The History of Pizza
LOILTl20o7 10:27 AM History of Pizza by Lucy Gordan rEPlC'U REAN-'f RAV Home EO.CUTCANTAStiNqROOM CONINECTION Eoicurean Traveler THE PIZZA Discussion text @ 2oo7 by Lucy Gordan BesggIslEs Contact !15 Naples,May t,2OO7 Site Mao !L__- r:-L^_ ;--^ri-larrr aama ra ThinkItaliancuisineandthreedishesimmediate|ycometo'"';-;. Media Kil ::;;;-*'-i^-.t^ anA nizza vct none of them :l 'h la .s{!Ee\r-h. BavAreawinewriters ffiffi:illH,,r'."fiffiur"*"',":*,",*:*ll, il Links bornmore than 3,000 years ago in ancientEgypt, !l .q[f LSf*Aa*{gl*-' etymologists believe the term "pizza" is derived from an gtr+Jiilr"T'-T,.T]#,J,.::f,:#l;tl.;",''ilh*"fii^"il':ffiil --rE*- ,rt) fz'e\ PizzaOvens & Preo pluck.',This word appearsfor the first time in a Neapolitan Tables dialect- "picea" or'"pizl" - as earlyas the year 997 AD" ffi=.srf:tl";,*" i5*:ili,fnl ;*iir*m"n[*;{ rft:'-" il $'ffi $ Now! r www.EquipmentsupplyCo.compizza, made with flour, yeast, Salt, and water, has obviOus I pita.and analogiesin Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern i Brickpizza ovens lu:,,:"-9',o1:-1.f::l::::1:^r'I"^I::::T.:!:::.?:::3"'.'iis.definitelythe singlefood most firmly associated sourcesfor qualitybrick but it pizzaovensatbestwithlta|yandinparticularwithNap|es'Thefirst prices.order now! pizzabrickoveninfo fl:::fr:ffill'i'ni,''l3lin?:"'ilJ::.",T:"#llffi'I"Tfl.,* pizzasovens. But it was pizzawithout mozzarellaand tomatoes. and Naplesafter the fall of commercial pizza oven when the Lombardsinvaded the boot and settled betweenRome Conveyorovens for hish- theRo-AaJr t.qry,=$grr brorshtbuffaloeswitqt*T ry-pt9::?1111t::t^T:-t-t1fl,':: i|orn foodoperations Neaporitansaitors broueht the first seeds I,Ft.lrq'ii'iojo.ur tesend, lJ- from Peru.
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