BGRS\SB-2018 MM&Am
11th International Multiconference «Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\ Systems Biology», Novosibirsk, Russia, 20 - 25 August 2018 BGRS\SB-2018 MM&HPC-BBB-2018 SBioMed-2018 CSGB-2018 BioGenEvo-2018 SbPCD-2018 FCRW-2018 20 August 08:30-10:00 Registration (House of Scientists SB RAS, main entrance) Coffee-break 10.10–17.30 Plenary session (House of Scientists SB RAS, Large hall) Chairpersons: Prof. Nikolay Kolchanov, Prof. Ralf Hofestädt, Prof. Mikhail Fedoruk 10.10-10.30 Opening Ceremony (House of Scientists SB RAS, Large Hall) 10.30–11.10 Entropic hourglass patterns of animal and plant development and the emergence of biodiversity. Ivo Grosse, Institute of Computer Science, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany 11.10–11.50 Selection versus Adaptation: Network Diversification and the Origins of Life, Ageing and Cancer Hans V. Westerhoff, Synthetic Systems Biology and Nuclear Organization, University of Amsterdam 11.50–12.30 Unraveling of gene expression control in genome-reduced bacteria. The rally goes on… Vadim Govorun, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine of Federal Medical Biological Agency (RCC PCM FMBA), Russia 12.30–12.45 HPC clusters and Big Data storage for data analysis in scientific research – Huawei experience Alexey Iyudin, Huawei Technologies, Gold Sponsor 12.45–14.30 Lunch + Registration 14.30–15.10 Towards understanding of apoptosis regulation using computational biology Inna N. Lavrik, Department of Translational Inflammation Research, Institute of Experimental
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