Conference Venue

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Conference Venue Confirmed Conference Sponsors (as of January 2014) ⸡䢝⯉䚳嶍⋘╵ ㉙㮑刢⺣㜷 'LDPRQG _ 擪䠢他≚ *ROG _ 滳戀他≚ 6LOYHU _ 䚬攥他≚ 6LOYHU _ 䚬攥他≚ New World Development Company Limited What’s Inside | 䜝⾄ &RQIHUHQFH6\QRSVLV _ Ὁ寝㦱妰 &RQIHUHQFH7KHPHV &DOOIRU3DSHUV _ Ὁ寝Ṫ棇Ⓕ⾰曵審㖶 Cover Graphics: The buildings in the Innovative 50 skyline on the cover of the brochure include .H\'DWHV _ 懼妰Ὁ寝㘔㝎 tall buildings currently under construction or completed in the past few years that have challenged 3XEOLVKHG3URFHHGLQJV 7UDQVODWLRQ _ ∩䉷Ὁ寝審㖶曵⏹倪尀䉷㝛 the traditional typology of tall buildings in some way, through innovation in form, design, façade, :KR :K\$WWHQG _ ⏱⋏ứ⒇Ⓕ⏱⋏⏎✏ environmental approach, technologies, etc. The background cities in the graphics include all urban 9HQXH $FFRPPRGDWLRQ _ ❩㉯Ⓕ὾⯮ agglomerations projected to reach populations of over 4 million by 2025. For more information on the buildings contained in the “Innovative 50” skyline please see page 14–15. 7HFKQLFDO:RUNVKRSV _ ㊯㝞䡃寗Ὁ 7HFKQLFDO 5HJLRQDO&LW\7RXUV _ ㊯㝞⏱姱Ⓕ❟⍩⟽⸱姱ⅸ ㉺↻ⰰ枑✭⃾烔㉺↻ⰰ枑Ṝ䚳⻖≊㗟ざ欇ⱱ⼩䮀⥘晴仮⌴㌛ẵ❗忶⏪䚳∏⺣Ṝ䬒⸔䚳㉅䜝 6RFLDO1HWZRUNLQJ(YHQWV _ 䥭ồ㵪⋗ ≼㮒❗⼩寭Ṝ䚳惒Ị恉忶≊㗟ざ䚳⾑〰ͫ寭寐ͫ⥅⣈ͫ䏞⢲Ⓕ㊯㝞㗨枑䚳怊㮔㍀㉇ẵ὏伎 ([KLELWLRQ 6SRQVRUVKLS _ Ⲅ姷Ⓕ嶍⋘ 欇ⱱ⼩䮀䲪➺䚳欇ⱱ⼩䮀ͬ✭⃾僻㚞Ṝ䚳㖶⮆⌴⑚ẵ梳㝎❗⺣㌔㜸Ḷứ␒䚳⟽⸱ͬ &DOOIRU&RPPLWWHHV _ ␛曵⨃⒇Ὁ㈿⒇ 㭡ẵ娒怈⻖≊㗟ざ欇ⱱ⼩䮀䚳㜣⥉‐ゞ烆尦⏱昴䭛梤ͬ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ +RWHO5DWHV _ 㴗↻嵨䕗Ⓕ憁⻆ἦ㡫 3UHYLRXV&7%8+&RQIHUHQFHV _ ἔ⾯&7%8+Ὁ寝 Conference Synopsis | Ὁ寝㦱妰 The survival of humanity on this planet relies on a radical repositioning ❟䐲ḹứ䲪䚳䕎⮇ῌ嶅ẽ㉀ἛⰨ⟽⸱䚳枘⒬ざ懼⢀ͬ枑Ⱘ䝯≼㉯㝙 of our cities. In the face of unprecedented global population growth, 㜸䚳ứ␒⣍斮ͫ⟽⸱⍅ͫḼ㗜ゥ⍅䚳㲐㠂Ⓕ㱃⁈␇⍅烆Ỵ⼩恏惒Ị urbanization, pollution increase and climate change, it is no longer ⱬ␞儬晼ώⰨ䏞⢲⾠⓼䚳⼩䮀㙞怋怋Ḽ⥎䚳ͬ⾂䅥烆⇾ⱀ㯾⻖⎄ᾂ enough to simply create buildings that minimize their environmental ⼩䮀Ṝ䚳忿呔儬偆Ⓕ则⑚儬偆㙞枍⹧懼妰䚳ȍȍή⎢ᾮ怈㡦ẎḼ巢 footprint. The reduction of operating and embodied energy consumption ἔ佂娒惒ỊỎ⾴娒⇢䚳懼⥖昝棇ͬ㉀Ἓ术妰倲嚀㯾ḯ⻖⼩䮀㙞⦱ᾄ in every single building is, of course, vitally important – but even this ❗Ⓕ尿䚳⟽⸱㖣ᾂṜḽ↥⮲⼩䮀䜧ềᾋ䕗䚳ȍȍ㜯⥖⍅≘䕗⟽⸱Ⓕ is likely not enough to mitigate the huge issues at stake. We need to ⼩䮀䚳⠩䡯寭㗬ͫ↠Ớ嵳㺿ͫ䕎Ỗ⺥⃗⮇儬㺿ἔ⏹㏑䵑↗㗟䚳㗨⼾ start considering how every building can start working with others in a 㞔㏿⍶⼩䮀❗䊘嵗ͫ䏞⢲ͫ㖶⍅ḽ䥭Ὁ㗨枑ṩ⟽⸱₉∩䚳嵐䍝ͬ harmonious urban whole – by maximizing urban/building infrastructure, sharing resources, generating and storing energy, and looking for ✏㮓烆㉀Ἓ术妰ỽḸ伣䫺ᾂ䚳威⻕㞔が倲Ⓕ姳≁⟽⸱ḽ⼩䮀ȍȍ⮲ completely new ways to improve the building’s contribution to the city; ἛḼ儬Ỵᾋṩ㊮徬⎄ḯ⋎儬䚳⫁Ỻ烆㉅㈿ṩ㼐巢ẻ伣⺢枑⍩⠎≁∵ physically, environmentally, culturally, and socially. ḽ晿欇妰㱱䚳Ỗ⓰ͬ㒘⥘⥖㦫䚳㯾ḯⱱ他䚳㱣⺢䕻枑愬⻃⾂✍⻃⟽ ⸱Ⓕ⥅愗䏞⢲䚳䊨⾰烆倻怈Ị䊨⾰暾欇⻕䚳Ḽ␻倻␇⍅ͬ棽ͫ晢 Cities thus need to be thought of, and buildings planned for, in all three ⅸͫ朗㱣ͫ㹘⻕ἔ⏹⟽⸱䚳傻䐵㘏審㙞❗⼩䮀䚳⻕⺢枑⍩⠎怇 dimensions – they cannot just be vehicles for isolated programs and 㙞䲢䚳欇⻕匲✣愬㙞Ḽ␻䚳烆㉀Ἓ䚳⼩䮀术妰Ⱘ怈Ị✏䵏怊塻 H[SUHVVHGDVSURGXFWVRIWZRGLPHQVLRQDO]RQLQJSODQVDQGKHLJKWOLPLWV 寵≚⺥ᾋ∩✍⻃ͬ Each stratified horizon of a tower has an opportunity to draw from the characteristics of the city and external environment, both of which vary 怈ⰵ㙞❗&7%8+⺣ḹ㶦Ὁ寝ḹ妰寗審䚳槅妰寝棇ͬ寗審ⰵ㏗⋗ widely with height. Wind, sun, rain, temperature, and urban grain are not ㉀ἛⰨ嶴嶹⼩䮀㝛廚䚳が倲烆⏪倲嚀⟽⸱䚳㖣ᾂざͬ⾂≼ṅ䕻ḹḯ the same through 360 degrees of plan or 360 meters of height, and our Ị⟽⸱⮻㈿ẵ〽㡦䚳㜯ᾢ⯍帤烆怇㜸┙Ị㙞␞ἔ⯍䏟䚳烙㉯ἔ寘㉀ buildings need to both recognize, and draw opportunity, from that. Ἓ䜧傉❗ḹ㶦烆ḽ↗䐲梵ⅷ䚳ṉṪͫ⼯␀╵ͫ㊮⼩╵ͫ⼩䮀⸷ͫ⸔ 䨺⸷ͫ姳≁⸷ͫ⇢䮅倴Ⓕ↥ἅ䜧↢ứ⤚ḯ␻懼㗟が倲㉀Ἓ䚳⟽⸱烕 This will be the primary subject of debate at the CTBUH 2014 Shanghai 寘⟽⸱␇⿆Ḽ↼Ỵ㙞Ḽ␻㠶〆ざ⼩䮀䚳曵␷烆倻㙞忷⑀䜧ề↢傃 Conference. The discussion will drive thinking beyond just buildings, to 䚳ͫ㜯⥖⍅䚳ͫ␞㌰伜䚳➱䜣⟽⸱ṪṸ䚳ㅮ㚞ͬ considering cities as a whole. What best practices are some cities in the world already doing, and what else can be done? Thus join the world’s leading owners, developers, contractors, architects, planners, engineers, policy makers and others in Shanghai, to work together to rethink our cities; to develop them beyond a collection of disparate icons, towards a vision of a connected, maximized, Sustainable Vertical Urbanism… 3 Conference Themes & Call for Abstracts/Papers The 2014 conference will convene speaking and poster presentations, panel discussions, and a major exhibition focused RQWKHRYHUDOOFRQIHUHQFHWKHPHFuture Cities: Towards Sustainable Vertical Urbanism. In addition, there will be a number of “City 5RRPVȔHDFKKLJKOLJKWLQJEHVWSUDFWLFHXUEDQDQGEXLOGLQJFDVH VWXGLHVIURPVSHFL炃FFLWLHVLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ CTBUH members1 of all disciplines interested in presenting DWWKHHYHQWDUHQRZHQFRXUDJHGWRFRPSOHWHWKHRQHSDJH abstract template by the January 17, 2014 deadline, showing how their proposed presentation and technical paper will address the conference theme. The abstract should be VXEPLWWHGWRWKH&RQIHUHQFH,QWHUQDWLRQDO6FLHQWL炃F&RPPLWWHH XVLQJWKHVWDQGDUGWHPSODWHORFDWHGDWWKH&RQIHUHQFHZHEVLWH All abstracts/papers will be subject to rigorous peer review before acceptance into the conference program. Timing for submission of papers and production of the conference proceeding is extremely tight – please note the Key Dates for abstract and paper processing on the opposite page. Shen Jun, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, opens the 2012 Shanghai Conference 1 All presenters at the 2014 conference must be CTBUH members at either the 㲷檾ḹ㶦⸱⊞⸱斮⯒⸲⺣ḹ㶦⥖Ὁ⼯⺄ organizational or individual level. See if your company is already an organizational PHPEHURIWKH& 4 Key Dates | 懼妰Ὁ寝㘔㝎 Ὁ寝Ṫ棇Ⓕ⾰曵㒇妰審㖶 Papers Call for Papers & Official Launch September 2013 Abstract Submission Deadline January 17th, 2014 Abstract Acceptance Notification February 28th ⺣Ὁ寝ⰵὉ⮸㏁㽃寡㋔⑹ͫ㶦㋔Ⲅ䥩ͫⰾ仳寗審ἔ⏹傉 Full Paper Submission Deadline April 18th Paper Peer Review & Edits period April 18th – May 30th 䅕Ὁ寝Ṫ棇烔ȓ㝙㞔⟽⸱烔忷⑀␞㌰伜䚳➱䜣⟽⸱ṪṸȔ䚳⥖➺ Paper Translation & Checking Period June 1st – July 15th Ⲅ姷ͬ暓㮓Ṻ⥅䚳匔⺡ȓ⟽⸱㋔⑹⎴ȔⰵὉ傉䅕↗䐲䊨⯉⟽⸱ Final Production of Proceedings July 15th – August 15th Speaker PPT Submission Deadline July 18th ❗⟽⸱ḽ⼩䮀㗨枑䚳㜯ᾢ⯍帤䚳㡷Ὰ䡃䪥ͬ Registration ㉀Ἓ㭑忽㞔则㉯㜸梵⠎⺥㜸↣巒❗Ὁ寝ḹᾋ㋔⑹䚳&7%8+Ὁ Early Bird Registration Before March 28, 2014 Normal Registration March 29th – August 15 ⒇1 ❗⺣㜷㘔≼㏿ồḯἬḯ梤䯶⹴䚳㒇妰烆⺥尣㘽↥ Late Registration After August 16th 寐≁Ṝ䚳㋔⑹Ⓕ㊯㝞審㖶⦱ᾄḽ⥖ὉṪ棇䜧↢ͬ㒇妰术妰㏿ 2014 Shanghai Conference ồ刢審㖶␻塻⯐㠔⨃⒇Ὁ烆尦䚪晵Ὁ寝侀䬈 Day 1: Workshops & Networking Reception Tuesday, Sept 16th Day 2: Presentations & Conference Dinner Wednesday, Sept 17thḺ徬ᾮ䕗㠶⇵㩐㞮ͬ Day 3: Presentations & Networking Reception Thursday, Sept 18th Day 4: Technical & Regional/City Tours Friday, Sept 19th ㉯㜸䚳㒇妰審㖶❗㕥⾄❗Ὁ寝䜧↢∩䉷䊘≼愬妰仾忶⯑姱 Ṕ佋䚳␻塻⯐㠔ͬ㏿ồ審㖶Ⓕ∩䉷Ὁ寝審㖶曵䚳㘥昣枍⹧䵖 審㖶 ⾰曵審㖶ⒻὉ寝㮒⼾⑞⋗ ⺣㜷 ⽏ȍȍ㉯ἔ尦㴗ㄾḺḯ梤ḹ㜸↢㒇妰Ⓕ審㖶㏿ồ䚳懼妰㘔 㒇妰㏿ồ㉙㮑㘔㝎 ⺣㜷㘔 㝎ͬ 㒇妰⾄␅恉䠔 㜷㘔 ↗㖶㏿ồ㉙㮑㘔㝎 㜷㘔 ⯐㠔佅忀審㖶晥㯤 㜷㘔刢㜷㘔 審㖶倪尀⏹㡧㠔晥㯤 㜷㘔刢㜷㘔 Ὁ寝審㖶曵∩䉷晥㯤 㜷㘔刢㜷㘔 㽃寡倴337㏿ồ㉙㮑㘔㝎 㜷㘔 㴗↻ 㘘㝎㴗↻ ⺣㜷㘔≼ 㮒⹧㴗↻ 㜷㘔刢㜷㘔 㚉㝎㴗↻ 㜷㘔␽ ⺣ḹ㶦Ὁ寝 1㉯㜸⺣Ὁ寝㽃寡倴⿴梪㙞&7%8+ṙứὉ⒇㉅倴㉯❗⎄ὼṩ&7%8+ἰṉ 䭛⥘烔䡃寗ὉⒻ㌊⾴憁Ὁ 㜷㘔 㙎㝎ẻ Ὁ⒇ͬ尦≼⾯㠔䜺嵤↛␧㙞⑕⸡仾㈿ṩ&7%8+ 䭛⥘烔㋔⑹ⒻὉ寝㚉⯣ 㜷㘔 㙎㝎Ḹ ἰṉὉ⒇ͬ 䭛⥘烔㋔⑹Ⓕ㌊⾴憁Ὁ 㜷㘔 㙎㝎✊ 䭛⥘烔㊯㝞⏱姱Ⓕ⍩⠎⟽⸱姱ⅸ 㜷㘔 㙎㝎ể 5 Published Proceedings & Translation As the recognized international authority on tall buildings, CTBUH conferences differ significantly from the many commercial confer- ences that are now being held around the world, in terms of both quality of knowledge-sharing and networking opportunities. Dissemination of best-practice information is of primary impor- tance at every CTBUH conference. Thus, every presentation given at the 2014 Conference will be substantiated by a paper, which will be rigorously peer-reviewed and published in the proceeding: a series of high-quality, books around 1,000 pages in total length, which will be produced in two languages (English and Chinese). This proceeding, which delegates will receive in both hard-copy and digital format at the Conference itself, will form an impor- tant historical archive long after the event has ended. Language & Translation The official languages of the Conference will be both English and Chinese, with simultaneous translation of all presentations from English to Chinese and vice versa. The 2014 Shanghai Conference Proceeding publication will also be produced in both languages. Submitters are encouraged to consider now how they can submit their final papers in both English and Chinese, perhaps drawing on translation expertise within your organization. Each Every conference attendee will receive a copy of the conference proceedings. The 2012 presenter submitting their final paper in both languages will be 6KDQJKDL&RQIHUHQFH3URFHHGLQJ VKRZQDERYH ZDVSDJHV long, containing 114 papers in both English and Chinese languages. offered a CTBUH Technical Guide or other Publication of their 㯾ὼḽὉ倴ⰵ㕥≟ḯ㝛Ὁ寝審㖶曵ͬ⺣ḹ㶦⥖Ὁ審㖶曵烂⦱ choice, as recognition of this assistance. ḹ㉯䥩烃↠㜸梤烆↥Ṝ⌴㌛ẵ䯶Ṝ匠⏻尜䚳審㖶ͬ 6 ∩䉷Ὁ寝審㖶曵Ⓕ倪尀䉷㝛 &7%8+㙞✬晴ḹỚ㜸⤟媸䚳欇ⱱ⼩䮀㝲⨰㝩㞳烆❗↠Ớ‐ゞ 尜娯Ⓕ倪尀 Ⓕ䥭ồ㝩Ὁ䚳嵗懾㗨枑烆㉀Ἓ䚳Ὁ寝ḽ⾂≼❗ṅ䕻↥⮲❟⍩ Ὁ寝㝎昣⯇㗨尜娯ṩ匠㖶ⒻṜ㖶烆⺥ṃ㉯㜸㋔⑹愬ⰵ㜸匠倪 ṭ⋍䚳⾷⥉╵ṉὉ寝㜸䝯㝛嵗䚳Ḽ␻ͬ὏㓜㜯ᾢ⯍帤䚳‐ゞ Ṝ烂⏼Ṻổ䅥烃䚳␻⤟὏尀ͬ⺣ḹ㶦Ὁ寝審㖶曵Ẏⰵἔ匠 㙞&7%8+㉯㜸Ὁ寝䚳㜯懼妰䜝㠶ͬ❗Ὁ寝Ṝ䚳㯾ṙ㋔⑹愬ⰵ 㖶⏹Ṝ㖶ṓ䧼⾑⼾⑷䏟ͬ㉀Ἓ⸻㝊審㖶㏿ồứ倲嚀⦱ᾄἔṜ ❗Ṕ㡫䚳ṉ䕻Ṃ⯥⯐㠔␽ἔ審㖶䚳⾑⼾∩䉷❗ḯἬ梤⸕ 匠䚳⏻尜⾑⼾㜯价㏿ồἅἛ䚳審㖶烆Ẏ寧≘䕗ἰṉ㉅仳件↴ ␢ͫ欇⓰嵗ͫ䳭壴䉷䚳Ṝ匠㖶⏻尜Ὁ寝審㖶曵ḹͬ∩⹜Ὁ寝 愗䚳Ṃṉ倪尀ứ⒇Ὁ㙞ḯṙ⾷⦬䚳怸㌘ͬᾋṩⰨ怈ḯ⍾⋘䚳 䚳㯾ὼἒ増愬ⰵ❗Ὁ寝ḹ⿆≟怈㝛Ὁ寝審㖶曵⏹↥䕤⭿䉷 ✍㋔烆ἔṜͫ匠㖶ṓ䧼尜娯㏿ồ審㖶价䩮䚳㽃寡倴ⰵὉ另⿆ 㝛ͬ怈ⰵ㈿ṩ㵪⋗伂㞎␽ḯἬ懼妰䚳⎵␡ざ⏱倲嵳㗈ͬ ḯ㝛ͳ&7%8+㊯㝞㌶⎆ʹ㉅↥⮲∩䉷✭ẕͬ Plenary Session during the 2012 Shanghai Conference with 877 delegates in attendance. ⺣ḹ㶦Ὁ寝↗ᾂ⥖Ὁ↠㜸ὼἒ増∩⹜ͬ 7 Who Should Attend? Why Attend? Colleagues from all disciplines with a connection to tall buildings &7%8+HYHQWVR炂HUDZLGHYDULHW\RISRWHQWLDOEHQH炃WVDQG and urban habitat are encouraged to attend, including the opportunities to attendees, speakers, and sponsors. Ownership IROORZLQJSURIHVVLRQV of the 2014 Shanghai Conference Proceeding publications alone, which will contain a wealth of information on the latest advances t Building Owners & Managers in tall buildings and urban habitat in two languages and be given Developers & Contractors
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