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6 X 10.Long New.P65 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76347-9 - The Cratylus of Plato: A Commentary Francesco Ademollo Index More information I General index NB: Some very general subjects, which recur almost ubiquitously throughout the book (e.g. Correctness, Conventionalism, Naturalism), are not indexed, or are only partially indexed, here. Their most important occurrences can, however, be traced through the list of Contents. Academics on kinds of change 211, 212 on the categories of beings 287–8 on names as instruments 114–15 on the Identity of Indiscernibles 367 on Platonic forms 161 accent 264–5 on sameness 171 actions on signification and the role of thought 399 better and worse ways of on substances and accidents 169 performing see degrees of success on the Synonymy Principle 160–1, 169 naturalness of 95–106 art 117, 125, 127–8, 321–3 Aegina 19, 379, 380–1 artefacts, forms of see forms, of artefacts Aeschylus 34–5 article 42, 56–7, 60–2, 144, 403–4, 457 aether 195–7 articulatory mimesis 309–11 Ajax 247, 318 Aspasia 250 alphabet see orthography, Attic aspiration, signs for 439 ambiguity, see ‘homonymy’ astronomy 192 Ammonius 406 Astyanax/Scamandrius 152–9, 172–5 anacoluthon 291, 351, 434 Atomists analogy 94 on atoms, void, qualities, change and Anaxagoras 192–3, 195, 201–2, 212, 222, 239 movement 213–15 on mind 220, 222 in the etymologies’ flux theory 213–15, Anaximander the younger 150 216–17, 223–5, 252, 469 Anaximenes 212 on letters, syllables and rhythms 283 Antisthenes 61, 150, 237, 332–5 on perception 223–4 Archelaus 222 on vision 227 Archinus 283 in the ‘Secret Doctrine’ of Tht. 226–7, 469 Aristonicus 196 on soul 216–17 Aristophanes 34 on verbs 296 Aristotle 59, 60, 61, 69 author’s variants 68–70, 195–7, 489–95 attacks a rival view from his own theoretical standpoint 453 barbarian languages see languages, different on the elements, the first body and the being 276–8 etymology of ‘aether’ 195–7 and becoming 466, 477 on essential and accidental features 277 see also Index III s.v. οὐσία on etymology 239–40 beings on existence 277–8 categories of 287–8, 292 on genera and species 130, 292 old Academic 287–8 on geometrical figures 362 division of 285–90 509 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76347-9 - The Cratylus of Plato: A Commentary Francesco Ademollo Index More information 510 I General index beliefs and understanding and indication 396, knowledge and true belief 432–3 400–1 of the namegivers, embedded in the etymon see also signification of names and possibly (or even actually) Cratylus false 419, 431–4, 449–50 the dialogue’s character Bolus of Mendes 224 on ‘bad’ or imperfect names 321–3, 356–7, 358 Callias (Hermogenes’ grandfather) 18 is becoming a Heraclitean 15, 487 Callias (Hermogenes’ half-brother) 18–19, 20, on ‘concordance’ among names 433–4 28–9, 147–8 on falsehood 332–8 Carneades 184 on Hermogenes’ name 4, 15, 26–32, catarrh 485–6 324–8, 433 categories of beings see Beings on laws/customs (νόμοι) 321–3 change on names and knowledge 430, 441–2 kinds of 211, 212, 469 on Platonic forms 459 see also flux is still young 14, 486 Charmides 487 the historical character 14–18, 190, 209, Comenius, J. A. 301 309, 318, 319 ‘concordance’ among names (according to and etymology 319, 428 Cratylus) 433–4 and flux 15–16, 17–18, 464, 469 no ‘concordance’ (according to and ‘teaching’ as the function of Socrates) 438–41 names 385–6, 427 connotation 163–7, 169–77 Critias 121, 487 consonants, kinds of 281–5 Cronus 192, 242–3 convention 37–41, 386–8, 395–424 custom/law (νόμος) 40–1, 117–21, 123, 412 and arbitrariness as ‘chance’ 42 cannot be better or worse for compatible with names being similar to their Cratylus 321–3 referents 415–17 naturalist conception of in Plato 322–3 and habit 40–1, 396, 402–3, 412 see also Index III s.v. νόμος. private 401; see also imposition, individual cutting and burning 99–100 in the Seventh Letter 424–5 is ‘vulgar’ 420, 425 Dalgarno, G. 301 see also Index II s.v. συνθήκη Damon 283 conventional designators 29–31, 324–6 date of the Cratylus correctness of names 1–6 dramatic 20 consists in the names’ indicating the relative 20–1, 194–5 objects 384–6 see also stylometry conventional see convention dative degrees of 151–2, 153–4, 423; ethical 271, 401, 433 see also correctness of names, expressing relation or point of view 85, 87 Redundancy Conception of death 21, 193–5 and the etymologies of primary definite descriptions 345 names 314–15 definition 110–11 and fineness 300–1, 355, 358, 423 see also division natural 23–32, 417–20 degrees natural vs conventional 4–6 of correctness 151–2, 154–5; Redundancy Conception of 2–4, 24, 26, see also correctness, Redundancy 41, 98, 151–2, 198–9, 267, 323, 355, 358, Conception of 360–1, 367, 370–1, 372, 382, 423 of success, in various sorts of activities 98, the same for primary and secondary 101, 105, 117, 130–1, 135–6, 321–3 names 267 Demiurge 123, 484 consists in the name’s ‘indicating what Democritus 39, 92–4, 150, 217, 252, 469 each of the beings is like’ 267–8, Sayings of Democrates 225 319–20 see also Atomists two ‘manners’ of 199–201 depiction 368 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76347-9 - The Cratylus of Plato: A Commentary Francesco Ademollo Index More information I General index 511 dialectic 112–14, 140–4 etymology and division by kinds 141, 285, 289–90 in Aristotle 239–40 and the forms 141–2 criticized by few ancient authors 239 as knowledge of how to ask and answer in other Platonic dialogues 239 questions 141 popular conception of 33–6 dialectician Euripides 247, 365 and lawgiver 142–4 Euthydemus 84–7 as the user of names 142 Euthyphro 182, 190, 193, 242–3 see also dialectic allegedly the source of Socrates’ Diodorus Cronus 39 inspiration 241–6, 250, 252, 313, 318 divination 249–50 existence 277–8, 333 divine and human names see Homer. existence questions division by kinds 112–14, 129, 285, 289–90, about the forms 457–9 291–2, 299, 302 in the ‘Socratic’ dialogues 457–8 as the function of names 113–14 of beings 285–90 facts 334, 349, 373 of letters 281–5 falsa anaphora 53, 353–4 correspondence between division of false beliefs, may be expressed by beings and division of letters 290–2 names see beliefs Donnellan, K. 345 falsehood, impossibility of (ISF) 30–1, 36, 48, dream image 451, 456 61–3, 65, 101–2, 448 drugs 170 applies both to statements and to acts of Dummett, M. 13 naming 336–7 duplicate, perfect 363–9 Cratylus’ defence of 332–8 entailed by Cratylus’ theory of editions, revised, of ancient works 492 names 326–32 elements 195–7 Socrates’ refutation 338–50 Empedocles 212 see also sentence, structure of ‘conventionalism’ 89–90 fire doctrine of elements 195, 196–7 in the atomist theory of the soul 216–17 on vision 227–8 in Heraclitus 221 Epicurus, on the origin of names 4–5, 426 flux 15–16, 17–18, 27, 183, 201–33, 251–2, 276, Eretrian dialect 391 448 essence 110–11, 276–80 affecting both numerical and qualitative etymologies of primary names 306–9, 312–15 identity through time 464–8, 469, and the correctness of names 314–15 478, 479 likely to be Plato’s own creation 309, 428 arguments against 451–86 parallel with other authors 314 role of the forms 451–4 serious purpose of 312–15 and the atomists 213–15, 216–17, 223–5, etymologies of secondary names in Cra. 252, 469 as ‘agonistic display’ 250–1 and ‘being something’ 473–7, 484–5 allegedly the product of inspiration 182, and identity / predicative sentences or 197, 241–6, 250, 252, 313–14, 318 statements 464–8, 475, 476–7, 480–1 as chariot race 242, 251 and knowledge 478–81, 482–5 humorous and playful 246–50, 252, 313–14 moderate and extreme 451, 461, 462–6, literary, virtuosic character of 252–6, 468–73 313–14 and reference/predication 467–8 comparable to myths 313–14 and relativity 233 not a parody 237–41, 252, 313–14, 449 and sensible particulars 15–16, 17–18, 453–4, taken seriously throughout antiquity 239 460–2, 466, 473, 474–5, 477, 479–80 references to other authors 189–91 in some/in every respect see moderate and structure of the section 182–9 extreme systematic character and historical and the structure of Cra. 209–10, 450–1 ordering of 189–91, 251–2 and the ‘that’-‘such’ distinction 464–8 ‘suicide of naturalism’ 199–201, 208, 251–2 theory © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76347-9 - The Cratylus of Plato: A Commentary Francesco Ademollo Index More information 512 I General index flux (cont.) on names 36 details 210–24 Hermes 28–9, 487–8 basic role of movement (spatial Hermodorus 287, 288 change) 210–15, 462–3 Hermogenes duality of principles 202–3, 211–12, the dialogue’s character, upholder of 215–23, 226–32 conventionalism 37–41, 42–8 Plato’s assessment of 206–9, 460–2, 485–6 the historical character 18–19, 28–9 widespread in Greek culture 208–9, 450 name of 4, 15, 26–32, 324–8, 433, 487–8 form(s), Platonic 15–16, 20, 21, 125–38, 161, Herodotus 352 188, 276 Hesiod 34, 189, 204–5 of artefacts 128 Hippias 283 assumed to exist and to be Hipponicus 18–19, 20, 28–9, 147–8 unchanging 451–4, 455–60, 478, 483–5 Hobbes, Th.
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