To Be Successful, You Have to Start Somewhere…
To be successful, you have to start somewhere… To be successful, you have to start somewhere.. LAG Dobrichka make dreams come true for people from the largest municipality in Bulgaria Nadezhda Vasileva - CEO of LAG Dobrichka - Mrs. Vasileva, Dobrichka municipality is one of 16 municipalities in the country and the only one in the area, whose local development strategy won funding. Tell us more about a Local Action Group? - LAG Dobrichka is an association of representatives of the public sector, businesses and civil society, living and / or working in Dobrichka municipality. Nowadays, the association counts 49 members, one of them is the municipality itself. Developed under the project of a preliminary measure, the Local Development Strategy of Dobrichka municipality was approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and on October 13, 2011 LAG Dobrichka Association was officially invited to sign a contract for financing - tripartite agreement - between an association LAG Dobrichka, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency. The amount of the financing of our strategy is 3.22 million BGN, which will be available to support projects of people or entities of Dobricka municipality, whether members of a local action group, and will support activities that take place in the same territory. - When did you start establishing the group and who belong to it? - In January 2007 was established LAG Dobrichka - as a non-profit organization - association of enthusiasts from the public, business and civil sector. Previously were held couple of informational meetings with groups of farmers, civil sector, community centers, NGOs, directors of schools and kindergartens, mayors and deputy mayors, members of municipal administration.
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