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Game Markers,andcompleterules.Scheduledtoship the Compatible withbothMageWars AcademyandArena, WARLORD EXPANSION MAGE WARS ACADEMY: AGS GRPR008 Scheduled toshipin August2017. battle¬field tothe Third DimensionwithnewDoorsand WindowsStand–uptokens! classes, powers,and items-Scandium,Vanadium, andXeno–Warrior! And,take the Defenders agency’s agentsandunleashtheirunique new withthesenewpowerful army The endofthewarisimminent-let’s theFinal Countdown!ExpandtheGalaxy start GALAXY DEFENDERS:THEFINAL COUNTDOWN Warlord Expansioncomeswith72SpellCards, ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... ACTION PHASEGAMES ARCANE WONDERS ARES GAMES GAMES $19.99 PSI APGBEE1 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. a buzzing,realtime,dice-rollinggame! a beelineforthemeadowinBEEEEES!, throne! So,assembleyourhiveandmake which fledglingqueenwillinheritthe and dexteritywillbeheldtodetermine Queen seeksanheir!Agrandtestofskill The buzzaroundthemeadowisHigh BEEEEES! 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Washes andapaintingguide.Scheduled This setcontainselevenQuickshade QUICKSHADE WASHES SET WARPAINTS: ASM SHEH03 crime. Scheduled toshipinJuly 2017. together thenarrative behindeach the sceneofcrime inordertopiece visiting thewitnesses, thesuspects,and to conductyourown investigations, skills. It’s uptoyouand your friends a newchallengeforyourdeductive The Mummy’s caseoffers Curse,every Magnate, toThe Pilfered Paintings and From thecuriouscaseofTheMunitions Sherlock HolmesConsultingDetective. featuring tenfullyrevisedcasesfor Other Cases, astandaloneexpansion London withTheThamesMurders& Enter thegaslitstreetsofVictorian OTHER CASES(ST THE THAMESMURDERSAND CONSULTING DETECTIVE- SHERLOCK HOLMES: ...... 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Hirethehelpyouneed, score evenmorepointsandbecome a V or Jean Parisot de Vallette, himself, to historical figuressuchasEmperorCharles As yourprojectsprogress,enlisttheaid of beautiful baroque buildings of the capital. to constructthemightybastionsand hire builders,masons,andwoodworkers Procure rawmaterialsfromcraftsmenand make Valletta thefuturecapitalofMalta. projects thatwillcompletethecityand it’s thebuilding uptoyou to undertake city in the Mediterranean. Now,powerful placed thefirststoneofwhatwillbecomea The yearis1566.OrderofMaltahas VALLETTA ...... $49.99 $19.90 $14.99 APL 0613 in theSecondItalo-AbyssinianWar of1935-1936.ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. along with a number ofhypothetical situations that examinepossible British intervention 1941. 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This item is NOTE: Thisitemis $7.99 $44.99 PI PI PI JUN 2017 3 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 4 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PSI BEZWHIS to shipinAugust2017. to theboomtownsofWest. Scheduled making afinalpushtocompletelonghauls before soar witheachsuccessfuldelivery railroads andwatchyourreputation Along theway, you’llgainsharesinother you continuetoexpandyournetworks. you andyourcompetitorscanleverage as creating anetworkof‘WhistleStops’that deliver neededgoodstogrowingtowns, build routes,pickupvaluablecargo,and using yourfledglingrailroadcompanyto make yourwaywest across the country, the entirecountry. InWhistleStop,you’ll expansion ofrailwaysthatwouldcrisscross it wasmerelythebeginningofarapid was completedintheUnitedStates.But, 1869, thefirsttranscontinentalrailroad With thedrivingofgoldenspikein WHISTLE STOP BAN ZWO7023 SPECIAL PACK SET1DISPLAY (6) BAN ZWO7009 BOOSTER 1DISPLAY (24) for availability. in fulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailer ghosts). (demonsand lightning girl),andImmortal zombies suchassoldiers,rocket-man,and sushi chefs),Mech-Z(mecha-inspired Japanese zombieslikesamurais,ninjas, kinds of zombies - Deadman (classic brings ‘embackformore!Therearethree lets zombiestakemultiplehits,whilerevival which arekeytogameplay, astoughness characteristics -toughnessandrevival variety ofzombieswithtwosignature usingmagictosummonawide armies 50-card decks,playerscommandundead Using only thingthatmattersissurvival. infested, post-apocalypticworldwherethe inazombie- one ofthefewsurvivors game where players take on the role as head-to-head, competitivetradingcard Zombie World Orderisatwo-player, ZOMBIE WORLDORDERTCG NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailers BEZIER GAMES ...... $59.95 PI PI BGM 016 slay. ScheduledtoshipinJune2017. bonuses and making themmuch tougher to come intotown,grantingthempowersand cards, whichattachtoHeroesasthey of Destructionfeaturesthepopular Items expansion forBossMonster! on inImplementsofDestruction,thelatest andthegauntletsare The glovesareoff DESTRUCTION EXPANSION MONSTER:IMPLEMENTSOF BFG 11807 (1000 PIECES) USE THEFORCELUKEPUZZLE STAR WARS 40THANNIVERSARY: BGM 013 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. from themakersofBossMonster. dice placementgamefor2to4players , a ofabygoneageinUnearth the glory the ruins,buildplacesofpower, andrestore and mountainstofindtheselostcities.Claim islands,caverns, explore forests,deserts, world. Now, yourtribeofDelversmust your ancestorsbuiltgreatcitiesacrossthe Reclaim! Rebuild!Remember!Longago, UNEARTH BROTHERWISE GAMES BUFFALO GAMES ...... Implements Implements $34.95 $9.95 PI YCW 4037379-D contact yourretailer foravailability. is soldtoretailersinfulldisplays.Please rule sheet,andaplaymat.NOTE:Thisitem Trial DeckcomeswithaLifeCounter, a in6-countdisplays,each52-card Offered onthe opponent’sunleash carnage field! contains manyvitalspellcardsthatwill Card Buddyfight Trading CardGame Decimating BlackDragonfortheFuture TRIAL DECKDISPLAY (6) DECIMATING BLACKDRAGON FUTURE CARDBUDDYFIGHTTCG: YCW 403630-D DECK DISPLAY (6) SHADOW LEGIONTRIAL YCW 403661 BOOSTER PACK DISPLAY (20) RALLY TOWAR YCW 403647-D MYSTICAL HUNTERSTRIALDECKDISPLAY (6) YCW 403654-D ALPHA DOMINANCETRIALDECKDISPLAY (6) Please contact your retailer for availability. item issoldtoretailersinfulldisplays. packed in20-countdisplays.NOTE:This Supplement yourplaywith8-cardboosters three dice,aplaymat,andrulebook. needs toplay, includinga53-carddeck, Trial aplayer Deckcomeswitheverything glory. in6-countdisplays,each Offered their ownchampionstovieforhonorand founded theirownnations,eachwith to destroy the world. In its wake, they fought cataclysmicbattlesthatthreatened ProgenitorDragon- of thelegendary Dragolords. TheDragolords-descendants warriors imbued with power from the as theyassumetheroleofaDragoborne, of warringnationsandtacticalmaneuvers strategic dicegameplay, stepintoaworld , atradingcardgamewith DragoBorne Quarriors!, Designed byMikeElliott(Thunderstone, it takestowieldthepowerofadragon? Rise toSupremacy!Doyouhavewhat DRAGOBORNE TCG BFG 11806 (1000 PIECES) YOU’RE MYONLY HOPEPUZZLE STAR WARS 40THANNIVERSARY: BUSHIROAD . Dice Masters),playersinthe ...... 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Please contact 30-count displays.NOTE:Thisitemissold introduced in5-cardboosterspacked Card BuddyFight Trading Card Game is This 146-cardexpansiontotheFuture are the ever-popular Buddies of Gao! series, whilethreeofthesixBuddyRares assembly ofmonstersfromtheanimated Crossing Generationsfeaturesahuge (Dragon World andStarDragonWorld ), Decks Future CardBuddyFightXStarter Designed tosynergizewiththetwo ALTERNATIVE DISPLAY (30) BOOSTER PACK CROSSING GENERATIONS X FUTURE CARDBUDDYFIGHTTCG: July are featured in ChaosControlCrisis Buddyfight animatedseriesepisodesin Many epiccardsintheFutureCard PACK DISPLAY (30) CHAOS CONTROLCRISISBOOSTER FUTURE CARDBUDDYFIGHTTCG: the YCW 403722 contact yourretailerforavailability. item issoldtoretailersinfulldisplays.Please pack /30packsperdisplay. NOTE:This World andStarDragonWorld! 5-cardsper the twomaincharacters’worlds,Dragon Plus, World andLegendWorld decksareplayed! a revolutiontothewayDarknessDragon boosters! 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CSG TKR01 ambition ofre-unifying China! ifyouaretofulfillyourgrand opportunity constantly andyoumusttakeadvantage of every enemies.Butbeware, forthebalanceofpowershifts rebellious bordertribesandexternal guarding yourbordersagainstboth state enhancements,andtradingwhile ofthepeople,constructing and support building upthemilitary, gainingranks state, suchasdomesticdevelopment, aspects of running a the different Shu. Asafeudallord,youmanage between thestatesofWei, Wu, and they attempttorecreatethetripartite (Cao Cao,SunJian,andLiuBei)as assume theroleofonethreelords In - SECONDEDITION O/A THREEKINGDOMSREDUX CSG COAL01 valuable coal! andpreventyourextractionof your efforts accumulating water, for itcan stall uncover more coal. But, beware of quickly to anddigdeeperintheEarth your farm, Obtain uniquedevelopments,expand oftheRuhrregion. part in thesouthern exploit thepresenceofcoalintheirlands who Players takeontheroleoffarmers in theRuhrvalley16thCentury. players tothebeginningofcoalmining of Early Coal Mining transports Story acclaimed coaltrilogy, Haspelknecht:The The firstgameinThomasSpitzer`shighly OF EARLY COALMINING O/A HASPELKNECHT: THESTORY , players Three KingdomsRedux,players ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... CAPSTONE GAMES $60.00 OFFERED AGAIN Ruhr. to thevalleyandentirearea- cruising theriverwhichgives its name gold topeddlersandthefirstcoalbarges by coalmininganddeliveringtheblack theirlivingexclusivelypopulation earns to helpdrainthepitwater. Mostofthe and waterchannelsareimplemented and longer through the useof iron, Ruhr valley. Thetunnelsare dug deeper intheand lucrativebusinessforfarmers Coal mininghasnowbecomeaninherent VALLEY EXPANSION O/A HASPELKNECHT: THERUHR CSG LIGNUM01 winters. ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. theharsh firewood andfoodtosurvive about, asyou’llalsoneedtostoreenough competitors are not the only thing to worry update andreplaceyourequipment.Your limited contractworkers,andcontinually secure the best cutting areas, make use of for competition is fierce! You’ll need to the most profitable. Be cautious, however, planning willensurethatyourmillbe possible. Savvyinvestmentsandproper to runtheirlumbermillsasefficiently and workers,playersinLignumsetout withalimitedamountofresources Starting LIGNUM CSG COAL02 to Haspelknecht. The RuhrValley isanexpansion ...... $69.99 $35.00 $60.00

JUN 2017 5 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 6 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PSI CAT16101 to shipinAugust2017. along withmoreraceoptions!Scheduled to your DragonfireDeck-BuildingGames, Add Rangers,Druids,Bards,andSorcerers THE SWORDCOAST EXPANSION PACK 1-HEROESOF DRAGONFIRE DBG-CHARACTER DUNGEONS &DRAGONS: CPS 1042 resistance tobringdown theThousand-Year Reich. and theSovietUnion fightagainstfierceGerman years ofWWIIinEurope,astheWestern Allies Fall oftheThirdReichcoversdramaticlasttwo From award-winningdesignerTed S.Raicer, The THE FALL OFTHETHIRDREICH PSI CAT16000 to additionalequipment,feats,andmore!ScheduledshipinAugust2017. expansions. Along the way, players levelup their characters,opening access Realms, suchasBaldur’s Gate,Neverwinter, andWaterdeep, infuture the famed ...... Sword Coast, then expand to other locales across the Forgotten Sword Coast,thenexpandtootherlocalesacross the Forgotten �������������������������������������������������������������������������� and magic items, players begin their adventure along and magicitems,playersbegintheiradventure along CATALYST GAMELABS COMPASS GAMES and wizard. Equipped with weapons, spells, and wizard.Equippedwithweapons,spells, CHA 5115 Johansen. ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. and thevoyageofVigilant, captainedbyGustaf of theraidledbyInspectorLegrasse on. Helearns creature withanoctopoidhead,spurringhimtoread papers and discovers a bas-relief depicting an odd Francis Wayland Thurston. Francis delves into the research hasbeendiscoveredbyhisgrand-nephew, RJIvankovic.ThelateProfessorAngell’spoet-artist’ and gracefullytoldinanapestictetrameterby‘genius Cthulhu, isnowabeautifulchildren’s book,seamlessly The iconicH.P. Lovecraft1928story, TheCallof FOR BEGINNINGREADERS THE CALLOFCTHULHU $24.99 CHAOSIUM quintessential roles of cleric, rogue, fighter, $79.00 ...... PSI CAT16050 Game. ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. for usewiththeDragonfireDeck-Building Treasures Deckcontains55foiledcards TheWonderousability toseizevictory! horde ofmagicalitemstoincreaseyour adventurewillbringadragon’sEvery DECK 1-WONDROUSTREASURES DRAGONFIRE DBG-MAGICITEMS DUNGEONS &DRAGONS: orc to human, while assuming the orc to human, while assuming the races, from dwarf toelf,half- races, fromdwarf choose fromanumberof Dungeons &Dragons!Players greatest roleplayinggame- game setwithintheworld’s Dragonfire isadeck-building Shadowrun: CrossfireEngine, Powered bytheacclaimed Legend! SeizetheAdventure! Join theQuest!BuildYour Own CORE SET DRAGONFIRE DBG- DUNGEONS &DRAGONS: ...... $59.99 $14.99 $19.95 COL AQ019 Wolfie, andRawrtheLion. theDragon,Padfeet friends, likePuff players can choose from amazing new animalsupforadoption, twelve different their ownminiatureanddashboard.With unleashes Petstoplayer’s Guilds,eachwith this foeinArcadiaQuest: Pets, which of some animal companions to take on The Heroesaregoingtoneedthehelp ofcreepyexperiments! conducting allsorts garden inthecenterofArcadia,andshe’s Vexia has taken upresidenceinthe Arcadia JustGotCuter!Theevilwitch ARCADIA QUEST: PETS COL RB018 IRON INQUISITIONEXPANSION COL RB023 HEROES SET#1 BLUTRAUSCH LEGION COL RB022 HEROES SET#1 IRON INQUISITION COL RB019 BLUTRAUSCH LEGIONEXPANSION Scheduled toshipinJune2017. RUM &BONES COOLMINIORNOT ...... $59.99 $39.99 $24.99 $24.99 $47.99 COL RB024 SEA MONSTERS COL RB025 MERCENARY FACTION CVB 280854-0646 PHALANX SUPPORT PACK ALEPH DACTYLS, STEEL COL RB026 VIKINGS EXPANSION COL RB027 SEASON ONEUPGRADEKIT COL RB017 SECOND TIDECOREBOX Scheduled toshipinMay2017. CORVUS BELLI ...... INFINITY ...... $29.99 $34.99 $27.77 $59.99 $24.99 $99.99 CVB 280724-0656 (VIRAL SNIPERRIFLE) LUNAH, EX-ARISTEIA!SNIPER MERCENARIES MAJOR CVB 280684-0658 (MULTI SNIPER/HACKER) SPECIAL MISSIONSREG. COMBINED ARMYZERAT CVB 280186-0635 ARIADNA 5THMINUTEMENREGIMENT‘OHIO’ CVB 2289303 set intheInfinity universe. Outrage isthefirstaction-packed manga blood prizeofhis own identity. Infinity: the livesofHumanSphere citizens,butthe hands arenownot only statesecretsand where nothingiswhatitseems.Inhis his doorsteptoenrollhiminanoperation Emily Handelman,isabouttoshowup at are behindhim.Butanambitiousofficer, a pawninthegrandgameofintrigue Retired sniperKnaufbelieveshisdays as OUTRAGE CVB 280585-0637 NOMADS GECKOPILOT ...... ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... $10.97 $18.14 $12.84 $10.97

CVB 280391-0642 YU JINGO-YOROIPILOT CVB 280930-0639 TOHAA GORGOSPILOT CVB 280292-0659 (HMG/BOARDING SHOTGUN) PANOCEANIA ORCTROOPS DIA STL050960 Time! Scheduled toshipinAugust 2017. Cubes: Adventure Ooo withRory’s Story craft yourownadventures inthelandof Lumpy SpacePrincess, andtheIceKingto Join Finn,Jakke, Princess Bubblegum, ADVENTURE TIMEDICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: THE CREATIVITY HUB ...... $10.97 $10.97 $18.14 $29.91 PI DIA STL050617 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Batman villains,gadgets,andlocations. create infinitetalesfeaturingyourfavorite Cubesto RollallnineStory the story! Cubes:Batman,youdecide Rory’s Story escape from Arkham Asylum? With has discoveredBatman’s identity?WillThe Is theRiddlerplanninghisnextcrime?Who DC COMICSBATMAN DICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: DIA STL050957 ship inAugust2017. series.Scheduledto world famouscartoon the iconsoneach cube inspiredbythe own LooneyTunesyour very storiesusing Puddy-Tat? Rolltheninecubesandtell Wile E.Coyote?DidTweety reallyseea Which ACMEgadgethasbackfired on What trickisBugsplayingonDaffy? LOONEY TUNESDICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: DIA STL050958 to shipinAugust2017. crafting yourownadventures.Scheduled delve deeper into the Gallifreyan universe Roll theninedice,lookatimages,and Doctor? Could you,yourself be the Doctor? go next? Will the Master finally defeat the his companions? Where must the TARDIS What newpuzzleconfrontstheDoctorand Which alienisunleashingchaosonEarth? DOCTOR WHODICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: ...... PI PI PI DIA STL050954 ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. story! With Where willtheMoominfamilysailtoday? MOOMIN DICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: Z 29...... $13.00 CZE 02194...... in August2017. Cards, andaRulesCard. Scheduledtoship 31 GameCards,six OversizedSuperHero Birds ofPrey!ThisCrossoverPack contains opsteam, the preeminent,all-female covert to anyDC Deck-Building Game City -andbeyond!AddthisCrossoverPack the shadowstoprotectcitizensofGotham intelligent, andbraveheroineswhooperate in the BirdsofPreyareamadeupfierce, and Oracle, Founded byBlackCanary BIRDS OFPREYEXPANSION CROSSOVER PACK 6- DC COMICSDBG: DIA STL050955 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. each cube inspired by the animated classic. Scooby Doo stories using the icons on own Roll theninecubesandtellyourvery Who’s behindthefairgroundhauntings? Shaggy? WhatCluehasVelma discovered? Which monsterischasingScoobyand SCOOBY DOODICESET RORY’S STORY CUBES: Rory’s Story Cubes you decide the Rory’s Story ENTERTAINMENT CRYPTOZOIC ...... to play as to playas PI PI

JUN 2017 7 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 8 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PSI CB72303 Wayward newoptionsforadventurers.Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Elvesthatoffer of theforesttofabledGreatSpiders,aswellvariantcultureslikeRiverHobbits and of the Enemy, containing a host of strange creatures and servants bestiary from the beasts friends andfoes,sitesofinterest,potentialadventures.Alsoincludedisanexpanded CGE B0001 in theworldofGalaxyTrucker BoardGame . route -oranewcareer? RockyRoadisanovelset and nowshe’s deepindebt.Doessheneedanew on Route135!Hertruckskeepgettingblasted tobits, her dreamjob.But,noonetoldabout themeteors Galaxy! Franthoughtthatgalaxytrucking wouldbe Build ashipoutofsewerpipes!Fly acrossthe ROCKY ROADITTD2017NOVEL GALAXY TRUCKER: CZE 02574 to shipinAugust2017. bizarre, dimension-hoppingepisode“CloseRick-CountersoftheRickKind”.Scheduled -themed deck-buildinggamebasedonthe self-righteous inthisexcitingRickandMorty Wubba LubbaDubDub!Take downtheCouncilofRicksbeforetheygettooannoyingand OF THERICKKIND-CORESET RICK ANDMORTY DBG:CLOSERICK-COUNTERS CZE 02192 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� CZECH GAMESEDITIONS ‘em all!ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. which meanstheydon’t goawaywhenyoudie.Collect in glyphed blast‘emspells.Oh,andmostoftheTreasures Deliveries areCreatures,andtheotherhalfdual- in yourspell.AndCreaturesareback!Halfofthe glyphs great benefitswhenyouplayalotofdifferent add morebangtoyourbrainsuck!BadTrips giveyou even aftermakinga full three-card spell, you can still unclog yourhandoftoomanyonespelltype.So, exciting, newinnovations!Cantripsareagreatwayto Murdershroom MarshratchetsuptheEPICwithseveral standalone expansionforEpicSpellWars , Cantrips! BadTrips! Dual-GlyphedDeliveries!A MELEE AT MURDERSHROOMMARSH BATTLE WIZARDS3: EPIC SPELLWARS OFTHE CUBICLE 7 are “Everlasting!”, Melee atMurdershroomMarshare“Everlasting!”, region isdescribedindetail,listingpotential and new perils for the players to discover. Each Loremaster’searth newsanctuaries Guide,offering descriptions givenintheAdventuresMiddle- forest ofMirkwoodtotheeast.Itexpandson along the banks of the Great River, and the trackless of theRiverandForest-Vales ofAnduin the RhovanionRegionGuide describes the lands A sourcebookforAdventuresinMiddle-earth, Wild, anddefenditagainsttherisingShadow. ofthe gatesofDolGuldur!Entertheheart very tothe running fromthelonely thickets ofthenorth the Wild!ExploredreadforestofMirkwood, edgeof of theMistyMountainstosouthern Follow theAnduinriverdownfromchillsprings RHOVANION REGIONGUIDEHARDCOVER ADVENTURES INMIDDLE-EARTH - DUNGEONS &DRAGONSRPG: $5.00 Melee at Melee at $34.99 $40.00 $30.00 IMP DAK0003 ship inJuly2017. cardgame.Scheduledto tavern-building Masters, an exciting, quick-playing, inTavernfantasy villageofRedstaff asthegreatestbarkeepin in history moregoldtobuildyourplace all toearn welcome in patronsboth lowly andnoble, muttonandcrustybread, serve andminstrels, Buy drinks,hirebarmaids TAVERN MASTERS GAMES OFCHANCEEXPANSION TAVERN MASTERS: DV1 030J Scheduled toshipinMay2017. US SOLDIERMINIATURES WARFIGHTER: IMP DAK0003002 based abilityrandomization.ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. Masters, introducing20newcardswithdice- of dicerollingtothecardplayTavern Games OfChance adds in the element DOW DO7215 in August 2017. in Ticket Germany ! Scheduledtoship toRide:Germany empire across19th century ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ DAN VERSSENGAMES DAN KRISSGAMES DAYS OFWONDER $39.99 $29.99 IMP DAK0003001 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. Deedsdeck. Patron cardsandtheDirty Masters, introducingnewTavern and to thecompetitivegameplayofTavern Deedsaddsinthe‘takethat’element Dirty DIRTY DEEDSEXPANSION TAVERN MASTERS: DV1 036R Scheduled toshipinMay2017. FROM #5AMMOBOX WARFIGHTER WWII:CARDDECKS the German empire.Buildyour the German next destination:Berlin, capitalof train beginschugging towardits three-chime whistleandanother an operatorpullsthecordfora their cars.Ontheoppositeplatform, baggage aspassengersstepfrom arerushingtounload in livery direction.Already,in every porters steam erupting halts at the platform, prolonged hissasthelocomotive more intense,culminatingwitha din ofthemassiveenginegrows the MunichCentral Station. The the 4:15trainfromNurembergin of smokeannouncesthearrival Through afineautumnrain,plume Turn Germany... ofthecentury TICKET TORIDE:GERMANY ...... $49.99 $14.99 $29.99 $9.99 TDM TDM401 to shipinJune2017. hunt through a dystopian London. Scheduled of adisintegratingEdinburgh,andmurder the sea,aninvestigationthroughstreets Siberian Express,avoyagetothebottomof byairshipandTransBritain, epicjourneys a post-apocalypticCamargue,anOrwellian adventures includetheSalemWitchTrials, acrossthemultiverse.The versions ofEarth different eight scenariossetinsevenvery Arkwright supplement,ParallelLinesfeatures A campaignpackfortheMythrasLuther ARKWRIGHT -PARALLEL LINES MYTHRAS RPG:LUTHER DCG WAW-57 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. WORLD AT WAR #57 DCG 1018-NEW ship inJune2017. establish aviablebeachhead.Scheduledto shore,strugglingdesperatelyto Normandy and 29thDivisionslandingunderfireonthe Ambush, youcontroltheforcesofUS1st the designerofsoloclassicsRAFand World War II.Inthissolitairegamefrom America’s mostbloodyandheroicdayof D-Day atOmahaBeachrecreates D-DAY AT OMAHABEACH DVR BGBARCELONAEN that isspreading likewildfirethrough thecityinBarcelona: TheRoseofFire. toavoidtherevolution greed. Competeforsocial prestigeandpersonalwealthwhile trying DCG MW33 Scheduled toshipinNovember2017. MODERN WAR #33 MECHANISM THE DESIGN ...... ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� DECISION GAMES DEVIR AMERICAS $75.00 $24.99 $34.99 the bourgeoisie may end up paying dearly for their the bourgeoisiemay enduppayingdearlyfortheir attitudes,and housing mayenforce revolutionary unrest inthecity. Poorlivingconditions andcheap in theinfrastructureandgrowthofBarcelona, thereis investing bourgeois familiesseektobuildtheirfortunes shape. Theseareprosperoustimes,butwhile some totake layouts, thefamousEixampleisstarting surrounding villages.FollowingIldefons Cerda’s growth and it is slowly extending towards the older, demolished theancientwallsthatprevented its second half of the 19th Century. The city has recently Bourgeoisie andRevolution1860-1930!Barcelona, BARCELONA: THEROSEOFFIRE DCG ST-308 Scheduled toshipinOctober2017. STRATEGY ANDTACTICS #308 DCG 1025-NEW defenders! ScheduledtoshipinJune2017. fight tothedeathagainst5,000Japanese in theirtoughestbattleofWorld War II-a strategically vitalairstrip,foundthemselves marines assaultingthetinyisland,withits Betio IslandintheTarawa Atoll.TheUS simulating theamphibiousinvasionof D-Day at Tarawa D-DAY AT TARAWA DWE 3000 to shipinJuly2017. fulfill yourdesireinBemused.Scheduled dreads, useyourabilitiesandgemina, the fantasmas...?Placeyourdoubtsand death claimthemandopenthewayfor them byyourrivalmuses?Orworse,will by thedoubtsanddreadsleviedupon adoration? Orwilltheybedrivenmad human protegetothepinnacleofartistic of Muses,willyoubeabletoelevateyour game of doubt and dread! In this battle Beware theFantasmasinBemused,acard Play aMuse,ElevateyourVirtuoso,and BEMUSED DEVIOUS WEASEL ...... is a solitaire game is asolitairegame $34.99 $75.00 $24.99 $34.99 $59.99 DVR BGCHECKPOINTEN the K-Nines. quest tobecomethebestsnoopamong the other investigators uncover in their chief ofspiesusingthecluestheyand whichofthemisthecarefully anddiscern agility, players mustwatchallthesuspects deduction,andmental of observation, In CHECKPOINT CHARLIE:K-NINES DVR BGDRAGONSCHICKENEN your teammates,ofcourse! dragon, catchchickens-andstealfrom to collect treasures, hide fromaterrible you’ll needkeeneyesandquickreflexes In thisgameofgold,feathers,andscales, DRAGONS &CHICKENS DVR BGFANHUNTURB to shipinJune2017. Prairie onthePope’s TVchannel.Scheduled constant rerunsof Little Houseonthe andleave themwith confiscate theirstuff, Fanhunters, whosuppressthepopulation, resist (obviously, right?)Alejo’s troops,the ‘TheResistance’to they love,fansform through allthethings Using tacticslearned video games,noboardmovies. poplulation ofallthingscool.Nocomics, no apathy. Alejoisonamissiontoridthe dictator andbringerofboredom the self-proclaimedPopeAlejo,tyrannical is a fightbetween fans ofgeekculture and under arrest!Fanhunter: Urban Warfare Welcome Consideryourself toBarnacity! FANHUNTER: URBAN WARFARE Checkpoint Charlie:K-Nines,agame ...... $24.99 $24.99 $79.99 DVR BGRHEIN to complete the orders - or pay the penalty! methods, timing,and resourcesnecessary theymustbalance oftransportation, forms or evenafieldtoLondon. Usingallviable to delivergoods cities alongtheRhine, players inRhein:RiverTrade takeorders Sea.Basedin Basel, the waytoNorth ofthecontinent all ships fromtheheart sinceancienttimes,taking and transport has representedavitalrouteforcommerce The Rhine,oneofEurope’s longestrivers, RHEIN: RIVERTRADE DVR BGFASTEN Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. frantic pace,laughs,andasideofyum! Food Fearis a cooperative game with a orders -beforetheybecomelunch!Fast work together(and fast!) toassemble the waiting! TheMonsterChefandcrewmust recommended youdon’t keepthem extremely demandingandit’s highly business isgood,butthecustomersare fast foodthesedays.Atyourrestaurant, Monsters attheLegoblah!Swampprefer FAST FOODFEAR DVR BGHOLMESEN London begins! duel betweenthetwomostbrilliantmindsin than hisbrotherSherlockHolmes!Thus,the prove theyoungman’s innocenceisnoless the detectivehiredbyMichael’s parentsto and-shut case-thatis,untilhediscovers a biggerplot.Itappearstobeanotheropen- of attack istheactionofalonewolforpart ifthe prosecution andneedstodetermine investigating theexplosionforCrown the attack.MycroftHolmesisinchargeof linked toanarchistgroups,neartheplaceof arrested Michael Chapman, a young worker The securityforcesreactedimmediatelyand bomb explodedintheHousesofParliament. At dawn ofthe 24th of February, 1895,a HOLMES: SHERLOCK&MYCROFT ...... $59.99 $19.99 $24.99 JUN 2017 9 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 10 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES L 50...... $54.99 ELZ 1500...... ship inMay2017. Catacombs ThirdEdition . Scheduledto land ofWylemuirinthisexpansion to and explore the remote Ride a Wyvern WYVERNS OFWYLEMUIR CATACOMBS: L 20...... $69.99 ELZ 1200...... games. ScheduledtoshipinMay2017. of theCatacombsseriesdexterity paced, standalone game set in the world modes, both competitiveandcooperative play Catacombs ThirdEdition and featuring Wraith Knights!Fully compatible with evilleaderofthe warriors andXaugorth, ofundead Mivorih fromaninvadingarmy with thedesperatedefenseofCastle each other. Larrasoonbecomesembroiled their powers and secrets, frequently from mysterious matriarchs who jealouslyguard byfour companion. Thislandisgoverned to thewhereaboutsofhermissingwolf region of Tellaryth, searching for clues tothe of LarratheHuntress’journey Catacombs &Castlesrelatesthestory CATACOMBS &CASTLES DIA STK663546...... PI ship inApril2017. Monopoly gameplay. Scheduledto pieces allsettothesameclassic Community Chestcards,andgame also featuresnewChancecards, locations fromthemovie!Thegame and with a game board featuring art authorized editionofMonopoly, Bob StrikeBackisnowanofficial, adventure of country on the films ofKevin Smith! Thecross- with thefirstboardgameeverbased Bring the magic of the movies home A DiamondSelectToys Exclusive! STRIKE BACKMONOPOLY JAY &SILENTBOB DIAMOND COMIC Catacombs &Castlesisafast- DISTRIBUTORS Jay andSilent ELZRA L 10...... $39.00 ELZ 1100...... ScheduledtoshipinMay2017. Underworld. of SolothanddefeattheQueen heroes thatsetouttoexploretheCavern Third EditionofCatacombsprovidessix Kwanchai Moriya,thisexpansionforthe by Featuring completelyupdatedartwork reanimate Soloth’s malevolent queen. laboring in aforgottenlabyrinthseek to sinister acolytes Furthermore, Underworld. Soloth, theancientVampire Lordofthe weapons andtreasuresfromthereignof unexplored, it’s rumored tocontainexotic of Solothhasbeendiscovered!Although brought backnewsthatthemythicalCavern Pithave miningintheScavewyrm Dwarves OF SOLOTHEXPANSION CATACOMBS: CAVERN $30.00 DRQ PTG001...... imagination. ScheduledtoshipinJune2017. the rulesofbeingagrownupbyusingyour ‘Unipegasaurus’ cardwhichhelpsyoubend money, andenergy. However, youcangeta resources ataGrownup’s disposal:time, is themostgrownupbyusingonlythree Throughout thegameyou’llseewhichplayer of yourimaginationtobendtherules. can facetheseproblemsorusethepower featuring commongrownupsituations.You casual cardgamewith100uniquecards feel likeit?PretendingtoGrownupisa Are youtechnicallyagrownupbutdon’t PRETENDING TOGROWNUP DRINKING QUEST ETP 5691-D for availability. to retailersinfulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailer per pack/36packsdisplay. NOTE:Thisitemissold most compellinglevelofstrategicgameplayyet!12-cards the surprising newmechanics,this140-cardexpansionfor new keywords,jaw-droppingdeck-buildingoptions,and new“Redeem”Friendcards.With aspowerful return Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer make their triumphant Mane 6 ponies and fan-favorite Thorax, while Discord, Defenders of Equestria Introducing newgameplayandunexpectedtwists, EQUESTRIA BOOSTER(36) MY LITTLEPONYCCG:DEFENDERSOF EHP 0034 in August 2017. Toolkit withtheAdversary terms ! Scheduledtoship isinFate completion. Explore whatanadversary high quality adversaries to drive your stories to howtouse atthetable.Learn engage everyone big badsbuilttoprovidehighstakesdrama and work againsttheplayers.Facedownmooks and game. Inhabithostileworldsandsituations that obstacle inyour you makethemostoutofevery a varietyofideas,mechanics,andhacks tohelp Toolkitstirring conflict.TheFateAdversary offers but agreatcampaignneedsopposition tocreate Villains. Impediments.Callthemwhatyou will, Calling AllAdversaries!Antagonists.Obstacles. TOOLKIT HARDCOVER FATE RPG:ADVERSARY ELZ 1000 ship inMay2017. Kwanchai Moriya,andincludestheoriginalHordeofVermin expansion.Scheduledto EEG BTILC-CORE01 monster miniaturesgame!ScheduledtoshipinOctober2017. Trouble inLittletheGame,acooperative,action-adventure,comedy, kung-fu,ghoststory, to rescue the green-eyed beauty,glory defeat ancient magic, and save Chinatown in showdown withthedarkestdemonofthemall-LoPan!You’ll needallofyourgutsand My LittlePonyCollectibleCardGame brings the ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ EVERYTHING EPICGAMES features new‘Mane’cardsofthe EVIL HAT PRODUCTIONS ENTERPLAY features exciting, new content, new artwork by features exciting,newcontent,artwork award-winning, fantasy, dexterityboardgame the CatacombLord!TheThirdEditionofthis objective oftheirquest:afighttothefinishwith alltherooms,heroesface If theysurvive that represent the current room of the catacomb. types ofwoodenpiecesacrossthegameboard known as ‘shooting’) different flicking (otherwise by theOverseer. Battlesarefoughtbyskillfully a seriesofroomsfilledwithmonsterscontrolled wooden discs)whomustfighttheirwaythrough players takecontroloffourheroes(representedby TogetherSurvive -orDieTogether! InCatacombs, CATACOMBS THIRDEDITION $15.00 $125.64 baddies, and ultimately face-off in a ina baddies, andultimatelyface-off againsthordesof courage, survive the gangmustmusterupalloftheir Jack, Wang, Gracie,andtherestof streetsofChinatown.Now battle-torn in darkalleysandallthroughoutthe chop youdownwithaxesandguns ghost sorcerorLoPanarewaitingto plot. Theevilminionsoftheimmortal as theyuncoveranancient,diabolical andhisfriends waiting forJackBurton Little China.It’s whereBigTrouble was mystery.weaves a modern They call it a secret world where ancient evil that’s justwhereyou’regoing!There’s They toldyoutogohell...and CHINA THEGAME BIG TROUBLEINLITTLE $79.99 Big Big PI WHITE FFGDSH405 RED FFGDSH407 GREEN FFGDSH404 BLUE BLACK FFGDSH402 DRAGON SHIELD:DECKSHELL FFG ADN47 to shipinJuly2017. because therevolutionishere!Scheduled favoryoucan, exosuit andcallinevery So strap a milspec laser to your Martians! Runner allies will go to keep Mars for it’s timetoseehowfartheClansandtheir Red Sand Cycle forAndroid: Netrunner, in (three copieseachoftwentyuniquecards) Independence”! With the sixty new cards actively recruitingforthe“War forMartian Council (FMC)knowsbetter. Andnow, it’s ended a long time ago, the Free Mars corporate backers insist that the war Authority (MCA)anditsEarth-based Colonial with them!WhiletheMartian arrived -andbroughttheflamesofwar Mars usedtobecold.Thenhumans FREE MARSDATA PACK ANDROID NETRUNNERLCG: FFG GT19 game. Scheduledtoship inJuly2017. into every Free Mars,thefifthDataPackin FFG DSH403 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... FANTASY FLIGHTGAMES time, Yarwyck, andWalder Freyenteringthe gameforthefirst iconic characterslike EllariaSand,StrongBelwas,Othell wrenching andiconic momentsoftheentireseries.With ofSwordswithonethemostgut- saga ofAStorm The CardGame,you’llhavethechancetocontinue of theBloodandGoldCycleforAGameThrones: allies. WithTheRedWedding ChapterPack , thefourth battle, hemethisdemisebeneaththeroof ofhissupposed devastating defeat,andthoughRobbStark hadwonevery the RedWedding. a In asinglenight,HouseStarksuffered Frey, HouseBolton,andLannister, thatmomentwas your foesbeyondrepair. ForthesecretallianceofHouse your planscometofruition-agrandrevealthatshatters shadows, thereisamomentofterrifyingrevelation when Though aschememayspendmonthsincubatinginthe THE REDWEDDINGCHAPTERPACK A GAMEOFTHRONESLCG:2NDEDITION- $14.95 $3.49 $3.49 $3.49 $3.49 $3.49 The RedWedding bringsnewhorrors andschemes FFG DSP123 SMOKE FFG DSP101 CLEAR (100) SIDE-LOADING DRAGON SHIELDSPERFECTFIT: F H0...... $14.95 FFG AHC08...... ship inJuly2017. incomprehensible powers! Scheduled to extradimensional entitiespossessedof non-Euclidean geometry, andmenacing, chaos, full toburstingwithotherworldly and Spaceintroducesanewscenario Horror: TheCardGame, in alone... The sixth and final MythosPack somehow, youknowyou’renotentirely this forebodingalienlandscape. And, Somehow, youmustfind yourwayacross feeling asthoughit’s insideout. turning jagged, shifting.Your tocrawl, skinstarts directions, the lines between objects grow inall and colorthatextendforaneternity world dissolvesintopathwaysofsound You’re goingtoneedabiggergun!Asyour TIME ANDSPACE MYTHOSPACK ARKHAM HORRORLCG:LOSTIN The DunwichLegacyCycleforArkham ...... Lost inTime $14.95 $4.99 $4.99 F E6...... $29.95 FFG MEC62...... end! ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. fought theforcesofMordoruntilvery awesome resolveofthosewhostoodand events, andattachmentsthatconveythe in scopeonlybythenewheroes,allies, Doom. Andthesescenariosarematched the One Ring to the fires of Mount carrying of Mordor,into the heart and task you with you march youtotheBlackGate,carry oftheKingthat directly byTheReturn features threeepicscenariosinspired The CardGame, Expansion forTheLordoftheRings: sixth andfinalTheLordoftheRingsSaga The and thefateofallMiddle-earth... fires ofMountDoom-towardyourfate Into airchokedbysmoke,uptowardthe ash-ridden landbeforeyourisesupward. to theBlackGate,fuming,barren,and end. WhiletheCaptainsofWest march Yourearth! nearsits desperate journey Multiplayer Mode!TheFateofAllMiddle- Dire, World-Shattering Stakes!Epic SAGA EXPANSION THE MOUNTAIN OFFIRE THE LORDOFRINGSLCG: FFG RB06 to shipinJuly2017. acompletelynewtakeonthegameofRunebound.Scheduled Unbreakable Bondsoffers against your rivals, of heroes, or face off Whether youstrike out on your own, join a party new waywithUnbreakableBonds,introducingcooperativeandsoloplayforRunebound . prefer toworkandfighttogether, onceinawhile?Experienceadventuringanentirely another so-called“hero.”Justmaybeyou’d you tofightharderandmovefasterthan competition withotheradventurers,driving your travels, there’s always been a feeling of of onetheFreeCities.Yet, throughout evil beast,orthesunreflectingfromwalls towering rangeofmountains,thelairan you maydiscoverbeyondthehorizon-a unchecked adventure.You neverknowwhat terrifying monsters,andlivingalifeof again, testingyourskillsinbattleagainst fields of Terrinoth, facingdangertimeand You’ve spentyourlifetrampingacrossthe UNBREAKABLE BONDSEXPANSION RUNEBOUND (THIRDEDITION): ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ The MountainofFire FFG RWM13 July 2017. Scheduled toshipin them togloriousvictory! beforeleading customizeyourarmies further Use theupgradecardsincludedinpack to of to help field the various armies Terrinoth. cards, anddiceareallincludedinthe pack Miniatures Game.Tokens, terrain,templates, accessories youneedtoplaytheRunewars The - ESSENTIALSPACK RUNEWARS: THEMINIATURES GAME Essentials Packgivesyouallthenon-figure FFG UMEC72 other players! alongsideasmanyeleven Middle-earth in whichyoucanfighttheevilsofnorthern Play andauniqueEpicMultiplayerMode Dum, with rules for both Standard of Carn and anFAQ) pitplayersagainstthehordes sixty-one cards(includingthreerules centerpiece ofthe2016FellowshipEvent.Its as the at Gen Con2016 and later served Rings: The Card Game firstmadeitsdebut standalone scenarioforTheLordofthe the feather yourarrows,andmakehastetojoin Will youjointhem?Sharpenyourblade, availablehero. they callfortheaidofevery within the city’s wallsreadytheirdefenses, ancient capitalofArnor. AstheDunedain have massedoutsideofAnnuminas,the sorcery, theOrcsandWargs Dum ofCarn Driven byhatredandfueleddark STANDALONE QUEST THE SIEGEOFANNUMINAS THE LORDOFRINGSLCG: ! This thrilling, The Siege of Annuminas! Thisthrilling, ...... $24.95 $39.95 PI JUN 2017 11 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 12 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES FFG SWI50 of roomtoplaceyourcardsandtokens. corridors, Jabba’s throneroom,andtherancorpitprinteddirectlyontomat,withplenty tangled Mapportrays Palace Skirmish Assault. Measuring26”x26”,theJabba’s Jabba’s Map for Imperial PalaceSkirmish these mercenaries’poweronTatooine withthe highest bidder. Now, of travelintotheheart their unscrupulouslivingbyfightingforthe hunters, slavers,andenforcerswhomake criminals, smugglers,assassins,bounty -the true powerisheldbytheunderworld though theEmpiremayclaimdominion, countless worlds.ButontheOuterRim, galaxy; its oppressive banners fly high above The Empire holds swayovermuchofthe SKIRMISH MAP-JABBA’S PALACE STAR WARS IMPERIALASSAULT: FFG FFS64 Playmat. instylewiththeGrassyField your armies Runewars Miniatures Game. Deploy area foryourfavoritegames,likethe provides alarge,clean,andstylishplay experience. This 3-foot by 3-foot field way toexpandyourminiaturesgame The GAME -GRASSYFIELDPLAYMAT RUNEWARS: THEMINIATURES FFG RWM14 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. customization. new mechanics,andtwelveupgradecardsforfurther ofLatariElves. Theexpansionalsoincludestokens, enough tofieldanarmy Riders, theAymhelin Scions,andanewhero(AlianaofSummersong), The expansionincludesfournewunits,theDeepwoodArchers,Leonx oftheLatariElves. world oftheRunewarsMiniaturesGameinform The LATARI ELVES ARMYEXPANSION RUNEWARS: THEMINIATURES GAME- is the perfect Grassy FieldPlaymatistheperfect Latari Elves Army Expansion ushersinabrand-newfactiontothe Latari Elves Army ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... FFG SWC38 secrets they mayknow. Scheduledtoship inJuly2017. hunt them down, take them captive, and extract whatever using theirtalentsto avoiddarksideopponentseagerto alongside ChirrutImwe andtheWookiees of Kashyyyk, Simultaneously, light side players can reach out to the Force andtheEmpire’sinformants Troopers, Droids,andjailers. the loose associations between the galaxy’s underworld Alliances CycleforStarWars: TheCardGame,explores Aggressive Negotiations,thesecondForcePackin that haveshapedanddefinedtheStarWars universe. andconspiracies the manyfriendships,partnerships, bring twoormoreaffiliationstogether, italsoexplores As theAlliancesCycleprovidesyougreaterincentiveto NEGOTIATIONS FORCEPACK STAR WARS LCG:AGGRESSIVE PI ...... $59.95 $14.95 PI FFG USWF33 SENTRY FFG USWF34 SENTINEL SIGNATURE ABILITIES FFG USWF31 RACER FFG USWF32 INVESTIGATOR in April2017. “Unmatched Foresight”.Scheduledtoship Sentinel’s greatestabilities:“MyCity”and covers thebaseabilityandupgradesfora Decks. The Signature Abilities Deck also illustrated amongtheseSpecialization all of your talents clearly outlined and an Investigator, oraSentry, you’llfind Whether you’replayingasaRacer, Ability Deck for your group’s Sentinels. of SpecializationDecksandaSignature Wars: Force andDestinywiththisseries Keep thefocusonyourgamesofStar DESTINY SPECIALIZATION DECKS STAR WARS RPG:FORCEAND FFG SWX64 to shipinJuly2017. ship cardsandsixupgrades.Scheduled options amongtheexpansion’s four even moreammunitionanddefensive and thereinforceaction.You’ll alsofind and sixhullprotectedbythreeshields starship withthreeattack,oneagility, resilient, pre-painted,small-baseRebel this shiptoStar Wars: X-Wing asa Gunship ExpansionPackbrings and incredibledurability. TheAuzituck was knownforitsimpressivefirepower laser cannons, the Auzituck gunship with threewide-rangeSureggitwin Works of Kashyyykandequipped Designed byAppazannaEngineering GUNSHIP EXPANSION PACK MINIATURES GAME:AUZITUCK STAR WARS X-WING ...... $14.95 PI PI PI PI FFG SWX66 in July2017. the shiptobattle. Scheduled toship elseyouneedtofly plus everything four shipcardsandfiveupgrades, pre-painted miniaturestarfighterwith Aggressor ExpansionPackpairsits a pairofmissiles.Altogether, theTIE ability toequipaturretweaponand versatility comes through the ship’s to yourImperialfleet.Muchofthis a greatdealoftacticalflexibility in raids, and tactical flexibility, and for longmissions,supplychain The TIEaggressorwasdesigned AGGRESSOR EXPANSION PACK MINIATURES GAME:TIE STAR WARS X-WING FFG SWX65 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. of tenupgradesladenwithordnance. ship cards,plusaheftycomplement starship isaccompaniedbythreeother pre-painted, small-baseminiature Villainy. Additionally, theexpansion’s the Rebellionorgalaxy’s Scumand X-Wing, allowingyoutoflyhimwith Expansion PackforStarWars: pirate intheScurrgH-6Bomber shipcardsforthisnotorious different Nym. You’ll findnotone,buttwo was infamouslystolenbyCaptain weaponry, andone of itsprototypes and abristlingarrayofdestructive shields withpowerful was armed with combatversatilityinmind.It The ScurrgH-6Bomberwascrafted EXP SCURRG H-6BOMBER MINIATURES GAME: STAR WARS X-WING Star Wars: X-Wing itcanlend ANSION PACK ...... $14.95 $19.95 PSI FGGDC01 Dome Crushers isthetinycardgameoftitanicarenabattles!ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. DOME CRUSHERS O LPLBL...... $14.95 FOX FLIPOLOBIL...... Scheduled toshipinJune2017. board inFlipolo,theFranticFlipGame! Match double-sided animal tiles on the FLIPOLO: THEFRANTICFLIPGAME FOX GEARSBIL Scheduled toshipinMay2017. and 10visualexamplestogetyoustarted. woodengears comes withsevendifferent them gearsonthegrid,thenwatch colorful GoGo Gears!Havefunplacingthe Let yourimaginationspinfreelywith GOGO GEARS FOX FLIPPYBIL ScheduledtoshipinMay2017. or forms. animals into a myriad of otherwonderful imaginationtochangeFlippy their fertile image cardscontainedintheboxoruse disguise itself!Childrencanfollowthe Flippy theredfoxlikestohideand FLIPPY FOX go intoplayfulmotion.GoGoGears . ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... FLOODGATE GAMES FOXMIND GAMES $24.95 $24.95 FOX OWLYBIL ScheduledtoshipinMay2017. forms. colored Owl intoamyriadof otherwonderfully imaginationtochange Owly or usetheirfertile follow the image cards contained in the box winks at uswithhisbigeyes!Childrencan owlsometimes staresor Owly thefeathery OWLY OWL FOX SWITCHBIL June 2017. nighttime ordaytime.Scheduledtoshipin locate objectsorcolorsdependingonifit’s tobethefirst game whereplayerstry the funonwithSwitchIt,afast-paced It’s asObvious asNightandDay!Turn SWITCH IT FOX FWSPDBASE Scheduled toshipinJune2017. batter’s tohitahomerun! boxand try your opponent; then take your spot in the and strike out Dice Baseball! Roll to try epic batter-pitcherdiceduelinSports inan Roll ItOutofthePark!Squareoff SPORTS DICE:BASEBALL FOX MDSLIDEBIL in June2017. mind-blowing tunnels!Scheduledtoship and straightaways, gut-wrenchingcurves, to buildthelongestslidewithhigh-speed choosing andplacingtiles,playersseek game! InSlideBlast,bycleverly exhilarating slidesinthistile-laying Launch yourselfdownthewaterpark’s SLIDE BLAST ...... $14.95 $11.95 $29.95 $24.95 $9.95 GF9 TANKS49 US LEE GF9 TANKS51 US DESERT 2GAMEMAT 36”X LOO 420 inanicer,Mooch) withnewcolorartwork largerbox. Spell,andThe Creepers: Munchies,Dry features 16newcards(includingthree popular demand,thisbigger, bolderedition munchies, and changingthe rules. Back by about tokingwithyourfriends,gettingthe of the hit card game Stoner Fluxxisamarijuana-themedversion STONER FLUXXDECK LOO 423 rounds winsthegame! round andthefirstplayertowinthree way possible.Funniestsentencewinsthe in themostappropriatelyinappropriate your handtocompletetheSentenceCard more innuendo!PlayWord Cardsfrom but withawholenewdynamicandlots It’s the wordplay you love about ADULT MADLIBS:THEGAME ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Fluxx - it’s a game Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. FULLY BAKEDIDEAS GALE FORCENINE GAMES &GEARS Mad Libs, $20.00 GNG 004 players astheygain or losesuspiciontospicethingsup. ‘Most SuspiciousMinion’ coinwhichispassedaround rolling tobeatarival minion’s attack, aswellametal when playing the‘Sniped!’Plotcard andsimultaneously stylish,bone-colored,custom d12dice,useful a very bringing thetotalcard count to 30.Alsoincluded is are threenew, perilous-to-pick-upDarkDeedcards, thedeck 16 entirelynewcardstothemix.Rounding off as exclusivestothoselimitededitionsets, whileadding Con, leavingahandfulandanyassociated mechanics edition boosterpackscreatedforAdeptiCon andGen selected cardsfromtheirpreviouslyavailable, limited Malicious Minions!ForDarkerDeeds,Games&Gears Deeds, anewexpansiontoDarktheGameof aboundinDarker More wickednessandskullduggery DARK DEEDS:DARKERDEEDSEXPANSION $9.99 TANKS ...... LOO 421 up anyadultparty. Fluxx rules thatarealwayschanging,Drinking celebrating withDrinkingFluxx!With 21andthey’re Looney Labs’Fluxxturns DRINKING FLUXX GF9 TANKS48 US PRIEST LOO 422 matching themtothecardsontable. to emptytheirhandofsevencardsby Fluxx. Playersracetobethefirstperson fromStoner matching game,usesimagery This versionofLoonacy,thefast-paced STONER LOONACYDECK will keepyouonyourtoesandshake ...... $25.00 $14.00 $22.00 $20.00 $28.60 $9.99 JUN 2017 13 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 14 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES GAW 66-08-NEW SAW GAW 200-15 BLOOD BOWLTEAM THE GOUGEDEYE GAW 200-04-60 TEAM TITANS CARDSPACK GAW 66-61-NEW KNIFE GAW 200-24 TROLL CITADEL SUPPLIES GAMES WORKSHOP BLOOD BOWL ...... $32.00 $35.00 $15.00 $32.00 $25.00 GAW AR2-60 RULEBOOK SOFTCOVER SHADOW WAR ARMAGEDDON GAW AR-60 SHADOW WAR: ARMAGEDDON GAW 66-10-NEW TWEEZERS GAW 64-38-NEW FERRATONIC FURNACE SECTOR MECHANICUS - GAW 64-40-NEW ALCHOMITE STACK SECTOR MECHANICUS- AGE OFSIGMAR SHADOW WAR: ARMAGEDDON WARHAMMER: ...... $130.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $12.50 KHORNE HARDCOVER CHAOS BATTLETOME -BLADESOF GAW 64-45-NEW GALVANIC MAGNAVENT SECTOR MECHANICUS- GAW 84-35 ARKANAUT COMPANY KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 84-31 ARKANAUT ADMIRAL KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 83-04-60-NEW BLADES OFKHORNE CHAOS WARSCROLL CARDS- GAW 83-01-60-NEW WARHAMMER ...... $75.00 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 $40.00 GAW WD04-60 WHITE DWARF APRIL2017 GAW 84-39 ARKANAUT FRIGATE KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 84-38 GRUNDSTOK GUNHAULER KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 84-02-60 BATTLETOME HARDCOVER KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 84-37 FRUNDSTOK THUNDERERS KHARADRON OVERLORDS GAW 84-03-60 WARSCROLL CARDS KHARADRON OVERLORDS ...... $80.00 $50.00 $40.00 $40.00 $15.00 $9.00 GRID/HEX 4P GRID/GRID 4PACK GGP0004 Scheduled toshipinMay2017. GAMING PAPER DOUBLESIDED8”X11”DRY ERASEINTERLOCKINGTILES GMT 1706 Scheduled toshipinJune2017. with thevoters’pocketbooksinmind. Kennedy willcompetetobethecandidate rears itsuglyhead,andbothNixon ever-present issueoftheeconomyalso electoral votes. Of course, the Southern social justiceagainstthe need forvaluable of civilrightsandbalancetheirpositionson candidates mustcontendwiththequestion great social upheaval and progress. The - theyear1960issynonymouswith poses achallengetoAmericanleadership However, it’s notjustforeign policythat oftheColdWar.States duringtheheart Nixon vyingfortherighttoleadUnited players takeontheroleofKennedyor In OF THEPRESIDENT 1960 -THEMAKING GMT 1702 in September 2017. Guilford/Eutaw Springs . Scheduled to ship the long-out-of-print Brandywine,and American Revolution Series-Saratoga, new editions of the flagship games in GMT’s This all-in-oneboxedpackageiscomposed of BRANDYWINE TRI-PACK GUILFORD, SARATOGA, AMERICAN REVOLUTION: 1960: TheMakingofthePresident, ...... ACK GGP0005 ������������������������������������������������������������������������ GAMING PAPER ���������������������������������������������������������������������� GMT GAMES $85.00 $65.00 GMT 0816-17 Scheduled toshipinSeptember 2017. in World War II,KoreaandViet Nam. battles ofthe9th Regiment USInfantry features actualcampaigns coveringthe Fields ofFireisasolitairegame that Keep Up the Fire! This WWII, KOREA,ANDVIETNAM 9TH REGIMENTUSINFANTRY IN FIELDS OFFIRE:BATTLES OFTHE GMT 1704 struggle. ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. actions comprising this anti-colonialist andpolitical the tangledwebofmilitary Colonial Twilight takes1to2playersinto endoftheFrenchEmpire. the effective and reprisals, political and social turmoil, casualties, widespread atrocities and war thatsawhundredsofthousands marked thebeginningofaneight-year these firstincidentsquickly, butthisdate Theauthoritiessuppressed government. across AlgeriaagainsttheFrenchcolonial de LiberationNationalearoseinrevolt Saint’s Day, membersoftheFront armed November 1st,1954:OntheeveofAll 1954-1962 THE FRENCH-ALGERIANWAR, COLONIAL TWILIGHT: ...... 2nd Edition of $75.00 $75.00 $15.00 $15.00 GMT 1707 and thecrumblingremainsofJapaneseShogunate.ScheduledtoshipinApril2017. counters andcardsforSweden,thesplinteredKingdomsofIndia,Chinese8-BannerArmy, sub-continent andthemythiceast.Includedinthissetare tothe tobringthefightfromfrozennorth new armies expansion for Manoeuvre, air. wasabouttobeunleashed.An Anewtypeofwarfare Color flutteredinthebreezeasrocketshellsburst isarrayedacrossthebattlefield.The foreign army Tri- Now, newchallengershavearisenandacompletely Americans. even atNewOrleansagainstthoseupstart under thegreatpyramidsagainstrelentlessTurk, and against the Prussians, Cataloniaagainst the Spaniards, European continent.War hadbeenwagedinBavaria The regimenthadfoughtcountlessbattlesacrossthe MANOEUVRE: DISTANT LANDS GMT 1610 mists oftime.ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. insteadofbeinglosttothe remembered byhistory and people of Rome to ensure that their legacies are and wieldinginfluenceamongthesenate,military, players takethereinsofRomandynasties,gathering 284 ADusheredinaneraofpeace.InTime ofCrisis, of Diocletian in of the Empire, until the reforms or part menseizeimperialpoweroverall as manydifferent Alexander Severus,aperiodof50yearssawnearly Beginning withtheassassinationofEmperor war andbarbarianinvasionsfromalldirections. strife,includingcontinuouscivil andexternal internal Empire nearlycollapsedinthefaceofcalamitous During theCrisisofThird Century, theRoman TURMOIL, 235-284AD TIME OFCRISIS:THEROMANEMPIREIN . ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... introduces four Distant Lands introduces four GOODMAN GAMES IMP GMG50925 2 DungeonCrawl.Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. rock?Dread on Demon Crown Hill unearthly what else might dwell within those weird, dark pillars of lies untouchedwithin theDemonCrown,butwhoknows the DemonCrownbysome.Storieshold thattheshield stone arosefromthehilltop,aneerieoutcropping called land. Intheirclimacticbattle,blacktowers ofsix-sided challenged thedemon,vowingtoslay it andfreethe one bearinganenchantedshieldof great power, death andplagueacrosstheland.Two bravesiblings, ruled withfearfromatopalonelyhillock, spreading oftheThousandLies,afouldemon, Long ago,Frygorix DREAD ONDEMONCROWNHILL DUNGEON CRAWL CLASSICS:#921/2 GMT 1701 Scheduled toshipinMay2017. contendforroyaldominance. House Eurypontid HouseAgiadand Demagogues, whileinSparta the Aristocratsdebateissueswiththeiropposing of theirCityStates,strategy, andhonor. Athenssees Greece,vyingforcontrol Hegemony in5thCentury factionsfightfor two teamsofAthenianandSpartan on the Peloponnesian wars. Here, classic history entire periodofconflictdescribedinThucydides’ Pericles isa‘sandbox’wargamethatcoversthe PELOPONNESSIAN WARS PERICLES: THE GMT 1708 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. or facedemoralizationandrebellionathome. Italy, andwin theupperhandinBalkans- The CentralPowersmustdefeatRussia,holdoff TheGreatWarGlory: Front. ontheEastern changing revolutioninRussiaIllusionsof and Turkey topreventagame- while trying against Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, The AlliedPowersbringmassiveforcestobear ON THEEASTERNFRONT ILLUSIONS OFGLORY: THEGREAT WAR $65.00 ...... is a Level is aLevel $85.00 $65.00 $30.00 $9.99 JUN 2017 15 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 16 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES O 53...... $59.95 OOC 1503...... in July2017. Andre, JoeyVigour, andJayLittle.Scheduledtoship KenSt. including RichardGarfield,JamesErnest, of newmissionsco-writtenbyreknowndesigners, special abilities,equipment,treasure,anddozens is jam-packedwithadvancedrulesofplay, shiplayouts, Forces Training Manual for boarding actions,thisUniversalRepublicExpeditionary asaFieldGuidetoship-to-shipcombatand Serving 2ND EDITIONRULESCOMPENDIUM BATTLESTATIONS: OOC 1505 crew, oryourstarshipblowntobitsintheprocess!ScheduledshipJuly2017. nottogetyourself, your enginewhile trying crank thelast bit ofjuiceoutanovertaxed You’ll blastenemies,pulloutrageousmaneuvers,unlockthesecretsofaliencultures,and grow throughoutcampaigns,gainingexperiencepoints,upgrades,andnewabilities. the shipsinvolvedinconflicts.It’s alsoaroleplayinggameinwhichyourcharacters game thatsimultaneouslyfeaturesship-to-shipactioninspaceandtheeventsonboard when the time arises? Battlestations is a tabletop starship simulator - a multi-map board heroes. There’s alotofemergencieshappeningonboardyourstarship.Willyoubehero GTG SOTM-OBLV Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. for Scions,AeonMen, andOblivAeon,plustwoenvironment decksandacomicbook. quests theheroesembark ontogainalliesandtoolsaidthem intheconflict,decks the Multiverse,with a “Mission”deckfullof asthelastlineofdefensefor heroes serving Multiverse, final, climacticexpansiontoSentinelsofthe or another, theMultiverseendshere!The put anendtothepitifulresistance.One way inthistimeline to has manifestedonEarth the true heir tonothingness! Now, OblivAeon self-implode, leavingnaughtbutOblivAeon, and collapseallintoasingularitywhich will purpose istoencroachupontheMultiverse This entity’snot been so fortunate. sole However, other realitiesandtimelineshave power fortimeimmemorial-andprevailed. ofanunknowncosmic against theeffects andbeyondhavefought The heroesofEarth MULTIVERSE: OBLIVAEON SENTINELS OFTHE ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� features five familiar OblivAeon featuresfivefamiliar ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� GREATER THANGAMES Battlestations: 2ndEdition GORILLA GAMES for lowly travelers to ascend to become true present themselves,themoreopportunities capable explorers.Themoredangersthat a seaofstarslikecosmicpinata.We need advancements releasedthevastresourcesof something goeswrongonthetrip.Peacetime from backupsintheinevitablesituation technology toreplaceourbodiesandbrains actually getustootherplanets,andcloning Hyperdrivesto solved inthe22ndCentury: Two obstaclestointerstellarflightwere BATTLESTATIONS: 2NDEDITIONBOX IMP GMG4611 scanned fromanoriginalprinting. set astheoriginaledition,thisvolumeis Dark Tower ! Publishedinthesame1Erules Games ispleasedtopresenttheoriginal In cooperationwithJudgesGuild,Goodman DARK TOWER1EREPRINT JUDGES GUILD: ...... $39.95 $29.99 $99.95 IDW 01263 new missions! an additionalAdventure Comicwithfour in anybasegamescenario, andcontains to useCaseyJones asaplayableHero Turtles: ShadowsofthePastallowsyou This HeroPackforTeenage MutantNinja HERO PACK EXPANSION THE PAST, CASEYJONES TURTLES: SHADOWS OF TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA GRR 6504 Scheduled toshipinApril2017. Rose: TheAGERPGofRomanticFantasy! -foruseBlue the mysticalGoldenHart the BlueRoseitselfandthreeinscribedwith contains sixbeautifuldice-threefeaturing Manufactured byQWorkshop, thisset BLUE ROSEDICESET IDW 01271 Dead ofWinter. designed byJonGilmour, co-designerof game is afullycooperative,survival whatever’s outthereinit!Outpost:Siberia the long winter cold - and have to survive only hopeistousewhatlittleresourcesyou went AWOL... orworse.Now, thecrew’s nights, and,yesterday, acrewmember strange howlsandbuzzingfillthelong oftheCentury”, said tobethe“Storm is shifted forthedire.Thecomingstorm in theregion,andrecentlythingshave been investigatinganomalousactivities tundra of Siberia. You and your team have locatedintheisolated,frozen observatory Welcome to Outpost 1, the first science OUTPOST SIBERIA GREEN RONIN ...... PUBLISHING IDW GAMES ...... $17.99 $14.95 $19.99 IDW 01311 prosperity inTorres. too willthepeople’s hopeinaneweraof shattered kingdom.Asyourtowersrise,so a chancetorepairtheprestigeof the mostimpressivecastlemayyethave majestic kingdom. The prince who builds have threeyearstorebuildtheonce- decree, the kingannounces that his sons among his sons. With a single, hopeful peace, the kingmust choose a successor fallen intodisrepair. To ensurecontinued reign nearsitsendandthekingdomhas Disaster has come to the land as the king’s TORRES IEL 51389 Gods. Scheduledto ship inAugust2017. oftheir fight togetherforthe entertainment by adivinehandfor a battletothe death, pantheons, handpicked from sixdifferent Arena, diveintoauniverseinwhichheroes heroes fighttopleasetheGods. With where onlythegreatestmythological Welcome totheArenaofall-powerful, ARENA: FORTHEGODS IWM 20-5150 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. CONFEDERATION (TRO 3145)CAPELLAN ANUBIS ABS-5YMECH IWM 20-5153 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. RESCULPT (TRO3067) UZIEL UZL-2S/UZL-8SMECH IWM 20-5152 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. (TRO 3085)SUPPLIMENTAL CUIRASS CDR-1XMECH IWM 20-5151 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. (TRO 3145)DRACONISCOMBINE AVALANCHE AVL-10 PRIMEMECH IRON WINDMETALS ...... IELLO $49.99 $39.99 $10.50 $12.95 $12.50 $12.95 PSI IBCWIT1 to shipinAugust 2017. points attheendwins theCup.Scheduled their rivals.Theplayer withthefewest defend, and usespecialty abilities to hex enchanted objects, theywillattack, with control theWitchesCup.Armed players competeoverthreerounds to Witching Hour isa card gamewhere WITCHING HOUR IEL 51313 to shipinAugust2017. valuable intheBunnyKingdom!Scheduled make yourcitiesandresourcesevenmore rabbit lords andrecruitskillfulmastersto rare andpreciousresources.Secretlyrally climb thehighestmountainstodiscover gather mushroomsinthegreenforest,and or fields to collect water and grow carrots, increase theirinfluence.Settleinlakesides to their colonies, and build new cities to position theirwarrens,provideresources Bunny Kingdom,playersdraftcardsto cities acrosstheland!In Richard Garfield’s by gathering resources and building new Kingdom! Leadyourclanofrabbitstoglory Peace hascomeatlasttothegreatBunny BUNNY KINGDOM PSI IBCP21A to shipinAugust2017. game intheveinofBlackjack.Scheduled pirate wayinPirate21,acompetitivecard mateys!Gamblin’bethe hornswagglin’ Draw your cards and watch out for yer of gold!But,howtodivvyupth’loot?Aye! Avast Ye, Mateys! Lookit thar!Itbeachest PIRATE 21 INDIE BOARDS &CARDS ...... $14.99 $49.99 $14.99 GGD JPG490 Empire. ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. your reignoverthisnewClockwork as manyworkersyoucanandexpand one of these first four, you must construct growing theirpowerandinfluence.As societies andcultures, and artificial toiled to increase their numbers, spawning As iftomirrorhumanhistory, theworkers humanity hadprogrammedintothem. one, singlecommandthattheperishing following slowly anddeliberatelystarted These four, empowered by rare crystals, “the first four” of theClockwork Workers. to life,creatingwhatwasbecalled The rustedgearsandmechanismscreaked power toanancientandruinedfactory. or design,asinglestrikeoflightninggave Bycoincidence from thefaceofEarth. last vestigesofhumanitydisappeared Hundreds ofyearshavepassedsincethe CLOCKWORK EMPIRE GGD JPG145 to shipinJune2017. inAlicematicHeroes!Scheduled territory Empower yourkingdomandincrease ALICEMATIC HEROES GGD JPG140 Scheduled toshipin July2017. the titleofSupreme DragonBreeder? Can yououtwityourrivalsandclaim to grabthebestdragonsbeforeyoucan! match, butthereareotherbreederstrying Seekers outintotheforesttofindasuitable All youneedtodoissendyourDragon You with. havetwofinespecimenstostart easy… andthecompetitionisheatingup! Nobody saidbeingadragonbreederwas DRAGON PETS JAPANIME GAMES ...... PI PI PI GGD JPG151 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. an epicstruggleoverimperialsuccession. Crown, adeck-buildingcardgameabout of Far East,thefirstexpansiontoHeart people, goods,andtheflamesofwarin Trade crossesgreatdistancesasdo FAR EASTEXPANSION HEART OFCROWN: GGD JPG550 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. yourreputation. nurses seekingtoharm dangerous monsters,whileavoidingrival to healbraveadventurersinjuredby players inDynamiteNurseendeavor of greatrenown.Setinafantasyworld, healing asyouaspiretobecomeanurse hospitals arereveredasholytemplesof the deck-buildinggameDynamite Nurse, Heal Your Your Patients,Harm Rivals!In DYNAMITE NURSE GGD JPG600 this fully-cooperative,dice-basedbattlegame.ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. Role-Playing Game).DefeattheenemiesofAincradandescapebackintoreal worldin IMP JASUFS27A your retailerforavailability. to retailers in fulldisplays. Please contact ship in June 2017. NOTE: This item is sold the ultimateuniversalfighter!Scheduled to and takeanothersteptowardsbecoming fighter intheUniversalFightingSystem Use these booster packs to train any BOOSTER DISPLAY (24) STREET FIGHTERCCG: . . ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... $95.76 JASCO PI PI (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online trapped intheworld’s first ‘VRMMORPG’ Fellows takeontheroleofonesixcharacters OnlineTheBoardGame:Swordof Art ( Log Out-orDie!DesignedbySenjiKanai SWORD ART ONLINEDICEGAME Love Letter, GGD JPG465 survivor. ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. need onlymanageonething:bethelast to becomethenextgreatDaimyo,you begun theselectionprocess.Ifyouwant Shogun, theDaimyosofeachclanhave the In ordertotakehisplaceandserve predecessor, throughtimeimmemorial. like hispredecessor, andhispredecessor’s died undermysteriouscircumstances-just The Great Daimyo of the Ninja Clans has SHINOBI GGD JPG650 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. grow andtakeonnewpersonas. greater achievementswhileperformers toreach talent (Acting,Music,andCharm) ofthethreetypes Build upreserves andgainfame. send themouttoperform todevelopidolsand talent agencytrying In STARLIGHT STAGE Starlight Stage,playersmanagea Sword Lost Legacy),playersinSword ...... PI PI PI JUN 2017 17 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 18 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES JSG 02 RPG-lite boardgame.ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. Queen’s orderstosavetheKingdominByOrderofQueen,acooperativefantasy quests, combatmonsters,andfulfillthe Queen anddrivebacktheeviltide!Complete all heroesacrossthelandtofightfortheir her plantosaveTessandor, callingoutto strategist.Nowincharge,sheenacts military is anincrediblyintelligent and pragmatic assault onthekeep!Fortunately, theQueen kingdom’s adversarieschoosetolaunchtheir King islostinbattleandfeareddead,the from withinandonitsborders.Whenthe threat byamyriadofmonstersandevildoers there ispeace,thekingdomunderconstant prosperous KingdomofTessandor. Although Noonshade Keepistheepicenterof BY ORDEROFTHEQUEEN IMP KHP032 in July2017. for Death AmongtheTrees, afull-lengthadventure hidden mysteriestofacehorrorsunheardofin day oncemore.TheHeroesmustdelveintothe chance, thehorrorsofpastseeklight of immortality. But,atwhatcost?Uncoveredby an agedalchemistonceplumbedthesecrets frompolite society,High in themountains,cutoff DEATH AMONGTHETREES ATLANTIS -THESECONDAGERPG: Atlantis -TheSecondAge.Scheduledtoship ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... KHEPERA PUBLISHING KENZER &COMPANY JUNK SPIRITGAMES KEN 316 Hand’s (mis)adventuresintheOldWest thatneverwas. aDirector’sand stitchedtogethertoform CutoftheBlack earlier storiesthathavebeenedited,re-storyboarded arcdedicatedtothegenrebasedon a completestory darker associates,theBlackHands.It,too,features compilation featuresthemisadventuresofKnight’s This WildWest-themed KnightsoftheDinnerTable THE FOURHERDSMENOFAPOCALYPSE THE CATTLEPUNK CHRONICLES: KNIGHTS OFTHEDINNERTABLE: IMP JASUFS27D availability. retailers infulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailerfor to shipinJune2017.NOTE:Thisitemissold in 6-count displays. Scheduled ready to fight! Offered pits Chun Li against -straight out oftheboxand fortheStreetFighterCollectibleCardGame Starter Jasco Games’UniversalFightingSystem,this2-player of Based onthepopularvideogamefranchiseandpart 2-PLAYER STARTER DISPLAY (6) STREET FIGHTERCCG:CHUNLIVS.RYU IMP KHP031 The Second Age.Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. Dark Belowisafull-lengthadventure forAtlantis- importantly, totellthetale? The cantheysurvive discover the secret of Sargon’s Spur, and more evil stirs from its timeless sleep. Can the heroes the wavessomethinginconceivablyancient and lies undersiegebyaMakarahordewhile beneath well onthescholarlyretreat;great pinnacle edgeoftheSargasso Sea.But,allisnot southern ofSargon’sThe fortress-island Spurdominatesthe THE DARKBELOW ATLANTIS -THESECONDAGERPG: ...... $12.99 ...... $12.99 $149.94 $14.99 $64.99 IMP KTG1001 the kitcheninFoodfighters! fighting FoodFactionstoreignsupremein That alldependsonYOU!Commandyour the creamofcrop,burgerking?!? emerge asthetopbanana,bigcheese, food flies as the factions clash! Who will march intobattleagainsttheVeggies and food-flinging fighttorulethetabletop!Meat Late atnight,yourkitchencomesaliveina FOODFIGHTERS KON 83390 retailers infulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailerforavailability. in12-countdisplays.NOTE:Thisitemissoldto awesomeness thatisSetoKaiba!Offered of twotinsshowcasingeitherthedualnatureYami Yugi andYugi Muto,orthesingular Duelistscanchooseone encased inanawesomemetalstoragecasewithbrand-newart. Mega-Pack containsonecardofeachfoilrarity, aswelladditionalvariantcards-all Victories, Mega-Packs containing the top cards from 2016 and 2017’s booster sets (Shining season treatofsometheyear’s mostpopularcards!EachTin includesthree16-card The YU-GI-OH! TCG:2017MEGA-TINSCASE(12) 2017 Mega-Tins fortheYu-Gi-Oh! Trading upanannualholiday CardGameserve The DarkIllusion, ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT KIDS TABLE BOARDGAMES Invasion: Vengeance, andRagingTempest). Also,each KON 83359-D for availability. to retailersinfulldisplays.Pleasecontact yourretailer per pack/24packsdisplay. NOTE:Thisitemissold the newestmemberoffamily, LinkMonsters.9cards combines Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, and card expansionfortheYu-Gi-Oh! Trading CardGame a brand-new era of Kicking off BOOSTER DISPLAY (24) CODE OFTHEDUELIST YU-GI-OH! TCG: $21.00 . IMP KTG1003 bubble clingers. Fired Up),andasheetofninethought- cards (Sticky Fingers, Gimme S’More, and fighter tiles,threeS’mores-onlypower Foodfighters includesninenewfaction with thisone!TheS’mores Your fingersaregoingtogetabitsticky S’MORES EXPANSION FOODFIGHTERS: ...... Yu-Gi-Oh!, this 100- expansion for $95.76 $239.88 $4.99 THE MUL THE HIVE EMPRESS IMPLGL414 THE HEADSOF HYDRAIMPLGL416 GARUDA THE GARDENIN’ELM IMPLGL415 your gameandadd new challengesandpuzzlestosolve!Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. cards (includinganewBoss!)thatcanbe slapped ontoanystandalonedungeontolengthen adventure inafamiliardungeon.Each set contains15newitem,obstacle,andmonster Dungeon BuilderSetscombinewithany 100SwordsDungeonDecktocreateafresh 100 SWORDSEXPANSION PACKS THE SILVER QUEEN’SDUNGEONIMPLGL411 THE GOLDKING’SDUNGEONIMPLGL410 complete withitems,monsters,andaBoss.ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. all whilekeepingtrackofhiddentreasuresandswords!Thisdeckisastandalonedungeon andrunheadfirstintothedungeon,exploringroomsrevealingmonsters, can carry weird monsters, a bunch of doors, and, of course, swords! Load up with as much as you you need is a Dungeon Deck andafriend for aquick delve insearch of magicalitems, sword-based,dungeon-crawlingmicrodeck-builder!All 100 Swordsisaneasy-to-learn, 100 SWORDS KON 83320 Please contact your retailer for availability. item issoldtoretailersinfulldisplays. pack /24-packsperdisplay. NOTE:This winning cardsfromreallife!5-cardsper and combinesthemwithchampionship- firsttime TV seriestoprintforthevery Duels seeninmultipleYu-Gi-Oh! animated Card Gamebringscardsfromclimactic expansion fortheYu-Gi-Oh! Trading Battles of Legend - Light’s Revenge The theExaltedLightsworn! Minerva, Gladiator Beasts!IndestructibleTimelords! BOOSTER DISPLAY (24) LEGEND -LIGHT’SREVENGE YU-GI-OH! TCG:BATTLES OF TI-USER DUNGEON IMPLGL412 IMP LGL413 ...... LABORATORY GAMES ...... $95.76 ...... KON 83342 availability. displays. Pleasecontactyourretailerfor NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailersinfull in10-countdisplays. Guide. Offered Extra MonsterZones,andaBeginner’s an updatedGameMatshowingthenew Extra Deck, plus a 43-card Main Deck, new, all-foilLinkMonsterstoaddyour Trading CardGamecomeswiththreeall- Deck for the Yu-Gi-Oh!Link StrikeStarter cards, butwhereyouplaythem,too!Each by masteringnotjusthowyouplayyour new levelofdominationtoyourDuels Link Monstersletyoubringabrand- STARTER DECKDISPLAY (10) YU-GI-OH! TCG:LINKSTRIKE ...... $99.90 $14.99 $14.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 $7.99 PLA DECK BOX2 SLEEVES (50) 2X2 BINDERLGNBN4VK03 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. VEILED KINGDOMSOASIS LGN PLM071 PLAYMAT LGN BOX071 DECK BOX LGN MAT071 CARD SLEEVES(50) Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. KRAKEN CARD SLEEVES(50)LGNMATVK02 2X2 BINDERLGNBN4VK02...... PI Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. VEILED KINGDOMSST. LEVIN DECK BOX2 PLAYMAT LGNPLMVK02 YMAT LGNPLMVK03 LAMENTATIONS OFTHEFLAMEPRINCESS LGN BOXVK03 LGN BOXVK02 ...... LGN MATVK03 ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ . ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� LEGION SUPPLIES LEVEL 99GAMES ...... IMP L99TMBTR sure yougetthebest cutsforyourself! divvy up the loot before being caught, while making have tobeaswiftandskillednegotiator inorderto neer-do-well friendsallhavethesameidea! You’ll tomb toloothigh-valueitems-but,watch out!Your them backtocivilization.Eachday, sneakintothe your pocketswiththebesttreasuresand smuggling antiquity or history, but simply in thehopesof lining achaeological excavation,notforthe sakeof that easy!You andyourfriendshavejoinedan Get the Treasure, and Get Out! If only it were TOMB TRADER IMP LFP0045 July 2017. Scheduledtoshipin in thedepthsofearth. comprehensive guideeverpublishedforgaming Veins and isthemostimportant ofthe Earth Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing, A settingsourcebookforLamentationsofthe RPG: VEINSOFTHEEARTH LAMENTATIONS OFTHEFLAMEPRINCESS PI PI PI PI PI PI LGN PLM072 PLAYMAT LGN BOX072 DECK BOX LGN MAT072 CARD SLEEVES(50) Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. LOTUS CARD SLEEVES(50)LGNMATVK01 2X2 BINDERLGNBN4VK01...... PI Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. VEILED KINGDOMSVAST DECK BOX2 PLAYMAT LGNPLMVK01 ...... LGN BOXVK01 ...... $25.00 $59.99 PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI JUN 2017 19 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 20 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES MGE MGWPE307 ERADICATE TEAM(5) ENFORCER BREACH& MGE MGWPE305 ENFORCER DEFENDERTEAM (5) MGE MGWD004 COLLECTOR’S EDITION LSG 20101 July 2017. Scheduledtoshipin 20 dice,30dividers,arulebook,andstorybook. Games. Thisbasesetcomescompletewith584cards,10pawns,sixbases, roleplaying twistcreatedbyMikeSelinkerandtheteamatLoneShark capabilities. THE WALKING DEAD:ALLOUTWAR ...... isacooperative, adventure card gamewith a Apocrypha ...... MANTIC ENTERTAINMENT Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. LONE SHARKGAMES $149.99 $17.99 $17.99 WARPATH MGE MGWD115 ROAMER BOOSTERSET MGE MGWPF404 PATTERN IRONANCESTOR FORGE FATHER DOOMSTORM MGE MGWPF305 DROP TEAM (6) FORGE FATHER HAMMERFIST that expandtheirpowersand fragments repressed memory sessions ofgameplay, unlocking characters growthroughmultiple alley and school lunch room. These see themonsterslurkinginevery play “saints,”characterswhocan entities intheuniverse.Players conflict withthemostdangerous immerses 1 to 6 players in a day apocalypse,Apocrypha Set ontheprecipiceofamodern- APOCRYPHA: THEWORLD ...... $74.95 $19.99 $24.99 $29.99 MPP 71562 CYBELE’S SECRET 1000PC MPP 21504 a stickersheet,andaninstructionsheet. painttubs, metallic finish,fivenon-toxicacrylic paintbrushes,onenon-toxic two artist-quality wood dragonstand-upfigure,12gemstones, a wood castle,aknightstand-upfigure, knights anddragonplayset!Thekitincludesa youneedtocreateyourown everything Craft Kitismadeofrealwood,andincludes This ‘PaintYour Own’DragonKingdom DRAGON KINGDOM MPP 31722 CINDERELLA AT THEBALL300PC ...... MASTERPIECES PUZZLECOMPANY CLASSIC WOODPAINT KIT KINUKO Y. CRAFTTIN Scheduled toshipinJune2017. Scheduled toshipinJune2017. Scheduled toshipinJune2017. BOOK BOX $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 MPP 11414 Scheduled toshipinJune2017. SOLAR SYSTEM100PC GLOW INTHEDARK: MPP 71563 ELEANOR OFAQUITAINE 1000PC MPP 31723 LITTLE MERMAID300PC MMP 21640 a paintingguide. paintbrushes, and an instruction sheet with painttubs,twoartist-quality toxic acrylic one non-toxicmetallicfinish,fivenon- fighter, astickersheet,stencil unique toy. Thekitincludesawoodspace youneedtocreateafunand everything Kit ismadeofrealwood,andincludes This ‘PaintYour Own’SpaceFighterCraft SPACESHIP X-FIGHTER ...... $6.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 MPP 21672 ANIMALS COLORING:OWL 500PC MPP 31619 MYSTICAL GARDEN MPP 71560 WILDWOOD DANCING1000PC MPP 71561 RHIANNON 1000PC MPP 21682 ELEPHANT 500PC ANIMALS COLORING: ONCE UPONASHELF PUZZLE ESCAPES Scheduled toshipinJune2017. Scheduled toshipinJune2017...... $10.00 $12.00 $16.00 $16.00 $10.00 MPP 21683 PATTERN 500PC MANDALAS COLORING: MPP 21685 FLOWERS 500PC MANDALAS COLORING: MPP 21686 COLLAGE 500PC MANDALAS COLORING: MPP 21681 QUETZAL 500PC ANIMALS COLORING: MPP 21680 UNDERSEA 500PC ANIMALS COLORING: ...... $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 MPP 71710 Scheduled toshipin June2017. THE WORLD1000PC XPLORER MAPS: MPP 51017 PHOTOGRAPHY (4)500PC MASTERS OF MPP 21684 SINGLE 500PC MANDALAS COLORING: MPP 71793 THE USA1000PC MPP 51128 SWEET SHOPPE(4)500PC SPACE SAVER BOX Scheduled toshipinJune2017. Scheduled toshipinJune2017. XPLORER MAPS ...... $18.00 $24.00 $10.00 $18.00 $24.00 150 COUNTMAXMX-SB150 100 COUNTMAXMX-SB100 50 COUNTMAXMX-SB50 25 COUNT 10 COUNTMAXMX-SB10 CLEAR ACRYLIC SLIDERBOX CITY-OPOLY GAME THE WIZARDOFOZEMERALD MPP 41765 NHL LEAGUEVERSION MPP 41747 NFL LEAGUEVERSION MPP 41759 MLB CHICAGOCUBS in June2017. games.Scheduledtoship all fivedifferent detailing alltheiconsandrulesforplaying and contains55cards,plusinstructions Spot It!comesinacollectiblestoragetin SPOT IT! MAX MX-BB BAGS (100 PERPACK) 10” X13”BOOK STORAGE MPP 41719 Slippers. ScheduledtoshipinJune2017. Air Balloon,Witch’s Hat,andtheRuby Monkey, Tornado, Toto intheBasket,Hot Like Home!” Game tokens include Flying of Oz and discover “There’s No Place then getreadytomeetthefamousWizard Wicked Witchandherfieldofpoppies, the CowardlyLion.Avoid thecastleof way, includingScarecrow, Tin Man,and Collect yourfavoritecharactersalong The Wizard ofOzEmeraldCity-opoly! Road toanEmeraldCityadventurewith Make yourwayalongtheYellow Brick MAX PROTECTION MAX MX-SB25 ...... $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $30.00 PI PI PI PI PI PI JUN 2017 21 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 22 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES MDG 4229 in August2017. the trueMasterofMagic!Scheduledtoship you into spells can turn only these powerful have tocollectthemostvaluablescrolls,for trial anddefeatyouropponents,youwill of theancientenchanters.To overcomethe sealed away, liescrollscontainingthespells dust andmagic,protectedbydarkness and dead ends of the labyrinth, hidden by of theArcanaTower! Here,inthehallways Welcome tothemagicaltrialindungeons WILL BETHENEXTARCHMAGE? FIVE SEALSOFMAGIC-WHO MAX MX-1S-THICK THICK 50PTCARDS MAX MX-1S-SUPERTHICK...... 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MAYFAIR GAMES MAYDAY GAMES $50.00 PI PI PI MFG 3530 in May2017. puzzle adventure.Scheduledtoship bear parkinthisquickandfun challenging youtobuildyourown takes youintotheworldofbears, claim landtobuildonto.Bärenpark while construction crews let you availableinchofyourland, every points, and use green areas to earn enclosures, animalhouses,and skillfully (and quickly) fit together order tobesuccessful,youmust Bear Parks-thenextbigthing!In BÄRENPARK MAX MX-4SR RECESSED MAX MX-4SNR NON-RECESSED STANDARD 20PTCARDS 4 SCREWSCREWDOWN ...... $42.00 PI PI IMP MUH042206 Scheduled to shipinJuly2017. an entirestarsystem forMindjammer. of intrigue,conspiracy, spanning andmystery Blue isamulti-sessionadventure supplement threatens tochangethe Commonalityforever! isuncovered which and control,amystery And, asfactionsmanoeuvreforinfluence culprit isstrangerthananyonehad imagined! near-transcendent aliencivilization.But,the human colonistsresearchingtheremainsof a and curious Blue, aplanetofragtagsurvivors There’s been a murder on the fallen world of RUINS OFANALIENWORLD BLUE -ADVENTUREINTHE FATE RPG:MINDJAMMER- PSI MCY1702 Winasasurvivor,fellow survivors. orevenazombie!ScheduledtoshipinAugust 2017. the nightandfilltheirbackpackswithsuppliesby‘slamming’supplycardsbefore A zombieoutbreakhasgrippedtheentiretown!InZombieSlam,players attempt tosurvive ZOMBIE SLAM IMP MUH050479 D6 Dice,andTemplate, Token, Tracker, andReferenceSheets. MFG 3525 ship inAugust2017. become wealthier than you, or your rivals, ever dreamed! Scheduled to Mine forpreciousmetalsand flax, andbuildingmaterials. cozy cave.Gathergrain, the mountainandcreatea yourwaydeeperinto Carve you andthiscan’t stand! tribe isdoingbetterthan time tolose!Thenearby much worktodoandno cave dwelling.But,there’s at theentrancetoyournew helping hands,youstand With only two pairs of CAVE VSCAVE CAVERNA: ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ...... MERCURY GAMES $24.99 MODIPHIUS (TAC cards,MythosEvents,SpellCards),15 Rulebook,a54-CardDeck Cthulhu Skirmish Set horrors againsttheAllies.TheCommander’s Black SunfromunleashingatideofMythos fought tostopthesorcerousNazicultof introduces playerstotheterrifyingconflict miniature lines,Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Legions 2.0 rules set and designed for 28mm Games’Dystopian Powered bySpartan COMMANDERS SET ACHTUNG! CTHULHUSKIRMISH: IMP MUH042205 Scheduled toshipin July2017. sentience andtherise ofancientpowers. the machinations of theCommodus explore thisperilous frontier, and fight Free AgentsandtheNewTraders, event horizonprobes.JointheLicensed resists theinexorableadvanceof above the galactic plane, which fiercely far beyondtheCommonalityfrontier, rich settingdetailforanexoticpolity Mindjammer, A campaignpacksupplementfor THE FAR HAVENS FATE RPG:MINDJAMMER- comes completewiththeAchtung! The FarHavens provides ...... $28.00 $24.99 $25.00 $32.50 PSI MCG047 August 2017. your owninvention. Scheduledtoshipin sites of endless weirdandwonderful provides in-depthcontentforcreating explores, indetail,onesuchruin,and Jade Colossus:RuinsoftheNinthWorld defining feature of theNumenera The vastruinsofthepriorworldsare JADE COLOSSUSHARDCOVER NUMENERA RPG: IMP MUH050447 ship inJuly2017. establishments.Scheduledto important Hold, includingallitsstreetnamesand and thesecondshowstownofThistle in greaterdetailthaneverseenbefore map depictsSymbaroum’s gameworld includes two high resolution maps: one This MapSetforusewithSymbaroum AMBRIA &DAVOKAR MAP SYMBAROUM RPG: IMP MUH050015 Chronicles RPG. & HereticsisasourcebookfortheMutant itagainstitself?Mutants hopes ofturning in the drawn to the power that is offered Darkness, destinedforevil,oraresome of tobecome servants and women born true natureofaHeretic?Were thesemen else entirely?Andwhatcanbesaidofthe the DarkLegion’s influence,orsomething Heretics. But,aretheyavileby-productof the street,mutantsareascontemptible hide fromtheLight.To thecommonmanon twisted mutants and insane Heretics that the misunderstoodandcorrupt,those bowelsofthecityare through thevery abandoned buildingsandcrawling Hidden amongstthe shadows of SOURCE BOOK MUTANTS ANDHERETICS MUTANT CHRONICLESRPG: MONTE COOKGAMES ...... $14.99 $28.99 $39.99 setting.

MIB 998 contact yourretailerforavailability. sold toretailersinfulldisplays.Please to shipinMay2017.NOTE:Thisitemis purple, red,yellow, andwhite).Scheduled (black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, piece holder, contains10unitsincolors interlocking, stackable,universalgame This displayforUberStax,theinnovative, PIECE HOLDERDISPLAY (10) UBERSTAX: UNIVERSALGAME MIB 997 April 2017. placement game.Scheduledtoshipin Mint Works isaminty-freshworker MINT WORKS NJD 440303 Sheets. Scheduled toshipinJune 2017. Dice, and40Customizable Character Gamemaster Screen, sixPolyhedron full-color, 48-page Adventure Book, a Box Story The CurseoftheStatuettesAdventure and saveponyville-neigh,theworld! lands, overcometerrifyingdanger, like it’s uptoyoutraveldistant where theManesixhavegone!Itlooks make mattersworse,noponyknows why, noponyknowswhen,andto versions ofthemselves.Noponyknows intostatuettes,figurine toturn started help! AlloverEquestriaponieshave Equestria isintroubleanditneedsyour adventure fortheMyLittlePonyRPG! of theStatuettes,firstfull-length of Take thefirststep intotheexcitingworld ADVENTURE STORY BOXSET CURSE OFTHESTATUETTES OF EQUESTRIARPG-THE MY LITTLEPONY: TAILS NINJA DIVISIONGAMES Tails ofEquestria withTheCurse ...... MR. BGAMES Set ...... comes complete with a comes complete with a $24.95 $119.99 $12.99 NSG 501 atalowerpricepoint. components offered card textrefinements,andstreamlined trait play withstunningnewartwork, features thesame,award-winninggame revised and updated edition of This traits willyourspeciesneedtosurvive? get foodthatotherscannotreach.What while aLongNeckwillhelpyourspecies protect yourspeciesfromCarnivores, thrive. Traits will likeHardShellorHorns for your own species to eat, multiply, and Your traits goalistoprovidethenecessary To your species will need to adapt. survive, predators. limited resourcesandhungry in the midst of a dynamic ecosystem of InEvolution,you’re Thrive andSurvive! EVOLUTION 2017 OSP COM121 oftheColdWar.in thelatterpart the USNavy’s main mediumattackaircraft of photographs, this isthe complete story and navigators, aswellprofileartwork with first-handaccountsfrompilotsand the USNavyandMarineCorps.Filled strikeaircraftavailableto most powerful the veteranA-6Intruderremained In thethreedecadesfollowingVietnam, A-6 INTRUDERUNITS1974-96 OSP MAA512 unify thecountry, whileroyalauthority intheTwo Sicilieswasleftdeeply unpopular. to liberateand Emmanuel ofSavoy/Piedmont -andhisableministerCavour -determined OSPREY PUBLISHING NORTH STAR GAMES ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... Evolution $23.00 $39.99 of Independence,1848–49); buttheyleftKingVictor peninsula. These were eventually crushed (First War popular uprisingsagainst theregimesallover The European‘Year ofRevolutions’,1848,saw Bourbon monarchyruled the south-‘the Two Sicilies.’ clients ofAustria.FromNaples,aSpanish-descended most oftheminorcentralstatesweremore orless and Venice )wasruledbyAustria-Hungary, and (Savoy/Piedmont, patchwork ofstates.Thenorth geographical expression’ - nota country, but a In the 1840s, post-Napoleonic Italy was ‘a PIEDMONT ANDTHETWOSICILIES UNIFICATION 1848-70(1): ARMIES OFTHEITALIAN WARS OF OSP CBT026 against anoutsidethreat. come togethertoprotecttheircommunity of the‘Commandosystem’to by theterms soldiers butacivilianmilitiawhowerebound individualistic, theBoerswerenotprofessional by Boerfightingtechniques.Independentand was shapedbytherealitiesofterrainand acrossthesecampaigns nature ofwarfare its alliesagainsttheBoers’commandos.The and and 1899–1902pittedtheBritishArmy theAnglo-Boerwarsof1880–81 desert, andaridsemi- to brokenmountaincountry which variedfromopenAfricansavannah Waged acrossaninhospitableterrain AFRICA 1880-1902 MOUNTED SOLDIER:SOUTH BOER GUERRILLAVSBRITISH OSP CAM310 the regionandthosethatweredisplaced. the impactthatthisviolentrebellionhadon Hadrian and his generals, and assesses leader BarKokhbaaswell as theEmperor oftheuprising,profilingitsrebel story illustrated volume exploresthegripping own independentJewishstate.Thisfully occupying Romansandestablishtheir in openrebellion,aimingtooustthe led thepeopleofJudaeaandGalilee Simon BarKokhba(‘sonofastar’), leader who assumed the messianic name In 132AD,SimeonBarKosiba,arebel AGAINST ROME 135: THELASTJEWISHUPRISING BAR KOKHBAREVOLT AD132- ...... $20.00 $24.00 $18.00 JUN 2017 23 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 24 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM OSP BTC020 unforgiving battlefield. they needtosettheircampaignsinthis provides playerswithalloftheinformation types, this supplement for Bolt Action Filled withnewrules,scenarios,andunit and tacticsfortheharshislandterrain. commanders toadoptnewstrategies limitsandforced pushed mentotheirvery rugged mountaintops,thegruelingfight Fought indensejunglesandacross allied AustralianandAmericanforces. bitter, three-yearcampaignagainst a island ofNewGuineaandstarted In 1942,Japaneseforcesinvadedthe CAMPAIGN -NEWGUINEA BOLT ACTION: OSP NVG248 up throughtheendofwar. built from 1937 several types of ASW escorts and Ootoriclassesoftorpedoboars, and the of second-ratedestroyers,theTomodzuru TheseincludetheMomi class ASW escorts. the history, weapons,andtacticsoftheIJN’s (ASW)capability.warfare Thisvolumedetails went towarwithmarginalanti-submarine In 1941,theImperialJapaneseNavy(IJN) ANTISUBMARINE ESCORTS 1941-45 IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY GAMES OSP DAM001 the West OldWest. game ofGothichorrorsetinanalternate isaskirmish however, knows nobounds,andhisreachislong…Dracula’s America: Shadowsof ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $30.00 $18.00 OSP GM256 but neverputintoproduction. through thetoughestofbattlefieldconditions, Tortoise heavyassaulttank,designedtobattle projects, theTOG1andTOG2, It alsolooksatBritain’s super-heavytank and theexcellentCromwelltankof1944–45. Africa to Normandy,distinction from North the much-improvedChurchillthatfoughtwith Africa, that pushedbacktheAxisinNorth the Matilda,Crusader, andValentine tanks War II.Itcoversthedevelopmentanduseof of thetankthroughearlyyearsWorld oftheBritishuse Fletcher MBEtracesthestory David expert tanks byrenownedBritisharmor of British This second of a multi-volume history MADE TANKS OFWORLDWAR II BRITISH BATTLE TANKS: BRITISH- hoping foranewlife.Dracula’s greed, hordes ofpioneersheadtotheWest, the oppressionandmenaceofEast, will withruthlessefficiency. Fleeingfrom strata ofsociety, andenforceDracula’s Coven oftheRedHand,infestevery an iron fist! His vampiricprogeny, the and now rules the Union with fear and he declaredhimself‘President-for-Life’, made his move. Dominating the Senate, and, intheensuingchaos, their master entire administration in a single night assassinated PresidentLincolnandhis seized power. TheCount’s thralls struggling toregainitsbalance,Dracula wake of the Civil War, with the country of theUnitedStatesAmerica.In It is1875,andCountDraculaPresident A WARGAME SHADOWS OFTHEWEST- DRACULA’S AMERICA: ...... $30.00 $30.00 OSP CAM311 Creek, BrierandStonorFerry. moves resultinginthebattlesofKettle conducted aseriesofmovesandcounter December 1778,BritishandPatriotforces colonies. After Savannah fell in southern as a base for future operations in the capture Savannah, capital city of Georgia Loyalists tosailfromNewYork Cityand of 3,000Britishsoldiers,Hessians,and America,orderedanexpedition North forcesin Commander ofBritishmilitary War.Revolutionary GeneralClinton, invasionoftheAmerican British southern series ofeventswhichledtothesecond In 1778,GreatBritainsetinmotiona SAVANNAH 1779 OSP NVG249 “monster” railwayguns. first basicdesignstomassivepurpose-built guns duringWorld War Ifromthevery the design and development of railway was comparativelynew. Thisbookdetails ideaofrailwayartillery guns andthevery hadrailway the warnoneofarmies of other conflict,eventhoughatthestart were usedduringthiswarthaninany pieces railway gun. More railway artillery World War IwastheGoldenAgeof RAILWAY GUNSOFWORLDWAR I OSP GM254 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... of Alliedshipping. and destruction of thousands of tons for the reporting published historical records oftheunitthataccounted of FAGr 5 ‘Atlantik’, drawing on never-before- and operations of the formation the fascinating story ‘eyes’ forhisU-boats.Thisbooktells, thefirsttime, long-range spotting and shadowing unit to act as toprovidea Karl DönitzcalledupontheLuftwaffe Admiralconvoys intensifiedinlate1943,German out ofthewar. AsGermany’s waragainsttheAllied War theUK II,threateningtoisolateandthenstarve shippingintheAtlantic duringWorldand military U-boats werethescourgeofAlliedmerchantGerman LUFTWAFFE ANDTHEU-BOATS: 1943-45 SHADOW OVERTHEATLANTIC: THE $24.00 $18.00 OSP GM297 amphibious andflyingboats. aircraft suchastheLysander orspecialist lifeboats, or by launches, by airborne possible rescue - by RAF or Royal Navy methodsof they used,andthedifferent equipment in crashscenarios,thesurvival reveals howaircrewsweretrainedtoact events. He Rescue in responseto wartime and evolutionofAirSea the formation Commodore GrahamPitchforkdescribes records heldatTheNationalArchives,Air Using extensiveresearchintoofficial SAVED FROMTHESEAINWWII COMMONWEALTH AIRCREWS TRUE STORIESOFRAFAND SHOT DOWNANDINTHEDRINK: OSP WEAP056 on bothsidesduringtheCivilWar. saw combatinthehandsofsharpshooters oftheinnovativeriflesthat engrossing story thisisthe specially commissionedartwork, long-range, accurate shooting. Featuring butalsowith with open-orderskirmishing, these unitswouldbetaskedprimarily sharpshooting unitsintheUnionArmy; Hiram Berdaninitiatedthesetting-upof shot the wealthy inventor and expert At the outset of the American Civil War, SPENCER ANDWHITWORTH WAR: COLT, SHARPS, OF THEAMERICANCIVIL SHARPSHOOTING RIFLES ...... $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 OSP GM298 IntelligencebodyMI9. Military organization andevasionbytheshadowy their rescuers,thebookalsoexplores with rarephotographsofevadersand hostile terraintheyendured.Illustrated both theheroiccharactersand little knownofficialdebriefs,theyevoke lines. Basedonfirst-handaccountsand behindenemy whosurvived airmen Australian, andotherCommonwealth the experiencesofBritish, Canadian, truestoriesretell These extraordinary AIRCREWS OFWWII AND COMMONWEALTH TRUE STORIESOFRAF SHOT DOWNANDONTHERUN: OSP GAM012 hear youscheme! loot, and remember - in space, no-one can away. Upgradeyourship,stockpile but youcan’t stashwhatyou’vetraded increases theirvalueontheblackmarket, goods. Trading goodstotheCartel minimizing the value of other player’s of the goods they havestockpiled, while tomaximizethevalue smugglers, trying Players takeontheroleoftradersand making the right bets at the right time. is a spacetrading game of Star Cartel STAR CARTEL ...... $15.00 $30.00 OSP GAM014 free-for-all! for goal.Playhead-to-head, orinafourteam to cleara path, orjust push your scorertogo Zoo Ballattempt to push all three defenders Zoological AthleticsCommission,players in both playtowin!Officiallysanctioned bythe mightiest rhinoandthecleverestrabbit can scorer intotheirbase!ZooBall-wherethe the otherteamoutofwaytoslide your ofpushing Zoo Ball-ahighlyskilledsport ZOO BALL:THEKINGOFSPORTS OSP CNW123 warship history. scholarship andresearchfromthefieldof to maintaintheimpressivestandardsof notes, animagegallery, andmuchmore research, newbookreviews,warship this latestvolumecombinesoriginal contributors, distinguished international from a select panel of range of articles world’s combat ships.Featuringabroad of the history development, and service Warship 2017 is devoted to the design, WARSHIP 2017 OSP CBT027 the battleofStamfordBridge. Vikings’ in865and ‘GreatRaidingArmy’ both sidesbetweenthearrivalof the developments which took place on Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, andconsiders organizationofthe underlying military of the weaponry, tactics, strategies, and Williams presents a detailedcomparison and onarchaeologicalevidence,Gareth both EnglishandScandinaviansources, Drawing uponhistoricalaccounts from and settled large areas of England. in the860sand870s,theyconquered and came close todefeating the fourth the fourgreatAnglo-Saxon kingdoms After theVikings defeatedthreeoutof battle, withmixedsuccessforbothsides. Viking forcesclashedrepeatedlyin invasion ofEngland,Anglo-Saxonand In thetwocenturiesbeforeNorman ENGLAND 865-1066 ANGLO-SAXON WARRIOR: VIKING WARRIOR VS ...... $20.00 $60.00 $30.00 PZO 90121 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Game adventurefor1st-levelcharacters. Lost Outpost isaPathfinder Roleplaying the or drawthemdeeperintoit.Kickingoff - could possiblyshedlightonthemystery who they encountertwo,lonesurvivors that leadsthemacrosstheisland,where the adventurersuncoverstrangeevidence what happenedtothepreviouscolonists, and abandoned. Tasked with finding out as theydiscoverthatthecolonyisempty at theirnewhome.But,dreadsettlesin adventurers areanxioustomakelandfall After along,arduousjourney, the - THELOSTOUTPOST PATH - RUINSOFAZLANTPART 1 PATHFINDER RPG:ADVENTURE PZO 6821 August 2017. play campaign.Scheduledtoshipin Society Adventure Card Guildorganized Card GameBaseSetorinthePathfinder to masterinanyPathfinderAdventure takesyourmagusfromnovice accessory both spellsandswords.This109-card new characterswhomakethemostof The Magic ormelee?Noneedtochoose! GAME: MAGUSCLASSDECK PATHFINDER ADVENTURECARD Ruins ofAzlantAdventurePath, Magus Class Deck featuresthree ...... PAIZO PUBLISHING $24.99 $19.99 The PZO 7201 Scheduled toshipin August2017. new monsters from a variety of alien worlds. home in the Pact Worlds, and a selection of ashumanity’sthe orbitalhabitatthatserves Station featuresagazetteerofAbsalomStation, for 1st-level characters, IncidentatAbsalom A INCIDENT AT ABSALOMSTATION PATH -DEADSUNSPART 1- STARFINDER RPG:ADVENTURE Starfinder RoleplayingGameAdventure Path PZO 4069 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. markerserasefromthetiles! permanent ofthevillage.Wet,comfort dry, and from thedungeonandwithinrelative away spots tovisitduringyoursojourn A. Engle, highlighting the most important Jason stunningly crafted by cartographer contains 18full-color, 5x8-inchmaptiles, Pathfinder MapPack: Village Sites VILLAGE SITES PATHFINDER RPG:MAPPACK - PZO 9483 ship inAugust2017. dominate thewildelements.Scheduledto forheroesseekingto abilities, eachperfect new spells,magicitems,andincredible control of theforces of creation with Master’s howto take Handbook!Learn Pathfinder PlayerCompanion:Elemental and waterareat your command with unstoppable mightofair, fire, earth, master imbuedwithprimalfury, allthe as aspellcastingelementalistormartial Bend nature’s wrathtoyourwill!Whether MASTER’S HANDBOOK COMPANION -ELEMENTAL PATHFINDER RPG:PLAYER ...... $14.99 $14.99 $22.99 JUN 2017 25 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 26 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PZO 7106 August 2017. stick righttoit!Scheduledshipin eraseboardincludesmagnetsthat dry help trackstarshipbattles.Thiswetand for standardcombatandtheotherto sided combattrackerfeaturesoneside Combat Padinitiativetracker. Thistwo- withtheStarfinderNever missaturn STARFINDER RPG:COMBAT PAD PZO 7101 in August2017. gear, youneedtoplayStarfinder.Scheduledship andmore-everything the each other. Thismassivehardcoverrulebookistheessentialcenterpieceof combat skill,andmagictomakeitthrough.But,mostofall,you’llneed back alleysofAbsalomStation,youandyourteamwillneedallwits, intheneon-lit worldsorfightingtosurvive with newculturesonuncharted or brand-newplanetstoexplore.Whetheryou’remakingfirstcontact oftheuniverse corporation, orsearchthestarsforcluestosecrethistory Starfinder RoleplayingGame, with rules for character creation, magic, ...... �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $24.99 PZO 7301 August 2017. Mat: BasicTerrain. Scheduledtoship in endless withthe24”x30”StarfinderFlip- starship -thepossibilitiesforadventure are station, the twisting corridors of your own An alienlandscape,anabandoned space FLIP-MAT -BASICTERRAIN STARFINDER RPG: PZO 7302 to shipinAugust2017. x 39”Flip-MatHasyoucovered.Scheduled a corporateblockade,thisextra-large,27” dreadnought orintrepidsmugglersrunning bold starfighter pilots strafing an enemy craft epicstarshipbattles.Whetheryou’re starfield backgrounds to help you different Flip-Mat: BasicStarfieldcomeswithtwo Starfinder’s Basic Starfield!Createdwithahexgridfor and laserstrikeswith Starfinder Flip-Mat: Fill thepeacefulvoidofspacewithmissiles BASIC STARFIELD STARFINDER RPG:FLIP-MAT - RULEBOOK HARDCOVER STARFINDER RPG:CORE into themainframeofagod-run monsters? Maybe you’ll hack ofravenous from aswarm of bone ships,or defend colonists to battleundeadempiresinfleets andalaserrifle enhanced armor of alientemples?Straponrune- intheruins delve forlostartifacts ofastarshipcrew.part Willyou weird andmagicaluniverseas investigating themysteriesofa bold science-fantasyexplorer, Game putsyouintheroleofa The Strap inandblastoff! ...... Starfinder Roleplaying ...... unique starship combat system, unique starshipcombatsystem, $59.99 $19.99 $14.99

PZO 7401 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. on sizedforbattles and twoHugebases-allperfectly plastic bases-10Mediumbases,fiveLarge compatible withPathfinderPawns,thissetincludes17 for usewiththeStarfinderRoleplayingGamebutalso collection ofsturdyStarfinderPawnsbases!Designed Make your heroes and aliens stand at attention with this BASE ASSORTMENT STARFINDER RPG:PAWNS - PAL 0475 in August2017. knowledge andmagic. Scheduledtoship inspiration, heroic quests, andgiftsof avatar ofthegod,to begivenguidance, followers indreamsorpersonby an to legend,thegodmayvisitheroesand by theavatarsofgods.According place watched over and even frequented The GardenoftheGodsissaidtobeaholy GARDEN OFTHEGODS PALLADIUM FANTASY RPG: PAL 0237 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. IN THEFACE OFDEATH DEAD REIGNRPG: PZO 7103 to shipinAugust2017. Scheduled details are always atyour fingertips. that meansyourcharacter’s mostimportant your youneedtoknowabout absolutely everything Folio! This deluxe character record covers exploits withtheStarfinderPlayerCharacter Fully detail your heroes and chronicle their PLAYER CHARACTERFOLIO STARFINDER RPG: Starfinder Flip-Matsorothergriddedgamemats. Starfinder hero,withaninnovativelayout ...... PALLADIUM BOOKS $16.95 $16.95 PZO 7402 combat system.ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. pawn designs for use with Starfinder’s starship starship also contains more than a dozen different Contact Starfinder CoreRulebookandtheStarfinder:First of a character or alien creature, drawn from the sided pawnpresentsabeautiful,full-colorimage RPG. Printedonsturdycardstock,eachdouble- Pathfinder RoleplayingGame,oranytabletop with theStarfinderRoleplayingGame, Collection, featuring a horde ofpawnsforuse Game The friends and foes of the CORE PAWN COLLECTION STARFINDER RPG:PAWNS - PZO 7102 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. tokeepthegamefastandfun. your fingertips GM Screen givesyouthetoolsneedat DCs andcommon conditions, the both conventionalandstarshipcombattoskill Screen! Fromhelpfulrulesandremindersfor eyeswiththeStarfinder GM from prying notesanddierolls Protect yourimportant STARFINDER RPG:GMSCREEN $9.99 have landedintheStarfinderCorePawn PAL 0736 Talents. Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. creation tables,Morphusand Dark DesignspresentsnewNightbane NIGHTBANE RPG:DARKDESIGNS PAL 0891 ship inAugust2017. Russian D-Bees, and more. Scheduled to Spetsnaz SpecialForces,newbionics, and itsgrowingarmy, plusDeadzones, nation, notable cities and people, politics, onthefledglingSovietski information This WORLD BOOK RIFTS RPG:SOVIETSKI preview bestiary. What’s more,theset . $9.99 ...... Rifts World Bookpresentsbackground ...... Starfinder Roleplaying Starfinder $20.95 $24.95 $24.99 $19.99 PGS FNFCOTUS01 - forever!ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. before theProfessorcanlockthemaway toreleasethem and switchesnecessary stolen treasures,andracetoflipthelevers your waythroughlockeddoors,locatethe Professor Evil?Infiltratethecitadelandfind castle. AreYOUbraveenoughtoface “trophies” lockedupalloverhisenormous appropriate. Rumorhasithekeepshis Shroud, noothernamewouldbemore andtheTurinNotebook, theMagnaCarta, suchasDaVinci’srare, pricelessartifacts for amanwhohasstolenmultitudeof ascending theranksofacademia.Alas, name musthavebeenanoptionwhen “Professor Evil”,eh?Surely, alesssinister CITADEL OFTIME PROFESSOR EVILANDTHE PLE 65100 ship inJune2017. fast-paced competition.Scheduled to drawing, andverbalcluesinonegreat, gamethatcombinescharades,party Claim toFame,afun-and-factfilled Guess theCelebrity’s risetofamein CLAIM TOFAME PGS TKDMATMIN01 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. of travellingtheEastsearoadtolife. miniatures thathelpbringtheexperience plastic featuring 16never-before-offered Pack, in theMatsuriMiniaturesAccessory miniature travelersareheadedyourway Fans ofTokaido, rejoice!Anall-new set of TOKAIDO: MATSURI MINIATURES ENTERTAINMENT GAME STUDIOS ...... PLAYROOM PASSPORT ...... $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 PLE 29100 to shipinMay2017. andyouwin!Scheduled assassin partying assassinate allofyourrivals!Bethelast to mingle, have some punch, andtry identity excepttheirown.Roamtheparty, costumes, players don’t knowanyone’s (faux-pas!).Becauseoftheelaborate party have been invited to the same costume game, playersareallrivalassassinsthat Assassins! Inthiscrazywhodunitstrategy inCostumeParty Be theDeathofParty COSTUME PARTY ASSASSINS PLE 66800 ship inMay2017. knowledge! Scheduledto and unnecessary it-alls, wiseacres,and loversofinteresting News orRealNews?,thegameforknow- whose pantsareonfire?FinditoutinFake pack oflies?Who’s tellingthetruth,and what canwebelieve,andisjust a tales! Life writes thecraziest stories. But captivating gameaboutludicroustall Fake News or Real News? isthe FAKE NEWSORREAL PLE 66204 in June2017. gameofgeeklists!Scheduledtoship party amazing socialinteractionandbluffing have tobeageek(butithelps!)winthis favorite popculturesubjects!You don’t is the most knowledgeable about your finds outonceandforallwhichplayer Geek Out!istheoutrageousgamethat THEORY EDITION GEEK OUT!BIGBANG ...... $30.00 $20.00 $20.00 PLE 66500 in June2017. you canbeforetimerunsout!Scheduledtoship to getyourteammatesguessasmanytitles careful whatyousay!You’ll havetobecreative which will be deducted from your score, so be Words. EachSpoilerWord hasapointvalue, fun, eachcardhasatitleandlistofSpoiler won’t ruinthegame wherespoilingthestory , the InSpoilerAlert! without spoilingthestory? Can yougetyourteammatetoguessthetitle SPOILER ALERT! VOLUME1 PLE 23400 Scheduled toshipinJune2017. an exciting and unique dexterity game! dice canmultiplyyourscore,makingthis In addition,thenumbersrolledon theboard. to theedgewithoutgoingoff land onthemostvaluablespot,closest tomakethem onto theboard,trying Game, playerscompetebyrollingdice In SHUFFLE DICE PUI 80233 CHECK LANEBLISTERS PUI 80232 THREE BOOSTERBLISTER PUI 80236-D THEME DECKDISPLAY (8) PUI 81230-D BOOSTER DISPLAY (36) retailer foravailability. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please contact your from Machamp-GXandCharizard-GX,toDarkrai-GXHo-Oh-GX. titans likeNecrozma-GXandTapu Fini-GX,orbattlewithtrustyallies battle inthedarkofnightandblazingsun!Slugitoutwith new Minions ofTeam SkullandacavalcadeofnewPokémonstandreadyto BattlesandDeepShadows!Whatstrangefireslurkintheshadows? Fiery POKÉMON TCG:SUN&MOONBURNINGSHADOWS Shuffle Dice,TheShuffleboard ...... $20.00 ...... $20.00 POKÉMON PLE 66700 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. howlingwithlaughter! have everyone yard capers!It’s battlethatwill abarnyard withthesewackybarn inabarn were born soundinglikethey family suddenlystart ready for laughter as your friends and animal... oratleastsoundslikeone!Get isan gamewhereeveryone the party Oink! Moo!Baa!Woof! is Snorta! SNORTA ...... $20.00 PI PI PI PI JUN 2017 27 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 28 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PUI 80277 Pokémon Trading CardGameOnline. booster packsand a codecardforthe Tapu Lele,plusthreePokémonTCG promo cardandcollector’s pinfeaturing Lele PinCollectioncomeswithafoil against them!ThePokémonTCG:Tapu a foe’sunleash a Psywave to turn strength Tapu Leleisaguardianspirit,ableto PIN COLLECTION BURNING SHADOWSTAPU LELE POKÉMON TCG:SUN&MOON PUI 80241 it organized. withfourdividerstokeep hold everything Trading Card,andacollector’s boxto a code card for the Pokémon Online six damage-counterdice,aplayer’s guide, GXmarker,condition markers,oneacrylic competition-legal coin-flipdie,twoacrylic featuring Necrozma,45Energycards,a Shadows boosterpacks,65cardsleeves complete with eight Shadows EliteTrainer Boxcomes The TRAINER BOX BURNING SHADOWSELITE POKÉMON TCG:SUN&MOON PUI 80243 Pokémon cardsinthiscollector’s album. Store upto60ofyourlatestandgreatest BOOSTER PACK COLLECTOR’S ALBUMWITH MOON BURNINGSHADOWS POKÉMON TCG:SUN& PUI 80310 Game Online. code cardforthePokémonTrading Card four a playablefoilpromocard,aswell as anoversizePokémon-GXcardand Game you get ShinyTapu Koko both GX BoxforthePokémonTrading Card next battle!WiththeShinyTapu Koko- and bringsthepowerofthundertoyour Shiny Tapu Koko-GXblazesitsAeroTrail KOKO GXBOX POKÉMON TCG:SHINYTAPU PUI 80297 Pokémon Trading CardGameOnline. booster packs,andacodecardforthe GX, andUmbreon-GX,sixPokémonTCG three foilcardsfeaturingEevee,Espeon- with acollector’s pin,acollectiblecoin, Moonlight Pokémon Umbreon, complete card ofeitherSunPokémonEspeonorthe collection featuresanoversizePokémon-GX moonlight madnesswithUmbreon!Each Shine onwithEspeon,orwelcomethe COLLECTION BOX OR UMBREONGXPREMIUM POKÉMON TCG:ESPEONGX Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon-Burning Pokémon TCG:Sun&Moon-Burning Pokémon TCGboosterpacksanda ...... Sun & Moon-Burning Sun &Moon-Burning PI PI PI PI PI

PIP 76023 GRYMKIN CASK IMP SOLO PIP 1098 SOFTCOVER PIP 1099 HARDCOVER to reaptheWickedHarvest. creativity asyousummonyourforces that willfuelyourownmaddened take inspirationfromapaintingguide with twospecializedthemeforces,and upon your foes army of the Grymkin Menoth. Unleashthemalevolentpower who daredtostandagainstthegod andtheirdarkmasters, the Grymkin of as detailsontheshadowedhistory loreaswell trove ofevocativeGrymkin this remain tainted and debased. Within ofhumankind so longasthehearts of the damnedwill not end The harvest from thecorrupteddenizensofCaen. uncanny powertoreapwhatisdue self-made, godlike being who wields toward theirownends.Eachisa Zevanna Agha,theDefiersnowwork of Immoren.FreedbytheOldWitch, again to punish the wicked across all haverisen armies their grymkin Menoth longago,theDefiersand Cast downtothehellsofUrcaenby THE WICKEDHARVEST FORCES OFHORDES-GRYMKIN PIP 76028 GRYMKIN ARMYBOX Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. PRIVATEER PRESS Hordes sourcebook you’ll finda ...... HORDES ...... $199.99 $31.99 $41.99 $11.99 PIP 76022 GRYMKIN GLIMMERIMPSOLO PIP 76027 BATTLE ENGINE GRYMKIN DEATH KNELL PIP 76012 LESSER WARBEAST GRYMKIN CRABBIT PIP 76007 HEAVY WARBEAST GRYMKIN SKIN&MOANS PIP 76026 ROSE SOLO GRYMKIN LADYKARIANNA PIP 76013 LANTERN MANUNIT GRYMKIN HOLLOWMEN& ...... $84.99 $14.99 $34.99 $12.99 $49.99 $9.99 PIP 616 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. AFTERSHOCK SOFTCOVER ACTS OFWAR 2- SKULL ISLANDEXPEDITIONS: PIP NQ73 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. NO QUARTER MAGAZINE#73 PIP 76002 GRYMKIN THECHILDWARLOCK QSF 177604 harvest! your hard-earned feedingon turn bunny popupatevery as thepeskygroundhogandmischievous time, fightingforspaceinthegardeneven amountof the bestvegetablesinashort Veggie Garden,playerscompetetogrow Plant likethebest,orloserest! In VEGGIE GARDEN QSF 177605 moons thatorbitthem. celestial bodies,andcardsrankedbythe planetsand are representedbydifferent trick-taking card game in which suits Explore theSolarSysteminMoons,a MOONS QUICKSIMPLEFUN ...... $15.99 $34.99 $19.99 $19.99 $8.50 IMP QXG1002...... $79.95 Scheduled toshipinSeptember2017. in search of experience and treasure. of adventurersintoperilousdungeons teams allows playerstosenddifferent crawling miniaturesadventuregamethat Alliance isadeck-building,dungeon- age oftheDungeonAlliance. dangers ofthepittogether. Thiswasthe the oaththatboundthosewhoshared world was considered more sacred than were daringtimes,whennothinginthe darkcorner.lurked behindevery These fiercely astheybattledthemonstersthat these companiesfoughtoneanotheras often descendintothesamedungeon,and and glory. would Rivaladventuringparties alliances insearchofknowledge,treasure, Theseheroesforgedunbreakable earth. together toinvadethedeepplaces of the andgnomeswhobanded elves, dwarves, Old World, humans, therewerestalwart before theVoid consumedmuchofthe Conquer TheDungeon!Inthedays YourForm Alliance!BuildYour Deck! DUNGEON ALLIANCE QWS SCLE85 Scheduled toshipinMay2017. COLBALT/WHITE (7) CLASSIC RPGDICESET QWS THUM102 CASTLE COLOR Scheduled toshipinMay2017. QUIXOTIC GAMES DICE TOWERS Q-WORKSHOP ...... PI PI RPR 03819 Scheduled toshipinApril2017. HOBGOBLIN CAPTAIN DARK HEAVEN: PI QWS SMMY35...... Scheduled toshipinMay2017. METAL DICESET: MYTHICAL(7) QWS TTEC102 TECH COLOR RED 001 and itsminions toregainthesword? to becomekingby defeating thedragon away toitsLair. Doyouhavewhat it takes Kings, but theDragon carried the sword to unitethelandis to wieldtheSwordof the throne.Itisforetoldthatonlyway fight each other to prove their claim to kingdom is now divided asthe knights living intheVolcanic Mountain.The The kingisdead,killedbytheevildragon O/A SWORDOFKINGS REAPER MINIATURES ...... CARD GAMES RED KNIGHT OFFERED AGAIN ...... $24.99 $7.79 PI RGS 00576 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. up toyouuncovertheworldthatawaits. twochoices,andit’sdark. Eachcardoffers or seewhatthewholelandlookslikein a locationatdawn,day, sunset,andnight, place yourstakeinoneofthetwo.Explore placeandtime- to revealacertain in Discover themagicofanenchantedforest ATLAS: ENCHANTEDLANDS PSI RVM016 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. KLONDIKE RUSH RGS 00577 August 2017. Grand Librarian! Scheduled to ship in to surpassyouropponentsandbecome cunning tactics,andperhapsalittlemagic secret focus!You’ll needshrewdplanning, up -especiallyiftheymatchyourlibrary’s your opponentstothemwhentheypop books arescarce,soyou’llneedtobeat impressive tomes.Sourcesforthefinest out intothevillagetofindmost by sending your trusty assistants library you’ll needtoexpandyourpersonal candidates. To outshine yourcompetition, (more like acquaintances, really) are also several ofyourbookcollectorcolleagues Unfortunately, library! extraordinary be awardedtothecitizenwithmost The prestigiousandlucrativepositionwill in theVillage Council,Grand Librarian. The Mayor has just announced a new seat valuable booksinathrivingfantasytown. In EX LIBRIS Ex Libris,youareacollectorofrareand Atlas: Enchanted Lands. Play cards GAMES STUDIOS RED RAVEN . . RENEGADE ...... $20.00 $40.00 $60.00 RGS 00573 ship inJune2017. lead the sentient revolution. Scheduled to and attracttherightinvestorstowin it correctly, program yourbotseffectively, onyoursystems. Anticipate have aneffect and plugthemintoyournetwork.They’ll mission isclear:Procurevaluablebots butonlyonewillwinout.Yourpull itoff, companies haveemergedclaimingto to be more complicated. A handful of Programmingthemhasproven part. Buildingthemisnowtheeasy fingertips. industry,transportation, allatour is here!Sentientrobotsforinformation, The nextgreattechnologicalrevolution SENTIENT RGS 00572 before it`stoolate! mothership and totakedownthepowerful ships totakeouttheencroachingenemies, from anonslaughtoffirepower. Flipyour roles of bravepilots defending their planet dexterity game where players take on the up. Willyou?FlipShipsisacooperative we`ve takensomehits,butwewon`tgive rest ofthefleet.Explosionsfillsky, and defending theplanet,whileweready but itisn`tmuch.Ourpilotsfightbravely, We`re launchingtheshipswehaveready, of fighterspouredoutit,fillingthesky. the city. Withinseconds,waveafter nowhere, creatingamassiveshadowover it. Themothershipappearedoutof ambush! That`stheonlywaytodescribe Join theFight!SaveWorld! Itwasan O/A FLIPSHIPS OFFERED AGAIN ...... $55.00 $40.00 JUN 2017 29 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 30 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES IMP GOAEVLD01 Scheduled toshipinSeptember 2017. 1987 cult-classichorror filmgorefest. Dead 2:by Dawn,SamRaimi’s game basedonEvil not”, survival-horror miniature-based, “cooperative untilit’s 2: TheOfficialBoardGame is a tile- and into evilDeadites,themselves!EvilDead events, and avoidturning supernatural demonattacks, tosurvive while trying together togatherpagesoftheEx-Mortis Dead 2:TheOfficialBoardGamework locales fromthefilm,playersinEvil and iconiccharacters,monsters, depictingtheterrifying figures andart Board Game!Featuringeightcustom - with EvilDead2:TheOfficial gory about togetalotmoregroovy-and Dead byDawn!Boardgamesare BOARD GAME EVIL DEAD2:THEOFFICIAL RGG 543 Project. ScheduledtoshipinMay2017. award-winning andwildly popular Gipf synthesis ofthefirstsixgames Lyngk is thenewest addition and a LYNGK RGS 00575 game violence. work andempathy, orwhethertoembracetheunpredictableworldofgratuitousvideo Innovative double-sidedcardsletyoudecidewhethertosolveyourproblemswithhard deck. characters intheScottPilgrimuniverse,eachwiththeirown,uniquestarting players inScottPilgrim’s PreciousLittleCardGameassumetherolesoftheirfavorite deckbuilding game that challenges you to grow up and prepare for your finest hour, RIO GRANDEGAMES ...... ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... SPACE GOAT PUBLISHING $59.99 $34.95 robot ruffians determined topickafight?A robot ruffiansdetermined Do adultseverevengetattackedbyrandom abouthowbreadmakesyoufat? worrying And, don`t adults just sit at desks all day you, evenifit`sbringingyourfriendsdown. drama constantlyengulfingyourpalsfeeds girl (orboy)youmetataparty. Maybethe romancewiththeage-appropriate a fairytale dating someoneabityoungerthanchasing for legitrockstars.Perhapsyou`rebetteroff guaranteed to get you that big gig opening time tweakingyourband`ssetlistuntilits it?Younot worth mightratherspend Being agrown-upishardandmaybe PRECIOUS LITTLECARDGAME O/A SCOTTPILGRIM’S IMP GOATRMN01 September 2017. the machineuprising. Scheduledtoshipin struggling againstthe impossibleoddsof take ontheroleofhumanresistance, aesthetic -whiletherestofplayers new robots based on the classic 1980’s machines, Terminator endoskeletons,and all Skynet’s forces-Hunter-Killer flying of 2029.Oneplayertakescontrol of 1984 andthepost-apocalypticworld across two boards: SarahConnor’s an asymmetrical,strategy game played Terminator: TheOfficialBoardGameis Schwarzenegger,film starringArnold The Based ontheiconic1984JamesCameron BOARD GAME TERMINATOR: THEOFFICIAL IMP SND0065 Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. away inthefreecompanionapptimer. themtothehospitalastimeticks transport supplies, treattheirmedicalneeds,and triage newpatients,purchasemedical In probably won’t beabletosavethemall! timed gameofsavinglives-andyou CLEAR!, apulse-pounding,high-tension, secondcountsinParamedics: Every PARAMEDICS: CLEAR Paramedics: CLEAR!, players race to SMIRK ANDDAGGER ...... $59.99 $39.99 $45.00 SGS HFUN12 HEAVY CRUISER FLEET BATTLES AUTUMN-CLASS SGS SGSS30 BUILDINGS 10/15MM RESIDENTIAL RUINED SGS SGSS31 BUILDING 10/15MM INDUSTRIAL RUINED SGS SGSS32 10/15MM -SET1 FORTIFIED POSITIONS SGS HFCV12 MERCHANT CRUISER FLEET BATTLES CARRACK HALO: FLEETBATTLES Scheduled toshipinApril2017. Scheduled toshipinApril2017. SPARTAN GAMES SCENICS ...... $31.50 $31.50 $31.50 $35.00 $24.50 SFG B03-018 FISHERMEN THECHANGINGTIDE SFG B03-017 INSTRUMENTS OFWAR ENGINEER THE SFG B03-016 BUTCHER THEBLOODYMASTER SJG 1540 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Tom )! Siddell(Gunnerkrigg Court showcasing illustrationsrenderedby cards, standies, and a gameboard Edition ofMunchkinBootyfeaturing th’ SpanishMainwiththisGuestArtist hold o’bootyandbeth’saltiestdogon Graba Nobeard -andtaketheirstuff! Redbeard, oreventhefearsome with aFigurehead!SlayBlackbeard, your Galleon(orHalf-Galleon) and evenDavyJones,hisself!Adorn Sharks,otherPirates, Accent tofightoff Sail th’SevenSeas,usin’yerawful ARTIST EDITION(TOMSIDDELL) MUNCHKIN BOOTY: GUEST STEVE JACKSONGAMES STEAMFORGED GAMES GUILD BALL ...... $29.95 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 SJG 4256 August 2017. all renderedbyJohnKovalic.Scheduledtoshipin promotional cardsandout-of-printDoorsTreasures, Munchkin GetsPromoted2features15hard-to-find Better thananominalraiseandstricterdresscode, Bards!BoaConstructor!TheWandAngry ofDousing! PROMOTED 2BLISTERPACK MUNCHKIN: MUNCHKINGETS PSI SG-8028 challenges. Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. game, shares many concepts with the civilization-building of mankind!Nations:TheDice Game the history to builduptheirheritageasthegreatest nationsin and amazetheworldwiththeirgreat achievements population increases,buildaproductive economy, nature itself.Nationsmustprovide food asthe and competingagainstbothother nations and protect andprovidefortheirown,while fighting fought, andbuilttogetherinnations.Great nations the historicalagesofprogress,mankind haslived, From thehumblebeginningsofcivilizationthrough NATIONS: THEDICEGAME PSI SG-7060 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. more strategypotentialsforthegame. even the ‘DoubleAgent’,whichpermits special rules,andafantasticnewability, card, newlocationboardsinLisbonwith characters, anewnationality, newmission Double Agentsintroducessevennew option for a 5th player, the the bestnetworkofspies.Offering where they’lldiscovernewwaystocreate Estoril, playerswillalsofightinLisbon, spies with excting, new abilities. Besides 1942, An expansiontoCityofSpies:Estoril DOUBLE AGENTSEXPANSION CITY OFSPIES:ESTORIL1942- , while still offering itsown,unique Nations, whilestilloffering Double Agentsintroducesnew ...... ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... STRONGHOLD GAMES City ofSpies: SJG 1385 empires. ScheduledtoshipinAugust2017. theirvastshipping Mademoiselles toexpandandfortify vying to hire the best Admirals, Traders, Soldiers, and Royalharbor,players becomemerchantsinthePort game of double-dealing and underhanded tactics, hold? Royal-orendupwithanempty cargo merchant inPort the Year! Willyoubecometherichest,mostnotorious for 2013!The2015Vuoden PeliFamilyGameof A Wiener SpieleAkademieGameDesignerAward PORT ROYAL $29.95 In Port Royal,theclever,Port press-your-luckharbor ...... PSI SG-3006 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. to answerthequestion-whocanItrust? decision, itwillbethatmuchmoredifficult the Companylurkingandtaintingevery loyal CompanyManamongyou!With goals, andmayhaveplacedafanatically their miners ortheirlovedonestofurther intasks,threaten it. Also,theyinterfere an Infectedworkerwillbeloadedonto sent an evacuation ship in hopes that witheventsonTitan. They’ve is interfering for In CORPORATION EXPANSION DARK MOON:SHADOW $5.95 Shadow Corporation , anexpansion Dark Moon,thenefariousCompany ...... $29.95 $49.95 $19.95 M 9101...... $12.95 IMP S9G10011...... July 2017. Your OwnAdventure”series.Scheduledtoshipin second bookinTheMidnightLegion“Choose rebuilding civilization.TheWorld isthe Reborn lifeand Midnight Legion,taskedwithpreserving have claimedtheplanet.You areanagentofthe of atomicfire.Now, theirdiversedescendants inthealchemyremained werefusedandreborn Thespeciesthat Devastation engulfedtheEarth. More thanfour-centurieshavepassedsincethe MIDNIGHT LEGION:THEWORLDREBORN TAK 692759 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. play threefun,action-packedgames. magnetic gamepiecesthatallowyouto with interchangeablegameboardsand holder features aninnovativevertical Mag-O-Mag: The Magnetic Labyrinth THE MAGNETICLABYRINTH MAG-O-MAG: PZO ULIUS25513E THAMES &KOSMOS ...... ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� STUDIO 9GAMES ULISSES-SPIELE $39.95 Scheduled toshipin August2017. Tjalva Garheltsdottir, warrior. a Thorwalian Treasure. Italsointroduces anewhero- adventureRietholtz’sSouls andtheshort the thrilling,three-actadventureShipofLost Game, this87-cardadventuredeckcontains expansion fortheAventuria AdventureCard and undead-it’s pregnant!Thesecond todemons that iscapableofgivingbirth hold containsaBlackDiamon-foulcreature draws everclosertotheAventurian coast. Its A demonarksentbyWitchKingMorda SHIP OFLOSTSOULSEXPANSION ADVENTURE CARDGAME- THE DARKEYE:AVENTURIA IMP S9G10012...... $39.95 life. ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. game for a charmed , a fun party Charms discover themostamazinginsightsin inspiring gamepiecestoseewhocan wealth, toloveorhealth,rollandinterpret Have aDilemma?Fromeducationto UnravelTheirMemories! Roll theCharms! CHARMS: AGAMEOFINSIGHT DIA STL028567 Scheduled toshipinMay2017. of the Cards’. who truly has the ‘Heart and MaiValentine intheirbattlestoprove by Yugi Muto,JoeyWheeler, SetoKaiba, is the ultimate archive of the cards used 800 cards,thisprestigioushardcovertome Monsters featured intheoriginalYu-Gi-Oh!: Duel playablecard ofevery the classicartwork Yu-Gi-Oh!: OfTheCardscollects TheArt OF THECARDS YU-GI-OH! THEART UDON ENTERTAINMENT animated series.Featuringover ...... $29.99 PI JUN 2017 31 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 32 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES PZO ULIUS25511E ship inJuly2017. creature specialabilities. Scheduled to play, withadditional cards covering and afull-colorillustrationtoenhance Each creaturecardfeaturescompletestats andtheDarkEye Core Rules. Bestiary covering themonstersfromAventurian includes 120handyreferencecards The BESTIARY CARDPACK (120) THE DARKEYERPG:AVENTURIAN PZO ULIUS25206E July 2017. Warring Kingdoms.Scheduledtoshipin ofNostriaandAndergast-the artifacts weapons, armor, equipment,andunique forallthe includes stats,rules,andartwork of the WarringThe Armory Kingdoms huntswoman fromtheForestWilderness? How aboutalongbowforyourNostrian for yourproudAndergastanknight? Do you seek a “three-handed sword” THE WARRING KINGDOMS THE DARKEYERPG:ARMORY OF PZO ULIUS25525E Scheduled toshipin August2017. Hit ZoneDiceSet,youhavetheanswer! location worsethan theother?With the enemy’s orwrist?Isone upperarm . Didyourarrowhit Aventurian Armory from theAventuria Compendiumandthe summarizes theFocusRulesforHitZones dice setalsocomeswithabookletthat set hasthehitlocationdieyouneed!The this krakennewt, oraputridtatzelwurm, you faceahumanoidenemy, atentacled in the symbols forhitlocations,aspresented 20-sided dice,eachwithindividual The HIT ZONEDICESET THE DARKEYERPG: contains ten different Hit ZoneDiceSetcontainstendifferent Aventurian TDECardPack Bestiary Aventuria Compendium. Whether ...... $12.99 $29.99 $9.99 UPI 82020 Scheduled toshipinJune2017. CARD COLLECTORSALBUM 3” WHITESTITCHEDBASEBALL UPI 85274 Scheduled toshipinMay2017. COMIC CASE PZO ULIUS25205E in July2017. the Warring Kingdoms. Scheduledtoship expectations withThe Hero’s of Breviary withtheirprejudicesand coming toterms entriesofadiversegrouptravelers diary Andergast viathetravelaccountsand ofNostriaand Delve intothehistory KINGDOMS HARDCOVER BREVIARY OFTHEWARRING THE DARKEYERPG:HERO’S UPI 85086 KAGUYA UPI 85084 FIETHSING UPI 85085 ALICE Scheduled toshipinMay2017. FORCE OFWILLWALL SCROLLS INTERNATIONAL ...... ULTRA PRO ...... $14.99 PI PI PI PI PI UPI 84949-NEW WHITE WITHBLACK UPI 85336 RED WITHWHITE UPI 85335 BLACK WITHSILVER Scheduled toshipinMay2017. DICE PLUSHES JUMBO D20NOVELTY UPI 85116 Scheduled toshipin May2017. 13” X19”(10CT) TOPLOADER FOR LITHOGRAPHS UPI 85345 STANDARD BLACK(80CT)(DISPLAY 8) UPI 85386 SMALL BLACK(60CT)(DISPLAY 12) Scheduled toshipinJune2017. DECK PROTECTORSLEEVES SLEEVES: PRO-MATTE ECLIPSE UPI 85164 SAITAMA ‘OKAY’ UPI 85165 GENOS UPI 85153 BOROS Scheduled toshipinMay2017. DECK PROTECTORSLEEVES(65) ONE PUNCHMAN:STANDARD ...... PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI UPI 85065 SURROUNDED UPI 85063 RICK &DARYL UPI 85064 MICHONNE Scheduled toshipinMay2017. THE WALKING DEADPLAY MATS UDC 87209 ‘’Rock, Paper, Scissors’. Ate theBabyisabrilliantvarianton legendMikeElliott,TheDingo by industry And, watchoutforMonkeys!Designed and, ofcourse,DingoeseatingBabies! stomping Lions,LionseatingDingoes, Babies scaringElephants,Elephants THE DINGOATE THEBABY UDC 87294 strategic draftinggame. Gary, legendJustin Quests! Designedbyindustry Draft Heroes!DefeatMonsters!Complete DUNGEON DRAFT Dungeon Draftisafastpaced, UPPER DECK ...... PI PI PI PI PI UDC 87938 to shipinMay2017. Characters!Scheduled 32 newSupporting one -witheightnewMainCharactersand your newteam-orenhanceexisting Legacy for the epic, competitivegameplaywithMarvel teamfactions,experience eight different Featuring over 200 playable cards across MARVEL LEGACY VS SYSTEM2PCG: USO DB010508 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. MONSTERS EXPANSION BATTLE THEMONSTERBOXOF HARRY POTTERHOGWARTS USO MN118506 Scheduled toshipinAugust 2017. sell, andtradeiconic locations fromtheshow. unique gameplayexperience astheybuy, fans oftheEmmyAward-winning showa The GOLDEN GIRLSMONOPOLY UDC 87298 to shipinAugust2017. terrorizing acoastalisland.Scheduled a monstrous Great White Shark pits players,asShark Hunters, against thrilling, semi-cooperativegamethat Hide! Hunt!Battle!SharkIslandisa SHARK ISLAND offers Golden GirlsEditionofMonopolyoffers ...... USAOPOLY ! Customize VS System2PCG! Customize ...... PI PI PI PI USO OP110470 license! Scheduled to ship inAugust2017. to touchhisinsides,oryoumightloseyour “Adam” Bombandmore.Becarefulnot his DogmeatBreath,Bottle“KneeCap”, Operate onVault Boyasyouremove FALLOUT OPERATION PSI MU085-434 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. hero asyoureachLevel10forthewin. universeandbecomethe Rick andMorty to defeatthegreatestadversariesin Beth, Jerry, Summer, orMr. Poopybutthole . PlayasRick,Morty,Rick AndMorty demons fromthepopularanimatedseries, and role-playingwithcyborgs,aliens, classic card game fun of monster-slaying fuses the Munchkin: RickandMorty MUNCHKIN: RICKANDMORTY USO MN006513 August 2017. science fictionfilm.Scheduledtoshipin boasts avintagefeelfromtheclassic1968 Perillo, byDave Featuring customillustratedart PLANET OFTHEAPESMONOPOLY USO LU005191 to shipinJuly2017. being the Kingdom’s top player! Scheduled tosabotage your chances of players trying Koopa Shells, Bullet Bill, as well as other up yourteam.But,bewareofGoombas, Flowers hiddenunderBlockstohelplevel Unlock Mushrooms,SuperStars,andFire most coinsandreachthecastleattop. challenging otherplayerstogatherthe them up in the Mushroom Kingdom, while Join and his pals as you advance BOARD GAME SUPER MARIOLEVELUP Planet of the Apes Monopoly ...... $24.99 PI PI PI GGD VAG003 ship inApril2017. seasonal needsinGrowerZ.Scheduledto Findtherightstrainsforyour much effort? create yourownsecretgardenwithouttoo cannabis grower. Willyoubeableto Time toexperiencelifeasanamateur GROWERZ WCS 141110008 LAWMEN BASSREEVES(BOSS) WCS 151110003 LEGENDARY NURA HOLY ORDEROFMAN WCS 101110007 AUGUSTA BYRON ENLIGHTENED COUNTESS WILD WESTEXODUS WARCRADLE STUDIOS Scheduled toshipinMay2017. VICE GAMES ...... $12.99 $23.99 $16.99 PI WCS 121111007 CAMPBELL (UNDERBOSS) THE UNIONCOLONELALBERT WCS 111111003 OUTLAWS BROADARROWJACK WLG 402016001 CHI-HA PLATOON WLG 402211202 COMMANDO SQUAD AUSTRALIAN INDEPENDENT WCS 191110002 ALPHA (BOSS) THE WATCHERS MAGENTA WARLORD GAMES BOLT ACTION ...... $16.99 $13.99 $21.99 PI PI JUN 2017 33 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 34 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES WLG 762610002 MASKED MEN WLG 762610005 DICE ANDCARDS WLG 202213002 STORMING PARTY WITHPETARD WLG 202413001 GENERAL’S COACH WLG 202213001 ARMOURED PIKEMEN WLG 402216001 FIGHTER SQUAD JAPANESE BAMBOOSPEAR TEST OFHONOUR PIKE ANDSHOTTE ...... PI PI PI PI PI PI WLG 762610003 PAUPER SOLDIERS WLG 762610001 MOUNTED SAMURAI WLG 762610004 RONIN WLG 762610006 SAMURAI WARBAND WOC C36860000 into thegame. specifically tohelp easenewplayers charactersheetdesigned introductory Alsoincludedisan magical repertoire. spell sheets for keeping track of their their individualplaypreferenceand veteran playersoptionsbasedon double-sided charactersheetsgiving includes threeadditionalstylesof any Dragons charactersheetsforusein a fullsetof5thEditionDungeons& illustrated protective folder, you’ll find Inside thepocketsofthislavishly CHARACTER SHEETS DUNGEONS &DRAGONSRPG: WIZARDS OFTHECOAST campaign. This accessory D&D campaign. This accessory ...... $9.95 PI PI PI PI WZK 72816 REGULAR EDITION BOARD GAME-2017EDITION DUNGEONS &DRAGONSADVENTURESYSTEM WZK 72518 contact yourretailerforavailability. September 2017.NOTE:Thisitemissoldtoretailersinfulldisplays.Please in 8-count displays. Scheduledtoshipin Offered card), andarulesinsert. Character orActionCards,24dice(twotomatcheachcharacteraction Dice Masters:SetThreeDraftPackcontainstwoBasicActionCards,12 with excitingnewspellsandwaystoplay, eachDungeons&Dragons Forgotten Realmsuniverse! Introducing 30 new adventurers and monsters, Dice Masters brings Collectible Dice Building to the Dungeons & Dragons SET THREECOUNTERTOP DISPLAY (8) DUNGEONS &DRAGONSDICEMASTERS: WZK 72570 WRAITH &SPECTER WZK 72629 HUMAN MALEPALADIN WZK 72639 HUMAN MALEDRUID WZK 72623 ELF FEMALEWIZARD WZK 72631 DWARF FEMALEPALADIN Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. D&D NOLZURSMARVELOUS UNPAINTED MINIATURES WZK 73052 PREMIUM EDITION to shipinAugust2017. Edition and a Premium Edition boasting fully painted miniatures. Scheduled inaStandard interesting encounters with monsters and villains!Offered playable character, andanall-new spell decksystemforevenmore System BoardGamehighlightsnewracestoplay, thefirst-everBard anincredible,expansive campaign. Thisbrand-newAdventure forming 2017 introducesmultiplescenarios,challengingquests,andadventures 1-5 players,theDungeons&DragonsAdventureSystemBoardGame Featuring gamedesignbyKevinWilsonwithcooperative game playfor ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� . . . . . ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... WIZKIDS/NECA $159.99 $79.99 $79.92 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 ROMULAN INDEPENDENT DOMINION WZK72946 accompany them.Scheduledtoship inSeptember2017. ships withcards,tokensheets,dial connectorpieces,bases,andpegsto Each STAR TREKATTACK WING:FACTION PACKS 1 JEM’HADAR ATTACK SHIPWZK72947 GORN RAIDERWZK72948 dialconnectorpieces.ScheduledtoshipinOctober2017. the necessary Each STAR TREKATTACK WING:CARDPACK WAVE 3 WZK 73037 for availability. NOTE: Thisitemissoldtoretailersinfulldisplays.Pleasecontactyourretailer and three (3) MediumorSmall figures. Scheduled to ship in October2017. Battles: MazeofDeathStandardBoosterscontainone(1)Largefigure in8-countbricks,Pathfinder Pathfinder Battleslineofminiatures.Offered “dungeon dressing”inserts, From lowly Ratfolk, Ghuls,and Viper Vines, to fearsome Minotaursand rare PATHFINDER BATTLES: MAZEOFDEATH BOOSTERBRICK(8) Star Trek: AttackWing FactionPack includes four pre-painted plastic Star Trek: AttackWing CardPackincludescards,tokensheets,and WZK 72945 ...... WZK 72950 ������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ . unleashes 52 figures for the Maze ofDeathunleashes 52 figuresforthe ...... WZK 72584 MERCHANTS WZK 72613 HALF-ORC MALEBARBARIAN WZK 72582 GNOLLS Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. UNPAINTED MINIATURES PATHFINDER DEEPCUTS ���������������������������������������� ...... $127.92 $29.99 $29.99 $29.99 $9.99 $3.99 $3.99 $9.99 $3.99 Choices! A standalone boxed expansion for StarTrek:, Frontiers “No, Kirk...thegame’s notover...” Tougher Challenges! More Strategic EXPANSION SET STAR TREK:FRONTIERSTHERETURNOFKHAN ROMULAN BIRD-OF-PREY REMAN WARBIRD WZK72974 KLINGON BIRD-OF-PREYWZK72972 INTREPID CLASSWZK72971 GALAXY CLASSWZK72967 DEFIANT CLASSWZK72970 D’DERIDEX CLASSWZK72975 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. STAR TREKDEEPCUTSUNPAINTED SHIPS WZK 72968 Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. Wing Attack Wing base, two with deepcutsforeasierpainting.EachshipcomesaStarTrek: Vallejofeatures highlydetailedships,pre-primedwithAcrylicos primer, Unpainted Miniaturesline The (REFIT) CONSTITUTION CLASS UNPAINTED SHIPS: STAR TREKDEEPCUTS SOVEREIGN CLASS K’T’INGA CLASS WZK 72863 uptofiveplayers.ScheduledshipinAugust2017. supporting Action Cards,sixUndiscoverednewScenarios,andaRulebook plus 15 Encounter Tokens, 12 Crew Cards, five Map Tiles, six Advanced (The Pequod)on a ‘Clix Base and a new, playable ship (USS Enterprise-A), of KhanExpansionSetcomescompletewithKhan’s JemHad’arCruiser Star Trek DeepCuts connector piece,andadecalsheetforquickassemblydisplay. . ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... WZK 72973 WZK 72969 Star Trek: AttackWing pegs,aStarTrek: Attack WZK 72976 ...... ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� The Return The Return $49.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 $5.99 JUN 2017 35 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES JUN 2017 36 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM GAMES WZK 72762 Elseworlds. universe ofDCComicsHeroClix:15thAnniversary more! Explorethesedestinationsandthepersonalitiesfoundinalternate and settings in Gotham to Egypt, the Daily Planet to the basketball court, in ways never before possible on the or DianaPrinceasamarshalintheWildWest. Seeyourfavoritecharacters was raised by the Waynes, a worldinwhichKal-El HeroClix fanscanexplore versions,too. alternate be, andwithincredible as you’d expect them to villains of all time, exactly most iconicDCheroesand Booster Brickincludesthe Elseworlds 15th Anniversary The BOOSTER BRICK 15TH ANNIVERSARY O/A DCHEROCLIX: WZK 72592 TREASURE PILES WZK 72591 PILLARS Scheduled toshipinAugust2017. WIZKIDS DEEPCUTSUNPAINTED MINIATURES DC Comics HeroClix: DC ComicsHeroClix: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ......

OFFERED AGAIN WZK 72836 Wonder Woman, TheFlash,andCyborg. GreenLantern, DC heroes:Batman,Superman, Setincludesthemosticonic Elseworlds Start The ANNIVERSARY STARTER SET O/A DCHEROCLIX:15TH DC Comics Heroclix: 15th Anniversary DC ComicsHeroclix:15thAnniversary HeroClix tabletop! Themes shift from ...... $129.90 $24.99 $3.99 $3.99 WZK 72824 S.H.I.E.L.D. inwaysneverbeforepossibleontheHeroClixtabletop! to havetheirPunisherbecometheSorcererSupreme,orDaredeviljoin versions, too! HeroClix fans will be able be, and in spectacular alternate WZK 72683 Card (PAC), Object and Terrain tokens,Dice, andCharactercards. play, includingonedouble-sided map,arulebook,Powers andAbilities adoptive brother, youneedto Setcomeswitheverything Loki!EachStarter on all challengers with allies like Hulk and Hercules, and Thor’s mischievous with all-newdialsfeaturingtheAvengers Primeteamjoiningtogethertotake Setincludessixiconicfigures HeroClix:TheMightyThorStarter The Marvel O/A MARVEL HEROCLIX:THEMIGHTYTHORSTARTER SET WZK 72685 dice featuringaThoriconandsixaction tokensoftheGodThunder, himself! The O/A MARVEL HEROCLIX:THEMIGHTYTHORDICE&TOKENPACK WZK 72677 contains eightstandard5-figureboostersaswelloneSuperbooster. to collectandplay, HeroClix:TheMightyThorBoosterBrick eachMarvel alongside ThrogandThor-busterIronMan.Featuringover70newfigures and Hela.LongstandingHeroClixfavoriteTheIncredibleHulkreturns, Warriors Three,as well asclassicThorvillainsLoki,Skurge,TheEnchantress, charactersincludingAsgardianallieslikeSif,Balder,returning andThe Marvel HeroClix:TheMightyThorDice&TokenMarvel Packcontainstwocustom ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ...... 15TH ANNIVERSARY STARTER SET O/A MARVEL HEROCLIX WZK 72825 HeroClix veterans! stores, andafreshlookaticoniccharactersfor rookies, ausefulteachingtoolforexperienced Minoru. AgreatintroductiontoHeroClixfor Man, Thor, Punisher, DaredevilandNico heroes IronMan,Spider- of themightyMarvel Setincludesthemosticonicversions If? Starter The Marvel HeroClix: 15th Anniversary What HeroClix:15thAnniversary Marvel ...... like you’dexpectthemto villains ofalltime,exactly heroesand iconic Marvel Collection featuresthemost WhatIf? Anniversary HeroClix: 15th Marvel new gainspowers?The villains? Whatifsomeone What ifheroesbecome BOOSTER BRICK ANNIVERSARY HEROCLIX 15TH O/A MARVEL weapons and plenty of weapons andplentyof ways toequippowerful onto thescene with new Mighty Thorstorms HeroClix: The Marvel BOOSTER BRICK MIGHTY THOR HEROCLIX: THE O/A MARVEL $129.90 $132.90 $24.99 $24.99 $9.99 WYR 20346 ARCANISTS CARLOSVASQUEZ WYR 20240 SHIELDBEARERS RESURRECTIONISTS WYR 20239 MERCY OFDEATH -REVA RESURRECTIONISTS THE WYR 20533 SCRIPS -PARKER OUTCASTS AFISTFULOF WYR 20436 NEVERBORN AUTUMNKNIGHT WYR 20636 GREMLINS IRONSKEETERS WYR 20439 NEVERBORN ROUGAROU WYR MF029...... $17.00 OLD TOWNBARRICADES Scheduled toshipinApril2017. Scheduled toshipinMay2017. Scheduled toshipinJune2017. WYRD MINIATURES MALIFAUX MALIFAUX MALIFAUX ...... $11.00 $15.00 $50.00 $50.00 $24.00 $24.00 $18.00 WYR 20727 TEN THUNDERSYASUNORI WYR MF027...... $32.00 SIMPLE WALLS -COLORED QUARANTINE ZONE WYR MF028...... $37.00 OUTER WALL -COLORED QUARANTINE ZONE WYR MF026...... $35.00 GATE -COLORED QUARANTINE ZONE WYR 20534 OUTCASTS BANDIDOS WYR MF025...... $38.00 OLD TOWNBUILDING-COLORED WYR MF024...... $39.00 SLUM RUINS-COLORED WYR MF023...... $70.00 SANITARIUM -COLORED ...... $40.00 $18.00 WYR WS005 SEWER 40MM WYR WS008 GRAVEYARD 40MM WYR WS007 GRAVEYARD 30MM WYR WS004 SEWER 30MM WYR WS009 GRAVEYARD 50MM Scheduled toshipinJune2017. WYRDSCAPE ...... $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $10.00 IMP ZAF1021 Death Wish. Scheduled toshipinJuly2017. cardgame rudeadd-on fortheparty A very DEATH WISH:NSFW INFECTDECK IMP ZAF1020 diseases! ScheduledtoshipinJuly2017. you’re onyourwaytogettingdeadly afflicters with the correct symptoms, and Combine or evensleepwithamermaid. kissazombie, an alien,lickarmpit, bitten byaspidermonkey, probedby thingsandgainsymptoms!Get Do dirty to croakbycatchinganarrayofdiseases. tobethefirst against yourfriendsandtry card gameyou’redyingtowin,pityourself Get Afflicted!InDeathWish, theparty DEATH WISH WYR WS003 VICTORIAN 50MM WYR WS002 VICTORIAN 40MM WYR WS001 VICTORIAN 30MM WYR WS006 SEWER 50MM ZAFTY GAMES ...... $25.00 $25.00 $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $10.00 JUN 2017 37 WWW.GAMETRADEMAGAZINE.COM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE ON THESE PAGES, ASK YOUR LOCAL RETAILER TO RESERVE IT FOR YOU! GAMES