Civil Rights-Public Accommodations Hearings
CIVIL RIGHTS-PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS HEARINGS BEFORE THM COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1732 A BILL TO ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION IN PUBLIC ACOOM- MODAl IONS AFFECTING INTERSTATE COMMERCE PART 3 (APPENDIX) Serial 40 Printed for the use of the Committee on Commerce U.8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 21-M44 WASHINGTON : 1984 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.8. Government PFinting 0M0 Wasington, D.C., 20 - Prce 2 cent C, . COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE WARREN 0. MAGNUSON, Washington, chairman JOHN O. PASTOR, Rhode Island NORRIS COTTON, New Hampahire A. 8. MIKE MONRONEY, Oklahoma THRUSTON B. MORTON, Kentucky 8TROM THURMOND, South Carolina HUGH SCOTT, Pennsylvania FRANK J. LAUSCHE, Ohio WINSTON L. PROUTY, Vermont RALPH YARBOROUGH, Texas J. GLENN BEALL, Maryland CLAIR ENOLE, California B. L. BARTLETT, Alaska VANCE HARTKE, Indiana GALE W. McGEE, Wyoming PHILIP A. HART, Michigan HOWARD W. CANNON, Nevada EDWARD JARRETT, OhfCl Olerk RALPH W. HoaTow, Ase fent OClef Olerk OzRALD B. GaOImaINz, Ohfef Oomonel JIBeUIAH J. KENNsr, Jr., Asistant OChef Oounsel CONTENTS Statement submitted by- The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Committee on PFar Federal Legislation, Fred N. Fishman, chairman, 42 West 44th 1525 Street, New York, N.Y....................................... American Vegetarian Party, 353 West 48th Street, New York, N.Y.. 1536 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commission Against Discrimi- nation, Oswald L. Jordan, acting executive secretary, 41 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass ....-------------------------------.... 1542 Council for Christian Social Action of the United Church of Christ, Ray Gibbons, director 289 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y.. 1548 Cutts, John A., III, 2 Meeting Street Georgetown, S.C .---------- 1551 Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Hon.
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