World War I Record of Service Survey for Leon E. Ryder, Signed 26
Norwich University Record of Service World War, 1917-1919 Compiled for the archives of the Librarian of Norwich University as a permanent record of Norwich Men in the World War. (Write plainly, use typewriter if possible) Class Name in full LEON EDWARD. RYDER 19.1.6 First Middle Last Rank MAJOR .CAVALRY. and MAJOR IWN^tM highest rank attained during the war). Present address . JUU8. ARMY. .. %. .The. .Adjutant .General, of the. Army. n o Number Street Tow or City State Permanent address if different from present Place of birth Canton. Point, Maine . Date of birth . July. 2.,.18? J PRIOR SERVICE . Use this space to state fully any service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Philippine Scouts, including National Guard and Reserve Service prior to April 6, 1917. This to include service as a cadet at Nor- only wich. Give dates or enlistment and commissions, organizations served with and promotions. Where dates d are approximate, so state. recor e ..191p-1S?12 Private and Corporal and 1st Class gunner 2nd Company MUM offic r Coafet Artil lery ,Maine National Guard, Port land, Maine * Fo . 1912—1916 Cadet. Norwich University,Nqr^field,Vermont, also a member line > s of .the .1st... Vermont. Cavalry. Pr ivate Coporal,Quartema8ter Sergeant thi n .and. Captain... 19.12-19.14. .Troop. .B. .1 P.t...Vt,Cay.. .Pvt..,Corp. 19l4.-r1?.15. Troop o e A* 1st...Vt.Cav.«..Corp.and. .Q.M.Sgt. .19.15-19.1.6. .TrPP.p .0.,y.. Captain, writ t no Commanding*. .Appointed, a .2nd.
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