
Leveraging to Maximize Your Leadership Potential

Women and Leadership Forum Striving and Thriving in the Workplace December 7, 2016

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Learning Objectives EQ Skills Foster…

 Define Emotional ● Higher self-regard Intelligence (EQ) and its ● Effective stress importance in Leadership management  Start to build skills in three ● Resilience key EQ areas ● Better relationships  Outline next steps to ● Optimism and building your Leadership EQ happiness

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A Leader You Admire? DEFINING EQ… . Bring to mind a leader you admire . Think of 5 words or phrases that best describe why you admire this person . Capture one word/phrase per post-it …and its importance in Leadership 2 Minutes

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1 12/8/2016

History of Emotional Goleman’s Definition Intelligence 1983 1989 1995 “The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of Reuven Bar-On John Mayer Daniel Goleman others, for motivating Howard Gardner Peter Salovey ourselves, for managing David Caruso emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.” (Goleman, 1995)

Source: High Preforming Systems

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Plutchik’s Wheel “Emotional intelligence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, an incisive, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but [s]he still won’t make a great

Source: Robert Plutchik, Ph.D. Leader.”

Handout Page 1 Source: Goleman, What Makes a Leader, HBR, January, 2004

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A Comprehensive Definition: The Three R’s of EQ

Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional 1. Recognize your own and that collectively establish how well we: impulses or moods . Perceive and express ourselves 2. Read situations and . Develop and maintain social relationships others accurately . Cope with challenges . Use emotional information in an effective 3. Respond most and meaningful way appropriately

Source: Multi-Health Systems

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2 12/8/2016

EQ at the Airport The The “Anyone can become angry…that is easy. …but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way …that is not easy.”

Source: Stein and Book, The EQ Edge

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EQ Is Not: With the Person Next to You:

Cognitive Intelligence (IQ)

Personality Type Other: Achievement EQ IQ (Technical Accomplishment Aptitude Personality Style) Vocational Interest

Which has the most post-its?

2 Minutes

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An Emotionally Intelligent Mounting Evidence Leader… Suggests: ● Effective communication . EQ is more important for effective leadership ● Easy to work for than technical skills and cognitive abilities ● Good sense of humor . High performing leaders all have a high degree of Emotional Intelligence ● Optimistic . EQ accounts for between 27 and 45% of ● Develops connections success ● Shows interest in others . Leaders with higher EQ earn more money ● Makes people feel heard . Strong links between empathetic leaders and organizational financial performance ● Evokes loyalty and trust

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3 12/8/2016

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Leadership Leadership Self-Awareness “A high performing leader in the fullest sense, is able to not only create results, but also to lead the individuals creating the result, amounting to an optimally successful organization”

Mandala courtesy of : https://www.facebook.com/dorota.mandala Source: Korn/Ferry Institute, A Better Return on Self-Awareness, by Zes and Landis

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Alarming Data… The Self-Aware Leader… . 80% of employees quit their jobs …builds trust at the because of managers interpersonal level . 90% report lack of appreciation which then takes and respect as the main reasons root at the team . 80% of ethics complaints are about level, and radiates harassment or abuse of others throughout the . 90% of measured differences culture between high and medium performers is due to people skills

Source: Pearman, White Paper: Why Should You Care About Emotional Adapted from: CLO media, March, 2016, Leaders Build Your Success on Trust Intelligence and Emotional Competencies?

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Self-Awareness and Leadership Self awareness is not a “nice to have”; it’s a key leadership skill to help unlock personal and organizational success

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4 12/8/2016

the emotional hijack

“So basically, you are looking for books on changing everyone except yourself.”

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The Executive BUILDING EQ SKILLS Feedback Trap . Failure to solicit formal feedback . Ignoring feedback you don’t like . Denying feedback that is difficult …for more effective Leadership

Source: Shirkani, Ego vs. EQ

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Leadership, EQ and MBTI Type ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ Assertiveness Emotional Self Awareness Self-Actualization Self-Regard The EQ-I 2.0 Model Impulse Control Impulse Control Emotional Self Awareness Independence Reality Testing Reality Testing Stress Tolerance Problem Solving Flexibility Optimism ISTP ISFP INFP INTP Stress Tolerance Emotional Self Awareness Emotional Self Awareness Independence Reality Testing Social Responsibility Independence Problem Solving Flexibility Stress Tolerance Optimism Reality Testing ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP Self-Regard Emotional Expression Emotional Self Awareness Self Actualization Assertiveness Interpersonal Relationships Independence Assertiveness Independence Flexibility Social Responsibility Independence Interpersonal Relationships Happiness Flexibility Flexibility Optimism ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ Assertiveness Self Regard Self Regard Assertiveness Stress Tolerance Empathy Assertiveness Independence Impulse Control Social Responsibility Empathy Stress Tolerance Problem Solving Impulse Control Interpersonal Relationships Optimism Reality Testing Stress Tolerance Correlational Data between EQ-i2.0 sub-scales and the MBTI Personality Types ©2013, Roger Pearman, Leadership Systems, Used with Permission, All Rights Reserved.

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5 12/8/2016

Non-Profit vs. For Profit Leadership, EQ and Gender Leadership and EQ ● Non-profit leaders had higher overall EQ-i Emotional intelligence scores assessments have ● Highest statistically significant differences found women and men were on Stress Management and to be equally Adaptability emotionally intelligent ● Do people self-select into careers that leverage their EQ Skills or is it a matter of with a few minor recruitment? differences

Source: Morehouse, An Exploration of Emotional Intelligence Across Career Arenas; Sources: The EQ Edge and MHS Systems: EQ-I 2.0 Technical Manual Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Vol.28, No. 4, 2007

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EQ Skills Can Be The EQ-I 2.0 Model Developed

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The Self-Perception The EQ-I 2.0 Model Composite “He who knows the universe and does not know himself knows nothing” Jean De La Fontaine

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6 12/8/2016

Emotional Self-Awareness

“…the ability to Being able to recognize your feelings, differentiate between accurately name them, know why you are your emotions feeling these feelings, increases your and recognize the impact your feelings Emotional Self- have on others around Awareness you.”

Source: Stein and Book, The EQ Edge Mandala from: https://www.facebook.com/dorota.mandala

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Balancing Emotional Self- Emotional Self- Awareness Awareness: HIGH 1. Assess your skill . In touch with own feelings LOW . Differentiates between emotions level . Difficulty recognizing emotions . Reads people well . Businesslike . Self-aware 2. Implement skill . Avoids emotional ownership . Externalizes building


Sources: The EQ Edge and MHS Systems 1 Minute Handout Page 2

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The Self-Expression Composite The EQ-I 2.0 Model “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur

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7 12/8/2016

Emotional Expression Balancing Emotional Expression

HIGH “…involves openly . Express self easily LOW . An open book expressing one’s feelings . A closed book both verbally and non- . Prefer to keep emotions to self . An enigma verbally.”

Source: Stein and Book, The EQ Edge Sources: The EQ Edge and MHS Systems Mandala from: https://www.facebook.com/dorota.mandala

 2014  2014 2010-2016 The People Skills Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2010-2016 The People Skills Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Emotional Use Your Emotional Expression: Awareness Lens… 1. Assess your skill 1. Name a situation level you would like to 2. Implement skill re-do building 2. Name the strategies emotions involved 3. Re-frame your response 1 Minute Handout Page 3 Handout Page 4

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The Interpersonal The EQ-I 2.0 Model Composite “The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood.” Ralph Nichols

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8 12/8/2016

Active Empathy Balancing Empathy

HIGH “Understanding . Sensitive to others’ feelings . Steps into others’ shoes LOW . Anticipates reactions how and why . Can’t understand others’ feelings . Tuned into social cues . Logical and factual others feel the . Surprised by others’ reactions

. Misreads social cues way they do

and conveying it effectively.”

Source: Pearman, People Skills Handbook Sources: The EQ Edge and MHS Systems

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Active Empathy: The Case of Carla 1. Assess your skill level 2. Implement skill building strategies

Source: Pearman, White Paper: Why Should You Care About Emotional 1 Minute Handout Page 5 Intelligence and Emotional Competencies?

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NEXT STEPS TO Your To Do List! BUILDING YOUR  LEADERSHIP EQ  Become a meta-observer of yourself  Solicit and don’t ignore feedback  Read and learn about EQ in general  Engage in formal development planning  Take the EQ-i2.0 for individual feedback

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9 12/8/2016

The EQ-I 2.0 Model The Three R’s of EQ

1. Recognize your own impulses or moods 2. Read situations and others accurately 3. Respond most appropriately

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General Resources Development Resources . Books by Daniel Goleman and Guides http://www.danielgoleman.info/ . Stein and Book, The EQ Edge purchase/ . Emotional Intelligence . Travis Bradberry, Emotional Resources by Roger Pearman Intelligence 2.0 at: http://www.leadership- . Judith Glaser, Conversational systems.com/product- Intelligence category/eq-emotional- . Google articles on EQ at intelligence-resources/ www.HBR.com . Shirkani, Ego vs. EQ

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Learning Objectives “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and  Define Emotional power to choose our response. In our Intelligence (EQ) and its response lies our growth and freedom.” Victor Frankl importance in Leadership  Start to build skills in three key EQ areas  Outline next steps to building your Leadership EQ

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10 12/8/2016


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