Pulsed Power Technology and Its Applications to Plasma Science

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Pulsed Power Technology and Its Applications to Plasma Science This report was prepared as a preprint of work performed as a collaboration research of the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) of Japan. The views presented here are solely those of the authors. This document is intended for information only and may be published in a journal after some rearrangement of its contents in the future. Inquiries about copyright should be addressed to the Research Information Office, National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi-cho, Toki-shi, Gifu-ken 509-5292 Japan. E-mail: [email protected] <Notice about photocopying> In order to photocopy any work from this publication, you or your organization must obtain permission from the following organizaion which has been delegated for copyright for clearance by the copyright owner of this publication. Except in the USA Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance (JAACC) 6-41 Akasaka 9-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan Phone: 81-3-3475-5618 FAX: 81-3-3475-5619 E-mail: [email protected] In the USA Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA Phone: 1-978-750-8400 FAX: 1-978-646-8600 New Developments of Plasma Science with Pulsed Power Technology Edited by Keiichi Kamada and Tetsuo Ozaki March 5-6, 2009 National Institute for Fusion Science Toki, Gifu, Japan Abstract In this proceedings, the papers presented at the symposium on “New developments of Plasma Science with Pulsed Power Technology” held at National Institute for Fusion Science on March 5-6, 2009 are collected. The papers reflect the present status and recent progress in the experimental and theoretical works on plasma science using pulsed power technology. Keywords: high energy density plasma, warm dense matter, microwave, EUV, laser, plasma focus, z-pinch, high power ion beam, material processing, micro plasma. Editor’s Preface The symposium on “New developments of Plasma Science with Pulsed Power Technology” was held at National Institute for Fusion Science on March 5-6, 2009. Around 45 scientists from universities and institute joined in fruitful discussions in the symposium. Sixteen papers presented at the symposium are included in this proceedings. The origin of this symposium can be traced back to two workshops started around 1978 at Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University. One is the workshop on plasma focus organized by Prof. M. Yokoyama (Osaka University). And another workshop on intense pulsed particle beams organized by Prof. K. Niu (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Prof. K. Yatsui (Nagaoka University of Technology) was originated from the joint experimental research using LIMAY-1. In 1992, two workshops were joined to the workshop of pulsed power and high density plasma organized by Prof T. Tazima (National Institute for Fusion Science). This workshop holds the 2 days symposium every year on the physics of high density plasmas and its applications using pulsed power technology including z-pinch, plasma focus, laser, intense particle beams etc. Around 40-50 scientists and students from 10-12 university etc. attend the symposium every year. Almost 20-25 presentations are given in a symposium and they are published NIFS-PROC since 1990. Keiichi Kamada Kanazawa University Tetsuo Ozaki National Institute for Fusion Science Contents Field-deflection analysis of accelerated ions in the divergent gas-puff Z pinch 1 M. Nishio, K. Takasugi, and H. Sakuma (Nihon University) Characterization and environmental application of deep ultraviolet flash-lamp 7 Y. Otsuka, M. Nakajima, T. Kawamura, and K. Horioka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Propagation dynamics of ultrashort laser pulse in argon gas with atmospheric-pressure 12 T. Higashiguchi, M. Kudo, T. Otsuka, N. Yugami, T. Yatagai (Utsunomiya University), and E. J. Takahashi (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) Parametrical dependance of coilgun energized by commercial power supply 17 Y. Uehara and S. Furuya (Gunma University) Treatment of polluted soil by irradiation of pulsed, intense relativistic electron beam 23 G. Imada (Niigata Institute of Technology) and H. Suematsu (Nagaoka University of Technology) Dynamics of laser-assisted discharge plasmas for EUV sources 29 S. Katsuki, N. Tomimaru, H. Imamura, T. Sakugawa, T. Namihira and H. Akiyama (Kumamoto University) Phosphatidylserine translocation induced by intense burst radio frequency electric fields 34 N. Nomura, R. Hayashi, M. Yano, K. Mitsutake, S. Katsuki, and H. Akiyama (Kumamoto University) iii Efficient collimated ion beam production in a tailored structured foil illuminated by an intense short pulse laser 42 S. Kawata, Y. Nodera, K. Takahashi (Utsunomiya University), A. Andreev (Vavilov State Optical Institute), O. Klimo, J. Limpouch (Czech Technical University), Y. Ma, Z. M. Sheng, Q. Kong, and P. Wang (Fudan University) Generation of intense pulsed ion beam and its application to materials processing 48 Y. Ochiai, K. Fujikawa, H. Ito, and K. Masugata (University of Toyama) Fabrication of DLC film by pulsed ion-beam ablation in a plasma focus device 55 Z. P. Wang, H. R. Yousefi, Y. Nishino, D. X. Cheng, M. Gemmei, H. Ito, K. Masugata (University of Toyama) Advanced fuels fusion in high dense plasma like –plasma focus device 62 H. R. Yousefi, T. Haruki, J. I. Sakai, H. Ito, and K. Masugata (University of Toyama) Plasma dynamics in counter-facing plasma guns 67 Y. Aoyama, M. Nakajima, and K. Horioka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) MHD control of capillary Z-pinch discharge by using a triangular current pulse for lasing a recombination soft X-ray laser 72 Y. Sakai, S. Takahashi, T. Hosokai, M. Watanabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology), G. Kim (Seoul National University) and E. Hotta (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Optical emission characteristics of atmospheric transient glow discharges generated by double pulsed voltages 79 J. Kikuchi, K. Igarashi, N. Yoshida, S. Ibuka, and S. Ishii (Tokyo Institute of Technology) iv Development of the electron spectrometer for measuring the energetic electron from LFEX laser in FIREX-I project 86 T. Ozaki (National Institute for Fusion Science), M. Koga, H. Shiraga, H. Azechi, and K. Mima (Osaka University) Experimental study on free electron maser using advanced Bragg resonator 92 S. Odawara, F. Kondo, K. Tamura, Y. Soga, K. Kamada (Kanazawa University), and N. S. Ginzburg (Russian Academy of Sciences) v List of participants K. Takasugi (Nihon University) T. Yoshinaga (Nihon University) A. Maeda (Nihon University) T. Ohshima (Nihon University) M. Nishio (Nihon University) K. Horioka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Y. Aoyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Y. Otsuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology) E. Hotta (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Y. Sasaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) J. Kikuchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) G. Imada (Niigata Institute of Technology) S. Furuya (Gunma University) Y. Uehara (Gunma University) T. Miyake (Gunma University) Y. Arai (Gunma University) A. Watanabe (Gunma University) M. Sato (Gunma University) M. Akiyama (Kumamoto University) H. Akiyama (Kumamoto University) T. Sakugawa (Kumamoto University) S. Katsuki (Kumamoto University) M. Yano (Kumamoto University) S. Kawata (Utsunomiya University) P. Wang (Utsunomiya University) T. Higashiguchi (Utsunomiya University) H. Terauchi (Utsunomiya University) H. Ito (University of Toyama) K. Masugata (University of Toyama) Z. P Wang (University of Toyama) K. Sugawara (University of Toyama) Y. Ochiai (University of Toyama) T. Kawashima (National Institute for Fusion Science) T. Ozaki (National Institute for Fusion Science) T. Tazima (National Institute for Fusion Science) Y. Soga (Kanazawa University) R. Ando (Kanazawa University) S. Odawara (Kanazawa University) F. Kondo (Kanazawa University) K. Tamura (Kanazawa University) T. Kurihara (Kanazawa University) K. Nose (Kanazawa University) vi T. Hoshiba (Kanazawa University) K. Misawa (Kanazawa University) S. Yanagi (Kanazawa University) K.
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