of care assessment. Increased attention on malnu- 76.8% received nutrition education; 58.7% received trition should help enhance a safer and more ef- free ONS samples; 24.6% continued to take ONS fective transition of care for these patients from after receiving the samples; and 8.7% were hospi- the hospital back to their own homes. Johnson talized during their course of home health care. It discussed how BAYADA Home Health Care rec- was found that implementing a clinician-directed ognized this gap and has been working to bet- early nutrition screen-and-intervene program re- ter understand and address the impact of a nutri- sulted in (1) increased awareness of the importance tion screening and intervention programs with new of nutritional screening; (2) improvement in the patients. nutritional knowledge of patients, caregivers, and As an initial pilot project, BAYADA implemented clinicians; and (3) a trend towards a lower all-cause a 6-month nutrition screen-and-intervene program hospitalization rate in patients at-risk for malnutri- for all new patients in seven offices throughout the tion (Fig. 6). United States (work in progress). The program con- In summary, the evidence shows that malnutri- sisted of four main steps: (1) educate and train staff tionandmusclelossarecommoninpatientswho clinicians; (2) find patients at nutritional risk us- need care at home. Johnson concluded that a tar- ing the validated nutritional assessment instrument geted nutrition screen-and-intervene program can already included as part of the Outcome and Assess- help improve outcomes in these patients. As a re- ment Information Set (OASIS); (3) administer the sult, BAYADA has since implemented this program appropriate ONS to patients as part of their nutri- across its 75 home health offices nationally and ex- tion intervention; and (4) follow patients to mea- pects this effort to help keep more people safe at sure their progress. The project’s objectives were to home. improve healthcare outcomes—primarily decreased The clinical challenges of nutrition hospital readmission—by improving the nutritional status of at-risk home health patients; to educate To answer remaining questions about nutrition in- clinicians on the value of early nutrition interven- terventions across the continuum of care, the major- tionandprovide educational tools to patients to help ity of speakers, including Elia, Gramlich, Johnson,

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. 35 Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions de van der Schueren et al.

Lim, and Prado, came together for a panel discus- trition by, for example, asking patients two simple sion, with Tappenden as the moderator. Through- questions: Have you lost weight recently? Are you out the conference, much discussion was devoted eating less than normal? Elia added that functional to nutrition interventions in acute care, outpatient, components (e.g., ability to walk up a flight of stairs) and home care settings. However, as one audience are an equally, if not more important, part of assess- member pointed out, nutrition-related initiatives ing risk for malnutrition than weight loss. Indeed, are lacking in the transition of care from one setting in clinical nutrition, the main focus is on identifying (e.g., hospital) to another (e.g., home). Gramlich re- those conditions that are responsive functionally to sponded that efforts at her institution to advance nu- the interventions. Johnson also raised the point that trition strategies in this realm involve ensuring that the language of these messages to the public needs data capture is consistent and electronic and allows to be simple and digestible; for example, rather than for making inferences across a wide range of health “eat well and exercise,” which implies the necessary settings. In addition, Lim described a project in Sin- use of a gym or exercise equipment, the message gapore that focuses on nutrition care in the hospital- should simply be “eat well and move more.” to-home transition, where dieticians call and visit The next question posed by an audience mem- patients in their homes to ensure that they are ber was in regard to terminology, such as well- continuing to follow the recommendations made nourished and malnourished, that physicians com- to them in the hospital and to take the nutrition monly use on patients’ hospital admission forms, supplements, if any, that were prescribed to them. despite a lack of standardization in the use or spe- Johnson emphasized the difficulty of obtaining in- cific meaning of these terms. When questioned on formation about care from a previous setting and the meaning of, for example, well-nourished, physi- discussed efforts by BAYADA, in collaboration with cians give a wide range of responses, which the partners in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities, to panel agreed is indicative of the knowledge gap in try to identify the specific nutritional supplements nutrition among healthcare professionals. Tappen- patients were taking in the hospital/nursing facility den commented that the issue is not that physicians setting and transfer those to the home setting—a are poorly informed about the most current think- procedure that Lim noted is already taking place ing on how to diagnose malnutrition, they instead at her institution in Singapore. Elia added that, al- lack an understanding of the complexities of nutri- though coordinated care is clearly important, the tional inadequacy to begin with. This is most likely challenges in providing this care arise from health- due to, as touched on by Gramlich, the inadequacy care professionals and organizations working and of nutrition education for students in nursing and having interests in one setting without feeling obli- medical schools as well as for practicing healthcare gated to be responsible for what occurs in another professionals in North America.89 Elia commented setting, as well as added complexities from different that, in the United Kingdom, although each medi- funding streams for different care settings. cal school is relatively autonomous in determining Another audience member pointed out the need their nutrition-related curricula and are not obliged to clarify common messages to the general pub- to adhere to any national education standards, com- lic about overnutrition and obesity, so that re- mittees through the Academy of Medical Royal Col- duced food intake in an effort to avoid obesity leges have been established to assess curricula across does not inadvertently result in inadequate protein clinical schools, including at the undergraduate and intake and consequent sarcopenia. Gramlich cited postgraduate levels. Elia emphasized that nutrition European examples where, under the leadership of education is lacking not only for medical doctors, ESPEN, messages about malnutrition have been but also for nurses, community healthcare work- spread throughout communities over the past 15 ers, and informal caregivers. Furthermore, Johnson years; the European Union then mandated nutri- commented that there is little evidence that continu- tion risk screening. By contrast, in North America, ing education requirements for licensure improves the political will to accomplish this is still lacking; clinical practice. Even when physicians are receiv- however, Gramlich urged that it is the responsibil- ing education, there needs to be a system in place ity of nutrition leaders and advocates to deliver a to help physicians remember the information and consistent message and flag risk factors for malnu- regularly apply it in practice. Education, therefore,

36 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences. de van der Schueren et al. Clinical and ecocomic outcomes of nutrition interventions has to be married with process and system design. cise for patients with advanced lung or pancreatic Elia elaborated on this point by emphasizing the cancer with cancer cachexia.90 need for an “enabling environment” that demands In summary, the panel discussion highlighted that healthcare professionals put what they have the importance of coordinating care to maintain learned into practice and the need to link learning nutritional support for patients as they transition to an appreciation of its importance and implemen- from the hospital to home setting. The speakers also tation in practice. touched on the need to improve nutrition educa- In another comment by an audience member, it tion for healthcare professionals and to implement was suggested that, given that inflammation may be systems to ensure that clinicians routinely carry a component of malnutrition, the nutrients that in- out nutritional screening and intervention. Last, in- fluence inflammation may be an important point flammation was discussed as important in disease- of focus in malnutrition research. The question of related malnutrition, but further research is needed whether a patient has lost weight is an important to determine whether inflammation affects malnu- one, but in the obese patient, the answer to this trition treatment, as well as whether multimodal question may not provide healthcare professionals therapies that include nutritional support will im- with the most relevant information. Determining prove clinical outcomes in cancer cachexia patients. food intake instead of weight loss may help clarify Conclusion whether nutrients that affect inflammation might be relevant. Gramlich responded that understanding Malnutrition among a large percentage of patients how to integrate inflammation-modifying nutri- entering hospitals negatively affects health-related ents, such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and outcomes and presents a major public health issue vitamin D, into a therapeutic plan is challenging, as in many different regions worldwide, including the a large evidence base is not yet available. Research on United States, Canada, Singapore, the Netherlands, nutrition and inflammation would need to continue and the United Kingdom. Accumulating evidence to unfold to help further characterize malnutrition. demonstrates that nutrition across the continuum Prado added that omega-3 fatty acids, at least in can- of care— assessment, prognosis, and intervention— cer therapy, are currently the most prominent and can independently improve clinical outcomes and promising in nutritional anti-inflammatory ther- reduce healthcare-related expenditures. The work apy, as evidence shows that they not only reduce in- presented in this report exemplifies the importance flammation but also increase skeletal muscle mass of institutionalizing initiatives on nutrition inter- in cancer patients. ventions so that nutrition is viewed as a priority Also brought up was the need for anabolic ther- for improving care quality and cost and of mobiliz- apy in cancer patients experiencing muscle wast- ing multiple stakeholders (e.g., healthcare providers, ing, as discussed by Prado in her presentation as government and nongovernment organizations) in an important strategy to improve cancer progno- order to influence health policy. Future malnutri- sis. To clarify, Gramlich pointed out that anabolic tion strategies should focus on improving recogni- therapy can refer to nutrition rather than medi- tion and diagnosis of all hospital patients that are at cation. Considering the variety of factors leading risk of malnutrition, promptly implementing nutri- to abnormal metabolism and eventually to cancer tional interventions for those patients identified as cachexia, Prado explained that nutrition continues malnourished, providing continuity of nutritional to be recognized as an important component of care for outpatients following hospital discharge, cachexia therapy. Nonetheless, conventional nutri- and continuing advocacy and education initiatives tional support cannot fully reverse cachexia, and so that malnutrition screening and care become multimodal therapies are the most promising inter- mandatory across the continuum of care. vention strategy to countermeasure this syndrome. Acknowledgments These therapies would involve the use of nutritional support combined with exercise intervention, anti- The conference “Clinical and Economic Outcomes inflammatory therapy, and optimal disease treat- of Nutrition Interventions Across the Continuum of ment. Prado mentioned a promising study under- Care,” presented by the Sackler Institute for Nutri- way combining ONS, celecoxib, and physical exer- tion Science at the New York Academy of Sciences,

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40 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1321 (2014) 20–40 C 2014 New York Academy of Sciences.