In Neiv Spy Ptoix
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./■ / Average DaUy Ket PTess Run The W^thier ^ For the Week Khded Clfrndy tonight^ with lieM O o lh b e r *», Itee rain or drUsle, low hi, vipfM 40s; cloudy with' perloi^ 15,066 rain, tomorrow, high noar'W Manche»ter-^A City of Village Charm yOL. LXXXVI, NO. 27 (TWBNTY-FOUR PAGB^tVl^Q SECTIONS) MANOIESTER, C0NN.t TUESDAY, ^OVEMBER 1, 1966 (Classified Advwtising on F4co 21) ,PR1^E SEYEN CENTS Soviet I)mlomat busted Holidays Meet 1/ X CHARI50TTE3, N. C. (AP) —■When the wit«)hes rode in. t., U .S. Ijnits Charlotte on their brooms for Halloween, they met up .with Kris kringle’s advance X- agents. ' . The black-clad . old ladies in pinnacle hats found In Neiv Spy Ptoi (Christmas omamerits at tached to a.nuniber of mid town llghtpoles. -LQS ANGELES (AP)— A spokesman for the fire A (^rmap-born U.S. air departm^t, which puts up man has 6 ^ n ^ ^ ested and Thief Picked m the. Christmas UgljU and or Praises Work a Soviet aipi6rMt..prdered naments for the Downtown Wrong Home; to leave the country in the Association and Chamber of fourth major American spy Commerce, said an early Lion W ait^ Troops on case reported since July-by start is necessary because' the FBI. the decorations must' be in m e s a , Ariz. (aI*) — The bur staff Sgt. Herbert William place for the annual parade gle^ who out through a screen to Border Duty Thanksgiving Day. Boeckenhaupt, 23, was seized get into Michael Fair’s home CAMP STANLEY, K(V Monday by FBI agents at probably didn’t know about Ka- rea (AP) — “Keep your March Air Force Bue in River mou, the watch lioness who was side, Calif. He WBs'^airralgned State News chin up and your chest oiit here on a charge of conspiring lounging alone inside. we are proud of you and The intruder scooped up $200 to commit espionage to deliver M i I £ame here to tell you so,” worth of guns, a radio,, reconi' to a Soviet diplomat “Ihforma- Presi^t Johnson today Uncovered player and clothing. tipn relating to the national de> "Then I think Kaniou scared told Amet^cap troops" con fense of the Uhit^ States.” him," Fair told police Monday. fronting the Communists Boeickenhaupt, who lived In Dinb Prints ‘;He left the back door open and in Korea. _ Superior, Wls., with his family also the grate." The President ' traveled by ..since immigrating to the United Kamou left, too.-. train and helicomer. into thi States in 1948, pleaded innocent. Ai^e Coated ■ Within minutes, startled resi nigged South Korean country He was ordered held on $50,000 S.SQT. BOECKENHAUPT ALEKSEV MAUNIN ROCKY HILL — dents of the quiet northwest side to pay tribute to Korean ball. ' (AP) Mesa neighborhood were tele- and American troops guarding After the FBI ainnounced the After more than twQ -phoning police late Sunday the 151^-mUe border with Com sergeant's arrest, the' State De- months - of painstaking night. munist North Korea. partment asked Aleksey R. Mal work to uncover the re The barking of his dog ex- Speaking earnestly and in ^ inin, commercial counsel at'the Humphrey Acclaims cently discovered Rocky oused H.D. Hedgpeth, and h e , low voice Jedmson in an ^ -th e T Soviet Bmbassy in Wa^ing^ton, Hill dinosaur tracks, scien* ^went outside to see his flve- duff speech told Ujb ©oops 20 leave the country as soon as tists, today were busily ."pound Chihuahua attacking Ka- miles south of .the demlUtarized possible. • Burying them again. mow, a I40-pounder. The dog zone between North and South 'Boeckenhaupt; . stationed at Subs anid Democrats The prints are being covered was sent roUlng With a slap of Korea they were "doing a j the Pentagon frorh April 1964 to .NBlW HAVEN (AP)- - Humphrey boosted Rep. Wil with a water-repellant and bed- the lioness’ paw. mighty go^ job” of protecting August 1960, allegedly met se '^ s i t by Vice President liam L. St. lOnge, who repre- ded down under a heavy layer Hedgepeth said, "’There was freedom In the United States cretly----- -------- with^— ^ lin------ ln inr>June---- I960.. - Eastern Connecticut, and of sawdust to protect them the lion staring at me, its eyes and many parte of the world. Ha. dnd April J966_ He had .erilisted H. Humphrey highlighted friend against the ravages of winter, shining in the dark." said no matter what they may In the Air Force in-ldfiK) at the Monday’s political activities in Governor Dempsey today, * but Although they have survived Soon after, police had leashed read'about aniU-Viet Nam dem age of 17. ..X' Connecticut. ’The campaign en-^ jje’a a busy man." ' miUlons of years, the prints the lioness. They took her to a" onstrators or draft card burn The -FBI did not discloee tered its final week today. New Haven, Dempsey ” "r” "afe,y Vndergiound‘ unUl veterinary hospital, but It ers, the great bulk of Ameri whether "any money was in- .Humphrey made a speeth in capped the day's campaigning a bulldozer operator uncovered lacked proper facilities for an cans are like them — standi^ ' yolved In the alleged meetings, Groton, while Gov.. John Demp- ^^h ah appearance at an "Old them in August. ’Ihe problem U-monith-old lion, so they al- ■ up for freedom. lior whether any information sey stumped New Haven urg- fashioned political rally” spon- now is to keep them from crack lowed F air to take her home “If we can only ever-ttarh to WBS actually passed. Ing labor to get out the. vote i,y the Greater New Ha- ing from exposure to the ele with a warping to keep his pet do our jobs as politicians as weU Agents .also refused to say and his. Republican opponent, yg„ Labor.Council, AFL-OO. ments. behind doom. * as you are doblg yours as sol what Boeckenhaupt’s duties Clayton Gengras, visited Siam- q^^g theme of the gathering, The first step in the winter ‘Tt’s ha4 all its shots, and diers,’* thp President declared, were at the Pentagon, although ford. ' _ ■ attended by about 1,000 persons, izing process, which began Mon “ we’ll eliminate ware — we, ha was a communications re- The.^ Vice president ^ k e in ^vas to wage a fight against (See; Page Three) . won’t need soldiers. palrman at March; praTs'e of submarines and Dem- apathy. day, is to daub a thick water- repellant into the tracks; They ’"rhe - g ^ Lord wiping and. The FBI said Boeckenhaupt derate at the dedication of a Vincent J. Slrabella, president are then, covered with vinyl met with Malinin in June 1965, new engineering building at of the labor council, said, “As 'rin' with your help, we afe going’to. this goes Prepident Johnson list^ s to an explanation of mili make this a peaceful wbrid.” hi an Arlington, Va., suburb Electric Boot, birthplace of f^j. labor is concerned, we’ll thifk WpiI of sawdustsawdui and more Electrical Union where Malinin questtoned tfie fnpre : nuclear , subs than any ^gt that vote out. We’re not » tary equipment while, inajpecting South Korea’s < Johnson began his second day. vinyl she^. Over all, to keep ROK 26th Division at Uijong-Bu.' Squth Korean in South Korea with an (tour’s serviceman about his duties at other shipyard. apathetic.” everything In pleu;e, will be old Goes on Strike A crowd «< about 8,000, many ^ng New Haven Mayor Rich- President Chung Hee Park accomp^ied him In meeting wilb Presldeoat taning tha Pentagon. Ures. of them shipyard Workers, Us- a«l c, Dee,said, “I appeal to At Westinghouse foreground is a m o^r tube. (AP Photofax) H«e P s ^ They discussed Viet (See Page Six) tened as Humphrey recalled ygy as I have never appealed Nam,'~where South Korea has that his vrife, Muriel, bad chrie- befara.»ThO real.problem la: Airport Manager ' PITTSBURGH (AP) — An 45,000 teoops, ai^ Park’s tened the atomic sub Will Rogw get out the vote?” W i r ^ LOCKS. (AP) — electrical workers union struck quest for more/U.S- fonds iii> era at Groton last June. Stamford, Gengras told a' Herbert A. Preissper of ,South the giant Westinghouse Electrl,c.- Wesleyan Hosts Kids equip troops 4» replace tlieni a t , "The Will Rogers is now our Republican gathering at *the Glastonbury was named provl- oofp. today, idling thouaandiriof home, Btnsh Fire ship — and we will , follow her Relltown Fire House that Goh- slonal manager today .for Brad- employes, After their talk, Joh and fortunes In the years to come neciicut’s prosperity is due ley International. Airpor(. Officials of the International Paric drove through^ Raging in with a deep personal Interest,” juore to stepiped up j|>roductlon The 43-year-old former fighter Brotherhood of Electrical Work- Vandals, Robbers flag-waVing crowds ^ take a he said. Humphrey remarked In materiel for the Viet Nam pilot was appointed by the State ers, AJlrCIO, called the strike apeciol train fo r a 19-mile Hdo passing that Will Rogers him- ^ , Department of Aeroiiautics. Ho after the coUaiwe of negotia- to the Jiaadqwrten of the aoUi California self had been a Democrat (Bee Page SU) fllls the vacancy caused by the Hons for a new national con- Mar State Korean 'Im m try Division and death of William Connor, who tract. The old pact expired at neuhy^ U.8 . Camp Stanley. BTLMAR, Calif. (AP) — --------------- ' ' “ : ' manager for 10 years. ^ midnight Xfonday. the Korean camp Johnson was ^ aaaawasgaaw NEWMIH3VV HJvV'jQNHAVEN IJautr(AP)— I— *11Irr sJUUHHIIICsquirting WIClllthem with,VTlt** , waterJila-VTOfWA !"•’ - oemferred U.8 .