The Cost of Butterfly Kisses
50ftqueenie made a request that really tickled my muse. So, rather than spoil you by telling you what she requested, I just present her story... Spike/Xander (pre-slash) Warnings: A bit of blackmail and manipulation Rating: Teen Episode Spoilers: Once More with Feeling 187,000 words Summary: Xander's been a bad boy, and Spike is about to figure out how to make the most of it. The Cost of Butterfly Kisses by Litgal Part One "Right then, you get all your singing out, then?" Spike asked. He lit a cigarette and looked around the Magic Box. Slayer wasn't around. It was just the sad little puppy-boy behind the counter. "What do you want, Spike?" Xander demanded, bristling with anger. Well, if Spike had to wait around for the slayer, he might as well entertain himself. If he was being honest with himself, he wanted to make a little trouble. If it weren't for the chip, he'd likely go out and gut some bloke and do something creative with the intestines. Days like this made him miss Drusilla. "Just thought I'd check in and see if ya were stupid enough to summon any more demons lately," Spike commented as he leaned against the counter. Xander flinched back from the question, but then, he should. It was bloody stupid. Harris had been around long enough to keep his mitts off magical amulets, and making a wish was even more idiotic than usual. Surprisingly, Xander didn't blow. "Go away, Spike," he said, his voice quiet, even if it was trembling with emotion.
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