CenterCenter forfor TeachingTeaching andand LearningLearning

PresentsPresents thethe FallFall ScienceScience WorkshopWorkshop SeriesSeries WednesdayWednesday NovemberNovember 15,15, 20062006 1:001:00 p.m.p.m. MetabolismMetabolism ofof thethe HolidaysHolidays

PresentedPresented byby thethe CenterCenter forfor TeachingTeaching andand LearningLearning andand MarcMarc McCloskeyMcCloskey ReviewReview „ ProkaryoticProkaryotic

„ Bacteria

„ Archaea

„ EukaryoticEukaryotic

„ Unicellular

„ Protists

„ Multi-cellular

„ Fungi

„ Plants

„ Animals ReviewReview--RequirementsRequirements forfor LifeLife

„ carboncarbon--andand--waterwater--basedbased

„ areare cellularcellular withwith complexcomplex organizationorganization

„ undergoundergo metabolismmetabolism

„ possesspossess aa capacitycapacity toto growgrow

„ respondrespond toto stimulistimuli

„ ReproduceReproduce

„ throughthrough naturalnatural selection,selection, adaptadapt inin succeedingsucceeding generationsgenerations ProkaryoticProkaryotic CellCell

Source: “prokaryotes” EukaryoticEukaryotic CellsCells----AnimalAnimal EukaryoticEukaryotic CellCell----PlantPlant

Source: “plant cells” ReviewReview----OrganellesOrganelles

„ MitochondriaMitochondria-- and ATP production „ NucleusNucleus--contains genetic material „ RibosomeRibosome--assembles „ Chloroplast*Chloroplast*--conduct „ VacuoleVacuole--storage, secretory, excretory „ EndoplasmicEndoplasmic ReticulumReticulum-- translation, folding, and transport „ GolgiGolgi ApparatusApparatus--delivery system for the „ Lysosomes^Lysosomes^--, apoptosis, “healing” „ Glyoxysome*Glyoxysome*--breakdown of fatty acids to sugars TheThe MitochondriaMitochondria „ SingularSingular---- mitochondrionmitochondrion

„ ContainContain theirtheir ownown DNADNA

„ Origin:Origin: EndosymbioticEndosymbiotic HypothesisHypothesis——thoughtthought toto havehave descendeddescended fromfrom bacteriabacteria whichwhich waswas thenthen incorporatedincorporated intointo anotheranother speciesspecies ofof bacteriabacteria byby beingbeing engulfedengulfed andand becomingbecoming partpart ofof thethe cytoplasmcytoplasm (chloroplasts)(chloroplasts)

„ ItIt isis thethe organelleorganelle inin eukaryoticeukaryotic cellscells thatthat servesserves asas thethe sitesite ofof cellularcellular respirationrespiration (aerobic)(aerobic)

„ CellularCellular respirationrespiration isis thethe cataboliccatabolic pathwaypathway forfor thethe productionproduction ofof ATP,ATP, inin whichwhich oxygenoxygen isis consumedconsumed asas aa reactantreactant alongalong withwith thethe organicorganic fuel.fuel. TheThe MitochondrionMitochondrion

„ Source: “mitochondria” TheThe MitochondriaMitochondria----Cont.Cont.

„ MadeMade ofof anan innerinner andand outerouter membranemembrane

„ PhospholipidPhospholipid bilayerbilayer andand proteinsproteins

„ Cristae:Cristae: internalinternal compartments/foldcompartments/fold

„ Provides more surface area

„ Contains proteins, ATP synthase, and cytochromes

„ Matrix:Matrix: thethe internalinternal spacespace insideinside thethe innerinner layerlayer

„ Contains 100’s of , ribosomes, tRNA, and mitochondrial DNA WhatWhat isis MetabolismMetabolism „ Greek for “change” or “overthrow” „ First studied by Santorio Santorio in 1614 „ Dr. Johan Musk in 1984 (revised 1992) „ Metabolism is the totality of an organism’s chemical reactions, consisting of catabolic and anabolic pathways „ Basal Metabolic Rate: Energy used at rest „ Usually faster in smaller animals than in larger animals (mouse vs. elephant) „ Influenced by many factors such as age, size, genetic disposition, gender, general health, activity levels, medications ReactionsReactions ofof MetabolismMetabolism

„ MetabolicMetabolic Pathways:Pathways: thethe seriesseries ofof chemicalchemical reactionsreactions

„ :Anabolism: thethe metabolicmetabolic pathwaypathway thatthat buildsbuilds largerlarger moleculesmolecules fromfrom smallersmaller onesones

„ Example: amino acids into enzymes or nucleic acids

„ :Catabolism: thethe metabolicmetabolic pathwaypathway thatthat breaksbreaks downdown largerlarger moleculesmolecules intointo smallersmaller onesones

„ Example: Fats, , Protein AnabolismAnabolism „ TheThe synthesissynthesis ofof complexcomplex moleculesmolecules fromfrom simplesimple moleculesmolecules „ BoneBone andand MuscleMuscle „ AnabolicAnabolic SteroidsSteroids „ NaturalNatural andand SyntheticSynthetic „ PromotesPromotes cellcell growthgrowth „ ManyMany SideSide effectseffects associatedassociated withwith „ HormoneHormone RegulatedRegulated „ OppositeOpposite ofof CatabolismCatabolism CatabolismCatabolism

„ CarbohydrateCarbohydrate Catabolism:Catabolism: thethe breakdownbreakdown ofof ,monosaccharides, ,disaccharides, andand polysaccharidespolysaccharides


„ Glycogensis


„ Gluconeogensis CatabolismCatabolism——cont.cont.

„ LipidLipid (fat)(fat) Catabolism:Catabolism:

„ ingested as triglycerides and broken down into free fatty acids and monogylcerides where they are then stored or used up as energy.

„ 1 gram of fat has more then 2x the energy yield of protein and carbohydrates

„ Fatty acids have 6x the energy storage as

„ So: 1 lb of fat = 6.75 lbs of glycogen

„ ProteinProtein Catabolism:Catabolism:

„ The break down of proteins into amino acids

„ Recycled or used to make new amino acids SoSo……..How..How DoDo WeWe ObtainObtain EnergyEnergy „ TheThe LiverLiver „ Responsible for various functions in the body „ Food is digested in the mouth, stomach, and intestines where it is then absorbed through the gut wall where it then ends up in the via blood where it then becomes metabolized so it can be used or stored „ FoodFood andand DrinkDrink „ Measured in Calories „ Measurement of energy „ Calorie (kg) vs. calorie (g) „ 3200 Calories required to burn 1lb of fat „ Daily Suggested Servings „ The food pyramid „ Basal Metabolic Rate SimpleSimple MetabolicMetabolic PathwayPathway

Source: Biology. Campbell and Reece. Metabolism CatabolicCatabolic PathwaysPathways

„ Source: “cell metabolism” SomeSome ComplexComplex PathwaysPathways


Source: “metabolic pathways” SomeSome MoreMore ComplexComplex PathwaysPathways


Source: “metabolic pathways” EvenEven MoreMore ComplexComplex PathwaysPathways

„ AminoAmino AcidsAcids

Source: “metabolic pathways” TheThe LiverLiver

Source: Wikipedia “liver” Source: TheThe FoodFood PyramidPyramid BMRBMR ActivityActivity requiredrequired toto burnburn 100100 CaloriesCalories to burn Time Bicycling 10 minutes Running 6 minutes Walking up Stairs 4 minutes Standing 50 minutes Basketball 10 minutes

Source: http://www.weight-loss-lose- Source: /Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=1253 calculator.htm TurkeyTurkey Apple Pie

Serving size 1 4.1oz slice Pumpkin Pie Ham

Severing size 3oz. Green Bean Casserole Cranberry Sauce

Serving size 1 2oz. slice

Candied Yams Fruit Cake

Serving size 5oz.

Serving size 1.5oz StuffingStuffing Gravy

Mashed potatoes w/ whole milk and butter

Dinner rolls

Source: DonDon’’tt ForgetForget thethe DrinksDrinks

„ Soda– 150 Calories on average per can

„ Kool-Aid– 770 Calories per 2qt. or ~96 Calories per 8 oz. serving

„ Milk-- 1-8oz. Serving Calories Fat (g) Whole 149 7.7 2% Reduced fat 121 4.4 1% Lowfat 104 2.2 Nonfat 90 0.5 Chocolate, Whole 208 8 Chocolate, 2% Reduced fat 178 4.7 Chocolate, 1% Lowfat 157 2.3

„ Fruit Juices– ~120 Calories per 8oz. Serving Low sugar/diet juices ~ 50 Cal per 8oz. Serving DrinksDrinks ContinuedContinued

„ Coffee– 9 Cal in a cup + 22 Cal per container (11g) of light cream + 23 Cal per packet (6g) of sugar

„ Beer— Brand 12oz. Can Calories Carbs (g)

Budweiser 154 10.6

Bud Light 110 6.6

Bud Select 99 3


„ Egg Nog– 340 Cal. per 8oz.w/out alcohol 480 Cal. w/ 1 shot of liquor (1shot=140Cal) SomeSome HolidayHoliday TidbitsTidbits ofof InfoInfo „ TheThe averageaverage personperson eatseats aroundaround 45004500 caloriescalories andand 230230 gramsgrams ofof fatfat onon ThanksgivingThanksgiving alone.alone. „ WeightWeight gaingain isis aboutabout 11 lblb fromfrom ThanksgivingThanksgiving toto thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe NewNew Year,Year, notnot thethe 55--10lbs10lbs originallyoriginally thoughthough toto bebe gainedgained „ However,However, thatthat 11 lblb cancan staystay withwith youyou throughthrough adulthoodadulthood „ TheThe reasonreason youyou areare tiredtired afterafter eatingeating isis nownow thoughtthought toto bebe fromfrom youryour bodybody workingworking overtimeovertime toto digestdigest allall thethe foodfood youyou justjust ateate notnot fromfrom TryptophanTryptophan alone.alone.