Richard Gideon, Bronson Meyers, Marcial "Bulla" Ayala, Domonic Vespoli, Jonah Davis 9'JIwto.lU; ace 9'.wdJtait Studio 2000 Brown Bags To Stardom Finalist ";O~" eome fj'MU" New CD to be released late November 2000 Group's Future Hits· Sweet Sweet Love· Come With Me • Dreams Come True • Hard To Say • Be Your Man • Peace Speaker· You Make it Hard "CONTEMPORARY MUSIC WITH A NEW CREATIVE SOUND" f G '-J-J)-\)\j)-\ B~ckyar~ Boys , ... m.'" ,~ .,.'''''"., (("""',) Bookmg InformatIOn Contact: Pacific Hawaii Promotions • Ohia Lehua Recort1s 350 Ward Avenue Suite 106 • Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Phone: (808) 734-4858 • (808) 591-3505 • Fax 734-8418 C ON TEN T S •••••••• - f (1E\;;/S-> AJA LINGUISTS R ECRUITED INTO GREGG HAMMER M ILITARY I NTELLIGENCE S ERVICE ...... 10 Singer ' Stand· From University of Hawaii at Hilo, Kamehameha Schools F EA T U R E S Alumni Association Chorus and the Economic Development Alliance of Hawaii. JANUARY - IANUALI • FEBRUARY - PEPELU A LI H AWAI'I ON T OUR .. .. .. .. .. ..... ... 5 To all the participants and supporters who attended the WORLD WAR II · M IS AWARDED PR ES. CITATION ... .... 12 Hawaii Kama'ain a Co me Home Festiva l at Evergreen · UTAH - A LTERNATIVE TO '"CAMPS" .....•. .. 14 Valley Co llege in San Jose September 30 and October 1 . · DISCRIMINATION '"AGAIN)" ........... 22 THE H ONU - SURVIVABI LITY IN JEOPARDY ... 17 CHINESE AMERICANS · D ES TROYER N AMED AFTER ISLANDER ...... 36 Watch for future Kama'iiina Festiva ls · YEAR OF THE SNAKE .................. 37 be ing planned in cooperation with Building LI TERARY WINNERS ..... ...... .. .. .. 26 'Ohana Magazine, Hawaii's Hig h Tech bridges Development Corporation and other for the T RIO N o I<A '0 1 AS '"MRS.'fMlss" AMERICA major sponsors during the com ing year: AND '" BENNY" WITH Mns .. .... .... 27 BUYYOUR CD TODAY! Millennium H AWA I'I 2ND BEST FEEDER TO UNLV ...... 39 DEPAPTME N r s~ ______... Overwhelming hospitality and aloha A LOHA FR OM SOUT HERN CA LIFORNI A "Caught In The Act" were extended to all hy Aloha jO(! ® .. , ............. .. 7 Monday, December 18, 2000 participants in Kama'aina Student Forum CAL ENDAR .....•.•. , .•..•....... 9 creating this new (tentative) "bridge" for Hawaii's C LASSi FIE D ........... , .. • ... 25, 31 Mabel Smyth Aud itorium, kama'aina on both Honolulu EDI T OR'S NOTES .... , .•.. ...... 4 C?(Jt4~~ sides of our ocean. 'Jta ~(J~ ~~ ~~ AW<Vtda® Special thanks to: YOUR W ELL-BE ING ... : . .. •••.... .. 21 ~ A~ oi- the 1fean- • Ohana Magazine ISLAND HOPPING ...... .. .. ... 20 MarchI April 2001 • Polynesia Polynesia LAS VEGAS Kam a'ain a Festiva ls & Job Fairs • Evergreen Valley · TRIVIA .. .... .... .. .. ..... 18 · TIPPING HOW MUCH) . ..•••... 19 Oakland/San Jose/Sa n Francisco College "Plain Brown Wrapper" San Diego/Los Angeles · SPORTS BETTING . ... ... .. ... 29 • The San Jose Seattle · TOP 10 VALUE S ...... ..... .. 35 Chinese Choir LAS VEGAS POTPOURRI ... ...... 28 • Vern Chang September 2001 • Tom Sing LETTERS TO THE ED ITOR .... ....... 9 EACH CD 513.00 + 53.00 5t H SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: Kama'aina Festival & Job Fair • Mel Oze ki THE '" NINTH ISLA ND" ... .. • . •.... 16 GREGG HAMM ER CD La s Vegas 766 ISENBERG STREET #1 HONOLULU. HAWAII 96826 • Jon Sakurai-Horita O LIN DA RECORD ARTI ST S .. ......... 6 INCLUDE YOUR NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER WITH YOUR ORDER as well as NEXT: THE 100TH IN FANTRY BATTAL­ p articipating SPECIFY QUANTlTY AND CD CHOICE ION, LIFE I N KEETLEY Questions? Comments? employer firms Contact Hawa ii Island Econom ic Development Board and recruiters. [email protected] • hiedb@gte. net • 808-966-54 16 FIRE WORKS PHOTO BY BR IAN JA NI S IANUALI / PEPE LUALI 2001 3 --------------------------------c--~----- A Note ji-ol11 th e Editor "Hawai'i on Tour!" 2001 Mainland Trek .OHANA® MEL O Z I: K L PII.i) . I----------<family) Restarts in February VO L U ME 6 ISSUE I Jan/ Feb 0 I Happy New l\JilJenniunl~ A:-. you by G(/ il AIIII ell!!II' may ~ ec ou r ucca l Oil the L"()\.L' r. HI \lisir, & COlli·. [Jurf?{/II Publisher I Editor Mel Ozcki, Ph .D. fro m u m e a ge r hL'g innill g III Hawai' i Regional C ui sine chefs from a ll islands_ Managing Editor Emily Ozeki A ug u, t_ 1\1')6. '{)/-I, \NA O n the heels of a highly professional golfe rs from H awaii 's leading courses. [email protected] Magazine h eg iJl ~ i t." fifth yL'~ lr of successful 25 c ity tour that flower g rowers, park rangers, and a uthors w ill again Art Director I Design Ci ndy Temple fini shed in October, publi s hing. It· ~ ~l \\'o/ltk'rful participate on th e to ur. The tour stafF in c ludes forme r [email protected] "Experience Aloha' Hawai' i on unde rl a king h e ca u ~L' o r th L" hulldrL'u .... llf we ll -wis hers and Hawai'i reside nts li ving 011 Marketing. NY Christine Biaggi Tour"', resumes its promotio nal rri e n d~ lhat wc '\'l.' m el. \\'c \\'L" r L' trul y Illllllbled by the Las the mainland and P.O. Box 90024 Henderso n. NV 89009-0024 mainland tour in February to Vcg a ~ Ha\vai ian C i\' ic C luh \\' /l C Il it hono re d Emily and individuals who join the tour entice visitors to the Islands_ NVmktg @ohanamagazine.com me. along w ith Tonl a nd BL"\'L"rl y L~t1l y. and Rozi ta Lee, as at various cities. Marketing. So. CA Gael MuramOio tri -rccipi c nh of th e Kc /\/o/.:(/·j ( Thl.' L e aLi e r ) award at th e Developed by the Hawai ' i The cities of the 200 I tour: P.O. Box 14446 Torrance. CA 90503-8446 LV ho -nlalllc' a , The a\ \ · ~lrd_ ill part. s aiel_ "They ha ve Vis itors and Convention Sacramento. San Francisco, [email protected] e nha nced commullit y and puhlic .. lw are neS$_ educated Bureau , On Tour is a marketing Los Angeles, San Diego, Account Execu ti ve Sann Wright people about thc ir p roud c u/tural heritages. d e m o nstrated program on wheels designed to Chej Te'T." F(mg Dallas, W ashing ton, D.C., Photography Brian Jan isl Phototcchn ik l ea d c r ~ hir throughout our Cll llllllunit y and nlost o f all. bring th e Islands of A loha to New York, Toronto, DetroiL have bee n wo nde rrul a Jllha s~<' ILior .... n l- the A lo ha Spirit." phototcchnik.com millions of consumers. It C hicago, Minneapolis, Roy Ogala Again, o ur he artfe lt g rat itude to the LVHCC for [his showcased th e breathtaking beauty of Kaua' i, O'ahu, Cluj· James McD(Jnald Vancouver. Seattle and Lahaina. Maui UN l V Journalism [ntem Anna Hedcgaard hono r. Moloka ' i, Maui, Lana'i and the Bi g Island with th e Portland. Mall locati o ns and 1'. Nm·tlk·CIif!ord Ph mfl Scanning/Color Correction Keith Spain sig hts, sounds, sme ll , tastes, and especially the spirit dates are on the HVC8's web site "gohawaii.com"_ or • The Hawa iian ~ce n c on th L" Mailliand ha .... take n off. We Film Outpull Printer Superior Litho. Las Vegas. NV of Hawaii 's people , to more than three millio n contact Darle ne Mo rikawa a t dmorikavva @hvcb. org. Con tri buting Writers Aloha Joe Seiler. Kim berly Fu , atte nd al le a s t one festi val in Southe rn Califo rnia, and see on-lookers in 2000. Pat Morita. Mi chael Perry, th e throngs of Is lande r .... attend 10 get a booste r s hot of Lcilehua Yuen . Hawai ·i. The re is o vcrwhelnling happiness in song. dance and foo d. H owever. we SUblllil thi .... recollllllendation to festi val promoter ..... Larger and larger c rowd s at o utdoor Web site: ohanamagazine.colll event s necessitate g re ate r n eed for .... ecurity and sanitation. 'O f/A NA (family)® Magazine (I SSN 1090-5 189) fo r J.a nu ary/February 200 1. Publi shed Bi -monthl y (six A lcoho l tends to prec ipitate ug ly braw ls: pon-a-po Hi es tllnes/year) by 'OHANA, 2485 W. Wigwam Ave. #112 need serv ic ing in a tinle ly m a nne r to e n s ure good hyg ie ne. __HISTORY OF-. Las Veg<ls, NV 89 123- 1684. Ph 702-434-0544; Fax 702- Nufr already. HAWAllAN STEEL GUITAR 435-.85 6 1. P~ r i od i c tll s postage ptlid at Las Vegas, NY. Ent nes also III Honolulu . HI. POSTMASTER: Please • We're proud to fe ature Japanese A m e ri can units and send address changes to 'OHANA. P.O, Box 2309 10. Las Vegas. NV 89 123-0016. SUBSCRIPT/ON­ sto ri es of experi e nces that c iv ilian s e ndure d . It is a pro ud ;4L!:: Annual subscript ion is $23, 00US, Personal check o~ mo me nt of A m e ri ca n hi s tory . and it is something o f great moncyorder. All change of addresses Illll st be recei ved importance fo r future ge ne rat ions. Sonle 60 years ago, -- " ~~I • by Jan . 7. Feb, 7. etc. New subscription reques ts afte r th ey s uffe re d indi g niti e ....
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