Innovations Across the Grid Partnerships Transforming the Power Sector

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Innovations Across the Grid Partnerships Transforming the Power Sector VOLUME II INNOVATIONS ACROSS THE GRID PARTNERSHIPS TRANSFORMING THE POWER SECTOR The Edison Foundation INSTITUTE for ELECTRIC INNOVATION The Edison Foundation INSTITUTE for ELECTRIC INNOVATION VOLUME II INNOVATIONS ACROSS THE GRID PARTNERSHIPS TRANSFORMING THE POWER SECTOR December 2014 © 2014 by the Institute for Electric Innovation All rights reserved. Published 2014. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system or method, now known or hereinafter invented or adopted, without the express prior written permission of the Institute for Electric Innovation. Attribution Notice and Disclaimer This work was prepared by the Edison Foundation Institute for Electric Innovation (IEI). When used as a reference, attribution to IEI is requested. IEI, any member of IEI, and any person acting on IEI's behalf (a) does not make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information, advice, or recommendations contained in this work, and (b) does not assume and expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, advice, or recommendations contained in this work. The views and opinions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect those of IEI or any member of IEI. This material and its production, reproduction, and distribution by IEI does not imply endorsement of the material. Published by: The Edison Foundation 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004- 2696 Phone: 202.508.5440 Web site: Table of Contents IEI MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE VI Indianapolis Power & Light Company — Distributed Solar Generation Integration 47 IEI TECHNOLOGY MidAmerican Renewables — PARTNER ROUNDTABLE VII Grid-Friendly Utility-Scale PV Plant 51 NorthWestern Energy — INTRODUCTION 1 Grid-Supported Microgrid 57 Pacific Gas and Electric Company — Battery Energy Storage System Pilots 61 FOREWORD by Chris Johns, President, Pacific Gas and Electric Company 5 PNM Resources — Geographic Information System (GIS) Data Converter 67 FOREWORD by Bob Rowe, President Portland General Electric — Integrated and CEO, NorthWestern Energy 9 Energy System Demonstration at Salem Smart Power Center 71 NEW ENERGY RESOURCES 13 Public Service Electric & Gas Company — Solar 4 AllTM 75 Avista Utilities — Economic Dispatch of Distributed Energy Resources 17 Southern California Edison — Preferred Resources Pilot 79 Dominion North Carolina Power — North Carolina Microgrid Southern California Edison — Demonstration and Research Project 21 Tehachapi Energy Storage Project 83 Dominion Virginia Power — Tucson Electric Power — Bright Tucson Solar Partnership Program 25 Community Solar Program 87 Georgia Power — Utility-Scale and Tucson Electric Power — Distributed Solar Implementation 29 Fort Huachuca Solar Power Project 93 German Transmission System Operators Amprion & TenneT — DISTRIBUTION GRID OPTIMIZATION 97 Demand Response as Ancillary Service in Germany 33 American Electric Power — Asset Health Center Improves Infrastructure Hawaiian Electric Company — Decisions; Builds Smarter Grid 101 Solar and Wind Integrated Forecasting Tool (SWIFT) for Grid Operations 37 Baltimore Gas & Electric — Implementation of Conservation Indianapolis Power & Light Voltage Reduction 105 Company — AES Battery Integration Center 43 CenterPoint Energy — Intelligent Grid 111 III Commonwealth Edison Company — Southern California Edison — Irvine Distribution Automation 115 Smart Grid Demonstration: Substation Automation Using Open Standards 187 Commonwealth Edison Company — Resilient Electric Grid Xcel Energy — Advanced Network Superconductor Project 119 Management System 191 Consolidated Edison Company of New York — CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS 197 Digital X-Ray Technology 123 Austin Energy — Power Partner Consolidated Edison Thermostat Program 201 Company of New York — Dual-Feeder Circuit Breaker 127 CenterPoint Energy — Power Alert Service 205 DTE Energy — Leveraging Hyper- Localized Weather Forecasting Commonwealth Edison Company — for Distribution System System Improvements Map 211 Damage Prediction 131 Commonwealth Edison Company — DTE Energy — Sensors for a Nest Thermostat Demand Predictive Grid in the Motor City 137 Response and Rebates 215 Duke Energy — Field Message Bus Commonwealth Edison Company — Interoperability and the Coalition Peak Time Savings 219 of the Willing Project 143 DTE Energy — DTE Insight App and Energy Bridge 223 Électricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF) — Duke Energy — Becoming a Trusted Nice Smart Solar District 149 Energy Advisor 227 Enel — Improving Smart Grid Gulf Power — Energy Select 231 Reliability and Operational Efficiency 153 National Grid — DemandLinkTM Pilot Florida Power and Light Company — in Rhode Island for System Optimizing the Smart Grid to Reliability Procurement 235 Enhance Service Reliability 157 NV Energy — Building Energy NSTAR — Urban Grid Monitoring Intelligence in the State of Nevada 239 and Renewable Integration 163 Pacific Gas and Electric Company — Oklahoma Gas & Electric — On-Bill Financing Marketing 243 100 Analytics Apps 167 Pepco Holdings, Inc. — Oklahoma Gas & Electric — Peak Energy Savings Credit 249 Verified Service Outage 171 Pepco Holdings, Inc. — SolutionOne 253 Pacific Gas and Electric Company — Portland General Electric — Intelligent Switches: Energy TrackerSM 257 Increasing Reliability with San Diego Gas and Electric — "Self-Healing" Technology 175 Manage-Act-Save 261 Pepco Holdings, Inc. — Southern Company — Remote Disconnect and Customer Outage Communications 265 Reconnection of Electric Service 179 Pepco Holdings, Inc. — Transformer Load Management 183 COMPANY INDEX 271 IV Institute for Electric Innovation Management Committee Executive Director — Lisa Wood Co- Chair — Christopher Johns, President, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Co- Chair — Robert Rowe, President and CEO, NorthWestern Energy Nicholas Akins David Hutchens Scott Prochazka Chairman, President, and CEO President and CEO President and CEO American Electric Power UNS Energy Corporation CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Terry Bassham Thomas King Joseph Rigby Chairman, President, and CEO President Chairman, President, and CEO Great Plains Energy, Inc. National Grid USA Pepco Holdings, Inc. Christopher Crane Mark Lantrip Charles Schrock President and CEO President and CEO Chairman, President, and CEO Exelon Corporation Southern Company Services Integrys Energy Group, Inc. Peter Delaney John McAvoy Eric Silagy Chairman, President, and CEO Chairman, President, and CEO President and CEO OGE Energy Corp. Consolidated Edison, Inc. Florida Power & Light Company Anthony Earley David Meador Andrew Vesey Chairman, President, and CEO Vice Chairman and CAO Executive Vice President PG&E Corporation DTE Energy Co. and COO AES Corporation Thomas Fanning Scott Morris Chairman, President, and CEO Chairman, President, and CEO Patricia Vincent- Collawn Southern Company Avista Corp. Chairman, President, and CEO PNM Resources, Inc. Benjamin Fowke Jim Piro Chairman, President and CEO President and CEO Xcel Energy, Inc. Portland General Electric Lynn Good Pedro Pizarro President and CEO President Duke Energy Corporation Southern California Edison VI Institute for Electric Innovation Technology Partner Roundtable Chair — Kevin Fitzgerald, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Pepco Holdings, Inc. Alstom GridSense American Efficient IBM BRIDGE Energy Group Innovari Broadscale Group Intelligent Energy Solutions BuildingIQ Itron C3 Energy Comverge Johnson Controls Copper Development Association Opower Ecova Oracle Enbala RES Americas Energate Sensus EnerNOC Siemens First Solar Silver Spring Networks FirstFuel GE Power & Water Simple Energy Gridco Systems Tendril The IEI Partner Roundtable is a select group of innovative technology companies dedicated to advancing smart technologies with electric utilities. The roundtable is a platform to share information, ideas, innovations, and results as utilities and technology companies work together. VII “The process of integrating new resources, planning and optimizing the grid platform, and providing customer solutions is continuous, real-time, and evolving.” VIII Introduction The electric power distribution grid To integrate new energy resources; is an evolving plug-and-play platform To optimize the distribution grid for integrating new energy services platform; and and technologies. Public policies, new To provide customer solutions. technologies, innovation, and consumer needs are driving the transformation of Evolving Distribution Grid Platform the power grid. The significant investments being made in grid technologies, data Over the past decade, U.S. utilities have analytics, distribution system sensing been integrating increasing amounts of and monitoring, and controls to enhance large-scale variable renewable energy operational efficiency and to integrate resources into the grid each year, and this new resources are clear indicators of the is expected to continue. More recently, significant changes that are happening utilities have started to integrate more across the electric utility industry. distributed energy resources, such as rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV), storage, Through a series of case studies and other distributed resources onto the documenting “real world” projects, grid. This
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