;/ \ T he Courier-Gazette im rKI.ANIV GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1SIU. i ^vtbtmetje.tn £

V o l . 3 .— N fav S e ih e s . ROCKL AND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1884. Nt'MBER ■>.

T H E COURIER-GAZETTE THE HEN STRIKE. of relief that wc announce the long-con­ The sail reports from the floods in the WAYSIDE GLANCES. tinued strike at an end. and hens rapid ly The H iiM iB Snow-Bailer. wist still continue. The fifth of this By PORTER & FULLER. It Is with a sigh of relief tllflt wc pen resuming their old time functions. The month dispatches nnnounetd that the If France will take the lottery with it, tlie the words that the In n strike is al an lirst tiling till- eonntry run tin is In give her W. O. FL't.LK It, ,lR., - • EDITOR first tilin g these s trikin g liens know the Mississippi tun, Ohio rivets tv illi lip it back Louisiana, end, and the pricti of their products will egg ta rifl' w ill he taken oil', anil they w ill tributaries wire rising rapidly. No soon he down to a point where an oc- | A MODERN PAPER. find themselves brought into competi­ espi-ei tl fears wt re tell, us sueli rising is Wendell Ihlllipi lilt lb. property utnon- casional egg drank in a glass of lemon- ■ tion w ith the pauper hens of Europe. an annual phenomenon. But as tlie dltloniilly to his wife. It onouiiteq to about a THE WORST POEM. ntle will not subject a man to ciitieism I f they know what, Is well w ith them, thus posed ami tlie depth ol water kept ipiaiter of a million dollars. ns a profligate squanderer of wealth and j they liatl best not carry these annual con­ constnr tlv increasing, fears of a flood Oldtown Ind ia n' have adopted roller skat­ On tlio next page of this paper we a hurtling illustration of the prodigal flicts with capital too far. They'll lie begun to be entertained. The waters ing. Shades o f Fennimore Cooper, think o f an print an anomolons assortment of son. The dearth that has prevailed in j waking up some morning to find them­ overflow ing the banka, soon flooded the Indian on roller skater' poetic woe that will be calculated to the direction of eggs, anil the corre­ selves infamous. low lying districts, and drove the unfor­ striko terror to tbe heart of tlio boldest. sponding ruling high prices, has been a j tunate inhabitants of tlie villages to the Tlie Cincinnati people sny it is had enough to We have printed the sixty-six contri­ lie drowned out Iiy a Hood, without having subject of much study upon the part ol The discovery of several gold anil upper stories o f th e ir houses. Soon tlie butions because we promised to. though political economists. The tecent agi- j W ill S. Hays writp a |mein almut I1. silver pieces on tlie shores at W inthrop, 'larger cities were submerged. Wednes­ when wo made that promise, we sup­ tation among the hens was plainly the Mass., has aroused belief in the vicin ity day then- was seventy feet of water in There nre now only 100 Modor Indians posed a dozen nr so nt tbe outside would outgrowth of the labor fermentation that lliata portion of Itie veritable hid treasure tilt! liver ut Cincinnati. The rush of alive, which is only atmnt enniigh to keep the be tbe lim it. But as a curiosity, and to has been apparent till over the country. o f tlie late fomented ('apt. Kidd Inis Water through the streets of some of tho C. S. army busy for a ycur an,I a half. show w h at can bu perpetrated in the Laborers in all brnnehos of production conic lo lig h t. This lends a great variety c it’es was so strong that boats, laden w ith name of poetry, we resign tbe space. have been u n itin g against capital, anil Fred Curtis o f Sail Francisco, aged 17. lias of Individuals to go poking about the provisions for the imprisoned people, Our readers w ill not find tbe poems un­ strikes Ititvfl been o f frequent occurrence. married a widow o f 13. 3 I1.1t Is good—first- shores w ith shovels ami picks, hut ns yet could with difficulty make head against interesting— many of them are re­ I t was the logical scquenco o f such an Y01 so SiM i'Ktxs.—"There goes old John rate. We hope she won’t let him smoke no fabulous riches have been discovered. son. Ila ' lu ll sec me anil h im ." the current. Steamers ply from place to elgnrets. markably cute and bright. We hope abnormal state of affairs that .a feeling of We warn tlteso searchers alter t.rensure plaee in the city, and the people tin their this w ill suffice for a season. We are (llsqnietudo should become nrousod tllflt they are only getting their labor for trailing in barges. Newport, Ivy, is over­ Mary Anderson is said liv a lavndon critie often in receipt of poems of varying nmong the liens. And it is not to be J to have "a pretty niique and svelte figure." tlioir pains. It is a well-known fact, flowed anti houses, their underpinning order of merit which with tears in out- wondered at. when a hen sees a man 1 T ills may lie so, o f course, lint can die critic indisputably settled, that should they in crumbling away, topple over into tlie eyes we are forced to decline. Having prove i t : loafing about 011 grocery-store barrels, digging conic to strike the pick against waters. ( ,'incinnati has no gas ami dark­ given all such a chance in this contest, Now expect tniieliiiic made biographies ot ttiitl hanging negligently over a fence, a substance that gave forth a hollow* ness is added lo tlie other terrors. At ought we not in mercy lo be spared for a Wendell Phillips. The first one is already in while his wife is musically scraping the metallic sound, anil further digging Portsmouth. ()., the lined is five feet long, long season? Friends. Romans bottom of the flour-barrel, because he lire field, forerunner nl scores of others, all of should disclose a mysterious rusted’ring, higher Ilian ever before known. The equal unreliability. and nnutteur i«>ets, lend us your ears. would rather lo af than w o rk for less just as they would go to lift out the iron- corn and liny crop in the Scioto valley is than union wages, that she becomes bound casket, they would he startled by ruined. Latest I eports indicate that tl c Hoyt o f the B oston/ ’».<( Inis written a play THE BARON COMPETES. seized w ith a feeling o f dissatisfaction, palled 'The Bag B aby." Oh it w ill draw—it a terrific noise, their lanterns would he lower tributaries of the Mississippi and ami goes grtinildingly about hor arduous will draw. A tushy that Isn't all holler will extinguished, and themselves rolled Ohio, the Tennessee, Arkansas, Bed, etc., Wc were somewhat astounded, two prove a success anywhere. egg producing avocation. “ Why," she over anti over w ith great violence, anti the are rising rapidly. At Pine Bluff, Ark., days ago, at receiving from our old and argues, "if a man can live without work­ next day they would find the hole they the plantations ate all submerged. Tlie Where is that Garfield monument ? The, long trusted friend Alfred Tennyson, the ing, cannot I?” Then she begins hint­ had dug, hut no ring or iron chest. It Bed R iver is rising and the flood has only thing that equals Ihe spontaneousness delicate poetical contribution which ap­ ing Iter thoughts to the lien 011 the next always turns out that way. It is a covered the hanks for many miles and with whleh this country proposes a monu­ pears below. We say astounded, be­ ment is the uuunimous eordiuliiy with which nest, and tlio result is that they force clearly established fact, or ought to he, tlie homes of hundreds are flooded. cause, long as we have been acquainted it isu t built. back tin; hitherto half shed egg, and go that all piratically buried treasure is Live stoek is drowning in large numbers, with Al, and poor as we have known cncklingand whoopingabout among their guarded by the ghost o f a sailor who was and unless relief is scut sooa, the loss of One o f the charges against a California much of Ilis verse in late years to be, it friends and neighbors that the thing has O j.ii J oiixsox,—"F o ' tic Inn' sake who judge is that of frivolity, and tlie specification executed on the spot when the valuables tiling tlat cake o' Ice!” life w ill he great. The Tennessee is never occurred to us th a t he would care gone far enough, and now is tlio time for is Unit he puts liis hair in papers every night, were interred. It is therefore nothing pouring a great flood into the Ohio. The woman fashion, to make It earl when lie is on to enter the lists in competition for such them to everlastingly assert tlio heaven- less titan m ail fo lly for one to expect suffering among the refugees in the hills ihe bench next day. n paltry am ount as three dollars, to say bought privileges guaranteed them by ever to lay hands o f possession on such is increasing, and provisions and fuel art- nothing about the ignominy that would The report that V ictor lin g o is the best King Ilcn-ry Egg-mont VIII. Tlio wealth. There may Ito those who afi'eet giving out. Many of thu smaller towns inevitably attach to his name were he to talker in Faris is emphatically denied by a step from this outbreak to a positive re­ to sneer at ghosts; but such would wc arc completely under water. Great des­ he successful. But there are many nunciation of till obligations is rapid. Rockland man, who says he once culled on tlie point to the fact that none of 1 bis spec­ titution prevails and help of all kinds is great republican, and that he couldn't under­ things about our friend that recently Mass meetings arc belt! on tlio fragrant tra lly guarded property ever lias been pouring in from diffelcnt cities ami states, stand a word tlie Frenchman said. havo astonished us, if not caused us ab­ Olympus behind the barn, anti fiery successfully brought to light. That is A concert for the benefit of the lined solute pain, and we do not know ns we speeches and detonating resolutions nre an argum ent that it is useless to butt the sufferers given at Music Hall, Cincinnati, Two Yonkers, N. Y ., men are engaged ill a should feel surprised at this latest freak. delivered that are enough to ni.ake the linked.bean contest. They eat three pounds a I eatl against. Sunday, by Abbey’s opera company, pro­ day, and tlie one who holds out longest wins a When a poet has to all intents and pur­ biggest tub turn pail. Too long, the ------duced the gross sum of $7,(ill. Miss prize 01 fifty dollars. To some men life is one poses retired from business, he is apt to liens affirm , have th e ir necks been A somowhat singular libel ease has Nilsnn sung for an encore, "Give me a unending round of wild and giddy dissi­ find the days dragging, and to seek re­ ground beneath tile iron heel of despotic just been settled at P lym outh, Mass., the penny,” and I In n taking a basket and pation. lief nt times in some trifling exhibition oppression. For years they have gone outgrow th o f the more or less pleasing assisted by E calclii and others of the com­ Quern V ictoria writes us that she is quite of genius. We are glad, though, that on with patient regularity, squeezing novel known as “ Cape Cod Folks.” The pany passed through tlie aisles and took anxious to secure some good canvassers lo sell these verses reached 11s after tile polls out the soft-boiled egg day by day, and writer of this book, Miss Sally McLean, up a collection of nearly $1,100. tier new book in this country. She w ill allow were closed, for it prevents their enter­ their only reward has been— what? A sojourned on ( 'ape Coil for a season in ------«♦»------twenty per cent on a ll sales. Book agents out ing into competition for tlio prize—and handful of corn, a bit of nerveless swill, the tender guise of a sehool-marm, tbe A Boston liquor dealer told a corres­ of employment will do well to drop Mis. indeed we think it would hardly have license to tlig their own worms. Out Wettin a postal card. experiences and observations of which pondent of the Biddeford Jou rn a l that been just to our nmnleur contribu­ upon sueli pay. Do they ever have season were afterwards incorporated in lie shipped more liquor to Maine (him to Tlie author of "Bread Winners'' wiites tors to adm it a professional of such high halt? Never! There arc a few hens, this hook. Tlie girl was very fresh in any other New England stale, except Century that he doesn't dare acknowledge his rank into tlio contest. But there w ill bo base, low down hens w ith no sp irit, who the novel business, however, and she Massachusetts. His largest sales, lie identity as it would afi'eet his business stand­ no harm in printing the poem here. In acknowledge that they get along very ing. We don't see why lie Is so nervous, lie committed the error of using real names said, were made in Bangor, Portland, tru th we are very glad to do so, seeing well on what is given them, and that lias written tlie inosi-ialkcd-of hook o f the of persons she had met, anti of depicting Biddeford, Augusta and Belfast, in Ihe that wo are thus enabled to give our they do have fish once in a while, but decade and he has no reason to lie ashamed o f their characteristics with a faithfulness order named. In Bangor there was tlio it, either, t'niue forth, man, aud let yourself readers tlie Baron’s latest poetical pro­ they are laughed to scorn by their fiercer that admitted of no doubt as to whom utmost freedom in the triiflie, nobody tic known. duction , and which is in every way the companions, who call them names, she intended to describe. The upshot interfering aud goods being sent uncon­ equal of one of his poems for which a anti taunt litem with having 110 spirit, was several libel suits, promptly brought A llocklnud woman was Isinsting the other cealed. evening o f Iter rare coolness and alinormal well-known Boston paper recently paid anti jam them off the roost, anil on favor- by tlio indignant and unofl'entling We have a handsome trade w iili Bangor. nerve. The next day as slip was looking in a him a thousand dollars. We count our­ aide opportunities scratch mud on them. Forty saloons buy regularly o f us. We semi country people who bail furnished food store-window at a chuiee tilin g in ham lairgs, a selves as particularly fortunate in this better liquor to Bangor than lo anv city ill A ll this o f course has the efleet o f sadly for Miss McLean’s callow pen. A num­ Maine, that is, to the trade. Belfasi takes a strange dog incidentally poked his cold nose respect: interfering witii the domestic economy ber of tlio suits fell through, hut one, good deal o f nun —more Medford nun titan against her bare hand, aud she jumped and ALiiwourii, Svitnv, E xg i.a.x h , whiskey mid gin combined, poor nun, loo. Il of the hennery, and the supply of eggs that of Lorenzo Nightingale, was forced veiled so loud that she shook oil a pound aud Fell. 1, 188-1. gis-s by bout, mostly. Tlie three hotel there suffers. The liens who tire on tile strike to trial. This plaintiff in tlie novel liatl buy 11 good deni of rum in 11 year. Bangor a h alf o f excellent back hair. M v D e a r F .N o ticin g your oiler of three lakes the most beer mid tin- most good whis­ put their hands in their pockets and been described as a “ cham pion-fiddler, dollars tor a poor poetn, 1 beg to hand you the key; Biddeford the most poor whiskey mid ihe Tlie Russian journal Siberia announces lounge about the sunny southern ex­ inventor, whale fisher, cranberry picker least beer; Aiigusla buys a lair gnu le o f liquor, enclosed. It is constructed, you will notice, aud is purtiul to whiskey ; Belfast is sun k 011 Unit on a visit ju st made Iiy tlie governor upon the plan o f the verses I recently sold posures, anti ttilk about going to eon- anti -bugger.” Rather rough was rum , mid in the summer gets away with a big general In tile prisons at Tomsk this high I'ouM's Companion for $1000, and indeed I gross. Occasionally their former em­ th :it on the young man, especially the W ith more results. lot o f it; Portland buys very good liquors, and fiiuclionury was pic-cuicd with 300 pcliiions •onsider them in a measure superior to that 1 lie town o f Oldtown iiivs over them nil in gin. ployer comes out and stirs them up with potato-hugger. No man likes to he We send more gin to Oldtnwn than wc do to contesting the legality of the detention of (tort. 1 think you w ill notice that these are tlie petitioners. Tin- complaints o f 200 out of a stick, hut it doesn’t do any good. called a (Kitato hugger, especially in any oilier three places in Maine. We have nr more impossible and vague. I f in case this eleven regular customers there. They grumble anil cackle and growl all the 3IKI submitted have Isen declared Iiy the ,vins the prize—as I've no doubt It w ill do— print. Niglitiugale was awarded $1095 The loquacious denier makes no men­ governor general to lie well founded, and tlie day long, anil talk about what they will dcise rem it by postal note to address below. damages, which wasn't so bail, and pioh- tion of Rockland, hut perhaps lie isn't writers huve been liberated. T ills iiu-ident Faithfully, do with their advanced wages when they ubly is more money than he ever made so fortunate ns to have any of this city's furnishes a sad proof o f ihe waul o f penal le- 11a m ix T enxysox D 'E y x c u iiit , get them. A few of the hens, the old by till his accomplishments, potato-hug­ foriu in Russia, where, as in Ibis instance, ‘.'00 (Otherwise known as trade. We are led to believe that there fogies, you know , refuse to jo in the ging included. But Hits seems lo estab­ iiiifortunutc peisous huve been illegally de­ Alfred Tennyson, l’oet, is some liquor sold here, though if we loafers, anti plot! steadily ahead w ith tained, and their liberty dependent upon the 1). C. I.., F. II. 8.1 lish tlie principle that authors musii't are mistaken wo beg to be corrected. eusual visit o f a new govei nor general. their painstaking occupation of exuding E AR LY SPUING. use a person's real name in a w ork of eggs without busting tlie shells. They 1. fiction. Characteristics may lie cm- Comptroller Knox lias published a A I10I1I hoy w itii eleven wans on one laind I wish I was a girl, are tho objects of the unbounded eon- ployed with unswerving faithfulness, so dashed rxeitediy up to a poli, clean ilie other (1 tra l-la luo, long statement touching the failure of tempt of the strikers, who treat them 1 tlmt a nation may know just who is day, with the information that two sailors had VYi’il skip the red-plowed hills, the Pacific Bank mid his official action Would no- and you; witii all manner of contumely anil tie- ! ,„eaat to I10J carientured, hut so long as been in a light on board a vessel at the wharf, 'flie boss-llh s have their wills in that connection, lie says the ipies- Aud lawyers tou. risively allude lo them as women. But 1 the character is labeled with a fictitious and one laid shot the oilie r in the chest. The tioa both as to the responsibility of the polli’t 111:01 spil oil liis hands, lore down lo Ihe the strikers gel thu benefit of tlio in -1 name, tho law is safely cleared. That is, stockholders ami directors w ill lie decid­ scene of Ihe tragedy, and found a iimun-tai'iil A sweetsoine Boston girl, I o bluest glasses, dustrious liens’ labors, however, and as a Plymouth County jury interprets ed by tlie courts, and the stockholders tar liusilv engaged in picking a bullet out tlie 10 Webster's unabridged never fail lo lie around al meal-time to side o f his wooden k it “ Sliot ill tlie chest, Presses sweet grasses, the law. have unjust ground of complaint against Aud over tlie garden wall partake heartily of the food which the was y e s a id tlie policeman, with a sickly Young Guppv passes. the comptroller, nor ground for any labor o f the w o rkin g liens has earned. Thn new tarifl'bill, introduced in the attempt ill u smile. I In n lie lucked can fully congressional action, as the payment o f down o lf tlie vessel, ami for live hours might 111. If it wasn't that a few liens in such oc­ bouse of repi'cscnlatives by Mr. M orri­ 11 for sequestered lose, these assessments, rendered necessary by lia ic been spell iu diis liio u s ii looking up and The rock's eold gray. casions were true to their momentous son, ebairman of thu committee un ways tho mismanagement of the bank, though down ihe street after u hoy with eleven waits <1 George, looks down and up For a dollar a day ; trust, the dearth of eggs would become and means, provides among other things grievous to them, is pun ly a question of Oil out' hand. But lie didn't find him. .Stand out the beer, dear friend, too grievous to lie borne, and we should that lime shall lie put on tho free list. Aud I will pay. law. see strong men shrieking madly up ami This will bring tliegieal lime center of «♦» Ilaiuum 's car for his while elephant is de­ IV. dow n the land for an egg—ju st one egg to this vicinity into direct competition Hon. Win. L. Putnam of Portland scribed as eclipsing anything in th e c u rliu c Till on lliy chuckle bead, ever la iilt, aud is sixty feel lung. A white ex­ Tliou twiiikliiig bud, press to their feverish lips anil save them with our neighbors of tho provinces. has been appointed a-sneiate justice head care desponding sinks, terior, mirrors bordered with crystals amt You lose your cud . from destruction. I t is lo this fa ith fu l few Wu hardly think this would he a state by tlie governor to supply the plaee I precious stones, heavy carvings thick with Tbe floors of skating rinks Are strewn with tnud. that the community owes its stability, 1 of tilings to create enthusiasm. There rendered vacant by Judge Sy:iioi..,»’ braieii gold, marbles ill alto ielieve and metal for by their persistence in right doing j is little enough prolil now in the lime resignation. The governor al.-o ap­ work as line as lie A s-yiiun. Egyptian or Grecian a it run lashiou meet tin- eye. Tlio ' I'la now the budding cows the supply of uggs is not entirely cut oil', ! business. If into competition with it is pointed lion. Enoch Foster, Jr., of Begin to coo, prices do not run so high, hut that an egg j brought the cheap labor of our t ' madiaii Bethel associate justice t'c Hon Win. eniapliireil guze is ilien fastened upon a Aud youth puls on bis frills wealth ol marvellous and mage- coloring, With trousers aew, is still worth a trifle less than a diamond neighbors, the outlook w ould indeed lie G. Barrows of iiiuuswii-k, whose term Mosquitoes have tbeir bills*, enbauevd by the quivering lig h t pouring And tailors too. of corresponding size—ami after a while | blue. No man interested in any capau- expires Mardi 2-1. Thu two appoint­ through the stained glass window-. A eulli- llit! strikers begin to couie straggling one iiy in tlie proditclion of lime in thisvi- ments arc very satisfactory to the people valed imagination w ill lie lu irly lost io tbe Ruston mull scut the New York Sun by one gruniblingly buck into line. In a einity wants to see that article put on at large. suggestions afi'urdrd m Un' charm b is Irour 1 articles on the tariff, and the Sim brief season everything is ru n n in g on ihe free list. <•> liclx-s, ttulry’lon aud Nineveh. 3 o lire hunt if he bad b ro u g h t them in person it schedule time, and tho merry sound of J — Several poems in thu had verse con and rra r ol the car arc boudoirs wim Dricnlal appointiucnis of unsurpassed tuaguiliceui< Ibr the dropping egg is heard on every baud. 1 An interesting letter from Montreal, <1 have shot him on tlio spot. There lest were received too late to com ply w ith the Buddhtt priests, aud ill the venter one lo r iiiething singular about the iiuiip- I l is through such a ghastly experience descriptive of the recent carnival in that thu limit of time. Their writers may Barnum. Maliy poor I ui very good people of New York papers toward any- as this that the country has ju st been city, is in another part o f today’s rest in the knowledge that none of tin in who lead lilts description w ill be pained lo ; from Boston. passing, and it is with grateful emotions paper. The humorous snow-buller. was bad enough to win the prize. iliiu k tlial ibey were not burn white elephuuts. THE ROCKLAND COU R FER -G A ZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1884.

ACROSTIC. NOTHIMO. LINER WRITTEN ON A PET CAT. THE WORST IDEM. IIIH MOTHER IN LAW. The weather I" stormy but spring's drawing nigh, Bob Ingersoll Is nobody’* fool, There wasnm an In our town JIM-JAMS. O h’ the r at, the «T , the beautiful cat, H'-ns are on vacation and eggs are quite high. W hitt’* that to do with tlie golden calf? Who loved Ids mother-In-law: A* *hv Ih * a, mv fret, on her soft downy mnt ; I • III,not t'd; the love East winds do prevull witli occasional showers, I once rode an old white mule, He told her nil his buslmss plans, She G purring and v inking, and perhaps she i’ I feel for you my dov< Which rau-« a pedestrians to s» ek slindv bowers. Why in the devil don’t yon laugh? And gently him she’d jaw. thinking , I e.vme to the lev ec Our harbor keeps open through frost and through Of a i.i «• piece of meat, so tender ami fat. And buy some pie fot me. •form. Little Mae was always eool, One evening cozllv they sat Rough water preventing Hie l« e for to form ; But (Srant was always ready to light. Before Ids blazing lire : An Immortal Symposium of How glo**v ami heavy her fur i* and wavy, .-bin- sprt ad out their canvas ami sail back and if you only knew about that mule lie told her she lookemni't. Kim took him gently by tbc hair, hi lto- azure above us «o bright ami so warm. Like - alter dinner. u n then- we ' an live while < lams are not dear; What's that to do witli the king’s fool? And gently laid liinfdown, Kels will help out w lien we do not have callers— Look out you don’t get a start. And very gently shook him up,— Don’t rllsttirb tier, for doubtless she is thinking of It taken a niggar to drive a mule. And floundly him did pound. childhood. Mv poem i- now- finished-please semi me three When She sported with sister- ami brothers-" gay . M«m t me at the barn dollar*. Rhythmic Atrocities Perpetrated in And t »ke rue by the arm ; Bon. (L Link, Roeklalhl. I vv as once on a steamer nt sea, And then she laid him on the flhclf, Ar they living amt p. tb d ami happy as she is, But don’t w ait like a coot Wlien J» If Davis gave up command ; Tlx- briny tear* they started : the Name of the Muse. , »r cut oil in youth ami all pz-s. <1 away? Till VI u feel my daddy’s boo,. I can play a tune In any key, And this sin* on Ids tombstone put, And inarch nil day in tin- sonthern laid. “ We’ve loved, but vve have parted .” Now you who have beauty, don't sacrifice duty. I . A. L, «••:, Pulpit Harbor. INVITATION TO A 8LEIGIIRIDE Ami he p< tt» d ahd llslhT. d by this one ami that . I lie day cannot In* fairer. EmviN R. lt(!ni:RTS,\'innlhnven. Mrs. V. o . H yde, Marlboro, Mass Be friendly to all mid he Im ing t«> few, Nor ran tin- sleighing. I .it; Ami lie faithful ami kind like the beautiful cat. W m ■>( \innli nr I'ncl' Eniritire in Mml PASTE. Please send me w ord by bearer DDE ON SPRING. Ci.i<», Ca-tlne. Me. If I may cull at two. ’ A MKRCKNARY POET. The ('..(i. arrived late, Strife for Three llnllnr*. From out the mystic depth*, Heeingyour offer in the paper, And the family in great haste, Old Boreas is napping, There is a prospect bright Koon discovert I there a deficiency I sharpened my pencil with my razor, Till. WORST POEM. I lie air’s rieil ill ozonei For me io make three dollar-. And from this I md of big p (talers. In the arttclu of paste. You will, witli !•'.refill wrapping. And Ull try witli all my might. The worst of pen-, the worst of ink, Ivi i p warm behind tlie roan. I’ll send you a poem—I will, be Jabcr*. I he worst of paper, worst pains to link Tin ( in mi li t; x/.i.ri i i n (•0111111011 Wlnoi Spear advertise* flour, The enterprise is rich, t.'l.OP—that ain’t very bad, I lie wrest ot passions, the worst of woe. Ibdlvered at the door, Don't lie afraid of dltelies, But we reckon you’ll look sick, willi Imiiilrcds of oilier good pnpers, lilts When the worst of father’s thundered “No'" You know liovv well I drive . Till* hard winter, wimn we need more shad; ’’I Is a pity that the editor Wlien tlie devil with Ids type stick ho *e«d It up you sou of a pig , ’nn’t afford a little more. Ami as to toll oil bridges— Knocks these poems Into pi. unnv n time mid »lt upon tile Itinito Tin worst of clop'merits, the worst of pursuit, I think there are blit the. And we’ll stairl on our heads and dnnee a jig. rile worst ol captures, ami I the green fruit . been nfllictid will, poetic contribution* The pages they got muddled, But tlie editor does know $3.00 will pny for the C’.-Ga-zetto, The worst id' forgiveness, tlo n terror and aw< ’ And grandpa lost Hie p la- Take favorable action Which way the wind docs blow. T he worst of wive- and m molhcrdn law. And leuve a dol!ar toward what grub we’veeat; from people who had tim id ly essayed By ge ting births and marriages Bray, on thi- plea, and go Ami never experiences a fear No—like others we’ll let the editor go— .Mixed up In a disgrace. .Inst picture my detraction When he is full of beer. I’ltrnnssus in pursuit of tin’ goddess of With the worst of tempers, ami worst of tongues. Should your reply be: No. Perhaps like a bear lie suck* Ids toe. Ami the worst old wheezy pair of lungs. ’Tis like a fen-t or famine, A ItKADKH, Roeklaml. Confound tlie poem business, I'll close my article—Mke yours, ’tis nice, tong II grieved us (lint in m any in ­ While thu worst of lt is, that coughing all night, Ami I mdther can endure; I wish tlie poet- wa re dead; Leaves her ready and rough for the worst morning And I'll take the C.-Gazette’s advice; stances wc were forced to lei these deli- f should Ilk'* a proper quantity , Fork over your three dollar- Ko sen-1 the money, and you may be sure fight. ’T'would suit me, I am sure TENDER LINKS. And I will go to bed. $3.00 (dialI go for kidney cur<. < atcly inscribed pages softly Hotter down f)KtniHLF.lt, Portland. The worst of berths is an editors’s chair. DHpphig* from the Vase of Thought. Fred A. Ho w ard, North Washington. A roostook, Houlton. into our waste basket. Finally it oc­ With tin1 worst of longings lor lit ami fair; Tin- worst or all live-, mi l forever accursed (Hi. leafy bower! to rest in thee, curred to its that it was wrong for so (til liapi'iv. happy, would 1 lie; Is this life of mine. It is bail, worse, trorrf. A LMOHT-NOT QUITE. Thy throbbing heart is to your liark, LINES TO MATTIE. HE'S WORSTED. much talent to lie forever unappreciat­ Mrs. a . A. W a lker, Boston. Am to tlie liiirrlcane* tlie sailors hark. You are my trim love, gentle Mattie, The worst kind of a poet S’ou're not too lean or vet too fatty. ed and unpaid, and so we concluded to Down in Malm' th. re is •' paper (Hi, tnurmtiring iirookletM, to thee I siugest! Is the worst of them all, With a by phenat'-d heading; But lieautiful, lovely, and all that, And If I’m not worsted THE TAIL OF A FROG. King on, my love, to me thou brlngest It is tlie truth I’m telling, Matt. For your cash let mu ea 1. offer a money prize—not great, to be Ami, in type, each comic prank Joyful Joys at soothing pace, The editor of the Courier-Gazette It display's with tasteful spacing. With mien of gracious, graceful grace. sure, but still worth striving for—ami Wanted a pm III not v < ry nice, Kuril my love for you, dear Matt. Worse, worrier or worsted, I’ve wandered forth without a hat; let Ike unniinibcre I seekers alter rliy lli- Ko I thought I would write,hem one, II. Ho! ho! roar on my friends. Which will you takt— As I can do it In a trice. Hat less, eoatless. In a frenzy. ’Tis the very worst poem avic glory throw their talent into our For “prank ” I -hould have written ‘‘caper," What, dost tliou murmur still? Until I’ve euuglil the inlluenzy. I ever can make. There was once a little frog, And ■•leading" would have better rhymed. Witli tine do-t tlie meadow blend rofnmns in competition. I " 'a s done— What’s the odds? (u this same journal Witli thy murmuring rill? Ami now, dear Matt, I sneeze for you. Worse, worser or worsted, That had a sweet Voice mellow. Every item i.-wel| regulated. He lived ill a little green bog, Ull do most anything I please, fur you, "I'is the worst you will llml, and below w e present in one colossal a g ­ And was, truth to tell, a tine follow. King on of yore. Hop, skip, ( r jump, or tumble over— 'Tis the very worst po< in lit. PrcscioiiH tlioiight- have I in store Since loving you I've been iu clover. gregation the most it titling, wonderful O f tlie sky so blue —— ------* • * * Of thu very worst kind. Un bright moonlight nights, Again I’ve missed the proper jingle: and uni'juc e.dlcctio 11 of poetic curiosi­ < Hi, how lie would sing ' “ Paper " read Instead of “journal,” Alas! how true, how true! My pen Is weak, my brain on tire; ’Tis the worst Utile feat Ami he’d sing of such sights, “ Timed for • -regulated " mingle— H elen Snoyy’, Roeklaml. You are my heart and rouI'm dcfllre, I’ve attempted to do, ties ever < xhibited beneath a single can- It would make tne wood ring. Bite tin* shell, you git the kern* I You are my love, from core to rine, This writing tills worst Dear Matt, you lire my valentine. Ol all poems to you. rn». IV. After being d< lienteiy skinned, OBITUARY. F. E. Barton, Brownfield. Po etic, Boston. How .-hall we award the prize? Alas! ’I’hls frog was made Into soup, W ors- than tlii« I never penned, A young man by name of Josiah. Ami now as my e c u are dimmed h will hardly draw the prize; Did live ill—vv’e darsii’t tell vvhlah ; wc had not counted upon the extent ol 1'U add —ill -y co pud hi'ii out. If it -I,on hi, why you can rem it To play smal t jokes, upon his fellow blokes, MAN AND WIFE. SURE ENOUGH. the task weso lightly and unthinkingly at- Daisy . f'amih-n The dollars three, to rejoice my vision. Was’liis highest ambition to aspiali. E rratic E nriqi Jersey < Tty, N. J. There lived a man iu Grumblutoxvn, Please except tho following verse ns the poorest , unit'd. W c thought it would bean easy Ko he dres-ed iiim in female attiah. Who had a brain which was unsound, poem you ever heard and print it on an extra sheet WORHT. And went out to take tlie night lab. He bought 111* wife a calico gown, that all bad pouts can rea l and weep. matter to pick out the poorest poem and What do you care? Mr. Grumble grumbled worse. WHAT'.S IN A NAME. Hoping licit chance would bring some one in pants, Which made her scold and rave around, nail it to the mast. Many of the col­ Thi' worse his rheumatism grew ; To masli him—this was Iiih dusiiih. The flick man ealled the doctor ir and said with Rhe took a broom from behind tbe door, Tliey say it’s gone, that prize of three, to a i Hi- it mper went from bad to worse ‘.Tiber ot the little O. I)., of course they lection arc upon the same dead level of T illjtw as the vvorat I ever knew. doleful voice, Now a chap who was called Azariali, And mauled that man until In* sv.ore, “ My health ts in a dreadful state, estore Its equl lu physique a regular Gollali, But she stepped upon an apple-core, your judgment bud, mid all .-uch things to in poorness, a few drop down to the lower “For better or for worse,” rays he, poltte.” Our licro did see, and nuislied speedilec. And tumbled down upon the floor. you mad. The doctor looked the pick ma: o’er, ami said, Ami promenaded off witli Josiah. What do you care? depths, w hile some are fat too b rig h t and “ Man tak» s a wif.— who gets tie- worse, “ My (lhigno-is A ml of all the squalling you ever did bear, Tin- worst of strifes must surely in-, Don't heed tho fliinpJe poets’ threat, thousand* witty to stand any show in sttelt a con­ When better half is tied to worse.” Showj plain to io me that 'tis a ea e of hypochon- Long absence enused ills friends to imiuiah. it startled tbe neighbors far and near; drloith. And to search tliro' tlie grounds of the sipiiali; She called him everything but dear, will gaze on Courier-Gazette • nd many more will test, and would be read with pleasure in Tliey finally found, hv thu crows hanging round, And kicked the obi man in tbe rear. say in time that the C..(L’fl judgm ent was mipcrior This world is surely growing wors< , good and thu three dollais ought to have been I lie worse oft ends the better part “Metempsychosis plainly proved, before me I hi' Thu uarcasu of foolish Josiali. inv publication, being iar more funny hold, I've told you of a regular smash, mine. Of every evil -Is there worse E. II. Pray , ( helsea, Mass. W hat do you care? than many of the alleged verses found Than worst ol all the human heart? Th» spirit or a quadruped, your epidermis does en- Ilovv the obi woman served up bash— fold. Ami don't you think me very rash, Hmi'MATE, Rockland. in thu columns ot the reputed humorous C'ouhl you but move your nttrnhcns, and other mu: THE DUDE AND RUTH. If I ask you for three dollars iu cash. If had thus swiftly run to worse. cle« aureus, And worse to woravr quickly grow, I'li« re was a pedantic youth, F. K. H a ll, Appleton. papers of the country. W ill our judg­ Most surely then, r darn my eyes But let me do tlie best I can could lie sweeter. My thoughts go back to childhood; I’ll bust up all creation 1 fear 1 can not beat u man. A man w ho is not wondrous w ise, R. J . F., Rockland. Then, oh how happy was I ! Wishing to enmpoic for T il e < <».’< prize, As like as not tills poetry will be too good by luilf, Getting ready for school in the morning. So send along the 3 Now I am green, that you cati see, Kat down with Ids pen in hand Ab some you get may lie so bad it would make a I tln.M’t to me, Tills making rhymes is new to in< , To rally the idea- at his command. horse laugh. CENTENNIAL ODE. And putting my things away, N «J, Asfallum street, If 1 could write as well as some Ami transmit his thoughts to paper, But neverm ind; I shall fuel plviuiud wherever good Then taking my books and running, A i«l when next we meet I’d write my poem Fuller fun. Though tliey may he thin a- vapor luck pitches. The very worst poem you say'll take the prize; I quickly burry over the way. By gosh I'll treat Remembering tlie good hook says : Put not thy Ho I think my chances arc good for that money; Yours truly, I've done my best, there’s no mistake. Though hi* meter may be poorly made. trust in riches. I want it as much as the other* who’ll rise Tired and weary and chlldJike, A. I). Bi.br, (Boston. 'fliis is the worst one I can make, As bad as cirrus lemonade; To the scent, like thu bees who go ufler honey. I throw my books on the seat; Yet be wants to gain the prize, J ohh, Boston. And away with the others 1 hasten, If yon can make a worse, then make it, To play for a while on the street. The prize is yours, and you can take It. And rank with laumus poets, I am glad that you said the “worst,” not the BAFFLED. And be exalted to the skies W H Y NOT? best— F annie M. K i;n.m;i»y, Dituiariscotta. With three dollars in his pocket-. If it were not for that I should all hope* resign; But before our play I* half over, I net about ga lling the prize Something silly you lack, I hear, Xow, If I should fall, I can hug to my breast 'l’lie hull is heard from tlie dcor, Offered In tin « ’oiirler (». Tlie author has a vain ambition, Not often do we lack of that kind, I fear. The sweel thought that worse even were written We huaton to meet our kind teacher. ?u * oubl ne'er need to open your coft’es For intruding on vour time , Now there's (’a-sarand Napoleon, For line* that would till vou with pain. You want us to do our worst, I haven’t the chuck, he you ever so meek, Advertised for the best worst poem, JullN W o o st e r , Camu I think 1 must have your three doiluis, And tin worst of ail worst poems While Kulllvan has none save his two. For my wastebasket go.** to your aid I'll surely send to you. C a rrie S avage., Heal Harbor. Said he’d pay out Ids lust thrue-dollur bill THE WORHT POEM. ii will treat all your poet* ami scholar*— Westw ard hi- victorious course he laid out, jsn. iemit to ) our friend, The worst I can, the worflt I'll do, If every buid would load up his quill, For tlie worst original poem Y on see it’s worst all through ami through. Like the star of empire you read about, And some three line verses, lour timet! spill. YANKEE Ih.Altl-, Boston TUE SOUK AND SWEET And by the skillful use of thu “ mundoza” Now just whut is wanted I cun’t tell. Is generously ottered a prize . The worst of all worst poems this, ll<- gave all his opponent.-a bloody nose, sir. How bad a poet cun really do, The worst of ull you will not mhfl. H IE DUDK'K EAMKNI Tlu winh-r’fl sun was running low, Is never known till he tries. (tar culm and peicefui Warren, Mane, Lauukate, Boston. Haid lie would give it for thu worst specimen, Thu worst of subjects to write about. Tlie streams were low and water scarce, u f very best poetry with tri-rliyme « u»l»; Four veraes are all thut'a reouired. <.tli time to spare, toil little pelf. Make lour verses und then suspend, 1 write a poem to In Ip my self, Ko worst of course it i« throughout, When ( hurley to the rescue came; A l'OEU OS CltlUK. With only f ur lines in each verse. i oiy poem I* not a* nvcci as honey, And worst ii vx 1.1 be tho end, A f .iimer’H luil of course vvus lie, Ko I tail u fourth line on to eu< ii verse end. Aud to maku it us bud as desired, 1 trust that it will bring me mom y. 1 lie worst of all worst things to send. Who drives bin single stear and plows, |Tlie following is contributed by an old gentle- I Note by tlie author .—For a full understanding of It must neither be witty nor terse. An only sun, iiis mother's pride- man of 8?. lie writes us that he deliberated for ' tbc above poem -first rca«l us written, then read in I o this sad plight I'm brought at lust. J In wor*t must always have a home, Bis lather's pride was Jersey cows. some time as to wind was meant by “ the worst j their order tlie fourth iiue iu each vurse. I know whereof I aflirm; 'jUeaUse I've Inb l> lived loo las, And worst from worst will never roam, poem,” and was given the opinion of a newspaper , For 1 have tried it. myself; Vor I eontc*- with many regret*, Now worst tier rartbly race bus run, Ami while tliey golden butter make. man that something after tlie style he lias sent iu M. A. H anna, Bowery Beach, Mu- A part of the poem, was published . . .odulgvd in soda ami cigarettes And worst of all she hud no fun. Which ever lias a ready sail, covered the ground. Jn some anxiety lest he should The rest vv us laid oil the shell. Al. E. Bowd» n, Cooper’s Mill.* In all ilie country round about, fail of his purpose, the writer sent us three poems, V ih aching bead I do repent While gentry order it by male, ad limping upon the suirn* cheerful themes, and of A HUGGEHTION. If in two short verse* culled, T h r time and m .m y I • mi-p. nt Yet Charley viewed with eager ey« tin- same general tenor. As weeuu use but one we Ko maul/ errors artac, The prudent publishers of Tut: ( ot rilr G azlttf. v, tie *ud thoughts do ii w intrude A milk trade growing every hour, ueleet this.—El». C .-G j Printing it altogether, A GIR1. WITH A (Till. For leu the new and pure ami swiet. Do surely not run their paper in debt, Will curluiuly win thu prize « t . l b j i a remnant h it of tin- om e proud dude. By ottering three dollars for tlie worst poem; I here was a little girl, F«»r mixing purposes thu sour. Ydultury, murE “ N A CORN I o si II his milk to rich Tud poor strife,— And burglary ami robbing bunks, And flume of them will, you may wager your life- T W ILIG H T ML'HIN(iH Dll, I'Ve got a com, Khe thought it would be uiee Around thu Georges River mills I o have a piece ©f ice, lie sold to many a fare-faced dame Brings money to thu poor, It sorely might puzzle thu profoundeat U. D., At Iwilight Hui sat on the bars, A* hard as a horn, And make fine spoil for silly crunk- To fuJrly decide who the victor rhouid b<*. And B make* me I rlorn, But her mother bought her candy To many a matron dressed so neel, Tlie aun had set and hatched some stars. Amt w ish I v. a* m ’• r hoi n l oi her little brother Alandy. I 'hey nearly all preferred the sour, Before they burst the door. But on the bar* vvus a hornet's nest, As tho other merchant carried sweet. Why did not the publishers, therefore, we u*k, Aud Hui didn't set there loug to rest. Thu fornicator und the thief Avoid this perplexing and delicaVr tusk, When J wake in the morn Hhc did not flleep till dark, And then she heard a dog bark . Now if this poem is tbc worst, Are men the world should love, And possible oulbreuk of fuminin© Jury, A hen she set und hat* bed a chicking— I take a good hot it, For they will always hi ing relief By making these ladies the judge* aud jury ? Then pare my poor t orn, Khe look- d up to a siar And we should draw the (’. G. prize. J set on an uig aud got a licking; A* sure a* you’re horn. And said it looked far, Wc hope that Fuller will remit To such us they upprove. Come glorious spring, with bobinsand swollurs— That little three and tell no lies; They would uot agree for a long time - If ever, Please send along tiiat prize three dollars. Ami if he wants »ome aour milk, Licentiousness, and lust und rape, Aud therefore this move would «eem ail tho more •A hen it* going to storm, Khe said she would not ery clever; , . . . O. F. F rost, Monmouth, Me. «»h. then mv poor corn If she should ‘lie, Please cull on Charley any houi And arson, envy, spite, And if it prove to be loo sweet And malice, and revenge and hate, For meauwhilu the Interest on this Bplendid offer Make* me swear all the moii> K«< she shut her eyes, Would flow into I*. A F.’fl own private coffer. And fell very wise. Look in thu cau—and let it aour' Help set thu world aright. I In* takes itit prize—in a l orn H. U. R., Rock laud. (VunclULieit on page three.) O CoNvDVN, Boston J L alha Ftflu, aged 9, j Roc kland. I A. A. KKINNLM, WflUCU- Z. A. Marrow , (aged b7> East Winthrop. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1884.

THE PRIZE POEMS. 1 would never give a prize ing for? ILid he fninDd? Had Ids For the worPt In any size; THE GREAT GERMAN When I give a prize to all, tongue been paralyzed by the burden l(iitlrnnri» 4* *ilrambon1n. ’Tla for jo u r best that I shall call. {Concluded fro m pacjc tiro .) thrown upon it? I Atruined tnv onr, bi t REMEDY Rev. Father W ilds’ The worst Ip hut a poor delusion; could cdtoh no Round, Long, long, oil A PORT’S LAMENT. The best Ip a foregone conclusion; how provokingJv long, tbc Alienee drug­ EXPERIENCE. KNOX AND LINCOLN RAILROAD. Who call* your w. r«t I* not a friend . The Kuv. Z. Wild*, ucll-knoun city Oh! how 1 do wonder, if over I could Who call* your heat -hut I must end. ged! A t lust I b e a rd :t ki«R—ves, I could FOR PAIN. I*. TIVfl TIIKllI’GII Tld lV TH WlSTM HAIIT, lien poet! I can’t, birnuwo my bend 1* of wood. Itdirvc* And cure* •iil--l<»!i:»ry hi N«*w Y o rk , an d b ro th e r I xhxnwx. Koekla not bn niistfiknn, ii must have been a I try to make line*. nnd I try to make jinglo o f th«* |at<* <*inincut sliid^o W ild*, o f flift Of ii whole lot of won!*, but they never would kiss— and then a Jew soft <<>bs and that It II Kt M ATISM. ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. ring’e. told of tears of j »y in Aunt Becky’s t>y»-s. Notirnlpia, 5Iit**achitK«*tt* Supreme Court, writea Till. THREE Dili.EAR PRIZE Had their souls mad each other in tho Sciatica. Lumbago, a* folloiv* : o h ! bother my Bruit >*. if Brain* I hnve any— / -.i VvJf } Commencing Monday, No*. 19. Some people have loin,and M'liu people hnve many— Oh, dear me, what can I write, dat kHess, and Howe 1 together in eloquent it tn< t< iir. I know the folk* will think I'm tig h t. Mi « *. J . \ ' im: a- Co., i .. utb na*ii : But mine arc *uch an arid old lot, sib-nce as their clcek* I iv <-l »<«• against Last winter I wm troubled with a most That an Idea can never atlae on the top. Rut then I think it I* enough HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. ’J'o have to dabble in the Muff. each otbei ' Il must have been ‘ O. for after tiucntufor, ib:<* Bulling liutuor nth-ding SORE THROAT. liau-* c-jh-ci illy my limb*, wlib-lt HdiOd so rive ill al ; 11 Dm* in Bo« o h ' If I can’t be the poet I would. Deacon Podson bad gone avvav. Aunt intolerably at night, and burned so intcn*c- . in I I'll try to he something that's not quite a« good . Hut then; three dollar*!! W lu itap i, QUINSY. SWl l.UNfJS I’m pure I'd almost gi' niycyr». Becky stood and looked out of the win­ b . that I cotlld s.-.areelv hear an v clothing Hiith at s 4 Arrivi I’ll try to make money, and then enioy life. a n t % INN. over them. I was al*.'» a sulLr pi- from a in Itoekland H l.', v...... To earn three dollurs ill myself dow a long time, mi 1 wlien sin* turned In a neat little home, and a sweet little wilt* And have It lie upon my shelf. Soreness. Cuts. Bruises. *evern catarrh and catarrhal e< •ugh. my Freight train leav ( - i:,..-kl.iml at , j . a m. Dm* luck ami lighted the lamp to pul Bobby FBOSTIIII’KS. appetil** was poor, aial mv *v«te m a good In It,ill, at tn. 'H M. I.,.,,,,. Hall, al 12 M |>uc l„ Ami fo to begin, I’ll look out for a chance; My dear live tlmitsnnd friend* will think to bed there were te ns in her eves and deal run down. Knowing the value of Hot-khiud at .»(Ml j*. m I've tin eye on the wept. I menu to advance; IU IIXJI. M ttsOM, .W in'S S tits\l* \ nil.I by observatio•v.ttlon of The 1 in p. te. train front ll<„ kland will onnrrt I «nw thia elltiPion, In hope* of 3 dollars—- I'liat I have surely took to drink. Bill when I tell them all about it, a happy smile on her lips that plainly A tai nil utlicr bodily ncliei many other eases, and from personalSoual HWJ for Boston via Kasb ru II. I,’, tn lv. Return to me, I'll Invent it in collar*. •’ll praise the man said a blessing from tlie god of love had mal piiiu*. in former year**. I began taking It for tlm Comnienclng with thi- date tla* thm* u«ed for the IIA It It v AUSTIN, Detroit. Midi. I ’oubl think of h a lovely plan. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. tibov My appetite running of trains « || he ilau of the T ub Meridian fallen on her liearl. proved almost from 1 first do‘ Alt.- ot West Longitude -taialar.l <:i«ie,n time w’ leh **(»,d by nl, Iiruffght* nm, a slant time the lev and Belling i-tw enty ndmites tml fnr’v eight *( < «md* slower Dear me, I've only three lines more. hfllcr*. IHreutlou* iu II allayed, and all *lgm A RHAPSODY. I’m sure I wi*h I Inal :i Rcore: laliuuairas. of irritation of tlm than tla former Bandard of Hath linn*. A RIGHT UP AND DOWN WOMAN. s'tin ux /bscjf •)?•», Knijdintm n / the Skin, Uhru- Oct. 16, 188.’’,. It till* oll'ends your modesty’* nice sense. I know that I aia growing old. I tuviil. For even a eat may look at the king, My sand* of life are run ; EPILEPSY, SPASMS, niiitism, Catarrh, Gviirrnl hebifitii, and all Or any other crawling thing. Hut still mv heart ha* not grown cold, • Would I lug II Illg eiirpei-liug down disorders resulting from poor or corrupted Though I’m no longer young. here mid stand around In ...... If I CONVULSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, Thia poem would be better for blood and a low state of the system. BOSTON AND BANGOR A little better metaphor, w asn't." she sharply answ ered. ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCHOHOLISM, PIIKI'AREII 11V My face i* strangely pinched and whit*. ■tint some folks mi the Island. I sup­ STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ____ „ tliii My lock* are now quite gray ; Dr.J.C.AycrACo.,Lowcll, Mass. Like r< al estate by No longer have I appetite, pose?" i|Ucrlcd David. OPIUM EATING, SVPHILLIS, No longer am I gay. Sold hy all Druggists; price $1, six bottles Boston to Bangor via Rockland and <» Girl! OGirl! Why not unfurl Sjiose away then." she snapped, us site lifted her grip mid started for tlie SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, for *5. Your wings just like a flying sq u lri’l, Hut still I many thing* enjoy intermediate Landings on Penob­ And soar up to your native skies! The better since I’m old, w ailing room. USLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, scot Bay and River. I hope this poem get* a prize. I’ve found lift* made up of alloy, I'll lie josh aggel'd. I g u e s s I w ill let A Y E R 'S Of lead mixed in with gold. * the old I’lil alone." says David. NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. C A T H A R T IC Tin* palatial Htearm r ( amhihlge lenve* Lin- Yet Mtill I plod my weary road, Soon ( ’apt. Creed's ery o f al! aboard RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, MY SENTIMENTS, TEW. was beard. She grabbed her g rip and coin’* wharf, foot o f Batterv street, Boston, at Alive with hope and trust NERVOUS PROSTRATION, PILLS. 5 o’clock n m. (verv TUKSDAY and FRIDAY. I want vour paper another year, That soon I’ll drop my heavy load, started for the boat, mid on entering the f*'f KOfKLANI), Camden, Belfast. Searsport, And I have heap* of bill* to pay, Aud iniugle with thejust. ladies' cabin, she found Joe Hopkins lay­ BRAIN WORRY, BLOOD SORES, Best Purgative Medicine Bucksport, Winterport, Hampden a id Bangor. Ho I’ll try, by Rending thu very worst rhyme O. H amilton, Lancaster, N. ICKTintNIXU leavis IJANGOU lor Bos­ To earn It In that way. ing down on one o f the sofas, reading a cure (’oust i pat ion. Indigestion, Headache, and all Bilious Disorders. ton via Roeklaml and intervening points, at 11 W i s h , waiting for llie lire toget burning, BILIOUSNESS, OOSTIVENESS, o clock a. in., (leaving Roekhmd at 5 p. in.,) every It is not for bundle*, or pantry shelves, WHERE ( AN I GET SOME PILLS? mid halting before iiim , site dropped her Sold everywhere. Always reliable. MONDAA and T il U K>D A Y. art it lug in Boston Hut myself, I think I need it, KIDNEY TROUBLES ANO IRREGULARITIES. iu season for early morning trains for the Houth I mi quickly forget all trouble* aud rare*, We take a paper to get the news— enrprt-bng with an awful tluid. aud Wi st. When I ait down to read it. Don't care a dura for Lydia I'inkluim’s views, ■ Now git rigid outer here; lids plnee jWK $1,50 per bottle at druggists. Or if Mrs. Smith has gone to Boston, is for ladies, and you are a great big fat (Continufd/rorn laut week.) Now when you see what 1 have wrote, Nor Thomns'w Oil or other noatrum. The Dr. S. A. Biclimond Med. Co, Proprietors. I certainly shall feel the saddest iiiau mid in te r lie ashamed o f yourself How Watch Cases are Made. RoGkland, Bar Harbor & Sullivan. It it is uot, In your judgment wound, Or when in Giiwhing they killed a pig, lo r crowding in here. RpiJseu I wanted St- Tccoph., (j) TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. Considered the very baddest. Or how folks skate while at the Gig; to change my toilet, bow am I going to Read W araer’s great rernedee, Correspondence freely answered by Physician*. Imitation always follows a successful d o it w itli a great live man in here. G it A postscript I would like to add, Adamson cures all—thut'a his idee. arti le, and imitation is one of the best Steamer Rockland, Hut you will way It i* a woman ; out I say.—mid lend to your own bitsi* C. N. CRITTEKTON. Agent, New Ycrk. CAl'T. W. C. SAWTKI.I.K, So instead, I’ll drop my rusty pen, Get some of W right’s liver pills, Hess." proofs of real holiest m erit; and thus it is liockhllid fur Slilllvuil Vi* Xurth llnTon, For feur vou’ll think I am inhuman. Why he troubled with so many Ills? that the James liossl Gold II u/rA Case has Wliei. you can get Gilmoie'w aromatic wine, •• Madam I a in one o f tbe boat liati- l.iiiiillng. nwiiii'. l-land, lt.i.s Itnrtior, H/' Hoard tt/’ Uirectun X.J. it. It. 7Y O < for circular, by mail fiOc.—stamps received. Sold He got outturn tried to get u hit, gets to her desiiuatIon all right. and tlie ■■ru I* And you would have split you sides to have seen lievo uv then gentile rider houghpiii tigit then pile “ Now Eliza Ann, hy all druggists. RETURNING, leave Rock- that darkey lit. 2 rile agin stun tyme. less you inadmii around mi', tlie better it Jyl2 ELY ItlUJTIIKKH, Owcgu, N. Y. land, Tillson Wharf, for Vinulhav-cu at 2 p. in. Kih;ak E. Kamshi.ll , (uged 14,) Auburn. pheubboughweighrey phthyrrla-d, IsM. w ill lie fo r you.” G. A. riAFFORD, Agent, Rockluml. ! W h a t's tho use of talking about T. A. Gt sulk, Apph ton IL M. koHICRTH, Agent, YUialhuvcu. Ipills nnd plasters when you know Roeklaml, Ju n e6, IS83. 37 THE PYRAMIDS. Tim new “ l.ife ami l.iterarv Remains of Edward Iiulwer, l.nril I-ytton,” liy his ■ that every time I have been ailing in .If/-. Editor-. They tell me you’re a funny mun; ■ the lust twenty years nothing bus helped'1 Aud writing nonsense 1 know you can; DEACON PODSON’S WOOING. son, w ill l»« completed in live volumes. quickly und surely as “ L. F.” STEVENS’ Hut when it comes to making had rhymes, Ila t'iie r A: Riot hers reprint tin) first Your humble servant is not behind. 7/ a Wyldt. ! Atv/ood's Bitters, and when neighbor I'ltKM II m ill! two volumes in one, luinging tlm niiriii- L O O K H K R E When lirs, 1 thought I was a poet, “ How lout; i» it since Sister I’uilson 1 Drown was ull used up last spring with J If I was troubled with Dvsp(*p«i:i, Constipation, tive down to Rulwur’s twenty-seventh J biliousness und mdigestion.it didn't take I told my dad and he said “ go it passed aw ay?’’ asked Reeky w ith q u iv ­ ' Piles, Sick or Nervous Ilcadacla*, or had any TliechcaiM’Mt und BUST My first attempt I never show it; ering tenderling* of tone. year. The light thrown upon RuAvei's i k.alf bottle cf the “ L. I-'.'s" to put bun 1 trouble of the Stoinucli, Bowels, or Liver, I would mill* in tin* world. Prices My last is worse—1 know it. literary tne,Inals ami experience is llie ion his feet again, and in a week he was 1 use Wiggiu's l’( lifts. They have an inherent power - v MWOiiud upwunls *iih. "It’s nigli on sixteen year now,” ro- j to cure, never surpassed in tin- history of medicine, / M j. et toea-h .liHcount.! What can In* done to make this worse? plied tlie deiicon w itli a heavy sigh, which most valuable tiling about tlie work, and | around at work as well as ever he was in j Mi cent* al DruggiUs; by mail on receipt of pri-e. L'ti Send tor circulars to ,, n .sri 11 xnxmi.s X Why, add ai.other and another verse; tlie disagreement between llie novelist s life. I shall never use anything else Wiggin x ( ’o., Lockland, Me. Miss Sawyer'.- Salve At 111 LX You'll put it in the paper so you say, was echoed hv Aunt Reeky. as now prepared, beats tie- world. 26 cents. <*lui44 •‘Sister Poiison was such a dear, good and his wife will prove unfortundely long us I can buy the true “ L. F.” Hut if you do you’ll rue tho day tlie most interesting to tlie larger num­ soul,” raid Aunt Reeky softly, “ it seemed Atwood’s Bitters." Thttt ever you fold us scribblin' fellers, ber of t'eailers. Tlie terrible domestic Purify your blood and obtain new a pity we couldn't a’ kept her always. Tla t to the one who’d do tin* baddest strength and vigor by using the .. Only Daughter Cured of lu writing verses, you'd make Idin gladdest, Rut Goil’s will he done.” tiouhleof tlie pail', which heeume pub­ t J^rightful “L. F." Atwood Mcdi- C o iiK iim p t io n . Hy sending him three dollurs. “ Yes, (iod's will be done,” repented lic property in their ilay is not reached .John S. Fliinalh, Belfast. 1 in tlie lirst und second volumes. you get the When death wa-* hourly expected, all remedies Deacon Podson with another deep-drawn having failed ami Dr. II I.mo * wa- experimenting sigh. M any pcnumi* til Pittston me using Ely's DR. J. B. HUGHES, with the many hells ol ( 'aleu't.-i, he aceideutully made a preparation which cured hi* only child of MY BROTHER. “ She was so lo vin'-like aud good I” said Crema Italia, a Catarrh remedy, with must Once 1 had a darling brother, C o n aiiiiiiilio ii. His child D now in this country, tlie dear old woman, with a shade of tlie satislaelury result-. A lady is recovering tlie and enjoying the bc.»l of health, lie has proved to Him in the cradle I did rock, sense of smell, which stie Inal not enjoyed for Private Medical Rooms. How it filled my heart with gladness. jealousy which shrivels thu bsarllcss the world that C o iisiiiu p tio u can be positively lilieea years. Stic hud given up her ease as and jo rmaiieiitly cured. 1 In* Doctor now gives this When 1 found that lie could talk. compliments of younger men under such CONFIDENTIAL. iiiciirahlc. Mr. barber lias used it in Ids fam* Tho Greet English Remedy. ly asking two *2 e<-nt stamps topuy Hut all atom - 1 missed that brother, conditions. tty. and eonimrad, it very highly. A 'fu n k . Ladies or Gentleman requiring ua-dh-al advice ( r < Xpellsi s. 'l’his B el li ul-o cures \ ight Sweat-.N u ll renal 1 lie Stomach, uud w ill bre ohl Ami they told me he was dead, “ Yi s, Sister Roggs, ,|,e was------" Iiaimoek lawyer, known to many of our read­ TRADE MARK A" ‘"' nllnu TRADE MARK treatment, arising from any piivute ciiuse, would All my joy was turned to suduess, ers, testilies that lie was eared of partial deaf­ ...... m md do w< 11 t4i banish all dilli-h*mcs and make an cul ly in tw, niy four hour* \ddre*s Cu -vijU* < a \ Ci When 1 found that la- had fled. (.'all llie Reeky, Ueaeotl I’odsuu.” ness,— C/Z/doa, Pu., , SjH I - application to DK. Ill GI1KS. I.U32 R.n c Street, Philudelphla, naming lhi-< pape maloiTiai-a, 1m- “ An’ you’ll call me dosli.” H a vin g used Ely 's Cream balm I'orCatarrh The Doctor’s long, suuccssful practice in thi* J bun i saw an empty cradle, poteia-y, and ull city, logo her with the muri'idoii* cures, are un “ Yes. .)—J—Joshua.” and I know and Cold la the head, I am salislied that it is DUeuhcs that Aral my baby brother gone, questamable guarauiecs oi Iiis skill and ability. | A I.eudiutf Tanidon Phyu* Hut in Heaven 1 shall uieet him, Aunt Reeky put tier gingham apron to a liibt late preparation and would n i oiiiiiiim l follow as a sc. Persons who cau not personally consult tin- Doc­ iciiui esi liblmbiH au Up among Hie huppy throng. her face. Ten years of uourtship and I it to aiiyone similaily ultlieled It. \V. I'm i: qucncc of sdf- tor can do -o hv writing iu a plain manner a de­ ' i it, E ditor Ih-rulit, Clinton, Win. a Ijumc; in> loss j scription < f ila ir discuse, ami appropriate remedh-.- (RJ.eo in ISrw York Oh, my loving little brother, doubt not this Was tile first tim e site iiail of Memory, I'ui- will la* forwarded immediately. All emrespon- lor the C ure of *-• I shall meet in Heaven above, addressed iiim by Ilia Christina name. I (-ood for paiai), and good for sprains, visal Lassitude deia-e -irielly conlhlciitial, and will he I'elurned if J E P iL E P T IG F IT 8 . tiood lor frost bites and chilblains, BUOHE TAKING. Uaiuiatla Ha* k, AFTBR TAKIHO. There will la* no parting nor no sighing, thought surely tlie deacon would see his desired. _ fT'ivinAm.Juum^lof Medicine. Ail will be ghatiiesz atal love. Good lor burns, liow’er severe, Dimuens of vision. Prciuatun* (lid Ag*-, und many Dr. Ab. Mchvrolo (lato of l.omlun), w ho n»uket u »|>u- elianee aud tlnow both arms around her tines- da ii what I should say tine. clultyFITS of B|*y, ba* without doubt tn utvd mid tailed A Biutj-.u, Rockland. other disuuscs that lead to Insanity or (.'ousiimpiioa No. 300 CUMBERLAND ST., moru CU.-O’* 1 tuo» any ot (ter living physhlun Ilia mirccM n e e k , fold I er to ids big breast and say : Why! Great American Speeitie. and a Picmulurc Grave. hu» s Imply b.-ca noloitljJblag; we lim o lo urd uf c*o« > of PORTLAND. ME. ow r *- * v<’U't>* bhUidlug HUt'<-t*M>lully rut cd by liltu. Ito WANTS THE BEST. "Aly Reeky, my own, own Reeky.” 'I'liat BAD CASE OE ST. VITUS DANCE. ub)i*ht'd u wotk on thio di cuf-u, w hleu b>< winl* \ dlow W rupper, the only gcuuiuu. \ i.'hulurru boUtuel Ida wonderful euro lieu Io any nn- Men of great mind often aid us, is about wind I should have done, but Minister is llie singular name ol a town sit­ 1 ivr who aiuy*-ud th. lr expressuml I*. O. AdJre,.- W •* Working like the God who made us, Deacon I'odson is older Ilian I, and lias uated in Auglaize Co., Ohio, it is die resi­ #v-|'ull parlieulurs Jn our pamphlet, which wc udv o to* V utiu w ! 'tlng a e 1,1,' Io undo*** 'J'o o’ercoine our weaker nature dence of Mr. .1. braadewie, who writes "Xu' desire to send free by muil to every one. |’hc PROF. NELSON, p.. AU. MtdhUVLJi, Ku. VV Jubu Bt , New York, Aud become great men like Beecher. passed tbe gushing tim e of life. Specillc Medicine is sold by all «li uggbts at $1 per “ I liev been u-thilikiu’ about somethin’ iiiiuihiH i permanently cured my sun uf jiackagc, or six package* for $5, or will be sent free T H K I! A U til': H, While tho press exerts a power tud ease uf St. V itus Dunce.'* >1. fit) by muil on the receipt of thu money, by uddrestiug a big, long time, Sister Ro— that is, R— (’un uow be fouial in his Klcganl lto<*iu in Which is felt iu every hour, ‘l lie llix n s ’ K a u ic ai. Coax lti.uuver is u TUE G K .iv -MEDJCJNE CO.. Buflulo, W A N T E D io l*cll lurkitb FRu< borne, who wield tla- mighty lever, Rsuky. I ’ ve been a -lb io kin ' llie t------” sure remedy. Knowing tills tlie proprietors N . V . June* New Block. Two nandaomc new Chairs, Give it ail up to be clever. new ltazor*, new everything. Cull und get u Pattern*. AdJrtts E. S. Frvri k Co.. B’*‘(l** \\ hat ou ea rlli uould the wau he w ait- have always guaruuteed it. All druggists, Sold io itoeklaad by W ii. K m uldgl. lln>t clu»« shave or hair cut. 3 for J, Me. 4 THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY If) 1884.

WARREN. CAMDEN. CORRESPONDENCE. The sleighing is fast slipping away. Miss Sara Seward is visiting friends In New FLOCK, W . M . Burgess went to Portland last we*k. York. The powder mills have shut down for a IL C. Adams Is ronfim d to the house w ith KOSETTE FANCY PROCESS, THOMASTON spell. sickness. Best Flour in (hifl market for all purpose*, Hamitd Watts A- ('<>. are salting tlic ir new Fred Tongue has returned from Massa­ A. 11. K night has letnrned from a business •dbooncr. chusetts. trip to Boston. Only 8.00 per Barrel. Israel Deerow has been quite sick with a J. O. (’ ashing A Co. received a car load o f Wesley Jameson is home from Frankfort One car-load choicest graintoday. for a visit. slight attack o f pneumonia. A 1) Wilson, of Lincoln a fornvr druggist The fa-: nng> were out Saturday afternoon Service* were conducted in the Univcrsftllst ST. LOUIS KOLLER PROCESS, Church Sunday afternoon by Mr. Fred Payson. here, is in town. trotting on South Fond. ju st received. Boupbt nt the !owc-» point this pen- "The < horns class meets at tin- house o f F. F. A new foreman has arrived to take charge The Knox County Distrlet Lodge o f Good son, nnd will be sold for 07.0(1. GiHell rest this evening. of the powder m ill farm?. Templar* met Wednesday, with Hamilton Lodge. Rockland. R E M E M B E R ! Singing -chool every Monday and Friday Mr<. Susan Burgess was thrown from a night at the Baptist vestry. sleigh last week and severely hurt. Mrs. Peter Boyd, nee Cod man. died 10th Inst, Our Flour mnkes splendid Sour Milk Bread nt her home in Philadelphia. Mr. Boyd was in W iltiani F. Hodgkins ami wife are on a Seth Wetherbee ami bride are at the home town fora short time last week. visit to Fratningh till. Mass. o f W. II. Wetherbee, father o f tin- groom. The Congregational Ladies Sewing Circle There w ill he preaching at the Baptist The Dramatic Club have decided to purchase w ill meet next Tncsduv at Lake Cottage, by GROCERIES. rhnreh next Sunday afternoon. the scenery used bv the Oak H ill Dramatic invitation of the owner Joshua Adams. Club. ttbip John Brvce, (’apt. Timothy Murphy, The concei t which was to have been given by OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, *a» repotted at Callao Itli of February. Hazen Bickford, who has been at work with the Orpheus Club, Wednesday evening, was The choral society had a very pleasant sing W. II. Gl iver ft Co. o f Rockland, came to postponed on account o f bad weather. It is ■I Mrs. T. F. Phlnney’s, Saturday evening. town last week. not yet announced when it w ill he given. KAISIPIS. Patrick .Moran went to Woonsoeket, It. I. We are very soriy to bear that one o f our A son of Lyman Harwood came very near N IC K O N D A R A , S lb., for 25 ct». Monday, and w ill remain there some time. former young townsmen, M. L. Anderson, is n.e «tiiig with a serious accident, Saturday after­ very sick at Rockport. N IC K V A I.K N C IA S , lOetRj 3 lb., far 25 cU. Mm Sarah Howard, o f Warren, is at the noon. He was coasting ami ran, into a team, honseof ('apt. Caleb Ixivensnler, Knox street. A little boy of Emerson Creighton’s, five the sleigh passing over him. lie fortunately NEW MVSCATHLR, 12'. rl«. years old, dropped a short piece o f slatepcncil escaped without injury. • NEW LONDON LAYERS, 18 cti. A larg • addition o f hooks, recently purchased in his ear, out o f sight, some three weeks ago. Vjr Warden Bean, has been placed in the Prison Mr. Rokes took the boy to I homaston to Dr. TENANTS HARBOR. library. C. T. Chase, under whose s k illfu l management A levee, under the auspices o f the Mutual T ea and C o ffee IttiftinesR o l importance at regular meeting the pencil was successfully removed. Benefit Society was held at Fuller’s H all, Tues­ of P. Henry Tillson Belief Corps next Friday Rev. F. S. Bickfotd, ot West Townsend, day evening o f last week. The entertainment A. OX’EOIAXaTY. evening. Mass., has received and accepted a call to the consisted ot a play entitled “ A Rose among Best R o a s te d R io CoflTee, 18 ets. K. W . Prince writes from Riverside Grove, the Thorns.” reading, recitations,and singing, pastorate o f the Baptist church in Sanford, and J. L. BRECK & CO. We wish to mil attention to the fact that we hIiuII Good Java Coffee, 20 ets. Fla., that strawberries are in blossom ami is expected to enter upon his labors In March and.was first class in every respect. After the en­ begin February 1, our usual violets plenty. or A pril. He is a hoii o f the late Dea. Bick tertainment refreshments were served to the lio n . Edmund Wilson Is in Washington, ford o f Warren. Several conversions at liungrv. The receipts o f the, levee were about never have done business in Rockland together, j . McDougall, I). C. attending meeting o f the Democratic Sanford are reported in connection with the $60, which w ill make quite an addition to the personally, and we wish to say to our patrons funds o f the society. and a very friendly public, Hint wc hav e Successor to I>. T. Keen & Son, National Convention. labors o f Evangelist Vine—/ton's Advocate. j.due.l hands and flhall Clearing Out Sale “ D ’s o f the I t ” held another successful soci­ SOUTH HOPE. A large number o f the society and friends o f Rev. Mr. Vinal nnd wife crowded at the par­ 298 MAIN STREET, able and entertainment at G. A. It. hall on Some thief entered the chamber o f Mins Saturday evening last. sonage, Friday evening, and in the absences C R O S S O V E R Xl.ods.lm id, : 3VIfvlaio. Sarah Rip’cv, who lives with her brother Jacob, ot Mr. Vina I took possession. Upon the re­ -OF- 411 S. W. Masters has recently purchased a by first getting into the shop and taking a bit turn o f Mr. V inal from a meeting in an outer stag" coach covered sleigh, which lie runs to ami ladder and clim bing into the window and district he was much surprised to find his home ! SPEAR BLOCK, the depot ami about town. boring out the lock that protected her money. crowded with friends ami much more so when Linn Hallowell, who has been in Iowa the They took about #200 in specie, her little sav­ Nelson Hall esq. summoned him in into the ,xint few months, is at the house o f his ings o f forty years. The money was kept in parlor ami in a tew fitting and w itty rem ark' Short Lengths,Odd Lots mother. East Main street. two trunks ami consisted o f old state bank presented him with an elegant dressing eoat bills, scrip, specie, etc., portions o f which W here we Rhall open on Ship Andrew Johnson, ('apt. J. Hovey Kcl- an .I white silk handkerchief from ills friends. leran, arm ed at Coquimbo, Dee. 20th, after a rolled up in old rags ami paper had become Mr. Vinal accepted the gifts with a very neat mouldy with age. Some of the bank b 1 s speech. A very fine frosted cake was presented passage o f 125 days from Card I If. were dated back in the fifties. The thief or Wednesday, February 13th, and Remnants. S M I T H ’S Capt Fred T. Henry, o f bark Cassandra his wile. A pleasant evening was spent and thieves broke open one trunk and took the at a kite hour all went to their several homes Adams, is in town at the residemc o f his money ami part o f the clothing therein. The Tho Best Five and Ten Cent Store mother, Beech Wood street. His vessel is in feeling that the hearts c f pastor and people light which they used was found in front were cemented together more strongly than New York. Music & V ariety Store of the other tru nk. In all probability the mis­ ever. In Roekland, ami the greatest variety of Other A large number of I homaston people are in ­ creants w< re frightened o ff before they could Goods. I u connect ion with our other busi­ tending to be present at the carnival at Rock­ rifle It. Miss Ripley does not know herself bow ROCKVILLE. ness we sliall keep This Great Cleafing Sale w ill include the en­ land, Friday evening. Some very pretty cos­ much money she had, but thinks about #200 The winter term o f school in Rockville tire Stock o f tumes are being prepared. was taken. closed the 11th Inst., after a successful term of FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY FAMILY BIBLES, Comrades E. (). Cushing, N. S. Eales and S. O W L ’S H E A D . 11 weeks, being under the instruction o f Carlos K. Cashing go as delegates from P. Henry 'I*, ( ’ lark, a former student of the Rockland in all its forms ami PURE, a? we shall manufacture Tillson Post to the Department Encampment, Brother farmrrs, don’t forget the wood pile tin* most of it ourhelvcH. this spring. Commercial College. I lie follow ing pupils G. A. R., to be held at W aterville, Thursday were not absent a halfday, the first four not C I ,OA1