Special Showeast” Issue – Year VII – October 2005 Production: Cattleya, Rai Cinema, Rying Illegal Aliens to Italian Shores

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Special Showeast” Issue – Year VII – October 2005 Production: Cattleya, Rai Cinema, Rying Illegal Aliens to Italian Shores JOURNAL_4/2005 (GB) 27-10-2005 9:20 Pagina 1 Italian Cinema Worldwide Coming Soon an initiative of the European Union ONCE YOU’RE BORN ily that in just two generations has PRIVATE MEDIA Programme with the (Quando Sei Nato Non Puoi Più achieved significant wealth. One night, (Private) Year of production: 2004 support of the Italian Government during a sailing trip through the Mediter- Via Soperga, 2 • 20127 Milano • Italy Nasconderti) tel. +39.02.66984405 Year of production: 2005 ranean, Sandro falls into the sea, and Director: Saverio Costanzo. the others on board notice too late. fax +39.02.6691574 Country of origin: Italy. e-mail: [email protected] When they return to look for him, there Director: Marco Tullio Giordana. Language spoken: Arabic/English/Hebrew. http://www.mediasalles.it Country of origin: Italy/France/UK. is no sign of the boy. Although given Genre: Drama. Language spoken: Italian. up for dead, Sandro, instead, has man- Production: Offside, Istituto Luce, Cydonia, supported by aged to be rescued by a fishing boat car- Genre: Adventure/Drama. Rai Cinema. International Edition no. 4 – “Special ShowEast” issue – year VII – October 2005 Production: Cattleya, Rai Cinema, rying illegal aliens to Italian shores. American distributors: Arab Film Distribution, USA Babe, Aquarius Film. Thus, begins an adventurous return to (18 November 2005); Europa Filmes, Brazil. World sales: TF1 International. Italy. Having confronted hitherto un- An initiative on behalf of Italian film-making, American distributors: Casablanca known expectations, rejections, hopes Synopsis: with the aim of bringing its latest productions and disillusionments, Sandro has Based on the real-life story of a well-to-do Palestinian family un- CULTURE AND THE ECONOMY: Filmes, Brazil; Babilla Ciné, Colombia into the limelight, even on markets, such as (August 2006) and Ecuador. crossed over that thin line between fortunate enough to live between Israeli settlements and an Arab THE COMMITMENT OF ITALY adolescence and adulthood. And once village. One day, seemingly from nowhere, Israeli soldiers move Russia and China, that have been the almost Synopsis: over that threshold, nothing is like it into their home for “security reasons”. The family father, Moham- exclusive prerogative of US films up to now. AND THE EU TO THE SUCCESS Thirteen year-old Sandro is from Bres- was before. From the novel by Maria mad, refuses to leave, subjecting himself and his family to an un- This, briefly, is Italian Cinema Worldwide, OF THEIR FILMS cia in Northern Italy, only son of a fam- Pace Ottieri, with same name. easy occupation, and splintering family loyalties. which I have the pleasure of introducing in this edition, entirely devoted to it. “I think Italy has to co-operate closely with “The future of European cinema closely regards In line with MEDIA Salles’ vocation, this new the other countries to build a European cul- all of us. Our imagined world, the emotions, COME INTO THE LIGHT GOOD MORNING, NIGHT Synopsis: initiative, made possible thanks to the sup- tural policy on two bases: cultural goods stories and culture that the cinema brings us (Alla Luce del Sole) (Buongiorno, Notte) Chiara leads a quiet life. She works as a librari- port of the Italian Government, again sees are not a commodity like any other but en- are a basic part of our continent’s wealth. Year of production: 2003 Year of production: 2003 an, is recently married and has moved into a new cinema exhibitors as its prime interlocu- apartment with her husband. And that's how titled to special safeguarding, because it is The protection of our common European tors, and their most important meetings as Chiara wants to be seen. What nobody knows, through them that a people’s conscience cinema heritage, its conservation and restora- Director: Roberto Faenza. Director: Marco Bellocchio. its venues. For this reason, if its beginning Country of origin: Italy. is that she is a member of one of the world's most takes shape and is consolidated; the culture tion, the systematic collection of works for Country of origin: Italy. was marked by the presentation, at Cinema Language spoken: Italian. feared terrorist groups who have kidnapped the industries must work together, so as to build the cinema but also of the work of promot- Language spoken: Italian. Genre: Drama. Expo International in Amsterdam last June, Production: Jean Vigo Italia, with the contri- Genre: Drama. Prime Minister of their country and are holding a European common market of culture, able ing and spreading the knowledge of him hostage in their basement. Based on the true of the “European Producer of the Year” bution of MiBAC. Production: Filmalbatros, Rai Cinema, Sky (co- to stand up to the impact of American hege- European cinema is not an abstract matter story of the kidnapping of Aldo Moro in 1978, Award to Elda Ferri – who in recent years World sales: The Works. operation), with the contribution of MiBAC. mony. The European Union numbers 450 for fans. It is a sign of care for our shared a crime which stunned a nation, this sensitive and has produced some of the most outstanding American distributors: Capri Films, Canada World sales: Celluloid Dreams. million citizens and if we succeed in co-or- history and for a highly important industry American distributors: Wellspring Media, thoughtful film explores the failure of radical ide- and successful Italian films and who was in (Spring 2006). dinating our European policies, we are ca- which, like all of us, daily comes up against USA (11 November 2005). ology. Venice this year with the latest work by Synopsis: pable of producing a cultural voice that is the difficulties of globalisation”. Roberto Faenza, The Days of Abandonment, Having been called by the archbishop of Paler- just as strong as that of the United States”. mo to watch over the parish just outside the city – it is followed by other, very important ap- Nikolaos Sifunakis gates, Brancaccio,also his birthplace, Giuseppe PERSONA NON GRATA THE KEYS TO THE HOUSE pointments, such as Kino Expo, held in Rocco Buttiglione Chairman of the Committee Puglisi in less than two years was able to build (Persona Non Grata) (Le Chiavi di Casa) Moscow in September, ShowEast, now in Italian Minister for Cultural Resources on Culture and Education of the a community center. Here, assisted by a group Year of production: 2005 Year of Production: 2004 Orlando, and CineAsia in Beijing in Decem- and Affairs European Parliament of young volunteers, he worked hard every day ber. to try and save the lives of small innocent chil- Director: Krzysztof Zanussi. Director: Gianni Amelio. Country of origin: Italy/Russia/Poland. Country of origin: Italy/France/Germany. Recently a showman of the stature of Rober- ITALY IN THE AMERICAS: Immovision – for the Brazilian distribution of dren. Soon he understood that to make a dent to Benigni stated: “in the cinema, two things in that disintegrating structure he needed to do Language spoken: Polish. Language spoken: Italian. A NEW SEASON OF FILMS Viva Zapatero!, whilst Once You’re Born will and give more. Doing more and giving more, Genre: Drama. Genre: Drama/Family. are important: the screen and the seats. Both come to Brazilian audiences thanks to mean't going up against the inertia of the lo- Production: Sintra, Istituto Luce, Studio Production: ACHAB Film, Pola Pandora Film, Are- have to be filled”. Over these few months there is no lack of pro- Casablanca Filmes and will be reaching the cal powers: in order to have a sewage system,a Filmowe TOR, Three T Production, Kairos, na Films, Arte France Cinéma, 01 Rai Cinema, We trust that Italian Cinema Worldwide will motional initiatives on behalf of Italian cine- markets of Colombia and Ecuador through school,a medical center, several things that Telewizja Polska SA, Canal +, Agencja Bavaria Film, Jean Vigo Italia, Pandora Filmpro- succeed in contributing to this undertaking ma in America. Anna Maria Pasetti tells us about Babilla Ciné. The latter company is also the had always been missing in Brancaccio. Inevitably Produkcji Filmowej. duktion GmbH, with the contribution of Eurimages. on both fronts. them in this issue, emphasising in particular World sales: Lakeshore Entertainment. distributor of Don’t Move, due for release on his path will place him in a position of conflict Domenico Dinoia the intention to arouse the interest of audi- with the interests of the mafia powers... Synopsis: American distributors: Lions Gate Films the big screen in Colombia during the month Since the death of his wife, Helena, the International, USA and Canada (22 December 2004); President of MEDIA Salles ences in the main US cities in films “made in of November. Brazil will again represent diplomat Wiktor is no longer able to ad- Septimo Arte, Mexico and Argentina (30 September Italy”. Apart from this, the calendar for the com- both the first step in the international distri- THE DAYS OF ABANDONMENT here to the strict code of conduct expect- 2005); Procinal, Colombia (25 December 2005, tbc); MEDIA Salles presents ing weeks offers two outstanding events for bution of The Days of Abandonment, thanks (I Giorni dell’Abbandono) ed in the Polish embassy he heads up in Estaçao Cinema e Cultura, Brazil. the players they address: both ShowEast – the to Paris Filmes (who will also distribute All Year of production: 2005 Uruguay. Synopsis: meeting of exhibitors from the East coast of The Invisible Children, Remember Me and He is involved in double crossing games Gianni, a young man like many others, after years the United States, the Caribbean area and South Manual of Love), and a new stage in the Director: Roberto Faenza. with the Russian and arm sales, slotted in of denial, meets his son Paolo for the first time, on America – and AFM, whose protagonists are Country of origin: Italy.
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