Courier Gazette
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;/ \ T he Courier-Gazette im rKI.ANIV GAZETTE ESTABLISHED 1SIU. i ^ £<ber that ftlobes the Cfllorlti at <L too » TWO IKH.I. UtM A Yl.Ai: IN AO^ANC’I . R O C K L A N D C G I B IE R l-'.STA II I . I S I I E D IH J A .t < ih f press is tbe Oollars a Rear (SlNTiLE COilKs I’KICi: liv i; CRNlh. V o l . 3 .— N fav S e ih e s . ROCKL AND, MAINE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1884. Nt'MBER ■>. T H E COURIER-GAZETTE THE HEN STRIKE. of relief that wc announce the long-con The sail reports from the floods in the WAYSIDE GLANCES. tinued strike at an end. and hens rapid ly The H iiM iB Snow-Bailer. wist still continue. The fifth of this By PORTER & FULLER. It Is with a sigh of relief tllflt wc pen resuming their old time functions. The month dispatches nnnounetd that the If France will take the lottery with it, tlie the words that the In n strike is al an lirst tiling till- eonntry run tin is In give her W. O. FL't.LK It, ,lR., - • EDITOR first tilin g these s trikin g liens know the Mississippi tun, Ohio rivets tv illi lip it back Louisiana, end, and the pricti of their products will egg ta rifl' w ill he taken oil', anil they w ill tributaries wire rising rapidly. No soon he down to a point where an oc- | A MODERN PAPER. find themselves brought into competi espi-ei tl fears wt re tell, us sueli rising is Wendell Ihlllipi lilt lb. property utnon- casional egg drank in a glass of lemon- ■ tion w ith the pauper hens of Europe. an annual phenomenon. But as tlie dltloniilly to his wife. It onouiiteq to about a THE WORST POEM. ntle will not subject a man to ciitieism I f they know what, Is well w ith them, thus posed ami tlie depth ol water kept ipiaiter of a million dollars. ns a profligate squanderer of wealth and j they liatl best not carry these annual con constnr tlv increasing, fears of a flood Oldtown Ind ia n' have adopted roller skat On tlio next page of this paper we a hurtling illustration of the prodigal flicts with capital too far. They'll lie begun to be entertained. The waters ing. Shades o f Fennimore Cooper, think o f an print an anomolons assortment of son. The dearth that has prevailed in j waking up some morning to find them overflow ing the banka, soon flooded the Indian on roller skater' poetic woe that will be calculated to the direction of eggs, anil the corre selves infamous. low lying districts, and drove the unfor striko terror to tbe heart of tlio boldest. sponding ruling high prices, has been a j tunate inhabitants of tlie villages to the Tlie Cincinnati people sny it is had enough to We have printed the sixty-six contri lie drowned out Iiy a Hood, without having subject of much study upon the part ol The discovery of several gold anil upper stories o f th e ir houses. Soon tlie butions because we promised to. though political economists. The tecent agi- j W ill S. Hays writp a |mein almut I1. silver pieces on tlie shores at W inthrop, 'larger cities were submerged. Wednes when wo made that promise, we sup tation among the hens was plainly the Mass., has aroused belief in the vicin ity day then- was seventy feet of water in There nre now only 100 Modor Indians posed a dozen nr so nt tbe outside would outgrowth of the labor fermentation that lliata portion of Itie veritable hid treasure tilt! liver ut Cincinnati. The rush of alive, which is only atmnt enniigh to keep the be tbe lim it. But as a curiosity, and to has been apparent till over the country. o f tlie late fomented ('apt. Kidd Inis Water through the streets of some of tho C. S. army busy for a ycur an,I a half. show w h at can bu perpetrated in the Laborers in all brnnehos of production conic lo lig h t. This lends a great variety c it’es was so strong that boats, laden w ith name of poetry, we resign tbe space. have been u n itin g against capital, anil Fred Curtis o f Sail Francisco, aged 17. lias of Individuals to go poking about the provisions for the imprisoned people, Our readers w ill not find tbe poems un strikes Ititvfl been o f frequent occurrence. married a widow o f 13. 3 I1.1t Is good—first- shores w ith shovels ami picks, hut ns yet could with difficulty make head against interesting— many of them are re I t was the logical scquenco o f such an Y01 so SiM i'Ktxs.—"There goes old John rate. We hope she won’t let him smoke no fabulous riches have been discovered. son. Ila ' lu ll sec me anil h im ." the current. Steamers ply from place to elgnrets. markably cute and bright. We hope abnormal state of affairs that .a feeling of We warn tlteso searchers alter t.rensure plaee in the city, and the people tin their this w ill suffice for a season. We are (llsqnietudo should become nrousod tllflt they are only getting their labor for trailing in barges. Newport, Ivy, is over Mary Anderson is said liv a lavndon critie often in receipt of poems of varying nmong the liens. And it is not to be J to have "a pretty niique and svelte figure." tlioir pains. It is a well-known fact, flowed anti houses, their underpinning order of merit which with tears in out- wondered at. when a hen sees a man 1 T ills may lie so, o f course, lint can die critic indisputably settled, that should they in crumbling away, topple over into tlie eyes we are forced to decline. Having prove i t : loafing about 011 grocery-store barrels, digging conic to strike the pick against waters. ( ,'incinnati has no gas ami dark given all such a chance in this contest, Now expect tniieliiiic made biographies ot ttiitl hanging negligently over a fence, a substance that gave forth a hollow* ness is added lo tlie other terrors. At ought we not in mercy lo be spared for a Wendell Phillips. The first one is already in while his wife is musically scraping the metallic sound, anil further digging Portsmouth. ()., the lined is five feet long, long season? Friends. Romans bottom of the flour-barrel, because he lire field, forerunner nl scores of others, all of should disclose a mysterious rusted’ring, higher Ilian ever before known. The equal unreliability. and nnutteur i«>ets, lend us your ears. would rather lo af than w o rk for less just as they would go to lift out the iron- corn and liny crop in the Scioto valley is than union wages, that she becomes bound casket, they would he startled by ruined. Latest I eports indicate that tl c Hoyt o f the B oston/ ’».<( Inis written a play THE BARON COMPETES. seized w ith a feeling o f dissatisfaction, palled 'The Bag B aby." Oh it w ill draw—it a terrific noise, their lanterns would he lower tributaries of the Mississippi and ami goes grtinildingly about hor arduous will draw. A tushy that Isn't all holler will extinguished, and themselves rolled Ohio, the Tennessee, Arkansas, Bed, etc., Wc were somewhat astounded, two prove a success anywhere. egg producing avocation. “ Why," she over anti over w ith great violence, anti the are rising rapidly. At Pine Bluff, Ark., days ago, at receiving from our old and argues, "if a man can live without work next day they would find the hole they the plantations ate all submerged. Tlie Where is that Garfield monument ? The, long trusted friend Alfred Tennyson, the ing, cannot I?” Then she begins hint had dug, hut no ring or iron chest. It Bed R iver is rising and the flood has only thing that equals Ihe spontaneousness delicate poetical contribution which ap ing Iter thoughts to the lien 011 the next always turns out that way. It is a covered the hanks for many miles and with whleh this country proposes a monu pears below. We say astounded, be ment is the uuunimous eordiuliiy with which nest, and tlio result is that they force clearly established fact, or ought to he, tlie homes of hundreds are flooded. cause, long as we have been acquainted it isu t built. back tin; hitherto half shed egg, and go that all piratically buried treasure is Live stoek is drowning in large numbers, with Al, and poor as we have known cncklingand whoopingabout among their guarded by the ghost o f a sailor who was and unless relief is scut sooa, the loss of One o f the charges against a California much of Ilis verse in late years to be, it friends and neighbors that the thing has O j.ii J oiixsox,—"F o ' tic Inn' sake who judge is that of frivolity, and tlie specification executed on the spot when the valuables tiling tlat cake o' Ice!” life w ill he great. The Tennessee is never occurred to us th a t he would care gone far enough, and now is tlio time for is Unit he puts liis hair in papers every night, were interred.