Curriculum Vitae
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Curriculum Vitae Dr. habil. phil. Helena Knyazeva March 2020 Academic titles: • Associate Professor in the specialty “Ontology and Theory of Knowledge” (2015); • Academician of the International Academy for System and Cybernetic Sciences (2016). Citation rating of scientific works: Database Number of Sum of the Times Hirsch Publications Cited number H-index Scopus 20 30 2 Web of Knowledge 36 52 4 Russian Science Citation Index 200 12063 34 (РИНЦ) Google Scholar 331 12956 44 Main stages of university education and scientific career: Born in December 23, 1959 in Moscow, Russia. Citizen of the Russian Federation. 1977-82 Study of Physics, Astronomy, Philosophy at the Department of Physics, Moscow State Pedagogical University. June 1982 Honors Degree in Physics. 1982-85 Post-graduate study, Institute of Philosophy, USSR Academy of Sciences. Since November 1985 Research work at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. March 1986 Promotion: Ph. D. in Philosophy with the thesis «The Principle of Determinism in Dialectic», The Institute of Philosophy, The USSR Academy of Sciences. January-June 1993 Guest scholar, DePauw University, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Greencastle, Indiana, USA. June 1994 Habilitation: Dr. habil. in Philosophy (Evolutionary Epistemology) with the thesis «The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge: The Processes of Self-organization», Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. 1 January 1997- October 1998, Guest scholar, Center of Synergetics, Institute for January 2004, Theoretical Physics I, University of Stuttgart, July-August 2005 Germany. Collaboration with Hermann Haken. February-March 2000, Guest scholar, Center for Transdisciplinary Studies October 2002, March 2005 (Sociology, Anthropology, History), CETSAH, Paris, France. Collaboration with Edgar Morin. January 2012, March-April 2015 Guest scholar, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Collaboration with Klaus Mainzer. 1985-2013 Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from March 2008 to December 2013 - Head of Department, Department of Evolutionary Epistemology at the Institute) Staff position at present (since October 2013): Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of the Humanities, School of Philosophy. Address: National Research University Higher School of Economics Myasnitskaya St., 20, 101000, Moscow, Russia. Tel.: +7 (495) 772 95 90. [email protected] Personal website: Teaching activity: April 2004-December 2012 Professor of the Chair of Management of Social and Ecological Systems at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation. Courses on the theories of social changes, theory of social self-organization (sociosynergetics), and on the synergetic methods of futures studies. Since September 2006 Professor of the Chair of Philosophy and Bioethics at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University). Courses on Philosophy and Philosophy of Science and of Medicine. Other activities/ Memberships: Russian Philosophical Society (since 1983); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Komplexe Systeme und Nichtlineare Dynamik (since 1997); 2 Association pour la Pensée Complexe, France (since 1997); Advisory Board of the Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society; Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS), Austria; Scientific Council “Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin”, Mexico, Lifeboard Foundation. Selfguarding Humatity; Darwin Project Council (USA);. Editorial/Advisory Boards: International journal “Ludus complexus: Revista multiversitaria de complejidad” (Mexico), “Systema: connecting matter, life, culture and technology”, “Complex Systems” (journal published in Moscow, Russia), “Philosophy of Science and Technology” (Moscow), “Praxema. Problems of Visual semiotics” (journal published in Tomsk, Russia). Scientific organizational activities The Moscow International Synergetic Forum (held in January 1996, Moscow, Russia), Head of Organizing Committee Research grants (only international): August 1994 - July 1995 International Science Foundation (Soros Foundation), individual research project «The Heuristic Possibilities of Synergetics in the Humanities»; October 1995-September 1997 INTAS GRANT (Brussels), participant of the collective research project «World Population Growth: Mathematical Modeling, Demography and Global Security»; September 1996-October 1998, German language courses and research scholarship January 2004, July-August 2005 with the theme «The Synergetic Evolutionary Models» from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the work at the Center of and Synergetics, Institute for Theoretical Physics I, University of Stuttgart, Germany. February-March 2000, Research grant of la Maison des Sciences de October 2002, March 2005 l’Homme (Paris, France) with the theme “The Principles of Complex Nonlinear Thinking” October 2007, January 2012, 3 March-April 2015 Research work at the University of Augsburg and at the Technical University of Munich (Germany) with grants from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation August 2009, October 2010, June 2012 Academic programs of Scientific Exchange with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Language competence: Russian - native; English - fluent; German – fluent; French – good; Spanish - elementary. Publications: more than 500 published works, including 11 monographs and more than 200 research articles, including more than 20 in the international peer review journals Publications (books): 1) (1994) Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov S.P. Evolution and Self-organization Laws of Complex Systems. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. 236 p. (in Russian) 2) (1995) Knyazeva, H.N. The Odyssey of Human Mind: The Synergetic View of Scientific Progress. Moscow: The Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publishers. 228 p. (in Russian) 3) (2002) Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov, S.P. Foundations of Synergetics: Blow-up Regimes, Self-organization, Tempoworlds. St.Petersburg: Aletheia Publishers. 414 p. (in Russian). 4) (2005) Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov, S.P. Foundations of Synergetics. The Synergetic Worldview. Moscow: KomKniga. 240 p. (3rd extended edition, 2010) (in Russian) 5) (2006) Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov, S.P. Foundations of Synergetics. A Man Constructing Himself and His Future. Moscow: KomKniga. (in Russian) 6) (2007) Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov, S.P. Synergetics: Nonlinearity of Time and Landscapes of Co-evolution. Moscow: KomKniga (URSS). 272 p. (in Russian) 7) (2007) Knyazeva, H.N., Gelikh, O.Ya. Management and Synergetics. St.Petersburg: Knizhnyj Dom. 137 p. (2nd edition, 2009) (in Russian) 8) (2008) Alyushin, A.L., and Knyazeva, H.N. Tempoworld: Speed of Perception and Scales of Time. Moscow: Komkniga. 240 p. (in Russian) 9) (2011) Beskova, I.A., Knyazeva, H.N., Beskova, D.A. The Nature and Images of Embodiment. Moscow: Progress-Tradition. (in Russian) 10) (2014) Knyazeva, H.N. Enactivism: New Form of Constructivism in Epistemology. Moscow: Center of Humanitarian Initiatives. (in Russian) 11) (2019) Knyazeva, H.N. Philosophy of Science: Interdisciplinary Strategies of Research. Moscow: Yuright. (in Russian) Anthologies (Editor, Compiler, Translator of Texts and Author of Introductory Articles): 1.Evolutionary Epistemology. Anthology. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Center of Humanitarian Initiatives, 2012 (in Russian). 2.Synergetics. Anthology. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Center of Humanitarian Initiatives, 2012 (in Russian). 4 Publications (main articles published in international journals): 1. Knyazeva, H. Active Innovative Media as Co-Evolutionary Landscapes. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 2019. Vol. 36. No. 6. P. 845-850. doi 2. Knyazeva, H. Paradigm Shift in the Understanding of the Creative Abilities of Consciousness. Philosophy. Bulgarian journal of philosophical education. 2019. Vol. 28. No. 1. P. 14-22. 3. Alyushin, A., Knyazeva, H. Realism Versus Constructivism in Their Competition for Dominance in Politics: The Case of Russia. Axiomathes. 2018. Vol. 28. No. 3. P. 345-361. doi 4. Gershenson, C., Csermely, P., Erdi, P., Knyazeva, H., Laszlo, A. The Past, Present and Future of Cynernetics and Systems Research. Systems. Connecting Matter, Life, Culture and Technology. 2013. Vol. 1. Issue 3. P. 04-13. 5. Knyazeva, H. Nonlinearity of Time in the Complex World. Philosophy. Sofia (Bulgaria). 2012. Vol. 21. N 3. P. 213-228. 6. Knyazeva, H. The Cognitive Architecture of Embodied Mind. International Journal of the Humanities. 2011. Vol. 8, Issue 12. P. 1-10. 7. Knyazeva, H. The Russian Cosmism and the Modern Theory of Complexity: The Comparative Analysis. Analecta Husserliana. 2011. Vol. 107 (Astronomy and Civilization in the New Enlightenment). P.229-235. 8. Knyazeva, H. Nonlinear Cobweb of Cognition. Foundations of Science. 2009. Vol.14. N 3. P.167-179. 9. Knyazeva, H.N. and Kurdyumov, S.P. Synergetics: New Universalism or Natural Philosophy of the Age of Post-Nonclassical Science. Dialogue and Universalism. 2008. N 11-12. P.39- 61. 10. Knyazeva, H. The Emergent Structures of Individual Self: Embodiment and Self- organization. Systemica. 2007. Vol. 14. N 1-6. Special issues. P.225-238. 11. Knyazeva, H. Figures of Time in Evolution of Complex Systems. Journal for General Philosophy of Science. 2005. Vol.36. No.2. P.289-304. 12. Knyazeva, H. The Complex Nonlinear