Bases, Dating to 1911
Guide to Air Force Installations ■ 2003 USAF Almanac Worldwide Major Active Duty Installations Altus AFB, Okla. 73523-5000; 120 mi. SW of and WWII commander of the European The- party military, 3,900; DOD civilians, 200. Hous- Oklahoma City. Phone: 580-482-8100; DSN ater, killed in aircraft accident May 3, 1943, in ing: single family, officer, 206 (including 184 866-1110. Majcom: AETC. Host: 97th Air Mo- Iceland. Area: 6,853 acres. Runways: 9,755 govt.-leased), enlisted, 888 (including 380 govt.- bility Wing. Mission: trains aircrew members ft. and 9,300 ft. Altitude: 281 ft. Personnel: leased); unaccompanied, UAQ/UEQ, 680; visit- for C-5, C-17, and KC-135 aircraft. History: permanent party military, 4,444; DOD civil- ing, VOQ, 8, VAQ/VEQ, 12. Clinic (contracted activated January 1943; inactivated May 1945; ians, 2,872. Housing: single family, officer, with local hospital). reactivated January 1953. Area: 6,593 acres. 479 (including 96 govt.-leased), enlisted, 1,997 Runways: 13,440 ft., 9,000-ft. parallel runway, (including 318 govt.-leased); unaccompanied, Barksdale AFB, La. 71110-5000; in Bossier and 3,500-ft. assault strip. Altitude: 1,381 ft. UAQ/UEQ, 927; TLF, 68. Hospital. City. Phone: 318-456-1110; DSN 781-1110. Personnel: permanent party military, 1,886; Majcom: ACC. Host: 2nd Bomb Wing. Mis- DOD civilians, 1,566. Housing: single family, Arnold AFB, Tenn. 37389; approx. 7 mi. SE of sion: B-52H operations and training. Major ten- officer, 212, enlisted, 758; unaccompanied, Manchester. Phone: 931-454-3000; DSN 340- ants: 8th Air Force (ACC); 917th Wing (AFRC), UAQ/UEQ, 478; visiting, VOQ, 320, VAQ/VEQ, 3000.
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