331 Kenrick St. College Newton, MA 02458 140 Commonwealth Ave. 857-231-6277 Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 [email protected] 617-552-3141


* Ed.M., Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. * B.A., ; art history, cum laude.


* Senior Lecturer in Humanities, (2003-present). * Consultant and Editor, Legatum Institute, London (2011-2012). * Lecturer, Claremont McKenna College (1997-2003). * Visiting Faculty, Colorado College (spring 2002). * Arts correspondent, Religion & Ethics News Weekly, PBS (1997-2000). * Literary Editor, Wilson Quarterly (1995-1997). * Scriptwriter and producer, New River Media (1993-1997). * Television and arts critic, Wall Street Journal (1982-1990).


* Smith Richardson Foundation Grant, project on global media freedom (2013-present). * National Endowment for the Humanities Grant, course development grant (2015-2017). * Earhart Foundation Grant, research for Through a Screen Darkly (2010). * Smith Richardson Foundation Grant, research for Through a Screen Darkly (2006-2008). * Fulbright Senior Specialist Grant, lectureship in Poland (May 2006). * Visiting Scholar, Getty Research Institute (1998) * George C. S. Benson Fellowship, Gould Center, Claremont McKenna College (1997, 2001). * Smith Richardson Foundation Grant, research for Hole in Our Soul (1985-1987).



* Through a Screen Darkly: Popular Culture, Public Diplomacy, and America’s Image Abroad (Yale University Press, 2014). * Ain't That a Shame? Censorship and the Culture of Transgression (Institute of Studies, University of London, 1996). * Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music (Free Press, 1994; paperback, University of Chicago Press, 1996).


Columns and Blogs

* Monthly column on global media culture, American Interest (2016-present). * “Shadow Play,” film and television column, Claremont Review of Books (2006-present). * “Hearts and Minds,” culture and foreign affairs blog, World Affairs (2010-2011). * “Serious Popcorn,” film blog, ArtsJournal.com (2004-2011). * "Television," weekly television column, Wall Street Journal (1983-1990). * "The Talkies," monthly film column, American Spectator (1982-1984). * "Nonfiction in Brief," book review column, New York Times Book Review (1981-1983).

Book Chapters

* “Popular Culture,” in Understanding America, edited by Peter H. Schuck and James Q. Wilson (Public Affairs, 2008). * “Exporting the Wrong Picture,” in International Relations (Longman, 2006) [originally published in Washington Post (August 28, 2005)]. * “None So Deaf: Toward a New Pedagogy of Popular Music,” in Bridging the Gap: Popular Music and Music Education, edited by Carlos Rodriquez (National Association for Music Education, 2004). * “We Are All Sopranos,” in Annual Editions: Race and Ethnic Relations (McGraw Hill, 2004) [originally published in Chronicle of Higher Education (6 December, 2002)]. * “Miles Davis and the Double Audience,” Essays on Miles Davis, edited by Gerald Early (Missouri Historical Society, 2001). * "Popular Culture," entry in The Oxford Companion to United States History (Oxford University Press, 2001).

Selected Op-Eds, Essays, and Articles

* “Good for the Media, Bad for America,” American Interest (July 6, 2016). * “America's Voice Must Be Heard,” with Jeffrey Gedmin, Politico Magazine (November 16, 2015). * “How the World Perceives the New American Dream,” Atlantic (October 10, 2015). * “Putin’s Propaganda Highlights Need for Public Diplomacy,” Boston Globe (July 28, 2014). * “CIA Should Pledge Ban on Recruiting Journalists” (with Jeffrey Gedmin), Boston Globe (January 4, 2015). * “Kick the Chicken, Kowtow to the Monkey (with Jeffrey Gedmin), American Interest (December 26, 2014). * “The Decline of America’s Image Abroad,” Aus Politik und Zeitgesichte (December 8, 2014). * “Putin Propaganda Highlights Need for Public Diplomacy,” Boston Globe (July 28, 2014). * “The Struggle for Hearts and Minds: America’s Culture War and the Decline of US Public Diplomacy,” Hedgehog Review (Spring 2014). * “America’s Misguided Gender Missionaries,” American Interest (February-March 2014). * “‘The Wolf of Wall Street’: Martin Scorsese’s Cynical Global Ploy,” Boston Globe (January 27, 2014). * "Subdued by the Tube," Boston Globe (January 20, 2013). * “The Marketing of a Global Blockbuster,” Boston Globe (January 2, 2010). * “Both a Dream and a Nightmare,” Wall Street Journal (August 14, 2009). * “The Struggle for Hearts and Minds: America's Culture War and the Decline of US Public Diplomacy,” Hedgehog Review (Spring 2014)


* "Subdued by the Tube," Boston Globe (January 20, 2013). * “The Marketing of a Global Blockbuster,” Boston Globe (January 2, 2010). * “Paint By Numbers: New Deal art and the problems of public patronage,” Weekly Standard (November 16, 2009). * “Both a Dream and a Nightmare,” Wall Street Journal (August 14, 2009). * “When the Revolution Isn’t Broadcast,” Boston Globe (June 28, 2009) [reprinted in International Herald Tribune]. * “The Legacy of Michael Jackson,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty website (June 27, 2009). * “The Return of Cultural Diplomacy,” Newsweek “Special Edition: Issues 2009" (December 2008- February 2009). * “The Art of Global Public Relations,” Wall Street Journal (July 24, 2008). * “Strangers in a Foreign Land,” Wall Street Journal (August 1, 2008). * “Risky Business for Hollywood,” Boston Globe (May 6, 2008) [reprinted in International Herald Tribune]. * “Public Diplomacy, TV-Style,” Wall Street Journal (February 16, 2007). * “Innocents Abroad,” Wall Street Journal (May 5, 2006). * “Now Showing: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Americans,” Washington Post Outlook (August 28, 2005). * “Goodwill Hunting,” Wilson Quarterly (Summer 2005). * “Some of Rap’s Fathers Start Taking Responsibility,” Wall Street Journal (July 6, 2005). * “Attacks on Rap Now Come from Within,” Wall Street Journal (April 28, 2005). * “The Strange Career of Folk Music,” Michigan Quarterly Review (Spring 2005). * “Cultural Aftershocks: Closing the Curtain on ‘Perverse Modernism’,” Chronicle of Higher Education (October 26, 2001).


* George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; February 20-21, 2018. * Keynote Address, Salzburg Global Seminar organized around Through a Screen Darkly; Salzburg, Austria; September 23-28, 2016. * Presentation on US response to Russian, ISIS, and Chinese media offensives, National Endowment for Democracy Board of Directors meeting, Washington, DC; September 9, 2016. * Keynote Address, Technische Universität, Dortmund, Germany; November 6, 2015. * North American Studies and Cultural Studies, Universität Bonn, Germany; November 4, 2015. * Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, Claremont Colleges; October 12, 2015. * James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University; May 18-19, 2015. * Center for the Study of Democracy, Kenyon College; April 2, 2015. * Center for the History of Liberty, University of Oklahoma; March 26-27, 2015. * Hillsdale College, conference in Naples, FL; February 18-19, 2015. * Ashbrook Center, Ashland University; October 24, 2014. * Speaking Tour of Germany sponsored by US Embassy ; September 28-October 3, 2014. * Hudson Institute, Washington, DC; May 9, 2014. * American Foreign Service Association, Washington, DC; May 5, 2014. * Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; April 8, 2014.


* Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia; March 5, 2014. * Institute for Liberal Arts, Boston College; February 20, 2014. * Political Science Department, Boston College; January 29, 2014. * Bradley Lecture, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC; March 18, 2013. * James Madison Program, Princeton University; April 28-29, 2010. * International School for the Humanities in Europe, University of Warsaw, Kolegium Artes Liberales; May 29, 2009. * US Institute of International Education and Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi; New York, NY; October 20-21, 2008. * Humanity in Action American Core Fellowship Program; New York, NY; July 15, 2008. * Public Diplomacy Council summit; George Washington University; April 25, 2008. * Panel on Understanding America, edited by Peter Schuck and James Q. Wilson; American Enterprise Institute; Washington, DC; April 22, 2008. * Young Arab Leaders Forum, sponsored by Business for Diplomatic Action and the Global Action Forum; New York, NY; March 13-15, 2008. * Chilton Club, Boston, MA; February 7, 2008. * Cosmos Club, Washington, DC; November 20, 2007. * Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs, Boston University; October 31, 2007. * Council for Women at Boston College; October 18, 2007. * Conference on United States International Broadcasting, McCormick Tribune Foundation and Hudson Institute Center for Future Security Strategies, Wheaton, Illinois; April 25-27, 2007. * Film in Trade Roundtable, Washington, DC; May 7, 2007. * Vision 2047 Foundation, Hong Kong Club; April 20, 2007. * Hong Kong Forum, Foreign Correspondents’ Club; April 20, 2007. * Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong; April 19, 2007. * Beijing International Studies University; April 17, 2007. * Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, PRC; April 16, 2007. * Shanghai Foreign Studies University; April 12, 2007. * Fudan University, Shanghai; April 10, 2007. * Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai; April 10, 2007. * Jiaotong University, Shanghai; April 9, 2007. * Shanghai Foreign Studies University; April 9, 2007. * Women in Memory Forum; Cairo, Egypt; March 11, 2007. * Koç University; Istanbul, Turkey; March 8, 2007.


* PBS (WGBH Boston), “Greater Boston” with Adam Reilly, Feb. 10, 2015 * C-Span (national), “Washington Journal” with John McArdle, December 25, 2014. * PBS (WGBH Boston), “Greater Boston” with Jared Bowen, December 23, 2014. * PBS (national), “Newshour” with Jeffrey Brown, June 5, 2014. * NPR (WAMU Washington), “The Kojo Nnambi Show,” March 6, 2014. * WLS-AM (Chicago), February 20, 2014. * Syndicated (national), “The Dennis Prager Show,” February 12, 2014. * NPR (Baltimore), “Midday with Dan Rodricks,” February 6, 2014. * NPR (national), “OnPoint” with Tom Ashbrook, January 14, 2014.



* Public Diplomacy Council, Washington, DC (February 23, 2014). * Public Diplomat; Syracuse University; recorded January 30, 2014). * Open Source With Chris Lydon; Boston; taped July 9, 2008; posted October 2, 2008. * “Outlook: Exporting American Popular Culture,” washingtonpost.com (August 29, 2005). * “Transatlantic Voices,” online interview with London Times columnist Clive Davis at clivedavis- online.com (August 18, 2005). * “Blues for Clement Greenberg,” online roundtable with Stanley Crouch and Loren Schoenberg at jerryjazzmusician.com (May 4, 2003).


* Smith Richardson Foundation, proposal reviewer (2007-present). * America Abroad Media, consultant (2008-present). * Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, consultant (2007-present). * National Endowment for the Arts, panelist (2003-present). * Corporation for Public Broadcasting, reviewer (2000-present). * National Endowment for the Humanities, reviewer (2000-present). * Faith & Reason Institute, advisory board (2000-present). * Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, advisor (March-June 2008). * Perkins [social service agency in Lancaster, MA], trustee (1995-present). * MacArthur Foundation, nominator and reviewer (1988-1998).