Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83113-0 — Secular Surge David E
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83113-0 — Secular Surge David E. Campbell , Geoffrey C. Layman , John C. Green Index More Information Index accommodationists, 49, 52 aversion to, 182, 183–184, 186, 187 and Republicans, 49 defined, 5 activists discrimination against, 186 and partisan cleavage, 141, 142–146, 147, 148 partisan gap toward, 187–188 political styles, 159 as political candidates, 184, 186, See also and religious identification, 141, 145 Secular Candidate Experiment role in political parties, 16, 140–141, 167 relationship to Nones, 7 Addington, Aislinn, 219 “Atheists Don’t Have No Songs,” (Martin), 71 addition secularity, 9, 209, 221, 222 authoritarianism, 89, 90, 94 AHA. See American Humanist Association (AHA) backlash hypothesis. See politicized religion, America as a religious nation, 10, 183 backlash America as a secular nation, 11–13, 17, 24 Baker, Joseph, 15, 25 American Atheists, 1, 2, 3, 9, 211 Barr, William, 138 American Ethical Union, 9 Bawn, Kathleen, 140 American Humanist Association (AHA), 3, Beinart, Peter, 139, 155 13–14, 16, 29, 30, 47, 91, 211, 216, 220 Bellah, Robert, 50 American Humanist Association Survey Biden, Joe, 165 (2018), 17, 27, 31, 35–37 Bolling, Ken, 69 membership demographics, 30 bonding social capital, and civic engagement, American National Election Studies (ANES), 72–73 23, 98, 172–173 Booker, Cory, 139, 152 “American Preservationists,” 172, 175 Boyle, Kevin, 138 American Secularists, demographics, 22 Brady, Henry, 71 American Values Atlas, 23 Breyer, Stephen, 47 Americans United for the Separation
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