ANNUAL REPORT message from the president

Looking back on 2020 brings to mind the from our allies, both houses of Congress passed Dicken­sian cliché: “It was the best of times, it was resolutions requiring the U.S. Government to the worst of times.” The havoc a pandemic can support the repeal of laws around the wreak, even as we see the very best of the human world, repeals that could quite literally save lives spirit engaged in fighting it. Tens of millions voting in many countries. The U.S. District Court in decisively against a wannabe dictator, even as South Carolina ruled in favor of the AHA in its the peaceful transition of power is disrupted. longstanding lawsuit against Greenville County Millions demonstrating across the country for School District over school-sponsored prayers. months against racism, while millions of others We were also looking ahead and planning for seem very comfortable voting for a vision that casually enables Christian White supremacy. the future as we adopted the AHA Strategic Plan for 2021-2023. This positions the AHA to better Dickens was writing in the 1850’s about events at promote public awareness of , embrace the end of the 1700’s. My fervent hope is that future the full population of American humanists, and writers will be able to say that this period in our advocate for humanist positions. history did not merit more superlatives than any other: that this was not the beginning of the end In 2021 the AHA will be saying au revoir to one of in this republic for liberal democracy or the the most effective leaders in American , separation between and government. Executive Director Roy Speckhardt. In fifteen years at the helm, Roy guided the transformation of the In 2020, our hardworking staff and committed AHA from an organization focused on the philo- volunteers adapted superbly to the pandemic. sophical aspects of humanism to a grassroots The AHA’s Education Center was able to increase and advocacy organization that punches above its their virtual offerings tenfold, and adapt to weight. Some of the recent milestones he oversaw feature humanist perspectives on coping with the include catalyzing the formation of the Congres- pandemic. In August, more than 1,300 humanists sional Caucus, naming of humanists attended our virtual 79th Annual Conference, in federal legislation for the first time, and our staff one of our most successful ever. attorney arguing a case at the U.S. Supreme Court. Advancing antiracism was front and center at While we are grateful for all his contributions, and the AHA, as the Board of Directors, maybe the most that he has committed to continue to be involved diverse in the nonreligious movement, said that as a volunteer chairing the Board Committee “humanism and social justice go hand in hand,” on Advancement, his leadership of the staff will in its statement made a few days after the killing be sorely missed. His successor will be chosen of George Floyd. through a nationwide search currently underway involving all stakeholders at the organization. The advocacy work of the AHA continued to advance in 2020 in all aspects, particularly on the legal and As we all work our way through what will hopefully the legislative fronts. In a first for any nontheist be a less challenging year in 2021, I hope you organization, Congress heard testimony from the continue to live our humanist values, showing that AHA. As a result of our leading efforts with help you would rather be good than godly any day. contents humanism by the numbers 2 Defending the First Amendment 4 Humanism on Capitol Hill 6 Teaching Humanism and Growing Community Social Justice Advocacy 664,000 8 LIKES ON 10 Distant but Together: AHA’s 79th Annual Conference 295 12 The Humanist Magazine HUMANIST and CELEBRANTS, CHAPLAINS & 14 The Center for Freethought Equality , LAY LEADERS 15 AHA Programs and Adjuncts 71TWITTER000 FOLLOWERS 16 Making a Difference: 2020 Supporters 19 Financial Summary 20 How to Support Humanism 21 AHA Board of Directors 43,000,000 mission IMPRESSIONS The mission of the American Humanist Association (AHA) is to ACTIONS THROUGH advance humanism. Advocating HUMANIST ACTION for equality for nontheists and a , HEADQUARTERS IN 2020 society guided by reason, empathy, 20000 and our growing knowledge of the world, the AHA promotes a worldview that encourages individuals to live 240 informed and meaningful lives that 47,000 AHA CHAPTERS aspire to the greater good. EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS & AFFILIATES defending the first amendment

The AHA’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center (AHLC) continues to be the leading legal advocacy arm of the nontheist movement. It defends the rights of atheist, humanist, and secular minorities in the courts, while adding the humanist perspective to the most consequential church-state separation cases in the today.

2020 Litigation Missionaries Class at Public School District in Stilwell, Oklahoma: The AHA filed a lawsuit in October 2020, on behalf Prayer at Public School Graduation Ceremonies in Greenville, SC: of a 5-year-old child and her parents. Maryetta Schools was hosting The U.S. District Court of South Carolina ruled in favor of the AHA in a Christian Missionaries assembly for students in prekindergarten its longstanding lawsuit against Greenville County School District over school-sponsored prayers, Christian hymns, and the use of through eighth grade in clear violation of the First Amendment’s religious venues at public school graduations. The victory is the . The case is currently in the earliest culmination of a six-year court battle between the AHA and the stages of litigation and expected to ramp up throughout the school district. 2021 calendar year. Ten Commandments Display in Little Rock, AK: The AHA filed suit Demand-letter in federal court to remove a controversial Ten Commandments In 2020 the AHA’s legal team sent targeted demand letters—virtually display from the state capitol grounds in Little Rock, Arkansas. The all successfully resolved—to various government entities objecting case is pending, awaiting summary judgment litigation. to church-state violations. Several noteworthy victories include: Police Prayer Vigil in Ocala, FL: In November 2014, the AHA brought Unconstitutional Prayer Display at Texas Public School this case on behalf of citizens of Ocala, Florida, who objected to the The AHA’s letter details that for at least two weeks in April, the police department’s sponsorship of a prayer rally. After extensive words “Just Pray” were prominently displayed on the Judson High discovery we received a favorable decision, but the city asked the School marquee at the entrance to the school and asked that court to reconsider based on another recently decided case and we Judson Independent School District cease the display, as well as are currently awaiting a ruling, expected by summer 2021. any other similar actions that violate the Establishment Clause of Humanist Legal Society event at the National Press Club, the First Amendment. , DC, January 2020 Arkansas Governor Issues Unconstitutional Prayer Proclamation The AHA admonished Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson for issuing an unconstitutional Christian prayer proclamation. “This proclamation marginalizes citizens of every other faith in Arkansas as well as those who do not believe in any god or gods,” read the letter. Unconstitutional Christian Displays at Texas Public School The AHA sent a letter demanding the Somerset Independent School District in Texas remove a proselytizing Christian display: a classroom door display that proclaims, in large font, “I always thought LOVE was shaped like a [heart] But LOVE is actually shaped like a [Christian Cross],” with cutouts of a heart and a Christian cross.

2 Unconstitutional Texas Public School Activity The AHA admonished officials from Tyler Independent School District (TISD) in Texas for unconstitutionally holding school activities at Green Acres Baptist Church. The letter reads: “Green Acres Baptist Church is a traditional church sanctuary, is used regularly for chapel services and contains stained glass portraying a large cross, and religious literature in the pews. . . TISD’s practice of opening a mandatory convocation with a chaplain-led prayer, particularly when students are present, violates the Establishment Clause.” Unconstitutional Religious Statements made by Louisiana Governor Jon Bell Edwards In August 2020, the AHA contacted Louisiana Governor Jon Bell Edwards regarding statements made calling for days of fasting and prayer. The email reminded the governor of his obligation to Legal Director Monica Miller presents Legal Tuesdays on the remain neutral towards religion in his official capacity. AHA YouTube channel, October 2020

Amicus Briefs (friend-of-the-court) Activity Amicus Brief in Support of Adoption Services Amicus Brief Challenging Free from Religious Discrimination Christian Symbols on Government Property In August 2020, The AHA joined the and the AHA attorneys, in conjunction with secular and interfaith allies, Freedom from Religion Foundation in a friend-of-the-court brief filed an amicus curiae brief at the First Circuit Court of Appeals filed at the Supreme Court. The brief argued that allowing a religious in support of a lower court ruling in favor of the City of Boston in entity’s sectarian beliefs to control the administration of a denying a request to fly the Christian Flag in front of City Hall. governmental program, such as adoption, would violate the Amicus Brief filed at U.S. Supreme Court Challenging Establishment Clause. Arguments in the case Fulton v. City of Exceptions to ’s Philadelphia, Pennsylvania were heard in November. The AHA co-signed an amicus curiae brief alongside American Athe- Amicus Brief in Support of Limiting the Ability of ists and Center for Inquiry supporting the State of Pennsylvania in Religious Employers to Discriminate Against Employees Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home, Petitioner v. In March 2020, the AHA joined and the Center Pennsylvania, et al. The secular coalition’s brief asked the high court for Inquiry in supporting the respondents in Our Lady of Guadalupe to reject arguments for a religious exemption from key provisions School v. Morrissey-Berru at the Supreme Court. Our Lady of Guadalupe of the Affordable Care Act, including contraceptive coverage. School was consolidated with another ministerial exemption case, St. Amicus Brief Filed at U.S. Supreme Court James School v. Biel. In these cases, employers (both Catholic schools) Challenging an Eleventh Circuit Ruling argued that the First Amendment’s religious clauses prevent civil courts from deciding employment discrimination claims because The AHA filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting Alliance the employee and employer functioned as “ministers” in their roles. Defending Freedom (ADF)’s case, Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski, at the Supreme Court. The AHA urged the Supreme Court to accept Amicus Brief Challenging the Constitutionality ADF’s case to overturn the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Circuit’s ruling that would leave many victims of First Amendment In January 2020, the AHA co-signed an amicus brief at the U.S. violations without a remedy. After the high court agreed to take Supreme Court in the ongoing religious freedom case, FNU Tanzin v. the case, AHA filed another amicus brief at the next stage of the Tanvir. In the brief, co-signers argued that the Religious Freedom case in September. Restoration Act is unconstitutional in nature.


We continue to build political influence in the halls of government (though those halls became virtual in March due to the COVID-19 crisis) and gain traction on our policy priorities. Whether through direct meetings with government officials or by working in coalition with interfaith, nontheist, and civil liberties organizations, we have seen tremendous successes in 2020.

Combatting Blasphemy Laws National Day of Reason Resolution Blasphemy laws exist in more than 80 countries and are the most The National Day of Reason is a project of the AHA that works to explicit laws banning the expression of doubts or criticism regarding recognize the first Thursday in May as National Day of Reason, a religion. In several countries, the penalty for being found guilty of counter-event to the Congressionally-mandated National Day of violating these laws is death. Blasphemy laws are used to restrict Prayer. The AHA worked with Congress to secure its introduction. the rights of not just the nonreligious, but minorities of all faiths and philosophies, women, LGBTQ people, and political dissidents. Defending a Humanist Leader in Nigeria In January 2020 the AHA testified in front of Congress—for the first Mubarak Bala is the President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria. time in at least thirty years—in support of a congressional resolution He was arrested on April 28, 2020, for a Facebook post in which calling on the U.S. Government to support the repeal of blasphemy he allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad. Bala has been kept in laws across the globe. We doubled the size of the AHA-led coalition isolation, without charge, since April 2020. The AHA, alongside other to end blasphemy laws to nearly 70 national organizations. Due to the perseverance of our policy team, this lifesaving resolution nontheist groups, worked tirelessly on Bala’s behalf from the time was passed by Congress in December. Congress’s adoption of the we were made aware of his arrest. We spoke directly to Ambassador resolution solidified the United States’ commitment to ending the at-large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback about criminalization of blasphemy, Bala’s arrest and detention. On behalf of fifteen secular organizations, heresy, and apostasy around we delivered a letter to the U.S. Commission on International the world. Republicans and Religious Freedom urging them to take action. And we’ve been Democrats working together elevating the case with members of the Congressional Freethought to get this done underscores Caucus. After learning about Bala’s case, Brownback and the U.S. our country’s continued Commission on International Religious Freedom issued public commitment to championing statements of support. Bala remains in detention, so there is still the freedom of thought, more to do and our advocacy is ongoing. religion, conscience, and belief AHA Policy and Social Justice Director for all people everywhere. Humanists in Action Rachel Deitch testifies to Congress In 2020, humanists wrote letters, called congressional offices, and submitted comments for the public record more than 20,000 Resolution times through our grassroots advocacy center, the Humanist The AHA worked with Congress to secure the introduction of the Action Headquarters. Issues included urging the Senate to Fund Darwin Day resolution, which every February honors both Darwin COVID-19 Relief for everyone regardless of immigration status and and modern scientists for their contributions to humanity, and telling Congress to keep school vouchers out of COVID-19 relief bills. also affirms the validity of evolution while opposing the teaching More humanists took action in 2020 than ever before, with a 200% of in public schools. increase in activity from the previous year.

4 Our Resolution is a small but important step in prioritizing religious freedom and liberty of conscience worldwide and I thank AHA [American Humanist Association] for uplifting it.”

JAMIE RASKIN, Representative for Maryland’s 8th District

4 5 AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT teaching humanism and growing community The American Humanist Association’s Center for Education strives to provide educational opportunities and resources that serve humanist and secular communities. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we increased our virtual offerings tenfold in 2020, connecting humanists across the nation who felt isolated by the pandemic.

Humanist Studies Program Humanism for All The Humanist Studies Program The AHA supports over 250 incarcerated humanist members. With (HSP) explores ontological assistance from volunteers and staff, the AHA sent incarcerated questions from a humanist humanists donated books and DVDs, over 350 winter holiday letters, perspective in historical and and provided support for new prison chapters. We also published contemporary contexts. It five articles by incarcerated members in our Inside the Walls series provides a solid grounding ranging in scope from breast cancer awareness, police violence, right in critical thinking, knowledge, to vote, scientific discoveries, and AHA’s pen pal program. truth, and humanist episte- 2020 Humanist Studies Graduates mologies, while analyzing and Master Class building a personal and articulate humanist system of values rom The Master Class offers continuing education for leaders across fundamental existential questions. HSP worked in partnership with the humanist and . In 2020 AHA hosted the Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary running two graduate-level third master class Intersectional : Identity Politics, Justice courses on Humanism I: The Nature of Being and one graduate-level Work, and the Proliferation of Social Difference exploring the idea of course on Humanism II: The Anti-Racist Challenge. intersectionality, with a particular eye on why and how it matters for humanism and humanist leaders. HERE for Climate The HERE for Climate project brings attention to the global climate Ten Commitments crisis and engages humanists with actionable ways to combat The Ten Commitments represent humanistic values that promote . Members from across the country came together a democratic world in which every individual’s worth and dignity to share their personal stories of how climate change effects their is respected, nurtured, and supported, and where human freedom daily lives and what actions they take in response. Along with these and ethical responsibility are motivating stories, news articles highlighting local-scale nonprofits natural aspirations for everyone. اندیشیدن همدردی فراگیر dedicated to climate resilience and tool kits were added to the The Ten Commitments has been مسئولیت HERE for Climate website to guide visitors to take action. translated into 11 languages مرام پذیری with a distribution of hundreds سازش .of posters across the world و برابری کردار نیک In Idyllwild, California, at an elevation of 6,000 اجتماعی An activities workbook to ده پیمان feet, the forest is changing from pine to cedar. Even live earn a humanist badge was

© rg Am .o e ist ric an خدمت و an um H h uma ican گرامیداشت n r oak trees are thriving, though they used to thrive only developed for children that ist Association ame همکاری محیط زیست inspired curriculum development همیاری فروتنی at lower elevations.” —ANONYMOUS for Uganda Humanist Schools Trust, a children’s book series, Members shared their climate change stories on the HERE for Climate website and Camp Quest campers. The Ten Commitments in Farsi

6 Ovais Khalil (top left) leads a discussion with fellow humanists working in healthcare. The talk was part of the Speaking of Humanism series in August 2020.

Webinars and Lecture Series dive into a variety of concepts. Students joined instructors to learn and discuss Speaking of Humanism, a monthly program Alain Locke’s Imagination: Developing an Eye for highlighting humanist leaders and authors, being Black, Queer & Free Beyond Sight; A More moved from an in-person event to online. In-depth Look at Human Brain Evolution; When During 2020, Speaking of Humanism addressed We Almost Got It Right—Societies that Worked; the rise of religious nationalism, 2020 impact Humanist Community Music Therapy; and of the secular vote, new era of Jim Crow, Mindfulness Meditation. political clout of atheist and humanist community, youth activism, healthcare, art In the Special Topics series Humanism During of thinking freely, agnostics running for local COVID-19, selected panelists discussed how office, and the holidays for humanists. to connect with humanist community, how to engage in mutual aid, and how to live a The Critical Minds series addresses contem­ good life in the midst of a global pandemic. porary humanist topics in a 90-minute format. Anti-racism and Anti-Oppression, a six-part Ideas explored in 2020 include: Human Brain series, engaged 130 participants in examining Evolution; Art, Imagination, and Humanism— the insidious and often invisible ways white Humanitas; and The Neuropsychology of Dogmatic supremacy operates in our society, and Beliefs and Delusions. offering practical tools for both surviving and Further Reflection, an instructor-led multi- dismantling it within the context of secular, session short course series, provides a deeper non-theistic, and/or heathen spaces.


The American Humanist Association, in its commitment to social justice, directly disrupts oppressive systems through legal and legislative advocacy, education, partnerships, and social justice alliances. Through this work, and with a focus on aspiring to the greater good of humanity, we strive to advance an inclusive world meant for all.

Coalition Work for Racial Justice LGBTQ Humanist Alliance The AHA joined a number of Black Lives Matter coalition The LGBTQ Humanist Alliance (LGBTQHA) held its first-ever campaigns, including participating in letters to the virtual Centering the Margins Summit with much success. Department of Justice urging justice for Breonna Taylor The day included inclusive and intersectional programing and George Floyd, supporting the George Floyd Justice that enabled LGBTQ members of the secular/humanist in Policing Act, and joining a letter to the Senate urging community to come together, learn from each other, them not to move forward with the problematic and connect on issues, and collaborate on actions. In a joint harmful JUSTICE Act. project, the LGBTQHA and the FHA developed the very first Call for Voices writing project to amplify marginalized Black Humanist Alliance humanists in our media. The FHA, LGBTQA, and the The Black Humanist Alliance (BHA) continued to serve in an Humanist magazine partnered to increase the visibility advisory capacity to AHA. Members of the BHA Leadership of writers of color and LGBTQ+ writers, and include more Council joined Center for Education and social justice social-justice content in the Humanist. programming, wrote for the Humanist, and contributed to our most recent policy expansion. Latinx Humanist Alliance The Latinx Humanist Alliance’s (LHA) advocacy work centered Feminist Humanist Alliance on providing COVID-19 testing, treatment, and cash payments The Feminist Humanist Alliance (FHA) signed on to legis­ for all, regardless of immigration status. Advocacy was lative advocacy letters across an array of topics and issues centered primarily on funding in COVID-19 relief bills in areas. Along with approximately 150 other organizations Congress. While funding wasn’t allotted for testing and including the AHA, the FHA co-signed a letter from the treatment, cash payments were eventually given to mixed Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to the status families in the last COVID-19 relief bill of 2020. U.S. Senate expressing strong opposition to Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. The FHA also Policy Expansion and Board Statements signed onto All* Above All’s letter urging President-elect Resolutions from the AHA’s Board of Directors enable Biden to make good on his campaign promise to end the the AHA to directly address the most pressing issues Hyde amendment, a ban on federal funding for abortion facing our fellow . This year the board engaged except in cases of rape, incest, or a threat to the patient’s in the most activity in any recent year by adopting historic life. Additionally, the FHA gave out numerous grants to resolutions, a statement, and a call to action. This policy empower our humanist community to mobilize during this expansion includes resolutions on food insecurity; income time of crisis. Grants were given to AHA chapters, alliance wealth and inequality; gender-based and sexual violence; members, and individuals to fund COVID-19 relief work— and equitable taxation. A statement on justice, equity, including but not limited to—PPE supplies, food, direct diversity, and inclusion as well as a call for action against aid, and special programming. systemic racism were also enacted in 2020.

8 Allyship, especially as a privileged person, means you’ll get it wrong sometimes. Deconstructing systems requires deconstructing your subconscious complicity in them.”

KRISTA COX, Chair of the Leadership Council of the Feminist Humanist Alliance, speaking at AHA’s 79th Annual Conference

8 9 AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT distant but together: the AHA’s 79th annual conference

Each year, the American Humanist Association brings together people from across the country to celebrate the values of humanism at the Annual Conference. In 2020, in continuing to keep the movement connected and inspired, the AHA hosted an exciting virtual conference, Distant but Together: A Virtual Celebration of Humanism.

Because they couldn’t all gather in the same place, a record-setting 1,300 humanists across the country came together virtually on August 8th to hear from terrific humanist speakers who explored the values and principles that undergird the community. Sessions covered the current status of the church-state battleground, racial and economic equity in the age of COVID-19, open atheists in public office, the nature of scientific consensus and disagreement, recognizing one’s role in systems of oppression, and growing secular communities.

Conference presentations included (top left) “Beyond Colonial Humanism” with Jé Hooper (left) David Breeden (right); (top right) Debbie Goddard with “Diversity or Inclusion? Growing Our Secular Community”; and (bottom) “Is Still a Political Taboo?” by

10 2020 Humanist of the Year REPRESENTATIVE JARED HUFFMAN The only open humanist and agnostic currently in Congress and founder of the Congressional Freethought Caucus

AHA Executive Director Roy Speckhardt awarding Jared Huffman the Humanist of the Year award over Zoom The moral framework of humanism just works for me— right down the line. I love the focus on facts and science and reality. I love the focus on goodness as a human quality that we owe to each other and future generations rather than as some sort of a thing we need to do to gain entry to the afterlife. Humanism is a beautiful expression of the best of humanity, as I see it, and if everybody followed its principles I think we’d be a lot better off.”

JARED HUFFMAN, U.S. Representative for California’s 2nd District and 2020 Humanist of the Year


The AHA’s flagship Humanist magazine and our weekly digital newsletter bolster the AHA’s ability to promote humanist values and community.

Four Decades of the None Vote Welcome to the New “ROARING” TWENTIES Committed to providing readers with intellectual and ethical adventure, in 2020 the bimonthly Humanist magazine explored blasphemy and the war on , philosophies on life and death in the time of pandemic, humanist e ris our ies perspectives on anti-racism and white supremacy, humanist representation the moment e start ieing our ens in Congress, and much more. against reigious igotr an is a general-interest ezine that offers weekly articles on unamentaism. the important ways the AHA is standing up for your rights and explores politics, —DR. , 1972–2015 science, technology, art, and culture from a humanist perspective. It boasts over 66,000 page views per month, with popular articles on rights vs. responsi- Blasphemy and the bility, government bailout of religion during the pandemic, reproductive rights, War on Secularism Where will 2020 take us? for a call to end the National Prayer Breakfast, and the damaging impact of Trump’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Anti-Racism Marches Sweep US (and their readers) MATTER after George Floyd Killed by Police PLUS: WHY BOOKS The next year will see changes as the AHA redefines its publications, but they will continue to bring our members and supporters the enlightening and significant explorations of humanist values that you have come to expect. but Not Alone Philosophies on life and death in a time of pandemic Can good governance secure liberty?

WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE @ 100: Celebration and Reckoning In PraiseNOTORIOUSLY of RBG’s Jurisprudence HUMANISTIC:

“The moral framework of humanism just works for me— CHRI$T right down theREDEEMER the line.” How Churches Scored Billions in COVID Relief 2020 umanist OF THE YEAR

Jared Huffmannd U.S. Representative for California’s 2 Congressional District

12 Science-based education and data, equitable testing and treatment, rejection of faith-based hysteria, and a strong push for a stimulus that specifically addresses the public health legacy of racism, poverty, and white supremacy are the best weapons for loosening COVID’s deadly grip."

SIKIVU HUTCHINSON, founder of Black Skeptics , writing in

12 13 AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT the center for freethought equality

The mission of the Freethought Equality Fund PAC (FEF) and its affiliate, the Center for Freethought Equality (CFE) is to increase the number of open humanists and atheists in public office. The CFE is an adjunct of the American Humanist Association.

2020 Election Cycle allies to help dispel the lingering bias against our community. Also provided were the results of a 2018 poll commissioned by the CFE The Freethought Equality Fund PAC reached out to over 4,600 and the AHA, Atheism Is No Longer a Political Taboo. The poll results federal, state, and local candidates across the country. Candidate indicate that there is a growing preference for secular leaders, and question­naires were returned by 477 candidates. The FEF endorsed that a majority of voters across every demographic prioritize other 191 of these candidates (137 members of the atheist and humanist political concerns over issues of religious faith or lack thereof. Lake community and 54 allies). Of the endorsed candidates one was for Research Partners, who conducted the poll, concluded that “being the U.S. Senate, 37 for the U.S. House of Representatives, 143 for state non-religious or atheist need not be considered an impediment legislatures, and 10 for local office representing 32 states and the to a candidate’s electoral success.” CFE’s candidate questionnaire District of Columbia. Of the endorsed candidates, 72 won their races included questions on climate change, evolution, religious school (42 members of the atheist and humanist community and 30 allies). vouchers, medical aid in dying, voting rights, and LGBTQ equality, Growing the Number of as well as questions on religious background and identity. Humanist and Atheist Elected Officials Thanks to the work of CFE, we’ve experienced significant growth in the number of elected officials identifying as humanists and atheists. Prior to the 2016 election there were only five elected officials serving in state legislatures who publicly identified with the atheist and humanist community. Once newly elected atheists and humanists are sworn into office in 2021, we will have 83 elected officials who publicly identify with our community at the local, state, and federal levels in 29 states across the county.

How We Did It In 2020, the CFE continued to increase the visibility of our com- munity and provide informative messaging to all the candidates contacted. Packets sent to candidates included Running for Public Office: An Atheist and Humanist Guide a handbook the CFE created to give an overview of the issues of concern for our community, the need for atheists and humanists to run for office, and the role of

To keep up-to-date with the activities of the Freethought Equality Fund PAC, become a member of the Center for Freethought Equality at Membership is free, but must be renewed annually.

14 additional aha programs & adjuncts

The Humanist Legal Society (HLS) The Humanist Legal Society promotes and protects humanist values in the legal system by providing support and networking opportunities to lawyers, judges, legal academics, law students, and paralegals throughout the United States and by fostering humanism in the law. In 2020 the HLS hosted a pre-pandemic event at the National Press Club exploring Espinoza v. Montana Depart- ment of Revenue, and a follow-up virtual eventTHE in HUMANIST August 2020 featuring Constitutional LawSOCIETY Profes- sor Caroline Mala Corbin and practitioner David Codell. In November 2020, HLS partnered with the to offer programming for recent graduates and current law school and undergraduate students who are interested in a career AHA Education Coordinator Emily Newman (left) with the in First Amendment litigation. Humanists chapter The Humanist Society Chapters and Affiliates The Humanist Society endorses and prepares THE THE The AHA boasts a large network of local humanist groups, with humanist professionalsHUMANIST to lead life celebrations HUMANIST 153 chapters and 87 affiliates across the country dedicated to and support people duringSOCIETY difficult times. SOCIETY promoting humanism and encouraging community engagement. Celebrants, chaplains, lay leaders, and invocators With AHA’s assistance, local groups have worked hard adapting provide millions of people with a meaningful alternative to traditional to the pandemic and moved most of their programming online. In religious services and ceremonies across the nation. The Humanist 2020 AHA helped 240 groups check in on their members’ needs, Society assists professionals with training, resources, and networking reach humanists outside of their direct surrounding area with with a wider humanist support network. more accessible events, and serve the populations most devastated by the health crises. These groups hosted over 2,880 events for The Humanist Foundation HUMANIST humanists across the country in 2020 alone. The Humanist Foundation ensures a THE lasting future for humanism through FOUNDATION Humanist Press the generosity of members who have included the American The publishing house of the American Humanist Humanist Association or the Humanist Foundation in their will Association has provided material for the hu- or other estate plan. Founded in 1980, the Foundation provides manist/freethought/atheist market since 1995. estate planning advice on wills, life insurance plans, trusts, and Humanist Press books and e-books are available gift annuities for members who wish to support humanism for on Amazon,, and other online Humanist years to come. The Humanist Foundation’s Humanist Heritage book retailers, and 100 percent of the proceeds Project seeks to conserve the life stories of humanist leaders in benefit AHA programs. PRESS a perpetual archive for historic preservation.

14 15 AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT making a difference: 2020 supporters of the american humanist association A special thanks to our donors in 2020. The list below features the names of donors who contributed $200 or more in 2020. The support of all our donors—large and small—enables the work we do, and we regret that we could not publish the names of all of our 34,000 members and supporters. Thank you for helping humanism move forward!

Carl Sagan Circle Ambassador’s Stephen J. Bruun Russell Kendall Wanda Shirk Director’s Club Milton Francis ($100,000+) Circle Katherine F. R.W. Koch Gary B. Silberstein ($500–999) Linda Fried ($5,000–9,999) Carmichael and David Korz Jack D. Simpson Mark Geary Louis and Laurie Carol Hedtcke Keith Adelsberger Appignani Curtis Kossman Richard A. Speizman Carolyn Glen Kaye Warren and Rodger and Karen Clark Reid H. Ahl and Anne Anderson Robert and Stuart Speyer James C. Radnor Elizabeth and Christopher Cone Katharine Steven and Susan Kresek Robert Stanley John Alexander Edward Goff Hepburn Circle Jane Coon Carol Bechtel Gerald Langlykke Warren Stine Stephani R. Allison Jason Goldman-Hall Matthew Courtney ($50,000–99,999) Herschel Elias Wynne Legrow Mary Jo Stirling and Judith Gorra Carl Goodson Kenneth D. Deaton Adam and Scott and Sabrina Ellis Candelaria Leyvas Robert Stoelting Lou Antico Richard Gordon Rachel Albright Kris E. Fulmer Charles and Steven C. Lowe Leigh Arino De La Rubia Harvey and Patricia Debrovner Herman and Joan Suit Rob Schreck Douglas Harris Jeannie M. Mcguire Anthony Atherton Bettye Gossard Florian Dieckmann Ellen J. Sutliff and Jeff Hawkins and Susan McLeod B. Paul Bogardus Hyatt Baker Tim Gullicksen Margaret Kathleen and Janet L. Strauss Mary Ann Meyers Raymond Tanner Michael Barthelmy Douglas Gullickson Sanger Circle Rich Diedrich and Judith A. Streett Arthur M. Jackson Monica R. Miller Anthony Tennis Thomas F. Bauch ($25,000-49,999) Susan C. Duerksen Jeffrey T. Haley Everett Jones and Arthur Salm and Christopher Richard W. Thomas Dale Bauer Larry Jones M. Driscoll Paul Haupt jim lampl J. David Eisenberg Claudia Tobler Peter Bell Stephen and Diane Uhl Paul Morse Iris Hoffert Daniel Thomas Stacy Enyeart and Philip Walsh Edward Berne Anderson-Rogers and Karen Moran Ronald Munia Jaylene Howard William B. Fagan Faith M. Towle Ann B. Anderson Foundation Bill Nye Richard Navarre Gregory Hussa Paul and Maureen Oakley Van Slyke Alan F. Black Carsten Smidt David and F. M. Jacobius Isaac Asimov Fairbrother Benjamin A. Wade David Bock Lowell and Jan Kathryn Niose and Paula Rochelle Charles W. James Circle Eric and Sydney Fisher Larry R. Brandt Steinbrenner Berry A Norton John A. Wagner and Roger Johnson ($10,000–24,999) Helen Fuller Rebecca Brown Todd and Diana Stiefel Joyce Carol Oates Lorraine Gudas Philip Susan Jones Clemens Bribitzer Allen and Brenda Marian E. Bruns Barbara Stiefel Glendenning David O’Brien David Werdegar Lewis S. Josephs Thomas Canfield Allen and Thomson von Stein Jon Hagler James P. O’Hara Michael and Matthew D. Juhasz Robert H. Dickerson Susanne Werner Barbara Burton Stuart J. Wamsley Belva Hauxwell Lynda Palevsky Robert Kabakoff Gordon and Elizabeth Wery Joanne M. Cantoni Jennine Williamson Donald M. Hayes Donald P. Palmer Robert S. Kaeser Grace Gamm and John Fitzgerald Linda Wolf Beatriz Castaneda David and Jack Peterson Charles B. Keeling Richard Harlow Katherine Yardley Reuben Yost William Catterton Judy Helgager Anthony Pinn Norman Kelker Richard and Anonymous Brenda Zamary Alexander and Beverly Hermsen Merrit Heminway Fred and Iris Pollack Priya Clemens Rick Kimmons Robert Hofmann Matthew V. Pozun Artist’s Endowment of John Hooper and President’s Circle Coastal Community Brent Cosgrove Anne Klaeysen and and Nancy Bolt William Pratt Glenn Newman Gail Pesyna ($1,000–4,999) Foundation Michael Cox Jeffrey Justice Kirk A. Hornbeck Glenn Reynolds Leslie Kleen Ravi Agarwal Berkelhammer Basic Michael and Bill Parks George F. Howard John H. Roberts Science Fund of the Courtney Cramer Andrew Knofski Kamesh R. Aiyer Harold and Stephanie and Henry Ruley Marin Community Curtis Cramer Mihir Kotwal Peter and Line Anderson Duncan I. Hughes Foundation Doreen Saferstein Hiero and David and Mark Ludwig Laab Bapu and Herb Silverman and Richard T. Hull Janet Russell Couponcause Cunningham Marissa Langseth Sharon Fratepietro Vijay Arekapudi Marketing Dwight and Michael Sacks Robert Curboy Cathal Lathrop Robert Tapp and Laurie and Lynn Ashton Barbara Ittner James Hervey Johnson Mareth M. Sapiens Don G. Davis John P. Loveridge Judith D. Wallach Ken and Auli Batts Wilson and Charitable Edwin G. Sather Frank DeSantis Anonymous Jerry Bennett Ashwini Jacob Educational Trust Thomas M. Lutgens Stephen Schaeffer David Diskin Jane and Leonard Bill Jacobs JPMorgan Chase Jennifer Macchiarella Steven Schmitt Foundation Bernstein Thomas Johnson Christopher M. Driscoll Andrew Macri Geoffrey Bond Edward and Anonymous (3) Dan Dubbeld Mark Mangus Charles H. Jones Charles Seaberg Stephen M. Boyd Jamie Edwards Donald Margolis Sudhir Kalaria Lee and Maxine Seltzer Neil Bright Betty and Keith Kelly Tim Everett Alvaro Marin Joanne H. Senders Joey and Don Finkle

16 Ellen and Thomas and Marvin Bellin Paul Chaffee Stephen P. Driscoll Joe Gasper William Herdle Richard McBride Valerie Wheeler Paul M. Bennett Mim Chapman Roland Duerksen Robert Gayden Don Herman Frances S. McKenzie Donald and Rosemary Bentson Michael Chapman Ted Duijn Joanne and Lee Gibbs Laura Heywood Karen White Don McLaurin Roni Berenson David Chivers Robert A. Duncanson Ellen Gittleman Susan Hibbs and Inge Fraser Peter Wilhelm Gwinneth and Thomas Chmielewski William Durch Jefferson Glassie William Hickey Alexander Memory Charlie Wilson Steven Berexa P. R. Christensen Larry and Judy East Bernard Glos Robert A. Hicks Keith Miller Cathy Wood Shirley Berger Walston Chubb Julie Ebersole J.W. Goerner Susan and Charles Miller Jim Wooldridge Chuck Berry John Chuey Fred and Marian Goldeen and Willis Higgins Mark Morgan Steve Wozniak Joseph Bertz Jarvis Church Mary Edwords Arthur Ogawa Lisa Hill and James and Washington Area Todd VonOhlen Alan Best Anthony T. Cimino Jack and Martha Egger Ina P. Goldstein Wendy Mullin Secular Humanists Irene Hill John Bielecki Robert Cirillo Cynthia and Ellen Goodman Juhem Navarro-Rivera Ted and Rita Williams John Egloff Hans Himelein and Yazmín A. Trejo Foundation Robert Bier Mary Clark Mark Goodner David Ehrlich William Himwich George Neely Pratt Family Alice Bird Jerald L. King Carol N. Gorman Vlad Eidelman Joshua Hinton Connie Neish Giving Fund Ahrash Bissell Walter Clark Gail Gormley Jim Eischen John Hirschi Anthony Noto Anonymous (2) Harry Black Natalie Clark Bettye and Lincoln D. Eisler Harvey Gossard James Hobbs Kevin O’Neill William Blades Aaron Clark Supporting Daniel Blinn Jeffrey Clayton Gene R. Eldridge David Gothelf Thomas and Steve Lopes and Member Jo-Ann Hoeppner Lois Orth-Lopes Brink Bloembergen Craig Cline Vernon Ellingstad Jeri Graham Frederick G. Hoeptner Barton Pakull ($200–499) Jeffrey Blum George E. Clower Barbara Elliott Bob Grant Henry Hoffman Benjamin Pattison Jerry Agin Charles Blystone Elbert Coalwell Richard Ellis Daryl Graus Ken Hoffman David Pebworth Janice and Beverly Boling Paul Colangelo Landon Elswick Michael Greedy Jack Alexander Daniel Hogan Russell and Humberto Boncristiani Robert Colby John F. Emery Walt Griffin Cindy O. Holtz Sarah Posegate Mary Allen John W. Brady Matthew and Abigail Engstrand Stephen Griffiths Paul Hoopes Bryce Purdy Robert Alonzo Denise Brady Marilee Cole Erik Erath Mary M. Grimaldi Leroy House Paul Quinn Paul and Deborah Alper David Brammer Elaine Coleman Mary Ericksen Ellen and Adam Gross Ivan and Carol Hoyt Kathryn Radke Aaron Altose Bradley Brees John B. Collis John R. Evanhoe Gordon Grosscup Liz Hrenda CJ and Anita Ransom Kathryn Anastos Richard Brennan George Comden Reginald and Mark Grozde Kathleen Exton G. Perry Hudkins Preston Reed J. Brandee Anderson James F. Brennan Jesse Cone William Gruber James Eyman Dennis Hull Lisa Rickard Daniel and Midge Stanley J. Brockway Thomas Cowan Donna Guinard Anderson Walt Fangman David Hurtubise Richard A. Robie Peter Brown Scott Cragin Julio E. Guzman B. D. Anderson and Jan Flynn Douglas Ingram Bruce Romanish Gail Brown John Crossey Roger Hackney Jaen Andrews David Fangrow George Jacklin Stanley D. Ross Jeffrey Brown Benjamin Crowe Rosemary A. Hagen Paul Angelo Joseph and Christopher A. Jackson Richard E. Rowland Alberta Brown Franklin P. Crownover Sharon Fausnight Douglas and Peter Arico Christiana Halsey Wesley Janzen James L. Sanders Maria C. Brown Kristin and Timothy Walter L. Fenska Jeff Atkinson Cummings Mavis Hamilton Bruce Javits Victor Schachter Kurt W. Buchholz Morris W. Firebaugh Leonard Aulenbach Donald Cunningham Bryan Hamlin Michael Jayson Eric and Deanne James Bucko Dixie Fisher Schaleger William Austin Esther Cup Choy Michael Hammerman Ryan and Robert Burns Sydney and Eric Fisher Jeanne Timothy Sean Austin Larry and Lois Curry Chris and Christine Jean William Burrows Carolee Flatley Scrivner Gary Austin Jim Cushing Susan Hampel Tim Jenkins J. L. Bush Peter Flom William Sell Donald C. Baham Paul Daily Gwen T. Handelman Jose Jimenez Alexander Butterfield William Flor Thomas Serre Charlene Baker and Bruce Dame Michael D. Haney Lucie Johns Pamela and Neena Florsheim Earl Sexton Allen Robnett Eugene L. Davis Jeffrey Hannie Lawrence L. Johnson Robert Cabeen Alyne Fortgang Carol Shadwell Raghu and Latha Ballal Bronson Davis Joshua Hanthorn Dale and Jane Johnson David Calder and Lorraine Foster Mark C. Sheidler Steven J. Banilower Susan Salkind Diana Davis Thomas Harbaugh Evelyn Johnstone Laurent Fousse Douglas Smithdeal Adam Barnes Timothy Caldwell Stanley V. Dawson Kaaren Hardy Daniel Jones Lawrence Frank Jeffrey Snell William Barnett Edward Calhan Elaine De Neef Douglas and Jamieson Jones Steve G. Franklin Elaine Hart David Snoeyenbos Peggy and James Tom and Susan Calle Kevin De Queiroz Sheryl Jordan Barringer Bob Frankston Scott Hatch R. Jason and Ronald S. Campbell Mike and Ruth Deal Stephen Julstrom and Mary Bartlett Andrew Fredriksen Dennis Hatch Carmen Agoyo Silva Camille Stafford Ginger Campbell Jack Debaun Kaspar Stoffelmayr Robert and Calvin Frye Thomas E. Hawkins Jennifer and Phillip Marcia Baumel Dominie Cappadonna Marcus Debonis Joan Suit David Fuhrman Thomas A. Heffner Kalmanson Jeff Baysinger Matt and Jo Cardin Don Deprez Douglas Vacek Barry Fuhrman James Hein David Kandel Ramsey Beaini Arthur Carey Kenneth Vince and Lisa Kapral Alex and Maria Diamondstone James Gaarder Walter and Roberta Gordon Bear Lorraine and Hellman David Karaus Vandevelde Russell Carey Daniel Dobbin Eran Gabber Grant Beck Don M. Henderson Richard A. Kark Robert Viola Jerry Carle Paul and Nancy Georgine M. Garbisch David Beckman Kevin Henning William and Anne Kass Bryan Watts Patricia Carrell Donohue Frederic Gardner David Bedan Timothy Henry Howard Katz Candace Weiss Margaret A. Cartier Herman Downe Nancy and Alexander Bedz Jack Garland David Herbert Peg Kehret Bill and Sally Wendt D. Lamar Cason Vincent Downing Ray Bellamy Rudolph Garrity Stephen E. Herbits Barbara Kennedy Chris West Carlos Castells Don Driggs

16 17 AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT Markus Kessler Wayne Luney Nicola Nelson Evelyn Robinson William Sinderbrand Randall J. Thompson Andrew Whalley Amy Arai David Luxton Robert Neumann Jan Rocek Anne Sivers John Thorlin Erik White John and Katherine Gordon Macqueen John Newman Paul and Nancy Rolig Terrence Sloan Jonathan and Betty Whitener Kester William E. Madison David Newnham Patricia Prince and William Slye Angela Tikker Denis and Nicki Peter and Mary Killeen Sonja Malmuth Frank A. Norick I. Nelson Rose James R. Smart Ed Tilley and Whittaker Jim J. Kilpatrick Dave MacLeod Ernest G. March Jan Oftedahl Arthur Rosenblum Donald C. Smart Rod Wiens Marilyn K. Kincaid Randy C. Tipton Deborah Margules Dewey O’Kelley Bob Rouch Jesse Smith Charles Wiggins Dennis King Stephen R. Tiwald Roy Marshall B. Onuma Okezie Randi Rubovits-Seitz Mark Smith and Bruce Wiley Audrey Kingstrom Robert Tocci George M. Martin David Oliverio Judith Rudolph Brett Parchert Kathleen Wilsbach John Kirby Barbara Toeppen- James G. Martin Larry M. Oppenheimer John Rudolph and Marie Smith Keith J. Wilson Michael Kirkpatrick Sheryn Holinsworth Sprigg Dennis C. Martin Mike and Wilma Leonard P. Smith Larry Wilson Warren Kitzmiller Mamie Rutherford Imre G. Toth Kyle Marvin Ormsbee John Sniezyk Greg Wilson Barry Klinger Harvey K. Sande Cliff Towner Beatrice M. Maslowski Louvenia Ortega Cathy Snow Robert P. Wilson Stephen Knapp Sharon L. Sandell Roland Tozer Darrrell Mathis Christopher Owen First U. Society of Justin Wimbish Frank and Gerald and Ann Saul Minneapolis Rachel Tracy Roger Mattioli Mary Padgett Annie Winch Jo Anne Knell Rob Savoie and Gerald Sommer Wayne Trembly Clark Maxfield Alan B. Palmer Peter Winebrake Jim Knierien Marilyn Reisen Mike Soniat Marjorie Trifon Peter L. Mayer Erdman Palmore Lonny Winrich Martin Koehler Douglas and Gregory Sorozan Richard W. Trombley Robert McBay Patricia Parr Lauren Schairer Dan and Evelyn Michael Konrad Robert F. Southwood Patricio Trujillo Winslow Margaret McCartney Mark Parrott Douglas Schiebel Clement H. Kreider Joel Spalding Alexander Turchin Dick Wolfe Fred McCoy Charles and William Schleuse Jacob Krueger Deirdre Paul Julian K. Spencer Tony Turner-Mercado John Wolff Matthew McCrum Paul Schmeer Shareen Kruse Michael Pelaez Floyd Spencer Macdara Tynan George A. Wolff Pamela McCulloch Richard G. Schneider Jerry Kuhl Joel Perlson David Spinner Francis Uhlir Paula Wolk James E. McGee Thomas Schneider Gregory Kust Barbara Perreault John Spitzberg James Underwood Paul Wood and Carl McGrew Leslie Schnick Richard Lallmang Fred Perry Paul Spohn Maddy Urken Bette J. Dodd Trevor Lambert William McGuire Floyd E. Schock and Michael R. Uth Rosettia Wood Suzanne Perry Keith A. Banner Geoffrey St Leger Nancy and William McKenzie Paul Van Ness Zach and Erika Wood David P. Persuitte Dean Schoen Debra Stanton Ronald Landgraf John McMichael John Vervaert Susannah Woodcock Joseph Peters Jeffrey D. Schreiber Rick Stegman and Nate Larson Phillip Meade Amy Headlee Angela Violet Robert and Ben Petty Thomas Schumacher Bruce Latham Jon R. Meador Berl Stein Robert Voelker Blaikie Worth Robert J. Phelan Scott Schumack Laurence Laudicina Tom Mego Jerry Steinhauer Evert Volkersz Mark Wright and Christina M. Pheley Gordon M. Schutz Pam VandeWater George Laughead Barbara Meislin Marion Steininger James Von De Bur Phyllis Pirie Dennis M. Schwank Richard L. Wulfsberg Patrick F. Lavin and Charles Meliska Anna and Ed Stephens Robert Voss Rosemary A. Hurayt Russell A. Pizer Daniel M. Schwartz Blossom Yeamans Alicia Mendoza Ralph Stewart Elisabeth Waldburger Michael Lawless Lewis Plate Taylor Scott Khin and Philippa Yin Wayne P. Meyer Charles Stoddard Travis Walden Charles Lawson Thomas and Sean Scott Jean Yngve Andrew Meyer Halina Platt Paula Stone James Walker Shirley E. Leary Harley Miller Bob Seidensticker Timothy and Herbert Pleiman Guillaume Stordeur William and Sandra Young Ronald Leavitt James O. Miller Elaine and Margery Wall Bob Podrat Michael Seldner Charlene and John G. Young Kay Ledyard Andrew Milman Gregory Storey Ronald Wallace Gregory S. Pokrywka Kent Sellers James W Zerwick David Legel Susan Mitchell Lise and Myles Striar Robin Wallace Charles and Paul Sellnow Matthew and Richard Lehti Karen Moffat Smriti Popenoe Michael Sullivan Ronald Wallace Patrick Serrato Jo Ann Zlatunich Edwin D. Leonard Robert Moler Thomas Potter John Summerville Mark Walters Bond R. Shands Joshua R. Zucker and Robert and Shaun and Lawrence Powers Douglas Sundberg Dorothy D. Ward Carolyn J. Fairman Mary Leonhard John Mollica Elizabeth Shanklin Bryan Puskar Julia Surtshin and Jonathan Warne Humanists of Jeremy Levine Grace Shaver Sonya Montana John Racy Richard Sessions Barbara H. Warner Sarasota Bay David and Patrice Richard W. Moody Frederick C. Shaw Earl W. Sutherland Lake Shore Lewerenz Janet Rajadhyaksha Edward S. Warren Judy Moon Brian Sheppard Dorothy Suton Unitarian Society David Liewehr Lawrence Rapisarda Laura Watkins Jim Moore Bonnie and Peter Robert A. Svendsen Central Florida Paul A. Lightsey David Read Sherwood Emily Watkins Jack R. Moore Donald A. Swanson and Robert Kern Freethought Lisa Lindberg Peggy Reid Gary Shirley Community James and John B. Swedlund Thomas Watterson John Link Laurie and Stuart Shlafer Ethical Humanist Diane Moore Edward Repko Karen Swindells Michael K. Webb Forbes Little James Shock Society of Chicago David G. Morgan Robert Reynolds Rhea L. Talley Herman Weinstein Fred Livingston Martin Shoemaker Anonymous (40) Tyler Mosher Gina Richard Eric Cox Jerome and William and Bruce E. Lohman Terrence Shuster George Motto Mark Richardson Selma Targovnik Sharon Weisman Roger A. Long Angie Sieffert Robert L. Mueller Dennis Ricks Jeb Taylor Matthew Welch Dennis Lovaas Robert Siegel John K. Mulvey Robert Riess Thomas and James Wells Jack E. Love William Sierichs Rochelle Tear John P. Murphy Mike Ritter Jerry Wesner Jim Lovekin Jesus O. Sierra CR Teeple Michelle Myers Scott Roberts Mary and Greg West Lawrence Lubetsky Craig Sigeti David Terret Larry and Anna Nancy Robinson Doug Westwood Stan Lukezic Nathanson Anne Simpson Mitchell Thompson

18 financial summary

Public Awareness Contributions about Humanism $1,088,103 (46%) $562,144 (25.23%) Appignani Humanist Legal Center $364,276 (16.35%) TOTAL TOTAL Grants & EXPENSES: Administrative INCOME: Contracts $180,350 (8.10%) $394,429 $2,227,866 Bequest $2,388,560 (16%) $116,769 (5%) Fundraising $230,610 Membership (10.35%) dues revenue PPP grant Member Humanist $371,164 (15%) News Magazine revenue $240,500 $112,645 $180,209 (10%) (5.06%) (8.09%) Publication Sales $9,316 (<1%) Education Center $123,843 (5.56%) Capital Campaign Management Fees Contributions $300 (<1%) CFE General Support $93,907 (4.22%) $67,400 (3%) Other Income $6,319 (<1%) Conference $78,243 (3.51%) Conferences & Interest & Seminars Revenue Social Justice $72,564 (3.26%) Dividends $16,937 (<1%) $38,652 (2%) Member Services Humanist Magazine & Education Revenues $72,019 (3.23%) 2020 Balance Sheet $38,671 (2%) Humanist Society Services Assets Liabilities & Equity $68,055 (3.05%) Current $1,032,374 Liabilities $165,451 Other Fixed $36,276 Equity $903,199 $89,003.11 (3.99%) Total $1,068,650 Total $1,068,650


Donate The American Humanist Association relies on the support of our members. Donations to the AHA are put directly to work protecting the separation of church and state, promoting humanist issues directly to our nation’s leading policy makers, working towards social justice, supporting local humanist communities, and increasing humanism’s visibility to the public.

Monthly Giver AHA CHAPTERS Chapter Become a Vonnegut Sustainer, a special group of members Affiliate who give generously every month to the American Humanist Association and help to sustain our programs. Join or Start a Local Chapter Follow the AHA on Social Media The AHA has 240 chapters and affiliates across the United States. The American Humanist Association is on Facebook, , and If there is not yet an AHA chapter or affiliate group near you, start Instagram. Follow us to get news and updates from the AHA. one! The AHA can help find local members in your area and provide helpful resources to start a local chapter. A Black Lives Matter flag hangs from the AHA headquarters in Washington, DC Planned Giving Leave a legacy for humanism and the generations ahead with your planned gift. A variety of options are available, including bequests and charitable annuities, and estate planning assistance is free if you become a member of the Honor Roll of the Humanist Foundation and name the American Humanist Association or The Humanist Foundation in your will.

Other Ways to Donate There are many additional ways to donate to the American Humanist Association: employer matching gifts, giving through the Combined Federal Campaign (#19492), gifts of stock, gift memberships, gift subscriptions to the Humanist magazine, or AmazonSmile.

The American Humanist Association, a 501(c) 3 charitable educational nonprofit, is proud to hold the highest standards in charitable accountability for nonprofit organizations in the United States.

20 american humanist association board of directors (as of January 1, 2021)

Sunil Panikkath Christine Shellska John Hooper President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Robert Boston Abby Hafer Jennifer Kalmanson Howard Katz

Monica R. Miller Juhem Navarro-Rivera Ellen Sutliff Jason Wiles

Roy Speckhardt Executive Director 20 21 1821 Jefferson Place NW, Washington, DC 20036 800.837.3792 | 202.238.9088 americanhumanist americnhumanist americanhumanist