NATO’s Bloody War of Aggression in

Selected Articles

By Global Research In-depth Report: NATO'S WAR ON LIBYA Global Research, August 22, 2011 22 August 2011

NATO attacks in Libya have escalated to unprecedented levels and mainstream news reports are rife with disinformation. Here’s what’s been falling through the cracks of corporate media this past week:

“War propaganda has entered a new phase, involving the coordinated action of satellite TV stations. CNN, France24, the BBC and Al Jazeera have become instruments of disinformation used to demonize governments and justify armed aggressions. These practices are illegal under international law and the impunity of the perpetrators must be stopped.” -Thierry Meyssan, Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable

AFTER 9/11: TEN YEARS OF WAR Special Commemorative Conference, Montreal, September 8 – by Cynthia McKinney, Wayne Madsen, Michel Chossudovsky – 2011-09-09


More Lies. More Censorship. More Wars. – by Global Research – 2011-08-22

Massive bombing of residential areas in over the last three days Nearly 20,000 sorties, and 7459 strike sorties since March 31st – 2011-08-22 | 1 LIVE FROM TRIPOLI. Western Media Complicit in NATO’s “Humanitarian Bloodbath” Latest Global Research report from Tripoli – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-22

VIDEO: NATO’s Psychological Warfare – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-22

BREAKING NEWS. VIDEO. “Massive Atrocious Criminal Bombings” by NATO Reporting early August 22nd – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-22

NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: “Operation Mermaid Dawn” Signals Assault by Rebels’ Al Qaeda Death Squads – by Thierry Meyssan – 2011-08-21

NATO warship sailed up and anchored just off the shore at Tripoli, delivering heavy weapons and debarking Al Qaeda jihadi forces, which were led by NATO officers.

UPDATE: August 22, 2011 Extensive NATO Bombings. Street Fighting in Tripoli – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-21

VIDEO: NATO Attacks in Tripoli Threaten Lives of Journalists BREAKING NEWS ON GRTV – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-21

Learn more by reading the bestselling book:

AMERICA’S “WAR ON TERRORISM” by Michel Chossudovsky

Available in print and PDF formats! Click to learn more | 2 Journalists who engage in war propaganda must be held accountable – by Thierry Meyssan – 2011-08-21

Libya: Swimming against the Tide of NATO’s Media Propaganda – by Joost van den Heuvel – 2011-08-21

Getting Away with Torture: Obama Bans War Criminals, Except Our Own – by Nat Hentoff – 2011-08-20

An Empire in Decline. The Debt Crisis is Just a “Prelude to War” – by K. Selim – 2011-08-20

War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions – by Thierry Meyssan – 2011-08-20

Explosions shake Libyan capital – by Bassam Hatoum – 2011-08-19

NATO, Rebels Accused of War Crimes in Libya – by Alex Newman – 2011-08-19

US/NATO War of Aggression in Lybia Continues From Global Research’s Special Correspondent – by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-18

Libyan Deaths, Media Silence Were Dozens Killed in Major NATO Airstrikes? – by FAIR – 2011-08-18

VIDEO: Make No Mistake. NATO is Committing War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in Libya | 3 Exclusive GRTV Report from Tripoli – by Julian Teil, Mathieu Ozanon, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – 2011-08-12 Expose the Lies. This Global Research video was produced and directed in Tripoli by a team of committed journalists, researchers and cameramen.

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The original source of this article is Global Research Copyright © Global Research, Global Research, 2011

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