To be successful, you have to start somewhere…

To be successful, you have to start somewhere.. LAG Dobrichka make dreams come true for people from the largest municipality in

Nadezhda Vasileva - CEO of LAG Dobrichka - Mrs. Vasileva, Dobrichka municipality is one of 16 municipalities in the country and the only one in the area, whose local development strategy won funding. Tell us more about a Local Action Group? - LAG Dobrichka is an association of representatives of the public sector, businesses and civil society, living and / or working in Dobrichka municipality. Nowadays, the association counts 49 members, one of them is the municipality itself. Developed under the project of a preliminary measure, the Local Development Strategy of Dobrichka municipality was approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and on October 13, 2011 LAG Dobrichka Association was officially invited to sign a contract for financing - tripartite agreement - between an association LAG Dobrichka, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency. The amount of the financing of our strategy is 3.22 million BGN, which will be available to support projects of people or entities of Dobricka municipality, whether members of a local action group, and will support activities that take place in the same territory. - When did you start establishing the group and who belong to it? - In January 2007 was established LAG Dobrichka - as a non-profit organization - association of enthusiasts from the public, business and civil sector. Previously were held couple of informational meetings with groups of farmers, civil sector, community centers, NGOs, directors of schools and kindergartens, mayors and deputy mayors, members of municipal administration. Dobrichka municipality is also a member of the association. Authorities of the association are the General Assembly and Board of Directors. Chairman of the Board of LAG Dobrichka is the mayor of the municipality Mr. Petko Petkov, as the experience of other


LAGs in the country. The term of office of this Board - after the last General Assembly and the statutes of the association, is four years - as much as it is the mandate of deputy managing team. Is not irrelevant combination of management, operation is a joint. One without the other organ would work very hard. Everything is about the cooperation. In order of Ministry of Agriculture and Foods № 23 requirement public sector should be not more than 49% of the composition of the General Assembly and in the composition of the Board. Our Board consists 9 members. Representation in the Board is currently distributed in proportion - three members are from the public sector, three - from business and three are from the civil sector. This will play a very important role when we get to the evaluation, and classification of projects, because the members of the Board must participate in committee. There were also external experts invited for the recruitment. These experts are licensed in the relevant ministries, not just random people and were chosen after a contest held. - On what territory was established LAG Dobrichka? - Local Action Group Dobrichka was established in an area covering the administrative boundaries of Dobrichka Municipality. Specific in this municipality is its unconventional administrative-territorial structure. It has no natural center and is formed on the principle of a set of 68 villages situated around the district center - the city of . LAG territory is located near the Black Sea and its resorts, is a peripheral territory of the Black Sea area and is near the border with Romania. The area within the LAG Dobrichka is 1298 km2 - the largest area in Bulgaria. According to NSI data, to December 31, 2009 has 24,292 inhabitants, of which 12 110 men (49.88%) and 12,182 women (50.12%). The territory has 68 villages. The population density is 18.71 people / km2, which is twice lower than the average of Dobrich (42.31 inhabitants / km2) and almost four times lower than the national average (69.6 inhabitants / km2) . - What are the objectives of the LAG Dobrichka?


- Strategic objective of LAG Dobrichka is the territory to become a living countryside through targeted action in partnership with the local community. There are two priorities - improving the competitiveness of local products and improving the quality of life within the LAG Dobrichka.

- How was Local Development Strategy of LAG Dobrichka established? - In 2010 a team of 5 people, including 3 experts trained by Ministry of Agriculture and Food, some of which are also members of the Board now, was working on the project "Acquisition of skills and achievement of social activity for potential LAG territory Dobrichka municipality ". This project was conducted 10 informational meetings, which are broadcast on local leaders - ambitious people who have different expectations and visions for the development of their villages. Some of them were invited to participate in training local leaders, and others - in training on implementation of the Strategy. At these meetings trainers shared their views, dreams, desires and needs with experts. Exactly these needs gave us directions for development in the strategy to. It is not without significance - Judging just by the needs of people living in the municipality. Summary of the meetings information was incorporated in the draft strategy, whit this same team as an interested new 10 meetings in core villages. Following these meetings and discussions was created Local Development Strategy of the Dobrichka municipality - that was applied to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food funding. Strategy of LAG Dobrichka was ranked second in the country and one of the 16 who received funding. - Is this the reason strategy of LAG Dobrichka to get such a high score? - Yes. Because the strategy was not written as a purely scientific work and relies on the actual needs people have. The team and the experts who prepared the

4 strategy did great job. - The contract for the financing was signed at the end of 2011. What does it do? - On October 13, 2011 was signed a trilateral agreement between the association LAG Dobrichka, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency. It is around 4 million BGN. The contract includes two measures. One is for 3.22 million BGN for the implementation of the Local Development Strategy. This actually will reach people and potential beneficiaries. These funds are allocated in the budget for 2012 and 2013. The rest is for project management team who works to accomplish the activities. It is important to know that help given by LAG team to the potential beneficiaries is free. Most of the activities planned are to organize workshops and round tables, informational seminars, calls for proposals, trainings for the preparation of project proposals, training courses for project management. Also we are planning to set up expert committees and hold a training course for project evaluators. - Which measures can be applied? - Measures which can be applied to the LAG Dobrichka project are 7 - defined in the Strategy. Projects of our potential beneficiaries, must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food regulations on appropriate measures and also requirements of the Strategy. So they go through another screen by responding to this strategy, and in the creation of which are involved themselves. On 1 February this year announced simultaneously taking all measures of the Strategy. Proposals under this call will be accepted until September 30 this year. Next year we will publish another call. Contracts will be concluded by September 2013, and projects will be implemented by September 2015. One of the measures is a measure 121 - "Modernization of agricultural holdings". Here I should mention that the grant for young people is 50%, for older people - 40% - so our aim is to encourage young people to apply. Measure 123 - "Support for food processing plants" has a budget of 670 000 BGN. Measure 311 - "Development of non-agricultural industries or services from farmers", measure 312 - "Micro projects for non-agricultural products and services." Measure 321 is "Establishment or

5 improvement of infrastructure services, cultural, social and sports." In this measure can apply municipal projects or NGOs and community centers. Measure 322 is also for municipal projects - rehabilitation of streets, parks, public buildings - historical, cultural and religious. Here we rely heavily on the initiative of the population, local authorities, mayors, deputy mayors. And there is a measure with a small budget that is specific only to our strategy - Measure 323 "Protection and improvement of rural heritage." It has a 100% grant and has a budget of 50,000 BGN. - Who can apply for funding? - Mandatory condition of Ordinance 23 of Ministry of Agriculture and Food applicant must be a resident - if an individual, or to operate business in Dobrichka municipality - if a legal person.There will be no subsidiaries and branches of companies that are in another municipality with a formal registration within the LAG Dobrichka. In the very measures are included the purpose of the measure, eligible applicants - for each measure eligible applicants are different. Spelled are also eligible activities and eligible costs. Priority will be given to proposals gathered the required number of points according to the criteria for strategy. The following costs are not eligible for our strategy - for the purchase of machinery or equipment second hand, insurance of fixed assets for contributions and insurance staff for the purchase of land and buildings, VAT, interest, fines, penalties, leases. The idea of creating LAGs and our team ambition is to be financed as many smaller projects with more local initiative, more activity ideas and activities for the development of our villages and improvement of rural life. - What is the maximum funding on projects? - In different measures, the amount of funding is different. Measure 121 the amount for the projects is from 10 000 to 120 000 BGN. Measure 123 - 12 000 to 390 000 BGN. Measure 311 - 10 000 - 100 000 BGN, measure 312 - 8,500 to 100 000 BGN. In Measure 321 for municipalities - from 10 000 to 150 000 BGN, and for NGOs and community centers - from 10 000 to 100 000 BGN. Under Measure 322 - the budget for the municipality is 8000 to 200,000 BGN and NGOs - from 8000 to 60 000 BGN. We have one more measure for funding - 4.1.323 - conservation and improvement of rural

6 heritage, where the budget is too small, but sufficient to check local initiative and civil start. It comes to total 50,000 BGN, and the size of funding for projects is 2000 to 8000 BGN. To the aid is 100%, which is very significant. - So you can say that the strategy will come the dreams of the people true? - We hope so and we will work in this direction. Recently we found that Dobrichka municipality is a municipality that is in urban areas and can apply for infrastructure only operational program "Regional Development" - she is not a beneficiary of the program for rural development, even though this is the largest municipality in territory villages. Here, this project will enable, but in much smaller sizes the benefit from the financial resources of the RDP by the LAG. Of course, in the beginning it will be difficult. we have to work really hard, the entire team –we have to organize events, to activate locals, to consult, to select suitable external consultants to join the team for expert evaluators ... I want to point out one important detail, which is a requirement of the articles of association and rules of procedure we scored - natural person who will consult the relevant company or national association will not be allowed to participate in the session of the Evaluation Committee, formed to assess the same proposal. We are hoping to introduce quality and worthy projects that meet local development strategy of Dobrichka municipality for funding to the Paying Agency.

LAG Dobrichka is leading in results In 2012, 18 projects were submitted, ranked 17, are pending approval by the State Fund "Agriculture". This analysis shows the results of the randomly selected LAGs in different parts of the country

Analysis of LAG Dobrichka activities for 2012, shows that its activity is known by stakeholders from all three sectors - business, civil society structures and Dobrichka municipality. This contributes to its website, which is informative and it makes the work of the LAGs transparent and publicly available. Results of the anonymous survey,

7 shows that job satisfaction of the team LAG Dobrichka is over 52%. Implementation of local development strategy is in phase filed classified and approved projects, but not yet closed cycle in which projects are funded and activities - met. The total amount of the selected projects is 1,786,493.63 BGN, which is expected subsidy 1,044,800.02 BGN, representing 32.45% of the financial implementation of the CMP. The initial results of the implementation of the Strategy of Dobrichka municipality are better compared to 8 randomly selected and studied local action groups working in different parts of the country. Indicative of this is that by the active work of the team LAG Dobrichka to December 2012 to fund "Agriculture" are placed 17 out of 18 projects submitted. The activity of the business sector, especially farmers in the implementation of local development strategy is high. The scope of the expected impacts of the approved projects is greater than planned, which means that more people will benefit from the investments made and established services. Approved projects lead to diversification of normal agricultural activities, to the implementation of alternatives and innovations within the meaning of the Leader approach.

Farmer Hristo Vasilev Nedkov, village Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery and drip irrigation Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Project cost: 14200.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 7100 BGN

32-year-old Hristo Nedkov, together with relatives, decided to become an apple orchard plot of 40 acres, which is located near the village of Dobrichka municipality - Stozher. Later he is planning to plant other 110 acres with walnut trees. A project for equipment has been already implemented. The second is a local development strategy of Dobrichka Municipality - Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" - "Purchase of agricultural machinery and drip irrigation."


Hristo Nedkov: We were ready to apply with this project for measure 121 of RDP, but it wasn’t open. Then we found out about the possibility to apply to LAGs projects. The team of LAGs works very well and proved us enough assistance in preparing the project. Maybe there are some difficulties in the procedure between LAG and fund "Agriculture" , which is not quite "clean", but I hope this has to be decided. Initially the project was for the purchase of agricultural equipment and drip irrigation to grow existing plantations of apples. We had drip irrigation that has dropped because state disorder. We implemented it with its own funding. The project was the purchase and commissioning of the mill diverting section CALDERONI, model FPF 80 already purchased and financing completed. It agro-technical measures on weed control in apple orchard, where there are 30,000 trees on an area of 40 acres, will now be going for 1-2 days. Until now, this task was performed by five people for a week. I could apply again with a LAGs project, if there are no suitable open RDP measures. I think it is easier to work with the Local Action Group, but uncertainties in the procedure between LAG and fund "Agriculture" worries me a bit. I hope that for the next planning period, they will already be completely clear and regulated. " Wishing you success and a higher budget!

Hristo Nedkov

Farmer Bozhidar Hristov Minchev, vilaage Slaveevo Project: Supply of machinery and equipment Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Project cost: 46842.13 BGN Seeking Grant: 18736.85 BGN

Farmer Bozhidar Hristov Minchev is engaged in rearing cows in 1990. Currently grown 48 animals breed Black and spotted cattle, of which 35 are lactating, and the rest - calves and heifers. To feed his flock handles 500 hectares of agricultural land in Slaveevo village.


Bozidar Minchev: "I learned from the Internet for opportunities LAG Dobrichka provides for funding of projects of farmers from Dobrichka municipality. I decided to participate in a project to alleviate the most labor-intensive processes associated with improving animal nutrition, as well as to be relatively independent of the various technological activities related to the timely mowing, baling and harvesting the majority of forage crops. I went to talk to the LAG office to submit my idea. The team explained to me what are the required documents and steps for project preparation. Originally I intended to realize an investment that provides for the purchase of 4 machines. Since meanwhile I started realization of another project under the RDP through the Paying Agency, we reduce the project. In its final version it is for purchasing and commissioning of FerabovGS340 and hay bales John Deere623C. After their introduction in production I expect to reduce labor-intensive processes. It will improve the quality of feed, which will improve animal nutrition and they will be promptly supplied with high protein food, and at the end it will improve milking. So far, the use of external services and buying of new technology will decrease and cost of production. I will continue to improve further based on the farm, thanks to the project, but I think the investment that I need, is in higher value than those who can implement projects financed by LAGs. "

Farmer Stanimir Atanasov Stoychev, village Kamen Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 Modernisation of farms Project cost: 83 139.24 BGN Seeking Grant: 42 569.62 BGN

Farmer Stanimir Stoychev operates in the field of agriculture - production and sale of agricultural product on its own and rented land. He has processed areas in the villages Kamen and Lyaskovo, of which 200 acres are private land. He is growing grain, feed and oilseeds - pumpkins seeds and lentils (pulses). His production is destined for the domestic market.


Stanimir Stoychev: "I learned from the medias about the possibilities for funding LAG Dobrichka gives and I purchased equipment for 83 139.24 BGN on measure 121. Throughout we worked very well with the team of the LAG, they are always responding to everything I've been looking. I got full support from them in the preparation of documentation. They helped me at every stage of project preparation, for which I am very grateful to them. My project was developed, filed and approved by the full support of the LAG team Dobrichka. I am cultivating around 1,000 hectares of agricultural land in the village of Kamen. My project provides for the purchase of a tractor and disc harrow, which will improve the product I produce, which are traditional Dobrudzha crops like wheat, corn and sunflower. Agricultural machinery, which are subject to the investment, are tractor ZETOR PROXIMA 100 and disc harrow UNIA ARES TXL. As a result of realized investment I expect to reduce the time and to improve the efficiency of operations for tillage. I expect to minimize the dependence on climatic conditions in the preparation and processing of soil to raise the quality of the production and to increase yields of crops produced per hectare and to reduce the cost of production. With the implementation of the project I will improve the existing production assets. "

Admiration for the LAG team and gratitude for the assistance they gave me. I hope to continue our work together! I wish them health and success!

Stanimir Stoychev


Dobrichka Municipality - Bozhurovo village and Stefanovo village Project: "Construction of playgrounds and landscaping of the park area in the villages Bozhurovo and Stefanovo, Dobrichka Municipality" Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Cost of the project: 70 529.86 BGN Seeking Grant: 70 529.86 BGN

The investment includes the construction of new playgrounds - supply and installation of playground equipment from 0 to 3 years old, and from 4 to 12 years .; installation of lighting, grassing and planting of parks, purchasing and installation of irrigation system; supplying and installation of park elements, fencing and gating playground. Dobrichka Municipality - Construction of playgrounds and landscaping of the park area in the villages Bozhurovo and Stefanovo Myuzefer Alice - Mayor of the village Bojurovo: "The project provides building a playgroung in the central park of the village Bozhurovo, that will include sandpit, swings, slide, and fence. Also will be installed benches and lighting, for children, mothers with children in need of such site. It will be located in the large park of the village, which has an area of about 10 acres. Park is near the City Hall, to kindergarten and school. The municipal administration of Dobrichka municipality and LAG Dobrichka team actively helped in the preparation of the project. So far, there wasn’t a playground in the village Bozhurovo. Few years ago there were children’s facilities in the courtyard of the kindergarten, but they are outdated and cannot be used. If there were no opportunities provided by the local development strategy, it would be difficult for us to provide funds to build such a facility. It cost over 10 000 BGN, which is big investment for the village like ours. This is a very good support. There are about 850 people living in the village Bozhurovo, even though we list over 1250. The kindergarten is attended by 28-30 children. We have about 20 children 3-4 years old. This playground will benefit all

12 those children and older - students. Fortunately, people still give birth in the villages. In preparing of the project, we worked together with the municipal administration, they consulted us, and we identified together the field where it will be placed. Indeed, it is envisaged to be a good central location. To the delight of residents of the village Bozhurovo – we expect the project to be finished soon.” Marin Hadjiiski - Mayor of the village Stefanovo: "With the implementation of the project in the village Stefanovo will be build a playground worth about 40 000 BGN. It will be located in the park in front of the community center and will include children's play equipment; a fence that secures site for children cannot go on the road, which is in close proximity. Also will be built irrigation system, including reforestation; installation of benches, formation of recreation. In the end, will be formed park recreation area about 700 sq. meters. The need for such a playground for the village Stefanovo is huge. More than 30 years we had such a park, a separate play area with sandpit and toys, but they have become obsolete, and, perhaps, should be dismantled. The new acquisition is a boon for all of us. Moreover, the playground would be close to the kindergarten in the village, where this year was finished unique renovation project of Dobrichka Municipality, which turned it into one of the best nurseries in the region. Permanent address residents of the village Stefanovo are around 1000, but in the summer, perhaps, live about 1500 people. In kindergarten educate 26 children. In our school, this is one of the largest schools in the area, study 116 students, including kids from Slaveevo village, Pchelino village even from Dobrich city. Place of the playground is centrally very strategically chosen because it is close to the kindergarten and the school. It will be used not only by students and younger children from the village, but also the guests who come on weekends. If it wasn’t this project, it would be very difficult for us to manage self-initiative of the population to realize this idea. Two years work with LAG Dobrichka, made us ideal partners, we have very good relations and they helped us a lot. "


Dobrichka Municipality- village Smolnitsa,village Odurtsi,village Donchevo Project: "Construction of playgrounds and landscaping of the park area in the villages Smolnitsa, Odurtsi and Donchevo in Dobrichka municipality" Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Project cost: 111 745.07 BGN Seeking Grant: 111 745.07 BGN

The investment includes the construction of new playgrounds - supplying and installation of playground equipment from 0 to 3 years old, and from 4 to 12 years .; installation of lighting, grassing and planting of parks, purchasing and installation of irrigation system; supplying and installation of park elements, fence and gate playground.

Petranka Georgieva - Mayor of the village Smolnitsa "Smolnitsa is one of villages in which Dobrichka Municipality provide a project to build a playground and forge park space. In preparation we had an excellent partnership with specialists from the municipality. We worked very well with the LAG team Dobrichka, we received all the necessary information and assistance. Moreover, Smolnica village has another project, rated by LAG Dobrichka – for the community center "Stefan Karadja - 1942" "Treasures of Smolnica village". The terrain of the playground is near the kindergarten, which is attended by 16- 18 children and the school, which has 60 students. Furthermore, it will be close to the Town Hall, which houses almost all offices in the village - town hall, health service, home respite. The park is rich with vegetation and a fence, and the project will provide for the children play equipment, additional landscaping, installation of benches, shaping the alleys. Now we only have a children's playground, which is in the courtyard of the kindergarten and the new one will be able to entertain much more people -

14 children and young people to play, and adults - for recreation. The project will transform this corner of the village in sort of an oasis. We are very happy that there is a possibility to be implemented such ideas. Moreover, these activities will be implemented through projects in Dobrichka Municipality.

Mitko Zheliazkov - mayor of the village Odurtsi: "The playground is vital for us. On a huge meeting it was decided that the village needs to build a playground. So far there is no such, and the village has a lot of children from and Batovo villages. Only in kindergarten in with educate 40 children. Other 120 adolescents attend school in Batovo; 10 receive education in Obrochiste and 8 - in Dobrich. It is very necessary to build such a playground, because children now have nowhere to play, mothers with young children have nowhere to walk. The project will create such a place, which will be equipped with facilities for games - slide, sandpit, there will be places for recreation - a gazebo, benches, and everything will be secured with a suitable fence. In preparing of the project we had full support of Dobrichka Municipality. The team of LAG realized excellent interaction and we were consulted very professional at all stages of project preparation. Together we discussed the most appropriate place on the playground and possible new acquisitions. We also got assistance and support in the preparation of the documentation. " Paun Stanchev - mayor of the village Donchevo: "The new playground in village Donchevo will be located near the kindergarten and school, which is housed in the same building. Children's play equipment; garden and recreational equipment will include new acquisition for the villagers. Now mothers walk small children on the streets, and after the project, they will have a place to rest while the children play freely in a beautiful and safe environment. Also will be installed benches, and we will provide lighting and the new playground. The village already has such equipment, in the yard of the kindergarten, but is very outdated. After the project is completed, kids from kindergarten will also be able to use the new park, between 12 and 18 children. If there were no opportunities LAG Dobrichka

15 gave us, to apply on this project, such investment in the village would be hardly realize. Therefore the main contribution to the acquisition, which Donchevo will soon be proud with, have professionals from LAG team Dobrichka. They visited a village to learn about the land allotted for the site, together with the specialists from the municipality they specified the details of the preparation of the project and consulted us on all the activities to its preparation.

Municipality Dobrichka, village Stozher Project: "Through sport - more healthy and energetic in Dobrichka Municipality" Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Project cost: 103 095.43 BGN Seeking Grant: 103 095.43 BGN

The activities under the project will be on the existing playground in Stozher village. Will be provided completely renovated and multifunctional sports facilities, with the possibility of exercising the sports - basketball, volleyball and tennis. In the amount of investments are included works, supplying and installation of sports facilities, electrical. projectors and construction of pavements. Ventsislav Nedkov - Mayor of the village Stozher: "In the village Stozher there are many young people and this project is mostly for them, for their development. It will be built a complex facility with artificial surface and lighting, equipped for sports - tennis, volleyball and basketball. We are predicting to build new facilities on the existing playground, which is neglected by 30-40 years.With the construction of this playground will be satisfied the needs of young people for sport. We do this to make Stozher village a more attractive place to live, especially for young people. The project beneficiary is Dobrichka Municipality. To obtain the things it is necessary to have a good understanding with the municipality and its management, as it is a primary administrator of budget and mayoralty in Stozher is a secondary administrator. Moreover, in the preparation of

16 project we were fully supported from the team of the Local Action Group. We had really good relationships with the LAG management and they consulted us at all stages. Therefore, we have a good result. I am pleased that two from the first four projects of LAG Dobrichka approved by the Fund "Agriculture", are for Stozher village - except the draft "Through sport - more healthy and energetic in Dobrichka municipality" was approved also the draft of Hristo Nedkov for purchase of agricultural machinery and drip irrigation. "

Private farmer Petko Ignatov, Pobeda village Project: "Building a warehouse for temporary storage of agricultural products" Measure 121 Modernisation of farms Project cost: 119 897.70 BGN Seeking Grant: 59 948.85 BGN Farmer Petko Ignatov deals with the production and sale of agricultural products on rented land from 2009. At the time of applying for the project, the cultivated area reached 650 ha, and the lands are in villages Svoboda, Rosenovo, Paskalevo,Ovcharovo,,Bozhurovo and Sliventsi, all of them in the area of Dobrichka Municipality. He growns grain and forage crops for the domestic market. The project is for construction of a warehouse for temporary storage of his agricultural production. It envisages construction of a single storage with a steel frame and thermo roof with area 507.44 m2, approximate capacity of about 350- 450 tonnes of production. He presented preliminary contract for the building with "Omega Pro" LTD,. Polkovnik Sveshtarovo village. Petko Ignatov: "I applied to measure 121 to build a warehouse for temporary storage of agricultural products. The store size is 517 square meters and assistance needed is 60,000 BGN, which is 50% of the total project cost. I am farmer for 5 years and I cultivate nearly 900 acres of

17 land. From year to year it increased, so I need a warehouse for storage of production. LAG team Dobrichka gave me a lot of attention. Interaction with them is all the time very good. I know that I will face the difficulties that await me in the realization of the project, but I think everything will be fine. I believe that the aid get through LAG Dobrichka, will relief my work. "

Thanks to the whole LAG team for their dedication, competence and good work to support us - beneficiaries. I hope that in the future I will be able to realize much more successful ideas with the support of the LAG Dobrichka team! I wish them success in all their endeavors!

Petko Ignatov

Farmer "Koev Agroinvest", Popgrigorovo village Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery" Measure 121 - Modernization of farms Project cost: 119 865.71 BGN Seeking Grant: 59 932.85 BGN

Farmer "Koev Agroinvest" Ltd. operates in the field of horticulture, handling mainly rented land in the villages Slaveevo, Bezvoditsa, Draganovo, Stefanovo, Popgrigorovo, Colonel Sveshtarovo, Primortsi, Plachi Dol, all of them in the territory of Dobrichka municipality. The main crops grown are wheat, barley, canola, sunflower and corn. The investment includes the purchase and commissioning of the tractor John Deere 5100M and drill for spring-Amazone ED 452.


George Koev - director of "Koev Agroinvest" Ltd: "My project is worth about 120,000 BGN for the purchase of tractor" John Deere 5100M "with power of 100 hp and drill "Amazone ED 452". I cultivate between 5 and 6 thousand acres and each year increase the surface area. What I needed was another tractor to be able to sow the new seed drill. I am very happy that my project was approved. For the first time I will realize a project. I've never participated in programs before. I’m really glad that LAG Dobrichka gave me a chance and now this is happening to me. The team LAG Dobrichka is incredible, very cohesive, quickly triggered everything you need there and they have very good communication with the Paying Agency in Sofia. They helped me for everything happened in this project. I will still continue to work with them. I intend to re-apply with a project in the next period."

Farmer Simeon Zheliazkov Ganev , Slaveevo village Project: Purchase of specialized equipment for cultivation and mowing lavender Measure 121 Modernization of farms Cost of the project: 40 351.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 20 175.50 BGN Processed by Simeon Ganev agricultural areas are 464.772 ha in the villages of Slaveevo and Odurtsi, Dobrichka municipality. Of these, 87.724 ha are own property, and for Improper land are concluded long- term contracts for renting. In the production program of Simeon Ganev are included wheat, corn and sunflower. Apart from the traditional grain Dobrudzha, Simeon Ganev grows and processed 53.684 acres planted with lavender. He has a contract with PA under Measure 112 "young farmers". The investment includes the purchase and commissioning of the machine for cutting lavender MCL 3P and drill IRTEM.


Simeon Ganev: "I've been working with growing 100 acres of oil-bearing crops, and crop. My project is to purchase specialized equipment for growing lavender, which will reduce the cost of the final product. It will shorten the terms of harvesting the raw material and facilitate the whole process work. The new technique is highly specialized and will only be used for the cultivation of lavender - for activities formerly performed manually. About LAG Dobrichka I learned from friends. Subsequently I sought their assistance. They accepted me very warmly, and helped me at all stages of project preparation. Consultant, who works with them, did a great job. The work of the LAG team Dobrichka was extremely fast and professional. The project was prepared for about a month and a half, and then began the great waiting - about a year later I signed the contract with the Paying Agency - on 22.7.2013."

I am grateful to the LAG team Dobrichka for their professionalism, for their support in the preparation and implementation of my project! With hope for future collaboration! Simeon Ganev

Farmer "Rizovi 64-65" LTD, Stefanovo village Project: Construction of a warehouse for temporary storage of agricultural products Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Project cost: 119 981.11 BGN Seeking Grant: 47 992.44 BGN "Rizovi 64-65" Ltd. handles about 4,200 hectares land in the villages Stefanovo, Sokolnik, Bogdan, Branishte, Slaveevo, apiary. Growing wheat, corn, and sunflower and, depending on the year, rape. Eyre Rizov: "Our project is under measure 121 and is for construction of a warehouse for

20 storage of agricultural production. The value of the project is 119 981.11 BGN. For the project will be used one of our old buildings, and next to it will build a new one with larger capacity. The warehouse will have a capacity of 700 cu, which means that we can keep on storage about 600- 700 tons of products. Our intention is warehouse to be built within three months. If everything goes on schedule, when we collect wheat, we will already have where to keep it. About LAG Dobrichka I learned from friends and I decided to apply. The team of the Local Action Group helped us with all the documentation needed. From our side they also required a lot of documents that we filed with LAGs assistance. We received full support from the LAG team Dobrichka, their experts told us how to arrange documents. They visited us couple of times to get acquainted with conditions and our intentions, and finally to decide if our project could apply for funding. Meanwhile, the State Fund "Agriculture" requested further projects for the current year. Year after the project was lodged with, came the notification letter that we were approved.

I want to thank LAG Dobrichka for their support, because without it our project couldn’t be realized. I wish them success in the future, so they can still be able to help farmers in our region! Eyre Rizov

"Ekoeks - M" Ltd., Odrintsi village Project: Supply and installation of refrigerated storage and marketing of fruit production of the company Measure 123 Adding value to agricultural and forestry products Project cost: 363 279,00 BGN Seeking Grant: 155 846.70 BGN

Valentin Manolov "EKOEKS" is a company that I created because I want to do something better - to divide agricultural production activities in raspberries of processing, marketing, etc. World practice is to separate activities. Agriculture is one, storage and processing – something else. If

21 there is a business - this is the third. Thus it is easier to manage. We tried to produce juices in small packages. The projects goal is to purchase three cold rooms with different modes. I will purchase one subzero and two universal cold rooms, to help solve problems with other fruits and vegetables. We are seeking universality, because reality is very dynamic in our business. The tree cameras should generally be able to store 380-400 tons of products, which mean a total of 500-550 tones of frozen products. Raspberries are exported frozen, but I’m also interested in other fruit. The problem is that when the EU offered price, it requires standards, specifications for quality and they don’t want to receive anything except what is ordered. The risk is often very large. The sad conclusion is that we can export raw material, but we cannot organize large-scale production, which enable us to drill more boldly on the west and the Russian market. I hope that we can help to cultivate another crop of fruit production that customers will appreciate. "

I wish the LAG team Dobrichka keep working professionally and uniquely for the needs of people from the local community. They began to believe that this is a good opportunity to develop as smaller producers. And, with this policy villages have a chance to stay alive. Valentin Manolov

"Omega Pro" LTD., Colonel Sveshtarovo village Project: Construction and equipment for manufacturing wrought iron Measure 312 Support for the creation and development of micro enterprises Cost of the project: 98 132.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 68 692.14 BGN

Svetlana Koleva is manager of "Omega Pro» LTD. The company is relatively new on the market, and is involved in metalworking - both machine and the construction of metal. Its main activity is construction IV and V category, and non-residential construction. Activities that are further developed in the company are metal structures.


Svetlana Koleva: "I learned about the opportunities LAG Dobrichka provided by one of the beneficiaries. I contacted them and proved that "Omega Pro" LTD is admissible as a candidate in one of the measures. I received great support from the LAG team Dobrichka, even the fact that at some stages of the project's preparation, he was with some problems. There was even a time when I almost quit, but they helped me, supported me and so things happened. The project is implemented in Dobrichka municipality - in the village Colonel Sveshtarovo. This is a small workshop, which supplied the machines for cold processing of metals. There is only one machine for heat treatment, but it is ancillary. The process is punching in general - writing forms at dense and hollow metal. Elements that are produced are as 6 meters bar material and small decorative elements in different shapes. The machines are modern, with digital control, which makes them extremely easy to work with. What is needed is a simple setup before working for different materials. Project guarantees opening of two work positions. By the end of the implementation another one will be opened. This is enough for the work of the workshop. Our intention, for now, is to produce for the local market.

"Before you get something, you should give. Keep doing your best, as you always did, so people like us will have chance to develop! Svetlana Koleva


Community center "Stefan Karadja - 1942",. Smolnitsa village Project: Treasures of village Smolnitsa Measure 323 - Conservation and improvement of rural heritage Cost of the project: 7 780.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 7 780.00 BGN CC "Stefan Karadja - 1942" - in Smolnitsa village is traditionally self-governing cultural and educational association that preserves the traditions and customs of the Bulgarian people, develops library services that support the educational and cultural development of the population. There are three creative teams - authentic dance, folk song group and instrumental group. Overcome the vicissitudes of time, amateurs with heart and soul create beauty. Their participation in local, regional, national and international events are highly valued. Zhelka Ruseva – Community Centers Secretary: "We learned about the possibility of applying at LAG Dobrichka projects on public discussions and workshops in the municipality and information meeting held in Smolnitsa. We had the full support of LAG Dobrichka, especially in the preparation of supporting documents for applicants. The project aims to explore and continue the traditions of our ancestors, many of which are unique in the field of traditional folk culture and in particular song and dance in Smolnitsa. Featuring amateurs is noticeably. This motivated us to develop this project. The products that will be developed will allow the intangible cultural heritage of the village to be more easily shared, the cultural treasures of the village will become closer for the younger generation. Presentation of folklore heritage of the village Smolnitsa by various contemporary forms, including global network will contribute to making the village and the LAG territory attractive tourist destination. The project is particularly important for the community center, which future generations will have the opportunity to get closer to their roots, enter the local traditions and experience the uniqueness of authentic songs and dances from the village Smolnitsa. "

LAG Dobrichka - the best option for achievable actions and decisions! Community Center Secretary: Zhelka Ruseva


Farmer Nihat Izzet, village Benkovski Project: Purchase of irrigation sprinkling system by, and supply and installation of solar panels to power irrigation pumps Measure 121 Modernisation of farms Cost of the project: 13 350.50 BGN Seeking Grant: 6675.26 BGN Nihat Izzet is a farmer, who grows crops since 2008 grow on 47 acres in village Benkovski. Dry weather in the region decreases yieldsand is huge problem for the farmers, that’s why he decided to invest in irrigation system. Nihat Izzet: "The project offers me something new for Dobrudzha, where irrigated agriculture has remained in the past, especially for cereals. I’m interested in irrigated agriculture to increase yields. I’m working already on RDP measure 141 - with 25 acres of land and 600 sq. m cucumbers, which is not enough land to apply on project till now. The mayor of the village contacted me with LAG Dobrichka. I called them and they informed me information about related to the application. So we developed the project sprinkler irrigation, supply and installation of solar panels to power the pump. This is mobile system and the water will draw on drilling. With 10 tons tank I could irrigate 47 acres that I process now, and I also intend to increase them, so I can grow also vegetable crops and spring cultures. I hope that via this equipment I will increase at least twice yields. The LAG team helped me preparing the project and encouraged me when I was almost about to give up. After we finish the project, he will become a pilot for Dobrudzha region as irrigation does not apply in agriculture here, especially in the cultivation of cereals. "

Thanks to the whole LAG team Dobrichka! Nihat Izzet


Farmer Zhivko Georgiev, village Vrachantsi Project: Construction of a warehouse for temporary storage of agricultural products Measure 121 Modernisation of farms Project cost: 103 611.24 BGN Seeking Grant: 51 805.62 BGN

The private farmer Zhivko Georgiev grown about 400 acres of land from 2009. The project, he applies to LAG Dobrichka is second for his farm, because he already finalized a project within “Young Farmer” program. Zhivko Georgiev: "Friend of mine told me about LAG Dobrichka and I visited their office. They gave me the documents I needed. Once I finished them, we deposited the project under Measure 121 for construction of a warehouse for agricultural products. My goal is to store grain in it, so I could wait for better prices. Currently I have only one small store room with a capacity of 10-15 tons, where I keep grains for seed. In the business year, like this one, when prices change, if you can wait with the sale of wheat, you would get price by 6 cents more per kilogram. The new store will be able to store three separate cultures that I grow - wheat, corn and sunflower.The terrain where the warehouse will be built has a total area of 360 square meters, and I plan to start at the beginning of March 2014, so I will be ready by April. I hope after harvest to be able to store the production already in the new warehouse and wait for a better price. I am satisfied with the work with LAG team Dobrichka, they supported me on each stage, and now I even turned them into my friends. The proximity of LAGs is very important for me; I don’t have to travel to Sofia. Those types of org”

I hope that the team will remain friendly attitude and will continue with the hard work, helping small and medium-sized farmers in the region. Zhivko Zlatev


"MDM - 2013", village Stefanovo Project: "Purchase of production line for pellets" Measure 123 "Adding value to agricultural products" Project cost: 209 506.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 104 753.00 BGN "MDM - 2013" is planning to purchase a production line for pellets. Before proceeding with the project, Dobrin Mitev consulted with clients and found that there are many people who are interested to be heated with wood pellets. The reason is that heating with them is much better than heating with wood. Pellets burn to 90-95% and wood - to 70-75%, there is no need of splitting and carrying logs, pellets are collected in much less space. In the region there are no similar proceedings. Dobrin Mitev - director of "MDM - 2013" Ltd: "I learned about the opportunities LAG Dobrichka provides by my friend. I visited the office in Branishte, talked with the team, shared my idea; they consulted me and helped me in the preparation of the project. I am very pleased with our work. The project provides a credit, which is the guarantor of the Fund "Agriculture", to buy equipment, and then I will begin whit production of pellets. The place where will be built the mill is in village Stefanovo. I will purchase shredders, separator, dryer, another crusher and pellet press. This will create an assembly line. The project will open three working places. The production capacity is 250-300 tons per year of finished product. The raw material will be timber. I still have to talk with woodworking companies. I will rely on plantations of paulownia, when doing trashing, and also I could use waste material from the forest. The market will react on a good quality product and advertising. We will try to enter the market in Dobrich, Varna, Sofia. " I want to express my sincere gratitude to LAG Dobrichka, because with their professionalism, courtesy and competence they supported me, when I took a great step for me, it will be a dream come true. Be healthy and ever so polite, because people like me have a great need for such a professional team like you!

Dobrin Mitev


"Agro Plam-88" Ltd., village Dolina Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery" Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Cost of the project: 37 777.20 BGN Seeking Grant: 15 110.88 BGN

Plamen Koulev is 25 years old and is the manager of "Agro Plam-88" Ltd with headquarters in Dolina village. He is engaged in agriculture since 2000 and handles about 1,500 acres of land on the area of seven villages in the municipality of Dobrich. The main crops grown are wheat,corn, sunflower. The investment includes the purchase of drill for spring crops, GPS system - MONOSEM, an automatic - EZ - Pilot, Sam - 200 management platform - EZ Pilot. Plamen Kolev: "I learned about LAG Dobrichka from deputy mayor of Dolina village. The team visited us to present the application conditions. The meeting was attended by stakeholders from villages Dolina and Odrintsi. Once it became clear that I am qualified for application, I decided to take a chance. I met with the LAG team again in their office and they prepare the documents needed. I decided that, what my company needs most at the moment, are planter and navigation autopilot. The benefit of the two machines is to modernize and reduce the cost of human resources. In addition, it will avoid the influence of the subjective factor, significantly reduced losses of the company and will lower the cost of production. With this project I renew my fleet, and I didn’t have one so far. It will be used for spring sowing. It can also sow sorghum, beans, which mean that I can extend range of crops grown. Navigation is very important, cause finding quality workforce is very difficult. It will enable two-member team of the company to process more areas. If the project finish successfully, I will applied on a new one in the next programming period - with hope again to be approved. I am impressed by the work of the LAG team Dobrichka, by the kind attitude and willingness to assist at every stage of the project. "

Continue with future cooperation with the small farmers in the municipality!

Plamen Kolev


Dobrichka municipality, Benkovski and Plachi dol villages Project: "Rehabilitation of park space in the villages Benkovski and Plachi dol" Measure 322 - Renovation and development of settlements Cost of the project: 90 205.44 BGN Seeking Grant: 90 205.44 BGN Economically active population of the villages Benkovski and Plachit dol counts 1377 people. Children under the age of 18 are 246, and young people up to 40 years - 380. On the territory of both villages lacking arranged parks for recreation and playgrounds available are worn and in poor condition. In the region of both villages there was a pressing need for rehabilitation of green areas, installation of benches and construction of playgrounds. The investment provides development of existing parks - vegetation, irrigation system, installation of lighting, installation of garden borders, and building a playground. Osman Ibryam - mayor Benkovski village: "In the courtyard of the kindergarten is the only playground in Benkovski. It was built by Dobrichka municipality. The village is divided into two parts and a new project will have the opportunity both to have a new playground. In. Benkovski live 1100 people, but in summer their number exceeds 1500. What distinguishes it from many Bulgarian villages is that there are many young people, and unemployment is low. The village has a kindergarten, which is constantly visited by over 20 children. The next idea is in the village to be built sport playground for young people. " Atanas Penev - mayor of Plachi dol: "The new acquisition of Plachi dol village, thanks to the project of Dobrichka municipality, which will be realized by LAG Dobrichka, is of great importance for young people in the village. The only place is now in the courtyard of the kindergarten, but is outdated, and does not meet modern requirements. The new one will be in the village park. There will be slides, climbing frames,

29 green areas will be irrigated with an irrigation system. Residents of the village are about 600, of which over 25% are young people. "

I wish you a controversial work and more attention to all the villages! Osman Ibryam

Dobrichka municipality, village Pobeda Project: "Renovated sport playground in the village Pobeda, Municipality Dobrichka" Make 321 Basic services for the economy and rural areas Project cost: 113 775.71 BGN Seeking Grant: 113 775.71 BGN

Galin Ivanov - mayor of the village "Pobeda village is located 3 km from the town of Dobrich, within Dobrichka municipality. The local population is 940; the number of children and young people is 367. There is a tendency of increasing the number of young people in the area, but due to lack of facilities and recreation areas in the region, there are negative factors that stop the development of physical culture and sports activities. There is a primary school in the village with 120 children and kindergarten with 30 children. Both train children from neighboring villages. Lack of sports facilities and places for sport in settlements are forcing people to look for a way to enrich their physical culture in the nearby district town Dobrich. Limited finances do not allow young children to travel frequently there. The project is set to recover sports ground in the village. This work will improve the quality of life, facilitating access to services related to entertainment and sports. The project envisages construction and reconstruction of the existing playground, with the possibility of exercising sports like basketball, volleyball and tennis; the playground will be enlightened. With these multifunctional sports facilities will be provided better access of the population to sports and leisure time activities and recreation services.


Besides the inhabitants of the village of Pobeda, benefit will have also the neighboring villages. Young people will be able to use the new acquisition in the village to increase sport and physical culture, which will higher their living standards.

The mayor of the village Pobeda on behalf of young people in the village is thankful for the opportunities that LAG Dobrichka gives for developing villages in the Municipality. Galin Ivanov

Municipality Dobrichka , village Karapelit Project: "Renovated sport playground in village Karapelit" Measure 321 Basic services for the economy and rural areas Project cost: 149 716.14 BGN Seeking Grant: 149 716.14 BGN

Atanas Atanasov - Mayor Karapelit: "In Karapelit live about 1300 inhabitants, and residents aged 30 years are 285. The school in the village teaches 174 children from grades 1 to 8. In kindergarten are average about 35 children. Karapelit is one of the sports centers of Dobrich. We had a base, which over the years has developed and sanctioned traditions in sports. Here are still alive memories of the villagers for sports events that were held there, but the base needs renovation to turn it into a modern facility. Planned activities are related to the construction and reconstruction on an existing sports field, as well as purchase, delivery and installation of fencing and sports facilities. There will be separate basketball and volleyball court, which will be combined with tennis. It is planned to be installed and lighting. City Hall seeks to implement his idea to restore the area for recreation, sports and entertainment.


Besides the inhabitants of Karapelit village, benefit from the sports infrastructure will have also residents of neighboring villages. We are planning various sporting events - to integrate young people in the region and to raise standard of living of the population. Karapelit has his own football team. The sport attracts all ages; it is interesting and useful occupation. So we should pay serious attention to the development of sport and raise interest among the youth. Facilities for recreation and sports in the village are alternately arranged and are close to the forest, which was declared as a park. Recently was built a playground where many children gather. After the renovation of the playground task to the management of the village will be the repair the village stadium. "

LAG Dobrichka, with gratitude and faith! Atanas Atanasov

Farmer Toncho Nikolov Tonchev, Plachi dol village Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 - Modernization of farms Project cost: 65 570,00 BGN Seeking Grant: 32 785.00 BGN

Toncho Tonchev deals with agriculture since 2008. He develops its activities in the field of plant by processing over 750 acres of land in five villages in Dobrichka municipality. The main crops grown are wheat, corn, sunflower, lavender and melons, as well as 10 acres of vegetable garden, where he developed irrigated agriculture. Toncho Tonchev: "I learned about the opportunities offered by the Local Action Group by the municipal agricultural office. I looked for them and I noticed that they are very demanding in their work. I got the necessary documents. The team LAG made everything that was required. Then we tabled the project for the

32 purchase of agricultural machinery - harrow - BDP 5,5R, plow - reversible with plastic housing, model PRO 5:30 - 40 attached cultivator - 7.2 rotary harrow - 1m (7 pieces). So far I have used the technique only as services. I believe that the development of the young farmer gradually assumes that he has the necessary technique for his development. Namely securing the necessary machinery is the true argument to move forward and develop. The purchased equipment will be used for a vegetable garden, and the areas under cereals. This is the second project that I am applying. In an advanced stage of implementation is also a project within the program "Young farmer". I believe that a young people must rely on projects to develop and expand production. It is not possible without the support of European and other programs, young farmers to continue developing. "

Thanks to the whole team for the excellent work they do. You have much better conditions and perspectives for development of the real possibilities of all your competitors! Toncho Tonchev

Farmer Peyo Peev Alexandrov, village Zlatia Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery" Measure 121 Modernization of agricultural holdings Project cost: 119 100 BGN Seeking Grant: 47 640 BGN

Peyo Peev deals all his life only with agriculture. He was a chairman of the agricultural cooperative, but left in 1997 and started working at a Greek company for 7-8 years. Then- since 2000 he began to work independently. He began with 300 acres and a broken tractor. Last year Internet space shows me the opportunities of the Local Action Group. Peyo Peev: "The LAG team was people who helped me through all the project preparation. They were very polite. And now I am approved of to buy equipment for the farm. I have two sons and daughter agronomists. My

33 dream is to make a farm, which deals with organic farming on about 800 acres. My project is for purchasing a tractor 95 horsepower Kubota and Italian planter. The aim is to replace the old tractors that are from the last century and are now obsolete. My own participation in the project is 60%, and the grant is 40%. In addition to the fact it is modern; the new technique will surely lead to an increase in labor productivity in the economy. A year ago, I bought the same model tractor leasing and the effect is huge. It is of a higher grade for heavy processing. I think that organic farming can be done with the old machines. I do not have space for certified organic farming, but this is my goal. So I want to procure the necessary equipment that allows me to apply for certification of organic farming areas. My idea is to develop organic farming and rural tourism. I think this is the future of small and medium agricultural producer. I am sure that agriculture has a future here in Dobrudzha. So I want to give the farm that I build together with my wife, to our sons. "

I wish you good health and many creative successes! Peyo Peev

Farmer "Stanimir Todorov 08",village Stefan Karadja Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery" Measure 121 Modernization of farms Project cost: 119 675 BGN Seeking Grant: 59 837.50 BGN ET "Stanimir Todorov - 08" operates in the field of horticulture. Company is engaged in agriculture than 4 years, growing canola, wheat, corn, sunflower - traditional Dobrudzha cultures on 1,500 acres, over 400 of them in the territory of the municipality in the villages Stozher and Draganovo.


Stanimir Todorov: "I heard about the opportunities that local action group - Dobrichka gives and I decided to apply to a project and am very pleased with the LAG team. I met a great understanding and support. They prepared very quickly my project for purchase of agricultural machinery - tractor CLAAS, model ARION 430 CIS. So far, I had no tractor. With the new technique I will be able to independently perform this activity and to decrease production costs. In the beginning I will manage the tractor myself and then will hire mechanics, as I have idea to expand production in agriculture. I expect the spring campaign project to be approved. " Stanimir Todorov is 26 years old and says it is not easy for a young person to go into agricultural production. I started with my father, who also worked in the field of agriculture. According to him, agriculture is a challenge for a young man with many difficulties, but also satisfaction. He believes that agriculture is one of the best opportunities for young people in Bulgaria, who don’t afraid working. He wants to apply again in the next programming period - for the purchase of a combine harvester and for building a warehouse. According to him, especially important for farmers is the proximity of LAGs Dobrichka and readiness of the team to help with everything necessary for the candidate beneficiaries, the maximum relief to the farmer when applying.

I hope they will help in the future more and more young farmers! Stanimir Todorov

Farmer Stanislav Sashev Yankov, village Pchelino Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery for vegetables" Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Project cost: 81 900 BGN Seeking Grant: 40 950 BGN

Farmer Stanislav Yankov operates in the field of horticulture by processing rented land and production on the domestic market. He is engaged in agriculture by 2011 grown watermelons, melons, cucumbers. He processed 284 acres in the village Plachidol, Municipality Dobrichka. His project is for purchase a tractor Kubota Model M9540 power 97 hp.


Stanislav Yankov: "I learned for LAG Dobrichka projects from another beneficiary. My project is for purchase a tractor with power 97 hp, which I plan to use it cultivation, sowing, spraying. Its application will be mainly in the cultivation of melons and watermelons. At the moment I have such equipment, but it is too old, so I have to constantly make repairs as accidents occurring continuously. The new modern equipment will allow the use of better quality and resistant varieties of crops, to fight the climatic changes in recent years to improve the competitiveness of the economy. It will contribute to the improvement of working conditions, protection of the environment by reducing harmful emissions - this will happen by switching to shorter operation of tractors, as newly purchased equipment will handle a larger area per unit time, which reduces the work of tractors, reducing fuel consumption and hence - less thrown emissions. I expect to reduce costs and, accordingly, the cost of production. On the farm I work mainly alone and during the campaign I hire season employees. So, I will manage the new tractor. I am pleased with the work of the LAG Dobrichka team, they were very helpful. If there is another opportunity I will apply. I need more equipment and a warehouse. "

I wish the LAG team Dobrichka still help people in rural areas and continue to be excellent professionals in their work! Stanislav Yankov


Maria Ivanova Nikolova, village Cherna Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 Modernization of farms Project cost: 67 160 BGN Seeking Grant: 33 580 BGN Farmer Maria Nikolova operates in the field of plant by processing rented and own agricultural land and production for the domestic market. She process 1300 acres of land in the villages of Kragulevo and Cherna, Dobrichka municipality. The main crops grown are wheat, corn and sunflower. By introducing new, modern equipment she will improve her competitiveness. The project includes the purchase of a tractor ZETOR PROXIMA 100. Maria Nikolova: "My farm is located in the village Cherna. The warehouse is 500 sq. m area and 500 sq. m yard, where I keep all the equipment. 95% of my farm is equipped with the necessary equipment and machinery. Traditionally yields are middle quality, and the land I process is III and IV, and VI category. I learned about the opportunities for funding that LAG Dobrichka provides from my father, who works in the City Hall of Dobrichka Municipality. He directed me to use the opportunities of the Local Action Group. Her whole team is very polite and prepared for me 90% of the project. In 2008, I applied to the National Fund"Agriculture", but then it was very difficult, but now there were no obstacles or problems. The LAG team Dobrichka moves the whole procedure, and I have to show just a few documents. The project provides for me buying a tractor, midrange and trench cultivator ZETOR. It is a the latest model series ZETOR. It will drop the old machines MTZ and UMZ, which are, perhaps, since 1980. "

I started working on my project with LAG Dobrichka in June 2013, according to measure 121 for purchase of agricultural machinery. They triggered the procedures very quickly and sent the documents to National Fund "Agriculture" in Sofia, so I am very thankful to the whole team. Maria Nikolova


Farmer Dobromir Hristov Rajchev, village Cherna Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 Modernization of agricultural holdings Cost of the project: 95 758 BGN Seeking Grant: 38 303 BGN

Farmer Dobromir Hristov operates in the field of plant Dobromir Hristov: "I am processing 900 acres of land with wheat, sunflower, corn in the villages Cherna and Kragulevo for 14-15 years. I have not bothered to apply for funding to the project. With the support of the LAG team I deposited my first project. I learned about the opportunities that local action group gives by colleagues. I visited the office of the LAG in Branishte village where I received strong support from the team of the group in the preparation of the project. I am pleased with our partnership with LAG Dobrichka. My project is for purchase a tractor "New Holland" with power of 95 horsepower. For my farm it will be as rational power. So far I bought mainly second-hand machinery - "New Holland", "Zetor". Thanks to LAG Dobrichka, I will own my first new tractor. The new will be very good for spraying, as it would be tight, unlike the old machines. It will improve especially the quality of the work on the farm. Mostly I will work with the new technique. This is my first project. I hope it will be successful, and then I will apply on new projects. Although we have all the necessary equipment, I do not exclude the possibility to apply for other new machines in the next programming period. LAG Dobrichka is a good initiative, as her team is close to the beneficiaries and the application process is streamlined. Moreover, the local action group operates only in Dobrichka municipality. "

I am very pleased to partner with LAG Dobrichka! Dobromir Hristov


"Nedyalka Mihova - Honey house Mihovi" , village Prilep Project: Construction of Honey House Measure 311 Diversification into non-agricultural activities Cost of the project: 72 867.58 BGN Seeking Grant: 51 007.31 BGN "Nedyalka Mihova-Honey house Mihovi" was registered in early 2013 by Nedyalka Mihova whose main activity is the cultivation of beehives and production of honey and bee products. The first royal family of her last name was registered in 1994, as then the idea was to have a clean food for the children and then she began to multiply colonies. In recent years, this is her livelihood. She works intensively and with pleasure. Professionally deals with beekeeping since 2003 and grown 130 beehives in three apiaries, and the latest is near the village Prilep. It is small and will be a demonstration to the Honey House, which Nedyalka Mihova will build within the project. Nedyalka Mihova: "I knew about the activities of the LAG long time ago, but I did not think that I can apply to their aid. I was surprised by the work of the LAG team Dobrichka. They were very quick, and worked very well, very positively charged. I work with enthusiasm and beekeeping creation of Honey House is my long-standing idea. I want to thank to my family for their support, because I myself would not be able to realize it. The idea is to make attractive apiary with tasting room and demonstration equipment - centrifuges for extraction of honey from beekeeping museum - tools and equipment. The hall has 50 seats, and will include tasting pure copper products. My idea is to acquaint visitors with the true, natural honey, such as nature created it, without any human intervention. The tasting will include honey cake, honey brandy and fresh honey, bee pollen and lemon juice. The other thing we want to show is that people can live together with bees, do not be afraid of them and think about them much, because our life is based solely on pollinator activity of bees that their supreme mission is pollinating, maintain biodiversity, we should take care of them, so we can keep existing. "

Wishing you the courage to succeed! Nedyalka Mihova


"Golden Land 2011", village Ovcharovo Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 Modernization of farms Project cost: 119 904.13 BGN Seeking Grant: 47 961.65 BGN

"Golden Land" Ltd. was established in 2011 and is headquartered in village Ovcharovo, Dobrichka Municipality. Company deals mainly with agriculture, processed 3,500 hectares of agricultural land in the territories of the municipalities Dobrich, Dobrichka and Balchik; and are growing major for the region cultures - wheat, corn and sunflower. Marietta Mircheva: "I learned about the opportunities LAG Dobrichka gives from their website, and from another farmer. The project, which "Golden Land" Ltd. applied for a grant to the LAG Dobrichka is our first attempt to work with European programs. In its development, we had the full support of the team of the Local Action Group, and their consultants. The project is for the purchase of agricultural machinery - tractor and seeder. We have used rental equipment. Purchased the project machinery and equipment will reduce costs for the company and will increase the quality of work. If this project is implemented successfully, "Golden Land" Ltd. intends to reapply for funding within LAG Dobrichka. We plan to develop irrigated agriculture - as the three major crops and vegetable. Job satisfaction with LAG Dobrichka due to the fact that through the group can much easier apply for funding, the procedure is shorter and LAG Dobrichka is closer to the farmers. "

Keep be so honest, helpful and smiling also in the future programming period! Victories! Marietta Mircheva


"ASPY" Ltd., village Kamen Project: "Construction of a small wind farm - 30 kW, mounted to the roof of a building in the farmyard in village Liaskovo, Dobrichka municipality " Measure 311 "Diversification into non-agricultural activities" Cost of the project: 99 853.50 BGN Seeking Grant: 79 882.80 BGN

The purpose of investment is to build a small wind power production and sale of electricity with a total installed capacity of 30 kW / p, within the farmyard in village Lyaskovo, Dobrichka municipality. Wind power plant will be built on land owned by the "ASPI" Ltd., namely to the facade of the building, located in the farmyard in village Lyaskovo, with a total area 12,800 square meters Project provides wind generator to be located on a mast attached to the facade of the building in the northeastern part. The installed capacity of the plant will be 30 kW / p and will produce electricity around 157,700 kW / h average. Dimitar Dimitrov, "Espy" Ltd. "Our Company deals with livestock, process and some land in the village Lyaskovo. We have own dairy farm with 100 cows and 70 calves. Last year we applied under the Nitrates Directive and bought equipment for manure. I learned about LAG Dobrichka from the Internet and from my cousin who had already deposited project. I had the idea to build a small wind farm long time ago, as the site suggests the possibility of placing a wind generator. After studying the possibilities that gives LAG Dobrichka,I prepared the project. It provides the purchase, installation and operation of a wind power generator with 30 kW / p, which will be connected to the grid. Energy produced will be used for sale, as well as for our own needs. I am very pleased with the collaboration with the LAG team Dobrichka. Everything happened very quickly, and I got very competent help. " I wish the LAG team Dobrichka in the New Year to enjoy good health, success and still be responsive and to help smaller farmers. Dimitar Dimitrov


"Stozher 2008", village Stozher Project: "Purchase of agricultural machinery" Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Project cost: 21 200 BGN Seeking Grant: 8 480 BGN

"Stozher 2008" Ltd "was established in the crop by processing about 2,000 acres of land in three villages in Dobrichka Municipality – Debrene, Sokolnik and Stozher. The main crops grown are wheat, barley, corn, sunflower. The project is for purchase a drill - multiservice "Chervona zirka" and trench cultivator "Altatair". Stanimir Stoyanov - director of "Stozher 2008" Ltd: "I work directly in agriculture since 2008. About LAG I learned from their advertising activities. I am engaged in agriculture for many years, and know CEO of LAG Ms. Nadezhda Vasileva. I visited their office where they explained me what projects are eligible. We decided that I apply. I prepared the project with their consultant - very efficiently and in a very short time. The project provides the purchase of seed drill for row crops and cultivator, also for row crops. There were options to apply for repair of storage for grain production, but - given the short period I have to refuse. I postponed it in time for the new programming period. The new machines will be computer-detection rate of sowing and manure spreading equipment. It will simultaneously perform two operations - sowing and applying nitrogen fertilizer. This will contribute to greater economy of seeds and fertilizers, as the sowing rate will be more accurate and also fertilizers rate. It will reduce dependence on external providers- row hoeing and sowing of spring cultures during their growing season. Along with this will achieve improved quality and technological characteristics of the production. I am very pleased to be partner with the LAG team Dobrichka. I have no comments. I wish the next programming period to work again together with them. " I wish the LAG team keep working still competently, efficiently and continue to be so responsive. Stanimir Stoyanov


Farmer Alkyn Nuri Apturaim , village Podslon Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Make 121 Modernization of farms Cost of the project: 91 319.92 BGN Seeking Grant: 46 200.00 BGN

Farmer Alkyn Nuri Apturaim process 410 acres own and rented land in villages Feldfebel Dyankovo and Podslon, Municipality Dobrichka. The main crops grown are wheat, corn, sunflower, alfalfa and plums. The project will purchase Tractor New Holand TD5.95C (97k.s.), drill for row crops Irtem, 6-row fertilizer spreader system and DONER 1200L. Alkyn Apturaim: "I am a farmer since 2006 and grown mainly cereals - sunflower, corn, wheat, and in some years and rape, pumpkins. I have a small orchard with plums. I went to the LAG office in Branishte and presented my idea, and then they explained me what documents must be presented. With the assistance of their consultant was developed project, and I only had to provide the required documents. I have very good impressions of the LAG team. Even when I had doubts whether or not to participate, they supported me. My project provides the purchase of agricultural machinery - tractor for spring-row planter and spreader of 1000 liters. We expect the project will be realized for the spring campaign so I will be ready with new equipment. This will lead to cost savings, which so far I have paid as service, which is why I wasn’t so competitive. I expect to have an impact on yields and they will increase after starting to use the new equipment. So far the problem was that I depend on rented equipment and this affects my activities, because there are often delays. With my own technique I can sow in time. " Thank you, LAG team Dobrichka for the support. I wish you even greater budget for the next programming period! Alkyn Apturaim


Dobrichka municipality, village and Branishte Project: Improvement of park space in the villages Vedrina and Branishte Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Cost of the project: 94,908.63 BGN Seeking Grant: 94,908.63 BGN The project envisages reconstruction of the park within the library - repave; clearance of areas for children to play; filling with new vegetation; separation of recreation; construction of a playground; installation of lighting fixtures; irrigation system; supply and installation of playground equipment and park elements. Georgi Georgiev - mayor of village Vedrina: "About 500 are residents of Vedrina, there is a kindergarten and a school with about 60 students. The village now has no playground, and there are many young families with children, with no entertainment. On the new site, once the project is implemented, they will have fun climbing frames and slides, where children can play and parents can rest in cozy park. "

Dimitar Dimitrov – mayor of village Branishte: "The playground, which today is in the village Branishte is with old appliances and flooring does not meet modern safety requirements. The new equipment will be located between the town hall, kindergarten and school. It meets all European requirements and standards; there will be new devices and equipment. The village is home for many young people, and in summer almost every day one can see 3-4 mothers who walk their children. So far, the youngest residents of the village had nowhere to play. The only place for children to play in the village is the site of the kindergarten. Hopefully next

44 year the new acquisition will be a fact and youngest residents of Branishte can gladly take advantage of it. The idea of building a playground is an idea of people from the village, but could not be realized without the assistance of Dobrichka Municipality. "

Dobrichka municipality, villages Lovchanci and Feldfebel Dyankovo Project: Improvement of park space in the villages Lovchanci and Feldfebel Dyankovo Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Cost of the project: 105,734.43 BGN Seeking Grant: 105,734.43 BGN The project provides renewal of the grass cover of all the green areas; building rosary; repave; clearance of areas for children to play; filling with new vegetation; separation of recreation; construction of a playground; installation of lighting fixtures; irrigation system; supply and installation of playground equipment and park elements. Ivan Ivanov - mayor of village Lovchanci "We have playground in the village only in the courtyard of the kindergarten, but it is amortized. At the same time the village has a lot of young families with children. In kindergarten are taught about 30 children, but there are also uncovered. Primary school in the village teaches 86 children. Now they can only play in the school yard. Recently opened refurbished gymnasium, where Dobrichka municipality invested around 100 000 BGN. The village, however, needs a playground where the small inhabitants can play. Among the nearly 970 residents in the village there are many young people. Significant part of them is now abroad, but harvested several times a year." With best wishes for good health and great success for LAG Dobrichka in the new year!


Dobrichka municipality, Stefan Karadja and Paskalevo villages Project: Improvement of park space in the villages Measure 322 Renovation and development of settlements Cost of the project: 70 788.36 BGN Seeking Grant: 70 788.36 BGN

The project provides for construction of two villages alley, maintaining the flooring and replacing and complementing existing plates; building a rosary; clearance of areas for children to play; existing plant groups will be filled with new vegetation; separation of recreation;construction of a playground; installation of lighting fixtures; irrigation system; supply and installation of playground equipment and park elements. Nikolay Stanchev – mayor of Stefan Karadja: "There are about 280 people in the village, 400 - in the summer.Even now there are families who move their registration in the village. Currently in kindergarten in the village educate 15 children, but the number is increasing. Other 50 children attend the school in the village. For all of them there is no chance to play and have fun. The only place where the future of the village can play is the yard of the school, but there is only a very old basketball ring. It is envisaged that the new playground will be built right in front of the famous fountain Karalezka, which is one of the oldest in Dobrudzha-between the school, fountain and kindergarten. Children will play in two zones, one for the smallest - from 1 to 10 years, and the other - for the older children. The area will be landscaped, and equipped with swings, slides, and sandpit. The new acquisition will tour with paths and park lighting the Karalezka fountain. " Zhivko Zhelev - mayor of Paskalevo: "There are about 1,000 people in the village, 90 of them under age of 18, and during the summer months the number of kids increases with those who come to visit their grandparents. Site in kindergarten has two slides and two swings. The new site will have

46 play equipment, and also park lighting, landscaping. An area of over 300 sq. m of the village center and near the community center will be repaired." I wish LAG team in the next programming period to be even more successful in their projects for Municipality Dobrichka! Nikolay Stanchev

Dobrichka municipality, village Opanets Project: Improving of the social center for adults with dementia Measure 321 Basic services for the economy and rural Cost of the project: 76 097.67 BGN Seeking Grant: 76 097.67 BGN

Eva Ivanova - "Director of the Home for elderly people with dementia": "Home for elderly people with dementia is here since 1978, with capacity of 50 people diagnosed with"Dementia". It serves Varna and Dobrich and service users are people from these two areas. The center is delegated by the state, under the management of the Mayor of Dobrich. The House has two buildings. One was completed in 2007, and the other - in 2009. There are financed by SIF, and the old building of the house is not in use. The project, which will be implemented by Dobrichka Municipality, envisages the construction of a ramp, repair and restoration of part of the existing fence and building a new station, supply and installation of simulators for rehabilitation. Ramp is required for people with disabilities who are wheelchair users. So they can move freely in the yard. They are more than 10% of residents. The project envisages improvement of the yard with an area of 7.7 acres – installment of outdoor fitness equipment and landscaping of the alleys. Through the project we will create conditions for accessibility of the environment and meeting the standards and criteria according to the Regulations under the Social Assistance Act for household environment. "


I want to congratulate the LAG team for dedication, competence and pace of their work in implementing the strategy for local development in the Municipality. Their success is demonstrated by the high percentage of approved projects. And we - as part of municipality’s structure, are grateful. Grants through the implementation of this project will make people's lives in the home for elderly people better and more interesting - by the opportunity to be in direct contact with nature in all its seasons. Their smiles are the greatest gift to all who make their lives worthy and complete. Here is the role of Dobrichka Municipality and its joint activities with the LAG team. I am grateful from my heart! Eva Dimitrova

"Rooster's Day" LTD, village Branishte Project: "Alternative for infant feeding" Measure 312 Support for creation and development of micro enterprises Cost of the project: 98 831.40 BGN Seeking Grant: 69 181.98 BGN The owner of the "Rooster's Day" Viliyana Georgieva is mother of two children and her daily care for them had forced her to launch its endeavor village in the municipality, which is associated with the construction of small enterprise for the production of packaged baby food. She chose Branishte as relatively quiet and clean village, away from the urban area and at the same time near town Dobrich, which facilitates communications. Viliyana Georgieva: "I am looking for a way to start this venture for a long time and LAG team gave me chance. The first meeting was exploratory, but all of them were very polite, extremely turned attention to the idea. That I have small children helped me realize the need for such a project. With two kids every day we need better quality, healthier and more nutritious food, that I can’t procure Dobrich. So I decided to create such an undertaking, and I hope it is successful. The service will be used by the children of the municipalities of Dobrich and Dobrichka. We have

48 good cooperation with the medical specialist who is an instructor in infant feeding. Our activities will be the principle of children's kitchen; in all the villages of Dobrichka municipality will be delivery. Studies did show good quality children’s kitchen, but for the price parents pay we can give greater variety of products. The principle of formation of the menu is very balanced. Children will be divided into three age groups - from eight months to a year, year and a half to 3 years and from 3 to 7 years. With funding from the LAG I plan to cover part of the cost of the works and the building, rest of equipment of the kitchen will be a self funding. Given that this activity is extremely administratively burdened and we have to wait long time on various different stages, we believe that a year and a half or two years from now we will start working.

Be strong and courageous! Viliyana Georgieva

"Unmanned agricultural aviation" Ltd. Project: "Creation of interactive software platform to support the development of farmers and tourism in Dobrichka municipality and the provision of the necessary equipment" Measure 312 Support for creation and development of micro enterprises Total project cost 91 606.40 BGN Seeking Grant: 64 124.48 BGN

Svetoslav Gramenov-Director of Unmanned agricultural aviation LTD: - Mr. Gramenov, would you brief shortly your business. - Unmanned Agricultural Aviation Ltd. is a newly founded company in the field of high technologies. - Where did you learned about LAGs opportunities? - By Internet. - Who helped you with the preparation of the project? - By the LAG team Dobrichka and by consulting company"Agenda" - What is the projects goal? - Operation of the unmanned helicopter /so called "drone" / that makes shooting and live streaming in the Internet. Potential benefits include: 1. Theft and poachers. 2. Monitor the proper use of agricultural machinery.


3. Investigation of crops against diseases, pests and drought; 4. Search of lost animals and humans 5. Assistance in fires and disasters, etc. - What benefits you found for your business? - Profit, perhaps, new opportunities ... - Is this project possible without funding? - No, I wouldn’t, but the strategy of LAG provides good opportunities for innovative ideas with potential. Side impressions of people in LAG Dobrichka are that they work well in a team for a worthy cause. I hope to succeed; I hope this can be seen from those that determine the activities of the LAGs. Svetoslav Gramenov

Community center "Renaissance - 1941 “, village Odrintsi Project: Green beauty of Odrintsi Measure 323 Preservation and improvement of rural heritage Total project cost 7997.60 BGN Seeking Grant: 7997.60 BGN

Community center was founded in 1941. Its activity is comprehensive - along with library activities, implement and artistic activities, there is a group for authentic folklore, children groups “Lazar”and “Christmas”. Formations take part annually in the festival "Songs and Dances of solar Dobrudzha» near the village Debrene, and has a lot of awards and honors. Joan Stoyanova – Community center secretary: "LAG team told us about opportunities for funding of projects and helped us in the preparation of the project. They came here, took couple of workshops and meetings organized by them. So we decided the library as a legal non- profit entity to apply with a project under measure 323 Preservation and improvement of rural heritage. After obtaining the concurrence of the

50 community center management, we moved with the preparation of the project "Green beauty of the village Odrintsi». It aims to be able to show the natural attractions of the village, which is the largest in the municipality. Our project provides activities for exploration and development of natural heritage near the village, to attract local people to the natural resources of this part of Dobrudzha stored in the lake and the forest near the village. There will be marked trail, divided by two recreation areas with playground, fireplace, monitoring of the rural landscape. One is a panoramic terrace overlooking the lake. There will be an information board, which will point to places for recreation. We expect the project to enhance the interest of locals and tourists who come on weekends and during the week. We are very grateful to the LAG team, because they constantly helped us in the preparation of the project under measure 323 "Protection and improvement of rural heritage". We hope they will continue working because they can and they will succeed. This is a very good and solid team and they all succeed together. Joan Stoyanova

"Elisa 0381", village Pchelino Project: "Construction of a grocery store in Pchelino" Measure 312 Support for the creation and development of micro enterprises Project cost 62 319.03 BGN Seeking Grant: 43 623.32 BGN

Asen Marinov Milanov is 32 years old and works in construction. At the same time he is engaged in agriculture - grown melons. Last year bought a house in Pchelino and decided to make a shop in the village because no where he can’t buy essential goods. In the village people can buy only bread, and no other goods needed for a household. The villagers have to travel 15 km to Dobrich, to buy what they need, because even in the neighboring villages there is no such shop. Older people rely on relatives who charged them for a week.


Asen Milanov: "I decided to do a grocery store with a buffet which offers snacks for children. I even prepared the necessary documents - projects, building permits, etc. Then I learned from a friend about the opportunities that the LAG gives. I went to their office in Branishte to inquire. For a month I prepared all documents using the LAG team and consultant Nikolinka Dimova, which helped with the project preparation. It includes construction of a general store in the village apiary; knocking the old house, cleaning the field and I expect funding to begin to build. My commitment is to build the site for three months. The store has an area of 64 sq. m; there will be a summer terrace. I will offer everything villagers need - as food and other essential commodities." I wish the LAG team Dobrichka many successful projects and satisfied clients! Asen Milanov

Agricultural cooperative "Dawn 95", village Little Smolnitsa Project: Construction of a shelter to an existing building in the property № 052012 - Farmyard Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" Total project cost 119 964.10 BGN Seeking Grant: 47 985.64 BGN

"Zora 95" processes 6500 hectares of agricultural land in the villages Little Smolnitsa and Zlatia. Valentin Valchev was its chairman since 2000 and like most farmers in the region he grows traditional crops - wheat, corn, sunflower. The cooperative is one of the first members of the LAG Dobrichka and its chairman is a member of the Supervisory Board. Valentin Valchev: "At the moment modernization of the cooperatives shed is, perhaps, the last step to become a truly modern small base. I have never taken advantage of the fact that we are the first members of the LAG Dobrichka, but agricultural cooperative "Dawn 95" needed a shelter for

52 agricultural machinery. Since I attended almost all the meetings of the LAG and I know its activities, I decided to apply. In 2013 we started working on this project for a shelter that will be with metal frame on area of about 600 sq. m. I hope, in the spring we can begin work on the new shelter. Not only for us but also all farmers need continuous investment in the business. For us it is important to have a warehouse, modern and large, to store some production. Otherwise we have to realize it quickly on lower prices, but not only we as producers and cooperative members are losing, but also tenants. This is the first project of the cooperative, which we expect to be supported by the LAG. As a member of the Supervisory Board of LAG am familiar with the work, but it's time to become its potential beneficiary. From the very foundation of our agricultural cooperative group we are member of the association. We are also members of the National Grain Producers Association and the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives. "

I wish good health to the entire LAG team and a lot of success in your work! Valentin Valchev

Agricultural cooperative "Orlova Mogila", village Orlova Mogila Project Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 41121 - Modernization of farms Project cost: 104 463.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 41 785.20 BGN

"Orlova Mogila" was established on April 18, 1993 and manages 5,500 acres of land with equipment from 1978. Ivan Kolev - Chairman of the cooperative: "After my election as president two years ago it was decided that first

53 thing is to renew the technique, because the competition is impossible. We began to use own funds, because we missed opportunities to apply under Measure 121 of the RDP. We bought Fendt tractor, bulldozer, tractor Armatrak. When we learned about the possibilities of LAG Dobrich from their brochure and their website, I organized meeting with the team. I applied for the purchase of another tractor with a power between 100 and 110 horsepower. Best offer given by the "New Holand" and the machine is now in the farmyard of the cooperative. It improves the quality and accuracy of work, lowers costs and production costs. So far, in the village Orlova Mogila was not obtained yield over 400 kg / ha of wheat and this year our average yield was 525 kg / ha., from corn we received yield 1120 kg / ha of field with hybrid Dekalb, and the average yield of this crop is 920 kg / ha. Our intention is to buy land and make orchard of 20-30 acres. We already launched it. Our next step is to buy and outfit. If LAG Dobrichka continue to assist farmers in the next programming period we will apply with a new project for this. In local action group there is no bureaucracy, as there is in other institutions. " LAG Dobrichka crave are still close to the farmers and I wish them not to forget that farmers take care of living and no one is bigger than bread!

Ivan Kolev


Farmer Ivelin ENCHEV Kovatchev, village Lyaskovo Measure 121 Modernization of farms Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Cost of the project - 60 600 BGN Seeking Grant: 24 240 BGN

Ivelin ENCHEV Kovachev is from Lyaskovo, Dobrichka Municipality and is occupied about 20 years in agriculture. He cultivates approximately 1,000 hectares of agricultural in the village and grown mainly cereals - wheat, sunflower and maize. In holding except Ivelin Kovachev works only one machine operator. Ivelin Kovachev: "I have not managed to win funding on a project, even that I attempt. My first successful project is within LAG Dobrichka. I learned about local action group back in 2011, during an information meeting held in the village Zhitnitsa. I visited the LAG office in Branishte and I prepared all the documents that were required. From my experience so far I can say that LAG Dobrichka is the only organization that deals with small businesses, otherwise is difficult to break. They provide resources to small and medium-sized producers, which is a chance for me to get involved with the project. As my business and the project is modest. It is for the purchase of French sprayer BERTU with navigation, which costs 50 000 BGN and I couldn’t buy it. With LAG I took this serious step. The other machine, included in the project is cultivator with fertilizer delivery device, which is for spring crops - maize and sunflower. The total project cost is about 60 000 BGN, of which I have to secure 60 per cent. Largest item in grain production are fertilizers and they reduce the costs of production. I believe that through the new technique I will allay the cost of production and increase the quality of work on the farm. " LAG Dobrichka desire to be ever so industrious and dedicated in their relations with their beneficiaries! Ivelin Kovachev


"ABC Tours" LTD, village Zlatia Project: "Construction of guest house in Zlatia “ Measure 312 Support for creation and development of micro enterprises Project cost: 99 980.85 BGN Seeking Grant: 69 986.60 BGN

"ABC Tours" Ltd. is engaged in advertising. Several years company’s activity has been frozen until they saw the potential in Dobrudzha besides the agriculture.

Alexandrina Panaiotova - owner and manager of "ABC Tours" Ltd. "We chose the idea of promoting the region. Unfortunately, I had a friend from Plovdiv who came and told me a lot of historical facts about our region. Gradually, when we decided to deal with this project, to make a guest house in Zlatia, I began to read the story. It turned out that the village was founded in 1673. It is a very old village with a lot of history. Unfortunately, as 90% of Bulgarian villages deserted. We decided to do what we can to promote the village and the possibilities of Dobrudzha region. We looked in Internet for funding opportunities. Then we came across the LAG Dobrichka. Then we organized a meeting with the LAG team Dobrichka and we started our work on the project. The team members are very competent people who want to help and are there to work and be useful, people who really believe in what they do. We predict two main business lines - a guesthouse with tourist attractions and business tourism. We have friends and partners who have employees who frequently travel in the region. We have already held negotiations and will provide after implementation of the project, the services we offer. We will do everything possible to attract and tourists in the region. I think that the people of the village will have a greater effect than those outsiders will come to this place and will enrich their daily lives. And visitors will be able to buy from the villagers. So there will be two-sided effect.


Faith in your work allows people who work with you to believe that they can make the community better. Continue to create dreams and to help implement them, because dreams change our world. Alexandrina Panaiotova

Farmer Todor Ignatov Paraskevov Project: Purchase of agricultural machinery Measure 121 - Modernization of farms Project cost: 118 097.75 BGN Seeking Grant: 47 239.10 BGN

Todor Paraskevov is a producer with over 10 years experience in the industry. He processes 600-700 hectares in the villages Vrachantsi, Paskalevo, Plenimir and others, and grown traditional regional crops - wheat, corn, sunflower, depending on the conditions - and rape.

Todor Paraskevov: " I applied for the purchase of agricultural machinery - tractor" John Deere "power with 115 horsepower. The investment is quite large and I need working capital, which alone cannot afford to set aside. I learned about the opportunities that local action group gives by acquaintances. My impressions of working with the LAG team Dobrichka are very good; I'm fascinated working with them. They are very responsive. I think such people will prosper Bulgaria. The benefit of the new acquisition will be great, because for successful agricultural work you need quality treatment on the right time. The new tractor will increase the quality of work and the quality of production and in the same time will reduce costs and the cost of the final product. I expect the new acquisition in my farm for the spring campaign.


This is my first project application for European funding. So far what stopped me was slow approving process for such an investment. Currently I work with old machines. I already have an idea for a project that I will apply within the LAG Dobrichka in the next programming period. "

With gratitude to LAG Dobrichka! Todor Paraskevov

Farmer Sefer Seyfetin Murad, village Benkovski Project: Purchase of agricultural equipment Measure 121 Modernization of farms Cost of the project: 48 985.00 BGN Seeking Grant: 19 594 BGN

Sefer Murad is 44 years old, but is engaged in farming about 22 years. He graduated from a special school. Last 6 yearshe owns private farm processing agricultural land in the village Chervenski, Varna and Orlyak, Tervel, and mainly in the village of Benkovski where processed 1,400 acres of land. Growing major for the region - wheat, canola, corn, sunflower. There is also an orchard with plums in an area of 20 acres. Sefer Murad: "From my friend who works at the company, trading in agricultural equipment, I learned that it is possible to apply with projects in LAG Dobrichka. He knew that I was looking to buy agricultural equipment. I realized that there are still funds under Measure 121 - Modernization of agricultural holdings. First meeting with team was with Zhenya, then Nelly, and at the end with the Executive Director Mrs. Vasileva – all of them wonderful people who responded and helped me to prepare the project. I am very grateful for everything they did, because I wouldn’t handle by myself. The project is for purchase of three machines that I need. One is GPS, which will help me accurately fertilizing, spraying, and sowing. I want to

58 buy rollers, which are modern, folding, as mine are very outdated. The third machine is reversible plow. The new technique will be very useful for the economy. With rollers will quickly move to the farthest point. They are folding; I can drive with greater speed and cultivate a larger area. The new plow that I want to buy is brand Lemken, which is one of the leaders among the companies that produce agricultural machinery. With a GPS- I will achieve precision of seed and fertilizer rate, which will reduce costs. I have colleagues who use GPS, and I see a big difference - to save chemicals, seeds and fertilizers. If this project is successful I would like to apply again during next program period. My greatest dream is to buy a combine. And surely I will address it to the LAG Dobrichka, because I believe that we will help me. " I wish with all my heart that LAG team Dobrichka will come true all unfulfilled dreams and most of all - health! I am grateful to you!

Sefer Murad

"Idea Vision" Ltd. Project: Purchase of photo and video equipment Measure 312 Support for creation and development of micro enterprises Project cost: 13,136 BGN Seeking Grant: 9 195.20 BGN

- Mr. Donev, tell us about "Idea Vision" Ltd! - IDEA VISION is a specialized agency for digital marketing and web solutions. We create innovative solutions that have an impact on the consumer, attract new customers and improve ROI. IDEA VISION builds integrated online marketing concepts and suggestions for planning online advertising campaigns in cooperation with all major media on the Web. - Where did you hear about the opportunities LAG Dobrichka gives? - LAG Dobrichka advertising campaigns.


- What assistance have you received in the preparation of the project? - Thanks to the competent advice of LAG team we got full cooperation. - What are your impressions of working with MIG Dobrichka? - Team with impeccable professionalism. - What is the project for? - Purchase of photo and video equipment; Introduction of new services in the company's portfolio. - What are the benefits for your business? - Expanding the number of services offered by IDEA VISION. - What are the benefits for the community? - Promotion of Dobrichka municipality as a suitable destination for the development of successful agricultural and non-agricultural business, revitalization of rural areas.

"Rotary" Ltd. Project: "Purchase of equipment for cooling and control of the bacterial environment of fruit and vegetables" Measure 123 Adding value to agricultural and forestry products Project cost: 110 757.16 BGN Seeking Grant: 55 378 58 BGN "Rotary" Ltd. develops organic farming on 24 hectares to produce in compliance with the standards for ecological production. In 2006 company achieved the Standards Regulations (EEC) 2092/91 to obtain the European Eco-certificate for raspberry production. In 2008 they achieved NOP certificate. 2009 they covered standards for processing of own ecological production according Regulations (EC) 834/2007 and Regulations (EC) 889/2008. Company is engaged in the cultivation of raspberry plantations, makes grain. Valentin Manolov: "The project is called by the need of people to preserve their products. Investment is rather not for my production. The broken bond market - producers - storage - end user is very unfavorable and most often detriment of producers. The market for fruit and vegetables in the country

60 is poorly regulated, negative role there and illegal imports. Recently the government has taken certain actions, but overall the state is still a big debtor of fruit and vegetables. The product is purchased on the cheapest price and it renders their efforts. The region already has 9-10 thousand acres of plantations. Over 70 percent of them are just entering the fruiting. Of these 10,000 acres of plantations, about 5,000 are walnuts, which is another segment. The remaining 5,000 are fruits - plums, apples, apricots, peaches, pears, chokeberry. Overall, this traditional fruits have typical Bulgarian taste. They could have more market presence. But global trade in fruits and vegetables provides us with genetically engineered varieties of resistance, and additional treatments. The issue of preservation and realization of production annually grows at times. I hope that we can provide this equipment, which clears bacteria takes ethylene, which is separated from all the fruits in the course of their breathing. These are the latest and most advanced techniques for storing fruits and vegetables. We envisage this to be as an extension of our refrigerator in Plachi dol village. We have set some relatively modest goals - to take part of the production in that of adjacent producers. The capacity should be around 400 tons. The idea is the company to develop business of the reception, storage and marketing will probably do and experience for solar drying of fruits. This activity is new for us and we will not only benefit the company but also the entire community of the region.

Municipality Dobrichka expected to absorb the grants of about 1.1 million BGN via LAG Dobrichka Diko Ivanov - Deputy Mayor "Financial and economic activities" in Dobrichka Municipality

Dobrichka municipality is a beneficiary of two of the measures applicable within the Local Development Strategy. These are Measure 321 - Basic services for the population and the rural economy, and Measure 322 - Renovation and development of settlements. More in the preparation of the Local Development Strategy, whose hearing was attended by very active business representatives, NGOs and the municipal administration, we managed to cover all the most important issues that must be solved in the territory of our municipality.


Priorities of the strategy are activities aimed at the development of the rural area which is covered by Dobrichka Municipality. I think that for this reason the local development strategy for the LAG territory ranked and approved for funding, and were given the opportunity to start their business, along with another 16 municipalities, even in October 2011. The contract, which was signed between LAG Dobrichka, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Paying Agency, is worth 3.22 million BGN. In the selection of projects that Municipality Dobrichka apply to LAGs, we have mainly complied with eligible activities under measures 321 and 322, mainly in the part concerning public municipal property - to improve the existing centers for cultural services of recreation centers, leisure and sports rehabilitation of public green areas - parks, gardens and playgrounds. As you can see, our efforts are focused exactly in this direction. We believe that the settlements in the municipality need such investments through LAG Dobrichka, and I hope to realize them. Here is the place to say that throughout the period of preparation of the projects we have received timely expert advice from the team management LAG Dobrichka, for which we thank them.

LAG Dobrichka finished taking projects in 2013 with 95.02% implementation of the Local Development Strategy for amount of 5 129 086.04 BGN

MIG Dobrich is one of the first 16 LAGs in the country that were granted funds from the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 for the amount of 3.22 million BGN for financing small projects in support of agriculture, business development and development of public facilities in Dobrichka municipality.

Adoption of the draft ended on 31.10.2013. During periods of intake (respectively for the two years 01.02.2012.- 31.10.2012 and 01.02.2013-31.10.2013) LAG had submitted a total of 61

62 projects, 57 of which will participate in the distribution of funds strategy. 45 of them were submitted by private beneficiaries, 10 - of Dobrichka municipality and two by NGOs. The total value of the applications within LAG were 61 projects amounted to 5 307 375.41 BGN. Of all applications filed at the LAG application currently approved and submitted to the State Fund Agriculture are 57 projects totaling 5 129 086.04 BGN. For unused measures 41/121 in the amount of 17 810.51 BGN, 41/312 - 29 507.00 BGN, 41/321 - 38 987.86 BGN, 41/322 - 98 056.90 BGN, LAG Dobrichka will announce application in early 2014, within one month. This will be possible after a change in Regulation 23 of the MAF, which is expected to be finalized by the end of December. Based on the officially approved by the FA amounts and the developed tripartite contracts with beneficiaries and LAG, by the end of 2013 will be clear final financial means that LAG Dobrichka will have on the measures of CMP implementation of which will be announced reception of applications for financial support in early 2014. So far in agriculture are adopted 32 draft cooperatives and private farmers for 2 590 586.58 BGN, in measures for the development of non- agricultural business are approved 13 projects totaling 1 523 090.12 BGN and in public measures are approved 12 projects totaling 1015409,34 BGN In 2014 and 2015 the LAG team will be involved in the monitoring and verification of the implementation of contracts, and will assist the beneficiaries to prepare their applications for payment to the FA and successful reporting and completion of their projects. In parallel with the ongoing work LAG will be undertaken in preparation for the new programming period and the new strategy for local development.


European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Europe investing in rural area Program for development of the agricultural regions for the period 2007 – 2013