Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev as the Basis for the Development of a National Literary Tradition

Nazira Dossanova1a, Omirkhan Abdimanuly2a, Almasbek Maulenov3a, Yerkhan Karbozov4a, Nursulu Matbek5a

Abstract ARTICLE HISTORY: The construction of a system of national literature is based on an understanding of the meaning of the language form Received April 2021 and its adaptation to the area where literary creativity is Received in Revised form June 2021 developing. The relevance of the study is determined by the Accepted June 2021 fact that it is necessary to highlight the directions of the Available online July 2021 locality of texts and their formalization in the space of a geographical nature. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the connection between the locality of a text and the geographical basis is considered as the foundation

for the formation of the literary tradition and as a KEYWORDS: formalization of previously known social processes. The article reveals the features of the literary heritage of M. Language Zhumabayev and its influence on the formation of the Local literature modern literary . The practical significance Text of the study is determined by the fact that the local text is Tradition considered within the framework of a general understanding Work of the problems of national literature.

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1 PhD Candidate, Email: [email protected] (Corresponding Author) Tel: +8-727-3773330 2 Professor, Email: [email protected] 3 PhD, Email: [email protected] 4 PhD, Email: [email protected] 5 PhD, Email: [email protected] a Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Republic of 2 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

1. Introduction language, which is a means of communication between representatives of a particular ethnic mportant consequences of verbal contact group and is formed as a result of the ethnic are convergent (integration) changes in the process of integration (mixing). Creolisation is I history of languages. These changes are defined as a complex process of sociolinguistic distinguished by the scale, intensity, level of changes, which includes the process of linguistic structure at which they occur. When expanding the internal form of the language in convergent processes are very intense, they combination with the context of the expansion result in linguistic unions. If convergence of its use. At the same time, the Creole prevails over divergence, mixed forms of language is autonomous, recognized by native communication are formed – trade jargon, speakers as a native language, and operates in pidgin, Creole languages. Long and intense a multilingual society. contact causes speech interaction and the coexistence of languages in the individual Bilingualism as a psycholinguistic model of consciousness of native speakers (bilingualism) verbal contact and the phenomenon of and in one society (diglossia) (Bartoloni, multilingual society played an important role 2015). in the works of one of the greatest Kazakh poets M. Zhumabayev. The poet received Long contacts and the convergence of primary education from aul mullah. In 1905- languages stimulate individual bilingualism, 1910 studied at the madrasah of which is becoming widespread in various Petropavlovsk, in 1910-1911 – at the Galia areas. Language unions are created, which madrasah in Ufa, where one of his mentors cover the languages of different families (the was the classic of Tatar literature Galimzhan Volga, Himalayan unions) or one family Ibrahimov, then at the Omsk Russian (Balkan Union). Unions are large areal Seminary. In 1923-1926 studied at the associations of languages that share common Moscow Literary and Art Institute. Magzhan characteristics, mainly at the phonetic and Zhumabayev began to write poetry at the age grammatical levels, for example, stabilization of fourteen. In 1929, Zhumabayev was of stress on a particular syllable or the arrested in Petropavlovsk as an Alashordian, emergence of a new past tense (Zhou, 2011). pan-Turkist, and Japanese spy, and sentenced Due to the intense, albeit unsystematic to 10 years in prison. He served time in contacting of multilingual peoples, (mixed) Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region. In 1936, pidgin and Creole languages develop. The at the request of M. Gorky and E. Peshkova, processes of their development can be Zhumabayev was prematurely released from considered as the emergence of a new the political prisoner camp, but on December language based on several languages 30, 1937, he was again arrested in Alma-Ata (Malmkjær, 1999). Pidgin is relevant for and shot by the NKVD on March 19, 1938. situationally limited contact (professional During the years of national independence, his activity, trade), is characterized by the poems returned to the people and became a intensity and speed of occurrence when one of national treasure (Shesterikov, 1993). the languages becomes the source of the The neglect of the West towards the East, the formation of the pidgin language, from which culture of non-European peoples, the phonetics, word formation, and grammar are prevailing negative image of the East borrowed (Bartholomae, 2005). This is continued to exist in the era of the Kazakh accompanied by a reduction in vocabulary poet Magzhan Zhumabayev. The poet, for (Valdez, 2011). It is important that pidgins whom a person who has always been closely arise in conditions of an urgent need for connected with the history of his people, his communication, are not native to any social land, the citizen devoted to his nation and groups in contact, and function as a lingua homeland, has always tried to change this franca in the process of communication stereotypical image and approach to the East between people with insufficient knowledge of through his literary and social activities. another language (Cronin, 2012). According to the Azerbaijani researcher A. Under favorable social and political Mammadov (2009), in his work M. conditions, pidgin evolves into the Creole Zhumabayev tried to break up the inferiority N. Dossanova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 3

complex, which they systematically tried to reflected in the work of Magzhan Zhumabayev introduce into the ethnonational consciousness (Shesterikov, 1993). of the Turkic peoples. Since Magzhan Zhumabayev is a prominent The creativity of each artist is always, to one representative of Kazakh literature and his degree or another, a product of his era, the works carry Kazakh national literary tradition, result of traditions, aesthetic and ethical views the purpose of this research was to highlight of his people and time, which in turn are the directions of the locality of texts and their determined by the specific historical features formalization in space of a geographical nature inherent in each era of a particular social and to reveal the features of the literary formation. By the beginning of Zhumabayev's heritage of M. Zhumabayev and its influence literary activity, various West European on the formation of the Kazakh modern philosophical teachings began to penetrate and literary tradition. gain popularity in the East, influencing the general atmosphere of the country's spiritual 2. Theoretical Framework and political life. Born in the 80s of 19 century In the 18th century, Kazakhstan became a part among the Tatar intelligentsia, the bourgeois- of the Russian Empire. This process had an liberal movement (Jadidism), which was influence on East-West cultural interaction originally a cultural and educational movement including the contact of Kazakh and Russian for reforming the old system of Muslim languages. The important consequence of the education, for the necessity for European contact between two languages is the education for Muslims, gradually acquired a phenomenon of bilingualism. Actually, pronounced coloring of the bourgeois-liberal, through the speech practice of alternately national-political and ideological movement using the two languages of some part of the throughout Turkestan. social collective, one system is influenced by The literary work of Zhumabaev, who, by his another system (Franke, 2018). The reasoning political views, aesthetic and creative pursuits of M. Zhumabayev on bilingualism as a adjoined the Jadidism movement, should be psycholinguistic model of verbal contact is considered in organic connection with the fair. This idea is confirmed by the results of historical reality of that era. The poet lived and the study of individual bilingualism, which is worked in a difficult period when there was an defined as a psychic mechanism (namely, unprecedented breakdown of the life of the knowledge, skills) that allows a person to Kazakh people, an era of great social reproduce and generate speech elements upheavals began. The eastern problem, which belonging to two or more than two language excited the minds of politicians and systems and express their thoughts in an intelligentsia of Russia, was revived with accessible form for others (Hollingworth, renewed vigor during the period of great 1997). The operation of this mechanism, its changes in Turkestan. The issue of the ways of effectiveness depends on the quantity and further development of Turkestan itself, its degree of language proficiency (how well a role and place in the West-East system has person knows a language that he uses); become more active. There was a functions (for which a person uses languages); differentiation of society in the question of the transition conditions from one language to cultural and historical orientation of Turkestan, another; the intensity of the interference which was a continuation of the struggle manifestation (how much bilingual mixes between the Jadists and Kadimists. Although languages, and how one language affects the originality of Turkestan culture was another), as well as other psychological and comprehended to a greater extent by the linguistic characteristics of a bilingual/ Jadidists in the antithesis of the West, multilingual personality (Berman, 2009). preference was given to the West in its future Regarding the level of language proficiency, political and cultural orientation. Thus, the an ideal situation of bilingualism should be East-West problem, which went beyond the considered a free, perfect mastery of all the boundaries of a purely philosophical problem systems that a linguistic person uses. However, and acquired a political, social, ethnographic, such an ideal situation does not correspond to and cultural character, was also deeply the actual practice of speakers, since a 4 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

significant part of bilinguals does not meet opinion, non-identical terms “biglottism”, such requirements. The authors consider more “plurilingualism”, “multilingualism” and expedient the concept of bilingualism as a “polylingualism” (Ndhlovu, 2014a). In order continuum from elementary knowledge of the to avoid discussions that are irrelevant to the contact language to complete and fluent objectives of this study, the authors only note mastering of it, which provides broadcasters that the terms “plurilingualism”, and the ability to switch codes when moving from “polylingualism” are related to the one message to another, use different psycholinguistic picture of multilingualism, phonological and syntactic structures, express and the terms “biglottism” and “multilingualism” their thoughts in more than one language in an – to the sociolinguistic plane. This approach appropriate level (Keller, 2009). makes it possible to distinguish aspects of the analysis of linguistic facts: the concept of bi- / The level of language competence (balanced, multi- / polylingualism is noted at the level of normal bilingualism, and the national language use, and it means the use of several language) affects the consequences of languages by an individual or group of people language contact in bilingual communication (McCormack, 2000). Biglottism and situations. Balance promotes the equality of multilingualism is the use of several languages languages, normal bilingualism violates its within a certain social community (primarily causes of the dominance of the language of the state) in accordance with a specific thought and the limited ability to express communicative situation. Moreover, biglottism thoughts in another language or languages. is defined as the functioning of two equal Bilingualism is characterized by a low level of languages in one country or region. speech competence (limited vocabulary, Consequently, the terms “biglottism” and simplification, and irrelevance of the use of “multilingualism” are correlated as a specific grammatical structures). Balanced bilingualism and generic concept and are used in the at times increases the level of communicative context of describing a language situation. interaction of an individual with native speakers and other languages that dominate in However, not all cases of biglottism are society (West, 2002). diglossic. A distinctive feature of, for example, the biglottism situation in Ireland is that the The knowledge of several languages inevitably coexisting Irish and English languages are not prompts a person not only to analyze speech divided into high and low idioms, but function activity, to perceive language as an object of as equal. Careless bilingualism implies a reflection and a way of expressing thoughts, difference in the linguistic competence of the but to pay attention to the characteristic communicants. The authors emphasize once features and functions of the languages that he again that diglossia is characterized by a speaks. An analysis of the consequences of difference in the status of languages, the use of linguistic contacts is impossible without a low idiom in home communication, and consideration of the sociolinguistic plane of mastery of a high language within school bilingualism, which characterizes the linguistic education. Common signs of diglossia and situation, and not linguistic ties. Indeed, unbalanced bilingualism are integration collective bilingualism necessarily implies processes. Voice contact and bilingualism are individual bilingualism of its members, and prerequisites. Integration changes in contact prolonged and intensive contact causes speech systems do not necessarily occur intensely. interaction, the coexistence of languages in the individual consciousness of speakers and in Depending on the functions of idioms that one society. function in society, the linguistic situation can be described as diglossic. The phenomenon of 3. Methodology diglossia is defined as a stable language The research is based on the terminological situation that covers such language codes: method, which determines the content of primary language variants and codified concepts and produces new word formations (complicated) variety, which are used in and forms. It should be noted that the term written official-conversational communication “bilingualism” often coexists with the but are not used as a means of everyday synonymously adjacent, but, in authors’ communication. A high idiom, according to N. Dossanova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 5

M. Zhumabayev (2002), is used in the fields of essence of the typology of the cultures of the religion, science, and education. Low idioms West and East. These are questions of national are used in everyday speech and in individual self-awareness, personality, and human genres of fiction. The prestige of a high idiom freedom; healthy criticism, rationalism as the characterizes the consciousness of society that basis of a life position and inaction, fatal exists in the conditions of diglossia. Native surrendering to fate; pragmatism and speakers recognize that a high idiom is better contemplation; free will and power of suited to express important information. A tradition; evolutionism, activity, and, prestigious language has a super-ethnic conversely, cultural traditionalism and character. Since this language is not native to passivity, the rejection of any struggle one of the ethnic or social groups of the (Shesterikov, 1993). population, mastering the prestigious language is artificial (Iseli, 2015). In the light of these problems, the image of the East in the work of Zhumabayev is presented Diglossia is the interaction of socially opposed in an original way – it is a synonym for the subsystems of one language or two different native people, home state. His homeland is the languages. The peculiarity of diglossic Turkic steppe. For an outsider, she is situations is that when two language codes inhospitable, harsh, but she is the cradle of the coexist in the same language collective, their poet, and he dedicated a lot of amazingly functions are differentiated and correspond to beautiful and graceful songs and verses of the the functions of one language in a normal blessed Steppe. If in the traditional Western (non-diglossic) situation. This view is shared vision the East is the Muslim world, Muslim by most researchers of multilingualism culture, the Zhumabayev’s East, it is, first of (Tsung, 2009). In addition to the linguistic all, his native Turkic world, covering not only hierarchy, an important sign of diglossia is the the steppes of Kazakhstan and Turkestan, but prestige of one of the languages and the also all Turkic lands from Altai to Anatolia, exoglossic nature of this prestige. Functional from “Altai mountains to countries at the distribution of languages implies their peaks of the Alps and the Balkans”. In the conscious assessment by speakers on a scale of poem “Alystagy Bauyryma” (“To Distant “high” or “low” (for example, English and Brother”), the poet reminds the Turkish French in England during the 10-12 centuries, brothers of the common ancestral home, the Creole continuum in the countries of the calling it the “Golden Mother Altai”. With Caribbean). heartache and sadness, he speaks of a divided ancient Turkic unity. In this poem, the East 4. Results and Discussion appears not passive and humble, as it was seen 4.1. Borrowing, Interference, and Code- by the West, but, on the contrary, is switching in M. Zhumabayev Language characterized by qualities attributed to the West – freedom-loving and active (Zhumabayev, Kazakhstan, having lost in the 18th century its 2002). independence and becoming part of the Russian Empire, but geographically being the In diglossia of M. Zhumabayev language East, became politically a part of the West. imbalance is implemented. Borrowing, This had cultural implications. Two cultural interference, and codeswitching are usually traditions coexisted in the country: western – distinguished. The process of borrowing, Russian (European) and poet's native – eastern according to M. Zhumabayev, does not (Turkic-Muslim). The cultural world of the necessarily appear in bilingualism, since East entered the consciousness of the writer in borrowing requires language contact, but is not early childhood. Magzhan studied Arabic in mandatory bilingualism; borrowing as a the madrasah, the basics of Sheria; during his process is carried out at a social rather than an studies at the Russian seminary, he became individual level. Lexical borrowings are the acquainted with Russian literature. He knew result of contacting not only languages but many languages (eastern and western), he was also cultures. Borrowings should be well versed in the poetry of the East and West. understood not only as a result, but also as a Throughout his creative career, he was process during which there is a gradual occupied with issues that fit in with the movement from the individual components of 6 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

a unit to its gradual development by means of chosen by speakers depending on the message the language system and, in the end, its function, addressee, and relations between the inclusion as a full-fledged element in the interlocutors. Unlike an unconscious transition receptor language system with the assignment to another language during interference, of characteristics peculiar to the original units another manifestation of convergent changes of the corresponding classes. in M. Zhumabaev is code-switching, it is carried out consciously. Code-switching is Another manifestation of convergent processes always motivated by the conditions in which is interference, that is, a change in the structure communication takes place. The distinction or elements of one language under the between code-switching and borrowing influence of another. Moreover, any language remains a completely unsolved problem in unit can simultaneously be an element of two linguistics. The linguistic criteria for systems (Rosebury, 1988). Interference is distinguishing phenomena should include the possible at all levels of the language. For following: the degree of incorporation of example, interference at the level of word, language units, their volume, the fact of namely the use of localisms in speech. The registering a language unit in dictionaries of a main source of interference is the difference in recipient language (Jeffries, 1993). the systems of languages that interact: in the composition of phonemes, grammatical The study of sociolinguistic problems of code- categories, and modes of expression. The main switching contributed to an understanding of deviations from the norms of the language at situational and metaphorical switching. the phonetic, lexical-semantic, and Situational code-switching is observed when grammatical levels M. Zhumabayev associated the communicative situation changes. with typological differences between the two Metaphorical code-switching occurs when a languages, with the peculiarities of the speaker wants to achieve a certain influence of one language on another, the communicative effect. Code-switching is most degree of language proficiency. often found in colloquial speech and is marked with quotes, special addressing, exclamations, Interference has both negative and positive repetitions, evaluative expressions, and the consequences. Firstly, convergent transformations like. Based on ideas about situational and of languages occur in two directions: on the metaphorical dichotomy, M. Zhumabayev one hand, foreign elements penetrate a developed a labeling model that focuses on the language; on the other hand, mixing languages social motivation of code-switching. According weakens the differences between them. to this theory, the choice of a language of Secondly, individual errors in communication participants in communication is determined in a foreign language arise under the influence by s desire of speakers to use special labeled of the native language and distort speech, constructions. Native speakers intuitively feel reduce the level of understanding. Thirdly, the difference between unlabelled (expected) interference testifies to patriotic moods in and labeled (unexpected) options, as well as communication, but sometimes it turns a the social advantages and disadvantages of standardized version of a language into a using each of them (Longxi, 2018). symbol of faith and a shrine. In general, it is impossible to explain why a person speaks 4.2. Linguacultural Contacts and their several languages if the phenomenon of Impact on East-West Antithesis in Kazakh positive transference is denied. In the aspect of Literature linguoculturology, interference is understood as the transfer of that part of the linguistic and Culture is a complex and multifaceted paralinguistic elements of a native language phenomenon that covers all aspects of human that are associated with custom-made elements life: ethnic history (culture as a result of of culture. This applies to signs, meanings, historical development), norms of behavior perceptions, ratings, and other elements (culture as a person’s life), value system expressing the linguistic and general (culture as material and social values), conceptual and evaluative picture of the world. ethnology psychology (culture as an adaptation to the environment), ideological attitudes Any common code has many forms and is a (culture as a set of ideas). The interaction of hierarchical set of different sub-codes freely cultures is a special type of direct relations and N. Dossanova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 7

connections between at least two cultures, as him, the future lies with the East, which brings well as those influences, mutual changes that salvation to the world. The poet seeks to appear in the process of comparing one’s and develop a conscious and, to some extent, another’s. critical attitude towards the glorified, idealized West. He paints a picture of the “West lost its The evolution of each particular culture is mind”. There is no longer a traditional unique. M. Zhumabayev proposes to distinguish progressive, active in creativity, freedom- four stages of linguacultural contact: clash, the loving West. Another, no less interesting work establishment of relationships, the assimilation is the “apocalyptic” poem of Magzhan of foreign cultural knowledge, and the “Paygambar” (“The Prophet”). And again, the formation of a new culture. The first stage of poet sees salvation in the East. And again, the contact relations involves a clash of cultures, East of the poet is the Turkic world. which determines a minimal and fragmentary Zhumabayev’s East is not a Muslim East, mutual influence. The linguistic consequences stereotyped, firmly established in the Western of such connections are actualized in the consciousness. In the work of the poet, there is borrowing of individual names of realities and the worldview of a Kazakh nomad. Islam came toponyms. Intersystem innovations or indirect to the Kazakh steppes late and was revered by borrowings on the designations of individual them, one might say, formally. Zhumabaev realities and the representatives of cultures in still remembers his native, Turkic, east, with contact may be more productive (Ndhlovu, its shrines, which were worshiped by the 2014b). At the second stage of linguistic and distant ancestors of the . cultural contacts, there is a partial exchange of cultural objects, language learning, familiarity The solar-born prophet, born of the Sun, goes with customs and traditions, appropriation of from East to West carrying day-dawn and useful cultural objects or knowledge. brings salvation to the West. In the poem “Krrtsyt” (“Korkyt”), which echoes not only in At the third stage of linguacultural contacts, the Kazakh but also in the general Turkic knowledge about the life and traditions of context, Zhumabayev displays a hero who set societies in contact deepens, a transition from himself the goal of freeing mankind from acquaintance to the assimilation of foreign death. Among a number of characteristics cultural knowledge takes place. Structural traditionally attributed to East and West in elements or forms of culture – science, world literature and philosophy, it is worth to philosophy, religion, morality, law, art, and single out a distinct individual personality politics interact with the corresponding forms principle attributed to a representative of the of a foreign culture. The exchange of cultural Western cultural world, and impersonal, elements leads to the formation of collective – to a person brought up in the spirit fundamentally new cultural forms. The fourth of the Oriental cultural tradition. stage is characterized by the formation of a Zhumabayev’s hero of the East is different. new cultural system, the concept of the They are rebellious heroes who are ready to Universe, which is embodied in the ethnic fight alone with the whole world. In his picture of the world. Associative relations with poems, Magzhan idealizes the images of single the genetic source of borrowed realities heroes. So, Korkyt flees not only from death weaken or completely disappear, and realities but also from fellow tribesmen; Batyr Bayan and their designations turn into cultural objects (in the poem “Batyr Bayan”) is not afraid to of a recipient culture, in which they turn out to speak out against Khan Ablai, etc. But this be fully adapted. It is important that a recipient theme reaches a special degree of idealization culture maintains its own inherent basis, which in the image of Khan Kenesary, the hero of the allows talking about its identity, the ability to national liberation movement and the maintain integrity and stability (Sahraee & legitimate Kazakh khan-Chinghizid, who has Khayatan, 2019). every right to defend the freedom of his people East of Zhumabayev – a generalized image of (Zhumabayev, 2002). the Turkic land. Here is moral strength and Zhumabayev does not ignore the problem of energy in order to change the world, to make it women in the East, their role in society. The better. Zhumabayev destroys naive faith and author asks about the nature of relations with a the expectation of salvation from the West. For 8 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

woman in general in the poem “Zhatyr”. 4.3. M. Zhumabayev’s Linguistic Picture as Magzhan was deeply concerned with the East- a Principal Element of Poet’s Conceptual West problem, the question of the cultural and Picture of the World historical orientation of Turkestan. The poet’s work should be considered in direct The concept is a complex mental complex, connection with the Jadidism movement. In multidimensional formation, which integrates his political views, Magzhan was a devoted not only conceptual-definitive, but also follower of Jadidism. But he was noticeably connotative, figurative, evaluative, associative distinguished from the Jadidism environment characteristics. The macrostructure of the by a special position, which cannot be concept covers such components (or layers): overlooked in the study of his work conceptual, figurative, and value. The (Zhumabayev, 2002). Thus, by the time the conceptual component of a concept is how the active literary activity of Zhumabayev began concept is fixed in the language, its in political and social circles, literature, and designation, description, definition, characteristics philosophy, a certain tradition had already of the concept in comparison with other units developed in the perception of the East and of the picture of the world. The concept of West. At the same time, the images of the “picture of the world” in M. Zhumabayev is eastern and western worlds in the poet's work understood in modern sciences very broadly undergo certain transformations. His works and is identified with the concepts of present a new perspective on the vision of East worldview or mentality as a complex and and West, show a new West and a completely systematic set of images, ideas, and concepts different, non-traditional East, which affected in which and through which the world is both the poet’s possession of symbolic realized in its integrity and unity, as well as a aesthetics and the attitude of the Turk, the person’s place in him. worldview of a nomad shaman, a nomad The conceptual picture of the world is a pantheist. system of concepts of significant psycho- It is worth noting that for a long time the life mental coordinates, which determine the and creative heritage of Magzhan Zhumabayev boundaries of the collective national remained a “white spot” in the history of consciousness, the sphere of concepts of the literature of the Turkic peoples. After his nation. It is larger in comparison with the rehabilitation (1960) until 1988, the poet's linguistic one since it interacts with the works were under unofficial prohibition. His personal, national and universal. The poems returned to the people in the late 90s of conceptualized notions in the works of M. the 20th century, his lyrics became the Zhumabayev embody language units that property of the people. In Azerbaijan, the life absorb the entire cultural history of the and creative heritage of Magzhan Zhumabayev collection of speakers. The language reflects have been studied extremely poorly. The only not only the real world surrounding a person works in this area are the articles of the and the actual conditions of his life but also literature researcher of the Turkic peoples Arif the public self-awareness of the people, their Mammadov (2009). mentality, national character, lifestyle, traditions, customs, morality, value system, The attitude of the carriers of interacting worldview, and vision of the world. cultures towards the process of transformation of their native culture is ambiguous: from the The linguistic picture arises in the process of a full acceptance of the integration of cultures to long transfer of traditions and folk wisdom; it its denial and protection of one's own cultural is a combination of encoded knowledge and superiority. The choice of culture carriers, ideas of a person about the internal and especially in conditions of voluntary external world of a certain nation. The interaction, affects the structural modifications linguistic picture of the world reflects the of systems in contact (Král, 2009). Language sociocultural environment in which mentality, is directly involved in two processes related to mental attitudes, general orientations of a the picture of the world – the formation of person in a particular historical era are formed. one's own picture of the world and the Each natural language reflects a certain way of explication of other pictures of the world. perceiving and organizing the world, and the meanings that it expresses are formed into a N. Dossanova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 9

certain unified system of views, a collective aesthetic values generated by the culture of a philosophy that is imposed as mandatory on all particular ethnic group. In the process of speakers of speech. mastering a new cultural and linguistic space, the elements of the picture of the world will The following are considered important acquire other outlines of correlation, characteristics of the linguistic picture of the combination, or opposition of the native and world: concept names, the uneven introduced pictures of the world. conceptualization of different fragments of reality depending on their importance for the The definition of the concept in modern life of the corresponding ethnic group, the linguistics stimulates discussion, which is specific combinatorics of the associative explained by the complexity of this features of these concepts, the qualification of phenomenon. M. Zhumabayev agrees with the certain subject areas and the orientation of concept as the main unit of the sphere of the these areas to a particular sphere of concept of the ethnic group, the ethnic picture communication. It is these aspects of linguistic of the world (Shesterikov, 1993). Disciplinary pictures of the world that are very noticeable interpretations (psycholinguistic, linguacultural, in situations of ethnic contact. and cognitive) are different, which are formulated according to specific tasks and the The verbal reflection of the world is plane of research. The linguo-cognitive and predetermined both by the features of the linguacultural approaches to understanding the national mentality and by the objective and concept are not mutually exclusive: the sometimes quite obvious differences between concept as a mental formation in the the two components – the natural environment individual’s mind is access to the sphere of and material culture. Therefore, national concepts of society, that is, to culture, and the linguistic pictures of the world can have concept as a unit of culture – a fixation of similar interpretations of the images of the collective experience that becomes the world, based on common values and property of an individual. In other words, these guidelines. Along with this, the totality of approaches differ in vectors in relation to the ideas about the world, the image of the human individual: the linguo-cognitive concept was lifeworld are peculiarly fixed in the systemic directed from the individual consciousness to meanings of the language. Consequently, culture, and the linguo-cultural concept is the contact with another culture causes a direction from culture to individual dissonance of worldviews and value consciousness. orientations. M. Zhumabayev saw in mastery of a language mastery of the conceptualization A cognitive attribute is a separate attribute of of the world reflected in this language. The set an object, realized by a person and reflected in of ideas about the world, existing in the the structure of the concept as a separate meaning of different words and expressions of element of its content. Some cognitive traits the language, is formed into a single system of may be basic and relevant for all carriers of views and prescriptions, which is supported to culture, while other traits may be passive, one degree or another by all speakers. since they are important only for certain Accordingly, in the process of language groups of cultural representatives, or are contact, concepts are borrowed with the aim of contained in the internal form of the concept creating a culture that is characteristic of all and are not recognized in everyday life. The representatives of the group and as a response figurative component of the concept is to new conditions of existence. embodied by metaphorizing. A metaphor is formed on the basis of mental images: the Changes in the consciousness of individuals, emergence of new signs through the use of old their worldview are reflected in the language. occurs on the basis of the selection and When mastering another language, a person comparison of realities or events of the real simultaneously assimilates a new world, world. In the process of conceptualization and transposes into his consciousness concepts categorization of reality, human thinking is from another culture. It is quite true that the able to establish an analogy between various features of the national language embody the phenomena, which allows transferring the view of the world, due to the national knowledge, gained in the process of significance of the spiritual, ethical, and 10 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

interaction with specific objects and cognitive domains according to the basic linear phenomena, to objects and phenomena that go orientations of a person in space. These beyond direct experience (Firoozalizadeh et metaphors give the concept a spatial al., 2020). orientation with a contrast. The metaphor functions as a means of creating Ontological metaphors contribute to the a linguistic picture of the world, resulting from comprehension of events, actions, emotions, the cognitive manipulation of meanings that and ideas as discrete, sensory-conceptual already exist in the language in order to create objects and entities. The communication new concepts, especially for those areas of channel metaphor involves translating the cognition that do not exist in immediate speaker's (object's) ideas into words sensations. This makes metaphor an integral (receptacles) and translating them to the mechanism of human thinking. It is believed recipient. Conceptual metaphors are verbalized that metaphors are already embedded in the using various cultural codes. The culture code human thinking system itself, but are not is understood as a taxonomic substrate, a set of recognized by it. The conceptual metaphor representations of carriers of a particular makes it possible to differentiate the linguistic culture about a picture of the world. Since means of expression and the cognitive process cultural codes are updated in the processes of underlying them, that is, to understand one categorization and conceptualization of the phenomenon in terms of another. In the world, each national culture is distinguished process of metaphorizing, two structures of by its specific linguistic images, which form a knowledge interact – the cognitive structure of special system of codes by which native the source and the cognitive structure of the speakers describe reality. The culture code can target. Therefore, conceptual metaphors are be reproduced in the form of a grid, which stable correspondences between the source culture throws out onto the world around it, area and the goal area, fixed in the linguistic with the help of which it is divided, and cultural traditions of society. categorized, structured, and evaluated. Before the stage of metaphorizing, a The value component of the concept indicates verbalized concept does not exist, but there is its significance for both the individual and the preliminary knowledge about it, which allows collective since the totality of the concepts presenting an approximate volume of the considered in the aspect of values forms a concept. This preliminary knowledge defines value picture of the world. Value dominants certain semantic attitudes. Those concepts that are recreated in concepts, the totality of which cannot be physically fixed are correlated, forms a certain type of culture, supported and through a metaphor, with simpler ones, or stored in the language. The importance of the those that can be felt, that is, the value component of the concept lies in the fact conceptualization of a certain mental space is that it actualizes the meanings essential for transferred to something that is not observed, culture, and is the key to the possibility of but realized in this process and included in the identifying the concept. A similar approach to general conceptual system of this language the study and description of concepts considers community. value a key aspect of the concept. The interpretation of the nature and structure of the Since the essence of a metaphor is to concept determines the procedure and comprehend and experience phenomena of one methodology for its analysis. kind in terms of phenomena of another kind, the following types of metaphors are Cultural concepts capture the uniqueness of a distinguished: structural, orientation, ontological particular culture and the worldview of its metaphors, and communication channel carriers. Therefore, in each language, there is a metaphors. Structural metaphors are the totality of semantically loaded words that conceptualization of abstract entities using designate components of a world picture that already known, specific elements of human are significant for a particular culture and turn experience. Accordingly, the comprehension, out to be more influential in comparison with ordering, and implementation of one concept other nominations. M. Zhumabayev emphasizes in the conceptual terms of another occurs. that these words express the key ideas of Orientation metaphors structure various linguistic culture: key concepts of culture, N. Dossanova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 2021 ISSN 2329-2210 11

keywords of language. They emphasize the structure and content of concepts. Throughout value dominance of words and the concepts the linguacultural interaction, the contacting of denoted by them, which together form and world pictures takes place. hold a certain type of culture (cultural dominants). They limit the number of these M. Zhumabayev gives a definition for the designations of concepts and pay attention to concept as knowledge structured into a frame, their historical stability (cultural constants). In which means that it reflects not just the the authors’ opinion, the various approaches essential features of an object, but all those complement each other. The authors share an that are filled with knowledge about the opinion and offer an integrative interpretation essence in this language collective. The result of the key concepts of culture as the main units of this definition is the belief that concepts of the picture of the world, cultural constants, should be assigned to a particular culture. The which are significant both for an individual main linguacultural sense of the term concept linguistic personality and for the linguacultural is its ability to reflect in its semantics the community as a whole. national mentality as a combination of ideological and behavioral characteristics of an 5. Concluding Remarks ethnos and its national character as a stable and integral part of the mental life of a Kazakh modern literary tradition was largely linguistic person, which determines its formed on the literary heritage of M. qualitative originality – its ethnos. Zhumabayev. An important role in his works was played by the phenomenon of bilingualism The social significance of the concept is that was caused by the coexistence of two understood as a discrete unit of collective cultural traditions (western – Russian and consciousness, which is stored in the national eastern –Turkic-Muslim) in the country. memory of native speakers in a verbal form. Bilingualism and diglossia influenced the This is a clot of culture in human poet's works. consciousness; that in the form of which culture enters the mental world of a person. Diglossia of M. Zhumabayev language is And, on the other hand, that with the help of represented by borrowing, interference, and which a person himself enters the culture, and code-switching. Borrowing words and in some cases influences it. Dynamism and the meanings in the works of M. Zhumabayev is a cumulative nature of culture provide both the natural and necessary process of language formation of new components of a system and development. It contributes to the enrichment the preservation of information about the of the lexical structure and the improvement of experience gained. The ratio of the images of the language. Interference that refers to all its past and future that are potentially present changes in the structure of a language in the in every culture, the degree of their influence works of M. Zhumabayev is associated with on each other make up an essential typological typological differences between the two characteristic of the cultural system. languages and appears at the phonetic, lexical- semantic, and grammatical levels. Any culture contains universal and ethnically determined components that are updated in the The results of cultural interaction in the works traditions, habits, etiquette of speech practice of M. Zhumabayev are of different nature and are accumulated in the consciousness of depending on the number of cultural groups, culture carriers. The conceptual sphere is the nature of their settlement, duration of formed by conceptual universals and unique contact, occupation, the social and legal status features, and two categories of conceptual of participants in the interaction, presence or formations turn out to be significant and absence of contacts with their homeland, historically constant. The authors offer to linguistic, cultural, religious, racial proximity distinguish between key and basic concepts. of contacting systems, the level of The keywords of culture are a designation of development of ethnic identity. The above especially important and indicative concepts affects the public consciousness, the cultural for a particular culture. Basic concepts and and linguistic competence of native speakers their names do not belong to the unique side of and is reflected in the conceptual and linguistic culture. These are universal human concepts pictures of the world, predetermines the that integrate stereotyped ideas about time, 12 Cultural Interaction in the Works of M. Zhumabayev

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