PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE SUMMER 2013 ^$6 Favorite Memories Fresh Traditions Always Home ^$6 Celebrating our Commencement Alumni 04 Weekend 10 PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE • SUMMER 2013 president’s message STAFF Editor Cambria Wheeler, ’08
[email protected] Layout and Design Haley Wesley The Difference Four Years Makes
[email protected] Art Director Cliff Rusch, ’80
[email protected] Four years ago, the Pacific Union College freshman competitive world for the next step in their calling, Photographers Brian Kyle, ’04; Allison class and I had something wonderful in common: whether that is graduate school or entering the Regan, ’15; Haley Wesley we were new to PUC. While my career in academia workforce in the field of their choice. This graduat- Contributors Lauren Armstrong, ’13; Herb was extensive and theirs was just beginning, we ing class, PUC’s largest in seven years, joins every Ford, ’54; Giovanni Hashimoto, ’15; Larry Pena, ’10; Karen Roth, ’85; Martin were both starting our PUC journeys with excite- graduating class as a visible tribute to the purpose Surridge, ’09; Midori Yoshimura, ‘12 ment and anticipation for the impact this place and vision of the pioneers who established this would make in our lives and the contributions we institution over one hundred and thirty years ago. PUC ADMINISTRATION could in turn make here. President Heather J. Knight, Ph.D. The students who began their PUC experience four Vice President for Academic Administration “Whether a graduate From the day in September that those freshmen ar- years ago are now part of the extensive alumni Nancy Lecourt, Ph.D. rived on campus, full of enthusiasm and potential, family we share, a community over 25,000 gradu- Vice President for Financial Administration Dave C.